Analysis of Wind Speed Data and Wind Energy in KSA

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Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 2022, 10, 1-26
ISSN Online: 2327-5901
ISSN Print: 2327-588X

Analysis of Wind Speed Data and Wind Energy

Potential for Seven Selected Locations in KSA

Saeed A. AlGhamdi1, Ahmed M. Abdel-Latif2, Ossama S. Abd El-Kawi3, Ossama B. Abouelatta4*

Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Baha University, Al-Baha, Saudi Arabia
Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Baha University, Al-Baha, Saudi Arabia
Production Engineering and Mechanical Design Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt

How to cite this paper: AlGhamdi, S.A., Abstract

Abdel-Latif, A.M., Abd El-Kawi, O.S. and
Abouelatta, O.B. (2022) Analysis of Wind Al-Baha region, located in Saudi Arabia, is one of the main tourism and lei-
Speed Data and Wind Energy Potential for sure areas. The authority at Al-Baha Governorate plans to use clean and re-
Seven Selected Locations in KSA. Journal of newable energy in its tourism facilities. The importance of this study is to as-
Power and Energy Engineering, 10, 1-26.
sess the possibility of building a wind farm in Al-Baha and to select the best
site for this purpose. This paper presents an analysis of long-term wind data
Received: March 8, 2022 for the annual and monthly variability in Al-Baha region of southwestern
Accepted: April 11, 2022 Saudi Arabia. Al-Baha region has an area of 9921 square kilometers and is di-
Published: April 14, 2022
vided into seven regions (groups) based on their similar measurements and
Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
wind speed values. The analysis used 40 years of annual and monthly wind
Scientific Research Publishing Inc. speed data between 1981 and 2020. The analysis showed that Group III has
This work is licensed under the Creative the highest mean wind speed values in the northeastern part of the Al-Baha
Commons Attribution International region, ranging from 5.4 m/s to 5.9 m/s at 50 m above the surface. Group VI
License (CC BY 4.0).
(5.1 - 5.6 m/s) east of the Al-Baha area recorded the second-highest mean
Open Access
wind speed, while group V southwest of the Al-Baha area recorded lower
values. The maximum wind speeds observed in Group III in January, Febru-
ary, March, and July were 6 m/s or higher. A frequency analysis ensures that
79% of the year’s wind speeds exceed 4 m/s at 50 m above the surface of the
Group III site. Wind power was considered for 17 wind turbines of different
sizes. The Soyut Wind 500 machine was found to produce maximum energy
of 1420 MWh/year. The highest performance values for the Soyut Wind 500
machine occurred in winter and summer, while the calculated capacity factor
values at a hub height of 50 m were 41% and 32%, respectively. The assess-
ment concluded that generating electricity from wind at G III in the northeast
of the Al-Baha region is a good decision.

Wind Speed, Wind Energy, Wind Power, Power Factor

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 Apr. 14, 2022 1 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering
S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

1. Introduction
Renewable energy consumption and the use of renewable technologies are
emerging as the most economical options for generating electricity. The King-
dom of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 aims to increase renewable energy produc-
tion by at least 9.5 GW over the same period (by 2030) to reduce CO2 emissions
and minimize the cost of electricity generation [1] [2]. Goal 7 of Saudi Arabia’s
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ensures access to sustainable modern
energy for all and significantly increases the global share of renewable energy by
2030 ( Saudi Arabia’s Sustainable Development Goals
aim to ensure universal access to green energy suppliers.
The main energy source used by KSA to generate electricity is petroleum
(Electricity and Cogeneration Regulatory Authority,,
which is less common and noisy in other parts of the world [3]. The oil used in
the power sector is heavily subsidized. KSA is intended to export oil at interna-
tional prices rather than subsidized oil for domestic use [4]. KSA sees rapid
growth in manufacturing to meet energy demand that is growing at an annual
rate of 5% [5], Figure 1. Compared to other countries, KSA’s national electricity
and oil consumption is growing at an alarming rate worldwide [6]. At the same
time, it is estimated that a 1% reduction in electricity consumption per year
could reduce energy bills by $35 billion [7]. The prevailing grid system powers
nearly 80% of the population living in the kingdom’s reserves and production
centers. It is estimated that the state’s energy sector will invest about $117 under
the 25-year Tactical Energy Plan [8].
On the other hand, wind power is used to generate electricity, but requires
extensive regional networks to provide large amounts of electricity [9] [10]. Fig-
ure 2 shows the average wind speed of some selected locations at an altitude of
100 m in one year covering different regions of Saudi Arabia. Haql has the high-
est average wind speeds, followed by Dhulom. Al-Baha is a rural area with high
average wind speeds [11]. Nejran and Gassim have the lowest average wind
speeds [12] [13]. Notably, most of these locations have average wind speeds in
excess of 3.5 m/s.
The Kingdom plans to adopt a policy of energy efficiency measures and has
established several initiatives to develop renewable energy projects, allocating
$109 billion to the renewable energy sector in 2012, which will meet 30% of the
Kingdom’s electricity needs by 2032 [14]. The government also announced a
roadmap to achieve this goal by installing about 60 GW of renewable energy,
comprising 66% solar, 22% wind, and 4.5% concentrated solar.
The wind map of Saudi Arabia shows that the country is characterized by the
presence of two main regions, the Arabian Gulf and the Red Sea coastal areas.
KSA has sufficient wind energy potential with an average wind speed of 7.5 - 8
m/s on the east coast and 7 - 7.5 m/s on the west coast. The average wind speed
in the central region is 5 - 6.5 m/s (King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewa-
ble Energy (KACARE), Wind speeds are higher in

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 2 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

areas near the northeastern, central, and western mountains. KACARE has set
up 10 monitoring stations: in Hafar Al-Batin, Sharurah, two in Yanbu, two in
Riyadh, Aljof, Traif, Jeddah and Madina [1] [15] [16].

Figure 1. Saudi power transmission network. Source: Saudi Electricity Company, Annual
Report 2007



Wind speed (m/s)








Figure 2. Average wind speed in different locations of Saudi Arabia (Source KACARE.
Renewable Energy Sources Atlas,, and Al-Baha region.

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 3 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

On the other hand, in a similar area, the characteristics of wind speed data
were analyzed using the Weibull distribution at the Al-Salman station in Iraq
[17]. The site has wind power potential as it is able to install small wind turbines
to generate electricity. The wind energy potential of nine wind farms in Jordan
was investigated using three statistical distribution models (Weibull, Rayleigh,
and Gamma distributions) and the maximum likelihood method [18]. Else-
where, energy distribution in terms of wind energy potential characterizes the
main wind belt in southern Pakistan [19] [20]. In France, Tazi and Bouzidi [21]
describe the current state of pricing policy and the role of the latest market in the
industry. Subsequently, various decision-making methods such as TOPSIS,
VIKOR, and fuzzy analysis were applied to rank Indian states according to their
wind energy potential [22]. A long-term analysis of the availability of wind
energy has been carried out in the Republic of Moldova [23]. Algieri et al. [24]
evaluated the energy efficiency of multi-source power systems for small residen-
tial cogeneration applications.
The availability of wind energy resources in the Arabian Gulf was investigated
covering 2300 grid points. The summer wind energy density in the central re-
gion is particularly promising [24]. Data related to U.S. wind energy progress
was analyzed using descriptive statistics to show turbine development and
growth patterns from 1981 to 2019 [25]. Power generation projects were studied
and analyzed using wind turbines in Malaysia [26]. A new adaptive Darrieus
wind turbine design is proposed to enable and extend the operation of weak
wind currents, aiming to develop an analytical model to predict the power factor
[27]. A new method, called maximum power point tracking, has been proposed
to improve and optimize the performance of wind energy conversion systems
with small changes in wind speed by combining sliding mode control and fuzzy
logic control [28]. The wind energy potential map was created in villages near
the Pigguru Reserve in an electronic version using the arc view program [29].
The wind speed characteristics are analyzed using the well-known Weibull dis-
tribution function and used to evaluate the wind performance of some selected
sites [30].
Smart city building topology is studied to understand the wind speed distribu-
tion and power output of wind turbines in the built environment [31] [32]. A re-
view of economic growth in Europe, China, and the United States as a whole,
shows that this industry supported by manufacturers and workers is a viable and
profitable form of clean energy [33]. The price-based demand response, as active
grid management promising tool, is used to optimize distribution grids with
substantial wind penetration has become commonplace [34]. Wind speed cha-
racteristics and the energy potential in southwestern Nigeria are examined using
51 years of monthly mean wind speed data subjected to 2-parameter Weibull
and other statistical analyses [35]. Potential estimates based on fixed wind tur-
bine capacity have been proposed for simulating wind power generation maps in
30 Indian states [36].

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 4 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

To date, there are only a few articles in the literature that describe the wind
power potential in the Al-Baha region of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, studying the
wind distribution, power density, and capacity factors in different regions is of
great significance for evaluating the wind resources and suitability of installing
wind turbines in the region. This paper evaluates the wind energy potential of
various sites in Al-Baha region of Saudi Arabia to determine the potential of
these sites to meet the requirements of the KSA 2030 wind energy plan.

2. Current Power Generation Scenario in KSA

Saudi Electricity Company and Saline Water Conversion Corporation [37],
mainly use diesel and natural gas to generate electricity for Saudi Electricity
Company. It is estimated that Saudi Arabia will need to increase its power gen-
eration from 82 GW in 2018 to 160 GW in 2040. Saudi Arabia started the estab-
lishment of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to develop composite power
plants, as shown in Figure 3. The potential of GCC countries in terms of solar
and wind resources is aimed at meeting climate protection needs and assessing
the GCC region’s ability to transition to low-carbon technologies [38].
Figure 4 shows the electricity generation and unit price (Riyals/kWh) in Saudi
Arabia between 1981 and 2020. During this period, electricity production gradu-
ally increased until 2014 and remained almost unchanged from 2015 to 2017.
The peak occurred in 2016 at about 135 GWh. From 2017 to 2019, electricity
production in Saudi Arabia declined steadily due to high electricity prices.

3. Data Collection and Site Description

This work aims to analyze long-term wind speed data, assess the possibility of
harnessing wind energy for electricity generation in the Al-Baha region, and
identify optimal locations. Wind speed data will be collected at various locations
in the Al Baha region and the electrical power that can be generated by multiple
commercial turbines will be calculated. Therefore, according to the higher power
and capacity factor, suitable turbines are determined for each location within
Al-Baha province.
Al-Baha region is a province in the southwest of the Kingdom of Saudi Ara-
bia, Figure 5. It is located between latitude 19˚30'00" and 20˚36'18.36" north and
longitude 41˚4'48.04" and 42˚3'3.28" east, with an altitude between 66 m and
2534 m.
This study collected data on meteorological activity from 1981 to 2020. The
parameters obtained include wind speed, relative humidity, temperature, pres-
sure, rainfall, etc. Daily wind speed records have been used for 40 years. A total
of 34 sites were obtained from NASA’s Global Energy Projections
( The locations have been grouped into similar
areas representing similar weather and wind data values. Table 1 lists the lati-
tude, longitude, and altitude for these locations. Based on similar values of wind
speed, humidity, temperature, pressure, rainfall, etc., the final number of sites
studied was reduced to seven groups.

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 5 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, and Oman

2001 agreed to establish a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and
developed an interconnecting power station.

2009 The Commission started its functions with four member


2014 The rest of the countries were organized.

GCC dealt with a total of 142 cases of loss of generation or loads

2017 over 100 MW and maintained for the ninth year in a row for the
continuity of security of power networks by up to 100%.

Figure 3. Saudi Arabia started to establish a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to

develop an interconnecting power station.

160.0 0.20
Total electricity generation (TWh)

Unit price of power (SAR/kWh)




0.0 0.00

Figure 4. Electricity production and change of unit price of power in Saudi Arabia.
Adopted from Electricity and Cogeneration Regulatory Authority,

Figure 5. Geographical locations of the collected meteorological data for the seven

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 6 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

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Table 1. The latitude, longitude, and altitude of the selected locations in Al-Baha region.

No Location Latitude Longitude Altitude

Almorasaa (1) 19.99001 41.53001 2245

Almorasaa (2) 19.99731 41.54991 2244

Almorasaa (3) 19.99485 41.53097 2245

Baljurashi 19.87001 41.57001 2018

GI Dar Aljabal Mountain 19.95813 41.50068 2480

Prince Mishary Hospital at Baljurashi 19.82013 41.62004 2180

Prince Miteb Park—Baljurashi Road 19.95921 41.53372 2380

Baljurashi Dam 19.91730 41.67570 1970

Al-Baha (Southeast) 19.50000 41.87500 600

King Saud Airport at Al-Aqiq 20.29601 41.63001 1663

Al-Baha University 20.17001 41.63001 1654

Near to Jarab 20.45716 41.91634 1340

On the Road to Jarab (30 km to Jarab) 20.42965 41.86521 1389

Allehian 20.18098 41.60522 1660

Bani Kabeer 20.04100 41.83560 2110

Jarab 20.51001 41.98001 1440

Road 1111 (Near to Joaba) 20.51333 41.84667 1360
Al-Qara (Mekkah Boarder—North) 20.60510 41.73390 1377

Al-Qara (Near to Health Center) 20.50750 41.60444 1521

Wadi Dose 20.23180 41.23130 1023

Qarn-Dhabi 20.09001 41.42001 2398

Al-Mandaq 20.10001 41.28001 2244

Raghadan Mountain (1) (R.S. of Baidan) 20.02044 41.42110 2522

Raghadan Mountain (2) (R.S. of Baidan) 20.02939 41.42592 2534

Raghadan (Old Faculty of Engineering) 20.04111 41.44639 2285

Al-Muzailef (1) 19.54001 41.09001 69

Al-Muzailef (2) 19.68001 41.08001 111

GV Al-Mekhwah 19.75001 41.42001 367

Al-Mikhwah (Nawan) 19.54694 41.18674 66

Qalwa (Shaza Mountain) 19.84410 41.39000 2099

Joaba (1) (Asir Boarder) 20.34737 42.05091 1200

G VI Joaba (2) (Asir Boarder) 20.35100 42.07520 1200

Al-Afriya 20.49528 42.09639 1201

G VI Al-Baha (Northwest) 20.50000 41.25000 1600

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 7 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

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4. Selection of Wind Turbines for Power Generation in Saudi

Several wind turbines of different sizes, made by different manufacturers, were
selected to estimate the potential energy produced if they were installed in
Al-Baha region of Saudi Arabia. They are: Aeronautica Windpower (2), Dewind
(1), Enercon (4), Soyut Wind (4), Nordex (2), and SouthWest (2)—a total of 15
wind turbines. Technical data and power curves for these machines are available
on the Internet [39]. The wind turbines were chosen to cover a wide range of
power ratings from 400 W to 600 kW. Rotor diameters range from 1.17 m to 48
m, with cut-in wind speeds from 1.5 m/s to 4 m/s. Table 2 summarizes the tech-
nical data and specifications of some selected wind turbines. Figure 6 shows the
power curves for selected wind turbines. For energy analysis, the wind speed
bins are centered at 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2, 2.5, etc. [11] [39] [40] [41] [42].

Table 2. Comparison of wind turbines with their specifications.

Table Column Head

No Manufacturer/Model Rated power Rotor Swept area Power density Max speed Cut-in Rated Cut-off
(kW) diameter (m) (m2) (m2/kW) (rad/min) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s)
1 Aeronautica Windpower 29 - 225 225 29 660.5 2.94 37.9 2 14 23
2 Aeronautica Windpower 33 - 225 225 33 855.3 3.8 33 2 12 23
3 Dewind D4-600 600 48 1809.6 3.02 29.2 2.5 12 19
4 Enercon E30/200 200 30 706.9 3.53 48 2.5 13 25
5 Enercon E33/330 330 33.4 876.2 2.66 39 2.5 13 28
6 Enercon E40/500 500 40 1256.6 2.51 34 2.5 13.5 25
7 Enercon E40/600 600 40 1256.6 2.09 34.5 2.5 13 25
8 Soyut Wind 500 500 39.2 1206.9 2.41 NA 1.5 12.5 24.5
9 Soyut Wind 250 250 41.5 1333.2 5.33 NA 1.5 12 28
10 Soyut Wind 200 200 36.8 1063.6 5.32 NA 1.5 12.5 28
11 Soyut Wind 100 100 26 530.9 5.31 NA 1.5 11.5 26.5
12 Nordex N27/150 150 27 572.6 3.82 36 3 13 25
13 Nordex N27/250 250 27 572.6 2.29 40 4 16 16.5
14 SouthWest Air X 0.40 1.17 1.07 NA 0 3.6 12.5 26
15 SouthWest Skystream 3.7 2.60 3.72 10.87 NA 50 - 330 3.5 13 20


SouthWest Air X
Power (kW)

SouthWest Skystream 3.7


0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0
Wind speed (m/s)

(a) Rated power range up to 2.6 kW

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 8 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

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200 Soyut Wind 200

Power (kW)
Soyut Wind 100

100 Nordex N27/150

Enercon E30/200

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0
Wind speed (m/s)

(b) Rated power range up to 200 kW


300 Aeronautica Windpower 29-225

Aeronautica Windpower 33-225
Power (kW)

200 Enercon E30/200

Enercon E33/330
100 Nordex N27/250
Soyut Wind 250
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0
Wind speed (m/s)

(c) Rated power range up to 330 kW


Enercon E40/500
Enercon E40/600
Power (kW)

500 Dewind D4-600

Soyut Wind 500

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0
Wind speed (m/s)

(d) Rated power range up to 7850 kW.

Figure 6. Sample of wind turbine power curves, kW.

5. Results and Discussion

Long-term annual, and monthly variation in mean wind speed; wind availability
in terms of frequency distribution, energy is estimated using different turbines
with different power ratings. The estimation of capacity factors and their varia-
tion with turbine size and hub height were also evaluated. To study the annual
wind speed behavior, the monthly and annual mean values for 40 years from
1981 to 2020 were obtained using the monthly mean wind speed values. The
annual changes in the average wind speed at 50 m above the ground in different
groups (7 groups) are shown in Figure 7. The average wind speed in these re-
gions agrees with the average wind speed readings from weather stations in the
different regions [1] [40] [42].
The graph shows that the average wind speed value of the third group is high-
er than the other groups. In this group, the average wind speed exceeded 5.5 m/s
between 1980 and 1989 and increased to about 5.9 m/s between 1990 and 1994.
In 1995-1997 it was 5.4 m/s, and in 1998 it rose to 5.9 m/s. In the past two years

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 9 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

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(2018-2020), the average wind speed has increased to around 5.9 m/s. In general,
the average wind speed for the Group III 40-year period (1981-2020) ranged
from 5.4 m/s to 5.9 m/s. As can be seen from the figure, the second-highest av-
erage wind speed is group VI (5.1 - 5.6 m/s), while the lower value is group V
(3.4 - 4.0 m/s).
The monthly variation in average wind speeds provides insight into whether
there are suitable wind speeds throughout the year. The monthly average wind
speed at 50 m above the ground is shown in Figure 8. The graph shows that the
third group has higher average wind speeds than the other groups. The graph
also shows that higher wind speeds of 6 m/s or higher were observed from Janu-
ary to March and July. The average wind speed value of groups III and VI in July
exceeded 6.4 m/s, and the wind speed values for the remaining months were re-
duced to 6 m/s. As can be seen from the graph, the lower wind speed values for
all groups were in May. Due to the seasonal trend in wind speed corresponding
to the Saudi Arabia Kingdom’s electricity load trend in winter and summer,
more electricity is required to increase heating and cooling loads [1]. The wind
speed value of group V is lower than the other groups.

6.0 Group (I)
Wind Speed [m/s]

Group (II)
Group (III)
5.0 Group (IV)
4.5 Group (V)
4.0 Group (VI)
Group (VII)


Figure 7. Annual variation of the mean wind speed for the seven groups (from


Group (I)
Wind Speed [m/s]

Group (II)
Group (III)
Group (IV)
3.0 Group (V)
Group (VI)
2.0 Group (VII)

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Oct Nov Dec

Figure 8. Monthly variation of the mean wind speed for the seven groups (1981-2020).

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 10 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

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The annual percentage frequency distribution of the seven groups of average

wind speeds in different bins is shown in Figure 9. In Group III, the wind speed
remained between 0 and 3.0 m/s for almost 8% of the entire data collection pe-
riod. The graph also shows that the wind speed remained between 4.0 and 10.0
m/s almost 79% of the time. It remains above 10.0 m/s about 3% of the time.
Since most modern wind turbines typically start generating electricity at speeds
above 3.5 m/s, 79% of wind speeds are above the cut-in speed of the wind tur-
bines, which is a good indication that Group III is a potential site for wind farm
development. In Group VI, wind speed remained between 0 and 3.0 m/s for al-
most 10% of the time during the entire data collection period. In Group VI, the
wind speed remained between 4.0 and 10.0 m/s almost 74% of the time. Com-
pared to Groups III and VI, the available wind speed values for the other groups
are lower than the cut-in speed of the wind turbines. In general, the available
wind speed values for Group III are higher than for Group VI and other groups.
From this, it can be concluded that the third group is the best in terms of wind
speed and year-round availability. The selected area is almost flat and located
almost in the center of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with good access. Addi-
tionally, its borders are linked to multiple provinces, so the electricity generated
can easily be connected to the kingdom’s main grid to generate electricity and/or
power neighboring provinces.
The seasonal percentage frequency distribution of the mean wind speed in
different bins is shown in Figure 10. It can be seen that the wind speed remains
between 4.0 and 10.0 m/s for 53%, 44%, 29%, and 38% of the time in winter,
spring, summer, and autumn, respectively. Availability with wind speeds above
the turbine cut-in speed is a good indicator of the winter followed by the spring
season with higher availability values.
60 60
50 50
Frequency (%)
Frequency (%)

40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
10 < N < 11
11 < N < 12
12 < N < 13
13 < N < 14
14 < N < 15
15 < N < 16
16 < N < 17
9 < N < 10
0 ≤N<1
1 <N<2
2 <N<3
3 <N<4
4 <N<5
5 <N<6
6 <N<7
7 <N<8
8 <N<9
10 < N < 11
11 < N < 12
12 < N < 13
13 < N < 14
14 < N < 15
15 < N < 16
16 < N < 17
9 < N < 10
0 ≤N<1
1 <N<2
2 <N<3
3 <N<4
4 <N<5
5 <N<6
6 <N<7
7 <N<8
8 <N<9

Wind Speed Bins Wind Speed Bins

(a) Group I (b) Group II

60 60
Frequency (%)

50 50
Frequency (%)

40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
10 < N < 11
11 < N < 12
12 < N < 13
13 < N < 14
14 < N < 15
15 < N < 16
16 < N < 17
9 < N < 10
0 ≤N<1
1 <N<2
2 <N<3
3 <N<4
4 <N<5
5 <N<6
6 <N<7
7 <N<8
8 <N<9
0 ≤N<1
1 <N<2
2 <N<3
3 <N<4
4 <N<5
5 <N<6
6 <N<7
7 <N<8
8 <N<9

10 < N < 11
11 < N < 12
12 < N < 13
13 < N < 14
14 < N < 15
15 < N < 16
16 < N < 17
9 < N < 10

Wind Speed Bins Wind Speed Bins

(c) Group III (d) Group IV

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 11 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

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DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001
Frequency (%) Frequency (%)



Frequency (%)
0 ≤N<1 0 ≤N<1

1 <N<2 1 <N<2
2 <N<3 2 <N<3
3 <N<4 3 <N<4 0 ≤N<1
4 <N<5 4 <N<5 1 <N<2
5 <N<6 5 <N<6 2 <N<3
6 <N<7 6 <N<7 3 <N<4
7 <N<8 4 <N<5
7 <N<8
5 <N<6

(a) Winter.
8 <N<9 8 <N<9

Wind Speed Bins

(c) Summer.
Wind Speed Bins
6 <N<7
9 < N < 10 9 < N < 10 Frequency (%)

level at different bins (Group III).

7 <N<8

10 < N < 11 10 < N < 11
(e) Group V

8 <N<9
Wind Speed Bins


11 < N < 12 11 < N < 12 9 < N < 10

12 < N < 13 12 < N < 13 10 < N < 11
13 < N < 14 13 < N < 14 0 ≤N<1 11 < N < 12
14 < N < 15 14 < N < 15 1 <N<2 12 < N < 13
15 < N < 16 15 < N < 16 2 <N<3 13 < N < 14
16 < N < 17 16 < N < 17 3 <N<4 14 < N < 15
4 <N<5 15 < N < 16
Frequency (%) Frequency (%) 5 <N<6 16 < N < 17
6 <N<7 Frequency (%)



7 <N<8
8 <N<9
ground level for the seven groups at different bins.

Wind Speed Bins

(g) Group VII

0 ≤N<1 0 ≤N<1 9 < N < 10

1 <N<2 1 <N<2 10 < N < 11 0 ≤N<1
2 <N<3 2 <N<3 11 < N < 12 1 <N<2
3 <N<4 3 <N<4 12 < N < 13 2 <N<3
4 <N<5 4 <N<5 13 < N < 14 3 <N<4
5 <N<6 5 <N<6 14 < N < 15 4 <N<5
6 <N<7 6 <N<7 15 < N < 16 5 <N<6
7 <N<8 7 <N<8 16 < N < 17 6 <N<7
8 <N<9 7 <N<8

(b) Spring.
8 <N<9

Wind Speed Bins

Wind Speed Bins

(d) Autumn.
8 <N<9
(f) Group VI

9 < N < 10 9 < N < 10

Wind Speed Bins

10 < N < 11 10 < N < 11 9 < N < 10

11 < N < 12 11 < N < 12 10 < N < 11
12 < N < 13 11 < N < 12
12 < N < 13
12 < N < 13
13 < N < 14 13 < N < 14 13 < N < 14
14 < N < 15 14 < N < 15 14 < N < 15
15 < N < 16 15 < N < 16 15 < N < 16
16 < N < 17 16 < N < 17

Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

16 < N < 17
Figure 9. Annual percent frequency distribution of mean wind speed at 50 m above the

Figure 10. Seasonal percent frequency distribution of mean wind speed at 50 m above the ground
S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

The energy output (MWh) and a capacity factor of all wind turbines at each site
are shown in Figure 11. From this graph, it is clear that the Soyut Wind 500 ma-
chine has the highest power output in Group III (14,200 MWh/yr), while the
second highest in the same machine in Group VI (1350 MWh/yr). In the third
group, the Soyut Wind 500 machine had a capacity factor of 34%, while in the sixth
group it was 28%. The second maximum power output of the Dewind D4-600 ma-
chine in Group III (970 MWh/year) and Group VI (830 MWh/year). The capacity
factor of this machine is 17% in Group III and 15% in Group VI. In the third group,
the graph also shows that all machines outperformed the other groups.
As shown in Figure 12, the Aeronautica 33 - 225 wind turbine has the highest
capacity factor at 41% in Group III, from machine used. For the same machine
in Group VI, the second-highest capacity factor of 37% was obtained. It also has
the highest capacity factor of all groups except the V group. Nordex N27/250
machines have the lowest capacity factor values in Groups I, IV, and V, while
Southwest X machines have the lowest capacity factor values in Groups II, III,
VI, and VII.

1600 50
Power, MWh/Year

Capacity Factor (%)

Power (MWh/Year) 40
Capacity Factor (%) 30
800 25
0 0

Wind turbine
(a) Group I
1600 50
Capacity Factor (%)
Power, MWh/Year

Power (MWh/Year) 40
Capacity Factor (%) 35
800 25
0 0

Wind turbine
(b) Group II

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 13 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

1600 50

Capacity Factor (%)

Power, MWh/Year
Power (MWh/Year) 40
Capacity Factor (%) 30
800 25
0 0

Wind turbine

(c) Group III

1600 50
Power, MWh/Year

Capacity Factor (%)

Power (MWh/Year) 40
Capacity Factor (%) 30
800 25
0 0

Wind turbine

(d) Group IV

1600 50
Capacity Factor (%)
Power, MWh/Year

Power (MWh/Year) 40
Capacity Factor (%) 30
800 25
0 0

Wind turbine

(e) Group V

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 14 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

1600 50

Capacity Factor (%)

Power, MWh/Year
Power (MWh/Year) 45
Capacity Factor (%) 35
800 25
0 0

Wind turbine
(f) Group VI
1600 50
Power, MWh/Year

Capacity Factor (%)

Power (MWh/Year) 45
Capacity Factor (%)
800 25
0 0

Wind turbine

(g) Group VII

Figure 11. Power output for wind machines at 50 m above the ground level at 7 groups.

50 1600
Power, MWh/Year
Capacity Factor (%)

40 Capacity Factor (%)
35 1200
30 Power (MWh/Year)
25 800
15 400
0 0

Wind turbine

(a) Group I

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 15 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

50 1600

Power, MWh/Year
Capacity Factor (%)
45 Capacity Factor (%)
40 1200
35 Power (MWh/Year)
25 800
15 400
0 0

Wind turbine

(b) Group II

50 1600
Capacity Factor (%)

Power, MWh/Year
45 Capacity Factor (%)
40 1200
35 Power (MWh/Year)
25 800
15 400
0 0

Wind turbine

(c) Group III

50 1600 Power, MWh/Year

Capacity Factor (%)

45 Capacity Factor (%)

40 1200
35 Power (MWh/Year)
25 800
15 400
0 0

Wind turbine

(d) Group IV

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 16 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

50 1600

Power, MWh/Year
Capacity Factor (%)
45 Capacity Factor (%)
35 Power (MWh/Year)
25 800
0 0

Wind turbine

(e) Group V

50 1600

Power, MWh/Year
Capacity Factor (%)

45 Capacity Factor (%)

40 1200
35 Power (MWh/Year)
25 800
15 400
0 0

Wind turbine

(f) Group VI

50 1600
Capacity Factor (%)

Power, MWh/Year
45 Capacity Factor (%)
40 1200
35 Power (MWh/Year)
25 800
15 400
0 0

Wind turbine

(g) Group VII

Figure 12. The capacity factor for wind machines at 50 m above the ground level.

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 17 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

Figure 13 shows a comparison between the two machines with the highest
power output and capacity factor (Aeronautica Wind Power 33 - 225 and Soyut
Wind 500), in the third group. Figure 13(a) shows that the Aeronautica Wind
33 - 225 machine has the highest load factor at 41%, which was also the highest
value among all groups. Overall, the highest capacity factor for this machine was
found in Group III, while the next highest value was found in Group VI. Figure
13(b) shows the power output of the different groups of Soyut Wind 500 ma-
chines at 50 m above the ground. It can be seen that Group III has the highest
power output (1420 MWh/year), which is also the highest power value com-
pared to all groups obtaining Soyut Wind 500 machines. Overall, this machine
achieved the highest performance in Group III, followed by the value in Group
VI (1380 MWh/year). It should also be clarified that the choice of wind turbines
depends on the nature of the area, as well as the appropriate wind speeds, and its
basic cost and operating cost. It also means that some turbines may work well in
some regions but not in another.
Seasonal power output and capacity factors for each machine in the third
group are shown in Figure 14. The graph shows the change in power output and

1600 50
Power (MWh/Year) 45
Capacity Factor (%) 40
Power, MWh/Year

Capacity Factor (%)

1000 30
800 25
600 20
200 5
0 0


(a) Aeronautica Wind power 33 - 225

1600 50
Power (MWh/Year) 45
Capacity Factor (%) 40
Power, MWh/Year

Capacity Factor (%)

1000 30
800 25
600 20
200 5
0 0


(b) Soyut Wind 500

Figure 13. Comparison between Aeronautica wind power 33 - 225 and Soyut wind 500
machines for all groups.

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 18 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

400 50

Power, MWh/Year

Capacity Factor (%)

Power (MWh/Year) 45
Capacity Factor (%) 35
200 25
0 0

Wind turbine

(a) Power (Winter)

50 400
Capacity Factor (%)

Power, MWh/Year
45 Capacity Factor (%)
40 300
35 Power (MWh/Year)
25 200
15 100
0 0

Wind turbine

(b) Capacity factor (Winter)

400 50

Capacity Factor (%)

Power, MWh/Year

Power (MWh/Year)
Capacity Factor (%) 30
200 25
0 0

Wind turbine

(c) Power (Spring)

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 19 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

50 400

Capacity Factor (%)

Power, MWh/Year
45 Capacity Factor (%)
35 Power (MWh/Year)
25 200
0 0

Wind turbine

(d) Capacity factor (Spring)

50 400
Capacity Factor (%)

Power, MWh/Year
45 Capacity Factor (%)
30 Power (MWh/Year)
25 200
0 0

Wind turbine

(e) Power (Summer)

50 400
Capacity Factor (%)

Power, MWh/Year
45 Capacity Factor (%)
30 Power (MWh/Year)
25 200
0 0

Wind turbine

(f) Capacity factor (Summer)

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 20 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

400 50

Capacity Factor (%)

Power, MWh/Year
Power (MWh/Year)
Capacity Factor (%) 35
200 25
0 0

Wind turbine

(g) Power (Autumn)

50 400
Capacity Factor (%)

Power, MWh/Year
45 Capacity Factor (%)
40 300
35 Power (MWh/Year)
25 200
15 100
0 0

Wind turbine

(h) Capacity factor (Autumn)

Figure 14. Seasonal power output and capacity factor from different machines in group

power factor in different seasons. The Soyut Wind 500 machine had the highest
power output values in winter and summer (375 MWh/year), while the capacity
factor values were 41% and 32%, respectively. The next highest value of electric-
ity output occurred in autumn (355 MWh/year), while the capacity factor value
was 32%. The capacity factor value for this machine (Soyut Wind 500) is 30% of
the spring minimum power output value (325 MWh/year).
Figure 15 shows the annual output and capacity factors for various machines
in Group III. It can be seen that there are differences in the performance and
capacity factors of the machines used. The Soyut Wind 500 machine (1420
MWh/yr) achieved the highest power output value with a capacity factor value of

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 21 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

1600 45
Power (MWh/Year) 40

Power, MWh/Year
Capacity Factor (%)

Capacity Factor (%)

1200 35
400 10
200 5
0 0

Wind turbine

45 1600
40 Capacity Factor (%) 1400
Capacity Factor (%)

Power, MWh/Year
35 Power (MWh/Year) 1200
30 1000
15 600
10 400
5 200
0 0

Wind turbine

Figure 15. Annual power output and capacity factor from different machines at group III.

6. Conclusion
The wind data analysis presented in this paper in terms of annual, and seasonal
variations in Al-Baha region, which is located in the south of Saudi Arabia. It
can be concluded that in group III, the mean wind speed was ranged from 5.4
m/s to 5.9 m/s during 40 years (1981-2020) at 50 m above ground level. The
second highest mean wind speed for group VI (5.1 - 5.6 m/s), while the lower
values in group V. The highest wind speed 6 m/s or more is observed in group
III from January to March and also for July. The frequency analysis assures the
availability of wind above 4 m/s for 79% of the time during the entire year at 50
m above the ground surface at the site of group III. Wind energy generation was
considered for fifteen wind machines of different sizes. It was found that the
Soyut wind 500 machines with a rotor diameter of 39.2 m at 50 m hub height
and with a rated power of 500 kW produced maximum energy of 1420 MWh/Year.

DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2022.104001 22 Journal of Power and Energy Engineering

S. A. AlGhamdi et al.

The highest power output values occur in the winter and summer seasons (375
MWh/Year) from Soyut wind 500 machines, while the capacity factor values
were 41% and 32%, respectively. The highest capacity factor of 41% was ob-
tained at 50 m hub height for Soyut wind 500 machines. The main outcome of
this work is to help policymakers with long-term planning, wind energy devel-
opment, and attracting investment in the northeast area of Al-Baha region, KSA.

The author extends his appreciation to the Deputyship for Research & Innova-
tion, Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia for funding this research work
through the project number: MOE-BU-8-2020.

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-

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