Earthquake Engineering Course Outline
Earthquake Engineering Course Outline
Earthquake Engineering Course Outline
1. Seismological Background
Earthquake Faults and waves
Structure of the earth and plate tectonics
Measures of Earthquake Size and Intensity
2. Free-Field Ground Motion and Earthquake response of linear SDOF systems
Response history and response spectrum concept
Construction and characteristics of response spectrum
Peak structural response from response spectrum
Elastic design spectrum
3. Earthquake response of nonlinear SDOF systems
Force deformation relations
Normalized Yield strength, yield reduction factor and ductility factor
Responses spectrum for yield deformation and yield strength
Inelastic design spectrum
4. Earthquake analysis of MDOF linear systems (RHA and RSA)
Response History Analysis (RHA)
Modal analysis
Multistory buildings with symmetric and unsymmetric plan
Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA)
Peak response from earthquake response spectrum
Multistory buildings with symmetric and unsymmetric plan
5. Earthquake response and design of multistory buildings
Earthquake response of linearly elastic buildings
Influence of fundamental period an stiffness ratio on response
How many modes are significant to the total response
Earthquake response of linearly inelastic buildings
Allowable ductility and ductility demand
Buildings with soft story
6. Basic Concepts in Earthquake resistant design
Structural configurations for earthquake resistance
Criteria for earthquake resistant design
Basic design guidelines (lessons from past EQ)
7. Seismic Design Philosophies and Seismic Design in Building codes
Overview of seismic design philosophies
Building codes and structural dynamics
EN 1998:2004/ ES EN 1998:2015
EBCS 8: 1995
UBC 94 / IBC 2003
8. Earthquake response of soil-structure systems
Dynamic analysis of soil-structure systems
Influence of local soils (site effects)
Liquefaction of soils
Soil models for dynamic analysis
Soil-structure interaction (SSI) analysis
9. Base Isolation and Structural Controls
Base isolation systems
Effectiveness of base isolation
Structural control/Energy dissipative devices
Passive controls
Active controls
Hybrid controls/Semi-active controls
10. Additional Topics
Experimental setups for seismic performance evaluations
Vulnerability assessment and seismic retrofitting of structures
Lateral force resisting systems for tall structures
Seismic performance and EQ resistance Design of RC, steel, masonry and timber structures
1. Chopra, A.K., Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering, 5 th Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2020.
2. Clough, R. W. and Penzien, J., Dynamics of Structures, McGraw Hill, 2 nd Edition,1993.
3. Wiegel, R. L., Earthquake Engineering, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1970.
4. Newmark N. M. and Rosenblueth E., Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering,
Prentice-Hall Inc., 1971.
5. Borzorgnia, Y, &Bertero V., Earthquake Engineering: From Seismology to Performance
Based Design, CRC Press, 2006.
6. Estrada, H. and Lee, L. S., Introduction to Earthquake Engineering, CRC Press, 2017.
7. Elnashai A. S. & Di Sarno L., Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering, John Wiley
and Sons, 2008.
8. Chen W.-F. and Scawthorn C., Earthquake Engineering Handbook, CRC Press,2002.
9. Gioncu, V. and Mazzolani, F., Earthquake Engineering for Structural Design, Spon Press, 2011
10. Dorwick D. J., Earthquake Risk Reduction, John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
11. Penelis G. G. and Kappos A. J., Earthquake resistant Design Concrete Structures, E & FN SPON, 1995.
12. Penelis G. G. and Penelis G. G., Concrete Buildings in Seismic Region, CRC Press, 2014.
13. Paulay T. and Priestley M. J. N., Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings, John
Wiley and Sons Inc. 1992.
14. Fardis M. N., Carvalho, E. C., Fajfar, P., Pecker, A., Seismic Design of Concrete Buildings to Eurocode
8, CRC Press, 2015.
15. Fardis M. N., Seismic Design, Assessment and Retrofitting of Concrete Buildings: Based on EN-
Eurocode 8, Springer, 2009.
16. Naeim, F., Seismic Design Handbook, 2ndEdition, Kluer Press, 2001.
17. Kramer, S. L., Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Prentice-Hall, 1996
18. Ghosh S. K. and Fanella D. A., Seismic and Wind Design of Concrete Buildings, International Code
Council Inc., 2003.
19. Antoniou, S., Seismic Retrofit of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings, John Wiley and Sons, 2023.
20. Priestley M. J. N., Calvi, G. M. and Kowalsky, M. J., Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Structures,
IUSS Press, 2007
21. Ali Khan, M, Earthquake-Resistant Structures Design, Build, and Retrofit, Elsevier Inc., 2013
22. Any other Structural Dynamics or Earthquake Engineering Book.
Adil Zekaria (Dr.-Ing.)