Compartment Fires and Tactical Ventilation
Compartment Fires and Tactical Ventilation
Compartment Fires and Tactical Ventilation
Compartment Fires
Tactical Ventilation
ISBNO 11 341175 8
This book replaces Part 3, Book 12 of The Manual physics involved. Much of the operational experi-
of Firemanship, and the two supplements "The ence originates in the United States, but this book
Behaviour of Fire - Compartment Fires" and "The is intended to place this experience in the appro-
Behaviour of Fire - Tactical Ventilation of priate United Kingdom firefighting context.
Buildings & Structures". It contains and updates the
information previously given in those publications. The Home Office is indebted to all those who have
helped in the preparation of this work.
If readers wish to go into more detail they should
refer to the relevant text books. A brief bibliogra- Training Video
phy is given at the back.
The Home Office produced a three-part training
Part 1 - Compartment Fires video covering the above. The video, titled
'Compartment Fires and Tactical Ventilation', is
"Compartment Fires" attempts to address what available from:
firefighters need to know about compartment fires.
It tries to summarise, without going into theory, • The College Shop, Fire Service College,
what is understood about the early stages in the Moreton-in-Marsh, Glos GL56 0RH
growth of a fire in a compartment, leading to a
flashover and possibly backdraught, and the effect • Viewpoint Presentations Ltd
of ventilation. Oddfellows Hall, London Road,
Chipping Norton, Oxford 0X7 5AR
The definition of "backdraught" and "flashover" in
this book are based on the state of knowledge in • The Stationery Office
1995, rather than British Standard 4422:1987.
Part1: Compartment Fires 1
Chapter 1 The Fire 3
1 Combustion 3
2 Fire Growth 4
3 The Effects of Water 4
4 The Effect of Walls and the Ceiling on the Plume 4
5 Actions by Firefighters 5
6 The Effect of Ventilation 5
Chapter 2 Backdraughts 7
1 Reducing the Oxygen Supply to a Fire 7
2 The Definition of a Backdraught 7
3 Possible Backdraught Scenarios 7
4 Signs and Symptoms of a Backdraught 9
5 Actions by Firefighters 10
Aide Mémoire 1 11
Illustration of build up to Backdraught 12
Chapter 3 Flashovers 13
1 Fire Spread 13
2 Definition of a Flashover 14
3 Signs and Symptoms of a Flashover 14
4 Actions by Firefighters 14
Aide Mémoire 2 15
Illustration of build up to Flashover 16
Chapter 12 Summary 67
Aide Mémoire 3 68
Glossary of Terms 69
Further Reading 71
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ficient heat generated for the fire to spread as long at 100°C. The amount of energy necessary to do
as there is fuel nearby. However, during the early this (the latent heat of vaporisation) is far higher
stages of a fire, it is not the main cause of fire than is necessary to heat water up to its boiling
spread. Nevertheless, the effect of thermal radia- point. This energy has to come from somewhere.
tion can become more significant as the fire devel- When water is turned into steam, large amounts of
ops, as it is the cause of flashover. This is dis- energy are absorbed from the hot gases and fuel in
cussed later the fire, greatly cooling them.
Compartment Fires 5
Compartment Fires
Chapter 2 - Backdraughts
1 Reducing the Oxygen Supply This deflagration moving through the compart-
to a Fire ment and out of the opening is a backdraught.
In general, the hot gases generated in the plume 3 Possible Backdraught Scenarios
will rise extremely rapidly and will draw air in
towards the fire. If there is an adequate air supply, There are two different backdraught scenarios, any
the fire will continue to burn and grow as long as one of which could be awaiting the firefighter.
there is fuel available.
• If the fire is still burning in the compartment
If the air supply to the compartment is restricted, when the firefighter opens the door, and especially
the oxygen in the air inside may be used up more if the combustion gases are not escaping, the air
quickly than it can be replaced. The net effect will which enters through the door may mix with the
be a progressive lowering of the concentration of flammable gases, forming an explosive mixture.
oxygen in the gases in the compartment possibly
combined with an increase in the temperature in If the gases in the compartment are hot enough,
the compartment. they will then ignite on their own (auto-ignite) at
the doorway, and the flame will spread back into
As the oxygen concentration in the compartment the compartment along with the fresh air supply.
reduces, the flames will start to die down, but this This would result in rapid fire growth, but not nec-
will not immediately result in a reduction in the essarily in a backdraught.
production of flammable gases. Although the radi-
ated heat from the plume reduces, the compartment If the compartment gases are not that hot, they will
is still very hot, and nothing has happened to cool be ignited when sufficient oxygen has reached the
the fuel. There may still be flames present, or they gases surrounding the fire. Flame will then travel
may die out altogether. Depending on the relative across the compartment towards the door, resulting
sizes of the fire and the compartment at this stage, in flame shooting out of the door (Figure 2.1), dri-
sufficient flammable gases may be generated to ven by the expanding gases behind it. It is not easy
spread throughout the compartment. This requires to predict whether this will actually happen, or
only a new supply of oxygen caused for example how long it will take, once the door has been
by opening a door, for it to form an explosive mix- opened. This will depend on where the fire is in the
ture with potentially lethal consequences - a compartment, the rate at which air flows in
BACKDRAUGHT. through the door, and whether the hot gases can
escape without mixing with the incoming air.
2 The Definition of a Backdraught
• A more dangerous situation can occur when
Limited ventilation can lead to a fire in a compart- the fire in the compartment has almost died out.
ment producing fire gases containing significant When the door is opened, the air flows in and an
proportions of partial combustion products and un- explosive mixture may be generated, but nothing
burnt pyrolysis products. If these accumulate then happens because there is now no immediate source
the admission of air when an opening is made to of ignition. If the firefighters now enter the com-
the compartment can lead to a sudden deflagration. partment, their activities -for example, turning over
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Figure 2.1
A Backdraught
may expose a source of ignition, initiating a can be ignited. Cold smoke explosions occur in
delayed backdraught but now with them inside the this way.
compartment and surrounded in flame (Figure
2.2). The situation can be further complicated if signifi-
cant amounts of the flammable gases in the com-
This can still occur even when the fire is apparent- partment have managed to escape into surrounding
ly out and the compartment has cooled down. areas. Areas other than the closed compartment
Foam rubber, in particular, can smoulder for a long could then contain explosive atmospheres, waiting
time, producing flammable gases. Whenever, for a source of ignition. Most at risk is the area
flammable gases remain in the compartment, they directly outside the compartment (Figure 2.3),
exactly where the firefighters are waiting when pulsing out of the hole. Fresh air is drawn in as the
they open the door. When the door is opened, flam- fire cools slightly and the hot gases contract. This
mable gases outside the compartment may be produces a local explosive mixture which burns,
ignited by a backdraft within the compartment, by resulting in a mini-backdraught. The expansion of
embers flying through the open door, or by the hot the hot gases in turn drives some smoke out of the
gases if they are at their auto-ignition temperature. compartment.
It is even possible, though unlikely, for other areas
of the building to be involved in a backdraught, This cycle repeats itself at a frequency which
ignited without there being a backdraught in the depends on the size of the hole and the location of
original compartment. Flammable gases outside the fire relative to it.
the compartment may be ignited by embers flying
through the open door, or if the hot gases in the If there is a gap under the compartment door, there
doorway auto-ignite. may be smoke pulsing there due to the mini-back-
draught effect already described. There may be a
4 Signs and Symptoms of whistling noise if air is being drawn into the com-
a Backdraught partment through very small gaps around the door,
but this could be difficult to hear. The door may be
The first clue to the possibility of a backdraught is hot on the outside. In particular, the door handle
the history of the fire: if the fire has been burning may be hot if there is a metal rod linking it to the
for some time, has generated lots of smoke which door handle on the other side.
is now leaking out from the building, and has
apparently died down without major areas of flame If the compartment has been left long enough for it
being visible from outside, the possibility is that it to cool down, air will no longer be drawn in, and
has died down from oxygen starvation. the smoke pulsing effect will not be evident.
However, if the compartment has not been venti-
When the building is viewed from outside, it is lated and there are still flammable gases present, a
likely that the windows of the compartment con- backdraught is still possible.
cerned will be blackened with no obvious flames
within. If part of a window is broken, it is possible If the decision is taken to open the door, there may
that this will not provide sufficient oxygen to feed be an in-rush of air as soon as the door is ajar,
the fire. In this case it is likely that smoke will be showing either that there is a shortage of oxygen in
Compartment Fires 9
the compartment, or that the compartment has for things to change and for fresh air to enter whilst
been much hotter and is starting to cool. Small the firefighters are inside. It is difficult to be sure -
flames may appear where the gases from the room a window might shatter, someone might unwit-
are meeting the relatively fresh air outside, indi- tingly open another door to the compartment. The
cating that there are flammable gases in the room far safer solution is to remove the flammable gases
which are sufficiently hot to ignite given a source from the compartment - ventilation.
of fresh air, even without any other source of igni-
tion. In either case, it may still be possible to close It is important to recognise that ventilation
the door before sufficient air has entered the com- requires that fresh air should be let into the com-
partment to trigger any possible backdraught. partment. Thus, there is the possibility that a back-
draught may occur during ventilation, so appropri-
5 Actions by Firefighters ate precautions should be taken.
Once the door has been opened on to a compart- If it is decided that a compartment needs to be ven-
ment with an oxygen starved fire and fresh air has tilated and once the method of ventilation has been
been allowed in, there is little which can be done selected by the Officer-in-Charge of the incident:
to prevent a backdraught happening. It is far better
to make appropriate decisions before the door is • branches must be charged and in position
ever opened. prior to any ventilation being carried out;
When firefighters are faced with a closed door, and • firefighters must get down low, and well clear
do not know what is behind it, they should check of the likely flame path back through the vent
for any of the signs and symptoms described above opening, should a back-draught occur; and
before opening it, covering the door with a charged
branch, should they decide to open it. If there is a • it must be remembered that a backdraught
build-up of smoke outside the compartment, the could be delayed several minutes and that it
possibility of backdraught can be reduced by might have sufficient energy to break other
spraying these gases before the compartment door windows in the compartment.
is opened. The firefighters should be ready to close
the door quickly, if a backdraught appears likely. No compartment can be considered safe from a
This may not prevent the backdraught but may backdraught until it has been opened to fresh air
direct its force away from the firefighters. for some time. However, once the compartment
has been properly ventilated, fire fighters can tack-
If firefighters believe that opening a compartment le the fire knowing that there is no longer any pos-
door may lead to a backdraught, opening that door sibility of backdraught.
must be as a result of a deliberate decision. As long
as the compartment door is closed, firefighters
have time to think about their actions. Once the
door is open, they will only have time to react to
events as they occur. Whilst the decision about the
timing of opening the door can only rest with the
firefighters who form the fire fighting crew at the
scene, the consequences of that decision ultimate-
ly lie with the Officer-in-Charge of the incident.
Compartment Fires 11
Backdraught created using the
Fire Experimental Unit Simulator
A sequence of photographs from a backdraught
simulator filmed at the Home Office's Fire
Experimental Unit Simulation laboratory at
Chapter 3 - Flashovers
1 Fire Spread The flame height will increase until it reaches the
ceiling. The flame will now start to spread across
It has already been described in Chapter 1 Section the compartment in the hot gas layer (Figure 3.2),
4 how a smoke layer will build up when smoke with the flame appearing both at ceiling level
cannot escape from a compartment as quickly as it above the plume, where air has been entrained, and
is generated (Figure 3.1). However, if there is at the boundary between the hot gas layer and clear
unburnt fuel in the compartment, things will not air, as this is where the flammable gas in the ceil-
stay stable for long. Initially, the flame in the plume ing layer can react with the oxygen.
will not reach the ceiling and fire spread will be
limited to flammable materials close to the seat of Once flame has started to spread across the com-
the fire, ignited by radiated heat from the plume. partment at the boundary level, this will greatly
increase the thermal radiation from the hot prod-
ucts of combustion already built up there. The
other flammable materials in the compartment will
now start to rise in temperature very rapidly. Not
only are they being heated from the side by the
plume, they are also being heated from above,
where the flames and the hot products of combus-
tion could be much closer, depending on the height
of the boundary.
Compartment Fires 13
from above. This will be felt by the firefighters as a
rapid increase in the temperature in the compart-
ment, and in the heat from the hot gases at ceiling
level, forcing them down low. If they can see above
them, they will be able to see tongues of flame run-
ning through the gas layer. In addition, other com-
bustible materials within the compartment will be
giving off visible smoke, and flammable gases.
4 Actions by Firefighters
As the main reason for a flashover is radiation
from the hot gases and flames above them, the log-
Figure 3.3 Rapid Heating of All Combustible Materials ical solution is to cool this area. This will have the
effect of reducing the flames and radiated heat, and
causing the smoke layer to lift. Directing a spray at
time before there is a sudden change in the size of the ceiling will have this effect. However, too
the fire, if no action is taken to prevent it. The much water will cause the generation of large
smaller the compartment, the sooner these condi- amounts of steam. Too much cooling will bring the
tions are likely to be encountered. smoke layer down, obscuring everything.
Once flammable gases are being given off by the In these circumstances, it will be most effective for
majority of the compartment contents, the transi- the firefighters to attack the hot gases with pulses
tion from a localised fire to total involvement can of spray, observing their effect, and so judging
take a matter of seconds - a FLASHOVER. when sufficient water has been applied.
Compartment Fires 15
Build up to Flashover
Drysdale, D. 1985 An Introduction to Fire
Dynamics, John Wiley and Sons
Compartment Fires 17
Tactical Ventilation
Chapter 1 - Introduction
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Two of the phenomena which can be caused Often the fire's location can be determined from out-
by smoke, 'Flashover' and 'Backdraught', are side the building. On occasions, tactical ventilation
described in the Part 1: Compartment Fires. can be used to clear smoke to help locate the fire.
Tactical ventilation is one of the techniques which
can be used to prevent flashover and backdraught, In most cases, where ventilation is considered a
or to mitigate their effects. suitable tactic, it is most effective if used in the
early stages of firefighting. However, the uncon-
3 The Value of Ventilation trolled movement of hot gases inside the building
is the main cause of fire spread, so the decision to
Like any other tactical option available to the commence tactical ventilation must be as part of
firefighter, tactical ventilation can make things an overall strategy of controlling air movements
worse if it is applied incorrectly. Properly used, within the building.
it can have significant beneficial effects on fire
fighting: 5 The Effect of Wind
· it can assist escape by restricting the spread Wind strength and direction are usually the domi-
nating factors in tactical ventilation. In most cases,
of smoke, improving visibility and extending
available egress times; it will determine the direction in which the smoke
and hot gases will move within the building.
· it can aid rescue operations by reducing
It is unlikely to be possible to fight against the pre-
smoke and toxic gases, which hinder search
activities and endanger trapped occupants; vailing wind by using fans to force air into the
building. The efficiency of this tactic will depend
· it can improve the safety of firefighters by on the capacity of the fans, when compared with
the wind strength. If the wind is too strong, it will
reducing the risk of flashover and back-
draught, and making it easier to control the still dominate.
effects of backdraught;
6 Tactical Ventilation Techniques
· it can speed attack and extinguishment by
All ventilation techniques depend on planning
removing heat and smoke so that firefighters
where fresh air will be allowed to enter the build-
can enter a compartment earlier and, with
ing, where hot gases and smoke will be allowed to
improved visibility, make it easier for fire-
leave the building and, if possible, the routes they
fighters to locate and deal with the fire;
will follow within the building.
· it can reduce property damage by making it There are two basic options:
possible for the fire to be located and tackled
more quickly; · Vertical or Top Ventilation - making an
opening at high level (usually through the
it can restrict fire spread by limiting the roof) so that the buoyancy of the hot gases
movement of smoke and hot gases. and smoke enables them to escape vertically
(See Figure 1.1).
4 When to Use Ventilation
Like any other technique available to the firefight-
· Horizontal or Cross Ventilation - making
openings in the external walls (for example
er, tactical ventilation needs to be borne in mind using windows and doors) so that the wind
when assessing how to tackle a fire. assists in the removal of the hot gases and
smoke (See Figure 1.2).
In the majority of instances, tactical ventilation
should not be used until the fire has been located In both cases, it is possible to accelerate ventilation
and, in all cases, an assessment must be made of by the use of fans or blowers. In this manual, two
the likely effects of ventilation. terms are used:
Tactical Ventilation 23
ments do not come into conflict. The decision to
use forced ventilation will have further implica-
tions both for safety and for resources.
Tactical Ventilation 25
Figure 2.2 Defensive
2 Where Ventilation May Be of If there is a lot of hot gas and smoke in a compart-
Benefit ment, with flame travelling horizontally at ceiling
level, there is a significant risk of rapid fire spread
Ventilation can be useful whenever the removal of and possibly flashover. These gases need to be
hot gases and smoke will make firefighting opera- ventilated as close to the fire as safety permits, and
tions easier and safer. preferably at high level. If the only possible vent is
some distance from the fire, it must be expected
If there is the risk of a backdraught, the compart- that fire will spread along the route to that vent
ment concerned has to be cleared of flammable once ventilation commences.
gases in a controlled manner. If the compartment
door is opened, that is the most likely route for the If the escape route from the building contains
backdraught, endangering the firefighters in the smoke, and there are still persons in the building,
vicinity of the open door. Properly applied, venti- ventilation can clear that route (See Figure 2.4).
Tactical Ventilation 27
If firefighters are hampered in reaching the fire can result in severe damage to property. The cor-
because the route they have to follow is smoke- rect use of ventilation can reduce this risk, whilst
logged, ventilation will help to improve visibility, its incorrect use can make it far worse.
speeding access. It may also be of benefit where
sprinklers have operated and cooled the smoke, The Officer-in-Charge should consider the possi-
causing smoke-logging. bility of withdrawing the firefighters from part or
all of the building whilst fresh air is being let into
If there has been a build up of hot gases within the the compartment, particularly if the fresh air route
building so that conditions for the firefighers are is likely to become the path for any backdraught.
very arduous, ventilation can produce a much
more tolerable environment, increasing a firefight- Where it is felt that defensive ventilation is more
er's working duration. appropriate, the risks and benefits are proportion-
ately less. It is, however, necessary to select an
3 Assessing the Risks appropriate route for the air flow from the inlet
vent to the outlet vent, to minimise the chances of
The main risk in using offensive ventilation tech- this fresh air affecting the fire compartment.
niques is that the introduction of fresh air may
result in fire growth and, perhaps, even back- Defensive ventilation does not have to form part of
draught. However, if a backdraught occurs, it is a major attack on a fire. It can be part of the build
probable that the conditions necessary were up to this attack, clearing escape and attack routes,
already in being, and it would have occurred with- or part of continuing operations once the fire is
out the commencement of tactical ventilation. under control.
Provided that sufficient fuel is present, fire growth 4 How Ventilation is to Be Achieved
may occur in the area surrounding the fire, and/or
along the route to the outlet vent. Hot smoke and This will always depend on the circumstances at
gases may also ignite as they are vented and meet the fire, but there are a number of guidelines to be
fresh air. For this reason, it is preferable to vent the followed. The principal decision is whether to use
compartment directly to the outside. Horizontal Ventilation or Vertical Ventilation, and
secondly whether to adopt an offensive or a defen-
The correct use of offensive ventilation can reduce sive approach.
the risk of fire spread by removing the hot gases
whilst allowing fresh air in. However, offensive In both cases, the major factors to be considered are
ventilation should never commence until appropri- the design of the building, the location, size and
ately protected firefighters are on hand with severity of the fire, and the wind speed and direction.
charged hoselines. This does not mean that the fire
must necessarily be surrounded before ventilation Horizontal Ventilation may be appropriate where:
commences. The initiation of offensive ventilation
constitutes one of the elements in a major attack on • vertical ventilation is not possible due to the
the fire, but it cannot be treated as an attack in its character of the building;
own right.
• it is not safe to commit firefighters to open a
The decision to ventilate offensively involves a vent in the roof;
balance between the risk of fire spread, and the
improved conditions around the fire. The time and • the fire is not large enough to necessitate
resources necessary to set up ventilation will also opening of the roof;
be factors which need to be considered.
• there are windows and doors close to the seat
Smoke-logging can occur in parts of the building of the fire;
not involved in the fire. This can cause hazards
both to occupants trying to escape, and to fire- · the fire and the products of combustion are
fighters involved in tasks away from the fire, and not being carried into other floors;
Tactical Ventilation 29
Tactical Ventilation
1 General Away from the fire, the wind effects are likely to
be dominant.
Horizontal ventilation is the most frequently used
form of ventilation because, in the majority of sit- 3 The Principles of Horizontal
uations, it is the most appropriate method with Ventilation
which to ventilate the building, and is often the
easiest. Also, firefighters entering a building for Ventilation requires the controlled release of
search and rescue or fire attack start a form of hor- smoke and hot, possibly flammable, gases from a
izontal ventilation by opening doors or windows to building, and their replacement by fresher air.
make entry.
The operative word in this description is 'con-
Many fires in buildings do little damage by direct trolled'. Opening doors and windows at random
burning, yet produce fairly large volumes of smoke. can make matters worse, causing fire spread and
These situations may only require that the windows increased smoke damage, and increasing the possi-
and doors of the affected compartments be opened bility of a backdraught.
to allow the residual smoke to be ventilated.
The firefighter should first seek to release the
In other situations, such as dealing with a severe products of combustion on the downwind side of
fire below the top floor of a building, horizontal the building, from as high in the compartment as
ventilation may also be beneficial. possible.
This section describes the technique of horizontal Then, once the outlet vent has been opened, an
ventilation, and the ways in which it can be inlet vent should be created on the upwind side of
achieved. the building, and as low in the compartment as
possible, to take advantage of the buoyancy of the
2 The Physical Principles Involved smoke and hot gases.
Smoke movement is caused by two factors: the For Defensive ventilation, the location of the vents
wind, and the temperature (and hence the buoyan- is determined by the route between them. The
cy) of the gases. overall objective is to let fresh air into as much of
the building as possible. The building layout will
The relative significance of these will depend on determine the route the air takes, once the vents are
their magnitudes. Close to a fire, the buoyancy opened. Their locations need to be chosen to avoid
effects are likely to be dominant. directing fresh air towards the site of the fire.
When the smoke and gases from a fire are hot, For Offensive ventilation, the outlet vent should
their buoyancy will increase and they will rise. If be as close to the fire as practicable. It is desirable
they are very hot, they will rise very rapidly. In to use the firefighters' route to the fire as the inlet
some circumstances, large volumes of air can then vent, as this reduces smoke and heat along their
be entrained, greatly increasing the air and smoke route, making their job safer and more tolerable.
flows involved.
Tactical Ventilation 31
In this case, the gases coming out of the vent are above the fire - especially where their access
likely to be very hot, and possibly flammable. and/or escape routes run through part of the fresh
Flames are likely to appear outside the vent if the air inlet path (e.g. where the fresh air inlet path
smoke and gases are above their auto-ignition tem- occupies part of a stairwell).
perature. There is a risk of fire spread.
4 Methods of Making Vents
Therefore, before the outlet vent is opened, its
position must be covered by an appropriately pro- If inside, the simplest method of making a vent,
tected firefighter with a charged branch. This doing the least damage, is to open a window or door.
branch can be used to cool the smoke and gases as If possible, the top of a window should be opened to
they come out, but under no circumstances should make an outlet vent, and the bottom of a window
the water be directed in through the vent, as long opened to make an inlet vent. (See Figure 3.1)
as ventilation is in progress. This will interfere
with the ventilation process and could place fire-
fighters inside the building at risk.
Tactical Ventilation 33
Tactical Ventilation
However, where the fire is already in the ceiling or If safely practicable, any roof vent should be made
roof space, there may be little alternative but to with the firefighter working from a ladder (See
adopt vertical ventilation if it is safely practicable, Figure 4.1) or from an aerial appliance, rather than
although tiled roofs may leak enough for extra from the roof itself. Even then, it must be remem-
ventilation to be unnecessary. bered that, once the fire compartment has been
penetrated, hot smoke and gases and possibly
The advantages of vertical ventilation are that: flames will come out of the vent, perhaps with
some force. Breathing apparatus must always be
• it can minimise the risk of a backdraught. worn in such circumstances.
Initially the pressure in the compartment will
drive the hot gases out. An inlet vent is then If the Officer-in-Charge decides that a vent is
necessary or fresh air will start coming in required in the roof, and the location cannot be
through the outlet vent, mixing with the reached from a ladder or aerial appliance, serious
smoke to increase the likelihood of smoke- consideration must be given to firefighters' safety,
logging the compartment; before committing them to a roof above a fire.
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Figure 4.1 Making
a Roof Vent
Defensive vertical ventilation is possible but its The hot smoke and gases will spread inside the
efficiency will depend on its proximity to the fire. compartment until they can find a way out.
Removing the roof covering in the form of a strip,
If smoke clearance is the sole objective, this is ahead of the smoke spread, can limit this spread,
likely to be taking place some distance from the effectively producing a fire break. This is known
fire, where the smoke and hot gases will have as trench or strip ventilation. (See figure 4.2)
mixed with cooler air. They are unlikely to be hot
enough to cause a rapid flow through the vent, and Trench ventilation is accomplished by making an
the whole process will be very slow. opening in the roof, at a safe distance from the fire,
large enough for all the hot smoke and gases to
It may be possible to speed this up if the inlet vent vent through it, so that none go past the vent. This
is on the upwind side of the building, but forced will cause fire spread in the direction of the vent,
ventilation may be necessary. but stop its movement past it. It will also cause any
smoke layer within the compartment to lift.
Offensive vertical ventilation requires roof vents
close to the fire. It is most effective if the vent can In terrace-type properties, it may be necessary to
be placed directly above the fire. make a trench cut to prevent fire spread to adjoin-
ing roof spaces.
Offensive ventilation can also be used to limit fire
spread in large compartments, or linked roof spaces. It is safer to do this on the adjoining property.
In these circumstances, fire spread is caused princi- On a sloping roof, it is preferable to start cutting
pally by the hot smoke and gases spreading at ceil- the trench at the highest point that can be safely
ing level (Mushrooming) and either igniting struc- reached, working downwards from that point, so
tural members in the roof, or igniting more of the minimising exposure to the hot smoke and gases.
Tactical Ventilation 37
Tactical Ventilation
Forced ventilation refers to the use of fans, blow- • it can take time to set up;
ers, water sprays or other mechanical devices to
create or redirect the flow of air inside the building • in defensive ventilation operations, the limit-
so that the fire gases are forced out of the building. ed airflow available means that systematic
room-by-room clearance is necessary.
If forced ventilation is used to accelerate the
effects of natural ventilation, it must be remem- The main techniques of forced ventilation are:
bered that all the effects, both good and bad, may
be accelerated. For this reason, it is essential that • Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV). PPV can
the firefighters concerned have a good understand- be achieved by forcing air into a building
ing of the principles of ventilation, and the behav- using a fan. The effect of this will be to
iour of fire, before the use of forced ventilation is increase the pressure inside, relative to
considered. atmospheric pressure. PPV simply refers to
blowing air in through the inlet vent.
The main advantages of forced ventilation are:
• Negative Pressure Ventilation (NPV). NPV
• the ventilation objectives, i.e. smoke refers to extracting the smoke and hot gases
removal, restoration of a tenable atmosphere from the outlet vent. This will have the effect
etc., are achieved more rapidly; of reducing the pressure inside the building,
relative to the atmospheric pressure. It can he
• it makes horizontal ventilation more effec- achieved by fans or water sprays.
tive, so reducing the need for vertical ventila-
tion; • Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Systems (HVAC). Building HVAC systems
· it is less susceptible to erratic wind condi- can be designed so that, in the event of fire,
they can be used as a smoke control system.
tions, although it cannot overcome strong
• Powered Smoke and Heat Exhaust Systems.
• it is a more controllable form of ventilation. Dedicated fans and other devices which, usu-
ally triggered automatically, provide a smoke
Its disadvantages are: control system.
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2 Positive Pressure Ventilation
The most appropriate tactic for using a PPV fan
will depend on whether the inlet vent is also to be
used for firefighters" access to the building and
whether there is smoke coming out of that vent.
If the vent is an entrance, the fan may cause an
obstruction unless it can be placed a little way
back, to allow access. However, this will reduce
the efficiency of the fan
The efficiency of the smoke clearance is governed Figure 5.1 Using a Fan Where the Entrance Can Be
by the wind, the size and design of the fan, the pro- Blocked
portion of the fan's air production which enters the
building, the relative sizes of the inlet and outlet The fans can be powered by electric motors, driven
vents, the size of the compartment to be cleared and from appliance power supplies, or hydraulic
the temperature of the gases in the compartment. motors, driven from the appliance pump. Diesel or
petrol driven fans are inappropriate for use when
3 Negative Pressure Ventilation surrounded by fire gases because they are unlikely
to have a fresh air supply, necessary for their
(a) Fans engines to work.
The most common method of achieving NPV is by The main problem with the use of fans for NPV is
the use of portable fans. These can vary widely in that the fan components are unlikely to be
the amount of air which they can move, measured designed to withstand high temperatures. If the
in cubic metres per minute. The more powerful the smoke and gases being extracted are hot, the fans
fan, the more air it can move. will soon cease to function.
Tactical Ventilation 41
This same effect can be used at the inlet vent, but 6 Safety Considerations
water damage inside the building will be
increased, and the firefighter holding the branch The same safety considerations apply to the use of
would have to be aware of the risk of backdraught forced ventilation as apply to natural ventilation.
in offensive ventilation operations. The one difference is that everything will happen
more quickly. Things can go wrong more quickly,
This technique can be very effective in clearing just as ventilation can be achieved more quickly.
smoke from a small compartment fire to enable Thus effective communication between all
early investigation of the scene and to reduce fur- involved in firefighting operations is even more
ther damage. critical. The Officer-in-Charge must ensure that
close supervision and monitoring is maintained
4 Heating Ventilation and Air throughout.
Conditioning Systems
There is always the danger of driving smoke
Mechanical fire ventilation systems are described and/or flames into unstopped cavities, especially
in the Manual of Firemanship, Book 9 Part 3. They in traditional buildings. Flats and maisonettes, for
usually work automatically, but there may be a example, frequently have inadequately stopped
manual over-ride. Where firefighters require the builders' ducts for pipes and cables. They should-
special operation of these systems, they should if n't, but they do. Old, historic buildings are partic-
possible consult the engineer responsible, as incor- ularly notorious for hidden flow-paths for smoky
rect use could result in spreading the fire. gases. It follows that the use of PPV in particular
should be monitored for smoke appearing in
This also applies when firefighters have to face the neighbouring compartments via unexpected
fire hazards presented by the sort of ventilation routes. Where it occurs, there may be a case for
system described in the Manual of Firemanship, using NPV.
Book 9, Chapter 20, 'Ventilation and Air
Conditioning Systems', and on underground rail- The noise of the fans can itself pose a problem,
ways, where ventilation is effected by fans. affecting both those inside the building who may
not be able to hear an emergency evacuation sig-
In some cases, air conditioning systems have been nal, and the Safety Officers who may not be able
designed to act as fire ventilation systems in the to hear a Distress Signal Unit if it is actuated.
event of fire. Where firefighters require the special Briefing of firefighters may have to take place
operation of these systems, they should if possible away from an operating fan.
consult the engineer responsible, as there may be
limitations on the temperatures they can withstand,
and their incorrect use could result in spreading the
Tactical Ventilation 43
Figure 6.1 A Fan with a
Narrow Cone Angle
If a typical PPV fan is placed in a doorway being • If the outlet vent is very large, compared with
used as an inlet vent, and no air is allowed to the inlet vent, the maximum flow rate which
escape back out of that doorway, the flow rate of can be generated by the fan might be typical-
the fan will slowly reduce as the pressure in the ly 6 cubic metres per second (210 cubic feet
compartment rises. The flow rate which can be per second). The pressure rise inside the com-
achieved once things start to stabilise will depend partment would be very small.
on the size of the outlet vent.
Tactical Ventilation 45
Before PPV is initiated, it is important to check metres per second, for a window with a cross-
that the wind at the proposed inlet and outlet vents section area of 1 square metre. A 3 metre per
is as expected. second (7 mph) wind would be classified as a
gentle breeze. Force 2 on the Beaufort Scale.
If wind is blowing in through the proposed outlet
vent, the PPV fan must be capable of producing • If the outlet is a small window, with a cross-
an outlet velocity greater than the wind's inlet section area of 0.5 square metres, the outlet
velocity, or the wind will win, the outlet vent will velocity would be 6 metres per second (13
become an inlet vent and the inlet vent will mph). A wind of this speed would be classi-
become an outlet vent - an extra hazard to the fire- fied as a moderate breeze, Force 4 on the
fighters there. Beaufort Scale.
Since the outlet vent velocity which the fan can In many cases, advice to firefighters on the use of
achieve increases as the outlet vent is reduced in PPV is based on the principle 'if it doesn't work,
size, a small outlet vent is preferable when there is you can always turn it off. In this case however,
an opposing wind. once an outlet vent has been made on the upwind
side of a building, it may not be possible to close it
• If the fan is blowing in through a doorway, if things go wrong.
and out through a window, the inlet to outlet
ratio would be typically 2:1 and the outlet For this reason, the decision to try to use PPV to
flow rate would be 3 cubic metres per second, oppose a wind can have more far-reaching conse-
corresponding to an outlet velocity of 3 quences, and should not be taken lightly.
Tactical Ventilation 47
Figure 6.4 Using Fans in
Parallel (Side by Side)
During smoke clearance and damping down oper- • Isolate unaffected areas where possible.
ations in a building it is usually the case that there
will be considerable residual heat, hot spots or • Position the fan.
bullseyes with steam and smoke still being pro-
duced. Such an environment can make conditions • Instruct crew members to open the exhaust
uncomfortable and/or oppressive for firefighters. vent.
The advantages of using PPV during smoke clear- In multi-compartmented buildings where smoke
ance and damping down operations are: has spread to rooms other than the fire room, it
may be desirable to ventilate sequentially. In this
• Rapid removal of smoke, steam and residual case the doors to all compartments, except the one
heat, improving visibility. to be ventilated initially, should be closed and the
process begun. When that room is cleared of
• Cooler and easier working conditions when smoke, the door to the next room to be ventilated
turning over debris. should be opened and an exhaust vent provided.
The exhaust vent from the first room and the door
• Hot spots or bullseyes may become apparent to that room should then be closed. The process is
due to the increased flow of fresh air. repeated until the building is cleared of smoke. It
(Always have a hose reel or hose line avail- is advisable to commence operations in the com-
able to deal with these) partment which was involved in the fire.
The route the smoke/steam will take through the In multi-storey buildings, smoke clearance should
structure should be decided on before ventilation commence at ground floor level, with the first
takes place. Any areas not affected should be iso- floor being cleared next, and so on until the build-
lated by closing relevant doors. The fan should be ing is cleared.
placed in position and started up only after other
crew members have opened the exhaust vent. It is
important that good communication is maintained
between the fire ground commander, the fan oper-
ator and the crew at the exhaust vent.
Tactical Ventilation 49
2 Smoke Clearance as Part of
It is possible to apply the tactics described above
even before the fire is extinguished, provided that
it is possible to ensure that the fire is totally isolat-
ed from the area where ventilation is to take place.
Tactical Ventilation 51
Figure 8.1 The Use
of Ducting in a
Compartment with
Only One Vent
It is unlikely that PPV alone will clear the smoke The limiting factor with this tactic is the relative
from a cellar. Ducting will probably be necessary sizes of the fan and the area to be cleared. With
once the fire is out. It can be used to direct the air larger compartments it may prove necessary to
in through the outlet vent to the far side of the increase the airflow beyond what can be achieved
compartment. This effectively creates an inlet vent with one fan. If more than one fan is available, it
at the far side of the compartment, and ventilation may be useful either to use two inlet vents or to
can then proceed as normal (See Figure 8.1). have one fan at the inlet vent, and to advance the
second one to the entrance to the fire compartment.
Care must be taken to ensure that any of the fan's
air which is not being directed into the ducting, 6 Large Volumes
does not interfere with the flow out of the com-
partment. Care should also be taken to avoid recy- It is unlikely that portable PPV fans will have
cling smoke through the fan feeding the duct, much effect in large compartments, although they
which should not be placed too near to the com- may provide a slightly improved environment
partment door. close to the inlet vent
A single portable PPV fan is unlikely to have much Even if it is not possible to gain access to the roof
effect in larger buildings of this type, unless the near to the fire, it may still be possible to vertical-
building has a number of internal compartments. ly ventilate, making a vent downwind, near to a
wall, but fire-spread will occur in that direction.
(b) Special Hazards
Horizontal ventilation may be possible using a
Most industrial/storage occupancies are large open down-wind door or window as an outlet vent, but
areas with minimal sub-division and this can lead again fire spread will occur.
Tactical Ventilation 53
If it is possible to deploy firefighters safely on, or This may be complicated where a floor does not
above, the roof, trenching downwind of the fire cover the full area of the building, The construc-
may reduce fire spread. The vent should be about tion of the floor may allow smoke and hot gases to
one metre by two metres to begin with, and spread from a ground floor fire into the upper
enlarged if the smoke and hot gases are venting floor, whilst delaying vertical fire spread. This can
under pressure. A long, one metre wide vent is be of great importance where mezzanine floors
most effective at preventing fire spread past it. could provide a complex arrangement of smaller
(e) Unidentified Fire Location
This can be further complicated by the presence of
It is generally wiser not to ventilate vertically until a suspended ceiling, whether suspended beneath the
the location of the fire is known, although this roof, or on the ground floor, which may create addi-
should not preclude the use of horizontal ventila- tional voids not readily noticeable from outside.
tion, providing it is used correctly.
(b) Fire on Ground Floor
In both cases, there is always the risk of driving
fire or smoke into areas which were previously It is important to establish whether the ground
clear, or even where people may be present. floor is an independent compartment. If it is, hori-
zontal ventilation is the only practical option
2 Two-Storey Warehouse/Industrial unless there are protected vertical shafts.
Building/Sports Hall
If the ground floor cannot be treated as an inde-
(a) Construction pendent compartment, the entire building can be
treated in the same way as a large single storey
The most common forms of construction are simi- warehouse/industrial building.
lar to those used in single storey warehouses.
(c) Fire on Upper Floor
• steel frame - a substructure of steel, support-
ing a corrugated steel or aluminium panelled This can be treated in the same way as a fire in a
roof, with walls part brick or block and part single storey warehouse/industrial building, except
steel or aluminium wall panels; that there may be additional problems with access.
• flat roof, self supporting, or internally sup- (b) Fire Confined to Shop Unit
Where monolithic concrete construction has been
In some cases, internal floors may offer little or no resis- used, horizontal ventilation, using existing doors
tance to the passage of smoke or flame - for example, and windows, is the only option unless roof lights
gantries or open mesh steel floors. Where this is the are installed. There is unlikely to be fire spread
case, the whole building is a single compartment. between compartments.
Where the building has been well maintained, a degree Roof and ceiling construction will determine
of separation between dwellings can be assumed, whether vertical ventilation is a realistic option. If
although this may not extend to the roof void. the fire has not reached the roof void, it should not
be encouraged to do so! In terraced houses, this
(b) Fires in Accommodation Units can be a major source of fire spread to adjoining
Means of escape for the residents has to be given
the highest priority, and the pressurisation of stair- Horizontal ventilation may be most effectively
wells using PPV may simplify the evacuation of achieved by opening or breaking windows, provid-
large buildings ed this can be done safely.
Also, where fire has spread to more than one Alternatively, suitable outlet vents can be created
dwelling, ventilation can materially assist fire- as appropriate, and the stairwell pressurised from
fighting operations by improving access. below.
There are cases where the use of ventilation can be (c) Fire on Lower Level
considered even before the location of the fire is
known. Natural horizontal ventilation can be very effec-
tive, and pressurisation may be of value where
Where the stairwell is smoke-logged, positive inlet and outlet vents have to be on the same side
pressure ventilation can be set up, driving air in of the building, or to prevent smoke and hot gases
through the doorway. In the event of built-in outlet rising to the upper storey.
Tactical Ventilation 55
Tactical Ventilation
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3 Tunnels once it has cooled down sufficiently for the force of
the ventilation air to overcome the buoyant forces
(a) General Considerations remaining in the cooled gases.
Fires in tunnels are rare occurrences, but people Down-stream, the hot gases and smoke will travel
planning and operating tunnels need to prepare for long distances at roof level, with the layer drop-
all eventualities. ping as it cools. If it cools to the ambient tempera-
ture, the gases and smoke will drop to floor level
Smoke movement from a fire is often considered causing a smoke plug (See Figure 10.2).
as part of the initial tunnel design. In some cases,
there will be shafts to the surface at intervals along If the air supply to the fire is coming from the same
the tunnel length, allowing smoke to escape. Often end as the one from which the hot gases and smoke
fixed ventilation systems will be provided to sup- are escaping, this smoke plug will be drawn back
ply fresh air for people and vehicles, and these too into the tunnel along with the fresh air supply,
can take smoke out of the tunnel. Tunnels may eventually smoke-logging the tunnel if the produc-
have "transverse" systems where fresh air enters tion of smoke is maintained.
the tunnel and stale air is extracted along the whole
length, eventually flowing out of either end. and in (c) Fires on Trains or Vehicles in Motion
others air may simply be blown from one end of
the tunnel to the other in a 'longitudinal' system. Where fires occur on trains or vehicles in motion,
a progressive release of smoke into the tunnel air-
(b) Smoke Movement in Tunnels flow may become mixed in the turbulence created
by the movement itself and cause a general 'fog-
For a typical small compartment fire, the hot gases ging' rather than the stratification created by a sta-
and smoke will rise to the ceiling and spread over tionary fire. In such circumstances, the degree of
the roof, gradually filling the compartment. In a mixing of the smoke in the volume of air in the
tunnel, the ceiling space is, at least initially, far too tunnel may be considerable and, assuming that the
large to be filled by the smoke. train or vehicle has stopped, light smoke may exist
at a great distance from the incident, with the
Left to itself, the smoke and hot gases will spread smoke plug becoming progressively denser nearer
along the tunnel roof in both directions. Longitudinal to the fire.
ventilation can control the flow of smoke, pushing it
all in one direction. If the ventilation air flow is too (d) Tunnels under Construction
slow, the hot smoke and gases can push upstream
against the main air flow, a phenomenon known as Tunnels under construction have yielded a signifi-
'back-layering'. This upstream hot layer will stop cant number of serious fires and present particular
Tactical Ventilation 59
Tactical Ventilation
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Tactical Ventilation 61
2 The Stack Effect When a fire occurs, very hot smoke and gases can
rise very rapidly. As these gases rise, they mix with
One of the problems associated with having an cooler air and will, provided the air reservoir is
undivided stairwell in a high rise building is that it large enough, cool to the same temperature as the
can act as a chimney stack (See Figure 11.2) and surrounding air. When this happens, the smoke and
allow the products of combustion to rise through- gases cease to rise and may build up a smoke layer
out its height and so risk spread of fire to other at high level (See Figure 11.3). The smoke may
floor levels. It is therefore important that any fire then sink and cause smoke logging to become
resisting doors fulfil the function for which they more dense. Any smoke extraction system would
were intended. need to be designed to counteract this effect.
Where there is not a large reservoir of cool air at The stack effect can be unpredictable, as it
high level in the building, the smoke and gases depends on so many factors. The Officer-in-
may retain their heat and continue to rise. Charge will need to base the fire fighting tactics on
Ultimately, there will be an airflow out through the the situation as it develops.
highest natural vent, as long as the air temperature
outside the building is lower than the temperature 3 Firefighting in High-Rise
of the smoke and gases. If there is an inlet at low Structures
level and a suitable outlet at high level, quite high
vertical velocities can result. These will depend on It is not intended in this Manual to deal with all
the height of the stack and the temperature of the aspects of firefighting operations, but there are cer-
smoke and gases. tain factors relating to tactical ventilation opera-
tions which are relevant.
This effect can be used to draw air, smoke and hot
gases up through a stairwell, and is useful as a When firefighting operations are being initiated
means of vertical ventilation. It should not be used from the floor below the fire, it must be remem-
in stairwells likely to be required as escape routes bered that, in gaining access to the fire, firefighters
from higher storeys. Care must be taken that the are opening a route which may serve as an inlet or
products of combustion are not allowed to spread outlet vent. Such routes must be controlled as acci-
from the stairwell to other parts of the building. dental venting may result in worsening conditions.
Tactical Ventilation 63
Breaking windows on high rise buildings can If the outlet is on the top of the building, the effect
endanger firefighters and the general public below. of the wind passing across it may again be to
Broken glass may travel considerable distances increase the stack effect.
sideways when falling from a height, especially in
a strong wind. Appropriate safety precautions must Strong winds outside a building at high level can
be taken before windows are deliberately broken. have a dominant effect in ventilation. Opening
vents to provide horizontal ventilation may result
4 Built-in Smoke Ventilation in a near gale blowing through the building. In
Systems some circumstances, and if not properly con-
trolled, this could result in serious fire growth and
Such systems are described in the Manual of spread.
Firemanship Book 9.
In the fire compartment, the integrity of the win-
In using such a system as part of planned tactical dows may be seriously reduced by the heat.
ventilation during firefighting operations, it must Opening the compartment door may then cause the
be remembered that the system is likely to be auto- windows affected to break. If the wind is blowing
matic in operation and will probably have begun to into the window and there is a suitable outlet vent
function before the arrival of the fire brigade. beyond the open door, a backdraught could occur
or, alternatively, there could be a blowtorch effect
It must not be assumed that such systems are at the door (See Figure 11.4), or even at more
installed primarily for the use of firefighters. Their remote points on the access route. Either event
primary use may be in the day-to-day operation of would be extremely dangerous to firefighters at, or
the building. For example, in industrial premises, a outside, the door. Wind produces a positive air
ventilation system may be designed to assist in pressure on the upwind face of a building, and a
providing acceptable working conditions for the negative pressure on the downwind face of the
employees. The provision of a high level exit route building. This can be used to advantage in plan-
for smoke and hot gases, helping to prevent the ning tactical ventilation.
spread of fire, might be only a secondary consider-
ation in its design. Before the fire floor is ventilated, it is essential to
be sure that the resulting air movements will be
5 The Effects of Wind appropriate for effective, safe ventilation. If the
compartment is on the windward side, the removal
In high-rise buildings, the effect of winds can be or opening of windows will result in the smoke
far higher than in low-rise buildings. The wind and hot gases being driven into the building. If the
speed generally increases with height. Thus a 5 compartment is to leeward, the smoke and hot
metre per second wind at ground level might cor- gases will be drawn out.
respond to a 10 metre per second 10 storeys up,
and a 13 metre per second wind 20 storeys up. 6 Ventilation below the Fire
A wind creates high pressure on the upwind side of This may be necessary where cool smoke has
a building and low pressure on the downwind side. spread downwards or where no other form of ven-
tilation is viable. It should be borne in mind that
This can have a significant effect on the stack tactical ventilation between floors will compro-
effect, depending on the location of the outlet vent. mise passive fire safety measures simply because
If the outlet is on the side of the building facing any doors between floor levels must be held open
into the wind, it may prove impossible for the hot in order to complete a route to open air for the
smoke and gases to escape, as the high pressure smoke.
due to the wind may prove stronger than the buoy-
ancy effect of the hot gases. Alternatively, if the It is important to ensure, whenever possible, that
outlet faces down wind, the stack effect may be the inlet vent is at the lower level, and the outlet
increased by the presence of the negative pressure. vent at the upper level, to prevent hot gases being
forced to the floor below and causing fire spread or priority. Even if these gases are not already at their
a backdraught. The problems associated with the auto-ignition temperature, the risk of backdraught
movement of the products of combustion should will still be present if fresh air and a source of igni-
be fully appreciated before this type of ventilation tion are introduced.
is begun.
Where gases are at their auto-ignition temperature,
7 Ventilation above the Fire the introduction of a fresh air supply may be suffi-
cient to cause a backdraught. It is important there-
This tactic may be required where there has been fore, to identify where hot smoke and gases are
significant spread of hot smoke and gases above accumulating. The most likely places are the floor
the fire floor. The primary objective of ventilation level immediately above the fire if stopping
would be to ensure the safe escape of any persons between floors is breached or inadequate, or at the
remaining in the premises, but an equally impor- top of unventilated vertical shafts such as stair-
tant objective would be to minimise the possibility wells or lift shafts.
of a backdraught if there has been a build-up of
flammable gases anywhere. 8 Ventilation of the Fire Floor
In order to reduce the inherent risks of back- As always, knowledge of the building layout is
draught and fire spread, it is important to ventilate essential. Depending on the layout, either horizon-
any spaces containing hot flammable gases as a tal or vertical ventilation may be possible.
Tactical Ventilation 65
Provided the stack effect can be induced, it may be
possible to ventilate vertically by using a stairwell
or other vertical shaft. However, where the vertical
space is too high or large, when compared with the
size of the fire, this may result in smoke logging at
levels below the vent to open air.
Chapter 12 - Summary
Properly used, it can have significant beneficial 4 Decide whether to adopt vertical or horizon-
effects on firefighting: tal ventilation.
• it can assist escape by restricting the spread 5 If the wind will not provide sufficient venti-
of smoke on escape routes, improving visibil- lation on its own, once the vents have been
ity and extending available egress times; made, consider whether forced ventilation
may help.
• it can aid rescue operations by reducing the
smoke and toxic gases which hinder search 6 Select the locations of the inlet and outlet
activities and endanger trapped occupants; vents, and decide how they are to be made.
• it can improve the safety of firefighters by
7 Arrange for the outlet vent or vents to be cov-
reducing the risk of flashover, and making it
ered by manned charged hoselines.
easier to control the effects of a backdraught;
• it can speed attack and extinguishment by 8 Consider whether firefighters inside the
removing heat so that firefighters can enter a building need to be withdrawn whilst ventila-
building early and, by removing smoke and tion takes place. If so, withdraw them.
improving visibility, make its easier for fire-
9 Notify all concerned of the intention to start
fighters to locate and deal with the fire;
• it can reduce property damage where the fire
can be located and tackled more quickly and, 10 Make the outlet vent first. This may result in
by limiting the movement of smoke and hot an initial fireball.
gases, restrict fire spread.
11 If the inlet vent is also the firefighter's point
Incorrectly applied, it can initiate backdraughts, of access, no further action may be necessary.
cause fire spread and place firefighters at risk. Otherwise, once any initial effects have
occurred, make the inlet vent.
The basic principles in commencing ventilation
can be summarised in a simple checklist: 12 If being used, start up the PPV/NPV fan.
1 Identify the purpose of the ventilation. This The effects of the ventilation must be closely
will determine whether the approach is to be supervised, and the progress inside the building
offensive or defensive. must be reported to the Officer-in-Charge.
Tactical Ventilation 67
Aide Mémoire
the removal of heated air, smoke and other airborne contaminants from a structure, and their
replacement with a supply of fresher air.
Self Ventilation
occurs when the fire damages the structure so that increased ventilation occurs.
Automatic Ventilation
occurs when pre-installed vents are activated automatically, usually in the early stages of the fire,
by the fire detection system or fusible link devices.
Tactical Ventilation
requires the intervention by the fire service to open up the building, releasing the products of com-
bustion and allowing fresher air to enter.
Natural Ventilation
describes collectively the techniques of vertical and horizontal ventilation when they are not assist-
ed by mechanical means. This includes the use of pre-installed vents, windows, doors etc.
Forced Ventilation
describes collectively the techniques of vertical and horizontal ventilation when mechanical means
are used to assist in removing the hot gases and smoke, or in providing a supply of fresh air.
Offensive Ventilation
ventilating close to the fire to have a direct effect on the fire itself, to limit fire spread, and to make
conditions safer for the firefighters.
Defensive Ventilation
ventilating away from the fire, or after the fire is out. to have an effect on the hot gases and smoke,
particularly to improve access and escape routes and to control smoke movement to areas of the
building not involved in the fire.
Tactical Ventilation 69
Further Reading
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