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129 - MARCH 2023

Camping 101: take a flashlight
and an H145
Planning to be disruptive
Meet the first all-female
crew to fly Airbus’ NH90
in New Zealand

Preparing the Future



In Europe’s first large-scale multi-domain flight demo, led by Airbus, two fighter jets, one H145
helicopter and five unmanned remote carriers teamed up and accomplished a mission that could
occur in real-life situations. The Future Combat Air System (FCAS) Manned-Unmanned Teaming
Demonstrator project will now move to the next phase: further paving the way for FCAS by
developing a flying remote carrier (RC) demonstrator in the coming years.

a safer world


During the month of January, as part of its Antarctic 12 ADDITIONAL FIVE-BLADED H145s
campaign, for the first time, the Chilean Navy used a FOR ITS MOUNTAIN BASES
STUDIES BEGIN FOR NEXT GENERATION EUROPEAN ROTORCRAFT Dauphin AS365 to carry out logistical support tasks, in the The Swiss Air-Rescue Service Rega has ordered a second 3
Airbus Helicopters is coordinating the European Union’s Next Generation Rotorcraft Technologies world’s southernmost region. 3,000kg of basic necessities batch of 12 five-bladed H145 helicopters to be operated
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Project (ENGRT), as part of the 2021 European Defence Fund (EDF). The EDF promotes cooperation were transported to the bases in a resupply manoeuvre with from its mountain bases. They will replace the current
among European companies and research institutes of different sizes and geographical origin the cargo hook, transporting 600kg of cargo from the ship fleet of AW109SP helicopters. This new order follows an
in the EU, strengthening the resiliency and strategic autonomy of Europe. ENGRT will focus on to land on each of the trips in the most extreme conditions. initial contract for nine H145s, announced in March 2022.
analysing and understanding the needs of European armed forces for rotorcraft operations beyond At the same time, a Dauphin was used to support rescue By 2026, Rega will operate an all-Airbus fleet consisting
2030. The project’s partners will study military rotorcraft concepts of operations and define key training in Antarctica, for the first time in history. With a of 21 five-bladed H145s.
technologies needed for future military rotorcraft. Alternative rotorcraft concepts and architectures water temperature of -3°C, swimmers could only spend
will be explored. This project will pave the way for the next generation of military rotorcraft in Europe. 25 to 30 minutes submerged in the coldest water on Earth.
The contract for this project was signed in December 2022.


Airbus has announced the selection of Eaton and Crouzet to provide the Electrical Power
Distribution System and the human‑machine interface of CityAirbus NextGen, respectively.
The providers’ valuable experience in electrical power management and flight deck controls
will ensure the seamless integration of the two subsystems into the prototype’s architecture.
Additionally, as key contributors to the aircraft’s performance levels, reliability, and safety,
the two parts will have an important impact on the vehicle’s capabilities.

and supporting
our customers


Airbus Helicopters is broadening its range of MRO The Helicopter Company (THC), established by the Public Airbus Helicopters’ high speed demonstrator switched on for the first time,
capabilities, following its acquisition of ZF Luftfahrttechnik Investment Fund (PIF) as the first helicopter services passing a significant technical milestone which validates the readiness of
4 GmbH, in a move which also secures additional provider licensed to operate commercial flights in the the aircraft’s core avionic systems, software integration compatibility, and 5
competencies in the area of dynamic systems. With Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has signed an HCare In-Service electrical harnesses. It is also a symbolic milestone, which illustrates progress
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over 100 years of experience in the aviation industry, contract to cover its future fleet of six ACH160 helicopters. and paves the way towards the first flight later this year. Assembly of the aircraft
the company will now operate under the name Airbus When delivered, the ACH160s will be deployed across began in 2021 in Donauwörth with the installation of several major components,
Helicopters Technik GmbH as a wholly-owned subsidiary the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for corporate transportation such as the canopy, box wings, fuel system and cowlings, before then being
located in Kassel‑Calden. The world-leading manufacturer services. The HCare In-Service package has been tailored transferred to Marignane for final assembly. Developed within the framework
of dynamic components for light and medium helicopters to THC’s planned operational needs, providing parts of the European Research Clean Sky 2 project, which involves 40 partners
including related services with a global customer base availability services to optimise maintenance planning from 13 European countries, the high-speed demonstrator will be optimised for
is also a national leader with regards to the MRO for and service delivery. a cruising speed of more than 400km/h and aims to achieve the best compromise
dynamic components of military helicopters. between speed, cost-effectiveness and mission performance.

08 32
Airbus Helicopters news The Alouette III retires
and events by the numbers

26 Preparing O F F T H E
Bruno Even, CEO of Airbus Helicopters
Paris Dakar Rally the Future Meet the first all-female
crew to fly Airbus’ NH90
in New Zealand
“Innovations that were once merely
on the horizon are beginning to arrive.”
W OR D S Here we are, with the dust barely settled how the CityAirbus NextGen can deliver medical
The all-terrain guardian on a 2022 that was filled with challenges and services in a range of scenarios and we launched
angel of the Andes accomplishments. With 2023 already offering LifeSaver, an initiative that will support stakeholders
a similarly uncertain context, at Airbus Helicopters in the assimilation of the new technology to respond
we can find comfort in the proven dedication and to the needs of a world that will continue to change.
ingenuity of our colleagues, who, like our products,
30 continue to go above and beyond. The helicopter
market is recovering but it is a recovery that requires
A message that we also heard loud and clear
from our operators during the Summit is that
W OR D S Communication Director: Yves Barillé (Publication nurturing and support. Hearing the stories of our reducing carbon emissions is a priority for them.
Director). Editor in Chief: Ben Peggie (stephen-
Camping 101: [email protected]). Director of helicopters flying rescue missions in the United Thinking about the many essential operations
photography: Jérôme Deulin. Photo credit: Airbus;
take a flashlight Renee Altrov; Dusan Atlagic; Stefanie Aumiller; Diane States and Ecuador should be a source of pride for our products deliver and considering helicopters’
Bond; Buggs’ Photoqraphy; Ned Dawson; Jérôme
and an H145 Deulin; Lorette Fabre; Fuerzas Armadas de Ecuador; us. Their contributions make the difference between relatively modest contribution to global emissions,
Hélicoptères de France/J.-M. Geneschi; Christian
Keller; Alejandro Marentes; Christian Marxen; Neste; life and death. These operators need us more than people may think that decarbonisation might
Kim Ohman; Ken Oja; Anthony Pecchi; Eric Raz;
Kristi Sits; Olivier Tomas; Vik; Cara-Irina Wagner Foto ever and we have to be ready to deliver on all fronts. not be their priority – but this is absolutely not
Hirsch; DR. Translation: Airbus Translation Services;
Amplexor. Published by: . (Copyright the case. Sustainable aviation fuel can deliver a
Airbus Helicopters 2023, all rights reserved). Airbus
Helicopters’ logo and the names of its products and Even in this fluid context, one challenge that is net reduction in carbon emissions of 80% and
services are registered trademarks.
absolutely not fluctuating and remains a consistent this is a first step in reducing carbon emissions
priority is the aviation industry’s need to reduce but we are aiming higher. Everyone has the right
6 its carbon emissions. Airbus has a multifaceted to live in a safe and united world. As a leader in 7
strategy to reach IATA’s goal of net zero flying aviation, our mission is to deliver security and
ROTOR - No.129 - MARCH 2023

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Don’t miss out!
by 2050 and we are delivering the bricks that prosperity to communities everywhere. Our world
Subscribe to receive
the digital version form the foundations. Innovations that were once is constantly evolving and of course this brings
For more information of Rotor Magazine merely on the horizon are beginning to arrive. challenges but it is also a beautiful thing. The future
directly in your inbox. The Airbus Summit at the end of 2022 introduced arrives with new opportunities and our continued
Join us on Join us on
facebook/AirbusHelicopters linkedin/AirbusHelicopters the DisruptiveLab. Our latest demonstrator will test transformation is important as it allows us to provide
Subscribe now technology designed to bring significant reductions our operators with the solutions they need to make
Follow us on Follow us on
twitter/AirbusHeli youtube/AirbusHelicopters of carbon emissions. We also shared a vision of a difference to the lives of the people they fly.

Preparing the Future

20,839 total
NH90 Sea Lion helicopters in operation
delivered to built today
the German Navy

374 40 partners
gross orders

in 13 European
in 2022

countries are
working together OPERATORS
on the RACER at the end

high speed
of 2022

Helicopters fly essential missions and can literally make life-saving interventions.
in 2022 With such an important role, there might be an assumption that their environmental
impact might be less of a priority. Yet, in increasing numbers helicopter operators
are committing themselves to reducing their emissions in a variety of ways.
Articles: Alexandre Marchand and Ben Peggie

52% 3,031,000
8 9
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total flight hours
covered by Protecting the environment for future generations forms a key part of Airbus’ mission to make
in 2022
Flight Hour the world a safer and more united place. Exploring this commitment to preparing the future,
MARKET SHARE contracts Rotor takes a look at the exciting innovations and cooperation that are creating more efficient
civil and parapublic products and ways of flying that will emit less CO2 and ensure future generations can benefit
in 2022 from the vital connectivity that helicopters deliver.
1 2


Planning to be Helicopters currently represent less than 1%

of aviation CO2 emissions, yet to try to protect
the planet for future generations, Airbus has made

reducing the carbon emissions of its products
an absolute priority. “At Airbus Helicopters,
we are committed to the IATA target of flying net
zero by 2050,” states Tomasz Krysinski, Head of
Research and Innovation at Airbus Helicopters.
“This is a key driver for our innovation strategy.
Designed to test technology We have a strong roadmap to meet IATA’s target,
that will significantly reduce which includes different solutions: starting with
the use of alternative fuels and further developing
carbon emissions, Airbus’ hybridisation and electrification – like the
DisruptiveLab concept CityAirbus NextGen, our Advanced Air Mobility
helicopter flew for the first time prototype.” However, this new age of vertical lift
will not happen overnight. That’s why a key part of
in January. Tomasz Krysinski, Airbus’ innovation strategy focuses on introducing
Head of Research and innovations that will reduce carbon emissions. integrated and allows us to significantly reduce
the drag.”
Innovation at Airbus Helicopters, DON’T BE A DRAG 3. The shape of the fuselage is also designed to
explains the innovations inside. In order to develop the next generation improve efficiency. “We tested 40 configurations
of innovations, Airbus relies on several flying of the fuselage in a wind tunnel. The one we
laboratories as a way to quickly mature new selected enables us to reduce drag by 20%
technologies. The DisruptiveLab is a brand compared to the previous version,” notes
new demonstrator that flew for the first time Krysinski. “We also simplified the tail to reduce
on 13 January, with a totally new architecture. maintenance.”
This latest flying laboratory will evaluate an 4. The Fenestron has also been redesigned
efficient propulsion system by testing a fully to reduce the number of mechanical parts.
parallel hybrid propulsion system that enables “It has 40% fewer compared to the previous
batteries to be recharged in-flight. Its new version. The best mechanical part is the part
aerodynamic architecture is intended to reduce you don’t have – as it will never need to be
fuel consumption, by reducing mass and drag. maintained. This modulated Fenestron is even
With a target of reducing carbon emissions by quieter, easier to maintain and the diameter of
50%, many an innovation will be tested and the hub has also been reduced. This reduces
featured on the DisruptiveLab. Rotor is taking a global part of the tail, so consequently
a look at the top five which Tomasz is most it reduces drag.”
excited about: 5. With the DisruptiveLab, Airbus will also
1. “A helicopter’s rotor hub is responsible introduce reversible hybridisation, which allows
for roughly 40% of the drag in a flight. transmission of power from the turbine to
The DisruptiveLab’s hub includes our entire the batteries and vice versa. This will allow
blade concept with integrated dampers, a huge reduction of CO2 emissions.
10 which is completely compacted. Compared to 11
previous helicopters, it offers a reduction of 40%
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1: The DisruptiveLab flying for the first time, of drag. It is really an enormous step forward.”
13 January 2023. FLIGHTLAB
2. Whilst it might not immediately be apparent
2: 40 fuselage configurations were tested in a wind as a source of drag, the landing gear can also Airbus started work on its first demonstrator,
tunnel to reduce drag by 20%. the FlightLab, in 2020. The FlightLab uses
have an impact on aerodynamic performance.
3: The DisruptiveLab’s rotor hub offers a reduction an existing H130 platform and is mainly
“On every helicopter, there is always
of drag of 40% compared to previous helicopters. dedicated to researching and developing
a compromise between the rotor and the technologies related to enhanced autonomy
4: A look inside the DisruptiveLab’s cabin. landing gear, due to ground resonance. Here we and safety technological bricks.
5: The FlightLab was Airbus’ first flying laboratory. are testing a completely new concept, it is highly

Fuel for thought

The aviation industry recognises
sustainable aviation fuel
(SAF) as a key pillar in its
decarbonisation strategy.
Neste’s Vice President Europe
of Renewable Aviation,
Jonathan Wood, explains
what the company is putting in
the pipeline to meet the surge 1

in demand for renewable fuels.

HOW IS SAF DIFFERENT AND WHAT ARE Multi-year contracts have been signed and there to be as much certainty as possible on demand 1: An ACH130 on
THE ADVANTAGES FOR OPERATORS? are many production projects in the pipeline. and revenue. Governmental policy is important a runway standing
by for refueling with
Jonathan Wood: SAF is a direct replacement Interest from helicopter operators has also grown. because it has an impact on creating the Neste SAF.
for regular fossil jet fuel but rather than bringing We’re seeing an interest from air ambulance work necessary demand certainty. Supportive policy like
2: A vial of SAF – every
more carbon out of the earth and putting it into as well as offshore work servicing wind farms in mandates would lead to an increase in projects Airbus helicopter can
the ecosystem, we are instead recycling carbon the North Sea. being given the green light. currently fly with a 50%
blend of SAF.
by using waste biomaterials. Firstly, it delivers a net
carbon emission reduction versus fossil jet fuel, HOW MUCH SAF IS BEING USED RIGHT AIRBUS AND NESTE SIGNED 3: A ground crew member
gets ready to refuel
amounting to roughly 80% over the fuel’s life cycle. NOW? WHAT IS NESTE’S TARGET A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING an aircraft.
Another advantage of SAF is that it is approved as TO SCALE UP PRODUCTION? TO WORK TOGETHER IN 2022. WHAT ARE
a normal jet fuel that can be used in any aircraft J.W.: In 2022, Neste produced around THE BENEFITS TO WORKING TOGETHER
or helicopter once blended with regular jet fuel, so 100,000 tonnes of product. We cannot be sure how ON PROJECTS SUCH AS THESE?
there is no need for new infrastructure. Our ambition much product from other suppliers is out there but J.W.: As one of the top two aircraft manufacturers
is to grow the renewable fuel market as quickly it’s safe to say that if you consider the overall jet in the world, Airbus has enormous credibility
as possible. That means not just the physical fuel demand, which pre-Covid was over 300 million and is key to the decarbonisation of the industry.
production and supply, but also making it as easy tonnes, SAF met about 0.1% of total demand. The benefits include working together on product
as possible for people to choose to fly with SAF. Neste will grow its production capacity to 1.5 million specification issues, with the aim of getting
tonnes by the end of 2023. A massive increase. approval for an increase in the SAF ratio permitted,
HAS THE SAF TOPIC CHANGED There are also many other projects advancing meaning it can be used as a pure fuel. For example,
12 IN RECENT YEARS? worldwide. Many independent studies suggest that currently Airbus helicopters can all fly with as 13
J.W.: The topic of SAF has taken off massively. we could achieve 10% SAF provision by 2030. much as 50% SAF but we are working together to
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We’re supplying SAF on an ongoing basis in three increase the ratio to 100%. We also want to work
major regions: Europe, the Americas and Asia WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES together when speaking to key policy makers about
Pacific. Now the debate [within the industry] has TO INCREASING SAF USAGE? ways to promote usage of SAF, as well as better
changed from ‘do we need to do decarbonisation?’ J.W.: Investing in SAF production requires understanding the non CO2 benefits from flying with
to ‘we have to’. SAF is going to be the means that significant investment. To achieve the industry SAF. We are also exploring ways to work together
delivers the majority of the decarbonisation that decarbonisation target, we need to invest with key industry stakeholders when selling our
we, as an industry, need to achieve. It’s massively hundreds of billions of dollars. Projects need to products - so that we can stimulate further the
different to how it was three or five years ago. be de-risked to get financed and there needs voluntary demand for SAF.




Pioneers for
the greater good
With 1.2 million missions in over
50 years of saving lives, air rescue
operator ADAC Luftrettung is a true
pioneer of helicopter emergency 1

medical services (HEMS). However,

at Munich’s Harlaching Hospital. The H145 used
as a non-profit organisation, it also a second-generation biofuel for the first rescue
wants to break new ground in reducing WHAT ARE THE MISSIONS THAT ADAC helicopter flight worldwide. We subsequently
LUFTRETTUNG PERFORMS? expanded our commitment and have initiated
CO2 emissions. CEO Frédéric Bruder Frédéric Bruder: As pioneers of air rescue, two scientific research projects. Since December
explains why the company takes we have been helping people in acute health 2021, we have been testing the use of SAF
the responsibility for protecting the emergencies for more than 50 years. With more
than 50 rescue helicopters and 37 air rescue bases,
at our “Christoph Rheinland” air rescue base
at Cologne/Bonn Airport. In cooperation with Safran
environment equally seriously. the non-profit ADAC Luftrettung is one of the largest Helicopter Engines, Airbus Helicopters and the
air rescue organisations in Europe, with more than National German Aerospace Centre (DLR), we are
1.2 million dedicated HEMS missions to-date. Our investigating the long‑term effects of bio-kerosene
life-saving work during the 2021 Ahrtal (Ahr Valley) on the technology and engines of the Airbus H145
flood was particularly prominent. Up to six ADAC helicopter. In September 2022, we went into trial
rescue helicopters were active in the flooded areas. operation with another site. In Aachen, “Christoph
In total, our flying “Yellow Angels” (Gelbe Engel) Europa 1” is also flying rescue missions with
completed more than 200 rescue missions in bio-kerosene. An Airbus H135 with Pratt & Whitney
the disaster area in July and August 2021, including engines is used there. The HEFA blend is currently
111 winch rescues. The dedicated ADAC helicopter between 31% and 35%, which means that a CO2
“Christoph 23 Bravo”, which was specially deployed reduction of 25% can already be achieved by using 3
to the Ahr Valley, flew 36 special missions with SAF. With an increase in the proportion of biofuel,
rescue winches in the first few hours at dawn to potential CO2 savings of 80% and more will be
save people from roofs or balconies of houses possible in the future. The goal is to accumulate
14 trapped by water. 1,000 flight hours with SAF in each of the two and many other aspects. Based on our by-laws 1: ADAC Luftrettung set a 15
research projects. and our statute as a non-profit organisation new milestone in international
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aviation when its H145 flew
WHEN DID ADAC LUFTRETTUNG FIRST paired with our will to be pioneers for the greater with SAF for the first time
USE SUSTAINABLE AVIATION FUEL? WHY DID YOU MAKE THIS A PRIORITY? good, we want to play an active part in achieving on 7 June 2021.
F.B.: On 7 June 2021, an ADAC Luftrettung rescue F.B: We have always been pioneers at ADAC the ambitious climate targets in Germany and 2: Its current blend of SAF
helicopter flew on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for Luftrettung. Although our primary mission is Europe. Sustainability is a central issue for ADAC offers emissions reductions
of 25%.
the first time, setting a new milestone in international to save lives with our rescue helicopters, we are of Luftrettung, and we are increasingly aligning
aviation. The Airbus H145 rescue helicopter, with course aware of the impact our type of operation our company and our actions to it. We have set 3: With more than 50 rescue
helicopters, ADAC Luftrettung
its Arriel 2E engines, was ceremonially refuelled has on the environment. By the way, not only in ourselves the ambitious goal of being a pioneer in is one of the largest air rescue
with biofuel, a type of SAF, at the air rescue base terms of emissions, but also in terms of noise CO2 reduction in air rescue on a global scale. operations in Europe.



Investing and Tim Boyle: In order to do the best job of deciding

how much, and how to, offset, we work with
a partner out of Victoria. They apply a proven

auditing system to our company and they
look at all aspects of operations. Obviously,
the consumption of kerosene is our number one
contributor to our carbon footprint. However,
we also look at commercial flights that our crews
take, repositioning, transport, ground transport
Sustainable aviation fuel is not the and all aspects of our business from how we
only method operators can use to handle recycling to electric, providing charging for
achieve a net reduction in emissions. electric vehicles for our employees at our facilities
and modernising our own fleet towards electric as
Rotor caught up with Tim Boyle, well. So, with that process, we establish as close
General Manager and Accountable as possible how many tonnes of carbon we’re
emitting. We just completed an audit here in the
Executive of Blackcomb Helicopters, last few weeks and our organisation consumed
who fly an array of missions in 4,600 tonnes of CO2. And we will offset 100% 3
of that. We work with the Nature Conservancy
British Columbia, Canada, and of Canada on a project in the West Kootenay
Jaspal Jandu, CEO of the aviation Mountains, where a large area is referred to as
1: Tim Boyle, General Manager and Accountable Executive of Blackcomb Helicopters.
leasing company LCI – they filled the Dark Woods Conservancy, and it is setting
aside this forest for the next 100 years minimum.
understand how important sustainability is
– I think as a leasing company, we are uniquely 2: Jaspal Jandu, CEO of the aviation leasing company LCI.
us in on their strategies to minimise This would have been logged. It is pristine positioned to drive that message home. In
3: Blackcomb Helicopters fly an array of missions in British Columbia.
and offset their CO2 emissions. forest the logging industry was very interested terms of asset investing, we have a broad range
4: Boyle (left) and Jandu (second right) discussed the importance of reducing emissions with
in. The Nature Conservancy took the steps of of assessment criteria. Of course, any near-
Airbus Helicopters CEO Bruno Even (second left) and Head of Innovation Tomasz Krysinski
protecting that and managing that. So, for now, term improvements in operating performance, (right) moderated by Airbus’ Alex Lepa.
it’s the first step. We all know offsetting isn’t particularly in payload or range, are attractive.
perfect, but it’s what’s available to us at this time. However, we also take a longer-term view on
Of course, we’re looking forward to the availability how attractive an asset may or may not be in 25 4
of sustainable aviation fuel as our next step. or 30 years’ time. Over such horizons, it can be
said that sustainability arguments will only get
AS A LESSOR, WHAT DIFFERENT louder from their current volume and, therefore,
1 2
SUSTAINABILITY ELEMENTS DO they become even more important to us. For
LCI CONSIDER WHEN DECIDING example, we have just recently made an order
ON NEW HELICOPTERS? with Airbus Helicopters for the H175, which
Jaspal Jandu: LCI is an aviation leasing company incorporates modern and incredibly fuel-efficient
16 and we are actively addressing sustainability technology, and the helicopter can perform 17
challenges in three key areas. Number one, at a missions that older technology simply can’t match.
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business level, we are running our products, In addition, we are part of Airbus Helicopters’
business and leasing platform as efficiently as Sustainable Aviation Forum, which looks to provide
we possibly can. Number two, we are investing feedback on how we’re going to use SAF in the
a significant amount of capital in new-technology technology products and what it means for a
aircraft and promoting the use of SAF and SAF-like long‑term residual value. I can only speak from
fuels in such products. Number three, we are experience by saying sustainability and general
raising awareness and engaging at a broader social consciousness is becoming a very important
level to ensure that financiers and investors factor in how we allocate capital in this sector.

The Grand
Furthermore, since last year, the use of biofuel
(sustainable aviation fuel, or SAF) has become
a requirement.


“Reducing the carbon footprint has been one of
the Tour’s main concerns for several years,” says

on Tour
Jean-Marc Genechesi. “Just as electric cars have
been introduced to the convoy, last year ASO asked
us to cover a third of all stages with SAF fuel, which
we did.” Technically, this is a non-event: the Arriel
engines from Safran Helicopter Engines are certified
to run on fuel supplied by Total, which can contain
Helicopters play an essential up to 50% biofuel. With this level of SAF, the carbon 1: Jean-Marc Genechesi,
role in the live broadcasting of footprint of the helicopters is reduced by a third, pilot, instructor and director
of Hélicoptères de France.
major sporting events. The use with no change in consumption or power output
2: Helicopters play an
compared with traditional fuel. “Last year, we had
of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) a logistical problem with SAF,” Genechesi explains,
essential role in relaying
the images from the Tour
is a powerful lever for reducing “because Total only had one storage and delivery de France to millions of
spectators every year.
point in the south of France. For the 2023 Tour,
their carbon footprint. The Tour SAF will be available at several airports, which will 3: High above the French
de France and HBG group’s help us achieve even more ambitious consumption countryside.

HBG is a family-owned group with various brands, objectives.” Hélicoptères de France plans to use 4: A fleet of helicopters ready
helicopters are a case in point. including Mont Blanc Hélicoptères and Hélicoptères SAF for 50% of the stages for ASO and 30% to fly into action.

de France. Each of these two companies has for France Télévisions. A small breakthrough for 5: The best way to get a
its own area of excellence: the former for EMS, a major event. view of the Viaduc de Millau
during the Tour de France.
the latter for aerial work, fire fighting and support
for world-class events. Examples include the Dakar
Rally in winter and cycling races the rest of the year,
culminating in the Tour de France in July. “We use 5
seven to nine helicopters for this big race,” explains
2 Jean-Marc Genechesi, pilot, instructor and director
of Hélicoptères de France. “Our helicopters are
in fact used by two clients: ASO, the organiser
of the Tour, and Euromedia (for France Télévisions),
which provides the images that are broadcast
around the world.”


Needs vary from one to the other: ASO uses
helicopters to move VIPs or organisers and
18 single‑engine H125s are sufficient. The case 19
is different for France Télévisions, which only
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works with twin-engine H125s for filming.
“A motorisation required for all low-level flights,”
explains Jean‑Marc Genechesi. “The perfection
and fluidity of the images provided throughout the
different stages of the Tour cleverly conceal the
complexity of the organisation, with, for example,
strict routing requirements and the need to set up
numerous temporary helipads to refuel the aircraft.

Aid first
In December 2022, Airbus
announced that one of the initial use
cases for its electric vertical take
off and landing (eVTOL) prototype
would be medical operations.
Airbus’ Head of UAM Balkiz
Sarihan explains how CityAirbus
NextGen’s unique capabilities will
support medical operators and,
more importantly, their patients.

WHAT WILL CITYAIRBUS NEXTGEN OFFER THIS KIND OF TECHNOLOGY comes into play with UAM. Ultimately, operators 1: Balkiz Sarihan, Head
of UAM at Airbus.
TO HEALTHCARE OPERATIONS THAT WILL BRING ADDED VALUE? have various, often differing, needs dependent
TRADITIONAL ROTORCRAFT CANNOT? B.S.: For medical services, there are two on a range of factors, but they will certainly 2: CityAirbus NextGen
can play a variety of roles
Balkiz Sarihan: We are analysing specific environments where the CityAirbus NextGen could want to have the advantageous option of being in supporting doctors
missions, working hand-in-hand with our be particularly useful. Firstly, the city archetypes with able to choose from a variety of trusted Airbus and their work.
operators and looking at their various mission highly dense, urban populations where reducing products for their fleets. In the future, we would
profiles in order to understand their requirements. sound levels is a priority. Secondly, distributed like CityAirbus NextGen to be part of this choice.
For operators seeking to integrate the CityAirbus communities, spread over large areas where the The ultimate goal is to have a rapid response time
NextGen into operations, their key drivers might capacity to send medical aid and first response and to further increase the efficiency of an overall
be patient or equipment transfers, or doctor to remote areas quickly, is currently challenging. EMS system, which we can complement with
drop‑off. It is a question of using the right asset This is confirmed by operators; we’re speaking to increasingly efficient products in our offering.
for the right mission in the rescue chain, to have some of the most advanced and reputable medical
the best possible patient outcome. We’re focusing services carriers around and their only mandate HOW LONG WILL IT BE UNTIL
on what is really unique and what really is different is to respond to the needs of the communities WE SEE THE CITYAIRBUS NEXTGEN
about the eVTOL and that is the ‘e’. Electrification and people that they serve. We are in constant FLYING MEDICAL MISSIONS?
opens up new possibilities, centred on reducing dialogue with specific experts in the field, allowing B.S.: This technology will arrive in the second
20 carbon emission and lowering sound levels. With us to feed a multitude of perspectives into our half of the decade. We are building something 21
the arrival of the CityAirbus NextGen, operators pre-design team, which we then use to push the that must be sustainable and viable, with the
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will be able to decide whether they need the specific capabilities of the product that we are technology sufficiently matured. We must deliver
capabilities of a traditional rotorcraft, such as a designing to match the needs of our operators. the level of trust that people expect from Airbus
helicopter’s power and range, and where an electric products. That is why choosing the first use
aircraft capable of operating in urban environments HOW WILL THE ARRIVAL OF ADVANCED cases is crucial. Sustainability is also about
with reduced sound might be complementary. AIR MOBILITY AND EVTOL TECHNOLOGY considering how we add value to citizens and
AFFECT THE HEMS MISSIONS FLOWN communities. Medical services are an essential
ARE THERE PARTICULAR AREAS, BY ‘TRADITIONAL’ HELICOPTERS? human right and our priority is to use technology
CITIES OR COUNTRIES WHERE B.S.: This is where the idea of complementarity to improve access to healthcare for everybody.

Beyond The technology set to usher in a new era of aviation

not dependent on fossil fuels will certainly create
opportunities in many fields. While the arrival of

the vehicle
drones and electric vertical take off and landing
(eVTOL) aircraft could improve the provision of
healthcare, effectively integrating it into the existing
ecosystem requires careful planning. Enter Airbus, 5
with its new LifeSaver solution.

Improving the quality of life for people NEW WORLD, NEW NEEDS
all over the world, creating social Planning and building a robust medical ecosystem is between Airbus and International SOS. Maximising
welfare and enhancing healthcare a challenge. Governments and healthcare providers the input from each partner, the solution combines
must plan for a range of factors, such as increasingly digital technology and public health expertise and
systems is an ongoing and developing ageing populations and recruiting and retaining makes that available to a country. “From design to
priority for almost everyone. That’s sufficient numbers of medical professionals. Today’s implementation to scaling of concrete improvement
context introduces new complexity such as greater initiatives, LifeSaver is really a long-term partnership
why Airbus’ latest programme is not health impacts from the effects of climate change, with a country. It is not about a specific helicopter
an aircraft, or anything that flies, but managing volatile economic markets and enhancing
or vehicle. We’re working in the background as
readiness for potential crises, such as global a system integrator, not operating emergency
instead responds to the growing pandemics, as LifeSaver Programme Manager services,” explains Groepper.
medical challenges the world is facing. Hubertus Groepper attests: “Organising an effective
emergency response is challenging. There are ONE PRIORITY: PATIENTS
many elements that all have to work together, from The partnership’s framework for success places
alerting and dispatching to medical treatment at the 6 the patient firmly at the heart of the solution. As Nick
scene all the way to the hospital, and using a variety Peters, International SOS’ Government Services
of transportation means on ground, on water and, CEO, explains: “the one thing that is core to all
1: Hubertus Groepper, LifeSaver Programme Manager. of course, in the air.” With revolutionary technology health care systems, whether you’re looking at
2: Nick Peters, International SOS’ Government Services CEO. promising new opportunities, selecting the tools very sophisticated, developed health care systems
to build an optimal public health system becomes or developing health care systems, the primary
3: Joonas Vänto, Director of Invest Estonia.
increasingly complex. As a leader in the aviation motivator is about better patient outcomes. Simply:
4: Estonians engaging with another digital innovation – a delivery robot.
industry and a key developer of innovative new how can you save more lives and how can you have
5: Estonia’s geography, with 2,222 islands and vast forests, eVTOL technology, it is natural that Airbus has been a quality of life after a medical intervention that allows
has emboldened the country’s digital innovation.
analysing how this technology should be integrated. people to continue to be productive within their
6 & 7: Staying connected outside of large cities is a priority in Estonia. This is the essence of LifeSaver, a partnership communities? That’s what LifeSaver is fundamentally
going to be measured against.” One country that
sees significant value in LifeSaver is Estonia, with
exactly 2,222 islands, vast forests and a reputation
1 2 3
for being at the forefront of digital innovation. When it
comes to ensuring healthcare access for its citizens,
Estonia implicitly understands the value disruptive
technologies offer, as well as recognising the
22 challenges of adopting them. “Our principal aim is to 23
use this innovation for better patient outcomes, with
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direct social benefit for Estonians. We are developing
our emergency medical services but as Estonia is
already recognised as a key innovation incubator,
we see LifeSaver as another example of our success
in applying modern approaches to overcome
challenges. We are proud when other countries
benefit from solutions developed here in Estonia,”
says Joonas Vänto, Director of Invest Estonia.

Ageing population

t hc
ea l
Effective regulations Optimum resource

n cy h
Economic context
Designing EMS

ew challenges for em

Preparing the future of emergency Growing population


healthcare systems Helicopters

Healthcare providers

ate n
Through sophisticated data analysis and consistent operating
standards, LifeSaver supports governments with the design

Strategic planning

and evolution of integrated emergency medical systems Medical centres

Medical crises CityAirbus NextGen

to save more lives.

c to

al fa
24 Sustainable funding 25

E x
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International context

Data driven
Building infrastructure
decision making

Natural disasters

© AIRBUS S.A.S. 2022. All rights reserved. Airbus, its logo and the product names are registered trademarks. Photo by Airbus. Concept design by Airbus MMS 20221984.
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Paris Dakar


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1 2



• 12 medical evacuation (medevac) missions

• 30 support missions during natural disasters
• 35 surveillance missions for the national oil
and gas pipeline industry
• 18 anti-drug trafficking missions
• 25 public security operations
• 25 reconnaissance operations
• 92 transport missions for government
and military authorities
• 42 troop and cargo transport missions
to support military operations
3 4

aid and tactical troop transport missions, among

THE ALL-TERRAIN others. They are incredibly versatile due to their

extensive range of special features, including a
rescue crane, jungle penetrators, external cargo

GUARDIAN ANGEL hook, weapon mountings, armour plating, night

vision goggles, electro-optical systems, fast-roping
and rappelling systems and emergency floatation

OF THE ANDES gear. “One of the factors that led us to choose

the H145 was its excellent performance in the hot
and high-altitude conditions typical of the city of
Cuzco in Peru. That was where we carried out the
capability assessment flight as members of the
technical committee during the project development life-saving medevac missions for both military 1: The H145s of the FAE
Ever since the Ecuadorian Air Force (FAE) received its first H145 helicopter one and phase,” said Major Luís Armas. “Compared with personnel and civilians,” explains the Major. are equipped with oxygen
systems developed
a half years ago, they have been in constant action to provide vital services for citizens. the competitors we analysed, the H145 met all specifically by Airbus
our requirements, but the most decisive factor A LONG HISTORY OF MUTUAL TRUST for this programme
From assistance during natural disasters to anti-drug trafficking missions and was its performance in hot and high-altitude The Ecuadorian Air Force is the main military in Ecuador to allow
operations in areas with
evacuations, the H145 brings out the best it has to offer in the heights of the Andes. conditions.” Indeed, the H145 has proven itself customer for the H145 in Latin America. Its contract limited oxygen due to
to be perfectly adapted to the conditions of the consists of a complete package embracing the high altitude.
Article: Belén Morant Andes. In recent years, it has achieved a number the helicopters themselves, special mission 2: The relationship
of feats, including landing where no other twin- equipment and logistical support. It also includes between the FAE and
Airbus Helicopters began
engine helicopter has ever landed before: the full training for 12 pilots and 15 technicians 50 years ago following
summit of Aconcagua at a height of 6,962m. covering everything from basic instruction to the purchase of the first
specific training for special operations, as well as Alouette helicopters
in 1972.
Ecuador suffered devastating floods in July of 2022: the roads had been washed out.” The Cobras have READY FOR THE MOST DEMANDING an operational exchange with members of the
10 rivers burst their banks, with slips affecting clocked more than 2,000 flight hours since the first MILITARY MISSIONS French National Gendarmerie to share knowledge 3: The FAE’s H145
fleet is mainly used to
28 roads and trapping thousands of people. Known H145s entered into service in May 2021, mostly While the FAE’s H145 fleet is mainly used to provide on public security operations. “Airbus Helicopters provide assistance for 29
as the Cobra in Ecuador, the H145 helicopters consisting of operations of vital importance to the assistance for the civilian population on vital SAR, has provided full support for the programme to the civilian population
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on vital SAR, medevac
of the FAE sprang into action to airlift stranded local population such as those described above. medevac and support missions during natural purchase these six H145s in each of the execution and support missions
inhabitants located following reconnaissance disasters, over recent months they have also stages, including training, logistical support and during natural disasters.
flights over the most severely affected areas. THE H145 FLEET: proven their worth for military and law enforcement knowledge transfer; they have even gone above Over recent months they
have also proven their
“The Ecuadorian winter was particularly wild in SERVING THEIR COUNTRY operations. “In the month of June, there were and beyond the terms agreed in the contract. In worth for military and law
the ranges and on the eastern coast,” explains The Ecuadorian Air Force received the last three of significant protests in Ecuador and many parts doing so, Airbus Helicopters is supporting the enforcement operations.
Major Luís Armas of the FAE. “We used our H145 a total of six H145 helicopters in April 2022. These of the country were cut off. During this period of Ecuadorian Ministry of National Defence in its 4: An H145 Cobra.
helicopters to perform essential SAR and medevac helicopters are configured for combat search and civil unrest, the H145s carried out various public efforts to develop new operational capabilities
missions and airlifting of supplies to places where rescue (CSAR), medevac, fire fighting, humanitarian security operations across the country along with with the H145,” concludes Major Luis Armas.

NEW MEXICO In early October 2022, 27 Boy Scouts and adults

set out from the visitor centre in New Mexico’s Gila

CAMPING 101: National Forest to camp amid its stunning cliffs.

Heavy rain caused the river to rise and split around
their site, cutting them off. Responding to a call,

TA K E the Santa Fe National Guard and New Mexico State

Police (NMSP) initiated a rescue, the latter with their
hoist-equipped H145. All 27 campers were located

A FLASHLIGHT and hoisted out, thanks to old-fashioned smoke

signals and a very modern helicopter.


Launching from Double Eagle airport in
Albuquerque, Sgt. Kevin Killpack, pilot with
the NMSP, was joined by hoist operator Kurtus
Tenorio, tactical EMS medic Jodie Esquibel and
A grateful troop of Boy Scouts owe rescue specialist Steve Montano. Rain and low
their rescue to the New Mexico State Police cloud ceilings forced Killpack to divert course to 2
and an H145. Rotor takes a closer look. avoid storm cells. The 10,000-foot-high mountains
also impeded a straight route in, so he refuelled
Article: H. Couthaud sixty miles east of where the Boy Scouts were
camped. Another shot: this time from the north There, they harnessed two Scouts at a time to the
and staying at 100 feet, Killpack tortuously worked hoist’s hook; Tenorio winched them up and into
his way around higher terrain. “We had determined the H145’s cabin. “There were a lot of high fives
the night before that the only way to get to and smiles. Those kids were definitely brave,” says
the scene was via helicopter,” he says. “We were Tenorio. The team were acutely conscious of their
never sure we were going to make it until we were helicopter’s gross weight. Calculating in real time,
only about five miles away.” Killpack was able to tell Tenorio how many more
children they could carry, who then relayed that to
“The only way to
TWO AT A TIME TO SAFETY his ground team so they could pack up the most
get to the scene Once on scene, they had to maximise time passengers. “We train for this,” says Killpack.
was via helicopter.” and fuel. While Killpack kept the H145 in a “But the aircraft is easy to work with. The computer
Sgt. Kevin Killpack,
pilot with the New Mexico stable 100- to 200-foot hover, Tenorio lowered system gives me information about our weight and
State Police Esquibel and Montano to the waiting campers. how much power I have.”
Any thought of landing was ruled out due to
1 trees and cliffs, leaving only two hoist-equipped
helicopters to fly people to safety. Halfway through 1: The New Mexico State
Police rescued 20 children
the mission, the NMSP learned about a smaller everything from assisting tactical law enforcement
and adults, helped by
group of campers who had set off down the river. squads, to working with the FBI and Homeland the National Guard who
30 Fortunately, the small party of four lit a fire and Security. And of course, doing search and rescue. rescued 7. 31
sent up a smoke signal. “We flew over them Seventeen hours after starting out, the mission
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2: The H145 of the New
multiple times coming in and out of there. We ended. Such was the intensity of the rotorcraft’s Mexico State Police was
the only civilian asset in
never would have seen them if we hadn’t seen activity – six roundtrips from the Boy Scouts’ site the state of New Mexico
the smoke,” Tenorio says. Besides the hoist, the to the visitor centre – that their refuelling runs able to carry out this
NMSP helicopter carries a forward-looking infrared, had exhausted gas reserves at the town of Truth mission, thanks to its
hoist and power reserves.
search light, loudspeakers and satellite antennae, or Consequences, grounding Killpack and his
plus a tactical flight operator station—overall, crew while they waited for a fuel truck. Killpack is 3: Heavy rain and flooding
trapped a troop of Boy
1,500lbs of mission equipment. With just a single unfazed. “You just do your job like you’re trained for. Scouts in New Mexico on
helicopter for the state, they use the H145 for We were all happy with the way this mission went.” 8 October 2022.




After 60 years of service and 330,000 flight hours, the last Alouette III
March 1959: first flight
helicopters operated by the French Navy were withdrawn from service of the first prototype, flown

at the end of 2022. The end of an amazing era, but also the beginning by Jean Boulet
June 1961: first flight
of a new one, with the upcoming arrival of the first H160s. of the first production series
1962: First delivery to
Article: Alexandre Marchand the French Navy
48 Alouette III remain
in service with 19 operators
52 Alouette III served in
Often compared to a moped with a large luggage the French Navy
rack, the Alouette appealed because it was easy More than 7 million flight
to maintain and operate, versatile and available. hours
Its technical success meant that the French Navy’s More than 1,400 helicopters
37 Alouette IIIs were constantly in action. On land or produced
aboard frigates and aircraft carriers, the Alouette was
always ready for any mission. Search and rescue,
surveillance, light transport, anti-submarine or anti-
narcotics, liaison, training, etc. Overseas, the aircraft’s
robustness was praised everywhere, from New the Goulet de Brest to protect the nuclear-powered
Caledonia to the West Indies, Polynesia and Reunion ballistic missile submarines, the SSBN (Sub Surface
Island. There was a time when Alouettes could be Ballistic Nuclear) of the French nuclear deterrent.
found in all four corners of the globe. Its availability
was legendary: “During my last deployment in A CHERISHED ANTIQUE
Martinique, only one flight was cancelled in two and Of course, the performance level was nowhere near
a half months of operation,” one pilot recalls. “And the level expected from a modern military helicopter.
despite its age, the Alouette played its role well: we The Alouette did not exceed 110kts and, at that
did a lot of anti-narcotics work alongside a Panther. speed, its range was limited to 290NM. Above all,
The Panther dealt with fast ships, but we were able its equipment was extremely basic and outdated,
to deal with the ‘slow movers’.” as were its canvas and tube seats. On the SA316B,
the very first model, the joystick had no anchor, and
‘SILENT WOLVERINE’ the aircraft had no trim. It was impossible to let go of
A few weeks before its final retirement, one of the last the flight controls! “In recent years, when we landed
three remaining operational helicopters was loaded on a field, people would rush to see the antique,” 3
32 onto the BCR (Command and Supply Ship) Somme says one pilot. What remains today is the image of 33
as part of Exercise Silent Wolverine. In the twilight of an intelligently designed aircraft with exceptional
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its career, the Alouette was given the opportunity to visibility that never let its crews down. These are all
work shoulder to shoulder with the battle group of characteristics that define the H160, the first of which 1: A French Navy Alouette 2: The Alouette performed 3: Flying in formation.
the USS Ford, the US Navy’s newest aircraft carrier. has recently been delivered to the Lanvéoc-Poulmic – a pioneering aircraft that a variety of missions for
paved the way for many the French Navy.
Earlier in the year, another Alouette carried out the base as part of the interim fleet. More powerful, helicopters to follow.
last long term embarkation on the anti-submarine faster, with better endurance and latest generation
frigate (FASM, Frégate Anti Sous-Marine) Latouche avionics, the H160 offers all the qualities required
Tréville. Until the end of 2022, the last three Alouettes to open a new and exciting chapter in the history
continued to serve the French Navy by monitoring of the Naval Air Force.

all part of the team’s day-to-day missions. They

can also depend on a considerable ally: the fleet’s 2
eight NH90 helicopters. With a unique blend of
capabilities, the rotorcraft excels at the diverse
range of 3 Squadron’s missions. Its large cabin,
twin-engine power output, tactical self-protection
capability and a complete anti-icing system make
the NH90 a trusty workhorse: “A key NH90 output
is National Contingency (NATCON), where an
aircraft and crew are on short notice to move,
ready to react to any sort of domestic crisis or
emergency event. This typically takes the form
of a search and rescue, or domestic natural
disaster response,” says FLTLT Brooke. The 1: Left to right:
Flight Lieutenant
Christchurch Floods in 2021 were one of the most Nicole Brooke,
challenging missions, where the NH90 once again Flying Officer Hayley


Vincent and Flight
proved its reliability and versatility. FLTLT Brooke
Sergeant Jen Hart.
recalls: “The aircraft’s range, speed and weather
2: Left to right:
protection meant the crew could rapidly deploy to

FGOFF Vincent,
Christchurch. We used the aircraft’s hoist system, F/S Hart and was our friend, photographer Ned Dawson, who
pilot automation and power output to successfully FLTLT Brooke put two and two together and realised this was
in the cockpit of
extract multiple survivors from floodwaters in a probably the first female crew on the NH90 in New

T O F LY A I R B U S ’ N H 9 0
the NH90.
night vision environment.” Zealand,” says FGOFF Vincent. This marks an
3: FLTLT Brooke (l)
finds the variety
important step for aviation, but most significantly
PIONEERING MILITARY AVIATION of the work and it demonstrates the necessity of considering all


For 3 Squadron, the NH90 has also become the
people the most
thrilling aspect of
the job, next to
fleet members equally, regardless of gender. FLTLT
Brooke explains: “I have been incredibly lucky to
emblem of a trailblazing milestone: FLTLT Brooke, FGOFF Vincent in have a fantastic wings course and workplace that
the cockpit.
FGOFF Vincent and F/S Hart form the first all-female never treated me differently. In 3 Squadron, we are
crew that flies the NH90 in New Zealand. The team 4: One of the treated exactly the same as our male colleagues.”
New Zealand Air
actually came together by chance: “We were Displaying the career opportunities that await men
Flying missions ranging from Army battlefield support, to search and programmed to fly together almost accidentally for
Force’s eight NH90
helicopters. and women in the Royal New Zealand Air Force,
rescue and amphibious operations, the Royal New Zealand Air Force’s a deployment on a mountain flying exercise and it and most of all, showcasing men and women
working together in these roles are crucial elements
No. 3 Squadron truly demonstrates the essential role helicopters to inspire future generations. Brooke continues:
have, but one crew in particular is blazing a trail in military aviation. “There has been a shift in the aviation industry to
3 showcase the role for both females and males.
Article: Isis Franceschetti The job really sells itself, we just need to show
women what the job actually is.”

“There has been Flight Lieutenant (FLTLT) Nicole Brooke, INNUMERABLE MISSIONS SUPPORTED
a shift in the Flying Officer (FGOFF) Hayley Vincent and Flight BY THE NH90 4

aviation industry Sergeant (F/S) Jen Hart are part of the all-female 3 Squadron gathers skilled and passionate
34 No. 3 Squadron crew of the Royal New Zealand aviators, who are able to operate in environments 35
to showcase
Air Force. In operational theatres where every where crews are given a high level of trust and
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the role for both second counts, agility is their motto. “Crews flexibility with a strong safety culture that underpins
females and operate in a dynamic environment, with training airborne decision making. “What I find most thrilling
males.’” flights often encompassing multiple disciplines about this job is the variety of our work and people
Flight Lieutenant and flight regimes,” said FLTLT Brooke. In these we work with,” says FLTLT Brooke. Mountain flying
Nicole Brooke
conditions, solidarity is a necessity. F/S Hart during a search and rescue mission, amphibious
explains: “We are very lucky that we have operations in the Tokelau’s or Sub-Antarctic
a close‑knit unit who are all friends, so we know region and operating with Army and police units
how each of us operates.” in a battlefield or counter terrorism capacity are


Helping to keep the world a beautiful place, Airbus HCare 

portfolio offers the best combination of support and services
for every customer. Starting the moment an Airbus helicopter
is delivered, we’ll make sure your operations are carried out
efficiently, safely and cost-effectively. Because when your
focus is on the mission, our focus is on you.  

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