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Prepared by: Berna Henson

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Define Folk tale and its purpose.
b. Identify and differentiate the characters in the story.
c. Relate and reflect to the selection “The Wonderful Pear Tree’.

Topic: The Wonderful Pear Tree (A Chinese Folktale translated by Herbert A Glies.)
Reference: Grade 8 Quarter 2 East Asian Literature Communing with Nature; PP 14 – 19,
Materials: Handouts, PowerPoint Presentation, chalk & board.



A. Preliminary Activities

“Good morning class. Before we continue

with our lesson, let us pray first. Who would
(One Student will volunteer to lead the
like to lead the prayer?”
“Thank you. Class Monitor, please check
Class Officer: For today Ma’am all of us are
the attendance, are all of your classmates’

B. Recall

Is there anyone in the class who still

remember our previous lesson? Student 1: Ma’am our previous lesson is
about the elements of the short story.

Great! How about the essential elements of

the short story? Can you give the elements of
a short story?
Fantastic! It’s nice to know that you can still Student 2: Ma’am the elements of the short
remember the elements of the short story. story are; title, Character, Setting, Plot,
Consists of Title, Setting, Character, Plot, Conflict, and Theme
Conflict, and the Theme.

C. Motivation

And now, I will show some pictures that are

related to our new lesson for today. And then,
tell me what the picture shows.

First picture

Student 1: Ma’am what was shown in the 1st

That’s right! How about the second picture? picture was a Chinese Lady.

Second picture

Student 2: Ma’am it looks like he was a

market vendor.
Great! He is a fruit vendor.

I think in the third picture, you now have an

idea of what it is. But let us have more

Third picture

Very Good! That is a market. Student 3: Ma’am it is a market with full of

And lastly, what do you see in the picture?
Fourth Picture

Student 4: Ma’am, it is a map of the Republic

of China!

Fantastic! This is a map of the Republic of

China. Now, do you have any idea what will
be our lesson for today?

Student 5: Ma’am I think, based on the

That’s correct! Very Good answer! pictures we’ve seen, our topic is all about
Chinese people and their culture or beliefs.

Today we will be having an example of a

Chinese Folk Tale. The pictures you’ve seen
are hints to the story you will be watching


Is there anyone in the class who will define

what is a Folktale?

Student 1: Folktale is a fictional story that is

Yes! that’s correct. It is a fictional story. A not true.
folktale is a story originating in popular
culture, typically passed on by word of
mouth. And were told for entertainment but
many also teach a lesson about proper
behavior and show what values are important.
Student 1: The Matching at si Pagong. The
Does anyone here have heard or read a
story was all about the greedy and clever
folktale before? What is it all about?
monkey and the turtle full of patience.
Very Good that was a Filipino Folk tale. I
think everyone of us have heard about the it.
Right? Is there Any other story?
Student 2: The Story of Pina. It is about the
little girl who was lost and believed that the
fruit with hundred eye shape plant was her
That’s right! Great answer the Story of Pina
was also famous in our culture. And we
learned a very valuable lesson to it. That we
need to respect and obey our parents all the

So now, everybody please watch the story

that I will play on the projector. Please
carefully analyze and understand what it is all
about because later we will have a short
Everybody: Yes, Teacher!
discussion about it.

The title of the story is “The Wonderful Pear

Tree” (A Chinese Folktale translated by
Herbert A Glies.)

(The teacher will play the movie clip of the

short story on the projector while the learners
are watching.)


Ok class, did you like the movie clip?

Did you understand the story? Everybody: Yes, Teacher!

Everybody: Yes, Teacher!

Again, what is the title of the movie clip Student 1: The title of the story is “The
you’ve watched? Wonderful Pear Tree”
Great! So, what do you think is the story all
Student 2: The story was all about the Poor
Old Chinese man asking for a piece of pear
from the stubborn and selfish Chinese
Yes, that’s correct! Does anyone have an
additional answer?
Student 3: In addition to that the story was all
about how the old man shared the pears to the

Very Good answer! What have you observed

about the characters in the story?
Student 4: Ma’am, in the story there were bad
characters like Mr. Shen and the good ones
like the young lady.

That’s correct! Most stories or tales have

different types of characters. We have the
Protagonist – these are the good guys while
the antagonists - are generally the bad guys.
Let me show you the Literary elements
Advance organizer for you to have ideas on
how to analyze a story much better.

In the characters as I have said before we

have two types. Protagonist and Antagonist.

In settings, we have the place and time.

The conflict part of the story has two sides

the internal Person vs. Self and the external
which includes 3 types; person vs. nature; the
person vs. person; and person vs. society.

And the last was the theme with two side the
moral or lesson and the central idea.

Do you understand clearly the elements of the


Everybody: Yes! Teacher!

For you to understand more deeper what the
story was all about. Here are some questions
you need to answer.

 Presentation of the Guide Questions

Answer the following questions.

1. Identify the characters in the story. What

roles do the characters play in the tale?

2. What are the characteristics of those

characters that you admire/don’t admire?

3. What was Shen’s intention in coming to the


4. If you were the priest, would you do the

same thing as what he did?

5. Considering the characters, to whom do

you sympathize? Why?

 Answering the Guide Questions

Let us answer the guide questions, Who

would like to answer the first one?
Ok, very good answer! The characters in the Student1: The characters in the story are
story are Mr. Shen, the old priest, the young Shen: the pear vendor; the old priest; the kind
lady, and the crowd. young lady and the crowd.

How about question no.2?

That’s great! We should really admire the

kindness of the young lady and should also be
Student 2: I really admire the character of the
like her at all times.
young lady because she is very kind.
Who has another answer?

Yes, that’s correct! Mr. Shen’s character in

Student 3: I don’t like the character of Mr.
the story was unpleasant because of his
Shen because of his selfishness.
selfishness and we should not be like him.

Let’s proceed to question no. 3

Student 4: Mr. Shen’s intention why he went

Very Good! His intention was to sell his fruits down to the town is to sell his pears and earn
in the market and to earn lots of money. lot of money.
How about question no.4?

Student 5: Yes, If I were the priest. I will do

the same thing to show Mr. Shen and other
people that being selfish is not good for
Ok, that’s true and correct. Being selfish will everyone.
not do a good thing for you and for others.

But is it ok that he tricks and uses Mr. Shen’s

pear to give to everyone?

Yes, on the other hand, we feel sorry for him. Student 6: For me it’s also not right because
But it was a lesson for him not to be selfish. Mr. Shen was left with an empty pocket after
the trick.

And lastly, question no. 5 who would like to


That’s correct. Who wants to be humiliated in

Student 7: In the two characters, I felt sorry
front of the crowd? No one right? So we’re
for the old priest for he was being humiliated
very sorry for the old priest for he felt that
by Mr. Shen in front of the crowd.
way in front of the crowd.

Good answer! On the other hand, we also Student 8: I also sympathized with Mr. Shen
sympathized with Mr. Shen for what at the end of the story because he was being
happened to his fruit, but it was a way to tricked by the old priest and used all his pears
remind him that it’s not good to be selfish. to give to the crowd.
And maybe his tree in his place will bear
more fruit after the incident in the town.


Complete the Literary Elements Graphic

Organizer using the “The Wonderful Pear








*Answering the Graphic organizer.

Title: The Wonderful Pear Tree

Setting: Somewhere in China

Characters: Shen: the vendor, the old priest,

the young lady

Plot: Once upon a time …

Climax: The old priest asking for a free pear

fruit to Shen the vendor.

Conflict: Shen disrespect and humiliate the

old priest in front of the crowd.

Resolution: The old priest trick everyone

especially Shen. That he has given all of
Shen’s fruit to the crowd. Thinking it was
from the tree he planted.

G. GENERALIZATION: Theme: Selfishness comes back to haunt them

while teaching a valuable lesson in the end.
What lesson in the story have you learned?
And would it be beneficial to you? Why?
Student 1: The lesson I have learned in the
story was respecting the elderly and being
kind to them. For me it would be very
Great Answer! Any other answer? beneficial because I know I haven’t hurt their
feelings and we need to help the ones who are
Awesome! I can’t imagine how you guys
were affected in the story you have watched. in need.

F. EVALUATION Student 2: The lesson I have learned is being

selfish and greedy won’t let you succeed.
Create a slogan using the theme in the folk
tale “The Wonderful Pear Tree”.


Group yourself into five members and

perform a short scenario of good deeds. And
perform it in front of the class tomorrow.

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