Rubric For Screencasting

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Rubric for Evaluating Screencasting Project

30 20 10 0
Introduction to The purpose of The purpose of The purpose of The screencast
Screencast screencast is screencast is screencast is needs to be
clearly stated and clearly stated but unclear and lacks recorded to
draws the fails to draw the appeal and include the
audience in with audience in with relevance to the purpose of the
compelling compelling audience. screencast.
questions or questions or
exciting hook. exciting hook.

Accuracy All information is Some information Some information Some information

accurate, and is is inaccurate, and is inaccurate, and is inaccurate, and
on-topic and is on-topic and is off-topic, and is off-topic, and is
presented in a presented in a presented in a not presented in a
logical order. logical order. logical order. logical order.

Audio Quality The entire The entire The narration is The narration is
narration is narration is audible, but the inaudible.
recorded at an recorded at an volume is either
audible level with audible level with too high or too
no pauses and minimal pauses low, or contains
disruption. and disruption. too many long
pauses or “um”
Visual Quality Every movement Some accidental or Major accidental The screencast
on the screen has unrelated or unrelated needs to be
a purpose and is movements on- movements on- recorded with
recorded. screen. screen. movements that
support the
content of the
Grammar and Grammar and Grammar and Grammar and Repeated errors in
Language Usage usage were usage were mostly usage were grammar and
correct. correct. typically correct usage distracted
but errors greatly from the
detracted from screencast.

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