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Lab 2

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 Learn the basic CLI and GUI tools to monitor system resources.
 Identify system calls used by programs written in C language.
 Learn to write simple batch/shell scripts.
SOFTWARE REQUIRED : Ubuntu/Fedora, gcc/gc, Text Editor, Terminal
HARDWARE REQUIRED : Core i5 in Computer Labs
A system monitor is a hardware or software component used to monitor system resources and performance
in a computer system. Among the management issues regarding use of system monitoring tools are resource
usage and privacy.
TASK 2.1
Navigate to System Monitor
How many cores are on your Desktop/Laptop?
What is the total RAM and how much is free?
What is the Sending and Receiving Rate of your network?
Screenshot Processes Tab and paste here: -

3 Experiment 2 – System Monitoring

TASK 2.2:
Open Terminal.
Type in the following commands and show outcomes:
To identify the available CPU, memory, and disk resources, we can used the following commands:
cat /proc/cpuinfo(read the CPU information)

cat /proc/meminfo(read the memory (RAM) information)

df -h( find out secondary storage (hard-disk) information)

3 Experiment 2 – System Monitoring

topis a command line program provides a real-time view of the processes running in the system. It provides
system summary and the list of tasks managing by Linux kernel. The program is useful to identify the
processes running with CPU and memory utilization. Launch a terminal and execute top command. You can
press q to exit from top program.
Does the outcome of top match with the outcome of with System Monitor?
TASK 2.3
straceis a tool that helps to run specified command and traces its interaction with operating system. Wecan
run any program using strace and identify the system calls it makes.
Launch a terminal and run strace ls
Try to read the output generated by the program and identify the system calls.
Exercise 2.1. write following code and show outcomes here:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char argv[]) {

// file handle

FILE *fileGeek;

// open a file called "strace_demo.txt", or create it

fileGeek = fopen("strace_demo.txt", "w");

// write some text to the file

fprintf(fileGeek, "Write this to the file" );

// close the file


// exit from program

return (0);

} // end of main

Save this into a file called “file-io.c” and compiled it with gcc into an executable called stex.

3 Experiment 2 – System Monitoring

gcc -o stex file-io.c

To identify which sections of the output refer to the different parts of the internal workings of the

strace ./stex

We can clearly see the write system call sending the text “Write this to the file” to our opened file and the
exit_group system call. This terminates all threads in the application and sends a return value back to the shell.

Filtering the Output

strace -e write ./stex

paste output screenshot here

strace -e close,write ./stex

paste screenshot

Sending the Output to a File

strace -o trace-output.txt ./stex


In Linux we have a command interpreter known as shell. In this section, we practice writing a very simple
shell script. The objective is to write set of commands in a file and run the file to understand the batch
execution interface.
TASK 2.5
Create a File named hello.sh.
Type in the following code:
echo "Hello! Lets Executels."
Now type sh hello.shand press enter.

3 Experiment 2 – System Monitoring

3 Experiment 2 – System Monitoring
TASK 2.4
Type the following code and compile this program: -
The code is taken from http://www.daniweb.com/software-
development/c/code/216411/reading-a-file-line-by-line */
#include <stdio.h>int main (
void ) {
static const char filename[] = "file.txt"; FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r" );
if ( file != NULL ) { char line [
128 ];
/* or other suitable maximum line size */ while ( fgets ( line,
sizeof line, file ) != NULL ) {
/* read a line */
fputs ( line, stdout ); /* write the line */
fclose ( file );

perror ( filename ); /* why didn't the file open? */
return 0;
Execute the code. What is the outcome?

What was the outcome? What did you understand?

3 Experiment 2 – System Monitoring

Search for any file-based code in C for Linux. Download it.

Where did you download it from? Compile and Execute code and show outcome here:

https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/cpp/gcc_make.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVquJh3DXUA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLjN6jAg-sY

3 Experiment 2 – System Monitoring

3 Experiment 2 – System Monitoring
3 Experiment 2 – System Monitoring

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