Tugas 1 Reading III
Tugas 1 Reading III
Tugas 1 Reading III
User UT
Reading 3 / PBIS4309. It has 100
maximum scores. 2018/2019.
F a k u l t a s K eg u r u a n I l m u
P en d i d ik a n . U n i v er s i t a s
Te rb u k a
Kompetensi Khusus :
- Memahami teks dengan mengidentifikasi author’s opinion, tone, bias, the
author’s purpose
NIM : 040994573
5. In what ways do you detect the author’s bias? With whom does sympathy seem to be?
2. the following statement was how the young man looked like, except ...
a. he wass fleet of foot and strong of arm
b. he was a great hunter, the young man
c. he was sly and weak
d. he was capable of moving like one of the great cats through the tall grasses,
invisible to the eyes
7. According to the passage, which of the following help to explain why the term “hay
fever” is somewhat misnomer?
a. A strong fever occurs after an attack
b. The amount of pollen in the air depends on gegraphical location
c. Hay fever is
d. often caused by ragweed pollen
e. Grass pollen is prevealent in June and July.
8. Which of the following NOT discussed in the passage as a determining factor of the
amount of pollen in the air?
a. Place
b. Climate
c. Time of the year
d. Altitude
9. Which of the following is not true about hay fever in the eastern United States?
a. Suffering from hay fever is equally severe year-around
b. Pollen from trees causes hay fever suffering in the spring
c. Grass pollen fills the earlier in the year than ragweed pollen
d. Ragweed pollen is most prevalent at the end of the summer