Media Influences On Sexuality
Media Influences On Sexuality
Media Influences On Sexuality
75 minutes in length
Overall Expectations:
C3. Demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being –
how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in
the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being.
Specific Expectations:
C3.4. Analyse the portrayal of different relationships in the media (e.g., movies, song
lyrics, television, print media, internet) with respect to bias and stereotyping, and
describe how individuals can take action to encourage more realistic and inclusive
Learner Outcome:
1. Handout:
1. Sex in Advertising
2. Me vs. TV/Music
Our society is becoming increasingly complex. Students are presented with messages
about sexuality and from a number of sources. It is important to help students identify
and decipher these messages, determine which ones to listen to, and learn how to filter
out the negative messages.
This lesson requires extra preparation time to find ads to use in Activity C: Exploring
Media Influences Using Advertisements. Use ads from magazines, or the internet. The
idea is to find highly sexualized ads. This approach is used by many companies to sell:
clothing, cosmetics, cars, footwear, jeans, etc. If there is a recent ad or current event
that has caused some controversy, it may also be helpful to include this as an example.
Lesson plan adapted and reproduced with permission of Alberta Health Services.
Grade 12 Open PPL40 Media Influences on Sexuality
A. Ground rules
Ensure ground rules are established before beginning this lesson. For classes that have
already established ground rules, quickly reviewing them can promote a successful
lesson. Some suggestion for ground rules include:
• We have personal boundaries that must be respected
• We have the right to “pass”
• We have a right to our own beliefs and opinions
• We are responsible for our own learning
Our questions or comments will be respected and taken seriously
"Media" is a term for the industrial forms of mass communication. “Media literacy”
is the ability to use critical thinking skills to analyze media messages- from music
videos and Web environments, to product placement in movies and virtual
displays on NHL hockey boards. It's the instinct to question what lies behind
media productions— the motives, the money, the values and the ownership—
and to be aware of how these factors influence content.
What are the different media industries that try to reach an adolescent
Lesson plan adapted and reproduced with permission of Alberta Health Services.
Grade 12 Open PPL40 Media Influences on Sexuality
• Explain that the class is going to examine the advertising industry and study
the messages about sexuality that this industry sends to adolescents.
For more media and Internet education resources including lesson plans and
activities visit the Media Awareness Network. Media Awareness Network
Have students fill out questions and address them next class.
Lesson plan adapted and reproduced with permission of Alberta Health Services.
Grade 12 Open PPL40 Media Influences on Sexuality
Take It Home
Keep in mind that all students do not live in a “traditional” family nor do they
have equal opportunities for open discussion within their “family”. Although it is
best for students to complete this assignment with a supportive parent or
guardian, it may not be possible. Be sensitive to the needs of your students.
Lesson plan adapted and reproduced with permission of Alberta Health Services.
Grade 12 Open PPL40 Media Influences on Sexuality
Sex In Advertising
When sexuality is used in advertising, certain values and attitudes towards sex are
being “sold” to consumers along with the products. The overriding question that must be
asked when examining any advertisement is, “What underlying message is being sold
by this ad?”
2. Who is the target audience for this ad? (Include age range, culture,
gender, race, socio-economic level.)
4. What does the ad suggest or imply that the product can do in addition
to this?
Lesson plan adapted and reproduced with permission of Alberta Health Services.
Grade 12 Open PPL40 Media Influences on Sexuality
Me vs. TV/Music
How much time do you spend watching TV or listening to music each week? When you
add up the total, you might be surprised! So, what does television/music have to say to
you? Comparing your life to that of characters or images shown on TV or heard about in
music can be an interesting exercise. Choose a TV show/song of your choice. It can be
a sitcom, a drama, or a segment of videos, or favourite song or one that speaks to you.
Use the following chart to compare your life to the life of the characters represented by
the TV show/song
ME vs. TV/Music
My TV/song
_______________________________ ____________________________
Lesson plan adapted and reproduced with permission of Alberta Health Services.
Grade 12 Open PPL40 Media Influences on Sexuality
Share this activity with a parent or guardian, and discuss the following questions:
• How different is real life from the life portrayed on TV or in the song you chose?
• Do you agree with the messages about sexuality sent by TV or in the song?
• What messages about sexuality would you like me to have?
Lesson plan adapted and reproduced with permission of Alberta Health Services.