Del Monte Pacific FY2022 Sustainability Report

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S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T F Y2 0 2 2




c/o 17 Bukit Pasoh Road, Singapore 089831
Tel +65 6324 6822 | Email: [email protected]

Dual listed on the Mainboards of the Singapore The Group owns approximately 95% of a holding 2 42 Developing Communities
Exchange Securities Trading Limited and the company that owns 50% of Del Monte Foods Private About this Report 43 Community Health
Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc., Del Monte Pacific Limited ( in India which markets and Wellness
Limited (Bloomberg: DELM SP/ DELM PM), together Del Monte-branded packaged products in the Indian 4 46 Livelihood Programs
Our Vision and Values 47 Education, Scholarships and
with its subsidiaries (the “Group”), is a global market. The Group's joint venture partner is the well-
Youth Development
branded food and beverage company that caters respected Bharti Enterprises, which is one of the largest 5 48 Community Assistance
to today’s consumer needs for premium quality, conglomerates in India. Our Strategy
healthy products. The Group innovates, produces, 49
markets and distributes its products worldwide. DMPL and its subsidiaries are not affiliated with the other Letter to our Stakeholders PLANET
Del Monte companies in the world, including Fresh Del 49 Preserving Nature
The Group is proud of its heritage brands - Del Monte, Monte Produce Inc., Del Monte Canada, Del Monte Asia 8 52 Soil Management
S&W, Contadina and College Inn – some of which Pte. Ltd. and these companies' affiliates. Key Sustainability Goals 54 Water Management
originated in the USA more than 100 years ago as 55 Fertilizer and Pesticide Use
DMPL is 71%-owned by NutriAsia Pacific Ltd. and 11 56 Waste Management
premium quality packaged food products. The Group
has exclusive rights to use the Del Monte trademarks for Bluebell Group Holdings Limited, which are beneficially-
Environmental, Social and 58 Climate Change and SUSTAINING OUR
Governance Metrics Energy Efficiency
packaged products in the United States, South America, owned by the Campos family of the Philippines. A 61 Environment FUTURE
the Philippines, Indian subcontinent and Myanmar, subsidiary of the NutriAsia Group is the market leader in 12
while it owns S&W globally except for Australia and the liquid condiments, specialty sauces and cooking oil 65 Through five key sustainability
Contribution to UN Sustainable
New Zealand. The Group owns the Contadina and market in the Philippines. Development Goals Climate-related Report goals and their respective
College Inn trademarks in various countries. sustainability pillars:
20 75
Sustainability Pillars PERFORMANCE 1 Better Nutrition
DMPL’s USA subsidiary, Del Monte Foods, Inc. (DMFI)
(, owns other trademarks 75 Strengthening Governance (Nourishing Consumers)
21 77 Board Governance
such as Orchard Select, Fruit Refreshers, Veggieful Key Highlights 2 ESG Ethos
79 Ethics and Integrity
and Bubble Fruit while DMPL’s Philippine subsidiary, (Nurturing Employees and
81 Data Protection and
Del Monte Philippines, Inc. (, 22 Cybersecurity Developing Communities)
has the trademark rights to Del Monte, Today’s, Fiesta, PEOPLE 83 Data Privacy 3 Waste Reduction
202, Fit ‘n Right, Heart Smart, Bone Smart and 22 Nourishing Consumers 4 Net Zero
Quick ‘n Easy in the Philippines. 23 Product Quality and Safety 84 Sustaining Growth
(Preserving Nature)
24 Health and Nutrition 85 Economic Impact
27 Product Innovation 88 Responsible Sourcing Practices 5 Responsible Sourcing
The Group sells packaged fruit, vegetable and tomato,
29 Product Packaging (Strengthening Governance and
sauces, condiments, pasta, broth, stock, juices and 31 Traceability 91 Sustaining Growth)
frozen pineapple, under various brands and also sells
fresh pineapples under the S&W brand 32 Nurturing Employees
( 34 Occupational Health 92 Materiality and our Priorities
and Safety 96 Value Chain
36 Human Rights and 97 Stakeholder Engagement
DMPL’s USA subsidiary operates six plants in the USA
and two in Mexico, while its Philippine subsidiary Labor Standards
38 Fair Wages and Benefits 100
operates a fully-integrated pineapple operation with GRI Content Index
39 Employee Engagement
its 28,000-hectare pineapple plantation in Bukidnon, 39 Well-being and Work-life
a frozen fruit processing facility and a Not From IBC
Integration Corporate Information
Concentrate juicing plant nearby, and a fruit processing 40 Talent Management
facility that is about an hour away from the plantation. For more information,
please scan QR Code to
The Philippine subsidiary also operates a beverage access the Sustainability
bottling plant in Cabuyao, Laguna. section of DMPL’s website

Del Monte, Del Monte Quality and Shield in Color are principal registered trademarks of the Group for packaged food and beverage products in the
USA, South America, Philippines, Myanmar and Indian subcontinent territories. The Group owns the S&W trademarks worldwide except for Australia
and New Zealand. The Group’s other trademarks include, among other trademarks in various jurisdictions, Contadina, College Inn, Orchard Select,
Fruit Refreshers, Veggieful and Bubble Fruit in the USA, and Today’s, Fiesta, 202, Fit ‘n Right, Heart Smart, Bone Smart and Quick ‘n Easy in the
Philippines. The Group’s vision – Nourishing Families. Enriching Lives. Every Day. - is also registered as a trademark in the USA.


DMPL prepared the report using The report excludes the operations
GRI 2021 standards and the of Del Monte Foods Private Limited
framework of the United Nations’ in India (formerly FieldFresh Foods
Sustainable Development Goals Private Limited) which is a joint
This FY2022 Sustainability Report is the fifth report of Del Monte (SDGs). The Group aligned its six venture with the Bharti Enterprises.
sustainability pillars with the SDGs, DMFPL’s contribution to the total
Pacific Ltd. (DMPL) Group. DMPL affirms its commitment supporting their universal call to business is not material.
action to end poverty, protect the
to transparency and accountability and provides details planet and promote prosperity. In compliance with the Singapore
to stakeholders on its progress to date with respect to its The Group provided a summary of Exchange mandate on internal
its contributions to the SDGs with assurance, the Internal Audit teams
sustainability pillars and goals. The Group’s policies, programs and linkages to the GRI. The SDGs are of DMPL’s subsidiaries, Del Monte
represented by relevant icons in Philippines, Inc. and Del Monte
projects enable DMPL to comply with the standards set by the every section of the report. Foods, Inc., have internally verified
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). this report.
As prescribed by the Singapore
Exchange, this Sustainability Report Should you have any feedback,
contains our climate-related please contact:
disclosures based on the Task [email protected].
Force on Climate-related Financial
Disclosures (TCFD). As this is our To access DMPL’s Sustainability
first TCFD disclosure, the Group Report, please scan the QR Code
plans to further assess how climate below.
change affects DMPL. The Group
will continue to update its plans and
mitigate the Group’s climate-related
risks and opportunities accordingly.

This report excludes the Group’s

detailed financial performance
which can be found in DMPL’s
Annual Report
results-and-reports. This
Sustainability Report is for financial
year FY2022, i.e. from 1 May 2021 to
30 April 2022. Del Monte Pacific Ltd.
reports the information cited in the
GRI Content Index with reference
to the GRI Standards. GRI Standards
are the world’s most widely adopted
sustainability reporting framework.
According to GRI, 90% of SGX
issuers reference GRI.

2 3


We nourish families by providing delicious food and beverages that make Strengthen
the Core
eating healthfully effortless – anytime and anywhere. We build brands with
quality products that are perfectly wholesome and thoughtfully prepared.

v ii
Strive for Expand the
Commercial Product Portfolio

Commitment Excellence in
Championing Healthy Ownership
Innovation to Society and Everything
Together Families with Integrity
Environment We Do

To champion We choose to grow We choose to We choose to We choose We choose to

together is our healthy families. embody ownership innovate. We to make a be excellent in iv
choice. Del Monte We strengthen with integrity. Del constantly rethink, commitment to everything we iii
succeeds because family bonds of Monte is under explore, and society and the do. No matter Improve Operational
we see ourselves as our consumers our care – we create to produce environment. We how large or Expand
Excellence and
one team. We each and enable our hold ourselves only the fresh, are responsible for small a task is, Markets
work to our unique employees to build accountable. We groundbreaking the big role we play we understand
strengths and better lives for their see how our work and pioneering in safeguarding the value of
play a part in the families. At the helps achieve Del ideas for our our world’s future. executing each
group’s collective heart of who we Monte’s vision. A products and Thus, we ensure one effectively
greatness. When are is the well- genuine Malasakit processes. We will that Del Monte and efficiently.
we collaborate, we being of the home. – this is what we push – creating not only refrains We drive Quality
achieve more. share in Del Monte. breakthroughs, from harming the and uphold doing
always challenging environment, but the right things
ourselves to be also contributes the right way.
future-ready. to enriching it. We
are committed
to uplifting lives
through honest and
ethical business Build the Right Capabilities,
practices. We are
a good corporate
Talent, Culture and
citizen. Team to Deliver Against Vision

4 5

5 Responsible Sourcing Responsible Marketing Policy which Securities Investors Association

We address the environmental are featured in this Sustainability (Singapore) or SIAS. The award
and social compliance of our Report. This year, the Company included a weighting of 60%
suppliers and other business also issued a new Supplier Code of for Governance and 40% for
partners through our new Conduct, while two years ago, DMPL Sustainability for the first time,
Supplier Code of Conduct. issued a new Human Rights Policy. a recognition of their linkage
(Strengthening Governance and The latter two were approved by and importance in an ESG context.
Sustaining Growth) the Board while the first three were
approved by senior leadership. All SUSTAINABILITY JOURNEY
Under the framework of these these policies are in our Company’s Del Monte has been nourishing
five key sustainability goals and website and have been shared with families for generations. While
respective pillars, we have set our stakeholders. Key stakeholders generations refers to Del Monte’s
specific goals as outlined in this concerned with these five areas long history and heritage, it also
Sustainability Report. are the policy owners that are refers to our future generations.
primarily responsible to implement Sustaining our Future is our
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT these. Moreover, the Company commitment to grow healthier
GOALS has Sustainability, Legal and produce, healthier people and a
Our sustainability goals contribute Internal Audit teams that monitor healthier planet.
to the United Nations Sustainable compliance.
Development Goals (SDG) which Our Board of Directors and
have become more important than Del Monte Pacific addresses management team will continue
ever during this global pandemic. stakeholder concerns through to invest in the present to sustain
We have been increasing and different channels: Consumers – our future. We thank you, our
reporting on our SDG contribution Company’s website contact info, stakeholders, for your partnership
each year for the past four years. social media, hotline phone number; in this journey.
Employees – Human Resources,
For the first time, we have Labor Management Council;
Executive Chairman Managing Director and CEO included a climate report in this Communities - the Del Monte
Sustainability Report based on Foundation, Stakeholder Relations;
TCFD standards. We are pleased Regulators – Legal, department
Dear Stakeholders, SUSTAINABILITY PILLARS 2 ESG Ethos to report that our subsidiary, Del concerned; Investors – Investor
Our sustainability framework has We cultivate an environmental, Monte Philippines, was verified Relations, Company’s website
As a leading global food six pillars which address the needs social and governance (ESG) carbon negative for scopes 1, 2 contact info.
of our stakeholders - Nourishing culture among our employees and limited scope 3 (for air travel
company, sustainability is
Consumers, Nurturing Employees, and extend this ethos to our and fuel used by vehicles) for its In FY2022, Del Monte Pacific
core to Del Monte Pacific’s Developing Communities, local communities. (Nurturing pineapple operations by the British did not have any significant Mr. Rolando C. Gapud
vision - “Nourishing Preserving Nature, Strengthening Employees and Developing Standards Institution (BSI) based on compliance issues with respect to Executive Chairman
Families. Enriching Lives. Governance and Sustaining Communities) ISO standards. laws and regulations which govern
Growth – which promote the Triple the Group and was not subjected
Every Day.” - as one of
Bottom Line: People, Planet and 3 Waste Reduction NEW ESG POLICIES AND to any significant compliance-
our strategic pillars, while Performance. We reduce wastage of materials COMPLIANCE related penalty.
commitment to society and and resources across our In FY2022, the Company
environment is one of our KEY SUSTAINABILITY GOALS supply chain, from production reinforced its governance of ESG RECOGNITION Mr. Joselito D. Campos, Jr.
In FY2022, the DMPL Board to distribution, to decrease our sustainability by updating its Del Monte Pacific was honored to Managing Director and CEO
core corporate values.
approved the Company’s five key environmental impact. Environmental Policy and issuing receive the Singapore Corporate
sustainability goals as follows: (Preserving Nature) a new Health Statement and Governance Award from the 22 July 2022

1 Better Nutrition 4 Net Zero

As a food company, we provide We have set a target for net zero
health, wellness and nutrition carbon emissions by 2050 in
through our product portfolio line with global climate change
which is primarily plant-based. goals wherein greenhouse gas
(Nourishing Consumers) emissions are equivalent to carbon
sequestration. (Preserving Nature)

6 7

This is DMPL’s first time to announce its Key Sustainability Goals which were approved by the Board. In pursuit of
these goals, we’ve aligned our project goals and strategies. This summarizes our progress to date.

DMPL’s subsidiaries are striving to be “Growers of Good” and “Nourishing Families for Generations.”

Goal Strategy Progress

Better Nutrition • Increase the proportion of products that • 78% of DMPI products provide better nutrition
• More nutritious products provide better nutrition based on a global nutrition profiling system
• Product innovation and renovation • Reduce sugar and sodium by 30% and 15%, • Reduced sugar and sodium by an average of 29%
with more positive nutrients respectively, by FY26 and 27%, respectively, for certain SKUs in FY22
• Reduced sugar and sodium Better
Nutrition • Educate an average of 5 million children and • Educated over 3 million children and
• Plant- based parents on nutrition and healthy choices parents through the Choose Good, Do
• Health and wellness Good campaign to raise nutrition education
• Implement the Responsible Marketing Policy • Cascaded the policy to the Marketing
• Strengthen engagement through the • Launched the program in FY22 to foster a
Responsible Sourcing ESG Ethos Employee CHOICE Recognition Program culture of mutual recognition
• Supplier code of conduct • Environmental, Social, ESG Ethos
• Reduce injury by 10% by FY26 • Reduced injury rate by 17% in FY22
adherence Governance corporate
• Environmental and social culture • Sustain Del Monte Foundation programs and • DMPI donated food products to about 1,100
compliance • Sustainability goals provide nutrition to 120 organizations per year organizations to provide nutrition to over
• Sustainability programs of • Employee engagement, 500,000 people in indigent communities
suppliers well-being during the pandemic
• Sustainable ingredient and • Diversity, equality, • Promote good governance • Received the 2021 Singapore Corporate
product sourcing inclusion Governance Award from SIAS and ranked 3rd
• Community development highest mid-cap company (#19 overall) in
SGTI among 519 SGX-listed companies
• Improve Cybersecurity and Data Protection • Continuously upgrade existing infrastructure
to address new and emerging security threats
• Define and measure team member • DMFI rolled out the employee engagement
engagement and achieve top quartile scores survey
• Establish a Diversity Leadership Council and • Established a council and 6 employee
increase diversity across leadership roles groups. 53% of senior leaders are women or
employees of color
• Provide the opportunity for all team members • 100% of full-time employees at manufacturing
Net Zero Waste Reduction to earn a decent wage facilities earn above the living wage for their
• Net zero carbon emissions by 20S0 • Reduce wastage from production to geographies
• Pineapple operations negative distribution
• Donate an average of 5 million pounds • Donated about 1.4 million kgs of food worth
carbon footprint • Manage material usage (2.3 million kgs) per year to support Feeding over US$1.5 million to various food banks
• Renewable energy • Plastic solution America, food banks and various non-profit such as Feeding America, Conscious Alliance,
• Sustainable agriculture, • Recycle, reuse and repurpose organizations Convoy of Hope, and Brackens Kitchen
manufacturing and supply chain • Lower environmental impact

Our sustainability goals are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

8 9

Goal Strategy Progress Topic Metric U/M Progress

• Improve water use ratio in DMPI • Increased water use ratio by 1% in FY22 Greenhouse Gas DMFI (FY21)
manufacturing facilities by 3% yearly (GHG) Emissions Scope 1 MTCO2eq 106,715
• Reduce obsolescence of finished goods, raw and • Obsolescence at Php57.6 million in FY22
packaging materials to Php33.9 million in FY23 Scope 2 MTCO2eq 28,522
Waste • Reduce usage of PET bottles by 15%, pouches • Reduced material usage of rigid PET bottles DMPI (CY20)
Reduction by 6%, and tin can by 2% by FY26 and caps by 10%, pouches by 4%, and tin cans Scope 1 MTCO2eq 62,761
by 2% in FY22
Scope 2 MTCO2eq 37,056
• Use biodegradable PET bottles by FY26 • Biodegradable additives testing for PET bottles
and pouches is in progress Scope 3 (fuel used by vehicles and MTCO2eq
air travel) 58,378
• Convert plastic packaging to 100% recyclable, • Development of a compostable fruit cup using
reusable or compostable by 2030 bioplastics is in progress Carbon Sequestration MTCO2eq (706,078)
• Include 25% recycled content into plastic • Completed two trials of post-consumer Net Carbon Footprint (Negative) MTCO2eq (547,883)
packaging, once recycled supply is available, recycled plastic to create a beverage cup with
Energy Consumption Energy Consumption (includes electricity, 1,050,696,770
approved by FDA recycled plastic KWH
natural gas, coal and bunker fuel)
• Add How2Recycle® icons to 100% of our • Added How2Recycle® icons to five new
packaging products Energy Intensity KWH/KG produced 1.01
• Pursue Upcycled Food Association certification • First canned vegetable producer in the CPG Water Consumption Total Consumption Liter 11,510,687,882
for green beans and pineapple juice industry to be Upcycled Certified. Upcycled Water Use Ratio Liters/Kg produced 11.06
~600K pounds (270 tons) of surplus green beans,
plus pineapple juice, syrup and boba products Waste Generation Waste Sent to Landfills MT 556,334
• Reduce soil erosion in the plantation to • Current rate at 12-14 metric tons, use of big Gender Diversity Male Employees Percentage 63%
10 metric tons per hectare per year planting materials at 35% Female Employees Percentage 37%
• Replace certain pesticides and obtain • Discontinuing 7 pesticides, testing of Age Diversity Below 30 years old Percentage 15%
Rainforest Alliance certification alternative chemicals ongoing, installed light
traps for grub control 30 to 50 years old Percentage 59%
Net Zero
• Reduce 15% carbon emissions at the cannery • Cannery emissions increased by 12%, despite Above 50 years old Percentage 26%
by FY26 waste-to-energy facility contributing 17% of Employment Total Employees Headcount 5,900
power usage
New Hires Headcount 584
• Install solar power in the cannery and • Target project completion in the cannery
plantation by FY23/FY24 (2MW) by FY23 and plantation (3MW) by FY24 Turnover Headcount 446
• Install Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) • Installed GPS in 31% of third party trucks Development and Average Training Hours per Employee Hours/ Employee 4
devices on 100% of third party delivery Training
transport by FY23
Occupational Recordable Injuries Incidence 146
• Shift 35% of third party delivery transport to • 23% of third party delivery transport used Health and Safety
double-decker trucks by FY23 double-decker trucks
Board Composition Independent Directors Percentage 57% (4 out of 7)
• Increase cover cropping by 5% per year • Increased the total acreage of cover crops by
18%, and number of growers adopting cover Women on the Board Percentage 14%
crops by 8.6% Senior Management Women in Senior Management Percentage 42%
• Reduce carbon emissions and measure scope • Truckload efficiency is 7 mpg, same as prior
Certifications Facilities with Relevant Certifications (see Percentage 100%
3 third party emissions year
Nourishing Consumers for the list, page 23)
• Reduce empty miles driven by 20% • Increased rail miles by 4.5% versus prior year,
11% of total miles Alignment with Frameworks Disclosed GRI Standards
• Increase truckload efficiency in miles per • Reduced scope 1 and 2 emissions by 13%,
gallon to 7.5 mpg expand solar energy in Hanford and Modesto Task Force on Climate-
facilities. Scope 3 measurement in progress related Financial
Disclosures (TCFD)
• Implement the Supplier Code of Conduct • Supplier Code of Conduct was approved by
beginning FY22 the Board and is being cascaded to suppliers Assurance Assurance of Sustainability Report Internal Verification
in FY23
• Require 100% of major suppliers to develop • Nine (45%) of the top 20 suppliers have
Responsible sustainability programs as part of their sustainability programs
Sourcing accreditation by FY26

10 11

Sustaining growth Nourishing consumers


Nurturing employees

Strengthening governance


Preserving nature Developing communities


12 13

Members of the United Nations pledged to implement 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from 2015 to 2030 UN SDGs Description DMPL’s Position Contribution to the SDGs Linked to
to end poverty by promoting prosperity while sustaining the planet and its people. The SDGs include environmental,
Goal 3: Good Health As a food and • In FY2022, DMPI reduced sugar GRI 403-10c
social and economic goals.
and Well-Being beverage company, and sodium by an average of
Ensure healthy lives DMPL is committed 29% and 27%, respectively
We have aligned DMPL’s Sustainability Pillars with the SDGs based on our material priorities. We benchmarked our
and promote well- to ‘Better Nutrition’ • DMFI conducts regular nutrition
initiatives with peer companies and best practices of other industries. We partnered with various institutions to uplift
being for all at all ages to promote health education activities and programs
people’s lives, protect the environment and build a sustainable future.
and well-being of which achieved over 23.1 million
people by offering - social media impressions during
nutritious food and the community quarantine
beverage products • Close to 18,000 DMPI qualified
across demographic employees and dependents
UN SDGs Description DMPL’s Position Contribution to the SDGs Linked to segments are treated and given medical
Goal 1: No Poverty DMPL Group strives • About 25,000 employees and GRI 202-1 attention annually in our
End Poverty in all its to uplift the lives service provider workers in Del Phillips Memorial Hospital.
forms everywhere of poor families by Monte Philippines, Inc. (DMPI) are • Over 25,000 availed of the
providing employment paid the minimum wage or higher Foundation’s Mobile clinic
to people in • In the US, Del Monte Foods, Inc. services during the fiscal year
communities where (DMFI) meets the living wage • DMPI supported Department
we operate in each of our major operating of Health by deploying
areas based on the Massachusetts medical teams in administering
Institute of Technology definition COVID vaccination in the
Goal 2: No Hunger DMPL implements • DMFI works with growers and the Task Force municipalities of Manolo Fortich
End hunger, achieve sustainable Stewardship Index of Specialty on Climate- and Libona in Bukidnon
food security and agricultural Crops (SISC) to implement Related Goal 4: Quality DMPL ensures equal • Provided training to DMPL GRI 404-1
improved nutrition practices to increase sustainable farming practices and Financial Education opportunity for employees:
and promote productivity and cultivate a culture of transparency Disclosure Ensure inclusive and employees to develop • 5.0 average training hours
sustainable agriculture production, help • DMFI and its growers use (TCFD) equitable quality their skills through for male
maintain ecosystems, CropTrak™ software to education and training courses for • 4.0 average training hours
adapt processes track various data, including promote lifelong all women and men for female
to combat climate traceability, sustainability, and GlobalG.A.P. learning opportunities and, through the Del • The Foundation supported
change and reduce customer audit information for all Monte Foundation, 275 scholars from high school to
soil erosion to 10 • DMPI soil erosion rate in the provide communities college levels during the school
metric tons per plantation is 12-14 metric with access to proper year 2021-2022
hectare per year tons per hectare per year education and skills • Provided technical skills training
• DMPI has a Smart Farm Roadmap training to 78 out-of-school youths on
that uses big data analytics, various discipline such as shielded
from field-to-fork and harness metal arc welding, electrical
technology in farm management installation and driving
from planting to harvest, and • 60 certified welders trained in
use of analytics to observe the Foundation’s Training Center
the individual needs of crop accredited by TESDA

14 15

UN SDGs Description DMPL’s Position Contribution to the SDGs Linked to UN SDGs Description DMPL’s Position Contribution to the SDGs Linked to
Goal 5: Gender The Group promotes • 42% of the senior management GRI 405-1 Goal 9: Industry, The Group advocates • About 60% of DMPI suppliers are GRI 201-1
Equality a diverse workforce team are women Innovation and inclusive growth small and medium enterprises
Achieve gender of women and • Workforce gender ratio: Infrastructure by providing supplying various products
equality and empower men, provides 63% men, 37% women Build resilient opportunities for and services – e.g. papaya
all women and girls equitable livelihood infrastructure, small and medium outgrowers, service providers,
opportunities, and promote inclusive enterprises as part Nata de Coco supplier and
ensures women and sustainable of ‘Responsible wooden pallets supplier
are given equal industrialization and Sourcing’, promotes • DMFI won Product of the Year
opportunities for foster innovation innovation and for the 4th straight year for its
leadership roles leverage technology newest innovations, Del Monte®
at all levels to improve production Fruit Infusions in the fruit snack
Goal 6: Clean Water DMPL pledges to • The Foundation, through the GRI 303-1-C efficiency and category, and Joyba® Bubble Tea
and Sanitation improve its water ZEP2030 initiative, provided Level infrastructure in the coffee and tea category
Ensure availability consumption 2 water system installations in 3 • Del Monte in the Philippines
and sustainable efficiency, provide locations in Bukidnon benefitting entered the Dairy category
management of water clean drinking water, more than 500 families and via a joint venture with
and sanitation for all adequate sewage made water more accessible Vinamilk, the largest dairy
disposal, and provide to community residents company in Southeast Asia
access to clean, safe • Provided 2 handwashing facilities Goal 10: Reduced DMPL’s Human Rights • DMPL has 5,900 full time GRI 102-8
water and sanitation to community health centers in Inequalities policy and Supplier employees in the US and the
Bukidnon to help implement their Reduce inequality Code of Conduct Philippines, and close to 3,100
COVID health safety protocols within and among promote respect seasonal workers in the US
through the Del Monte Foundation countries for human rights, • Del Monte Foods, Inc. received a
• Through partnership with the local and provide equal score of 100 on the Human Rights
government units and primary opportunity for all Campaign Foundation’s 2022
stakeholders of five communities, gender Corporate Equality Index annual
the Foundation built 320 toilets assessment and was designated
for identified extremely poor as one of the Best Places to
families that helped improve Work for LGBTQ+ Equality
sanitation and hygiene Goal 11: Sustainable Provide employees • Del Monte in the Philippines GRI 203-1
Goal 7: Affordable The Group commits • In the US, Del Monte’s solar GRI 302-1 Cities and and communities with provides close to 1,400
and Clean Energy to increase usage of panels in Hanford produced Communities a safe and sustainable houses and 12 dormitories
Ensure access to renewable energy, and 401 megawatt-hours of electricity Make cities and living environment for plantation workers
affordable, reliable, optimize efficiency • DMPI’s waste-to-energy facility human settlements • The camp sites around the
sustainable and across energy sources contributed 17% of the electricity inclusive, safe, resilient plantation, where DMPI employees
modern energy for all in its operation of the cannery and sustainable and their families reside, have
Goal 8: Decent DMPL ensures to • DMPL’s total recordable injuries GRI 403-1b schools, churches and sports
Work and Economic comply with the decreased by 17% in FY2022 facilities
Growth labor laws where we • 79% of DMPI Mindanao-based GRI 102-41
Promote sustained, operate, promote employees are members
inclusive and safe and decent work of an Employee Union
sustainable environment for all • 73% of full-time and
economic growth, workers seasonal workers in DMFI
full and productive are union members
employment and • 100% of Cabuyao-based
decent work for all employees in the Bottling Plant are
members of an Employees Council

16 17

UN SDGs Description DMPL’s Position Contribution to the SDGs Linked to UN SDGs Description DMPL’s Position Contribution to the SDGs Linked to
Goal 12: Responsible The Group • DMFI’s products are packed in GRI 301-2 Goal 16: Peace, Part of DMPL’s ‘ESG • DMFI provides anti-corruption GRI 205-2
Consumption and implements ‘Waste corrugated boxes, which contains Justice and Strong Ethos’ is to uphold training biennially to management
Production Reduction’ in its 33 percent recycled content Institutions good governance, and certain personnel that interact
Ensure sustainable operations through • DMFI’s paper-based products Promote peaceful eliminate corruption with government officials
consumption and material reduction, are 100 percent certified by and inclusive societies and bribery in all its • DMPI has a stringent policy against
production patterns recycling, reuse and Sustainable Forestry Initiative® or for sustainable forms and promote fraud and corruption through
repurposing, and Forest Stewardship Council® development, provide industrial peace the Code of Business Ethics,
promotion of clean • By re-directing approximately access to justice for supplemented by the Employee
emissions and effluent 130,000 pounds of pineapple juice all and build effective, Code of Conduct and Supplier
each year, DMFI received four accountable and Code of Conduct, which helps
Upcycled Certified™ recognition inclusive institutions at employees and business partners
from Upcycled Food Association all levels to have harmonious business
• DMPI reduced rigid plastic bottles relationships
and caps material usage by 10% • DMPL’s employees, suppliers and
and stand-up pouches by 4.4% contractors should adhere to its
Goal 13: Climate DMPL commits • Del Monte Pacific Limited commits GRI 305-1 Human Rights policy and Supplier
Action to ‘Net Zero to achieving net-zero emissions GRI 305-2 Code of Conduct
Take urgent action Carbon Emissions’ by 2050  GRI 305-3 Goal 17: Partnerships Del Monte Pacific • The Group engages stakeholders GRI 207-3
to combat climate by reducing its • DMPI’s pineapple operations for the Goals pursues global such as Feeding America,
change and its greenhouse gas have been independently verified Strengthen the means partnerships with Sustainable Packaging Coalition
impacts emissions in its carbon negative for scopes 1, 2 of implementation stakeholders and Upcycled Food Coalition, SBTi,
operations and and scope 3 (for air travel and fuel and revitalize the for sustainable Rise Against Hunger, Packaging
implementing used by vehicles) by BSI based on Global Partnerships development Institute of the Philippines and
climate change risk ISO 14064-1:2018 for Sustainable the Philippine Chamber of Food
mitigation including • DMFI’s scope 1 carbon emissions Development Manufacturers, Inc. as partners in
renewable energy and decreased by 7% and scope 2 the Group’s sustainability goals
reforestation emissions by 32%
Goal 14: Life Below The Group commits • Through the wastewater-to- GRI 306-1
Water to protect marine and energy facility, DMPI cleansed
Conserve and coastal ecosystems its Bugo facility water discharge
sustainably use the to avoid significant at Macajalar Bay which has
oceans, seas and adverse impacts, Biochemical Oxygen Demand
marine resources and take action to levels better than government
for sustainable conserve marine life mandated 100mg / ltr
development by treating waste that
goes to waterways
Goal 15: Life on Land DMPL commits to • Close to 23,500 trees were GHG 305-1
Protect, restore and protect biodiversity collectively planted by the
promote sustainable through sustainable Foundation and its partners for
use of terrestrial agricultural practices reforestation and soil conservation
ecosystems, and reforestation, purposes
sustainably manage and promote • The Foundation continues its
forests, combat environmental 7-hectare agro-forestry project in
desertification, and stewardship of natural Mt. Kitanglad with the indigenous
halt and reverse land resources community that grows coffee and
degradation and halt bamboo for livelihood in order to
biodiversity loss protect the forest from denudation

18 19

Product Quality Health and Product Traceability

and Safety Nutrition Innovation

percent of DMPL-owned percent of vegetable SKUs awarded product maximum number of
facilities with quality products sold in the US of the year in four hours to trace their
Consumers certifications with positive nutrients consecutive years* product origin**

Sustaining growth Nourishing consumers

• Market leader with iconic brands • Plant-based products
• Essential food industry to address • Healthy and nutritious products Freedom of Diversity Occupational Health Talent
consumer needs Association and Safety Management

76 42 17 4
• • percent of the Group’s percent of senior percent reduction in the average training hours
employees are part of management are women Group’s total injuries per employee of
Employees labor unions the Group

We generate growth
We nourish consumers
based on the triple
with quality products
bottom line — people,
that promote health,
planet and profit — that
wellness and nutrition Medical and Dental Community Health Community ZEP2030
will sustain our future Missions and Wellness Assistance

25,000 18,000 1,100 500

Strengthening Nurturing availed of the services patients served by the organizations nourished indigent families uplifted
of the mobile medical Phillips Memorial Hospital by DMPI’s products
governance We strengthen We nurture employees and dental missions annually during the pandemic
governance employees by Communities
• Majority of 4 through principles promoting diversity, • 42% women
Independent of transparency, equality, well-being leaders
Directors integrity, and and development in senior
accountability SUSTAINABILITY
• • 2021 Singapore management Environment Carbon Footprint Energy and GHG Waste Water
Corporate • 5,900 full-time Emissions Management Management

Governance employees 630,000 548,000 17 10 3
We preserve nature We develop communities indigenous and MTCO2eq net percent of the percent usage percent better than
through environmental- through employment, commercial trees sequestration of cannery’s power reduction of rigid target water use
planted by DMPI and DMPI’s pineapple sourced from plastic packaging ratio of the Group’s
friendly agricultural and livelihood, health care, Nature partner organization operations renewable energy materials manufacturing facilities
manufacturing practices education and nutrition

ASEAN Corporate Singapore Governance Singapore Corporate Securities Investors

Governance Scorecard Transparency Index Awards Association Singapore

Preserving nature Developing communities 23 19 14 8

• Pineapple operations certified as • 25K availed of the medical and ranking out of 100 ranking out of 519 SCA awards across four SIAS awards across three
• carbon negative • Singapore-listed SGX-listed companies categories since 2010 types of recognition since
dental service Governance companies in 2018 in 2021 2001
• 630k trees planted to date • 500k
• people nourished during
the pandemic

Economic Impact Growers Suppliers Group Revenue

100,000 824 60 2.3

individuals directly and total number of Del percent of DMPI’s suppliers billion DMPL Group
indirectly depend on Monte growers in the US are small and medium revenue in USD
DMPI and Mexico enterprises

* Winners determined by the votes of 40,000 consumers in a national survey conducted by Kantar, a global leader in consumer research
** Based on Brand Reputation Compliance Global Standards (BRCGS)

20 21

Our products have been part of people's Del Monte Pacific Ltd. is passionate
meals at home for generations, offering about cultivating good food that
nutrition through our plant-based, brings health and nutrition to our
culinary food behind brands that consumers. With one of the most
people trust. well-known and well-trusted brands
in the market, we are committed to
In this section: maintaining this trust.

1 Product quality and safety At Del Monte, sustainability is at

2 Health and nutrition the heart of everything we do,
3 Product innovation from growing healthy produce
4 Product packaging that enriches the land to providing
5 Traceability nutritious products to consumers
and communities. We produce food
that go through comprehensive Peach inspection in a processing facility in the US
quality and safety procedures to
provide premium products which
meet the strictest food standards to and regulatory requirements 2 DMFI designed and deployed
nourish consumers. through our food safety a multi-layered quality system
management system. DMPL protocol to each of its facilities
facilities have quality certifications that begins with its executive
PRODUCT QUALITY which attest to the quality and leadership providing proper
AND SAFETY safety of our products. Our toll guidance and direction. This
manufacturers likewise adhere to is further supported by our
the same commitment. manufacturing site procedures.

1 Del Monte Foods, Inc.’s 3 In FY22, all of our facilities

(DMFI) products, from farm received an A or AA rating from
The Group ensures that consumers to consumer, are assessed for the Global Food Safety Initiative.
understand our commitment to their nutrient profile, ingredient
conform to food safety standards safety and packaging integrity.

22 23

4 Del Monte conducts extensive Laboratory Practices standards. We grow and produce our products
Risk Assessment/Hazard Analysis All toll manufacturing facilities using sustainable and earth-friendly
and incorporates actions to complied with these standards practices.
assure that the products and and are verified by internal and
ingredients meet the highest external audits. 1 In the U.S., Del Monte was the
standards prior to market launch. first major food producer to
12 Our Toll Pack team strives to voluntarily adopt nutritional
5 The Quality Policy of Del Monte reduce consumer complaints by labeling on all food products.
Philippines, Inc. (DMPI) is involving our toll manufacturers
committed to Total Customer in the resolution of issues and 2 We aim to provide at least half
Satisfaction in providing food improvement of our processes. a cup of fruits or vegetables per
products that meet the highest serving for most of our products
global standards in quality, food in the U.S., and meet healthy
safety, hygiene and service. HEALTH AND NUTRITION nutrient levels as recommended
by the FDA. The majority of our
Testing the size of a pineapple S&W Sweet 16 fresh pineapples
6 The Company has a Quality produce are picked and packed
Management and Food Safety on the same day, ensuring 97%
System in place that ensures 9 The Toll Manufacturers’ Quality preservative-free produce. 5 All vegetables, fruits and
the quality and safety of our Management Programs ensure tomato products of Del Monte
products. Manufacturing that toll manufacturers are Del Monte is a well-trusted brand 3 The vast majority of DMFI Foods come from traditional
programs have been established aligned with the Company’s committed to health and nutrition. products contain positive breeding techniques and are
to mitigate hazards including safety and quality standards We aspire to preserve this trust nutrients and are considered not the result of any modern
periodic assessments using a standard scorecard and among consumers. healthy. genetic engineering, or genetic
facilitated by third-party key performance indicators. The modification (Non-GMO). More
certification agencies. respective managers oversee As the Original Plant-Based Food 4 DMFI products meet FDA than 70 of our best-selling
their operations. Company®, Del Monte spent 135+ guidelines for fruit and vegetable vegetable and tomato products
7 DMPI undergoes certification years developing products focusing servings, and our unique are Non-GMO. Del Monte was
and customer audits, and 10 Toll manufacturers are required on nourishment. By building on process, processing crops not the first manufacturer to work
findings, if any, are addressed to hold FSSC 22000, BRC, and this rich history, we believe that we far from the field, means that our with the USDA for non-GMO ingredients where necessary.
immediately to ensure the HACCP certifications. Five out of can Grow Good for a healthier and products retain more nutrients verification for corn products for All non-GMO products All
Company’s processes meet or six toll manufacturers have one hopeful tomorrow for our people than our competitors’. Majority of consumer assurance on sweet non-GMO products are self-
exceed the standards. In FY22, of these quality certifications. and our planet. Products that deliver Del Monte Foods’ products in the corn products. The Company certified, and DMFI complies
the Company underwent 11 full servings of fruits and vegetables, U.S. are low in fat. The Company continues to use strict quality with the USDA bio-engineering
certification audits, 1 regulatory 11 DMPI regularly audits its toll while also introducing new flavors also carries several specialized assurance protocols to maintain disclosure.
audit and 11 customer audits manufacturers in compliance and functional ingredients, highlight product lines: organic, no sugar its non-GMO status.
by reputable independent with its GMP, HACCP, and Good the depth of the earth’s goodness. added, low-salt, reduced-salt, 7 In Asia, we anchor our nutrition
international auditors, business and low in calories for those 6 In the U.S., we verify non-GMO platforms on immunity, heart
partners, and customers. seeking additional health benefits ingredients from suppliers and and bone health, and proper
or following specific diets. source replacement non-GMO digestion.
8 Each facility has their own
Business Continuity Plans (BCPs)
and Emergency Response teams
and procedures to ensure they CONTAINS CONTAINS
continue to operate and mitigate HEALTHY***
product, environmental and Vegetables 2% 100% 100%
workplace risks. The BCPs are
Fruit 11% 72% 39%
tested periodically as part of the
Produce 80% 100% 100%
employees’ training on crisis
management. Tomatoes 23% 100% 71%
Turnover 268 178 446

* High amounts of sugar, salt, preservatives, etc.

Marketing and Customer and Channel Development teams with Philip G. Macahilig, ** One-half serving or more of fruit or vegetables.
Group Head of Philippine Market Commercial Operations *** Meets FDA's definition of "healthy".

24 25

8 The Company aims to reduce

sugar and sodium by 30% and
15%, respectively by FY26.

9 In FY22, DMPI achieved 29%

average sugar reduction and 27%
average sodium reduction for
certain SKUs.

10 To support the Company’s

goal of Better Nutrition, R&D is
evaluating a Nutrition Profiling
Export team with former Head, Ann G. Pozon
System to determine the health
level and nutrition properties of
the Company’s products. 12 The Company’s products are
mostly plant-based. Pineapples
11 Based on such evaluation, are rich in vitamins and minerals
close to 80% of our Company’s that boost immunity, while
products provide better tomato products contain
nutrition. DMPI targets a 10 lycopene, a nutrient full of
percentage point nutrition profile antioxidant properties that helps Supermarket display of Del Monte juices
improvement across the portfolio. prevent certain diseases. in cartons



spending is allocated to innovation.
New products accounted for 5.3%
of total sales in USA in FY2022.

2 Del Monte Foods developed

The Del Monte name has been Joyba Bubble Tea to allow
synonymous with premium consumers to enjoy bubble tea
quality since its debut in 1886. For anytime and anywhere. Joyba
generations, our company has Bubble Tea is a first-of-its-kind
proudly earned this reputation with retail line of boba shop-inspired
a singular dedication to quality and a beverages made with real brewed
series of innovations. tea and infused with vibrant fruit Del Monte Foods R&D Team
flavors and popping boba.
As a market leader that seeks to
cater to consumer preferences, 3 The new Del Monte Fruit 4 The product line was extended
we understand that consumers are Infusions with an antioxidant with “Happy Heart.” Happy Heart
becoming increasingly mindful of the vitamin C that helps support contains delicious peaches and
ingredients in their food and are often smart snacking. Each Fruit pears in cherry hibiscus flavored
looking for positive health properties Infusion snack cup has unique juice, infused with antioxidants
such as low-fat, low-sugar or low- ingredients that today’s and natural ingredients including
sodium. This emphasis on health consumers love like coffee acerola cherry and chia which
benefits has ongoing implications for extract, acerola cherry, turmeric, are especially beneficial to a
product design and sourcing. elderberry extract and aloe. healthy lifestyle.

26 27

14 As part of S&W’s plan to provide

high-quality, healthy products
globally, it came up with Not
From Concentrate (NFC)
Pineapple Juice, made of 100%
MD2 Pineapple Juice, i.e. from
the premium fresh pineapple
variety. S&W offers NFC
Pineapple Juice to customers
as an ingredient for their
pineapple smoothies, ice lollies
or packaged NFC juice.

15 The Group’s frozen fruit product

uses Nice Fruit’s revolutionary
Del Monte Foods' Veggieful Rice Naturally-ripened extra sweet S&W Deluxe technology. Extra sweet and
Premium in China, Japan and South Korea golden yellow pineapples from
fully ripened fruits are cut into
5 Del Monte’s Veggieful line of These flavors are a delicious Vinamilk YoGurt Drink and Del spears then frozen without
Riced Veggies provides delicious medley of pineapple, papaya, Monte-Vinamilk Tea Bliss Milk breaking the cellular structure
and unexpected ways to enjoy a nata de coco and cherries – Tea. The JV presents a growth of the fruit. This technology is
daily serving of vegetables. Made featuring bright wedges of opportunity as Del Monte superior to Individually Quick- R&D and Quality Assurance team with Ma. Bella B. Javier, Chief Scientific Officer

with wholesome, non-GMO mandarin orange or festive expands into a new category Frozen (IQF) technology.
ingredients and mixed with add- slivers of jackfruit. with products consumed in
ins like diced veggies, legumes Filipino households daily.
and spices, this mouthwatering 8 Del Monte Fit ‘n Right Juice PRODUCT PACKAGING
dish can be enjoyed alone or Drinks offer personalized 11 Del Monte Carbonara made with
as the perfect complement to choices fit for young adults’ real milk and real cream was
another main or side dish. fitness journey and come in relaunched with a fresh pack
three concepts: “Burn” that helps design and upsized in recognition
6 Innovation and renovation in reduce fat, “Control” that makes of the growing love of Filipinos
the Philippine Market has largely one feel full longer, and “Detox” for sauces beyond red sauces. Our Group understands the need
focused on strengthening our that detoxifies the body. to have a sustainable packaging
core categories behind relevant 12 Del Monte strives to offer the to protect the environment. We
functional benefits. New 9 We launched seasonal Del best quality product that gives target to innovate our packaging
products contributed 6.5% of Monte Juice Drink variants with a delectable, al dente pasta towards responsible stewardship of
total FY22 sales of DMPI. delicious and healthy flavors experience to more discerning the environment while maintaining
to drive home consumption consumers with the relaunch of the quality and safety of our
occasions. These include Melon Del Monte Pasta Italiana made products. This motivates us to
Cucumber and Tropical Punch, only from the finest durum rework our product packaging
100% pineapple juice in resealable cartons
and 100% Tipco Kiwi and Lychee. semolina wheat. in a more environment-friendly
10 DMPI’s strategic joint venture 13 Following the success of S&W 2 In the US, all Del Monte, joined the Sustainable Packaging
with Vietnam Dairy Products Sweet 16 fresh pineapple, we 1 As the first major U.S. food Contadina tomato products and Coalition to partner pre-
Innovative Del Monte Beverages including JSC (Vinamilk), the largest launched S&W Deluxe Premium, producer to voluntarily adopt nearly 100 percent of Del Monte competitively with other leading
calcium-fortified Pineapple Juice
dairy company in Vietnam, a naturally-ripened extra sweet nutritional labeling on all our fruit and vegetable products packaging suppliers and CPGs to
launched new products in the pineapple, in November 2021 in products, we have continually have been converted to non- work towards more sustainable
7 Del Monte launched a new, Philippines in September 2021. China, Japan and South Korea proven our commitment to the Bisphenol A (BPA) linings packaging solutions that deliver
summer season flavor for its fruit These include ready-to-drink with favorable market feedback. health benefits of our products. since 2016. delicious shelf stable food while
cocktail – Del Monte Fiesta with Del Monte-Vinamilk Fresh Milk, Majority are sold in China The Company partners with ensuring it's safe to eat. We have
Mandarin Orange and Del Monte Del Monte-Vinamilk IQ Smart through our distributors, and this retailers to review nutritional 3 DMFI is committed to informing included more detailed recycling
Fiesta with Langka (Jackfruit). Flavored Milk, Del Monte- premium fresh variety is gaining facts and labels and update people what is in our packaging instructions on our packages
traction in China’s retail segment. shelf-life recommendations. and how to recycle it. In 2019, we using How2Recycle labeling.

28 29

4 Currently, all of the ~12,000 tons Company abides by the federal

of corrugate we use for trays, food safety requirements with a
cases and displays are certified product traceability program that
by the Forest Stewardship provides product tracking from
Council (FSC). As we move manufacturing along the chain
closer to 2025, we will work with to customers.
our suppliers to maintain 100%
certification either through FSC 6 In the Philippines, our facilities
or Sustainable Forestry Initiative and toll manufacturers comply
(SFI) for corrugate and other with the standards of the Brand
packaging materials. Reputation Compliance Global
Standards (BRCGS) to trace
5 DMFI’s products contains products from its production
recycled contents: Veggie Bowls in convenient ready-to-eat packaging date.

a Products are packed in 7 DMPI conducts traceability

corrugate boxes, which exercises and can complete its
Line worker inspecting the juice drink product
contains 33 percent production lots identification
recycled content from raw manufacturing to the
b Paper-based products are TRACEABILITY 3 DMFI significantly enhanced its packaging process.
100 percent certified by traceability program by using
Sustainable Forestry electronic tracking to allow faster 8 In the Philippines, the Company
Initiative® or Forest and more accurate product conducted 18 trace exercises, all
Stewardship Council® traceability. within the 4-hour time frame.

6 Del Monte Foods is conducting 4 Del Monte maintains strict records 9 DMPI conducts training for
To ensure that our products are
trials on two new plant-based regarding the source of the employees in handling issues
safe, we have a robust traceability
plastic options, mono-material ingredients used in its products. related to product recalls,
program allowing us to protect
recyclable plastic components complaints and safety.
our consumers’ health during
and downgauged plastic in both 5 In the U.S., 50 mock Type
unwarranted events by identifying
seven- and four-ounce fruit cups. 1 and Type 2 recalls were 10 Traceability assessment is
the origin of the product from its
conducted across Del Monte conducted during certification
production to the retailer. This
7 In the Philippines, all packaging Foods facilities, co-packers and customer audits of our facility
equips us to efficiently handle
materials in the cannery and and distribution centers. The and our toll manufacturers.
consumer inquiries. Having a reliable
toll packers are 100% BPA-
traceability program enables the
Non Intent.
Group to have an effective process
to identify a defective product or
8 DMPI reduced rigid plastic
component and to execute the
bottles and caps material usage
recall process, if warranted.
by 10% and stand-up pouches
by 4.4%.
1 The Group conducts periodic
quality audits with our co-
9 The Company also innovated
manufacturers to ensure
our packaging for consumers’
compliance with our standards.
convenience. Our juices come in
resealable one-liter cartons.
2 The Group’s traceability program
is frequently tested and results
are used to drive continuous
process improvements.

Shopper in the US checking the Del Monte Parfait

S&W team with Tan Chooi Khim, General Manager

30 31

We are a people-driven organization
commited to health and wellness, Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
reinforcing safety and well-being 751 (43%) 977 (57%) 1,426 (34%) 2,746 (66%) 82 (31%) 182 (69%) 115 (36%) 205 (64%)
especially during the pandemic.

In this section: DMFI DMPI DMFI DMPI

1 Occupational health and safety

2 Human rights and labor standards
3 Fair wages and benefits
4 Employee engagement
5 Well-being and work-life integration
6 Talent management 102 (38%) 166 (62%) 80 (45%) 98 (55%)
Managers up 204 317 521 9%
Supervisors 245 655 900 15%
Staff / Rank 1,279 3,200 4,479 76% DMFI DMPI
& File
TOTAL 1,728 4,172 5,900 100%
New Hires 264 320 584 57% TURNOVER
Turnover 268 178 446 43%



115 (7%) 746 (18%) 861 (15%)



595 (34%) 2,895 (69%) 3,490 (59%)
1,018 (59%) 531 (13%) 1,549 (26%)

New Hires

New Hires

New Hires
69 (26%) 119 (37%) 188 (32%)
141 (53%) 199 (62%) 340 (58%)
54 (21%) 2 (0.6%) 56 (10%)

31 (11%) 79 (44%) 110 (25%)



112 (42%) 75 (42%) 187 (42%)
125 (47%) 24 (14%) 149 (33%)

Below 30 31 to 50 Above 50



Average Training Hours per Employee

8 3 4

Average Training Hours by Gender





17% reduction
in the Group’s total injuries

32 33

Philippine Labor Code, further

strengthened by Republic Act
No. 11058 to ensure a safe and
healthy work environment
for employees.

4 DMPI implemented an
“Employee Vaccination Program”
against COVID-19 for employees,
their qualified dependents and
service providers. Close to 99%
of employees and 91% of service
provider workers have been
fully vaccinated.

5 DMPI also partnered with a

Corporate Human Resources Team with Ruiz G. Salazar, Chief Human Resource Officer
medical facility for COVID-19
teleconferencing consultation
and other health issues including
DMPI Leadership Team led by Luis F. Alejandro, President and Chief Operating Officer
mental health. The company laws and regulations. This 7 In the Philippines, the Company’s
reminds employees to practice includes the mandatory eight- Phillips Memorial Hospital
Del Monte Pacific Limited (DMPL) COVID-19 protocols such as hour training on occupational attends to the health care needs
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH provide guidance on improving
is an organization committed to AND SAFETY frequent sanitizing, wearing face safety and health as prescribed of employees and their qualified
the overall occupational health
health and wellness, reinforcing masks and observing by law. The safety training dependents and those of third
and safety performance and work
employee safety and well-being social distancing. includes risk identification and party workers. Close to 18,000
condition. These standards cover all
especially during the pandemic. mitigation, identifying unsafe patients are treated annually in
our operations in the field, offices
About 5,900 full-time regular 6 Managers and supervisors acts, and work-related hazards, this facility.
and manufacturing facilities in the
employees and 3,100 seasonal ensure compliance with hazardous conditions, activities
US and the Philippines.
employees of the Group work at our The Group values the safety of every relevant workplace safety and situations. 8 As mandated by law, we
plantation, manufacturing facilities, person who works in its facilities and provided medical staff in the
1 DMPL’s U.S. and Philippine
administrative and marketing offices. Work committees identify manufacturing facilities and
facilities have emergency
offices across locations. Close to and mitigate potential safety risks offices of the company to attend
response teams that plan for
4,200 are based in Asia, mostly in through safety programs, process to medical emergencies.
crises. They conduct regular
the Philippines, while about 1,700 improvements and other action Emergency Preparedness
work full time in the United States plans. 9 DMPI regularly audits its toll
Drills to prepare employees
and Mexico plus 3,100 seasonal manufacturers for compliance
against emergencies and
employees that work during the Trained safety officers ensure with all laws and regulations
natural disasters.
packing season. workers follow the Group’s safety governing the workplace,
management standards, identify including Occupational Safety
2 Del Monte Foods, Inc. (DMFI)
DMPI was inducted by the People risks, unsafe acts and conditions, and Health Regulations, Wages
Total Incidence Rate (TIR) is
Management Association of the and Benefits, and Human
lower by 13% compared to
Philippines (PMAP) in the PMAP Rights practices.
prior year. This is also below
Hall of Fame for being named the last updated Bureau of
“Employer of the Year” three Labor Statistics (2015) TIR of
times, the maximum number. 5.2 for the fruit and vegetable
The Company has nurtured canning industry.
generations of employees, some
from the same family, a testimony 3 DMPI Manufacturing TIR
of its care for its people. is also below that of the
Philippine Statistics Authority
(2015) TIR data of 4.25 for the
Workers provided with personal protective manufacturing sector, and
equipment in the US complies with Article 168 of the Phillips Memorial Hospital nurse providing medical treatment to patient

34 35

HUMAN RIGHTS AND 9 In FY22, the number of women 13 The Company partners with local
LABOR STANDARDS in senior management roles third-party service providers
increased to 42%. One of seven who go through Department
members of the Board of of Labor and Employment’s
Directors is a woman. (DOLE) accreditation and audit
procedures to ensure that they
10 DMFI established a Diversity provide the mandatory regional
Leadership Council, the Diversity, minimum wage and mandated
Inclusion and Belonging (DI&B) government contributions. Some
employee group to influence independent and unannounced
and provide thought leadership audits are used to address Del Monte employees in the US
in building a more diverse and compliance issues.
The Group maintains a Code inclusive company, where every
of Conduct for employees and person is respected, valued, and
suppliers. Both Del Monte Foods, can work at their best. FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION
Inc. and Del Monte Philippines, Inc.
are members of the Supplier Ethical 11 Six Employee Resource Groups In the spirit of our CHOICE Values on The Company supports a diverse
Data Exchange. (ERGs) were established to Championing Together, the Company workforce. Our Human Resources
support minority workers. respects the rights of workers to Team ensures individuals are given fair
1 Del Monte's Human Rights policy These include affinity groups for freedom of association. treatment in recruitment, wages and
is in line with the UN Guiding Pack house line workers in the Philippines women employees, LGBTQ+ benefits and promotions.
Principles on Business and employees, Black employees, Employees have the right to freely
Human Rights, the International Asian American and Pacific join or not a legal trade union Our “Standard Against Discrimination”
Bill of Human Rights and 4 Labor Management Councils child labor as defined by local
Islander employees, and Hispanic recognized by the country or any promotes a culture of equality in the
the International Labor (LMCs) prepare the groundwork laws is strictly prohibited.
employees. association that represents the workplace. Job openings are posted
Organization Core Convention for negotiations between union Suppliers must comply with
collective interest of employees. This internally to allow current employees
on Fundamental Principles and and Management. DMPI has not all applicable local labor laws,
12 DMFI received a score of 100 includes representation in dialogues, to apply for the job opening. We do
Rights at Work. Refer to the experienced a labor strike in the including those related to hiring,
on the Human Rights Campaign collective bargaining agreements, not discriminate applicants based on
following link for more details. past 50 years, a testimony of the wages, hours worked, overtime
Foundation’s 2022 Corporate occupational safety and health, labor gender, religion, location, organization Company’s good relations with and working conditions.
Equality Index (CEI). The management relations and other areas or school.
com/corporate-governance/ch- its workforce. Suppliers must implement hiring
CEI is the nation’s foremost of interest and concern of employees
manual-1 practices that accurately verify
benchmarking survey for in accordance with the labor laws of Our learning management system,
5 Highly engaged LMCs in the workers’ legal right to work in
measuring corporate policies the country. ONE DMU, provides various training
2 The Group respects the right cannery and plantation sustain the country and age prior to
and practices related to LGBTQ+ and awareness courses for employees
of employees to Freedom of a safe work environment, employment.
workplace equality. Del Monte’s The Company established Labor which includes leadership, mentoring,
Association, and has collective employee development, positive
efforts in satisfying all the CEI’s Management Councils (LMCs) in personal development, people
bargaining agreements workplace, work life balance and 8 The Group’s Code of Business
criteria earned DMFI a top score its facilities. The objectives of these management, finance, strategic
with labor unions, which conflict management programs. Ethics denounces discrimination
and designation as one of the LMCs are to sustain a safe and planning, marketing, manufacturing,
stipulate wage increases and on any grounds. The Group
“Best Places to Work for secure work environment, promote a environmental awareness and training,
enhancements in benefits. 76% 6 All labor must be voluntary. has a Standard Against
LGBTQ+ Equality.” diverse workforce, provide employee among others. These are available for
of DMPL employees in the U.S. The Group prohibits the practice Discrimination which commits
development, address conflict employees and allow them to learn at
and Philippines are part of labor of child labor (under 18 years to promote a culture of equality
management, create a positive work their own pace.
unions and covered by collective of age), forced labor and other in the workplace. DMPL and
environment, ensure a conducive
bargaining agreements. forms of exploitation of workers its subsidiaries give equal
work life balance, improve
as stated in the DMPL Code opportunity to all applicants, treat
productivity, and engage in corporate
3 DMPI established an Employee of Business Ethics and the them fairly and with respect, and
social responsibility initiatives.
Council in Cabuyao Bottling Philippine Labor Code. free from unlawful discrimination
Plant for labor management related to age, color, disability,
concerns and a healthy work 7 As stated in the Group’s Supplier gender, health status, marital
environment. Code of Conduct, suppliers are status, pregnancy, nationality,
forbidden from using forced, ethnic origin, migrant worker
bonded, prison, or indentured status, political opinion, race,
labor of any kind. The use of religion, and union affiliation.

36 37

benefits, leave benefits, and EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT

retirement plan.

7 Our farm and production

facilities employ people from
surrounding communities,
who undergo annual physical
examination. We strive to build a culture
of engagement across the
8 Plantation employees live with organization.
their families in about 1,400
Bugo cannery workers in Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao
Company-owned houses and 1 Our U.S. facilities and corporate
12 dormitories for unmarried employees are actively involved
FAIR WAGES AND BENEFITS including an adoption assistance employees. in contributing time and money
program, community service to organizations focused
day allocation (one volunteer 9 Children of cannery and on farm advocacy, feeding
day time-off per year), product plantation employees enjoy free programs, environmental
donations, and floating holidays year-round weekend tutorials in stewardship, disaster relief, California coastal clean-up participated by DMFI employees
(at designated locations). sports such as basketball, tennis, education and youth activities.
swimming, martial arts, and
We commit to providing employees 4 In the Philippines, the Company creative skills like photography 2 DMPI cascaded its Del Monte 4 The Company’s enhanced 6 Other employee engagement
fair wages and benefits. Del Monte pays workers above minimum and theater arts. CHOICE Values to employees online HR Information System, initiatives include the cooperative
complements government- wage and average industry across all levels, locations and SAP SuccessFactors, enables stores in the plantation where
mandated privileges for all full- rates and informs them 10 Employee-organized divisions. These guide their fast and accurate employment employees can purchase
time employees and qualified about employment terms cooperatives provide our interaction with colleagues, transactions. company products at a discount.
dependents with a broad range of and conditions prior to their workers with services that customers, and other
benefits such as a comprehensive appointment. enhance economic benefits for stakeholders. 5 Outside of the pandemic,
retirement package, vacation and their families such as annual the Human Resources WELL-BEING AND WORK-LIFE
sick leaves, and insurance benefits. 5 Memorandums of agreement dividends. 3 In the Philippines, Del Monte Department conducts employee INTEGRATION
with labor unions in launched its Employee engagement activities such as
1 DMFI designs employee benefits the Philippines annually Recognition Program through social gatherings, Teambuilding,
that allow employees to select a stipulate wage increases and “SNAPasalamat”, CHOICE Fun Day, Sports Fest, and
package of coverage that meets enhancements in benefits for Ambassadors and CHOICE Christmas parties.
their and their dependents’ farm and factory workers. Champions Awards.
unique needs. The Group promotes work-
6 DMPI provides benefits better life integration to ensure the
2 Recognizing the importance than the minimum prescribed employees’ well-being, mental
of supporting the well-being by the DOLE. This includes life DMPI provides shuttle bus to plantation health, and productivity.
of new parents and families, insurance coverage, health care field workers
DMFI offers Paid Parental Leave 1 DMFI creates a welcoming
Benefits to eligible employees workplace to maintain a healthy
for bonding purposes under work-life balance.
the Company’s Family Medical
and Leave Act (or state law 2 DMPI’s “Thank God it’s Monday”
equivalent) policy. Moreover, webinar allows employees to
the company offers six weeks start the week fresh, positive
of Paid Parental Leave following and energized. The program
the birth, adoption, or foster is aligned with one of the
placement of a child. Company’s CHOICE values,
Healthy Families. The webinar
3 The Company offers additional covers various subjects
benefits that help employees such as leadership, change
improve their quality of life, Face mask and juice donations to health workers with Francisco T. Molas, Group Head,
Mindanao Operations
Supply Chain Team with Amante A. Aguilar, Group Head, Supply Chain

38 39

management, team dynamics, framework for guiding key leaders’ teams towards achieving the
skills development, stress teams towards achieving the Company’s operational and
management and parenting, Company’s strategic roadmap. business goals.
among others. The Company
invites speakers to discuss their 1 In the U.S., Del Monte Foods 7 Each Competency Framework
experience and employees launched a new learning establishes broad-range people
provide additional insights and platform, Grow U to develop programs on recruitment,
reactions on the topic. the employees’ careers with a learning, career development,
variety of learning opportunities. succession planning, and
3 Del Monte in the Philippines Included in the platform are performance management.
continue its “Lunch and Learn” company compliance training.
program for employees. Moreover, employees can access 8 Fully supported by an OPCOM
Employee health and wellness, over 10,000 courses in LinkedIn Corporate Faculty, our in-house
benefits and new company Learning through the Grow U 5 ONE DMU provides various Basic Management Program
policies are some topics host, Bridge. training and awareness courses enables managers to adapt to
discussed during this session. for employees, which include soil dynamic business situations and
management, manufacturing, changes to people, process,
4 The Company supports environmental awareness and culture and mindset.
employees’ well-being and training, among others. These
lifestyle by sponsoring health and are available for employees and 9 The Company’s Moving Up to
wellness programs. DMPI sets allows them to learn at their Supervision Series complement
up various sports and exercise DMPL Singapore Employees’ hiking activity
own pace. formal technical training,
activities such as Zumba, coaching and intensive on-the-
yoga and running. We also 2 Some types of DMFI trainings are: 6 DMPI’s GR8 (Great) Del Monte job experience provided via
provide summer programs for 5 The Company conducts a series TALENT MANAGEMENT a Internal learning Leadership Competency structured Cannery Operations
employees’ dependents. of Pre-Retirement Seminars to opportunities, wherein Model guides leaders to and Plantation Operations
help near-retiring employees managers work closely coach and collaboratively lead Supervisory Training Programs.
effectively plan and manage with employees
the key stages of the transition b External programs and
process and make better- professional certifications,
informed decisions for a secure supported via seminars,
and rewarding retirement. We nurture our employees through conferences or other
training by building on their specialized workshops
6 The Company operates the individual capabilities through our c External university courses
Phillips Memorial Hospital close core value – Championing Together. through the Del Monte
to its plantation in Bukidnon. DMPI developed a competency Employee Education
Assistance Program to
help employees enhance
their careers

3 DMFI ensures that our

Mindanao-based participants attended DMPI’s Basic Management Program in Bukidnon
environmental policy and
procedures are communicated
to all employees through training
programs or other appropriate

4 In the Philippines, DMPI

introduced a self-paced learning
management system, ONE DMU,
available for employees.

DMPI Leadership led by Luis F. Alejandro, President and COO, in the GR8 (Great) Leadership
Competency Training
Demand Planning Team with Cheryll Anne V. Valino, Senior Manager

40 41

Our business operates in communities COMMUNITY HEALTH AND
that depend on us as much as we rely WELLNESS
on them. We sustain their health and
wellness, livelihood and development

In this section:

1 Community health and wellness

2 Livelihood programs
3 Education, scholarships and
youth development
4 Community assistance Community health and wellness is
one of the Foundation’s thrusts in
line with its mission to improve the
Del Monte Foundation Board led by Joselito D. Campos, Jr., Chairman,
lives of individuals in communities.
Edgardo M. Cruz, Jr., Director, and Luis F. Alejandro, Director
1 In FY22, over 25,000 availed
of the Mobile Clinic services in
The Del Monte Pacific Group The Foundation enables the 62 remote local communities
improves the quality of life of Company to support over 100 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
communities where we operate. communities in the provinces of
Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental in 2 The Foundation’s medical team
Del Monte Foods’ Corporate Mindanao, southern Philippines. In lent support to the Department
Giving Program supports local and FY22, the Foundation continued to of Health to expedite COVID
national organizations that make a mobilize resources and increase vaccination in the municipalities
difference. partnerships with other stakeholders. of Manolo Fortich and Libona.

Del Monte Foundation, Inc. in

the Philippines spearheads our
corporate social responsibility in
local communities by promoting
social progress through the delivery
of health and basic community
services, livelihood programs, rural
education, youth development, and
environmental conservation.

Del Monte Foundation's mobile clinic serving communities in far flung areas


25,000 970 500 275 78 75

availed of the organizations families scholarships graduates from indigent families
Mobile Clinic received nutrition received level 2 granted to youths TESDA-certified* uplifted by the
services from the water system in various schools training courses Foundation's
Foundation installations for SY2021-22 livelihood projects

* Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

42 43

3 The Foundation provided 5 Del Monte Foundation 7 Through partnership with LGUs
health care assistance through collaborated with Dole Kasilak and primary stakeholders, 320 THE PHILLIPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL
donation of medical apparatus Foundation, Xavier Science toilets for identified extremely
such as sphygmomanometers, Foundation, Peace and Equity poor families were built
oximeters, weighing scales, Foundation and other NGOs to by the Foundation in three
digital thermometers and implement ZEP2030 expansion communities in Bukidnon
handwashing facilities to 20 in the province to accelerate in line with the zero open-
community health centers. poverty alleviation. Under the pit defecation. The project
convergence, the participating reduced waste-borne illnesses
4 Del Monte Foundation leads organizations adopted in these communities. Del
the ZEP2030 (Zero Extreme municipalities to focus on. The Monte Foundation provided
Poverty) Convergence as the Foundation coordinates coaching the basic materials while
movement’s provincial convenor and guidance to volunteers of the LGU donated sand and
in Bukidnon, which is among these NGOs. gravel and extended technical
the poorest provinces in the expertise. The beneficiaries
country. Household surveys 6 Over 500 families benefitted constructed and supplied other
were conducted by volunteers from Level 2 water system materials needed to complete
to identify the poorest in each installations in three communities the toilets. The Rotary Club
community. Family community in Bukidnon. Strategically-placed also participated by donating
visioning and community communal water faucets were materials to one of the sites.
development planning made accessible to community
workshops were completed residents. The projects were made 8 The Foundation provided
in Kalilangan. The Foundation possible through partnerships with 2 handwashing facilities to The Phillips Memorial Hospital
implemented interventions to the Local Government Units (LGU), community health centers in
address some of the primary the office of the former provincial Bukidnon to help implement
The Phillips Memorial Hospital dependents of employees like pediatrics, ob-gyne, surgery,
community needs like water and Representative, the Department their COVID health safety
(PMH) was established in parents and children, former ambulance conduction and
toilet facilities. of Public Works and Highways protocols through the
the 1940s at Camp Phillips, retirees of Del Monte and residents dental clinic. COVID rooms
and Mercury Drug Foundation Del Monte Foundation.
Bukidnon. It is owned by the from nearby communities. were built as one of the
through the Philippine Business
Del Monte Foundation. Foundation’s responses to
for Social Progress.
PMH’s medical services include the pandemic.
PMH is classified by the out-patient consultation, 24-
Department of Health as a hour emergency room, in-patient PMH also conducts mobile
secondary hospital with 75- services, 24-hour laboratory, and dental clinic services to
bed capacity where qualified radiology (x-ray and ultrasound), offer health care access in far
employees and dependents are pharmacy, physical therapy flung areas.
provided with medical attention rehabilitation center, intensive care
and treatment. Over the years, unit, minor and major operating Phillips Memorial Hospital will
PMH has undergone several room, newborn intensive care unit, relentlessly pursue its aim to
renovations to continuously labor and delivery room, hemo provide compassionate patient
enhance and deliver the best dialysis unit, diabetes care clinic, care for many years to come.
healthcare services for its

A total of 128 competent and

experienced medical and non-
medical staff in various fields
serve the patients of PMH.
Close to 18,000 patients are
treated annually. Aside from
employees and dependents,
PMH also accepts non-qualified One of the wards inside the PMH A patient attended to by one of PMH's
medical staff
Water system installed in a community in Sumilao, Bukidnon Handwashing facility in a community
health center

44 45

LIVELIHOOD PROGRAMS 8 The Foundation’s hog-raising healthy eaters. DMFI reached out 3 The Foundation supported 275
and dispersal project, “Pugad to more than 5 million children scholars of which 25 graduated
Baboy” (Backyard Swine Raising), through an autumn online in school year 2022. 11 of the 25
provided livelihood and helped education campaign focused scholars received Latin honors
augment the income of 75 on healthy eating and growing including the first batch of mid-
extremely poor families. The pigs vegetables. college Agriculture scholars
awarded to these families were recruited in 2021.
offspring of the 12 native pigs 2 This program taught young
originally awarded by the DA to people about growing good food, 4 The Foundation conducted
the Foundation last year for the and aligns with the company’s screening of incoming college
The Foundation conducted establishment of a multiplier farm. Growers of GoodTM initiative, scholars. The Scholarship
community-based skills training for geared towards nurturing the Committee interviewed 20 finalists
employment or self-employment 9 De La Salle University Science Earth’s goodness today to grow a last June with at least 15 candidates
to provide technical education Foundation partnered with healthier tomorrow. for acceptance.
access to out-of-school youths and Del Monte Foundation to provide
unemployed family heads. feeds to help the beneficiary a Over 95,000+ children 5 The Foundation team continued its
families raise the pigs until they reached with nutrition home visits to scholars in the past
1 The Foundation partnered reproduce. A family sells the education year to monitor their progress and
with the Department of Labor Cake Baking Class offspring of their grown pig b Implemented the “Choose provide needed support for the
and Employment (DOLE) and as additional income, gives Good Do Good” event to scholars’ modular or online studies.
Technical Education and Skills 4 Before TESDA disallowed 6 The Foundation organized and back a piglet to the Foundation support STEM learning
Development Authority (TESDA) community-based technical trained a group of homemakers and retains the parent for programs in the garden and in 6 The Day Care Center in the
to facilitate employment skills trainings last year due to the in Kagumahan, Kinoguitan in soft another reproduction cycle the classroom community of Sinuda, Kitaotao was
program activities such as pandemic, the Foundation was broom-making made from native The Foundation gives the c Launched “Grab-and-Grow” completed and turned-over last April
job fairs and career coaching, able to train 78 out-of-school grass “giyong” that abound in funds collected to another kits at the Variety Boys and to cater to the numerous children of
giving training graduates greater youths in welding, electrical their barangay. Their organization deserving family. Girls Club and Los Angeles the Matigsalug Manobo tribe in the
employment opportunities. installation, maintenance and is able to sell their products in County Public Libraries area. The facility is fully-furnished
driving in three municipalities in plantation cooperatives as well which contain all the supplies with tables, chairs and learning
2 The Foundation’s Community as direct buyers in their locality EDUCATION, SCHOLARSHIP AND needed to do three hands-on materials, ready for opening in the
Misamis Oriental.
Education Center is accredited and augments the homemakers’ STEM and nutrition activities incoming school year.
by TESDA. income to help support
their families.
3 The Foundation conducted
technical skills training courses. 7 On its second year, the “Utanan
sa Kabalayan” (Vegetables
a Graduates took the national Garden in Homes) project
certification exams given by helps ensure continuous food
TESDA and were assisted supply and proper nutrition
by the government’s among vulnerable families.
employment office for job Welding skills training 540 families benefitted from the Del Monte is committed to education
placement. seeds, resources and gardening and youth development. Through DMFI's Growing Great education program Day care center constructed for an IP tribe
for schoolchildren in Bukidnon
b Others opted to be self- 5 Graduates were endorsed to techniques of the Foundation Del Monte Foundation grants,
employed and were given TESDA for national certification and the Department of qualified children benefited from
start-up assistance by the assessment and the LGUs Agriculture (DA) and LGU. quality education from elementary
DSWD LGU. helped them gain employment. school to university through our
60 certified welders were academic, grants-in-aid, and sports
produced at the Foundation scholarships.
Center, a TESDA-accredited
training facility, all of them under 1 Del Monte Foods, Inc. (DMFI)
TESDA scholarships. partnered with GrowingGreatTM
to bring hands-on science and
nutrition education to elementary
and middle school children,
The Foundation's vegetable garden in
empowering a generation of Foundation scholars with DMPL CEO Joselito D. Campos, Jr. and Olivia M. Campos
homes project
46 47
DONATIONS US$14,440 which was donated to 6 Del Monte Philippines continued Our business depends on responsible
non-profits selected by the team to support Rise Against Hunger stewardship of nature, the source of our
members. foodbank for its feeding produce that will sustain our future
program. The company
4 When major tornados affected provided about 1,300 cases of In this section:
the Midwest region of the beverages nourishing about
United States, DMFI immediately 6,200 individuals in various cities 1 Soil management
donated about nine truckloads in Metro Manila. 2 Water management
of product, about 145,000 3 Fertilizer and pesticide use
kilograms of food valued at 7 Through the Foundation, DMPI 4 Waste management
US$180,000 to Convoy of Hope. donated food products to 5 Climate change and energy effiiciency
over 1,000 non-governmental 6 Environment
5 DMPI donated about organizations, including about
US$440,000 to the Del 80 medical facilities, and local
Monte Foundation to fund government units to provide
their community medical and nutrition to over 500,000 people
dental missions, livelihood and in indigent communities and
scholarship programs. medical facilities during the
COVID-19 pandemic.

Face mask and juice donation by the


1 More than ever, people relied on

Del Monte donations to stock
food banks and programs. DMFI
donated about 1,373,000 kilos of
food worth over US$1.5 million
to various food banks such as
Feeding America, Conscious
Alliance, Convoy of Hope,
and Brackens Kitchen. Nearly
US$500,000 was raised from
corporate and plant facilities
monetary donations.
Product donations to a community pantry
2 Racial justice continued to
be a central focus for DMFI
which donated US$50,000 to
the National Black Farmers

3 DMFI launched an employee

donation matching program,
where team member donations
to any non-profit beneficiary
were matched by the company.
The total amount raised by the
Company and employees was
Del Monte Foundation team with Bella G. Quimpo, Executive Director

48 49

application, efficient water sourcing, DMPI FOUR KEY PROJECTS

drainage and plant disease

DMPI complies with environmental

regulations and requirements of the
Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR), Clean Air
Act, Clean Water Act, and Solid and
Hazardous Waste Management.

Certification audits are conducted

Corn harvest in the US on a periodic basis to ensure
the Company complies with the
As a food company, our produce machine harvestability and more. certification standards including
relies on responsible stewardship Once approved, these varieties environmental audits. GLOBALG.A.P.
of nature to sustain our future. are added to our Del Monte Foods and PhilGAP certification includes
We continuously improve our Approved Variety List and can be Environment Management
agricultural practices and oversight used by any of our growers. System (Site Management, Soil
of growers, and communicate Management, Fertilizer Application
our Environmental Policy to our Efficient and ecological land use Management, Water Management,
stakeholders. management is foundational to Integrated Pest Management
Del Monte Philippines, Inc.’s (DMPI) and Plant Protection Products DMPI Certification – Plantation
As climate change shifts sustainable agricultural practices Management), Food Safety, Quality
environmental patterns, the which started nearly a century ago in Management System, and Workers GlobalGAP CPCC IFA ver. 5.2
Group makes our business more 1926. Our farming pioneers did not Occupational Health and Safety. PhilGAP – Plantation
resilient through investment clear forests to establish pineapple PhilGAP – Outgrowership Program
in sustainable agriculture and fields. Additional land later acquired DMPI’s Internal Audit covers
biodiversity protection which DMPL was cultivated with other crops. environmental compliance as part of Packing House
is committed to. its annual audit plan. ISO 9001 2015
Our land-use practices have been
Del Monte Foods, Inc.’s (DMFI) focused on improving plantation DMPI’s close-to-a-century of GlobalGAP Award
Research and Development team yield through ecologically friendly growing and manufacturing
has been developing new seed land preparation, use of sustainable attests to how it has sustained its Received the Good Agricultural
varieties that improve yields, reduce planting materials, plant nutrient operations. Practices Award (2018) for
water usage and reliance on fertilizer demonstrating high standards
and excellent implementation of
GlobalGAP principles on our farms
One important aspect of our
sustainable agriculture approach is
our seed breeding program. Ninety
percent of our green beans and 30
percent of our corn come from seeds
developed by Del Monte Foods.

We test thousands of new seed

breeding lines every year on pilot
plots for product quality, yield, and
pest, drought and disease resistance.
The strongest lines are tested three
more times in progressively larger
plots to further evaluate them for
nutrient content, disease resistance, Pineapple plantation in Bukidnon, Philippines

50 51


As efficient management of soil

directly impacts our long-term
productivity, we focused on
regenerating topsoil and improving
biodiversity on and below the

1 DMFI proactively works closely

with growers on sustainability
initiatives. New pineapple field ready for planting

Tomato transplanting in the U.S.

Wysocki Produce Farms, a
13 DMPI uses a soil and water
Del Monte Foods grower for
assessment tool program to
over 40 years, implemented 5 More than 50 percent of our boundary canal and maintains
monitor the health status of our
an approach called Farming growers use cover crops. the grass levels on side slopes of
Full Circle which converts permanent waterways to prevent
100 percent of their irrigation 6 DMFI breeds non-GMO erosion after heavy rains.
14 DMPI uses Meteoblue high-
systems to low pressure (genetically modified organism)
resolution weather data to
decreasing loss to evaporation seeds that mature faster, 10 The Crop Growing Units uses the
measure the five-day and
by 30 percent, and plants cover generate a higher yield and resist drone images to dredge ditches,
fourteen-day rainfall on
crops on their 12-hectare drought. Ninety percent of our install auxiliary canals and silting
location-specific and hourly
potato fields. vegetable ingredients come basins for each field, and plants
and daily resolution forecast
from Del Monte Foods-bred or along river easement near
in each field.
2 DMFI encourages farmers to approved seeds. pineapple fields to prevent soil
One of DMPI drones used in the plantation for monitoring plant health and mapping
work with qualified agronomists erosion.
15 The Geomatics team
to innovate farm practices and 7 In the Philippines, DMPI is
demonstrates near-infrared
technologies to boost crop working on a soil conservation 11 DMPI’s Drone Program displays
spectroscopy to detect
yields, control pests and weeds, project to maintain land the land topography and
changes in internal maturity and
and protect the environment. productivity, mitigate topsoil loss, monitors the pineapple field in
translucency in fresh fruits using
prevent soil erosion and reduce Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental.
a non-destructive inspection.
3 Understanding and analyzing loss of soil nutrients. Drone sensors produce a
the agronomics of a new variety complete image of a field when
The team implemented a
is important for environmental 8 The Company conducted a planting is completed. Seeds take
new workflow for detecting
adaptation. thorough review of its Soil root and show growth within 2-3
field depression for quality of
Conservation manual and months after planting.
land preparation after the 2nd
4 DMFI growers regenerate topsoil revision was made on canal
pass chopping. By processing
by rotating crops, using cover geometries and water velocities. 12 The Company has a soil
topography drone flight data
crops and applying organic map used by our Agricultural
following a specialized workflow,
compost. Growing cover crops 9 The Company plants cover Research Laboratory to regularly
it enables the early detection of
in the off-season reduces soil crops as ground covers along analyze soil nutrients except
possible waterlogging in fields
erosion and retains soil nutrients. main road shoulders before the nitrogen and organic matter.
even before planting took place.
Cannery team with Francisco T. Molas, Group Head, Mindanao Operations, and
Alan Z. Salcedo, Cannery Operations Director

52 53

5 Over 98 percent of our tomato 10 Our cannery and bottling plant

growers in California utilize operations in the Philippines
drip irrigation to manage monitor the Water Use Ratio
water resources more efficiently, (WUR), i.e. liters of water used
especially in drought-prone per common case. The Group’s
areas in the western combined WUR is 11.06 liters/
United States. kilogram in FY22, flat vs. prior year.

6 At one of our sites in Yakima, 11 Our toll manufacturers’

Washington, we installed a water water conservation programs
recycling system that reuses the eliminate waste and reduce
water that conveys our pears, water consumption.
resulting in a reduction in water Wastewater discharges of all toll
usage of about 3,800 liters manufacturing lines are within
Bean field irrigation in the US
(1,000 gallons) per day. regulatory standards. WUR
in beverage and culinary toll
7 Much of the water that is used manufacturers are monitored
WATER MANAGEMENT and treated water into spray Boom sprayer in Bukidnon
to cool cans is recycled in our and reduced each year.
fields, where it can re-enter and
system. DMFI sources water from
recharge groundwater stores and
municipal sources and our
own wells.

3 All of DMFI growers in central

8 We recycled the cooling water
Washington State use center
As with any producer of agricultural from our cans to run our cooling
pivot irrigation so they are
products, water is one of our largest towers and reduce fresh water
able to control their water use
impact areas. It is critical to our and energy usage.
using only as much or as little is
growing and packing operations
needed to grow their crops with
and access to it is threatened by 9 To conserve freshwater usage
no waste.
climate change. and avoid water treatment
costs, DMPI uses water from
4 Three manufacturing facilities We help growers apply the principles
The Group implements the least steam and pineapple juice of our
of DMFI operate in areas where of Integrated Pest Management
water-intensive cultivation methods evaporators and from mill juice
the baseline water stress is 80% (IPM) to minimize pesticides.
available and encourages the use from our Reverse Osmosis (RO)
which is considered extremely
of more water-efficient irrigation system for Ultrafiltration System
high. These are our Hanford and Del Monte Foods, Inc. (DMFI)
systems. DMPL follows strict Clean-in-place (CIP) and Ion
Modesto facilities in California connects our growers and consumers
protocols around our well water use Exchange Plants regeneration. Del Monte Entomologist and corn scout taking samples of insects
and Puebla plant in Mexico. through partnership with the
and sprays discharge for the water
used in our manufacturing process. Stewardship Index of Specialty Crops
organization and CropTrak™ for 3 The Company employs the pesticide residue on the crop
1 Del Monte Foods created a task their crop data management system, principles of Integrated Pest when it is harvested and
force to identify and implement providing detailed information on Management, including crop processed.
ways to reduce water use at our how vegetables are grown. rotation and insect-resistant
high water-risk areas. seed selection, to greatly reduce 5 We have participated in
1 In the U.S., CropTrak™ monitors pesticide use, which can affect a number of IPM-related
2 The Company proactively cover crops, which help increase non-harmful insects. partnerships and initiatives
manages water use through organic matter, reduce wind and to share knowledge and
efficiency measures, including soil erosion, sequester carbon, 4 By limiting pesticide use, we best practice, such as
selecting drought-resistant filter water, control weeds, and reduce the probability of understanding pest life cycles
seeds, promoting drip irrigation manage nutrients. contaminated runoff from and how to monitor their
and recycling water used in fields, protect the health of farm movement. Pests in our crops
production in our cooling 2 DMFI optimizes fertilizer use to workers, prevent the destruction are anything undesirable
towers. We discharge used ensure crops receive only as of beneficial insects and other including diseases, insects,
much fertilizer as is needed to field organisms, and ultimately rodents, and weeds.
Using recycled water in washing pineapples
produce healthy yields. decrease the likelihood of

54 55

6 DMFI bans pesticide application RECYCLED CONTENT IN DMFI PACKAGING

when pollinators, such as bees,
are present.

7 The Company has reduced its

pesticide use in green beans by
96 percent since 1980.

8 DMFI provides our growers with

plants that are naturally resistant
to diseases and insects, reducing
fertilizer and chemical use in
5 We participate in the peach production process are 12 Del Monte pursues packaging
9 In the Philippines, Del Monte is How2Recycle initiative of turned into peach chips which sustainability goals to reduce
working on obtaining Rainforest the Sustainable Packaging are provided to those facing food packaging carbon footprint.
Alliance certification by FY23. Coalition® to inform consumers insecurity. We implement ongoing plastic
The Company implemented an how to recycle our recyclable packaging reduction initiatives
Integrated Pest Management packaging correctly. 10 We treat wastewater discharged and have set a goal to use
Program for its pineapple from our agro-industrial facilities. biodegradable PET bottles
plantation and begun replacing 6 Since 2009, we have been by FY2026.
and discontinuing certain reducing our use of plastics 11 In FY22, DMPI reduced about
hazardous chemicals. The Clean-up drive in the plantation and metal by light weighting 90 MT of plastic packaging 13 Solid wastes and recyclable
Company is discontinuing seven our packaging. We are currently materials and generated savings materials in the plantation
chemicals. developing a compostable fruit of about US$ 400 thousand. The community are segregated
cup using bioplastics as well as Company reduced rigid plastic and sold to fund community
10 DMPI installed manure and black a fruit cup that contains post- and flexible usage by 10% and projects.
light traps as a natural method to consumer recycled content. 4.4%, respectively.
control white grubs and installed
a Grubs Alert System for more 7 As members of the Sustainable
precise targeting of chemical Packaging Coalition® and
control against grubs. Consumer Brands Association,
we support improving recycling
infrastructure and exploring
WASTE MANAGEMENT new packaging options that are
1 In the U.S., we benchmarked our 3 The Company is evaluating ways
more widely recyclable and
waste management practices to repurpose previously unused
use a higher proportion of
and compared landfilling to excess syrup from our boba
recycled content.
recycling rates to ensure efficient product lines into new products.
management of waste streams.
8 We are actively involved in the
4 DMFI continuously works to
Food Waste Reduction Alliance, a
2 DMFI received upcycle reduce the footprint of our
collaborative effort between the
certificates for its Blue Lake® packaging by investing in new
Consumer Brands Association
Petite Cut Green Beans, Blue materials and redesigning
(formerly Grocery Manufacturers
Del Monte Pacific aims to reduce Lake® Farmhouse Cut Green existing materials. The majority
Association), Food Marketing
the overall consumption of Beans and Fruit Infusions. of our products come in steel
Institute, and National Restaurant
raw materials in our operation, Previously discarded small cuts cans, which have the highest
encourage the reuse of materials, and ends of green beans have recycling rate of any material.
and promote responsible disposal. been upcycled into these two We ship and protect products
9 Over the years, DMFI partnered
The Group actively seeks ways new products, while excess in corrugate, which contains 33
with Feeding America to divert
to divert food waste from landfill, pineapple juice from our percent recycled content. Our
peach pieces and process them
including through upcycling. A canned pineapple processing paper-based products are 100
into canned peach chips. Small
dedicated task force finds new uses gets repurposed in our new Del percent Sustainable Forestry
cuts of peaches that previously
for waste streams. Monte® Fruit Infusions. Initiative® or Forest Stewardship
went to waste through our sliced
Council® certified.
56 57

14 All toll manufacturers in the CLIMATE RISK TO SUPPLY CHAIN

Philippines practice waste
segregation and management.
DMPI ensures that all our toll
manufacturers comply with
water and smoke discharge

15 The DMPI office in Manila is LEED

Silver-certified, a green building
symbol recognized around
the globe. The building system
conserves water and employees
practice waste segregation.
Fresh Fruit Operations team with Francisco T. Molas, Group Head, Mindanao Operations


4 In Hanford, the Company abides the plant installed a combined quantification and reporting of
by the state’s cap and trade heat and power system, the GHG emissions have been
program, which requires a year- selective catalytic reduction unit, independently verified by the
on-year reduction in emissions. condensing economizer, and British Standards Institution
DMFI installed a solar power backpressure turbine generator (BSI) against ISO 14064-1:2018
plant in Hanford. in the boiler system. These specifications. The verification
upgrades cut natural gas use activity has been carried out in
5 In FY22, the Company reduced by 20%. Lighting, compressed accordance with ISO 14064-
its total energy use by 35,345 air, and other electric efficiency 3:2019 and the principles of ISO
Climate change is a business risk, megawatt-hours despite upgrades also reduced energy 14065:2020.
from altering the growing season increasing total production. use by 12%.
to delaying shipments due to Part of the reduction is the use 10 The Company’s sequestration
extreme weather and increasing of solar panels in Hanford that 8 In the US, the Company from its vast 28,000-hectare
costs for resilience measures. To produce 401 megawatt-hours of increased shipments by rail plantation and around 630,000
reduce carbon emissions, we have electricity. by over 2.3 million miles, trees planted to increase the
undertaken initiatives to explore an increase of 38%, which forest cover around its plantation
more efficient energy sources, 6 In Hanford, we purchased a eliminated 8,086 MTCO2e or the more than offsets DMPI’s carbon
strengthen energy conservation in previously leased solar power equivalent of 133,703 seedlings emissions.
Solar panels in Hanford facility in California
worksites, and reduce process waste. generation installation in order grown for one year.
to reduce our energy cost and 11 The Company has disaster
1 The Group takes a holistic 2 About 90 percent of DMFI’s 3 The Company installed a emissions. 9 Del Monte Philippines, Inc. recovery and business continuity
approach to managing and vegetables, fruits and tomatoes new refrigerant system in its (DMPI) became one of the few plans to minimize the adverse
mitigating risks posed by climate grown in the United States. The Yakima facility that replaced 7 Our Modesto plant in California companies in the Philippines to effects of environmental
change by working across Company mitigates greenhouse chlorofluorocarbons and implemented multiple initiatives be certified as carbon negative incidents and initiatives to
our value chain to measure gas (GHG) emissions by locating hydrochlorofluorocarbons with to minimize the impact of for scopes 1, 2 and 3 (air travel mitigate the effects of El Niño
climate impacts and implement processing plants near our ammonia, an alternative system climate change. As part of and fuel used by vehicles) for and La Niña.
adaptation initiatives. growers, on average, less than that does not use refrigerant continuous improvement efforts, its pineapple operations. The
100 miles apart, resulting in gases which have a global
lower fuel use and fresher warming potential. The system
products. has resulted in electricity savings
and lower operating costs.

58 59

12 Del Monte’s waste-to-energy 13 The waste-to-energy facility c The waste-to-energy ENVIRONMENT

facility converts the cannery’s ensures 100% wastewater facility produced 17% of the
wastewater into renewable treatment and serves as a shield cannery’s power requirement
energy. The facility generates against unstable power supply in FY22
2.8 MW of electricity and and power cost increases.
cleanses water discharged at a This plant complemented the 14 DMPI’s bottling plant and Manila
coastal waters of Macajalar Bay, job performed by an eco- office purchase their electricity
which has Biochemical Oxygen effective but power-intensive from a Retail Electricity Supplier
Demand levels better than aerobic treatment plant (RES) to save on costs. Part of the
government mandated levels of b We are committed to electricity purchased from RES
100 mg/liter. reduction of greenhouse came from renewable sources.
1 The Del Monte Foundation
gases in compliance with the
pursued tree-growing efforts
Clean Air Act of the Philippines
by partnering with schools and
organizations in the plantation
vicinity to gather tree-planting

2 Our tree planting program in Foundation volunteers participated in the reforestation at Mt. Kalatungan
Mindanao, Philippines uses
mostly endemic tree species
sourced from nurseries sustained Local Government Units 5 The Foundation has a 7-hectare
by local indigenous people. for reforestation and soil agroforestry project with the
conservation. Indigenous People community in
3 We have planted around Mt. Kitanglad that grows coffee
630,000 indigenous and 4 Our new employees plant trees and bamboo for livelihood in
commercial trees, including in Mindanao. This practice order to protect the forest from
about 23,000 planted in FY22 increases the employees’ denudation.
in different areas of Bukidnon awareness to take care of the
by the Del Monte Foundation, environment. Training program
Plantation Operations, beneficiaries also plant trees in
DEARBC cooperative, Xavier community tree parks before
Science Foundation and their graduation.
The cannery's waste-to-energy facility in Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City

Plantation team with Francisco T. Molas, Group Head, Mindanao Operations Ficus Balete tree (Strangler Fig)

60 61

7 We are mindful of the diverse

flora and fauna around the
plantation and ensure they are
protected and cared for.

8 Part of the Company’s employee

engagement in Bugo is the annual
coastal clean-up of the shoreline
of Macajalar Bay in Bantiles, Bugo,
Cagayan de Oro City.

9 Part of the Corporate Social

Responsibility initiatives of
our toll manufacturers are
the Waterbody Program and
quarterly Clean-up by the
Department of Environment and
Natural Resources.

10 The Company has a risk

management plan and corporate
compliance report that includes
potential risks and issues raised
by stakeholders concerning
people, communities, the
environment and the business. Zebra Dove (Geopelia striata) and its nest

11 We encourage our stakeholders

to inform the Company of any
environmental, regulatory and
social issues. Issues brought to
the attention of management are
discussed, and mitigating actions
are conveyed to the concerned
MAMACILA tree nursery
stakeholder, accordingly.

6 An IP organization, MAMACILA,
and the Foundation inked an
agreement to expand the latter’s
nursery of native tree seedlings
in Claveria, Misamis Oriental.
The Foundation extended
financial assistance for nursery
establishment, which shall be
repaid by MAMACILA in the form
of seedlings. These shall be used
for the reforestation of about 10
hectares assigned by the LGU DMPI volunteers participated in the Macajalar Bay coastal clean-up
to DMPI equivalent to 1% of the
land that the company is leasing
in the town.
Bees act as pollinators in an apricot orchard

62 63


Peach orchard in the US

Benjamin Z. Mabanta, DMPI Senior Manager, Plantation Spray, Engineering Maintenance Group and Geomatics, and Dr. Ephraim
Cercado, co-founder of the PNTE, led the inauguration of the arboretum INTRODUCTION DMPL’s report uses the framework In 2022, Del Monte Philippines,
This is DMPL’s first climate-related of the Task Force on Climate- Inc. (DMPI) became one of the few
Last June 2022, DMPI between DMPI and the Philippine Some of the tree species in report. This report describes Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) companies to be certified as carbon
inaugurated its first native tree Native Tree Enthusiasts (PNTE), a our arboretum are Alagao, climate-related risks, how they may for each of the following pillars: negative for scopes 1, 2 and 3 (air
arboretum at its Plantation private sector advocacy group with Dao Seriales, Molave, impact our business, the Group’s travel and fuel used by vehicles) and
facility in Cawayanon, Manolo close to 20,000 members whose Sagimsiman, Tuai and plans to mitigate the potential risks • Governance probably the first in the Philippines
Fortich, Bukidnon. An arboretum main thrust is the promotion and White Lauaan. Certain trees and opportunities to ensure DMPL’s • Strategy for its pineapple operations. The
is a botanical garden where appreciation of tree species that have grown over 17 meters resilience. DMPL understands that • Risk Management quantification and reporting of
trees, shrubs, and herbaceous are native to the Philippines. (50 feet) high. The forest climate risks continue to evolve • Metrics and Targets the GHG emissions have been
plants are cultivated for scientific cover of DMPI is part of its and will continue to adjust its risk independently verified by the British
and educational purposes. Our arboretum in Cawayanon pineapple operations’ negative mitigation plans accordingly. DMPL commits to net-zero Standards Institution (BSI) against
consists of more than 80 different carbon footprint. emissions goals by 2050. The goal is ISO 14064-1:2018 specifications.
The inauguration was attended species that are all native to the DMPL recognizes the risks brought to reduce scopes 1, 2 and 3 carbon The verification activity has been
by the families of our Mindanao- Philippines, including some that about by climate change. The emissions and support the call in carried out in accordance with ISO
based officers residing in the are endemic. It now serves as company’s operations have the COP26 meeting in Glasgow, 14064-3:2019 and the principles of
area and included a tree- a gene bank as a source of experienced first-hand how Scotland, in 2021 for countries to ISO 14065:2020.
planting activity as well. The future reforestation projects of climate change has impacted its limit global temperature rise to 1.5oC.
arboretum is a collaboration the Company. operations. In the US, extreme Del Monte invests in programs and
weather and water stress have Del Monte Foods, Inc. (DMFI) has projects that reduce greenhouse gas
affected operations. Our operations announced its commitment to net- (GHG) emissions:
in the Philippines have experienced zero emissions by 2050. DMFI has
drought from the El Niño weather registered with the Science Based • Reduce energy used in
pattern, heavy rainfall from La Niña, Targets Initiative (SBTi) to align with production
and more frequent typhoons in its net zero standards and define • Invest in renewable energy
recent years. a measurable path not only to the • Improve transport efficiency
net-zero emissions goal, but also to • Use post-consumer recycled
drive near-term, consistent progress content
for reducing emissions across the
supply chain versus specific 2030
emissions reduction targets aligned
with SBTi criteria.

64 65

GOVERNANCE Management’s Role

Board Oversight The Chief Corporate Officer leads
the sustainability agenda of the
Group and updates the Board and
management on sustainability.
Management is responsible for
overseeing the Group’s risks
across functions. Risk assessment
and mitigation are aligned with
the Group’s strategy and form an
integral part of the annual business
planning and budgeting process.

Climate-related risks and its

impact on DMPL’s business have
Del Monte Pacific Board of Directors, Rolando C. Gapud, Benedict Kwek Gim Song, Godfrey E.
Scotchbrook, Yvonne Goh, Joselito D. Campos, Jr., Edgardo M. Cruz, Jr., Emil Q. Javier with Del been part of the Company’s risk
Monte Foods Directors, Luis F. Alejandro and Jeanette Naughton assessment. The sustainability team
DMPI leadership with Luis F. Alejandro, President and Chief Operating Officer
provides direction and supports the
sustainability initiatives of different
DMPL is committed to the Risk assessment and evaluation is an departments, follows up their goals STRATEGY AND considering a variety of possible
highest standards of corporate integral part of the Annual Operating and progress. The sustainability RISK MANAGEMENT future conditions under a given
governance and supports the Plan. Climate-related risks are team updates the Board and also Scenario Analysis limited set of assumptions. Modeling
principles of openness, integrity reviewed quarterly by the Audit and reviews the Risk Management report As prescribed by TCFD, part of assumptions use historical data. Each
DMPI’s waste-to-energy facility in the cannery and accountability advocated by Risk Committee as part of the Risk for the Board. The leadership team strategy development is to use risk will be modeled independently.
the Singapore Exchange Securities Management report on principal has been tasked by the Board to scenario analysis of possible The longer the timeline, the more
Trading Limited (SGX-ST), and risks. Having identified key climate- include ESG-related goals and KPIs outcomes brought about by climate unpredictable and uncertain the
A more detailed discussion of the similarly upheld by the Philippine related risks, mitigating action plans in their annual performance goals. change. Scenario analysis can aid risk especially in the context of how
Group’s projects can be found in the Stock Exchange, Inc. (PSE) and the are formulated with respect to companies as a tool for strategic companies will transition to a low
Sustainability Report. Philippine Securities and Exchange each significant risk. Identified risks Next Steps planning and risk management. carbon operation.
Commission (SEC). The Board of are also included and monitored The Company’s materiality
The Group will pursue opportunities Directors and Management are in the corporate risk register, and assessment had been conducted by a Scenario modeling has several TCFD requires companies to assess
to reduce its carbon emissions. also committed to uphold the mitigating measures are followed up third party and involved consultation limitations and scenarios are not their resilience under different
DMPL will work with its value chain, Company’s governance framework. with the relevant stakeholders. with stakeholders. Our next steps forecasts. Scenarios help evaluate external conditions. Companies can
suppliers, third party manufacturers include updating the Group’s a range of hypothetical outcomes, use the Intergovernmental Panel
and customers, to develop a glide path DMPL’s governance on climate The Board convened a special materiality assessment based on GRI
to net-zero emissions and report on change is evolving. As part of session on sustainability last 1 2021 which will include the business
progress against these goals. the Board’s oversight on climate March 2022. The agenda included impact of climate-related risks and
change, sustainability is part of the the Group’s sustainability plan, the opportunities. DMPL will continue to
The Group develops its metrics and Board agenda at least twice a year. Board’s ESG Responsibility and the benchmark with the best practices of
targets with various stakeholders The Board approves the Group’s sustainability journey of a company leading organizations, engage third
based on an assessment and sustainability objectives, goals and belonging to the top 100 in the party experts on climate change, and
understanding of climate-related projects which include, among Corporate Knights list of sustainable include climate-related challenges
risks. Under different climate others, climate-related projects. companies. One of the key topics in decision making on strategy and
scenarios, DMPL will update its The Board oversees their progress discussed was climate change and performance objectives.
strategies, mitigate risks and and disclosures in the Annual Report the Group’s net-zero emissions goal.
implement opportunities. DMPL and Sustainability Report. Included in the discussion was the
will integrate these assessments one-time training on sustainability
into the Group’s strategic planning The Nominating and Governance for directors, as prescribed by the
and enterprise risk management Committee, headed by an Singapore Exchange.
frameworks to ensure it adapts to independent director, is tasked with
climate change. ensuring compliance with, and
proper observance of, corporate
governance principles and practices. Solar energy used in DMFI’s Hanford facility in the US

66 67

on Climate Change (IPCC) and Climate-related Risks in the US For example, in 2019, extreme 2. Through our breeding and other 9. In Hanford, California, we
the Representative Concentration precipitation, flooding, and innovation programs, we are able purchased a previously leased
Pathway (RCP) on greenhouse subsequent disease in the Midwest to closely monitor and establish solar power generation
gas emissions using climate destroyed a portion of the pea varieties that not only continue installation in order to reduce
model simulations to project their crops that DMFI was contracted to deliver quality crops, but crops our energy bills and emissions.
consequences. The scenarios would to purchase. DMFI had to source that grow with less strain on the
include the following: more expensive alternative peas to environment. While DMFI implements these
meet the demand for canned peas, 3. To manage our raw product measures, monitors situations of
1. RCP 2.6, below 2ºC (stringent but was unable to pass on all the inventory, we issue crop reports weather disturbances and executes
mitigation scenario) increased costs to its customers. monthly during planting and its mitigating plans accordingly, the
2. RCP 4.5 and RCP 6.0 ~ 2.5ºC to Any disruption in growing harvesting seasons which detail Company is not able to eliminate the
~ 3.5ºC (intermediate scenario) conditions, including those caused how weather events affect the risks relating to the exposure of the
3. RCP 8.5, above 4ºC (business by acute physical impacts of climate quality and recovery of our agricultural sector to fluctuations in
as usual) change such as storms and flooding, contracted crops. weather conditions.
will lead to increased pricing for
4. We have also sourced raw
The information published by contracted crops due to limited Climate-related Risks in the
materials from a number of
the IPCC assessment report on supply. If product quality and timing Philippines
regions instead of a single region
the scientific, technological, impacts production throughput Del Monte Philippines, Inc. (DMPI),
and have back-up procurement
environmental, economic and social and capacity, DMFI could also be a subsidiary of Del Monte Pacific
Tomato field in California, USA on hand.
aspects of mitigation of climate subject to increased variable costs. Limited, operates a 28,000-hectare
change can be used. It is difficult to estimate the financial 5. We work with our growers to pineapple plantation in Bukidnon,
Del Monte Foods, Inc. (DMFI), a The company’s concentration in impact of rising mean temperatures mitigate their GHG emissions Philippines and a Processing
Risks will be classified as physical or subsidiary of DMPL, operates eight the procurement, manufacturing or other extreme weather events and manage their water use. Plant in Bugo, Cagayan de Oro
transition risks. Physical risks relate manufacturing facilities in North and sale of these crops may due to climate change, and as such 6. We invest in water efficiency and City. Pineapple-related products
to the physical impact of climate America focused on the canning increase the potential impact of we have provided our raw materials water reuse projects. account for a large component of
change such as extreme weather of vegetables and fruits. Vegetable adverse climate on the Company and packaging materials inventories 7. We embarked on an irrigation the Company’s total production
conditions (drought, heat waves, plants are located in Washington affecting the growth and harvest, spend to provide context of the optimization project with our and revenue, and pineapples
extreme heavy rainfall and water and Wisconsin, while fruit plants are manufacturing, and distribution of magnitude of the financial impact. growers, other food processors, comprise the Company’s main
stress) and chronic longer-term located in California, Washington, vegetables and fruits, or the demand and the California Tomato crop. About 63% of the Company’s
climate shifts, e.g. rising sea levels and Mexico, and one tomato plant for these products in general, any In FY22, our cost of products sold Growers Association to optimize total revenue was from the sale of
and sustained high temperatures. is located in California. DMFI has of which may materially impact the was US$1,258,800,000, and we water use while maintaining crop pineapple-related products sourced
Transition risks relate to shifts in a seasonal production cycle that Company’s business and financial estimate that physical climate productivity, thus lessening the from its Mindanao plantation. The
the policy, technology, social and generally runs between the months performance. risks to our growers and other strain of drought. Company’s concentration in the
economic landscape that are likely of June and October. This seasonal commodities could add a 2% production, manufacturing and sale
8. Our Modesto, California plant
to occur in the transition to a low production primarily relates to the Climate change poses a risk to the increase to those costs. Therefore, of pineapples and pineapple-related
implemented multiple initiatives
carbon economy. Companies need majority of processed vegetable, business as weather patterns across the potential financial impact could products may increase the potential
to minimize the impact of
to assess the potential impact of fruit and tomato products. The the United States and Mexico have be about US$25 million. DMFI has impact of adverse weather on the
climate change. As part of
these risks, and the strategies and seasonal nature of DMFI’s fresh changed since the company started implemented various measures growth and harvest, manufacturing
continuous improvement efforts,
timeline to mitigate these risks. harvest leaves the company its operations in its growing areas. to protect itself from the business or packing, and distribution of
the plant installed a combined
vulnerable to extreme weather Wind storms, droughts, extreme impacts of climate change: processed or fresh pineapple, or
heat and power system,
After companies make a proper events that could affect crop heat, and extreme rainfall are the demand for pineapple products
selective catalytic reduction unit,
assessment of their climate- development or crop harvest as increasing in these areas, which 1. We have bred seeds for peas, in general, any of which may
condensing economizer, and
related risks, they will have a better there is only one main season per may affect agricultural output beans, corn, and spinach to materially impact the Company’s
backpressure turbine generator
understanding of the impact of year that we are able to source our and the operations of production exhibit beneficial characteristics results of operation and financial
in the boiler system. These
climate change and its effect on raw materials. Seventy nine percent facilities. DMFI has been adapting its such as high yield, hardiness, performance.
upgrades cut natural gas use
the business. of DMFI’s revenue in the Fiscal Year agricultural procurement practices and pest-resistance which in
by 20%. Lighting, compressed
2022 was comprised of packaged to address potential disruptions turn increases their resilience to
air, and other electric efficiency
vegetable and fruit. Key products caused by changing weather chronic climate-related events/
upgrades also reduced energy
under this segment are canned conditions, which may result in changing climatic zones, such
use by 12%.
green beans, corn, peaches, and higher cost of operations, decreased as drought and increasing pest
tomatoes sold in the United States. production output and profitability. pressures.

68 69

covering Taal to Level 1, there is no 5. Backhoe and wheel tractors are Risk Management
assurance that the Taal Volcano will used as towing units to ensure
not increase seismic activity or erupt the continuity of harvest during PROBABILITY
in the future. wet conditions.
6. The Company has disaster
Super Typhoon Rolly/Goni and recovery plans and business Low Medium High
Typhoon Ulysses/Vamco in continuity plans to minimize the
November 2020 and Super Typhoon adverse effects of environmental
Odette/Rai in December 2021 incidents and initiatives to High Urgent Critical Critical

brought strong winds and rain to mitigate the effects of El Niño
the country. These back-to-back and La Niña.
weather disturbances caused
7. DMPI uses unmanned aerial Medium Pre-emptive Urgent Critical
major destruction to property
vehicle (UAV) more commonly
Del Monte Philippines’ pineapple plantation in Bukidnon and massive flooding in various
known as drones to monitor
parts of the Philippines. Natural
the pineapple crop health and
catastrophes, such as another Low Pre-emptive Pre-emptive Urgent
plan roads, canals, and ditches,
DMPI’s business is susceptible weather conditions, which may eruption of the Taal Volcano
among others.
to natural phenomena, such as result in higher cost of operations, or strong typhoons, may cause
weather disturbances and other decreased production output and damage and materially disrupt and 8. The Company implements
natural disasters. The Philippines, profitability. adversely affect the operations and proactive cost management
which is located along the Pacific financial condition of the Company. across all other areas of its As a food and beverage company, The Group identifies and manages
Ring of Fire and a typhoon belt, has In 2016, for example, the Company’s plantation to make up for higher climate change is a key risk that can climate-related risks to reduce
experienced a number of major sales were impacted by reduced DMPI implemented various pineapple costs resulting from impact our business. The Group has the uncertainty associated with
natural catastrophes over the past pineapple supply as a result of the measures to mitigate the effects of climate-related risks. a Risk Management framework to executing our business strategies
years, including typhoons, volcanic El Niño weather pattern, which climate change: 9. Del Monte carries business assess all types of business risks. and to maximize opportunities
eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, led to an estimated loss of over interruption insurance, however, that may arise. Climate risks can
mudslides, fires, droughts and 20,000 tons or an estimated US$5.8 1. Del Monte embarked on prudent it is not certain that the Risk Management is a fundamental take various forms and can have
floods related to El Niño and La Niña million (₱290 million) in lost sales measures in the field, such as Company will be able to recover part of Del Monte Pacific Limited’s material adverse impact on our
weather event. DMPI’s plantations for the fiscal year ended April 30, continuous enforcement of the potential damage and processes and planning. Our risk operations, human resources and
are located in northern Mindanao, 2016. Furthermore, in 2019, the land preparation activities, soil economic loss that may result management process is based on financial performance. Mitigating
which is outside the typhoon Company’s sales were impacted management practices and from such natural catastrophes. industry best practices and provides measures are implemented
belt and earthquake faults. The by reduced pineapple supply as a reinforcing root health, among the principles and guidelines in to address these risks.
plantations are located on a high result of the El Niño weather pattern others. While DMPI implements these managing risks.
elevation which minimizes the risk which led to decreased exports of measures, continuously monitors DMPL’s Risk Management framework
2. The Company implements the
of flooding. However, there is no packaged pineapple. weather disturbances and executes The Board believes that risk helps in incorporating climate-
Seed-to-Mouth program and
assurance that natural catastrophes its mitigating plans accordingly, the management provides the related risks and opportunities into
strictly complies with good
will not materially disrupt the In January 2020, the Taal Volcano, Company is not able to eliminate framework for management to our business strategies efficiently.
agricultural and manufacturing
Company’s business operations in which is located in Luzon, was in a the risks relating to the exposure assess climate-related risk and As more data, studies and insights
best practices to ensure the
the future. period of intense unrest beginning of the plantation to fluctuations in embrace a mindset of resilience. become available, the Group
quality of processes and
with phreatic or steam-driven climate conditions. will continue to refine our risk
Climate change poses a risk to the activity in several points inside the assessment framework.
3. To manage the potential impact
business as weather patterns in main crater that progressed into
from drought or heavy rainfall
Mindanao have changed since the magmatic eruption. The Philippine
and floods, plantings are done
Company started its operations in Institute of Volcanology and
in various locations over a large
the area. Droughts, typhoons and Seismology (“PHILVOCS”) raised
area to minimize tonnage loss.
flooding are increasing in Bukidnon the alert level to Alert Level 4 on
and Cagayan de Oro, which may January 12, 2020. Pursuant to such 4. DMPI also implements a number
affect agricultural output and the events, PHILVOCS ordered the of measures to mitigate against
operations of the Bugo Processing total evacuation of the Volcano the impact of drought or heavy
and Production Facility. DMPI has island and high-risk areas within a rainfall and flooding, such as
been adapting its agricultural and 14-Kilometer radius from the Taal soil management practices and
production practices to address main crater. Although PHILVOLCS reinforcing root health.
disruptions caused by changing has since lowered the Alert Level

70 71

Verification Opinion
METRICS AND TARGETS is on safeguarding the environment DMPL commits to net-zero
Del Monte Pacific Limited by mitigating climate change, emissions goals by 2050. The goal is GHGEV 750474 29042022
has set environmental, social managing water use and reducing to reduce scopes 1, 2 and 3 carbon
and governance goals for the waste. The Group measures and emissions and supports the call in
the COP26 meeting in Glasgow,
Responsible party: Del Monte Philippines, Inc.
Company. The Group strives discloses these three focus areas,
Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City
toward its ambition to reduce its and other metrics and targets in our Scotland, for countries to limit global
Misamis Oriental
environmental impact. Our focus operations. temperature rise to 1.5oC.
9000 Philippines

Type of GHG Statement:
Carbon Emissions
Scope 1 MT CO2eq 106,715 62,761 Identification of GHG Statement:
Scope 2 MT CO2eq 28,522 37,056 Greenhouse Gases Emission Annual Report 2020
Scope 3 MT CO2eq 58,378
Scope of activities:
Carbon sequestration MT CO2eq 706,078
Manufacturing of Food and Beverage
Water Consumption
Water used for operations '000 liters 4,254,520 7,256,168 Organisational Boundary:
Water use ratio L/Kg produced 5.66 25.10 Operational Control
Sites Included in Organisational Boundary:
Waste diverted to landfills MT 497,663 58,671
See Appendix A
1 DMFI scopes 1 & 2 emissions for FY2021 Reporting Boundary:
2 DMPI emissions for pineapple operations for the year 2020
3 DMPI scope 3 is for air travel and transportation only
Scope 1 Direct emissions - Coal & Charcoal, Stationary Diesel, Fire Extinguishers ‐ CO2, Air Conditioners –
Refrigerants, LPG Consumption, Welding Acetylene
Scope 2 Energy Indirect emissions - Usage of Purchased Electricity
The Group will continue to using analytics and digitalization to The Group’s business depends on
Scope 3 Other Indirect emissions - Fuel used by vehicles & air travel
enhance its metrics and targets and enhance accountability, transparency responsible stewardship of nature,
develop a roadmap to our net-zero and decision-making. the source of our produce. Part of
Criteria for developing the organisational GHG Inventory:
emissions target by 2050. DMPL will this responsibility is to ensure we
work closely with key stakeholders DMPL is committed to setting climate reduce our net carbon emissions. ISO 14064-1:2018
to identify and measure emissions, goals for a healthier planet, healthier Del Monte continues to invest in
Level of Assurance:
and explore best practices in produce and healthier people. the present to sustain our future.

Materiality level:

01/01/2020 – 31/12/2020

GHG Emissions:
tCO2(e) Location Based
Scope 1 62,760.82
Scope 2 37,056.40
Scope 3 58,377.23
Offsetting (706,077.52)
Total -547,883.07

Luis F. Alejandro, DMPI President and COO, and Ignacio C.O. Sison, DMPI Chief Sustainability
Officer, receive the Carbon Footprint verification report from representatives of BSI

72 73
Verification Opinion: Verified as Satisfactory
As a result of verification procedures, it is the opinion of BSI with limited assurance that: We are committed to the highest
• The Greenhouse Gas Direct and Energy Indirect Emissions for the period from 01/01/2020 to standards of corporate governance
31/12/2020 is 158,194.45 tonnes CO2 equivalent. and support the principles of openness,
• GHG Reductions: sourced from the amount of total carbon sequestered by pineapple plants, integrity and accountability
composting activities and trees planted across plantation.
• Carbon sequestration report as reported in the 2020 Carbon/Energy Footprint as follows: Growing In this section:
Pineapple (685,965.62 tonnes CO2 equivalent), Reforestation (7,095.11 tonnes CO2 equivalent),
Composting (13,016.79 tonnes CO2 equivalent). 1 Board governance
• Difference between the Greenhouse Gas Direct and Energy indirect Emissions with the Sequestration 2 Ethics and integrity
value generated indicates a negative carbon emission of 547,883.07 tonnes CO2 equivalent for the 3 Data protection and cybersecurity
period of 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2020. 4 Data privacy
• The inventory year for the period from 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2020 is considered as the base year.
• Main operational activities carried out in the defined organizational boundary include manufacturing of
pineapple to finished products including storage & packaging.
• No material misstatements in the selected year of Greenhouse Gas Emissions calculation for Del Monte
Philippines, Inc. were revealed.
• Data quality was considered acceptable in meeting the principles as set out in ISO 14064-1:2018.

Verification Activities:
The following were the verification activities undertaken:
• Evaluation of the monitoring and controls systems through interviewing employee’s observation &
• Verification of the data through sampling recalculation, retracing, cross checking, reconciliation

The quantification and reporting of the GHG emissions have been independently verified by BSI against the
specifications defined in ISO 14064-1:2018. The verification activity has been carried out in accordance
with ISO 14064-3:2019 and the principles of ISO 14065:2020.

The data on which the GHG emissions are based has been provided by Del Monte Philippines, Inc. in the
document “Greenhouse Gases Emission Annual Report 2020”. This document is the responsibility of Del
Monte Philippines, Inc. and is historical in nature.

The responsible party is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the GHG statement in
accordance with the criteria.

BSI is responsible for expressing an opinion on the GHG statement based on the verification.

Lead Verifier: Sanjiv Bose

Signed on behalf of BSI Group Philippines, Inc.:

Ava Taniajura - Managing Director, BSI Group Philippines, Inc.

74 75

DMPL has a corporate governance BOARD GOVERNANCE

structure which ensures that
the Board and management are
accountable to shareholders
while operating in an ethical
manner. Our Board of Directors
directs the long-term strategy
of the Group, evaluates the
performance of the Board and
Management, reviews material
issues, and provides guidance on
matters relating to governance.
The Group has implemented a
set of environmental, social and
governance (ESG) related key
performance indicators based
on the recommendation of the
Singapore Exchange.
Del Monte Pacific Board of
Directors Emil Q. Javier, Yvonne
For more information regarding Goh, Rolando C. Gapud, Godfrey E.
our governance principles, please Scotchbrook, Joselito D. Campos,
Jr., Edgardo M. Cruz, Jr. and
refer to our FY2022 Annual Report Benedict Kwek Gim Song
at Executive Chairman Rolando C. Gapud receiving the Best Managed Board Award from former
corporate-governance. Singapore President Dr. Tony Tan



Board of Directors
14 Awards Ranked 19 8 Awards 4 Independent Directors
3 Executive Directors
Best Managed Board 3rd Highest Ranked Corporate Governance Award
Gold 2010 | 2015 Mid-Cap Company 2014 | 2019 | 2021
Best Chief Financial Officer Transparency Company Nominating and
2010 Top 4% among 519 2001 | 2013 | 2017 Remuneration and Share
Audit and Risk Committee Governance Committee
Singapore-Listed Companies Option Committee
4 Independent Directors 4 Independent Directors
Best Investor Relations Shareholders Communications 4 Independent Directors
2 Executive Directors
Gold 2011 | 2017 Special Commendation Excellence
Bronze 2014 #1 Mid-Cap Company 2018 | 2019
Best Annual Report
SECURITIES INVESTORS Corporate Sustainability
Gold 2019
Silver 2013 | 2018 ASEAN CORPORATE ASSOCIATION (SINGAPORE) Chief Corporate Officer
Bronze 2010 | 2012 | 2014 | GOVERNANCE
2016 | 2017
Best IR Website
Ranked 23 Among 700
Singapore-Listed Business Units of
Among Top 100 Subsidiaries
Singapore-Listed Companies Companies
Evaluated Leadership and
2017 Sustainability Teams

76 77

evaluating it annually. presentation on the “Board’s ESG
Responsibility.” The CEO of one
DMPL Board Audit and Risk Nominating and Remuneration 5 The Group’s Board is headed of the Corporate Knights’ 100
• Approval of Committee (ARC) Governance and Share Option by the Executive Chairman. The Most Sustainable Companies
sustainability • Reviews key and Committee (NGC) Committee (RSOC) duties of the Executive Chairman made a presentation on his
goals, policies and emerging risks, • Ensures compliance to • Approves senior include, among other things, company’s sustainability journey. With respect to ethics and integrity,
frameworks mitigation plans and regulatory guidelines management providing leadership to the Board the DMPL Group supports the
• Monitors the progress, including on Board governance remuneration matters and ensuring the effectiveness of 7 All seven directors have registered principles advocated by the Singapore
integration of environmental, social and the code of the Board in all aspects, leading for ESG courses in 2022, based Exchange Securities Trading Limited,
• Provides direction and
sustainability into and governance risks corporate governance the Company in its relationships on the list provided by the SGX, as the Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc.,
guidance on linking
management that, among others,
• Reviews governance performance goals with stakeholders and setting the part of their sustainability training and the Securities and Exchange
processes pertain to:
recommendations and incentives of the course for the Company to reach as Board members. Among Commission of the Philippines.
• Oversees - Climate impact in line with third leadership team to greater heights. others, the courses include the
sustainability - Supply chain party corporate ESG goals Board’s roles and responsibilities 1 The Group disclosed its new
targets and overall assessments and best • Reviews HR The Executive Chairman with respect to sustainability, ESG policies as part of its ESG
- Organization practice
sustainability metrics that track leads the Board in charting developments, value creation disclosures in the DMPL website:
performance - Cybersecurity • Conducts organizational goals the strategic roadmap of the through ESG, sustainability
• Oversight of - Compliance performance Company including setting the reporting and climate-related com/corporate-governance/ch-
implementation evaluations of vision and the key initiatives to risks reporting. manual-1
• Reviews financial
of sustainability the Board and
performance, achieve it. He is in the forefront - Environmental Policy
plans, policies and Committees
reporting governance of any acquisitions, joint 8 It is the intention of the Board to - Health Statement
frameworks and assurance • Oversees Board and ventures, and strategic alliances establish a separate Sustainability - Responsible Marketing Policy
• Shareholder senior management of the Company. Committee. Sustainability, - Supplier Code of Conduct
engagement succession planning compliance and risk matters are
• Approval of material The Executive Chairman also reported regularly to the Board. 2 Del Monte Foods, Inc.’s (DMFI)
disclosures sets the tone of Board meetings Code of Conduct, prohibits
to encourage proactive 9 DMPL implements a Securities employees, contractors and
participation and constructive Dealings Policy which prohibits consultants from engaging
1 The Company maintains The Board is of the view that all Disclosures of Directors’ interests discussions on agenda topics. At designated people within the in any bribery or the making
corporate governance principles. Directors objectively discharged and their interest in transactions Board meetings, he ensures that Group, including Directors and of improper payments to
Four out of seven members their duties and responsibilities at are standing agenda items in adequate time is allocated for key management personnel, to improperly influence, directly
of the Board are independent all times as fiduciaries, in the best all Board meetings, and such discussion of all agenda items, deal with the Company’s securities or indirectly, any foreign
directors. Chairpersons and interest of the Company. disclosures would be circulated in particular, discussions on during closed window periods or government employees,
all members of two Board and tabled for Board members’ strategic matters and issues. while in possession of unpublished employees of government-
committees (Audit and Risk, and 3 The NGC, on an annual basis, information, as appropriate. material or price-sensitive controlled businesses, political
Remuneration and Share Option) determines whether or not a 6 The Board also receives regular information, or to provide such parties or candidates.
are independent directors. The Director is independent, taking 4 The Board has adopted a training updates on matters information to others.
Company’s Board is accountable into account the 2018 Code’s Board Diversity Policy which affecting the Group’s business 3 DMFI adopted the International
to the shareholders. definition. Independence is recognizes the importance and operations. In addition, 10 The Group implements a Anti-Corruption Policy to
taken to mean that Directors are of diversity. The Board firmly all Directors are required to Whistleblower Policy that establish the specific standards
2 Four out of six members of the independent in conduct, character believes that its effectiveness undergo annual continuing aims to deter and uncover and procedures to be followed
Nominating and Governance and judgement, and have no and decision-making will be training as may be relevant to any corrupt and unethical act by employees, consultants and
Committee (NGC) are relationship with the Company, enhanced as it harnesses the the effective discharge of their detrimental to its interests that business partners to prevent
independent directors. The NGC or its related corporations, its variety of skills, industry and responsibilities, at the expense of may be committed by officers official corruption and improper
has formalized procedures for substantial shareholders or its business experiences, gender, the Company. and employees, as well as third payments in the conduct of Del
the selection, appointment and officers that could interfere, or be age, ethnicity and culture, parties or any other persons such Monte’s business worldwide.
re-appointment of Directors. reasonably perceived to interfere, geographical background and A special Board meeting on as suppliers and contractors.
Letters of appointment are issued with the exercise of the Director’s nationalities, tenure of service, Sustainability was held in 4 Anti-corruption training is
to new Directors setting out their independent business judgment in and other distinguishing qualities March 2022 to discuss the 11 DMPL was honored with the provided to management
duties, obligations, and terms of the best interest of the Company. of its own diverse Board. Group’s sustainability plan. A Best Managed Board Award and certain personnel that
appointment, as appropriate. The NGC is responsible for representative of the Singapore (Gold) twice at the Singapore may potentially interact
Corporate Awards. with government officials,

78 79

including personnel from Legal, 10 Del Monte Philippines, Inc. 15 The Company’s whistleblower DATA PROTECTION AND
Accounting, HR, Procurement, (DMPI) has a manual on line is accessible to employees, CYBERSECURITY
Internal Audit, Operations and Corporate Governance that suppliers, customers and
Accounting in foreign subsidiaries. embodies the Company’s other third parties through
The training is provided to this governance framework. The a specified phone number.
group biennially and training is Company’s Board has approved The whistleblower program
tracked and followed up by HR DMPI’s policy with respect to is translated in the country’s
to ensure it is completed. related party transactions and regional dialects.
interested party transactions, DMPL strengthens governance
5 DMFI’s Internal Audit has which have been implemented. 16 DMPI has a Business Continuity through data protection, privacy,
performed multiple audits of the Plan (BCP), headed by the and cybersecurity. IT assets are
Mexico Operation, an audit of the 11 DMPI has an Interested Person Chief Operating Officer to vital to support tactical business
Venezuela Operation and an audit Transactions policy, which ensure continuous operations functions. In line with this, the
of the Military Sales Operation. prescribes the monitoring and supply of products to the Group is revisiting the process
Risks identified during audits have procedures and approval market. The BCPs are reviewed of its Information Security Policy
Directors visiting Modesto Plant in California with Management
generally been addressed and requirements for any transaction annually to prevent threats and to set forth high-level controls
followed up. of the Company and its disruptions. The Company’s for protecting information and
is conducted when employees 9 DMFI periodically performs subsidiaries with any interested BCPs were implemented during assessing compliance.
6 DMFI’s goal is to incorporate start employment with DMFI and a third-party risk assessment person such as a director, the the COVID-19 pandemic.
anti-corruption provisions periodically thereafter. and evaluates procedures Chief Executive Officer, any The Group is likewise committed to
into third party contracts and for the Company’s high-risk controlling shareholder, or 17 Del Monte performs internal protecting its confidential business
purchase order terms and 8 Del Monte in the U.S. has third parties. Criteria used for associates of these persons. audits to assess corporate, facility, data and privacy of individuals. The
conditions. DMFI has a Supplier a whistleblower hotline, evaluating risk are: and subsidiary processes to
Code of Conduct provided to Lighthouse, which may be - The country where third 12 The Company has a Code of ensure compliance with policies
new suppliers and is available used in all U.S. locations and parties are based and the Business Ethics which directors, and to mitigate risk of breaches,
at: foreign subsidiaries. Lighthouse associated Corruption management, and all employees fraud, and both financial and
com/sites/default/files/Del- offers web access, international Perception Index of abide by. All employees are reputational damage.
Monte-Foods-Supplier-Code-of- numbers for foreign locations, that country; required to provide information
Conduct.pdf multilingual agents, and is - Whether transactions are on related party and conflict 18 DMPI’s Internal Audit covers
available 24/7. DMFI aligns with material or not; and of interest. environmental compliance as part
7 Furthermore, DMFI’s Code of the prescribed Anti-Corruption - The nature of the business of its annual audit plan.
Conduct requires disclosure of program of the U.S. Department partner relationship. 13 DMPI has a stringent policy
any conflicts of interest. Training of Justice. against fraud and corruption.
The Code of Business Ethics is
supplemented by the Employee
Code of Conduct and Supplier
Code of Conduct, which guides
employees and suppliers in
making decisions every day.

14 Training on the Code of

Business Ethics, and Employee
Code of Conduct and Supplier
Code of Conduct is part of the
onboarding of new employees
which includes conflict of
interest, anti-corruption, fraud
and related party.

Legal team with Antonio E.S. Ungson, Chief Legal Counsel, and Ramon M. Velez of
Stakeholder Relations

80 81

same applies to cybersecurity laws 6 DMPI upgraded its Email 8 DMPI implements Cisco Identity 10 DMPI periodically conducts DATA PRIVACY 1 Del Monte in the U.S. held
and regulations, which have also Exchange and Active Directory to Services Engine (ISE) to automate awareness to users and bi-annual Privacy Task Force
become increasingly complex. the latest version, Implemented the management of security employees on threats and shares meetings to address privacy
Sophos Endpoint Security with and network access policies tips and reminders to avoid concerns and review changes in
1 DMFI takes data security and encryption, patching of critical for endpoint devices. Cisco exploits and comply with best privacy laws and compliance.
privacy seriously, employs servers from known high-risk ISE provides full visibility into practices and standards.
workstation encryption, vulnerabilities, implemented everything connected to the 2 DMFI engaged a third party to
The Group has adopted a
blocks non-encrypted USB email security protocols, and network in real-time. 11 IT regularly tests its firewalls audit its systems and mitigate
Data Privacy Manual to ensure
devices, and utilizes multi- upgrade of Cisco ISE version. at least once a month as risks relating to data privacy and
organizational, physical, and
factor authentication on most Coupled with the Cisco part of network operations cyberattacks.
technological measures that
applications. 7 To protect DMPI’s network, email AnyConnect Secure Mobility responsibility. Vulnerability
guarantee the safety and security of
system, and endpoint devices Client, Cisco ISE scans devices Assessment and Penetration 3 DMPI started an awareness
personal data. The Group conducts
2 To ensure data protection in an from threats and exploits, trying to connect to the network Testing is being done annually initiative on Data Privacy led by
continuous training to build its
unsecured environment, more the Company implemented for security-related compliance by a third party. The results are the Data Privacy Officer in the
employees’ competency in the area
features have been added to a combination of network requirements including operating reported monthly between a Legal Department.
of personal data privacy.
our endpoint protection, such firewalls and FireEye’s Advanced system, security settings, anti- managed IT operations partner
as the Endpoint Detection and Persistent Threat protection as its virus, anti-malware, etc. Non- and DMPI’s IT department. No 4 The level of awareness of
Response. The cybersecurity perimeter defenses. compliant devices are prevented material cybersecurity breaches employees was assessed
program is also being aligned from accessing the network even were noted in FY22. and among the respondents
with ISO27001:2013. The email system is protected by if proper user IDs and passwords handling private data, 51% are
FireEye’s Email Threat Prevention are provided. 12 Internal Audit conducted a familiar with the general idea of
3 DMFI programs its firewall system that safeguards against control self-assessment of the regulations.
content protection to enhance advanced, targeted, and other 9 Endpoints are protected by DMPI’s back-up policy and
the endpoint protection evasive attacks hiding in email Sophos Advanced Endpoint procedures of individual user files
capabilities and protect users traffic. Email security protocols Security solution with detection excluding server files. The audit is
from malicious websites are also implemented such and response capabilities. part of the other components of
or programs. as Sender Policy Framework These solutions are superior Information Technology General
(SPF), Domain-based Message in the category to traditional Controls that the external auditor
4 DMFI has implemented a Authentication, Reporting and solutions that rely on signatures has not covered. IA’s review
work-from-home scheme for Conformance (DMARC), and for malware detection, making involves conducting surveys
employees using a system that Domain Keys Identified Mail them insufficient in detecting on regular employees and third
allows web-enabled applications (DKIM) to provide added zero-day exploits which have party partners to determine
on personal computers such as security and authentication no signatures in the existing appropriateness of its back-up
Okta apps like Box, RingCentral, against phishing and email malware database yet. Endpoint policy and procedures related to
and Outlook Web Access to spoofing attacks. encryption is also implemented individual user files.
prevent Company data from to strengthen data protection.
being stored in personal Based on the audit results,
computers. Technical support Internal Audit secured approval
was also made available to from management to provide
the employees for other Box Cloud storage with unlimited
network concerns. size to department executive
assistants of each major
5 In the Philippines, Del Monte divisions.
implemented sets of guidelines
and procedures based on its
Information Security Manual
that adopted the standards
of Information Security
Management System (ISMS)
and principles of the National
Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST)
Cybersecurity Framework. Information Technology planning with Catherine Rose L. Esguerra, Director, IT Operations Internal Audit team with Gil R.S. Veloso, Internal Audit Head

82 83

As a global branded food company, we Del Monte Pacific Ltd. (DMPL) Group
bring to life health, wellness and nutrition, continued operating throughout the
and sustain our people, the planet and pandemic to address the demand
our performance – the triple bottom line for food while ensuring the safety
of its workforce. The impact of
In this section: DMPL extends beyond 5,900 regular
employees, close to 3,100 seasonal
1 Economic impact employees in the US and about
2 Responsible sourcing practices 20,200 service providers who work
in different areas of our operations
in the Philippines.

Del Monte Foods, Inc. (DMFI) is one

of the largest producers, distributors,
and marketers of premium quality, Company’s fresh pack house, freezing and juicing plant in Bukidnon, Philippines
branded vegetables, fruits and
tomatoes for the U.S. retail market.
DMFI contracts with about 820
growers across the U.S. and Mexico,
which supply about 912,000 tons
of produce.

Our pineapple plantations in

southern Philippines encompass ECONOMIC VALUE ADDED
two cities and 18 municipalities in
Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental, In USD ('000) FY22 FY21
Mindanao. Around 20,000 families Direct economic value generated 2,342,086 2,162,709
or approximately 100,000 individuals Revenue 2,342,086 2,162,709
directly or indirectly depend on the
Company’s operations including Economic value distributed 2,068,236 1,929,210
fruit growers, harvesters, truckers, Operating costs 1,965,986 1,839,267
and maintenance crews. Employee wages & benefits 108,013 111,096
Payments to providers of capital 62,670 62,670
The Company believes that our
Payments to government 39,666 27,346
operations have immensely
contributed to regional economic Community investments 710 423
growth, creating a multiplier effect
Economic Value Retained 273,850 233,499
on the local economy by fueling
businesses which support the
Group, and serving the day-to-day FY22 SALES
needs of our employees and
their families. US$2.3BN US$2.3BN
11% 2% 9% 8%

71% 64%

16% 19%


Americas Philippines Packaged Fruit and Vegetables Culinary

Asia ex-Philippines Europe Fresh Fruit and Others Beverage

84 85

MARKET POSITION IN KEY CATEGORIES IN THE USA 17 Packaged fruit and spaghetti
sauce category consumption
Products Market Market Change vs. Brands was down due to shifting of
Position Share prior year consumer priorities in the face
Canned Vegetable #1 22.0% +4.6 ppts of inflation. Despite volume
decline, we were able to increase
packaged fruit market share from
Canned Fruit #2 21.5% +2.3 ppts
sustained marketing programs. In
spaghetti sauce category, we lost
Fruit Cup Snacks #2 26.5% +1.3 ppts
share from low-priced brands.

Canned Tomato #3 5.8%* +0.4 ppt

Broth #2 6.5% -0.2 ppt

Canned market shares are for branded only, ex-private labels

*Combined share for Del Monte, S&W and Contadina brands
Source: Nielsen RMS / Scantrack DMFI Custom DBs, Equivalent Volume share, Total xAOC,
12M ending 30 April 2022

Directors and management attending DMFI's innovation activity

12 Del Monte brand performed primarily redeem the US$500
well in its traditional canned million Senior Secured Notes
1 The Group generated a turnover and digital channels including tripled to US$54.3 million from categories as consumers with a lower interest rate. The
of US$2.3 billion in FY22, 8% e-commerce, and through more US$15.1 million. continue to reach for trusted much lower interest rate will
higher than prior year on better convenient formats. brands and we continue to build result in about US$20-30 million
performance in USA, S&W fresh 10 DMFI successfully expanded momentum. Contadina and interest savings per year.
and packaged products. 7 Amidst a high-cost environment, into beverage and frozen new College Inn shares were flat to DMPI marketing team with Cynthia D. Icasas,
Group Head, Marketing
the Group remains vigilant categories and accelerated growing, after disproportionately 16 DMPL’s 2nd largest and most
2 Improved sales mix with higher- in managing its costs. DMPL growth in key sales channels of benefitting from COVID-19 profitable subsidiary, Del Monte
margin retail branded products proactively addresses inflationary dollar stores, convenience stores, pantry loading last year. Philippines, achieved sales of 18 Sales of 100% pineapple juice
and selective price adjustments impact from commodity e-commerce and foodservice. US$729.5 million for full year declined as some consumers
made to counter inflation. headwinds and increased 13 DMFI will strengthen its core FY22, up 3%. EBITDA of US$154.2 shifted to our multi-flavored line
transportation costs through 11 DMFI won the “Product of business and expand its product million increased by 1%, and net of juice drinks in single cans and
3 The Group’s EBITDA of US$351.5 revenue and cost drivers the Year” award for the fourth portfolio to address consumers’ profit of US$97.7 million was up 1-liter carton packs with growth
million, up 14% from US$309 including driving efficiencies and straight year for its newest preference for health and by 3%. of 54%.
million, on higher sales and productivity across operation. innovations: Del Monte Fruit wellness. The Company will
lower G&A. Infusions in the fruit snack improve its product availability
8 DMFI’s full year sales were category and Joyba Bubble Tea through a more efficient supply
chain, better distribution and Products Market Market Change vs Brands
4 The Group’s net profit of US$1.7 billion or 70% of the in the coffee and tea category.
expanded sales channels Position Share prior year
US$100 million was higher by Group’s turnover. Sales were up
58% than FY21. 12% driven by increases across including e-commerce. Packaged Pineapple #1 93.3% +3.7 ppts
all major segments following
5 DMPL redeemed US$200 improvement in supply and 14 DMFI achieved a credit rating
Canned Mixed Fruit1 #1 75.9% -0.9 ppt
million of its DMPA1 Preference distribution gains. Branded retail upgrade to “B2” from “B3” from
Shares in April 2022. This was and foodservice sales were Moody’s and an upgrade to RTD Juices ex-foil
#1 43.3% -6.4 ppts
refinanced by a combination of up 13% and 36%, respectively, Positive Outlook from S&P. This pouches
Senior Notes and loans. offsetting the reduction of reflects DMFI’s strengthening
operating performance which Tomato Sauce #1 85.8% -1.1 ppts
low-margin private label. New
6 The Group will continue to products contributed 5.3% to improved liquidity and leverage.
improve and expand its offering DMFI’s total sales. Spaghetti Sauce2 #1 37.4% -0.7 ppt
of high quality nutritious 15 DMFI raised US$600 million
1 Combined share for Del Monte and Today’s brands
products, and making these 9 DMFI’s EBITDA rose 25% to through a 7-year Term Loan 2 Combined share for Del Monte, Today’s and Contadina brands
more readily available to US$213.6 million from B facility at Adjusted SOFR, to Source: The Nielsen Company - Retail Audit Data, 12M to April 2022
DMFI Leadership Council with Gregory
consumers through traditional US$170.5 million. Net profit Longstreet, CEO

86 87

1 The Group performs periodic

audits of contract manufacturers
and direct suppliers, including
independent and unannounced
audits to ensure quality
assurance and compliance.

2 The Group expects suppliers to

Del Monte’s entry into the dairy segment comply with its Supplier Code
through its JV with Vinamilk of Conduct. This includes, but is
not limited to, the rights of their
19 Foodservice sales rose 14% as workers and people working
we capitalized on the increased for their suppliers, as well as the
restaurant foot traffic. communities affected by their
operations, and those raising
20 Innovation contributed 6.5% of any human rights concerns
total DMPI FY22 sales, including associated with them.
innovations consisting of
Mr. Milk, Potato Crisp, Fruity
Munchsters snacks, and the Finance Team with Parag Sachdeva, Chief Financial Officer
new Del Monte-Vinamilk dairy
products. Mortenson Bros. Farms, Inc., one of Del Monte's growers
23 S&W launched the naturally- 25 E-commerce and digital
21 International market delivered ripened extra sweet S&W Deluxe marketing are growing with
growth led by S&W branded Premium in China, Japan and North Asia having the largest
4 DMFI’s relationships with 5 99% of the vegetables, about
fresh pineapple, growing 18% South Korea with sustained share of e-commerce pie.
farmers extend to more 70% of the fruits, and 99% of
driven by success in North Asia, favorable market feedback. This S&W is in most of the portals in
than three generations. The the tomatoes the Company
especially China. premium fresh variety is gaining China and South Korea.
vegetables and fruits are produces are grown in the U.S.,
traction in China’s retail segment.
Innovative Packaging Industry Corp., one of contractually grown on farms. while the balance are supplied
22 S&W pineapple sales in China DMPI's toll manufacturers Some Del Monte fruit growers from Mexico, Chile, Philippines,
grew from expanded distribution 24 S&W’s high quality, premium RESPONSIBLE SOURCING
include farm families that have China, Thailand, and Greece.
coverage of existing distributors, MD2 fresh pineapple, makes PRACTICES
produced for Del Monte for
the Company the largest fresh 3 The Group also expects suppliers
plus new distributors which over 70 years. Our growth has
pineapple exporter to China with to comply and respect the
have supported the continued a broader implication for farms
53% volume share. fundamental labor rights set out
expansion into tier 2 and 3 cities. across the U.S.
in the 8th International Labor
Organization core conventions.
The Supplier Code of Conduct
embodies the Group’s 2022 Vegetables Fruits (US) Fruits (Mexico) Tomatoes
The Group recognizes the
importance of building a strong requirement on community
Tons 319,241 200,665 54,727 337,483
partnership with its suppliers. and zero tolerance to reprisals,
DMPL conducts business with its environmental compliance with
Growers 119 535 143 27
customers conforming to integrity, national and international laws,
mutual interest, and fairness. anti-corruption and conflict
of interest.
99% 70% 99%
For details please refer to
the policy at Vegetables Fruits Tomatoes are from the US are from the US with are from the US
pdf/Supplier%20Code%20of%20 supply from Mexico,
Conduct.pdf Chile, Philippines,
China, Thailand and
S&W pineapples exported to China

88 89
6 Del Monte in the US has a 8 DMPI has a Code of Business 10 The objective of the program Consistent with our vision, strategic pillars
Supplier Diversity Program Conduct which outlines the is to align DMPI’s quality and core values; healthier produce, healthier
that enables small and diverse Company’s practices in building parameters with that of suppliers, people and a healthier planet
businesses to be considered fairly its relationship with suppliers provide performance scorecards,
as subcontractors and suppliers. while adhering to the principles classify suppliers into certified, In this section:
of integrity, mutual interest, and preferred, approved, and
7 Close to 60% of DMPI’s suppliers fairness in conducting business. conditional suppliers, and align 1 Materiality and our priorities
are considered small and them with DMPI’s goals that will 2 Value chain
medium enterprises. These 9 In selecting suppliers, DMPI support growth in the next five 3 Stakeholder engagement
suppliers will undergo the applies its Supplier Quality years. The program determines
supplier accreditation process Management Program to the allocation of the Company’s
of the Company and evaluated assess the quality and delivery requirements to suppliers.
based on performance - quality, performance, feedback,
delivery, and competitiveness. continuous improvement
programs for all material
suppliers and toll manufacturers.

Procurement Team with Angel V. Gatchalian, Jr., Group Head

90 91

Improving sustainability is one of Our materiality assessment had the following objectives:
the strategic pillars in our long
range plan. Our Board of Directors 1 Identify the sustainability priorities, drawing on our knowledge of internal and external resources to compile a list
oversees Del Monte’s sustainability of issues specific to the food industry.
strategy. Our sustainability goals 2 Determine 30 environmental, social, and governance priorities across six categories to frame our assessment.
are developed together with
functional leaders and their teams,
each addressing priorities and
implementing projects to achieve Product Health and Product Product
Traceability Quality and
the sustainability goals. Conducting Innovation Nutrition Packaging Labelling
business goes beyond generating
profit to ensure the well-being of
our people and stewardship of
Occupational Well-Being Human Rights
the planet. Responsible Talent Employee
Health and and Work-life and Labor
Marketing Management Engagement
Safety Integration Standards
We are guided by our vision,
values, and goals to promote
health and wellness, environmental Community
stewardship, and employee welfare. Diversity and Fair Wages CSR and Relations and Fertilizer and Soil
Inclusion and Benefits Philanthropy Stakeholder Pesticide Use Management
We focus on building the long- Zucchini harvest in the US
term resilience of our business.
Each business unit has identified
its material sustainability issues by Waste Water Energy and Ethics and
MATERIALITY AND OUR PRIORITIES Management Management GHG Emissions
Biodiversity Change
location which may differ given Adaptation
An independent materiality assessment process led by a global sustainability
the business model employed by
specialist firm examined our priorities with respect to products, people, the
the business units. For example,
environment, governance, business, and our stakeholders.
our Philippine company directly
Data Protection, Land and Technology Responsible
cultivates its fruits, while our US Privacy and Public Policy Resource Driven Tax Sourcing
subsidiary uses contract growers to
source its produce.
IDENTIFY PRIORITIZE Cybersecurity Availability Operations Practices

• Identify top 30 priorities • Send survey to

We strive to ensure that
• Create survey internal and external
Del Monte adheres to the highest
questionnaire stakeholders
governance standards in doing
• Identify stakeholders • Map priority issues
business. For more information on
for the survey to address
our governance principles, refer to Consumers Employees Communities Nature Governance Growth
pages 86-112 of our FY2022 Annual
Design Conduct
Report or visit our website at
3 Conduct a survey with internal stakeholders, i.e. employees, regarding the business impact of sustainability issues,
MATERIALITY including the scope of the issue, possible risk and magnitude of impact, current regulations, and concerns from
ASSESSMENT consumers, customers, communities, and the government.


Leadership Others Singapore
9% 1% 3%
• Verify survey results • Reassess materiality
• Develop short-term goals issues DMPI DMFI
Senior Luzon
70% 27%
• Set long-term goals • Adjust necessary Management 23%
measures 13%
Feedback Specialist Mindanao United
45% Manager 47% States
Review 26%
92 93

4 Send a similar survey to key external stakeholders including business partners, customers, suppliers, lenders, Our top 10 material priorities are as follows:
government, industry and trade associations, certification bodies, non-government organizations, academe, and
investors to determine issues for Del Monte to address.

1 Product Quality & Safety Ensure quality & safe products


Government/Regulator 2 Occupational Health & Safety Ensure employee health & safety
Others Certification Body Others
7% 5% 2% Academia 3 Ethics & Integrity Comply with rules & regulations
Philippines North Industry and 9%
52% America 4 Human Rights & Labor Standards Comply with human rights & labor laws
Trade Association Investor/Lender
18% 7% Financial Institution
Asia 9%
Supplier 5 Fertilizer & Pesticide Use Manage usage of fertilizers & chemicals
23% Business Partner

LOCATION STAKEHOLDER TYPE 6 Product Innovation Invest in innovation to sustain growth

5 Map the critical issues to be prioritized. 7 Water Management Manage usage of water

8 Fair Wages & Benefits Comply with labor standards on wages & benefits

9 Health & Nutrition Promote health, wellness & nutrition

(Matrix not drawn to scale)
5 Median (50th Percentile)
Product Quality and Safety 10 Traceability Ensure product safety, security & ascertain origin
Human Rights and Labour Standards
Occupational Health and Safety
Ethics and Integrity Consumers Employees Communities Nature Governance Growth
Water Management
Fertiliser and Pesticide Use
Importance to External Stakeholders

Fair Wages and Benefits
Responsible Sourcing Practices
Aside from these, we also included emerging issues – soil management, talent management, data privacy, and
Product Innovation
Health and Nutrition cybersecurity. Moreover, the Group provided a section on climate change adaptation, energy efficiency, and
Tax Soil Management corporate social responsibility. We also highlighted our response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Climate Adaption Waste Management Median (50th Percentile)

Energy Product Packaging

and GHG Diversity and Inclusion Talent Management
Land and Resource Availability
Biodiversity Data Privacy and Security
Responsible Marketing
Technology Driven Operations Top 10
Community Issues
Employee Engagement
Relations and
Well-being and Work-life
Stakeholder CSR and Philanthropy
Public Policy
Third 10 Issues Middle 10 Issues

0 3 5
Importance to Internal Stakeholders

Consumers Employees Communities Nature Governance Growth

94 95


Value Chain

1 Agricultural Sourcing 2 Manufacturing Facilities

Del Monte Pacific has instituted sustainability practices Part of the manufacturing facilities of the Group
throughout our agricultural supply chain to ensure the
quality of our produce. These include DMFI's plant of water and waste reduction in our operations. The
breeding program, DMPI's Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Group plans to expand its use of renewable energy to
(drones) in the Philippines to monitor plant health and reduce emissions.
topography and implementing an Integrated Pesticide
Management Program. Production Facilities Employees

• 6 in USA • 5,900 full time employees of DMPL

• 824 growers in the US
• 2 in Mexico • Close to 3,100 seasonal employees
• 3 in Philippines in the US
• 28,000 ha. pineapple plantation in the
Philippines • 1 in India • About 20,200 service providers in
the Philippines

3 Distribution
Part of the Group's sustainability goals is

methods to distribute its products. This

includes the use of rail transport, sea
freight and use of double decker trucks.
In the Philippines, DMPI installed GPS
devices on third party trucks to Some of DMFI’s corn growers in the US

• Sales in over 70 countries

Our sustainability journey begins The corporate sustainability We are committed to engage
with our stakeholders, whom we team leads efforts to increase proactively with our partners
nurture meaningful relationships sustainability advocacy among in areas where we operate. We
with to strengthen collaboration, stakeholders. Key leaders are value the insights and feedback
improve transparency, address briefed about sustainability. We of stakeholders on our material
potential risks, resolve concerns and demonstrate our commitment priorities, as we develop our
sustain our performance. which requires collective action sustainability strategy across
with others. our goals.
Working together through
partnerships with businesses, As we engage with our stakeholders, The following outlines how we
governments, NGOs and civil we are mindful of our interaction engage with our key stakeholders.
society can achieve effective with them. We use the principles These groups were identified
outcomes, drive collective action, of truthfulness, transparency, according to their level of influence,
and build shared opportunities. inclusiveness and accountability interest, and impact on the
Collaborating with multi- to build mutual trust and create a organization.
4 Consumption 5 Post-Consumer stakeholders is key in achieving meaningful partnership.
Del Monte brands have been trusted by consumers for Part of the Group's plan is to use post-consumer our environmental, social and
generations. This trust is a result of maintaining plastics in our packaging. The Group is also
quality products that are delicious, healthy and developing biodegradable and compostable plastic
governance goals.
nutritious. R&D is mindful of our products' nutritional packaging. The Group also plans to reduce waste
values and set goals to provide better nutrition to sent to landfill to reduce carbon emissions.
consumers including sugar and sodium reduction.
• About US$ 400,000 reduction in plastic material
• US$ 2.3 billion revenue in FY22 usage in the Philippines for FY22

96 97


Risk Management
Promote risk management to avoid penalties
by catching risks early on and taking action to
mitigate them
• Consumer insights • Health, wellness and nutrition
• Corporate websites • Food safety and quality
To understand and
• Del Monte Kitchenomics • Packaging information
address consumer needs
and explore new categories
• Brand engagement
• Marketing activities and
• Sustainability practices
• Heathy food preparation
OUR GOAL IS Business Performance
and sustainable products
• Social Media
• Truthful and accurate
communication TO PROMOTE Improve business performance by generating
operational efficiency and cost savings through a
SUSTAINABILITY more sustainable business model

• Occupational health and safety

• Town hall meetings
• Freedom of Association
• Leadership teams • Diversity and inclusion Reputation with Stakeholders
• Email communication • Employee recognition Enhance the Company’s reputation with
To promote health and
safety procedures,
• Internal publication (Tidbits)
• Surveys
• Talent management
• Health, wellness and nutrition
STEWARDSHIP, SOCIAL stakeholders, including investors, credit institutions,
employee engagement • 24-hour hotline customers, employees and business partners
and talent management (anti-corruption practice)
• Technical working groups
• Sustainability practices
• Community engagement RESPONSIBILITY, AND
• Employee engangement activities • Business and individual
• Webinars performance
• Compensation and benefits
Brand Equity
Boost the brand equity of the Company through
a more sustainable social, environmental and
• Corporate donations economic performance
• Health, wellness and nutrition
• Del Monte Foundation
• Community development
To sustain community • Education and scholarships
• Stakeholder relations
Local Communities development and • Livelihood projects
• Partnerships (TESDA,
environmental stewardship • Disaster relief
Brigada Eskwela)
• Environmental initiatives
• Surveys (Materiality)
• Various partnership programs
• Employee involvement

• Supplier Code of Conduct • Product quality and safety

• Supplier Quality Management • Human rights
Program • Responsible sourcing
To collaborate on
• Supplier surveys • Sustainable agriculture
sustainable agriculture practices
Growers and suppliers • Supplier assessment • Risk management and mitigation
and procurement of quality
and audits • Business continuity plans
materials and services
• Suplier partnerships • Cost saving initiatives
• Supplier diversity (DMFI) • Sustainability initiatives
• Face-to-face meetings • Traceability

• New rules and regulations

• Compliance
• LGU and regulatory engagement
• Food safety and quality
To comply with legislation and • In-person meetings
Government and Regulators • Product labelling
establish strategic partnerships • Trade associations
• Responsible marketing
• Plantation tours
• Sustainability initiatives
• Health, wellness and nutrition

• Investor meetings
• Ratings, rankings and other indices • Goals, strategies, vision and values
• Quarterly business performance • Business performance
To ensure investors and • Annual Reports and • Governance
shareholders are updated on Sustainability Reports • ESG indices
Shareholders and Investors the company’s business goals, • Investor briefing and calls
• Annual general meetings • Sustainability initiatives
strategic and performance,
• MD&A presentations • Ethical business practices
and sustainability initiatives
• Forums, webinars and conferences • Human rights
• Email alerts to investors • Health, wellness and nutrition
• Roadshows
Strategic Planning and Sustainability Team led by Ignacio C. O. Sison, Chief Corporate Officer

98 99

Omissions Omissions
GRI Standard / Requirement(s) GRI Standard / Requirement(s)
Other Source Disclosure Location Omitted Reason Explanation Other Source Disclosure Location Omitted Reason Explanation
GRI 2: Organization and its reporting practices Strategy, policies and practices
Disclosures 2021 2-1 Organizational details Corporate Profile, Inside front 2-22 Statement on sustainable Letter to our Stakeholders,
cover development strategies page 7
About this Report, page 3 2-23 Policy commitments Letter to our Stakeholders,
page 7
2-2 Entities included in the About this Report, page 3
organization’s sustainability 2-24 Embedding policy Letter to our Stakeholders,
reporting commitments page 7
2-3 Reporting period, frequency About this Report, page 3 2-25 Process to remediate Letter to our Stakeholders,
and contact point negative impacts page 7
2-4 Restatements of No restatement 2-26 Mechanism for seeking Letter to our Stakeholders,
information advice and raising concerns page 7
2-5 External Assurance About This Report, page 3 2-27 Compliance with laws and Letter to our Stakeholders,
regulations page 7
Activities and workers
2-28 Membership associations DMPL’s Contribution to the
2-6 Activities, value chain and Value Chain, page 96 UN Sustainable Development
other relationships Goals, pages 12-13, 19
2-7 Employees Organization Profile, page 33 Stakeholder engagement
2-8 Workers who are not Sustaining Growth, page 85 2-29 Approach to stakeholder Stakeholder Engagement,
employees engagement pages 97-98
Governance 2-30 Collective bargaining Freedom of Association,
2-9 Governance structure and Board Governance, page 77 agreements page 37
composition GR1 3: 3-1 Process to determine Materiality and our Priorities,
2-10 Nomination and selection Board Governance, page 78 Material Topics material topics pages 92-94
of the highest governance 3-2 List of material topics Materiality and our Priorities,
body page 95
2-11 Chair of the highest Board Governance, page 79 3-3 Management of material Material Topics Information Need to
governance body topics incomplete conduct a
2-12 Role of the highest Board Governance, page 78 corporate-
governance body wide
in overseeing the discussion
management of impacts on material
2-13 Delegation of responsibility Board Governance, page 78 topics.
for managing impacts Material topics
2-14 Role of the highest Board Governance, page 79 need to be
governance body in updated and
sustainability reporting concurred by
2-15 Conflicts of Interest Ethics and Integrity, page 81
2-16 Communication of critical Board Governance, completion in
concerns pages 78 - 79 FY23.
2-17 Collective knowledge of the Board Governance, page 79 GRI 201: 201-1 Direct economic value Economic Value Added,
highest governance body Economic generated and distributed page 85
2-18 Evaluation of the Board Governance, page 78 2016 201-2 Financial implications Climate-related Report,
performance of the highest and other risks and pages 65-72
governance body opportunities due to climate
2-19 Remuneration policies Board Governance, page 78
GRI 202: 202-1 Ratios of standard entry Fair Wages and Benefits,
2-20 Process to determine Board Governance, page 78 Market Presence level wage by gender to page 38
remuneration 2016 local minimum wage
2-21 Annual total compensation Compensation Confidentiality Intense GRI 203: 203-1 Infrastructure investments Economic Value Added,
ratio data constraint competition Indirect and services supported page 85
for talent in Economic
the food and Impacts 2016 Four Key Projects, page 51
beverage 203-2 Significant indirect Sustaining Growth, page 85
industry economic impacts

100 101

Omissions Omissions
GRI Standard / Requirement(s) GRI Standard / Requirement(s)
Other Source Disclosure Location Omitted Reason Explanation Other Source Disclosure Location Omitted Reason Explanation
GRI 204: 204-1 Proportion of spending on Spending on Information For GRI 308: 308-1 New suppliers that Responsible Sourcing
Procurement local suppliers local suppliers Incomplete completion in Supplier were screened using Practices, page 89
Practices 2016 FY23 Environmental environmental criteria
Assessment 2016
GRI 205: 205-2 Communication and Ethics and Integrity,
Anti- corruption training about anti- pages 79-80 GRI 401: 401-1 New employee hires and Organization Profile, page 33
2016 corruption policies and Employment employee turnover
procedures 2016
401-2 Benefits provided to full- Fair Wages and Benefits,
205-3 Confirmed incidents of No incidence of corruption time employees that are not page 38
corruption and actions provided to temporary or
taken part-time employees
GRI 206: 206-1 Legal actions for anti- No legal actions 401-3 Parental leave Fair Wages and Benefits,
Anti- Competitive competitive behavior, page 38
Behavior 2016 anti-trust, and monopoly
practices GRI 403: 403-1 Occupational health and Occupational Health and
Occupational safety management system Safety, pages 34-35
GRI 301: 301-1 Materials used by weight or Product Packaging, page 30 Health and Safety
Materials 2016 volume 2018 403-2 Hazard identification, risk Occupational Health and
assessment, and incident Safety, page 35
301-2 Recycled input materials Waste Management, page 57 investigation
GRI 302: 302-1 Energy consumption within ESG Metrics, page 11 403-3 Occupational health Occupational Health and
Energy 2016 the organization services Safety, page 35
302-3 Energy intensity ESG Metrics, page 11 403-5 Worker training on Occupational Health and
occupational health and Safety, page 35
302-4 Reduction of energy Climate Change and Energy safety
consumption Efficiency, pages 58-59
403-6 Promotion of worker health Occupational Health and
GRI 303: 303-1 Interactions with water as a Water Management, Safety, page 35
Water and shared resource pages 54-55
Effluents 2018 403-7 Prevention and mitigation Occupational Health and
303-2 Management of water Climate Change and Energy of occupational health Safety, pages 34-35
discharge-related impacts Efficiency, page 60 and safety impacts
303-5 Water consumption ESG Metrics, page 11 directly linked by business
GRI 304: 304-3 Habitats protected or Environment, pages 61-64
Biodiversity 2016 restored 403-8 Workers covered by an Occupational Health and
occupational health and Safety, pages 34-35
GRI 305: 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG Climate-related Report, safety management system
Emissions 2016 emissions page 72
403-9 Work-related injuries ESG Metrics, page 11
ESG Metrics, page 11
GRI 404: 404-1 Average hours of training ESG Metrics, page 11
305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) Climate-related Report, Training and per year per employee
GHG emissions page 72 Education 2016
404-2 Programs for upgrading Talent Management, page 41
ESG Metrics, page 11 employee skills and
transition assistance
305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) Climate-related Report, programs
GHG emissions page 72
GRI 405: 405-1 Diversity of governance Board Governance, page 78
ESG Metrics, page 11 Diversity bodies and employees
and Equal
305-5 Reduction of GHG Climate Change and Energy 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and Compensation Confidentiality Intense
emissions Efficiency, pages 58-59 remuneration of women data constraint competition
305-6 Emissions of ozone- Climate Change and Energy 2016 to men for talent in
depleting substances (ODS) Efficiency, page 58 the food and
GRI 306: 306-1 Waste generation and Waste Management, industry
Waste 2020 significant waste-related pages 56-58
impacts GRI 406: 406-1 Incidents of discrimination None
Non- and corrective actions taken
306-2 Management of significant Waste Management, discrimination
waste-related impacts pages 56-58 2016
306-5 Waste directed to disposal ESG Metrics, page 11

102 103

GRI Standard / Requirement(s)
Other Source Disclosure Location Omitted Reason Explanation
GRI 407: 407-1 Operations and suppliers in Human Rights and Labor
Freedom of which the right to freedom Standards, pages 36-37
Association of association and collective
and Collective bargaining may be at risk Freedom of Association,
Bargaining 2016 page 37

GRI 408: 408-1 Operations and suppliers at Human Rights and Labor
Child Labor 2016 significant risk for incidents Standards, page 36
of child labor
GRI 413: 413-1 Operations with local Developing Communities,
Local community engagement, pages 43-48
Communities impact assessments, and
2016 development programs
GRI 414: 414-1 New suppliers that were Responsible Sourcing
Supplier Social screened using social Practices, Page 89
Assessment 2016 criteria
GRI 416: 416-1 Assessment of health and Product Quality and Safety,
Customer Health safety impacts of product pages 23-24
and Safety 2016 and service categories
Health and Nutrition,
pages 24-26
416-2 Incidents of non- None
compliance concerning
health and safety impacts of
products and services
GRI 417: 417-1 Requirements for product Product Packaging,
Marketing and and service information and pages 29-30
Labeling 2016 labeling
417-2 Incidents of non- None
compliance concerning
product and service
information and labeling
417-3 Incidents of non- None
compliance concerning
marketing communications
GRI 481: 418-1 Substantiated complaints None
Customer Privacy concerning breaches of
2016 customer privacy and losses
of customer data

This page is intentionally left blank.


Commercial Manager, Europe, Middle
Board of Directors Mr. Joselito D. Campos, Jr. East, and Africa (Packaged)
Mr. Rolando C. Gapud Chief Executive Officer
Executive Chairman Ms. Maria Odette Lagunilla
Mr. Luis F. Alejandro MD2 Business Development and Growth
Mr. Joselito D. Campos, Jr. President and Chief Operating Officer Optimization Manager
Managing Director and
Chief Executive Officer Mr. Parag Sachdeva Ms. Rhodora Gumapac-Negrido
Chief Financial Officer Senior Manager, Supply Chain, and
Mr. Edgardo M. Cruz, Jr. Product Sourcing
Executive Director Mr. Antonio E. S. Ungson
Chief Legal Counsel, Chief Compliance Ma. Marieta F. Brugada
Mr. Benedict Kwek Gim Song Officer and Company Secretary Finance Head, Mindanao Operations and
Lead Independent Director International Market
Mr. Ignacio C.O. Sison
Mr. Godfrey E. Scotchbrook Chief Sustainability Officer and
Independent Director Head, Investor Relations
Dr. Emil Q. Javier Mr. Ruiz G. Salazar Mr. Ignacio C. O. Sison
Independent Director Chief Human Resource Officer Chief Corporate Officer
Mrs. Yvonne Goh Mr. Philip G. Macahilig Mr. Raulito R. Rodil
Independent Director Group Head, Philippine Market Commercial Corporate Sustainability
Executive Officers Ms. Molly Laverty
Mr. Joselito D. Campos, Jr. Ms. Tan Chooi Khim Senior Sustainability Manager
Managing Director and Group Head, International Commercial
Chief Executive Officer Operations Ms. Jennifer Y. Luy
Senior Manager, Investor Relations
Mr. Luis F. Alejandro Ms. Eileen M. Asuncion
NOTE ABOUT PRINTING: Chief Operating Officer Group Head, Commercial Ms. Ma. Irma E. Rivera
In line with Del Monte Pacific’s commitment to environmental Joint Venture Operations Executive Assistant
sustainability, this report is a Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certified Mr. Ignacio C. O. Sison
Chief Corporate Officer Ms. Cynthia D. Icasas COMPANY SECRETARY
print job. Should you wish additional copies to share this report, we Group Head, Marketing Mr. Antonio E. S. Ungson
encourage you to download the soft copy of this report to reduce Mr. Parag Sachdeva 10/F JY Campos Centre
Chief Financial Officer Mr. Francisco T. Molas 9th Avenue corner 30th Street
consumption of resources from printing and distribution of hard copies. Bonifacio Global City
Group Head, Mindanao Operations
The portable document format (PDF) soft copy is available for download Mr. Antonio E. S. Ungson Taguig City 1634
Chief Legal Counsel, Arnold C. Alvarez Philippines
in the sustainability section of the Del Monte Pacific website at Chief Compliance Officer and Chief Supply Chain Officer Tel : +632 8856 2888 Company Secretary Fax: +632 8856 2628
Mr. Amante A. Aguilar
Mr. Ruiz G. Salazar Group Head, Supply Chain
Chief Human Resource Officer
Listed on 2 August 1999 on the Singapore
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is an independent, not for profit, Mr. Angel V. Gatchalian, Jr.
non-government organisation established to support environmentally Group Head, Corporate Procurement
Del Monte Foods, Inc. Listed on 10 June 2013 on the Philippine
appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of Mr. Gregory Longstreet Stock Exchange (PSE)
President and Chief Executive Officer Preference Shares listed on 15 December
the world’s forests. FSC’s vision is that the world’s forests meet the social, Ms. Tan Chooi Khim
2017 on the PSE
ecological, and economic rights and needs of the present generation General Manager
Mr. Parag Sachdeva Bloomberg: DELM SP and DELM PM, and
without compromising those of future generations. FSC’s certification Chief Financial Officer and Mr. Marco Deo B. Verdeflor DMPA2 for the Preference Shares
Chief Operations Officer Senior Commercial Manager, China, Korea, Reuters: DMPL.SI and DELM.PS, and
guarantees consumers and businesses that the FSC-labelled product DMPA2.PS for the Preference Shares
Taiwan, and Middle East (Fresh)
they purchase come from a forest and supply chain that is managed Mr. William Sawyers
responsibly. General Counsel, Mr. Richard Lin FOR FURTHER INQUIRIES PLEASE
Chief Compliance Officer, Secretary Commercial Manager, China CONTACT:
(Fresh and Packaged) Mr. Raulito R. Rodil
For more information, please visit FSC®’s website at Ms. Bibie Wu DMPL Management Services Pte. Ltd.
Chief Marketing Officer Ms. Sharin A. Rebollido 17 Bukit Pasoh Road
Source: FSC website and standards Commercial Manager, China, Korea, Singapore 089831
Mr. Eric Ingram
Hong Kong, and Taiwan (Packaged) Tel : +65 6324 6822
Chief Human Resources Officer
+632 8856 2888
Mr. Fritz Matti [email protected]
Mr. Ashish Mallick
Commercial Manager, Japan
Chief Supply Chain Officer
(Fresh and Packaged)
Mr. David Stis
Mr. Sumarleki Amjah
Chief Customer Officer
Head, ASEAN, MENA, and Indian
Ms. Jeanette C. Naughton subcontinent (Packaged)
Vice President, Strategic Planning
Ms. Warunee Karnasuta
For more information, please
Commercial Manager, Europe, Middle East, scan QR Code to access the
This is an FSC-certified publication. and Africa (Packaged) Del Monte Pacific website.

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