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Water Research 178 (2020) 115814

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Viral, bacterial, and protozoan pathogens and fecal markers in wells

supplying groundwater to public water systems in Minnesota, USA
Joel P. Stokdyk a, Aaron D. Firnstahl a, James F. Walsh b, Susan K. Spencer c,
Jane R. de Lambert b, Anita C. Anderson b, Lih-In W. Rezania b, Burney A. Kieke Jr. d,
Mark A. Borchardt c, *
U.S. Geological Survey Upper Midwest Water Science Center, 2615 Yellowstone Drive, Marshfield, WI, 54449, United States
Minnesota Department of Health, 625 Robert St. N, St. Paul, MN, 55164, United States
U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, Environmentally Integrated Dairy Management Research Unit, 2615 Yellowstone Drive,
Marshfield, WI, 54449, United States
Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, 1000 N. Oak Ave, Marshfield, WI, 54449, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Drinking water supply wells can be contaminated by a broad range of waterborne pathogens. However,
Received 9 December 2019 groundwater assessments frequently measure microbial indicators or a single pathogen type, which
Received in revised form provides a limited characterization of potential health risk. This study assessed contamination of wells by
25 March 2020
testing for viral, bacterial, and protozoan pathogens and fecal markers. Wells supplying groundwater to
Accepted 8 April 2020
Available online 12 April 2020
community and noncommunity public water systems in Minnesota, USA (n ¼ 145) were sampled every
other month over one or two years and tested using 23 qPCR assays. Eighteen genetic targets were
detected at least once, and microbiological contamination was widespread (96% of 145 wells, 58% of 964
samples). The sewage-associated microbial indicators HF183 and pepper mild mottle virus were detected
Pathogens frequently. Human or zoonotic pathogens were detected in 70% of wells and 21% of samples by qPCR,
HF183 Bacteroides with Salmonella and Cryptosporidium detected more often than viruses. Samples positive by qPCR for
Pepper mild mottle virus adenovirus (HAdV), enterovirus, or Salmonella were analyzed by culture and for genotype or serotype.
Microbial indicators qPCR-positive Giardia and Cryptosporidium samples were analyzed by immunofluorescent assay (IFA),
Pathogen-indicator ratios and IFA and qPCR concentrations were correlated. Comparisons of indicator and pathogen occurrence at
the time of sampling showed that total coliforms, HF183, and Bacteroidales-like HumM2 had high
specificity and negative predictive values but generally low sensitivity and positive predictive values.
Pathogen-HF183 ratios in sewage have been used to estimate health risks from HF183 concentrations in
surface water, but in our groundwater samples Cryptosporidium oocyst:HF183 and HAdV:HF183 ratios
were approximately 10,000 times higher than ratios reported for sewage. qPCR measurements provided
a robust characterization of microbiological water quality, but interpretation of qPCR data in a regulatory
context is challenging because few studies link qPCR measurements to health risk.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction coliform absence and enteric pathogenic virus absence provides a

reasonable assurance that health risk is low when total coliform
Public water systems regulated under the United States Envi- tests are consistently negative (Fout et al., 2017). When total coli-
ronmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) Ground Water Rule are form is detected, follow-up tests aim to identify the sanitary defect
monitored by analysis of total coliforms following the Revised Total causing contamination (USEPA, 2013). However, the implications of
Coliform Rule (USEPA, 2006a). The strong association between total total coliform-positive samples are ambiguous in terms of path-
ogen presence (Fout et al., 2017). Though practical within the “find-
and-fix” approach of the Revised Total Coliform Rule, total coliform
analysis provides a limited characterization of groundwater quality
* Corresponding author. USDA-ARS, 2615 Yellowstone Drive, Marshfield, WI, in terms of the presence and types of pathogens that threaten
54449, USA.
public health.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.A. Borchardt).

0043-1354/Published by Elsevier Ltd.
2 J.P. Stokdyk et al. / Water Research 178 (2020) 115814

The body of scientific literature demonstrates groundwater measurements to results from other microbiological detection
vulnerability to various pathogens (Hynds et al., 2014; Murphy methods.
et al., 2017), but many studies have focused on human enteric vi-
ruses, leaving nonviral groundwater pathogens relatively under- 2. Methods
studied. Hynds et al. (2014) reported that 54% of pathogen records
for studies conducted in the USA included viruses while only 20% 2.1. Study area and public water systems
and 15% included bacterial and protozoan pathogens, respectively.
Likewise, Murphy et al. (2017) identified 56 virus occurrence Minnesota is located in north central USA and has a population
studies worldwide compared to 26 studies that included bacterial of 5.6 million. Climate is continental, with statewide average
pathogens and 10 studies that included protozoan pathogens. annual temperature and precipitation of 4.7  C and 668 mm (NOAA,
While less frequently measured in groundwater, bacteria and pro- 2019). There are 6,737 public water supply systems in Minnesota,
tozoa represent a public health concern (Craun et al., 2010). For including 968 community systems and 5,769 noncommunity sys-
example, Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Campylobacter jejuni caused tems (Minnesota Department of Health, 2018). The noncommunity
groundwater-borne outbreaks in Canada, New Zealand, and systems include 5,297 transient systems (e.g., hotels) and 488
Nebraska (Bartholomew et al., 2014; O’Connor, 2002; Pedati et al., nontransient systems (e.g., schools) (Minnesota Department of
2019). Understanding the range of pathogens capable of contami- Health, Minnesota Drinking Water Information System Database).
nating groundwater is important for assessing risk (Murphy et al., Groundwater is used by 96% of community systems and 99% of
2017). noncommunity systems. Twenty-six percent of community sys-
Pathogen presence is of special concern for the 80% of tems and 98% of noncommunity systems do not disinfect water
noncommunity public water systems in the United States that (Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Drinking Water In-
distribute nondisinfected water (USEPA, 2006c), but studies more formation System Database).
commonly focus on municipal or community wells (Hynds et al.,
2014). Noncommunity public water systems, which are systems 2.2. Study well descriptions
that provide water to locations outside consumers’ residences (e.g.,
schools, restaurants), are subject to less stringent monitoring than Well depth ranged from 6 to 192 m, and age, casing length, and
community systems and have more exemptions available (USEPA, open interval length varied (Table S1). Fifty-seven percent of the
2006a, 2013). For example, the Revised Total Coliform Rule re- study wells draw from Quaternary glacial sand and gravel deposits;
quires noncommunity groundwater systems serving 1,000 or fewer other aquifers include sandstone, fractured crystalline rock, car-
people to sample less frequently than similarly sized community bonate rock, and mixed sandstone, carbonate rocks, and shale
systems (USEPA, 2013). Though noncommunity systems may serve (Table S2).
a small or changing population, they are an important potential Geologic sensitivity represents estimates for the vertical time of
exposure route to groundwater-borne pathogens. For example, travel for water or contaminants from the land surface to reach the
noncommunity groundwater systems in the United States are aquifer, and the estimates are based on the permeability and
associated with many outbreaks (Craun et al., 2010; Wallender thickness of the overlying material (Geologic Sensitivity Project
et al., 2014). Moreover, the etiological agent is unknown for a Workgroup, 1991). For example, aquifers that lack low-
large proportion of these outbreaks (Craun et al., 2010; Wallender permeability cover have geologic sensitivity ratings of very high
et al., 2014). or high, while those protected by clay- or shale-rich sediments have
Assessments of groundwater quality that identify pathogens can geologic sensitivity ratings of low or very low. The distribution of
inform strategies that reduce contamination or exposure (Craun study wells was similar to wells statewide in terms of geologic
et al., 2006). Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) pro- sensitivity and aquifer type (Table S2).
vides a means to efficiently test for pathogens, but the fundamental
approach of detecting genetic material rather than living organisms 2.3. Study design and well selection
remains a stumbling block to its use and interpretation (e.g., Stelma
and Wymer, 2012). Relationships between molecular data and One hundred forty-five wells in Minnesota, USA were sampled
illness demonstrate the importance and relevance of qPCR mea- every other month for one of two study phases (typically six
surements. For example, Teunis et al. (2008) developed a rela- samples per well; Table S3). Wells (n ¼ 89) for the first phase (May
tionship between qPCR measurements and probability of norovirus 2014 through April 2015) were randomly selected from among the
infection using experimental data, and Thebault et al. (2013) linked nondisinfecting, year-round community and nontransient
qPCR measurements to infection and illness using observational noncommunity systems in Minnesota. For the second phase (May
data from foodborne norovirus outbreaks. Likewise, studies un- 2015 through May 2016), wells (n ¼ 85) were selected without
derlying the Recreational Water Quality Criteria established a regard to disinfection status, and those potentially vulnerable to
relationship between qPCR measurements of Enterococci and contamination based on geologic setting, well construction, and
illness (USEPA, 2012a), and an epidemiological study of public past monitoring were prioritized, including 29 wells from phase
water systems linked qPCR virus measurements to acute gastro- one (typically sampled six times per phase for a total of 12). The
intestinal illness (Borchardt et al., 2012). Analysis of groundwater two-phase selection process produced a sample of wells that rep-
by qPCR is therefore an effective way to characterize risk and assess resented the aquifers and geology of wells statewide (Table S2).
the microbiological quality of public water. Overall, 88 community wells and 57 noncommunity wells from 123
The primary objective of this study was to assess microbiological public water systems were sampled (Fig. 1).
contamination of public water supply wells in Minnesota, USA.
Community and noncommunity wells across the state were 2.4. Sample collection
repeatedly sampled over one or two years and tested for viral,
bacterial, and protozoan pathogens using qPCR. We used pathogen Samples for pathogens and fecal markers (n ¼ 964) were
data to assess the performance of conventional and emerging mi- collected by dead-end ultrafiltration (Smith and Hill, 2009) using
crobial indicators, and we examined groundwater contamination Hemodialyzer Rexeed-25s filters (Asahi Kasei Medical MT Corp.,
relative to geology and system type. Finally, we compared qPCR Oita, Japan). Groundwater volume sampled ranged from 140 to
J.P. Stokdyk et al. / Water Research 178 (2020) 115814 3

Fig. 1. Locations of community (blue dots) and noncommunity (orange dots) public water supply wells sampled in Minnesota, USA. (For interpretation of the references to colour in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

1783 L (mean, 728 L); all samples were collected prior to treatment 2.5. qPCR
or disinfection. Filters were shipped on ice and processed within
72 h. Filter elution, eluate secondary concentration, nucleic acid Samples were tested for pathogens and fecal markers using 23
extraction, and reverse transcription are described in the Supple- qPCR assays (Table S4). Assays targeting the ttr gene for Salmonella
mentary Material. and the Shiga toxin 1- and 2-producing bacteria were added after
Samples for total coliform and E. coli (n ¼ 925) were collected the study was initiated, so 130 samples were not tested for them
after ultrafilter sample collection. To comply with laboratory hold (n ¼ 834 samples tested). qPCR was performed using a Light-
time requirements, some samples were not collected on the same Cycler® 480 instrument (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany);
day as sampling for qPCR. primers and hydrolysis probes are described in Supplementary
Material. qPCR was performed in duplicate, and the average of
positive replicates is reported.
Lambda phage DNA was used to evaluate all samples for
4 J.P. Stokdyk et al. / Water Research 178 (2020) 115814

inhibition of qPCR, and hepatitis G virus RNA was used to evaluate Cryptosporidium/Giardia detection kit (Meridian Biosciences, Inc.,
all samples for inhibition of reverse transcription-qPCR, as Cincinnati, OH) as described in Stokdyk et al. (2019). Thirty
described in Supplementary Material. Negative controls were randomly selected qPCR-negative samples were also analyzed by
included at all processing steps (secondary concentration, nucleic IFA.
acid extraction, reverse transcription, and qPCR) and must exhibit
no fluorescence above the baseline (i.e., no Cq value) for data to be 2.9. Comparison of qPCR and IFA for Cryptosporidium and Giardia
acceptable. Modified live virus vaccines (Zoetis Inc., Kalamazoo, MI)
were used for DNA (bovine herpes virus) and RNA (bovine respi- Linear regressions of IFA and qPCR concentrations for Giardia
ratory syncytial virus) extraction positive controls, with the latter were completed using Microsoft Excel 2016. Two Giardia detections
serving also as the reverse transcription positive control. gBlocks® lacked concentrations (due to unknown sample volume) and were
and Ultramer® oligos (Integrated DNA Technologies, Coralville, IA) therefore excluded from the regressions, so 18 samples were
were used as qPCR positive controls. Standard curve parameters included. Separate regressions were completed using only those
(Table S5), assay 95% LODs (limit of detection; Table S6), and results samples positive by both methods (n ¼ 12). Linear regressions of
for laboratory controls are reported in Supplementary Material. IFA and qPCR concentrations for Cryptosporidium are reported in
Stokdyk et al. (2019).
2.6. Virus culture and genotyping
2.10. Total coliform and E. coli analysis
Adenovirus- and enterovirus-qPCR positive samples were
analyzed by cell culture and integrated cell culture-qPCR (ICC- Samples for total coliform and E. coli were analyzed within 30 h
qPCR) and were genotyped using methods described by Borchardt of sample collection following standard method 9223 (Rice et al.,
et al. (2012). Human adenoviruses (HAdV) were cultured in human 2012).
lung adenocarcinoma epithelial cells (A549) (CellPro Labs, Still-
water, MN) and enteroviruses in buffalo green monkey kidney cells 2.11. Microbial indicator performance
(BGMK) (CellPro Labs) (Fout et al., 1996; Lee et al., 2004). Cultures
were considered positive by exhibiting cytopathic effect or by Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive
finding the qPCR-measured viral gene target concentration in cul- value were derived from logistic regression models for the HF183/
ture was 10 times greater than that in the inoculum. Genotypes BacR287 assay for human Bacteroides (hereafter HF183), Bacter-
were identified by sequencing, for HAdV, the 263 or 290 bp hexon oidales-like HumM2, pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), and total
gene amplicon from the qPCR assay, and for enterovirus, the 656 bp coliforms relative to pathogen detections on a sample-level and
amplicon from a separate PCR for the region encoding 5’ UTR, VP4, well-level following Fout et al. (2017). For the sample-level ana-
and VP2 (Ishiko et al., 2002). PCR products were visualized by gel lyses, mixed logistic regression models with random intercepts for
electrophoresis, cleaned (illustra GFX PCR DNA; GE Healthcare, well and a spatial correlation structure for the samples within a
Buckingham, UK), purified (Gel Band Purification Kit; GE Health- well were fit to address the non-independent nature of the data
care) and sequenced with the BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing (Chavance and Escolano, 2016; Morel et al., 2003). For the well-
Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Consensus sequences level analyses, the data were considered independent.
were constructed with Lasergene (DNAStar, Madison, WI) and Population-averaged logistic regression models were fit with
identified using BLAST (National Center for Biotechnology Infor- adjustment for number of times the well was sampled (categorized
mation, Bethesda, MD). as 1e5, 6, or 7e12 times), since this could affect the corresponding
probability of pathogen detection for the well. Because no wells
2.7. Salmonella culture, serotyping, and molecular subtyping sampled 7e12 times were negative for HF183, the adjustment for
HF183 combined wells sampled 7e12 times with wells sampled 6
Salmonella-qPCR positive samples were cultured by pre- times.
enriching sample concentrate in peptone water and inoculating The strength of the indicator-pathogen association was also
into two selective broths, Rappaport Vassiliadis and tetrathionate. quantified by calculating the pathogen detection ratio (positive
After overnight incubation, each broth was streaked onto XLD agar predictive value/[1-negative predictive value]). The pathogen
and brilliant green agar (BGA) plates. Presumptive Salmonella col- detection ratio is identical to the risk ratio calculated in Fout et al.
onies were confirmed by qPCR; all confirmed colonies were posi- (2017), where values greater than 1.0 (the null) represent the
tive by the invA and ttr gene assays. qPCR-confirmed isolates were relative elevation in the pathogen detection rate if the indicator is
stored at 20  C until further analysis. detected versus when the indicator is not detected. For example, a
Salmonella serotype and molecular subtype were determined by pathogen detection ratio of 1.5 indicates that detection of a path-
two methods: 1) agglutination profiles of isolates treated with a ogen was 50% more likely when the indicator was detected
panel of antisera specific for a variety of somatic (O) and flagellar compared to when the indicator was not detected. Indicator per-
(H) antigens and 2) pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) in which formance was assessed for any human or zoonotic pathogen
an isolate’s electropherotype was linked to serotype using the detection and the taxonomic subgroups therein: viral, bacterial,
PulseNet database developed by the US Centers for Disease Control and protozoan pathogens. Analyses were performed using SAS 9.4
and Prevention (Swaminathan et al., 2001). Salmonella culture, (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC).
serotyping, and molecular subtyping are further described in
Supplementary Material. 3. Results

2.8. Direct immunofluorescent assay (IFA) for Giardia and 3.1. qPCR
Overall, 18 of the 23 qPCR genetic targets were detected in one
Samples positive by qPCR for Giardia or Cryptosporidium were or more samples (Table 1), and 558 samples (58%) were positive for
microscopically examined for cysts and oocysts by IFA. Secondary at least one genetic target; 230 samples were positive for multiple
concentrate (100 mL) was treated with the Merifluor genetic targets. Adenovirus group B, hepatitis A virus, norovirus
J.P. Stokdyk et al. / Water Research 178 (2020) 115814 5

Table 1
Number and concentrations of samples (n ¼ 964) positive for genetic targets by qPCR.

Organism type Microbial targeta No. positive samples (%)c Concentration of positive samples (gc L1)

Median Mean Maximum

Virus Adenovirus group A 3 (0.3) 0.007 3.8 11

Adenovirus groups C, D, F 21 (2.2) 1.1 42 638
Adenovirus (any group) 24 (2.5) 0.9 40 638
Human enterovirus 9 (0.9) 0.5 0.9 2.3
Human polyomavirus 11 (1.1) 0.2 0.4 1.6
Norovirus genogroup II 5 (0.5) 63 103 222
Bovine polyomavirus 14 (1.5) 0.5 1.6 6.4
Pepper mild mottle virus 52 (5.4) 8.9 42 920
Rotavirus group A 14 (1.5) 6.5 28 228
Virus totalb 110 (11.4) 4.1 31 920

Bacteria Bacteroidales-like HumM2 81 (8.4) 0.4 2.5 68

Human Bacteroides HF183 410 (43) 0.4 4.0 374
Bacteroidales-like Cow M3 1 (0.1) 2.3 2.3 2.3
Ruminant Bacteroides 47 (4.9) 0.8 2.8 47
Campylobacter jejuni 1 (0.1) d d d
Shiga toxin 2-producing bacteria 3 (0.4) 0.2 0.5 1.1
Salmonella (invA) 48 (5.1) 0.8 302 9538
Salmonella (ttr) 35 (4.3) 3.1 1810 38236
Salmonella (either gene target) 59 (6.1) 1.3 938 38236
Bacteria totalb 482 (50.0) 0.5 128 38236

Protozoa Cryptosporidium spp. 107 (11.1) 0.1 10 246

Giardia duodenalis assemblage B 20 (2.1) 0.7 3.1 16
Protozoa totalb 121 (13) 0.2 9.4 246

Any genetic targetb 558 (58) 0.54 97 38236

gc, gene copies.

Samples were negative for adenovirus group B, enteropathogenic E. coli, Shiga toxin 1-producing bacteria, hepatitis A virus, norovirus genogroup I.
The positive sample totals for virus, bacteria, protozoa and any genetic target are less than the sum of individual targets because some samples were positive for more than
one target.
n ¼ 964 except HF183 (n ¼ 949), Salmonella invA (n ¼ 950), Salmonella ttr (n ¼ 822), and Shiga toxin 2-producing bacteria (n ¼ 834).
C. jejuni concentration was not calculated because sample volume was unknown.

genogroup I, enteropathogenic E. coli, and Shiga toxin 1-producing of wells from community systems and 93% of wells from
bacteria were not detected. HF183 was detected most frequently noncommunity systems.
(Table 1) and often alone (23% of samples). Bacteria other than The 29 wells included in both study phases were sampled 7e12
HF183 were detected in 18% of samples, more frequently than times each, and 192 of the 333 samples from these wells were
protozoa and viruses. Human or zoonotic pathogens (all pathogens positive for one or more genetic targets. All 29 of these wells had
listed in Table 1 excluding bovine polyomavirus) were detected in two or more samples positive for a genetic target. Individual targets
207 samples (21%). Viral, bacterial, and protozoan pathogens were were detected in these 29 wells at frequencies similar to the overall
detected in 55 (6%), 62 (6%), and 121 (13%) samples, respectively. results reported in Table 1. More samples were positive from these
Thirty-nine samples (4%) were positive for multiple pathogens. 29 wells in phase 2 (n ¼ 120 positive samples) than phase 1
Concentrations were generally low, but eight genetic targets, (n ¼ 72).
including six pathogens, had a maximum concentration greater Samples collected in phase two of the study were positive for
than 100 gene copies L1 (Table 1). one or more genetic targets at a higher rate than samples collected
Wells were typically sampled six times each (range 1e12; see in phase one (75% and 41%, respectively), largely driven by the
Table S3). Of the 139 wells positive for a genetic target (Table 2), bacteria HF183 (66% and 23% positive, respectively). The proportion
most (n ¼ 121) had more than one positive sample (Table S7). of wells positive for phase two (100%) was greater than for phase
While HF183 was the only genetic target in many samples, most one (91%), and the difference was driven primarily by HF183 (100%
wells positive for HF183 (all but six) were positive for another ge- and 80% positive, respectively).
netic target during the study. Human or zoonotic pathogens were Genetic targets specific to human fecal waste were detected in
detected in 102 wells (70%), including 46 (32%), 50 (34%), and 59 47% of samples and 94% of wells and included HF183, Bacteroidales-
(41%) wells with viral, bacterial, and protozoan pathogens, like HumM2, and the human viruses adenovirus, enterovirus, pol-
respectively. An examination of detections by well depth showed yomavirus, and norovirus GII. Genetic targets specific to ruminant/
no apparent trends (Table S8). Genetic targets were detected in 98% bovine fecal waste, including ruminant Bacteroides, Bacteroidales-

Table 2
Number of community and noncommunity wells positive for viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and pathogens by qPCR.

Organism type Community (n ¼ 88) Noncommunity (n ¼ 57) All wells (n ¼ 145)

Virus 37 (42%) 35 (61%) 72 (50%)

Bacteria 84 (95%) 52 (91%) 136 (94%)
Protozoa 35 (40%) 24 (42%) 59 (41%)
Human or zoonotic pathogen 57 (65%) 45 (79%) 102 (70%)
Any genetic target 86 (98%) 53 (93%) 139 (96%)
6 J.P. Stokdyk et al. / Water Research 178 (2020) 115814

like Cow M3, and bovine polyomavirus, were detected in 6% of both methods (n ¼ 12) produced similar results (R2 ¼ 0.93,
samples and 34% of wells. Human-specific fecal microbes were slope ¼ 4.6).
detected in 95% of community wells and 91% of noncommunity Sixty-seven of 107 samples positive for Cryptosporidium by qPCR
wells. Ruminant/bovine-specific microbes were detected in 33% of were positive by IFA, with consistent IFA detections at qPCR con-
community wells and 35% of noncommunity wells. Eighty-three centrations >0.7 gene copies L1. Results for Cryptosporidium,
percent of wells in phase one and 100% of wells in phase two including qPCR-IFA regression and species identification and sub-
were positive for human-specific microbes, while 30% of wells in typing, are described in Stokdyk et al. (2019). Thirty of 30 randomly
phase one and 32% of wells in phase two were positive for bovine/ selected qPCR-negative samples were negative by IFA for Crypto-
ruminant-specific microbes. sporidium and Giardia.

3.2. Virus cultures and genotyping 3.5. Indicator performance

Human adenovirus culture was attempted with the 24 samples Total coliforms were detected in 53 of 925 samples and 36 of 145
positive for HAdV by qPCR. One cultured sample exhibited cyto- wells. HF183, Bacteroidales-like HumM2, and PMMoV were detec-
pathic effect and five samples were positive by ICC-qPCR. ted in 133, 57, and 40 wells, respectively; all wells positive for
Sequencing revealed that 17 of the qPCR-positive samples were Bacteroidales-like HumM2 or PMMoV were also positive for HF183.
HAdV 41, three were HAdV 5, three were HAdV 31, and one was Sample-level detection frequencies are reported in Table 1; 57 and
HAdV 6. 30 samples positive for Bacteroidales-like HumM2 and PMMoV,
Human enterovirus culture of the nine qPCR-positive samples respectively, were also HF183-positive. Metrics for indicator per-
showed all were negative by cytopathic effect and ICC-qPCR. Gen- formance relative to any human or zoonotic pathogen are reported
otyping was successful for six of the nine enterovirus samples; in Table 3. Pathogen-indicator associations at the sample-level
three were coxsackievirus A6, one each was coxsackievirus B5, were significantly elevated for HF183, Bacteroidales-like HumM2,
echovirus 18, and echovirus 30. and coliforms, but at the well-level these associations were not
significantly elevated for any indicators. Restricting the assessment
3.3. Salmonella cultures and subtyping to viral, bacterial, or protozoan pathogens resulted in the same
overall trend as observed for the all-pathogens analysis (Table S9).
Of the 59 samples positive for Salmonella by qPCR, seven were E. coli was detected in three samples and performance metrics were
positive on both XLD and BGA with an additional four positive on not calculated.
XLD agar alone. Of the 11 culture-positive samples, subtyping
identified ten that were serovar Typhimurium and one serovar 4. Discussion
4.1. Incidence of pathogens and microbial indicators
3.4. Giardia and Cryptosporidium immunofluorescent assay
We completed a large, systematic study of community and
Fourteen of 20 samples positive for Giardia by qPCR were pos- noncommunity public wells (n ¼ 145) across the geographic extent
itive by IFA at concentrations from <1 to 3.7 cysts L1; two de- of Minnesota, USA. Study wells represented diverse geologies, and
tections were qualitative due to missing sample volume. All seven the two-year sampling campaign encompassed meteorological
samples with qPCR concentrations >0.7 gene copies L1 were conditions of all four seasons. Whereas previous groundwater
positive by IFA, while only 5 of 11 below that level were positive by studies typically focused on microbial indicators or a single class of
IFA. Regression revealed a significant relationship between the pathogens, we included viral, bacterial, and protozoan pathogens
methods (R2 ¼ 0.94) and a ratio of 4.5 gene copies:cyst based on the and fecal markers.
slope, though the regression included only 18 samples over a We observed widespread groundwater contamination (96% of
limited range (Fig. 2). Regression restricted to samples positive by wells and 58% of samples) by a broad range of microorganisms.
Pathogens were detected in our study more frequently than studies
reviewed by Hynds et al. (2014), which reported 15% of samples and
16% of wells positive, but the reviewed studies typically included
fewer tested pathogens (an average of two to three) and fewer
samples per well (an average of 1.4). We sampled wells typically six
times, and while 102 wells (70%) were positive for human or zoo-
notic pathogens, only 49 wells (34%) were pathogen-positive more
than once. Likewise, of 207 pathogen-positive samples, only 39
(19%) were positive for more than one pathogen. While contami-
nation was widespread, the intermittence of well contamination
and variation in pathogens we observed are consistent with the
transient nature of groundwater contamination (e.g., Bradbury
et al., 2013).
Among pathogens, bacteria and protozoa are included in
groundwater studies less frequently than viruses (Hynds et al.,
2014; Murphy et al., 2017), but Salmonella and Cryptosporidium
were detected more frequently in our wells. In fact, Salmonella and
Cryptosporidium were detected in 33% and 40% of wells, respec-
tively, and they were the only pathogens present in 131 of the 207
Fig. 2. Relationship between Giardia concentrations for samples (n ¼ 18) measured by
pathogen-positive samples. Groundwater studies in developed
quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and immunofluorescent assay (IFA; countries rarely include Salmonella outside of outbreak in-
R2 ¼ 0.94, slope ¼ 4.5). vestigations (Levantesi et al., 2012; Murphy et al., 2017). Likewise,
J.P. Stokdyk et al. / Water Research 178 (2020) 115814 7

Table 3
Sample- and well-level indicator test performance for indicating the presence of any human or zoonotic pathogen. Analyses were adjusted for well (sample-level) and number
of times a well was sampled (well-level). Values in parentheses are 95% confidence intervals.

Analysis Indicator Pathogen detection P- Sensitivityc Specificityd Positive predictive valuee Negative predictive valuef
level ratioa valueb (%) (%) (%) (%)

Sample HF183 n ¼ 949 1.84 <0.0001 57 (51e64) 61 (56e65) 26 (21e32) 86 (82e89)

Bacteroidales-like HumM2 1.72 0.009 11 (7e17) 94 (92e96) 32 (22e44) 81 (78e85)
n ¼ 964
Pepper mild mottle virus n ¼ 964 1.07 0.823 4 (2e7) 97 (95e98) 21 (11e35) 80 (77e84)
Total coliform n ¼ 925 1.91 0.003 5 (3e9) 98 (97e99) 36 (25e50) 81 (77e84)
Well HF183 n ¼ 145 1.26 0.158 92 (82e97) 22 (9e43) 85 (71e92) 33 (11e66)
Bacteroidales-like HumM2 1.04 0.539 33 (21e47) 73 (53e86) 85 (69e93) 19 (9e34)
n ¼ 145
Pepper mild mottle virus n ¼ 145 1.05 0.503 26 (16e39) 80 (60e91) 86 (68e94) 19 (10e34)
Total coliform n ¼ 145 1.04 0.642 27 (19e38) 77 (59e88) 85 (67e94) 18 (9e33)
Pathogen detection ratio ¼ positive predictive value/(1-negative predictive value). Values greater than 1.0 represent the relative elevation in the pathogen detection rate if
the indicator is detected versus when the indicator is not detected.
P-value for the t-test of association between the indicator and pathogen in a logistic regression model.
True positive rate: probability the indicator is detected given the pathogen is present.
True negative rate: probability the indicator is not detected given the pathogen is absent.
Probability the pathogen is detected given the indicator is present.
Probability the pathogen is not detected given the indicator is absent.

Cryptosporidium is not considered a contaminant of groundwater contamination of groundwater (Murphy et al., 2017), and studies
unless surface water is entering wells. However, Cryptosporidium report groundwater vulnerability based on aquifer type (Allen et al.,
was not associated with assessments of surface water influence in 2017; Hynds et al., 2014). However, a high percentage of wells
our study wells (Stokdyk et al., 2019). Inclusion of nonviral patho- (89e100%) in all five major aquifer types in Minnesota showed
gens is therefore important for characterizing groundwater-related microbiological contamination, and differences among aquifer
health risk. types appeared minor when viruses, bacteria, and protozoa were
The fecal markers HF183 and PMMoV were among the most considered as groups (Table 4). Likewise, geologic sensitivity
frequently detected organisms in our study wells, but their signif- (Table 5), which reflects the travel time for contaminants from the
icance is difficult to assess because context for their incidence, surface to reach groundwater, did not appear to follow microbio-
concentrations, and association with pathogens in groundwater is logical contamination. Comparisons among aquifer type are
scarce. Two studies reported incidence of HF183 in groundwater tentative because three of five types had relatively few wells.
(Allevi et al., 2013; Murphy et al., 2020), and reports of PMMoV in Rainfall influences groundwater contamination (Murphy et al.,
wells are limited (Malla et al., 2019; Murphy et al., 2020; Symonds 2017) because it is a driver of microbial transport (Allen et al.,
et al., 2018). Moreover, pathogens were rarely measured in 2017; Bradbury et al., 2013) and its low ionic strength facilitates
conjunction with HF183 or PMMoV in groundwater (Murphy et al., microbe detachment from sediment particles (Hunt and Johnson,
2020; Symonds et al., 2018). While HF183 and PMMoV suggest fecal 2017). Precipitation during both study phases exceeded Minneso-
contamination of these public wells, the implications for well ta’s historical average annual and included the wettest month on
management and public health are unclear. record (NOAA, 2019), so elevated precipitation may have contrib-
uted to the widespread contamination of study wells. To the extent
that precipitation was a factor, contamination associated with
4.2. Contamination by system type, geology, precipitation, and above-average rainfall may become less anomalous as the trend of
study phase increasing precipitation in Minnesota is expected to continue
(Runkle et al., 2017).
Despite potential differences in fecal sources, contaminant The proportion of samples positive for a genetic target was
transport factors, and water system characteristics, we observed larger for phase two than phase one, which may reflect the targeted
generally similar proportions of pathogens and fecal markers selection of vulnerable wells for phase two. However, well selection
among community and noncommunity wells. Noncommunity is confounded by temporal variation in factors related to microbial
wells were, however, pathogen-positive at a slightly higher rate, source and transport, like precipitation and pathogen prevalence in
which is of special concern because the majority in Minnesota host populations. In fact, the 29 wells sampled in both phases were
(98%) and the United States (80%) distribute nondisinfected water also more often positive in phase two than one, suggesting that
(Minnesota Department of Health Drinking Water Information variation over time, rather than well selection, contributed to dif-
System Database; USEPA, 2006c). Noncommunity systems are ferences between study phases.
linked to a large proportion of waterborne disease outbreaks and
report high rates of total coliform-positive samples compared to
community systems (Craun et al., 2010; Wallender et al., 2014; 4.3. Microbial indicators of pathogen presence
USEPA, 2006c). However, the elevated risk apparently associated
with noncommunity groundwater systems is poorly defined: most Testing for total coliforms under the Revised Total Coliform Rule
groundwater outbreaks in noncommunity systems have undeter- forms the basis of microbial monitoring for public water systems
mined etiology (Craun et al., 2010; USEPA, 2006c; Wallender et al., (USEPA, 2006a), and we used pathogen measurements to evaluate
2014), and total coliforms provide a limited characterization of its performance as a microbial indicator. Consistent with Fout et al.
water quality. Using qPCR, we observed a broad range of microbi- (2017), at the sample level total coliform analysis was a good pre-
ological contaminants in both noncommunity and community dictor of pathogen absence but a poor predictor of pathogen
wells. presence, as demonstrated by high negative predictive value and
Geology is among the factors related to microbiological specificity but poor positive predictive value and sensitivity. For
8 J.P. Stokdyk et al. / Water Research 178 (2020) 115814

Table 4
Percentage of wells qPCR-positive for viruses, bacteria, and protozoa by aquifer type.

Organism type Sand and gravel Sandstone Fractured crystalline rock Carbonate rocks Mixed sandstone, carbonate rocks, shale All
(n ¼ 83) (n ¼ 33) (n ¼ 13) (n ¼ 9) (n ¼ 7) (n ¼ 145)

Virus 40 70 54 56 57 50
Bacteria 92 97 100 89 100 94
Protozoa 47 21 54 33 43 41
Any genetic 94 100 100 89 100 96

Table 5
Percentage of wells qPCR-positive for viruses, bacteria, and protozoa by geologic sensitivity rating.

Organism type Very High (n ¼ 32) High (n ¼ 19) Moderate (n ¼ 33) Low (n ¼ 33) Very Low (n ¼ 28) All (n ¼ 145)

Virus 38 42 61 55 50 50
Bacteria 97 95 100 94 82 94
Protozoa 50 37 42 36 36 41
Any genetic target 97 95 100 97 89 96

example, 98% of pathogen-negative samples were also negative for indicators of their analogous pathogens than of other pathogen
total coliforms (specificity), but 95% of pathogen-positive samples types (Table S9). Instead, the trends we observed in indicator per-
lacked the indicator (i.e., 5% sensitivity). At the well level the as- formance were generally consistent across indicators and pathogen
sociation between coliforms and pathogens was not statistically types. Only one groundwater study reports the incidence of HF183
significant, and the performance metrics were ambiguous. Based with pathogens (Murphy et al., 2020), and the performance of
on these findings, a negative coliform test gives water managers PMMoV as an indicator varied among the few studies in which it
confidence that pathogens were also likely absent at the time of was paired with pathogen measurements (Symonds et al., 2018).
sampling. However, the well could be pathogen-contaminated We report the first robust assessment of HF183 and PMMoV per-
later, which is particularly problematic for small public water sys- formance as indicators in groundwater and demonstrate that, like
tems required to test their wells only once per year. other indicators (Fout et al., 2017), they reliably identify pathogen
Better indicators of pathogen presence are continually sought to absence but not presence.
address the limitations of conventional ones. Human-associated
Bacteroides and PMMoV are becoming common indicators of hu- 4.4. qPCR microbial indicators and associated health risk
man fecal pollution in water (Harwood et al., 2014; Korajkic et al.,
2018; Symonds et al., 2018), but, as with other microbial in- Health risks associated with HF183 and other fecal markers in
dicators, their association with pathogens and health risk is a recreational water have been estimated by assuming the measured
source of uncertainty (Boehm et al., 2015; Harwood et al., 2014; concentration ratio between pathogens and indicators in sewage is
Korajkic et al., 2018). Our assessment demonstrated that HF183 and identical to the ratio in water (Ahmed et al., 2018; Boehm et al.
PMMoV performed similar to total coliforms (Table 3) and other 2015, 2018). For example, if the average concentration of HF183 in
indicators (Fout et al., 2017). The sample-level sensitivity of HF183 sewage is ten times that of Cryptosporidium, then the unmeasured
(57%) appears to suggest a better relationship with pathogens. Cryptosporidium concentration in recreational water is assumed to
However, its low positive predictive value (26%) is consistent with be one-tenth of that measured for HF183; health risk is then esti-
other indicators while its specificity (61%) is much worse, showing mated by quantitative microbial risk assessment using the
that its elevated sensitivity is driven by ubiquitous incidence rather extrapolated Cryptosporidium concentration. Improvements to the
than a stronger association with pathogens. Compared to sample- ratio approach for estimating health risk from indicators account
level performance, well-level sensitivity and positive predictive for the differential decay of indicators and pathogens in the envi-
value increased at the expense of specificity and negative predictive ronment (Boehm et al., 2018), underscoring that sewage ratios may
value for all indicators, which is consistent with trends described by not represent ratios in the environment (i.e., where exposure oc-
Fout et al. (2017). curs), which a recent review demonstrates (Korajkic et al., 2018).
Evaluation of indicator performance by pathogen detection ra- In our study, the pathogen-indicator concentrations measured
tios showed that ratios for HF183, Bacteroidales-like HumM2, and in public water system wells suggest even more caution is war-
total coliform were significantly greater than 1.0 (the null value) at ranted in extending the pathogen-indicator ratios in sewage to
the sample level; samples were 1.7e1.9 times more likely to have a estimate the health risk of indicator concentrations measured in
pathogen when these indicators were detected. However, only groundwater. For example, mean pathogen-indicator ratios for
26%e36% of samples positive for these indicators were positive for Cryptosporidium and HAdV 40/41 relative to HF183 in raw sewage
a pathogen (i.e., positive predictive value), so the false-positive rate were 5  105 and 5  104, respectively, and were used to estimate
was high. Pathogen risk ratios were not significantly greater than exposure to these pathogens in recreational water (Ahmed et al.,
1.0 for well-level analyses, signifying that indicator-positive and 2018; Boehm et al., 2018) (see Supplemental Material for ratio
indicator-negative wells had similar risks of being positive for a calculations). In contrast, mean ratios for our groundwater samples
pathogen. were approximately 10,000 times higher, 0.32 oocysts:HF183
Viral and bacterial indicators may more closely represent the (based on IFA analysis for Cryptosporidium) and 8.8 HAdV 40/
transport and survival of viral and bacterial pathogens, respectively 41:HF183 (based on samples identified as HAdV 41 by genotyping).
(e.g., Korajkic et al., 2018). However, the evaluation of indicators Moreover, our mean ratios include HF183-positive samples that
relative to viral, bacterial, and protozoan pathogens showed that were negative for these pathogens (i.e., ratio ¼ 0), and ratios varied
HF183, Bacteroidales-like HumM2, and PMMoV were not better significantly among samples (coefficient of variation > 1000%). We
J.P. Stokdyk et al. / Water Research 178 (2020) 115814 9

cannot estimate the health risk associated with HF183 in ground- pathogen-specific measurements to groundwater management,
water by extrapolation of sewage-based ratios because they do not both are increasingly incorporated into federal regulation.
accurately reflect exposure to groundwater-borne pathogens. Our Pathogen-specific criteria are defined in Long Term 2 Enhanced
data suggest that these microbial indicators are useful for identi- Surface Water Treatment Rule (USEPA, 2006b), and qPCR is
fying groundwater contamination in general, though not neces- included in the Recreational Water Quality Criteria (USEPA, 2012a),
sarily pathogen presence or health risk. the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (USEPA,
While the health risk indicated by HF183 and PMMoV is un- 2012b), and USEPA Methods 1615 (Fout et al., 2012) and 1696
certain, the detection of pathogens in public wells represents a (USEPA, 2019). More generally, studies that report the incidence of
potential health concern. To generally estimate the potential risk specific pathogens are used to inform regulatory development (e.g.,
associated with pathogen detections in our wells, we compared our USEPA, 2006c). With growing ease of application to water testing,
results to the relationship established by Borchardt et al. (2012) for qPCR offers a tool for groundwater research and management.
exposure to viruses in non-disinfected tap water supplied by public However, with few studies linking qPCR-measured concentrations
wells. In the communities studied by Borchardt et al. (2012) the to health risk, regulators presented with PCR data for their public
relative risk of acute gastrointestinal illness among adults and water systems will continue to find interpretation challenging.
children increased 23% when the maximum concentration of vi-
ruses measured in the communities’ tap water exceeded 31 gene 5. Conclusions
copies L1. Nonviral pathogens were not considered and if present
would have likely increased risk further. Ten of our study wells had  We completed a large, systematic study of microbiological
maximum virus concentrations greater than 31 gene copies L1, contamination of a state’s groundwater resources with repeated
and water supplied by all ten wells was not disinfected, suggesting sampling of public wells.
the populations served had higher relative risk of illness. However,  We observed widespread but sporadic fecal contamination us-
none of these ten wells had indications of increased risk based on ing a comprehensive suite of pathogens and fecal markers, and
HF183 or PMMoV. For example, the number of HF183- and PMMoV- there were no obvious differences in contamination by system
positive samples for these wells was similar to other wells, and the type or geology.
mean concentration of samples positive for HF183 (1.2 gene copies  HF183 Bacteroides was detected frequently, but we cannot
L1) and PMMoV (7.9 gene copies L1) in these wells was not directly assess health risk from the HF183 data; however, we
exceptional compared to samples overall (Table 1). In addition to report the first assessment of its performance as an indicator of
crudely estimating risk, this cursory comparison is consistent with pathogen presence in groundwater and show that it performed
the low positive predictive values of HF183 and PMMoV and shows similar to other microbial indicators.
the advantage of pathogen testing by qPCR.  Analysis of many microorganisms by qPCR provided a compre-
hensive characterization of microbiological groundwater qual-
4.5. Pathogen analysis by qPCR, culture, and IFA ity, but interpretation and application of such data remain a
challenge for regulators because the analytical capability has
To provide additional context for qPCR data, we analyzed five outpaced the regulatory framework.
pathogens by culture or IFA. Samples were positive by culture or IFA
across the range of qPCR concentrations for three of them Declaration of competing interest
(adenovirus, Giardia, Cryptosporidium), and Giardia and Cryptospo-
ridium concentrations measured by IFA correlated well with qPCR The authors declare that they have no known competing
concentrations (Fig. 2; Stokdyk et al., 2019). However, samples for financial interests or personal relationships that could have
all five of these organisms were less often culture- or IFA-positive at appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
low qPCR-measured concentrations (Table S10). Consistent with
our results, previous studies comparing measurements by qPCR Acknowledgements
and other methods of the same environmental water samples show
that qPCR is more analytically sensitive (Borchardt et al., 2012; We thank Dane Huber, Jared Schmaedeke, Trisha Sisto, Mike
Corsi et al., 2016; Stokdyk et al., 2019). Our data do not allow us to Sutliff, and Nathan Gieske for well sampling. Funding was provided
differentiate the effects of false-negatives due to viable-but-not- by the Minnesota Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment Fund.
culturable organisms and qPCR detection of nonviable genetic The funding agency had no role in the study or its publication. Any
material. Nonetheless, the comparison shows concordance among use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only
methods and offers context for interpreting molecular data, and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. At the
including for dose-response relationships in quantitative microbial time of publication, data have limited availability owing to
risk assessments. participating public water systems having the prerogative to
communicate raw water quality results. Contact corresponding
4.6. qPCR in regulatory settings author for more information.

We observed widespread, transient contamination of wells by Appendix A. Supplementary data

diverse microorganisms, as well as disparities between pathogen
and indicator detections, which illustrate challenges that ground- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
water regulators face. With advantages over microbial indicators https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2020.115814.
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