Lesson Plan GPR Prep
Lesson Plan GPR Prep
Lesson Plan GPR Prep
Begin the lesson by asking students what they think it means to have a global
perspective. Ask them to brainstorm different ways that they might learn about
global issues and perspectives. Write their responses on the board or chart paper.
Explain to students that they will be conducting research on a global issue of their
choice. Have students brainstorm a list of possible topics related to global issues
such as climate change, human rights, poverty, etc. Encourage them to think about
topics that are relevant to their lives or that they feel passionate about. Once they
have generated a list of topics, have them share their ideas with a partner and
discuss why they are interested in the topic.
Have students begin their research on their chosen topic. Encourage them to look for
sources that offer different perspectives on the issue from around the world. Provide
guidance and support as needed. As they conduct their research, have them take
notes and organize their thoughts.
Gaganjot Kaur
Preparation Course Lesson Plan Global Perspective for research
After students have gathered their research, have them analyze the different
perspectives they have found. Encourage them to use critical thinking skills to
identify similarities and differences between the perspectives they have found. Have
them create a chart or diagram to compare the different perspectives.
Have students use their research and analysis to create a presentation that
demonstrates their understanding of global perspectives. They can choose from a
variety of presentation formats such as a slideshow, video, or podcast. Encourage
them to use visuals and multimedia elements to make their presentation engaging
and informative.
Have students share their presentations with the class. Encourage them to ask
questions and provide feedback to each other. Conclude the lesson by discussing
what they have learned about global perspectives and how they can apply this
understanding to other areas of their lives.
Use the rubric to assess student understanding of global perspectives, research skills,
critical thinking, and presentation skills. Provide feedback to help students improve
their skills and understanding.
Gaganjot Kaur