Cva NCP 1

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Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Goal Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective Data: Impaired physical mobility Short term Goals Independent: After 8 hours of nursing
“Nanghihina at related to neuromuscular Monitor vital signs and Monitoring vital signs helps intervention:
hindi makagalaw ang impairment, decrease muscle After 8 hours of nursing urinary intake and output. nurses identify the deviation
buong katawan ng strength and control as intervention, the patient will be from the normal values. The patient verbalized
nanay ko.” As evidenced by generalized able to: understanding of her
verbalized by the weakness, impaired Maintain blood pressure Hypertension is a modifiable risk condition and planned
patient’s son. coordination, and inability to  Understand and analyze within an acceptable factor for stroke. Lowering blood treatment. She stated the
perform desired activities or the endurance of her range. pressure reduces the risk of signs and symptoms related
Method interview movements. upper & lower recurrent stroke. to her disease as well as the
extremities for any sign risk factors that can be
Objective Data: and symptoms of Change positions at least Changing the position of the modified including her
BP - 180/90 complication and learn every 2 hours and patient can reduce the risk of lifestyle, diet, and activities.
Temp - 37.6 management promote conducive tissue injury. She participated in her
RR - 19 techniques. circulation. treatment regimen and
PR - 101 planned rehabilitation.
GCS - 15  Participate in learning Prop extremities in Prevents contractures and foot
Pupils reaction to light: about the disease functional position. drops and facilitates use when After a week of nursing
brisk process. Maintain a neutral the function returns. intervention:
position of the head.
 Verbalize understanding The patient demonstrated a
of her condition & Assist the patient with To prevent the development of changed lifestyle as
planned treatment. exercise and perform adaptive muscle shortening, evidenced by eating a
ROM (range of motion) contractures, and shortening of healthy diet, doing mild to
Long term Goals: exercises for both the the capsule, ligaments, and moderate physical activities,
affected and unaffected tendons. and having adequate rest
After a week of nursing care, the sides. and hydration. She also
patient will be able to: Promotes a sense of control and demonstrated behaviors
Set goals with patient and independence. that enable resumption of
Demonstrate appropriate significant other for activities such as doing
changes in lifestyle and participation in activities passive and active ranges of
behaviors, including the eating and position changes. motion.
pattern, food quantity/ quality
and exercise.

techniques/behaviors that
enable resumption of activities.

Maintain skin integrity with no

development of adaptive muscle
shortening and contractures.

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