AGSVCHQ/Budget & Finance/DFPR/ Date:! 0/06/2019
From: To:
‘The Additional Director General (Finance) & HOD The Additional Director General & HOD,
Geological Survey of India Geological Survey of India
Central Headquarters, ER, Kolkata/ CR, Nagput/ NR, Lucknow/
Kolkata- 700 016 WR, Jaipur! SR, Hyderabad
NER, Shillong,
‘The Deputy Director General & HOD,
M&CSD, Mangalore/RSAS, Bengaluru/TI,
Hyderabad/ DGCO, New Delhi and alll State
Subject: Amendment in existing Delegation of Power to Director General, HOD’s and Other
Officers in Geological Survey of India.
Ref, : 1. Ministry of Mines letter no. F.No.18/1/2016.M.II Dated: 31" May 2019.
Lam pleased to convey that Ministry of Mines has kindly revised some points of the existing financial
powers of Director General, HOD’s and Other Officers of Geological Survey of India for smooth functioning of
GSI, The approved Delegation of Financial Power to DG, HoDs and other Officers of GSI is enclosed herewith
(refer Annexure-A) for immediate implementation,
‘Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
— Sd-
(N. R. Bhattacharjee)
Director (Finance)
For ADG (Finance) & HOD
GSI, CHQ, Kolkata
Copy forwarded to
1. The Controller of Accounts, Central Accounts Office, Esplanade. Kolkata.
\3~ The Dy. Director General (I) with a request to upload the same in OCBIS portal
Weg oh)
(NR Bhstachar}e)
Director (Finance)
For ADG (Finance) & HOD
GSI, CHQ,KolkataF, No.18/ 1/2016 MIL
Government of India
| Ministry of Mines
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-1 10001
Dated: 31” May, 2019.
Director General,
Geological Survey of India,
27, J.L. Nehru Road,
| Subject: Delegation of Financial Powers to Director General, HODs and other officers in Geological Survey of India-Enhancemer
/ Amendment regarding,
undersigned is directed 40 convey the approval of the competent authority to further delegates/enhance financial powers to Diceet
| eral, Head ef Departments (HoDs) and other officers of Geological Survey of India as per the following item wise details
| /NaTuRE oF Power Director All HoDs of Regions including HoD |DDGs/Director_i/c of Sta
} General, ‘of CHQ, RSAS & M&CSD (DFPR, Units, DGCO, TI, Laboratori
=} 2 - 3 { 4 | 5
i Chapter- XL. . Printing and Binding: (to be placed after item no, 5 in earlier delegation]
Item Digitization of Scientific Data (Rep Full power Upto 2 Fifty Lakh per annuum Nil
No.6. orts, Maps ete) / Administrative /F aca _
|[Inaneial /Legal/ any crucial doeum | SUbiee' to the condition that
je i) Procedure prescribed in GFR/DFPR should be|
jonts followed
T | |gatject to rate 2t oF DFPRanalill At lhe the of executing this powers Director |
| [Subleet to rule 21 of DEPR and Cera will satiety himself, and record in writing that
|| | Schedule V of DEPR. the work has been given 1o the outside agencies in the
absence of availability of in house facility
{Mo Mines, 31" may, 2019)NATURE OF POWE! Director Al HoDs of Regions including Hod DDGs/Director ive of Sta
Genera! of CHQ, RSAS & M&CSD (DFPR, Units, DGCO, TI, Laboratori:
1978} Chief Engineer & DDG (P&A)
\ 1 2 3 4 8
| Chapter. XI. Contingent Advance /- Other Department
0 To Sanction Non Rolling Contingen |? One filly Pty 1 One kak!
¢ Advances (NRCA) for hiring of veb thousanu! se i
ieles and Boats for field & Iaborator 1
|y operations.
Reyulated by rule £9 (1p and 75{2) of i
Rules on Advances to Central
+ Government Servants |
2 A) conditious/yuiletines. to ne tioned in this Ministry's letter of even umber dated
1.412016 10 DG, GSI remains unchange
| 4 This has the concirrence of JSGFA vide Dy, po. 510 dated 30.1. 2019.
‘Yours faithfully,
essa Fain
BE a oo, sR anawRi Near Da
2 P section
(14/0 Mines, 32” May, 2029),