Dog Care Skill Development Proposal To DMF, Angul

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Project Proposal: Skill Development in Agri and Allied sector under District

Mineral Foundation Trust, Angul District

Project Title Skill Development in Agri and Allied sector

Project Duration (in months) 12 months

Total Project cost (in Rs) 27,50,382 (Excluding Taxes)

Submitted By Agriculture Skill Council of India

Santosh Kumar Panda
Regional Manager-Eastzone
(M) 9667905553
E-Mail: [email protected]

1. Organization Profile

ASCI is functioning under the aegis of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), Ministry of Skill
Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Govt. of India, with a vision to develop the Skills in Indian
Agriculture, as per the global standards, with the support of stakeholders and thereby, improving the
livelihood of Farmers, farm workers & rural unemployed. Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI) was
set up in January 2013 under Section 8 Companies act 1956; with members from various Agriculture
bodies like ICAR, APEDA, SFAC, NSAI, APEDA National Horticulture Board, Tea Board, Coffee Board,
Central Silk Board and Spices Board. It aims to work towards building capacity in the Agriculture Industry
and bridge the gap between laboratories and farms.
ASCI is an approved assessing and awarding body by the National Council of Vocational Education and
Training (NCVET) to undertake assessment and certification of all NSQF aligned job roles as per Gazette
notification. We provide industry-backed, electronically verifiable QR code embedded National Skill
Qualification Framework (NSQF) aligned certification to the trainees under different skill development
 Determining skills/competency standards and qualifications and development of National
Occupational Standards (NOS)
 Preparation and maintenance of skill inventory to facilitate individual choices
 Development of sector specific skill development plans
 Standardisation of affiliation and accreditation process
 Affiliation, accreditation, assessment and certification of Vocational institutes/Programmes
 Plan and execute Training of Trainers (ToT)
 Promotion of academics of excellence
 Establishment of a well-structured, sector specific, Labour Market Information System (LMIS)
to assist planning and delivery of training

6th Floor, GNG Building ,Plot No.10, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122004,

Tel.: +91-0124-4670029, Email: [email protected], Website:
2. Background & Project Rationale

The Objective of the project is the ensure ready availability of Skilled Manpower and creation of new
Micro-entrepreneurship business ventures in Angul district. This will also contribute to the economic
growth and social development of the Target Beneficiaries.
Project Rationale
 Productivity: Individuals will get to know the practical aspect that how to explore the untapped
area and use of proper knowledge to increase their income by several percentages.
 Skilling to Increase in efficiency: Beneficiaries will get to know the right skills which help in
increasing the efficiency of labour and reducing drudgery and workloads.
 Life style Improvement through Entrepreneurship: Provides the Entrepreneurship platforms to
uplift the financial level of the individuals in Rurban areas which can help them becoming self-
reliant and confident. Beneficiaries would have opportunities to venture into small self-
operated business / entrepreneurship through this structured skill development programme
 Digital Literacy: Online Digital platform to learn and use efficiently to explore the new area and
to learn the new things happening around them
 Making the segments as aspiration: Create space for providing various livelihood opportunities
exist in agri and allied sector to the youth who are keeping themselves away from this primary

3. Project overview and key objectives

 Target youths, women and mining affected people

 Creating opportunity to stop migration
 Skilling and Upskilling to fulfil local requirement of skilled manpower.
 Exposing beneficiaries to use of digital tools.
 Better and more opportunities for beneficiaries to start own ventures.
 Optimum utilization of available resources.
 Create pool of skilled manpower in the district

4. Details of the proposed intervention

The project will be conducted in affiliated Training centre for Short Term Training on suggested QPs
and same centre/cluster as identified can be used for upskilling programme under available scheme
available with ASCI. Only individuals having Aadhar cards and who have not participated in any other
public funded scheme, with similar benefits, will be included in the project. Process for
implementation will be as follows:
- Affiliation of Training centre as per the norm and will be through Skill India Portal.

6th Floor, GNG Building ,Plot No.10, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122004,

Tel.: +91-0124-4670029, Email: [email protected], Website:
- Mobilisation (Mobilization of candidates will commence in the districts in coordination with
respective DMFT’s)
- Counselling
- Pre-screening
- Training and Orientation. To be undertaken by certified trainer in regional language
- Assessment (1 day) in Odia language and will be as per norms.
All candidates will be provided with hand-outs as study material and ready reckoner, in local language.
Hand-outs will have written material and pictorial images for easy understanding and recall value.
It is proposed to include exposure and training in mobile applications to keep the participants updated
with the current practices and technology. Information about various government schemes, including
relevant information to their respective agriculture sector.
Proposed Short Term Training cum Certification as per notional hours:
Canine trainer and handler: In the history of human civilization, dogs have always been part of human
life. They are the first domesticated animals and have been companions of human beings for ages.
This practice is visible even today among primitive and forest-dwelling communities. Modern-day
society has many utility dogs. Dogs have become lovable pet animals every family wants to own and
be proud of its possession. Children and the elderly at home love to play with pet dogs. It makes them
remain active, feel energetic and happy. The police department, the army, security services, and even
the hospitals are using dogs for specialized tasks that are difficult for humans to perform.
Canine Breeder: The ancient partnership between people and dogs is struggling to meet modern day
needs, with demand exceeding our capacity to safely breed high-performing and healthy dogs. Dog
breeding is the practice of mating selected dogs with the intention of maintaining or producing specific
qualities and characteristics. When dogs reproduce without such human intervention, their offspring's
characteristics are determined by natural selection, while "dog breeding" refers specifically to the
artificial selection of dogs, in which dogs are intentionally bred by their owners. Breeding relies on the
science of genetics, hence a breeder who is knowledgeable on canine genetics, health and the
intended purpose of the dogs attempts to breed suitable dogs. A canine breeder need to work closely
with a veterinarian and also carries out various functions associated with operation and rearing of
breeding stock. ASCI has developed Canine Breeder, a NSQF aligned QPs which can be used to train
the professionals to acquire the desired skills to understand the breeding technique and advised post-
training and before starting the breeding operation, the professionals should obtain
License/Certificate as per the regulatory requirements.
Proposed Sub Sectors for Upskilling Programme cum Certification with duration of 80 hours:
Mushroom Grower: Mushroom is important not only from nutritional and medicinal point of view but
for export also. It requires little space or land and hence it is of great importance for landless and
marginal land holders. Mushroom production has tremendous potential as an income generating
activity. It grows independent of sunlight, feed on organic matter and does not require fertile soil. In
addition to floor, air space is also utilized resulting in higher productivity. Mushroom cultivation can
provide additional income to farmers who wish to take up this activity especially in their lean season.
The greatest advantage of this venture is the fact that mushrooms have capacity to convert
nutritionally valueless substance like wheat or paddy straw into nutritious delicacies. It also enables
recycling of agro wastes like dung and chicken manure which otherwise are posing pollution problems.

6th Floor, GNG Building ,Plot No.10, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122004,

Tel.: +91-0124-4670029, Email: [email protected], Website:
Lot of activities and skills requires to be a successful Entrepreneur to understand various activities in
the process of cultivating mushroom such as preparing mushroom compost, spawning, maintenance,
harvesting and post-harvest processing of mushroom.
Gardener: Garden at home /Parks at public place constitute one of the most important recreational
venue of modern civilization. It plays a vital role in assimilating peoples from different walks of life
irrespective of their genesis or social status for leisurely activities. It is important to keep people
healthy, fit and more importantly, to remain stress free. It not only provides a recreational area for
children, youth and elderly but also will improve their quality of life. In urban life where we are fighting
to get fresh air and fresh harvested vegetables, roof top gardening with the right planning and little
efforts can transform terrace into a garden. It’s a myth that building a terrace garden costs a lot. There
are multiple ways to go about revamping your terrace, it all depends on the time and money
investment you are willing to make and what the skills you have to make it peaceful corner at all times.
Vermicompost Producer: The indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides in the crop
production have created serious problems of soil health, water quality & hazard to human being.
Therefore, to sustain fertility and productivity of soils, there is an urgent need to promote use of
organic manures by the farmers. Vermicomposting is a process of preparing enriched compost with
the use of earthworms. Earthworms consume biomass and excrete it in digested form called worm
casts, which has been termed as ‘black gold’ due to its nutrient rich properties. Earthworms live upto
three years and rapidly reproduce making the process sustainable and cheap. Apart from its growing
importance as an integral component of the organic farming system, vermicomposting is also regarded
as clean, sustainable and a zero-waste approach as microbes assist earthworms in waste degradation
on a large scale.
Tropical and Sub Tropical Fruit Grower: Growing Fruits does not require much effort but to achieve
high yields requires skills, dedication and understating different techniques of postharvest
management. Fruits not only helps to provide high returns, but also can be taken in waste land for
proper utilization of natural resources.

5. Proposed Target under Short Term Training and Upskilling

Type of Proposed Proposed

Sl No Name of Job Role with QP Code
Training duration(hrs) Target

1 Canine trainer and handler STT 570 30

2 Canine Breeder: STT 570 30

3 Mushroom Grower Upskilling 80 30

4 Gardener Upskilling 80 30

5 Vermicompost Producer Upskilling 80 30

6th Floor, GNG Building ,Plot No.10, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122004,

Tel.: +91-0124-4670029, Email: [email protected], Website:
Tropical and Sub Tropical Fruit Grower
6 (Option: Banana and Mango) 30 candidates Upskilling 80 60
from each option

6. Implementation Strategies and Monitoring mechanisms

 The project will be conducted by Training Partner at affiliated Training centre for Short Term
Training on suggested/approved QPs and same centre/at different cluster as identified can be
used for upskilling programme under scheme available with ASCI so that post completion,
certificate will be generated through Skill India Portal(SIP).
 Training will be monitored and supervised by ASCI Regional Manager
 Training will be conducted only through certified trainers. ASCI will facilitate the TP to
complete the process before initiation of training.
 For transparency, assessments will be undertaken through 3rd party approved assessment
agencies. No ‘paper and pencil’ assessments will be undertaken. All assessments will be
captured in digital tools / equipment. Original Aadhar cards will be checked and authenticated
before candidate is allowed to appear for assessment
 ASCI have the mechanism of various kind of reporting from respective training partners and
also conducts surprise audits in the training centres from time to time to ensure the quality of
training and ensure regular presence of the candidates in the training program.
 Post skilling, the trained and certified candidates will engage themselves to set up their own

6th Floor, GNG Building ,Plot No.10, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122004,

Tel.: +91-0124-4670029, Email: [email protected], Website:
7. Details of the financial proposal
*Please note activities listed above are indicative only
Name of Activity Unit Duration Number of Amount(I Remarks
job role cost in Hours candidates NR)
Canine Short term Training as per notional hours+ Assessment next 49 570 30 837900 Training cost and
Trainer and day(1day). Activities include (Includes the cost of assessment fees as
Handler mobilization, training, handouts, logistics, infrastructure, per common cost
(AGR/Q460 salary of certified trainer, Trainer's certification fees and norms
20) coordination on day of assessment)

Assessment (1day) 1300 30 39000

Canine Short term Training as per notional hours+ Assessment next 49 570 30 837900
Breeder(AG day(1day). Activities include (Includes the cost of
R/Q4601) mobilization, training, handouts, logistics, infrastructure,
salary of certified trainer, Trainer's certification fees and
coordination on day of assessment)

Assessment (1day) 1300 30 39000

Gardner(AG Upskilling programme: Training for 80 hours @ 5hrs per day 4856 80 30 145680 Training cost is
R/Q0801) for 16 days + Assessment (1 day) calculated as per the
(Includes the cost of mobilization, Upskill training, MSDE prescribed
handouts, logistics, infrastructure, salary of certified common cost norms
trainer, Trainer's certification fees and coordination on day for upskilling
of assessment) programme (ie, Rs
2000.00 for two days+
Assessment (1day) 750 30 22500 for rest training
Mushroom Upskilling programme: Training for 80 hours @ 5hrs per day 4856 80 30 145680 duration, cost is
Grower(AG for16daysAssessment(1day) calculated as base
R/Q7803) (Includes the cost of mobilization, Upskill training, price per hour(Rs
handouts, logistics, infrastructure, salary of certified 42.00 per hr*68 hr)
trainer, Trainer's certification fees and coordination on day Here, Rs(
of assessment) 2000+(42*68)

6th Floor, GNG Building ,Plot No.10, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122004,

Tel.: +91-0124-4670029, Email: [email protected], Website:
Assessment (1day) 750 30 22500

Vermicomp Upskilling programme: Training for 80 hours @ 5hrs per 4856 80 30 145680
ost day + Assessment (1day)
Producer(A (Includes the cost of mobilization, Upskill training,
GR/Q1203) handouts, logistics, infrastructure, salary of certified
trainer, Trainer's certification fees and coordination on day
of assessment)

Assessment (1day) 750 30 22500

Tropical/Su Upskilling programme: Training for 80 hours @ 5hrs per 4856 80 30 145680
btropical day for 16 days + Assessment (1 day).
Fruit (Includes the cost of mobilization, Upskill training,
Grower(AG handouts, logistics, infrastructure, salary of certified
R/Q0309) trainer, Trainer's certification fees and coordination on day
Option- of assessment)
Assessment (1day) 750 80 30 22500

Tropical/Su Upskilling programme: Training for 80 hours @ 5hrs per 4856 80 30 145680
btropical day for 16 days + Assessment (1 day).
Fruit (Includes the cost of mobilization, Upskill training,
Grower(AG handouts, logistics, infrastructure, salary of certified
R/Q0309) trainer, Trainer's certification fees and coordination on day
Option- of assessment)
Assessment (1day) 750 30 22500

SUB TOTAL(Fixed Cost) 2594700

ASCI Management Cost (incl. admin cost) as percentage of 6% 155682

Fixed cost of Training and assessment

Total Project cost(excluding Tax) 2750382

6th Floor, GNG Building ,Plot No.10, Sector-44, Gurugram, Haryana-122004,

Tel.: +91-0124-4670029, Email: [email protected], Website:

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