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In the current information age, the development of any country depends upon the use of

information. In this contents information communication technology provide groundwork for

widespread access of information. Every aspects of human life are affected by ICT. If we see

every area such as education, medical, Entertainment, Engineering Transport etc, it has been

noticed that ICT application is everywhere to complete the work. In today’s time

advancement of ICT, internet, satellite communication computer have primarily changed the

creating, recording and disseminating information.

With the introduction of ICT, barriers of time and space has reduced and increased the

generation of information and its utilization. Every aspect of human life is now affected by

ICT such as Business, Engineering, Education, Entertainment etc. Advancement of

Technology with new invention in the form of internet, mobile, computer, satellite, wireless


Now we are seeing that ICT is changing the world everlastingly. Which is clearly seen in

society with considerable alteration and still the presentation and prospective is enhancing

and increasing day by day. Libraries are also affected by the appliance of ICT and have the

control on every aspect. In the second half of 20th century the occurrence of information blast

emerged and tackled by ICT for storage retrieval and dissemination of information.

Time to time advancement of ICT and introduction of new technologies has been changing

the terms of the subject. The traditional concept of library has changed in general or

particular with the use of ICT. Earlier we were familiar with word ‘Librarianship’ then

‘Library Science’ and now ‘Library and Information Science’. So in every manner ICT

revolutionized the concept, functions and services of libraries which results in better services,

resources, resources with the latest technologies to serve the community from traditional to

digital and fulfill the requirement of users with relevant information.

In the technology world the work of University libraries has changed from document centers

to knowledge repositories containing databases, e-journals, e-books, edissertation and thesis

which is accessible some software, video lectures etc. Now it is very easy task to store huge

amount of information and disseminates it at anytime, anywhere beyond the geographical

boundaries. To satisfy the need of users, libraries are using the ICT with day to day

operations and services. Whenever advancement comes in technology it creates some

challenges with the benefit and we have to face it for smooth functioning of library

operations and for that purpose we must possess adequate ICT skills and knowledge so that

users can served with better services by the libraries.

ICT: Concept and Definitions

Information, Communication and Technology these three words combined creates a term

Information communication technology (ICT), where collection of data arranged in a

systematized style is called information and this information work as resources. Interchange

of information between individuals by any medium whether language, script or other is

considered as communication. It can be anything verbal or nonverbal. To communicate

information from one place to another can be only possible by some ways or standard which

contain twisted wires, coaxial cables, optical fibers, switching techniques, satellite

transmission etc.

In general, Technology deals with the techniques and processes. Involvement of technologies

in communication convert the information conventional to digital and vice versa. Various

advance gadgets like telephone, modem, computer, scanner, printer supports in

communication of information. Three technologies computer, communication and

telecommunication, storage and linkage technology form ICT. Though it was developed in

industrial period but entered into information age. Subsequently, it has been noticed that there

is drastic renovation from industrial society to information or knowledge society. Due to ICT

solicitation the society has seen a transformation from industrial society to a new era

information society or knowledge society. New age came into existence in terms of cyber or

global village where beyond the geographical boundary, time and space people can interact

with each other. ICT includes various equipment contains hardware, computer programs and

new infrastructures which provide the facility to access, regain, accumulation, consolidate,

control, send information and interconnect universally through digital media. ICT is a

compound and assorted combination of properties, presentations and facilities used for

producing, distributing, and processing and transformation information.

Development of ICT in Libraries

In the present electronic age the working method of library clearly shown the entire drastic

changes just because of information communication technology. In the 1930s with the

introduction of computerization punch cards were used for the circulation and acquisition

work of library. In 1945, Vannevar Bush introduced a system to store printed resources. In

1960s ICT entered into libraries which reflects in Dr. H. P. Luhn systematized computerized

index in 1961. In this period computers were adopted by some libraries in America. But

usage and presentation was constrained due to high cost of hardware and software. During

this decade MARC I (Machine Readable Catalogue) project and OPAC (Online Public

Access Catalogue) was introduced for automation standardization. In 1970s programming

skills of IT were used by libraries and various bibliographic databases were used. At the same

time in 1975 OPAC were used by libraries on large scale.

But 1980s the transition shifted from in-house built to integrated library management system.

In 1990s evolution of internet and progress of digital library was observed in cost reduction

as well as enhanced telecommunication. The concepts of digital libraries, virtual libraries and

paperless environment came into existence with 21st century. At the same time various other

technologies such as barcode technology, RFID security system, RSS feeds, search engines

and others found their place and created the path for other technologies to support libraries to

perform he variety of work and services.

In the context of India, in 1955 Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Calcutta for the first used

computer and later on in 1964 ISI designed its own computer. For the first time by the effect

of INSDOC (Indian National Scientific and Documentation Center). Computers were used

for library work. In continuation integrated computer chip and storage devices worked as

outburst of library automation. Emergence of CD-ROMs made the information more

accessible which was earlier not possible. In the 1990s computer networking changed the

entire environment. Internet used by libraries on a large scale for quick services. Technical

improvement is providing step by step new opportunities for efficient library services. But

establishment of INFLIBNET put a landmark for university libraries after providing fiscal

support as well as set a standards for university libraries for ICT operation.

ICT based Library Actions

There are various housekeeping jobs comes under the libraries which is handling by the ICT.

Such jobs are given below:


Acquisition section handle the work of procurements of library resources such as books,

reports, journals, magazines, audio-visual materials etc. Through library management

software the work of ordering, receipting and reporting handled in number of university



In an automated libraries through internet catalogues are available. Even the work of

cataloguing and recording on the computer are very easy to perform. Online Public Access

Catalogue have enhanced usability of traditional card formats. ICT helps in preparing

worksheet, generation of machine readable records, indexes and so on.


With the help of online classification schemes, it became very easy to select the isolate terms

and provide the class number. LCCS is very old and popular and also provide database

online, whereas Web Dewey, the online version of Dewey Decimal Classification, provide

the DDC with full and abridged versions easily in web atmosphere.


Circulation section deals with core part of library. Technologies such as computers, barcode

scanners, library management software are used to perform this section work effectively and

efficiently with less time. It deals following functions:

a) Identification of items

b) Check out and check in with barcode.

c) Renewal of books

d) Calculating fines, fine notices, recording of fine receipt

e) Marking due date slip

f) Facility for inter library loan.

Serial Control

Periodical, newspapers, journals, proceedings etc. covers by serial section which demands

special effort to procure these materials. ICT concerned with other operations of library such

as mechanized stock verification, self-issue/return work, special hardware/software, text to

braille conversion machine. Budgetary control, maintenance of records, preparation of

accounts and library statistics etc. are also handling by ICT with ease.

ICT Based Library Services

With the traditional and complicated work of library, ICT has transformed other services of

library with the use of computer and latest technologies provide broad space for storage,

pinpointed retrieval of information and successful dissemination became possible. University

libraries are implementing different services with the help of ICT and these are given below:

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

OPAC is a complete collection of library holdings available on the computer and internet and

can be search with various criteria such as author, title, subject, class number etc. Through

LAN it is accessible with in the university campus and users can also search with WEB

OPAC through remote access.

Information Services

To fulfill the information needs of the users as well as promote the use of library materials as

the motto of information services. Newspaper clipping, current awareness service,

indexing/abstracting service, translation service, referral service etc. are different services

provides by the university libraries through online mode.

Reference Services

With the introduction of ICT devices the process of reference services has changed to

electronic services where various options such as e-mail, ask a librarian, video conferencing,

social media etc. are available to put the request and in reverse receive the answer of their


Bibliographic Services

Manual is always a tiresome job as surfing from print document is also time consuming.

Through ICT it became easy to create Bibliographic database with suitable and operative

search options as well as various formats.

ICT skills and effectiveness of Library Professionals

Many challenges raised with the advancement of Information and Communication

Technologies for library professionals which demands from them to keep update themselves

as well as improve proficiency in executing those technologies.

Interruption in the Acquirement of ICT Skills

In the process of acquiring ICT skills professionals have to face many problems. The first

problem deals with personal understanding. Professionals feel that they are not capable to

complete their training successfully because they are mainly dealing with library work than

how can they give so much of time in adopting the latest technologies. Sometimes they have

some financial issues to purchase latest devices. Secondly university libraries having lack of

ICT structure which did not support any LIS curriculum to incorporate ICT, even no support

from higher authorities, lack of plan and policies on ICT. Sometimes higher authority did not

communicate about training and literacy programs on ICT to their staff. In some case

negative attitudes, fear of technology are also responsible for not adopting new technologies

by the professionals.

New Role of Library Professionals

Information explosion, global village, information superhighway, virtual library etc. some

expressions are very popular with the application of ICT which brings some practices to

adopt to cope up with the existing situation. Professionals have deal with expertise and fulfill

the requirement of information needs. The perception of library professionals has totally

changed by the application of information technology. Their traditional position has changed

with the new term such as Information specialist, E-Librarian, Cyberarian, Information

Scientist, Eresource manager etc. In today’s era an important role is played by the library

professionals beyond the geographical boundaries. They are dealing with different levels

whether traditional document, e-content, web pages to satisfy the registered students.

Sometime they directly support the users in tracing their desired document.

Attitudes of Library Professionals

The role of library professionals has change due to ICT from midway to implementer of

information. To complete with the techno environment professionals have to adopt new

technologies. Introduction of computers has totally altered the library roles and facilities. In

technical era the work of library professionals has increased with new area which has to

cover such as e-journals, library management software, RFID, Digital Library etc. It has seen

that the knowledge or experience of computer is no so good of library professionals. Even

they are comfortable with new technologies as well as the changing environment in their

work routine. Library professionals having such thought that they might be exchanged by

others if they do not cope up with technical modifications. If we go through few spans back

libraries are using ICT tools for organization, repossession and distribution of information. E-

mail, fax and online access to full text databases are in continuously in trend. All the

technological transformation demands to adopt new challenges by going on the path crated

by these for the welfare of library professionals. As how quickly they use and fight for ling

time. The working procedure get affected by ICT and handle with techno environment is

became a challenge in one way. But on the other side it is the demand of time that with

positive attitude library professionals can cope up with latest developments of ICT as well as

they can apply ICT in libraries services and sources. Positive attitude always work as a key to


Review Of Related



Literature search is a very significant step of the research process. It presents a critical and

evaluative account of the related literature that has been published on a chosen research topic.

According to Busha and Harter (1980) literature review is “an attempt to identify, locate, and

synthesize the completed research reports, articles, books, and other materials about the

specific problem of the research topic”. Goal of the literature review is to bring to the

reader’s knowledge an up-to-date and current literature on the topic under the study.

Literature review is designed with a purpose of presenting an overview of work that has been

done, studies and observations that have been made, arguments that have been presented facts

that have been established on a given research area.

Characteristic of a good literature review is that it collects information from variety of

information sources from both print and web based, and is well written without any personal

biases. Cronin Ryan and Coughlan (2008) described the characteristic of a review as “the

review should conclude with a concise summary of the findings that describes current

knowledge and offer a rationale for conducting future research and form the basis for another

goal, such as the justification for future research in the area”. Literature review should be

structured in such a way that enhances the flow and readability of the review. Terminology

use in a literature review should be accurate and easy to understand.

Shastri, Devashri K. and Chaudasma, Pradipsinh (2021) witnessed that library professionals

were dependent on technologies during pandemic worldwide. This study focuses to know the

level of ICT skills, use of technologies, problems, challenges and services offered during

lockdown period. It is found in the study that how library professionals provide the needed

information to their patrons in tough time. The data is acquired through questionnaire method

circulated through social media and email to library professionals of Gujarat State.

Bajpai, Vyas Kumar and Margam, Madhusudhan (2019) described the purpose of the study is

to investigate the ICT skills of LIS professionals working in the college libraries. Survey

method is used with the help of structured questionnaire to collect the data for the study.

Likert scale was used to measure the ICT skills of the respondents. It is found that most of the

professionals having ICT skills to manage library operations. It reveals from the study that in

the changing environment there is a demand to adopt ICT skills for efficient working. It is

recommended that authorities of University of Delhi should provide training sessions as well

as include courses in ICT skills in the curriculum to competent in various skills.

Mani, M., Thirumagal, A. and Priyadharshini, Ed. (2019) described that the traditional library

transformed and changed in digital library, electronic library and virtual library due to the

emergence of Information Communication and Technology. To work in technological

environment it is essential for the college librarians to get expertise in ICT skills. To cope up

with ICT techniques library professionals required training is needed. There are various

resources available but the human do not know how to collect, only professionals have

suitable skills to retrieve the information.

Adebayo, O. A. and Ahmed, Yakub Olayinka (2018) stated that Information Communication

Technology (ICT) play an important role in provision of library services and its application.

Although ICT has given various opportunities but due to variety of challenges it seems

inadequate in providing library services. This study focus on benefits of ICT and the role of

library in sustainable development of Nigeria.

Angeline, X. Mercy and Swaroop Rani, B. S. (2015) traced the information communication

technology usage among librarians from Arts and Science colleges. Structured questionnaire

was used to collect the data. SPSS package and few of tools such as t test and one-way

ANOVA were used to analyze the data collected. Most of the professionals had ICT skills but

they need some training to work efficiently and effectively. Every professionals have positive

attitude towards the application of ICT in libraries.

Ayoku and Okafor (2015) examined the level of ICT skills among the librarians of Nigerian

Libraries, considered as the gatekeepers of knowledge. Nigerian libraries rapidly introduced

various new technologies and thus faced various challenges in terms of knowledge and skills

of librarians to implement the digital and electronic library services. The findings revealed

that majority of the library professionals did not have knowledge and skills of email use and

word processing tasks; they also had lack of knowledge of search engines and web directories

other than Google and Yahoo, respectively. Many of the professionals did not know how to

catalogue e-resources such as CDs, DVDs, microfilms, video tapes etc. The findings further

revealed that many of them had no knowledge of subject gateways, specialized databases and

some openaccess library databases. Majority of professionals had no knowledge of database

management, not skilled in Web designing and not familiar with Web design applications. It

was recommended that government should be involved in the management of university

libraries to provide sufficient funds for ICT training and for ICT infrastructure acquisition in


Israel, Odede and Edesiri, Enakerakpa (2014) described ICT skills and interest utilization by

undergraduate students of Library and Information Science Department. Descriptive method

was selected to conduct the study and for this 238 undergraduates were selected as sample.

Questionnaire was prepared to collect the data. It reveals from the study that there was no

significant relationship between ICT skills possessed and internet usage. It is found that

undergraduates obtain ICT skills by their own with manuals, handbook and satisfactorily

make use of internet.

Raju, J. (2014) stated that technological change put force the drastic change of library from

traditional to digital which impacted significantly on the knowledge of LIS professionals.

This paper reports on a preliminary study which is part of a wider study aimed at developing

a comprehensive skills which provide an objective framework which highlighted the modern

academic library environment in South Africa measure their existing competencies as well as

need for further skills acquisition. The question arises in the study that to work effectively

and efficiently which type of knowledge and skills are required.

Reddy, Komalla Indradena (2014) described that libraries services centering on information

technology, so it is demand of time that library professionals acquire knowledge and skills to

perform efficiently with ICT. In India application of ICT has increased in academic work.

The aim of the paper is to examine the ICT skills among library professionals in engineering

educational institutions in Telangana State. It is found from the study that library

professionals have positive attitude towards the ICT skills.

Sankari and Chinnasamy (2014) surveyed the ICT skills of Librarians in engineering colleges

in Salem and Namakkal Districts. The purpose of the study was to find out the influence of

ICT on the professional development of library staff and also evaluate their skills in handling

new developments in the field of ICT. The findings revealed that majority of library staff was

aware of the ICT based applications and possess higher level of awareness in using windows

and MS office package. Staff was more familiar with Computerized Documentation

Service/Integrated Set of Information Systems (CDS/ISIS) library automation software as

well as Green Stone digital library software. However, it is clear from the present study that

most of the new ICT technologies were yet to be introduced in the library system. Therefore

the library professionals were not in a position to use these technologies in their work and

possess low level of technologies skill development among the professionals.

Saxena and Dubey (2014) discussed in the age of knowledge and information societies what

is the impact of digital technology and role of libraries. It reveals from the study that various

hindrance came in the implementation of new and advanced technology. Secondary sources

are used for the study. The findings of the study clearly stated the shortage of digital

resources in the academic libraries and demand of time is to increase the resources. It is

recommended that more funds are required and government have to increase at their point for

the development of university libraries. Some suggestion were also put to increase digital


Ejedafiru, Efe Francis and Oghenetega, Lucky U. (2013) described during last few

decades emergence of information and communication technology (ICT) has transformed the

various aspects of library services, administration and librarian attitude in particular.

Basically the changes in ICT provide both opportunities and threats to librarians in university

libraries. Library professionals are expecting to learn much more from ICT and changing the

attitudes in general. It reveals from the study professionals need training as well as improve

the competence levels.

Emezie, Nkeiru U. and Nwaohiri, Ngozi M. (2013) described changing role of academic

libraries in the new millennium which gave the path for the development of hybrid libraries

to fulfill the information needs of library users. For effective service delivery, librarians have

to reposition their work. Lack of knowledge, lack of capability, insufficient power supply

were stated as the problems for effective service delivery. It reveals from the study that

librarians should take personal training to enhance their skills to secure their occupation.

Arif and Mahmood (2012) conducted a study in order to explore the level of adoption of

Web 2.0 technologies in Pakistan libraries. The survey method was used in order to find out

the various demographic variables of the professionals as well as the frequency of use of Web

2.0 technologies. The findings revealed that there was no significant difference between the

gender, length of professional experiences and place of work with the use of new

technologies in libraries. In contrast, there was a significant difference between the perceived

internet use and perceived ease of Web 2.0 uses among the library professionals which

showed that level of expertise and self-efficacy had the positive effect on the use of new

technologies. The study further revealed that Pakistani librarians were generally less inclined

towards adoption of Web 2.0 technologies. Certain problems were identified such as Lack of

computer literacy, low availability of computers and internet facilities which hindered the

adoption of Web 2.0 technologies by librarians. It was recommended that training programs

could enable a librarian to cope with the Web 2.0 technologies.

Rahman (2012) examined the attitude of university library professionals of Bangladesh

towards IT, in sharp contrast of the scope of the present thesis covering select central

university libraries in Delhi and U.P. The author identified how the socio-economic variance

influenced the attitude of library professionals to the use of IT applications, and also

examined how the experience with IT had influenced their attitudes. To accelerate the

positive attitude, highest priority should be given to the continuing education of library

professionals. Top managements’ positive attitude and comfort levels towards technology

will help the mid and entry level professionals to be skillful at creative applications of IT.

The analysis should help the policy makers to improve the IT competencies of the library


Senna and Sudhier (n.d.) conducted a study which revealed that even though the majority of

library professionals do not have much idea about cloud computing technologies and its

application in libraries, they had a positive attitude towards the cloud computing applications

in libraries, whereas the present thesis covers the attitude of library professionals towards ICT

based Library operations and services. Number of library professionals indicated that the
main constraints relating to the application of Information and Communication Technology

in libraries was the lack of training, lack of infrastructure & network facility and lack of

cooperation of higher authority in implementing the technology.

Eguavoen (2011) has examined the attitude of library staff in university of Ibadan library

system towards the use and application of ICT, in contrast to this the scope of the present

thesis includes the attitude of library professionals towards library operations and services

using ICT in select central university libraries in Delhi and U.P. The study used the

descriptive survey and used ICT scale (ALSUICTS) to elicit information from the

respondents. The Friedman Test was carried out and Pearson Correlation Matrix was used in

analyzing the data. The findings showed that generally library staffs in Kenneth Dike library

had a positive attitude towards the use and implementation of ICT in the library. The results

revealed that the training and knowledge of ICT influenced the positive attitude of library

staff towards its usage. Based on findings, the study recommended that the staff of library

should be trained to allay the fears and anxiety about the use and application of ICT in their

respective libraries.

Sivakumaren, Jeyaprakash, Gopalakrishnan and Geetha (2011) examined the attitudes of

library professionals on ICT in and around Chennai, whereas the scope of the present thesis

appertance to select central university libraries in Delhi and U.P. Questionnaire method was

used to collect the data. The questionnaire was divided into two sections like personal

information and attitudes of library professionals towards ICT in libraries. The study found

that the majority of library professionals had positive attitude on ICT and some of them were

not able to update their knowledge and skills on ICT. The study recommended for ICT based

programs to train the library professionals.

Ramzan and Singh (2010) examined the factors affecting librarians’ attitudes towards IT

applications in libraries. A purposive sample of 288 head librarians were drawn from a

countrywide population of 682 academic libraries. In total 76 percent valid questionnaires

were selected for data analysis and interpretation. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

method was deployed to carry out prediction analysis. The main objective of this study was to

identify common underlying factors, which could be used to predict the probable behavior of

librarians towards IT innovation in their libraries.

The study found that librarians’ attitudes were open to influence by their personality

characteristics, professional IT competency level and through organizational environment.

The most significant of these factors were the issues of ownership of IT application in

libraries, librarians’ fear of handling technologies and their involvement in IT related

decision- making.

Aharony (2009) suggested that appliance and incorporation of new technologies is very easy

to the librarians who observe themselves as technology learning in their libraries. For the

successful implementation of new technologies positive attitude always play an important

role. The present study highlights the attitudinal factors that affect the use and application of

ICT in select university libraries in Delhi and U.P.

Cavas, B., Cavas Karaoglan and Kisla (2009) emphasized on attitudes towards use of

information and communication technologies. Attitude always change on the judgment of

different variables like age, experience. The study reveals that towards ICT teachers have a

satisfactory attitude. The statements on teaching and learning regarding effect of ICT was

positive. Some teachers were also disagreed with negative statement like the usage of ICT.

Kim, Chun and Song (2009) empirical examination of research hypotheses indicates

behavioral intention when attitude is strong, whereas it partially mediates the effects when

attitude is weak. This implies attitude strength in acceptance of information technology by

individuals or organizations. That attitude towards system use fully mediates the effects of

salient beliefs.

Walmiki and Ramakrishnegowda (2009) described the status of ICT structure of selected

six university libraries of Karnataka. The main objectives of the study was to find out ICT

infrastructure in university libraries. The data was obtain through structured questionnaire.

The complete details of hardware infrastructure, software services and availability of campus

LAN and internet facilities was stored from data. Findings of the study shows that hardware

and software facilities and internet facility were lacking in most of the libraries. It was

recommended that university libraries would have appliance and develop ICT infrastructure

to get the maximum benefit of digital environment.

Singh, Sharma and Negi (2009) studied 25 LICs of public, government, corporate and

private enterprises in Noida. It reveals from the study that respondents faces major barriers

towards ICT application such lack of awareness, interest and initiation of library

professionals. The infrastructure developed is not up to the mark. Hardware facility in the

majority of LICs were not being properly utilized and about half of the LICs had better

hardware facilities. Actually majority of the library professionals were not properly aware of

the use and operations of the hardware.

Intaganok, Waterworth, Savachulamanee, Grasaresom and Homkome (2008) elaborate

the attitude of library professionals in using ICT related to library operations and service. The

targeted population was university teachers in the Faculty of Education. It is revealed from

the study that faculty have negative attitudes towards ICT and they were unpressured and

anxiety. Faculties did not have ICT skills. Various recommendations were put to solve the

different kinds of dilemmas of faculties.

Zhang Alikman and Heshan (2008) described four dimensions of attitude to complete the

study and find out the problems. It reveals from the study that two major concepts attitude

towards a system and attitude towards using the system effect in different way against

information technology. It also revealed that professionals have positive attitude towards

using IT.

Haneefa (2007) conducted a study to investigate the application of ICT in special libraries in

Kerala. Data were collected through survey method. The findings of the study shows that

hardware and software and communication facilities are available in the library, but ICT

based resources and services were not reaching to the users as per expectations. CDS/ISIS

was used in most of the libraries as compare to other library automation software. Majority of

the respondents used E-mail. Various problems have been faced by librarians such as lack of

funds, infrastructure and skilled professionals. Various recommendations were provided to

enhance library automation and effective and efficient application of ICT.

Islam and Islam (2007) described in study above ICT based libraries in Bangladesh were in

growing age. It has been seen that demands for ICT in libraries were growing by several

causes such as improved number of users, new electronic formats of resources, enlarged

output of publications and the expansion of new and cheaper computers. To overcome the

obstacle of ICT based library systems various actin plans were recommended in the study.

Al-Qallaf (2006) conducted a survey through questionnaires distributed among 147 librarians

in Kuwait. Around 66% questionnaires were valid and finally selected for data analysis. It

reveals from the study, academic and research institute librarians in Kuwait were found

optimistic about the benefits of IT use in information provision through libraries. However,

they felt stressed because of insufficient staff training, technology breakdowns and lack of

acknowledgement from the management.

Sami and Pangannaiah (2006) stated library users are feeling difficult situation while

working with new technology. Library users are getting information in various forms with

unexpected speed to download. Updated version of software and hardware creating a new

scenario for the librarians to cope up with technology. They suggested that mostly executives

and computer professionals are involved in decision making which effected the working of

library professionals.

Wilson and Halpin (2006) described the effects of operational convergence, and the

subsequent growth of the hybrid library model. ICT and electronic information services

always effect the learning and information services. The study enclosed the procedure of

work integration; the growing profile of the para-professional; changing job titles and

descriptions; and the growing conflict between commitment to the employer or the

profession. Semi structured interviews were used to interview library managers. ICT skills

featured strongly in the responses and the importance of being multi-skilled and being able to

adapt quickly and effectively are also stressed.

Amekuedee (2005) evaluated library automation in Ghanaian university libraries. It is found

in the study that importance of library automation has been realized by the university

libraries. But various other hindrance put a step behind while automation of university

libraries such as lack of support, administration support, availability of skilled staff and so on.

It is reveals from the study that OPAC facility is not available in any libraries for their patron.

Cholin (2005) described about the application of information technology in university

libraries in India. IT supports for accessing of resources available within universities and

elsewhere. To study the implementation of information technology survey method was

adopted to collect the data. 66 universities were selected to receive the response. Out of

which 54 university libraries were responded which is around 81.80%. It is found in the study

that university libraries in India are at various stages of development as far as the application

of information technology tools in day-to-day library activities are concerned.

Khan and Bawden (2005) reported that libraries in Pakistan were providing one or the other

kind of community information services. Various problems obstructing the application of

ICTs in academic and public libraries. Respondents are working with ICT but other side they

are facing some problems. Lack of funding/budget stated as major obstacle by the

respondents followed by non-availability of standard library software and lack of skilled

human resources. Librarian stated some other important points as obstacle such negative

attitude of their management towards application of ICT.

Okiy (2005) aimed to review the current state of ICT application for information provision in

Nigerian university libraries and make suggestions to enable them to take full advantage of

ICT facilities. Information technology communication. For the benefit of their users

university libraries are using ICT effectively but on the other some obstacles arises.

Inadequate funding, IT skilled librarians, electric supply and low level of literacy are some

major problems faced by them.

Pors (2005) explored according to perception of environment, the changes in Danish Public

Library managers, management methodologies knowledge of staff, management tools. To

investigate some of the changes in attitudes and general outlook among library managers, two

data sets were used. The study also discovered that political support and respect from the

patrons and their insight of libraries had important effect on the output of the librarians.

Suku and Pillai (2005) examine the status and problems of library automation of university

libraries in Kerala. Survey method was selected and structured questionnaire as a tool and

received 100% response star. It reveals from the study, library staff lacked necessary skill to

plan and carry out automation project. Various reasons are responsible to create the barrier

such as inadequate IT infrastructure and late decision to automate the university libraries.

Additionally lack of fund created the unavailability of latest software.

Younis (2005) described the study of online information systems in Jordanian university

libraries. The data was collected through questionnaire method, interview and field visits. It

has been seen that all university libraries were linked through the internet and provide online

services. Online services was not very common and effective. Jordanian university libraries

face various obstacles such as lack of skilled staff, shortage of funds and insufficient


Scope Of The Study


Attitude is very important to find out individual’s behaviors and judgements. Behavior

towards given situation can be check by the attitude. Attitude can express like and dislike for

any situation or positive or negative response can be judge through attitude with the

advancement of new information technologies, variety of tasks arises for the library

professionals and they have to deal while generation, formation, distribution and preservation

of information. New technologies not only provide different opportunities, but also loads

from library professionals to produce, optimistic approaches, enhance their skills to grab such

opportunities. Library professionals working with ease in traditional environment but

introduction ICT created many challenges for them. They have to leave manual operation and

switch to electronic mode. This situation they can face only after improve their positive

attitude towards the new technologies.

Objectives Of The Study


• To identify the impact of attitudes of Library Professional on their ICT Skill


• To assess the relationship between the formal library education and ICT Skill


• To study the relationship between continuing education programmes and ICT Skill


• To evaluate the awareness level of library professionals towards the application and

software in various type of the libraries.

• To study whether the Library Science has impacted the educational and informational

needs of library professionals

• To study the time, spend by the library professionals for using the web tools.

• To study the problems faced by library professionals in the effective use of Library

Science applications.

• To recommend the crucial factors for updating the Knowledge/skills of Library


Research Methodology


In this era of development, research is treated as a resource of development and

improvement, which refers to a search for knowledge. Research discovers new facts, interpret

theories and laws, represent acute and comprehensive investigation, retrieve current laws and

theories in the context of newly revealed truths and apply for concrete determination.

Research is systematic quest for knowledge that is characterized by disciplined enquiry.

Efficient and effective approach to expand knowledge is the conduct of special planned and

structured investigations. (Busha & Harter, 1980)


Research design is conceptual structure within which research is conducted, it constitutes the

blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. Research design can be

defined as “the arrangements of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner

that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure”.

(Mouton, 1990)

The main aim of research design is to plan and structure a given research project in such a

manner that the eventual validity of the research findings is maximized. The existence of the

variety of research methods, paradigms, preferences and differences in phenomena suggests

that it is erroneous to assume that a single correct research methodology is appropriate for all

studies exist.


In scientific investigation methodology has its own inference and significance. In scientific

investigation proper design, use of standardized tools and tests adequate sample buy using

sampling technique is necessary. There are several methods of collection of data, which can

divided into two, quantitative method which included verification, questionnaire and

interview method and second qualitative methods comprises of focus, observation and case

study method. The survey method was considered most applicable for this study. There are

various techniques available for collecting data such as Questionnaire method, Interview

method, Observation method, Interview method by telephone. For the collection of data

investigator used questionnaire, observation and interview method. The study focuses on the

effectiveness of ICT skills and attitudes of library professionals in the select university

libraries of Delhi. The questionnaire comprised important points from the research question

and was distributed.

Research Sample

At present, the university library have a fair amount of library professionals. So it is not

possible to collect the data from the all professionals. So samples were selected by using

stratified random sampling method. The questionnaires were distributed personally among

librarians and library professionals and more than 60% of the total population has been taken

as sample size of library professionals.

Tools and Techniques used for the study

In survey research commonly with the help of questionnaire which is a series of pre-

determined questions, data is acquired. In any research questionnaire is most standard tool for

data collection. For qualitative and quantitative research, in present study questionnaire,

including observation and interview method have used as tools for data collection. Keeping in

mind the objectives of the study, two sets of questionnaires were designed (Annexure- A),

first set for the librarians and second set for the library professionals.

Observation Technique

In the present study investigator observed overall activities, library functions and services

offered to the users. It helped in understanding the utilization of online databases and their

opinions and reactions while accessing it.

Data Analysis




This chapter contains the analysis of responses received from the Librarians and library

professionals of Select Universities and Institute Libraries of Delhi. The analysis of

questionnaires has been carried out with the help of graphs, tables, textual presentations etc.

Despite of having significant difference in tabular form, the investigator took keen interest to

prove the difference by applying statistical tools also.

For the present study a questionnaire were designed in two part to collect the necessary

responses from the professionals. Part A and B of questionnaire was designed for Librarians.

Part A gathers general information about the library, its infrastructure, library statistics,

collection, staff etc. Part B of questionnaire was completely for library professionals which

deals with the professional development, educational and information needs and ICT

skills/awareness. It includes 20 open ended and closed ended questions referring to different

aspects of ICT and their attitude.


The Institute

Table .1 Year of Establishment of Libraries

Table 1 shows that University of Delhi Library was established in 1922, followed by

University, established in 1920, University Library in 1969 and Indian Institute of Public

Administration in 1955. It reveals that JMI is the oldest university library of select libraries.

Table -2 Library Staff

Table 2 shows the staff profile of select libraries. It is clear from the table that DU has

maximum no. of staff, i.e. 328 followed by JNU, JMI and IIPA in that order.

Table- 3 Library Collection

Table 3 presents that DU has the highest collection, i.e. 16 Lac, whereas JMI and JNU have 3

Lac and IIPA have 1 Lac. DU has highest online database collection, i.e. 80, followed by

JNU with 55, JMI has 32 and IIPA has 21 online databases.

Table 4 Library Budget

Table 4 shows the current annual budget (2020-21) of all four libraries. DU has highest

annual budget, i.e., 2.65 crore followed by JNU, i.e., 1.7 crore, JMI i.e. 45 Lacks and IIPA

has lowest annual budget, i.e., 5.5 Lacks.

Table - 5 Member of Library Networks

Table 5 clearly presents that all selected libraries are members of DELNET and INFLIBNET,

the prominent library networks.

Table 6 Library Software

Table 6 shows that all select libraries are using different library software. DU is using

Troodon software, JMI is using Libsys, JNU is using KOHA and IIPA is using KOHA and

Libsys library software.


The Table -7 shows the distribution of questionnaires among the population and

representation of each category of users of select university libraries. It is rather challenging

to collect the large samples. Therefore sampling method is used to select sample from library

professionals of Central Library, Delhi University, Zakir Husain Library, Jamia Millia

Islamia University, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Central Library, Jawaharlal Nehru University and

Library, Indian Institute of Public Administration. As stated above, A sample of 270

questionnaires were distributed among the library professionals of DU, out of which 220, i.e.,

67.07% questionnaires were returned, filled up out of which 50, questionnaires were rejected

due to incomplete information. Finally the investigator selected 200, i.e., 60.97% of the

complete filled in questionnaires for the analysis.

Another sample of 65 questionnaires were distributed among the library professionals of JMI,

out of which 60, i.e., 88.23% questionnaires were returned, filled up out of which 10,

questionnaires were rejected due to incomplete information. Finally the investigator selected

50, i.e., 73.52% of the complete filled in questionnaires for the analysis.

Another sample of 72 questionnaires were distributed among the library professionals of

JNU, out of which 60, i.e., 76.92% questionnaires were returned, filled up out of which 10,

questionnaires were rejected due to incomplete information. Finally the investigator selected

50, i.e., 64.10% of the complete filled in questionnaires for the analysis.

A sample of 20 questionnaires were distributed among the library professionals of IIPA, out

of which 18, i.e., 75% questionnaires were returned, filled up out of which 3, questionnaires

were rejected due to incomplete information. Finally the investigator selected 15, i.e., 62.5%

of the complete filled in questionnaires for the analysis.

A total number of 427 questionnaires were distributers among the library professionals in all

these universities, out of which 358 (83.84%) questionnaires were received back, out of

which investigator finally selected 315 (73.77%) of the total questionnaires from the

respondents and the rest 73 questionnaires were rejected because of incomplete information.

Table -8 Gender of Library Professionals

Table -8 indicates that in DU and JMI majority of library professionals are male with 76%

and only 24% are female. In JNU 80% are male and 20% are female professionals and in

IIPA 66.6% are male and 33.4% are female. It reveals from the table that in university library

the majority of the library professionals are male.

Table -9 Professional Qualification of Library Professionals

Table -9 shows that in DU 100% library professionals have MLISc degree and 5% having

Ph.D. degree. In JMI and JNU 80% of library professionals having MLISc degree. In IIPA

most of the library professionals having MLISc degree with 66.6%. It is found that in all the

university libraries majority of the library professionals having MLISc as their higher

professional degree and very few having Ph.D.

Table -10 Enrolled For Higher Degree

Table 10 shows that 75% library professionals of DU, 90% in JMI, 80% in JNU and 66.7% in

IIPA enrolled for any higher degree in library science after entering the library profession.

Maximum number of library professionals said yes for enrollment in higher degree which

was found to be fairly above their corresponding mean value of 100 (SD=70.71), 25

(SD=28.28) , 25 (SD= 21.21) and 7.5 (SD=3.54)respectively.



• Delhi University has maximum no. of staff that is 328 among all the other three


• Delhi University has the highest collection which is 16 Lac, whereas JMI and JNU

have 3 Lac and IIPA have 1 Lac.

• Delhi University has also highest online database collection, i.e. 80, followed by JNU

with 55, JMI has 32 and IIPA has 21 online databases.

• Delhi University has highest annual budget, i.e., 2.65 crore among all the other three

libraries. Similarly, the budget of JNU and JMI are 1.7 crore, and 45 Lacks

respectively. It has been found that IIPA has lowest annual budget, i.e., 5.5 Lacks as

compared to other 3 Universities.

• Delhi University is using Troodon software, whereas JMI is using Libsys. It has been

noted that JNU is using KOHA and IIPA is using KOHA and Libsys library software.

• It has been found that majority of the library professionals hold MLISc as their higher

professional degree

• After data analysis and interpretation it has been noted that very few libarray

professionals hold the degree of Ph.D.

• It has been explored that overall maximum of the library professionals enrolled for

higher degree

• Least numbers of library professionals refused that they enroll for any higher degree

in library science after entering the library profession.

• It is noted that maximum library professionals acquired MLISc degree which is clear

with mean value in total 115 (SD=127.28).

• It has also been seen that maximum number of library professionals are not interested

in acquiring additional degree or diploma.

• From the interpretation of data it has been revealed that majority of library

professionals said no for enrollment in any degree in IT/computer applications

• It is noted that maximum library professionals of DU, JMI, JNU and IIPA mostly use

library websites, search engines, online journals and online databases to get




In the process of measuring the attitude of library professionals towards ICT, the objectives

of the study as set out in the first chapter have been achieved. The present study identified the

nature of relationship between attitudes of library staff towards ICT with different

demographic variables. The study also found that some demographic variables influenced

library professionals’ ICT attitude. The findings of this study have implications for education

as well as future research in LIS. It is earnestly hoped that the findings will add value to the

national and international literature on the attitude of library professionals towards ICT based

services and operations in libraries.

The chapter describes the detail of the used methodology to conduct the study in detail under

the topics of research design, research sample, data collection procedure, analysis of data.

Questionnaires were distributed to the library professionals under study for collection of data.

The questions were easy and simple. To proceed the study, questionnaires, one for librarians

and second for professionals (Appendix-A) were designed for collection the data.



• The area of research study is limited to employees working in various types of the

Libraries, New Delhi only i.e., Delhi University Library System, University of Delhi,

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Central Library, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Library, Indian

Institute of Public Administration and Zakir Hussain Library, Jamia Millia Islamia,

New Delhi.

• Data will be collected only from the full time employees and not from the trainees or

any other types.

• This study is based on employee’s perspective regarding the enhancing effectiveness

of ICT skills and their attitude only.



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1. Name :

2. Gender : Male Female

3. Basic qualifications : BA/BSc/BCOM MA MSc M.Com

Any other ………………

4. Professional Qualification: Ph. D. MPhil MLISc BLISc

5. Technical qualifications : MCA MBA PGDCA LLB

6. Designation : Deputy Librarian Assistant Librarian Junior Librarian

Professional Assistant Library Assistant Others

7. Experience : Below 5yrs 6-15 yrs 16-25 yrs Above 26 yrs

a) Have you enrolled for any higher degree in library science after entering the library profession?

Yes No

9. Have you published articles in?

Journals / Magazines / Books Yes No

10. Please select the professional associations in which you have membership:

a) KLA



d) ILA





i) Any Other (Please specify)


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