Tender - Volume 2 Watershed 132kV Line Diversion - r1
Tender - Volume 2 Watershed 132kV Line Diversion - r1
Tender - Volume 2 Watershed 132kV Line Diversion - r1
1 Design Considerations 2 Y
1.1 Phase Conductor 2
1.1.1 Mechanical Properties 2
1.1.2 Electrical Properties 2
2 Line Earthing 4 Y
3 Structural Design 4 Y
3.1 Structure Selection 4
3.2 Abridged Line Data 6
3.3 Hardware and Assemblies 8
4 Civil Design 15 Y
Foundation Selection 15
5 Construction Notes 15 Y
5.1 Construction notes on Structure Erection 16
5.2 Construction notes on Stringing 16
5.3 Construction notes on Foundations 16
5.4 Construction notes on Earthing/shielding 16
6 Access Roads 16 Y
9 Legal Requirements 19 Y
10 Environmental Consideration 19 Y
Compiled By
Name: Ayanda Nzo Tel: (018) 464 6741
1. Design Considerations
The design for the Watershed 132kV lines to be deviated is based on but not limited to normative
statutory standards as well as Eskom Distribution standards. The design further prescribes to
mandatory environmental standards as advised by such legislative frameworks.
The tensioning and stringing of the overhead conductor has been designed according to the wind
load, maximum permissible tension and sag conditions. The conductors shall be strung, tensioned
and handled in accordance with the following Eskom Standard: DST-34-1207 and SANS10280,
where it is stated that the tension in the conductor shall be limited to 70% of UTS. The phase
conductor to be used is Kingbird which shall be templated at 70°C and tensioned at a C-value not
exceeding 1800, the closing spans shall be tensioned at a C-value not exceeding 425.
1.1.1.Mechanical Properties
1.1.2.Electrical Properties
The shield wire to be used on this line shall be an OPGW for Watershed-Sephaku line and single
phase Wolf conductor for the other lines. The planning fault levels for Watershed substation are as
tabulated below:
Existing New
1Φ 9.75 kA 8.65kA
3Φ 6.51 12.97
The OPGW will be procured through the new Eskom national contract. The contractor responsible for
OPGW installation will supply and install OPGW and all relevant hardware which shall conform to
SANS specification and criteria. Proof of SANS certification shall be submitted to Eskom prior to
OPGW installation. Over and above the OPGW requirements listed below, the contractor shall ensure
that the OPGW fits the criteria set by the North West Operating Unit. The specification of the OPGW
to be used will meet the set electrical and mechanical standards and specification for 16kA as
discussed in the Eskom national contract. The detailed OPGW design and further instructions in this
regard shall be done by NED, Control Plant.
The detailed Shielding design and further instructions in this regard shall be done by NED, Control
The highest expected HV fault level at the Watershed Substation is the HV three phase of 12.97 kA
on the 132kV bus bar. This fault level is used to calculate the burn off time for the Kingbird phase
conductor, The Wolf and equivalent OPGW conductor.
Table V2. 7Burn Off Times – Water shed, Single OPGW equivalent
Type of fault HV Fault Current (kA) Burn Off Time (s)
Single phase fault
8.65 0.52
12.97 0.63
Three phase fault
In accordance with Eskom’s Standard: Earthing of Transmission Line Towers, TRMASAAJ7 and
Distribution Standard, Part 6, Section 6: Earthing of Transmission Line Towers SCSASABF9, the
footing resistance of the first five structures from the substation on 66kV to 132kV lines shall be less
than 20. Should the footing resistance of the structures within 1km of the substation be less than
10 , then shield conductor jumper leads shall be fitted on strain structures only.
At terminal towers connected to a low profile substation, no shield wire is strung between substation
terminal steelwork and the terminal structure. The Shield wire on the terminal structure shall be
bonded to the steel structure. The three bases of 3-pole steel structure shall be connected together by
means of 50x3mm copper strap, each with an 18mm diameter hole at the end, which is buried 600mm
below ground level. The leg of the terminal tower shall be bonded to the main substation earth mat
using a 50x3mm copper strap.
3. Structural Design
The structures to be used for the construction of the Kingbird 132kV lines from Watershed to Zeerust,
Sephaku, Klerksdorp North, Makokskraal substation are as follows:
Terminal structures
The 132kV Kingbird lines will be terminated with strain self-support at Watershed substation.
Intermediate structures
Where the line is relatively straight, the Intermediate Structures D-DT-7617, 3pole steel
monopole structures will be used due to crossings.
Strain structures
Where the line deviates from 0, a combination of Strain Planted 3pole stayed steel structures and
self support monopole strain structures will be used for the different deviation angles (2<θ<90).
Please note:
The line has been simulated based on the latest criteria file which is in accordance with SANS 10280.
Monopoles steel structures are to be constructed in accordance with Eskom Distribution Specification:
The contractor will be required to erect all structures. The types and quantities shall be as indicated in
the staking table. The contractor shall adhere to the method statement of the pole manufacturer
regarding jacking of structure member sections together. The contractor shall jack the sections
together with the force specified by the pole manufacturer.
Intermediates –inversely inline – i.e. foundation width must be inline thereby leaving
foundation length to be transverse.
Angle Strains – stays are to be positioned in the line deviation angle bisector to counter the
resultant tension
Assemblies must comply with the code of practice for overhead lines for conductors prevailing in
South Africa, SANS 10280. In all other cases standard hardware based on Distribution Standards
will be used. According to SANS 10280, the strain assembly should have a strength value of at least
the breaking point of the conductor or ground wire. Kindly refer to drawings in the assembly section
of this document for illustrations of the strain, closing span and suspension assemblies.
All joints shall be done in accordance with the Eskom Standard: DST-34-1207 section 4.7.
Insulator options are to be determined as per the Distribution Standard Specification and the
information provided in the buyer’s guide.
Horizontal Post and long rod insulators have been specified for this project. All insulators
shall have a creepage distance of 31mm/kV.
Long rod insulators have been specified for all strains. These shall comply with IEC 60120
and shall be supplied complete with ball and socket end fittings. The minimum failing load
shall be 120kN.
The rated insulation withstand levels for lightning and switching impulse for 132kV is 550kV (peak)
and the rated short time power frequency withstand is 230kV (rms). These are specified in the
Eskom Distribution Specification DSP-34-2202 and are also in accordance with standard values in
SANS 60273.
Jumpers shall be made to provide the minimum amount of clearance from the earthed hardware and
steel work. Their positioning shall comply with the clearance stated under the specified
Vibration Dampers
Damping devices are installed to reduce Aeolian Vibration that may damage the conductor and
associated hardware. These vibrations are most commonly caused by wind. It is advised that lines
built in known high wind density areas or close to large masses of water should be fitted with
vibration dampers. Multi frequency Vibration Dampers have been specified for this line, these should
be fitted on all spans in accordance with the Eskom Specification: DSP-34-1204.
The following equation shall be used to determine the position of installation of the damper onto the
0.185 * V
FC in Hz (1)
1 H
L * in m (2)
2 * FC W
2.703 H
L *D* in m (3)
C (4)
Where, Fc is the critical frequency (frequency giving rise to shortest loop length)
L is the loop length, (m)
V is the wind speed perpendicular to the conductor, (m/s)
D is the conductor diameter, (m)
H is the conductor tension, (N)
W is the conductor mass per unit length, (kg/m)
The position of the damper is measured from the point of contact between the dead end or
suspension hardware and the conductor. A damper is placed on each end of the span at a distance
of 70% of the loop length, i.e. 0.7xL.
Where no wind speed data is available, 4m/s may be used to calculate the loop length and critical
frequency. For this project the default of 4m/s was used for calculating the loop length.
It should be noted that a detailed geo-technical survey was not conducted for this line. An estimation,
as a base for the design of the soil conditions was made as (i.e. 80% Type3 and 20% Type Rock).
The foundation nominations will be done by the contractor during construction; these should be
signed off by a professionally registered civil engineer to be appointed by the contractor. In the event
that a certain Eskom standard foundation is not found adequate for the apparent site conditions, it
remains the responsibility of the contractor to recommend the appropriate one. The foundation
schedule is attached as an annexure to this document.
5. Construction Notes
All precautionary measures must be exercised to ensure safety during the construction phase. The
authorised person shall be on site during construction to ensure safety measures are adhered to at all
times. The line is to be built in accordance with TRMSCAAC1 Transmission Line Towers and Line
Construction as well as Construction Regulations and OHS Act 85 of 1993, in which the responsibilities
of the designer and those of the contractor are discussed. The SHE spec has also been included as
part of this report, and outlines possible risks and mitigation actions that are to be taken on site. It will
cover all road crossings, river crossings, sensitive environmental areas, which are some of the issues
on this line.
Communicate with all landowners along the line route advising them of work done and the
contractors’ presence.
Drill or excavate all foundations for the new structures and reinstate on completion of
foundation installation.
String, join, make off, regulate, clamp in and install jumpers on all phase and shield wire
conductors. Install vibration dampers as per specification.
Provide the employer with completed contract documentation, including ‘As Built’
Construction may not commence unless the contractor has a valid statutory approval
from the municipality and adheres to all approval conditions.
Ensure that precautionary measures are exercised to avoid structures from falling onto any live
11kV/22kV/132kV lines.
The crossings of the 132kV lines and other MV lines are some of the areas where the contractor
should have a systematic approach/method statement in order to minimise outages and to mitigate
the associated risks; details will be covered in the Implementation Plan which will be finalised once
the contractor has been appointed and once the necessary outages have been approved. Where
major roads are crossed, the traffic department must be contacted by the contractor to ensure traffic
control during this time.
It must be emphasized that the foundations should be selected to take the maximum load on specified
orientation; for strain structures, stay foundations must be positioned in the line’s deviation angle
bisector according to the stay layout.
All structures (including intermediates) will be earthed, should any railways or underground pipes exist
within 800m of the line; the shield-wire shall be insulated from the structures. The strain plate to be
used shall be designed for 120kN.
6. Access Roads
Access roads are to be managed as per Section 4.4 of the TRMSCAAC1 standard.
It must not be an expectation of the Contractor that the route of the power line is directly and
continuously accessible by vehicle from tower to tower. It will be necessary to divert away from the
line route to access further tower positions via the existing road and path networks. It is preferred that
the Contractor uses the existing roads and paths as far as is practicable and his equipment allows.
The existing tracks shall be jointly inspected prior to their use and their condition recorded and
mutually agreed upon by the Contractor and the owner.
Where there are no existing roads or paths, it is preferred that the access be established by vehicles
passing over the same track on natural ground. Should there be any compelling need to create any
access road; such need shall be raised in conjunction with the client’s Project Engineer as well as the
Road widths shall be restricted to 4m in extent unless a specific need for a greater width arises, in
which event Eskom’s prior approval is required. In the event of any access roads passing through
bush areas that require clearing, such bush and/or tree stumps are to be cut to ground level. The de-
stumping of trees will not be accepted. If any bush clearing is necessary, the environmental officer for
the project shall be contacted before any bush clearing is done.
Servitude gates are only to be installed when required as per Section 4.5 (b) of TRMSCAAC1
standard. On completion of the project, the contractor shall obtain written acceptance from the Project
Manager that the working area has been cleared and left to his satisfaction.
The information below should be read in conjunction with point 25 “Commissioning and Operational
Acceptance” in Section VII: General Condition of the tender document.
Commissioning procedures: The documented method whereby the Contractor shall ensure
that the installation is constructed in accordance with the requirements of the applicable
manufacturers’ specifications, employer’s specification, design regulations and codes of
Performance tests: The physical testing in the manufacturing works or on site of the
equipment or systems as needed to demonstrate the ability to reach the performance levels
specified or required.
Acceptance tests: The physical testing and inspection on site of the system or sub-system to
show that it is supplied installed and operates generally in accordance with the specifications,
design and regulations.
The Contractor shall supply, as part of the Enquiry Documentation and for approval before
implementation, the commissioning procedures to be used on the project. The commissioning
procedure will cover in detail all the major items of equipment sub-systems of the works. The
procedures must allow for the recording in writing and the signing off by a qualified person in terms of
applicable regulations for any inspections or tests made in accordance with the procedures. The
records and signed document will form part of the as-built records.
Performance Tests
The results of all tests shall be recorded in writing by the Contractor. Only a representative sample of
performance tests on site will be witnessed.
Acceptance Tests
Acceptance tests will be carried out in terms of the commissioning procedure. On completion of
acceptance tests, a test certificate shall be signed by the Contractor and taking-over authority to the
effect that the tests specified on the certificate have been completed successfully.
Responsibility of Contractor
The Contractor shall provide not less than seven days’ notice in writing of all performance and
acceptance tests so that they may be witnessed if considered necessary. Notwithstanding the
attendance at or failure to attend performance or acceptance tests by any witness, the Contractor is
responsible for the correctness of the installation in terms of the manufacturers’ requirements, the
design and specification and applicable regulations and for the preparation of a written record of the
tests and test results.
The line profiles for the 132kV line will satisfy the clearances given in the Occupational Health and
Safety Act, Act No. 85 of 1983 (OHSA) detailed in the following table. Refer to the Construction
Handbook for the minimum vertical clearances of power lines at maximum sag and swing.
Land rehabilitation must be done to cover all damages done on the ground surface due to construction
work. All damage done to paving must be rehabilitated. The SHE spec and EMP which will form part of
this document will cover mitigation actions to be taken should the following environmental issues arise:
oil spillage, damage or removal of any plants or trees, fires etc
OHS Act: Occupational, Health and Safety Act and regulations (Act No.85 of 1993)
DSP34-510: Eskom Distribution Specification – Part 6: Outdoor Post and Long rod insulators or new
and refurbished power lines for 66kV and 132kV
DSP-34-2202: Eskom Specification: Outdoor Ceramic Post insulators for Systems with nominal
voltages up to 765kV
SCSASABK8: Eskom Distribution Standard Part 6: High Voltage lines, section 5: soil compaction for
stay and pole foundations
100.0 Tiger
10 000
100 000
1 000
Current (A)
10 000
100 000
1 000
Current (A)