2017 Winter Model Answer Paper

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2005 Certified)

Winter– 2017 Examinations

Subject Code: 17416 Model Answer Page 1 of 30

Important suggestions to examiners:

1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model
answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to
assess the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more importance.
(Not applicable for subject English and communication skills)
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principle components indicated in a figure.
The figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any
equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant
values may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case some questions credit may be given by judgment on part of examiner of relevant answer
based on candidate understands.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent

Q.1 Attempt any TEN of the following 20 Marks

a) Draw the symbols of the following: (i) Exhaust fan (ii) Plug and Socket:
Ans: (i) Exhaust fan : (ii) Plug and Socket: ( Each Symbols : 1 Mark)

b) State IE rule 29 related to electrical installation.

Rule 29:- (2 Mark)
Construction, Installation, protection, operation and maintenance of electrical
supply lines and apparatus.
All electric supply lines and apparatus shall be of sufficient in mechanical
strength and size for the work they may be required to do and shall be conducted, install
and protected in accordance with I.S.I,s specifications.

c) State the meaning of following symbols:


: Distribution fuse board with switches (1 Mark)

: Indicator (1 Mark)
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d) What is service connection?

Ans: Service Connection:- ( 2 Marks)
It is the input conductor or wire which is carried out from supply company
(authorities) pole to consumers’ main board or premises.

e) State the purpose of ELCB in residential installation.

Ans: purpose of ELCB in residential installation: - (2 Mark)
 An Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) is a device used to directly to detect earth
fault current from an installation and cut off the circuit from power supply and avoid
electrical shock to the person.

f) Give two points of differentiation between underground and overhead service

Ans: ( Any Two point expected: 1 Mark each)

S.No Basis Underground service Overhead service

connection connection
1 Initial cost More Less
2 Identification of Difficult Easy
3 Appearance Appearance is good. Appearance is poor. OR not
so good
4 Safety More safety Less safety
5 Maintenance difficult Easily possible
6 Maintenance cost More less

7 Use For thickly populated area For general premises

or industrial purpose.

g) State any two examples of commercial installation.

Ans: (Any Two types are expected: 1 Mark each)
Examples of commercial Installation: (Any four examples expected)
1) Hospital
2) Schools
3) Colleges
4) Banks
5) Shopping malls
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6) Large temples
7) Auditorium
8) Cinema theaters
9) Show-rooms etc.

h) State any two difference between residential and commercial wiring.

Ans: (Any Two point expected :Each points : 1 Mark)

S.No Basis Residential Wiring Commercial Wiring

1 Load capacity Less High

2 Input Supply Generally single phase Generally 3 phase

3 Purpose Domestic purpose Commercial purpose

4 Type of Load Lighting load is more, power Power load is more,

load is less. lighting load is less.

5 Distribution Bus bar chamber is not Bus bar chamber is

required. required.

6 Safety precautions It is not public place so as per It is public place so fuse

our convenience fuse MCB MCB, MCCB should be
can be used. compulsory used.

7 Sub-circuit The lighting sub-circuit and The lighting sub-circuit

power sub-circuit are and power sub-circuit are
separated separated

8 Power factor There is no need of power If the power factor is poor

improvement factor improvement device then there is need of
power factor improving

9 Caution There is no need of caution If supply voltage is equal

notice for residential to or more then 400V then
installation there is need of caution
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Subject Code: 17416 Model Answer Page 4 of 30

i) Name the starters used for following motors: (i) 15hp, 3phase squirrel cage induction
motor. (ii D.C. shunt motor
Ans: Name the starters used for following motors : ( Each Name of Starter : 1 Mark)

i) 15 H.P. 3-Ph squirrel cage I.M:

i) Star-Delta Starter OR ii) Auto transformer starter OR iii) Soft start starter.

ii) D.C Shunt Motor :

1) Armature resistance starter (Three Point Starter) OR
2) Four Point Starter

j) State the meaning of following terms: (i) Security deposit (ii) Earnest money
Ans: i) Security Deposit (SD):- (1 Marks)
Security deposit is amount or deposit given by the contractor to the owner till
satisfactory completion of the project work. Generally it is a 5 to 10 % of the total
estimated cost.
ii) Earnest Money deposit (EMD) :- (1 Marks)
EMD is a deposit taken as a guaranty from the bidder if the tender is accepted by
the owner and if the contractor (bidder) refuses to accept that work in that case the EMD
is not returned to that party it is generally 2 to 5 percent estimated cost. It is refundable to
every unsuccessful (not considered) bidder.

k) List the types of internal wiring.

Ans: (Any four types are expected: 1/2 Mark each)
List the types of Internal wiring–
1) Cleat wiring
2) Batten wiring
3) Wooden casing capping wiring
4) PVC conduit wiring
5) PVC casing capping wiring
6) Concealed wiring

l) State the permissible limits for earth resistance in industrial installation.

Ans: Permissible limit: ( 2 Mark)
Earth Resistance: It should be very low for industrial installation.It should be equal
to or less than 5 ohm to 8 ohm for small scale industries and it should be very low, less
than 5 ohm for medium scale or large scale industries.
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Q.2 Attempt any Four of the following : 16 Marks

Write any four IE rules relating to lighting loads to be followed in electrical
Ans: (Note: Similar to following rules any eight expected 1/2 Mark each point)
Following IE rules relating to lighting loads to be followed in electrical installation:-
1. All electrics supply lines and apparatus shall be of sufficient in mechanical strength and
size for the work they may be required to do and shall be conducted, install and
protected in accordance with I.S.I specifications.
2. The electrical wire or conductor which is used for residential installation should not be
over heated at its rated load.
3. The permissible voltage drop in the wire should be proper (+ or – 5%)
4. The every metal part of the electrical device must be earthed.
5. The earth resistance should be maintained it should be very low or in between 5 to 8
6. The switch board should be installed at the height of 1.2 meter to 1.3m from ground
7. The main board should be installed at the height of 1.5m to 1.75 m from the ground
Following IE rules relating to lighting loads to be followed in electrical installation:-
1. Every installation is to be properly protected near the point of entry of supply cables
by a two-pole linked main switch and a fuse unit. In a two wire installation if one
pole is permanently earthed, no fuse, switch or circuit breaker is to be inserted in this
pole. A 3-pole switch and fuse unit is to be used in 3-ph supply.
2. The conductors used are to be such that size of conductor should carry rated current
and partial over load current safely.
3. The conductors installed are to be safe in all respects.
4. Every sub-circuit is to be connected to a distribution fuse board.
5. Every line (phase or positive) is to be protected by a fuse of suitable rating as per
6. A switch board is to be installed so that its bottom lies 1.25 to 1.5 meters above the
ground floor.
7. A plugs and socket-outlets are to be of 3-pin type, the appropriate pin of socket
being connected permanently to the earthing system.
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8. All incandescent lamps, unless otherwise required, are to be hung at a height of 2.5
meters above the floor level. And ceiling fans are to be hung 2.75 meters above the
9. Lights and fans may be wired on a common circuit. Each sub-circuit is not to have
more than a total ten points of lights, fans and socket-outlets. The load on each sub-
circuit is to be restricted to 800 watts.
10. No fuse and switch is to be provided in earthed conductor.
11. Every circuit or apparatus is to be provided with a separate means of isolation such
as a switch.
12. All circuit or apparatus requiring attention are to be provided with means of access
to it.
13. In any building, light and fan wiring and power wiring are to be kept separate.
14. In 3-Phase, 4-wire installation the load is to be distributed equally on all phases.
15. No additional load is to be connected to an existing installation unless it has been
ascertained that the installation can safely carry the additional load and that the
earthing arrangements are adequate.
16. Lamp holders used in bath rooms are to be constructed or shrouded in insulating
materials and fitted with protective shield and earth continuity conductor is not to be
size less than 7/0.915 mm.
17. The metal sheaths or conduits for all wiring and metal coverings of all consuming
apparatus or applications is to be properly earthed in order to avoid danger from
electrical shock due to leakage or failure of insulation.
18. Each sub-circuit is to be protected against excessive current (that may occur either
due to over load or due to failure of insulation) by fuse or automatic circuit breaker.
19. All light conductors are to be insulated or otherwise safe guarded to avoid danger.

After completion of work the installations are to be tested (the test are to be carried
out as described) before energisation.
20. Earth Resistance :should be very low for domestic installation it should be equal to
or less than 5 ohm to 8 ohm
21. Insulation Resistance between conductor : should be very high for domestic
installation it should be equal to or more than 1 mega ohm or it should be not be
50 M
less than =
Number of outlet
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State commercial rate of each of following for per unit:

b) (i) Single phase, 15Amp, ICDP (ii) Single phase - 15A, MCB (iii) Flexible wire bundle
(iv) Power three pin plug
Ans: (Each Rate for per unit : 1 Mark)

S.No Unit Rate per unit

i) Single phase, 15 Amp, ICDP Rs. 250/- to 350/-
ii) Single phase, 15 Amp, MCB Rs. 100/- to 200/-
iii) Flexible wire bundle (90Mtr) Rs. 230/- to 700/-
iv) Power three pin plug (15A). Rs. 60/- to 75/-

c) State any four advantages and two disadvantages of underground service connection.
Ans: Four advantages of underground service connection:
(Any Four point expected: 1/2 each point)
1. Repairing and maintenance is less
2. Appearance is good
3. Normally it is preferred for Residential commercial and Industrial consumers
4. Armoured cables are preferred
5. More safety
6. Chances of lightning stroke are less

Two disadvantages of underground service connection : (Any Two expected: 1Mark each)

1. Cost is more
2. Repairing and maintenance is difficult.
3. Space required is more.

d) What is tender? State its types.

Ans: Meaning Tender:- (2 Marks)
Tender is offer or invitation of the work between any two parties. This offer may be
written or non written. This offer is given by party no.1 (owner) to party no.2
(contractor- who has to complete the project work).

Types of Tender: ( Any Two expected: 1 Marks each)

1. Negotiated Tender
2. Limited competition or selective Tenders
3. Open competition Tender
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One light point, one ceiling fan, one 5A socket outlet are to be wired. Switches are to be
e) provided on a single switch board. Draw the following: (i) Wiring diagram in looping -
in system, (ii) Single line diagram for (i)
Ans: Wiring diagram for 1 fan, 1 tube and one light socket looping system : (2Marks)

or equivalent fig
Single line diagram for 1 light point, 1 Ceiling fan and 1 light socket : (2 Marks)

or equivalent fig
f) Draw a labelled diagram for underground service connection.
Ans: Underground service connection: (Diagram : 4 Marks )

or equivalent figure
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Q.3 Attempt any FOUR of the following : 16 Marks

a) Explain how number of circuits and sub circuits are determined in residential wiring.
Ans: Number of circuits and sub circuits are determined in residential wiring.
Lighting Circuit :- (2 Mark)
 Each sub circuit should not have more than total 10 points (including lights, fans
and 5A socket outlet)
 Each sub circuit should not exceed 800 watts.
 Make the no. of lighting sub circuit for lighting load.
Total Electrical lighting load
No. of Lighting Sub circuits  OR
800 W
Total No. of lighting po int
No. of Lighting Sub circuits 

Power Circuit :- (2 Mark)

 For power load there should be maximum 3000W for 2 to 3 points.
 For power load there should be maximum 1000W for total 1 to 2 points. (old rule)
 Make the no. of power sub circuits for power load.
Total electrical power load
No. of power Sub circuits 
1000 W or 2000 W

Total No.of power po int s
No. of power Sub circuits 
1000 W or 2000 W

b) Draw a labelled diagram for overhead service connection.

Ans: Diagram of Overhead service connection: ( Diagram- 4 Mark )

or equivalent figure
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c) State any Six requirements of valid contract.

Ans: Following requirements of valid contract:
( First Two point : 1 Mark each and other 4 Point: 1/2 Mark each –Total 4 Mark)
1. Contract should be written.
2. Contract should be signed by proper witness
3. Contractor licenses should be valid.
4. Contract should be signed by competent authority.
5. Contract should be signed by proper authorized persons.
6. It should be legally challenged in the court.

d) State the sequence to be followed for the preparation of estimate of commercial

electrical installation.
Ans: (Minimum Eight point expected: 1/2 each point)
The following sequence to be followed for the preparation of estimate of commercial
electrical installation:
1) Find out the type of load and total electrical load for the given commercial installation.
2) Differentiate this total electrical load in lighting load and power load.
3) Make the no. of lighting sub circuit for lighting load.
Total Electrical lighting load
No. of Lighting Sub circuits 
800 W
Total No. of lighting po int
No. of Lighting Sub circuits 
4) Make the no. of power sub circuits for power load.
Total electrical power load
No. of power Sub circuits 
2000 W or 3000 W
Total No.of power po int s
No. of power Sub circuits 
2000 W or 3000 W
5) Find out total power consumption of every lighting and power sub circuits.
6) Find out rated Input current for every lighting and power sub circuit.
P = V1 cos  P = Input power for every sub circuit
V = voltage = 230 V
I = Input current for every sub circuit
7) Determine the size of wire required for every sub circuit by considering overload
starting surge and future expansion.
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8) Draw the single line diagram.

9) Mark the batten on plan layout.
10) Find out the total length of batten required for every sub circuit and whole
commercial installation.
11) Find out the total length and size of wire required for every sub circuit.
12) List out the material required for whole commercial installation.
13) Find out cost of material and labour in estimation chart.
14) Find out the total cost of estimation with profit margin and contingencies charges.
15) Find out per point charges.
16) Draw the circuit diagram.

e) Define the following terms as per IS : (i) Wiring diagram. (ii) Schematic diagram
Ans: (i) Wiring diagram : (2 Marks)
A wiring diagram shows the connection of an installation or part of installation. It
shows how the connections are actually made and also gives layout of wiring.
For example:

(ii) Schematic diagram: (2 Marks)

This is an explanatory diagram meant for easy understanding of the operation of an

electrical circuit. It shows by symbols on an installation for the electrical connection.
For example:
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f) Draw the details of distribution board having separate energy meter for lighting load
and power load.
Ans: Distribution board having separate energy meter for lighting load and power load:
( 4 Marks)

Q.4 Attempt any FOUR of the following : 16 Marks

a) State any four general rules for installation of residential electrification.
Ans: (Note: Similar to following rules any eight expected 1/2 Mark each point)
Following rules and guidelines for installation of residential electrification:-
1. Every installation is to be properly protected near the point of entry of supply cables
by a two-pole linked main switch and a fuse unit. In a two wire installation if one
pole is permanently earthed, no fuse, switch or circuit breaker is to be inserted in this
pole. A 3-pole switch and fuse unit is to be used in 3-ph supply.
2. The conductors used are to be such that size of conductor should carry rated current
and partial over load current safely.
3. The conductors installed are to be safe in all respects.
4. Every sub-circuit is to be connected to a distribution fuse board.
5. Every line (phase or positive) is to be protected by a fuse of suitable rating as per
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6. A switch board is to be installed so that its bottom lies 1.25 to 1.5 meters above the
ground floor.
7. A plugs and socket-outlets are to be of 3-pin type, the appropriate pin of socket
being connected permanently to the earthing system.
8. All incandescent lamps, unless otherwise required, are to be hung at a height of 2.5
meters above the floor level. And ceiling fans are to be hung 2.75 meters above the
9. Lights and fans may be wired on a common circuit. Each sub-circuit is not to have
more than a total ten points of lights, fans and socket-outlets. The load on each sub-
circuit is to be restricted to 800 watts.
10. No fuse and switch is to be provided in earthed conductor.
11. Every circuit or apparatus is to be provided with a separate means of isolation such
as a switch.
12. All circuit or apparatus requiring attention are to be provided with means of access
to it.
13. In any building, light and fan wiring and power wiring are to be kept separate.
14. In 3-Phase, 4-wire installation the load is to be distributed equally on all phases.
15. No additional load is to be connected to an existing installation unless it has been
ascertained that the installation can safely carry the additional load and that the
earthing arrangements are adequate.
16. Lamp holders used in bath rooms are to be constructed or shrouded in insulating
materials and fitted with protective shield and earth continuity conductor is not to be
size less than 7/0.915 mm.
17. The metal sheaths or conduits for all wiring and metal coverings of all consuming
apparatus or applications is to be properly earthed in order to avoid danger from
electrical shock due to leakage or failure of insulation.
18. Each sub-circuit is to be protected against excessive current (that may occur either
due to over load or due to failure of insulation) by fuse or automatic circuit breaker.
19. All light conductors are to be insulated or otherwise safe guarded to avoid danger.
After completion of work the installations are to be tested (the test are to be carried
out as described) before energisation.
20. Earth Resistance : should be very low for domestic installation it should be equal to
or less than 5 ohm to 8 ohm
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21. Insulation Resistance between conductor : should be very high for domestic
installation it should be equal to or more than 1 mega ohm or it should be not be
50 M
less than =
Number of outlet

Draw a single line diagram for 15hp, three phase, 440V, Induction motor to be
operated on suitable start.
Ans: Single line diagram 15hp, three phase, 440V, Induction motor - (4 Mark)

3-ph,4 wire 400v A.C. supply

Energy meter

S Main Fuse

ICTP - 32A/450V

Star -Delta starter

15 HP 3 Ø Induction motor OR

Wiring diagram –

Or equivalent ckt dia.

or equivalent figure
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c) Write complete procedure of submission and opening of a tender.

Ans: Procedure of submission of Tender:- (2 Marks)
 The tender is submitted from party No.2 (Bidder) to party No.1 (Owner) in sealed
envelopes within the specification date & time period.
 The is submitted in envelops No.2 titled by envelop No.1 & envelop No.2.
 The content in every envelope is given an above.
 The system of submitting tender documents is also called as two envelope system.
 The treasury challan, deposit, call receipt, forwarding letter the copies of
registration certificate, income tax clearance certificate, and list of machinery to be
used to be sealed in one envelope.
 The tender set itself with quoted value should be sealed in another envelope: these
two sealed envelopes should again be put in one coverer and sealed. On the top of
this cover, the name of the work, address of the receiving authority should be
written. These envelopes are then handed over in person or send by post to the
address mentioned before the specified time and date
 According to old procedure three envelopes are there and in third envelope rate
offered by the tenderer is given and it is mention as “ Envelop No.3”

Procedure of Opening of Tender:- (2 Marks)

The sealed envelopes are opened in presence of representative of bidders. The
procedure is as below
 The tenders are always opened at specified date & time in front of representative
of every bidder.
 Initially envelop No.1 of every party is opened. The all documents which are
given as above are checked if found O.K. then envelope No.2 of those parties is
 If one of the party having the any short coming in envelop No.1 then the envelop
No.2 of that party is not opened.
 The all contents in envelop No.1 are checked. It is as above & after opening the
all envelops of all parties the comparative statement is done and for suitable
company the contract is handed over.
 If one of the company having quotation of lowest price can be rejected by party
No.1 (Owner) due to poor reputation, large works in hand, unsuitable drawing or
without any reason.
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 At first envelop No.1 of all parties are opened and comparative statement of all
parties done.
 The rejected party of whose envelope No.1 is invalid there envelope No.2 are not
opened it is freezed.
 For all reaming parties envelope No.2 opened and detailed comparative
statement is done.
 For lowest eligible bidders the contract is handed over.
d) State any four factors on which selection of contract depends.
Four factors on which selection of contract depends:
( Any Four Expected: 1 Mark each)
1) Previous experience
2) Financial position
3) Machinery & man power
4) Quoted Rates
5) Works in hand
6) Reputation
7) Valid Licenses
8) Taxes clearance certificate

e) Explain how comparative statement is prepared after opening of tender.

Ans: (1 Mark)
After opening of all tenders, details in all tenders are written in only one page i.e.
in one look and then comparison is made.

Following conditions are verified in comparative statement:

(Any Three point are expected: 1 Mark each)
1. The contract licenses validity duration
2. The quoted cost of total project work
3. Drawing details of the project works
4. Work in hand of the contractor.
5. Demand draft for S.D & EMD.
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State any four important factors, which should be considered for economical execution
of electrical installation work.
Ans: (Any four types expected 1-Mark each)
1. Prepare project execution plan (PEP) & map.
2. Make design of electrical installation work optimum (good design)
3. Use appropriate labour as per project work requirement whether skilled, semi-
skilled or unskilled. Do not use too-much labour . only use the labour which are
actually required.
4. Choose wire/cable size as per requirement, do not use higher size of wire/cable.
5. Use recommended illumination level as per Indian standard. Do not use higher
illumination level.
6. Complete the electrical installation work within specified time do not use more
7. For laying of cable use shortest route.
8. Before finalizing labour charges it should be compare with market values.
9. Before finalizing material purchase it should be compared with other equivalent
quality material other companies.
10. Select type of installation according to application.
11. Select correct method of execution

Q.5 Attempt any TWO of the following : 16 Marks

a) A shop of size 4 m x 8 m is to be provided with 14 twin tube light fittings of 80 watt
each and 7 ceiling fans of 60 watt each having sweep of 800 mm. Switch boards consist
of 14 nos. 6 Amp sockets of 100 watts. Design and draw installation plan using standard
IS symbols for twin tube light fittings, ceiling fans, calculate the number of sub-circuit
required. Show the position of switch boards on installation plan.
Ans: Note: Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the
assumed constant values may vary and there may be some difference in the
candidate’s answers and model answer.
Given Data: (The Assumed data may be vary (Give stepwise Marks as mention below)

Total load in Hall  twin tubes ( 2  40 watt  80watt )  14  80  1120 W

 Fans  watt  07  60  420 W
 Plug  watt  14 100  1400 W ------ ( 1 Mark)
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Total load in Hall  tubes in Watt  Fans in Watt  plug in Watt

i) Total load in Hall  1120  420  1400  2940 watt ---------------------- (1 Mark)
Total load in Amps   12.78  13 Amp assu min g p. f .  1 ------ (1 Mark)

ii) No. of Sub circuit   3.675  4 Nos lighting sub circuit ------------ (1 Mark)

According to po int No. of Sub circuit   3.5  4 Nos lighting sub circuit

iii) Rating Main switch: - since rated input current is 25 A. -------------------- ( 1 Mark)
Assumed that Staring current = 1.5 times rated current
So starting current = 1.5x 13 = 19.5 A

So Use:- ------------ (1 Mark)

230V, 25A, ISI mark Main switch of any company
Cable selected: 2.5 Sqmm, Copper cable single core

1) layout and show the position of lamps, fans etc: ------------ (2 Mark)

Or equivalent diagram
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What is industrial load? Compare it with residential load on any two points. Also write
any five important points of motor wiring.
Ans: i) Meaning of Industrial Load: (Any Four points expected: 1/2 Mark each)
 In industrial load power load, electrical machines load is more than lighting load.
 3-ph load is more than single phase load.
 Power factor of the load is less than unity, it should be improved.
 The tariff of industrial load is different.
 The all safety precausions e.g. MCB, MCCB, ELCB, Fuses should be installed.
 The earthing resistance should be maintained, the size of earth wire is 8SWG
copper or 6 SWG GI

ii) Compare industrial load and residential load:

(Any Three Point expected : 1 Mark each)

S.No Basis Industrial load Residential load

1 Location In industrial estate or MIDC Highly population density
area area
2 Cost More Less
3 Precautions All precautions should be All safety precautions
taken should be taken
4 Supply Generally 3-ph, 400V AC Generally 1-ph, 230V AC
supply is provided supply is provided
5 Tariff Tariff for industrial load is Block rate tariff is applied

(Any Three points expected 1 Mark each)

iii) Following rules and regulations of industrial wiring:-
1) Each motor should be provided with separate cable for distribution board or main
2) Each motor should be individually controlled
3) Rating of fuse, ICTP or ITDP, & starter should be based on starting current which
is assumed two times rated input current.
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4) The motor should be earthed at two distinct terminals by 8 SWG copper wires.

5) The voltage drop in the cable should be with the tolerance limit + or – 5 %

6) All protective measures should be installed for each motor.

7) Control unit should be near to motor as far as possible.

8) Suitable KVAr rating of capacitor should be installed near to motor.

(Any Three points expected 1 Mark each)

1. The supply to every motor is controlled by main switch. Main switch may be ICDP
for single phase machine and ICTP for 3-ph machine.
2. Starter is required to start the motors, if the capacity of the motor is less than 5 HP
then DOL starter can be used and if it is more than that, star-delta starter,or auto
transformer starter, or rotor resistance starter etc. (depends upon types of motor) can
be used.

3. The size and core of cable is also decided Size of the cable is decided by the starting
current of every machine, generally starting current is assumed two times of rated
input current of every machine

3. Type of the cable is decided by the type of supply of the machine, if the machine is
single phase then two core cables is used and if the machine is three phase delta
connected then three core cable is selected.

If the machine is star connected then 3.5 cores or 4- core cable is selected

4. The path and mounting of cable is selected such that it should be a shortest route and
convenience to distribute the power to the machine.
5. Armaoured cable can be selected for indoor power machine and unarmored cables
can be selected outdoor power machine.

c) Draw the wiring diagram for the industrial load shown in Figure No. l show all TCTP,
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starters cables with ratings. Assume suitable power factor and efficiency and squirrel
cage induction motors.

Ans: NOTE: Single 1-Ph Induction motor voltage should be 230V but in numerical 400V is
given so assume any one and marks should be given
(Diagram: 4 Mark)

or equivalent Ckt Digram

Following Ratings for ICTP, Starters, Cables with rating: (Rating: 4 Mark)

S.No Motor rating ICTP/ICDP Type of Cable Size & P.F Efficiency
Starter Core of cable of Motor
1 For 3-Ph 20 450V, 63A Star- 3.5 core x 6 0.8 0.8
HP 400V I.M: Delta Sqmm
2 For 3-Ph 10 450V, 32A Star- 3.5 core x 4 0.8 0.8
HP 400V I.M: Delta Sqmm
3 For 3-Ph 5 HP 450V, 16A DOL 3.5 core x 2.5 0.8 0.8
400V I.M: Sqmm
4 For 1-Ph 1 HP 250V, 6A DOL 2 core x 2.5 0.8 0.8
230V I.M: Sqmm
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HP  735.5
1. For 20HP machine current I L  ----------------------(1/2 Marks)
3 VL   Cos

20  735.5 14710
Rated input current I L  
3  440  0.8  0.8 443.392
Rated /Full load Current in Motor:- = 33.17 Amp ---------------(1/2 Marks)
It is assumed that starting current is two times rated input current.
Starting current = 2 x 33.17 = 66.34 Amp ------------------- (1/2 Marks)

HP  735.5
2. For 10HP machine current I L 
3 VL   Cos

10  735.5 7355
Rated input current I L  
3  440  0.8  0.8 443.392
Rated /Full load Current in Motor:- = 16.585 Amp ---------------(1/2 Marks)

HP  735.5
3. For 5 HP machine current I L 
3 VL   Cos

5  735.5 73553677.5
Rated input current I L  
3  440  0.8  0.8 443.392

Rated /Full load Current in Motor:- 8.294 Amp -----(1/2 Marks)

HP  735.5
4. For 1HP 1  Ph machine current I L 
3 L  Cos

1  735.5 735.5
Rated input current I L  
230  0.8  0.8 147.2

Rated /Full load Current in Motor:- = 4.99 or 5 Amp -----(1/2 Marks)

HP  735.5
5. For 1HP 400V machine current I L 
3 VL   Cos

1  735.5 735.5
Rated input current I L  
3  400  0.8  0.8 256

Rated /Full load Current in Motor:- = 1.658 Amp ---------------(1/2 Marks)

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Main Switch for Four Motor = Starting Current of highest rated m/c = full load current of
remaining all m/c
= 66.34 +16.585 + 8.29 + 5
= 96.215 Amp
Rating of Main switch for all Motors = 100 Amps, 415 Volt------------------------- (1/2 Mark)

Q.6 Attempt any FOUR of the following : 16 Marks

Calculate the no of circuits for four, 3 phase, 10 HP, 400 V, squirrel cage induction
motor. Justify your answer.
Ans: Four 3-Ph ,10HP, 440V, Assumption P.f. of motor 0.8 & η = 0.8
For Single Motor:
Total power  Total H .P  735.5
HP  735.5
For Machine : Rated input current I L  ----------(1 Marks)
3 VL    Cos
10  735.5
Rated input current I L 
3  440  0.8  0.8
Rated /Full load Current in Motor:- = 16.66 Amp ---------------(1/2 Marks)
It is assumed that starting current is two times rated input current.
Starting current = 2 x 16.66 = 33.32 Amp------------------- (1/2 Marks)

So use, 6.0 Sqmm , 3 ½ core cable Aluminum 1/ 2.80 mm , 600V grade should
be selected rating of SFU, ICTP switch is 16A, 450V grade should be selected.

Starter Used: Star-Delta Starter

Similarly for the Four squirrel cage induction motors 4 Separate sub-circuits with
separate star-delta starters are required.

Justification: (1 Marks)
This is for single squirrel cage induction motor for single sub-circuits and it is
repeated for other four Motors also after the ICTP (Main switch)

i.e. there are four sub circuits.

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3-ph,4 wire 400v A.C. supply

Energy meter

S Main Fuse


Λ / Δ starter

15 HP 3 Ø Induction motor

Wiring diagram – --------------------------------------------------------------------(1Marks)

Or equivalent ckt dia

b) Also state the procedure to calculate motor current in any industrial installation.
Ans: Following the procedure to calculate motor current in any industrial installation:-
Total output power  Total H .P  735.5 (1 Mark)
HP  735.5
Rated input current I L 
3 VL   Cos
.H .P  735.5
Rated input current I L 
3  415  efficency  P. f
= …….. Amp (2 Mark)
It is assumed that starting current is two times rated input current.
Starting current = 2 x …….. = …….. Amp by this ampere rating the size and
type of cable is decided. The fuses are also selected for this current. (1 Mark)
c) In a workshop 10 h.p.(metric), 415 V, three phase, 50 Hz motor is to be installed.
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Prepare the estimate required for the motor installation assuming PVC surface
conduct type of wiring. The detailed plane is as shown in Figure No. 2.

Ans: Note: Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the
assumed constant values may vary and there may be some difference in the
candidate’s answers and model answer.
Assuming height of Ceiling if 3 m from the floor.
Motor is installed 1 M away from the nearest wall.
Height of Main Switch is 1.2 M from the floor
Step No. 1:- The out power of induction motor = 10 x 735.5 = 7355 W----------- (1/2 Mark)
Step No. 2:- Input power of I. M = output power of I M / efficiency of IM motor.(1/2 Mark)
Assuming efficiency of I.M is 80 %
Input power of induction motor = 7355 / 0.8 = 9193.75 W
Step No. 3:- To determine the rated current for I.M ---------------------------------- (1/2 Mark)
P  3 VL I LCos VL  400 V
IL 
3 VLCos

IL  Cos  0.8 assumption
3  400  0.8
I L  16.587 Amp Rated current  16.587 Amps

Step No. 4:- To determine the size & core of cable:- -------------------------------- (1 /2Mark)
Starting current is assumed two times rated input current for starting surge,
momentary short circuit & overload. Starting current = 2 x 16.587 = 33.175 Amps
So use,
16 Sqmm 4 core cable for the I.M.
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Step No. 5:- Determined the size length & dimensions of ICTP earth wire at input cable:-
The rating of main switch is 450 V, 40 Amp ICTP ISI mark
Size of earth wire 8 SWG copper or 6 SWG GI ---------------------- (1/2 Mark)
Length of earth wire = 2 times length of cable
Length of input cable for I .M at actual
Step No.6: Draw the circuit Diagram. -------------------------------------------------- (1/2 Mark)

or equivalent figure

Step No. 7:- Find out the estimation chart with material cost & labour cost: ----- (1 Mark)
Length of cable - it should be calculated as per their assumed distances
Common Material: (Any eight points expected)

1. 4 core Armored cable: (Size of cable is depends on load. & length of cable is
depends on service connection premises)
2. Brick, soft sand for protection of cable.
3. If cable is laid across the public road then Cement pipe, DWC pipe or GI pipe is
required for better protection of cable
4. Cable lug as required size.
5. Cable Gland as required size
6. Feeder piller or cable box or bus bar and cable end box.
7. GI pipe as required size.
8. Cable bushing.
9. 8 SWG Wire
10. Clamps, saddles etc
11. As such all service connection material like main switch, MCB, Energy meter,
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Neutral link, IC cut out, earthing nut, screws, and wooden board. etc
12. 16 mm2, 4 core cable having the length of 23 meter and 6 core 2 Mtr for starter.
13. RYB mains indication lamps.
14. 1m x 1m wooden board as main board.
15. Earthing plate 60cm x 60 cm x 3.18 mm – 1 Nos.
16. Earthing sundry char coal and salt.
17. 10 HP Star-delta starters.
18. 8 SWG copper or 6 SWG GI earthing wire, having the length of 50 Mtr.

d) Prepare a schedule of material for electrical wiring of industrial load as shown in figure
No.1 of Q.5 (c)
Ans: (Costing of material is not required marks are only allotted for Material list: 8 Point
Expected Each Point: 1/2 Marks –Total 4 Marks)

Schedule of Material: -
S.No. Name of Material Qty
1 63 A Busbar with Neutral link 01
2 3-ph,4 wire 415V, 60-80A, A.C. supply Energy 01
3 ICTP 450V,100A 01
4 ICTP 450V,63A 01
5 ICTP 450V,32A 01
6 ICTP 450V,16A 01
7 Star-Delta Starter 03
8 DOL Starter 01
9 8 SWG Earthing Wire 50 Mtr
10 60 cm x 60 cm x 6.36 mm Copper Earthing Plate 01
11 Earthing Nut-bolt 04
12 Earthing Sundry lumsump
13 36 x 36Wooden Board for SDB 03
14 24 x 24 Wooden Board for SDB 03
15 Screw 3 inch length 30 No
16 Screw 1 inch length 50 No
17 R,Y,B Indication Lamp 03
18 PVC Tape 04
19 Saddles 1 box
20 32mm PVC conduit (3 Mtr pipe) 1.5mm thickness 20 pipe
21 3.5 core x 6 Sqmm Al. armoured cable 40 Mtr
22 3.5 core x 4 Sqmm Al. armoured cable 20 Mtr
23 3.5 core x 2.5 Sqmm Al. armoured cable 60 Mtr
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24 2 core x 1.5 Sqmm Al. armoured cable 40 Mtr

25 Steel Angle for SDB (2 Mtr length) 06
26 Nut bolt required for wooden board fitting 16
27 Junction Box 20 approx
28 4 x 6 Switch board with cutting 01
29 10 x 12 Switch board with cutting 02
30 Labour Charges Lum sum
Total Amount:-
31 Contingencies + profit margin 10 % Amount
Total Amount:
iii) Cost of Work: Say Total Amount:


HP  735.5
1. For 20HP machine current I L  ----------------------(1/2 Marks)
3 VL   Cos

20  735.5 14710
Rated input current I L  
3  440  0.8  0.8 443.392
Rated /Full load Current in Motor:- = 33.17 Amp ---------------(1/2 Marks)
It is assumed that starting current is two times rated input current.
Starting current = 2 x 33.17 = 66.34 Amp ------------------- (1/2 Marks)

HP  735.5
2. For 10HP machine current I L 
3 VL   Cos

10  735.5 7355
Rated input current I L  
3  440  0.8  0.8 443.392
Rated /Full load Current in Motor:- = 16.585 Amp ---------------(1/2 Marks)

HP  735.5
3. For 5 HP machine current I L 
3 VL   Cos

5  735.5 73553677.5
Rated input current I L  
3  440  0.8  0.8 443.392

Rated /Full load Current in Motor:- = 16.588.295 Amp -----(1/2 Marks)

HP  735.5
4. For 1HP 1  Ph machine current I L 
3 L  Cos
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1  735.5 735.5
Rated input current I L  
230  0.8  0.8 147.2

Rated /Full load Current in Motor:- = 4.99 or 5 Amp -----(1/2 Marks)

HP  735.5
5. For 1HP 400V machine current I L 
3 VL   Cos

1  735.5 735.5
Rated input current I L  
3  400  0.8  0.8 256

Rated /Full load Current in Motor:- = 1.658 or 2 Amp -----(1/2 Marks)

Main Switch fir Four Motor = Starting Current of highest rated m/c = full load current of
remaining all m/c
= 66.34 +16.585 + 8.29 + 5
= 96.215 Amp
Rating of Main switch for all Motors = 100 Amps, 415 Volt------------------------- (1/2 Mark)

e) State the rating of lamps, Fan and socket outlet points used in residential installation.
Rating of lamps, fan and socket outlet points used in residential installation: (4 Mark)
S.No Points used in residential installation Rating of Lamp
1 Lamps 40 watt or 60 watt
2 CFL 20 watt
3 LED 12 watt or 25 watt
4 Fan 60 watt or 100 watt
5 Socket outlet Lighting socket: 100 watt
Power socket : 1000 watt

f) State the need of earthing. Draw neat diagram of Plate earthing

Ans: Need of earthing of commercial installation: ( 2 Marks)
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1. To provide an alternative path for the leakage current to flow towards earth.
2. To save human life from danger of electrical shock due to leakage current.
3. To protect high rise buildings structure against lightening stroke.
4. To provide safe path to dissipate lightning and short circuit currents.
5. To provide stable platform for operation of sensitive electronic equipment.
Diagram for plate earthing : ( 2 Marks)

or equivalent figure


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