Chapter 9 - Engaging Consumers and Communicating Customer Value - Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy
Chapter 9 - Engaging Consumers and Communicating Customer Value - Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy
Chapter 9 - Engaging Consumers and Communicating Customer Value - Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy
The promotion mix (also called its marketing communications mix-) is the specific blend of promotion tools (
advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion, and direct marketing) that the company uses to
persuasively communicate customer value and build customer relationships.
Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an
identified sponsor.
Advertising involves specific media channels that are used to communicate with customers.
Advertising ● Broadcast ( TV or radio)
● Print
● Online
● Mobile
● Outdoor
The personal interaction by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of engaging customers, making
sales, and building customer relationships.
Involves building good relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining favorable
publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors,
Public Relations stories, and events.
Examples of public relations include :
press releases, sponsorships, events and Web pages.
Involves engaging directly with carefully targeted individual consumers and customer
Direct and communities to both obtain an immediate response and build lasting customer relationships
digital ● It includes : Direct mail
marketing ● Online and social media
● Mobile marketing
Integrated Marketing Communications
-Consumers are changing : consumers are better informed and more communications
-Marketing strategies are changing: As mass markets have fragmented, marketers are
shifting away from mass marketing to build closer relationships with customers in more
The New Marketing
narrowly defined micromarkets.
-Advances in digital technology : The digital age has brought about remarkable changes in
the ways companies and customers communicate with each other. There are a host of new
information and communication tools—from smartphones and tablets to satellite and cable
television systems to the many faces of the Internet like brand web sites, e-mail, blogs,
social media and online communities, the mobile Web, and so much more..
-Advertising can reach masses of geographically dispersed buyers at a low cost per exposure,
and it enables the seller to repeat a message many times.
-Personal selling involves personal interaction between two or more people, so each person
The Nature of Each
can observe the other’s needs and characteristics and make quick adjustments. it is the most
Promotional Tool
effective method at certain stages of the buying process, particularly in building buyers’
preferences, convictions, actions, and developing customer relationships. However. Personal
selling is the company’s most expensive promotion tool.
Sales promotion. invite and reward quick response. Whereas advertising says, “Buy our
product,” sales promotion says, “Buy it now.” Sales promotion effects can be short lived,
however, and often are not as effective as advertising or personal selling in building long-run
brand preference and customer relationships.
Public relations seems more real and believable to readers than ads do that includes news
stories, features, sponsorships, and events.
Direct and digital marketing is an immediate, customized, and interactive promotional tool
that includes direct mail, catalogs, telephone marketing, online, mobile, and social media.
The company must take steps to see that each promotion mix element is smoothly integrated.
Integrating The
The various promotion elements should work together to carry the firm’s unique brand
Promotional Mix
messages and selling points.
-The sender is the party sending the message to another party. McDonald’s
Encoding is the process of putting thought into symbolic form. For example, McDonald’s ad agency assembles
words, sounds, and illustrations into a TV advertisement that will convey the intended message.
-The message is the set of symbols the sender transmits. The actual McDonald’s ad.
-Media refers to the communications channels through which the message moves from sender to receiver. in this
case, television and the specific television programs that McDonald’s selects.
-Decoding is the process by which the receiver assigns meaning to the symbols. a consumer watches the
McDonald’s commercial and interprets the words and images it contains
-The receiver is the party receiving the message sent by another party. The customer who watches McDonald’s ad.
-A response is the reaction of the receiver after being exposed to the message. The consumer likes McDonald’s
better, is more likely to eat at McDonald’s next time Feedback is the part of the receiver’s response communicated
back to the sender.
-Noise is the unplanned static or distortion during the communication
Steps in Developing Effective Marketing Communication
Identifying the Determine the Design the Choose the media to Select message source
Target Audience → communication objectives → message → send the message → and collect feedback
The audience may be current users or potential buyers, those who make the buying decision or
those who influence it. The audience may be individuals, groups, special publics, or the
Identifying the
general public.
Target Audience
The target audience will heavily affect the communicator’s decisions on the questions - what
will be said?, how it will be said?, when it will be said?, where it will be said?and who will say it?
These stages include knowledge ( be aware of the product); liking (feeling favorable about the
Determine the
product), preference (preferring the product), and conviction (believing that the product is
the best). A combination of promotion mix tools are used to create positive feelings and
objectives →
Ideally, the message should use the AIDA model framework : Get Attention Hold Interest;
Arouse Desire; Obtain Action. BUT the AIDA framework suggests the desirable qualities of a
good message
1. Message content is “what to say.”
● Rational appeal relates to the audience’s self-interest.
● Emotional appeal is an attempt to stir up positive or negative emotions to motivate a
Design the message purchase.
● Moral appeal is directed to an audience’s sense of what is right and proper.
The message’s impact depends on how the target audience views the communicator.
● Celebrities
Select message ● Athletes
source ● Entertainers
● Professionals
● Health care providers
Collecting feedback involves the communicator understanding the effect on the target
audience and by measuring behavior resulting from the content.
(example : This involves asking target audience members whether they remember the
collect feedback message, how many times they saw it, what points they recall, how they felt about the
message, and their past and present attitudes toward the product and company.
The communicator would also like to measure behavior resulting from the message—how
many people bought the product, talked to others about it, or visited the store.)
-The affordable method sets the promotion budget at the level management thinks the
company can afford.
Setting the -The percentage-of-sales method sets the promotion budget at a certain percentage of current
Promotional or forecasted sales or as a percentage of the unit sales price.
Budget -The competitive-parity method sets the promotion budget to match competitors’ outlays.
-The objective-and-task method develops the promotion budget by specific promotion
objectives and the costs of tasks needed to achieve these objectives.