Yearbook2020 21

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With the

Compliments of the
CEO/Sr. General Manager

PLANT & EQUIPMENT Unit 2019-2020 2020-2021
Route - Kilometers KMS 7,791 7,791
Track - Kilometers KMS. 11,881 11.881
Locomotives No. 473 467
Coaching Vehicles No. 1,375 1.375
Other Coaching Vehicles No 270 270
Freight Wagons No 14,448 14.448
Railway Stations (Excluding Halts) No 471 458

OPERATIONS No. 36,889 24,360

Passenger, Mixed & Other 21,416
Coaching Trains Run. 171,606 20,252
Train Kilometers, Passenger Mixed Thousand
and Other Coaching.
Coaching Vehicle- 150,770
Freight Train Run 6,482 5,369
Freight T rain -Kilometers Thousand 7,076 5,759
Freight W a g o n -Kilometers Thousand 12,431 10,117
(Freight & Mixed Trains)
Other Coaching Freight Tonne Kilometers Thousand 768,347 890,286

Passengers Carried Thousand 44,304 28,424
Passenger Kilometers Thousand 20,485,352 17,969,246
Tonnes of Freight Carried Thousand 7,412 8,213
Tonne - Kilometers Thousand 7,369,878 8,179,832
Tonne - Kilometers Freight and Thousand 8,138,226 9,070,119
Coaching Combined.
Freight Wagons Loaded No. 287,471 311,777
Furnace Oil Tonnes 269 108
H.S.D.Oil Liters/fhousand 139,600 140,257
Electric Energy KWH NIL NIL
Coal Tonnes NIL NIL


Persons Employed No. 67,406 62,990
Cost of Employees Thousand 28,850,451 28,712,771
Pension Payment Thousand 36,586,859 38,131,805

Gross Earnings Thousand 47,583,687 48,648,812
Total Ordinary Working Expenses Thousand 59,287,752 56,332,727
Operating Ratio Percent 124.59 115,79

Pakistan Railways
Chapter Subject Page No.
No. Brief History 1
Mission Statement 4
Organization ············································································· 6
1. Operating Unit Civil Engineer
A. Infrastructure
1. Chief Engineer Open Line · 7
11. Chief Engineer (Track Branch) · 11
111. Chief Engineer (S&C) 14
1v. Chief Engineer Design 15

v. Chief Engineer Signal ·-----------------------------------------------------------------------· 17

vi. Chief Engineer Telecommunication· ----------------------------------------· 19
vii. Project Director (Dry Port) · 21
viii. Directorate of Property & Land· ---------------------------------------------- 27
1x. Managing Director Concrete Sleeper Factories --------------------------- 29
x. Managing Director Stations ·-----------------------------------------------------------· 32
xi. Electrical Engineering Department ·--------------------------------------------------· 35
B. Mechanical Department
i. Mechanical Engineering Department · --------------------------------------- 36
ii. Stores Department · 39
iii. Purchase Department · · 40
C. Traffic Department
1. Passenger Department· 42
ii. Operating Department 47
111. Marketing Department · · 48
1v. Traffic Manager (Dry port) 49

v. Directorate of Information Technology --------------------------------------- 49

Chapter Subject Page No.

D. Personnel Department · 55
E. Police Department · 58

F. Directorate of Legal Affairs ------------------------------------------------------------------ --· 62

G. Directorate of Public Relations -------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
H. Pakistan Railway Academy Walton ----------------------------------------------------------- 69
I. Project & Planning Department ------------------------------------------------------------------ 73
2. Manufacturing Unit
i. Carriage Factory Islamabad· · 74
ii. Concrete Sleeper Factories 77

iii. Locomotive Factory Risalpur ·-----------------------------------------------------------------------· 78

3. Welfare & Special Initiative Unit
i. Medical & Health Department 82
ii. Directorate of Education · 85
iii. Railway Sports Board 89
4. Federal Government Inspector of Railways ----------------------------------------------------------- 94
5. Railway C o n s t r u c t i o n s Company-----------------------------------------------------------------------------· 96
6. Chief Internal Auditor 105
7. Pakistan Railway Advisory & Consultancy Services ----------------------------------------- --· 107
8. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) -------------------------------------------------- 111
9. Pakistan Railway Freight Transportation Company (PRFTC) (PVT) LTD·---------------·114

Statistical Tables · 120
Sir Henry Edward w a s appointed Commissioner of Sindh after its annexation with Bombay in 1847. It was
he who discovered the potential of Karachi as a seaport and conceived the idea of a railway line to up country and
recommended Karachi to be a seaport in 1855. The survey for construction of a railway line from Karachi was started
in 1858. Initially a railway line was proposed from Karachi City to Kotri, then steam navigation through rivers
lndus/Chenab up to Multan and from there on a Railway line to Lahore and beyond.

The 13th of May, 1861 was a historical day when the first railway line was opened for public traffic between Karachi
City and Kotri, a distance of 169 Kms. By 1897 the line from Keamari to Kotri was converted into double track.

Different sections of this part of railway in the Sub-continent, which now comprise Pakistan Railways, were constructed
in the last quarter of the 19th century and early part of the 20th century. Unlike other rail networks in the Sub-continent
during British era, most of the sections (of Pakistan Railways) were constructed as strategic lines to safeguard the
British Empire in the Sub-continent. It is an interesting coincidence that the present alignment of railway line from
Peshawar to Karachi closely follows Alexander's line of march through the Hindu kush to the sea.

In 1885, the Sindh, Punjab and Delhi Railways were purchased by the Secretary of State for India. On 1st January,
1886 this line and other State Railways (the Indus Valley, the Punjab Northern, inclusive of Sindh Sagar eastern section
and the Kandahar or Sindh-Pishin southern section) were integrated and North Western State Railway was formed;
which was later on renamed as North Western Railways.

At the time of Independence, the NWR was bifurcated with 1,847 route miles lying in India and 5,048 route miles in
Pakistan. In 1954 the Railway line was extended to Mardan and Charsadda and in 1956 Jacobabad - Kashmor
narrow-gauge section (2'-6") was converted into broad-gauge section. Construction of Kot Adu-Kashmor line was
Completed in 1973, providing an alternate route from Karachi to up country, along right bank of River Indus. Meter-
gauge line from Hyderabad to Khokhropar was converted to broad-gauge in two stages, from Hyderabad to Mirpur
Khas 66.07 kilometer in 1967 & Mirpur Khas to Khokhropar (Zero Point) 133 kilometer in 2006.

Route & Track Length:

Pakistan Railways is a two-gauge system i.e., broad-gauge and meter-gauge. The gauge-wise track length on 30th
June, 2021 is as under:
Route Kilometers Track Kilometers
Broad - gauge 7479 11492
Meter - gauge 312 389
Total 7791 11881

Pakistan Railways
Mission Statement
To provide a competitive, safe,
reliable, market oriented, efficient
and environment-friendly
mode of transport.


Pakistan Railways is a Federal Government Department under Ministry of Railways. The Secretary for Ministry of
Railways is the Ex-office Chairman of the Railway Board.

Pakistan Railways comprises of three functional units. The Operations Unit, the Manufacturing & Services Unit and
Welfare & Special Initiative Unit. Chief Executive Officer/Sr. General Manager (BS-22) is the overall in charge of
these units. The Operations unit is directly headed by Chief Executive Officer/Sr. General Manager, whereas the
other two units are headed by General Manager concerned. The operation unit is located in the historic North
Western Railways Headquarters Office building, an imposing landmark of colonial era architecture of Lahore.
It oversees train operations and it’s all related functions. There are three Additional General Managers in the
Operation units, each of them heads a business unit, i.e., Infrastructure, Traffic and Mechanical. In addition,
there are various specialized heads of departments who assist the Chief Executive Officer/Sr. General Manager.

The Manufacturing and Services (M&S) unit oversees the management of the Concrete Sleeper Factories,
Locomotive and Carriage Factories. The Welfare & Special Initiative Unit manages all Railways owned Schools,
Hospitals and Director Stores and Purchase besides monitoring and execution of projects. Pakistan Railway
comprises of seven territorial operating divisions i.e. Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Multan, Sukkur, Karachi &
Quetta, besides Workshops Division at Moghalpura Lahore and an administrative division at Headquarters Office
Lahore. The territorial Operating and Workshops Divisions are each headed by a Divisional Superintendent, who is
directly under the control of Chief Executive Officer/Sr. General Manager. The Divisional Superintendents are
assisted by the Divisional and Assistant Officers of their respective Departments i.e. Civil, Mechanical, Electrical,
Signal and Telecommunications Engineering, Medical, Transportation & Commercial etc.

In addition to that, Pakistan Railways has its own set up of Railway Police headed by an Inspector General /PRP,
Accounts Department headed by FA&CAO, Audit Department headed by Director/General Audit, Information
Technology Department, Personnel Branch and Stores/Purchase Department who report to the Secretary/Chairman
Railways for the Performance of their respective units.

Operating Unit
The infrastructure unit is headed by the Additional General Manager/ Infrastructure (AGM/I), who is assisted by the
following head of departments.
1. Chief Engineer Open Line.
11. Chief Engineer (Track Branch).
111. Chief Engineer (S&C).
iv. Chief Engineer Design
v. Chief Engineer Signal.
v1. Chief Engineer Telecommunication.
vI1. Project Director (Dry Port).
viii. Director of Property & Land.
ix. Managing Director Concrete Sleeper Factory.
x. Managing Director Stations.
xi. Electrical Engineering Department.
1. On 13th May 1861, the first Railway line was opened between Karachi and Kotri with a total distance of 169
kms. At present the route kilometer is 7791 km & running track kilometer is 9,195 km. The condition of track
infrastructure is generally satisfactory. Various sections have been up-graded for safety, axle load & traffic

2. The permanent way ensures safety of rolling stock and smooth train operation. The track components are
subjected to continuous wear and tear under the dynamic Impact of moving trains and have to be replaced at
regular intervals to keep the track geometry within safe parameters.
3. Salient Features:
• Route Kilometers = 7791 Kms. • Bridges = 14021 Nos.
• Broad Gauge (1676 mm) = 7479 Kms. • Level Crossings = 3389 Nos.
• Meter Gauge (1000 mm) = 312 Kms. • Un-manned Level Crossings = 1737 Nos.
• Running Track = 9195 Kms. • Manned Level Crossings = 1652 Nos.
• Total track length = 11881 Kms. • Land =168,759 Acres.

Pakistan Railways
4. Track Classification:
The Classification of track on Pakistan Railways is as under:
Description Max. Speed (Km/hr) Length (Kms)
Primary-A 110/105 4771
Primary-B 95 3388
Secondary 75 1336
Tertiary 65 1997

Total 11881
5. Level Crossings:

Divisions Manned Level Crossing Un-Manned Level Crossing

Peshawar 109 31
Rawalpindi 145 161
Lahore 366 464
Multan 332 427
Sukkur 194 237
Karachi 112 162
Quetta 37 83
Total 1295 1565

Efforts are underway to eliminate at grade crossings as a policy. However, in order to avoid accidents at Un-manned
level Crossings, these level crossings are being converted into Manned Level Crossings, as an interim measure,
subject to availability of financial resources by the Provinces. The matter of conversion of unmanned level crossings
into manned level crossings is being persuaded vigorously with the provincial Governments.
A joint Survey with District administration was conducted in the year
2013-14 to identify the follow vulnerable un-manned level crossing

Nos. of vulnerable Cost (Rs.) (In Million) require to

Province un-manned level crossing convert into manned level crossing

Punjab 287 6314

Sindh 39 858

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 31 682

Baluchistan 32 704

Total 389 8558

Nos. of most vulnerable un-manned Level Crossing = 436
Nos. of level crossings up-gradated = 149
Un-manned Level Crossings still exist = 287
Nos. of most vulnerable un-manned Level Crossing = 53
Most vulnerable Level Crossings up-graded = 14
To be up-graded into manned Level Crossings = 38
Most vulnerable un-manned Level Crossing = 31
Up-graded into manned Level Crossings = 3 Nos.
Work in progress = 3 Nos.

Most vulnerable un-manned Level Crossing = 32
Up-graded into manned Level Crossings = NIL

Repair & Maintenance:
During the year 2018-19 & 2019-20 an amount of Rs.3910.357 million were allocated for procurement of track
material against the actual requirements of Rs.7398.006 million, so essential and unavoidable track material could
only be procured for replacement of un-serviceable /worn out rails, sleepers and fastenings etc, to keep the track fit
for safe train operation.


A. Current Activities of Xen/track Department (Extra Division):
1. Resurfacing/ Arc Welding:
Arc-Welding plants are used for resurfacing of rails & crossings to reduce the expenditure incurred on replacement of
wheel burnt rails and worn-out crossings. This results in saving of foreign exchange in million as rails are imported
items. The work of Arc-Welding has been decentralized by handing over of Arc-Welding plants to KYC, MUL, LHR &
RWP Divisions to get more efficient results.

2. Welding Cell:
Welding cell is responsible for welding of rail joints over the system. It is headed by STD/Welding & controlled by
AEN/Welding. During financial year 2020-21, 4894 No. rail joints welded over the network welding joints reduce wear and
tear of the track structure and rolling stock, as well as smooth and comfortable running of trains.

3. Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Cell:

It is headed by STD/Inspection and controlled by AEN/Track. USFD Inspection cell is responsible for ultrasonic
inspection of rails and point & crossings over the system. During financial year 2020-21, 1621.00 Km track was
inspected for Ultrasonic Flaw Detection over the network this is one of the important methods of ensuring safety.

4. Curve Realignment Cell:

It is headed by STD/Curve and controlled by AEN/Track. C.R. cell is responsible for realignment of curve over the system
on the request of operating divisions. Curves are realigned on different locations over the network.
5. Future Plans:
i. It is planned that during Financial Year 2021-22, 8000 Nos. Rail joints will be welded over the system.

ii. It is also planned that during financial year 2021-22, 1600 Km Track will be inspected with Ultra Sonic Flaw Detector machines.

Pakistan Railways
iii. In addition, for Rehabilitation of Track, different proposals/PC-I have been furnished and forwarded to Planning
Commission. The detail of which is as under:


Length Tentative Cost
Sr.No. Name of PC-I
in KM's Rs. (In Million)
1 Rehabilitation of Track between Khanewal-Shorkot Faisalabad Section. 179 6622.789
2 Rehabilitation of Track between Quetta-Bostan Section. 34 514.024
3 Rehabilitation of Track between Aahmadwal albadin on Quetta-Taftan Section. 100 3158.683
4 Rehabilitation of Track between Nok-Kundi-Kohi Taftan on Quetta-Taftan Section (100-Km). 100 3992.919
5 Rehabilitation of Track between Bostan- Chaman on Quetta-Chaman Section. 160.024 6968.849
6 Rehabilitation of Track between Dadu - Rehmani Nagar & Larkana-Ruk on Dadu-Habib Kot Section. 50 1961.348
7 Rehabilitationof Track between Dera Ghazi Khan Taunsa Barrage on Kashmor Colony-Kot Addu Section. 52 1968.041
8 Rehabilitation of Track between Golra Sharif-Kutbal on Golra Sharif -Basal Section. 22.50 1477.690
9 Rehabilitation ofTrack between Kotri-Tando Adam Section (UP & DN Line) 130.50 10455.126
10 Rehabilitation of Track between Tando Adam -Rohri Section (UP & DN Line) 482 31059.505
11 Rehabilitation of Track between Rohri Khanpur Section (UP & DN Line) 422 26193.101
12 Rehabilitation of Machines/Cranes - 2975.000
13 Replacement of Machines - 7415.000
14 Emergent Track renewal in KYC and SUK Divisions. 447 29081.83
15 Immediate Track siding work in KYC and SUK Divisions. 1040 1862.836
Total - 136,879.766

Deputy CEN / Bridges:
At Present, there are 14021 bridges on Pakistan Railways network, out of which 3001 bridges are on closed sections
and remaining are on operational sections. Most of the bridges over Pakistan Railways network are over 100-year-
old. According to state Railway Code, the life of masonry substructure of bridges is supposed as 100 years, while
for superstructure (steel bridges) is supposed has 60 years. Accordingly, almost 86% bridges have surpassed their
designed life. However, the bridges are safe for the train operation due to effective maintenance.

281 Bridges were identified in acute distress, requiring immediate action for Rehabilitation, therefore, these bridges
were included in different projects, the rehabilitation works on 243 bridges have been completed and remaining will
be completed at the end of financial year 2020-21.
In addition to above, the following works has also been completed during the year 2020-21.

• Bridges replaced with RCC Box Culverts = 06 Nos

• Minor/special repair of bridges carried out = 21 Nos
• New Tube Wells Installed = 05 Nos
• Painting of bridges carried out = 123 Nos
• Repair to Loco shed and other Misc = 120 Nos
(H.S Tanks/Turn Table) = 10 Nos
• Repair to Foot Over Bridges

• Proper inspection of bridges for safe train operation.
• Ensuring Rehabilitation of weak bridges as per safety standards.
• To remove speed restrictions over weak bridges after Rehabilitation.


A. Projects Completed during F.Y. 2019-20:
1. Completion of Remaining works of Government Degree College for Women near Railway Station

B. Projects Planned for Completion during F.Y. 2020-21:
1. Acquisition of land for Railway Corridor from Sea Port Km: 5.25 to Km: 9.00 and Railway operational land from
Km: 12.00 to Km: 14.00 at Gwadar (Phase-II).
2. Feasibility study for restoration/up-gradation of Jacobabad-Silra Shahdad Kot-Larkana Section (135 Km).
3. Feasibility Study for Upgradation / Rehabilitation of Khanewal - Shorkot Chak Jhumra - Sangla Hill - Wazirabad
Section (324 Km)
4. Feasibility Study for Upgradation / Rehabilitation of Shahdara - Sangla Hill & Chak Jhumra - Shahinabad -
Sargodha - Malakwal Lalamusa Section (324 Km)
C. Projects Planned for Completion during F.Y. 2020-21:
Construction of Staff Quarters (Revised)
1. The work of Lahore and Karachi was completed already, however the work of Narowal staff
quarters will be thrown forward to next FY 2021-22 dated on 15-12-2021
2. Feasibility study and Transaction Advisory Services Construction new double line track from Karachi (Kemari)
Marshaling Yard on Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode.
3. Umbrella PC-1I for Feasibility Studies and Transaction Advisory Services

Feasibility Study for New Rail Link between Peshawar Jalalabad through Loi-Shalman Valley.


1. Feasibility Study for providing Rail Connectivity Economic Industrial Zones Pakistan.
2. Detailed Designing Railway component and seamless integration within the multimodal terminal Chaman.
3. Construction new track and up-gradation/rehabilitation of track Chaman Yard (including) Pak-Afghan Border.
4. Providing rail connectivity to Thar railway line (105 Kms single Mines to Chhor Station).


Pakistan Railways Design Office was established in Year 2002, with the objective of providing design solutions for
the existing/new infrastructure in Railway Network of the country. It deals with design of new Infrastructure (mainly
Bridges and Building etc.) and Rehabilitation of existing ones. In addition, the structural design review of Civil
Infrastructure related to other Public/Private Organizations & agencies associated with Railways Network is carried
out in this office. Following tasks are performed in this office.
i. Providing Design of R.C./Pre-Stressed Concrete Bridges, Culverts, Retaining Walls, and Auxiliary Structures for
the entire Railway System (Railway Divisions and Project Directorates) whenever required.
11. Vetting of RC/Pre-Stressed Concrete Bridges crossing the Railway Network as referred by Sponsoring Agencies,
Public/Private Departments outside Pakistan Railways, such as National & Provincial Highways, City
Development Authorities etc. to ensure that the Railway Standard Codes are followed in designing of the
Structures, for safety.

iii. Providing services for trouble shooting of technical issues faced by the field staff during Construction,
Rehabilitation and Up-Gradation of the existing Infrastructure over all the Railway Divisions.

Iv. Development of Standard Designs for different types of Structures like R.C. Box Culverts, R.C. Slab Bridges,
Retaining Walls so as to provide a quick Design for its Construction/Execution, in the field, especially in the
Projects like Up-Gradation of Stations, Rehabilitation of Flood Damages & Track Rehabilitation etc.

v. Adoption of latest Codes and Standards such as AREMA, AASHTO, ACI, for safe and sound Design of Structures.

v1. Adoption of State of the Art soft-wares such as STAAD Pro, SAP-2000, ETABS and AutoCAD etc. for preparation
of Design & Drawings.

The following targets have been achieved for Year 2020-2021 regarding the number of projects completed and
finalized. The projects include design of Bridges referred by all Railway Divisions through Bridge Branch, Design
of Rawalpindi Station Building, Design of Offices for Control room, ATO, OTO etc. for OS Office Lahore, Vetting of
Bridges referred by outside agencies etc.

Target of Design I Vetting Projects Achievements for Design I Vetting Projects

Year 2020 - 2021 Year 2020 - 2021
16 24

This is a significant achievement keeping in view the technically challenging nature of the job and resource
constraints. Besides above, Design Office also acts in an advisory role for different on-going projects keeping the
structural safety of Civil Infrastructure at highest priority. In this regard, technical coordination with concerned Railway
Divisions, Project Offices and Design Consulting firms for various Projects including Feasibility Studies, Dry Ports,
Shed Buildings, Station Buildings, Boundary Walls and Drains etc. is also provided.

Mission Statement:
To ensure smooth and safe operation of trains by providing an efficient and fail-safe signaling

To design and upgrade signaling system & evolve local Solution for economizing train operation.

Current Activities, Facts & Figures, Future Plans & Projects & Achievements:
• There are 123 stations equipped with non-interlocked mechanical signaling, 185 stations with standard-I, 20
stations with standard-II and 214 stations with standard-I111 mechanical signaling, whereas 40 stations are
equipped with all relay interlocking and 43 stations equipped with CBI system. The auto block signaling is
provided on 421 KM double line sections between Karachi Cantt-Landhi-Hyderabad, Lodhran-Gilawala, Multan,
Shujabad-Sher Shah, Multan Cantt, Multan-PiranGhaib, PiranGhaib-Raizabad, Kissan-Renala Khurd,
Habibabad-Pattoki, Pattoki ChangaManaga-KotRadhaKishan& Centralized Traffic Control system is provided
installed on 24 KM section between Karachi Cantt and Landhi section.

• It has been planned to replace the old and obsolete signaling system with modern system on the entire network
in phases.

• In the first phase modern system consisting of computer-based interlocking at 31 stations and Auto block
system on 446 KM from Shahdara Bagh-Multan-Lodhran section are being provided under approved project of
Re-signaling in this project.

• The aspects of the approaching signal shall also be displayed in the cab of the Locomotives and the system shall
be fit for speeds up to 160 km/hr. Auto train protection systems shall also be provided and the train will stop
automatically in case the driver does not apply brakes while approaching the Red Signal. The work is in progress.

• Another project for Signal Rehabilitation was approved to provide computer-based interlocking at 23 stations
from Mirpur Mathelo Shahdadpur section and Bin Qasim station which were burnt and damaged on 27th
December, 2007 on the assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. The work taken in hand at Bin Qasim could
not be opened as the adjacent station on Coal Loading station has not been completed and the CBI work at

twenty-two stations over Sukkur & 1st phase of Bin Qasim station has been completed made operational.

• To upgrade the existing level crossings by mean of modern Train Approaching Warning System, the project has
been launched after successful trial. The execution of the system is undergoing for 50 random level crossings
over Pakistan Railways. For the purpose, maintenance & repair lab has been established in Signal Workshop &
system. engineering is in process at present.

• Signal Workshop is the only indigenous manufacturing unit for signaling items & certain items of Civil &
Mechanical departments. In another project, Signal Workshop is being equipped with modern machinery to
enhance its quality and rate of production. The machines that will be installed in the workshop under this project
include Electric Induction furnace, Nut & Bolt forging machine, Plastic Injection Molding machine, Rail Bending
& Rail Cutting Machines. 04 Nos. machines have been received in the workshop.

• The provision of modern signaling system on Pakistan Railways network will enhance the safety, speed and
punctuality of trains through ML-I.

• For best achievements, the approval from the competent authority has been obtained for amalgamation of Signal
and Telecom departments of Pakistan Railways. The implementation of this merger shall be carried out soon.

Future Proposals:
• Signal department plans to introduce wireless interlocking system and block instruments to reduce dependence
over infrastructure based signaling i.e. underground cables etc. This technology shift will enhance efficiency of
the system, improve maintenance practices and reduce signal failures. The project office has been constituted
and the initial works are under progress followed by the prototype development indigenously. The project will
help achieve the capacity to develop wireless interlocking and block instrument through local solutions.

Mission Statement:
To provide safe, reliable, secure and independent Telecom facilities to Pakistan Railways Officers, Officials and
staff to facilitate the train working and to provide train control for safe and efficient train operation.

i. Pakistan Railways Telecommunication. System comprises of Microwave, UHF, VHF & HF Radios, Telephone
Exchange Network, Train Control System, overhead wires along the Railway track and underground cable.

ii. M/W Radio systems were installed in 1987-82 on main line from Rawalpindi to Karachi via Lahore-
Faisalabad-Khanewal and also on important branch lines i.e. Kotri-Dadu-Habib Kot-Jacobabad Kashmore
Colony-Kot Adu-Sher Shah & Wazirabad-Sangla Hill covering 2700 kilometers route.

111. Microwave Radio System having 960 channels capacity is working at 36 sites as VHF Radio 303 locomotives provides
communication between ASMs & Train Drivers, HF radio uses single channel for long distance and also for coded

iv. GTD-120 & 1000 Electronic Exchanges and O1 Electro Mechanical type exchange is providing services up to
2700 users on Pakistan Railways.

v. Telecommunication facilities available on Pakistan Railways till date are as under: -

Telecommunication Facilities:
1. Telephone Exchange No. of Lines in use/ Telephone 2700 Nos.
2. Microwave Radio
a. Sites 36 Nos.
b. Route KM covered 1850 KM
3. UHF Radio
a. Sites 209 Nos.
b. Route KM covered 2700 KM
4. VHF Radio
a. Base station 575 Nos.
b. Locomotive equipped with VHF Radio 458 Nos.
c. Walkie Talkie Radio sets 570 Nos.

Pakistan Railways
d. Route KM covered 6000 Nos.
5. Train Control System working M.W/ UHF Radio
equipped with train consoles Divisional Headquarters 13 Nos.
6. HF Radio between Divisional Headquarters and important station transmission of
important and emergency messages 46 Nos.
7. Conventional type equipment working on overhead/iron
wires along the Railway track. The system is now obsolete. 2515 KM
8. Alternate routes of conventional control system are working on carrier channels
hired from PTCL. 174 KM
9. Hotlines between Central Control, Headquarters Office, Lahore and Divisional
Control Offices are in operation. 15 Nos.
Future Plan:
Pakistan Railways intends replace existing Telecom system with latest Fiber Optics based VOiP technology along
with laying Fiber Optics Cable along the track and LTE-R for mobile communication system. For this, three feasibility
studies have already been carried out under CPEC (China Economic Corridor) including ML-1 (Peshawar Karachi).
ML-2 (Kotri Attock City) and Section (Shahdara Narowal Sialkot Wazirabad Narowal Chak Amru) Sections.
Mission Statement:
The work "Upgradation Terminal Facilities and Dry Ports" is considered inevitable order to achieve the targets of
Business plan.
The terminal Facilities at Pipri & Badami Bagh and Dry Ports at Moghalpura & Peshawar are the backbone of
Pakistan Railways freight business for movement of freight between Karachi & Peshawar and handling Imports &
Exports, providing its customers the facility of custom clearance close to their doorstep. The existing infrastructure
is old and antiquated and does not respond to modern day requirements and needs major refurbishment and
Up-gradation. The optimum operational capacity of freight operations will greatly improve with the proposed

PC-I for "Up-gradation of Terminal Facilities and Dry Port" amounting to Rs.994.957 million was approved by the
Central Development Working Party (CDWP) in its meeting held on 08.02.2016. The revised project envisages
up-gradation / rehabilitation / Improvement of existing terminal facilities at Pipri Marshalling Yard, Badami Bagh

and two dry ports at Moghalpura Lahore and Azakhel, Peshawar with some additional scope of work to enhance
capacity of terminals and Dry Ports to increase the revenue and customer satisfaction. The Revised PC-I has been
approved by the CDWP at cost of Rs.2238.434 million in the meeting held on 04.12.2017.

i. Pipri Marshalling Yard, Karachi:

To accommodate the extensive future freight operation, it is imperative that a comprehensive facility for the
maintenance of locomotive at Karachi as near to port Qasim, in addition to up keep of the existing permanent way
and other infrastructure. All the freight movement takes place either at Karachi Port Trust (LPT) or at Port Qasim.
Port Qasim Authority is establishing a Coal Bulk Terminal (PIBT) at Port Qasim. All the future Coal movement will
be done from Port Qasim. Developing a Loco maintenance facility close to Port Qasim is a need of the time.
Marshalling Yard Pipri was established in the year 1982 and with the passage of time the infrastructure is not
capable to handle the designed capacity and to handle additional load of coal movement.

ii. Dry Port Moqhalpura, Lahore:

The infrastructure of LOP comprises of number of sheds where various inward and outward goods are stored.
Generally, common user items such as Agriculture products, Electronics, Cosmetics, flammable and inflammable articles
and chemicals etc. imported from various countries are stored in LOP. Due to outdated / old and insufficient
facilities of goods handling in Lahore Dry Port, the optimum operational capacity is suffering adversely. Operational
efficiency has also been badly affected due to poor maintenance. A number of dips have developed in the paved
area of the container yard and major portion of road have been damaged settled due to chocked drainage and
stagnant rain water. During rainy season /inclement weather, the condition of container yard consignments.
This aspect is creating a lot of functional / operational problems in addition to loss of earning due to limited
business activity. Similarly, the approaching roads to container yard and sheds are also in an unserviceable
condition, which disrupts the expeditious movement of vehicles loaded with containers and requiring immediate
rehabilitation. The operation of heavy cranes for lifting and placement of containers is usually held up due to
deteriorated road and poor drainage. Due to the above-mentioned circumstances, the operational functions at
Lahore Dry Port cannot be performed efficiently. The deteriorated condition of boundary wall and lack of fencing is
also a security threat, which needs immediate repair and improvement. The drains need to be widened as the
present arrangement become chocked in routine, which also need to be re designed as per the requirement for
efficient sewerage / drainage disposal. The freight handling operation at the circulating area remains continued
round the clock and the lighting system in the area is however not efficient requiring improvement by providing a
better lighting system which will not only meet with the operational needs but also held to ensure safety of the
sensitive installations.

iii. Badami Baqh Lahore:
The train operation of goods parcel at Badami Bagh Goods Yard has remained suspended/ closed for about 10
years or so and routine maintenance of P. Way portion, structure and road was not carried out since long.
The existing condition of the brick masonry floor of goods shed is in deplorable condition being 100 years old which
is required to be reconstructed. Moreover, the existing road is broken at various places, un-even with huge dips and
water accumulates there. The existing roofs of goods shed built with CGI sheets 50 to 60 years ago have gone
completely fretted and stacked goods items are being vitiated due to rain water and inside painting of steel structure
is also rusted. Whereas, the drainage system is fully un-functional due to filling of garbage, debris and even courses
of drain are broken. The existing track with 75 lbs rails is worn out and eroded 70-80 % of sleepers are US and
fittings are mostly missing which tantamount to derailment of goods trains on regular basis. Due to increase of
demand of freight operations and extensive public demand, the execution of whole project will surely benefit Pakistan
Railways not only the development of infrastructure but also scope of freight train operations will also enhance which
will ultimately increase revenue generation.

iv. New Dry Port at Azakhel Pir Piai Railway Station:

The existing area of Peshawar Dry Port is 13.28 acres whereas the proposed Dry Port at Azakhel will be over an
area of 64 acres. Due to shifting of dry Port to Azakhel the earnings are expected to be raised to Rs.60 million within
first few months, as compared to Rs.;26.20 million i.e. earning of two months i.e. December, 2014 and January,
2015 at Peshawar Dry Port. These limitations of Peshawar Dry Port include narrow strip formation of Peshawar Dry
Port over 13 acres, which create hindrance in smooth operation of stacking / crane operation / storage road traffic
etc. Similarly, the existing dry port at Peshawar is situated in a thickly populated area which, results in blockade of
road traffic and trucks are allowed only during night in the city area whereas, the area of Azakhel Dry Port having
larger dimension, situated far away from the main city has no limitations/ restrictions on any kind of traffic. Hence
there is a dire need for the establishment of Azakhel Dry Port to raise the revenue.

i. Marshalling Yard Pipri, Karachi:

1. Construction of New Diesel Shed

Provision of boundary wall

ii. Lahore Dry Port Moqhalpura:

Work Completed Work in Progress

I. Improvement & Repair of Road Surfacing I. Completed Track Renewal
II. Car Parking Area (CTR) and Repair
111. Provision of Boundary Wall Offices
IV. special repair and painting of diesel tank
V. Water Pipelines, Water Hydrants
VI. Reconstruction of Custom Clearance Agent's Building
vii. Drainage Arrangement
viii. Repair of Hard Standing Floor for Container Yard
IX. Provision of Water Filtration Plant & Room
X. Improvement of Electrical Works

iii. Badami Baqh, Lahore:

Work Completed Work in Progress

I. Special repair to floor of cargo shed I. Track/P-Way Portion
11. Repair of drain in front of cargo shed
111. Goods platform backside of cargo shed
IV. Platform between line No. 8 & 10
V. Apron on Track No.10 & 11
vi. JPC floor between cargo shed & platform
vii. RCC road of cargo shed
viii. Provision of new gates and fencing in cargo shed
IX. Additional room in cargo shed
X. Replacement of CGI sheets of cargo shed
XI. RCC boundary wall
XII. Electrification
xiii. provision of Interlocking pavers between road in cargo shed

iv. New Dry Port at Azakhel, Pir Piai Railway Station:

Work Completed Work in Progress

i. Provision of approach road i. Canteen
ii. HS tank ii. Construction of Masjid
111. Tube-well & pump house iii. P-way Portion
IV. Covered & open shed IV. Sui Gas
V. parking area V. Signaling and
VI. Guards Room Telecommunications works
VII. Railway Staff Offices
viii. Rest shelter
IX. Officer & Subordinate suit
X. Reception room
xi. Embankment for shunting neck
xii. improvement of level crossing
xiii. Electric switch room


Pakistan Railways
Work Completed
xiv. Water Supply
xv. JPC floor of stacking area for containers
xvi. Drainage arrangement
xvii. Electrical works


Mission Statement:
To manage land assets of Pakistan Railways, generate revenue through different land policies in vogue.

Commercial Exploitation of Railway Land:
• While fixing the earning targets through leasing/licensing of land, Railway Divisions identify surplus land parcels
and exploit the same to its optimum commercial potential as per the suitability of the site for generation of maximum
• Commercial exploitation of prime locations for constructions of Rail shops through Railway Division to generate
more revenue has been initiated.
• Instructions have been issued to Divisional Superintendent to arrange re-auction process before three months
of expiry of already leased sites and recover the outstanding Railway dues within one month as per orders of Federal
Minister for Railways.
• 25 highly commercial sites have been identified and plans sent to Ministry of Railways for commercial exploitation
through PPP mode.
• 83 commercial sites over entire network identified and uploaded on Railway Website for submission of un-solicited
proposal under 37-A rule of PPP Act.
• Restructuring of Directorate of Land is in process.

Policy Information:
• Policy for leasing/licensing of Railway land have been revised in order to make it more competitive, transparent
keeping in view the market trends & development of Real Estate business in private sector as per decision of Supreme
Court of Pakistan.

4. Facts & Figures:
Pakistan Railway owns 1,68,759 acres land all over the country. The province wise detail is as under:

Province Area of land (acres)

Punjab 83162
Sindh 45662
Balochistan 23648
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 16287
Total 168759

a) Anti-encroachment operation of Railway land from encroachers is in progress all over the Railway network
and 287.7- a c r e Railway land was retrieved during the financial year 2020-21 as detailed
below: -


Commercial 5.01 9.2 23.3 0.8 21.4 6.4 47.4 0.9 114.5

Residential 0 5.1 0.4 0.1 12.5 2.5 12.4 0.8 33.9

Agriculture 29.1 0 7.10 0 0.4 4.4 4.5 0 139.3

TOTAL 34.2 14.3 94.7 0.9 64.4 13.2 64.3 1.8 287.7

b) As a result of successful anti encroachment operations Pakistan Railway managed to retrieve! 4449.58 acres
land from encroachers since1st February 2012 with the assistance of Railway Police & District Administration.

5. Achievements in Year 2020-2021:

• Pakistan Railway managed to generate revenue of Rs.1705 million during the financial year 2020-21 through
short term leasing.
Divisional wise detail is as under:-
S.No. Division Earning (Rs. IN Million)
1 Peshawar 111
2 Rawalpindi 247
3 Lahore 712
4 Moghalpura 54
5 Multan 330
6 Sukkur 69
7 Karachi 140
8 Quetta 42
Total 1705

• The bill receivable amounting Rs.270 million against Food Department Punjab, Postal & Oil Companies
have been recovered.


1. Introduction:
Pakistan Railways owns four Concrete Sleeper Factories, located at Sukkur, Khanewal, Kohat Gantt & Kotri. The
factory at Sukkur was established in 1967, other three installed in 1981. At present, 280 staff in on roll against the
sanctioned strength of 461 Nos. of CSF/Organization.

2. Mission:
As an ISO 9001 certified Organization, Concrete Sleeper Factories (CSF) Organization produces pre-stressed mono
block and RCC Twin Block Sleepers. Concrete Sleeper Factories (CSF) Organization is committed to provide high
quality of PSC & RCC Sleeper to Pakistan Railways at a responsible cost and excellent services.

3. Vision:
To replace different types of sleepers i.e. wooden, steel trough & CST-9 with PSC & RCC sleepers on entire railway
system for smooth running of train.


Pakistan Railways
4. Facts and Figures:
Cumulative production since
Target for Production during the Year
Factory Rated Capacity installation of factories
the Year 2020-21 2019-20 upto june, 2019

Kohat Cantt 1,00,000 26,800 51,497 26,65,087

Khanewal 1,12,500 75,000 1,20,429 35,84,861
Sukkur 1,00,000 80,000 1,12,911 36,87,460

Kotri 1,50,000 - - 13,04,619

Total 4,50,000 1,81,800 2,84,837 11,242,027

5. Organization Setup:
Concrete Sleeper Factories (CSF) Organization planned to enhance the production of sleepers at CSF/Khanewal &
Sukkur by extension to meet with the demand of various ongoing and upcoming projects. It has also been decided to
improve the existing equipments/machineries at Sukkur factory & Civil works of CSF/Sukkur & Khanewal.

6. Achievement:
2,23,289 numbers sleepers have been manufactured and 1,90,000 numbers sleepers have been dispatched during the
financial year (2020-21).

1. Complete Track Renewal = 26 KM Completed
2. Sleeper Renewal = 23 KM Completed
3. Rehabilitation of Bridges = 11.00 Nos. Completed

S. No. Project Activities
FY. 2020-21
1 Complete Track Renewal 21.92 KM
2 Sleeper Renewal 9.19 KM
3 Bridges and other allied Works 16 Nos.
4 Drains and Retaining Walls 17 Nos.
1. Up-gradation of Railway Stations to attract Sikh Tourism at Narowal, Hassan Abdal and Nankana Sahib.
2. Up-gradation/Renovation of Major Railway Stations. The status of Railway Stations under the project of Up-
gradation of Railway Stations to attract Sikh Tourism at Narowal, Hassan Abdal and Nankana Sahib is given as

S.No. Name of Stations Progress

1 Hassan Abdal 100% is Completed
2 Narowal 100% is Completed
Work in progress and will be
3 Nankana Sahib completed up to 30-06-2021

The Status of Railway Stations under the project of Up-gradation/Renovation of Major Railway Stations is given
as under:-

S.No. Name of Stations Progress

1 Bahawalpur 100% is Completed
2 Raiwind 100% is Completed
3 Gujranwala Main 100% is Completed
4 Karachi Cantt 100% is Completed
5 Peshawar 100% is Completed
6 Lahore 100% is Completed
7 Rawalpindi 100% is Completed

Both the projects will be closed on 30-06-2021.

Rehabilitation of Track Between Samasatta - Bahawalnagar
Stations on Samasatta - Amruka Section
Rehabilitation of Track between Samasatta-Bahawalnagar Stations on Samasatta
1 Name of Project Amruka section
2 PSDP Sr. No. PSDP Sr. No.
To Rehabilitate the Track Infrastructure on Samasatta-Amruka section to remove speed
3 Objective restrictions and to make the track fit for operational speed of 95/KMPH.
4 Scope of the Targets Cumulative
S.No. Project Activities (as per PC-I) Achievements
Project and
Cumulative 1 Complete Track Renewal with 54-KG Rails 183 Kms
Achievements Complete Track Renewal with 100-RE
2 9Kms
upto 30-06-2021 Rails on Loop Lines
Replacement of complete 1:12 turnout with 23 Nos.
54KG Rails
Replacement of com lete 1: B112turnout with
4 14 00RE/90R Rails ( S) with new material 12 Nos.

Re&lacement of comtete 1:8112turnout with 27 Nos.
10 RE/90R Rails (S ) material on Loops
6 Re&lacement of Trap Points 1:8%1'2 12 Nos.
10 RE/90R Rails with New Material
7 Execution of Civil Works 10 Nos.

8 Rehabilitation of Level Crossing 80 Nos.

9 Cost of Bridge Timbers 300 Nos.

10 Repair of Bridges L.S

11 Repair of Signaling LS

5 Achievements 1 Work was awarded to M/s Frontier works Organization (FWO) on 04-03-2021.
during FY Consequently agreement singed on 19-03-2021.
2020-2021 2 M/s Frontier Works Organization (FWO) mobilized at site.
3 Topographic survey carried out by M/s FWO and data is under finalization.
4 Dismantling of track by M/s Frontier Works Organization (FWO) in progress.

S.No. Project Activities (as per PC-I)

1 Complete Track Renewal with 54-KG Rails 47 Kms

Complete Track Renewal with 100-RE
Rails on Loop Lines -
Replacement of complete 1:12 turnout with
54KG Rails 06 Nos.
Replacement of com lete 1:B112 turnout with
14 00RE/90R Rails ( S) with new material -

Re&lacement of comtete 1:8112turnout with -
10 RE/90R Rails (S ;) material on Loops
6 Re&lacement of Trap Points 1:8%112 -
10 RE/90R Rails with New Material
7 Execution of Civil Works 04 Nos.

8 Rehabilitation of Level Crossing 10 Nos.

9 Cost of Bridge Timbers 150 Nos.

10 Repair of Bridges -
11 Repair of Signaling -

Track Rehabilitation Project (Khanpur - Lodhran Section)

1 Name of Project Track Rehabilitation Project (Khanpur - Lodhran Section)

2 PSDP Sr. No. 764

To Rehabilitate the Track Infrastructure on Khanpur - Lodhran Section to enhance line
3 Objective capacity and make it fit for speed of 160/KMPH.
4 Scope of the Targets Cumulative
S.No. Project Activities (as per PC-I) Achievements
Project and
Cumulative 1 Complete Track Renewal 249 Kms 162 Kms
2 Rail Renewal + Deep Screening 38 Kms 38 Kms
upto 30-06-2021
3 Replacement of Old Turnouts 87 Nos. 28 Nos.

4 Upgradation of Track at Level Crossing 48 Nos. 48 Nos.

4 Nos. Plan Under
5 Realignment of Curves Revision
6 Repair of Service Building 12 Nos. 07 Nos.

7 Rehabilitation of Bridges 14 Nos. 13 Nos.

5 Achievements Achievements
during FY S.No. Project Activities FY 2020-21
2020-2021 1 Complete Track Renewal 1.60 Kms
2 Replacement of Old Turnouts 02 Nos.

3 Repair of Service Buildings (T.D. Offices) 04 Nos.


Mission Statement:
Striving for the secure, safe and sustainable train operation.

The Electrical Engineering Department is dealing with the operation and maintenance of Power vans, TL vans,
ordinary, Air-conditioned coaches and saloons etc. Efforts are being made to provide reliable services to the
passengers of mail & express trains. In addition, Electrical Engineering department is maintaining Electrical distribution
network of official, commercial and residential buildings of entire Railway systems. Which also includes the standby
operation of Diesel Generating Sets and Solar System installed at some locations.

Train Operations:
Electrical Engineering Department is dealing with the train operation by maintaining the coaching stock of Pakistan
Railways in Workshops and at maintenance depot over the system. In order to bring improvement in the quality service
to the passengers, electric department has recently procured 20 Nos. new DG Sets of 100 kVA to place in 10 Power

In addition, the following achievements have been made during the financial year 2020-21.
1. The spare parts & filters and other parts for overhauling of D.G Sets arranged during current financial year.

2. Electrical Department has reduced the load of coaches by installing LED based energy efficient lights. This will help
to reduce consumption of HSD oil.
3. Pakistan Railways get manufactured 50 package type AC units in Pakistan instead of its import from abroad. This
will help to save foreign exchange.
4. Eighteen Railway colonies having (761+431=1192) residences have been handed over to LESCO to save the
department from financial loss. Moreover, payment of demand notice to hand over more than 11000 residences
for direct billing have been cleared.
5. After handing over Railway residences for direct billing Pakistan. Railways will save rupees more than one billion

New Projects:
A new Project for Rehabilitation of 600 Coaches has been started. Under this project, Air-Conditioned & Economy class
coaches and Power Vans will rehabilitated which will be serve the passengers for another year.

1. PC-I for Installation of solarization at 155 Railway stations has been approved by DDWP.
2. PC-1 has been made for the overhauling of 100 Nos DG Sets during F.Y 2021-22 to improve the reliability of service.
3. PC-I for handing over Railway Colonies to DISCOS for direct billing. is under process, after its completion total
Railways Colonies will be handed over to DISCOS/ K-Electric during F.Y 2021-22, which will not only improve the
system but also reduce the burden of financial resources of Pakistan Railways. This new distribution system will
improve the infrastructure of Pakistan Railways.

The Mechanical unit is headed by the Additional General Manager/Mechanical who is assisted by the following head
of departments (Principal Officers):
1. Chief Mechanical Engineer/Loco.
2. Chief Mechanical Engineer/Carriages & Wagons.
3. Chief Controller of Stores
4. Chief Controller of Purchase

S.No Description B.G. N.G. M.G Total
1 Passenger Coaches 1375 - - 1375
2 Brake Vans 195 - - 195
3 Other Vehicles 270 - - 270

i) PC-I for special repair of 600 (Nos.) coaches has been approved by CDWP. Funds amounting Rs. 1000 million
has been allocated. Procurement of material under process and 225 Coaches as Well as 300 Wagnos Shall be
repaired in FY 2020-221.
ii) 230 Coaches Project:
iii) Average availability= 1231 per month

S.No Description B.G. Total
1 Covered Wagons 3548 3548
2 Open Wagons 3696 3696
3 For Container 1722 1722
4 Tank Wagon 2685 2685
5 Special Type Wagons 66 66
6 Military stock 392 392
7 Departmental Wagons 1910 1910
8 Brake Vans 429 429
9 Four Wheeled Wagons 7520 7520
10 Eight Wheeled Wagons 6928 6928
11 Freight Wagons in Numbers 14448 14448
12 Goods Wagons in terms of 4-Wheeled 21376 21376
13 earring Capacity of freight wagons in tones 474547 474547

1. Average ineffective of goods Rolling stock during the financial year 2019-2020 is 20.2%.
2. PC-1 for Special repair of 1200 (Nos.) wagons has been approved by CDWP and procurement of material
is under process.
3. International Tender for procurement/manufacturing of 800 High capacity Wagons and 20 Bogie Brake vans
has been floated and is under process.
S.No Description Total Locos Remarks
On average 330 Nos. D.E.Locomotives remained available for
1 D.E. Locomotives 462 Nos. various services on daily basis.The remaining locomotives are
stabled either for imported spared or for normal maintenance.

2 Steam Locomotives 05 Nos. (BG) Steam Safari operates for tourism as per demand of tourists and
other parties through M/s PRACS, DS/PSC, AND DS/RWP.

Current Projects:
1. Special Repair of 100 D.E.Locos (New).
2. Re-commissioning of 05 D.E. Locos.

Upcoming Projects:
1. Procurement of 25 Nos. Shunting Locomotives.
2. Procurement of 3 Nos. break down rescue cranes.
3. Re-commissioning of 5 held up DPU locomotives.

Locomotive Availability/ Reliability 2019-2020 2020-2021

Year 391 297

Locomotives Failures 85% 86%

Locomotives Availability

Current Projects:
1. Special Repair of 100 D.E.Locos (New).
2. Re-commissioning of 05 D.E. Locos.

Upcoming Projects:
1. Procurement of 25 Nos. Shunting Locomotives.
2. Procurement of 3 Nos. break down rescue cranes.
3. Re-commissioning of 5 held up DPU locomotives.

Mission Statement:
Right product at the right price, in the right quantity, at the right time and at the right place is made available.

Current Activities and Achievements:

Stocking Depots:
12277 regular stock items pertaining to Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Signal & Telecommunication Departments and
for different other consumers are stocked in 17 Stocking Depots located at, Lahore, Karachi, Hyderabad, Sukkur,
Quetta, Jehlum, and Rawalpindi to ensure un-interrupted supply of material to the end users. In addition 9000 fresh
item of the locomotives are stocked in depots.

Distribution of Material:
The distribution of material is a major activity to deliver the material in safe and sound condition at the door step of
consumers located at QTA, PSC, RWP, KC, MUL, SUK, HDR, LHR etc. and collect the un-utilized and redundant
stores from indenters. The Central Transportation Section (CTS) at General Stores, Mughalpura handle it, and in case
of any emergency, the special escorts are arranged for distribution of material except the flammable items.

Scrap, Surplus and Obsolete Material:

An important task of Stores department is the disposal of scrap, surplus and obsolete material, which is generated
during normal course of operation of Railway System. After inspection by Survey Committees to assess the
possibilities of their utilization of material in the system, material is declared scrap and sold out through open Advertised
Tenders. On implementation of New Scrap Policy, duly approved by Ministry of Railways, Islamabad, the Railway
Operating Divisions (except Lahore, Karachi) as well as Locomotive Factory, Risalpur, Carriage Factory, Islamabad
and Concrete Sleeper Factories have been allowed to dispose off their scrap for speedy generation of revenue for
Railways. During the year 2020-21 scrap valuing more than Rs.1015.00 million was sold out, whereas Sales Tax
Amounting to 162.898 million and Income Tax amounting to 96.913 million was collected at prevailing rates and
remitted to FBR.

Material Accounting System:

MAS (Material Accounting System) is being used by Store Department for Inventory Management. Reports for each
depot, covering total transactions, and buyout and shop made items, lists details of surplus stocks and over stocks
etc are also produced regularly for perusal of Depot Stock holder and supervision for inventory related decisions.

Printing Press:
Pakistan Railway has its own Printing Press at General Stores, Moghalpura Lahore which caters for all the
requirements of printing of forms, and different stationery items used in Railway System. The Printing Press is
equipped with offset Machines & computers for printing and composing of various jobs. Pakistan Railways Summer
and Winter time table for passengers/Freight Trains (for official use only), and Annual Audit report are also the
products of this Press.
Clothing Factory:
Different Clothing items are stitched for different Departments of Pakistan Railways according to their requirements.
Shipping Wing Karachi Cantt:
Important revenue and PSDP consignment purchased by Pakistan Railways from abroad got cleared from customs
through its own clearing agent i.e District Controller of Stores (Shipping) at Dy: Chief Controller of Stores office,
Karachi Gantt. During the year 2020-21 items valuing Rs.3079.605 million have been cleared by depositing
Rs.831.496 Million to GOP towards customs duty and sales tax.


Material supply system is the lifeline of any organization. The objective of purchase department is to maintain supply
of Store & Spares for efficient and safe train operation. The procurement also caters for the maintenance requirement
of material for Track, Signaling & Telecom System, Bridges and infrastructure etc. There are about 12206 regular
buy-out stock items and emergency stock items which are purchased regarding besides a good number of non-stock

Broad analysis of Revenue purchase made during the year 2020-2021 is given below:

Rupees in Million
1 Imports. (FOB) 2215.339
2 Custom Duty & Sales Tax 749.133
3 Sea Freight 38.259
4 Indigenous Purchase (FOR)
4.1 CCP 1813.800
4.2 Steel Shop/MGPR 9.995
4.3 Divisional Superintendents 3.665
5 Other Than CCP Office 525.917

6 Value added in Workshops 320.618
7 Value added in Steel Shops 397.946
Total 6074.672

During the financial year 2020-2021 a huge task of Diesel Locomotive spares, maintenance contract of ZCU-20/30
Locomotives, and Carriage & Wagons spares for procurement through Revenue and PSDP have been completed
successfully by the staff of Purchase Department.

Procurement Made Against PSDP Project:

Procurement of imported and local manufactured items under PSDP allocation worth of Rs 3772 million against
Projects Special Repair 100 D.E Locomotives New, Karachi Circular Railways and special Rapier 600 Coaches &
1200 Bogie wagons have been made.

Mode of Procurement:
All the purchases are made through tendering system according to modern principals of Supply Management,
as per PPRA rules through Advertised Tenders and Tender Notices are displayed on Pakistan Railways,
Website and PPRAS' Website in print media as well.

Quality Control and Inspection:

There are two inspectorates located at Mughalpura, Lahore and Karachi Cantt: where the indigenous supplies are
tested/inspected according to the specifications stipulated in contract before putting into service.

All the material purchased from abroad on FOB basis is cleared from Custom, by District Controller of Stores
(Shipping) under the office of Deputy Chief Controller of Stores, Pakistan Railways, and Karachi Cantt: and dispatch
to concerned consuming departments.

All complaints/grievances PMDU have been resolved with entire satisfaction of complainers without any negative
feedback. Furthermore, due to the implementation of effective procurement methodology permissible under PPRA
rules no complaint has been raised to PPRA by any supplier/Firm.

The Traffic Unit is headed by the Additional General Manager Traffic, who is assisted by the following Heads of Department:

1. Chief Commercial Manager

2. Chief Operating Superintendent
3. Chief Marketing Manager
4. Chief Traffic Manager (Dry Port)
5. Chief Customer Facilitation Manager/ CC/Freight
6. Chief Operating Superintendent/Taxation
7. Directorate Of Information Technology

The Passenger Wing of Commercial Department of Pakistan Railways is responsible for the creation, maintenance
and delivery of the passenger services and all related amenities to the traveling public including the Transportation
of Parcel Traffic. The Passenger Wing of Commercial Department is headed by the Chief Commercial Manager who
is assisted by the following Officers:
i) Deputy Chief Commercial Manager = 3
ii) Senior Commercial Manager = 1
iii) Assistant Commercial Managers = 8
Miscellaneous Information:
Pakistan Railways has earned Rs 21852.007 million under the passenger head against the budgetary target of Rs:
22675.000 million and against the earning of Rs. 22729.579 million earned during the corresponding period of the
previous year. Further an amount of Rs: 1403.552 million have been earned under the head of other coaching earning
against the budgetary target of Rs: 1300.000 million and against the revenue of Rs. 1243.283 million earned during
the corresponding period of the previous year. It is further added that under the head of only commercial sundry
earning, Pakistan Railways earned Rs: 1741.872 million during the financial year 2020-21, against the budgetary
target of Rs. 1700.000 million and an amount of 1961.849 million realized during the corresponding of previous year

• As a result of surprise raids by the STEs nominated by Headquarters Office as well as Divisions in important trains
along with Train Managers during the Financial Year 2020. 2021. An amount of Rs.869.163/- million has been
• Pakistan Railways earned Rs. 262.823/- million from the attachment of extra coaches with various trains during the
financial year 2020 - 2021, within its limited resources of available fleet.
• Pakistan Railways earned Rs. 18.579 million from special trains i.e. Eid specials, RND specials and Sikh specials
during the financial year 2020-2021
• Under the head of E. Ticketing Pakistan Railways earned Rs. 7746.575 million during the financial year,

Ticketless Checking Earning from July 2019 to June 2020 Over The System:
20-JUL 108973 105230760 11466525 116697285
20-AUG 116523 112163260 12033010 124196270
20-SEP 64055 57461410 6864240 64325650
20-OCT 64972 57247235 6973195 64220430
20-NOV 64615 55533385 7050015 62583400
20-DEC 66330 56523305 7491015 64014320
21-JAN 78679 68333483 7784115 76117598
21-FEB 75345 65340610 7614170 72954780
21-MAR 90949 7661905 9399060 17060965
21-APR 83143 63464905 8296310 71761215
21-MAY 91990 67165270 9317235 76482505
21-JUN 69679 52093345 6655620 58748965
G.TOTAL 975253 768218873 100944510 869163383

Total number of stations/halts open for traffic on Pakistan Railways and number of City Booking Agencies, run by PRACS
are as under:-


1 PESHAWAR 36 3 39
2 RAWALPINDI 58 8 66
3 LAHORE 100 - 100
4 MULTAN 102 2 104
5 SUKKUR 68 1 69
6 KARACHI 65 7 72
7 QUETTA 29 - 29
TOTAL 458 21 479

City Booking Agency run by PRACS 20

Claim Paid Cases NIL Accident verified Cases 09
Claim Filed Cases 18 Accident compensated Cases 05
Paper transfer Cases 01 Clearance of station Outstanding Cases. 86

Special Trains 1-7-2020 to 30-6-2021 (Up & down):
1 JULY-2020 NILL 0
9 MARCH-2021 NILL 0
10 APRIL-2021 NILL 0
11 MAY-2021 EID UL FITR SPL 24
12 JUNE-2021 NILL 0

Extra Coaches 1-7-2020 to 30-06-2021 (Up & Down):

1 JULY-2020 204 201 405
2 AUGUST-2020 65 68 133
3 SEPTEMBER-2020 1 1 2
4 OCTOBER-2020 6 4 10
5 NOVEMBER-2020 3 3 6
6 DECEMBER-2020 24 24 48
7 JANUARY-2021 42 38 80
8 FEBRUARY-2021 1 2 3
9 MARCH-2021 7 7 14
10 APRIL-2021 9 7 16
11 MAY-2021 23 25 48
12 JUNE-2021 5 5 10
TOTAL 390 385 775

Extra Coaches Earnings For Financial Year 2020-2021
Month Class Total Book Cancelled Booked Sea Recd Amnt Refund Amnt Net Amount
2020-07 ACL 558 4 554 738890 199 738691
2020-07 ACLZ 26 3 23 45705 3642 42063
2020-07 ACSL 16 0 16 44660 0 44660
2020-07 EC 19641 947 18694 27200040 981582 26218458
2020-08 ACL 1284 64 1220 2203440 79082 2124358
2020-08 EC 13957 850 13107 16848435 755309 16093126
2020-08 PC 16 0 16 15950 0 15950
2020-09 ACL 5861 360 5501 12994145 630338 12363807
2020-09 ACSL 5 0 5 20500 0 20500
2020-09 EC 3358 170 3188 4753950 170650 4583300
2020-10 ACL 5316 273 5043 11559715 482685 11077030
2020-10 ACLZ 9 0 9 6620 0 6620
2020-10 EC 4877 183 4694 7226490 208557 7017933
2020-10 PC 10 1 9 11000 759 10241
2020-11 ACL 6156 449 5707 13043845 812545 12231300
2020-11 EC 9119 331 8788 12974900 361920 12612980
2020-12 ACL 6427 534 5893 13451160 985265 12465895
2020-12 EC 12509 542 11967 16579195 518778 16060417
2021-01 ACL 6051 364 5687 12584650 596635 11988015
2021-01 ACLZ 690 86 604 2671120 256882 2414238
2021-01 ACSL 14 0 14 55375 0 55375
2021-01 EC 12527 498 12029 16290295 552816 15737479
2021-02 ACL 4811 321 4490 9782035 551074 9230961
2021-02 ACLZ 1718 199 1519 6204925 643820 5561105
2021-02 EC 13068 592 12476 14791600 465381 14326219
2021-03 ACL 6392 546 5846 13378515 997790 12380725
2021-03 ACLZ 1208 120 1088 4114415 380240 3734175
2021-03 EC 16293 1066 15227 20056195 1074531 18981664
2021-04 ACL 3567 320 3247 7345995 556979 6789016
2021-04 EC 7916 460 7456 9546630 411295 9135335
2021-04 PC 2 0 2 2200 0 2200
2021-05 ACL 259 33 226 524865 60545 464320
2021-05 ACLZ 368 13 355 920650 24078 896572
2021-05 EC 10777 742 10035 12643140 694328 11948812
2021-06 ACLZ 555 86 469 858460 110095 748365
2021-06 EC 3836 193 3643 4907350 206105 4701245
Totals 179197 10350 168847 276397055 13573905 262823150

Pakistan Railways
The punctuality position of Mail/Express and Intercity trains during the period 1st July 2020 to 30 June-2021 as
compared to the corresponding period is as under:

TRAINS 2020-2021 2019-2020 VARIATION
MAIL/EXPRESS 57 38 +19
INTERCITY 90 81 +9
OVERALL 74 67 +7

19 % increase in the punctuality of Mail/Express trains is due to concerted efforts of all concerned branches by
streamlining the available resources. More efforts are underway to bring further improvement.

Freight Loading:
During the year 2020-21, 311777 wagons were loaded on the entire system against 287471 wagons during the
corresponding period registering increase of 24306 wagons (+ 8 %).

Comparative loading of all divisions remained as under:

DIVISION 2020-21 2019-20 VARIATION

Karachi 215882 194424 21458
Sukkur 4889 6334 -1445
Multan 21235 21248 -13
Lahore 59104 53605 5499
Rawalpindi 6825 5496 1329
Peshawar 1760 5015 -3255
Quetta 2082 1349 733
Total 311777 287471 24306


Freight Sector:
• Freight Deposit Account (FDA) based agreement with Maple Leaf Cement Factory, The Chishtian Logistics,
Solution Enterprises & Mughal Iron & Steel and MOUs with Awan Trading Company, Bestway Cement, Westgate
International, Cherat Cement for transportation of imported coal, Fatima Group for transportation of Rock
Phosphate and ITC Logistics and Pak Pacific Container Terminal for containerized traffic have been signed.
• Agreements have been signed with M/s. lrfan Ullah & Co, and M/s. Ocean Mark for the transportation of
GITA Container.
• Introduction of competitive freight rates to attract road traffic to Rail.
High Capacity/High Speed Hopper Truck have been inducted in the current fleet for swift movement/unloading
of coal.
• Outsourcing of 501-Up/502-Dn and 503-Up/504-Dn.
• Process initiated for installing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system over Pakistan Railways network for
efficient and effective tracking of goods wagons.
• An advertisement has been published in the leading newspaper for outsourcing of all High capacity/conventional
stock to private parties to yield maximum revenue for Pakistan Railways.
• Pakistan Railways is procuring High capacity wagons through private parties to augment the existing Railway
• Two premium coal/container trains have been introduced all over Railway network as per demand to book the
freight trains online.

Passenger Sector:
• Commercial management of Luggage Vans and Brake Vans with different trains has been outsourced under PPP.
• Online e-ticketing has been introduced to facilitate travelling passengers at their door steps to attract the
passenger travel by Rail.
• Special trains operated on the eve of ljtima at Raiwind, Eids and other festivals.
• Passenger fares have been revised to make it competitive to road which resulted in significant increase in
• Pakistan Railways has outsourced the commercial management of five sets of passenger trains (i) Sir Syed
Express (ii) Mehran Express (iii) Jinnah Express (iv) Badar Express (v) Faiz Ahmed Faiz. (VI) Fareed Express.
(VII) Mehar Express.

• Bidding process for outsourcing of 32 sets of passenger train has been initiated through advertisement in the
news papers. Process will be competed in due course of time.
• On line reservation has been introduced for facilitation of passenger at their door steps.


Earning of all dry ports for the Financial Year 2020-2021
Im>Ort Export TOTALTEUs / Tonnes
DRY ByRall BYROAD B Rall BYROAD Earning(RsIn
PORTS Bonded NONBonded Bonded NONBonded Bonded NONBonded Bonded NONBonded lm ort&ExDort mllllonl
TEUs Tonnes TEUs Tonnes TEUs Tonnes TEUs Tonnes TEUs Tonnes TEUs Tonnes TEUs Tonnes TEUs Tonnes TEUs Tonnes
PDP 0 0 0 0 6608 186161.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 279.6 0 0 6633 186441.3 207.739
IDP 0 0 0 0 8269 113819 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 24 0 0 8273 113843 130.806
FDP 0 0 741 44460 0 0 0 0 291 19510 0 0 0 0 0 0 1032 63970 79.364
LDP 0 0 4885 122873.54 1 12248 134M3.49 3 0 0 0 0 2950 74835.006 4 49 0 0 20087 332202 198.989
PNX 691 15673 33695 799202 8914 151918 0 0 747 10865 17087 265116 0 0 0 0 61134 1242774 81.991
KBX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1221 33211.1 9582 2414fi6.4 0 0 0 0 10803 274677.6 669.886
TOTAL 691 16673 39321 966535.54 1 36039 586342.193 0 0 2269 63686.1 29619 681418.37 33 362.6 0 0 107962 2213907.8 1368.764


The Directorate of Information Technology is headed by the Director and assisted by number of officers and staff who
are specialized in different areas of automation. The management of Pakistan Railways hired a competent professional
on the post of Director Information Technology in the year 2014 to materialize the objectives of automation on latest
tools and techniques. The management further upgraded the Directorate by hiring eight more IT professionals from the
market to make the automation in an organization viable. The existing management of IT Directorate launched multiple
projects in various disciplines.

E-Ticketing System:
Modern E-Ticketing facility was introduced by Railways, some years ago. To provide ease of access to its users,
upgradation of E-Ticketing was carried out recently by Directorate of I.T. and following new features were introduced
in both for mobile application and website:
E-Ticketing mobile app was redesigned by directorate of I.T. to enhance the user experience and to provide better
functionality and ease of use to users.

Military Voucher and Journalist concession seat booking through online E-Ticketing:
To facilitate the bookings of military personals on discounted military voucher and journalist discount, online booking
through military voucher and journalist concession card has been introduced in E-Ticketing mobile App and website.
Freight Online Booking System:
As per direction of the worthy Minister for railways, a task for development of Online Freight Booking System was
assigned to Directorate of I.T. in September, 2020, Directorate of I.T. successfully developed the application to online
the freight booking process and to provide ease of use and better visibility of freight system. Salient features of FOBS
are as under:

i. Online Registration of Consignee

ii. Online Consignment request form for goods on ground
iii. Collection of Payment for the advance booking (demand without good on ground)
Establishment of Online Priority Register
iv. Consignee dashboard with all consignment related information available for user.
v. SMS alert system for consignment acceptance alert, wagons allotment alert, delay in loading alerts etc.
Automation of commercial supervisor goods working

PR Dashboard:
As per directions of honorable Chairman of Pakistan Railways, Directorate of I.T. has developed Pakistan Railways
Dashboard. PR dashboard provide detailed reporting on E-ticking system with respect to various important parameters
division wise, station wise and train wise earning.

Centralized Payroll System:

Directorate of IT has upgraded payroll from distributed to centralized environment with individual user portal access. The
system will facilitate the management to get the financial picture of entire Pakistan Railways "payroll head on monthly basis.
The system also provides each employee easy access to their profile data, service history and salary slips.

Material Accounting System:

Directorate of I.T. has developed Online Store Inventory Management System. The system is in use to automate the
handling and issuance of stock at store and consumer level. The system includes comprehensive reporting system to
facilitate the proper utilization of stock and to provide clear visibility of stock available in every store of Pakistan
Railways to higher management.

Legal Management System:

Directorate of I.T. has developed the software to centralize the case management for Legal department in Pakistan
Railways. System provides a comprehensive dashboard to view summary and stats of Pakistan Railways Cases
(Overall and division wise). Advance case search and update facility and reporting (in pdf and excel format) facility has
also been provided. In the light of the present scenario, the legal department is being facilitated regarding information
of all basic ingredients of each and every legal case and progress made so far.

PR Data Reporting:
IT Directorate has developed an android mobile app to automate the manual form/registers being used within the
Ministry of Railways, Pakistan Railways and associated departments. The system provides real time reporting for
top management as well as historical reports.

Document Resource Center:

Document Resource Center has been developed by Directorate of IT and deployed with Pakistan Railways Official
website. DRC provides feature to upload and access official documents in a convenient way. Advanced search
mechanism has also been introduced in the system to facilitate the search of documents by various parameters.
Document groups has been introduced to limit the documents management based on user roles.

Some other completed projects by Directorate of IT:

• SAP implementation in Pension Section
• Electric Billing System
• Official Website for Pakistan Railways
• Network Monitoring System
• Internet Facility in PR HQ
• Email Server
• Complaint Management System
• Freight/Fuel Management System

Establishment of Call Center:

Pakistan Railways has established 24/7 Call Center (042) 99070011 to facilitate the passengers not only to provide the
information about e-ticketing related issues but also to improve Railways business in the light of suggestion.
Migration of Data Center:
E-ticketing and all other business critical services/applications have been successfully migrated on Government Cloud
Data Center (NTC), Islamabad as per the directives of MOR, in a secure mode as per industrial standards using
advanced tools and latest technologies.


Pakistan Railways
1. Train Tracking and Video Wall in Central Control Office:
The project of train tracking and installation of video wall is in progress, the same would be installed in the central
control office at Headquarters Lahore. This system would track the geographical location of trains at real time through
GIS system. This is the latest technology and implemented wherever transport sector is involved in automation.

2. Issuance of Tickets (On Board):

This system at present in stage of testing and will be ready soon after completing all technical procedures. This system
would facilitate STEs and Guards to issue ticket during the journey. In the real time basis, the database at Headquarter
Office will be updated live remotely.
3. File Management System:
This system is at present in development stage and will be ready soon after completing all technical formalities. This
system would facilitate each and every department in tracking their official files. This system would eliminate the
possibilities of missing practice in an office.
4. Future Upgradation of E-ticketing Project:
Directorate of IT would shortly implement the automation of PCT which at present is being prepared manually.
The issuance of PCT via handheld devices or Computers would not only evaluate the performance of each station
earning wise but will also play active role in eliminating malpractices.
5. Facial Recognition Time & Attendance Management System:
Pakistan Railways is Installing Facial Recognition Time & Attendance Management with operation maintenance in
57 Nos. of site of Pakistan Railways. The system contains installation of equipment, develop dashboard and web
based online portal (android, iOS) for Time & Attendance System. Facial Recognition Time & Attendance system
(Cameras & LEDs) has successfully been installed in all 57 Nos. sites of Pakistan Railways. Currently Attendance
System start working in Carriage Factory Islamabad. Further registration and verification of staff is in under process
in remaining sites.
6. Railway Automated Booking and Travel Assistance (RABTA):
The RABTA system shall make ticket purchase more convenient, more user-friendly and the experience shall
encourage passengers to prefer traveling by train. Passengers can purchase tickets anywhere through point of
service, website, mobile App, agent network and PDA, and pay for the tickets through multi-channels. New and
creative value-added services can expend operation modes and increase revenue. New agent network and
value-added services can create more jobs.
11 The successful bidder of RABTA shall be responsible for the overall implementation of RABTA/Project, including
but not limited to the design, build, finance, operate and transfer back the automated ticketing system to Pakistan
Railways (the "Project").

111 After completing procurement and installation of all the software and hardware. the successful bidder, during the
entire duration of the license agreement, shall remain responsible for operations and management of the RABTA
system and shall ensure that RABTA system is made available round the clock.

IV The successful bidder shall be responsible for all costs, direct or indirect, arising out of the Project for its successful
implementation. However, in case of default on debt servicing of the successful! bidder, all rights and obligations
may be assigned in accordance with the provisions of the License Agreement.


1. Coordination in Creating IT Environment in CPEC From Railways Side:
This office is coordinating with CPEC management committee by providing necessary support wherever IT projects
and creation of IT environment in CPEC perspective is discussed. This office is regularly attending the meetings and
lending its services whenever IT and automation matters are discussed from Railways perceptive.

2. Pakistan Railways Employee Cards through NADRA:

Employee cards are being redesigned with the collaboration of NADRA, Islamabad. Number of meetings have been
conducted by the nominated team of Pakistan Railways with NADRA concerned personnel.
3. Implementation of IP Telephone:
Directorate of IT intends to implement IP Telephones across Pakistan Railways by using existing infrastructure of
the organization.

4. Card Passes and Concession Vouchers:

All data related to Card Passes and Concession Vouchers will be managed centrally, and access would be extended
to the concerned user for proper management.

5. Establishment of Centralized Control Room:

Pakistan Railways intends to establish centralized control room for the monitoring of all trains across Pakistan.
Tracking devices will be installed on all locomotives and a video wall will be mounted in Central Control Room to
witness the performance of each train in terms of various parameters on real time basis.

1. The formation of the Personnel Branch was the natural and necessary corollary of the introduction of the Division
system on Pakistan Railways. The existence of Personnel Branch aims at an efficient coordination of all sorts of
matter dealing with the personnel of the Pakistan Railways, maintenance uniform policy for the Railways employees
as a whole with regard to recruitment training conditions of service, leave rules, etc with a view to dispel any
impression of partially or unequal treatment between staff of various Branches or Offices. For the administration of
the huge organization of Pakistan Railways satisfactory discharge of duties by this branch is considered very

2. The Chief Personal Officer Is responsible to the Chief Executive Officer/Sr. General Manager for the correct
conduct of the Establishment work for suitable provision of amenities to staff and performance of welfare activities.
It is responsible for the efficient coordination of personnel work on the entire Railway System for arranging Inter
Divisional transfers, Promotions, adjustment of staff according to recruitments of work etc of officers and
sub-ordinates staff controlled by the Headquarters office in consultation with Principal Officer or their Deputy Principal
Officer. He is assisted by Deputy Chief Personnel Officer, Senior Personnel Officers and Assistant Personnel Officers
for working in Headquarters offices.

3. In Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Multan, Sukkur, Quetta, Karachi and Workshops Division Moghalpura, the
Divisional Personnel Officer (BS-18) are assisted by Assistant Personnel Officer (BS-17), (where provided) to deal
with all Personnel work. In Carriage Factory, Islamabad and PLF/Risalpur, this work Is carried out by Assistant
Personnel Officers. MD/PLF Risalpur and MD/CFI are also responsible for the general efficiency of the Personnel
work to the CPO, who guides them In Policy matters. In the matter of recruitment of the categories controlled by
Headquarters Office, Lahore maintenance of Seniority Lists, Transfers, Promotions, Leave etc they work In
consultations with concerned Principal Officers. The Divisional Personnel Officer Is himself Executive lncharge of the
Divisional Officers.

4. There are also confidential Sections in all Divisions & in Headquarters office, Lahore, which deal with the matters
of PER/ACR, DPCs and enquiries in complaints. The Confidential Sections in divisions are supervised by DPOS,
whereas In the Headquarters Office It is headed by Dy. Chief Personnel Officer-II.

5. The Chief Personal Officer is in fact of much help to the Executive Officers in ensuring a fair deal to staff and thus
avoiding subsequent embarrassment to the administration resulting from incorrect application of the rules disregard
to any employee.

Benevolent Fund Scheme:
The Benevolent Fund Scheme was introduced w.e.f 01-07-1969 for the benefits to the invalided Railway Servants as
well as the bereaved families of the deceased Railway employees who die while in service on or before attaining the
age of 70 years (in the case of retired ex: employees). They were being paid grant out of Benevolent Fund according
to the various pay slabs for life time or the date of remarriage of the widow as per Schedule-III at par with the Federal
Government Benevolent Fund rates.

Railway Board in its 4th meeting held on 24-05-2016, approved implementation of Revised Benevolent Fund grant
and other benefits as well as rate of recovery of Benevolent Fund Contribution at par with the Federal Government
Benevolent Fund as below:

1. Benevolent Fund at par with Federal Government:

a) In case of the employees who were in service on or after 31-08-2012 and died/invalided during service or after
retirement has been allowed Benevolent Fund grant according to Schedule-Vl&VII, at the revised/increased rates
(Rs.4,000/- minimum to Rs. 10,100/ maximum) w.e.f 01-09-2012, according to the pay slabs. Payments have been
started w.e.f 01-07-2016.

b) In cases which were current on 31-08-2012, an increase of 40% has been allowed on the existing grants being
drawn. Payments have been started w.e.f 01-07-2016. Benevolent Fund Grant and rates of recoveries have been
revised and brought at par with the Federal Government Benevolent Fund rates w.e.f 01-09-2012 according to
Schedule-VI & VII.

2. Marriage Grant:
Marriage Grant of Rs.50,000/- on marriage of one son/daughter allowed on marriages took place on or after
21-04-2011 to the serving/retired/deceased employees is being paid.

3. Farewell Grant:
Farewell Grant (one month pay) to the employees retired on or after 01-01-2006 has been allowed is being paid,

4. Burial Charges:
Burial Charges@ Rs.20,000/- since December-2014 to the bereaved families of employees who die in service is
being made.

5. Lump Sum Grant {Schedule-ix):
Lump Sum Grant on invalided retirement from Rs.150,000/- to Rs.390,000/- (pay scale wise) allowed w.e.f
December-2013 is being paid.

6. Group Terms Insurance Scheme:

The Group Term Insurance Scheme (Welfare Fund) was introduced in 1969 to provide insurance coverage to the families
of Pakistan Railways Servants who die while in service. No recovery towards insurance premium is made from the
Railway employees working in BSP-1 to 15 and the financial burden to the tune of Rs.140.000 million on this account is
being born by the Railway Administration.
The Insurance cover which was maximum Rs.45,000/- for all the employees in BS-1 to 22 has now been increased to
minimum Rs.400,000/- maximum Rs.1,000,000/-. An agreement has been executed with MIS.Postal Life Insurance
Pakistan through competitive bidding as PPRA Rules, effective from January 1, 2017.

7. Benefits Paid To Employees/widows:

During the year 2020-2021 a sum Rs.375.000 million was paid to the beneficiaries towards monthly grants on account of
Benevolent Fund, Marriage Grant and Farewell Grant. These grants are met with from the monthly contribution made by
the Railway employees as well as funds provided by Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), profit on investments, rent from
plot at Sukkur and rent from Pakistan Railway Servants Benevolent Fund Building, 1-Allma Iqbal Road, Lahore.

Pakistan Railways Employees' Co-operative Credit Society Ltd. 43 Allama Igbal Road. Lahore.
During the financial year July 2020 to June 2021 (12 months) the Pakistan Railways Employees' Cooperative Credit
Society Ltd Lahore entertained 6155 applications for loan and advanced a sum of Rs. 504.13 million to the Railway
Employees, while in the corresponding period payment of loan to Railway Employees was made amounting to Rs. 532.14
Million, thus attaining an decreased of Rs. 28 (M) in the Fiscal Year 2020-21.

Statement showing the amount of Loan Advanced during the year 1-7-2020 to 30-6-2021.

No of Loan
S. No. Month & Year Amount Advance in Rs.

1 July: 2020 607 50,934,169

2 August: 2020 481 39,759,209

3 Sept: 2020 588 49,430,895

4 Oct: 2020 607 50,594,519

5 Nov:2020 520 43,068,247

6 Dec:2020 545 43,894,687

7 Jan:2021 493 37,001,359

8 Feb:2021 564 46,440,291

9 March: 2021 518 42,979,413

10 April: 2021 417 33,862,405

11 May: 2021 352 28,415,884

12 June:2021 463 37,751,944

Total 6155 504,133,022

The Pakistan Railways Police is an independent entity, functioning under the administrative control of the Inspector
General as Head of department with its Headquarters at Lahore as well as Sr. General Manager, Pakistan Railways
Lahore as Chief Executive. The IGP is being assisted further by two DISG, one (DIG/North) & one DIG/South) one SRP
working as A.I.G/Administration, one O.S.P (Legal}, one Bomb Disposal Officer and other Ministerial & Executive Staff at
CPO, Lahore. The description of the staff/officers and nature of the job being performed by them is indicated below:

2. Administrative Control:
For Administrative Control, the area of jurisdiction of Pakistan Railways Police is further divided into the following
eight Divisions:


1 Peshawar Division 2 Rawalipindi Division

3 Lahore Division 4 Multan Division

5 Sukkur Division 6 Karachi Division

7 Quetta Division 8 [W] Mugalpura Division

3. Headed By:
Each Division is headed by one Superintendent of Police who further assisted by two Deputy Superintendents and at least
two Inspectors. However, due to having light work, only one Deputy Superintendent has been provided at Quetta and
Peshawar Divisions. One Prosecuting Inspector is also provided to each Division except Lahore Division where two
Prosecuting Inspectors are working. There exists one Police Training School, which is functioning at Walton Lahore under
the supervision of one DSRP with direct command of DIG. The Bomb Disposal Staff is also performing their legitimate
duty in all over the division of Pakistan Railways Police including one Bomb Disposal Officer who is posted in Central
Police Office, Lahore.

4. Duty:
The preliminary duty of Pakistan Railways Police is the safety of passengers and goods, transported by Pakistan Railways,
protection of Railway property, the prevention, inquiry and Investigation of offences committed In relation to Pakistan
Railways and for matters connected therewith. In order to curb the menace of crime, the PRP Staff performed their
legitimate duties with the high sense of responsibility & devotion.

5. Crime Figure:
The Crime Figure of [ Financial year-2019-2020 i.e 01-07-2020 to 30-06-2021]
under various head is as under:


Pakistan Railways
5.1. All over Crime:
CASE Case Cases ¾of
Acquitted Convicted Stolen Property Recovered Property
Reported Admitted Challenged Recovery

3160 3140 2996 38 1576 Rs. 5,63,32,380/- Rs. 3,31,50,245/- 59%

5.2. Recovery of Stolen Railway Material:

CASE Case Admitted
Acquitted Convicted Stolen
% of Recovery
Reported Challenged Property Property
272 272 250 3 87 Rs. 3,88,44,516/- Rs. 2,39,41,159/- 62%

5.3. Recovery of illicit Arms and Ammunitions:

CASE Bullets Rifles/Guns Revolver/Pistol/Mouse/etc. Magazine Iron Punch Knife/Dragger etc.
Reported Cartridges
45 1125 2 1 41 30 3

5.4. Recovery of Narcotics:

Ice Crystal
CASE (In KGs) Liquor
Reported Opium (In Kgs & gms) Charas (In Kgs & gms) Heroine (In Kgs & gms) (In KGs & Gms) (In Tables Gms) (Bottles) (Tin Bear)

191 5.375 244.859 2.118 1.850 0.048 81 36

5.5. Results of action taken against Unauthorized Hawkers / vendors:

No. of Unauthorized Hawkers / vendors Detected Amount of Fine/Fare in [Rs]
155 Rs. 58,950/-

5.6. Help Extended to the Passengers/General Public:

No of Lost Children No of Run Away
Handed over to [Girs/Boys & Women] Retrieval of Value of Retrieval of Any Other
Parents/Legal Heirs Handed Over to Legal Hiers Lost Luggage Luggage Help
Boys Girls Boys Girls Women

180 126 197 135 28 1525 Rs. 98,64,767/- 8629

Historically, all legal cases pertaining to Pakistan Railways were dealt by the commercial department of the PR. In 1982,
first litigation cell was established under the control of Chief Commercial Manager. It was only in 1999 that an independent
directorate of legal affairs headed by a director (BPS-20) was established keeping in view the extended scope and variety
legal cases being faced by the organization. It was considered expedient that the independent directorate will specifically
focus on any and all litigation thereby relieving the Chief Commercial Manager from the litigation cases and focusing
directly on commercial activities, which had also increased manifold.

Over the years, the directorate of legal affairs has proven that the decision taken for its establishment was most appropriate
and in line with the interests of the department. Successively fresh and more qualified professionals were inducted in the
directorate according to the requirements of modern times.

Currently, the directorate is headed by a Director Legal affairs (BPS-20) H.Q. office Lahore, who is supported by the
following organizational hierarchy. In addition Director General Legal Affairs (vacant), one Legal Advisor (MP-Ill) and
three Legal Consultants (MP-Ill) are also appointed for resolving the legal issues and opinions.

The directorate is entrusted with assisting the executive departments in provision of legal advice on Contracts,
Agreements and consultation on legal issues, proceedings in the courts of law and nomination of appropriate Railways
counsels from a panel notified by the Law & Justice Division. The directorate scrutinizes, examines and vets bidding
documents and Para-wise comments provided by the concerned/client branches before handing over to the RCLS for
onward submission to different courts of law for contesting cases filed against Pakistan Railways.

The process of computerization is underway and within short span of time, all the legal setups of the directorate in the
operating divisions shall be connected and electronically linked for an efficient and ready exchange of pertinent legal
information thereby giving rise to efficiency.

The directorate wishes to provide its law officers un-interrupted access to online law sites containing data on latest
judgments as well as federal & provincial laws. Dedicated funds have been allocated for procurement of new and latest
law books & digests to improve and extend the existing library hosting most of the up to date books of reference.

Table Showing Disposal of Cases for The Period 2020-2021



461 35 495

Table Showing No. of Pending Adjudication Cases 2020-2021

Pending of cases as pn 01-07- Total new cases instituted 01- Total No. of cases decided Total Pending cases on
2020 over the system 07-2020 to 30.06.2021 during 2020-2021 30.06.2021 over the system

2376 755 495 2636

The Directorate of Legal Affairs office is dealing with all the legal affairs pertaining to the Pakistan Railways. With the
passage of time, the directorate of legal affairs is putting its best efforts to give early response regarding the court cases
which are pending in Civil Courts, NIRC/Court, Service Tribunals, High Courts and Supreme Court of Pakistan within its
limited resources specially shortage of staff. The process of recruitment through FPSC is under way and when fresh
candidates will arrives it will improve efficiency of this directorate more.

Besides, a legal cell has also been established in MOR comprising on Joint Director Legal Affairs (BS-19), Deputy Director
Legal Affairs (BS-18) and Assistant Director Legal Affairs (BS-17) to steam line the court cases and Legal Affairs.

Basically, this Directorate is in need of computer literate officials, which is not available in this directorate resulting creating
hindrance in the required efficiency. It is proposed that computer literate officials may be shifted from (IT) Information
Technology Department immediately to this directorate till the arrival of regular employees alongwith post being requested.
In the High Court and Supreme Court of Pakistan the cause list, decision and further matters are online so it is necessity
of time that this Directorate should be linked electronically. However, best efforts are being done to improve the efficiency
of Legal Directorate and will be improved up to expectations after overcoming of the shorts coming.


Pakistan Railways

Directorate of Public Relations of Pakistan Railways is responsible for image building and promotion of Pakistan Railways
and interaction with the print and electronic media. This Directorate was comprised of scattered offices within the
Headquarters premises, which posed accessibility problems to the journalists, visitors and the staff itself. In 2013, the then
government took keen interest in revamping the Directorate by putting it under one roof to ensure better media monitoring
system to meet the modern media challenges and to have an effective liaison with the print and electronic media.

The Directorate of Public Relations is situated on the first floor of Store Branch Building of Pakistan Railways Headquarters

The matters relating to print, electronic and social media are dealt with efficiency under the supervision of Director Public
Relations who supervise Information Officer and APPRO. Workload is jointly shared by all the officers round the clock to
have effective coordination with media and public offices.

Functions and Services:

The directorate is engaged in following functions and services:

1. Advertisements:
Promotion of different rail services and products on behalf of the organization, this office manages to publish the required
advertisements in print media and at times air them through electronic media as well.

2. Publicity & Monitoring:

All Press Releases, Clarification articles, columns, letters to the editors and rebuttals are issued to print & electronic
media. After publishing in the press. A "Daily Press Summary" for Federal Minister, Chief Executive Officer / Senior
General Manager is prepared by this office.

a. Electronic Media:
A state-of-the-art modern monitoring system has been installed in Public Relations Department through which
major TV News Channels and programs are monitored by staff to keep up with broadcast development regarding
Railways and to respond accordingly through modern electronic techniques.

b. Print Media:
Press Release of important event is prepared and released to Media Offices through email and fax. Information
with the media offices is also shared telephonically for clarification of the news where required. In this connection,
Media Houses are also visited physically by staff of this office as and when required. As per nature of the expanded
assignments, this office works till late hours in two shifts.

c. Social Media:
Social media monitoring is another part of daily monitoring. Directorate of I.T and Public Relation Department jointly
work on social media needs. The official social media pages of Pakistan Railways twitter & facebook are being
handled to communicate people news on Pakistan Railways. However, Directorate of Public Relations office is
modernizing digital arm of publicity to update news on social media forums more efficiently and quickly.

3. Issuance of Journalist Concession Cards:

After fulfilling requisite criteria, this offices issues Journalist Concession Cards to the Journalists/Media-men of
"approved list" of Print and Electronic Media, whereby the card holders can avail up to 80% concession in Rail fares on
Railways operated train. Pakistan Railways has sold 8,892 tickets to the Journalist Concession Cards holders, worth
Rs. 13.09. Million during the period 01 July 2020 to 30 June 2021, Details of the concession tickets availed are under:

Computerized Ticket Sale Report on JC-JCS-JF-JFS

During Financial Year 2020-2021
Ticket Net Net Actual Concession
Code Booking Earning Amount Granted
2020 JC 2969 1445812 7229060 5783248
2020 JCS 796 136961 684805 547844
2020 JF 687 865777 1731554 865777
2020 JFS 187 70377 140754 70377
2021 JC 2748 1184403 5922015 4737612
2021 JCS 815 129699 648495 518796
2021 JF 542 626528 1253056 626528
2021 JFS 148 59154 118308 59154
Total 8892 4518711 17728047 13209336

These cards are issued on annual basis. The above mentioned record of computerized tickets is provided by IT
Directorate. However, the new journalist Concession Card policy is under process for the betterment of Pakistan
Railways as well as journalist.
4. Videography at Railways Premises:
This Directorate facilitates and grants permission of shooting of dramas, movies, documentaries, advertisements at
Railways Premises, as desired by interested parties for official, commercial or charity purposes. This office (as per
policy) grants cost-free shooting permission to educational institutions, charity organizations, Government Media
Houses, international, national media groups for Railways image building stories and ISPR. However, shooting is
charged on commercial basis, depending upon nature of the videography.
5. Articles (LTE) & Rebuttals:
The officials also write informative articles and columns on Pakistan Railways to reach out to public, rebuttals and
letters to editors are also issued where required. These press releases, articles, rebuttals, letters to editor or columns
are also uploaded on official websites of Pakistan Railways and

6. Press Conferences and Media Interactions:

Several press conferences and media events are arranged by this office in the Ministry, Headquarters Office, Divisional
Offices and at Press Clubs by the Federal Minister, Chairperson and CEO with Anchorpersons, columnists, editors,
senior journalists, beat reporters and personnel of press clubs and general media as and when required by the
department on important issues, performances related news and events.

7. Publicity Campaigns:
This office also arranges for publicity/promotion campaigns of remarkable developments, such as introduction
/ restoration of trains including campaigns of Special Trains on the eve of Eids, Sikh Yatrees, Special Trains, National
events, Azadi Train celebrations, Greenline, up gradation of exiting trains, E-Ticketing etc. To ensure the safety of the
passengers, safety campaign is regular feature of this Directorate.

8. Publicity Material:
Leaflets, brochures and performance reports" are also published through this office as and when required for public

9. Liaison with Divisional Offices:

Directorate of Public Relations office also remains in liaison with Divisional offices of Pakistan Railways for overall
branding of Pakistan Railways as a customer centric organization that strives hard to provide better facilities to its
passengers and gives utmost important to the safety of people.

4. Videography at Railways Premises:
This Directorate facilitates and grants permission of shooting of dramas, movies, documentaries, advertisements at
Railways Premises, as desired by interested parties for official, commercial or charity purposes. This office (as per
policy) grants cost-free shooting permission to educational institutions, charity organizations, Government Media
Houses, international, national media groups for Railways image building stories and ISPR. However, shooting is
charged on commercial basis, depending upon nature of the videography.
5. Articles (LTE) & Rebuttals:
The officials also write informative articles and columns on Pakistan Railways to reach out to public, rebuttals and
letters to editors are also issued where required. These press releases, articles, rebuttals, letters to editor or columns
are also uploaded on official websites of Pakistan Railways and

6. Press Conferences and Media Interactions:

Several press conferences and media events are arranged by this office in the Ministry, Headquarters Office, Divisional
Offices and at Press Clubs by the Federal Minister, Chairperson and CEO with Anchorpersons, columnists, editors,
senior journalists, beat reporters and personnel of press clubs and general media as and when required by the
department on important issues, performances related news and events.

7. Publicity Campaigns:
This office also arranges for publicity/promotion campaigns of remarkable developments, such as introduction
/ restoration of trains including campaigns of Special Trains on the eve of Eids, Sikh Yatrees, Special Trains, National
events, Azadi Train celebrations, Greenline, up gradation of exiting trains, E-Ticketing etc. To ensure the safety of the
passengers, safety campaign is regular feature of this Directorate.

8. Publicity Material:
Leaflets, brochures and performance reports" are also published through this office as and when required for public

9. Liaison with Divisional Offices:

Directorate of Public Relations office also remains in liaison with Divisional offices of Pakistan Railways for overall
branding of Pakistan Railways as a customer centric organization that strives hard to provide better facilities to its
passengers and gives utmost important to the safety of people.


1. Introduction:
In 1925, a small Railway Training School of the legendary North Western Railway was originally established in
Layallpur (now Faisalabad). It was shifted to the present purpose-built Walton campus named as Walton Training
School. This institution was named after Col. C.E. Walton, the Agent (as the General Manager was then known) of the
North Western Railways. In no time, the Walton Training School became the hub of the suburb of Lahore and the
Locality became famous as "WALTON".

The Walton Training School took on the character and repute of its parent organization, the North Western Railways;
symbolizing the best traditions of service, innovation, development and organizational excellence. The performance
standard of this institution received international acclaim, in 1954, when its premises were selected by the ECAFE
(Economic Commission for Asia and Far East) - a United Nations agency, to establish their Regional Railway Training
Centre for training of Railway Officers and senior supervisors of Asia and the Far East in Signaling and Advanced
Railway Operations. Control of the Center was transferred to the Government of Pakistan in January 1958. In July
1982, this academy was renamed as Pakistan Inter-Regional Railway Training College (PIRRTC), while in May 1983,
it was again renamed as Directorate of Research and Training. Eventually in July 2000, it got the present name as
"Pakistan Railway Academy".

Keeping in view the growing training needs of the mother organization, the Academy conducts about 34 Pre-service
induction training courses, 70 promotion and 36 refresher courses yearly for Railway staff of all grades, disciplines and
departments Officers inducted into various cadres of the Pakistan Railways selected through the Federal Public
Service Commission as Probationers also receive their Railway training here. Short Management-training courses are
also conducted from time to time whenever required.

2. Mission:
• Transforming Pakistan Railway Academy (PRA) into a center of excellence; for imparting training to the Railways
Officers and Officials.

3. Vision:
• To develop PR Human Resource best of the best, at par with world.

4. Organizational Mode:
The Academy is headed by a Director General, who is assisted by Joint Directors, heading each of the engineering
disciplines viz, Civil, Mechanical, Signaling and Telecommunications, Electrical/Electronics Engineering and the Traffic
(Operations and Commercial) Departments. Each Joint Director is assisted by an Assistant Director and an adequate
number of instructors, drawn mostly from the experienced serving railway staff.

5. Objective:
• To arrange training for the newly recruited officers and staff of Pakistan Railways including STP (Specialized Training
Program) for Probationary officers. viz Traffic and Commercial, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Signals, Telecom, Store
and Purchase departments.

• To arrange Promotion and Refresher Courses for the officials and officers of Pakistan Railways including Boot Camp
training for Railway Officers nominated for Management courses i.e. MCMC, NMC and SMC.

• To arrange Seminars/Workshops for officers/Sr. Subordinates of all disciplines of Pakistan Railways to refresher their
skills through dissemination of experience based knowledge of Sr. Railway Officers.

• To impart training to Sr. Railway Officers of Asia and Far East countries under UN (United Nations) chartered through
PTAP (Pakistan Technical Assistance Programme) with collaboration of Ministry of Economic Affairs, Government of
Pakistan, Islamabad.

• With the view to fulfilling the objectives, the training is imparted through class rooms, model rooms equipped with
replica of the actual systems and exposing the trainees to the actual working on the Pakistan Railway network.

6. Quality Management Certification:

In pursuance of objectives of Railway Academy, a systematic approach has been adopted to make the general
atmosphere conducive for educational activities. After successful implementation of internal controls, certification in
quality management was sought, which had since been granted. Pakistan Railways Academy, Walton is now an ISO
9001:2008 certified institution meeting international standards of quality objectives.
Approved scope to which the certification has been granted includes :
• Railway Operation, Maintenance, Management & Promotion Courses for Railway Officers & Supervisors.
• Railway Management & Operation Courses for other International Railways Participants.
• Other Management & Industrial Trainings for Non-Railway Local Customers.

7. Facilities:
• 35 well-equipped class rooms, including dedicated rooms for special subjects such as telecommunication. All
discipline Model rooms equipped with life size and scale working models for hands on-training; networked computer
• A well-stocked and continually expanding library; containing books on technical, professional, and management
realms and linguistic, social sciences, literature along with a spacious reading room. The Library also caters for a wide
selection of technical/professional journals.

8. Lodging:
• There are seven hostels with accommodation for more than 510 trainees including an exclusive hostel for the
international students with air conditioned and well-equipped rooms.
• Free mess facilities are provided to all trainees of all disciplines.

9. Health Care:
• A resident medical officer with a dispensary for emergency medical cover has been provided in the campus.
10. Recreation:
• This Academy provides for indoor, outdoor sports and games such as football, hockey, cricket, and badminton.

11. Courses Conducted:

• 857 trainees participated in 66 courses (Recruitment, Promotion and Refresher) during the year under review (July,
2020 to June, 2021) compared with 1877 participants in 116 courses in the previous year (July 2019 to June-2020).
• Since 1954, total 1897 Foreigner/ Pakistani Officers participants from more than 50 countries (including Pakistan)
have benefited from Advance Railway Courses upto January, 2020.
12. Training Techniques:
• Training methods, techniques and equipments continue to be up-graded to the latest standards. Trainees are taken
on extensive study tours over the P.R. network to acquire practical knowledge, under the supervision of divisions
concerned and oversight of respective Joint Directors of Pakistan Railway Academy.
13. Plans To Improve The Academy:
• Up-gradation of the academy with setting up a separate exclusive wing for Pakistan Railways Research & Development Centre
• Improvement and rehabilitation of infrastructure of the academy.
• Collaboration of Pakistan Railways Academy with different academic institutes (Triple Helix Model).
• Attachment with National School of Public Policy (NSPP) is under process.

Pakistan Railways
Pakistan Railways
The Department of Project & Planning under CP&PO Pakistan Railways Headquarters Office Lahore is associated with
coordination between Planning. Division, Ministry of Railways Islamabad and Project Directors of Public Sector
Development Program (PSDP). Total Projects of Pakistan Railways are 42 (Ongoing=23+ New= 19) Approved Cost
Rs. 1312876.502 million the Revised allocation Rs.19,702,663 Million Expenditure is Rs. 4,003.801 Million upto
February 2021 and Releases upto 3rd Quarter is 13,702.663 Million during the current CFY-2020-21 of PSDP Projects.

The Project & Planning Department also manage and coordinate Improvement & Welfare funds with Chief Engineer
Open Line Pakistan Railways Headquarters Office Lahore amounting to Rs.200.000 Million allocated under I.F. for
various of Pakistan Railways during the current financial year2020-21 expenditure upto February, 2021, Rs. 76.442
Million is booked according to the statement of SAO/Books.

Manufacturing Unit
The Manufacturing Unit is headed by the General Manager Manufacturing & Services and comprised of:
1. Carriage Factory, Islamabad (CFI)
ii. Concrete Sleeper Factories (CSF)
iii. Locomotive Factory Risalpur (LFR)


Mission Statement:
Timely delivery of the Railway Carriages for safe, economical and efficient train operation in the competitive transport market.
To manufacture latest design railway modem and state of the art railway passenger coaches having up-to-
date technology and conforming to the present commuters needs.
Organization Chart:
Attached as Annexure-A
Current Activities:
Special Repairs of 60 Nos. German Design Coaches, A-4 Maintenance of 40 Nos. Chinese coaches.
Special Rehabilitation of KCR=40 and Up-gradation/Rehabilitation od Saloon=02
Facts & Figure:
Attached as Annexure-8

Future Plan and Project:

Manufacturing of 184 new design passenger coaches under PSDP project for procurement/manufacturing of 230
passengers coaches at CFI.
Special repair/up-gradation of old German coaches and A-4 Maintenance of Chinese Coaches.
Achievements during FY- 2020-2021:
A total 135 coaches were turned out after special repair/ upgradation/A-4 maintenance (Scope of work attached at
Scale & Department wise staff statement. as on 30-04-2021:
Attached as Annexure-C

Facts and Figures: Annexure-8
Factory Established June, 1970
Collaboration Link-Hoffman Busch (LHB) Germany
Factory Walled Area 58 Acrea (234, 718 Sq. Mtr)
Factory Covered Area 15 Acres (60, 703 Sq. Mtr)
Residential Area 83 Acres (335, 890 Sq. Mtr)
Production Capacity 120 Passenger Coaches Per Annum
Sanctioned Strength 1624 Employees
On Roll (BS-01 to 20) 1186 including 312 TLA (30-04-2021)
• New Manufacturing = 2173 Nos
Production History as on 25.05.2021 • Rehabilitation /Special Repair = 2224 Nos
• Nominated Repairs = 224 Nos
Total: = 4621 Nos
Nature of Work Scope of Work
30-35 Years Old/Obsolete German Coach
Stripping & Cutting Work
Stripping of complete interior (i.e. floor, side wall/ceiling panels, windows,
lavatory fittings, wiring, seat frames, AC ducting etc.) and cutting of complete
side walls, end walls and floor
Fabrication Work
100% replacement of side walls. end walls partition walls and floor
30-40% repair work of under frame
25-30% repair work of roof
Special Repair 45-50% repair work of BG-64 bogie frame and replacement with new bushes,
of German pins, springs, rivets, all types of shock absorbers and installation of air brake kit
Coaches Furnishing Work
100% new interior furnishing work (i.e. floor, side wall/ceiling panels, set
cushioning window installation lavatorv fittinas AC ducting etc.)
100% painting of coach shell & bogies
Electrical Work
100% replacement of electrical wiring, fans, lights, switches, speakers, control
panel, inter car coupler, AC units etc.
40-45 years old German coach after 10 years of Rehabilitation
Stripping & Cutting Work
Stripping of complete interior (i.e. floor, side wall/ceiling panels, windows,
lavatory fittings, wiring, seat frames, AC ducting etc.) and cutting of complete
side walls, end walls and floor
Fabrication Work
20-25% replacement of side walls, end walls, roof and floor
75% replacement of floor
Up-gradation 25-30% repair work of BG-64 bogie frame and replacement with new bushes,
of German pins, springs, rivets, all types of shock absorbers
Coaches Furnishing Work
100% new interior furnishing work (i.e. floor, side wall/ceiling panels, set
cushioning, window installation, lavatory fittings, AC ducting etc.)
100% painting of coach shell & bogies Electrical Work
Electrical Work
100% replacement of electrical wiring, fans, lights, switches, speakers, control
panel, inter car coupler, AC units etc.
Maintenance after 10-12 years service life of Chinese Coach
Stripping & Cutting Work
Floor and Wiring
Fabrication Work
Minor repair of side walls, end walls and floor (if required)

A-4 100% replacement of bushes, pins, all types of shock absorbers and
Maintenance qualification of air brake cylinders of bogies
Schedule Furnishing Work
100% replacement of floor, lavatory fittings and seat/berth cushioning 100%
painting of coach shell & bogies
Electrical Work
100% replacement of electrical wiring, fans, lights, switches, speakers, control
panel, inter car coupler, AC units etc

1. Introduction:
Pakistan Railway own our concrete sleeper factories, located at Sukkur, Khanewal, Kohat Cantt, and Kotri. The factory
at Sukkur was established in 1967, other three factories installed in 1981. At present, 280 staff is on roll against the
sanctioned strength of 461 Nos. of CSF/Organization.

2. Mission:
As an ISO 9001 certified organization, Concrete Sleeper Factories (CSF) Organization produces pre-stressed mono
block and RCC twin block sleepers. Concrete Sleeper Factories (CSF) Organization is committed to provide high
quality of PSC & RCC Sleeper to Pakistan Railways at a reasonable cost and excellent services.

3. Vision:
To replace different types of sleepers i.e wooden, Steel trough & CST-9 with PSC & RCC sleepers on entire railway
system for smooth running of train.

5. Facts And Figures:

Cumulative Production
Target for the year 202( Production during the
FACTORY RELATED CAPACITY since installation of
2021 year 2019-2020

Kohat Cantt 100,000 26,800 51,497 26,65,087

Khawneal 1,12,500 75,000 1,20,429 35,84,861

Sukkur 1,00,000 80,000 1,12,911 36,87,460

Kotri 150,000 - - 13,04,619

Total: 462,500 181,800 2,84,837 11,242,027

6. Future Plan:
Three projects of Track Rehabilitation have been outsourced to M/s FWO for execution. Total 4,80,000 Nos. sleepers
will be manufactured for these projects and raw material will be supplied by the M/s. FWO, Whereas, CSF directorate
will earn about Rs.500.00 million as manufacturing charges. This amount will be utilized for upgradation/replacement
of plants and machinery in CSF/SUK & KWL.
7. Achievement:
2,23,289 numbers sleepers have been manufactured and 1,90,000 numbers sleepers have been dispatched during
the financial year (2020-21).
In order to meet the growing transportation demand of the Pakistan, Locomotive Factory has been planned on modern
lines, facilitating flow of work in a smooth way The factory capable of manufacturing 25 Diesel Electric
Locomotives/Electric Locomotives per annum on single shift basis and can easily double its production by adopting a
second The technology for manufacturing locomotives has been acquired from Hitachi Ltd, General USA, Adtranz of
Germany and Dalian Locomotive and Rolling Stock Works, China and CSR Ziyang Co. Ltd. China. The factory has
achieved the design capacity of 02 Locomotives per month. Pakistan Locomotive Risalpur has manufactured 102 so
far the range of 2000-3000 H.P for main line passenger and freight trains. In addition, 26 overage locomotives of
2000/2400 have also been rehabilitated. All these locomotives are successfully operating important main line services
of Pakistan Railways and performing equally well as compared to imported locomotives. The factory is certified under
ISO-9001:2015 Quality Management System, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System and AWS-D15.1
Welding Standard.
To manufacture diesel electric and electric locomotives indigenously by maximizing local manufacturing of major
assemblies vital spare parts to meet with the demand of transportation Pakistan, Saving of foreign exchange and less
dependency on foreign technology.

Due to less production of new locomotives the factory has been engaged in production of other rolling stock for
Pakistan Railway. These includes:
i- Manufacturing of 330 Hopper Wagons against the project of 780 HCHW (Phase-I) and completed on 30.9.2017@
02 wagons per day
ii- Manufacturing of 110 Hopper Wagons against the project of 585 HCHW (Phase-II) and completed on 30.12.2017@
02 wagons per day.
iii- Conversion of 40 Nos Power Van shells into Brake Vans against the project of 540 HCW.
Current Projects:
No PSDP project in hand in the current year.
Ongoing Works:
a) Nominated /major repair of 33 nos of DE locomotives under SR-100 project.
b) Re-commissioning of 03 Accidental DE locomotives under re-commissioning of 05 DEL project.
c) Manufacture of stock and non-stock Items on regular basis.
d) Manufacture of Parts for SR-100 D.E locos projects.
e) Manufacture of Gear cases of various class of DE locos on regular basis.
f) Rewinding of Stator assemblies, radiator fans and motors.
g) Rehabilitation of shells along with Bogie of 36 Nos German coaches.
h) Rehabilitation of 200 Nos BG-64 Prototype Bogies. 6. Facts, figures and achievements.

Facts, figures and achievements:

a) Manufacturing of spare parts for PR amounting = Rs.145.00 million
b) Complete manufacturing of body structure for CFI of economy class coaches = 05 Nos
c) Rehabilitation of BG-64 Bogie = 22 Nos
d) Nominated repair of various class of locomotives = 11 Nos
e) Manufacturing of Gear cases of various class of locomotives = 175 Nos
Efforts are being made to fully engage the factory staff for repair of Diesel Electric locomotives & spare part for
regular maintenance required by operational divisions of Pakistan Railway.

To provide effective and reliable rehabilitation of Diesel Electric Locomotive along with cost saving through enhanced
economical life of locomotive by using advanced technologies and skills.

To operationalize and repair by putting back the fleet of ineffective locomotives after rehabilitation of overage
locomotives and nominated repairs of major accidental locomotives.

Achievement during F.Y 2020-21:

26 Nos. Diesel Electric Locomotives attended during 2020-21 including accidental repairs, nominated repairs and
modifications. (copy attached)

Current Activities:
The work of nominated repair of locomotives of different base sheds is being carried out to facilitate the shops/ sheds.
Modification of fuel tank Glo Rod in GEU-40 type of D.E locomotive is being carried out. 48 Nos. have been modified
so far. Attending the accidental D.E Locomotives of HGMU-30, GMU-30 and GEU-40 class for nominated accidental

Future Plan:
The Repair work of 06 Nos. accidental D.E locomotives of HGMU-30, GMU-30, AGE-30 & GEU-40 class of Locomotive
will be taken in hand during the financial year 2021-2022.
Any other project assigned by H.Q. office for the repair or rehabilitation of locomotives.

Turn Out of Locomotive from Rehabilitation Shop, LHR F.Y 2020-2021 (JUL,2020 to JUN, 2021)
S.No D.E Loco No. Date In Date Out Nature of Work
1 9053 01-092020 03-092020 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
2 9048 09-09-2020 11-09-2020 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
3 9027 16-09-2020 23-09-2020 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge and Nominated Repair of Accidental loco
4 9026 15-10-2020 17-10-2020 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
5 4566 19-10-2020 29-10-2020 Modification / Repair of Accidental loco
6 5210 25-03-2020 25-11-2020 Modification / Repair of Accidental loco
7 9011 23-11-2020 28-11-2020 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge and attend cut off leads of T/M
8 6004 19-10-2020 04-12-2020 Modification / Repair of Accidental loco
9 9045 11-12-2020 14-12-2020 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
10 9041 23-12-2020 26-12-2020 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
11 8221 19-06-2020 25-01-2021 Accidental Locomotive after Nominated Repair
12 9029 14-01-2021 26-01-2021 Accidental Locomotive after Nominated Repair
13 6005 14-01-2021 02-02-2021 Accidental Locomotive after Nominated Repair
14 9015 29-01-2021 02-02-2021 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
15 9005 03-02-2021 06-02-2021 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
16 9007 08-02-2021 10-02-2021 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
17 9014 16-02-2021 18-02-2021 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
18 9025 02-03-2021 06-03-2021 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
19 9023 09-03-2021 13-03-2021 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
20 9008 22-03-2021 26-03-2021 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
21 9020 29-03-2021 01-04-2021 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
22 9042 19-03-2021 06-04-2021 Gio Rod gauge fitment & Nominated Repair
23 9055 19-04-2021 22-04-2021 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
24 9054 23-04-2021 27-04-2021 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
25 9010 04-05-2021 06-05-2021 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge
26 9031 17-05-2021 20-05-2021 Modification / Fitment of Gio Rod Gauge

Procurement I Manufacture of 820 High Capacity Wagon Project:
Approval Cost: Rs.9481.717 million
Approval by ECNEC: 24-11-2017
Date of commencement 03-01-2018


Types Stock CSU CKD Total

Covered Wagons (ZBC) 40 160 200

Flat Container Wagons (ZBFC) 70 230 300
High Sided Open Top Wagons (ZBKC) 70 230 300
Brake Vans (ZNRV) 20 - 20
Total 200 620 820

1. Existing rolling stock of freight wagons are unable to cater present traffic demand for its market share from
Karachi to up country due to old and low speed freight wagons.

2. After induction of 820 wagons, transportation of freight more than 4.000 million tonnes additionally will be

3. Increase of net revenue earning after deducting expenditures Rs. 1588.725 million per annum. It will also
utilize the existing infrastructure of P.R besides new job creation to eliminate the un-employment. It will
also save foreign exchange due to local manufacturing of 620 freight wagons.

Welfare & Special Initiative Unit

The unit is headed by General Manager Welfare & Special Initiative who is assisted by the following heads of the
Departments (Principal Officers).
i. Chief Medical & Health Officer.
ii. Director General of Education.
iii. Pakistan Railways Sports Board (PRSB).


The mission statement of Medical Department is to provide excellent medical care in a family centered environment
through close collaboration between staff, patients and their families. The Railway doctors, nurses and paramedical
staff are recognized for compassion, experience, knowledge and commitment to excellence.

Pakistan Railways has eight major hospitals located at Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Moghalpura, Multan, Sukkur,
Karachi and Quetta. In addition there are 46 dispensaries and 19 Child Welfare Centers where serving/retired Railway
employees and their familial are provided free treatment.

The Hospitals are under the administrative control of Chief Medical & Health Officer (CM&HO) assisted by Dy:CMO, 5
Medical Superintendent, 8 Divisional Medical Officers, 8 Specialist Doctors, 43 Senior Medical Officers and 17 Medical

This year special efforts were made for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in Railway population which included.

• Massive awareness campaigns were carried out amongst Railway employees and general public and guideline for
Railway employees in wake of COVID-19 pandemic were issued for implementation regarding general preventive
measures, documents handling, and disinfection of workplace.

• Arrangements for cleanliness and disinfection spray at Railway stations, Workshops, Offices and residential Colonies.

• Provision of masks, sanitizers, gloves, personnel protective equipment's to Medical and Railway staff.

• Creation of quarantine coaches at Railway Stations to facilitate patients suffering from coronavirus in all Divisional

• Establishment of isolation room/ward for treatment of corona suspected /confirmed patients and availability of life
saving medicines, continuous oxygen supply and other measures in Railway Hospitals.

• SOP's for prevention of transmission of corona virus in passenger trains were observed and Railway
Doctors/paramedical staff performed duty round the clock who carried out screening of passengers and Railway staff
at the Railway Stations. Disinfectant spray was carried out at Railway Platforms and cleanliness was maintained.

• Emergency services were available round the clock in Railway Hospitals to attend the patients.

• First aid posts were established at all major Railway Station.

Medical Department participated in clean and green Pakistan movement. Cleanliness campaign was held in all
Divisions in which all Railway Stations, colonies, workshops were cleaned, drains cleared and rubbish removed. Tree
plantation was done in all Hospitals. Doctors, paramedical and sanitation staff fully participated in the campaign.

The anti-polio, child immunization against communicable diseases and anti-dengue campaign was carried out
throughout the year with the help of Child Welfare Association staff. No case of polio was detected in Railway

Medical Department planning to upgrade and rehabilitate its hospitals in the future through Public Private Partnership
for which Transaction Advisor has been hired for preparing feasibility study which will be presented for approval to
Public Private Partnership Authority.

All these efforts were carried out under the guidance of the General Manager Welfare and Special Initiatives who
extended all support and encouragement to the Medical Department.

Statement showing number of staff in Medical Department scale wise as on 30-06-2021 is enclosed.


Pakistan Railways

Mission Statements:
The aims & objective of Pakistan Railway Educational Institutions are to provide conductive teaching and learning
environment for education on modern scientific footing and to provide opportunities for creative activities and self
exploration under the guidance of competent professional.

Our Education Institutions lay equal emphasis on physical fitness, cultural. activities, Character building, development
of leadership qualities, inculcation of discipline and sportsman spirit among the students.

The performance of Directorate of Education, Pakistan Railways for the year 2020-21 is as under:

• To improve the Educational Standard of Pakistan Railway Schools & College. the Directorate has initiated the
process of transferring the administrative management of Pakistan Railway Schools & College to well reputed NGOs.
The matter is under process for improving the educational standard of Pakistan railways School & College, after proper
• The Scouts of following PR Schools participated in the Clean & Green Pakistan Scouts comporee was held at
Gulstan-e-Scouts Training Center Karachi, from 10th March 2021 to 16th March 2021.

i The P.R Boys High School MGPR Lahore.

ii The P.R. Boys High School Engine Shed Lahore.
iii The P.R. Boys High School Sukkur.

• Special Zero period for Dengue/ COVID-19 Awareness has been allocated in all Schools/College.
• Dis infection (spray) has been done to all P.R. School. & College due to Covi19.
• The management will disinfect the school building before reopening schools.
• Scouting has been introduced in P.R. Schools and College. A regular period is allocated in our scheduled timetable.
• A special Quranic period for "Quranic" Taleem has been introduced in all P.R. Schools and College over the system.
• Monthly Test System has also been introduced for Eard Classes.
• Parent Teacher meeting was arranged thrice in an A academic Year.
• Prize distribution ceremony was held at P.R. Lady Griffin Girls High School in the honour of high achievers of P.R. Schools.
• One Hundred (100) Trees have been planted in every school of Pakistan Railways over the system.
• Special cleanliness drive was arranged in all P.R. Schools/ College by order of Federal Minister of Railways & Govt
of Punjab Health Department.
• Industrial School provides Technical Education Railway & Non-Railway Students.
• Flaxes regarding Covid-19 has been displayed on prominent places in all P.R. Schools/ College.


• Students should have use different Entry & Exit space end points.
• Classwise Entry and Exit be maintained.
• Make ensure to use Face Masks if each student.
• Make ensure proper ventilation in the classroom.
• Students Entry & Exit plan be properly displayed and communicated to all Teachers and Staff.
• Classrooms should be properly disinfect and ensure posters have been pasted at all Entry & Exit points
including classrooms.
• Classrooms sitting arrangements be made to maintain physical distance at least three feet as per advice of
Health Department.
• Ensure Soaps have been placed in washrooms and other hand washing areas.
• Ensure no social gathering during school hours and school assembly.
• A maximum of '2' students can share a desk.
• School administration will be responsible for providing all staff and students with hand sanitizers and soap in bathroom.
• Hand sanitizers, Face Masks & Thermal Guns have been provided to all PR Schools/ College by the Chief Medical
& Health Officer Pakistan Railway

Future Plan of Directorate of Education:
• Outsourcing under PPP-Act 2017 as per legal opinion of Law and Justice Division, Islamabad.

• Detailed feasibility study required to be carried out by Transaction Advisor

• Rehabilitation and upgradation of Railway Schools & Colleges by Public Private Partnership.

Running Schools & Colleges:

S.No NAME CITY Railway Division

1 P.R St. Andrew's Girls High School Lahore. Lahore Lahore

2 P.R Lady Griffin Girls High School Lahore. Lahore Lahore
3 P.R Boys High School, Engine Shed Lahore Lahore
4 P.R Boys High School, Mughalpura Lahore. Lahore Lahore
5 P.R. Girls High School, Mughalpura Lahore. Lahore Lahore
6 P.R Girls Middle School KWL. Khanewal Multan
7 P.R. Boys High School Samma Satta. Samma Satta Multan
8 P.R. Girls Middle School Samma Satta. Samma Satta Multan
9 P.R Boys High School Sukkur. Sukkur Sukkur
10 P.R Girls High School Sukkur. Sukkur Sukkur
11 P.R Girls High School. Rohri Sukkur
12 P.R Boys High School (under TCF). Karachi Karachi
13 P.R Girls High School (under TCF). Karachi Karachi
1 P.R. Axis Girls College of Arts & Science Lahore Lahore
(St. Andrews Campus) Lahore.

2 P.R. Axis Boys College of Arts & Science Lahore Lahore

G.T. Road Lahore.



H.Khizar Ahmed 1100/1074
P.R.Boys School Engine Shed LHR 30 30 10 10 7 3 0 100 HM Abdullah Naeem 1100/1014
Muhammad awais ali 1100/994
Sania 1100/1054
P.R.St.Andrew's Girls School LHR 117 102 27 15 26 23 11 87 Laiba Azhar 1100/1052
Nimra 1100/1050
Syed Subtain Ali 1100/1059

P.R.Boys School MGPR LHR 39 39 12 06 18 3 0 100 M. Muhammad hammad 1100/1048

Ali Haider 1100/1027
Faiqa Naeem 1100/1035
P.R.Lady Griffin Girls School LHR 51 48 10 13 9 12 04 94.12 Rabail Khan 1100/1035
Laiba Ayubs 1100/1011
lqra Mukhtar 1100/1045
P.R.GirlsSchool MGPR LHR 89 71 19 10 15 20 07 79 Alishaba Sayed 1100/1044
Samreen Bilal 1100/1018
Sagar 850/652

P.R.Boys School Sukkur 15 15 0 4 06 03 02 100 M kazim raza 850/646

Ahsan Mehmood 850/633
Ayesha 850/639

P.R.GirlsSchool Sukkur 13 13 0 8 04 01 0 100 Abiha 850/607

Tayyaba 850/607
Manahil 850/666

P.R.GirlsSchool Rohri 17 17 0 9 06 02 0 100 Priya 850/641

Muskan 850/635

Total 371 335 78 75 91 67 24 95%

Pakistan Railways Sports Board is a Sole institution of the country which encourages, promotes, controls and arrange
coaching, training and competitions in various disciplines of sports in the entire Pakistan Railways.

It is headed by the Chairman Railways as Patron, General Manager/W&SI Officer President. Honorary Vice
President, Secretary and Sports Officer PR Sports Board as Supervisory Officers as well as Sr. Inspector Sports,
Inspector Sports, Asst. Inspector Sports, UDC/Sports as Office Staff.

PR Sports Board organizes, its PR Inter Divisional Tournaments regularly and systematically during the whole year
which helps in producing talented sports persons who participate in National, International and other High Ranking
Tournaments and bring good name, laurels to the country as well as to the department.

During last year (Sports Session 2020-21 "from July-2020 to June-2021".)

Our sports persons, participated in different disciplines of sports and produced good results.

Mission Statement:
To hunt talented Sports persons from rural and urban areas for various games to strengthen the Railways Sports.

To improve physical and mental health of Railway employees by increasing sports activities and creating a pool of
talented sportsmen and women who not only represent Pakistan Railway but also Pakistan as was the case in the past.

Future Plans:
1. To engage top quality players in different games by providing them a good stipend.
2. To participate in maximum games and revive the glorious past of Railway sports
3. To engage coaches to train our players in different games.
4. To strengthen sports in all Railway schools and participate in junior level tournaments of all games.

Games in which Pakistan Railway Teams Participated at National Level:


1. Athletics 1. Athletics
2. Badminton 2. Badminton
3. Body Building 3. Basket Ball
4. Boxing 4. Cycling
5. Basketball 5. Hockey
6. Cycling 6. Judo
7. Football 7. Karate
8. Gymnastic 8. Rowing
9.Handball 9. Rugby
10.Hockey 10. Table Tennis
11.Judo 11. Taekwondo
19.Table Tennis
20.Tug of War
























Pakistan Railways



1 Football12th Pakistan Football Federation League (''B" division). 0 0 0 4th

From 05-08 Oct, 2020 at Rly Stadium Lahore.

Taekwondo (MEN & WOMEN) National Taekwondo

2 Championship 2020 1 2 7 5th

From 28 Oct-01. November, 2020 at Lahore.

2nd C.E.O Railways Inter Departments JR Weightlifting Gold 7th

3 Cup/2020
0 2 1

From 05-08 Oct. 2020 at Rly Stadium Lahore.

2nd C.E.O Railways Inter Departments Senior Weightlifting 4th

4 Gold Cup/2020
1 2 2

From 05-08 Oct. 2020 at Rly Stadium Lahore.

5 58th National Badminton Championships 2021.

0 0 0

From 02-07 February 2021, at Charsadda

68th National Mr. & Jr Mr. Pakistan Bodybuilding/Men's

6 Physique & Masters Championship-2021 1 4 3 3rd

From 02-04 April, 2021 at Karachi.

TOTAL= 3 10 13 26

The Federal Government Inspector of Railways
Brief History:
Uptill 1908, control over Railways was exercised by Government through consulting Engineers. Inspectorate was
separated from the Railway Board and placed under the Communication Department from 12 May, 1941. It was placed
under Communication and Transport Division on 8th November, 1958 and on Provincialization in 1962, placed under
Railway wing of Communication Division. Since 30.8.1974, it is working under MOR. The Federal Government
Inspector of Railways as generally recognized has technical advisory and quasi-judicial functions and has no executive
authority. He is supposed to be the Eyes & Ears of the Federal Government to keep a watch over the General working
and efficiency of the Railways especially with regard to the safety standards.

Appointment of F.G.I.R.:
As per section - 4 of Railway Act, the Federal Government may appoint one or more suitable persons not below the
rank of the General Manager of Railways Administration, to be the Inspectors of Railways.

Major Responsibilities:
The duties and functions of the Federal Government Inspector of Railways as laid down in the Railway Act, focus
mainly on the safety aspect of railway constructions, maintenance and operation, while inspecting track structures,
rolling stock signaling and interlocking installation, while examining station records operation staff, repair facilities, etc.
While holding enquires into accidents, the safety aspect is always borne in mind and the reports and recommendations
are based on this aspect. Although the organization is small, consisting of very limited number of officers and their staff,
it renders valuable service by pointing out defects and short-comings in maintenance and operation of the Railways
and by making suggestions and recommendations for its rectification.

Duties and Functions of the F.G.I.R.:

The duties and functions of the Federal Government Inspector of Railways, as specified in the Railways Act and rules,
are as under:

i. Inspection of new lines:

To inspect new Railway lines with a view to determining whether they are fit to be opened for the public carriage of
passengers and to report thereon to the Federal Government as required under the Act.

ii. Periodical Inspections:
This generally covers about 30% of the route kilometers on proper Annual Inspections by an Inspection Special
accompanied by the Head of Railway Administration, Principal and other officers and another 25% route kilometers
annually as General Tour Inspections.

iii. Accident inguiries and Rules for holding inquiries:

The Federal Government Inspector is required to hold an enquiry into any accident to a passenger train with loss of
human life or with serious injury to any person in the train, or damage to property of a specified value. He may however,
decide to hold an enquiry into any accident at his discretion or may order an enquiry in certain cases by Railway
Officers at appropriate level on his behalf.

iv. Approval of plans and other works:

The Federal Government Inspector of Railways performs the function of scrutiny and formal sanction of yard
remodeling plans, signal diagrams, working rules and all other new Engineering, Mechanical and Signaling works
concerning lines used by passenger trains.

Achivement During the Financial Year 2020-2021

Sr. No. Services Delivery Indicators (Unit of Measurement) Target achieved FY 2020-2021

i) By Annual Inspection of 2552 track Kms i) Annual Inspection of 2086 track Krns
1 Inspection of seven Operating Divisions of
Pakistan Railways ii) General Inspections of 2128 track Kms ii) General Inspections of 503 track Krns

2 Approval of All type of plans of Pakistan Railways As and when demanded 341
Approval of Working Rules and Temporary Working
3 Instructions As and when demanded 02

4 Conducting Accident Inquiries (If any) As and when demanded under the Law 03

5 Approval of Technical Sanctions As and when demanded ----

By the Orders of Secretary
6 Other Inquiries of Malpractice/Irregularities 01
Chairman as & when required
*25% to 30% and **20% and 25% of total route kilometers.

As such no target is fixed. The service is delivered as & when demanded by Railway Administration.
The service is provided immediately within shortest possible time.
Railway Constructions Pakistan Limited (Railcop)
Minutes of Meeting held on 20.08.2021 in Committee Room No.01, P.R HOS Office, Lahore.
i. A meeting was chaired by Secretary/Chairman Railways in connection with RAILCOP matters held on
20-08-2021 in the committee, Pakistan Railways, Headquarters Office, Lahore.

11. List of participants is attached as Annexure-A.

111. The meeting started with recitation from Holy Quran.

Iv. The CEO, RAILCOP welcomed the participants of the meeting and briefed the forum that the meeting was called
by Secretary/Chairman Railways (the Chair) in view of directives issued during a previous meeting held at
Ministry of Railways (MOR) on 28.07.2021 wherein CEO, RAILCOP was directe to devise & present Short Term,
Medium Term and Long Term cash requirements of the Company. In this connection, a presentation on M.S
Power Point was made by CEO, RAILCOP (copy of said presentation enclosed as Annexure-8) and following
discussions & decisions were made.
The CEO, RAILCOP presented the cash requirements in connection with F-Schedule of Track Machines,
rehabilitation of Track Machines, rehabilitation of machine T-28, rehabilitation. of other track machines and cranes and
procurement of track laying machine, flash butt welding machine, track inspection machine and establishing laboratory
& equipment (approximate Rs. 2,796/- million). The CEO, RAILCOP briefed that rates in connection with F-Schedule
of Track Machines were obtained from authorized representative of OEM. The Chair inquired that whether the
complete data in connection with working of track machines and cranes etc like working hours viz a viz per kilometer
progress and maintenance costs etc on daily/annual basis was available. The CEO, RAILCOP and AGM/lnfrastructure
responded that all such data is available and being maintained as per SoPs in relevant registers/ledgers and log books
of track machines. However, the Chair directed that all such data be maintained in a consolidated form/manner and be
readily available in digitized consolidated format so that the same could be accessed any time from anywhere. For this
purpose, it was directed that
P.D/TMS & TMO, RAILCOP will make available all such data to concerned I.T personnel of Pakistan Railways who will
further work on the task in a week's time to convert the same into digital format which will be accessible online. It was
also briefed that T-28 machine since its import could not work much and can be made functional by attending the issue
of remote control tool and other rehabilitation factors. The Chair directed the Deputy Staff Officer to S.R/C.M for
referring the matter of T-28 machine to NAB.

The CEO, RAILCOP highlighted that if RAILCOP wants to be the proprietary of Pakistan Railways then, there is a
requirement to purchase other important machinery as well i.e. Track Laying Machine, Flush Butt Welding Machine,
Ballast Cleaning Machine & Track Inspection Machine etc. Moreover, these machines can play an important role to
carry out the track activities in ML-1, ML-2 & ML-3 Projects. The CEO, RAILCOP stated that currently almost all track
tamping machines (14 Nos) are of Plasser & Theurer, Austria make except one Russian make and practically there is
no competitor to these machines. The CEO, RAILCOP briefed that RAILCOP is currently engaged in talks with Russian
side as well for such machines i-e procurement of track laying machine, ballast cleaning machine, track tamping
machine, flash butt welding machine and track inspection machine. It was highlighted that induction of track inspection
machine in the fleet will lead to elimination of human errors involved in manual/visual inspections. The Chair also
inquired that who verifies that the work performed by track machines and cranes etc is satisfactory.
The AGM/infrastructure responded that all such works of track related machinery are duly monitored and verified in the
railway divisions by concerned engineering supervisory staff headed by the Divisional Engineers.

The P.D/TMS & TMO with permission of the Chair briefed the forum that working of track machines and cranes etc
directly depends on the engineering block time allowed/allocated by the traffic department of Pakistan Railways. The
P.D/TMS & TMO further briefed that the Ballast Cleaning Machine worked 92 KMs in the past before getting out of
order on account of maintenance & replacement of spare parts. However, its progress is average 300 meters per day

depending upon the engineering block time. The AGM/infrastructure stated that mostly, foul ballast is present in the
track. The CEO, RAILCOP stated that that due to presence of foul ballast, the work of ballast cleaning machine gets
very important. The Chair observed that keeping in view the quantum of work specially on Karachi-Lahore section, at
least 04 ballast cleaning machines are required, one each for each division. However, the Chair observed that the
subject of Track Machines is being dealt haphazardly as whole year's work schedule should be worked out in advance
and for this purpose, the engineering block times need also be allocated well in advance as the track machines also
need periodical maintenance and overhauling. The Chair directed that trackers be installed on all Track Machines in
order to have real time monitoring and also observed that RAILCOP should have its own professional H.R to deal with
matters of TMS &TMO projects.

1. The CEO, RAILCOP will sit with the AGM/infrastructure and CFO, Pakistan Railways to work out the requirement
of Track Machines.

2. RAILCOP will make available all data of Track Machines to concerned I.T personnel of Pakistan Railways who will
further work on the task in a week's time to convert the same into digital consolidated format.

3. A detailed meeting/presentation on Track Machines (along with relevant pictures/videos of works being
performed) will again be arranged after three weeks on 10.09.2021, to proceed further on the matter.


The CEO, RAILCOP presented the cash requirements in connection with upgradation of Track Workshop project and
other expenditures in connection with raw materials and liabilities etc. The forum was briefed that RAILCOP has
undertaken the preparation of a Master Plan in connection with upgradation of Track Workshop. It was also highlighted
that RAILCOP has arranged for conducting a Feasibility Study in connection with establishing a manufacturing facility
for W-14 Rail Track Fastening Systems at Track Workshops. In this regard, a tender was advertised, and after due
process, a consultancy firm has been engaged who will conduct the feasibility study in a three month's time period. The
chair appreciated that RAILCOP is focusing on Railway related projects. The Chair also expressed to visit the Track
Workshops in near future. The Chair also directed that the CEO, RAILCOP should conduct a meeting with D.G
Operations and D.G Planning, MoR in connection with various feasibility studies of Pakistan Railways to proceed
further accordingly.

The Chair decided that RAILCOP should seek technological solutions for Track Workshops and other railway related



The CEO, RAILCOP presented the cash requirements under this agenda. Following decisions were taken by the Chair.

1. RAILCOP may furnish its Solar Energy demand to Pakistan Railways.

2. Real Estate Project on a plot of 6 kanal may be pended by RAILCOP for the time being.

3. Preliminary home work on Economic Zone project of Tri Border Area at Rajanpur be continued by RAILCOP.

4. RAILCOP may keep in liaison with all concerned in connection with proposal for upgradation of Railway
Infrastructure/ facility at Murree.

5. At least Rs. 50/- million may be released to RAILCOP in addition to existing expenditures against works done
and bills receivables.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.


Pakistan Railways
Pakistan Railways

S.# Designation

1 Secretary/ Chairman Railways, MoR (In Chair)

2 Secretary Railway Board, MoR

3 Additional General Manager/Infrastructure, P.R

4 Chief Financial Officer, P.R

5 Advisor Business Development, P.R

6 Chief Finance & Accounts Officer, MoR

7 Chief Executive Officer, RAILCOP

8 Deputy Staff Officer to Secretary/Chairman Railways, MoR

9 Secretary RAILCOP



12 Managers/F&A, Admin & Projects and H.R, RAILCOP

Short - Medium & Long Term Cash Requirements
lfarget Revenue
Sr.No. Description Pak Rupees (2021-2022)
(InMillion) (Rs.In Million)

A Purchase & Maintenance of Machines

A-1 Rail Track & Maintenance of Machines

Schedule-F of M-6252, 6253, 6254 & 6255 Tamping Machines 708.00 1,000.00
2 Rehabilitation of M-3082, 3083, 3084, & 3085 Tamping Machines 1,114.00
3 Rehabilitation of T-28 30.00
4 Rehabilitation of other Track machines & Cranes 100.00
5 Track Laying Machine 454.00 2,000.00
6 Flush Butt Machine 170.00
7 Track Inspection Machine 170.00
8 Laboratory & Equipment 50.00


rrarget Revenue
Pak Rupees (2021-2022)
Sr.No. Description (In Million) (Rs.InMillion)

A Purchase & Maintenance of Machines

A-2 Upgradation of Track Workshop

1 uperat1ona1oy
1 Manufacturing of W-14 Rail Fastening System 500.00 F.Y. ?n??.?nn
2 Nuts & Bolts Machines 40.00 90.00
3 Planner Machines 40.00 43.00
4 Furnace & Steel Re-Rolling Mill 280.00 450.00
A-3 Construction Machinery
1 Batching Plant 30.00 500.00
2 Transit Mixer (04Nos) 30.00
3 Concrete Pump (03Nos) 30.00
4 Tower Crane 30.00
Total (A): 3,746.00 4,083.00

PakRupees !Target Revenue
Sr.No. Description (InMillion) (2021-2022)
(Rs. In Million)

A Liabilities / Payables

8-1 Track Workshop, Raiwind

1 Liability (Procurement of Materials & Others) 150.00
2 Procurement of Raw Materials for Track Workshop (1000 ton) 250.00 1,500.00
3 Procurement of Raw Materials for Track Workshop (3000 ton) 600.00
4 Liabilities against Duties & Taxes 50.00
B-2 Organizational & Business Development
1 Consultancy Fee for Technical/ Financial Proposal 60.00
2 ERPCost 10.00
3 Bid Money/Performance Guarantees for new projects 300.00
4 Contingencies 20.00
Total (B): 1,440.00 1,500.00

Target Revenue

Research & Development Projects

Target Revenue
Pak Rupees
Sr.No. Description (In Million)
(Rs. In Million)

E Public Private Partnership (PPP) Project

5 1
Cevelpment of Economic Zone-Tri Border Area Rajanpur 50.00 in 3 :
2 Construction of 11 Story Residential Apartments at Hyderabad(306,000sft area 150.00 in 2 vears
3 Construction of Hotel (3-star) at Pakistan Railways Rest House Murree 130.00 300.00
Total (E): 330.00 6,060.00
Grand Total: 5,816.00 15,043.00


Railway Projects
• Samasata-Bahawalnagar Rail Link

• Ballast Operation at Shaheenabad

• Rehabilitation and laying of new tracks linking with main line

• (Choa Saidan Shah - Khewara - Pind Dadan Khan - Khushab) - BOT/PPP

• Supporting P.R in the procurement of Rolling Stock (PPP)

• Up-gradation/Face up-lifting of Rawalpindi Railway Station (BOT/PPP)

• Construction of New Rail Link from lslamabad-Murree-Muzafarabad (BOT/PPP)

• Construction/rehabilitation of Main Line-3 (ML-3) of Pakistan Railways (BOT/PPP)

• ML-1
• ML-2 & Gwadar Rail Link (BOT/PPP)

• Greater Peshawar RAIL-MASS Transit System (BOT)

Construction of 11 Story Residential Apartments at Hyderabad (306,000 sft area)

Chief Internal Auditor
Establishment of Chief Internal Audit Office:
Internal Audit Organization was established in 1981 under the administrative control of FA & CAO (Modernization) to
examine initial accounts/ records periodically maintained by the Executive offices, in order to ensure that rules &
regulations are being followed properly as per codal provisions over the system. Later on, the Auditor General of
Pakistan vide Para 2.27 to 2.29 of the Federal Audit Report 1985-86 stressed upon the need for improving the quality
and effectiveness of audit. Resultantly, office of the Chief Internal Auditor was re-organized in year 2000, headed by a
BPS-20 officer.

Mandate of CIA Office:

The office of the Chief Internal Auditor regulates its functions under Chapter-? of Accounts Code Volume i.e.,
inspection of Executive offices. Presently, preparation of Internal Audit Manual is under progress as per latest audit

Roles and Responsibilities:

• Conducting Internal Audit Inspections as per Annual Plan.
• Issuance of Bi-Annual Internal Audit Reports and their follow-up.
• Interface with Executive and extra Divisional Offices.
• Co-ordinate with POs and DG Audit Railways with regards to DAC. Pre-PAC, meetings and compliance thereof.

Risk Based Audit:

This office has increased its scope of audit activities changed audit approach and reporting style. Since 2012, CIA
office has started Risk Based Audit Issue Based Audit, keeping in view objectives of organization, risk assessment and
performance target. Risk factors and materiality concepts are considered during the preparation of Annual Audit Plan
of different departments incurring expenditure. Crucial/high risk processes/issues involving procurement recoveries,
theft, losses, deficiencies in rolling store stocks, unnecessary blockage/ retention of material, consumption of HSD Oil
in excess of the quota, non-realization of Railways dues and Railways charges i.e. Demurrage, wharfage/ electricity
etc, Encroachment of Railway Land, lease and rental charges etc are included in Bi-Annual Internal Audit Report. Low
risk areas are not included in Bi-Annual Internal Audit Reports and are dealt at departmental level.


Coordinate with Executive and Statutory Audit/ PAC:

o Compile/consolidate replies to Draft Paras, Audit Paras, MFDAC Paras, prepare SORS for meeting and examine
replies to PAC/DAC directives. During the year 2020-21, 19 DAC meetings were held on Draft Paras, whereas, 12
Pre-DAC, 08 DAC meetings were held in addition to 04 PAC meetings on Audit Reports.

Conducting Routine/ Special Audits:

Besides extending coordination with Executive, Statutory Audit/ PAC, CIA office has also conducted regular
inspections/ audits of various formations of Pakistan Railways in the light of approved Annual Audit Plan and special
audits of various departments/ areas in compliance with special orders of Competent Authority issued from time to time.

CIA office prepared and issued 17 Annual Reports from the year 1999-2000 to 2015-2016, after that Bi-Annual Internal
Audit Reports were issued. So far five (05) Bi-AIARs were issued, however, 7th & 8th Bi-AIAR (containing 157 selected
observations) is under printing phase, in order to help the management to improve and add value to working activities

Pakistan Railway Advisory & Consultancy Services Limited:
Brief for Year Book 2020-21
Mission Statement:
To provide efficient, cost effective and high quality services to customers for gaining confidence and trust. To this end,
PRACS provides consultancy and advisory services for the planning, designing and managing projects in all disciplines
of Railways.

PRACS to become a successful consultant and service provider in logistics and related fields at national and
international level.

Achievements during 2020-21:

i) PRACS is helping Pakistan Railways in providing services of the sale of tickets in the city centers through
its 20 PRACS managed Reservation and Information Offices throughout the country.

ii) PRACS is providing services by managing two inquiry offices at Rawalpindi and Lahore Railway Stations to
Pakistan Railways.

iii) PRACS is providing inquiry & information system at Lahore and Rawalpindi which improved by installation of
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, thus the quantum of inquiry complaints greatly reduced.

Current Feasibility Studies:

i) Feasibility and Transaction Advisory for Railway Link of Keti Bandar Project.

ii) Feasibility Study for up-gradation of Pakistan Railways existing main line ML-1 and establishment of Havelian Dry
Port JV with M/s CREEC and NESPAK.

iii). Feasibility Study & detailed design of drainage system of Railway station yard at Hyderabad and Railway
colonies around it.

iv). Feasibility Study for Restoration/Up-gradation of Jacobabad-Silra Shahdad Kot-Larkana Section.

v). Preparation of TORs for the feasibility study for the Greater Peshawar Region Mass Transit Project - The Circular
Rail Project.

vi). Manufacturing and Supply of Crossing & Switches of different types (140 Sets).

PRACS is managing Railway Golra Museum which attracts locals, foreigners and diplomats.

PRACS is providing 317 job opportunities to the general public.

Facts & Figures:

SNo. Project Client Value
Pakistan Railways
ReviewNetting of estimates of Up-gradation of main line (ML-1) under through Project
1 Rs. 306 Million
CPEC Project (JV with NESPAK and CREEC) Implementation Unit

Feasibility Study and Transaction Advisory services for Railway Link of Energy Deparmtent
2 Rs. 135 Million
Keti Bandar Project as JV with M/s Bridge Factors and other firms. Government of Sindh
(PRACS share)

Pakistan Railways
Replacement of level crossing with underpass/overhead bridges for high through Project
3 Rs. 60 Million
speed rail traffic on 06 Sections of ML-1 Implementation Unit

Pakistan Railways
Collection of Land Revenue Record for acquisition of private land for new through Project
4 railways alignment in connection with up-gadation of ML-1 project at Rs. 3 Million
Implementation Unit
different sections (PIU)

Feasibility Study for Restoration/Up-gradation of Jacobabad-Silra Shahdad

5 Kot-Larkana Section as JV with M/s Crimson Engineering, M/s Rehman Pakistan Railways Rs. 1.125 Million
Habib Consultant (PRACS share)


S.No. City and Address. Phone No.

1 Ground Floor, Melody Market, G-6 Near G.P.O, Islamabad. 051-9207474

2 G-9, Markaz, Paragon Center, Karachi Company, Islamabad. 051-9262250

3 Shop No.I-184/L, Al Kareem Plaza, Murree Road, Rawalpindi. 051-5542221

4 Current Reservation Office, Railway Station, Rawalpindi. 051-9270395

5 Current & Advance Reservation Office, Railway Station, Lahore. 042-36304539

6 PRACS sub office opposite UET Gate No. 3, G. T Road, Lahore. 042-36856940

7 18-A Umer Center, Akbar Chowk Town Ship Lahore. 042-35141087

8 Rajpoot Market, Near Tableeghi Markaz, Raiwind. 042-35394419

9 Outside Daulat Gate, Circular Road, Multan. 061-4502022

10 Jinnah Terminal, Quaid-e-Azam International Airport, Karachi. 021-99071106

11 Shop No. 18, Haroon Center, Abu lsphani Road, Gulshan-e-lqbal, Karachi. 0300-2141089

12 GK-03 Ground Floor,, Awami Markaz,Shahrah-e-Faisal,Karachi. 021-34330060

13 Plot No. 1 Habib Bank,Chorangi S.I.T.E. Karachi 021-32570111

14 Cantonment Area, Malir Cantt, Karachi. 0321-3866457

15 Pakistan Bazar, Pakistan Steel Town, Karachi. 021-99264111/3232

16 Shop No. 1 Plot RS-5 Sector 11,Shafi Paradise, North Karachi. 021-36974490

17 Shop No.1 Al Syed Center, Opp Agha Khan Laboratory, Quaidabad, Karachi 0335-2435941

18 Shop No 3&4, Sector E-32,Nasir Colony, Korangi, Karachi. 021-35069567

19 lttefaq Plaza, Shop No.10, Khalil-ur-Rehman Road, Quetta. 081-2827248

20 Plot No. 950, Shop No. 12/24, Chaudhry Corner, Sanghar. 0312-3612722

Heritage Cell:
Heritage department of PRACS is working on different projects to preserve and promote the Railways Heritage.
Heritage Team is also entrusted with preparation of brochures, booklets and other related material to highlight history
and heritage of Railways.

Pakistan Railways Museum, Golra Sharif:

Golra Museum has tremendous potential of attracting public and tourists, interested in the study of its history, colonial
background and variety of artifacts and items of vintage. Museum is housed in two different halls to contain artifacts
reflecting history of Railway. Hall No. 1 was established in 2003 while Hall No. II was inaugurated on 21st April, 2018.
All items in both halls of the museum are properly displayed and photographed.


Mission Statement:
Our Mission is to plan and develop High quality Railway Infrastructure under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
(CPEC) to increase connectivity within the country as well as enhancing Regional connectivity, to facilitate economic
and social development.

Vision Statement:
Pakistan Railways envisage the importance of modern transportation infrastructure in economic development. Pakistan
Railway's Vision is in line with Government of Pakistan's Vision 2025 that seeks to establish an efficient and integrated
transportation system that which facilitate the development of a competitive economy.

Project Brief:
Up-gradation of Pakistan railway's existing Main Line-1 (ML-1) and establishment of dry port near Havelian is an Early
Harvest Project (EHP) under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) framework and has been declared
"Strategic" between the two governments.

As per Framework Agreement signed between the two governments on 15th May, 2017 at Beijing- China, the design of
the Project has been completed in two (02) phases.

The PC-1 of the Project of up-gradation of ML-1 with an estimated cost of US$ 9.172 billion with the plan to execute in
three (03) Packages was submitted to the Planning. Commission of Pakistan during February, 2020. Planning
Commission in its meeting held on 05.08.2020 approved the PC-1 with a rationalized cost of US$ 6.806 billion. The
Project has been planned to be executed under 85,15 cost sharing by the Government of China and Pakistan. The
China Share will be in shape of concessional loan by EXIM Bank of China and Pakistani share will be met with through

Salient features of Project of Up-gradation of ML-1 are as under:

i. Raising of Speed up to 160 km/h.
ii. Dualization of track from Lahore (Shahdara) to Peshawar.
iii. Re-alignment of track between Dina - Gujar Khan (Kalowal - Pind
iv. Elimination of Level Crossings by providing underpasses/flyovers.
v. Fencing of railway track.
vi. Enhancement of line capacity up to 134 trains per day in each way against existing 34 trains per day.
vii. Up-gradation of Railway Training Academy, Walton.

As per approved PC-1, the Project shall be executed in three Packages, detailed as under:

Cost: US$ 2705.059 million.
Estimated time for completion: five (05) years.
Sections to be upgraded:

1. Nawabshah-Rohri Section (183 km)

2. Multan-Lahore Section (339 km)
3. Lahore-Lalamusa Section (132 km)
4. Kaluwal-Pindora Section (52 km)
5. Walton Railway Academy

Cost: US$ 2675.814 million.
Estimated time for completion: Seven (07) years.
Sections to be upgraded:

1. Keamari-Hyderabad Section (182 km)

2. Hyderabad-Multan Section (556 km)

Cost: US$ 1425.910 million.
Estimated time for completion: Four (04) years.
Sections to be upgraded:

1. Lalamusa-Rawalpindi Section (105 km)

2. Rawalpindi-Peshawar Section (174 km)
3. Establishment of dry port near Havelian

Current Activities:
Tender documents for the sections included in Package-1 has been finalized. Loan negotiations for financing the Project
are underway between the Government of Pakistan and China. In order to negotiate and early finalization the loan terms,
both the Governments has formulated Financing Committees. Financing Committee of the Pakistani side is headed by
the Deputy Chairman Planning Commission (DCPC). Financing Committee of Pakistani side has held nine
(09) in-house meetings and four (04) meetings with its Chinese counterpart.

Economic Affairs Division (EAD) formally submitted loan application to Chinese side on 25th November, 2020 for loan
of Package-1 (USO 2,435.310 Million), for which commitment of loan is awaited from Chinese side.

Preliminary Design for up-gradation of Pakistan Railways Main Line-1 (ML-1) for the speed of 160 Km/h and axle load
of 25 Tone has been completed that includes route mapping, preparation of land use mapping, design of embankment,
realignment of curves, re-modelling of yards, design of bridges, design of Tunnels, design telecommunication and
signaling system and design of facilities for training and capacity building.

Organization Chart:
Project is being managed by the project Implementation unit (PIU), Lahore established under administrative control
of Ministry of Railways (MOR), Islamabad.

Admin Planning &
Monitoring Specialist
Officer Evaluation


A company Pakistan Railway Freight Transportation Company (PRFTC) Pvt. Ltd was created in December 2014 with a
mandate to concentrate on freight transportation business. especially coal from Karachi to upcountry. Since its
incorporation PRFTC Pvt. Ltd is a commercially viable and self-sustaining organization.

PRFTC Specializes in:

• Transportation of Coal, Container and other commodities
• Procurement
• Commercial Management of Freight Trains
• Conducting Feasibility Studies and its Transaction Advisory Services

Scope of Services:
• To procure, own, control and maintain locomotives and rolling stock for transportation of coal and to own further
develop and maintain terminals, maintenance depot/shops, yards or sidings and other ancillary facilities which are
transferred to it by the government where required by the company for efficient transportation of freight.

• To acquire by purchase on transfer from Pakistan Railway on lease, locomotives or otherwise rolling stock
warehouses, sheds, depots and shelters, offices, colonies for staff, railway yards, any remodeling of existing yards and
allied works connected therewith.

• To carry out field surveys, investigations, analysis, plan and evaluate financial viability/economies of proposed
operation on the said route/corridor and prepare preliminary/pre-feasibility and feasibility reports and other inter-related
reports or surveys, either on its own or through any third party.

• To carry out activities with regard to carrying out prefeasibility/feasibility of proposed freight operation along with
development, improvement, maintenance and operation of trains including their rolling stock, locomotives and works of
other description connected there with, in general and to act as Advisor and agents and estimator valuators, appraisers,
surveyors, and any other civil engineering, signal and telecommunication engineering, mechanical engineering,
electrical engineering, electric traction, transportation engineering, transportation economics, traffic forecast and similar
allied works.

• To buy, sell, manufacture, and generally deal in rolling stock viz. locomotives, specialized/dedicated goods wagons
etc. plant and machinery, tools, goods, or things of any description connected with operation of freight train.
• To acquire by concession, grant, barter, license or otherwise either absolutely or conditionally and either solely or
jointly with others any land, buildings, machinery, plants, equipment, rolling stock, locomotives, privileges, rights,
licenses, trademarks, patents and other movable and immovable property of any description. which the company may
deem necessary, or which may seem to the company capable of being turned to account subject to any permission as
required under the law.

• To collect fares as determined by the company/government and collect and use fare, fees and fines and all revenues
generated for the purpose of its operations.

• To plan, operate and maintain the operating assets for movement on Karachi Peshawar corridor and its further
extension/expansion to other sections/destinations.

• To incur all necessary expenditure for planning and operation of freight trains including construction and
maintenance of depots, shops, sheds, yards & sidings/lines etc., including administrative expenses.

Vision Statement:
To achieve excellence in transportation of freight in the country specially coal and to become an international
commercial company operating both in Pakistan and beyond its borders.

Mission Statement:
To lead the public and private sector in freight transportation business and coal transportation by providing highest
quality in an economical and efficient manner.

About the Company:

PRFTC offers services in carrying out the purpose of planning, designing, operating and managing the operations of
freight transportation, civil works, feasibility studies and transaction advisory's, provision of rail links, procurement of
locomotives and rolling stock, design and construction of bridges, loco sheds and yards, setting up of coal plants and
transportation of coal, etc. Since its inception, PRFTC has completed a great number of projects in Pakistan)

PRFTC has over the years established itself as a specialized company in the freight transportation business. PRFTC has
entered into several concession agreements, short term and long-term agreements with parties both in the private and
public sector adding more to the company's experience and profile PRFTC is authorized to make adequate arrangement
for effective security of the depots, shops and other ancillary facilities under the control of the company and to ensure
safe, efficient and comfortable railway operations on the said route/corridor and further expand the same to other
routes, corridors & destinations, where found feasible for the company.

Board of Directors:
1 Secretary/Chairman Railways, Ministry of Railways Chairman
2 CEO/Senior General Manager, Pakistan Railways Director
3 Additional General Manager/Traffic, Pakistan Railways Director
4 Additional General Manager/Infrastructure, Pakistan Railways Director
5 Additional General Manager/Mechanical, Pakistan Railways Director
6 Chief Executive Officer/PRFTC Director
7 Director General/Operations, Ministry of Railways Director
8 Chief Marketing Manager, Pakistan Railways Director

Since the establishment of rail connectivity, PRFTC generated freight revenue of Pak. Rs.47.875 billion since January,
2017 which is major contribution to PR freight revenue i.e. more than 55% of PR's Freight revenue.
• Huaneng Shandong Ruyi (HSR)
• Port Qasim Authority
• Pakistan International Burt Terminal Authority (PIBT)
• Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC)
• Government of Sindh
• (FFC) Fauji Fertilizer Company
• Pakistan Energy Pvt Ltd.
• Many others related to Transportation of different commodities

Project Completed:
• Construction of Spur Line to Qadirabad Power Plant from Yusafwala Railway Station.
• Construction of Steel Girder Bridge over LBD Canal
• Construction of New Railway Station at Yusafwala
• Construction of Guards/Drivers Running Rooms, Staff Hostel, Rest Houses at Yusafwala
• Construction of Loco Shed, C&W Shops, Washing Apron, Ambulance shed
• Construction of Boundary wall
• Shifting of Level Crossing No. 141
• Installation of Turntable
• Provision of Oil Storage Tank
• Provision of level crossing over embankment of LBD Canal
• Provision of CBI System
• Provision of Head Over Water Steel Tank and supply of water supply
• Provision of Sewerage System
• Provision of Electrical Supply System inside Buildings
• Provision of Electric Distributary System outside Buildings and Street Lights
• Feasibility study for provision of new rail link from PIBT to existing railway network at Bin Qasim station
• Feasibility study for connecting Thar Coal mine with existing railway network at Chhor, Mirpur Khas-Khokhrabad
for section of Pakistan Railways
Project in Hand:
• Inland Coal Transportation Agreement with Huaneng Shandong Ruyi (HSR) and Pakistan Energy Pvt Ltd. The
quantity of coal transported is 12000 M. Tonnes which is a testimony of our services in supply chain.
• Inland Coal Transportation Agreement with Jamshoro Power Electric Company.
• Installation of Weighbridge at Rohri
• Outsourcing of Commercial Management of Freight Train
• Development of Freight Terminals at different destination stations of Pakistan Railways
• Transaction Advisory Services for provision of new rail link from PIBT to existing railway network at Bin Qasim
• Transaction Advisory Services for connecting Thar Coal mine with existing railway network at Chhor,
Mirpur Khas-Khokhropar section of Pakistan Railways.
• Transaction Advisory Services for Improvement of Rail Link from Attock City - Kot Adu, Kot Adu to Jacobabad,
Jacobabad to Kotri, Rohri to Sibi and Sibi to Quetta Sections of Pakistan Railways
• Feasibility study of existing railway network from Quetta to Chaman and its transaction advisory services
• Revalidation of feasibility study of closed section of Pakistan Railways (PR) from Mandira-Bhaun section and its
transaction advisory services.


Pakistan Railways


Page No.
1. Route-kilometers _ ___ __ __ __ __ __ ___ ___ __ 1 2 2
2. Track-kilometers __ _ __ __ _ ___ _ __ 1 2 3
3. Double line track 124
4. Locomotives owned 125
5. Coaching vehicles owned ___________________________________________________________________ 126
6. Freight wagons owned 127
7. Graph __________________________________________________________________________________ 128
8. Passengers carried and ki Iomete rs. 129
9. Class-wise Passengers carried 132 & 133
10. Class-wise & Zone-wise Passenger carried & earning 134 & 135
11. Freight Wagons loaded 136
12. Graph 137

13. Freight carried (Tonnes) 138 & 139

14. Commodity-wise Fright Carried, (Tonnes)-- 14 0
15. Commodity-wise Tonnes Kilometers 141
16. Passenger trains run (all gauges) 142 & 143
17. Freight trains run on Pakistan Railways 144 & 145
18. Locomotives usage (B.G.) .146 & 14 7
19. Freight train Operation (B.G.) 148 & 149
20. Coaching Vehicle Usage (B.G.) 1 50
21. Freight wagon usage (B.G.) 1 51
22. Diesel & Electric Locomotives usage (B.G.) 1 52

23. FuelConsumption- 153

24. Operating Revenue 154
2 5. Graph __ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ ___ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ _ 1 5 5

26. Operating Expenses of Pakistan Railways------------------------------------------------------------------------156 & 157

27. Percentage of expenditure to grossearning 158
28. Comparative statement for the last five years------------------------------------------------------------------- 159 & 1 63
29. Persons employed by Pakistan Railways 164 & 165
30. Legal Opinion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 166

At the end of year 2020-2021, the Pakistan Railways had a total of 7,791.00 route kilometers. Figures shown below
represent the total point-to-point length of the main and branch lines. These do not include kilometer age of yard
tracks, or any parallel tracks/sidings. This kilometer age consits of two different gauges,i.e., 7,479.00 kilometers of
broad-gauge and 312.00 kilometers of meter-gauge.
Route Kilometers 1950-2021.
Broad Gauge Metre-Gauge Narrow-Gauge Total
(Kilometers) (Kilometers) (Kilometers) (Kilometers)

1950-55 Average 7,313.30 511.88 735.60 8,560.78

1955-60 Average 7,433.18 511.88 637.43 8,582.49

1960-65 Average 7,451.20 511.97 611.10 8,574.27

1965-70 Average 7,513.74 472.08 611.10 8,596.92

1970-75 Average 7,702.54 445.40 611.10 8,759.04

1975-80 Average 7,758.02 445.51 611.25 8,814.78

1980-85 Average 7,735.35 445.40 611.10 8,791.85

1985-90 Average 7,718.37 445.40 611.10 8,774.87

1990-95 Average 7,718.37 445.40 611.10 8,774.87

1995-2000 Average 7,346.22 477.00 7,823.22

2000-2005 Average 7,346.00 445.00 7,791.00

2005-2010 Average 7,479.00 312.00 7,791.00

2010-2015 Average 7,479.00 312.00 7,791.00

2015-2016 7,479.00 312.00 7,791.00

2016-2017 7,479.00 312.00 7,791.00

2017-2018 7,479.00 312.00 7,791.00

2018-2019 7,479.00 312.00 7,791.00

2019-2020 7,479.00 312.00 7,791.00

2020-2021 7,479.00 312.00 7,791.00
Pakistan Railways had a total of 11,881.00 track-kilometers (including double line track, yards and sidings) at the end
of 2020-2021. This consisted of 11,492.00 kilometers of broad-gauge and 389.00 kilometers of metre-gauge.
Route Kilometers 1950-2021.
Broad Gauge Metre-Gauge Narrow-Gauge Total
(Kilometers) (Kilometers) (Kilometers) (Kilometers)

1950-55 Average 10,478.60 628.09 894.10 12,000.79

1955-60 Average 10,647.22 627.92 752.48 12,027.62

1960-65 Average 10,783.67 628.55 727.36 12,139.58

1965-70 Average 10,934.14 584.92 728.62 12,247.68

1970-75 Average 11,168.12 552.60 727.51 12,448.23

1975-80 Average 11,248.37 552.37 728.80 12,529.54

1980-85 Average 11,327.37 554.10 727.11 12,608.58

1985-90 Average 11,340.11 555.10 726.11 12,621.32

1990-95 Average 11,345.52 555.10 726.11 12,626.73

1995-2000 Average 10,971.00 555.10 11,526.10

2000-2005 Average 10,960.00 555.00 11,515.00

2005-2010 Average 11,235.00 412.00 11,647.00

2010-2015 Average 11,386.60 393.60 11,780.20

2015-2016 11,492.00 389.00 11,881.00

2016-2017 11,492.00 389.00 11,881.00

2017-2018 11,492.00 389.00 11,881.00

2018-2019 11,492.00 389.00 11,881.00

2019-2020 11,492.00 389.00 11,881.00

2020-2021 11,492.00 389.00 11,881.00
Double line track consists of 1,409 kilometers as detailed below:-


From To From To (Kilometres)

Kiamari Lodhran 00.0 843 843

Lodhran SherShah 00.0 72 72

SherShah Multan Gantt 72 87 15

Multan Gantt Khanewal. 87 136 49

Khanewal Sahiwal 934 1,053 119

Sahiwal 0KG 1,053 1,156 103

Bhoe Asal Raiwind 1,156 1,179 23

Raiwind Shahdara Bagh 1,180 1,226 46

Lahore Wagah 00.0 23 23

Ghak Lala Golra Sharif 1,503 1,522 19

Aab-e-Gum Kolpur 306 343 37

Gulistan Ghaman 466 526 60

Total 1409

On 30th June,2021, Pakistan Railways had 5 steam locomotives & 462 diesel locomotives and nil electric locomotives
on entire System. METRE- NARROW-
Broad Gauge
Year-Wise, figures are as follows: GAUGE GAUGE
Steam Diesel Electric Steam Steam Total
Year (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.)
1950-55 Average 751 37 28 46 862

1955-60 Average 634 126 36 44 840

1960-65 Average 620 255 44 42 961

1965-70 Average 622 333 29 46 41 1,071

1970-75 Average 517 401 29 38 41 1,026

1975-80 Average 416 470 29 36 41 992

1980-85 Average 367 488 29 32 36 952

1985-90 Average 172 550 29 25 33 809

1990-95 Average 94 547 29 20 17 707

1995-2000 Average 16 545 29 14 6 610

2000-2005 Average 5 542 26 9 NIL 582

2005-2010 Average 6 513 18 7 NIL 544

2010-2015 Average 5 463 10 7 NIL 484

2015-2016 5 448 NIL 7 NIL 460

2016-2017 5 443 NIL 7 NIL 455

2017-2018 5 466 NIL 7 NIL 478

2018-2019 5 462 NIL 7 NIL 472

2019-2020 5 463 NIL 5 NIL 473

2020-2021 5 462 NIL NIL NIL 467

Total number of coaching vehicles owned by Pakistan Railways at the end of the year 2020-2021 was 1645. This
includes 1375 vehicles meant for the conveyance of passengers and 270 vehicles for the conveyance of luggage,
parcels, mails, automobiles, horses, etc., as well as departmental vehicles and does not include 195 coaching brake-
vans. air-conditioned passenger coaches operating between important towns are also included in it.
Year-Wise, figures are as follows:
Broad-Gauge Metre-Gauge Narrow-Gauge Total
Passenger Other Coaching Passenger Other Coaching PassengerOther Coaching Passenger Other Coaching
Carriage Vehicles Carriage Vehicles Carriage Vehicles Carriage Vehicles
Year. (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.)
1950-55 Average 1,429 839 81 24 164 48 1,674 911

1955-60 Average 1,540 935 87 27 153 48 1,780 1,010

1960-65 Average 1,643 1,091 123 29 125 47 1,891 1,167

1965-70 Average 1,899 1,128 126 32 114 46 2,139 1,206

1970-75 Average 1,846 1,035 124 32 113 46 2,083 1,113

1975-80 Avera9e 1,917 764 109 30 111 45 2,137 839

1980-85 Average 2,166 607 96 28 108 41 2,370 676

1985-90 Average 2,447 458 76 17 99 30 2,622 505

1990-95 Average 2,190 371 56 9 69 22 2,315 402

1995-2000 Average 1,705 376 36 8 14 NIL 1,755 384

2000-2005 Average 1,549 270 16 5 NIL 1,565 275

2005-2010 Average 1,601 238 5 2 NIL 1,606 240

2010-2015 Average 1,511 252 NIL 1,511 252

2015-2016 1,484 274 NIL 1,484 274

2016-2017 1,466 270 NIL 1,466 270

2017-2018 1,460 283 NIL 1,460 283

2018-2019 1,378 269 NIL 1,378 269

2019-2020 1,375 270 NIL 1,375 270

2020-2021 1,375 270 NIL 1,375 270
The number of freight wagons owned by the Pakistan Railways at the end of the year 2020-2021 was 14,448
comprising 3,548 covered wagons, 3,696 open wagons, 458 special type wagons (for carriage of liquids, explosives,
machinery,live-stock, timber, rails, etc.), 1,910 departmental wagons, 1,722, container, 2685 tank wagons and 429
brake-vans. Out of these 7520 wagons are 4-wheelers and 6928 are 8-wheelers.
Year-Wise, figures are as follows:-
Broad-Gauge Metre-Gauge Narrow-Gauge Total
Year (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.)
1950-55 Average 22,835.00 803.00 613.00 24,251.00

1955-60 Average 24,310.00 969.00 607.00 25,886.00

1960-65 Average 30,033.00 1,070.00 578.00 31,681.00

1965-70 Average 34,999.00 1,073.00 574.00 36,646.00

1970-75 Average 35,767.00 1,065.00 563.00 37,395.00

1975-80 Average 34,966.00 1,001.00 548.00 36,515.00

1980-85 Average 34,643.00 826.00 446.00 35,915.00

1985-90 Average 34,774.00 626.00 340.00 35,740.00

1990-95 Average 29,712.00 532.00 248.00 30,492.00

1995-2000 Average 24,369.00 417.00 48.00 24,834.00

2000-2005 Average 22,676.00 188.00 24.00 22,888.00

2005-2010 Average 18,499.00 70.00 18,569.00

2010-2015 Average 16,843.00 26.00 16,869.00

2015-2016 15,324.00 15,324.00

2016-2017 16,085.00 16,085.00

2017-2018 16,159.00 16,159.00

2018-2019 14,327.00 14,327.00

2019-2020 14,448.00 14,448.00

2020-2021 14,448.00 14,448.00

During the year 2020-2021, the Pakistan Railways carried 28,423,964 passengers making a total of 17,969,246,399
passenger-kilometers, averaging 632 kilometers per passenger. These figures include passengers traveling on
reduced fare tickets.
Year-Wise, figures are as follows:
No. of Total Average Average Average Rate

Passengers Passenger No. of Revenue Charged per

Carried Kilometers Kilometers per Passenger
in in travelled by Passenger per Kilometer
Year (Thousand) (Thousand) a Passenger in (Rs.) (in Paisa)
1950-55 Average 78,942 6,778,538 85.9 1.50 1.75

1955-60 Average 102,657 8,064,025 78.5 1.56 1.99

1960-65 Average 126,284 9,533,593 75.5 1.55 2.05

1965-70 Average 130,475 10,025,201 76.9 1.83 2.28

1970-75 Average 134,076 10,792,170 80.5 2.36 2.93

1975-80 Average 145,710 15,111,969 103.7 4.47 4.31

1980-85 Average 113,474 17,402,638 153.4 11.32 7.21

1985-90 Average 82,319 18,483,168 224.5 21.15 9.42

1990-95 Average 69,084 17,828,907 258.1 40.76 15.55

1995-2000 Average 67,964 18,853,609 277.4 65.22 23.35

2000-2005 Average 72,828 21,992,225 301.9 101.87 33.70

2005-2010 Average 80,557 20,970,516 312.9 139.24 44.51

2010-2015 Average 49,720 18,833,437 374.7 289.79 76.84

2015-2016 52,192 21,200,910 406.2 399.89 98.45

2016-2017 52,388 22,475,697 429.0 419.40 97.76

2017-2018 54,907 24,903,778 453.6 445.30 98.18

2018-2019 60,387 29,595,246 490.1 483.37 98.63

2019-2020 44,304 20,485,352 462.38 523.16 113.15

2020-2021 28,424 17,969,246 632.2 781.9 123.7

Out of 28423964 passengers carried during 2020-2021 76602 (0.27%) travelled in air conditioned sleeper, 82314
(0.29%) in air conditioned sitter,10 (0.0%) in first class sleeper, 935246 (3.29%) in air conditioned (standard) class,
26451637 (93.06%) in economy class and 878254 (3.09%) in air conditioned business class.

Air Condi- First Class Upper Class Second Class Third Class (in Thousand)
tioner Class Rail-cars
Year No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % Total
Average 71 0.09 430 0.54 0 0 3,612 4.58 74,829 94.8 78,942
Average 84 0.08 490 0.48 0 0 4,556 4.44 97,527 95 102,657
Average 90 0.07 477 0.38 7 0.01 5,749 4.55 119,961 95 126,284
Average 99 0.08 374 0.29 10 0.01 5,838 4.47 124,157 95.2 130,478
Average 88 0.07 343 0.25 45 0.03 5,716 4.25 127,884 95.4 134,076
1975-76 85 0.06 331 0.22 70 0.05 6,146 4.17 140,685 95.5 147,317

1976-77 72 0.05 293 0.21 75 0.05 4,937 3.46 137,184 96.2 142,561

Air-Conditioned u er Class First Class Second Class

Class Rail Cars. Class
Year. No. % No. % No. % No. % No.

1977-78 83 0.06 71 0.05 4594 3.35 143,852 96.5 149,000

1978-79 97 0.07 71 0.05 5360 3.67 140,470 96.5 145,998

Air Conditioned Class First Class
Second Class Total
Sleeper Sitter Sleeper Sitter
Year No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No.

1979-80* 96 0.07 115 0.08 286 0.20 4,316 3.00 138,861 96.65 143,674
Average 92 0.08 166 0.14 528 0.47 3,051 2.68 109,633 96.63 113,470
Average 84 0.1 179 0.22 601 0.74 2,011 2.48 77,893 96.43 80,768

Air-Conditioned First Class Air-Condi Economy Second (Thousand)
Class -tioned Class Class Total
Sleeper Sitter Sleeper Sitter Lower
Year No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No.

1988-89 83 0.10 243.00 0.29 618 073 2252 266 65 0.08 0 81,433 9604 84,694

1989-90 79 0.09 309.00 0.37 618 073 2418 292 110 0.13 479 0.53 80,580 95.23 84,593

Average 65 0.09 243.00 0.41 590 0.81 1471 212 363 0.52 9,459 28.12 47,680 67.98 59,871

Average 76 0.11 258.00 0.38 624 0.95 Nil Nil 1268 1.88 30,322 44.54 35,416 52.14 67,964

Average 95 0.13 145.00 0.20 503 0.69 Nil Nil 1731 2.36 36,703 50.34 33,650 46.25 72,827

2005-2006 74 0.90 312.00 0.38 197 0.24 Nil Nil 2384 2.92 45,477 55.84 32,984 40.05 81,428

2006-2007 88 0.10 287.00 0.34 176 0.21 Nil Nil 2662 3.17 50,086 59.7 30,600 36.48 83,899

Average Air Conditioned First Air-Conditioned Standard Economy Second Total

Year. Class Class Lower Business Class Class Class
Sleeper Sitter Sleeper
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

2007-08 64 0.08 302.00 0.38 93 0.12 231 0.29 2184 2.73 50,171 62.73 26,939 33.7 79,984

2008-09 65 0.08 270.00 0.33 65 0.08 464 0.56 1863 2.26 53,162 64.41 26,653 32.3 82,542

2009-10 62 0.08 271.00 0.36 33 0.04 496 0.66 896 1.2 52,324 69.83 20,851 27.8 74,933

2010-15 46 0.09 130.00 0.26 21 0.04 526 106 513 1.03 44,176 88.85 4,307 8.66 49,320

Ave Year

2015-16 70 0.13 155.00 0.30 20 0.04 1196 2.29 550 1.05 49,733 95.29 468 0.9 52,192

2016-17 75 0.14 158.00 0.30 23 0.04 1117 2.13 974 1.86 49,939 95.33 102 0.19 52,388

2017-18 81 0.15 195.00 0.36 23 0.04 1381 2.52 1233 2.25 51,994 94.69 54,907

2018-19 99 0.16 195.00 0.32 18 0.03 1535 2.54 1300 2.15 57,240 94.79 60,387

2019-20 166 0.38 120.00 0.27 0 000 1576 3.56 2225 5.02 40,217 90.77 44,304

2020-21 77 0.27 82.00 0.29 0 000 878 309 935 3.29 26,452 9306 28,424

132 * Provisional

No. of Passengers carried.

Class No.of Zone 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021

A-C.C. 1-40 Kms

Sleeper 41-100 Kms 24 5 175
101-250 Kms 16,032 13,868 15,976 35,922 10,320
251-500 Kms 8,282 11,140 7,541 43,817 7,660
501 & above 50,311 55,769 75,565 86,544 58,622
Total 74,649 80,782 99,257 166,283 76,602

A-C.C. 1-40 Kms 23 23 6 4,918 18

Sitter 41-100 Kms 4,479 3,475 3,722 7,542 2,057
101-250 Kms 102,886 86,966 64,923 45,382 45,273
251-500 Kms 37,784 93,580 114,189 57,194 30,869
501 & above 12,771 11,002 11,760 5,183 4,098
Total 157,943 195,046 194,600 120,219 82,315

A-C.C. 1-40 Kms 435 29 258 112

(Standard) 41-100 Kms 573 4,932 23,325 152,554 21,143
101-250 Kms 82,983 122,507 106,559 801,485 133,812
251-500 Kms 127,542 112,744 120,840 478,494 100,287
••"••"••W,.?.9.!" c:t_!?ove-'•Wo,W.W,W-.W 762,583,.w,w,m,w,w,w993,243",mw,,w,wrn,1,049,56,8 .W. ,W-'"•W-.W•""'792,471'-'"•V..oW,W•W"679,892,
, w.w,,

......................!..?. . .!............................................!. ?.1.1...........................?. .... ....................1..... - -... . -....................?...i. . ?. . - ......................... !?. .....
First 1-40 Kms 1 7
Class 41-100 Kms 17 2
Sleeper 101-250 Kms 4,445 8,001 13,078 10
251-500 Kms 3,632 742 927 371
501 & above 15,157 14,113 4,270
Total 23,251 22,859 18,282 371 10

* Provisional


Passenger Earnings. (Rs.)

2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021

6,777 2,381 73,360

11,281,637 9,792,485 11,279,875 30,786,622 7,852,550
14,892,196 23,120,019 15,213,952 61,573,246 17,451,220
• m•~•~••~••A••13. 6,646,617..,._.••~•m• •m•m•~m••~•wm••1
~ 76,566,1.47•~••A•• •wm-.••OA••~••A••~•2
• 67,553,713•m••A••~•m•~••~•~••~2• 15,506,356 238,.187,706"

162,827,227 209,481,032 294,120,900 307,866,224 263,491,476

3,595 3,260 880 812,855 2,640

1,372,109 950,259 1,312,421 2,438,565 713,780
71,755,891 63,303,303 43,055,734 30,185,520 30,024,217
34,807,964 85,657,634 104,683,408 41,837,634 26,812,562
18,895,958 18,536,295 46,228,993 8,400,692 10,105,307
126,835,517 168,450,751 195,281,436 83,675,266 67,658,506

23,270 3,905 70,607 30,685

79,015 579,095 3,418,728 32,036,420 3,098,513
48,478,357 65,446,023 54,067,788 356,417,291 67,842,680
121,924,469 104,278,854 112,522,380 356,417,291 130,607,197
................?.. . l?. ...?............................................ . .!.!.. .· .·.·.·································?.?. . !. .!.. .,. .?........................l.... .?.,. A .?.....................1.......!. 1. .?.1. . ..
100 1,220
2,588 530
1,625,515 2,803,535 4,578,395 7,221
2,553,740 619,001 579,191 326,010
..............?Q,.f39_ !? !.,m ..w •· w J ,Q?P.X?Q.... w. w•..• •·•..
•. w w · • •. .
......... ., ·•·w·w •·w?J .4?,1 ---.-.•·•••w•w•••·.•.
..• .. ·•·w •·w•••w•w•.........................
.. M••m·••·r ..•..••••••

24,788,130 21,443,936 10,704,239 326,010 7,221

* Provisional

No. of Passengers carried.

Class No.of Zone 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021

ECONOMY 1-40 Kms 6,227,298 10,038,723 7,111,266 6,309,569 1,322,582

CLASS. 41-100 Kms 9,130,774 10,780,675 12,109,662 6,408,810 1,083,873
101-250 Kms 12,536,796 10,681,077 13,104,447 8,737,561 6,612,909
251-500 Kms 7,967,304 5,381,617 5,696,267 7,156,041 3,306,455
··•--m,m• q····!? o_. ·~-·····•-m.•m!Q!..?.;, •-•mowm••!§.,_!.!..?.?.... _?. .....m,m .!,?. J. ..-_,.mw,0 •1. §Q. I,'!9_.m,_•,! ., ... -
Total 49,938,740 51,994,340 57,240,376 40,216,721 26,451,637

SECOND 1-40 Kms 23,570

CLASS 41-100 Kms 35,824
101-250 Kms 13,851
251-500 Kms 4,029
501 & above 24,714

ACL 1-40 Kms

BUSINESS 41-100 Kms 14,127 11 92
101-250 Kms 143,477 159,644 202,630 235,049 190,539
251-500 Kms 18,899 19,377 17,362 226,134 11,768
-501 &above 940,531,, 1,202,095 1,314,433 1,114,301 675,847
A".W••,.-••AO•.W!• • •!_.W-OA••••••AO•• ••--•m•m•"W11,17,034W• •m.•w.o,••1,381,1.27 1,534,517•.owmwm•• 1,575,484•m•mm•m•878,1.54
.•m.-•.•-•-•• .•m

ZONE WISE 1-40 Kms 6,251,326 10,038,776 7,111,537 6,314,487 1,322,712

Total 41-100 Kms 9,185,818 10,789,100 12,136,976 6,568,906 1,107,073
of all 101-250 Kms 12,900,470 11,072,064 13,507,613 9,855,399 6,992,863
Classes 251-500 Kms 8,167,472 5,619,200 5,957,126 7,962,051 3,457,039
••••<-••••-'•• 9...2'.?.. Y. •••••••••••W•••••••••••1•5,882,636•••••••••••'"••17,388,470•W••W••••••21,674,329•W••••••••••••1•3,603,238w.-..w..1. 5,544,277.....
Total 52,387,722 54,907,610 60,387,581 44,304,081 28,423,964

* Provisional


Passengers Earnings. (Rs.)

2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021

280,706,240 396,998,175 334,364,928 559987164 54,225,862

981,281,207 1,044,739,143 891,216,192 1119425826 107,303,427
2,270,440,638 2,217,715,822 1,819,797,993 3074105429 1,587,098,160
3,129,580,773 2,098,387,692 2,822,997,231 3332602999 1,487,904,750
10,648,952,993 12,546,294,912 10,736427,769 9404193091 14,494,953,988

17,310,961,851 18,304,135,744 21,783,316,012 17490314509 17,731,486,187

14 315 734

0 0 0 0 0
3,572,038 3,850 28,850 0 0
89,348,996 123,473,996 121,938,244 175703079 114,513,939
19,494,074 24,404,650 22,049,438 702812316 14,933,592
. 884,178,647 3,741,642,215 4,712,642,990 2635546188 2,352,4§4,208
w - w ..

•.•m.•.2, 96,593,7 5 •••••m•m•_.m- ..m • 3!,889,524l11 "•-•wmm•mw,m• •m.- 4,856,\659l522,"•.wm•wm••m•,. •m.•3514061583•·•"•·•"•-wm•m•wm•m•A21481,901,739_.._...

281,413,175 397,005,440 298,068,128 560,800,019 54,259,187

988,715,961 1,046,275,258 1,194,979,910 1,153,900,811 111,115,720
2,495,164,247 2,482,535,164 2,816,520,028 3,667,197,941 1,807,338,767
3,324,518,444 2,336,467,850 2,477,535,547 4,495,569,496 1,677,709,321
.,. 14, 881.,81,4807............. w.w
•• 18 . .1 8 79, 50,648,..... .w 2 2,402,354,1.o?w......,............. 1.3,30,0
••••••••••••••••,- ••• • w 861.,787
••• ·························•·<>·•··········.··. ··············1.85
, 73,46,0083.......... w.w.

21,971,626,634 24,450,234,360 29,189,457,721 23,178,330,054 22,223,883,078

* Provisional

311,777 freight wagons were loaded during 2020-2021 on the entire system. These figures also included wagons
received from foreign Railways.

Year-Wise figures are given below:

Broad-Gauge Meter-Gauge Narrow-Gauge Total
Year (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.)

1950-55 Average 806,919 54,944 20,402 882,265

1955-60 Average 922,484 55,402 18,627 996,513

1960-65 Average 1,092,091 52,849 14,692 1,159,632

1965-70 Average 1,101,489 37,357 16,626 1,155,472

1970-75 Average 919,347 24,180 13,512 957,039

1975-80 Average 671,019 7,003 2,674 680,696

1980-85 Average 593,765 2,632 998 597,395

1985-90 Average 582,447 1,570 356 584,373

1990-95 Average 413,577 350 38 413,966

1995-2000 Average 337,604 60 Nil 337,664

2000-2005 Average 307,871 Nil Nil 307,871

2005-2010 Average 325,308 Nil Nil 325,308

2010-2015 Average 97,496 Nil Nil 97,496

2015-2016 243,794 Nil Nil 243,794

2016-2017 264,256 Nil Nil 264,256

2017-2018 326,514 Nil Nil 326,514

2018-2019 321,706 Nil Nil 321,706

2019-2020 287,471 Nil Nil 287,471

2020-2021 311,777 Nil Nil 311,777

Note: Figures as per L.S.P.R.
8213166 freight tonnes were carried by Pakistan Railways during 2020-2021 and 8179832916
tonne-kilometers were earned averaging 995.94 kilometer.

Year-wise figures are given below:- Tonnes Carried (Thousand)

Year Public Goods Departmental Total

1950-55 Average 7,782 1,462 9,244
1955-60 Average 9,380 2,323 11,703
1960-65 Average 11,577 2,579 14,156
1965-70 Average 11,824 2,795 14,619
1970-75 Average 10,858 1,857 12,715
1975-80 Average 9,374 3,993 13,367
1980-85 Average 8,100 3,085 11,185
1985-90 Average 9,079 1,880 10,959
1990-95 Average 6,738 949 7,687
1995-2000 Average 5,169 716 5,885
2000-2005 Average 5,017 1,081 6,098
2005-2010 Average 5,183 1,308 6,491
2010-2015 Average 1,333 700 2,033
2015-2016 Average 4,174 827 5,001
2016-2017 Average 4,594 1,036 5,630
2017-2018 Average 7,427 928 8,355
2018-2019 Average 7,442 934 8,376
2019-2020 Average 6,511 901 7,412
2020-2021 Average 7,378 835 8,213

Travelled by a tonne. Traffic carried free of charge is not included in these figures.
Freight Traffic Result
Tonne Average Average Rate Average Total Freight

Kilometers Kilometers Charger per Revenue per Tonne Kilometers

(Thousand) Traveled Tonne per Tonne & other Coaching
by a Tonne Kilometer Tonne Kilometers
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Thousand)
4,377,892 473.59 0.04 17.9
5,479,801 468.20 0.04 18.6
7,212,655 509.51 0.04 19.2
7,899,936 540.38 0.04 23.4
7,906,679 621.83 0.07 42.9
8,598,473 643.26 0.14 94.8
7,379,145 659.73 0.22 143.3 8,720,576
7,942,615 724.75 0.27 204.0 9,304,957
58,900,029 768.13 0.54 415.9 8,102,793
4,370,925 742.72 0.91 680.1 4,707,199
4,744,365 779.34 1.01 790.3 5,157,463
5,471,067 842.01 1.10 909.9 6,052,066
1,394,149 596.54 2.90 1,621.4 2,035,244
4,773,548 954.44 2.19 2,086.4 5,721,538
5,031,315 893.65 2.39 2,132.6 6,073,754
8,080,353 967.06 2.31 2,232.7 9,185,612
8,303,590 991.25 2.23 2,209.5 9,477,075
7,369,878 994.22 2.38 2,366.74 8,138,226
8,179,832 995.94 2.51 2,505.61 9,070,119



S.No. Name of Commodities 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021

1 Ballast and Stone 51 21 2

2 Cement 239 247 195 222 4
3 Chemical manures (Fertilizers) 234 94 135 195
4 Coal and Coke for the Public 1.303 3,899 4,133 3,357 3,699
5 Departmental Commodities
Coal. Coke and Patent fuel for Railways
5a (including H.S.D and furnace oil) 188 303 366 360 320
5b Railway Material and Stores 848 625 565 541 514
6 Cotton Raw.unpressed and full pressed
7 Fire wood 2 3 3 2
8 Fruits and Vegetable Fresh
9 Gross Dry
10 Gypsum
11 Hides, Skin or pelts common
Iron and Steel Division "A" includes angle,
12 axels,sheets, qiders etc.
13 Iron and Steel Division B"
14 Iron and Steel Divisionuc
15 Jagree
16 Jute, Manufactured
17 Live-Stock
18 Machinery, electrical
19 Machinery other than electrical
20 Molasses

21 edible oils
22 Oil Seeds 40 30 26 6 7
23 Ores, Common
24 Othe Grans andpules
25 Paddy and Rice 40 7 3
Petroleum and other hydrocarbon oils non-
dangerous i.e. having flashing point at above 76
26 Fahr.
(a) Division "B" includes Diesel Oil
(b) Division "C" includes Furnace Oil 829 782 153
Petroleum and having other hydro-carbon oils
dangerous i.e. having a flashing point below 76
27 Fahr. Includes Petrol Oil.
Petroleum and other hydro-carbon oils non-
dangerous i.e. having a flashing point below 76
28 Fahr. For Division "A includes Kerosene Oil etc.
Piece-goods, cotton, woolen or artificial silk
29 etc.
30 Salt
31 Sugar
32 Sugarcane
33 Timber
34 Tobacco manufactured
35 Wheat 66
36 Wool
37 Miscellaneous 1,009 911 1,097 1,173 1,432
38 Contained Traffic 846 1,440 1,694 1,555 2,167
Total 5,630 8,355 8,376 7,412 8,213


S.No. Name of Commodities 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021

1 Ballast and stone 1,051 6,939 115
2 Cement 296,810 309,715 226,559 239,584 4,622
3 Chemical manures (Fertilizers) 131,344 38,703 138,732 290,494
4 Coal and Coke for the Public 1,546,012 4,162,977 4,364,069 3,401,013 3,785,775
5 Departmental Commodities

5a (including H.S.D and furance oil) 51,221 95,339 160,175 155,850 89,857
5b Railway Material and Stores 283,516 218,883 174,852 283,262 211,302
6 Cotton Raw.unpressed and full pressed
7 Firewood 1,391 2,027 1,847 1,340 1,763
8 Fru s and Vegetable Fresh
9 Gross Dry
10 Gypsum
11 Hides,Skin or pelts common 96

12 axels,sheets, qiders etc.

13 IronandSteel Division "B"
14 Iron and Steel Division "C"
15 Jagree
16 Jute, Manufactured
17 Live-stock
18 Machinery, electrical
19 Machinery other than electrical
20 Molasses
Oil Division "D" includes vacuumrefined
21 edible oils
22 Oil Seeds 21,579 8,650 5,341 5,735 3,650
23 Ores, Common
24 Othe Grans and pules
25 Paddy and Rice 45,175 5,698 1,771
Petroleum and other hydrocarbon oils non-
dangerous i.e. having flashing point at above 76
26 Fahr.
(a) DiviSion "B" includes Diesel Oil
(b) DiviSion "C" includes Furnace Oil 654,353 630,895 124,434
Petroleum and having other hydro-carbon oils
dangerous i.e. having a flashing point beklw 76
27 Fahr. Includes Petrol Oil.
Petroleum and other hydro-carbon oils non-
dangerous i.e. having a flashing point beklw 76
28 Fahr. For Division "A" includes Kerosene Oil etc.
Piece-goods, cotton, woolen or artificial silk
29 etc.
30 Salt 230
31 Sugar
32 Sugarcane
33 Timber
34 Tobacco manufactured
35 Wheat 65325
36 Wool
37 Miscellaneous 1,037,137 1,313,466 1,204,398 1,504,567
38 Container Traffic 961,630 1,292,529 1,902,182 1,488,033 2,446,573
Total 5,031,315 8,080,353 8,303,590 7,369,878 8,179,832


During the year 2020-2021, 24116 passenger trains and 244 mixed trains which carry passenger vehicles and a
limited number of freight wagons worked by diesel locomotives covering 20,252,214 Km.


Passenger Mixed
Steam Steam
Steam Diesel Electric Diesel & Electric Steam Diesel Electric Diesel & Electric
Year Combined Combined

1950-55 Average 37,031 47,666

1955-60 Average 36,111 27,263 63,374 40,102 2,734 42,836

1960-65 Average 45,260 49,069 94,329 33,265 3,679 36,944

1965-70 Average 48,191 743,478 791,669 27,694 3,136 30,830

1970-75 Average 29,813 80,003 7,003 116,819 28,842 4,990 33,832

1975-80 Average 24,874 100,843 8,494 134,211 22,391 8,315 30,706

1980-85 Average 24,242 102,365 7,329 133,936 19,082 7,006 26,088

1985-90 Average 11,115 98,704 4,665 114,484 14,096 15,958 30,054

1990-95 Average 4,454 85,974 4,443 94,871 10,130 20,079 268 30,477

1995-2000 Average 555 65,513 2,764 68,832 3,736 16,110 731 20,577

2000-2005 Average 37 61,478 1,704 63,219 390 17,155 731 18,276

2005-2010 Average 7 66,707 1,020 67,734 60 15,720 299 16,079

2010-2015 Average Nil 37,304 Nil 37,304 Nil 4,931 Nil 4,931
2015-2016 Nil 34,754 Nil 34,754 Nil 2,244 Nil 2,244

2016-2017 Nil 34,723 Nil 34,723 Nil 2,238 Nil 2,238

2017-2018 Nil 34,691 Nil 34,691 Nil 2,238 Nil 2,238

2018-2019 Nil 44,973 Nil 44,973 Nil 1,724 Nil 1,724

2019-2020 Nil 35,817 Nil 35,817 Nil 1,072 Nil 1,072

2020-2021 Nil 24,116 Nil 24,116 Nil 244 Nil 244

These figures do not include Nil passenger trains kilometers run on departmental account.Trains carrying only
parcel, luggage and other traffic booked on coaching rates are also treated as passenger trains.
Yearly figures are given below:-



Steam Diesel & Number of Railcar
Total No. of Trains Steam Diesel Electric Electric Rail Cars run kilometers
Combined (Thousand)
84,697 19,787

106,210 15,107 9,362 24,469 612

131,273 13,774 14,153 27,927 19,835 2,250

152,499 12,649 18,390 31,039 34,707 3,811

150,651 9,176 20,701 1,765 31,642 43,860 5,013

164,917 6,825 26,061 2,212 35,098 30,924 2,924

160,024 6,291 27,113 1,897 35,301 26,794 2,394

144,538 3,494 31,175 1,313 35,982 13,096 1,393

125,348 1,480 31,218 1,301 33,999 3,142 377

89,409 450 30,063 948 31,461 624 81

81,495 54 30,133 505 30,692

83,813 8 32,323 215 32,546

422,354 Nil 22,491 Nil 22,491

36,998 Nil 23,100 Nil 23,100

36,961 Nil 23,178 Nil 23,178

36,929 Nil 23,202 Nil 23,202

46,697 Nil 25,150 Nil 25,150

36,889 Nil 21,416 Nil 21,416

24,360 Nil 20,252 Nil 20,252
During the year 2020-2021, 5,369 freight trains worked by diesel locomotives on Pakistan Railways Network
covering a total of 5,759,376 kilometers.
Year-wise figures are given below:- Total of kilometers covered by freight trains (including
Number of Freight trains run goods proportion of mixed trains)
Steam Steam
Year Steam Diesel Electric Diesel & Electric Steam Diesel Electric Diesel & Electric
Combined Combined

1950-55 Average 70,843 10,311

1955-60 Average 74,832 13,645 88,477 8,991 4,315 13,306

1960-65 Average 63,110 27,625 90,735 6,741 7,894 14,635

1965-70 Average 56,338 35,733 92,071 5,223 10,184 15,407

1970-75 Average 33,243 41,138 3,849 78,230 2,230 10,300 1,014 13,544

1975-80 Average 25,184 35,576 4,663 65,423 1,195 10,636 1,353 13,184

1980-85 Average 22,535 35,129 4,030 61,694 692 10,295 1,077 12,064

1985-90 Average 8,376 41,368 3,922 53,666 317 11,693 1,078 13,088

1990-95 Average 519 33,531 1,813 35,863 118 8,918 504 9,540

1995-2000 Average 72 18,929 1,336 20,337 42 6,727 422 7,191

2000-2005 Average 16,607 1,175 17,782 2 6,341 385 6,728

2005-2010 Average Nil 16,225 668 16,893 1 6,990 181 7,172

2010-2015 Average Nil 3,049 Nil 3,049 Nil 2,021 Nil 2,021

2015-2016 Nil 7,166 Nil 7,166 Nil 6,644 Nil 6,644

2016-2017 Nil 6,940 Nil 6,940 Nil 6,237 Nil 6,237

2017-2018 Nil 8,163 Nil 8,163 Nil 7,452 Nil 7,452

2018-2019 Nil 7,914 Nil 7,914 Nil 7,984 Nil 7,984

2019-2020 Nil 6,482 Nil 6,482 Nil 7,076 Nil 7,076

2020-2021 Nil 5,369 Nil 5,369 Nil 5,759 Nil 5,759
Figures year by year are given below:-

Average number of wagons on each freight train Total Number of kilometers travelled by wagon in freight and
in terms of 4-wheeled mixed trains (including Goods proportion of mixed trains)
Steam Steam
Steam Diesel Electric Diesel & Electric Steam Diesel Electric Diesel & Electric
Combined Combined


38.50 57.20 44.40 461,707 260,807 722,514

34.70 57.80 47.00 246,967 454,714 701,681

31.40 55.90 47.60 172,636 568,923 741,559

26.30 53.10 59.90 49.20 67,843 548,411 60,216 676,470

29.30 54.90 59.70 53.10 39,299 588,020 80,798 708,117

28.90 54.30 59.20 53.00 24,430 559,274 63,326 647,030

31.40 56.10 60.20 56.00 10,643 645,270 64,938 720,851

31.40 55.60 58.40 55.90 1,307 478,072 29,878 509,257

32.60 55.00 52.20 53.80 490 359,525 20,397 380,412

56.10 59.80 56.00 336,652 14,142 350,794

58.40 59.40 58.20 339,132 15,630 354,762

32.60 11.90 32.60 71,026 71,026

33.16 33.16 88,435 88,435

33.40 33.40 87,300 87,300

32.30 32.30 88,500 88,500

55.36 55.36 124,308 124,308

58.06 58.06 12,140 12,140

During the year 2020-2021, on the average kilometers travelled by a broad gauge diesel - electric locomotives on the
Railways Network was 245.5 kilometers per day. These figures taken into account all the locomotives on the line
serviceable and unserviceable whether actually in use or not. The average kilometers travelled by diesel-electric
actually in use was 326.4 kilometers per day.
Engine-kilometersper day Engine-kilometers per day
perengine on line per engine in use
All Engines All Engines Goods Engines
Steam Steam Steam
Steam Diesel Electric Diesel & Electric Steam Diesel Electric Diesel & Electric Steam Diesel Electric Diesel &Electric
Year Combined Combined Combined

1950-55 Average Nil Nil Nil 134.0 Nil Nil Nil 188.0 Nil Nil Nil 159.0

1955-60 Average 134.0 323.0 Nil 161.0 177.0 178.0 Nil 209.0 140.0 296.0 Nil 171.0

1960-65 Average 122.0 283.0 Nil 167.0 156.0 325.0 Nil 206.0 117.0 246.0 Nil 161.0

1965-70 Average 111.0 270.0 Nil 166.0 137.0 304.0 Nil 200.0 97.0 208.0 Nil 146.0

1970-75 Average 93.0 251.0 270.0 165.0 138.0 291.0 346.0 218.0 118.0 182.0 213.0 164.0

1975-80 Average 91.0 252.0 344.0 180.0 128.0 304.0 411.0 232.0 97.0 191.0 280.0 175.0

1980-85 Average 89.0 251.0 298.0 183.0 135.0 300.0 345.0 240.0 118.0 196.0 223.0 181.0

1985-90 Average 73.0 238.0 236.0 210.0 131.0 315.0 280.0 280.0 101.0 224.0 224.0 216.0

1990-95 Average 57.0 261.0 184.0 226.0 137.0 327.0 233.0 307.0 103.0 230.0 139.0 220.0

1995-2000 Average 51.0 259.0 165.0 250.0 132.0 337.0 213.0 328.0 105.0 226.0 118.0 214.0

2000-2005 Average Nil 259.0 122.0 255.0 Nil 354.0 149.0 345.0 64.0 232.0 73.0 124.0

2005-2010 Average Nil 370.0 106.0 264.0 Nil 354.0 65.0 339.0 53.0 256.0 68.0 276.0

2010-2015 Average Nil 189.0 Nil 189.0 Nil 393.0 Nil 393.0 Nil 263.0 Nil 263.0

2015-2016 Nil 273.9 Nil 273.9 Nil 391.6 Nil 391.6 Nil 320.9 Nil 320.9

2016-2017 Nil 268.8 Nil 268.8 Nil 368.9 Nil 368.9 Nil 274.2 Nil 274.2

2017-2018 Nil 275.2 Nil 275.2 Nil 375.9 Nil 375.9 Nil 275.5 Nil 275.5

2018-2019 Nil 297.5 Nil 297.5 Nil 402.2 Nil 402.2 Nil 269.6 Nil 269.6

2019-2020 Nil 291.7 Nil 291.7 Nil 402.8 Nil 402.8 Nil 269.3 Nil 269.3

2020-2021 Nil 245.5 Nil 245.5 Nil 326.4 Nil 325.4 Nil 244.5 Nil 244.5
The percentage of unserviceable locomotives of total was 20.0 in case of diesel-electric. On an average each diesel
locomotive worked 16.6 out of every 24 hours for which it was available for use (i.e., excluding the time when it was
under or awaiting repairs.)
Figures year by year are given below:-
Hours worked per
Percentage of average number of engines under or awaiting repairs day per engine
in mechanical workshops daily to average total number on line available for use
Steam Steam
Steam Diesel Electric Diesel & Electric Steam Diesel Electric Diesel & Electric
Combined Combined

14.2 9.7

15.6 13.6 14.6 11.2 17.4 11.8

14.2 11.8 13.6 11.7 15.6 12.3

11.4 10.7 11.3 10.1 15.4 12.0

13.4 13.0 13.0 13.3 9.1 14.7 14.4 11.7

16.9 16.4 12.5 16.5 9.5 15.3 17.2 12.7

22.2 15.7 13.4 18.3 10.0 14.9 16.7 12.9

18.2 16.2 16.3 17.0 6.5 15.5 15.2 13.6

20.1 20.1 21.3 20.1 6.2 16.1 11.9 14.9

25.4 23.1 24.4 23.2 5.3 16.4 11.4 15.0

24.6 31.5 19.0 25.0 Nil 16.0 10.4 16.1

24.6 32.2 20.0 25.4 Nil 17.4 5.4 17.6

35.4 35.4 Nil 16.8 Nil 16.8

22.4 22.4 Nil 17.2 Nil 17.2

21.3 21.3 Nil 16.3 Nil 16.3

22.8 22.8 Nil 16.8 Nil 16.8

21.0 21.0 Nil 17.2 Nil 17.2

20.0 20.0 Nil 16.6 Nil 16.6

19.0 19.0 Nil 13.8 Nil 13.8

During the year 2020-2021 the average speed of freight trains worked by diesel electric on the broad-gauge
of the Pakistan Railways network was 18.9 kilometer per hour. These figures are are based on the entire taken by
freight trains from their starting point to their destination including stoppage en-route. The total number of freight
wagons (4-wheeler) carried on each train worked by diesel-electric locomotives was 58.06 out of which 35.8 wagons
were loaded.
SPEED {Kilometer eer hour)
Through Goods Trains All Goods Train
Steam Steam
Year Steam Diesel Electric Diesel & Electric Steam Diesel Electric Diesel & Electric
Combined Combined

1950-55 Average 20.9 16.4

1955-60 Average 16.9 23.3 19.6 13.9 21.4 15.9

1960-65 Average 16.9 22.2 20.4 13.1 20.3 16.3

1965-70 Average 15.8 19.5 18.7 13.2 18.3 16.3

1970-75 Average 16.9 19.7 20.5 19.5 14.3 18.6 19.4 17.9

1975-80 Average 14.4 19.2 19.4 19.1 13.2 18.2 19.0 17.1

1980-85 Average 14.5 19.1 18.4 18.9 12.5 18.3 18.8 17.9

1985-90 Average 14.0 19.6 17.0 19.5 13.2 19.0 17.0 18.6

1990-95 Average 15.5 20.0 14.8 19.6 14.0 19.6 14.8 19.2

1995-2000 Average 14.9 19.7 15.1 19.7 14.0 19.5 14.9 19.4

2000-2005 Average 22.7 13.2 22.1 23.0 13.1 22.0

2005-201o Average 23.6 14.4 22.5 23.6 14.3 22.7

2010-2015 Average 19.3 19.3 20.2 20.2

2015-2016 19.6 19.6 20.3 20.3

2016-2017 18.5 18.5 19.2 19.2

2017-2018 18.7 18.7 20.4 20.4

2018-2019 18.9 18.9 20.6 20.6

2019-2020 18.8 18.8 19.4 19.4

2020-2021 18.9 18.9 19.6 19.6
And the rest were empty due to doubling of track project from Lodhran to Raiwind Electric Locomotive service has been
suspended and no train worked by electric Locomotive. These figure are do not include the brake-vans. The average net-
load carried in each train was 1420 tonnes. Combining the factors of speed & load, the average number of tonnes,
transported one kilometer by a freight train in one hour was 962.
Figures year by year are given below:-
Wagons Per Train
Net load Net Tonne
Total Loaded
per Train Kilometers
Steam Steam
Steam Diesel Electric Diesel& Electric Steam Diesel Electric Diesel & Electric (Tonnes) Per train Hour
Combined Combined

44.9 30.8 401 7,044

39.3 60.2 45.4 28.3 40.5 31.5 422 7,237

35.6 57.8 47.9 25.8 38.9 33.3 476 8,289

32.6 55.9 48.6 23.1 37.6 33.0 507 8,705

28.1 53.1 59.9 50.1 17.8 35.5 35.8 33.0 567 10,878

30.5 54.9 59.7 53.4 19.4 33.9 31.4 32.4 617 11,489

29.1 54.3 59.2 53.0 18.1 30.3 31.9 29.8 578 10,530

34.0 56.1 60.2 56.5 21.2 30.2 30.6 29.3 616 11,329

33.7 55.6 60.4 55.9 23.5 32.8 38.3 33.0 619 12,372

32.7 54.3 55.4 52.8 14.6 31.6 31.0 32.4 613 13,243

55.8 59.1 57.4 36.0 29.8 34.9 694 14,145

68.1 61.7 58.6 36.8 30.7 33.7 808 15,103

53.8 53.8 33.5 33.5 650 727

56.6 56.6 36.8 36.8 718 800

57.0 57.0 35.6 35.6 806 820

58.1 58.1 36.5 36.5 1,084 1,090

58.6 58.6 36.8 36.8 1,066 1,085

55.36 55.36 55.36 55.36 1,053 898

58.06 58.06 58.06 58.06 1,420 962
During 2020-2021 the average daily kilometers travelled by a broad-gauge passenger carriage and other
coaching vehicle on Railaway Network was 226 and 144 respectively. The figures take into account all the
coaching vehicles on line, serviceable and unserviceable, whether actually moving or stationary. The
unserviceable passenger carriages constituted 19.6 of the total number of passenger carriages on line and
unserviceable other coaching vehicles constituted 19.5 of the total number of passenger carriages on line.
Year-Wise figures are given below:-
Vehicles-Kilometers per day per vehicle Percentage of average number of vehicles under or awaiting
on line (in tenns of 4-wheelers) repairs daily (in units) to average total No. on line.
Passenger Other Coaching Passenger Other Coaching
Year. Carriages Vehicles Carriages Vehicles
1950-55 Average 269 64 13.1 10.8

1955-60 Average 299 74 15.5 10.7

1960-65 Average 309 72 14.8 14.8

1965-70 Average 308 79 14.4 14.2

1970-75 Avera9e 303 97 14.7 11.9

1975-80 Average 328 109 21.0 29.3

1980-85 Average 337 70 20.0 17.2

1985-90 Avera9e 329 94 19.6 15.4

1990-95 Average 348 107 28.8 14.6

1995-2000 Average 357 92 22.9 21.4

2000-2005 Avera9e 386 133 19.0 26.2

2005-201o Average 421 146 16.2 24.4

2010-2015 Average 363 137 24.2 22.9

2015-2016 347 119 24.9 23.8

2016-2017 346 118 23.8 22.7

2017-2018 355 130 24.0 23.0

2018-2019 345 120 23.1 22.1

2019-2020 332 115 20.2 20.0

2020-2021 226 144 19.6 19.5
During the year 2020-2021, the average daily kilometers travelled by a broad-gauge freight wagon on the Pakistan
Railways was 18.54. This figure takes into account all the wagon on the lines of the Railways, serviceable and
unserviceable, whether actually moving or stationary. The unserviceable wagons constituted 11.63 of the total
number of wagons on line. The average turn round of a wagon in days was 10.9 and the average load carried in a
freight wagon, including full wagon loads as well as small, was 26.34 tonnes. Thus each freight wagon on line of the
Pakistan Railways transported and an average of 1,197 tonnes per kilometers during one day.
Year-wise figures are given below:-
Percentage of
Wagon kilometers average number
per day per wagon of unserviceable Average wagon Net Tonne kilometers Average tum round
Year on line(in terms of wagons daily (in load per wagon day of a wagon (days)
4-wheelers) terms of 4-wheelers) (Tonnes)

1950-55 Average 56.50 6.99 13.70 551.00 8.30

1955-60 Average 64.20 6.00 14.00 649.00 7.80

1960-65 Average 61.30 5.17 14.80 646.00 9.00

1965-70 Average 56.80 4.01 15.70 615.00 11.10

1970-75 Average 51.60 3.95 17.70 607.00 13.30

1975-80 Average 54.60 5.39 19.60 673.00 15.90

1980-85 Average 49.10 7.79 19.80 561.00 16.90

1985-90 Average 53.40 6.53 19.80 599.00 17.00

1990-95 Average 51.00 14.60 19.50 476.00 16.40

1995-2000 Average 38.90 16.30 19.50 457.00 19.10

2000-2005 Average 35.10 24.50 21.30 518.00 21.20

2005-2010 Average 35.50 25.70 20.00 698.00 21.40

2010-2015 Average 29.34 22.74 21.08 210.00 75.64

2015-2016 29.00 24.10 20.50 829.00 14.00

2016-2017 28.00 23.00 21.30 899.00 12.70

2017-2018 29.00 24.00 25.60 1,312.00 10.60

2018-2019 28.00 23.00 24.10 1,343.00 11.35

2019-2020 30.18 20.60 24.90 1,134.00 11.00

2020-2021 18.54 11.63 26.34 1,197.47 10.9

During the year 2020-2021, percentage of diesel locomotives in use to all locomotives in use was 100.0 and the
percentage of work done by diesel locomotives to all work done was 100.0 and 100.0 in terms of engine-
kilometers, train-kilometers and gross tonn-kilometers respectively.
Year-wise figures are given below:-
Percentage of work done by Diesel Percentage of work done by Electric
locomotives total work done. locomotives total work done.
Gross Gross

Engine Train Tonne Engine Train Tonne

Year Kilometers Kilometers Kilometers Kilometers Kilometers Kilometers

1950-55 Average
1955-60 Average 30.4 34.9 42.1
1960-65 Average 46.5 53.5 62.1
1965-70 Average 56.4 64.1 73.0
1970-75 Average 63.9 71.2 79.3 5.05 6.36 7.09
1975-80 Average 70.3 78.3 84.4 6.08 7.60 7.67
1980-85 Average 74.1 80.8 86.6 5.16 6.37 7.11
1985-90 Average 86.3 89.0 91.2 4.23 5.00 5.92
1990-95 Average 92.8 93.1 94.4 3.51 4.15 4.53
1995-2000 Average 96.3 94.6 96.6 3.35 3.84 3.29
2000-2005 Average 98.3 97.0 97.6 1.95 3.00 2.37
2005-2010 Average 99.1 98.9 99.0 0.57 0.99 1.49
2010-2015 Average 100.0 100.0 100.0 Nil Nil Nil
2015-2016 100.0 100.0 100.0 Nil Nil Nil
2016-2017 100.0 100.0 100.0 Nil Nil Nil
2017-2018 100.0 100.0 100.0 Nil Nil Nil
2018-2019 100.0 100.0 100.0 Nil Nil Nil
2019-2020 100.0 100.0 100.0 Nil Nil Nil
2020-2021 100.0 100.0 100.0 Nil Nil Nil

During the year 2020-2021 Railways Network consumed Nil tonnes of coal 107.85 tonnes of furnace oil and 140,257
(thousand) Liters H.S.D. Oil / These quantities comprise the entire fuel consumed on the Railways. 1.e. on
locomotives, power houses, water pumps, workshops etc. The average price of these fuels at receiving points
during the year was Rs. 68,027.92 per M.T for the furnace oil and Rs. 121.45 per all services for H.S.D oil. The cost
of electricity energy (including fuel surcharge) per unit was Rs. 108.81.
Quantities of these fuels for the various years are given below:-
Coal Furnace Oil H.S.DOil Electric
{Jonnesl CM Tonnes) {Liters Thousand) energy

Loco-motive Other than Loco-motive Other than Loco-motive Other than K.W.Hall
purposes Locomotive purposes Locomotive purposes Locomotive services
Year purposes purposes purposes (fig. in thousand.)

1950-55 Average 270,133 51,279 426,076 23,479 7,647 138

1955-60 Average 123,706 49,386 461,936 32,197 35,750 79

1960-65 Average 66,832 36,783 482,371 38,923 80,108 783

1965-70 Average 27,710 21,010 496,506 45,572 117,235 1,265

1970-75 Average 19,639 7,479 343,430 30,675 126,013 2,322

1975-80 Average 1,668 4,605 286,194 23,957 139,588 1,898

1980-85 Average Nil 2,547 236,032 21,024 146,210 2,393

1985-90 Average Nil 1,965 115,320 8,909 163,498 3,714 37,402

1990-95 Average Nil 1,107 46,635 5,829 147,798 3,833 27,918

1995-2000 Average Nil 541 10,737 3,753 132,426 5,205 10,640

2000-2005 Average Nil 89.07 1,272 2,151 131,419 3,090 5,969

2005-2010 Average Nil 107.96 121 1,138 144,895 1,239 6,133

2010-2015 Average Nil 40 4.18 405.68 101,622 1,477 Nil

2015-2016 Nil Nil Nil 662.9 137,908 1,579 Nil

2016-2017 Nil Nil Nil 568.5 142,607 2,024 Nil

2017-2018 Nil Nil Nil 433.10 154,357 2,039 Nil

2018-2019 Nil Nil Nil 338.67 157,979 1,948 Nil

2019-2020 Nil Nil Nil 268.74 137,969 1,630 Nil

2020-2021 Nil Nil Nil 107.85 138,841 1,416 Nil

During the Financial Year 2020-2021, total earnings of the Pakistan Railways amounted to Rs. 48,648,811,714 consisting of
Rs. 22,223,883,078 (45.68%) from passengers Rs. 1,504,812,947 (3.09%) from luggage, parcels, mails etc., Rs.
20,579,022,068 (42.30%) from freight, and Rs. 4,341,093,621 (8.92%) from Sundry and other earnings.
Figures year by year are given below:-
Passenger Parcels, Mails, Freights Miscellaneous Total
Earnings etc. Earnings Earnings Earnings
Year Rs. % Rs. % Rs. % Rs. % Rs. (in Millions)

1950-55 Average 118.539 37.60 22.052 7.00 169.396 53.80 5.152 1.64 315.139

1955-60 Average 158.720 37.80 31.086 7.40 222.060 52.90 8.248 1.96 420.114

1960-65 Average 195.869 38.10 32.078 6.34 276.792 53.70 9.962 1.96 514.701

1965-70 Average 241.706 34.70 42.527 6.65 346.412 53.70 14.970 2.30 645.615

1970-75 Average 322.073 33.80 49.620 5.13 573.838 59.20 14.439 1.89 959.970

1975-80 Average 653.459 30.30 79.428 3.80 1,352.600 64.40 29.987 1.48 2,115.474

1980-85 Average 1,257.726 37.60 165.227 4.93 1,866.020 55.70 53.713 1.77 3,342.686

1985-90 Average 1,743.138 34.20 254.019 4.99 3,004.616 37.30 93.089 1.84 5,094.862

1990-95 Average 4,066.805 47.45 464.272 5.33 3,880.228 37.31 172.872 2.02 8,584.177

1995-2000 Average 4,425.363 46.76 655.532 6.93 4,162.719 42.97 202.451 2.13 9,446.065

2000-2005 Average 7,457.139 54.45 826.536 5.73 4,885.677 34.26 1,281.893 8.55 14,451.245

2005-2010 Average 11,190.507 54.70 988.648 4.86 6,160.076 29.88 2,139.380 10.57 20,478.611

2010-2015 Average 14,086.281 67.40 1,089.487 5.30 3,763.225 16.18 2,431.203 11.10 21,370.196

2015-2016 20,871.328 57.05 1,612.871 4.41 10,768.304 29.44 3,329.362 9.10 36,581.865

2016-2017 21,971.627 54.84 1,755.365 4.38 12,421.132 31.00 3,916.824 9.78 40,064.948

2017-2018 24,450.234 49.32 1,880.326 3.79 19,003.352 38.34 4,235.767 8.54 49,569.679

2018-2019 29,189.458 53.55 1,995.348 3.66 18,853.163 34.59 4,469.962 8.20 54,507.931

2019-2020 23,178.325 48.71 1,306.071 2.74 19,208.430 40.37 3,890.861 8.18 47,583.687

2020-2021 22,223.883 45.68 1,504.813 3.09 20,579.022 42.30 4,341.094 8.92 48,648.812
During the year 2020-2021, the total ordinary working expenses of the Pakistan Railways amounted to Rs.
56,332,727,252 consisting of Rs. 20,522,761,133 (36.43%) on repair and maintenance of track, buildings, rolling stock

Repair and The break down of the figures for

Maintenance Operation Fuel Operation Staff
Year Rs. % Rs. % Rs. %

1950-55 Average 70.862 33.80 59.264 28.30 34.568 16.40

1955-60 Average 90.222 35.90 65.366 26.00 40.584 14.20

1960-65 Average 132.782 38.10 79.748 22.80 58.146 16.70

1965-70 Average 172.992 35.80 125.818 26.20 73.997 15.50

1970-75 Average 288.522 37.60 199.175 25.90 83.541 15.80

1975-80 Average 711.565 41.90 440.620 25.60 233.344 13.90

1980-85 Average 1,301.404 40.30 972.315 30.40 380.844 11.90

1985-90 Average 2,076.157 36.80 995.916 22.10 597.718 13.10

1990-95 Average 3,076.157 46.00 1,182.004 16.70 1,005.043 14.00

1995-2000 Average 4,277.596 45.31 1,645.514 17.24 1,202.029 12.63

2000-2005 Average 4,877.629 39.80 3,268.001 26.31 1,396.184 11.40

2005-2010 Average 8,262.495 35.22 8,345.379 35.14 2,405.999 10.15

2010-2015 Average 12,945.360 36.26 9,845.187 27.48 5,071.106 14.04

2015-2016 14,264.063 34.08 11,026.216 26.34 6,375.562 15.23

2016-2017 19,540.725 39.02 11,114.368 22.20 6,761.395 13.50

2017-2018 19,337.642 37.14 13,887.572 26.67 6,732.445 12.92

2018-2019 17,779.699 33.06 16,168.200 30.07 7,247.208 13.48

2019-2020 20,446.548 34.49 18,641.727 31.44 7,179.448 12.11

2020-2021 20,522.761 36.43 14,381.069 25.53 7,396.994 13.13

Rs. 14,381,069,253 (25.53%) on operation fuel, Rs. 7,396,993,792 (13.13%) on staff Rs. 4,316,768,030 (7.66%)
on operation other than staff and fuel Rs. 9,469,819,99 (16.81%) on administration and RS. 245,315,045 (0.44%)
on miscellaneous expenses.
Various years is as follows:- (Rs. In Million)

Operation other than Staff & fuel Administration Miscellaneous Expenses Total
Rs. % Rs. % Rs. % Rs.

8.480 4.05 26.822 12.80 9.716 4.63 209.712

9.479 3.77 34.755 13.80 10.892 4.34 251.298

12.307 3.56 50.758 14.50 14.947 4.28 348.688

16.407 3.43 67.147 14.00 22.997 4.83 479.358

30.639 4.12 103.822 13.80 18.870 2.78 724.569

80.592 4.70 223.687 13.00 11.912 0.72 1,701.720

151.933 4.70 402.539 12.40 14.614 0.46 3,223.649

2,469.220 5.34 630.895 13.30 15.559 0.46 6,785.465

581.595 7.98 1,044.256 15.60 48.383 0.68 6,937.438

1,005.980 52.76 1,331.336 69.87 66.039 0.71 9,528.494

908.475 7.67 1,747.454 14.23 69.768 0.56 12,267.511

1,184.784 5.10 3,201.665 13.73 119.019 0.52 23,519.341

1,787.171 4.79 6,145.322 17.04 171.465 0.47 35,965.611

1,683.169 4.02 8,343.872 19.93 165.069 0.39 41,857.951

2,853.037 5.70 9,537.966 19.05 264.835 0.53 50,072.326

2,637.964 5.07 9,221.758 17.71 253.360 0.49 52,070.741

2,839.832 5.28 9,518.349 17.70 218.670 0.41 53,771.958

3,518.406 5.93 9,265.964 15.63 235.659 0.40 59,287.752

4,316.768 7.66 9,469.820 16.81 245.315 0.44 56,332.727

During the year 2020-2021, Ordinary Operating Expenses of the Railways ere 115.79% to total earning. The
expenditure on repairs and maintenance of track, buildings, rolling-stock, etc. was 42.19%, operation fuel 29.56%,
operation staff 15.20%, operation other than staff and and fuel 8.87% administration 19.47% and miscellaneous
expenditure 0.50% to total earnings.
Repair and Operation Operating Operation other Administration Miscellaneous Total Ordinary
Maintenance Fuel staff than Staff working Expenses
& Fuel to Gross Earnings
Year % % % % % % %

1950-55 Average 22.50 18.80 11.00 2.69 8.51 3.08 66.58

1955-60 Average 21.50 15.50 9.66 2.26 8.27 2.58 59.77

1960-65 Average 25.70 15.40 11.30 2.39 9.55 2.89 67.23

1965-70 Average 26.60 19.50 11.50 2.54 10.30 3.56 74.00

1970-75 Average 29.30 20.20 12.20 3.20 10.70 2.11 77.71

1975-80 Average 33.70 20.60 11.10 3.78 10.50 0.58 80.26

1980-85 Average 38.60 29.00 11.30 4.51 11.90 0.43 95.74

1985-90 Average 40.60 19.80 11.70 5.72 12.30 0.41 90.53

1990-95 Average 38.50 14.00 11.70 6.68 12.20 0.56 83.64

1995-2000 Average 45.50 17.39 12.79 10.68 14.15 0.70 101.21

2000-2005 Average 33.91 22.35 9.70 6.53 12.11 0.48 85.08

2005-2010 Average 40.03 40.22 11.68 5.76 15.56 0.58 113.83

2010-2015 Average 63.32 47.92 24.52 8.19 29.86 0.80 174.61

2015-2016 38.99 30.14 17.43 4.60 22.81 0.45 114.42

2016-2017 48.74 27.74 16.88 7.15 23.81 0.66 124.98

2017-2018 39.01 28.02 13.58 5.32 18.60 0.51 105.04

2018-2019 32.62 29.66 13.29 5.21 17.46 0.40 98.64

2019-2020 42.97 39.18 15.09 7.39 19.47 0.49 124.59

2020-2021 42.19 29.56 15.20 8.87 19.47 0.50 115.79

* Provisional 159
2016-2017 THROUGH 2020-21
S. No. Particulars 2016-2017
1 Capital-at-charge Rs. 163,134,467
2 Stores Fund (Thousand) Rs. 15,987,066
3 Route-kilometers 7,791
4 Track-kilometers including sidings 11,881
5 Capital outlay (Per Route-kilometer) Rs. 20,938,835
6 Gross Earnings (Thousand) Rs. 40,064,948
7 0 perating Expenses Rs. 50,072,326
8 Appropriation to Depreciation Reserve Fund (Thousand) Rs.
9 Net Earnings (Thousand) Rs. (-)40,303,003
10 lntrest Charges (Thousand) Rs. 403,114
11 Gain(+) Loss(-) (Thousand) Rs. (-)40,792,846
12 Operating Ratio % 124.98
Per Route-Kilometer Worked :-
13 Gross Earnings Rs. 5,142,465
14 0 perating Expenses Rs. 6,426,944
15 Depreciation Reserve Fund (F.R.S.) Rs.
16 lntrest Rs. 57,740
17 Operating Expenses Plus D.R.F. & Interest Rs. 6,478,685
18 Gain(+) Loss(-) Rs. (-)5,235,893
19 Total train-kilometers (Thousand) Kms. 29,428
20 Railcar and Trailer Coach kilometer (Thousand) Kms. Nil
Per Train-Kilometers:-
21 Gross Earnings Rs. 1,361.4
22 Operating Expenses Rs. 1,701.4
23 Depreciation Reserve Fund (D.R.F.) Rs.
24 Interest Rs. 13.7
2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
174,405,609 190,662,143 197,523,573 200,418,965
1,274,520 (-)1,729,075 (-)20,79,848 20,472,717
7,791 7,791 7,791 7,791
11,881 11,881 11,881 11,881
22,385,523 24,472,101 25,352,788 25,775,249
49,569,679 54,507,931 47,583,687 48,648,812
52,070,741 53,771,958 59,287,752 56,332,727

(-)36049406 (-)32,124,104 (-)49,476,630 (-)46,680,285

683,335 796,433 775,438 418,563
(-)37,123,478 (-)33,490,519 (-)50,270,881 (-)47,706,838
105.04 98.64 124.59 115.79

6,362,428 6,996,269 6,107,520 6,244,232

6,683,447 6,901,804 7,609,774 7,230,487

87,708 102,225 99,530 53,724

6,771,156 7,004,029 7,709,304 7,284,211
(-)4,764,918 (-)4,298,616 (-)6,452,430 (-)6,123,227
30,670 33,145 28,492 26,012
Nil Nil Nil Nil

1,616.2 1,644.5 1,670.1 1870.3

1,697.8 1,622.3 2,080.8 2165.7

22.3 24.0 27.2 14.7


S. No. Particulars 2016-2017

25 Operating Expenses plus D.R.F. & Interest Rs. 1,715.2
26 Gain(+) Loss(-) Rs. (-)1386.1
27 Passenger Carried (Thousand) 52,388
28 Passenger-kilometers (Thousand) 22,475,697
Tonnes Carried
29 (i) Public Goods (Exel. Live-stock) (Thousand) 4,594
30 (ii) Departmental (Thousand) 1,036
31 (iii) Live-stock (Thousand)
32 Total Goods (i+ii+iii) (Thousand) 5,630
33 Tonne-kilometers (Thousand) 5,031,315
34 Average kilometers a Tonne of Goods was Carried 893.65
35 Coaching Earnings (Thousand) Rs. 23,726,991.00
36 Goods Earnings (Thousand) Rs. 12,421,132
37 Average rate charged per tonne per kilometer Paisa 2.39
38 Miscellaneous / Sundary Earnings (Thousands) Rs. 3,916,825
39 Earnings Under Suspense (Thousand) (104,473)
Rolling-Stock Owned on 30th June
40 Locomotives 455
41 Coaching Vehicles 1,736
42 Brake-Vans (goods) 427
43 Goods Wagons (in terms of 4 wheelers) 22,742
44 Total Carrying Capacity of Goods Wagons 504,872
45 Persons Employed 73,276
STATEMENTS 2017-2021:

2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021

1,720.0 1,646.4 2,108.1 2,181.8
(-)1210.4 (-)1010.4 (-)1764.4 (-)1834.1
54,907 60,387 44,304 28,424
24,903,778 29,595,246 20,985,352 17,969,246

7,427 7,442 6,511 7,378

928 934 901 835

8,355 8,376 7,412 8,213

8,080,353 8,303,990 7,369,878 8,179,832
967.06 991.25 994.22 995.94
26,330,561 31,184,806 24,484,396 23,728,696
1,900,352 18,853,163 19,208,430 20,579,022
2.31 2.23 2.38 2.51
4,235,766 4,469,962 3,890,861 4,341,093
(396,728) (575,977) (23,072) (610,847)

478 442 473 467

1,743 1,647 1,645 1,645
449 429 429 429
23,160 21,135 21,376 21,376
514,152 469,197 474,547 474,547
72,078 67,627 67,406 62,990
* Provisional
On 30th June, 2021, the Pakistan Railways had 62,990 persons on its payroll, chargeable to revenue account. Out
of this number 17,922 (28.44%) were employed in the civil Engineering Department which maintains track and
building, 18,600 (29.53%) in the Mechanical Department which repairs and maintains the rolling stock, 8,340
(13.24%) in the Transportation department which controls Guards, Station Masters, Yard Staff etc. 2,511 (3.99%)
in the Commercial Department which controls Passenger Ticket Officers.Freight Depots, Luggage.
Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Transportation Commercial Stores Medical
Department Department Department Department Department Department

Year No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

1950-55 Average 30,356 30.10 33,686 33.40 11,660 11.60 7,780 7.72 4,400 4.71 1,919 1.90

1955-60 Average 31,478 28.40 36,054 32.40 13,013 11.30 8,734 7.87 5,257 4.73 2,378 2.14

1960-65 Average 33,511 26.70 42,828 34.10 13,662 10.90 9,316 7.41 6,805 5.41 3,036 2.57

1965-70 Average 33,228 24.70 46,164 34.30 15,475 11.50 10,013 7.43 6,708 4.96 3,385 2.51

1970-75 Average 33,851 24.90 47,362 35.00 16,074 12.90 9,844 7.36 5,592 4.18 3,518 2.63

1975-80 Average 32,958 24.00 46,772 33.90 18,384 13.40 9,777 7.10 6,028 4.37 3,783 2.60

1980-85 Average 30,753 24.20 41,052 32.30 17,848 14.00 9,391 7.36 5,030 3.85 3,509 2.75

1985-90 Average 33,663 25.50 41,412 31.70 18,500 14.10 8,852 6.75 4,809 3.66 3,724 2.84

1990-95 Average 30,801 27.70 37,849 31.30 17,493 14.50 8,108 6.76 4,137 3.41 3,608 2.98

1995-2000 Average 27,289 27.69 29,261 30.01 14,154 14.54 6,315 6.52 2,400 2.45 2,798 14.30

2000-2005 Average 25,036 28.46 26,153 29.72 11,813 13.42 4,822 5.47 1,586 1.81 2,258 2.57

2005-2010 Average 23,520 27.63 24,805 28.96 11,109 12.97 4,077 4.77 2,300 2.68 2,019 2.35

2010-2015 Average 22,795 28.20 23,307 28.78 10,358 12.82 3,337 4.13 1,654 2.04 1,776 2.19

2015-2016 20,323 27.36 22,311 29.65 9,643 12.82 2,968 3.94 1,453 1.93 1,651 2.19

2016-2017 20,051 27.50 21,430 29.25 10,094 13.77 2,911 3.97 1,297 1.77 1,648 2.25

2017-2018 19,990 27.73 21,365 29.64 9,665 13.41 2,818 3.91 1,217 1.69 1,647 2.29

2018-2019 18,625 27.54 19,658 29.07 9,113 13.48 2,650 3.92 1,111 1.64 1,613 2.39

2019-2020 19,058 28.27 19,769 29.33 9,167 13.60 2,668 3.96 1,018 1.51 1,568 2.33

2020-2021 17,922 28.44 18,600 29.53 8,340 13.24 2,511 3.99 965 1.53 1,482 2.35
and Parcel, Officers etc 965 (1.53%) in Stores Department, 1,482 (2.35%), in Medical Department 4,242 (6.74%) in
Electrical Department 4,848 (7.69%), in the Railways Police Department 945 (1.50%) in the Account Department,
2,353 (3.73%) in the Headquarters Office and 782 (1.24%) in all other departments.The total cost of all these
employees during 2020-2021 was Rs. 28,712,771,000).
The break-down of the figures of various years is given below:-
Electrical Railway Police Accounts Headquarters/ All other Total No. of Total Cost of
Department Department Department G.Admn Departments Employees Employees
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. Rs.

3,478 3.45 2,585 2.57 2,092 2.08 588 0.58 2,190 2.17 100,734 117,686

4,128 3.72 3,988 3.59 2,334 2.10 622 0.56 2,986 2.67 110,972 131,984

5,285 4.19 4,591 3.65 2,710 2.16 786 0.62 2,957 2.36 125,487 178,431

7,930 5.90 4,991 3.66 2,956 2.20 944 0.70 2,953 2.19 134,747 231,885

7,592 5.67 4,925 3.68 2,938 2.20 986 0.74 1,066 0.80 133,748 403,943

7,634 5.54 7,224 5.25 2,934 2.13 1,072 0.78 1,164 0.85 137,730 640,887

7,368 5.77 7,550 5.91 2,822 2.21 1,198 0.94 1,162 0.88 127,683 1,126,395

7,581 5.78 7,527 5.73 2,661 2.03 1,158 0.88 1,341 1.02 131,228 1,990,039

6,993 5.78 7,188 5.95 2,413 2.00 1,016 0.84 1,342 1.11 120,948 3,414,981

5,639 5.80 6,269 6.40 2,009 2.10 995 1.00 788 0.80 97,917 4,452,961

5,329 6.05 6,404 7.28 1,772 2.01 2,059 2.34 756 0.86 87,988 5,238,070

5,119 5.97 6,829 7.97 1,514 1.77 2,991 3.49 1,372 1.60 85,655 9,716,742

5,403 6.69 6,653 8.23 1,478 1.83 2,362 2.92 1,681 2.09 80,804 19,843,861

5,342 7.10 6,329 8.41 1,293 1.72 2,474 3.29 1,455 1.93 75,242 24,304,566

4,920 6.71 6,076 8.29 1,173 1.60 2,604 3.55 1,072 1.46 73,276 26,794,960

4,888 6.78 5,773 8.01 1,205 1.67 2,493 3.46 1,017 1.41 72,078 27,000,126

4,791 7.08 5,390 7.97 1,130 1.67 2,569 3.80 977 1.44 67,627 28,214,477

4,513 6.70 5,100 7.57 1,066 1.58 2,553 3.79 926 1.37 67,406 28,580,451
4,248 6.74 4,842 7.69 945 1.50 2,353 3.73 782 1.24 62,990 28,712,771
Legal Opinion
NOTE:- The information and data in this year book is provisional and not
final as has been given for tentative determination of plans and progress of
Pakistan Railway for this year, which cannot be construed conclusive until
finallized on the basis of audit report by the Auditor General of Pakistan. It
cannot be used as evidence / proof by any department including taxation
and other authorities before any legal forum.

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