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SVNIT M. Tech. CAD-CAM - Syllabus - Final

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Ichchhanath, Surat-395007, Gujarat, India

Vision statement

To be one of the leading technical institutes disseminating globally acceptable education,

effective industrial training and relevant research output.

Mission statement

To be a globally accepted center of excellence in technical education catalyzing absorption,

innovation, diffusion and transfer of high technologies resulting in enhanced quality for all
the stakeholders.


Vision statement

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of

Technology, Surat perceives to be globally accepted center of quality technical education
based on innovation and academic excellence.

Mission statement

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of

Technology, Surat strives to disseminate technical knowledge to its undergraduate, post
graduate and research scholars to meet intellectual, ethical and career challenges for
sustainable growth of humanity, nation, and global community.


The overall educational objective for Master of Technology in CAD/CAM is to educate

students with excellent technical capabilities in the mechanical engineering discipline with the
knowledge of computer aided design and manufacturing, who will be responsible citizens and
continue their professional advancement through life-long learning.

As mechanical engineers with expertise in CAD/CAM, postgraduates are prepared with

following educational objectives:

To impart the knowledge of engineering subject matter incorporating computer as
a tool and building a bright career in the area of design, simulation, manufacturing
and production.

To create technical ability in students by hands-on experience of design software
to develop digital parts and CAM software to generate tool path for machining and
conducting various experiments using latest infrastructure to enhance research

To construct the confidence by employing various learning resources for solving
engineering / industrial problems, designing products for social economic issues to
explore skill of entrepreneur.

To develop professionalism to formulate and solve problems of interest
individually and in team with high value of ethics.

To apply an environment of communication through oral and written presentation
of technical reports derived research reports so as to interact with academicians,
researchers, and industrial practices.


PO1 An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development

work to solve practical problems.

PO2 An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document.

PO3 Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per
the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than
the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.

PSO1 Design, analyse, formulate and solve engineering problems using computer
software, tools and techniques.

PSO2 Adopt and demonstrate multidisciplinary approach to solve design,

manufacturing and allied problems.


Exam Scheme
Code No.
Subject L T P Theory Tuto. Pract. Total Credits
Hrs. Marks Marks Marks
MECC101 Core 1 3 0 2 3 100 - 50 150 4
Finite Element Methods
MECC102 Core 2 3 0 2 3 100 - 50 150 4
Computer Aided Design
MECC103 Core 3 3 0 2 3 100 - 50 150 4
Computer Aided Manufacturing
MECC110 Core Elective 1 3 0 0 3 100 - - 100 3
MECC111 1. Advanced Mechanics of Solids
MECC112 2. Product Design and Development
3. Concurrent Engineering: Tools,
MECC113 Techniques and Applications
4. Condition Monitoring and fault
MECC114 diagnosis of Rotating Machinery
5. Material Characterization and
MECC120 Core Elective 2 3 0 0 3 100 - - 100 3
MECC121 1. Fracture Mechanics
MECC122 2. Industrial Robotics
3. Computer Aided Production
MECC123 Planning
MECC124 4. Design of Pressure Vessels
5. Failure analysis and NDE
MECC104 Software Practice 1 0 0 4 2 - - 100 100 2
MECC105 Laboratory Practice 1 0 0 4 2 - - 100 100 2
Total Credits 22

Exam Scheme
Code No.
Subject L T P Theory Tuto. Pract. Total Credits
Hrs. Marks Marks Marks
MECC201 Core 1 3 0 2 3 100 - 50 150 4
Computer Aided Machine Design
MECC202 Core 2 3 0 0 3 100 - - 100 3
Rapid prototyping and Tooling
MECC230 Core Elective 3 3 0 0 3 100 - - 100 3
MECC231 1. Design of Experiments
2. Instrumentation and
MECC232 Experimental Methods
3. Smart Materials and
MECC233 Manufacturing
MECC234 4. Computer Aided Tool Design
MECC235 5. Laser Based Micro
6. Quality Engineering and
MECC240 Core Elective 4 3 0 0 3 100 - - 100 3
MECC241 1. Optimization Techniques
MECC242 2. Theory of Elasticity and
MECC243 Plasticity
MECC244 3. Industrial Tribology
4. Mechanics of composite
5. Surface Engineering
Institute Elective 3 0 0 3 100 - - 100 3
MECC210 1. Extended Finite Element

MECC211 Methods
2. Computational Fluid Dynamics
MECC203 Software Practice 2 0 0 4 2 - - 100 100 2
MECC204 Laboratory Practice 2 0 0 4 2 - - 100 100 2
Total Credits 20

Exam Scheme
Code No.
Subject L TTheory P Tuto. Pract. Total Credits
Hrs. Marks Marks Marks
MECC301 Dissertation Preliminaries 0 0 12 - - - 300 300 6
MECC302 Seminar 0 0 4 - - - 100 100 2
Total Credits 8

Exam Scheme
Code No.
Subject L TTheory P Tuto. Pract. Total Credits
Hrs. Marks Marks Marks
MECC401 Dissertation 0 0 24 - - - 600 600 12
Total Credits 12


Category Credits to be earned

Sem- I Sem - II Sem- III Sem - IV Total
Core Courses 12 7 - - 19
Elective Courses 6 9 - - 15
Software/ Laboratory 4 4 - - 8
Seminar - - 2 - 2
Dissertation - - 6 12 18
Total Credits 22 20 8 12 62



1. Additive Manufacturing 1. Advanced Metrology and Computer
2. Advanced Mechanical Vibrations Aided Inspection
3. Advanced Mechanics of Solids 2. Analysis and Design of Thermal Turbo
4. Advanced Welding Technology Machines
5. Atomization and Sprays 3. Computational Fluid Dynamics
6. Bio-Mass Conversion Systems 4. Computer Aided Production Planning
7. CAD for Manufacturing 5. Concurrent Engineering
8. Combustion 6. Design of Pressure Vessels
9. Concurrent Engineering: Tools, 7. Design of Refrigeration and Air
Techniques & Applications Conditioning Systems
10. Condition Monitoring and Fault 8. Electrical Vehicles and Advanced IC
Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery Engines
11. Design of Reacting Systems 9. Energy and Exergy Analysis of
12. Electrical Vehicles and Advanced IC Turbomachines
Engines 10. Failure Analysis & NDE
13. Electro-Chemical Engineering 11. Finite Element Method in Thermal
Storage Engineering
14. Environmental Pollution and Control 12. Fracture Mechanics
15. Industrial Tribology 13. Gas Dynamics and Compressible Fluid
16. Measurement and Data Analysis Flow
17. Manufacturing Metallurgy 14. Hydrogen Energy Applications to
18. Material Characterization and Testing Propulsion and Future Modes of
19. Metal Cutting and Tool Design Transport
20. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos 15. Industrial Robotics
21. Power Plant Engineering 16. Jet and Rocket Propulsion
22. Product Design & Development 17. Measurements and Data Analysis in
23. Theory of Plasticity Thermal Engineering
18. Operation Planning and Control
19. Optimization Techniques
20. Rotor Dynamics, Vibration and Stress
21. Sensors in Manufacturing Systems
22. Unconventional Turbomachines



1. Advanced Welding Technology 1. Combustion
2. Automation in Manufacturing 2. Concurrent Engineering
3. Bio fluidic and Bio Heat Transfer 3. Design of Heat Exchangers
4. Cascade Aerodynamics 4. Flow & Flame Diagnostics
5. Combustion 5. Fundamentals of Solid Propellant and
6. Composite Design and Manufacturing Multi-Phase Combustion
7. Computational Fluid Dynamics 6. Hydrodynamic Stability
8. Computer Aided Tool Design 7. Industrial Refrigeration
9. Condition Monitoring and Fault 8. Industrial Tribology
Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery 9. Mechanics of Composite Laminates
10. Design of Heat Exchangers 10. Mechanics of Composite Materials
11. Design of Pressure Vessel & Piping 11. Nano fluid and its Applications in
12. Finite Elements Methods Thermal Systems
13. Industrial Tribology 12. Non Destructive Techniques
14. Instrumentation and Experimental 13. Numerical Methods in Manufacturing
Methods 14. Operations Research
15. Laser Based Micro Manufacturing 15. Optimization Techniques
16. Lifecycle Analysis of Turbomachines 16. Quality Engineering and Management
17. Metal Cutting 17. Surface Engineering
18. Micro Hydro Turbine 18. Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity
19. Quality Engineering and Management 19. Thermo-Acoustic Instabilities
20. Renewable Energy Systems 20. Transport in Porous Media
21. Smart Materials & Manufacturing 21. Turbulent Combustion
22. Theory and Design of Cryogenic Systems
23. Turbulence and Turbulent Flows


3 0 2 04

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to,
CO1 Explain the fundamental concepts of the theory of the finite element method.
CO2 Develop element characteristic equation and generation of global equation.
CO3 Apply suitable boundary conditions to a global equation for bars, trusses and beams.
CO4 Evaluate the governing FE equations for solving 1D and 2D problems.
CO5 Apply the FE analysis for practical applications in static and dynamic condition.
CO6 Apply the FE method for thermal, potential flow and transient problems.

Relevance of finite element analysis in design, Modeling and discretization,
Interpolation, Elements, Nodes and degrees-of-freedom, Applications of FEA. One-
Dimensional Elements and Computational Procedures: Bar elements, Beam elements,
Bar and beam elements of arbitrary orientation, Assembly of elements, Properties of
stiffness matrices, Boundary conditions, Solution of equations, Mechanical loads and
stresses, Thermal loads and stresses.
Basic Elements Truss and Beam
Interpolation and shape functions, Element matrices, Linear triangular elements 08
(CST), Quadratic triangular elements, Bilinear rectangular elements, Quadratic Hours
rectangular elements, Solid elements, Higher order elements, Development of Truss
equations, Development of beam equations, Nodal loads-stress calculations.
Isoperimetric Elements
Bilinear quadrilateral elements, Quadratic quadrilaterals, Hexahedral elements,
Numerical integration, Quadrature, Static condensation, Load considerations, Stress Hours
calculations, Examples of 2D and 3D applications.
Finite Elements in Structural Dynamics Applications
Solid and Structural Mechanics Applications: One dimensional problem static
analysis of trusses, Analysis of plates, Solid of revolution. Dynamic analysis: 10
Dynamic equations, Mass and damping matrices, Natural frequencies and modes, Hours
Damping, Model methods, Ritz vectors, Component mode synthesis, Direct
integration techniques, Explicit and implicit methods, Analysis by responses spectra
Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Applications
Heat Transfer, Element formulation, Reduction -nonlinear problems, Transient 07
thermal analysis, Acoustic frequencies and modes, fluid structure interaction Hours
problems, Plane incompressible and rotational flows.

FEA Applications in Other Fields 05
Applications of FEA in torsion, Potential flow seepage, Fluid flow in ducts. Hours
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

List of Practicals
1. Analysis of 2-D Truss.
2. Analysis of 2-D Frame.
3. Analysis of L Shaped Bracket.
4. Analysis of Square plate with circular hole.
5. Analysis of Solid.
6. Dynamic and Modal analysis of Cantilever beam.
7. Analysis of 2-D heat flow problem.
8. Analysis of 2-D transient heat flow in plate.
9. Simulation of flow over car body.

Books Recommended

1 R. D. Cook. Concepts and applications of finite element analysis. John Wiley & Sons,
2 D. L. Logan. A first course in the finite element method. Cengage Learning, 2016.
3 J. N. Reddy. An introduction to the finite element method, Vol. 1221, New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2004.
4 T. Chandrupatla, A. Belegundu. Introduction to finite elements in engineering.
Cambridge University Press, 2021.
5 O. C. Zienkiewicz, R. L. Taylor, J. Z. Zhu. The finite element method: its basis and
fundamentals. Elsevier, 2005.


3 0 2 04

Course Outcome
At the end of the course the students will be able to,
CO1 Understand the concept of computer graphics, drafting, and modelling using different
commands and graphical user interface
CO2 Apply the concept of transformation for generating different positions of given problem
with defined geometry
CO3 Create 3D models assemblies and generative drawings of a given engineering part or
CO4 Apply the knowledge of programming for complex shape required in engineering for
drafting or modelling
CO5 Determine the coordinates of space curves and parametric curves required for
generating features in CAD models
CO6 Analyze surfaces based on different criteria’s and process of creation

Introduction to Computer Graphics
Basics of Computer Aided Design, Introduction to Computer graphics, DDA and 03 Hours
Bresenham’s algorithm for generating various figures, and basics of CAD/CAM
Transformation of Geometries
2D Transformation of geometries and 3D Transformations for Translation,
Rotation, Scaling, Symmetry, Reflection, and Homogeneous Transformations, 10 Hours
Orthographic Projections, Axonometric Projections, Oblique Projections,
Perspective Transformation.
Parametric and Non-Parametric Curves
Representation of curves – Explicit and Implicit Equations Parametric and non- 07 Hours
parametric Curves, Splines, Bezier, B-Splines and generation of surfaces. and
Computer Aided Drafting and Modeling
Introduction to Drafting and modelling of solids, Coordinate system,
Fundamentals of solid modeling, Customization, 3D sketches, Datum features,
12 Hours
Modeling operation Strategy and creating features, Geometric constraints,
Modeling aids & tools, Generalized, views, Presentation of dimensioning /
tolerances/symbols & annotation, Associatively, Parent child relationship,
Parametric design, Programming techniques in drafting/ modeling/analysis,

Concept of computer animation, Properties calculation Hidden line and surface
Design of Surfaces
05 Hours
Surface design, and Surface analysis
Assembly of CAD Parts and Surface
Top down and Bottom up approaches of creating and assembly. Presentation of 05 Hours
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

List of Practical
1. Introduction to drafting technologies & drafting practice.
2. Introduction interfacing of drafting package using program techniques.
3. Sketching/Drafting of assigned problem using programming.
4. Practice for 3-D modeling.
5. Modeling of assigned problem.
6. Modeling using parametric relations.
7. Modeling using linkage options.
8. Practice for assembly creation.
9. Practice for view generation.
10. Model/View associatively

Books Recommended
1 D. Hearn. Computer graphics, C version. Pearson Education India, 2014.
D. F. Rogers, J. A. Adams. Mathematical elements for computer graphics. McGraw-Hill,
Inc, Second edition, 2017.
3 I. Zeid. CAD/CAM theory and practice. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2009.
4 M. Chris. CAD/CAM: Principles, Practice and Manufacturing, Prentice Hall, 1999.
5 P. N. Rao. CAD/CAM: principles and applications. Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2017.


3 0 2 04

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to,
CO1 Compare different types of automation using fundamental of CAM and Automation.
CO2 Demonstrate work zero, machine zero, tool zeros, work offset, tool length offset, and
cutter radius offset and canned cycles.
CO3 Develop a CNC part program using cutter radius offset commands
CO4 Develop a CNC part program by applying various features, such as cutter radius offset,
subprogram, mirror, canned cycles, and pocket cycles, of machining centre to reduce
programming task.
CO5 Develop a NC/CNC part program manually and using CAD/CAM software for a given
part drawing having multiple operations.
CO6 Illustrate concept of Group Technology and Flexible Manufacturing system.

Introduction to CAD, CAM, CIM, NC/CNC, DNC and Automation
Definition of CAD, CAM, CIM, NC, CNC, DNC. Understanding differences among
these terms. Direct Numerical Control and Distributed Numerical Control. Hours
Automated manufacturing systems and basic types, manufacturing support systems.
NC/CNC Machine Tools
Components of NC/CNC system, Specification of CNC system, Classification of 04
CNC machines, Constructional details of CNC machines, Axis designation, CNC Hours
control loops.
CNC Part Programming – Milling
Basic Programming terms, Programming format, Preparatory (G-Codes) and
Miscellaneous (m-Codes) functions, Machine zero, work zero and tool zero, Work 25
offsets, Tool length offset and setup methods, cutter radius offset, CNC milling Hours
cutter holder, Part programming for milling – linear and circular interpolation,
subprogram, fixed cycles, mirrors commands, machining large hole pattern, polar
coordinates, round and rectangular pocket machining and cycles
Automatically Programmed Tools (APT)
Introduction to APT, geometry and motion statements, programming for geometry, Hours
drill cycles, and hole pattern.
Introduction to CAM software 02
Modeling, toolpath generation, simulation of toolpath, generating CNC program. Hours
Group Technology (GT), Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) and Compute 05

Aided Process Planning (CAPP) Hours
Introduction to GT, implementation considerations, benefits and applications, GT
methods - visual search method, production flow analysis, Parts classification and
Introduction, General Considerations for FMS, types of FMS, Flexibilities, their
measurements, Computer control in FMS, Automated material handling systems,
AGVs, Automatic storage and retrieval systems, Manufacturing cells, cellular v/s
flexible manufacturing.
Manual and computer aided process planning, steps, and types.
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

List of Practicals
1. Demonstration of CNC Milling machine with user interface and calculating the
coordinates of given geometry in absolute end increment mode for cutter path.
2. Introduction of G codes and M codes and write the CNC part programming for a given
geometry using linear, Circular interpolation.
3. Write CNC part program using cutter path co-ordinate for a geometry made of lines and
4. Write the CNC programming for a given geometry using Mirror and Subroutine.
5. Write the CNC programming for a given geometry using Polar Co-ordinate for drilling
6. Write the CNC programming for a given geometry using Tool Radius Compensation and
Repeat loop for Peck drilling cycles.
7. Introduction and programming of canned cycles of milling machine.
8. Demonstration of AS/RS and AVG operation.

Books Recommended
1 S. F. Krar, A. Gill. CNC: Technology and Programming, McGraw-Hill, 1989.
2 P. Smid. CNC programming handbook: a comprehensive guide to practical CNC
programming. Industrial Press Inc, 2003.
3 S. K. Sinha. CNC Programming (FANUC Control), Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd.,
4 S. H. Suh, S. K. Kang, D. H. Chung, I. Stroud. Theory and design of CNC systems.
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008.
5 M. P. Groover. Automation, production systems, and computer-integrated
manufacturing. Pearson Education India, 2016.


3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to,
CO1 Illustrate the stress at a point and constitutive relations.
Analyze the transformation of stress and strain in 3D including the utilization of yield
CO 3 Design the curved beams for different types of stresses.
CO 4 Analyze the shear stresses in non- circular shafts.
CO 5 Estimate the bending stresses in un-symmetric straight beams.
CO 6 Analyze the strain at a point in rotating disks.

Stress definition and stress-traction relations; Deformation, strain definition, strain- 06
displacement relation; Constitutive equations; Equilibrium and compatibility Hours
Analysis of Stresses and Strains in rectangular and polar coordinates
Cauchy’s formula, Principal stresses and principal strains, 3D Mohr’s Circle, 12
Octahedral Stresses, Hydrostatic and deviatoric stress, Two-dimensional problem Hours
solutions, Plane stress and plane strain, compatibility conditions. Advanced two-
dimensional problems.
Introduction to curvilinear coordinates
Generalized Hooke’s law and theories of failure. Energy Methods. Bending of 12
symmetric and unsymmetric straight beams, effect of shear stresses, curved beams, Hours
Shear centre.
Torsion of prismatic solid sections
Prandtl stress function, thin-walled sections, circular, rectangular and elliptical bars, 12
membrane analogy. Thick and thin-walled cylinders, Composite tubes, Rotating Hours
disks and cylinders.
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

Books Recommended
1 M. H. Sadd. Elasticity: theory, applications, and numeric, 3rd edition, Academic Press,
2 L. S. Srinath. Advanced mechanics of solids, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2009.
3 R. G. Budynas. Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis, 2nd Edition, McGraw
Hill, 2017.
4 P. Boresi, R. J. Schmidt. Advanced Mechanics of Materials, 6th Edition, John Willey and
5 F. P. Beer, E. R Johnston. Mechanics of Materials | 8th Edition (in SI Units), McGraw

3 0 2 04

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to,
CO1 Illustrate the importance of conceptual design to the product development.
CO2 Apply the market research analysis to identify customer needs.
CO3 Apply the creative thinking tools for the development of new design concepts.
CO4 Analyse the optimal design concept using decision making methodology.
CO5 Illustrate the embodiment design and robust design concepts.
CO6 Analyse the various factors like human and cost in relation to industrial design.

Need for Developing Products
The importance of engineering design, types of design, the design process, relevance of
product lifecycle issues in design, designing to codes and standards, societal considerations
in engineering design, generic product development process, various phases of product
development, planning for products, establishing markets, market segments, relevance of
market research 14
Identifying Customer Needs
Voice of customer, customer populations, hierarchy of human needs, need gathering
methods, affinity diagrams, needs importance, establishing engineering characteristics
competitive benchmarking, quality function deployment, house of quality, product design
specification, case studies.
Creative Thinking
Creativity and problem solving, creative thinking methods, generating design concepts,
systematic methods for designing, functional decomposition, physical decomposition,
functional representation, morphological methods, TRIZ axiomatic design.
Decision Making Hours
Decision theory, utility theory, decision trees, concept evaluation methods, Pugh concept
selection method, weighted decision matrix, analytic hierarchy process, introduction to
embodiment design, product architecture, types of modular architecture, steps in developing
product architecture.
Industrial Design
Human factors design, user friendly design, design for serviceability, design for 14
environment, prototyping and testing, cost evaluation, categories of cost, overhead costs, Hours
activity based costing, methods of developing cost estimates, manufacturing cost, value
analysis in costing.
(Total Hours: 42)

Books recommended
1 K. T. Ulrich and S. D. Eppinger. Product Design and Development, McGraw-Hill Education,
2 C. L. Dym, P. Little and E. Orwin. Engineering Design: A Project-Based Introduction, 4th
Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2013.
3 G. E. Dieter and L. C. Schmidt. Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2013.
4 A. Jamnia. Introduction to Product Design and Development for Engineers, CRC Press, 2018.
5 K. Prashant. Product Design: Creativity, Concepts and Usability, PHI Learning Private Limited,

3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to,
Support the multi-disciplinary integrated product development teams and Plan and
implement a new product development program.
Apply appropriate concurrent engineering tools and techniques to design and develop
CO2 environment-friendly products by leveraging both manufacturing cost and lifecycle
Determine the customer needs and ensure that the product design is robust and meets
the professional standards with better quality.
Design and develop the products with high reliability, maintainability, and
Apply the information technology tools for collaborative product design and
Demonstrate the applications of concurrent design of structures, products and

Motivation, definition, and philosophy of Concurrent Engineering (CE); sequential
and concurrent processes; Principles of CE; Organizing for CE; CE teams and team 06
dynamics; Role of CAD/CAM/CAE/CIM and automation in CE; Managing product Hours
development projects; Decomposition of product development stages; Benefits of
CE; Implementation issues of CE.
Concurrent Engineering Tools and Techniques
Design for manufacturing (DFM), Design for assembly (DFA); Factors influencing
form design; Casting and machining considerations; Design for manufacturing and 10
Assembly (DFMA) guidelines and examples; Lifecycle design of products with Hours
circular economy concept; Design for environment (DFE) with examples; Design
for (-to-)cost; Design for X (DFX); Value engineering.
Design for quality; Taguchi’s methods for designing robust products; Design of
Experiments (DOE) with examples; Design optimization; Quality function
deployment (QFD) with examples.
Design for reliability, maintainability and availability with examples; Failure modes
and effects analysis (FMEA); Fault tree analysis (FTA); Rapid prototyping methods; 08
Design simulation; Virtual and augmented reality environments for CE. Hours

Role of Information Technology In Concurrent Engineering Information technology 06
(IT) components and functions; Artificial Intelligence for IT operations used for Hours
product design; Collaborative product development; Collaborative product
commerce, Cloud IoT for CE.
Selected Applications of Concurrent Engineering
Design of aerospace and naval structures made of composite materials; Design of 06
automotive components; Design of medical devices; Design of electronic products; Hours
Design of white goods parts.
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

Books Recommended
1 B. Prasad. Concurrent Engineering Fundamentals I & II, Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
2 I. Moustapha. Concurrent Engineering in Product Design and Development, New Age
International, New Delhi, 2006.
3 G. Boothroyd, P. Dewhurst, W. Knight. Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly,
3rd Edition, Routledge, Boca Raton, 2010.
4 J. R. Hartley. Concurrent Engineering: Shortening Lead Times, Raising Quality, and
Lowering Costs, 4th Edition, Routledge, Boca Raton, 2017.
5 K. T. Ulrich, S. D. Eppinger, M. C. Yang. Product Design and Development, 7th
Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India), Noida, 2020.

MACHINERY 3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Describe basic terminologies used in condition monitoring of rotating machinery.
CO2 Examine vibration analysis problems of complex rotating systems.
CO3 Understand and analyze rotor systems with non-linear effects included.
CO4 Identify and analyze rotating machinery faults using different methods.
CO5 Illustrate the utility of instrumentation and terminology used in signal analysis for
fault detection in rotating machinery.
CO6 Analyse various plots used in condition monitoring of rotors to predict rotor faults.

Introduction To Condition Monitoring
Introduction to condition monitoring, Maintenance approach, Basics of machinery Hours
vibration, Conventions and characteristics - amplitude, frequency and phase
Vibration Analysis Of Complex Rotating Systems
Asymmetric rotors, Axial vibrations, Torsional vibration - Holzer`s method, Transfer 12
Matrix method, Geared and Branched systems, Effect of isotropic and anisotropic Hours
supports, Alford force, Whirling of rotor, Campbell diagram, Overhung rotors,
Morton effect, Temperature effect on vibration.
Rotating Machinery Faults And Detection
Rotating machinery faults and its detection - Unbalance, Misalignment, Bent rotors, 14
Bearing defects,Oil Whirl, Oil whip, Looseness, Electric motor defect, Rotor stator Hours
rub etc., frequency range of faults, Non-destructive testing, Acoustic emission
technique and applications, Introduction to Active magnetic bearing.
Instrumentation And Signal Analysis
Instrumentation and Fault Detection Transducers - Displacement, Velocity and
Acceleration, Computer aided data acquisition, Oscilloscope, Vibration Exciter 10
systems, Signal Analysis,Basics of FFT, Trend plot, Time domain plot, Frequency Hours
domain plot, Spectrum plot, Waterfall plot, RMS, Peak and Peak-peak value, Case
studies - Spectrum interpretation charts.
(Total Hours: 42)

Books Recommended
Rajiv Tiwari, Rotor Systems: Analysis and identification, CRC Press, 1st edition,
Michael I. Friswell, John E. T. Penny, Seamus D. Garvey, Arthur W. Lees, Dynamics
of Rotating machines, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
A. Davies, Handbook of Condition Monitoring: Techniques and Methodology,
Springer Science & Business Media, 1998.
4 J. S. Rao, Rotor Dynamics, New Age International Ltd. 3rd edition, 2018.
Peter Tavner, Li Ran and Christopher Crabtree, “Condition Monitoring of Rotating
5 Electrical Machines”, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 3 rd Edition,

3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to,
CO1 Understand importance of Materials characterization techniques.
CO2 Describe principles of operation and uses of Thermal analysis equipment.
Explain the production of X-rays, electrons and the electron-specimen interaction
Describe fundamental principles of operation of four materials characterization
CO4 techniques, namely optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission
electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopy.
Relate the micro and nano-images obtained with the different materials
CO5 characterization techniques to the behavior of materials and their mechanical
Understand importance of various non-destructive evaluation for material

Importance of Material Characterisation
Classification of techniques for characterization, macro and micro characterization Hours
structure of solids, Basic principles & concepts.
Thermal analysis Technique and Metallographic techniques
Introduction, Instrumentation, experimental parameters, Different types used for 05
analysis, Thermo gravimetry, Differential thermal analysis, Differential Scanning Hours
Calorimetry, Basic principles, Instrumentation, working principles, Applications,
Diffraction Method
Braggs Law, X ray Diffraction methods, Determination of crystal structure, Lattice Hours
Parameter, Residual Stress, crystallite size, Applications, Limitations.
Optical Microscopy - Introduction, Optical principles, Instrumentation, Specimen
preparation, quantitative metallography Interaction of electron beam with materials;
scanning electron microscopy– construction and working of SEM, various imaging 06
techniques, applications; FESEM transmission electron microscopy - specimen Hours
preparation for TEM; applications of TEM; various imaging techniques,
applications, Applications, Limitations.

Spectroscopy Techniques for Chemical Analysis
Atomic absorption spectroscopy, X-ray spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, XRF, 06
UV-Visual (UV-VIS), IR, and Raman spectroscopy. Mass spectroscopy: Principles Hours
and brief account, EDS, WDS, EPMA Instrumentation, Working procedure,
Applications, Limitations.
Surface Characterisation
XPS(ESCA), UPS, Auger Electron Spectroscopy, Electron Probe Microanalysis Hours
(EPMA), Working procedure, Applications, Limitations.
Nano-mechanical characterization
AFM, STM and Nano indentation studies, Introduction, Basic principles - Hours
applications and limitations.
Non-Destructive testing
Introduction, Liquid penetrant inspection, Magnetic particle inspection, Ultrasonic Hours
inspection, Eddy current inspection, X-ray radiography.
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

Books Recommended
1 S. Zhang, Lin Li, A. Kumar. Materials Characterisation Techniques, CRC press, 2008.
2 Y. Leng. Materials Characterisation: Introduction to Microscopic and Spectroscopic
Methods, John Wiley & Sons (Asia), 2013.
3 D. A. Skoog, F. J. Holler, S. R. Crouch. Instrumental analysis (Vol. 47). Belmont:
Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2017.
4 W. Kemp. Organic Spectroscopy, 3rd ed., Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
5 C. R. Brundle, C. A. Evans, S. Wilson. Encyclopedia of Materials Characterisation,
Butterworth-Heineman, 1992.


3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Explain the basic, principles of fracture mechanics.
CO2 Explain the theory of elasticity and plasticity.
CO3 Evaluate the stress intensity factor by various methods.
CO4 Solve the problems on J-integral and crack arrest
CO5 Analyse the different modes of fracture.
CO6 Apply the fracture analysis on practical applications.

Overview of Fracture Mechanics
Introduction and history, kinds of failure, brittle and ductile fracture, modes of 10
fracture, Defects and cause of defects in the materials, Different types of loadings, Hours
Fracture Mechanics and the Energy Balance Approach, Micro and macro crack.
Stress concentration due to hole. Case study of failure of structures due to fracture.
The Energy Release Rate
Griffith analysis, Criteria for crack growth, The crack resistance (R curve), 08
Compliance, Stability, Fracture beyond general yield. The Crack-tip opening Hours
displacement. The Use of CTOD criteria. Experimental determination of CTOD,
energy release rate.
Stress Intensity Factor
Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, Crack in plate with finite dimension, edge crack,
embedded crack, First mode, second mode and mixed mode stress intensity factor, 08
relation between stress intensity factor (SIF) and energy release rate (G) and critical Hours
stress intensity factor, Westergaard’s approach, Numerical examples on the
evaluation of different SIF
J Integral, Dynamics and Crack Arrest
Concept of J integral. Limitation of J integral. Experimental determination of J 08
integral and the parameters affecting J integral. Crack speed and kinetic energy. Hours
Dynamic stress intensity and elastic energy release rate. Crack branching. Principles
of crack arrest. Crack arrest in practice. Dynamic fracture toughness.
Crack Propagation and Applications of Fracture Mechanics
Crack growth and the stress intensity factor. Factors affecting crack propagation, 08
Paris law, Required information for fracture mechanics approach and engineering Hours
applications of fracture mechanics.
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

Books Recommended
P. Kumar. Elements of fracture mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.Mc
Graw Hill Education, 2009.
T. L. Anderson. Fracture Mechanics-Fundamental and Application, CRC Press, Fourth
Edition, 2017.
D. Broek. Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Kluwer Academic Publications,
Fourth Edition, 2011
4 K. Hellan. Introduction to fracture mechanics, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2016.
S. K. Maiti. Fracture mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, Cambridge University
Press, First edition, 2015


3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to,
CO1 Explain the basics of robotic systems.
CO2 Apply the concept of robot arm kinematics.
CO3 Analyze statics and dynamics of robots.
CO4 Analyze manipulator trajectories and robot end-effectors.
CO5 Analyze control of robot manipulators.
CO6 Illustrate robot programming, sensing and vision.

Introduction to robots, Robot manipulators, Robot anatomy, Coordinate systems, Hours
Work envelope, Types and classification, Specifications, Actuators and drives.
Mathematical Representation of Robots
Rotations and translation of vectors, Transformations and Euler angle
representations, Homogenous transformations, Representation of position and 05
orientation of a rigid body, Homogeneous transformations, Denavit-Hartenberg (D- Hours
H) notations and parameters, Representation of joints, link representation using D-H
Forward and Inverse Kinematics
Introduction, Forward and inverse kinematics problems.
Velocity and Statics analysis 10
Linear and angular velocity of links, Velocity propagation, Jacobians for robotic
manipulators, Statics and force transformation of robotic manipulators, Singularity
Robot Dynamic analysis
Introduction, Forward and inverse dynamics, Mass and inertia of links, Lagrangian 05
formulation for equations of motion for robotic manipulators, Newton-Euler Hours
formulation method.
Trajectory Planning and Control
Joint and Cartesian space trajectory planning and generation, Classical control 11
concepts using the example of control of a single link, Independent joint PID Hours
control, Control of a multi-link manipulator, Nonlinear model based control

Force Control of manipulators 02
Hybrid position/force control. Hours
Robot Programming, Sensing and Vision 05
Robot Programming, Introduction to sensing and vision in robotics. Hours
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

Books Recommended
1 A. Ghosal.Robotics: Fundamental Concepts and Analysis, OxfordUniversity Press, 2006.
2 J. J. Craig.Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control, 4th edition, Pearson, 2018.
3 R. J. Schilling. Fundamentals of Robotics Analysis and Control, Pearson Education India,
4 K. S. Fu, R. C. Gonzalez, C. S. G. Lee. Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision, and Intelligence,
McGraw Hill 1987.
5 S. K. Saha. Introduction to Robotics, McGraw Hill Education India, 2014.

3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to,
Explain different methods of computer aided process planning (CAPP) and
distinguish between process planning and production planning.
Determine the forecast of a product for the given historical data using forecasting
Solve the facility layout problems using different algorithms and create part families
and machine cells in a manufacturing facility using group technology approach.
Prepare material requirement plan for a product and explain enterprise resource
planning (ERP).
Create schedules for multiple machines/workstations and describe the capacity
CO6 Explain different computer aided measurement and inspection techniques.

Production systems and their types -mass production, batch production and job shop 05
production systems. Introduction to process planning in manufacturing, Role of Hours
process planning. Computer aided process planning (CAPP) - variant and generative
type process planning.
Computer Aided Forecasting
Introduction to forecasting, sources of data, demand patterns, forecasting errors, 05
forecasting models – Quantitative: moving average, linear regression and Hours
exponential smoothing methods; Qualitative - Delphi method.
Facility Layout Planning
Introduction to facility layout, objectives, types of facility layout- line layout,
process layout, cellular layout and fixed position layout, advantages and
disadvantages. Assembly line balancing, line balancing algorithms- largest 10
candidate rule, Kilbridge and Wester method, and ranked positional weights method. Hours
Heuristics of process layout problems - computerized relative allocation of facility
technique, automated layout design program and computerized relationship layout
planning. Multi objective approach for facility layout planning.
Group Technology
Introduction, benefits of group technology, part families, part classification and Hours
coding, applications of GT. Algorithms and models for Group Technology - Rank

order clustering algorithm and Bond energy algorithm.
Material Requirement Planning
Introduction, Objective of the MRP system, inputs to the MRP System – product 05
structure or bill of materials (BOM), master production schedule (MPS) and Hours
inventory status file. MRP calculations. Manufacturing resources planning (MRP-
II). Enterprise resource planning (ERP).
Scheduling and Capacity Planning
Introduction, Single machine scheduling –shortest processing time rule, weighted
mean flow time rule, earliest due date rule, model to minimize total tardiness, branch 07
and bound algorithm. Introduction to parallel processors under single machine Hours
scheduling. Flow shop scheduling – Johnson’s algorithm. Job shop scheduling.
Capacity planning – measure of capacity, capacity strategies, tools for capacity
Computer Aided Measurement and Inspection
Computer Aided Testing, Contact and Non-contact type inspection, Co-ordinate 05
measuring machines (CMM), types of CMM, Applications of CMM and its Benefits, Hours
Laser viewers for production profile checks, Machine vision technology,
Microprocessors in metrology.
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

Books Recommended
1 R. Panneerselvam. Production and Operations Management, 3rd Edition, PHI Learning
Pvt Ltd, 2015.
2 M. P. Groover. Automation production systems and computer integrated manufacturing,
5th edition, Pearson Edu Ltd, 2019.
3 E. E. Adam, R. J. Ebert. Production and Operations Management, 5th Edition, Prentice
Hall of India, 2015.
4 J. Heizer, B. Render, C. Munson. Operations Management, Pearson Edu Ltd, 12th
Edition, 2017.
5 S. N. Chary. Production and operations management, McGraw Hill Education (India)
Pvt. Ltd, 6th Edition, 2019.


3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Illustrate the different types of loads and their effects in pressure vessel.
CO2 Evaluate the different types of stresses in pressure vessel.
CO3 Design the various supports of the pressure vessel.
CO4 Design the shells, heads and nozzles.
CO5 Use the ASME & IS codes to Design pressure vessel.
CO6 Evaluate the various stresses under thermal and fatigue loadings.

Overview of various parts of pressure vessels, classification of pressure vessels, 10
applications, factors influencing the design of vessels - material selection, loads & Hours
types of failures.
Stresses in pressure vessels:
stresses in circular ring, cylinder & sphere, membrane stresses in vessels under internal
pressure, thick cylinders, multi layered cylinders, auto-frottage of thick cylinders and
their significance, discontinuity and buckling stresses
Design of pressure vessels as per ASME and IS code: Introduction and importance
of codes, Externally and internally pressurized vessels, tall vertical vessels, Supports
for vertical & horizontal vessels, nozzles and flanges. shells and heads
Pressure vessels with different conditions:
Evaluation of pressure vessels for different conditions: hydro-test condition, thermal Hours
stresses, FEM analysis, Fatigue of pressure vessels.
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

Books Recommended
1 J. F. Harvey. Theory and Design of Pressure Vessels, Springer US, 2007.
2 S. Chattopadhyay. Pressure Vessels: Design and Practice, CRC Press, 2004.
3 ASME Code Section 8thDiv 1, Div2, ASME, 2021.
4 A. S. Tooth. Pressure Vessel Design: Concepts and Principles, 1st Edition, CRC Press,
5 D. R. Moss, M. M. Basic. Pressure Vessel Design Manual, 4th Edition, Elsevier Science,


3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Develop knowledge about the basic concept of material selection
CO2 Define tools and techniques of failure analysis, procedural steps for investigation of
failure and failure data retrieval.
CO3 Identify the different fracture modes and their characteristics.
CO4 Understand and be able to identify the common modes of failure of engineering
CO5 Apply understanding to relevant case studies and identify failure mechanisms.
CO6 Understand concept of Non Destructive evaluation and its applications for Failure

Philosophy of material selection, motivation for selection, relationship to available 05
resources, concept of resource base, Criteria for selection of engineering materials. Hours
Case studies in material selection like materials for bearings, gears, automobile
structures, aircraft components, ship structures.
General Procedures for Failure Analysis
Sources of Failures, Steps in Failure Analysis, collection of data and samples;
preliminary examination; non-destructive inspection; mechanical testing; selection 05
and preservation of fracture surfaces; macroscopic and microscopic examination; Hours
selection; preparation and examination of metallographic sections; fracture
classification; report writing.
Failure of brittle and ductile material
Details of fractographic, Crack initiation and propagation in ductile and brittle
material, Griffith theory, Irwin’s modification, surface and embedded cracks, 07
Surface treatments to minimize the surface cracks, Crack growth mechanism for Hours
plane stress and plain strain, Notch sensitivity, stress tri-axiality, Failure due to
tension and torsion, Modulus of rupture, stress intensity factor.
Fatigue Failures
factors affecting fatigue life; stages of fatigue fracture; fatigue cracking; effects of 05
variables; mean stress; stress concentration; metal characteristics; manufacturing Hours
process; elevated temperature fatigue; contact fatigue.

Types of corrosion
Stress Corrosion, corrosion cracking, Analysis of corrosion failure, Procedure for 06
analysis of stress corrosion cracking. Effect of Environment. Analysis of corrosion Hours
characteristics of metals and alloys in different environment. Types of wear, Role of
friction, Interaction of corrosion and wear. Analysis of wear failure.
Elevated-Temperature Failures
creep; stress rupture; thermal fatigue; effect of atmospheric environment; failures in Hours
industrial application; testing techniques.
Case studies in failure analysis
Case histories of component failures. Typical case studies of failure of important Hours
components such as gears, shafts, pressure vessels etc. Prevention of failures
Non-destructive evaluation (NDE)
Principle and methodology of different NDT methods, Liquid Penetration Testing, Hours
Ultrasonic Testing, Radiographic Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing.
(Total Hours: 45)

Books Recommended
1 R. B. Charlie, A. Choudhury. Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials, McGraw Hill
Education, 2002.
2 R. W. Hertzberg, R. P. Vinci, J. L. Hertzberg. Deformation and fracture mechanics of
engineering materials. John Wiley & Sons, 2020.
3 V. Ramachandran. Failure analysis of engineering structures: methodology and case
histories. ASM International, 2005.
4 ASM Handbook, Failure Analysis and Prevention, Volume 11, 2002, .ASM
5 L. D. C. F. Canale, G. E. Totten, R. A. Mesquita. Failure analysis of heat treated steel
components. ASM international, 2008.


0 0 4 02

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Develop 2D & 3D model using CAD package.
CO2 Develop assembly and motion simulation of mechanical components.
CO3 Perform static analysis of 2D & 3D model using FEA package.
CO4 Perform dynamic analysis of mechanical component.

1. Drafting/Modelling of given 2D/3D model.
2. Develop assembly of a given product.
3. Motion Simulation of a given product.
4. Carry out static structural analysis of a given 2D component using FEA.
5. Carry out static structural analysis of a given 3D component using FEA.
6. Dynamics & Modal analysis of a given component.


0 0 4 02

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Understand and demonstrate operation of Coordinate measuring machine (CMM).
CO2 Generate point cloud for a given product.
CO3 Demonstrate and simulate practical skills on CNC machine.
CO4 Develop CNC codes for a given geometry.

1. Demonstration of contact type Coordinate measuring machine (CMM) for reverse
2. Demonstration of non-contact type Coordinate measuring machine (CMM) for
reverse engineering.
3. To carry out point cloud generations for given objects.
4. Demonstration of multi axes CNC machining process.
5. Tool path generation of a given 2D geometry.
6. Tool path generation of a given 3D geometry.


3 0 2 04

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the engineering design process and its role in machine elements.
CO2 Analyze and interpret the design of shafts and its applications.
CO3 Understand various gear and gear boxes problem.
CO4 Explain design requirements of mechanical brake and clutch.
CO5 Explain the desgin requirements of sliding and rolling contact bearings and their
CO6 Understand CAD software to generate a computer model and technical drawing for a
simple, well-defined part or assembly.

Phases of design, Standardization and interchangeability of machine elements, 08
Tolerances from process and function, Individual and group tolerances, Selection of Hours
fits for different design situations, Design for assembly and modular constructions,
Concepts of integration.
Analysis and Design of shafts for different applications, detailed design, Preparation Hours
of production drawings, integrated design of shaft, Bearing and casing, Design for
Gears and Gear Boxes
Principles of gear tooth action, Gear correction, Gear tooth failure modes, Stresses and 12
loads, Component design of spur, helical, Bevel and worm gears, Deign for sub
assembly, Integrated design of speed reducers and multi-speed gear boxes, application
of software packages.
Clutches and Brakes
Integrated design of automobile clutches and over running clutches. Dynamics and Hours
thermal aspects of vehicle braking – Integrated design of brakes for machine tools,
automobiles and mechanical handling equipment
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

List of practicals
1. Practice/Study of Programming Language C, C++, VB etc.
2. Computer Aided Design of Shafts under Different Loading Conditions.
3. Computer Aided Design of Spur Gear.
4. Computer Aided Design of Helical Gear.
5. Computer Aided Design of Worm Gear.
6. Computer Aided Design of Bevel Gear.
7. Optimum Design of kinematics layout of Gear boxes.
8. Computer Aided Design of Brakes.
9. Computer Aided Design of Clutches
10. Computer Aided Design of Material Handling Equipment

Books Recommended
1 W. C. Orthwein. Clutches and Brakes: Design and Selection, 2nd Edition, Taylor &
Francis, 2004.
2 R. C. Juvinall and K. M. Marshek. Fundamentals of Machine Component Design,
Wiley India, 2020.
3 G. M. Maitra. Handbook of Gear Design, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1994.
4 R. G. Budynas and J. K. Nisbett. Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw
Hill Publications, 2016.
5 Design Data: Data Book of Engineers, P. S. G. College of Technology, Revised
Edition, Coimbatore, 2016.


3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
Analyze the role of rapid prototyping in product development cycle and Recommend
scope of improvements in product development.
Integrate design concepts with CAD or reverse engineering for geometry preparation for
Rapid prototyping of part.
CO3 Identify defects in the data for rapid prototyping and propose necessary improvements.
Analyze the working of different rapid prototyping systems and recommend suitable
process for a given material and application.
CO5 Explain the concept of rapid tooling.
Analyze the process chain of different rapid prototyping systems and Create a pathway
for rapid manufacturing.

CAD-CAM and its integration, Development of CAD CAM, The importance of 02
being Rapid, Rapid Prototyping (RP) Defined, Time compression Technologies, Hours
Product development and its relationship with rapid prototyping, Process chain for
rapid prototyping.
Reverse Engineering
Reverse Engineering and CAD model, Digitizing Techniques: Mechanical Contact 04
Digitizing, Optical Non-contact Measurement, CT Scanning Method, Data Hours
Processing for Surface Reconstruction, Software for Reverse Engineering, Case
Data Preparation For Rapid Prototyping
STL interface Specification, STL data generation, STL data Manipulation,
Advantages and limitations of STL file format, Open files, Repair of STL files,
Alternative RP interfaces, Part orientation and support generation, Factors affecting 10
part orientation, Various models for part orientation determination, The function of Hours
part supports, Support structure design, Automatic support structure generation.
Model Slicing and Contour Data organization, Direct and adaptive slicing:
Identification of peak features, Adaptive layer thickness determination, Tool path

Liquid Based Rapid Prototyping Processes
Photo polymerization, principle and working of stereo lithography apparatus, 06
scanning techniques, curing processes, Mask Projection based RP systems, Two Hours
Photon Vat Photo polymerization, Typical materials and applications.
Powder Based Rapid Prototyping Processes
Powder fusion mechanism, powder handling and recycling, Principle and working of 08
Selective Laser Sintering, Laser Engineering Net Shaping process, Electron Beam Hours
Melting, Binder Jet 3D Printing, process parameters, Typical materials and
Solid Based Rapid Prototyping Processes
Basic principle and working of fused deposition modelling process, liquification, 06
solidification and bonding, bio extrusion, Laminated Object Manufacturing process, Hours
Wire and Arc based RP system, Typical materials and applications
Rapid Tooling
Classification of Rapid Tooling (RT) Routes, RP of Patterns, Indirect RT: Indirect 06
method for Soft and Bridge Tooling, Indirect method for Production Tooling, Direct Hours
RT: Direct RT method for Soft and Bridge Tooling, Direct method for Production
Tooling, Other RT Approaches. Rapid Manufacturing: Methods, limitations
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

Books Recommended
1 D. Gibson, Rosen, B. Stucker. Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Springer
2 C. K. Chua, K. F. Leong, C. S. Lim. Rapid Prototyping – Principles and Applications,
World Scientific, 3rd Edition, 2010.
3 K. V. Patri and M. Weiyin. Rapid Prototyping: Laser-based and Other Technologies,
Springer Publisher, 2004.
4 R. Noorani. 3D Printing Technology, Applications and Selection, CRC Press, 2017.
5 M. W. M. Cunico. 3D Printers and Additive Manufacturing: The Rise of The Industry
4.0, Concept 3D, 2019.


3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Explain the fundamentals of Design of Experiments (DoEs).
CO2 Design and conduct experiments for developing linear model and analyse the resulting
data to obtain valid conclusions and optimize the system.
CO3 Choose optimal or good designs for developing nonlinear model efficiently and
effectively, and analyse the resulting data to obtain valid conclusions and optimize
the system.
CO4 Explain and construct design matrix for conducting experiments for linear and
nonlinear model.
CO5 Explain and apply Taguchi´s robust design methodology for mechanical engineering
CO6 Create standard design and custom design as per situations, and analyse the data for
valid conclusions using software

Introduction to Design and analysis of experiments
Basic Principles of Design and Analysis of Experiments, Guidelines for Designing Hours
Experiments, model of a system, types of experimental design (first-order and
second-order model), basic statistical concepts, single factor experiments.
Linear experimental designs and optimization
Basic definition and principles, 2𝑘 full factorial design, a geometrical representation,
standard order form, first order response surface model, estimation of main and
interaction effects, statistical analysis, estimation of parameters and model adequacy 16
test, 2𝑘−𝑝 fractional factorial design, steps to construct fractional factorial design, Hours
first order response surface model, estimation of main and interaction effects,
statistical analysis, estimation of parameters and model adequacy test, screening
Non-linear experimental designs and optimization
Basic definition and principles, 3𝑘 full factorial design, central composite designs, 12
Box-Behnken design, estimation of linear and nonlinear effects, a second order Hours
response surface model, sequential approach.

Taguchi Design
Introduction to Taguchi design, orthogonal arrays (OA), properties of OA, design of Hours
OA, Concept of S/N ratio.
Software Practice
Introduction to software used for design and analysis of experiments, systematic 06
analysis and steps involved in software for the analysis of factorial design, fractional Hours
factorials method, Taguchi method and response surface methodology, case studies
and examples.
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

Books Recommended
1 D. C. Montgomery. Design and analysis of experiments, John wiley & sons.
2 R. K. Roy. Design of experiments using the Taguchi approach: 16 steps to product and
process improvement, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
3 K. Hinkelmann, O. Kempthorne. Design and analysis of experiments, volume 1:
Introduction to experimental design, Vol. 1, John Wiley & Sons.
4 A. Dean, D. Voss. Design and analysis of experiments, Springer.
5 J. Antony. Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd Edition, Elsevier
Inc., 2014.

3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Understand of experimental analysis and Instrumentation related to measurement
CO2 Analyse and fit the experimental data. Different kind of errors coming in data will
also be analysed.
CO3 Understand how to quantify error and uncertainty in physical measurements.
CO4 Determine the mathematical model of measurement systems and response
CO5 Illuminate the concepts of Data acquisition signal process analysis.
CO6 Explain principles, theory and applications of various sensors and transducers of
flow and temperature measurements.

Significance of Measurement and Instrumentations
Introduction, generalized configuration and functional stages of measuring systems,
the transducer and its environment, an overview, sensing process and physical laws, 05
Types of measurement problems. Transducer classification and their modelling, Hours
characteristics of instruments, design and selection of components of a measuring
Dynamic Response of Instruments
Mathematical model of a measuring system, response of general form of instruments 05
to various test inputs; time domain and frequency domain analysis Elementary transfer Hours
functions, Bode plots of general transfer functions.
Errors in Measurement and Uncertainty in measurements
Errors in instruments, Causes and types of experimental errors, Analysis of
experimental data and determination of overall uncertainties in experimental 06
investigation, Uncertainties in measurement of measurable parameters like pressure, Hours
temperature, flow etc. under various conditions, Estimation for design and selection
for alternative test methods.
Developments in sensors, detectors and transducer technology, displacement 08
transducers; force, torque and motion sensors, piezoelectric transducers, capacity type Hours
transducers, Strain gauge transducers, Accelerometers, pressure transducers based on
elastic effect of volume and connecting tubing. Transducers for Position, speed,

vibration, sound, humidity, and moisture measurement, Hall effect Transducer.
Data Acquisition and Signal Processing
Systems for data acquisition and processing modules and computerized data system 05
digitization rate, time and frequency domain representation of signals, and Nyquist Hours
criterion a brief description of elements of mechatronics modular approach to
mechatronics and engineering design.
Advanced Flow Measurements
Basic flow meters, magnetic, ultrasonic flow meters, Flow visualization, 07
shadowgraph, Schlieren and interferometric techniques, Pitot static tubes; hot wire Hours
anemometers, flow measuring problems, Laser Doppler velocity meter, flow
measurements using coriolis effect.
Temperature Measurements
Modes of heat transfer, laws of conduction, convection and radiation, Temperature
scales, classification of Temperature Sensors, Overview of Temperature Sensor
Material, Expansion thermometers, filled system thermometers Thermoelectric 06
sensors, electric resistance sensors; thermistors, Electrical temperature instruments, Hours
thermocouples, RTD, and thermistors, Pyrometers, IR temperature detectors,
radiations pyrometers, Temperature measuring problems in flowing fluids, dynamic
(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

Books Recommended
1. E. O. Doeblin. Measurements System Application and Design, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill,
2. J. P. Holman. Experimental Methods for Engineers, 8th Edition. New York: McGraw-
Hill, 2012.
3. T. G. Beckwith, R. D. Marangoni, J. H. Lienhard. Mechanical Measurements, 6th
Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2006.
4. A. K. Gosh. Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation, 4th Edition, PHL
Learning Private limited, 2012.
5. P. E. Donald. Industrial Instrumentation, CBS publishers, 2004.

3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the ideas about intelligent and smart materials.
CO2 Study the applications of electro-rheological fluids and Piezoelectric materials.
CO3 Apply the concept and use of shape memory materials and fibre optics in the modern
CO4 Design the vibration absorption systems.
CO5 Evaluate the modelling of shells, beams and plates.
CO6 Modify the outcomes related the smart structure for a specific application.

Smart Materials and Structural Systems
Introduction to Smart Materials and Structures, Actuator materials, sensing 06
technologies, micro-sensors, intelligent systems, hybrid smart materials, passive Hours
sensory smart structures, reactive actuator-based smart structures, active sensing and
reactive smart structures, smart skins.
Intelligent Materials
Primitive functions of intelligent materials, intelligence inherent in materials, materials Hours
intelligently harmonizing with humanity, intelligent biological materials.
Electro–Rheological Fluids
Suspensions and electro, rheological fluids; the electro-rheological phenomenon, 05
charge migration mechanism for the dispersed phase, electro rheological fluid Hours
Piezoelectric Materials
Background, Piezoelectricity, industrial piezoelectric materials, smart materials
featuring piezoelectric elements
Shape Memory Materials
Background on shape memory alloys, applications of shape memory alloys, 04
Continuum applications: structures and machine systems, Discrete applications, Hours
impediments to applications of shape memory alloys, shape memory plastics.
Fiber Optics 05
Overview, light propagation in an optical fiber, embedding optical fibers in fibrous Hours

polymeric thermo-sets, fiber optic strain sensors

The Piezoelectric Vibrations Absorber Systems

Introduction, single mode absorber, theory, design solution, extension including
viscous modal damping, the electromechanical 07
coupling coefficient, inductance, experimental results, multimode absorber, derivation
of transfer function, design solution, self-tuning absorber, performance function,
control scheme.
Modelling of Shells, Plates and Beams 06
Derivation of the basic shell equations, equation of motion, equations for specific Hours
geometries and cylindrical shell, Plate equations and beam equations.

(Total Lecture Hours: 42)

Books Recommended
1 M. V. Gandhi, B. D. Thompson, B. S. Thompson. Smart Materials and Structures, Springer
Netherlands, 1992.
2 A. V. Srinivasan, D. Michael McFarland, Smart Structures: Analysis and Design,
Cambridge, University Press, 2009.
3 P. L. Reece. Smart Materials and Structures: New Research, Nova Science Publishers,
4 A. Preumont. Vibration Control of Active Structures: An Introduction, Springer, 2011.
5 F. Y. Cheng, H. Jiang, K. Lou. Smart Structures: Innovative Systems for Seismic Response
Control, CRC Press, 2008.


3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Define properties of tool material and nomenclatures related to press tools and
classifying different cutting tools
CO2 Explain different types of locaters, clams, bushes, gauges and moulds for designing jigs
fixtures for and inspection aids for engineering components
CO3 Design jig, fixtures, and moulding dies of a given engineering component and use of
computer for creating model
CO4 Evaluate the dimension of press tool components for a given configuration /types of
shearing die
CO5 Apply thumb rules and empirical formulas to solve problem related to shearing
operation dies and punches and other cutting tools
CO6 Analyse a different scheme of strip layouts for maximizing stock utilisation and use of
computer design for a given case for examining feasibility of design

Tool Design Methods
Introduction, Design procedure, Statement of the problem, Needs Analysis – Tentative 06
design solutions, finished design, Drafting and design techniques in tooling drawings, Hours
Punch and die Manufacturing Techniques
Tooling Materials
Introduction, Properties of tool materials, Metal cutting tools, Single-point cutting 06
tools, milling cutters, Drills and Drilling, Reamer classification, Taps, tap
classification, The selection of carbide cutting tools, Determining the insert thickness
for carbide tools, Various heat treatments.
Gages and Gage Design
Introduction, Fixed Gages, Gage Tolerances, the selection of material for Gages, Hours
Indicating Gages, and Automatic gages.
Design of Drill Jigs
Principles of location, locating methods and devices, Principles of clamping, Drill jigs,
Chip formation in drilling, General considerations in the design of drill jigs, Drill 10
bushings, Methods of construction, Drill jigs and modern manufacturing, Computer Hours
aided Jig design.

Design of Fixtures
Introduction, Fixtures and economics, Types of Fixtures, Vice Fixtures, Milling
Fixtures, Boring Fixtures, Broaching Fixtures, Lathe Fixtures, Grinding Fixtures,
Types of Die construction, Computer aided Fixture Design,
Design of Press Tools
Die-design fundamentals, Blanking and Piercing die construction, Pilots, Strippers and 08
pressure pads, Presswork materials, Strip layout, Short -run tooling for Piercing, Hours
Bending dies, Forming dies, Drawing operations.
Design of Moulding Dies
Introduction to Injection moulding process, Parting line selection, Requirement of Air 08
vents, Ejection system, Computer aided die design for injection moulding, Hours
Compression molding.
Total Lecture Hours: 42

Books Recommended
1 C. Donaldson, H. L. George, V. C. Goold. Tool Design, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., 36th Reprint 2006.
2 P. H. Joshi. Tooling Data, Wheeler Publishing, 2000.
3 P. C. Sharma. Machine Tool and Tool Design, S Chand Company. 2004.
4 J.Y.H. Fuh. Computer aided Injection mold design and manufacture, CRC Press 2018.
5 J. R. Paquin, R. E. Crowley. Die design fundamentals, Ind. Press Inc., New York, 1987.

3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Define various terms and properties related to laser radiations
Apply concept of laser material interaction for finding response parameters of materials
having feasibility for ablation
Explain laser based machining processes for casting, forming, joining, and allied
Determine micromachining output responses considering given influencing parameters
such as ablation properties, process, and techniques
Analyse quality of cut in laser drilling considering focus, assisting gases, and design of
CO6 Design a given engineering component part using laser forming processes

Basics of Laser
Electromagnetic radiation – Laser operation mechanism - Stimulated Emission – Hours
Amplification - Properties of Laser Radiation – Types of Laser
Laser Material Interaction
Absorption of Laser Radiation- Thermal Effects, Heating, melting and Vaporization – 05
Thermal analysis – Moving source of heat - Vapor Expansion and Recoil Pressures - Hours
Plasma Formation – Material removal process Ablation
Laser machining
Overview of Conventional machining processes and non-conventional processes – 05
Laser in manufacturing – Laser casting – laser forming- Laser joining – Laser Hours
machining. -materials for Laser machining. – Economic aspect for conventional and
Laser machining process.
Laser Drilling
Laser Drilling Approaches-Melt Expulsion-Analysis of Laser Drilling Process- Quality Hours
of holes- Laser Parameters – Focusing – Assist gases and their pressure- Nozzle design
Laser cutting
Evaporative Laser Cutting - Laser Fusion Cutting- Mass momentum Balance of molten
material - Energy Balance for losses - Oxygen-Assistance- Controlled Fracture
Technique – quality aspect –Striations effect- Dross- Heat-Affected Zone- Effect of

Laser Type Effect of Laser Type- Effect of Laser Type- Laser Power – optical system-
Nozzle parameter- assist gas type- Feasible materials for laser cutting - Applications
Laser Assisted Machining
Laser-Assisted Machining LAM Process Surface Finish and Integrity Machining Using Hours
Single Laser Beam- Intersecting Laser Beams- Application of 3D Laser machining
Laser Micromachining
Laser Micromachining mechanisms- Laser Ablation- Factors Influencing Ablation 05
Rate- Ablation Damage- Laser-Assisted Chemical Etching- Micromachining Hours
Techniques- Direct Writing- Mask Projection- Interference- Combined Techniques-
Laser Micromachining Applications -Laser Marking and Engraving
Laser Forming
Laser Forming Processes- Bending- Buckling- Upsetting- Analysis of Laser Forming 07
Processes- Laser forming applications- Laser-Based Rapid Prototyping – laser welding Hours
process- Laser Interference Processing- Laser Shock Processing and its applications-
Laser Dressing of Grinding Wheels
Total Lecture Hours: 42

Books Recommended
1 J. Dowden. The Theory of Laser Materials processing, Springer, 2009.
N. B. Dahotre, S. P. Harimkar. Laser fabrication and machining of materials, Springer,
E. Fogarassy, D. Geohegan. Laser Ablation, Imprint North Holland Elsevier
Publications, 1996.
J. Lawrence, D. G. Waugh. Laser surface engineering Processes and application, Wood
Head Publishing Series, 2015.
5 K. Sugioka, M. Meunier, A. Piqué, Laser Precision microfabrication, Springer, 2010.

3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
Explain the different concepts of quality, system reliability & maintenance and its
application to the design and manufacturing activities.
Understand and Apply statistical concepts and techniques for designing of products and
process controls.
CO3 Describe and apply reliability analysis concepts to selected applications.
Describe and Apply the two level factor factorial design, general factorial design and
surface response method for experimental design.
Formulate, analyze, design and synthesize open-ended quality engineering problems
using the various statistical process control tools and quality management tool.
CO6 Select and apply newer concepts and initiatives for quality improvement.

Introduction 02
Introduction to quality control and the quality system, some philosophies and their impact Hours
on quality, Cost of quality, Quality audit.
Statistical Quality Control 14
Statistical Concepts and Data analysis: Fundamentals of statistical concepts and techniques Hours
in quality control and improvement, Data analysis and sampling; Control Charts: Statistical
Process Control using control charts, Control charts for attributes and variables. Process
capability analysis: Concepts and procedures of Process capability. Acceptance Sampling:
Acceptance sampling for attributes and variables.
Reliability Analysis 03
Reliability: Failure rate analysis, mean failure rate, mean time to failure, mean time Hours
between failure, Graphical representation of Fd, Z and R. Generalization in graphical form,
integral form, Hazard models, systems reliability, availability, maintenance, overall
equipment effectiveness, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Failure Mode and Effect
Analysis (FMEA).
Experimental Design 08
Experimental Design: Fundamentals of experimental Design, Single, Multi factor and 2k Hours
factor experiments, Two level fractional factorial design, Response surface method.
Quality loss function.
Taguchi method: Taguchi method, Design of experiments using orthogonal array, Data
analysis from Taguchi and Multi level factor design.

New Quality Concepts and Initiatives 12
New Quality Concepts and initiatives: Total Quality Management (TQM) and its Hours
techniques, New Seven Management Tools, and Industrial Case studies on Costs of
Quality, Five S, kaizen, Quality Circles, Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Poka Yoke,
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma,
etc. Quality Management through Software.
Quality Standards 02
Quality Standards and Business Excellence Models: Quality System Standards, ISO 9000, Hours
ISO 14000, various Quality Awards and case studies.
World Class Manufacturing 01
Manufacturing Excellence World Class Manufacturing (WCM) – Model and elements of Hours
Total Lecture Hours: 42

Books Recommended
1 A. Mitra. Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall of India, 2011
K. Krishnaiah, P. Shahabudeen. Applied Design of Experiments and Taguchi Methods, Prentice Hall
of India, 2012.
Dale H. Besterfield, Carol Besterfield-Michna, Mary Besterfield-Sacre, Glen H. Besterfield,
3 Hemant Urdhwareshe, Rashmi Urdhwareshe, Total Quality Management, , Pearson Education,
4 G. W. Cobb. Introduction to Design and Analysis of Experiments, John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
D. C. Montogomery. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, John Wiley & Sons, 8th Edition,
5 2013.


3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
Understand the concept of optimization, related terms and formulate mathematical
models for practical problems based on the information provided.
CO2 Use linear programming to solve real life linear programming problems
Solve transportation and transhipment problems, travelling salesman problem and
integer programming
Determine solutions that will be deployed in real world situations after conducting
sensitivity and post optimality analysis
CO5 Apply classical methods to solve nonlinear programming problems
Use evolutionary algorithms to solve complex engineering problems where classical
methods are not suitable.

Introduction to optimization, linear programming, formulation, graphical method, Hours
simplex method and special cases
Sensitivity and post optimality analysis
Sensitivity analysis and post optimality analysis, changes in resources and objective 08
function, changes affect feasibility and optimality, duality, dual simplex algorithm, Hours
generalize simplex algorithm
Special types of linear programming problems
Transportation problems, Transshipment problems, Travelling salesman problems, Hours
Integer programming
Introduction to MATLAB and solving linear and nonlinear problems using
Introduction to MALAB, creating and manipulating vectors and matrix, user defined Hours
function, special built-in function to create special vectors and matrices, symbolic
math, built-in function to solve linear programming problems
Nonlinear programming problems
Graphical method, convex function and convex region, necessary and sufficient 04
conditions, Lagrangian method, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions, solving Hours
nonlinear problems using MATLAB.

Evolutionary Algorithms
Introduction to evolutionary algorithm, introduction to multi-objective optimization, 14
genetic algorithms, differential evolution algorithm, Particle swarm optimization, Hours
tabu search, simulated Annealing technique, solving real life engineering problems
using MATLAB
Total Lecture Hours: 42

Books Recommended
1 F. S. Hillier, G. J. Lieberman, B. Nag, P. Basu. Introduction to operations research, Tata
McGraw-Hill Education, 2017.
2 H. A. Taha. Operations research: an introduction, Pearson Education India, 2017.
3 S. S. Rao. Engineering optimization: theory and practice, John Wiley & Sons, 2019.
4 A. Vasuki. Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms, CRC Press, 2020.
5 D. E. Goldberg. Genetic algorithms: in search, optimization and machine learning, Pearson
Education India, 2006.

3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Explain the concept of equilibrium, torsion and bending of bars using theory of
CO2 Apply plastic flow theory to predict the material deformation or fracture of selected
mechanical component
CO3 Compute the numerical problems using flow rule, plastic work increment, work
hardening and tensile instability
CO4 Develop analytical modelling and skills of engineering application related to plastic
CO5 Explain the theory of local necking under uniaxial and biaxial tension in sheet metal
forming applications
CO6 Apply plasticity concepts to analyse the stamping, bending and deep drawing process in
metal strips

Theory of Elasticity
Plane stress and plane strain, Stress and strain at a point. Equilibrium and compatibility 10
equations. Two dimensional problems in rectangular and polar co –ordinates, Mohr’s Hours
Circle of Stress in Two dimensions, three dimensional problems, Mohr’s Circle of
Stress in Three dimensions, Torsion and bending of bars.
Principles of Plastic Flow Theory
Stress tensor, Hydrostatic and Deviator component of Stress, Plastic Stress & Strain
relationship & Condition of initiation of plastic deformation, Failure Criterion, Plastic 12
work increment, Plastic Anisotropy, Two-dimensional plastic flow theory- Slip line Hours
field theory, Introduction of large strains, Strain or work hardening, Experimental
strain analysis
Tensile Instability
Introduction, Uniaxial tension of a perfect & an imperfect strip, Uniaxial tension of a
rate dependent material, necking in continuous bar, sheets, necking in biaxial tension, 10
Effect of strain hardening, Effect of rate sensitivity, Ductile fracture & reduction of Hours
area, Determination of Forming Limit Strains for an Anisotropic material by Neck of
growth. Methods for testing material properties

Stamping, Bending and Deep Drawing Analysis
Two-dimensional stamping model, Stretch and draw ratio in stamping, three-
dimensional stamping model, bending without tension, bending in Vee-die, Spring 10
back, bending of small radius, Deep drawing of a sheet, Cup height, drawing with Hours
flange, wall ironing of deep drawn cup
Total Lecture Hours: 42

Books Recommended
1 E. G. Thomsen, C. T. Yang, S. Kobayashi. Mechanics of Plastic Deformation in Metal
Processing, The MacMilan Co, 1965.
2 E. M. Mielnik. Metal Working Science & Engineering, 1st Edition, McGraw - Hill, Inc.,
New York, 1991.
3 Z. Marciniak, J. L. Dancan, S. J. Hu. The Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming, Butterworth-
Heinemann, 2002.
4 S. P. Timoshenko, J. Goodier. Theory of Elasticity, McGraw Hill, 1975.
5 V. Molotnikov, A. Molotnikov. Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity: A Textbook of Solid
Body Mechanics, Springer, 2021


3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Understand and explain different laws of friction and topology of surfaces.
CO2 Differentiate between the types of lubricants, properties and its respective application
CO3 Appreciate the various modes of wear and the wear-mechanism maps.
CO4 Understand behaviour of bearing in different lubrication regimes and able to develop
mathematical model.
CO5 Select the type of bearing for any given required engineering use and determine the
load carrying capacity and other related parameters.
CO6 Decide on the tribological measurement techniques based on performance of machine

Introduction to the Concept of Tribo-Design 04
Specific principles of tribo-design, tribological problems in machine elements. Hours
Basic Principles of Tribology
Sliding friction, relative motion in bodies, friction due to adhesion, deformation,
energy dissipation during friction, types of wear and their mechanisms, wear in Hours
lubricated contacts and film lubrication.
Friction, Lubrication and Wear in Lower Kinematic Pairs
Concept of friction angle, friction in screws with a square and triangular threads, plate,
cone and centrifugal clutches, drives utilizing friction force, frictional aspects of brake Hours
design and tribo-design aspects of mechanical seals.
Friction, Lubrication and Wear in Higher Kinematic Pairs
Loads acting on contact area, traction in contact zone, rolling friction and cam-
follower systems.
Sliding-Element Bearings
Derivation of Reynolds equation, hydrostatic and thrust bearings, journal bearings, gas
bearings, steady-state analysis of fluid-film bearings, modern developments in journal Hours
bearing design, selection and design of thrust bearings

Rolling-Contact Bearings
Analysis of friction in rolling contact bearings, deformations and kinematics of rolling
element bearings, lubrication analysis of rolling contact bearings.
Lubrication and Efficiency of Involute Gears
Generalities of gear design, lubrication regimes, gear failure due to scuffing, gear
pitting, design aspects of gear lubrication and efficiency of gears.

Total Lecture Hours: 42

Books Recommended
1 D. Dowson, C.M. Taylor, M. Godet, D. Berthe. Tribological Design of Machine Elements,
1st Edition, Elsevier Science, 1989.
2 G. Stachowiak, A. Batchelor. Engineering Tribology, 3rd Edition, Elsevier Science, ISBN
(978-0-12-397047-3), 2014.
3 A. Harnoy. Bearing Design in Machinery: Engineering Tribology and Lubrication, CRC
Press, 2002.
4 S. Wen, P. Huang. Principles of Tribology, 2nd Edition, Wiley Publication, (ISBN: 978-1-
119-21490-8), 2017.
5 R. Gohar, H. Rahnejat. Fundamentals of Tribology, 3rd Edition, World Scientific Publishing
Company, 2018.

3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1 Explain the different types of composite materials.
CO2 Analyse the macro and micro mechanical behaviour of lamina.
CO3 Solve the problems of macro mechanical analysis of laminate
CO4 Evaluate the bending, buckling and vibration analysis of laminated plate.
CO5 Explain the design requirement of composite materials.
CO6 Analyse the nonlinear behaviour of composite materials.

Classification and characteristics of composite materials, Mechanical behaviour of 06
composite materials, Terminology of laminated composite materials, Manufacture of Hours
laminated composite materials, Applications of composite materials
Macro-Mechanical Behaviour of a Lamina
Stress-strain relationship for anisotropic materials, Stiffness, compliances and 08
engineering constants for orthotropic materials, Relationship on engineering constants,
Stress-strain relationship for plane stress in an orthotropic material, Strength of an
orthotropic lamina
Micro-Mechanical Behaviour of a Lamina
Mechanics of materials approach to stiffness, Elasticity approach to stiffness, Hours
Mechanics of materials approaches to strength.
Macro-Mechanics Behaviour of a Laminate
Classical laminate theory, Special cases of laminate stiffness, Theoretical versus Hours
measured laminate stiffness, Strength of laminates, Inter laminar stresses
Bending, Buckling and Vibration of Laminated Plates
Governing equations for bending, buckling and vibration of laminated plate, Deflection
of simply supported laminated plates under distributed transverse load, Buckling of Hours
laminated plate, Vibration of laminated plate.
Introduction To Design of Composite Structures and Nonlinear Behaviour
Introduction, Introduction to structural design, Material Selection, Configuration Hours
Selection, Laminate joints, Design requirements and design failure criteria, Definition

and types of non-linearity, Non-linear analysis of plates for bending, buckling and
vibration, Inter laminar stresses of laminate.
Total Lecture Hours: 42

Books Recommended
1 K. K. Autar. Mechanics of composite materials, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2006.
2 R. M. Jones. Mechanics of composite materials, 2nd Edition, Taylor and Fransis, 2018.
3 M. M. Kaminski. Computational mechanics of composite materials, Springer, 2005.
4 B. D. Agarwal. Analysis and Performance of Fiber Composites, 3rd Edition, John Wiley &
Sons, 2006.
5 R.F. Gibson. Principles of Composite Material Mechanics, 4th Edition, CRC Press, 2016.


3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Decide the surface preparation methods suitable for different substrate materials.
Demonstrate the ability to use the core concepts of engineering application in material
degradation by corrosion, wear and its prevention.
Describe the importance & role of surface modifications to achieve several technological
Explain importance of specific coating technique ,characterization & its applications on
specific engineering components.
Select surface engineering technique for specific wear mechanisms and corrosion
CO6 Propose suitable surface engineering technique to control material degradation.

Surface engineering: Introduction to surface engineering, Scope of surface
engineering for different engineering materials, Surface Preparation methods such as 04
Chemical, Electrochemical, Mechanical: Sand Blasting, Shot peening, Shot blasting, Hours
Hydro-blasting, Vapor Phase Degreasing etc., Coatings: Classification, Properties and
applications of Various Coating
Adhesive wear, Abrasive and erosive wear, Wear induced by mechanical fatigue of 06
the worn surface, melting wear, fretting wear and diffusive wear, Analytical models of Hours
wear, Wear resistant materials, Fatigue, fracture and creep.
Corrosion of metals in aqueous media: Electrochemistry and aqueous corrosion, 06
Electrochemical corrosion of machinery and structures, Corrosion inhibitors, Hours
Materials factors in aqueous corrosion. Oxidative reactions of metals with oxygen,
sulphur and other halogens.
Discrete Coatings
Introduction, Coatings of organic compounds, Electrochemical coatings, Plasma and 06
thermal spraying, plasma-transferred arc the D gun, Vacuum-based coating methods, Hours
Friction surfacing, weld overlays and explosive bonding, Advanced coating

Integral Coatings and Modified Surface Layers
Introduction, Thermally or mechanically modified surface layers: Induction
hardening, Laser and electron beam surface hardening, Shot-peening, 08
Thermochemical methods of coating: Galvanization and hot-dipping, Carburizing, Hours
carbonitriding, nitriding, nitrocarburizing & boronizing, Advanced surface
modification technologies: Plasma nitriding and plasma carburization, Surface
alloying by laser and electron beam, Ion implantation.
Characterization of Surface Coatings
Introduction, Measurement of surface roughness and coating thickness, Hardness and 06
microhardness analysis, Adhesivity testing, Microstructural evaluation, Chemical Hours
analysis, Residual stress analysis, Corrosion testing.
Control of Materials Degradation
Introduction, Methodology of analysing materials degradation, Selection of optimal
surface engineering technology, Control of wear by surface engineering, Principles of 06
coating selection for wear resistance, Selection of specific surface engineering Hours
techniques for specific wear mechanisms, Control of corrosion by surface
engineering, Control of fatigue and fracture by surface engineering
Total Lecture Hours: 42
Books Recommended
1 T. Burakowski, T. Wierzchon. Surface engineering of metals, CRC Press, 2020.
2 A. W. Batchelor, L. N. Lam, M. Chandrasekaran. Materials degradation and its control by
surface engineering, 3rd Edition, Imperial college press, 2011.
3 L. I. Tushinsky, I. Kovensky, A. Plokhov, V. Sindeyev, P. Reshedko. Coated Metal:
Structure and Properties of Metal-Coating Compositions, Springer, Germany, 2002.
4 M. Ohring. Materials Science of Thin Films, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, 2002.
5 L. I. Tushinsky, I. Kovensky, A. Plokhov, V. Sindeyev, P. Reshedko. Materials Degradation
and Its Control by Surface Engineering, 3Ed Hardcover – Illustrated, February 2011.

3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Explain the concept of XFEM.
CO2 Analyze different modes of fracture.
CO3 Utilized enrichment functions to solve simple fracture problems by XFEM.
CO4 Evaluate stress intensity factor (SIF) for isotropic and orthotropic materials by XFEM.
CO5 Solve the problems on Cohesive Cracks.
CO6 Evaluate the stresses and SIF near crack tip of dynamic fracture problems.

Structures, discontinuities in the materials, fracture mechanics, comparison between
FEM and XFEM, general aspects of XFEM, Partition of unity, enrichment functions, 08
local and non-local models, discrete cracked element, singular elements, enriched Hours
elements, Basics of elasticity, LEFEM, strong and weak discontinuities, cracks
modeling, XFEM application.
XFEM for Isotropic Problems
Basics of FEM, basics of fracture mechanics, partition of unity, enrichment, isotropic
XFEM, modeling of strong and weak discontinuities, XFEM approximation, signed 08
distance function, modeling of strong and weak discontinuous fields, modeling of Hours
crack, XFEM discretization and integration, tracking moving boundaries, level set
method, numerical simulations: A tensile plate with a central crack, single and double
edge cracks, edge and center crack in finite and infinite plate.
XFEM for Orthotropic Problems
Anisotropic elasticity, elasticity solution, anisotropic stress functions, orthotropic
mixed mode problems, energy release rate and stress intensity factor for anisotropic 08
materials, analytical solutions for near crack tip, near crack tip displacement field, Hours
XFEM discritization and SIF calculations, numerical simulations: Plate with a crack
parallel to material axis of orthotropy , orthotropic and isotropic materials with crack
subjected to tensile tractions
XFEM for Cohesive Cracks
Cohesive cracks, Numerical models for cohesive cracks, Crack propagation criteria,
Griffith criterion for cohesive crack, Cohesive crack model, XFEM for cohesive cracks 08
(enrichment functions, governing equation and XFEM discritization), numerical Hours
simulations: mixed mode bending beam, four point bending beam and double
cantilever beam.

Static and Dynamic Fracture Analysis
Analytical Solutions for Near Crack Tip, Mixed Mode Fracture, SIF Calculation by
Interaction Integral, Anisotropic XFEM, Analytical Solutions for Near crack tips in 10
dynamic states, analytical solution for near crack tip of a Propagating crack Material, Hours
dynamic stress intensity factor, numerical simulations: plate with stationary centre
crack, mode I plate with edge crack, mixed mode edge crack in composite plate,
composite plate with crack under impulsive loading.
Total Lecture Hours: 42

Books Recommended
1 S. Mohammadi. Extended finite element method, 1st edition, Blackwell, 2007.
2 XFEM fracture mechanics of composites, 1st edition, A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.,
Publication 2012.
3 P Kumar. Elements of fracture mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2017.
4 Anderson. Fracture Mechanics-Fundamental and Application, T. L. CRC press1998.
5 R. B. Charlie, A. Chaudhary. Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials, McGraw Hill, New
York, 2001.

3 0 0 03

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Develop mathematical model for fluid flow through turbomachine passage.
CO2 Discretize the fundamental equations of flow and other transport processes.
CO3 Apply finite volume method for numerical modeling of flow.
CO4 Solve flow problems using semi-explicit and semi-implicit algorithms.
CO5 Generate mesh for flow domain in complex turbomachinery geometry.
CO6 Solve Navier-Stokes equations for flow through complex turbomachine passages.

Review of Governing Equations Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
Conservation of Mass, Newton’s Second Law of Motion, Expanded Forms of Navier 06
stokes equations, Conservation of Energy Principle, Special Forms of the Navier Hours
Stokes Equations, Classification of Second order Partial Differential Equation s, Initial
and Boundary Conditions, Governing Equations in Generalized Coordinates.
Finite Difference, Discretization, Consistency, Stability and Fundamental of Fluid
Flow Modeling
Elementary Finite Difference Quotients, Basic Aspects of Finite Difference Equations, Hours
Errors and Stability Analysis, Some Nontrivial Problems with Discretized Equations,
Applications to Heat Conduction and Convection.
Solution of Viscous Incompressible Flows by Stream Function -Vorticity
Two-Dimensional Incompressible Viscous Flow, Incorporation of Upwind Scheme, Hours
Estimation of Discretization Error, Application to Curvilinear Geometries, Derivation
of Surface Pressure and Drag.
Solution of Navier-Stokes Equations for Incompressible Flows Using MAC and
SIMPLE Algorithms 10
Staggered Grid, Solution of the Unsteady Navier -Stokes Equations, Solutions of Hours
Energy Equation, Formulation of the Flow Problems, SIMPLE Algorithm.
Introduction to FVM:
Integral Approach, discretization & Higher order scheme, Finite Volume Solution of Hours
Unsteady Advection, Diffusion Problems with Source Term.
Total Lecture Hours: 42

Books Recommended
1 D. A. Anderson, J. C. Tannehill, R. H. Pletcher. Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat
Transfer, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York, U.S.A, 1984.
2 K. Murlidhar, T. Sunderarajan. Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2003.
3 J. D. Anderson Jr. Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw Hill, Inc. New York, 1996.
4 S. V. Ankar. Numerical Heat Transfer and Flow, Hemisphere Publ., Corporation, 1985.
5 H. K. Versteag, W. Malalsekara. An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Pearson, 2008


0 0 4 02

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Apply programming language to solve engineering problems.
CO2 Generate code for solving engineering problems using differential equations.
CO3 Develop FEA codes for 1D and 2D problems.
CO4 Develop FEA codes for thermal problems.

1. Exploring programming languages such as MATLAB / Python / Scilab.
2. Write code for 2nd order differential equation for given problems.
3. Write FEA code for solving a given problem of 1D spring and linear bar element.
4. Write FEA code for solving a given problem of 2D truss structure.
5. Write FEA code for solving a given problem of Plane stress and Plane strain.
6. Write FEA code for solving a given problem of thermal analysis.


0 0 4 02

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
CO1 Understand working of 3D printing technology.
CO2 Perform slicing exercise.
CO3 Demonstrate working of Arduino.
CO4 Practice controlling of motors used in Industrial robotics.

1. Demonstration of 3D printing technology.
2. Carry out slicing exercise of given objects.
3. Exploring system control through Arduino board.
4. Robotics-Controlling of servo motor.
5. Robotics-Controlling of DC motor.
6. Robotics-Controlling of stepper motor.


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