Vanishing Deductions X Estate Tax Computation

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Vanishing Deduction Computation

1.) Value taken of PPT 4,200,000.00
Less: Mortgage Pd. 200,000.00
Initial Basis: 4,000,000.00

2.) Initial Basis 4,000,000.00

Divide: Gross Estate 14,640,000.00
Multiply: Expenses 1,988,000.00
2nd Deduction: 543,169.40

3.) Initial Basis 4,000,000.00

Less: 2nd Deduction 543,169.40
Final Basis: 3,456,830.60

4.) Final Basis 3,456,830.60

x Percentage Allowed 20%
Vanishing Deduction 691,366.12

B. Computation of Net Estate Exclusive Conjugal

House & Lot 5,000,000.00
Agri. Land 3,000,000.00
Car 2,000,000.00
Jewelry 500,000.00
Clothes (Mr. Costales) 600,000.00
Cash on hand & in banks:
Income fr. Unidentified sources 3,000,000.00
Cash in bank:
Fr. Sales @Loss of Exclusive Prop. 1,500,000.00
Received as gift (Current Account) 40,000.00
Other Prop:
Owned before marriage 900,000.00
Acquired after marriage 200,000.00
Gross Estate: 2,100,000.00 14,640,000.00
Less: (Ordinary Deductions)
Unpaid Mortgages on:
House & Lot 1,000,000.00
Agri. Land 600,000.00
Other Obligations 200,000.00
Claims against Estate 178,000.00
Legacy to Govt. fr. Current Account 10,000.00
(Vanishing Deduction) 691,366.00
Total Deductions: 2,679,366.00
Net Estate: 2,100,000.00 11,960,634.00
Less: Family Home 2,500,000.00
Less: Standard Deduction 5,000,000.00
Less: Net share of the SP 2,230,317.00
Add: Net share of the Deceased 2,230,317.00
Exclusive Prop. Of the Deceased 2,100,000.00
Net Taxable Estate: 4,330,317.00
Rate: 6%
Estate Tax Due 259,819.02

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