US Vs Jarvison

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US vs Jarvison

No. 04-2093, May 23, 2005

A child was sexually abused but the witness, Esther Jarvison, refused to testify against
her spouse, Ben. Under the Navajo law where the spouse were under, there is a spousal
testimonial privilage which cannot compel the spouse to testify against the other spouse.

The govenrment argued the marriage was not valid since the Jarvisons have not
recorded the traditional marriage.

ISSUE: WON Navajo law applies

THE COURT RULED IN THE AFFIRMATIVE. Navajo law will apply because the Navajo
Nation retains sovereign authority to regulate domestic relations laws, including marriage
of its Indian subjects.

Under Navajo tradition, celebration of a traditional marriage ceremony and the

knowledge thereof by the community were sufficient to create a valid marriage. A
marriage license or other documentation was unnecessary. After participating in the
traditional Navajo wedding ceremony, some couples do not obtain marriage licenses
because, traditionally, the performance of the ceremony completely validates the union.

Thus, Esther and Ben Jarvison have a valid marriage and that Esther Jarvison may
invoke the privilege against adverse spousal testimony.

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