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International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)

Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/

Process Configuration Plan of Sales and

Distribution for Kalinga State University
Mathew Jun P. Mariani
Kalinga State University, Philippines

Received: 08 Oct 2020; Received in revised form: 22 Dec 2020; Accepted: 26 Dec 2020; Available online: 31 Dec 2020
©2020 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— Enterprise Resource Planning System is considered a vital organizational tool that integrates various
organizational systems and facilitates error-free transactions and production. ERP packages, if chosen correctly,
implemented judiciously, and used efficiently, can raise productivity and profits dramatically. The market for
ERP systems is very competitive. The SAP SD module is one of the prime ERP modules produced by SAP. SAP
Sales and distribution deals with better control of sales and consumer distribution data and processes in
companies. It works closely towards functional process work with other SAP modules. Kalinga State University
is among the universities that never stop recognizing innovations to develop services for its clientele. With the
benefits above of integrating an SD module in a Higher Education Institution, this study was conducted to help
the University internalize the possible solutions in achieving the best sales and distribution services that cater to
all its constituent needs. Furthermore, an evaluation of the University's sales and distribution conducted suggests
that the University needs the implementation of such a module.
Keywords— Sales and Distribution, Master Data, Configuration Requirements, SAP Configuration and
Implementation, Accelerated SAP, Enterprise Resource Planning.

I. INTRODUCTION knowledge, reduce costs, and improve business processes

Modern business is a complex multi-component system, and management. Furthermore, Busanda (2013) claims that
one of the primary elements of which is Information and organizations regard the ERP system as an essential
Communication Technology (ICT). Although every organizational tool because it incorporates various
enterprise is unique in its financial and economic activities, organizational structures and promotes error-free transactions
several problems are common to all enterprises. These include and development. ERP systems run on various computer
the management of material, financial and human resources, hardware and network configurations, typically using a
procurement, marketing, and business processes. It is essential database as an information repository.
to have a fair business process. A business process is a Abugabah and Sanzogni (2010) discussed in a study
compilation of connected responsibilities that find their end in that there were numerous studies on ERP implementation and
releasing a client's service or product. Moreover, a business several related issues such as implementation procedures,
process is also a set of activities and tasks that, once business processes, and outcomes. According to their
accomplished, shall complete an organization's goal research, the introduction of the ERP in higher education in
(Malakooti, 2013). Australia has resulted in a further layer of change in
According to Ledlum (2010), an ERP system is an universities to replace old administrative and management
integrated set of programs supporting core organizational systems with new ones. However, one of the reasons
activities such as manufacturing, logistics, finance, universities have adopted ERP systems is to improve
accounting, sales, marketing, and human resources. Different organizational performance and learning services and
departments can use an ERP system to share data and improve efficiency in the operation. Consequently, to upgrade

ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.56.83 2443
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Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/

old and obsolete systems with more effective ones, manage increasingly complex operations. From decreasing
universities started to adopt ERP systems. government funding to stakeholders' increasing expectations,
Busanda(2013) enumerated various advantages of universities are currently under pressure to deliver higher
implementing an ERP system in an organization. These quality educational services for lower costs. For these reasons,
include (a) It allows you to integrate every process of your the SAP SD module can be very appealing to HEIs as a
organization while simultaneously improving the quality of potential route to meeting standards (Frantz, 2012).
many areas, such areas such as human resources, accounting, Many reasons attract universities to implement the
and operations; (b) it helps to raise your production volume SD module of SAP systems, including global trends, growth
and to control your costs more efficiently, and this means that in student numbers, competitive education environment, and
you shall be able to control the whole enterprise more quality and performance requirements. These require the
efficiently; (c) ERP systems improve the efficiency of Higher Education sector to evolve and replace the existing
information, allowing organizations to provide real-time management and administration systems with SD module of
information to make decisions and reliable predictions for the SAP systems, which provide many management tools and
enterprise.; and, (d) it improves the commercial activity facilities that guarantee the efficiency and accessibility for all
development in the short and long term. users (Rabaai & Abugabah 2011)
Protiviti (2015) presented common risk areas for Kalinga State University is among the universities
ERP projects, including project management and executive that never stop recognizing innovations to develop services
sponsorship, lack of communication, and slow decision- for its clientele. With the benefits above of integrating an SD
making among critical stakeholders, including executive module in Higher Education Institutions, the researcher
management, business process owners, the IT organization, proposes for the configuration of an SAP SD module for the
and compliance. One reason for stakeholders' lack of Kalinga State University, which shall enable the University to
engagement is that an ERP implementation is simply an IT improve and provide better services to its clientele.
project. Quite often, core business process owners assign Generally, this study intended to configure processes
responsibilities for managing all aspects of the process, from using SAP ECC 6.0 sales and distribution module for Kalinga
overseeing system design to go-live, even if they have little or State University. Specifically, the study identified the
no experience as project managers or understanding of ERP configuration requirements that shall be considered in the
systems. sales and distribution and the areas on processes and sales and
In terms of business and technical points of view, distribution data; discussed the issues and challenges related
SAP benefits for universities include campus-wide to the ERP implementation; and identified the appropriate ICT
incorporation into a standard system; improving internal infrastructure that shall support the ERP implementation.
communications; reducing or eliminating manual processes;
enhancing strategic decision-making and planning
capabilities: developing a self-service environment for
students and faculty; enabling administrative systems to be Development Methodology
more available; promoting sophisticated systems; analysis for Before embarking on implementing SAP, one needs
use in decision-making; integrated workflow, industry best to have a well-planned approach and a project-specific
practices, and reduced dependence on paper, (Sabauetal, methodology to guide every stage of the process (Pillai,
2011). 2012). There are numerous project methodologies available
The Sales and Distribution module, which the main to carry out SAP Project implementation. However, the
focus of the study, manages the selling, shipping, and billing researcher shall utilize Accelerated SAP (ASAP) software
of products and services for an organization. It is a part of the development methodology for this study, for it is a
Logistics Area in SAP that supports customer activities. The comprehensive solution for efficiently implementing and
main areas covered by the SD module includes Pre-sales continuously optimizing SAP software.
activities, Sales Order Processing, and Shipping Billing (Sasi, The goal of ASAP is to help project management
2014). design SAP implementation in the most efficient manner
Furthermore, HEIs have considered SAP SD module possible by effectively optimizing people, time, quality, and
adaption to integrate their management system better to other resources. Using the ASAP approach, project

ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.56.83 2444
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)
Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/

management includes the blueprint for optimizing and on applying the SAP program and connections to helpful tools
integrating SAP programs in business processes. This solution and accelerators are provided in the documents held at each
was created to ensure a successful, cost-effective, and on-time stage of the Roadmap framework.
implementation of all project solutions. Developed by SAP Project Preparation. As an implementation of SAP
(System Applications and Products) to optimize business aims to map the corporate processes to those identified by
suites, this framework streamlines the use of methods, tools, SAP, the implementation needs to full awareness of the
accelerators, and templates developed initially for SAP business processes on-board persons. Amongst other aspects,
projects. the project planning process helps to identify this team.
The ASAP Roadmap divides the implementation
process into five phases shown in Figure 1. Recommendations

Fig.1: ASAP Roadmap

In this phase, the researcher planned the project and the SAP GUI 7.20 version, to access the application accounts.
laid the foundations for successful implementation. It is at this Baseline configuration follows the final
stage was the researcher defined strategic decisions needed for configuration, which consists of up to four cycles. Other key
this study. This includes defined project goals and objectives, focal areas of this phase conduct integration tests and drawing
a simplified scope of implementation, and a well-defined up end-user documentation.
project schedule.
Final Preparation. Using the improvements from the
Business Blueprint. Blueprint is a comprehensive processes of realization and research, the output method is
documentation of the school's requirements, establishing how prepared. Some things need to be performed immediately in
the business processes and organizational structure are the manufacturing system. During the final planning process,
represented in the SAP System. During this phase, the these events take place.
researcher created the AS-Is- and To-Be documents of the
In this phase, the researcher completed the preparations,
organizational structure, processes, and master data.
including testing, system management, and cutover activities.
In this phase, the researcher created a business blueprint and At this stage, the researcher ensured all the prerequisites for
identified the requirements needed. The researcher the system to go live and be fulfilled.
documented the conceptualized plan through different
Go-live & Sustain / Support. The final product is
modeling tools such as swim lane and flow charts that act as
released to the end-users at this point. The go-live can be
the blueprint associated with the study and write all pertinent
achieved in a Big Bang (all components at one go or step-by-
and analyzed documents.
phase fashion ). The project is now progressing into the
Realization. The actual work of customizing the SAP "sustain and support" phase, where the end-users' concerns
software to be in sync with the organization's business will be addressed, and the device will be taken care of for
processes is done in this phase. It includes customizing continuous maintenance.
existing SAP packages and solutions and developing new
The study does not cover this phase due to the limited
objects based on the requirement.
available data set needed for the system. Optimizing the
In this phase, the researcher configured the business system shall not also be covered in this study.
blueprint requirements using the SAP front end application,

ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.56.83 2445
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Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/

Sources of Data of KSU followed by the To-be configuration process.

The primary source of data in the study's a. Sales of livestock. The University has been
documentation was derived from the researcher's interview producing livestock for 20 years, and it has been one of the
with the Business Affairs Officer and the staff. The researcher most significant income-generating projects of the research
had created interview guide questions to provide the and development center. The as-is process in selling livestock
respondents with a guide in responding to queries. Another is as follows the client must secure first a request for sell form
data source was the observation of the current Sales and from the Business Affairs (BA) Office of the University. The
Distribution process, which is being conducted by the sales livestock shall be delivered at the university compound's
and distribution staff and clients. Documents were also inspection area for inspection to be headed by the Agricultural
analyzed to understand the requirements of KSU further. The Product Income Generating Chairman. If the livestock does
documents included in this study are the university general not pass the inspection, it shall be returned to the farm. After
ledger, inspection, billing form, product prices, and purchase which, payment is made at the BA offices. An official receipt
forms. and a gate pass shall be handed to the clients. The BAO
Administrative Aide deposits the collection to BAO accounts
at the Land Bank of the Philippines. See appendix C for sell
form, Inspection form, and Inspection Report form.
Configuration Requirement for Sales and Distribution
In configuring the to-be process of selling livestock,
selling livestock starts when a customer orders, as seen in
This section discusses the current set-up sales and figure 3. A Sales and distribution staff creates a sales order in
distribution and the areas of the process, and master data, and the SAP systems using the SAP transaction code VA01. The
the proposed configuration plan of Kalinga State University. sales order is filled with customer number, purchase order
On Process. The processes of selling products at the number, date, delivery plant, material name, price, and
University are different from that of selling services. This quantity of the products the customer wants to buy.
section explains the current process of sales and distribution

Fig.2: AS-IS Process of Selling Livestock

ISSN: 2456-7620
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Fig.3: To-be Process of Selling Livestock

c. Dormitory. The University offers male and female dorm fee at the cashier's office. After the payment, the student
dormitories where a faculty is assigned as a dorm matron or shall be receiving the dorm building and room key.
patron. Female and male dormitories are located 1 kilometer The to-be process in selling dormitory starts when a
away from each other. customer orders. A Sales and distribution staff creates a sales
The as-is process in selling dormitories is as follows: order in the SAP systems using the SAP transaction code
the student must secure a dormitory slot at the Business VA01. The sales order is filled with customer number,
Affairs Office under the Auxiliary Products and Service office purchase order number, date, delivery plant, material name,
if there is an available bed. The student must initially pay the price, and quantity of the products the customer wants to buy.

ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.56.83 2447
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Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/

Fig.4: AS-IS Process in Acquiring Dormitory Room

Fig.5: To-be Process of Acquiring Dormitory

ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.56.83 2448
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On Master Data. The Master data for SD Module that is used such cost should be well organized, and consultation of the
in this study are materials master data, customer master data, different aligned agency should be appropriately considered
and pricing master data. for budget approval. In this regard, the ERP's full
a. Materials master data. The materials master data are implementation shall take a long and shall depend on the
created in the MM module but are extended in the SD module. allotted budget by the DMB.
New views for material masters are created to include the Machine. Problems with the existing equipment
sales view to make the materials available for sale. Materials include slow processing of computers and slow internet
considered in this paper are dormitory and livestock. connectivity. Slow processing due to old computer devices
b. Customer master data. Customer master data is the and the RAM capacity cannot handle multitasking, and the
information about the customers that an organization uses to hard disk is almost full. Some on the computers need to be
do business with them. Data of client who buys products are condemned, reaching the life span of the computers. Slow
created in the system as customers. Information captured in Internet Connectivity, all the offices use the internet
the system includes complete name, address, and contact connection, and it reduces the bandwidth.
details. A customer is generated internally by the system upon ICT Infrastructure
creation. This section discusses the needed ICT infrastructure
Issues and challenges related to ERP implementation for the implementation of ERP at KSU. At present, the
This section discusses the issues and challenges devices in KSU are not enough for the implementation of
concerning the implementation of an ERP system in KSU. SAP.

Manpower. Change in organizational structure and The ICT Infrastructure for the installation of SAP
job descriptions: Employees should undergo a series of ERP implements the SAP 3-tier architecture. The three-tier
training to be familiarized with the ERP SD Module set-up. architecture three-tier architecture is Presentation Tier:
Some of the employees do not like to undergo a series of Occupies the top level and displays information relating to the
training. Moreover, training shall cost the agency much. If not, website's services. By submitting results to the browser and
the other strategy is to hire applicants who have backgrounds other network levels, this tier interacts with other tiers.
in ERP implementation. Another is an unidentified job Application Tier: This tier is pulled from the presentation tier,
description sometimes leads to either overlapping or non- called the middle tier, logic tier, business logic, or logic tier.
assignment of the job description. Another is the equity of By doing extensive processing, it monitors device
employee where in some division needs more manpower than functionality. Data Tier: Houses of database servers that store
the other division. and retrieve information. Data is kept independent of
application servers or business logic in this tier.
Process. Unidentified job leads to procedural
protocols that some staff neglect in the process of sales and Software Requirement. The integration of ERP
distribution. For the reason that some protocols were not well requires the least possible software specification in order for
established by the office in-charge. the SAP ECC 6.0 SD Module to run successfully. It is not
lower than the company's said software specification to still
Material. The organization also lack ICT
the software when SAP updates are released. Other
infrastructure, considering the hardware and software
application software may be installed, such as office suites
requirements in the implementations of ERP. This
and browsers, which are higher than the most recommended.
improvement shall cost the company. Since it is a
government-owned and managed agency, budgeting should Table 1 provides the details of the needed software
undergo a series of discussions and consultations, specifically requirements.
sourcing and aligning budget. Hereto, the justification for

ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.56.83 2449
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Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/

Table 1: Software Requirements

Minimum Recommended

Windows Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008

operating Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition
system Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition
Edition Windows Server 2008 Datacenter Edition
Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-Based
Edition Systems Edition
The Latest supported service pack

Hardware Requirements. Hardware components in implementing SAP include servers, disk storage systems, and devices to
connect to the network like routers, switches, and security firewalls. Back up should also be considered as the availability of a
method for the data.

Table 2: Minimum and Recommended Hardware Requirements for the client

Hardware Component Minimum Recommended
Processor Intel/AMD 2.6 GHz processor 1x intel core i3
Hard Disk 50 GB for data And system partition 100 GB for data and system
Monitor 1024 x 768 with 240bit color or higher 1024 x 768 with 240bit color or

Tables 2 and 3 show the minimum and recommended hardware requirements for the client and server. The company
should not go below the recommended requirements for it may cause them problems in the later part due to the upgrade of the
software that may demand a higher version of the hardware. These recommended requirements can accommodate updates that are
requiring higher hardware specifications.
Table 3: Minimum and Recommended Hardware Requirements for the Server
Hardware Component Minimum Recommended

Intel Processor (or similar) Core 2 1x Intel Xeon E3 (or

Processor Duo (2.4 GHz with a 1066 MHz) equivalent)
front-side bus or higher
RAM 4 GB RAM or higher 8 GB RAM or higher
Hard Disk 250 GB for data and system partition 500 GB for data and system
Monitor 1024 x 768 with 240bit color or 1024 x 768 with 240bit
higher color or higher

ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.56.83 2450
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Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/

Network Infrastructure Requirements. The school offices provided with an internet connection to access the SAP Server
where sales and distribution are performed must have at least and Database.
three computer units each meeting, the hardware and software Figure 6 shows the proposed network infrastructure
minimum requirements to run SAP ECC 6.0. Computers are for KSU. Computer units shall be connected to the internet for
also required to be installed for the offices that hold material access to the SAP server and database.
management and financial accounting. These computers are
connected to the KSU local area network and shall be

Fig.6: Proposed Network Infrastructure

IV. CONCLUSIONS the corresponding issues and difficulties that were significant
Based on the finding of the study, the following in coming up with the ideal To-be adaptions.
conclusions were derived: 3. The sales and Distribution module is appropriate
1. The thorough gathering and identification of for use in KSU along with the different areas. However, it is
suited and appropriate configuration requirements revealed also inherent that ICT infrastructure should conform to the
that the To-be organization structure created in this study minimum hardware and software requirements in the
increases working efficiency and decreases administrative implementation of ERP SAC ECC 6.0. With this, the designed
cost due to centralized sales and distribution. ICT infrastructure will (1) improves the level of coordination
between divisions/departments, (2) facilitates the better flow
As to data needed by the sales and distribution, only the
of information, ensuring timely delivery of services, and (3)
following are required: (a) the management of the personal
assures better data management.
record of the clients through the customer master data; and
(b) the necessity of the material master data, which serves as
a list of the livestock & dormitory as they serve as the V. RECOMMENDATIONS
products of the University. In line with the study's conclusions, since the study
2. Issues and challenges cannot be avoided. covers only the SD module, the researcher highly
However, with the help of the process configuration that was recommends configuring the needed other modules such as
done, it will be able to decrease through a thorough study and Materials Management, Financial Accounting, Production
mapping of organizational structure, process, and master data Planning, Quality Management, and Controlling to obtain its

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https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.56.83 2451
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Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/

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