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Directions: Read the questions properly. Then choose the answer from the following.

1. He was among the first to propose that matter is composed of particles called atoms.
a. Pythagoras b. Heraclitus c. Democritus d. Diogenes of Sinope
2. He was credited with the saying “ No man ever step in the same river twice”
a. Pythagoras b. Heraclitus c. Democritus d. Diogenes of Sinope
3. It is the method of inquiry where two opposing ideas are discussed in an attempt to arrive at
new knowledge
a. Socratic Method b. Dialect c. Theory of Forms d. Deductive
4. It is a means of examining a topic by devising a series of questions that let the learner examine
and analyze his knowledge and views regarding the topic.
a. Socratic Method b. Dialect c. Theory of Forms d. Deductive
5. It is a school philosophy which believes that wisdom and simple living will result in a life free of
fear and pain?
a. Philosophy b. Materialism c. Utilitarianism d. Epicureanism
6. Who states that DOUBT is the beginning of philosophy?
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Descartes d. Kar Jaspers
7. It is a Greek word which means wisdom?
a. Sophia b. Philia c. Logos d. arete
8. These are questions that seek to inquire the very frameworks upon which people base their own
beliefs and views.
a. Internal questions b. External Questions c. Framework d. Knowledge
9. It is a branch of philosophy which deals with correct reasoning.
a. Ethics b. Logic c. Epistemology d. Metaphysics
10. Which branch of philosophy deals with a question of reality and existence?
a. Ethics b. Logic c. Epistemology d. Metaphysics
11. This is often described as looking at the big picture when describing and analyzing a situation or
a. Framework b. Perspective c. Holistic d. Partial
12. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about holistic perspective?
a. Enable a person to step back and consider the general aspects of a certain problem.
b. Given rise to a more appreciative perspective about life.
c. Encourage us to be more critical and considerate
d. Focuses on certain areas or aspects of a problem in order to understand it
13. It is the examination of thoughts, feelings, and actions and to learn more about one’s life and
a. Perspective b. Holistic c. Framework d. Reflection
14. Which is NOT a practical use of philosophy in our lives?
a. Improves problem- solving and decision-making
b. Makes our communication clear and adequate
c. Contributes to self- development
d. Promotes arrogance
15. It lies at the heart of any inquiry.
a. Fact b. Opinions c. Propositions d. Truth
16. It is an awareness and understanding of something.
a. Fact b. Knowledge c. Claim
d. Beliefs
17. Which does NOT form the process of knowing the truth?
a. Proving through the use of one’s senses
b. Basing it on facts
c. Getting consensus
d. By not subjecting to tests
18. These are the base for making arguments and convincing people that a certain claim is a fact.
a. Facts b. Opinions c. Conclusions d. Beliefs
19. These are statements that assume the claim to be true and provide reasons why the statement
is true?
a. Opinions b. conclusions c. Arguments d. Explanations
20. These are series of statements that provide reasons to convince the reader to listener that a
claim or opinion is truthful?
a. Conclusions b. beliefs c. Explanations d. Arguments
21. It is a mental act that proceeds from the previously known truth to a new truth.
a. Apprehension b. Judgement c. Reasoning d. Reflection
22. It is a bias that focuses on a certain aspect of a problem while ignoring other aspects?
a. Hindsight b. Framing c. Cultural bias d. Ethnocentrism
23. After taking this test, you insist that you knew that you will pass even before taking the test.
a. Hindsight b. Framing c. Correspondence d. Conflict of Interest
24. Hiring an unqualified relative to provide services in company needs is an example of:
a. Framing hindsight c. Conflict of interest d. Cultural
25. “ If Croesus goes to war with Cyrus, he would destroy a mighty kingdom.”
a. Amphiboly equivocation c. Composition d. division
26. The laws imply lawyers. There are laws in nature. Therefore, there must be a comic lawyer.
a. Amphiboly b. Equivocation c. Division d. Word Construction
27. “ For those of you who have children and doesn’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
a. Division b. Equivocation c. Word construction d. Amphiboly
28. “ Hydrogen is not wet. Oxygen is not wet. Therefore, H2O is not wet.
a. Composition b. Division c. Ad Populum d. Equivocation
29. There is no evidence that frogs actually feel pain; it is true they exhibit pain behavior, but they
have no consciousness, they feel no pain.
a. Ag Populum b. Ad misericordiam c. Ad Ignorantiam d. Ad Baculum
30. “ It is wrong to eat meat because vegetarians don’t eat meat”
a. Ag Populum b. Ad misericordiam c. Ad Ignorantiam d. Ad Baculum
31. “ The evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins is perhaps the greatest expert in this field, and
asserts that the theory of evolution is true. So it is true
a. Ad Baculum b. Ad Verecundiam c. Ad Ignorantiam c. Petito Principii
32. “ All those opposed to my arguments for the opening of a new epartment, signify by saying ‘ I
a. Ad Baculum b. Ad Verecundiam c. Ad Ignorantiam c. Petito Principii
33. “ Teacher, I deserved the 75 grade I received from the exam because I wa sick before the exam
and couldn’t study that much”
a. Petitio principii b. Ad Baculum c. Ad miseracordiam d. Ad populum
34. The narrow version of this is called ‘post hoc ergo, propter hoc’ ( after this, therefore because of
a. False cause b. Appeal to pity c. appeal to ignorance d. appeal to people
35. “ The United States is the richest country in the world. Therfore, everyone in the United States is
rich as well.
a. Accident b. Composition c. Appeal to ignorance d. Division
36. Which among the given is an example of an opinion?
a. This is a 50-item test
b. The question are based in this test are easy
c. The questions are based on competencies
d. This is an achievement test
37. Which is not an example of a deductive reasoning?
a. All noble gases are stable. Helium is a noble gas, so helium is table
b. All horses have manes. The Arabian is a horse; Arabians has manes
c. Read meat has iron in it, and beef is red meat. Therefore, beef has iron in it.
d. I tend to catch colds when people around me are sick. Therefore, colds are infectious.
38. Which among the given BEST describes an objective statement?
a. Cannot be proved true or false by generally accepted criteria
b. May be true or false
c. Outside the realm of verifiable
d. Even though they may involve facts, they do not make factual claims
39. It is characteristics of truth which states that it has no contradictions within itself, and it fits
together elegantly.
a. Congruency b. Consistency c. Coherent d. all true
40. It is a criterion of truth which confirms, or at least fails to contradict, the rest of our established
a. Congruency b. Consistency c. Coherent d. all true
41. Which of the following is an example of an opinion about climate change?
a. Ice sheets are shrinking
b. Glaciers are retreating
c. Snow cover is decreasing
d. Climate change is future problem
42. Which is a statement of fact in freedom of speech.
a. Free speech is being ignored in the Philippines
b. Free speech is saying, posting anything I want
c. It is a constitutional right
d. The militarized approach to health crisis has led to the suspension of basic rights to
express one self
43. It refers to the characteristic that distinguishes humans from all other creature
a. Person b. Human nature c. Man d. Homo sapiens
44. It is the state of being a person
a. Manhood b. Human being c. Parenthood d. Natural
45. It drives a person to deeper awareness of himself or herself
a. Self-awareness b. Though c. Rationality d. Free will
46. It is the quality of being focused on one;s innate life and identity
a. Interiority b. Exteriority c. Kindness d. Self- determination
47. Mark is capable to make decisions and choices based on his own preferences.
a. Self-awareness b. Self- determination c. Consequences d. Capacity
48. This enable us to do actions whenever we want to and make self- determination possible.
a. Self- awareness b. conscience c. Free will d. Capacity
49. Carlo bumps into the table for playing in the rom. Bumps into the table is an example of;
a. Effect b. Consequences c. Result d. Cause
50. It’s the innate right to be valued and respected as a being.
a. Pride b. Manhood c. Love d. dignity

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