LRT3 GS05 PrecastParapetCostBreakdown 210831

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Cost Breakdown for Installation of Precast Parapet 1 Unit of Precast Parapet Wall (1820mm x 850mm)

No Cost Type Item Descriptions Qty Unit Rate Rate (RM) Cost (RM) ADD 50% Profit (RM) Total Cost (RM) Remarks
1 Material Rebar 12 Pcs 85 1020 510 1530
Concrete 102 Lgts 15 1530 765 2295
2X4X12 ft Timber 30 Lgts 13 390 195 585
2-1/2'' Wooden Nail 1 Boxes 51.9 51.9 25.95 77.85

2 Manpower 2 Paxs Carpenter 5 Days 100 500 250 750

4 Paxs Concreter 1 Days 95 95 47.5 142.5

3 Machinery 1 Unit Portable Generator 5 Days 150 750 375 1125

25 Tons Mobile Crane 1 Days 1000 1000 500 1500
20 Tons Lorry Crane 15 Days 1500 22500 11250 33750

NET TOTAL (RM) 41755.35

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