Ryan Levesque, ASK

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Ryan Levesque

Operation Value Creation

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theme of the month: Psychology

Book: Ask
Author: Ryan Levesque

About the Author

Ryan Levesque is a marketing and business coach who has generated $37 million for his private clients
since 2008. He has used his degree from Brown in neuroscience to perfect getting to the root of your
customer’s needs and desires.

His ASK formula is the reason he generated $37 million for his clients and the public is now lucky enough
to have access to this revolutionary process.

ASK Formula
His formula is the catalyst for advanced marketing strategies, since these strategies are worthless
without knowing your audience. It uses 4 surveys for 4 different purposes.

Overall Purpose: Find out what people really want to buy and figuring out language that resonates with

House Analogy

If you were to build a house, before you actually build you need
a blueprint. The blueprint gives you where everything goes, and
Advanced Marketing without it the actual building, painting, etc. is basically a guess.
Strategies Same goes with marketing. You need to first identify your
“buckets” and use advanced marketing strategies to reach these
ASK Method
It would be like advertising your all you can eat wings in a place
with only vegans. Likewise, advertising a vegan restaurant where
people only want fast food.

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1: Deep Dive Survey

Run once, when you’re launching/ kicking off a new product/market

Design: Open ended feedback

Purpose: Find 1: What they secretly want, unspoken desires, needs, challenges

2: Identifies what buckets exist in the market

- No market is homogenous, they have sub-segments

- Think fitness market

A: People looking to lose weight

B: Get huge

C: Tone

- **Can’t serve everyone, must be selective

Example Question: What is your single biggest challenge, or struggle, related to XYZ?

When it comes to generating passive income, what is the single biggest challenge you have right now in
your business?

Mistake Criteria:

A: Must use what people don’t want versus what they want


What we want is outside our awareness

Example: Asking a perfect day vs. what happened (on day) that you wish would never happen again

- Cleaning out the trash can

- Going to the bank to cash a check (Millennials)

“If I would’ve asked people what they wanted, they would’ve said faster horses”

- Henry Ford

B: Can’t skew data by cutting yourself off through too specific questions

If you say what’s your biggest marketing challenge that cuts off anyone with non-marketing problems

- People end up making up problems to appease the survey

C: Not all responses are equal: Depth of response is more important than frequency of response

- Depth = passion, viability, and sustainability, Frequency = fad

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How to Figure this out:

- Top 20% of the longest open ended responses (80/ 20 rule)

Excel Function: length

How to Analyze This:

Use the natural consumer language your audience is giving and echo it

Example: Customer says, “I’m a poster child for poor memory”,  our email subject lines/ sales letter
headlines says “Poster child for a poor memory, do this”

Customer says, “I’m a chronic name forgetter”  “Chronic name forgetter, do this”

Customer says, “The nuts and bolts of starting my business”  We say, “Can’t understand the nuts and
bolts of starting your business, do this”

2: Micro Commitment Bucket Survey

Purpose: Which bucket should they be in.

Design: Asking series of questions that steer them in specific direction  Figure out which bucket they
should be in

Example Question: Which one of these 3 are your biggest challenges.

- Answer tells you which bucket they should be in

If they don’t buy, offer best possible deal

3: Do You Hate Me Survey

Purpose: Find 1: Uncovers why people aren’t buying, what you are missing, what didn’t we do a good
job of explaining, what questions did we not do a good job of answering

2: Allows your marketing to become iterative, which means going back and adding tweaks

 Changing headlines
 Add an FAQ section to our newsletter
 Send an email to address this specific challenge

Design: Can’t directly ask people why didn’t you buy, but you soften the situation through humor

Example Email Subject Line: Do You Hate Me 

Example Email: Of course you don’t hate me, but all joking I wanted to know why didn’t invest in my XYZ

4: Pivot Survey

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Purpose: To cap off entire process, give people that don’t buy the option of where they want to go now

Example: I understand this wasn’t for you, but where should we go now, do you want to talk about A, B,
or C

Lather, rinse, repeat

If you have no audience:

1: Run cold traffic to a page designed to collect survey responses

Simple website, using Google/ FB ads

2: Reach out to someone who has a following and provide compensation

- People “rent” their email list as a business model

- Product offer or discount for people who take survey

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ASK Format Visual 1. Deep Dive Survey
Purpose: Find 1: What they secretly want AND 2: What buckets are in the market

Q: What is your single biggest challenge related to XYZ

2. Micro Commitment Bucket Survey

Purpose: Which bucket to put them in

Q: Which one of these are your biggest challenges

1 2 3

If there’s still no sale

Offer Best Possible Deal

3. Do You Hate Me Survey

Purpose: Find 1: Where we went wrong AND 2: Iteration
Q: Obviously you don’t hate me, but all joking I want to know why you
didn’t invest in my XYZ program 

4. Pivot Survey
Purpose: Give people that don’t buy the option of where they want to go next
Q: I understand this wasn’t for you, but where should we go now, do
you want to talk about…..

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