Blowing Agent Decomposition in Vinyl Foams: 1,2.4-Triazoline-3,5-Dione
Blowing Agent Decomposition in Vinyl Foams: 1,2.4-Triazoline-3,5-Dione
Blowing Agent Decomposition in Vinyl Foams: 1,2.4-Triazoline-3,5-Dione
Chemical Research & Development
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
Akron, Ohio 44316-0001
Azodicarbonamide has been widely used for many years as the blowing agent
of choice for expansion of vinyl foams. It has been especially useful in chemically
embossed flooring because the sensitivity of the blowing agent to various factors
affecting its decomposition temperature permits control of the degree of expansion
of the foam. Considerable work has been done by a number of investigators to
elucidate these factors. Mechanisms for the decomposition of azodicarbonamide
have been proposed in the literature to explain the activating or retarding effect
of many compounds on the decomposition temperature. The use of Differential
Scanning Calorimetry with a n active reference is shown to be a n extremely useful
tool in determining small effects of various additives on the decomposition tem-
perature of the blowing agent.
F i g . 4. DSC of f o a m plastisols.
Table 1. Plastisol Recipe.
Amount the decomposition temperature. However, in each of
Component (PW the other cases the additive lowered the decomposi-
Paste resin 100 tion temperature. In the plastisol recipe of T a b l e I ,
Dioctyl phthalate 50 Versene 100 raised the decomposition temperature.
Ferro 501 9 1.5 When Versene 100 was added to the masterbatch,
Azodicarbonarnide 5
the decomposition temperature was lowered. Thus
changing the formulation of the plastisol altered the
effect of Versene 100 on the decomposition temper-
LIBERATED HEAT VS TEMPERATURE ature. It is possible that differences in specific ingre-
dients or ratios of ingredients are responsible for
reversing the effect of Versene 100 on the decompo-
sition temperature.
When the pH of PVC resins was adjusted by adding
phosphoric acid to a portion of the latex before
drying, resins with various acidities were obtained
( T a b l e 2).These resins were added to a foam master-
batch. The DSC traces of the resulting plastisols [Fig.
5)indicated that the acid treatment of the latex low-
ered the decomposition temperature, in disagreement
Fig. 1 . DSC of commercial blowing agents. with the general conclusion of Lally and Alter that
Additive materials can affect both the amount of
gas generated in the decomposition and the temper-
ature of decomposition. Some materials, such as
phosphoric acid, have been shown to decrease the
decomposition temperature while also decreasing gas
evolution. H,N&. + N~
Additives can affect either or both of the reaction
pathways (refer to Chart 1 ) . Path 1 leading to the
generation of a mole of carbon monoxide, of nitrogen, lt BlUREA
and of ammonia from one mole of azodicarbonamide CYAMILIDE
will produce more gas than the path in which nitro- CYANIC ACID
gen alone is generated. The path generating nitrogen 4 TRISFORMAMVL-
and carbon monoxide involves a n equilibrium with NH,OCN + Nl + CO
ammonia. Therefore high pH would be expected to
Table 2. Paste Resin Alkalinity’.
~ ~~~~~~~ Chart 1 Decomposition Mechanismfor azodicarbonamide.
Sample Before After
1 7.7 7.4 affect the equilibrium enhancing the amount of gas
2 9.3 7.0 generated.
3 9.0 7.7 Altering the temperature of decomposition will
‘The pH was measured as a slurry of 10 g of resin in 100 g of deionized water (pH change the rate of gas evolution. Additives which
5.3). retard the trans to cis isomerization, or complex with
the cis-azodicarbonamide, will slow the rate, or in-
crease the decomposition temperature.
This work has shown that compounds affecting
the blowing agent decomposition can alter both the
temperature of decomposition and the amount of gas
evolved. In some cases inhibitors can reduce both the
decomposition temperature and gas evolution. In
other instances, an inhibitor, e.g. Versene 100, can
raise the decomposition temperature in one system
and lower it in another.
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(1977). 10. A. S. Prakash. W. A. Swann, and A. N. Strachan, J.
5. J. Simonikova and J. Simonik, Cellular Polymers, 1, Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans., 2, 46 (1975).
117 (1982). 11 . A. S. Bhatti, D. Dollimore. R. J. Goddard, and G. O’Don-
6. R. P. Conger and L. B. Palmer, Polym. Plast. Technol. nell, Thermochim. A d a , 76, 273 (1984).
Eng.. 6,185 (1976). 12. W. P. May, Plastics Technol., 1977, p. 97.