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28th Year No.4

ADDIS ABABA 25th January, 2022

/ Proclamation No. 1263/2021
Definition of Powers and Duties of the
Executive Organs Proclamation
...................................................Page 13751


WHEREAS, it has become necessary to

establish an organizational structure that, allows
coordinated work and, is efficient and cost
effective, reduces resource wastages and ensure
accountability by establishing government
agencies with clear objectives that do not conflict
with the powers and duties of other agencies and;
which are cohesive in a manner that fulfills the
duties and responsibilities entrusted to them;

WHEREAS, the laws that have been enacted

to reorganize the organizational structure and
define the powers and duties of the executive
organ have not been able to establish sustainable
reorganizational structures and designation of
institutions and as a result it has become
impossible to ensure the continuity of institutions
and uniformity of designation;

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Unit Price Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13752

WHEREAS, it has become necessary to

establish a system which enables to put in place a
sustainability of organizational structure and
designations that go with the evolving socio-
economic changes by identifying the problems of
the existing organizational structure through detail
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to put in

- place an organizational structure that enables the

Government of the Federal Democratic Republic
of Ethiopia to carry out its constitutional powers
and duties;

NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with

- ( ) Article 55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby
proclaimed as follows.

. 1. Short Title
This Proclamation may be cited as the
Executive Organs Proclamation No.
1263/2021 .
. 2. Definition
In this Proclamation, unless the context
otherwise requires:
/ - 1/ means the Constitution of
- the Federal Democratic Republic of
/ 2/ means any region referred to
- under Article 47 of the Constitution of
the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia and includes the Addis Ababa
and Dire Dawa City Administrations;
/ 3/ Any expression in the masculine gender
includes the feminine.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13753

. 3. Powers and Duties of the Prime Minister
The powers and duties of the Prime Minister of
- the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
are those defined under Article 74 of the
. 4. Powers and Duties of the Deputy Prime
The powers and duties of the Deputy Prime
Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of

- Ethiopia are those defined under Article 75 of

the Constitution.
. 5. Powers and Duties of the Council of
The powers and duties of the Council of
Ministers of the Federal Democratic Republic

- of Ethiopia are those defined under Article 77

of the Constitution.

. 6. Members of the Council of Ministers

/ 1/ The Council of Ministers shall have the
:- following members:

) a) the Prime Minister;

) b) the Deputy Prime Minister;

) c) Ministers heading the Ministries

specified under Article 16 of this
Proclamation; and

) d) Other Officials to be designated by

the Prime Minister.
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/ - ( ) ( ) 2/ Where any Minister of a Ministry referred

to in Sub-Article (1) Paragraph (c) of this
Article is not in position to attend the
meeting of the Council, the Minister of
State of the Ministry shall take part in the
meeting of the Council. Where there are
more than one ministers of state and no
specific delegation has been given by the
Minister, the Minister of State who is
senior by appointment shall take part in
the meeting of the Council.
. - 7. Meeting Procedure of the Council of
/ - 1/ The Council of Ministers shall:
) a) have its own internal rules of
procedure for the proper conduct of
its activities;
) b) conduct ordinary and extraordinary
meetings in accordance with its rules
of procedure;
) c) have a quorum where more than half

- of its members are present;

) d) Pass decisions by consensus, or

failing that, by majority vote; where
the Council has given an equal
number of votes for and against a
decision, the Prime Minister shall
have a casting vote.

/ - 2/ The Prime Minister shall:

) a) determine, without prejudice to the

rights of the members of the Council
of Ministers, the agenda items to be
tabled in the Council;

) b) preside over the meetings of the

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) c) adjourn the meetings of the Council

under circumstances where he finds
it necessary to refer the matter
included in th
the relevant Committee of the
/ 3/ In the absences of the Prime Minister, the
Deputy Prime Minister shall preside over
the meetings of the Council.
. 8. Standing Committees of the Council of
/ 1/ The Council of Ministers may, with a
view to discharging its powers and
duties, establish various standing
committees comprising of its members;

/ 2/ The powers and duties of the Standing

Committees shall be defined in the
internal rules of the Council.

. 9. Ministry
- An institution that:

/ 1/ Has the power to formulate mainly

sectoral polices, strategies and programs
and related matters and oversees and
coordinate its implementation upon
/ 2/ Regulate sectoral activities by issuing
standards; issuing license as may be
appropriate, conduct day-to-day
activities and provide service by building
capacity as well as translating
development programs into projects in a
concrete manner;
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/ 3/ delegate part of its powers and duties to

the institution that is accountable to it or
to other federal and regional institution
related to its activities;

shall be designated as a Ministry.

. 10. Commission
- A Commission that:

/ 1/ Is accountable to a Ministry, the Prime

Minister or the House of peoples
/ 2/ Coordinate the activities of different
Executive Organ; formulate policies and
strategies and oversees its

/ 3/ Is established on a permanent basis or,

under certain conditions, for urgent
assignment on a temporary basis;

shall be designated as a Commission.

. 11. Authority
- An institution that:

/ 1/ Perform regulatory function; issue

standards and ensure their compliance
with same;
/ 2/ Is accountable to a Ministry or, where
there is a potential conflict with the
activities of a institution to which it is
accountable, to the Prime Minister other
Government organ;

/ 3/ Issue standards when required mainly in

its sector and based on the standards
perform regulatory functions; or
implement standards issued by the
concerned organ;
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/ 4/ Issue license for activity that required

licensing and regulate the same;

shall be designated as an Authority.

. 12. Administration or Development

- An institution that:
/ 1/ Conduct on a regular basis mainly the
development and Infrastructure
development activities and oversee the
/ 2/ Carry out its responsibilities by using the
services of other public enterprises or
private organizations for construction of
infrastructure, maintenance of
infrastructure, service delivery and

shall be established as an Administration or

13. Service
An institution that is established mainly to
provide centralized services necessary for
Government organs or provide service mainly
to citizens shall be designated as a Service.

. 14. Office
An institution that is established, for temporary
or permanent purpose, under special
circumstances to conduct mainly activities that
require special attention and institutional
arrangement by coordinating various
institutions in a uniform manner shall be
designated as an Office.
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. 15. Institute
An institution that is accountable to the relevant
Ministry or to other Government organ and that
focuses on training, study and research and
consulting services; and have experienced and
professionally competent leadership in the
sector shall be designated as an Institute.

. 16. Establishment of Ministries
The following ministries are established by
- this Proclamation:-
/ 1/ Ministry of Agriculture;
/ 2/ Ministry of Industry;
/ 3/ Ministry of Trade and Regional
/ 4/ Ministry of Mines;
5/ Ministry of Tourism
/ 6/ Ministry of Labor and Skill;
/ 7/ Ministry of Finance;
/ 8/ Ministry of Revenue;

/ 9/ Ministry of Planning and Development;

/ 10/ Ministry of Innovation and Technology;

/ 11/ Ministry of Transport and Logistics;

12/ Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure;
13/ Ministry of Water and Energy;
14/ Ministry of Irrigation and Lowland;
15/ Ministry of Education;
16/ Ministry of Health;
17/ Ministry of Women and Social Affairs;
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/ , 18/ Ministry of Culture and Sport;

/ 19/ Ministry of Defense;
/ 20/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
/ 21/ Ministry of Justice;
/ 22/ Ministry of Peace.

. 17. Accountability and Responsibility of

- Each Minister shall:
/ 1/ Be accountable to the Prime Minister and
the Council of Ministers;
/ 2/ Represent the Ministry, he runs and
exercise its powers and duties;

/ 3/ Ensure that payments are affected in

accordance with the budget and work
programs approved for the Ministry;

/ 4/ Ensure the implementation of

performance management system within
the Ministry.
. 18. Accountability and Responsibility of State
/ 1/ Each State Minister of a Ministry is
accountable to the Minister and carry out
the functions entrusted to the sector he is
assigned to.
/ 2/ In the absence of the Minister, the State
Minister shall, act on his behalf; where
there are more than one State Ministers
and no specific delegation has been
given by the Minister, the State Minister
who is senior by appointment shall act
on behalf of the Minster.
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. 19. Common Powers and Duties of Ministries

In accordance with this Proclamation and other
- laws each Ministry shall have the following
power and duties within its jurisdiction:-
/ 1/ Undertake research and studies; gather,
synthesize, and disseminate information;

/ 2/ Formulate study-based policies;

/ 3/ Initiate Federal laws, and implement the

/ 4/ Adopt Directives to fulfill its duties and
responsibilities given by law;

/ 5/ Work, by creating the necessary

coordination with other Ministries and
organs, to implement policies and

/ 6/ Prepare plans and budgets, and implement

the same upon approval;
/ 7/ Undertake capacity building activities;
implement and cause the implementation
of reform and good governance
activities; ensure the effectiveness of the
/ 8/ Provide, as necessary, support and advice
to Regions; provide special support to
Regions or areas in need of special

/ 9/ Provide appropriate support for the

development of pastoral and semi-
pastoral areas;
/ 10/ Enter into contracts and international
agreements in accordance with law;
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/ 11/ Ensure that the policies, strategies, laws,

development programs and projects it
formulates benefit women, children,
youth, persons with disability and
elderly; facilitate conducive conditions to
persons with disabilities, the elderly, and
segments of society vulnerable to social
and economic problems for full
participation and benefit from equal
/ 12/ Submit periodic performance reports to
the Prime Minister, Council of Ministers,
and other concerned bodies;

/ 13/ Where necessary, delegate part of its

powers and duties to other Federal or
Regional Organ.

. 20. Ministry of Agriculture

/ 1/ The Ministry of Agriculture shall have the

- following powers and duties:

) a) formulate policies, strategies,

programs and legal framework
which ensures the sustainability of
agriculture and forest development
and its competitiveness; implement
the same upon approval by the
concerned organs;
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) b) establish a system which enables to

promote the participation and role of
the private sector in agricultural
sector development; create
conducive conditions for the
implementation of the same;
facilitate the provision of the
necessary support for private
investors and cooperatives engaged
in the sector in order to raise meat
and milk production and
productivity, ensure its
) c) create, in coordination with concerned
organs, conducive condition for the
establishment of rural financial
system accessible to farmers,
pastoralists, and semi-pastoralists
and to private sector actors engaged
in agricultural activities; follow up
its implementation; cause the
expansion and strengthening of
agricultural cooperatives;

) d) cause the expansion and utilization of

agricultural extension advisory
service, supply of technology and
techniques of production in order to
promote production and productivity
of crops, livestock and fishery;
ensure the effectiveness of the same;
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) e) establish a system for demand,

supply, distribution and marketing
inputs for crop production,
veterinary, fishery and natural
resource development; follow up the
implementation and effectiveness of
the same;
) f) establish a system which enable the
prevention and control of plant,
animal and fish diseases; lead and
coordinate studies and researches
with respect to the same;

) g) establish a system and infrastructure

that enable to improve the quality
and accessibility of plant and
veterinary health services; cause the
construction of laboratories and
clinics as may be necessary and
build their capacity and monitor its
) h) establish a system for registration and
monitoring of agricultural
technology, input and service;
establish a system for monitoring
quality, health and safety of
production; coordinate monitoring
activities on plants and quarantine of
animals and animal products brought
into and taken out of the country;
) i) devise strategy, in collaboration with
the concerned organs, in order to
make urban farming effective and
establish implementation
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) j) ensure the proper implementation of

animal genetic improvement; lead
and coordinate system for
identification of technologies that
enable to maintain the quality of
animal and fish production and their
products through research and
making the same enter the market;
establish, in collaboration with the
concerned institution, a system for
the introduction of livestock and
fishery products to domestic and
foreign markets;
) k) coordinate the compilation of
technologies necessary for livestock
and fishery products development
and the introduction of the same to
users as may be necessary;

) l) follow up and support the

establishment of a system for rural
land management and sustainable
utilization of natural grazing land;
organize a national data base;

) m) cause, in coordination with the

concerned organs, the establishment
of a system for market led veterinary
resource development, water
centered crops and animal feed
development, vegetables and fruits
development and utilization of
grazing land and natural resource in
pastoralist and semi pastoralist areas;
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) - n) establish a system for the

- strengthening of water harvesting,
diversion of water, development of
ground water resource, utilization of
water pumps activities by integrating
water used for farming with rain,
surface and ground water; establish a
support and incentive system to
upgrade the water utilization skills of
farmers and pastoralists; ensure its

) o) establish a system for the formulation

and implementation of programs and
projects for utilization of river basin,
soil and water; conservation of river
basin and wet lands and cause the
expansion of the same and follow up
its effectiveness;

) p) identify the causes for the extinction

of natural resource in order to
conserve and sustainably utilize it
and establish a system for
formulation and implementation of
prevention strategies and follow up
its implementation; coordinate the
formulation and implementation of
strategies for identification of causes
of soil erosion and prevention of the
same, improvement of soil fertility;
maintenance of soil health and cause
the coordination of devising strategy
national soil database and soil
research activities;
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) q) build capacity which enables to

predict the impact of natural and
man-made disasters on agricultural
development; establish, in
collaboration of the concerned
organs, a system for mitigation of
vulnerability and resilience capacity
of the same, ensuring emergency
relief support and food security;
implement the same; coordinate
rural productive safety net program;

) r) design, in collaboration with Ministry

of Irrigation and Lowland, a system
for utilization of water and land for
the growth of production and
productivity of crops and livestock
to be used for agricultural activities
in lowland areas based on research
findings and follow up its

) s) provide technical assistant in order to

introduce market led agricultural
development and to promote modern
farming; cause the creation of
market linkage; establish a system
which enable to maintain quality
standard of any crops, livestock or
livestock and fishery product to be
supplied to the market in
collaboration with the concerned
organs; and follow up its
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) t) ensure that activities related

agricultural investment are properly
organized in coordination with the
concerned organ; identify large
agricultural investment opportunities
and potentials and devise a strategy
for the expansion of large-scale
agricultural investment; cause the
provision of support for investors
engaged in the sector;

) u) ensure that the system of production

- of agricultural products are safe and

rich in nutrition, diversified and

) v) work in coordination with the

concerned Federal and Regional
organs in order to strengthen the
linkage between agriculture and
other economic sectors; devise
strategy to bring about inclusive and
sustainable structural change;
establish a system for its
) w) ensure that agricultural research
activities are problem solving and
ensure that they are conducted in
coordination with the concerned
organs and coordinate the same;

) x) follow up and coordinate the proper

implementation of coffee and tea
development and marketing
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) y) provide support for the sustainable

upgrading of the benefit that the
country and the community obtains
by ensuring the proper preservation
of biodiversity resources and related
community knowledge and eco
system services, through sustainable
use and equitable utilization of
benefit sharing of the same;

) z) implement the powers and duties

/ entrusted to Ministry of
Environment, Forest and Climate
Change under Forest Development,
Conservation and Utilization
Proclamation No. 1065/2018.
/ 2/ Powers and duties entrusted to the
Ministry of Agriculture under other laws
that are currently in force are hereby
vested in the Ministry of Agriculture
established under this Proclamation.

. 21. Ministry of Industry

/ 1/ The Ministry of Industry shall have the
following powers and duties:

) a) formulate policies, strategies,

programs and legal framework that
ensure the development and
competitiveness of the industry in
particular the development of the
manufacturing industry in a
sustainable manner; prepare detail
program compatible with the
national development plan and
implement the same upon approval;
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) b) create an enabling system for

enhanced participation and role of
the private sector in the industry in
particular in the manufacturing
industry; create conducive condition
for the implementation of the same;

) c) identify sub-sectors that require

special attention in the industry in
particular in the manufacturing
sector such as textile, leather, food
and beverages industries from
comparative advantage and potential
perspective; prepare detail program
compatible with the national
development plan and implement the
same upon approval;

) d) cause the building of capacity and

enhancement of competitiveness of
industries, investment and
manufacturing industries by
providing the necessary support for
researchers in the sector;

) e) create conducive conditions for the

participation of domestic and foreign
investors in the investment of
manufacturing industry sector in
accordance with the investment
laws; establish a system to enable
the institutions accountable to it to
support mainly domestic investors
and implement the same;
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) f) perform activities that enhance the

industry in particular the
development of the manufacturing
industry sector; expedite the
acquisition of best practice and
perform general capacity building
activities in the manufacturing
) g) cause the provision of assistance
including industrial extension
services, technology, inputs,
marketing and manufacturing
methods and thereby ensure growth
and productivity of the industry in
particular in the manufacturing
sector and monitor the effectiveness
) h) establish a system of capacity
building, research and inculcation to
maintain quality standards and
competitiveness of industrial in
particular manufacturing industrial
products in international markets;
oversee implementation of the same;

) i) devise, in collaboration with the

concerned organs, mechanisms to
meet human resources needs and
sustainable input provisions required
in the industry sector in particular in
manufacturing industrial sector;
work with the concerned sector and
bodies to create conditions necessary
for the establishment of a system for
industrial input provision linkages
and implement the same;
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) j) work in collaboration with concerned

Federal and Regional bodies to
promote the industry sector; devise
mechanism to bring inclusive and
sustainable structural change in the
sector and establish a system for
implementation of the same;
) k) support the substitution of import
goods, other than those entrusted to
the Ministry of Mines, having
strategic importance with domestic
) l) establish working mechanism and
formulate policy and strategy that
enable to create linkage and effective
transformation between small,
medium and large-scale industries;

m) devise mechanism for providing

incentives in order to make small
and medium enterprise effective and
provide support for the same;
) n) provide support to industry, in
particular. to manufacturing industry
to ensure compliance with
environmental protection
) o) encourage the establishment of
industrial, sectorial and professional
associations, and strengthen those
already established;
/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the
Ministry of Trade and Industry under
other laws that are currently in force with
respect to industry are hereby vested in
the Ministry of Industry established by
this Proclamation.
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. 22. The Ministry of Trade and Regional

/ 1/ The Ministry of Trade and Regional
Integration shall have the following
powers and duties:
) a) initiate policies, strategies and laws
with respect to foreign and domestic
trade in particular, regional trade and
economic integration with
neighboring countries and national
quality assurance infrastructure;
prepare detailed program compatible
with national development plan for
their implementation and implement
the same upon approval;

) b) take appropriate measures to expand

and modernize domestic trade and
maintain lawful trade practices; lead
and oversee trade relations between

) c) create conducive conditions for the

expansion and promotion of the

) d) establish system, in collaboration

with other organs, for the provision
of support to domestic investors in
exporting their products to overseas
markets; and implement the same;

e) in collaboration with relevant organs,
establish foreign trade relations, sign
trade agreements in accordance with
the law and implement the same
upon approval;
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) f) control the qualities of export and

import goods; prohibit the
importation or exportation of goods
that do not conform with the
required standards;

) g) establish system to ascertain that

export or import goods are traded or
bought at appropriate prices; follow
up the same in collaboration with
concerned organs;
h) provide simple, cost effective and
technology supported commercial
registration and business licensing
) i) undertake and submit to the Council
of Ministers studies relating to prices
of basic commodities and services
that require price control; oversee
implementation of the same upon

) j) encourage the establishment of

chambers of commerce and sectorial

associations, and strengthen those

which are already operational;
) - k) establish the legal metrological
system of the country, oversee its
enforcement and coordinate the
concerned executive organs;
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) l) control the compliance of goods with

the requirements of mandatory
Ethiopian standards, and take
measure against those found to be
below the standards set for them;
cause the coordinated enforcement
of standards applied by other
enforcement bodies;
) m) conduct studies and researches to
facilitate the realization of plans that
enhance export industries having
strategic importance; and implement
the same in collaboration with the
relevant organs;

) n) provide commercial registration and

business licensing services in
accordance with the relevant laws;
ensures the use of such business
licenses for the authorized purposes;

) o) perform trade competition and

consumer protection functions;

) / p) implement powers and duties, other

than adjudication, entrusted to
Ethiopian Commodity Exchange
Authority under Ethiopian
Commodity Exchange Authority
Proclamation No. 551/2007;

) q) implement powers and duties, other

/ than adjudication, entrusted to

Trade Competition and Consumer
Protection Authority under Trade
Competition and Consumer
Protection Authority Proclamation
No. 813/ 2013;
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/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to

Ministry of Trade and Industry, Trade
Competition and Consumer Protection
Authority and Ethiopian Commodity
Exchange Authority under other laws
that are currently in force with respect to
trade are hereby vested in the Ministry of
Trade and Regional Integration
established by this Proclamation.
. 23. Ministry of Mines
/ 1/ The Ministry of Mines shall have the
following powers and duties:
) a) initiate policies, strategies and laws
pertaining to the development of
minerals, geothermal, petroleum and
natural gas; prepare detail program
compatible with national

- development plan; implement the

same upon approval;
b) coordinate the activities of organizing

) minerals, petroleum and natural

gases exploration and geophysical
data; cause its accessibility to
investment and development thereof;
c) organize, as may be necessary,
laboratories and minerals quality
assurance centers, and research and
training centers that accelerate the
development of minerals, petroleum
and natural gases;
d) work in collaboration with
educational institutions and other
concerned organs to produce trained
manpower required in the
development of minerals, petroleum
and natural gases;
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) e) devise a system to promote the

participation and role of the private
sector in investment and
development of minerals, petroleum
and natural gases; create conducive
conditions for the same;
) f) oversee the exploration of minerals,
petroleum and natural gas; set
advanced system for the supply of
products to markets;

) g) promote and support research, skill

development and technology transfer
with a view to developing
investment and production capacity
of domestic and foreign investors
engaged in the production of value-
added minerals, petroleum and
natural gas products;

h) issue licenses to domestic and foreign
investors or companies engaged in
exploration and development of
minerals, geothermal, petroleum and
natural gas and to those engaged in
industrial production by mainly
using mineral inputs; ensure that
they have discharged their payment
obligation, follow up, support and
administer the same;
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) i) create a conducive environment for

the domestic production of imported
and strategically beneficial mineral
and mineral products such as
cement, coal, ceramic, marble and
granite, iron ore, various
construction inputs, potash and
fertilizers petroleum development
outputs; issue exploration and
production permit to the same;
provide support the effectiveness of
exploration to production chain of
the same;

) j) devise a system for capacity building,

research and development works in
order to ensure the quality and
international competitiveness of
mineral products; follow up
implementation of the same;
) k) establish, in collaboration with
concerned organs, effective and
efficient system that enhances the
production and productivity of
traditionally produced minerals by
using technology;

) l) establish the necessary system and

infrastructure in collaboration with
the concerned organs to legalize the
production and marketing in
precious and ornamental minerals
produced in traditional and small
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) m) create conditions to benefit local

communities in areas where mining
operations and explorations of
petroleum are pursued; initiate legal
frameworks and ensure its
implementation upon approval by
the concerned organ; follow up the
fulfillment of the requirements set
for environmental protection;

/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the

Ministry of Mines and Petroleum under
other laws that are currently in force are
hereby vested in the Ministry of Mines
established by this Proclamation.
. 24. Ministry of Tourism
/ 1/ The Ministry of Tourism shall have the
following powers and duties:
) a) initiate policies, strategies and laws
which ensure sustainable of tourism
development and its
competitiveness; prepare detail
program compatible with the

- national development plan for their

implementation; and implement the
same upon approval by the
concerned organ;
) b) establish a system which enable to
promote the participation and roles
of the private sector in tourism
development; create conducive
condition for its implementation;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13779

) - c) cause the proper identification and

introduction of the
tourism and eco-tourism potential
and tourism attraction and organize
and develop them in a way that is
conducive for tourism;
) d) establish infrastructure of tourism
destination which are very
important for tourism visit in
cooperation with the concerned
organs; cause the construction of
new infrastructures;
) e) cause the development of new
tourism attraction, develop tourism
destinations of development gap,
promote existing tourism
destinations; cause the
competitiveness of tourism service
in terms of types and quantity;
encourage private sectors to engage
in tourism development;

) f) coordinate the tourism market

search and introduction conducted
by various tourism stakeholders;

resources, attraction and image in

foreign country and in Ethiopia by
coordinating and leading the market
linkage and branding activities;
create new tourism markets;
promote the sector market share;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13780

) g) support the sector with technology,

study and research and cause the

economy and follow up its

) h) collect, compile and disseminate
tourism information;
) i) create conducive condition for the
study, preservation
natural heritage and its development
and utilization as tourist attraction;

) j) coordinate the conservation of

wildlife areas designated to be
administered by the federal
government and development and
management of such areas;
formulate strategies and programs in
cooperation with the concerned
organs; follow up implementation of
the same;
) k) create conducive condition for the

attraction as an international heritage

by fulfilling the preconditions for

) l) design tourism labels for identification

ourism attraction,
production and service and improve
them from time to time and cause the
implementation of the same;
) m) determine the standard of tourist
service providers and supervise its
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13781

) n) issue, unless such power is clearly

given to other organ, license to
investors who provide service in
more than one region or, where the
law so provides, to tourist service
providers to be conducted by foreign
investors; supervise the same;
) o) work by creating partnership and
cooperation with tourism actors;

) p) coordinate government and private

sector engaged in tourism sector;
prepare and implement a framework
to work in partnership with regional
tourism organs; create a joint
platform in connection with tourism
to coordinate multifaceted efforts in
order to ensure quality tourism
service and safety of tourists;

) q) administer tourism fund to be

established to enable it to implement
its power and duties;

) r) create conducive condition for the

establishment of Ethiopian Tourism
Board by law to coordinate the
private sector and federal and
regional institutions concerned with
tourism sector development;

) s) establish information system of

tourism sector; establish a system to
integrate tourism satellite account
ic account
system in collaboration with the
Ministry of Plan and Development.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13782

/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to

Ministry of Culture and Tourism and
Tourism Ethiopia under other laws that
are currently in force with respect to
Tourism are hereby vested in the
Ministry of Tourism established by this
. 25. Ministry of Labor and Skills
/ 1/ The Ministry of Labor and Skills shall
have the following powers and duties:

) a) initiate policies, strategies and laws

with respect to labor, employment
and skill; prepare detail program
compatible with the national

- development plan and implement the

same upon approval;

) b) establish a system for technical and

vocational training that are in line
with the
development policy, labor,
employment and skill development;
follow up the implementation of the
) c) formulate, in collaboration with
concerned economic and social
- sectors, technical and vocational
training curricula; implement the
same upon approval; ensure the
implementation of standard set for
technical and vocational institutions;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13783

) d) create, in collaboration with the

concerned economic and social
sectors, conducive conditions for
facilitating linkages which promote
labor market and employment

) e) establish, manage and follow up

implementation of training centers
that enable to accelerate human
resource development and utilization
and effectiveness of technology;

) f) establish, in collaboration with

concerned economy and social
sectors, a system for the expansion
of efficient, accessible and equitable
job opportunity and employment;
follow up implementation of the
) g) monitor and follow up the proper
implementation of labor laws;

) h) follow up and support labor relation

of enterprises situated in more than
one Region;
) i) establish a system to prevent
occupational accidents and
occupational diseases; issue
occupational health and safety
standards and supervise their

) j) establish a system to ensure industrial

peace and ensure its proper
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13784

) k) encourage and support employers

and workers to form associations and
thereby exercise their rights of
collective bargaining; register
unions established at national level;

) l) support the practice of bipartite

forums between employees and
employers and tripartite forums
involving the Government; devise
mechanism to minimize occurrence
of labor disputes and establish
efficient system for settlement of the

) m) register trade unions and collective

agreements relating to Federal
Public Enterprises situated in Addis
Ababa and Dire Dawa cities; carry
out labor inspection services in such
enterprises; provide conciliation
services to amicably settle labor
disputes arising between employers
and workers;

n) establish national labor sector

information system; establish and
put into operation a national labor
market information system; keep job
seekers data; establish system of
recognition appreciation to
encourage national job creation;
follows up the implementation of the
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13785

) o) devise, in collaboration with

concerned organs, system that will
enable the transition of the informal
economic sector to the formal one;
follow up implementation of the

) p) issue work permits to foreign

nationals and, monitor the
compliance therewith in
collaboration with concerned organs;
regulate the Ethiopians overseas
employment in collaboration with
concerned organs;

) q) coordinate and follow up the job

creation initiatives including rural
job creation conducted by different
sectors, shall force others to send
r) conduct periodic surveys on labor
market skills gap in collaboration
with regional concerned agencies,
coordinate capacity building

) s) support and coordinate cooperation

between agencies of the Federal
government, regional governments,
the private sector, the informal
sector, development partners and
institutions to promote and increase
access to employment; ensure
training and work experiences
match the job market requirements;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13786

) t) ensure, in collaboration with

concerned organs, the provision of
business development services and
entrepreneurship training and
support to promote job creations and
employment opportunities; establish
a system of alternative financial
sources for micro, small and medium

u) cause the facilitation of employment
and placement of job seekers in
formal and informal employment
domestically and overseas;

) v) create conducive condition for skill

development for disabled persons;

) w) formulate a special package for the

citizen who are under poverty line
and assist them to be engaged in
different jobs and graduate in
specific time frame;
) x) coordinate supports to be obtained
from domestic and foreign, private
and government institutions having
similar objectives.

/ - 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to:

) a) the Ministry of labor and social

affairs with regard to labor relation

) b) the job creation commission

gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13787

) c) the Federal Urban Job Creation and

Food Security Agency with regard to
job creation,

under other laws that are currently in

force are hereby vested in the Ministry of
Labor and Skills established under this

. 26. Ministry of Finance

/ 1/ The Ministry of Finance shall have the
following powers and duties:

) a) initiate policies, strategies and laws

that serve as a base for fiscal,
particularly for taxes and custom
duty laws; prepare detail program
compatible with national
development plan; follow up the
proper implementation of the same;

) b) prepare the fiscal budget of the

Federal Government; make
disbursements in accordance with
the approved budget; evaluate the
utilization of the budget;

) c) establish budgeting, accounting,

disbursement and internal audit
systems aligned with international
standards for the Federal
Government, and follow up the
effectiveness of the implementation
of the same; ensure that budgeting,
accounting, disbursement and
internal audit system of the federal
and regional government is
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13788

) d) ensure the establishment of a

procurement and property
management system of the Federal
Government and follow up its
) e) be the depository of and safeguard
the Federal Government's shares,
negotiable and non-negotiable
instruments and other similar
financial assets; administer funds,
ascertain the fulfillment of the
objectives of funds administered by
other sectors.

) f) Lead and coordinate bilateral

economic cooperation with other
countries as well as the relationship
with international and regional
organizations setup to create
economic cooperation; follow up the
impact of such links on the
performance of the country's

) g) mobilize, negotiate and sign foreign

assistance and loans, and follow up
the implementation of the same:

) h) prepare documents necessary to

privatize public enterprises;
coordinate privatization processes in
collaboration with concerned
government bodies;

2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the
Ministry of Finance under other laws that
are currently in force are hereby vested
in the Ministry of Finance established by
this Proclamation.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13789

. 27. Ministry of Revenue

/ 1/ The Ministry of Revenue shall have the

following powers and duties:
a) conduct study and research activities
to improve the performance of
federal government revenues and
proper collection of revenues; based
on the result of the study devise a
strategy and establish a system for
its implementation;

) b) formulate a system for building the

capacity of collection of federal
revenue in a sustainable manner;
implement the same and follow up
its implementation;
) c) establish a modern revenue
assessment and collection system
and implement the same;

) d) cause the proper implementation of

incentives of customs and tax
exemptions given to investors to
encourage investment and follow up
its implementation and take
measures on those who misuse the
) e) implement awareness creation
programs to promote a culture of
voluntary compliance of taxpayers in
the discharge of their tax obligations
by establishing a system;

) f) collect information for tax assessment

and analyze and use such
information for the same;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13790

) g) inspect and seize documents under

the possession of any person that are
required for the enforcement of tax

) h) provide appropriate capacity building

support to regional revenue
collecting agencies with a view to
harmonizing federal and regional tax
administration systems;

) i) issue permit to undertake lottery

activity, supervise, suspend and
revoke the same;
) j) determine the type and specifications
of equipment required to perform
lottery games; issue permit and
supervise the importation of the

) - k) control illegal lottery activities;

l) provide appropriate capacity building
support to regional revenue
collecting agencies with a view to
harmonizing federal. city
administration a accountable to the
federal government and regional tax
administration systems;

) m) implement the powers and duties

entrusted to Ethiopian revenue and
customs authority under other laws
that are currently in force with
respect to federal revenue and taxes;

/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the

Ministry of Revenue under other laws
that are currently in force with respect to
revenue and tax are hereby vested in the
Ministry of Revenue established by this
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13791

. 28. Ministry of Planning and Development

/ 1/ The Ministry of Planning and Development
shall have the following power and
) - a) initiate policies, strategies and laws
with respect to development,
national statistics, population,
climate change and environment;
prepare detail program compatible

- with national development plan and

implement the same upon approval;

) b) prepare long-term indicative

development plan, formulate
medium and short-term development
programs on the basis of the plan
and oversee its implementation;

) c) prepare, in collaboration with

concerned organs, frameworks for
macro-economy and the forecasting
of economic growth; formulate
saving, investment, import and
export economic goals in line with
the macro-economic framework;

) d) prepare, in collaboration with the

concerned organs, spatial
development framework which
ensures equitable development and
effective land use; follow up its
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13792

) e) establish, in collaboration with

concerned organs, a system which
ensure equitable development
opportunities and equitable
development of regions and citizens;
follow up its implementation;
) f) conduct economic and development
- polices analysis and researches;
identify strategic socio-economic
issues; based on findings from socio-
economic researches propose policy
to relevant government organs;
ensure the compatibility of policies
initiated by different organs;

) g) c
development initiatives;

) h) conduct researches related to

executive organs and system reform
in order to achieve development
plans, strengthen government
enforcement capacity and create
sustainable institutional capacity;
proposes recommendations, based
on researches, to the government
regarding the scope of powers and
duties and organizational structures
of federal government institutions;
) i) conducts development project
appraisal on development projects
which are financed from treasury,
sovereign guarantee, loan and other
similar budgetary sources; select and
prioritize development projects; lead
the supervision of development
projects, monitor and evaluate
development project implementation;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13793

) j) identify and formulate development

projects for the implementation of
national development plan and
support and monitor their
implementation by the relevant
executive organs;
k) establish system for the formulation
of development plans, programs and
projects; cause the implementation
of the same; provide technical
support and capacity building on the

) l) follow up and evaluate national

development plan program and
project performance; submit national
development activities
implementation report to the
) m) establish performance follow up and
evaluation system and supporting
infrastructure; implement the same;
provide technical advice service and
capacity building support;

) n) establish system for the accounting

of national economic account
statistics and estimate quarterly and
annual gross domestic product;
establish harmonized and
standardized regional economic
accounting system; provide technical
support to regions to enable them
prepare their own regional economic
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13794

) o) establishes national statistical

systems, standards and regulations in
accordance with international
statistical standards and follow up its

) p) issue, interpretation and standards

regarding national statistical data
collected by Ethiopian Statistical
Service; determine the type of data
to be collected and determine the
statistical calendar; follow up its

) q) follow up, evaluate and authorize the

- quality of official economic, social

and population national statistical

r) in order to maintain international
statistical standards, cause statistical
data collected in the country to be
comparable to those of other
countries, international organizations
and United Nations Institutions with
statistical data;

) s) regulate data collection of other

institutions and approve survey
systems and methodologies; provide
authentication on the same;

t) coordinate, support and follow up

climate change and environment
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13795

/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the

Planning and Development Commission
under other laws that are currently in
force are hereby vested in the Ministry of
Planning and Development established
by this Proclamation.
. 29. Ministry of Innovation and Technology
/ 1/ The Ministry of Innovation and Technology
shall have the following powers and

) a) initiate policies, strategies, laws and

programs that sustainably ensure the
development and competitiveness
bio and emerging technology,
geospatial, space, technology and
digital economic development;
prepare a detail program that is

overall development plan and
implement the same upon approval;

) b) initiate policy, in collaboration with

the concerned organs, for the
enhancement of technology and
innovation use culture; ensure, in
collaboration with the concerned

curricula are designed in tune with

- -
innovation and technology
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13796

) c) prepare and implement national

innovation and technology research
and development policies, strategies
and programs; identify new
innovation and technology studies
and research areas pertinent to the
national development; coordinate
national research programs;

) d) establish a system that enhance the

participation and role of the private
sector in the development of
innovation and technology sector;
create conducive condition for
implementation of the same;
establish and implement a system for
the grant of awards and incentives to
individuals and institutions
contributing to the advancement of
innovation and technological
development works;
) e) set, in collaboration with concerned
organs, standards to ensure the
provision of quality, reliablity and
security of information
communication technology services;
monitor the implementation of the

) f) support capacity building of

institutions and professionals
involved in innovation and
technology activities; support and
encourage professional associations
and research and study institutions;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13797

) g) establish, in collaboration with the

concerned organs, a system to
identify technology demand, explore
appropriate technologies and
implement the same; follow up the
implementation of the same;

) - h) support studies, researches and their

dissemination, for the improvement,
development and marketing of
indigenous technologies; provide
necessary support for practical
application of such works; cause
them accessible to stakeholders and
the community in the form of
prototype; encourage and support
individuals, professional
associations, study and research
institutions that will make significant
contribution for the development of
innovations and technologies;
) i) register information about
technologies from different fields;
coordinate works for their
compilation and preservation; cause
them to be used for future works;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13798

) i) design programs that enable the

expansion of innovation and
technology in particular digital
infrastructures; ensure for critical
systems and services in public sector
are supported by appropriate
technology and positioned to better
provide services to the public; in
general, works and provide support
public services be supported by
technology and efficient;

) j) organize innovation and technology

data base, compile information, set
national standards for information
) k) in collaboration with relevant bodies,
support the development, and
coordination of information systems;
provide support for the deployment
secured information network within
federal and regional government
) l) provide support for the promotion of
domestic innovation skills through
- establishing internationally
standardized laboratories, workshops
and information communication
technology parks for selected
innovation and technology research
works; facilitate for the
establishment of start-up fund for the
the same;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13799

) m) follow up the implementation of the

system regulating the utilization and
disposal of radiation and radiation
producing items;
) n) provide professional and technical
support to regional innovation and
technology institutions; identify and
cause common understanding on
innovation and technology
development activities to be
undertaken by the regions: follow
implementation of the same;

) o) follow up the effectiveness of the

transformation of innovative ideas in
to values role for national prosperity
by supporting creativity and

/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the

Ministry of Innovation and Technology
under other laws that are currently in
force are hereby vested in the Ministry of
Innovation and Technology established
by this Proclamation.

. 30. Ministry of Transport and Logistics

/ 1/ The Ministry of Transport and Logistics
shall have the following power and

) a) initiate policies, strategies, programs

and laws that ensure sustainable
development and competitiveness of
the transport and logistics sector;
implement the same upon approval;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13800

) b) ensure the integration, efficiency

and accessibility of land, air and sea
transportation services, and thereby

strategies and meet the needs of

transport and logistics of
development hubs and corridors;

) c) establish, in collaboration with

concerned organs, a system for a
coordinated and integrated holistic
national transport and logistics;
create conducive conditions for
implementation of the same;
) d) in collaboration with Ministry of
Urban and infrastructure and other
concerned organs, prepare master

comprehensive logistics
infrastructure; follow up its

) e) establish a system that promote the

participation and role of the private
sector in transport and logistics
development; create conducive
condition for implementation of the

) f) prepare safety standards for the

provision of transport and logistics
services; cause and follow up their
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13801

) g) cause, in collaboration with

concerned organs, the promotion of
regional and international
cooperation in transport and
logistics sector; lead cooperation
function in the sector; prepare
program for matters on which
cooperative agreement is entered
into; ensure the implementation of
the same;

) h) submit to the government studies on

alternative port services and oversee
their implementation when
approved; conclude port service
agreements with other countries and
follow up its implementation:

) i) ensure the establishment and

implementation of regulatory
frameworks to guarantee the
provision of reliable and safe
transport and logistics infrastructure;

) j) cause the utilization, expansion and

promotion of new technologies and

and logistics sector;

gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13802

) k) identify and implement strategies to

mitigate the impact of transport and
logistics infrastructure and services
on the environment and the climate;

) l) organize transport and logistics data

of the country, and disseminate the
same to concerned organs;

) m) undertake studies on transport

management system aiming at
improving and fundamentally
addressing road traffic safety issues;
implement the same;

) n) ensure that investigation of aircraft

accidents are carried out in
accordance with acceptable
) o) ensure that the national logistic
system with respect to import and
export is efficient and competitive;

) / p) implement the powers and duties

entrusted to the Federal Transport
Authority under Proclamation No.
468/2005 as well as other relevant
provisions of the Proclamation;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13803

) q) follow up the operations of the

Ethion-Djibouti Railways in
accordance with the agreement
concluded between the two
countries; monitor the same.

/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the

Ministry of Transport under other laws
that are currently in force with respect to
transport and logistics are hereby vested
in the Ministry of Transport and
Logistics established by this
. 31. The Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure
/ 1/ The Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure
shall have the following powers and
) a) initiate policies, strategies and laws
that ensure sustainable
competitiveness of urban and
construction and infrastructure
sustainable development; that ensure
infrastructure development is carried
out effectively and in an integrated
manner; and that enable registration
of urban land and land related other
immovable property related to land;
prepare detail program compatible
with the national development plan
for their implementation; implement
the same upon approval;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13804

) b) prepare, in collaboration with the

concerned organs, national
integrated infrastructure master plan;
follow up and monitor its
) c) ensure that national road infrastructure
works are carried out on the basis of
economic efficiency, importance and
equitable access;

) d) coordinate the preparation of national

integrated master plan and follow up
its implementation;

) e) prepare compensation formula and

unit price for land and property
expropriated for public interest;

) f) formulate policies and strategies,

development programs concerning
the transition of rural areas to urban
areas; set standards; supervise the

) g) undertake studies relating to

urbanization; establish, in
coordination with other concerned
organs, system for integrated
urbanization; follow-up
implementation; establish a system
for management of the integration of
urban centers in compliance with
national and regional development
plan and integrated urban master
plan; follow up implementation of
the same;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13805

) h) undertake, in collaboration with

regions, studies for the integration of
urban and rural development
activities; initiate different policies
and strategies; follow-up
implementation of the same; provide
to urban centers all-round and
coordinated support so as to make
them development hubs of their
) i) design strategies that ensure balanced
development and population
settlement in urban centers;
implement the same in collaboration
with the pertinent federal and
regional government bodies;

) j) put in place advanced procedures for

efficient and economical use of
urban land; follow-up
implementation of the same;

) k) set standards relating to

categorization and role definition of
urban centers; establish criteria for
urban sanitation, beautification and
greenery development; support and
follow up implementation of the
) l) provide capacity building support to
regions to improve service delivery
and ensure good governance in
urban centers; cause the integration
of the provision of infrastructure and
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13806

) m) support and follow up urban

development, construction and
infrastructure activities of Addis
Ababa and Dire Dawa city
) n) cause the building of cadaster and
immovable property market systems
that ensure transparency,
accountability for the enhancement
free market economy; provide
support to ensure supply of
developed urban land in accordance
with demands in urban centers;

) o) undertake study to establish urban

development finance improvement
system; cause its approval by the
concerned organ; raise fund; provide
support and follow-up the building
of institutional capacity for its
) p) undertake studies on the provision of
residential housing to citizens; and
implement of the same upon
approval; establish a system that
enhance the participation and role of
the private sector in housing
development sector; create
conducive condition for its
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13807

) q) cause the creation of conducive

conditions for the building
internationally competitive
construction industry; devise
strategies that will ensure capacity
and sustainability of local
construction enterprises; follow up
implementation of the same;
establish a system which ensures
transparent and accountable system
for the management of design,
bidding and contract contents; and
follow up implementation of the
) r) follow-up that necessary control is
carried out on regulation of
construction works and procurement
in any sector; follow up construction
work standards are issued and that
they are complied with;

) s) provide support in the preparation of

designs, construction contracts and
supervision of construction works
involving buildings financed by
federal budget; provide support for
the development of appropriate
organizational set-up, working
procedures and human resource
required for implementation of
building codes and standards in
urban centers;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13808

) t) undertake research to improve the

types and qualities of domestic
construction materials; encourage
the utilization of domestic
construction inputs;

) u) establish urban land and other land

related immovable property
registration system; formulate
nationally accepted land and land
related immovable property
registration unique code and ensure
uniform implementation of the same
in all urban centers;

) v) work, in collaboration with concerned

organs, to expand training programs
and to strengthen the system of
accreditation of cadastral

) w) provide support for urban centers in

regions to cause them organize
institutions that conduct registration
of urban land and other land related
immovable property; carry out
capacity building activities to enable
the institutions to conduct standard
) x) coordinate urban food security
) y) devise strategy to manage urban
centers in compliance with
integrated urban plan, national and
regional development plan;

) z) initiate real estate development

policies, strategies and laws and
follow their implementation upon
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13809

/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the

Federal Integrated Infrastructure
Development Coordinating Agency and
Ministry of Urban Development and
Construction under other laws that are
currently in force are hereby vested in the
Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure
established by this Proclamation.

. 32. Ministry of Water and Energy

/ 1/ The Ministry of Water and Energy shall
have the following powers and duties:
) a) initiate policies, strategies and laws
with respect to water and energy;
prepare detail program compatible
- with national development plan for
their implementation; implement the
same upon approval;

) b) undertake policy studies, surveys

and researches needed to create a
conducive environment for the
implementation of an integrated
water resource management within
basins; and implement the same
upon approval;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13810

) c) ensure that projects, activities and

interventions related to water in the
basins are, in line with the integrated
water resources management
process; develop use basin models in
order to guide and support strategic
planning of water resources and
water administration functions;
identify measures through study, that
should be taken against pollution and
damage to basins; implement the
same in collaboration with relevant
organs; conserve, protect and
manage water bodies and related

) -
d) perform flood protection forecasting
and early warning; carry out
necessary works to protect and save
human and animal lives and
properties within a basin from
danger due to natural disaster in
relation to flood and drought;

) e) identify the volumetric and quality

surface water resource by

undertaking basin studies and
facilitate utilization of the same;
cause improvement and expansion
of water resource development and
management; devise awareness
creation programs on potable water
use; implement the same;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13811

) f) cause establishment of sustainable

and integrated administration system
facilitating the equitable utilization
of water resources;
) g) determine conditions for optimum
and equitable allocation and
utilization among various uses and
regional states of trans regional
water bodies that crossing or
bordering in more than one regional
) h) undertake studies pertaining to
utilization of national trans boundary
water resources; negotiate
international treaties; follow up
implementation of same;

) i) determine quality standards of water

used for various purposes; undertake
supervision to avert water pollution;
follow up its implementation;

) j) establish system that facilitates the

expansion of potable water supplies
and coverage of sanitation
infrastructure; follow up
implementation of same; establish a
system to enhance participation and
role of the private sector in potable
water supply and sanitation
infrastructure sector; create
conducive condition for
implementation of same;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13812

) k) follow up and monitor potable water

supply and sanitation infrastructure
development projects financed by
the federal government and loans
and grants obtained from foreign
sources are carried out in compliance
with design quality standard based
on study and their design;
) l) prepare national potable water and
sanitation study and design,
construction and institutional
management standards and manuals
and disseminate the same and follow
up their implementation;
) m) create conducive condition that
enables provision of capacity
building for service providers,
consultants, contractors and private,
governmental and non-governmental
organizations engaged in supply of
goods and products in potable water
supply and sanitation sector;
) n) provide integrated professional
support to regions that seeking
special support; provide, in
collaboration with concerned
organs, support for emergency
potable water supply and sanitation
) ( ) o) issue permits for usage of water
( ) ( ) relating to water bodies referred to
in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of Sub-
Article (1) of this Article; follow-up
the relevance related to the usage of
water; issue competent
authentication relating to water
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13813

) p) provide support to promote

expansion of meteorological
services; enhance risk forecasting
capacity; enhance capacity to
utilize data obtained from the
) q) identify water development activities
to be carried out by public-private
partnership in water development
sector; prepare regulatory
framework; implement and follow
up the same;
) r) provide the necessary professional
and technical support in capacity
building of regional water
development institutions; identify
water development activities to be
carried out by regions and ensure
their implementation at all levels
upon reaching consensus in order to
cause the implementation of
national water development polices,
strategies and programs at all
) s) establish a system to facilitate the
collection, organization and
utilization of data of water and
energy resource; cause the
expansion of water and energy
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13814

) t) cause the development of electric

power supply and enhance
distribution of the same; support
and lead generation of electricity
from water, wind and other
alternative renewable energy
sources to avoid and alleviate
shortfalls in electric power supply;
) u) establish a system that enhance the
participation and role of the private
sector in the energy development
sector; create conducive condition
for implementation of the same;
perform works towards
coordinating, encouraging and
supporting rural energy
development activities;

) /
v) implement the powers and duties
entrusted to the Secretariat of Water
Resource Development Fund as
provided by Proclamation No.
/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy,
Secretariat of Water Fund, Water
Development Commission and Basin
Development Authority under other laws
that are currently in force are hereby
vested in the Ministry of Water and
Energy established by this Proclamation.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13815

. 33. Ministry of Irrigation and Lowland

/ 1/ Ministry of Irrigation and Lowland shall
have the following powers and duties:

) a) initiate policies, strategies and laws

with respect to irrigation
development, lowland and drought
prone areas; prepare detail program
compatible with the national
development plan for their
implementation and implement the
same upon approval;

) b) cause the expansion of irrigation

) c) encourage irrigation projects to be
supported by innovative
technologies that will enhance
productivity and to adopt
mechanisms for effective use of

) d) facilitate the utilization of ground

water and surface water resources
- of the country identified by the
study conducted by the Ministry of
Water and Energy through the
study of integrated river basin
development for irrigation;
) e) establish a system for expanding
irrigation development coverage
and follow up its implementation;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13816

) f) promote irrigation development

projects through different means to
cause them have access to finance;
create conducive conditions for
investors to gain incentives in
accordance with the law;

) g) facilitate conducive conditions to

enable local communities to
participate in and benefited from in
irrigation development projects;
) h) cause the carrying out of study,
design and construction that enable
to expand irrigation development

) i) work in collaboration with relevant

organs to support efforts to expand
irrigation works within basins;

) j) administer dams and water

infrastructure financed by federal
k) submit proposal by identifying
irrigation development sectors to be
carried out through public-private

) l) provide the necessary professional

and technical support in building
capacity for regional irrigation
development institutions; identify
irrigation development activities to
be carried out by regions and upon
reaching consensus in order to
cause the implementation of
national irrigation development
policies, strategies and programs to
be implemented at all levels.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13817

) m) conduct study and research to

identify the potential of irrigation
development in lowland areas;
formulate irrigation development
plan to develop agricultural land in
lowland areas; follow up
implementation of same;
) n) cause, in collaboration with Ministry
of Agriculture and Ministry of
Water and Energy, the expansion of
water centered basin development
activities and irrigation
development in pastoral and semi
pastoral areas; cause expansion of
irrigation development;
) o) follow up the expansion of basin
developments, infrastructure and
fodder banks necessary for
livestock development in pastoral
) p) coordinate, in collaboration with the
concerned organs, activities that
enable pastoralist and semi
pastoralist to become beneficiaries
of social and economic
) q) establish irrigation development
information and database
management systems;
/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to
Irrigation Development Commission and
other organs in relation to pastoral and
semi pastoral development under other
laws that are currently in force are
hereby vested in the Ministry of
Irrigation and Lowland established by
this Proclamation.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13818

. 34. Ministry of Education

/ 1/ The Ministry of Education shall have
followed the powers and duties:
) a) initiate policies, strategies, laws and
programs with respect to general and
higher education; prepare detail
program compatible with the

implement the same upon approval;

) b) formulate a general framework of

- education curricula of general and
higher education; set education and
educational institution standards;
national qualification framework and
ensure implementation of the same;

) c) oversee and coordinate the process of

preparation of national examinations

higher education policy and curricula,

maintain of records and issuance of
) d) devise, in collaboration with
concerned organs, strategies that
enhance higher education institutions
capacity in study and research;
implement the same; facilitate
mechanism for implementation of
study and research findings;

) e) create, in collaboration with ministry

of innovation and technology,
conducive condition for facilitating
linkages between research institute of
higher education and the industry
sector to assist research and
technology development activities;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13819

) f) follow up the performance of public

higher education institutions;

) g) ensure that the implementation of

student admissions and placements in
higher education institutions are
) h) ensure standards required of general
and higher education are set; and
quality and relevant education are

) i) cause the expansion of quality

standard higher education; oversee

) j) publicize national performance in


) k) implement the powers and duties

entrusted to the Higher Education
Strategic Center under Higher
Education Proclamation No.

/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the

Ministry of Science and Higher Education
under other laws currently in force other
than those related to technical and
professional training and the powers and
duties entrusted to the Ministry of
Education are hereby vested in the
Ministry of Education established by this
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13820

. 35. Ministry of Health

/ 1/ The Ministry of Health shall have the
following powers and duties:
) a) initiate health related policies,
strategies and laws; prepare a detail
program compatible with the

implement the same upon approval;

) b) formulate the country's health sector

development program; follow up the
implementation of the same.
) c) prepare the country's health services
coverage map; provide support the
expansion of health infrastructure;
) d) support the expansion of health
services coverage; follow up and
coordinate the implementation of
health programs; provide appropriate
support to research activities intended
to provide solutions for the country's
health problems and for improving
health service delivery;
) - e) follow up and coordinate the
implementation of national nutrition
) f) devise strategies for the prevention of
epidemic and communicable diseases;
follow up the implementation of the

) g) take preventive measures against

events that threaten the public health;
in the events of an emergency
situation coordinate measures of other
stakeholders to expeditiously and
effectively tackle the problem;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13821

) h) expand health education through

various appropriate means;

) i) ensure adequate supply and proper

utilization of essential drugs and
medical equipment in the country;

) j) oversee the administration of Federal

hospitals; work, in collaboration with
the concerned organs, to build the
capacity of Federal universities'
teaching hospitals;

) k) perform and ensure, in collaboration

with the concerned organs, the
provision of quality and relevant
health professional trainings within
the country;

) l) ensure the proper execution of food,

medicine and health care
administration and regulatory
) m) work, in collaboration with the
concerned organs, for the integration
of traditional and modern medication
and for the procedure to be
undertaken side by side to modern
) n) lead the national health insurance
system and follow its implementation;
direct, coordinate and follow up
implementation of the country's
health information system.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13822

) / o) implement the powers and duties

. . / entrusted to the HIV/AIDS
Prevention and Control Office under
Proclamation No. 276/2002;

) p) establish a regulatory system with

respect to health professionals and
institutions; implement the same as
may be necessary and follow up its

/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the

. . / HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office
and Ministry of health under other laws
that are currently in force are hereby
vested in the Ministry of Health
established by this Proclamation;

. 36. Ministry of Women and Social Affairs

/ 1/ The Ministry of Women and Social Affairs
shall have the following powers and
) a) initiate policies, strategies, and laws
for women, youth, children, persons
with disabilities, elderly and other
vulnerable groups in development;
prepare a detail program compatible

development plan; implement the

same upon approval;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13823

) b) devise strategy and standards for

mainstreaming of issues of women,
children, youth, persons with
disabilities, elderly and other
vulnerable groups in the
development policies, programs and
projects and evaluate the same;
follow up and supervise the same;

) c) devise strategy for mainstreaming of

issues of women, children, youth,
elderly, persons with disabilities,
and other vulnerable groups in
Federal Government organs policies,
laws, development programs and
projects and evaluate the same;
follow up and supervise the same;

) d) devise strategic plan to ensure that

opportunities are facilitated for the
active participation of women, youth
and persons with disability in the
political, economic and
social activities and implement the
e) work, in collaboration with
concerned organs, to ensure that
persons with disabilities and elderly
benefit from health, education,
information technology
infrastructure and other economic
and social services;

) f) work, in collaboration with

concerned organs, to make social
protection and social security
systems accessible to citizens step
by step by expanding the same;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13824

) g) work, in collaboration with

concerned organs, to prevent social
and economic problems and provide
the necessary services to segments
of the society under difficult
circumstances particularly to the
elderly and persons with disabilities;
) h) establish a system that enable to
collect, organize and analyze social

information in modern way;

) i) perform, lead and support activities

of awareness creation with the
respect to the rights of women and

) j) ensure that due attention is given to

assign women for decision-making
positions in various Government
organs; devise strategy for the
proper enforcement of women's
right to affirmative action at the
national level and follow up the
implementation of the same;
) k) undertake studies to identify
discriminatory practices affecting
women and create conditions for the
elimination of such practices, and
follow up their implementation;
) l) design strategies to prevent harmful
practices and violence as well as
measures to be taken; implement the
same in collaboration with the
concerned organs;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13825

) m) provide support for the

- establishment of centers for the
provision of holistic health,
psychological, legal and
rehabilitation services for women
and children who are victims of
violence; and follow up the
implementation of the same;

) n) encourage and creat conditions for

women, youth, persons with
disability, elderly and vulnerable
groups to be organized based on
their interests and needs with a view
to defending their rights and solving
their problems;

) o) conduct, in collaboration with the

concerned organs, studies to identify
areas of job opportunities for women
and youth; design programs and
projects that make them beneficiary;
follow up implementation of the

) p) coordinate all stakeholders to protect

the rights and well-being of

) q) provide, by coordinating the

concerned organs, awareness-
creation and training with due
attention on good parenting,
character building, support, care and
rehabilitation for parents and
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13826

) r) design strategies to ensure local

options of care and support,
including adoption, for orphaned
children and children exposed to risk
due to various reasons; implement
the same upon approval; follow up
care taking of Ethiopian children
adopted under international adoption
who are living abroad;

) s) devise strategies that enable

government and private sectors to
discharge their social responsibility
in order to make children

development; follow up
implementation of the same;
) t) design, in collaboration with the
- concerned regional organs and other
stakeholders, strategies necessary to
implement the constitutional
protection given to the family as the
fundamental unit of society; follow
the implementation of the same;
u) conclude international treaties
relating to women, children, persons
with disabilities, elderly and other
vulnerable groups in accordance
with law and, follow-up
implementation of same and submit
reports to the concerned bodies;

) v) collect, compile and disseminate to

relevant stakeholders detailed
information on the objective realities
of women, children, youth, persons
with disabilities, elderly and
vulnerable groups;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13827

) w) establish a system to strength social

protection system by expanding
social security system, and follow
up the implementation of the same;

) / x) implement the Powers and duties

entrusted to the Ministry of Labor
and Social Affairs under
Proclamation No. 676/2010;

) / y) implement the Powers and duties

entrusted to the Ministry of Labor
and Social Affairs under
Proclamation No. 1178/2019.

/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the

Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs other
than those concerning labor affairs and the
powers and duties entrusted to the
Ministry of Women, Children and Youth
under other laws that are currently in
force are hereby vested in the Ministry of
Women and social affairs established by
this Proclamation.
. 37. Ministry of Culture and Sport

/ 1/ The Ministry of Culture and Sport shall

have the following powers and duties;

) a) initiate policies, strategies and laws

with respect to culture and sport;
prepare detail program compatible
with national development plan;
implement the same upon approval;

) b) cause the study, preservation and

development various cultural values
and traditional knowledge in
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13828

) - c) cause the promotion of the

contribution of socio-economic
development in the cultural sector;
) d) cause the promotion of creativity in
handicraft, artistic works and fine art;
create conducive condition for the

industry and theatrical arts;

) e) cause the expansion of cultural
institutions to institutionalize public
participation in its sector;
) f) undertake activities to bring about
changes in cultural attitudes, beliefs
and practices hindering social

) g) establish a system for awarding and

motivating individuals and
institutions with outstanding
achievements in cultural sector;

) h) cause the study, development of the

- various languages in Ethiopia and the

advancement and promotion of their

) i) undertake activities related to

advancement and promotion of
translation services and translation as
a professional knowledge; assist and
follow up standard usage of working
language and translation services;

) j) collect, compile and disseminate

information on culture, sport and
related matters;

) k) enable the public to participate in and

benefit from sports for all and
traditional sports;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13829

) l) promote the expansion of sports

facilities and centers;

) m) organize, in collaboration with the

concerned organs, sports medical
facilities and adopt systems for
controlling doping practices;

) n) issue Directives governing the

establishment of sports associations;
register and provide necessary
support to sports associations
operating at the federal level;
authorize sports associations to
engage in income generating
activities which are consistent with
their objectives with a view to meet
their financial needs;

) o) devise and implement strategies for

the establishment of sport education,
training and research institutions to
produce trained manpower and to
improve competence;

) p) provide, in collaboration with the

concerned organs, support for
domestic production of sportswear
and equipments and facilitate the
importation of the same;

q) provide necessary support in
organizing and conducting national
and international sport games; devise
strategy for the establishment of
national sports development fund by
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13830

) r) device strategy for administration of

sport facilities;
) s) ensure the proper administration of
sport centers including Athlete
Tirunesh Dibaba Athletics training
center by organizing them under
Ethiopian Sport academy, provides
the necessary support.

/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the

Sport Commission and Ministry of Culture
and Tourism with respect to culture and
language under other laws that are
currently in force are hereby vested in the
Ministry of Culture and Sport established
by this Proclamation.
. 38. Ministry of Defense
/ 1/ The Ministry of Defense shall have the
following powers and duties:

) a) initiate policies, strategies and laws

with respect to national defense
building; implement the same upon

) b) defend, in collaboration with relevant

organs, the territorial integrity of the
- - country, protect and defend the
Constitutional order form threats and

) c) coordinate and work by coordinating

relevant federal and regional organs
in defending the country;

) d) establish, equip and supervise defense

forces, and ensure their combat
) e) cause the organization of defense
forces training institutions;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13831

) f) construct and cause the construction

of military camps and residential
quarters required for the defense
) g) ensure that the composition of the
National Defense Forces reflect
equitable representation of nations,
nationalities and peoples;
) - h) ensure that it carries out its functions
in accordance with the Constitution
and free of any partisanship to any
political organization;
) i) secure peace and stability upon
request by regional state
administration where security
situations that are beyond their
control occur;
) - j) enforce, when commanded in
accordance with the Constitution,
- security and constitutional order
where any region violates the

- Constitution and endangers the

constitutional order;
) k) undertake the responsibilities
assigned to it under State of
Emergency Proclamations;
) l) in the event of declaration of national
mobilization, prepare plans and
undertake study and cause the
authorizations for the coordinated
utilization of resources in the country;
prepare plan whereby the public can
defend or guard itself against enemy
threats, and implement the same upon
authorization, in collaboration with
concerned organs;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13832

) m) recruit, train and organize a national

reserve force that joins the armed
forces in time of war or state of
emergency and that provides
assistance in the event of man-made
or natural disasters;

) n) combat guerilla warfare and

o) organize and deploy competent
peace keeping forces that enable to
participate in international peace
keeping missions when a request is
made to the country;

p) cause the participation of the defense
forces in the country's development
activities in times of peace;
q) upon obtaining the approval of the
Council of Ministers, retain and
utilize income derived from revenue
generated by employing idle
facilities of defense institutions in
times of peace in income generating
activities; the proceeds of disposal of
properties which are no more
required for defense purposes and
dividends from enterprises put under
its supervision for national defense
capacity building;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13833

) - ( ) - r) ensure that the administration of the

( ) fund referred to in Sub-Article (1)
paragraph (q) of this Article is carried
out in accordance with the procedures
/ and standards embodied in the
Federal Government of Ethiopia
Financial Administration
Proclamation No. 648/2009 and,
Regulations and Directives issued
pursuant to the Proclamation, and
submit same for auditing by the
Auditor General.
/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the
Ministry of Defense under other laws that
are currently in force are hereby vested in
the Ministry of Defense established by this
. 39. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
/ 1/ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall have
the following powers and duties:
) a) initiate foreign policies, strategies and
laws based on the principle of mutual
respect and equality that protects the
interests of the people of Ethiopia and
safeguard its sovereignty; prepare a
detail program compatible with the
national development plan and

- implement the same upon approval;

b) safe guard the interests and rights of

the country in connection with its
foreign relations and ensure that
they are respected by foreign states;

relations with neighboring countries

are strengthened;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13834

) c) without prejudice to power given by

law to other organs, negotiate and
sign, in consultation with relevant
organs, treaties that Ethiopia enters
into with other States and
International organizations upon
authorization by the Government;
and effect all formalities required for
ratification of international treaties;

) d) ensure, without prejudice the powers

entrusted to other organs, the
enforcement of rights and
obligations arising from treaties
signed by the Government of
) e) coordinate all relations of other
Government organs with Foreign
States and international

) f) register and keep all authentic copies

of international treaties concluded
between Ethiopia and other States
and international organizations;

) g) perform the functions of a

depository of multilateral treaties
when the Government of Ethiopia is
a depository of such treaties;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13835

) h) maintain contacts, as may be

necessary, with foreign diplomatic
and consular representatives in
Ethiopia as well as with
representatives of international
organizations with a view to
facilitating the protection of mutual
) i) ensure that privileges and
immunities accorded to foreign
diplomatic missions and
representatives of international
organizations under international
law and treaties to which Ethiopia is
a party are respected;

) j) coordinate and supervise the

and consular missions abroad and

international organizations;

) k) issue diplomatic and service

passports and diplomatic and service
entry visas in accordance with the
relevant laws;

) l) provide support to relevant

Government Executive Organs
through economic diplomacy to:
promote the country's foreign trade
and tourism; identify and attract
foreign investors; search, choose and
cause the transfer of technology;
facilitate the mobilization of
financial and technical assistance
from external sources;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13836

) m) ensure that the interests and the

rights of Ethiopians residing abroad
are protected; encourage and support
associations formed by Ethiopian
communities and friends of

) n) coordinate and support activities

which ensure the participation of
Ethiopian Diaspora; provide
information and advisory service on
matters of protocol;
) o) design and follow up the
implementation of public diplomacy
and communication strategies to
build the country's image and to
rally supporters.
/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to Ministry
of Foreign Affairs under other laws that
are currently in force are hereby vested in
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs established
by this Proclamation.

. 40. Ministry of Justice

/ 1/ The Ministry of Justice shall implement the
/ provisions provided for in Federal
Attorney General Establishment
Proclamation No. 943/ 2016.

/ - ( ) 2/ Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) of

this Article, the Ministry of Justice shall
have the following powers and duties:

) a) render decision on civil case

dispute arising between Federal
Government Offices;
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) b) perform and coordinate the functions

of recovery of assets related to
crimes from domestic and foreign
) c) oversee, follow up and coordinate
the criminal investigation function
of the Federal Police investigation
division and require that a report be
submitted to it;
) d) bring the adjudicative bodies
/ provided under Trade Practice and
Consumers Protection
/ Proclamation No. 813/2014 and
Commodity Exchange Authority
Establishment Proclamation No.
551/2007 and implement the
provisions relating to judicial
functions provided thereof;
) e) coordinate activities related to
rehabilitation of prisoners, conduct
of sector-based researches and
training, tax appeal, authentication
and registration of documents as
well as organizations of civil
/ 3/ The Ministry of Justice is the Federal
Attorney General.

/ ( ) ( ) 4/ Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) and

(2) of this Article, the Ministry of Justice
shall ensure the existence of a structure
and working procedure that enable the
criminal prosecution division to maintain
its operational independence in carrying
out its activities, in particular, criminal
prosecution, litigation and execution of
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13838

/ - ( ) 5/ Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) of

this Article, the powers and duties
entrusted to the Attorney General under
other laws that are currently in force are
hereby vested in the Ministry of Justice.

. 41. Ministry of Peace

/ 1/ The Ministry of Peace shall have the
following powers and duties:

) a) initiates ideas to formulate

policies, strategies and laws in
relation to peace; implement the
same upon approval;
) b) work, in collaboration with relevant
Federal and Regional Government
organs to ensure the maintenance of
public peace; devise a strategy for
protection of public peace;
undertake awareness creation and
sensitization activities to ensure the
) c) work, in collaboration with relevant
government organs, cultural and
religious organizations, and other
pertinent bodies, to ensure peace and
mutual respect among followers of
different religions and beliefs, as
well as nations, nationalities and

) d) design and implement strategy to

prevent extremism and fanaticism
under the cover of religion, nation
and other reasons;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13839

) e) coordinate the relevant organs to

bring about consensus on critical
national issues; submit
recommendations to the government
and follow up their implementation
upon approval;

) f) promote, in collaboration with

concerned organs, the enhancement

- of cultural exchange, civic

education, and artistic works that
build national unity and consensus;

) g) devise strategy for awareness

creation and sensitization that to
foster a culture of respect and
tolerance among communities, and
follow up their implementation;
) h) identify causes of conflicts among
local communities through study;
submit a study proposing
recommendations to keep
communities away from conflicts
and instability, and implement the
same upon approval;

) i) serve as a focal point to strengthen

the federal system by cultivating
good relationship and cooperation
between the Federal Government
and Regions based on mutual
understanding and partnership;

) - j) without prejudice to the provisions

( ) of Article 48 and Sub-Article (6) of

Article 62 of the Constitution and
other relevant provisions, facilitate
the resolution of disputes arising
between regions;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13840

) k) without prejudice to relevant laws,

design, upon the request of the
Region, solutions that enable
sustainably resolve
misunderstandings and conflicts;
implement the same;

) l) coordinate the implementation of

decisions authorizing the
intervention of the Federal
Government in the affairs of
) m) register religious organizations;
/ 2/ The powers and duties entrusted to the
Ministry of Peace in relation to the
powers and duties entrusted to it under
this Proclamation and under other laws
that are currently in force are hereby
vested in the Ministry of Peace
established by this Proclamation.
. 42. Civil Service Commission
/ 1/ The Civil Service Commission is hereby
established as an autonomous federal
government organ having its own legal
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Commission shall be determined by
Council of Ministers Regulation.
. 43. Government Communication Service
/ 1/ The Government Communication Service
is hereby established as an autonomous
federal government organ having its own
legal personality;
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Service shall be determined by Council of
Ministers Regulation.
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. 44. Prime Minister Office

/ 1/ The Prime Minister Office is hereby
established as an autonomous federal
government organ having its own legal
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Office shall be determined by Council of
Ministers Regulation.

. 45. Ethiopian Agricultural Authority

/ 1/ The Ethiopian Agricultural Authority is
hereby established as an autonomous
federal government organ having its own
legal personality;
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Authority shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.
. 46. Ethiopian Veterinary Institute
/ 1/ Ethiopian Veterinary Institute is hereby
established as an autonomous federal
government organ having its own legal
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Institute shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.

. 47. Livestock Development Institute

/ 1/ Livestock Development Institute is hereby
established as an autonomous federal
government organ having its own legal
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Institute shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13842

. 48. Ethiopian Forest Development

/ 1/ Ethiopian Forest Development is hereby
established as an autonomous federal
government body having its own legal
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Development shall be determined by
Council of Ministers Regulation.
. 49. Ethiopian Enterprise Development
/ 1/ Ethiopian Enterprise Development is
hereby established as an autonomous
federal government body having its own
legal personality;

/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the

Development shall be determined by
Council of Ministers Regulation.
. 50. Manufacturing Industry Development
/ 1/ Manufacturing Industry Development
Institute is hereby established as an
autonomous federal government body
having its own legal personality;

/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the

Institute shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.

. 51. Petroleum and Energy Authority

/ 1/ Petroleum and Energy Authority is hereby
established as an autonomous federal
government body having its own legal
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Authority shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13843

. 52. Mineral Industry Development Institute

/ 1/ Mineral Industry Development Institute is
hereby established as an autonomous
federal government body having its own
legal personality;
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Institute shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.

. 53. Public Enterprises Holding and

/ 1/ Public Enterprises Holding and
Administration is hereby established as an
autonomous federal government body
having its own legal personality;

/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the

/ institute shall be as provided for under

Regulation No. 445/2019;

/ - ( ) 3/ Without prejudice to Sub-Article (2) of this

Article, the Administration shall
administer public enterprises established
under Proclamation No. 25/1992

/ including Ethiopian Pulp and Paper Share

Company and National Lottery Service;

/ - ( ) 4/ Notwithstanding Sub-Article (3) of this

Article, public enterprises indicated in
this Proclamation shall be administered
by those Executive Organs that made
accountable them.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13844

. 54. Ethiopian Investment Holdings

/ 1/ Notwithstanding the provisions of Article

53 of this Proclamation, the Ethiopian
Investment Holdings is hereby established
as the federal government body having its
own legal personality.

/ 2/ The Ethiopian Investment Holdings has the

objective of optimize investment value
through effective ownership and
management of state-owned enterprises
and other assets under the federal
government; as well as serve as a strategic
investment arm of the government of
Ethiopia through attraction of more

/ 3/ Without prejudice to the Regulation of the

Council of Ministers stipulating the
powers, duties and organization of the

/ Holdings; and irrespective of the Public

Enterprises Proclamation No. 25/1992
and the Public Enterprises Privatization
Proclamation No. 1206/2020; the
Ethiopian Investment Holdings shall
takeover and manage state-owned assets
that may be assigned to it by the
government; establish subsidiaries; decide

of capital, sale, amalgamation, division,

spin-off, or any other restructuring, either
by taking over one or more subsidiary
companies or by the formation of a new
company; establish sub-funds or acquire
share in existing entities or funds solely or
in association with local or foreign
investors; perform
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13845

other activities necessary for the

attainment of its objectives.
. 55. Policy Studies Institute

/ 1/ Policy Studies Institute is hereby

established as an autonomous federal
government body having its own legal
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Institute shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.
. 56. Ethiopian Statistical Service
/ 1/ The Ethiopian Statistical Service is hereby
established as an autonomous federal
government body having its own legal

/ 2/ The Service shall have the following

powers and duties:
a) collect statistical data in accordance
with Ethiopian statistical system,
standard and regulation through
sample surveys, censuses,
registration and administrative
records and other methods of data
collection; compile, organize and
disseminate same as official
statistics once data quality assurance
and clearance is approved by the
Ministry of Planning and

) b) provide technical advice and support

on capacity building for government
organs and other bodies on statistical
record and data reporting system;
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) c) provide data collection and

arrangement service to national and
international non-governmental
organizations upon request with the
exception of its official duty and
) d) cause the collection of official
statistical data in a consistent manner
and as per the set schedule; carry out
research and study on data collection
methodology and tools that promote
the quality and credibility official

) e) collect, compile and disseminate

statistical data by using modern data
collection methods and tools;
f) collect, in coordination with Space
Science and Geospatial Institute,
geospatial data by using modern
data collection tools; convert
statistical data to digital and
geospatial data format;

) g) provide data collection service as the

main data collector of economic,
- social and demographic data;

) h) serve as national statistical data

storage center; organize data storage
center at the head office; improve
database capacity from time to time;
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) i) conduct research and study on

statistical data collection methods;
cause the implementation of the
findings of the same;
) j) perform, in collaboration with the
concerned organs, the function of
statistical advocacy; provide
capacity building training on
) k) provide assistance, upon request
from regional governments, in
guiding and coordinating the
collection, compilation and analysis
of statistical data and publication and
dissemination of the same; ensure
the establishment of statistical
registration system;
) l) facilitate conditions for soliciting
financial, material and technical
support from development partners
for building national statistical
capacity and implement same upon
approval by the Ministry of Planning
and Development;
) m) charge fee for the services it renders
in accordance with Regulation to be
issued by Council of Ministers;
) n) establish cooperation with national
professional associations in the
fields of statistics and related
disciplines and sponsor statistical
conferences as appropriate;

) / o) implement the provision of Article 17

of Proclamation No.442/2005.
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. 57. Space Science and Geospatial Institute

/ 1/ The Space Science and Geospatial institute
is hereby established as an autonomous
federal government organ having its own
legal personality;
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Institute shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.

. 58. Ethiopian Technology Authority

/ 1/ The Ethiopian Technology Authority is
hereby established as an autonomous
federal government organ having its own
legal personality;
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Authority shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.
. 59. Environment Protection Authority
/ 1/ The Environment Protection Authority is
hereby established as an autonomous
federal government body having its own
legal personality;
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Authority shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.
. 60. Education and Training Authority
/ 1/ Education and Training Authority is hereby
established as an autonomous federal
government body having its own legal
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Authority shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.
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. 61. Technical and Vocational Training Institute

/ 1/ Technical and Vocational Training Institute
is hereby established as an autonomous
federal government body having its own
legal personality;
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Institute shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.

. 62. Institute of Foreign Affairs

/ 1/ Institute of Foreign Affairs is hereby
established as an autonomous federal
government body having its own legal
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Institute shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.

. 63. Immigration and Citizenship Service

/ 1/ Immigration, and Citizenship Service is
hereby established as an autonomous
federal government body having its own
legal personality;

/ / 2/ The service shall implement the powers

and duties entrusted to Immigration,
Nationality and Vital Registration Agency
under Regulation No. 449/2019.

. 64. Refugees and Returnees Service

/ 1/ The Refugees and Returnees Service is
hereby established as an autonomous
federal government body having its own
legal personality;

/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the

service shall be determined by Council of
Ministers Regulation.
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. 65. Ethiopian Construction Authority

/ 1/ The Ethiopian Construction Authority is
hereby established as an autonomous
federal government body having its own
legal personality;

/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the

Authority shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.

. 66. Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority

/ 1/ The Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority is
hereby established as an autonomous
federal government body having its own
legal personality;

/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the

Authority shall be determined by Council
of Ministers Regulation.

. 67. Ethiopian Customs Commission

/ 1/ The Ethiopian Customs Commission is
hereby established as an autonomous
federal government body having its own
legal personality;
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
/ Commission shall be as provided for
under Regulation No. 437/2018.

. 68. Ethiopian Geological Institute

/ 1/ The Ethiopian Geological Institute is
hereby established as an autonomous
federal government body having its own
legal personality;
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
Institute shall be determined by the
Council of Ministers Regulation.
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. 69. Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply Service

/ 1/ The Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply

Service is hereby established as an
autonomous federal government body
having its own legal personality;

/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the

Service shall be determined by the
Council of Ministers Regulation.
. 70. Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management
In addition to the powers and duties given to
National Disaster Risk Management
Commission under existing laws, the powers
and duties given to the Emergency Food

/ Security Reserve Administration under

Council of Ministers Regulations Number
284/2013 are hereby vested in the

. 71. Ethiopian Roads Administration

/ 1/ The Ethiopian Roads Administration is
hereby established as an autonomous
federal government body having its own
legal personality;

/ 2/ In Addition to implementing the powers

and functions entrusted to Road Fund
Office under Proclamation No 66/1997,
the powers, duties and organization of the
Administration shall be determined by
the Council of Ministers Regulation.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13852

. 72. Ethiopian Meteorological Institute

The Ethiopian Meteorological Institute shall,
without prejudices to the powers and duties
entrusted to it by other laws, have the
- following powers and duties:

/ 1/ Provide meteorological and climate related

/ 2/ lead national climate services;conduct
study and research on meteorological and
climate change;
/ 3/ Execute the international obligations
signed by Ethiopia with respect to
meteorological and climate change;
implement supports;

/ 4/ Lead and coordinate Ethiopian climate

change adaptation and mitigation
/ 5/ collect, analyses and forecast
meteorological, air pollution and climate
change information;
/ 6/ provide educational information, early
warning and advisory services with
respect to weather condition, climate and
climate change

/ 7/ examine requests for collection of

meteorological information and issue

:: permit for same.

. 73. Ethiopian Entrepreneurship Development

/ 1/ The Ethiopian Entrepreneurship

Development is hereby established as an
autonomous federal government body
having its own legal personality;

/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the

Development shall be determined by the
Council of Ministers Regulation.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13853

. 74. Defense Construction Industry Group

/ 1/ The Defense Construction Industry Group
is hereby established as an autonomous
federal government body having its own
legal personality.

/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the

Group shall be determined by the
Council of Ministers Regulation.
. 75. Defense Engineering Industry Group
1/ The Defense Engineering Industry Group is
hereby established as an autonomous
federal government body having its own
legal personality.

/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the

Group shall be determined by the
Council of Ministers Regulation.
. 76. Innovation and Technology Gifted and
Talented Development institute
1/ The Ethiopian Innovation and Technology
Gifted and Talented Development
institute is hereby established as an
autonomous federal government body
having its own legal personality,
/ 2/ The powers, duties and organization of the
institute shall be determined by the
Council of Ministers Regulation.
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. 77. Relationship between a Ministry or other
executive organ and an Institution
accountable to it
/ 1/ A Ministry or other executive organ shall
not interfere in the day-to-day activities of
an institution accountable to it other than
overseeing, coordinating and supporting
its activities, as the institution is an
autonomous organ established by law.

/ - ( ) 2/ Notwithstanding the provision of Sub-

Article (1) of this Article, the plan and
report of the Ministry or other
government organ shall include the plan
and report of the institution accountable
to it.
/ 3/ The Ministry or other government organ
may perform the human resource
administration, finance administration and
other similar functions as per the system
established by law.

/ - ( ) 4/ For the purpose of implementing Sub-

" " - Article (1) of this Article, overseeing,

coordinating and supporting includes:
a) monitoring the overall development
plan and performance of the
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13855

) b) reviewing the organizational structure

as well as programs, projects,
budgets of the institution and submit
same to the concerned organ;

) c) provide support in order to enable the

institution to properly carry out its
duties and responsibilities entrusted
to it by law;
) d) facilitate and provide support the
institution in establishing relations
with foreign institutions;
) e) build the capacity of the institution
and its professionals.

. 78. Change of accountability and designation

of executive organs
/ 1/ Other executive organs of the Federal
Government accountable to organs that
are not established under this
Proclamation shall continue to carry out
their functions in accordance with their
establishment laws.
/ 2/ Those executive organs that are established
under other laws and whose designations
are changed under this Proclamation shall
continue to carry out their functions with
the changed designations in accordance
with their establishment laws and other
laws, as may be appropriate.
/ 3/ Executive organs whose designations have
been changed shall as provided in the
annex attached to this Proclamation.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13856

. 79. Executive organs accountable to the Prime

The following Executive Organs shall be
:- accountable to the prime minister;
/ 1/ Prime Minister Office,

/ 2/ Government Communication Service,

/ 3/ National Bank of Ethiopia,

/ 4/ Ethiopian Capital Market Authority,

/ 5/ Ethiopian Investment Commission,

/ -
6/ The Palace Administration,

/ 7/ Federal Police Commission,

/ 8/ Information Network Security

/ 9/ National Intelligence and Security Service,
/ 10/ Artificial Intelligence Institute,
/ 11/ Finance Intelligence Service
/ 12 / Ethiopian Communication Authority,
/ 13/ African Leadership Excellency Academy,

/ 14/ Republican Guard,

/ 15/ Civil Service Commission,

/ 16/ Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption

/ 17/ Disaster Risk Management Commission,

. 80. Executive organs accountable to the

National Bank of Ethiopia
The following executive organs are accountable
:- to the National Bank of Ethiopia
/ 1/ Government Employees Social Security

Security Administration.
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. 81. Executive organs accountable to Ministry

of Agriculture
The following executive organs shall be
:- accountable to the Ministry of Agriculture;

/ 1/ The Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural

/ 2/ The Agricultural Transformation Institute,
/ 3/ The Ethiopian Cooperatives commission,
/ 4/ The Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority,

/ 5/ The Ethiopian Agricultural Authority,

/ 6/ The Ethiopian Veterinary Institute,

/ 7/ The Livestock Development Institute,

/ 8/ Ethiopian Forest Development,

9/ The Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute

. 82. Executive organs accountable to Ministry

of Industry
The following executive organs shall be
:- accountable to the Ministry of Industry;
/ 1/ Manufacturing Industry Development
/ 2/ Ethiopian Enterprise Development.

. 83. Executive organs accountable to the

Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration
The following executive organs shall be
- accountable to the Ministry of Trade and
Regional Integration;
/ 1/ Ethiopian Standards Institute,

/ - 2/ Ethiopian Metrology Institute,

/ 3/ The Ethiopian Conformity Assessment

/ 4/ Ethiopian Accreditation Service,

/ 5/ Petroleum and Energy Authority,

/ 6/ Ethiopian Commodity Exchange.

gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13858

. 84. Executive organs accountable to Ministry

of Mines
The following executive organs shall be
- accountable to the Ministry of Mines

/ 1/ Ethiopian Geological Institute;

/ 2/ Mineral Industry Development Institute.
. 85. Executive organs accountable to the
Ministry of Tourism
The following executive organs shall be
:- accountable to the Ministry of Tourism
/ 1/ Ethiopian Cultural Heritage Authority;
/ 2/ Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority.

. 86. Executive organs accountable to Ministry

of Labor and Skill
The following executive organs shall be
:- accountable to the Ministry of Labor and Skill
/ 1/ Technical and Vocational Training
/ 2/ Agriculture Technical and Vocational
Education and Training Colleges;
/ 3/ Tourism Training Institute;
/ 4/ Entrepreneurship Development Institute.

. 87. Executive organs accountable to Ministry

of Finance
The following executive organs shall be
:- accountable to the Ministry of Finance
/ 1/ The Ethiopian Accounting and Auditing
/ 2/ The Public Procurement Service;

/ 3/ The Public Procurement and Property

/ 4/ Public Enterprises Holding and
. 88. Executive organ accountable to the
Ministry of Revenues
The Ethiopian Customs Commission shall be
accountable to the Ministry of Revenues.
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13859

. 89. Executive organ accountable to Ministry of

Planning and Development
The following executive organs shall be
:- accountable to the Ministry of Planning and
/ 1/ Ethiopian Statistical Service;
/ 2/ Policy Studies Institute;

/ 3/ Environmental Protection Authority.

. 90. Executive organs accountable to Ministry of

Innovation and Technology

The following executive organs shall be

:- accountable to the Ministry of Innovation and
/ 1/ The Biotechnology and Emerging
Technology Institute;

/ 2/ The Ethiopian Technology Authority;

/ 3/ The Space Science and Geospatial Institute;

/ 4/ The Ethiopian Intellectual Property

. 91. Executive organs accountable to the
Ministry of Transport and Logistics

The following executive organs shall be

:- accountable to the Ministry of Transport and
/ 1/ The Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority;
/ 2/ The Ethiopian Maritime Authority;
/ 3/ The Road Safety and Insurance Fund
Service ;
/ 4/ The Public Employees Transport Service.
. 92. Executive organs accountable to Ministry
of Urban and Infrastructure

The following executive organs shall be

:- accountable to the Ministry of Urban and
/ 1/ the Construction Management Institute;
/ 2/ the Ethiopian Construction Authority;
/ 3/ Ethiopian Road Administration;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13860

. 93. Executive organs accountable to the

Ministry of Water and Energy
The following executive organs shall be
accountable to the Ministry of Water and
/ 1/ The Great Renaissance Dam Coordination
Project Office;
/ 2/ The Ethiopian Meteorological Institute;
/ 3/ The Water Technology Institute.

. 94. Executive organs accountable to the

Ministry of Education
The following executive organs shall be
:- accountable to the Ministry of Education:
/ 1/ All public universities,
/ 2/ The Educational Assessment and
Examination Service;
/ 3/ Civil Service University;
/ 4/ Kotebe Education University;
/ 5/ Education and Training Authority.
. [ 95. Executive organs accountable to Ministry of
The following executive organs shall be
:- accountable to the Ministry of Health:
/ 1/ The Ethiopian Public Health Institute;
/ 2/ The National Blood and Tissue Bank
/ 3/ The Armauer Hansen Research Institute;
/ 4/ The Ethiopian Health Insurance Service;
/ 5/ The Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply

/ 6/ The Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority;

/ 7/ T Comprehensive Specialized

/ 8/ T Millennium
Medical College;

/ 9/ Emmanuel Mental Specialized Hospital;

gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13861

/ 10/ Alert Comprehensive Specialized

/ 11/ The Ethiopian Prosthetic and Orthotic
/ 12/ Eka Kotebe Comprehensive Hospital.

. 96. Executive organs accountable to the

Ministry of Defense
The following executive organs shall be

:- accountable to the Ministry of Defense:

/ 1/ Defense Engineering University College;

/ 2/ Defense Engineering Industry Group;

/ 3/ Defense Construction Industry Group;

/ 4/ The Defense Forces Foundation.

. 97. Executive organs accountable to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The following executive organs shall be
:- accountable to the Ministry of Foreign
/ 1/ Institute of Foreign Affairs;
/ 2/ Ethiopian Diaspora Service.

. 98. Executive organs accountable to the

Ministry of Justice
The following executive organs shall be
:- accountable to the Ministry of Justice:
/ 1/ The Authority for Civil Societies

/ 2/ The Federal Prisons Commission;

/ 3/ The Federal Justice and Law Institute;

/ 4/ The Documents Authentication and

Registration Service;

/ 5/ The Federal Tax Appeal Tribunal.

gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13862

. 99. Executive organs accountable to the

Ministry of Culture and Sport
The following executive organs shall be

:- accountable to the Ministry of Culture and

/ 1/ The Ethiopian Sport Academy;
/ 2/ The Ethiopian Anti-Doping Authority;

/ 3/ The Ethiopian Archives and Library

/ 4/ Ethiopian National Theater.

. 100. Executive organs accountable to the

Ministry of Peace
The following executive organs shall be
:- accountable to the Ministry of Peace
/ 1/ The Reconciliation Commission;

/ 2/ The Administrative Boundary and Identity

Issues Commission.
. 101. Executive organs accountable to the
National Intelligence and Security Service
The following executive organs shall be
:- accountable to the National Intelligence and
Security Service
/ 1/ The Immigration and Citizenship Service;

/ 2/ The Immigrants and Returnees service

. 102. Executive organ accountable to Civil

Service Commission
The Ethiopian Management Institute shall be
accountable to the Civil Service Commission.

. 103. Establishment of Federal Executive

The Council of ministers can establish
executive organs other than ministries to
implement its power and duties by adopting
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. 104. Repealed Laws

- The following laws are repealed by this
Proclamation: -
/ 1/ Definition of Powers and Duties of the
Executive Organs of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

/ Proclamation No. 1097/2018;

/ 2/ The Petroleum and Petroleum Product

Supply and Distribution Regulatory

/ Authority Establishment Proclamation No.

/ / 3/ Radiation Protection Proclamation No.

/ 4/ Federal Integrated Infrastructure

Development Coordinating Agency

/ Establishment Proclamation No. 857/2014;

/ 5/ Ethiopian Revenue and Custom Authority

/ establishment Proclamation No. 587/2008;

/ 6/ Ethiopian Geological Survey Establishment

/ Proclamation No. 194/2000;
/ 7/ Drug Fund and Pharmaceuticals Supply
Agency establishment Proclamation

/ 553/2007;

/ 8/ Definition of Powers, Duties and

Organization of the Job Creation
/ Regulation No. 435/2018;
/ 9/ Ethiopian Foreign Relations Services
Training Institute Establishment
/ Regulation No. 409/2017;
/ 10/ The Institute of Strategic Affairs
/ Establishment Regulation No. 473/2020;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13864

/ 11/ National Institute for Control and

Eradication of Tsetse Fly and
/ Trypanosomosis Regulation No. 304/2013;
/ 12/ Veterinary Drug and Animal Feed
Administration and Control Authority

/ Establishment Regulation No. 272/2012;

/ 13/ National Animal Genetic Improvement

Institute Establishment Regulation No.

/ 422/2018;

/ 14/ Ethiopian Soil Resource Institute

/ Establishment Regulation No. 418/2017;

/ 15/ Federal Small and Medium Manufacturing

Industry Development Agency

/ Establishment Regulation No. 373/2016;

/ 16/ Ethiopian Meat and Dairy Industry

Development Institute Establishment

/ Regulation No. 295/2013;

/ 17/ Chemical and Construction Input Industry

Development Institute Regulation No.

/ 288/2013;

18/ Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical
Industry Development Institute Regulation
No. 287/2013;
/ 19/ Metals and Industry Development Institute
Establishment Regulation No. 182/2010;

/ 20/ Textile Industry Development Institute

( ) Establishment Regulation (As Amended)

/ No. 180/2010;

/ 21/ Leather Industry Development Institute

/ Regulation No. 181/2010;

/ 22/ Definition of Powers, Duties and

Organization of the Technology and

/ Innovation Institution Regulation No.

gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13865

/ 23/ Definition of Powers, Duties and

Organization of Geo-spatial Information
/ Institute Regulation No. 440/2018;
/ 24/ Federal Urban Job Creation and Food
Security Agency Establishment Regulation

/ No. 374/2016;

/ 25/ Definition of Powers, Duties and

Organization of the Irrigation Development

/ Commission Regulation No. 444/2018;

/ 26/ Definition of Power, Duties and

Organization of the Water Development

/ Commission Regulation No. 442/2018;

/ 27/ Definition of Power, Duties and

Organization of the Basin Development

/ Authority Regulation No. 441/2018;

/ 28/ Ethiopian Energy Authority Establishment

/ Regulation No. 308/2014;
/ 29/ High Education Strategy Center

/ Establishment Regulation No. 276/2012;

/ 30/ Higher Education Relevance and Quality

/ Agency Establishment Regulation No.

/ 31/ Technical and Vocational Education and
/ Training Agency Establishment Regulation
No. 199/2011;
/ 32/ Technical and Vocational Education and
Training Institute Establishment
/ Regulation No. 245/2011;
/ 33/ Ethiopian Kaizen Institute Establishment

/ Regulation No. 256/2011;

/ 34/ Ethiopian Environment and Forest

Research Institute Establishment

/ Regulation No. 327/2014;

gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13866

/ 35/ Definition of Power, Duties and

Organization of the Sports Commission
/ and the National Sports Regulation No.
/ 36/ Federal Urban Real Property Registration
and Information Agency Establishment
/ Regulation No. 251/2011;
/ 37/ Definition of Power, Duties and
Organization of Policy Studies Institute

/ Regulation No. 436/2018;

/ 38/ Definition of Power, Duties and

Organization of the Construction Works
/ Regulatory Authority Regulation No.
/ 39/ Ethiopian Agricultural Research Council
and secretariat Establishment Regulation
/ No. 383/2016;
/ 40/ Ethiopian Space Science and Technology
Council and Institute Establishment

/ Regulation No. 393/2016;

/ 41/ Ethiopian Roads Administration

/ Regulation No 247/2011.

. 105. Inapplicable Laws

The Provisions of the laws provided below
shall be inapplicable:

/ 1/ The Federal Attorney General

/ Establishment Proclamation No. 943/2016
Article 3, which governs the establishment
of the Federal Attorney General;

/ - - 2/ The Revised Federal Ethics and Anti-

Corruption Commission Proclamation No.

1236/2021 Article 3 Sub-Article (2), which
governs accountability;
( )
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13867

/ 3/ The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange

/ Authority Proclamation No. 551/2007,
provisions which govern the establishment
of the Authority;
/ 4/ The Trade Competition and Consumers

/ Protection Proclamation No. 813/2013,

provisions which govern the establishment
of the Authority;
/ 5/ The Road Fund Establishment Proclamation

/ No. 66/1997, provisions which govern the

establishment of the Office of the Road
/ / 6/ The Transport Proclamation No. 468/2005,
provisions which governs the
establishment of the Transport Authority;
/ / 7/ The Energy Proclamation No. 810/2013,
Provisions which govern the Powers and
Duties of the Energy Authority;

/ . . / 8/ The National HIV/AIDS Prevention and

. . Control Council and the HIV/AIDS

/ Prevention and Control Office

/ Establishment Proclamation No. 276/2002,

provisions which govern the establishment
of the Office;

/ 9/ The Water Resources Development Fund

/ Establishment and its Administration
Proclamation No. 268/2002, provisions
which govern the establishment of the
Water Resource Development Fund;
/ 10/ The Central Statistics Authority
/ Establishment Proclamation No. 442/2005,
provisions which govern the establishment
and the powers and Duties of the
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13868

/ 11/ The Higher Education Proclamation No.

/ 1152/2019, provisions which govern the
Powers and Duties of the Higher Education
Relevance and Quality Agency;
/ 12/ The Veterinary Drug and Feed

/ Administration and Control Proclamation

No. 728/2011, provisions which govern the
Powers and Duties of the Veterinary Drug
and Feed Administration and Control
/ 13/ No law or provision have force or effect
with respect to matters provided for by this

. 106. Transfer of Rights and Obligations

The transfer of Rights and Obligations of
Executive Organs established by the existing

- and this Proclamation shall be as follows:

/ 1/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of

Agriculture are hereby transferred to
Ministry of Agriculture;

/ 2/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of

Trade and Industry, Trade Competition and
Consumers Protection Authority, Ethiopian
Commodity Exchange Authority are
hereby transferred to Ministry of Trade and
Regional Integration;
/ 3/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of
Mines and Petroleum are hereby
transferred to Ministry of Mines;
/ 4/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of
Culture and Tourism and Tourism Ethiopia
are hereby transferred to Ministry of
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13869

/ 5/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of

Labor and Social Affairs, Job Creation
Commission, Federal Urban Job Creation
and Food Security Agency are hereby
transferred to Ministry of Labor and Skill;
/ 6/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of
Finance are hereby transferred to Ministry
of Finance;

/ 7/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of

Revenue are hereby transferred to Ministry
of Revenue;

/ 8/ The rights and obligations of Planning and

Development Commission are hereby
transferred to Ministry of Planning and
/ 9/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of
Innovation and Technology are hereby
transferred to Ministry of Innovation and
/ 10/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of
Transport and Federal Transport Authority
are hereby transferred to Ministry of
Transport and Logistics;

/ 11/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of

Urban Development and Construction,
Federal Integrated Infrastructure
Development Coordinating Agency,
Federal Urban Real Property Registration
and Information Agency are hereby
transferred to Ministry of Urban and
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13870

/ 12/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of

Water, Irrigation and Energy, Water
Development Commission, Basin
Development Authority, Office of Water
Resources Development Fund are hereby
transferred to Ministry of Water and
/ 13/ The rights and obligations of Irrigation
Development Commission are hereby
transferred to Ministry of Irrigation and
/ 14/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of
Education, Ministry of Science and Higher
Education and Strategy Center are hereby
transferred to Ministry of Education;

/ 15/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of

. . / Health and National HIV/AIDS Prevention

and Control Office are hereby transferred
to Ministry of Health;

/ 16/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of

Women, Children and Youth are hereby
transferred to Ministry of Women and
Social Affairs;

/ 17/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of

National Defense are hereby transferred to
Ministry of Defense;

/ 18/ The rights and obligations of Federal

Attorney General are hereby transferred to
Ministry of Justice;

/ 19/ The rights and obligations of Sport

Commission are hereby transferred to
Ministry of Culture and Sport;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13871

/ 20/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of

Foreign Affairs are hereby transferred to
Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
/ 21/ The rights and obligations of Ministry of
Peace are hereby transferred to Ministry of

/ 22/ The rights and obligations of Civil Service

Commission are hereby transferred to Civil
Service Commission;

/ 23/ The rights and obligations of Veterinary

Drug and Feed Administration and Control
Authority are hereby transferred to
Ethiopian Agriculture Authority;
/ 24/ The rights and obligations of National
Institute for Control and Eradication of
Tsetse Fly and Trypanosomiasis are hereby
transferred to Institute of Animal Health;

/ 25/ The rights and obligations of National

Animal Genetic Improvement Institute and
Ethiopian Meat and Dairy Industry
Development Institute are hereby
transferred to Institute of Animal
/ 26/ The rights and obligations of Ethiopian
Environment and Forest Research Institute
are hereby transferred to Ethiopian Forest
/ 27/ The rights and obligations of Ethiopian
Soil Resource Institute and Ethiopian
Agricultural Research secretariat are
hereby transferred to Ethiopian Institute of
Agricultural Research;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13872

/ 28/ The rights and obligations of Federal

Small and Medium Manufacturing Industry
Development Agency are hereby
transferred to Ethiopian Enterprise
/ 29/ The rights and obligations of Food,
Beverage and Pharmaceutical Industry
Development Institute, Textile Industry
Development Institute, Leather Industry
Development Institute and Ethiopian
Kaizen Institute are hereby transferred to
Institute of Manufacturing Industry

/ 30/ The rights and obligations of Petroleum

and Petroleum Product supply and
Distribution Regulatory Authority and
Energy Authority are hereby transferred to
Petroleum and Energy Authority;

/ 31/ The rights and obligations of Metals and

Industry Development Institute and
Chemical and Construction Input Industry
Development Institute are hereby
transferred to Institute of Mining Industry

/ 32/ The rights and obligations of Public

Enterprises Holding and Administration
Agency are hereby transferred to Public
Enterprises Holding and Administration

/ 33/ The rights and obligations of Policy

Research Institute are hereby transferred to
Policy Research Institute;

/ 34/ The rights and obligations of Central

Statistics Agency are hereby transferred to
Ethiopian Statistics Service;
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13873

/ 35/ The rights and obligations of Ethiopian

Space Science and Technology Institute
and Geo-spatial Information Institute are
hereby transferred to Space Technology
and Geo-spatial Institute;
/ 36/ The rights and obligations of Ethiopian
Radiation Protection Authority are hereby
transferred to Ethiopian Technology

/ 37/ The rights and obligations of

Environment, Forest, and Climate Change
Commission are hereby transferred to
Environmental Protection Authority;
/ 38/ The rights and obligations of Higher
Education Relevance and Quality Agency
are hereby transferred to Education and
Training Authority;
/ 39/ The rights and obligations of Foreign
Relations Services Training Institute and
Institute of Strategic Affairs are hereby
transferred to Institute of Foreign Affairs;

/ 40/ The rights and obligations of Immigration,

Nationality and Vital Events Agency are
hereby transferred to Immigration and
Nationality Service;

/ 41/ The rights and obligations of Refugees and

Returnees Affairs Agency are hereby
transferred to Refugees and Returnees
Affairs Service;
/ 42/ The rights and obligations of Construction
Works Regulatory Authority are hereby
transferred to Ethiopian Construction
gA U¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R Federal Negarit Gazette No. 4, 25th January, 2022 13874

/ 43/ The rights and obligations of Technology

and Innovation Institute are hereby
transferred to Artificial Intelligence
/ 44/ The rights and obligations of Federal
Technical and Vocational Education and
Training Agency and Federal Technical
and Vocational Education and Training
Institute are hereby transferred to
Technical and Vocational Training
. 107. Transitional Provisions
/ 1/ The provision of Article 104 which repeals
the establishment laws shall be effective on
the date the law, that provides for the
organizational structure as well as the
powers and duties of each institution,
publicized in the Federal Negarit Gazette.

/ 2/ Where the powers and duties of institutions

established by different laws are brought
under one institution, such institution shall
continue to apply the powers and duties
entrusted to the institutions under their
establishment laws and other laws.

/ 3/ Administration of Employees of the

Ethiopian Revenue and Custom Authority
Council of ministers Regulation No.
155/2008 Shall deemed adopted through
this Proclamation and shall continue its
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/ 4/ kotebe Education university shall continue

performing its duties and responsibilities as
Federal Government organ in accordance
with the existing establishment Regulation
and the budget should be allocated by the
Ministry of Finance until Regulation to
establish and determine the power and
duties is issued by the council of Ministers.

. 108. Effective date

This Proclamation shall enter into force

. upon the Date of approval by the House of

Peoples Representatives on the 6th day of
October, 2021.

Done at Addis Ababa, On this

25th Day of January,2022




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