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Explain few examples in structural Engineering / Earthquake engineering where

Python can be used? Write few benefits of using Python over other programming
languages or application software.
Complex and repetitive calculation problems
 Free, faster and easy to use
 Open source and have huge group of free libraries for finite element analysis,
graphing, mathematics, arrays.etc

2. Write an example of use of Python in solving ordinary differential equations. Explain

some of the functions to solve ordinary differential equation using Python.

3. How can differentiation and integration be done in Python. Explain with examples
Differentiation and integration can be done in Python through the use of Sympy library.
from sympy import symbols, diff
x,y=symbols(“x y”)
from sympy import symbols, diff
x,y=symbols(“x y”)

4. List commands used for solving the following types of equations

a. Ordinary Differential equations
b. System of linear equations
c. Polynomials
a. Ordinary Differential equations

b. System of linear equations

import numpy as np

c. Polynomials
import numpy as np

5. Write Short note on Artificial Intelligence and its computation

6. Define neural network & explain the steps to construct & train the neuron.

7. Write about three functions of Python that are used for interpolation with syntax and

8. List any five FEM based structural analysis software. List & explain the types of
Dynamic analysis that can be performed by present day FEM analysis software.
Five FEM based structural analysis software
 Ansys
 Abaqus
 Simulation
 Adina
 Opensees
Type of dynamic analysis that can be performed by present FEM analysis software
 Linear Static Analysis: It is the analysis where a linear relation holds between the
applied load and displacement. It is applicable to structures where stress remain in
the elastic range of the used material. The models stiffness matrix is constant.
 Linear Dynamic Analysis:.
 Non-Linear Static Analysis: It is the analysis where a non- linear relation holds
between the applied load and displacement
 Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis

9. Explain element based non-linearity & material based non linearity. How it is being
considered by present day FEM analysis software.

10. Explain different material models used for concrete and reinforcement materials
for numerical simulation

11. Discuss about the moment-curvature analysis and P-M interaction diagram. Explain
about its importance and methodology for depicting the non-linear response of the
Moment curvature analysis is a method of determining the load-deformation behavior of a
concrete section using nonlinear material stress-strain relationships.
P-M interaction diagram is used to design reinforced concrete members in which axial
force and bending moment act simultaneously.
12. Consider the cantilevered truss as sketched in the figure below, and calculate the
forces in each member necessary code inside the main calculation function. The user
is free to assign the value of the loads L1, L2 and L3 whereas others values are
assigned. (Write the steps only)
Step 1: Compute values of thita
Step 2: Using equilibrium at joints
At joint E
At joint C

13. Write the steps to construct & train the neuron to predict the maximum time
dependent deflection of simply supported RC beam (10m.span) with given data
(assuming EI=constant).

14. Explain about the concept of Monte Carlo simulation? What are the uses of Monte
Carlo simulation? Explain the concept of optimization and its uses in the
Monte Carlo simulation is a model used to predict the probability of a variety of
outcomes when the potential for random variable is present. It is a technique use to
understand impacts of risk and uncertainties in prediction and forecasting models.
It requires assigning multiple values to an uncertain variable to achieve multiple results
and then averaging the result to obtain an estimate.

Its uses are:

 It is used for solving complex engineering problems as it can deals with a large
number of random variables, various distribution types and non-linear engineering
 It can be applied to diverge problems ranging from the simulation of complex
physical phenomena.

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