Krug 2009
Krug 2009
Krug 2009
Coherent strong-field control of multiple states by a single chirped femtosecond laser pulse
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1. Introduction 2
2. Experiment 3
2.1. Excitation scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2. Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Experimental results and discussion 6
4. Theoretical model 10
4.1. Excitation regimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.2. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5. Summary and conclusion 14
Acknowledgments 15
Appendix. Details of calculations 15
References 16
1. Introduction
Selective excitation of preselected target states making use of shaped femtosecond laser pulses
is at the heart of coherent quantum control [1]–[10]. Closed-loop optimization strategies [4],
[11]–[15] have proven to be enormously successful in controlling a huge variety of quantum
systems; however, studies on model systems employing defined pulse shapes are the key to
better understand the underlying physical mechanisms and to further develop quantum control
concepts and techniques. This applies in particular to strong-field quantum control [16]–[20]
characterized by non-perturbative interaction of a quantum system with intense-shaped
laser pulses. Strong-field physical mechanisms involve—besides the interference of multiple
excitation pathways—adiabatic and non-adiabatic time evolution accompanied by dynamic
Stark shifts (DSSs) in the order of hundreds of meV. The latter is responsible for modification
of the atomic states or molecular potential surfaces [21]–[23] such that new pathways become
available and new target states—inaccessible in weak laser fields—open up. Recent studies of
strong-field control on model systems devoted to the analysis of the basic physical mechanisms
revealed that the concept of selective population of dressed states (SPODS) [24] provides
a natural description of controlled dynamics in intense-shaped laser fields. For example, it
was shown that ultrafast switching among different target channels by phase discontinuities
within the pulse [16], [24]–[26], rapid adiabatic passage (RAP) by chirped pulses [27] and
combinations thereof [28] are realizations of this general concept.
Chirped pulses are a well-established tool in quantum control because they usually serve
as a prototype for shaped pulses with controllable envelope and time-varying instantaneous
frequency. Therefore, they have played a prominent role in the development of quantum control
concepts and techniques and are still the ‘workhorse’ to test novel strategies in quantum control.
Examples of quantum control with chirped pulses comprise studies of selective excitation and
ionization of a multilevel system in alkali atoms [19, 27], [29]–[34], control of molecular
dynamics in diatomics and dyes [35]–[41], ([42] and references therein), measurement of
coherent transients [43] and the development of adiabatic passage techniques [44].
2. Experiment
In our experiment, we combine spectral phase shaping to produce chirped ultrashort laser pulses
with the measurement of PADs resulting from REMPI of sodium atoms, employing the VMI
technique. In this section, we first introduce the sodium excitation scheme with emphasis on
the different accessible excitation and ionization pathways. Then we describe the experimental
setup and layout of our photoelectron imaging spectrometer.
The recorded PADs therefore exhibit a combined s- and d-symmetry and are measured at
the distinct kinetic energies 0.76, 1.04 and 1.20 eV, corresponding to states 5p, 6p and 7p,
respectively. Alternatively, a 3 + 1 REMPI process (green arrows in figure 1) based on three-
photon absorption from the 3s ground state with no intermediate resonances is taken into
account, contributing also to the population of states 5p, 6p and 7p but, in addition, transferring
population to states 5f and 6f. One-photon ionization of the latter results in photoelectron
wave packets with d- and g-symmetry at kinetic energies 1.02 and 1.18 eV, respectively.
These photoelectrons are distinguished from the p-state contributions (at 1.04 and 1.20 eV)
by the symmetry of their angular distributions. In the following, we will refer to the different
photoelectron contributions as different energy channels at nominal kinetic energies of 0.8, 1.0
and 1.2 eV, and infer their origin, i.e. the excitation pathway, from the angular distribution. Both
multi-photon excitation pathways proceed via the intermediate, non-resonant state 3p, which is
only transiently populated. However, since ionization takes place during the excitation also
photoelectrons from this state are detected at low kinetic energies around 0.2 eV (blue arrows in
figure 1). For more details see caption of figure 1.
2.2. Setup
In this section, the experimental setup comprising the laser system and the photoelectron
imaging spectrometer is described. Intense 795 nm, 30 fs FWHM laser pulses provided by an
amplified 1 kHz Ti:sapphire laser system (Femtolasers Femtopower Pro) were phase modulated
in frequency domain by a home-built pulse shaper [53], applying quadratic phase masks of the
form ϕmod (ω) = ϕ2 /2(ω − ω0 )2 , where ω0 is the central frequency of our laser spectrum [27].
The chirp parameter ϕ2 was varied in the range from −2000 fs2 to +2000 fs2 in steps of
1ϕ2 = 100 fs2 . The chirped output pulses of 12 µJ energy were sent into a vacuum chamber
and refocussed by a concave mirror (5 cm focal length; we estimated a peak intensity of
about 1013 W cm−2 for the bandwidth-limited pulse) into sodium vapor supplied by an alkali
metal dispenser source, as shown in figure 2. Photoelectrons released during the strong-
field interaction of the shaped pulses with single atoms were detected by a photoelectron
imaging spectrometer using the VMI method. In order to compensate the residual chirp of
the unmodulated pulse, we performed an in situ adaptive optimization of the multi-photon
ionization of water vapor background (about 4 × 10−7 mbar) in the interaction region of
Figure 3 (upper row) shows measured PADs from REMPI of sodium atoms with chirped
fs laser pulses for three exemplary values of the chirp parameter ϕ2 . The middle row
displays the corresponding Abel-inverted (retrieved) PADs obtained by employing the pBasex
algorithm [50, 54]. When PADs arise from ionization with polarization-shaped pulses [55],
direct tomography methods have been developed for three-dimensional reconstruction of
ultrashort free photoelectron wave packets [56]. Angular sections through the retrieved PADs at
kinetic energies 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 eV, as plotted in the lower row, serve to identify the symmetry
of the different energy channels observed in the PADs. The PAD measured for the unmodulated,
i.e., bandwidth-limited pulse is depicted in the central column. Three major contributions are
observed at kinetic energies 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 eV, related to the energy channels discussed above
(cf section 2.1). The angular section taken at 1.2 eV exhibits two minor nodes between 0◦ and
180◦ , i.e. d-symmetry. This channel is attributed mainly to ionization via state 7p (red excitation
pathway in figure 1), though our numerical simulations (inset of figure 4) indicate that also
ionization via state 6f (green excitation pathway in figure 1) delivers a minor contribution. The
contribution of an s-wave to this channel, as expected from the excitation scheme figure 1,
is reflected in the weak equatorial signal. At an angle of 90◦ s- and d-waves have opposite
sign and, thus, interfere destructively, whereas at the poles, i.e. at 0◦ and 180◦ , both waves
add up constructively. The section taken at 1.0 eV exhibits four nodes between 0◦ and 180◦ ,
corresponding to g-symmetry. This contribution originates predominantly from ionization via
state 5f. The observation that the lobe at 90◦ (and 270◦ , respectively) is slightly lowered with
respect to its two neighbors indicates a weak d-wave contribution interfering destructively with
the g-wave in this angular segment. The contribution measured at 0.8 eV shows again combined
s- and d-symmetry and is ascribed to ionization via state 5p.
Moreover, a weak contribution is observed at about 0.2 eV, a magnification of which is
shown in the inset of figure 3(b). The nodal structure of this signal exhibits distinct f-symmetry.
However, the pronounced poles of the PAD as well as the fact that the nodes at 45◦ and 135◦ in
the angular section are raised with respect to the node at 90◦ give a hint on a p-wave contribution
to the photoelectron signal. Observation of photoelectron wave packets with combined p and
f-symmetry close to the ionization threshold is consistent with two-photon ionization from
state 3p (blue pathway in figure 1). Note that state 3p is—although non-resonant—transiently
populated during the interaction, mediating the multi-photon processes to the state 4s and the
high-lying f states.
For large negative values of ϕ2 (left column in figure 3), i.e. strongly down-chirped laser
pulses, the outer channel at kinetic energy 1.2 eV is considerably enhanced in comparison to
the bandwidth-limited case, whereas the intermediate channel at 1.0 eV is strongly reduced and
the two innermost contributions have essentially vanished. Note the change in symmetry of
the intermediate channel which exhibits combined s- and d-symmetry in this case, indicating
more efficient ionization from state 6p, while the 5f contribution is very small. Changing the
sign of ϕ2 , i.e. using strongly up-chirped laser pulses (right column in figure 3), suppresses
the high-energy channel in favor of the intermediate channel at 1.0 eV, which dominates the
PAD in this case. From its angular section at 1.0 eV, we find a combined d- and g-symmetry,
as in the bandwidth-limited case. This contribution is therefore traced back mainly to state
5f. The finding that the symmetry of photoelectrons from the intermediate channel alters from
d to g is rationalized by the change of the ordering of red and blue frequency components
within the chirped pulse. For a down-chirped pulse, i.e. when the blue components arrive first,
initially, the system is in resonance with the two-photon transition 4s ←← 3s implying efficient
ionization via the p states (red pathway in figure 1). On the other hand, up-chirped pulses favor
ionization via state 5f since at early times the system is in resonance with the three-photon
transition 5f ←←← 3s (green pathway in figure 1). Such processes have also been observed
in [39] under different excitation conditions.
In order to provide the full picture of the chirp-dependent population flow to the different
energy channels, we performed an angular integration of all 41 measured PADs and present
the resulting energy-resolved photoelectron spectra in terms of a two-dimensional map as a
function of the kinetic energy and the chirp parameter ϕ2 . The result obtained upon variation of
ϕ2 in the range from −2000 to +2000 fs2 is displayed in figure 4. The three major channels at
0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 eV are clearly visible. Note that for e.g. rare gas atoms under our experimental
4. Theoretical model
In this section, we provide mainly a qualitative description of the system at hand. To this end,
we assume that the photoelectron signal arises most significantly through the 2 + 1 + 1 REMPI
channel (red pathway in figure 1), involving the five states 3s, 4s, 5p, 6p and 7p. The idea of this
reduction is to demonstrate the basic principles influencing the dynamics of the whole system,
which become more transparent in this simplified model, involving the most significant states
for our experiment. In this approach, we adiabatically eliminated state 3p [44, 63, 64] because
it is off resonance and receives smaller transient population than the other coupled states. Its
presence, however, affects the population dynamics significantly for it induces strong DSSs in
the energies of states 3s and 4s, which substantially modify the energy diagram.
The quantum dynamics of this five-state system obeys the time-dependent Schrödinger
ih̄ c(t) = H(t)c(t). (1)
The Hamiltonian H(t) in the rotating-wave approximation, rotating with the instantaneous laser
frequency ω(t) = ω0 + 2at (see equation (A.5) in the appendix), is given by [44, 64]
11 − S1 1
2 12 0 0 0
2 12 12 − S2 12 23 12 24 12 25
H(t) = h̄ 0 1
23 13 0 0 . (2)
2 24
0 14 0
0 1
2 25
0 0 15
Here the explicit time dependence is dropped for ease of notation. The vector c(t) =
[c1 (t), c2 (t), . . . , c5 (t)]T consists of the amplitudes of the five states, ordered as shown
above, which are obtained by numerical integration of the Schrödinger equation (1), the
respective populations are Pn (t) = |cn (t)|2 , 1n (t) = ωn − k ω(t) are the generally time-
dependent atom–laser detunings, where ωn are the atomic state eigenfrequencies, with ω3s taken
as zero, k is the transition order, 2n = d2n 0 f (t) represent the one-photon couplings of state
2 to state n (n = 3, 4, 5), 12 = q12 20 f 2 (t) is the two-photon coupling between states 1 and 2,
with f (t) being the chirped laser electric field envelope, dmn are the relevant transition dipole
moments in atomic units, q12 is the effective two-photon transition moment (cf equation (A.1))
and S1 and S2 represent the DSS of states 1 and 2, respectively,
23s3p 23p4s
S1 = , S2 = . (3)
413p 413p
The effect of the DSS due to state 3d is neglected for it is very weakly coupled to the states
whose energies it might influence: the p states are coupled about 10 times stronger to state 4s
4.1.1. Large negative chirp. For large negative chirp (ϕ2 = −2000 fs2 , figure 5(a)) the laser
field reaches resonances relative to the 7p ← 4s (one-photon) transition and the 4s ←← 3s
(two-photon) transition in nearly the same instant, thus creating a ‘bow-tie’ level crossing
pattern [44], [65]–[69], which is of particular significance because it involves three rather
than two states. This crossing results in efficient population transfer to states 4s and 7p and
depopulation of state 3s. Because state 7p is populated at such early times, it is exposed to
ionization for most of the interaction dynamics and hence has a dominant contribution in the
photoelectron signal (see figure 4 at 1.2 eV and −2000 fs2 ).
Later on we observe almost adiabatic evolution and the population is shared mainly
between states 4s and 7p in the form of Rabi oscillations with fading amplitude [70]. State 6p
acquires only marginal population mainly due to its crossing with state 3s (which is, however,
already depleted due to the preceding ‘bow-tie’ crossing) via a three-photon excitation through
state 4s. The late crossings between states 3s and 5p, and also between states 4s and 6p are of
no importance because they occur after the pulse intensity has essentially vanished. State 5p
remains unpopulated since it is far off-resonant throughout the entire dynamics.
4.1.2. Large positive chirp. For large positive chirps (ϕ2 = 2000 fs2 , figure 5(e)) the energy
diagram is mirrored compared with the one for large negative chirps ϕ2 (figure 5(a)). Then
initially the system evolves adiabatically, with minor (off-resonant) population transfer from
state 3s to state 4s due to their strong mutual couplings. Around the time of the peak laser
intensity, as state 3s sweeps across resonance with 6p, the latter starts to effectively populate
through the three-photon 3s–6p crossing. Because this crossing occurs approximately in the
middle of the laser pulse the population of state 6p is exposed to ionization for a considerable
Pulse and
0.6 3s
4s 7p
7p 7p 7p 7p
Energies (eV)
4s 3s 4s 4s 4s
6p 6p 6p 6p 6p
3s 3s
0 5p 5p 5p 5p 5p
0.4 7p 5p
0.2 5p
6p 6p
6p 6p 7p
–200 0 200 –50 0 50 –30 30 –50 0 50 –200 0 200
Time (fs)
Figure 5. Populations (lower frames) and energies (middle frames) of the states
of interest 5p, 6p and 7p versus time for ϕ2 varied (from left to right) between
−2000 fs2 (down-chirp) and 2000 fs2 (up-chirp), 0 = 0.3 fs−1 and 1t = 30 fs.
In the middle frames, colored and gray lines depict the bare state energies. The
latter are related to states 3s and 4s and include the effective chirp, i.e. the chirp of
the laser as well as the chirp due to ac Stark shifts. The black lines represent the
dressed state energies and the arrows show the population flow. The populations
in the lower frames are consistent with the asymmetry in the experimental results
presented in figure 4: for large chirps states 6p (positive chirp) and 7p (negative
chirp) are predominantly populated, whereas around zero chirp the contribution
comes mostly from state 5p. The envelopes (straight lines) and detunings (dashed
lines) of the modulated pulses are shown in the uppermost frames. Note that the
energies are mirrored when changing the sign of the chirp ϕ2 .
time interval, which results in significant photoelectron signal from 6p (see figure 4 at 1.0 eV and
+2000 fs2 ). For the same reason—the 3s–6p crossing occurring near the laser pulse maximum—
the population transfer from state 3s to state 6p is relatively efficient and only about half of
the population is left in states 3s and 4s thereafter; then only a part of this already reduced
population is transferred to state 7p at the subsequent ‘bow-tie’ crossing 3s–4s–7p. Moreover,
4.1.3. Moderate negative chirp. For a moderate negative chirp (ϕ2 = −500 fs2 , figure 5(b)) an
early crossing occurs between states 3s, 4s and 7p in the rising edge of the pulse, which leads to
a partial population transfer from state 3s to states 4s and 7p, because the laser intensity is not
strong enough to enforce adiabatic evolution. The population in state 7p is exposed to ionization
for the rest of the pulse, whereas the population in state 4s proceeds until the subsequent 4s–6p
crossing where it is partially transferred to state 6p. The leftover temporary flows into state 5p,
which starts to emerge in the photoelectron spectrum, and is finally driven back into state 3s. In
result, all states 5p, 6p and 7p are visible in the photoelectron signal, which is an indication for
the creation of a coherent superposition of these (see figure 4 at about −500 fs2 ).
4.1.4. Moderate positive chirp. For moderate positive chirps (ϕ2 = 500 fs2 , figure 5(d)) state
3s first comes very close to state 5p at times of the laser pulse maximum; during this proximity
the population undergoes Rabi-type oscillations between states 3s and 5p and is exposed to
ionization from state 5p. The signature of state 5p is clearly visible and indeed this is the regime
where this state indisputably dominates in the photoelectron signal (see figure 4 at 0.8 eV and
+500 fs2 ). In other words, it is the DSS induced by the two-photon transition 4s ←← 3s which
makes the population of the far-off-resonant state 5p possible [71]. If this Stark shift were absent
(e.g. if the two-photon transition 4s ←← 3s were instead a single-photon one in a gedanken
scenario) state 5p would never receive sizeable population. As we proceed beyond the pulse
maximum state 3s crosses state 6p and the population is partially transferred to the latter. Hence
state 6p emerges in the photoelectron signal due to the ensuing ionization, whereas state 7p is
invisible in this regime because all population left flows into state 4s.
4.1.5. Zero chirp. In this regime, the laser pulse is unchirped, ϕ2 = 0. Therefore, the effective
chirp is entirely due to ac Stark shift. The latter is symmetric to the pulse because it is induced
by the same pulse. Moreover, because state 3s crosses states 6p and 5p (figure 5(c)), sizeable
population will visit these two states through the respective first crossings 3s–5p and 3s–6p.
A second pair of crossings in the falling edge of the pulse will induce additional transitions
5p ←←← 3s and 6p ←←← 3s. The implication is that states 5p and 6p will contribute
significantly to the photoelectron signal (see figure 4 around ϕ2 = 0). State 7p, on the other
hand, remains well off resonance throughout and receives only a small population due to (weak)
non-resonant interaction. Its contribution to the photoelectron signal should be therefore more
muted than those from states 5p and 6p.
4.2. Discussion
Below we discuss the five excitation regimes in the dressed state (adiabatic) context. When
adiabatic, which demands large couplings and low chirp rates for the avoided crossings in
question, starting in state 3s we end up in state 7p for ϕ2 < 0 or in state 6p for ϕ2 > 0 (figure 5,
middle frames; in the latter case a fully non-adiabatic passage across state 5p occurs, since
Discussions with P Lambropoulos and F Faisal regarding the measured photoelectron signals
assigned to two-photon ionization from state 3p are gratefully acknowledged. The Kassel
group furthermore acknowledges financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
DFG. This work has also been supported by European Commission projects EMALI and
FASTQUAST, and the Bulgarian NSF grants VU-F-205/06, VU-I-301/07, D002-90/08 and
Each p state consists of p1/2 and p3/2 substates, coupled by 1/2 and 3/2 , respectively, to a
relevant s state. Therefore initially our system comprises overall 10 states (prior to eliminating
state 3p). To simplify our approach we perform a transformation to a dark-bright basis for each
of the p states and thus eliminate half of the p substates as dark (uncoupled) states, and keep the
rest, which become coupled by the root mean square of the relevant 1/2 and 3/2 and are the
ones to be referred to as p states throughout the theoretical part of the paper.
The effective two-photon transition moment between states 3s and 4s is
da db + dc dd
q12 = − , (A.1)
213 p
where da,c and db,d are the dipole moments for the transitions 3p1/2,3/2 ← 3s1/2 and 4s1/2 ←
3p1/2,3/2 , respectively.
The effect of a quadratic phase modulation in frequency domain of the form
ϕ(ω) = (ω − ω0 )2 (A.2)
is described in time domain by a modulated linearly polarized laser electric field E(t) given
as [72]
E (t) = 2Re E + (t) ,
where for the positive-frequency part we have
E 0 −(t 2 /4βγ ) iω0 t i(at 2 −ε)
E + (t) = e e e (A.4)
2γ 1/4
1 ϕ2
ε = arctan ,
2 2β
1t 2
β= ,
8 ln 2
γ = 1+ ,
a= 2
8β γ
New Journal of Physics 11 (2009) 105051 (
resulting in the time-dependent instantaneous laser frequency
Here 1t denotes the FWHM of the intensity I (t) of the unmodulated pulse, ω0 is the laser
carrier frequency and ϕ2 is the chirp parameter to be varied.
We define a reference Rabi-frequency (t) = 0 f (t), where f (t) is the laser electric field
exp − 4βγ
f(t) = . (A.6)
γ 1/4
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