HeroQuest House Rules by AxianSpice
HeroQuest House Rules by AxianSpice
HeroQuest House Rules by AxianSpice
Dungeon Events
If the heroes have already opened at least one door, and there are no monsters on the board, Zargon rolls a red die when it is their turn. If the result is 5 or 6,
they roll on the following table:
1 - Terror: A random hero must roll a number of red dice equal to their Mind Points. If they don’t obtain at least one 6, they lose 1 Mind Point.
2 - Vampire Bat: Attacks a random hero with 3 Combat Dice (the hero defends as usual), then flies away.
3 - Wandering Monster: Appears in a room at Zargon’s discretion, and plays immediately.
4 - Surprise Attack: Zargon opens a closed door and immediately plays all the monsters inside the room. Reroll if there are no closed rooms.
5 - Rat Swarm: Every hero must roll a white shield with his defense dice, or lose 1 Body Point.
6 - Special Event: Roll again on the following table:
1 - Goblin Thief: Every hero can attack him as he scampers around with a bag full of treasure. The goblin thief does not roll to defend. Each skull result
causes the goblin thief to drop 1d6 gold coins. After that, the goblin flees the dungeon.
2 - Dungeon Madness: For this turn only, Zargon controls and immediately uses a random hero (as if they were a monster).
3 - Benevolent Ghost: Appears and blesses the heroes, who recover 1 lost Body Point and 1 Lost Mind Point.
4 - Ambush! A number of wandering monsters equal to the number of heroes appear, each in a different room, at Zargon’s discretion, and play immediately.
5 - The Slayer: A Dread Warrior appears at the dungeon entrance, and plays immediately. He also has 1 random Dread Spell, and has 1d6x10 gold pieces
which can be looted if he is killed.
6 - Double Event: Roll both red dice on the table above, and apply both results, in the order you prefer. Ignore this result if you get it again while rolling two
Scaling Difficulty Mind Points
1 hero: receives 3 regenerating balms When a hero reaches zero Mind Points, they roll 1 red die to move, 1 combat die to
2 heroes: each receives 2 regenerating balms attack, and 2 to defend.
3 heroes: each receives 1 regenerating balms Push & Pull
4 heroes: no special rules
When attacking an adjacent opponent, the attacker may decide to trade 1 Body Point
5 or more heroes: each hero after the fourth allows Zargon to add 1
of damage to push or pull the opponent to a free adjacent square (diagonal
extra monster (of the wandering monster type) to each room that
included), or to pull it to their current square, if they have a free adjacent square to
already contains monsters.
move to (diagonal included).
Regenerating Balm: Heals all lost Body Points and Mind Points. At Dual Wield
the end of the quest, it is no longer usable and cannot be saved for future A hero can equip one weapon in each hand. They can choose to attack with only one
quests. weapon, or to make one attack with each, with -1 AD.
Heroes Never Die! One Search Action
Optional Rule. When a hero reaches zero Body Points, they are One search action reveals any traps, secret passages, or treasure in the room, in that
“defeated” and flee the dungeon (immediately remove the hero from the order.