DLL Week 3 - Stat and Proba Q3

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GRADES 1 to 12 President Diosdado Macapagal

School Grade Level GRADE 11

Teacher Jessie Grace C. De Luna Learning Area
WEEK 3 (MAY 15-19, 2023)
Teaching Date and Time AMBER – MON, TUES, WED & THURS Quarter 4th QUARTER
(1:15 - 2:00)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed
using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives supports the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lesson. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guide.

A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of tests of hypotheses on the population mean and population proportion.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to perform appropriate tests of hypotheses involving the population mean and population proportion to make
inferences in real-life problems in different disciplines.
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives Draw conclusion about the population mean based The learner solves problems involving test The learner formulates the appropriate
Compute for the test-statistic value (population
Write the LC code for each on the test-statistic value and the rejection region. of hypothesis on the population mean. null and alternative hypotheses on a
mean). M11/12SP-IVd-1
M11/12SP-IVd-2 [M11/12SP-IVe-1] population mean [M11/12SP-IVb-1].

Solving Problems Involving Test of The Null and Alternative

II. CONTENT The Test Statistic Value for the Interpretation of the Population
Hypothesis on the Population Hypotheses on a Population
Population Mean Mean Mean Mean
III. LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used on different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR) portal Statistics and Probability Module Statistics and Probability Module Statistics and Probability Module Statistics and Probability Module

B. Other Learning Resources Quipper Quipper Quipper Quipper

IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that the students will learn well. Always be guided by the demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with
multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review What are the steps in hypothesis testing?  Music will be played. Together We Will Stand
presenting the new lesson Determine the test statistic to be used in  The students will pass the object to
1. Divide the class into four groups.
each given problems. What are the steps that we already discussed? their classmates next to them, until 2. On the board, write the following statements.
1. According to a bank, their mean ATM the music stop. - number of hours I spend watching internet videos
withdrawal is ₱3 500. A review of 40  The student holding the object will in a week
withdrawals shows that the mean withdrawal Let’s try: - number of brothers and sisters I have
answer the question.
is ₱4 300 with a standard deviation of ₱235. A botanist found out that upon checking his 15 - number of hours I sleep on a Friday night
 If the student answered it correctly, - number of rooms we have at home
At 𝛼 = 0.05, is the bank’s estimate wrong? samples of mongo plants, it yielded
his/her group will gain the points. - number of books in my bag
2. In 2005, the mean height of young adult an average height of 5 inches. According to the 3. Ask the students to write down one statement
experts’ claim, a typical mongo  If the student got it incorrectly, the
women was 65.7 inches. Suppose a random other groups will get the point. they want their classmates to guess about them.
sample of 45 young adult women today plant will have an average height of 6 inches with 4. On another sheet of paper, ask them to write their
a standard deviation of 0.90  The group with the highest points will answer to their chosen statement and keep it
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results in a mean height of 63.9 inches with a win the game.
standard deviation of 2.4 inches. At 𝛼=0.10,
are young adult women today shorter?
3. Aaron works in a farm that has 40 goats
and 35 cows. He wants to know if the
amount of waste he disposes per day is the
same as the normal amount that farms
dispose. On any given day, 3 950 pounds of hidden. Their answer should be an integer.
waste with a standard deviation of 780 5. For the first round, let the first group’s opponent
pounds are removed from farms across the be the third group and the second group’s opponent
be the fourth group.
country. However, Aaron shovels 4 300 6. Instruct each student to exchange papers with
pounds of waste a day based on a random someone from their opponent group.
sample of 30 days. At 𝛼=0.05, is Aaron’s 7. Ask them to play rock-paper-scissors once. The
work more difficult than normal? winner should guess the answer of his/her partner. If
the answer is correct, he/she wins the battle.
4. It is claimed that Filipino young inches. Use 𝛼 = 0.05 to test the hypothesis. Otherwise, they exchange roles until someone wins.
professionals work an average of 8.2 hours a 8. The group with more winners wins the battle.
day. In a survey on 100 Filipino young 9. The two winning groups in the first round should
professionals, a mean of 8.3 hours is now face each other for the final round.
obtained. Assuming that the population Guide Questions:
standard deviation is 1 hour, are the sample 1. What are the factors that affected the probability
Filipino young professionals overworked at that you would guess correctly?
𝛼=0.10? 2. How did the type of question affect your chance
to guess correctly?
Question to ponder:

a. How do you differentiate the 𝑧-statistic

and 𝑡-statistic?
b. How does the population standard
deviation affect a test of hypothesis on
a population mean?

Test statistic – a quantity calculated from a

sample data; used to decide whether the null Steps in Interpreting the Computed
hypothesis should be rejected in a Test Statistic
hypothesis test Hypotheses In interpreting the computed test statistic,
 Null Hypothesis we need to follow the following steps:
𝒛-test – used when the population variance denoted by H 0; shows that there is no Statistical Hypothesis
𝜎2 is known or when the sample size 𝑛 is a. Identify the null and alternative a statement about population
difference or relationship between
sufficiently large, that is, 𝑛≥30. quantities involved hypothesis. parameters
The 𝑧-score is obtained using the formula b. Identify the appropriate form of test
B. Establishing a purpose for the  Alternative Hypothesis
lesson denoted by H A ; specifies an existence c. Determine the critical value/s.
x−μ The daily mean number of customers of a
z= , of a difference or relationship between d. Identify the rejection region. coffee shop is 105.
σ the quantities being considered e. Compute for the test statistic and
√n Example: A gym trainer claims that a new diet
plan will help people lose weight by 10kg in a
where 𝑥̅ is the sample mean, 𝜇 is the month. State the null and alternative hypotheses.
hypothesized population mean, 𝜎 is the
population standard deviation, and 𝑛 is the
sample size.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of z -statistic Test Statistic Null Hypothesis
the new lesson a quantity calculated from a sample data; used to Identify the hypotheses, the appropriate form the hypothesis that is assumed to be true.
the test statistic used in a hypothesis test for
decide whether the null hypothesis should be of test statistic, and the rejection region for It uses a relation symbol with a statement
the population mean when the population
standard deviation is known and (a) the
rejected in a hypothesis test. each given situation. of equality, such as ≥ , ≤, and ¿ , and is
population is normal OR (b) the sample size denoted by H 0.
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is sufficiently large, usually greater than or Making Decision Based on the Test-
equal to 30 Statistic
Rejection Region The test statistic is used to make the decision Example:
Due to the Central Limit Theorem, we can an interval of values for which the null hypothesis on whether to reject the null hypothesis or
The average life expectancy μ1 of
is rejected
still use the z -statistic even when the a. If the test statistic is in the rejection region, females is the same as the average life
population distribution is unknown or not reject the null hypothesis. expectancy μ2 of males. ( H 0 : μ1=μ2)
normal. b. If the test statistic is not in the rejection
region, do not reject the null hypothesis.
Example 1: It was claimed that the
The z -statistic is given by average weight of a dozen eggs is 500
grams with a standard deviation of 10.20
x−μ grams. In a market, 50 packs were
z= , randomly inspected and yielded an
σ Making Decision Based on the Test-Statistic average weight of 495 grams with a
standard deviation of 15.90 grams. Test
√n The test statistic is used to make the decision on the claim at 𝛼=0.05.
whether to reject the null hypothesis or not. Alternative Hypothesis
where x μ
is the sample mean, is the ● If the test statistic is in the rejection a. Identify the null and alternative the hypothesis that is contrary to the null
hypothesized population mean, σ is the region, reject the null hypothesis. hypothesis. hypothesis. It uses a relation symbol with
● If the test statistic is not in the rejection b. Identify the appropriate form of test
population standard deviation, and n is the no statement of equality, such as ¿ ,<,
region, do not reject the null statistic.
sample size. The z -statistic is used in the z- hypothesis. c. Determine the critical value/s. and ≠ , and is denoted by H A.
test for population mean. d. Identify the rejection region.
D. Discussing new concepts and Note that when 𝜎 is unknown, the sample Guidelines when to Reject the Null Hypothesis e. Compute for the test statistic and
interpret. Example:
practicing new skills #1 standard deviation 𝑠 can be used. Type of
Reject the Null
Hypothesis if:
The average life expectancy μ1 of
𝒕-test – used if the population variance 𝜎2 is females is different from the average life
the test statistic is located
unknown and the sample size is not Left-tailed to the left of the critical expectancy μ2 of males. ( H A : μ1 ≠ μ2 )
sufficiently large. value.
The 𝑡-score is obtained using the formula the test statistic is located
x−μ to the right of the critical
t= , tailed
s the test statistic is located
√n Two-tailed
to the left of the negative
critical value or to the right
of the positive critical value.
where x is the sample mean, μ is the
hypothesized population mean, s is the
sample standard deviation, and n is the
sample size.
E. Discussing new concepts and Example: Example 1: Example 2: Let’s Try:
practicing new skills #2 1. Find the 𝑧-score if 𝜇=10, 𝑛=30, 𝑥̅=12, and In a hypothesis test, the test statistic is z=1.25 Joana wanted to validate an ad claim that
𝜎=1.25. their product shelf life is at least 10 years.
and the critical values are ± 1.96. What is the To test this claim, she bought 10 products
Example 1: It is claimed that the average
pulse rate of male joggers is at least 80
2. Identify the appropriate test statistic to be appropriate decision? and got a mean of 7.5 years with a beats per minute. You want to show that
used given the following: standard deviation of 2.5 years. Test the this is not true. Construct the null and
𝜇=30,𝑛=12,𝑥̅=28,𝑠=12. Then, compute for Example 2: In a hypothesis test, the test statistic claim at 𝛼=0.01. alternative hypotheses.
the test statistic. is t=−2.00 and the critical value is −1.729 .
a. Identify the null and alternative
What is the appropriate decision? hypothesis. Example 2: A gym advertises that the
b. Identify the appropriate form of test average weight loss of people who
statistic. enrolled in them for 3 months is at least 15
c. Determine the critical value/s. pounds. You doubt their advertisement.
d. Identify the rejection region. Write the null and alternative hypotheses.

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e. Compute for the test statistic and
interpret. Example 3: According to a study in 2012, an
average of 136 000 births per year in the
Philippines were to teenage mothers. A
concerned parent believes that the average
has decreased since then. Determine the null
and alternative hypotheses.
Example 2: Example 3:
It is claimed that the average height of 5-year A school administrator claims that the
old students is 3 feet with a standard mean grade of their 500 students in
deviation of 1.28 feet. A random sample of Statistics is 92 with a standard deviation of
100 5-year old students yielded an average 3.5. The mean of one of their Statistics
height of 2 feet. Calculate the test statistic. class, which contains 40 students, is 89.4.
Example 3:
F. Developing mastery Example 3: Given that 𝐻0: 𝜇≥42 and 𝐻𝐴: 𝜇<42, determine the a. Identify the null and alternative
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) A new drug in the market is claimed by its appropriate decision if 𝑛=26, 𝑥=38, and 𝑠=3. Use 𝛼 = hypothesis.
manufacturers to reduce acne marks in 14 0.05. Assume that the population is normally b. Identify the appropriate form of test
days of continuous use with a standard distributed. statistic.
deviation of 2.15 days. One hundred test c. Determine the critical value/s.
users were chosen and reported to reduce d. Identify the rejection region.
acne marks to none in 12.56 days. What is e. Compute for the test statistic and
the test statistic for the problem? interpret.

Think-Pair-Share Determine the null and alternative

Read and analyze the following problem and hypotheses in the following problems.
answer the questions that follow. Jenny wanted to know whether a tutorial 1. According to a telecommunications
center’s claim that the average grade of company, the mean monthly cell phone
LET passers in their sessions is 85. In the bill per person was ₱1 500 in 2016. A
1. It was found out that a sample of 20 cells Let us try: researcher suspects that the mean
of a certain strain of bacteria grows in a rate recent examination, 20 LET passers were
asked of their scores and as computed it monthly cell phone bill is different today.
of 4.85% with a standard deviation of 1.21%. 2. In 2015, the average score of takers on
If the scientists claim a growth rate of 5.00%, Determine the appropriate decision given the yielded an average score of 83.50 with a
standard deviation of 20.89. Is the tutorial the Chemical Engineer Licensure Exam
compute for the test statistic. following test statistic values:
center’s claim true at 𝛼=0.05? was 83. An engineering professor believes
a. Identify the given values in the Test Tail Alph Critic Deci
that due to changes in the curriculum of
problem. Stati Test a al sion
some universities, the average score has
b. Determine the test that should stic Level Valu a. Identify the null and alternative decreased.
G. Finding practical applications of be used in this problem. e hypothesis. 3. According to a website, the mean
c. Compute for the test statistic. t= 1 0.05 b. Identify the appropriate form of test consumption of milk tea per month of
concepts and skills in daily living 0.50
2. The population of product X has a mean of statistic. Filipinos is 570 ml. The marketing division
30 kg with a standard deviation of 10.8 kg. If z= 1 0.01 c. Determine the critical value/s. of a milk tea company wants to know if
100 randomly picked products yielded a 2.89 d. Identify the rejection region. their aggressive campaign designed to get
mean of 35 kg, what is the test statistic? z= 2 0.05 e. Compute for the test statistic Filipinos to consume even more milk tea
a. Identify the given values in the 1.25 f. Make a decision and interpret. was effective.
problem. t= 2 0.02 4. The mean score of takers on the
b. Determine the test that should 2.50 Architecture Licensure Exam is 300. A
be used in this problem. z= 1 0.10 review center claims that the mean score
c. Compute for the test statistic. 0.89 of their reviewees is higher than 300.
5. In 2015, the Philippine Drug
Enforcement Agency claimed that 100 000
people per month buy illegal drugs. They
believe that this number has decreased
since then.
H. Making generalizations and What is the difference between a z-test and How do we know if we are going to reject or not a How do we interpret the computed value How do you write the null and alternative
abstractions about the lesson a t-test? null hypothesis based on the value of the test of the test statistic? hypotheses on a population mean?
Page 4 of 6 Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Suppose that there is an ad in TV, how are
you going to determine whether their claim is How important is it to have a correct
acceptable in your end? Is statistics one of How did this lesson affect your way of
the ways you will consider? Why or why not? What is the importance of a good and sound making assumptions?
decision making?
If two standard deviations are given, what
How do we interpret the values we have How will you know if a null hypothesis
do we need to consider next to know the
computed from the z–test or t–test? When do we use 𝑧–test and 𝑡–test? should be rejected?
statistical test to use?
GROUP ACTIVITY Determine the null and alternative
Read and analyze the following problem and (Each group will have different situations) hypotheses in the following problems.
answer the questions that follow.
Read and analyze the following problem and 1. The average amount of garbage that an 1. According to a poll conducted in 2013,
answer the questions that follow.
average Filipino household throws is at Filipino families have an average of 3.2
least 50 kg per year. A random sample of kids. A researcher wonders if Filipino
1. A light bulb company claims that the life span of 20 Filipino households were interviewed, families in a city have less kids.
their light bulbs is 6 years with a standard deviation and it yielded an average of 55.75 kg with 2. The packaging of a battery states that
of 2.5 years. A random sample of 50 light bulbs
was tested to validate the claim and results showed
a standard deviation of 20.80. Test the the battery will last 300 hours under
a mean of 4.90 years. claim at 𝛼=0.05. normal use. A consumer would like to
a. Identify the given values in the problem. 2. Female hair grows on an average of at know if the mean lifetime of the battery is
Complete the table below by supplying the
b. What test should be used in this problem? most 3 inches per year with a standard less than 300 hours.
necessary information.
c. Compute for the test statistic. deviation of 1.5 inches. To test this, a 3. The average credit card interest rate in
2. Compute for the test statistic given the sample of scientist asked 100 females to grow their 2013 was 2.8%. A financial expert
size 15 drawn from a population whose mean is Test Tail Alph Critic Deci hair in a year and found out an average believes that the interest rates have now
110, which resulted in a sample mean of 120 and a
Stati Test a al sion hair growth of 2.89 inches. Can we accept increased.
standard deviation of 30.50.
a. Identify the given values in the problem. stic Level Valu the claim at 𝛼=0.01? 4. The average price of a drug is ₱28.30.
b. What test should be used in this problem? e 3. A hair grower shampoo claims to A consumer wants to know if the drug is
c. Compute for the test statistic. z= 1 0.05 significantly increase hair growth up to 5 priced differently in his province.
I. Evaluating learning 3. A manager of a large company estimated that his 1.65 inches per year with a standard deviation 5. The price of a new car model according
employees’ mean age is 22.8 years old. The z= 2 0.01 of 1.5 inches. One hundred female to a famous car magazine is ₱1 300 000.
Human Resource Department wanted to have a 2.33 Grant wonders if the price of the car in the
respondents were tested and yielded an
more accurate employee mean age to estimate the
cost of annuity benefits for workers. The HRD took t= 2 0.05 average hair growth of 3.75 inches. Is the official car store is different.
a random sample of 70 workers and found out that 0.85 claim true at 𝛼=0.01?
the mean age of the sampled employees is 26.2 t= 1 0.05 4. In the recent survey by a researcher,
years with a standard deviation of 4.6 years. 1.90 the average performance of a Grade 12
a. Identify the given values in the problem. z= 1 0.01 STEM student in General Chemistry is 90
b. What test should be used in this problem? with a standard deviation of 35. To test
c. Compute for the test statistic.
this, the researcher interviewed 300
students from schools in Metro Manila,
and it showed that their mean grade is 88.
Test if the claim is true at 𝛼=0.05.
5. The average height of an electric post
in City X is at most 10 meters. To check
on the posts in the Barangay ABC, an
electrician measured 15 random posts,
and the average height of the posts is
11.75 meters with a standard deviation of
5 meters. Test the claim at 𝛼=0.05.
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation


VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and asses yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

Page 5 of 6 Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Recorded by:


Subject Teacher Mathematics Coordinator Academic Head

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