DP 4 Final Report (1) 5
DP 4 Final Report (1) 5
DP 4 Final Report (1) 5
Making one's surroundings clean, lovely, green, and comfortable is the act of being clean. It goes
without saying that cleanliness does not just apply to one place, like the office, or to the workplace
or the school. A vital component of human life, cleanliness has ties to medical research. Even
though it might seem like a straightforward task, cleaning a room's floor takes a lot of time and
effort. Someone failing to pay attention to the cleanliness of their surroundings may be caused by
human limitations, lifestyles that don't care about their surroundings, as well as technological
It is necessary to reevaluate some aspects of the cleaning service when an autonomous cleaning
robot is introduced. Cleaning services can be considered complex services, so redesigning the
service with just customers and employers in mind runs the risk of diminishing the value of the
service for other stakeholders. Therefore, it is essential to take a holistic approach to the design of
a new service and to comprehend the stakeholders and their values.
A method for addressing the challenges of designing a service is provided by the design discipline
known as "service design." It highlights the collaborative, multi-stakeholder nature of services and
offers both overarching principles and specific ways to put them into practise. The core of service
design is figuring out what various service stakeholders value.
Floor cleaning may experience a variety of problems due to the potential of a wide range of
difficulties, including human and systemic mistake. To fully clean every nook and corner of the
floor, we developed a robot that can carry out both manual and automatic cleaning.
Today's population leads busy lifestyles. In urban areas, people put in long hours. An individual
will constantly seek for opportunities to save time and minimize effort in such a setting.
1) It Balance between work and home life can be difficult for career-driven women.
2) To clean the floor, a dry mop or a wet mop is often used, with the hand acting as the main
instrument. They need to be vigorously washed on the outside.
3) Cleaning for surfaces including marble floors, rough surfaces, highly polished wood, and
cement floors are all covered in the cleaning module.
4) The Heavy dust accumulates on the rough surfaces, like the concrete floor, making cleanup
more time- and labor-intensive.
1) The fact that this house cleaning robot saves time while also minimising human involvement
makes it an excellent time-saving solution.
2) Floor cleaning applications using autonomous robots can save a lot of time and labour. It
simultaneously sweeps and mop floors, detects obstacles in its path, and projects water
automatically using a water sprayer. The blower also makes sure that the floor drains as
quickly as possible.
3) For cleaning homes, workplaces, and educational institutions, automated floor cleaners are
used. Depending on human commands or the input from various sensors, this robot can
operate in one of several modes.
4) Many applications of robot system technology will be used to replace manual or human
This project aims to develop a self-sufficient floor cleaning robot that requires less human help
while operating in potentially dangerous areas. to develop a floor-cleaning robot that can work
alone and to develop an autonomous robotics system leveraging the internet of things. When there
are few obstructions in the path and a huge space that has to be cleaned
Its purpose is to help in cleaning large floor areas where workers can become fatigued. A man may
be exposed to dangerous radiation, toxins, air pollution, and other elements at places like nuclear
power plants or chemical factories, which might kill or gravely hurt him. Therefore, in certain
situations, this robot is useful. This project now includes a wiper motor and water pump in the
middle in addition to a hoover cleaner up front for thoroughly cleaning wet floors. The hoover
collects solid debris and cleans the floor after thoroughly cleaning the wiper. Additionally, the
blower at the end quickly drains the floor.
1) It generates accurate results and does not allow for human error.
2) The industrial control system is 100 times more efficient than human labour, making it very
quick and effective.
3) It lessens human effort in some occupations.
4) Washing machines fall under this category.
5) Through a variety of jobs, it also contributes significantly to bringing entertainment into
people's lives. On television, these robots can be seen in action.
In order to save time and money, this project will design and implement a mobile-assisted,
Arduino mega2560-based floor-cleaning robot with an ultrasonic sensor for floor buildings.
The one that is being suggested is a floor cleaning system that requires less human involvement.
To operate this robot, a mobile phone and an ultrasonic sensor for any movement are used. It can
sweep up dust and spray water on the ground using a roller-driven servomotor. The user can move
it from one location to another when cleaning different floors thanks to its portability and small
Cleaning Robot was developed to make cleaning simpler, especially for people who work. This
robot is designed for a particular space, such as a floor of a building, a dorm, a classroom, an
office, or a student cafeteria. -cathedrals, hospitals, universities, libraries, factories, hotels,
businesses, supermarkets, etc. on all floors of the building
A Bluetooth application was used to design and control the floor cleaning tool with a charging
unit. The chassis frame, plywood, two plastic boxes, an Arduino Uno, DC motors, wheels, a
battery, a charging unit, a Bluetooth unit, a brush, a fan, and a cleaning sponge are among the
components of the floor cleaning machine. Floor cleaning will become quicker and easier,
requiring less labour from humans. The floor cleaning machine is quite large compared to other
cleaning tools on the market, but it also has a lovely appearance and is very sturdy. Among the
components of the machine are a DC motor, a wiper, a mop, and brushes. These components are
attached to a welded chassis made of mild steel one-inch-wide square bars that are connected to
The block diagram provides a visual representation of the suggested floor cleaning robot.It
demonstrates how the components must work together to complete the intended job. The circuits
and concept of the robot chassis are described. On display are the key elements of the cleaning
robot, including an Arduino Mega2560, power supplies, dc motors, a Bluetooth module, a servo
motor, a water pump, and a vacuum with revolving brushes. Power supply activates the system.
After being supplied to the system, the user's instruction is sent to Arduino. Arduino calls the
sentsignals from the code using the supplied command. The motor driver then controls the wheels'
motion in line with the instructions, the cleaning mop, and the ultrasonic sensor.
1. Arduino uno
2. L293D module
3. Ultra sonic Sensor
4. Geared motors
5. Dc motor
6. Buzzer
7. Servo motor
8. Battery
9. Jumper wires
10. Chassis
1. Arduino IDE
Beginners in electronics and coding should use the UNO board. The UNO is the toughest board
you can use for your initial platform tinkering endeavours if you are. The UN body that is used and
documented the most is the UNO.
The Uno Arduino The microcontroller board is an ATmega328P (datasheet). It includes a 16 MHz
quartz crystal, six analogue inputs, a power connection, an ICSP header, a USB port, and reset
buttons. There are 6 PWM outputs among the 14 digital input/output pins.
To get started, just attach a USB cable, an AC-to-DC adapter, or a battery. Everything needed to
support the microcontroller is already included.
Although there are many additional Arduino boards available including the Arduino Uno , Arduino
Due, and Arduino Mega, these are the two that are most frequently used. The best, easiest, and
most economical possibilities for an Arduino Uno project would be digital electronics, embedded
systems, robotics, or Internet of Things projects.
The variety of Arduino boards is enormous, and many of them are also accessible in compatible
third-party versions. The current official versions available on the market are the Arduino Uno R3
and Arduino Nano V3. Both of them employ an Atmel ATmega328P microcontroller with 14
digital I/O, 6 analogue I/O, 32 KB of flash RAM, and an 8-bit operating system.
• This Utilising this USB interface is simple. Because it resembles a serial device, this
enables USB interface.
• The chip on the board, which connects into your computer's USB port, creates a virtual
serial port. Because USB permits and facilitates connecting with contemporary computers,
this arrangement offers the benefit that serial communication is a simple, tried-and-true
• It is simple to access the ATmega328 chip, which functions as the microcontroller's brain.
Timer functions, internal and external interrupts, PWM pins, and a variety of sleep modes
are among the additional hardware features it has.
4.1.2 DC MOTORS:
A machine that produces mechanical output is a motor. Following is a description of how the
motor works: Utilising a periodic electrical current is one option.
also known as an alternating current (AC), changes polarity. A better option is a component known
as a commentator, which is found in the little battery-operated motors that we use around the
house. The word "commutation" is fairly similar to the word "commute," so don't worry if you
don't comprehend the pointless technical jargon. Each half of the commentator is attached to one
end of the coil. Electric connections on the motor are linked to the battery's electrical current.
Through two loose connections known as "brushes," which are either composed of graphite or
from lengths of springy metal and, as the name indicates, "brush" against the commentator, these
"feed" electrical power into the commentator. When electricity is flowing through the circuit, the
coil must be attached for it to continue rotating in the same direction.
The rotor, which rotates the shaft to provide mechanical power, is the moving part of an electric
motor. Conductors are frequently present on the rotor to transport current.
These currents' interactions with the generator's magnetosphere result in the forces needed to rotate
the shaft. Alternatively, some motors put their converters inside their stator, which is the case with
motors that employ permanent magnets.
The rotor may circle around its axis because bearings support it.The bearings are held in place
during a rotation by the motor housing. The motor shaft extends outside the motor through the
bearings to apply the load. The force of the load is greater than the force of its outermost bearing.
The stator, which typically consists of permanent magnets or windings, houses the motor's
electromagnetic circuit. Laminations are the plural form of metal sheets that make up the stator
core. The energy losses that would occur if a solid core were used are decreased by the use of
The "air gap" is the measurement of the rotor-star separation. Since a wide gap has a significant
negative effect on performance, the air gap is often kept as small as is practical.
The major cause of the poor power factor that motors have is due to this. As the air gap widens, the
magnetic current grows. This requires that there be a certain amount of air space. In addition to
mechanical issues, very small gaps can also lead to pressure and losses.
Coils of wire are often encircled by windings, which have magnetic soft iron cores. When these
wires get electricity, magnetic poles begin to form.
Insolent-pole and ion salient-pole configurations are the two main magnetic field pole
configurations utilized in electrical devices. The magnetic field of the pole is produced by a
salient-pole device by looping around it under its surface. The winding is spread in the pole face
slots regardless of the machine type . A segment of the shaded pole of a motor has a winding that
represents the phase of the magnetic field.
Inductors consisting of heavier metals, such as copper bars or sheets or, as an alternative,
aluminum, are sometimes used in motors. Typically, electromagnetic induction provides the power
for them.
Motors occasionally have inductors constructed of thicker metals, such as copper bars or sheets or,
as an alternative, aluminum. The power source for them is generally electromagnetic induction.
While the rotor rotates from pole to pole, stationary brushes in contact with the rotating
commentator provide the motor's armature with current. This provides the machine its greatest
power and brings about the essential current reversal. The motor would halt if there wasn't a
current reversal of this kind.
A DC motor is frequently powered by the slip-ring commentator that was previously explained.
Asynchronous or synchronous, fixed-speed or variable-speed regulated AC motors can be
internally or externally commutated. Both AC and DC electricity can be used to power universal
For fixed-speed regulated AC motors, direct on line or soft start starters are offered.
Variable-speed controlled AC motors can be equipped with a number of power inverter, variable-
frequency drive, or electronic commutator technologies.
The phrase "electronic commentator" is frequently used in applications requiring switching
inductance motors and self-commutated, brushless DC motors.
Dual integrated H-bridge motor drivers are electronic components that are termed integrated
circuits . At their output, motor drivers transform low-current control signals into higher-current
signals, acting as current amplifiers. To enable the motors to run, this higher current signal is
The L293D comes with two integrated H-bridge driver circuits. It can continue to function
normally when driving two DC motors simultaneously in both the forward and reverse
orientations. A single motor is capable of driving two motors.
Logic input is performed on pins 2, 7, 10, and 15. If a logical input of 00 or 11 is given, the
associated motor will shut down. Logics i01 and i10 predict that it will revolve in a clockwise and
an anticlockwise manner, respectively.
For most DC machines and motors, currents larger than 250 mA are required. Among the various
integrated circuits that are available are the 555 timer and ATmega16 microcontroller, to name just
two. But the IC 74 series is unable to deliver this level of current. The ICs above risk harm if they
are directly linked to the motor's o/p. A motor control circuit that can act as a bridge between the
aforementioned motors and ICs is the answer to this issue. An H-bridge motor control circuit may
be built using a relay, an L293D/L298, a transistor, and other parts.
An electrical circuit can be used to provide voltage across a load in either direction. H-bridge
circuits are frequently used in robotics and many other applications to allow DC motors to move
forward and backward.
Among many other devices, power electronic converters use the bulk of these motor control
circuits. A particular motor controller with two H-bridges is required to control a bipolar stepper
Switches S1, S2, S3, and S4 are used to build a four-switch H-bridge. A positive voltage must be
supplied to the motor by closing the S1 and S4 switches. Switching the voltage allows the motor to
operate in the other direction by turning on switches S1 and S4 and turning off switches S2 and S3.
In most cases, the motor is broken and its direction is reversed using an H-bridge motor driver
circuit. The motor's terminals have been severed, which is why it stops abruptly. The motor will
either run freely or come to a stop if the circuit is cut off. The four switches that correspond to the
circuit above can be used for a number of different operations, which are listed in the table below.
The L293D IC is a popular motor driver that enables the DC motor to be run in either direction.
Using this 16-pin integrated circuit, two DC motors may be swiftly controlled in either direction.
According to this, two DC motors might be managed by one L293D IC. Additionally, this IC has
the ability to power silent, robust tiny motors.
Voltage may go in any direction through the motor control circuit of this L293D IC, which
operates on the fundamental H-bridge idea. As far as we know, the voltage needs to be changed in
order for the DC motor to be able to rotate in both directions. Consequently, an H-bridge circuit
employing L293D ICs can drive a motor efficiently.
To detect ultrasonic waves reflected off objects, an ultrasonic sensor must first broadcast ultrasonic
waves into the atmosphere . Automatic door openers, vehicle backup sensors, and intrusion alarm
systems are just a few of the numerous uses for ultrasonic sensors.
New sectors of application, such machinery for industrial automation and automobile electronics,
are expanding in tandem with the information processing industry's rapid growth.
Murata has created a number of ultrasonic sensors that are both small and extremely powerful
using their distinctive, well-recognized production process for piezoelectric ceramics.
Using the details in this catalogue, you may maximise the use of our ultrasonic sensors.
Case Horn
Metal Plate Piezoelectric Ceramics
Lead Terminal
Ultrasonic sensors are weather-sealed for outdoor use to protect against dew, rain, and dust.
Piezoelectric ceramics are used to cover the metal casing's top. The case's entrance is hidden by a
layer of resin.
Metal Case
Piezoelectric Ceramic
Lead Wire
Base Shielding
Acute radiation and accuracy of less than 1 mm are required for industrial robot use. For high
frequency detection, piezoelectric ceramics' vertical thickness vibration mode is used since the
flexure vibration of a typical vibrator cannot provide any useful characteristics over 70 kHz.
The air and the piezoelectric ceramics' acoustic impedances must match in this situation.
Metal Case
Shielding Material
Lead Terminal
An example of a mechanical, electromechanical, or piezoelectric design might be a beeper or
buzzer. Transforming audio into sound is the signal's main goal. It is often utilised in timers, alarm
clocks, computers, printers, and other electronic devices and is powered by DC voltage. A range of
sounds, including alarm, melody, bell, and siren, may be produced depending on the designs.
Below is a diagram of the buzzer's pin configuration. It has two pins, one positive and one
negative. The positive terminal in this scenario is indicated by a longer terminal or the sign "+."
The '-'symbol or short terminal stands in for the negative terminal, While the positive terminal is
indicated by the "+" symbol, the long terminal, and the GND terminal.
• A variation on black.
• The frequency range is 3,300 Hz or less.
• The temperature range for operation is -20 to +60 Celsius.
• a 3 to 24 volt DC operating voltage range
• The sound pressure level at 10 cm is 85 dBA, and the supply current is less than 15 mA.
Types of
Electro Mechanical
The piezoelectric type causes the metal plate to vibrate and produce sound by using the
piezoelectric effect and pulse current of the piezoelectric ceramic, as the name implies. This kind
of buzzer is made up of impedance matchers, housing, resonance boxes, several resonators,
piezoelectric plates, and other parts. LEDs are also used in some buzzer designs.
The housing, vibration diaphragm, magnet, oscillator, solenoid coil, and magnet make up this particular
buzzer's structure. The oscillator that generates the audio signal will start to feed current to the solenoid coil
once the power source is turned on, producing a magnetic field.
Due to the electromagnetic nature of these buzzer subtypes, many of their components are interchangeable.
The vibrating buzzer is outside now instead of within, which is the key distinction.
Electro Mechanical:
These buzzer designs can be created using an electromagnet & a bare metal disc. This works
similarly to electromagnetic and magnetic fields in terms of how it works. It generates sound using
disc movement and magnetism.
Similar to piezo types, magnetic sound generators are also used to create sound, but they operate
fundamentally differently. The magnetic kind operates in a magnetic field, making it more fixed
than the pies type.
Magnetic buzzers use an electric charge to generate a magnetic field rather than piezo materials.
This makes it possible for the buzzer's other component to vibrate and produce sound.
Working Principle:
These crystals propel one conductor and pull the other conductor
through their intrinsic property after determining a potential difference
between them. Thus, a sharp sound signal will be produced as a result
of this continuous motion.
A servo motor is a kind of motor with incredibly accurate rotating capabilities. A control circuit for this
type of motor normally offers feedback on the current location of the motor shaft. This input enables the
servo motors' very accurate rotation. Using a servo motor, an item may be rotated at predefined angles or
lengths. The only component of it is a simple motor that drives a servo mechanism. An AC servo motor is
one that receives its power from an AC power source as opposed to a DC power source. Only the operation
of the DC servo motor will be discussed in this lesson.
A servo is made up of a potentiometer, a gear assembly, a control circuit, and a motor. A gear
assembly is first employed to reduce the motor's RPM and boost its torque. Let's assume that the
potentiometer knob is adjusted so that no electrical signal is generated at the potentiometer's output
port while the servo motor shaft is in its initial position . Now an electrical signal is applied to the
error detection amplifier's second input terminal. Right now, a feedback mechanism will compare
the two signals—one from the potentiometer and the other from outside sources—and output the
result as an error signal.
An electrical current can be used to charge and discharge electrochemical devices, such as
batteries, as needed. One or more electrochemical cells make up the structure. The majority of the
time, electrochemical cells are combined into batteries and coupled to external inputs and outputs.
Small electric appliances like remote controls, flashlights, and mobile phones typically run on
batteries. The combination of two or more electrochemical cells has always been referred to as a
"battery" historically. However, it is thought that the concept of "battery" as it is now used includes
objects with a single cell.
Despite its extreme simplicity, the Arduino IDE offers a setting that is almost perfect for the bulk
of projects that use the Arduino platform. The top menu bar provides access to the common
functions, such as "File" and "Edit".
features for "Sketch," "Tools," and "Help" that allow for copying and pasting. The straightforward
text editor in the centre of the IDE is where the program's code can be entered.
Most sketches for Arduino projects are written in a streamlined version of C++ that omits a
number of C++ features There are various device-specific libraries available since programming a
microcontroller differs from programming a computer in a few ways . People may frequently be
led astray by this and think that Arduino is written in a special "Arduino language." The Arduino,
in comparison, is really written in C++. It only uses particular device libraries.
More complex employ the IDE's built-in features, although the six buttons that are located under
the menu bar will be used by most projects.
• The checkmark serves as a means of code verification. Click here once you have finished
writing your code.
• The arrow triggers the Arduino to upload and execute your code.
• We'll make a new file on the dotted paper.
• An open Arduino project is activated by pressing the up arrow.
• You may save the Current file by using the downward arrow.
• To Press the serial monitor button on the bottom right of the screen to send data from the
Arduino to the PC for debugging.
The release of the IDE's source code is governed under the GNU General Public Licence, version
2. The Arduino IDE uses specific code organisation principles to enable the C and C++
programming languages.A variety of frequently used input and output procedures may be found in
the software library for the Wiring project, which is accessible through the Arduino IDE.
User-written code only requires two necessary functions for the sketch to launch and the main loop, which
are linked with a programmed stub main to produce an executable cyclic executive developed using the
GNU tool chain, which is also included with the IDE.
Writing the sketches needed to create projects for the Arduino often involves using a condensed
version of C++ that eliminates a number of C++ features. There are various device-specific
libraries available since there are several key differences between programming a computer and
programming a microcontroller. This may frequently mislead others into thinking that Arduino
was created in a unique . Only a few device libraries are utilized.
The C and C++ programming languages are supported by the Arduino IDE using a specific set of
code organization standards. Through the Arduino IDE, a software library from the Wiring project
is accessible and supports a variety of frequently used input and output tasks.
In order to generate an executable cyclic executive programmed using the GNU tool chain, which
is also provided with the IDE, just two crucial user-written functions those for starting the sketch
and the main programmed loop are required. These processes make up the programmed, along
with a fake main method.
The Arduino IDE uses argued to convert the executable code into a text file that is hexadecimal-encoded,
which is then loaded into the Arduino board by a loader programmed in the firmware.
The finished product exceeds expectations and operates flawlessly. It is being tested in a room,
which usually yields a positive result.
During a power outage, manually operated floor cleaning equipment works well as a stand-in for
automatic floor cleaning equipment. The structure is straightforward and simple to build. Overall,
the concept is very useful, and there is plenty of room for mechanical component modification.
They'll keep narrowing down their options until they find the best one. Overall, the project is a
success, changing both the robotics and floor cleaning eras without a doubt. The automation
algorithm's target efficiency is 90%, which is far too high given the current situation. In the area of
sensing, we can advance.
Nikhil Murlidhar Chopade Student, Mechanical Department,
DES’sCOET Dhamangaon Rly, India “Modified Floor Cleaning
Machine”InternationalJournal of Emerging Technologies in
Engineering Research (IJETER) Volume 5, Issue 4, April (2017)
Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering