This substance was considered by a previous Working Group in 1978 (IARC, 1979a).
Since that time, new data have become available, and these have been incorporated into the
monograph and taken into consideration in the present evaluation.
1. Exposure Data
1.1 Chemical and physical data
1.1.1 Synonyms, structural and molecular data
Chem. Abstr. Serv Reg. No.: 62-73-7
Replaced CAS Reg. Nos.: 8023-22-1; 8072-21-7; 8072-39-7; 8076-16-2; 11095-17-3;
11096-21-2; 11111-31-2; 11126-72-0; 12772-40-6; 55819-32-4; 62139-95-1; 62655-59-8;
95828-55-0; 116788-91-1
Chem. Abstr. Name: Phosphoric acid, 2,2-dichloroethenyl dimethyl ester
¡UPAC Systematic Name: 2,2-Dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate
Synonyms: 2,2-Dichloroethenol, dimethyl phosphate; dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate;
dimethyl 2,2-dichloroethenyl phosphate; dimethyl 2,2-dichlorovinyl phosphate;
O,O-dimethyl 2,2-dichlorovinyl phosphate; 2,2-dichloroethenyl dimethyl phosphate;
phosphoric acid, 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl ester
H3C - 0 - P - 0 - CH = CCI2
C4H7Cl204P MoL. wt: 221.0
1.1.2 Chemical and physical properties
From AMVAC Chemical Corp. (1986), otherwse specified
(a) Description: Clear, colourless to pale yellow, almost odourless liquid
(b) Boiling-point: 117°C at 10 mm Hg (1.33 kPa)
(c) Melting-point: .c -60°C (AMVAC Chemical Corp., 1990)
(d) Density: 1.422 at 25°C/4°C
(e) Spectroscopy data: Infrared (prism (7721); grating (4455 IP)) spectroscopy data have
been reported (Sadtler Research Laboratories, 1980).
- 267 -
'Calculated from: mg/m3 = (molecular weight/24.45) X ppm, assuming standard temperature (25°C) and
pressure (760 mm Hg £101.3 kPaJ)
1.1.4 Analysis
Selected methods for the analysis of dichlorvos in various matrices are given in Table 1.
Dichlorvos residues can be determined by gas chromatography; the same method can be
used for product analysis. Alternative methods include infrared spectrometry and reaction
with excess iodine, with estimation by titration (WHO, 1989). Several other methods in
various media have been reviewed (Porter, 1964; Anon., 1972; Vevai, 1974; Worthing &
Walker, 1987; WHO, 1989).
Table 1. Methods for the analysis of dichlorvos
Table 1 (contd)
1.2.1 Production
Dichlorvos was first synthesized in the late 1940s (Tinker, 1972). It has been
commercially manufactured and used throughout the world since 1961 (WHO, 1989). It was
first found as a highly insecticidal impurity of trichlorfon (chlorophos) in 1955; trichlorfon is
rapidly converted to dichlorvos at above pH 6 (Eto, 1974). Dichlorvos is manufactured by the
dehydrochlorination of trichlorfon in aqueous alkali at 40-50 °C or by the reaction between
chloral and trimethyl phosphite (WHO, 1989).
Dichlorvos is produced currently in Argentina, Brazil, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, the
Republic of Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA
(Meister, 1990). The present worldwide production of dichlorvos is about 4000 tonnes per
year (WHO, 1989). Worldwide production figures for 1984 were as follows (tonnes): eastern
Europe, 220; western Europe, 300; Latin America, 400; south-east Asia, 500; USA, 500;
Japan, 1100; Middle East, India and Pakistan, 1200 (WHO, 1989).
1.2.2 Use
Dichlorvos is a contact and stomach insecticide with fumigant and penetrant action. It is
used as granules or impregnated resin to control internaI and external parasites (especially
fleas and ticks) in livestock and as aerosols or liquid sprays or as impregnated cellulose,
ceramic or resin strips to control insects in houses, buildings and outdoor areas (especially
fles and mosquitos). It is also used to protect certain crops (and other plants) from insects in
the field and in storage. Dichlorvos is not generally applied directly to soil, but it is added to
water to control parasites in the case of intensive fish farming (WHO, 1989). It is used as an
antihelminthic by incorporation in animal feeds (Worthing & Walker, 1987).
Worldwide, it is estimated that 60% is used in plant protection, 30% for public health
and vector control and 10% to protect stored products (WHO, 1989).
ln the USA, in 1971, 16 tonnes of dichlorvos were used on crops (mainly tobacco) and
1100 tonnes were used on livestock and livestock buildings; in 1976, 50 tonnes were used on
crops and 390 on livestock. ln 1975, 80% of the dichlorvos produced in the USA was
formulated into polyvnyl chloride resin strips containing 20% byweight of dichlorvos, which
were used primarily in households. These strips were first marketed in 1967 to control flies
and mosquitoes in the home; they were introduced earlier in dairy and poultry operations.
FIea collars containing dichlorvos, for dogs and cats, have also been commercially marketed
(Santodonato et al., 1985).
ln the USA in 1980, the yearly agricultural usage of dichlorvos (active ingredient) was
estimated as follows (tonnes): dairy cattle, 340; beef cattle, 30; hogs, 6; poultry, 2; and other
livestock, 14; about 50 tonnes were used for treatment of tobacco. Overall, 680-1200 tonnes
of dichlorvos were used for agricultural uses, 450 tonnes for public health and about 450
tonnes for household use (US Environmental Protection Agency, 1980). Less than 450
tonnes of dichlorvos (active ingredient) are believed to have been used in the USA in 1989.
ln Finland, about 1500 kg (active ingredient) of dichlorvos were sold in 1988
(Agrochemical Producers' Association of Finland, 1989).
1.3 Occurrence
1.3.1 Air
Dichlorvos is degraded rapidly in air, the rate depending on humidity. The method of
application is an important factor in determining its concentration in air (Gillett et al.,
Examples of indoor air concentrations resulting from household and public health use
are shown in Table 2 (WHO, 1989).
The highest exposure recorded in a vaporizer production plant and its packaging rooms
was 3 mg/m3, with an average value of 0.7 mg/m3 (Menz et aL., 1974). The mean concen-
tration of dichlorvos in air did not exceed 0.5 ppb (0.005 mg/m3) in the office and insecticide
storage rooms of commercial pest control buildings and 0.1 ppb (0.001 mg/m3) in vehicles
(Wright & Leidy, 1980).
Dichlorvos was sprayed at 8 ml active ingredientllOO m3 in a unit used for mushroom
cultures, and kept cIosed for 24 h. The air concentration decreased from 3.3 to 0.006 mg/m3
in 24 h. The unit was also treated with paper strips drenched in 50% dichlorvos formulations
(40 ml/l00 m3), which gave air concentrations of 0.38 and 0.024 mg/m3 at 3 and 24 h,
respectively (Grübner, 1972).
Following weekly 6-h applications, the maximum concentrations of dichlorvos observed
in a large warehouse ranged from 2.4 to 7 mg/m3. The amount of dichlorvos dispensed per
application was 25-59 mg/m3, which resulted in average air concentrations after eight
applications of 4 mg/m3 (Gilenwater et al., 1971).
The work place concentration resulting from hot spraying of dichlorvos in six
greenhouses at 0.4 ml/m3 was 7-24 mg/m3 (average, 16 mg/m3) (Wagner & Hoyer, 1975).
Spraying of 12 glass and plastic greenhouses gave concentrations between 0.7 and 2.7 mg/m3
(average, 1.3 mg/m3). Field application by spraying resulted in air concentrations of
0.01-0.26 mg/m3 (average, 0.08 mg/m3) (as reported by WHO, 1989). The air concentration
of dichlorvos in greenhouses immediately after spraying with 0.2-0.3% dichlorvos solutions
was 1.2 mg/m3, which decreased to 0.01 mg/m3 within 24 h. Disturbing the plants resulted in
an increase of 10-26% in the dichlorvos concentration in air (Zotov et aL., 1977).
ln a study designed to test the aeration period needed for safe reentry into a room
following dichlorvos treatment with a pressurized home-fogger, the air levels after 30 min
Table 2. Indoor air concentrations of dichlorvos following various applications a
Location Application Doseb Temperature RHC Ventilation Time after Concentration
C) (%) application (mg/m3)
Food shops Resin strips 1 strip/30 m 3 Normal First week 0.03
4 weeks 0.02
10 weeks 0.01
Houses Resin strips 1 strip/30 m3 18-35 20-60 Normal First week 0.06-0.17
2-3 weeks 0.01
Hospital wards Resin strips 1 strip/30 m 3 20-27 35-70 Varied Several days
20-30 days
Hospital wards Strips of paper 0.2 ml ai/m3 - - 2h 3 days 0.06
drenched in 50% 0.2 ml ai/m3 17 - 2h 66 h 0.1-0.3
dichlorvos solution 0.2 ml ai/m3 17 - 2h 90 h 0.3 ~
hanging in rooms for 0.8 ml ai/m3 30 High 2h 3h 3.7
24-36 h 46 h 0.6 0
Houses 0.5% solution 225 or 1200 ml 26 47-60 None 0 0.4
according to typical 8h 0.2 ~
pest control practice 24 h -: 0.1
Bathroom 0.5% solution wall
25 ml 26 60 None 0 1.1
(sealed) spray 4h 0.3 ~
24 h -: 0.1
Living room Spray cans 2.3 mg ai/m3 20- 22 30 min 0 0.24 8
(experimental) 1h 0 0.13 ~
Fogging 240 mg ai/m3 20-22 None 1h 37 VI
None 24 h 5.5
1h 1h 2.5
120 h 1h -:0.2
Apartmentsd 0.5% solution 190 mg ai/m 3 26 82 - 0-2 h 0.5
2-24 h 0.2
were below the industrial workplace permissible exposure level of 1 mg/m3. Without
ventilation, 18 h were required to reach an acceptable IeveI. Because of concern for the
health of infants and elderly persons, the acceptable level for homes was established at 1/40
of the permissible exposure leveI. Rooms treated with this tye of applicator and ventilated
after treatment were considered safe for reentry after 10 h (as reported by WHO, 1989).
Monitoring of mushroom-growing houses in the USA gave air concentrations of
0.1 mg/m3; swabs of exposed surfaces revealed maximal residues of 0.026 l1g/cm2 (as
reported by WHO, 1989).
ln houses treated for pest control with 230-330 g dichlorvos as an aerosol and 40-50 g as
emulsion spray, the mean dichlorvos residue on surfaces was 0.24 l1g/cm2 at the end of day 1
and decreased to 0.06 l1g/cm2 by day 5 (Das et al., (1983).
1.3.2 Uiter
ln water, dichlorvos is hydrolysed into dimethyl phosphoric acid and dichloroacetic acid
(WHO, 1989).
1.3.3 Soi!
Dichlorvos is rapidly lost from leaf surfaces by volatilization and hydrolysis, with a
half-time of only a few hours. A small amount penetrates the waxy layers of plant tissues,
where it may persist for longer (FAO/WHO, 1971).
ln California, the estimated safe level of dislodgeable foliar dichlorvos from turf is
0.06l1g/cm2 (WHO, 1989). Studies by Goh et aL. (1986a,b) found that dislodgeable foliar
dichlorvos residues decreased rapidly after 2-6 h and were not detectable after 24-48 h.
1.3.5 Food
Data on residues in food commodities resulting from pre- and post-harvest treatment
and from use on animaIs were summarized by FAO/WHO (1967, 1968, 1971, 1975).
ln Canada, of262 bovine and porcine fat samples analysed between 1973 and 1981, only
one was contaminated with dichlorvos (Frank et al., 1983). ln a national surveilence
programme in Canada, 1984-85 to 1988-89, no residue was found in 898 samples of fruit,
vegetables, meat or wine (Government of Canada, 1990).
Normally, dichlorvos residues present in food are destroyed by washing and cooking.
Abbott et aL. (1970) confirmed the absence of residues in a total-diet study in the United
Kingdom, 1966-67, finding no dichlorvos in 462 samples. A total-diet study carried out In the
USA from 1975 to 1976 gave similar results (Johnson et al., 1981).
Food, meals and unwrapped ready-to-eat foodstuffs exposed to dichlorvos from resin
strips had mean residue levels of -c 0.05 mg/kg (range, c( 0.01-0.1 mg/kg) (Elgar et al.,
1972a,b) and -c 0.02 mg/kg (Collins & deVries, 1973). No residue of dichloroacetaldehyde
(-c 0.03 mg/kg) was detected in the ready-to-eat foodstuffs (Elgar et al., 1972b). Food and
beverages exposed to air concentrations of 0.04-0.58 mg/m3 for 30 min contained dichlorvos
residues of 0.005-0.5 mg/kg, except for margarine which had up to 1.7 mg/kg (Dale et aL.,
1.3.6 Occupational exposure
Mixed dermal and inhalation exposures were assessed for 13 professional pesticide
applicators after a day's work spraying dichlorvos preparations. Absorbent pads recorded
average exposures of 0.08 l1g/cm2 on the back and 0.04 l1g/cm2 on the chest. Levels found in
respirator filters were 1.1 l1g/cm2, in contrast to surface residues of 0.04-0.5 l1g/cm2
measured at various sites around the treated houses. Although the men wore protective
equipment, sorne absorption of dichlorvos occurred, as shown by the recovery of 0.32-1.4 l1g
dimethylphosphate from their urine (Das et al., 1983).
1.4 Regulations and guidelines
The FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues evaluated dichlorvos at its
meetings in 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1974 and 1977 (FAO/WHO, 1965, 1967, 1968,
1970, 1971, 1975, 1978). ln 1966, the Meeting established an acceptable daily intake for
humans of 0.004 mg/kg bw (FAO/WHO, 1967).
Maximum residue levels have been established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission
for dichlorvos in or on the following agricultural commodities (in mg/kg): fruit (e.g., apples,
peaches, pears, strawberries), 0.1; mushrooms and vegetables (except lettuce), 0.5; head
lettuce, 1; cereal grains, coffee beans, dried lentils, dried soya beans and peanuts, 2; and
cacao beans, 5. As such residues decline rapidly during storage and shipment, these limits are
based on residues likely to be found at harvest (Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues,
Maxmum residue limits have also been established by the Codex Alimentarius
Commission for dichlorvos in or on the following animal commodities (in mg/kg): milk, 0.02;
eggs, goat meat, meat of cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry, 0.05, based on residues likely to be
found at slaughter (Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues, 1990).
ln the USSR, dichlorvos residues are not allowed in fishing are
as; however, a level of
0.1 mg/l was established for other surface waters (Izmerov, 1984).
National and regional pesticide residue limits for dichlorvos in foods are presented in
Table 3.
Table 3. National and regional pesticide residue limits for dichlorvos in foosa
Country or Residue limit Commodities
region (mg/kg)
Table 3 (contd)
Table 3 (contd)
Table 3 (contd)
Table 3 (contd)
Occupational exposure limits and guidelines for dichlorvos in sorne countries and
regions are given in Table 4.
Table 4 (contd)
ln a case series, four children with aplastic anaemia and one with acute lymphoblastic
leukaemia were reported by their parents to have been exposed at home to dichlorvos and
propoxur (Reeves et al., 1981).
ln a case-control study of leukaemia in the USA (Brown et aL., 1990), described in detail
in the monograph on occupational exposure in spraying and application of insecticides
(p. 68), significant excesses of leukaemia were noted among farmers who reported use of
dichlorvos on animaIs (odds ratio, 2.0; 95% confidence interval (Ci), 1.2-3.5). Risks were
greater among those who had first used dichlorvos 20 or more years before diagnosis of
leukaemia (odds ratio, 2.4; 95% Ci, 1.1-5.4). The risks were greatest among farmers who
used dichlorvos on animaIs on 10 or more days per year (odds ratio, 3.8; 95 % Ci, 1.0-14.8).
The risk for leukaemia in this study was also associated with use of other agricultural
pesticides, including crotoxyhos, famphur, pyrethrins, methoxychlor, nicotine and DDi:
and It was not possible to evaluate exposure to dichlorvos in the absence of these other
3.1.1 Mouse
Groups of 50 male and 50 female B6C3Fi hybrid mice, five to seven weeks of age, were
fed technical-grade dichlorvos (minimum purity, 94%) in the diet at initial doses of 1000 and
2000 mg/kg. After two weeks, the doses were reduced to 300 and 600 mg/kg of diet,
respectively, due to severe toxicity, and treated animaIs were maintained at these dietary
levels for 78 weeks followed by 12- 14 weeks on dichlorvos-free diets, after which time (92-94
weeks) the animais were kiled and necropsied. The measured time-weighted average doses
were 318 and 635 mg/kg of diet, respectively. Groups of 10 male and 10 female mice that
served as matched controls were maintained on dichlorvos-free diets for 92 weeks; further
control data were obtained from pooled control animaIs (100 males and 80 females). ln
females, 13/50 low-dose animaIs died before week 90; survival to 90 weeks was greater th an
84% in aIl other groups. Average weights of high-dose males and females were generally
an those of the low-dose and control groups, but the differences did not exceed 10%.
lower th
The only findings of note were two squamous-cell carcinomas of the oesophagus (in one
low-dose male and one high-dose female), one papilloma of the oesophagus (in a high-dose
female) and three cases of focal hyperplasia of the oesophageal epithelium (in three
low-dose males) (US National Cancer Institute, 1977). (The Working Group noted the short
duration of treatment.j
Groups of 50 male and 50 female B6C3Fi mice, eight weeks of age, were administered 0,
10 or 20 (males) and 0, 20 or 40 mg/kg bw (females) dichlorvos (99% pure) in corn oil by
gavage per day on five days per week for 103 weeks. Survival was not affected by treatment.
The incidence of squamous-cell papillomas of the forestomach was increased in males and
females. A significant dose-response trend for the incidence of squamous-cell papilomas
was seen in males (1/50 control, 1/50 low-dose, 5/50 high-dose; p = 0.032) and in females
(5/49 control, 6/49 low-dose, 18/50 high-dose; p = 0.002). ln females, the incidence in the
high-dose group was significantly greater than that in controls (p = 0.004). Two of 50
high-dose females also had squamous-cell carcinomas (US National Toxicology Pro gram,
3.1.2 Rat
Groups of 50 male and 50 female Osborne-Mendel rats, five to seven weeks of age, were
fed diets containing 150 or 1000 mg/kg of di et technical-grade dichlorvos (minimum purity,
94%); due to severe toxicity, the high-dose was reduced to 300 mg/kg of di et after three
weeks. Both groups were treated for 80 weeks and were maintained for a further 30 weeks on
a dichlorvos-free diet. Time-weighted average doses were 150 and 326 mg/kg of diet,
respectively. Groups of 10 males and 10 females served as matched controls and groups of 60
animaIs of each sex as pooled con troIs. Weight gain was consistently lower in high-dose
groups than in low-dose and control groups. No significant difference in survval was
observed between treated and control groups at 105 weeks. The incidence of malignant
fibrous histiocyomas in male rats showed a statistically significant trend (pooled control,
2/58; low-dose, 4/48; high-dose, 8/50;p = 0.018); a histiocyoma occurred in 1/10 matched
male controls (US National Cancer Institute, 1977). (The Working Group noted the short
duration of treatment).
Technical-grade dichlorvos (97% purity) was administered by gavage in water to 70 male
and 70 female rats (inbred strain BD IX/Bln), six to eight weeks of age, at a dose of 0.1 mg per
animal twce a week; or to 99 male and 99 female rats at a dose of 0.1 mg per animal three
times a week for 60 weeks. Groups of 59 male and 60 female rats served as vehicle controls.
AnimaIs were kiled 111 weeks after the beginning of treatment. There was no difference in
median survval times between treated and control animaIs. Forestomach papillomas were
observed in two males and in one female that received 0.3 mg dichlorvos. One male and one
female rat receiving 0.3 mg had two and five papillomas of the urinary bladder, respectively
(Horn et aL., 1988). (The Working Group noted the short duration of exposure.)
Groups of 50 male and 50 female Fischer 344/N rats, seven weeks of age, were
administered 0, 4 or 8 mg/kg bw dichlorvos (99% pure) per day in corn oil by gavage on five
days per week for 103 weeks. Survival was 31/50 control, 25/50 low-dose and 24/50 high-dose
males and 31/50 control, 26/50 low-dose and 24/50 high-dose females; body weight gain was
not affected by administration of dichlorvos. The incidence of acinar-cell adenomas of the
pancreas was increased in treated males (16/50 control, 25/49 low-dose and 30/50 high-dose;
p -: 0.001 for trend). Further examination of horizontal sections of aIl pancreases revealed
increases of reduced statistical significance (25/50,30/50 and 33/50; (p for trend = -: 0.05)).
There were also more male rats with multiple adenomas in the treated groups th
an among
con troIs (2/50, 7/49 and 13/50). Mononuclear-cell leukaemia occurred with a significant
dose-response trend in male rats (p = 0.0 Il), and the incidence in each of the treated groups
was significantly greater than that in controls (11/50 control, 20/50 low-dose and 21/50
high-dose males). ln females, fibroadenomas and adenomas of the mammary gland occurred
with a significant dose-response trend (p = 0.028), and the incidence in both treated groups
was significantly greater than that in controls (9/50 control, 19/50 low-dose and 17/50
high-dose females). Two female rats in the control group and two in the low-dose group had
carcinomas of the mammary gland (US National Toxicology Program, 1989).
Rat: Groups of 50 male and 50 female Carworth Farm E strain rats, five weeks of age,
were exposed continuously to atmospheres containing 0 (control), 0.05, 0.5 or 5 mg/m3
technical-grade dichlorvos (purity, :; 97%) for 104 weeks. The mean values for the entire
test period were 0.05, 0.48 and 4.7 mg/m3 (range :i 20%). AlI treated groups showed
decreased weight gain compared with controls, especially in the high-dose group. The
numbers of males survving at 99-102 weeks were 11/50 control, 21/50 low-dose, 15/50
mid-dose and 32/50 high-dose; survval in females at 104 weeks was 22/47 control, 27/47
low-dose, 26/47 mid-dose and 34/47 high-dose. Complete necropsy and histopathologywere
performed on 20-32% of males and 22-38% of females, reducing the effective numbers of
animaIs per group to between 10 and 18. No significant Increase in tumour incidence could
be attributed to treatment (Blair et al., 1976). (The Working Group noted the small numbers
of animaIs submitted for complete necropsy.l
Studies of cancer in ex¡erimental animaIs are summarized in Table 5.
US National Cancer Mouse M 1 n diet for 80 Dose (mglg of diet)a 0 0 318 635
Institute (1977) B63F¡ weeks Oesophageal carcinoma
F ln diet for 80 Dose (mglg of diet) 0 0 318 635 No significant
US National Mouse M
Oesophageal carcinoma
Oesophageal papilloma
increase in
tumours -~
Toxicology Program
Gavage, 5 Dose (mg/g bw) 0 10 20 -
B6C3F¡ days/week for
(1989) 103 weeks
Forestomach papilloma 1/50 1/50 5/50 p = 0.032 trend fi
F ~
Gavage, 5
days/week for
Dose (mglg bw)
Forestomach papilloma
0 20 4D 0
5/49 6/49 18/50 p = 0.002 trend
103 weeks Forestomach carcinoma 0/49 0/49 2/50
US National Cancer
Institute (1977)
Rat Osborne-
M ln diet for 80
Dose (rnglg of diet)" 0 0 150 326 0
Malignant fibraus histiocytomas 1/10 2/58 4/48 8/50 p = 0.018 trend
F ln diet for 80 Dose (mglg of diet) 0 0 150 326 No significant ~
increase in ::
Horn et al. (1988) Rat M Gavage, 2 or Dose (mg/animal) per week ~
BDIX/Bln 3 per week for Forestomach papillomas
0.1 X 2
0.1 X 3
2/26 NS Number of
60 weeks Urinary bladder papillornas 0/55 0/65 1/95 NS animaIs with B
F Gavage 2 or 3 Dose (mg/animal) per week
per week for 60 Forestomach papillomas
0 0.1 X 2 0.1 X 3 tr
0/22 0/20 1/38 NS Number of VI
weeks Urinary bladder papillomas 0/6 0/7 1/10 NS animais with
US National Rat Fischer M Gavage, 5 Dose (mglg bw) 0 4 8
Toxicology Program 344/N days/weeks for Pancreatic acinar-cell adenomas 25/50 30/50 33/50 p -c 0.05 trend
(1989) 103 weeks Mononuclear-cll leukaemia ll50 20/50 21/50 p = 0.011 trend
F Gavage, 5 Dose (mglg bw) 0 4 8
days/weeks for Pancreatic acinar-cell adenomas 2/50 3/50 6/50 NS
103 weeks Mammary fibraadenomas/adenomas 9/50 19/50 17/50 P = 0.028 trend
"araups: 0, matched contraIs; 1, poled contraIs
4.2.1 Humans
The adverse effects of dichlorvos in humans have been reviewed (Cavagna & Vigliani,
1970; Gilett et al., 1972a,b; Hayes, 1982). Depression of plasma cholinesterase is the most
sensitive indicator of exposure to dichlorvos but is not necessarily an indicator of toxicity. At
higher dose levels, red blood cell cholinesterase may also be affected.
Dichlorvos was administered in the form of slow-release polyvnyl resin formulation
pellets as single doses (1-32 mg/kg bw) to 107 men and as repeated dosesO-32 mg/kg bwper
day for 2-7 days; 1-16 mg/kg bw per day for up to three weeks) to 38 men. Maximal plasma
cholinesterase depression occurred at approximately 6 mg/kg bw (single dose) and 1 mg/kg
bw per day (repeated dose over three weeks). The single-dose threshold for plasma
cholinesterase depression was approximately 1-3 mg/kg bw. Redblood cell cholinesterase
activity was depressed at doses approximately four-.fold higher. While the incidence of
transient gastrointestinal and central nervous system-related subjective effects which
accompanied the cholinesterase depression was relatively low at the lowest dose rates, they
were sufficiently adverse to cause subjects given repeated doses of 8-32 mg/kg bw per day to
withdraw from the study (Slomka & Hine, 1981).
Airborne levels of dichlorvos which cause slight to moderate cholinesterase depression
have been reported to be 0.7 mg/m3 average over one year in factory workers producing
dichlorvos vaporizers (Menz et al., 1974) and 0.1 mg/m3 for 24 h per day in children and
adults hospitalized for various periods in wards provided with dichlorvos-impregnated
plastic strips. Plasma (but not red blood cell) cholinesterase levels were slightly depressed in
Il hospitalized babies exposed to air levels of over 0.1 mg/m3 for 24 h per day, but children of
2-7 years were not affected at the same exposure level for 16 h per day (Cavagna et aL., 1969).
As reported in an abstract, neither plasma nor red blood cell cholinesterase depression was
found in 22 newborn babies when the average air levels of dichlorvos were reported to be up
to 0.159 mg/m3 (Vigliani, 1971).
Lethal exposures to dichlorvos have been reported in connection with accidental
splashing of a concentrated formulation, coupled with failure to wash the material off
(Hayes, 1982). A case of systemic poisoning resulted from an accident in which dichlorvos
spray leaked down a man's back (Bisby & Simpson, 1975). Another accidental incident of
skin contact resulted in symptomatic effects followed by the development of a persistent
contact dermatitis (Mathias, 1983).
The toxicology of dichlorvos in experimental animaIs has been reviewed (Attfield &
Webster, 1966; Gilett et al., 1972a,b; Anon., 1974; Wright et al., 1979).
Dichlorvos is acutely neurotoxic by virtue of its ability to inhibit brain cholinesterase.
The acute oral LDso in rats was cited as 56-80 (Durham et al., 1957) and 25-30 mg/kg bw
(Ben-Dyke et al., 1970) and that in mice as 140-275 mg/kg bw(Anon., 1974; Holmstedt al.,
1978). The oral LDso of dichlorvos in young pigs was 157 mg/kg bw; no death occurred in
animais administered up to 100 mg/kg of a polyvnyl chloride formulation of dichlorvos
(Stanton et al., 1979). The large range cited for the dermal LDso (75-900 mg/kg bw) in rats
suggests that skin absorption is vehicle-dependent (Jones et al., 1968).
Exposures after which cholinesterase depression was the only discernible toxic effect
include two-year inhalation exposure of rats to 0.5-5 mg/m3 (Blair et al., 1976), 90-day
feeding of 0.4-70 mg/kg bw per day to rats (effects observed at 3.5 mg/kg per day and above;
Durham et al., 1957), administration for 30 days of 1- 16 mg/kg bw per day in polyvnyl
chloride pellets to pigs (Stanton et al., 1979) and administration for 10-21 days of
10-80 mg/kg bw per day in polyvnyl chloride pellets to rhesus monkeys (Hass et al., 1972).
Dichlorvos has been ascribed only a slight risk of causing delayed neuropathy, because
doses that inhibit neuropathy target esterase and result in ataxia in hens exceed the LDso by
several fold; protection with atropine is required if the test is to be completed (Johnson,
1978; Caroldi & Lotti, 1981; Johnson, 1981).
Both humoral immune response and cell-mediated immunity were inhibited in rabbits
treated orally with dichlorvos for five days a week for up to five to six weeks at high dose rates
(0.31-2.5 mg/kg bw: 2.5-20% of the LDso; Dési et al., 1978, 1980). Immunosuppression was
also observed in mice given 120 mg/kg bw orally, but the authors commented that this
phenomenon, seen with other organophosphonates and the cholinomimetic compound,
arecoline, may be secondary to a profound cholinergic stimulation (Casale et al., 1983).
The diurnal rhythm of the pituitary/adrenal axis was altered in rats given 2 ppm (mg/l)
dichlorvos in the drinking-water for two weeks (approximate intake, 0.3 mg/kg bw per day),
causing changes in plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone levels and adrenal cholesterol
ester concentrations. While adrenocorticotrophic hormone secretion is believed to be
acetylcholine-sensitive, there was no detectable change in cholinesterase activity (Civen et
al., 1980).
Reactions with macromolecules: Dichlorvos is a phosphorylating and alkylating agent
(Wright et al., 1979). 4-Nitrobenzylpyridine is alkylated by dichlorvos (half-time, 28 min)
more slowly th an methyl methanesulfonate (half-time, 9.6 min). Metabolites of dichlorvos
did not react with 4-nitrobenzylpyridine in this system (Bedford & Robinson, 1972). The
relative reactivity of dichlorvos toward 4-nitrobenzyIpyridine and acetylcholinesterase was
greatly in favour of esterase phosphorylation (WHO, 1989), indicating that dichlorvos-
associated methylatión' of DNA purines may not be as important in vivo as the esterase
phosphorylation reaction (Wright et aL., 1979; Wooder et aL., 1977).
There may appear to be some conflict between this conclusion and the detection of
radiolabelled N-7-methylated guanine in mouse urine following administration of
(14C-methyl)- or (3H-methyl)-dichlorvos (24-90 ¡.Ci intraperitoneally or an estimated
8.5-11 J.Ci by inhalation) (Wennerberg & Löfroth, 1974). Since, however, methylated
purines occur naturally in urine and p4C-methyl)-dichlorvos metabolites enter the 1- and
2-carbon metabolic pool, it has been suggested that the mechanism of methylation may be
indirect (Wooder & Wright, 1981). No N-7-guanine methylation was found in the DNA of
lung, liver, heart, brain, testes or spleen of 20 rats exposed to p4C-methyI)-dichlorvos by
inhalation at 0.064 J.g/l for 12 h (estimated total dose, 6 J.g; specifie activity, 113 J.Ci/mmol;
resulting in. a DNA detection limit of 0.000001 % of the dose) (Wooder et al., 1977).
Segerbäck and Ehrenberg (1981) also concluded that the likelihood of DNA
methylation after dosing with dichlorvos in vivo is extremely smalL. Their estimate of the
amount of DNA methylation in mice after intraperitoneal dosing with 1.9 J.mol/kg bw
(0.42 mg/kg) is of the order of 8 x 10-13 mol methyl per gram of DNA.
4.3 Reproductive and developmental efTects
4.3.1 Humans
No data were available to the Working Group.
4.3.2 Experimental systems
Female Sherman rats were treated intraperitoneally with dichlorvos at 15 mg/kg bw in
peanut oil on day 11 of gestation. No difference was noted in weight gain, number offetuses
per litter, number of resorptions per pregnant rat or weight of the fetuses or placentae on day
20 of gestation. Three omphalocoeles occurred among 41 offspring in the treated group, but
no malformation was noted among controls (Kimbrough & Gaines, 1968).
No adverse developmental effect was observed in CF-1 mice administered the maximal
tolerated dose by gavage on days 6-15 of gestation or in New Zealand rabbits administered
60 and 5 mg/kg bw per day on days 6-18 of gestation or by inhalation at 4 mg/m3 for 7 h per
day (Schwetz et al., 1979).
Pregnant rabbits were treated (route not given) with dichlorvos at a dose of 6 mg/kg bw
per day for the last 10 days of gestation. Light-microscopic examination of the brains of six
pups from treated and six from untreated dams sacrificed at birth revealed no alteration in
brain morphology; electron microscopie examination suggested 'immaturity' or delay in
brain development in the treated animaIs. Synaptic junctions quantified in the motor cortex
using electron microscopy were considered to be immature (Dambska et aL., 1979). (The
Working Group noted the lack of adequate con troIs and the poor description of the study. i
Carworth E rats and Dutch rabbits were exposed to dichlorvos in air at concentrations of
up to 6.25 mg/m3 and 4 mg/m3, respectively, for 23 h per day on seven days per week from the
day of mating until the end of gestation. These treatments produced a dose-dependent
decrease in plasma, red cell and brain cholinesterase activity in both species but had no effect
on the number of pregnancies, the number of resorptions, the number of fetal deaths, litter
size or fetal weight in rats or rabbits (Thorpe et al., 1972).
ln pregnant sows fed a polyvnyl chloride formulation of dichlorvos at doses of 5 or
25 mg/kg bw per day for the last 30 days of gestation, no alteration in reproductive
performance was observed. Plasma and red cell cholinesterase activities and, at the high
dose, myometrial acetylcholinesterase activity were decreased in the sows; the rhomb-
encephalic acetylcholinesterase level was increased in fetuses (Stan
ton et aL., i 979).
4.4 Genetic and related effects (see also Table 6 and Appendices 1 and 2)
4.4.1 Humans
No data were available to the Working Group.
The genetic activity of dichlorvos has been reviewed (Ramel et al., 1980).
ln bacteria, dichlorvos bound covalently to DNA, RNA and protein and caused DNA
damage and point mutations. Bacterial mutagenicity was reduced in the presence of liver
preparations. Dichlorvos induced gene conversion, mutation and aneuploidy in yeast and
fungi, and mutation, chromosomal aberrations and micronucleus formation in plants. ln
Drosophila melanogaster, chromosomal aberrations but not sex-linked recessive lethal
mutation were induced. Autosomal lethal and polygenic viability mutations were induced in
D. melanogaster by treatment over multiple generations. (The Working Group considered
that these tests are not weIl validated.) ln mammalian cells in vitro, dichlorvos caused DN A
strand breaks, mutation, sister chromatid exchange, chromosomal aberrations and cell
transformation. ln human cells in vitro, it induced unscheduled DNA synthesis but neither
chromosomal aberrations nor sister chromatid exchange.
No significant response was observed in vivo in any of the mammalian tests used for the
induction of unscheduled DNA synthesis, sister chromatid exchange, micronucleus
formation, chromosomal aberrations or dominant lethal mutation.
Dichlorvos has been used widely as an insecticide since 1961 to control internaI and
external parasites in livestock and domestic animaIs, to control insects in houses, and in crop
Dichlorvos has been formulated for use as dusts, granules, pellets/tablets, impregnated
resin strips and concentra tes.
Household and public health uses represent the main sources of human exposure to
dichlorvos. Exposure may also occur during its production and application.
Table 6. Genetic and related etTects of dichlorvos
S S S .§ .§ .§ .§ .§ .§ .§ § .; E .9 .9 ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ '5 .g tl tl '" .;!
"'''''.......;.;.;...;S ",;:;:SSS sssS (l'5§§ § ~
(l (l (l ~ ~ ~...... ~~;: (l ~ ~ '5 '5 E '5 '5 '5 '5 S ce ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~(l
i. i.~ (l(l
(l E(lE'"
~i. ~'"
s~(!~'"U ~(l ~(l
~'" i.~(!
(l ~i. tl(l
c:Suu u c:
i:(l~ ~o¡;
"''''''''''''''';; i.~-~~~-~;;(lce(l(l~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i. ~ i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 Oû Oû..
:: :: :: (l (l (l (!~ (l~ (l
S;S;S;;;;;~;;~;;;;;; (l ~(l.~:! ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ::~::~00
~i.(l(li.i.~~i.i. _~~Noiûiûiûiû
i:.. ~~~~
N N N~.-~ ..i.~...... ~~
"0 ~ ~1 ir;: li~ ir ir \C \0 00 ;; ~._.~ ~'~'~'ë:'ë:
.~ .~
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.- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ (.
~(.(. 88888888(.(.8(.888888(. (.~(.(. (. g
~- .(.
~ ~
~~ ~.-
~ ~ .. ~~...~
.~~ .~ ~~..~.~
.~ .~-S~ ~ 0..(..~~(..~~-S
.~-S ~ 0- - - -~~...~
.~~~.~~~.~~:s.~ ~:s..~-S
0- .~
.~ ~~-S
.~ ~ ~ 'c
.~.~(..~~~~ ~
cs c~f
~ ..
~ f~ ..~f ..
'-~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ -S -S -S -S
\C ..'"(l ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S ~ ~-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~
u uuu u u ~uu u U ~
.J ..
U u uuuu uuuu u uuuu
P- P- P- P- P- P- P- P- P- P- P- P- ~ P- P- P- ~ P- P- P- P- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Table 6 (contd) ~
Test system Resulta Dosé Reference
Without With
exogenous exogenous
metabolic metabolic
sytem system
ANG, Aspergillus nidulans, genetic crossing-over + ,0 2800.~~ Morpurgo et al. (1977)
SZF, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, forward mutation + (+ ) 330.~~ Gilot-Delhalle et al.
ANR, Aspergillus nidulans, reverse mutation + 0 1400.0000
(1983) ~
Morpurgo et al. (1977)
ANN, Aspergillus nidulans, aneuploidy + 0 80.~~ Morpurgo et al. (1979) ~
HSM, Hordeum species, mutation - 0 166.~~ Bhan & Kaul (1975) ~
HSM, Hordeum species, mutation + 150.~~ 0
0 Panda & Sharma (1979)
HSM, Hordeum species, mutation + 0 500.~~ Singh et al. (1980)
HSM, Hordeum species, mutation + 0 0.~~ Sharma et al. (1983)
TSM, Tradescantia paludosa, mutation - 0 0.~~ Schairer et al. (1978)
TSI, Tradescantia paludosa, micronuclei ~
+ 0 0.~~ Ma et al. (1984) ::
ACC, Allum cepa, chromosomal aberrations + en
0 50.000 Rao et al. (1987)
HSC, Hordeum species, chromosomal aberrations + 55.~~
HSC, Hordeum species, chromosomal aberrations
HSC, Hordeum species, chromosomal aberrations
0 100.~~
Bhan & Kaul (1975)
Panda & Sharma (1979) rCd
+ 0 0.~~ Sharma et al. (1983) ~
VFC, Vicia taba, chromosomal aberrations + 0 125.~~ Amer & Ali (1986) t'
PLC, Capsicum annuum, chromosomal aberrations + 0 500.0000 Devadas et al. (1986)
DMG, Drosophila melanogaster, crossing-over/recombination - 0 350.~~ Jayasuriya & Ratnayake
DMX, Drosophila melanogaster, sex-linked recessive lethal - 0 350.0000 Jayasuriya & Ratnayake
DMX, Drosophila melanogaster, sex-lInked recessive lethal - 0 0.0900 Kramers & Knaap (1978)
DMX, Drosophila melanogaster, sex-linked recessive lethal - 0 0.0700 Sobels & Todd (1979)
*, Drosophila melanogaster, polygenic viability mutations + 0 4.0000 Marcos et al. (1989)
*, Drosophila melanogaster, autosomal recessive lethal + 0 0.7500 Hanna & Dyer (1975)
Table 6 (contd)
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