Giải Chi Tiết Olympic 2016 Lop 11
Giải Chi Tiết Olympic 2016 Lop 11
Giải Chi Tiết Olympic 2016 Lop 11
Đáp án :
1 D
2 D
3 A
4 A
5 C
6 A
7 C
8 B
9 C
10 D
Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.
1. Poor _________ led to the pilot’s decision to request a landing at an alternative airport.
A.visibility B. clarity C. sight
Visibility=how clearly objects can be seen, or how far you can see clearly, usually because of the weather
Clarity=the quality of being clear and easy to understand
Sight = thị giác, thị lực
vision = an idea or mental image of something// the ability to imagine how a country, society, industry, etc.
could develop in the future and to plan for this
2. The deer in the National Park are so accustomed to being fed by visitors thay they are quite __________.
A. trained B. passive C. domestic D. tame
Trained = có huấn luyện, có tập duyệt Passive =thụ động, bị động domestic = nội địa tame =
lành, thuần
3. In order to ___________ stocks of fish to their previous levels, some governments have imposed fishing
A. saveB. restore C. regain D. preserve
Restore = to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position
4. William never works rapidly. He always ____________ in everything that he does.
A. takes his time B. gets on with C. makes a difference D. makes a
big difference
take your time =said to mean that you can spend as much time as you need in doing something, or that you
should slow down //to do something too slowly
make a difference to=to have an important effect on something, especially a good effect
get on with something= to start or continue doing something, especially work
make a (big) difference =to improve a situation or condition in an important way
5. It’s important for all the players on a soccer team to stay ____________.
A. in their hands B. out of touch
C. on their toes D. at heart
"Keep one on one's toes" = khiến bạn trên (đầu) ngón chân -> nghĩa là luôn sẵn sàng cho những tình huống có
thể xảy ra; đề cao cảnh giác, căng như dây đàn, không lơ là...
in the hands of someone= controlled or owned by someone
at heart =used to say what someone is really like
out of touch (with)= not in communication (with)=không liên lạc// not sympathetic or understanding
(towards)=không nhất trí, không có thiện cảm
6. More needs to be done to protect endangered species from ________ who illeagally hunt them.
A. trespassers B. intruders C. poachers D. invaders
Trespasser= a person entering someone's land or property without permission
Intruder = a person who intrudes, especially into a building with criminal intent= kẻ đột nhập
Poacher= kẻ săn bắt bất hợp pháp
Invader= kẻ xâm lược
7. Shortly after receiving her gold medal, the Olympic champion answered questions at a press ___________.
A. conference B. assembly C. discussion D. seminar
discussion (n): thảo luận
assembly (n): hội đồng, cuộc họp của hội đồng
conference (n): cuộc họp rộng rãi để chia sẻ quan điểm
seminar (n): hội nghị chuyên đề
press conference: cuộc họp báo
Tạm dịch: Ngay sau khi nhận được huy chương vàng, nhà vô địch Olympic đã trả lời các câu hỏi tại buổi họp
8. It appears that the hostages were not __________ to any unnecessary suffering.
A. subjugated B. subverted C. subsumed D. subjected
Giải thích: (to) subject sb to sth: bắt ai phải chịu cái gì
(to) subjugate: chinh phục
(to) subsume: xếp vào loại nào đó
(to) subvert: lật đổ, làm biến chất
Dịch nghĩa: Có vẻ như là các con tin đã không phải chịu bất cứ sự đau khổ vô cớ nào
9. If Harold _________ with his piano playing, he could eventually reach concert standard.
A. sustains B. perseveres C. maintains D. survives
To persevere with st: kiên nhẫn, kiên gan, bền chí
Maintain: duy trì Survive: sống sót Sustain: kéo dài
Tạm dịch: Nếu Michael kiên trì chơi đàn, anh ấy cuối cùng có thể đạt đến độ chuẩn nghệ thuật nào đó
10. We talked to each other all night and resolved some of our problems. It’s good to have a proper _________
A. head-to-head B. heart-to-head
C. head-to-heart D. heart-to-heart
heart-to-heart= a serious conversation between two people, usually close friends, in which they talk honestly
about their feelings
Đáp án :
1 A
2 D
3 B
4 A
5 C
6 C
7 A
8 D
9 B
10 D
1. The factory owner is not in the habit of fraternizing _________ his workers.
A. from B. with C. in D. about
Fraternize with = to meet someone socially, especially someone who belongs to an opposing army or team, or
has a different social position
To be in the habit of doing sth =có thói quen làm việc gì
2. All the animals in the forest fled _______ the fire.
A. on B. against C. from D. upon
flee from (someone or something) =To run away from or escape someone or something.= chạy trốn, trốn thoát
khỏi ai, cái gì
3. If you have a grievance ________ the company, please lodge a formal written complaint.
A. from B. with C. in D. about
have a grievance = có mối bất bình
4. My car is guaranteed __________ rust for eight years.
A. against B. with C. in D. about
Guarantee against sth = bảo đảm chống lại cái gì
5. The teacher told me to stop fidgeting ______ and to sit still and concentrate.
A. in B. about C. upon D. into
fidget about =To compulsively move around in a nervous or restless manner.
6. The computer has _______ a long way over the last thirty years.
A. taken on B. come on C. broken down D. put in
have come a long way =to have advanced to an improved or more developed state= đạt được rất nhiều tiến bộ
Take on =Cho phép hành khách lên tàu, tuyển dụng, nhận trách nhiệm
Break down=Bị hỏng (dừng vận hành)
Put in = Cài đặt, thiết lập
7. I heard that they are ________ a new software company in town.
A. putting in B. getting through C. taking back D. setting up
Set up =Chuẩn bị thiết bị, phần mềm, vv, để sử dụng// khởi nghiệp, thành lập công ty
Put in = Cài đặt, thiết lập
Get through =Hoàn thành, vượt qua bài kiểm tra thành công
Take back =Làm ai đó trở nên hoài cổ, thu hồi một tuyên bố
8. I don’t want to go out tonight because I’m __________ for my holidays.
A. saving up B. keeping up C. getting by D. making out
Save up =Dành tiền cho mục đích cụ thể
Keep up =Không để ai đó đi ngủ, duy trì một hành động liên tục
Get by =Chỉ có đủ tiền để sống, Không được chú ý, không phát hiện ra
Make out =Thực hiện trả bằng séc cho ai đó, Hiểu được bản chất hoặc tính cách của ai đó
9. I ________ quite a lot of money when my father died.
A. came into B. looked into C. took off D. let down
Come into = thừa hưởng, thừa kế
Look into = Ngiên cứu, điều tra
Take off =Đạt được tiến bộ lớn, giảm giá 1 mặt hàng, cất cánh ( máy bay )
let down =Thất vọng, hoặc không giữ được trình tự, quy củ
10. Did you manage to _________ to Dennis on the phone yesterday?
A. put in B. get through C. take back D. check in
Get through to somebody = liên lạc hay liên hệ, hoặc vượt qua một tình huống nào đó.
Put in =Cài đặt, thiết lập
Take back =Làm ai đó trở nên hoài cổ, thu hồi một tuyên bố
Check in =Ghi tên là khách trọ hoặc hành khách đi máy bay
Đáp án :
1 B
2 C
3 C
4 A
5 B
6 B
7 D
8 A
9 A
10 B
Read the texts below and decide which answer best fits each space.
TEST 1 (5 pts)
The elephant has some distant relatives called mammoths, which lived in the Stone Age. More than 15,000
years ago people painted pictures of them on cave walls. Then, astonishingly, in 1799, a man walking along the
banks of the River Lena in Siberia (1)_______ a starting discovery. Peering into a wall of ice, he could just see
the shape of a massive, hairy mammoth, apparently (2)_______. He immediately ran away in terror, but several
days later he (3)_______ the courage to return and cut the mammoth’s tusks - its two enormous teeth - out of the
ice to sell them. Mammoth tusks are the biggest teeth of any known creature, some (4)_______ a length of five
meters. These tusks were (5)_______ to good use, protecting the mammoths’ young from other animals, and
brushing away snow.
To most of us, mammoths are probably the most (6)_______ of the elephant’s extinct relatives, but thousands
of years earlier, in the woodlands of eastern North America, lived another of the elephant’s relatives called the
mastodon. Like mammoths, mastodon may also have had a hairy coat, but while mammoths mainly ate grass on
the plains, mastodons (7)_______ to eat twigs and leaves.
We do not know why mastodons became extinct. However, computer studies of the decrease in mammoth
(8)_______ suggest that it was a particular (9)_______ of over-hunting by humans, and changes in the climate at
that time which (10)_______ to their disappearance.
Make a discovery (collo) = thực hiện 1 khám phá, phát hiện về điều gì
2. A. watching out B. watching over C. looking after D. looking out
Look out = to watch what is happening and be careful// to search for and find something
3. A. grew B. felt C. found D. experienced
Grow = lớn lên, phát triển feel = cảm thấy experience = trải qua, trải nghiệm
Find = tìm thấy => find the courage to do sth = tìm thấy sự can đảm để làm gì đó
4. A. increasing B. reaching C. expanding D. completing
Reach = to get to a particular level, especially a high one = đạt đến, lên tói 1 mức độ cụ thể
Increase = tăng lên expand = mở rộng complete = hoàn thành
5. A. put B. held C. set D. kept
Put (something) to good use" = Dùng cái gì một cách có ích lợi và mang lại kết quả quan trọng.
6. A. usual B. frequent C. regular D. familiar
Familiar= quen thuộc, có mối quan hệ khăng khít
Usual =thông thường frequent = thường xuyên regualar = thường xuyên, đều đặn
7. A. preferred B. enjoyed C. desired D. selected
Prefer to do sth = ưa thích làm gì
8. A. quantities B. amounts C. totals D. numbers
Quantity = the amount or number of something, especially that can be measured=> quantity of sth
Amount = a collection or mass, especially of something that cannot be counted=> amounts of sth
Total = tổng cộng = the amount you get when several smaller amounts are added together=> a total of sth / in
Number = số lượng, con số
9. A. combination B. addition C. attachment D. connection
combination = sự kết hợp => a combination of sth
addition = sự bổ sung, thêm vào attachment = đính kèm connection= kết nối
10. A. guided B. caused C. led D. influenced
Lead to = result in = dẫn đến
Đáp án :
1 A
2 D
3 C
4 B
5 A
6 D
7 A
8 D
9 A
10 C
TEST 2 (5 pts)
Originally commissioned 14 years ago, the new British Library was supposed to open in 1990. However, the
project has been (1)_________ by political infighting, poor planning and financial problems. The most recent
(2) __________came in June when inspectors discovered that 60 miles of new metal shelving had started to
(3) __________ and needs to be replaced. That would (4) __________ the opening of the project’s first phase
for another two years. “Things has gone from bad to worse.” Said Brian Lake, secretary of the Regular Readers,
an association of writers and scholars who are not happy with plans for the new library. “It is a grand national
project that has become a great national scandal.”
It sounded like a splendid idea when the government (5)___________ its $164 million project in 1978.
Sophisticated elctronic equipment would help and keep the library’s irreplaceable stock at an optimal (6)
___________ and humidity. A computer-controlled delivery system would provide books to readers within
minutes of a request rather than days. And to serve other needs of the reading public, the library would also
include (7)__________ galleries, a restaurant and a conference hall.
That was the plan, (8)_________ .The start of construction was delayed until 1982 by arguments about
planning and by a change of government. Four years later, members of cabinet ordered a (9) _________ report
and discovered that the committee who were responsible for (10)_________the project hadn’t met in four years.
1. A. delayed B. bothered C. infected D. restricted
Delay = trì hoãn bother = làm phiền, gây khó chịu
Infect= lây nhiễm restrict = hạn chế
2. A. comeback B. setback C. drawback D. cutback
Setback =something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing= sự trở ngại
Drawback = hạn chế, bất lợi comback = sự trở về, đáp lại cutback = sự cắt giảm
3. A. fade B. melt C. rust D. mould
Rust = rỉ sét => dấu hiệu “ metal”
Fade = phai tàn melt = tan chảy mould =đúc khuôn
4. A. distract B. destroy C. postdate D. postpone
Postpone = trì hoãn distract =làm sao nhãng
destroy = phá hỷ postdate = Xảy ra vào ngày tháng chậm hơn
5. A. unveiled B. imposed C. claimed D. manifested
Unveil = tiết lộ impose = áp đặt claim = yêu cầu manifest = bày tỏ, biểu lộ
6. A. temperature B. heat C. cold D. warmth
Temperature = nhiệt dộ heat =nhiệt, hơi nóng cold = lạnh warmth = ấm áp
7. A. exposition B. show C. exhibition D. demonstration
exhibition galleries = phòng triển lãm
8. A. anyway B. especially C. eventually D. meanwhile
Anyway= dù sao đi nữa especially = đặc biệt
Eventually = cuối cùng meanwhile = trong khi
9. A. progression B. progress C. progressive D. progressing
Progress= the process of changing or developing towards an improved situation or condition=> progress report
= báo cáo tiến độ
10. A. guarding B. overlookingC. supervising D. watching
Supervise = giám sát guard = bảo vệ overlook = coi chừng, để ý watch = xem
Đáp án :
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 A
6 A
7 C
8 A
9 B
10 C
Water makes up seventy percent of the Earth’s surface, and people rely on it to sustain life. Rainfall nurtures crops
and restores water supplies. The amount of water on the Earth is constant, meaning that we can neither create
more water nor get rid of it. we can, however, interfere with the water cycle. Water has several forms- liquid,
vapor, and ice - and is constantly changing and being recycled through a process known as the hydrologic cycle.
[ ] A)
The hydrologlc cycle involves inflows, outflows, and storage. [ ] B) When water moves from the ground, for
example, into a river, it is called an outflow for the ground and an inflow for the river. [ ] C) Water is stored
when Ii rests somewhere with relatively little movement. [ ] D)
There are six components to the hydrologlc cycle: evapotranspiration, condensation, precipitation, run-off,
infiltration, and percolation. Evapotranspiration is the combination of evaporation and transpiration. Evaporation
occurs when the sun warms surface water and transforms it into water vapor. Transpiration is the same thing, but
involve plants. Plants soak water up from the ground and then return it to the cycle via the pores in their leaves.
Once again, the sun turns this water into vapor once the water has been evaporated, it rises into the atmosphere.
As the air gets colder at higher altitudes, the water vapor condenses and clings to particles in the air. This is called
condensation and is how clouds are formed. When the clouds get too heavy, droplets fall back to the earth through
a process called precipitation.
Now that the water has been returned to the earth, it can either be intercepted by a water source, or it can land on
the ground. For the water that lands on the ground, one of several things can happen. If there has been a heavy
rain, or if it has rained for a long time, a lot of the water will return to the streams, lakes, and oceans as run-off.
Run-off also depends on the slope of the ground. A steep slope will cause more movement of water. Conversely,
if water movement is minimized, much of the water will infiltrate the soil. Gravity forces the water lower and
lower into the ground through a process called percolation. The permeability of the soil determines the rate at
which percolation occurs. If the soil is very dense, it will hold less water. If it is porous, on the other hand, it will
store more water. The amount of water that can be held in the soil is called its porosity.
The water will continue to move downward until it reaches saturated soil. This means that there is already so
much water in the soil that it can‘t hold any more. An aquifer is any geologic material that can hold water or
allow water to transmit through it. Even solid rock can be an aquifer because water can move through its cracks
and pores.
Ground water is returned to the earth via vegetation. Plants soak up water through their roots and, as
mentioned, return the water to the atmosphere. Outflows also occur naturally via springs. Humans can extract
ground water using wells. Groundwater mining can cause problems for the water table, which is the measure of
water in the ground. Taking too much
water not only reduces the water supply, but it affects the soil. When water is withdrawn, the pores that hold
the water collapse, altering the make-up of the soil. Further, contamination from landfills and septic systems
cause serious problems for the soil and for the plants that rely on it.
When the river reaches the sea, it is an outflow for the river and an
inflow for the sea.
Where would the sentence best fit? Choose the [ ] where the sentence should be
added to the passage.
(A) Paragraph 1, Line 6
(B) Paragraph 2, Line 1
(C) Paragraph 2, Line 3
(D) Paragraph 2, Line 4
Clue: Dấu hiệu “river” => When water moves from the ground, for example, into a river, it is called an outflow
for the ground and an inflow for the river.= Khi nước di chuyển từ mặt đất, ví dụ, vào sông, nó được gọi là dòng
chảy ra khỏi mặt đất và dòng chảy vào sông.
=> Nước sẽ từ lòng đất chảy ra sông và sau đó nước từ sông sẽ đổ ra biển- gồm 1 dòng chảy khỏi sông và một
dòng chảy vào biển
10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
(A) The world’s water supply is diminishing.
(B) Plants are involved in the hydrologic cycle.
(C) People should be careful not to damage the soil.
(D) Solid rock can be on aquifer.
Clue: Transpiration is the same thing, but involve plants. Plants soak water up from the ground and then return it
to the cycle via the pores in their leaves./= Thoát hơi nước là điều tương tự, nhưng liên quan đến thực vật. Thực
vật hấp thụ nước từ mặt đất và sau đó đưa nước trở lại chu trình thông qua các lỗ trên lá của chúng.=>B
- Humans can extract ground water using wells. Groundwater mining can cause problems for the water table,
which is the measure of water in the ground. Taking too much water not only reduces the water supply, but it
affects the soil.= on người có thể khai thác nước ngầm bằng cách sử dụng giếng. Khai thác nước ngầm có thể gây
ra các vấn đề đối với mực nước ngầm, là thước đo lượng nước trong lòng đất. Lấy quá nhiều nước không chỉ làm
giảm nguồn cung cấp nước mà còn ảnh hưởng đến đất.=>C
- Even solid rock can be an aquifer because water can move through its cracks and pores.= Ngay cả đá cứng cũng
có thể là tầng chứa nước vì nước có thể di chuyển qua các vết nứt và lỗ rỗng của nó. =>D
Đáp án :
1 C
2 A
3 A
4 D
5 A
6 C
7 B
8 A
9 C
10 A
Reading 2: (5 pts)
Smart Energy
The next few decades will see great changes in the way energy is supplied and used. In some major oil
producing nations, 'peak oil' has already been reached, and there are increasing fears of global warming.
Consequently, many countries are focusing on the switch to a low carbon economy. This transition will lead to
major changes in the supply and use of electricity. [A] Firstly, there will be an increase in overall demand, as
consumers switch from oil and gas to electricity to power their homes and vehicles. [B]Secondly, there will be
an increase in power generation, not only in terms of how much is generated, but also how it is generated, as
there is growing electricity generation from renewable sources. [C] To meet these challenges, countries are
investing in Smart Grid technology. [D] This system aims to provide the electricity industry with a better
understanding of power generation and demand, and to use this information to create a more efficient power
Smart Grid technology basically involves the application of a computer system to the electricity network. The
computer system can be used to collect information about supply and demand and improve engineer's ability to
manage the system. With better information about electricity demand, the network will be able to increase the
amount of electricity delivered per unit generated, leading to potential reductions in fuel needs and carbon
emissions. Moreover, the computer system will assist in reducing operational and maintenance costs.
Smart Grid technology offers benefits to the consumer too. They will be able to collect real-time information
on their energy use for each appliance. Varying tariffs throughout the day will give customers the incentive to
use appliances at times when supply greatly exceeds demand, leading to great reductions in bills. For example,
they may use their washing machines at night. Smart meters can also be connected to the internet or telephone
system, allowing customers to switch appliances on or off remotely. Furthermore, if houses are fitted with the
apparatus to generate their own power, appliances can be set to run directly from the on-site power source, and
any excess can be sold to the grid.
With these changes comes a range of challenges. The first involves managing the supply and demand. Sources
of renewable energy, such as wind, wave and solar, are notoriously unpredictable, and nuclear power, which is
also set to increase as nations switch to alternative energy sources, is inflexible. With oil and gas, it is
relatively simple to increase the supply of energy to match the increasing demand during peak times of the day
or year. With alternative sources, this is far more difficult, and may lead to blackouts or system collapse.
Potential solutions include investigating new and efficient ways to store energy and encouraging consumers to
use electricity at off-peak times.
A second problem is the fact that many renewable power generation sources are located in remote areas, such
as windy uplands and coastal regions, where there is currently a lack of electrical infrastructure. New
infrastructures therefore must be built. Thankfully, with improved smart technology, this can be done more
efficiently by reducing the reinforcement or construction costs.
Although Smart Technology is still in its infancy, pilot schemes to promote and test it are already underway.
Consumers are currently testing the new smart meters which can be used in their homes to manage electricity
use. There are also a number of demonstrations being planned to show how the smart technology could
practically work, and trials are in place to
test the new electrical infrastructure. It is likely that technology will be added in 'layers', starting with 'quick
win' methods which will provide initial carbon savings, to be followed by more advanced systems at a later
date. Cities are prime candidates for investment into smart energy, due to the high population density and high
energy use. It is here where Smart Technology is likely to be promoted first, utilising a range of sustainable
power sources, transport solutions and an infrastructure for charging electrically powered vehicles. The
infrastructure is already changing fast. By the year 2050, changes in the energy supply will have transformed
our homes, our roads and our behaviour.
I. CLOZE TEST: Read the text below and think of one word which best fits each space. Use only ONE
WORD for each space.
Deforestation is carried out by (5) _________ involved in the timber industry and also by migrant farmers.
The latter occupy an are of land, strip it, farm it (6) _________ its natural mineral supply is used up and then
move on. The land is left useless and exposed and a process of erosion (7) _________ into effect, washing soil
into rivers thereby killing fish and block ing the water’s natural course.
The land is not the (8) _________ victim . Rainforests are a richly populated habitat. In the rainforests of
Madagascar there are at least 150,000 individual species of plants and animals which are found nowhere (9)
_________ in the world, and more are being discovered all the time. Furtherm ore, approximately 50 per cent of
all endangered animal species live in the world’s rainforests. The destruction of the forests effectively represents
a complete removal of all these plants and animals. Deprived of their natural environments, they will disappear
altogether. Again, this process is irreversible. Man, no (10) __________how powerful he considers himself, does
not have the power tore-establishthe species he is so willfully destroying.
Đáp án :
1.But/though = nhưng mà, mặc cho
2.more = hơn
3.for = đối với => for these people = đối với những người này
4.over => Have/take precedence over" -> nghĩa là có quyền ưu tiên.
5.those => Those (đó, kia): dùng để chỉ NHIỀU người hoặc vật có vị trí XA người nói.
6.until = đến tận khi
7.comes => come into effect = có hiệu quả, có hiệu lực
8.only.=> not the only = không chỉ mình ai/ cái gì
9.else => nowhere else = in/at/to no other place. (không nơi nào khác)
10.matter => Cấu trcus: No matter + how adj/adv + S + V,….
Alternative lifestyles have existed in a variety of forms since the beginning of organized society. (1)……...have
always been, and probably always will be, people who feel a need to escape from the mainstream of society and
find a (2)………to live that conforms more closely to their individual tastes and needs. The term “alternative
lifestyle” (3)…….. is a byproduct of the social revolution of the 1960s and 70s, when the “Hippie movement”
and (4)………..various back-to-nature and cultist offshoots were in their prime, but the concept must be as old
as mankind itself. (5)…………seems evident that in every society there must have been a (6)……….people
who found themselves unable or unwilling to accept the status quo, who felt compelled to seek a better – or at
least different life – out of reach of the restrictions and standards that any society must impose (7)………its
members. The monk in his monastery, the hermit in his cave, the solitary “witch-woman” living in isolation in
the forest, must also have been seeking an alternative (8)………the current standards of acceptability prevalent
in their own societies. In our times, the punks, gang-members and followers of cult-leaders are seeking, in their
(9)………ways, to find a life (15)…………suited to their individual needs, desires and dreams irrespective of
the criticism they might draw.
Đáp án:
1 There => there đóng vai trò là chủ ngữ giả để chỉ ra sự tồn tại của ai hoặc một vật nào
2 Way => find a way to do sth = tìm cách để làm gì
3 Itself => đại từ pahnr thân dùng để nhấn mạnh cho chủ ngữ
4 Other => other + N ( số nhiều ) = những người/ cái khác
5 It => it seems evident that = nó rõ ràng rằng….
6 Few => a few + N đếm được số nhiều = một vài
7 On => impose on sth/sb = áp đặt lên ai/ cái gì
8 To => alternative to sth/sb = thay thế cho
9 Own => in one’s own ways = theo chính cách của ai
10 more/well => well suited to= rất phù hợp với
PART 2: Give the correct form of the word in parentheses. (10 pts)
Gold has several qualities that have made it a commodity of …………(1. EXCEPTION) value throughout
history. It is attractive in color, durable to the point of virtual ……………(2. DESTROY) and usually found in
nature in a ………….(3. COMPARE) pure form. The history of gold is …………..(4. EQUAL) by that of any
other metal because of its value in the minds of men from earliest times.
Because it is visually pleasing it was one of the first metals to attract human …………..(5. ATTEND).
Examples of elaborate gold workmanship, many in nearly perfect condition, survive from ancient Egyptian,
Minoan, Assyrian, and Etruscan artisans, and gold has continued to be a highly ……………(6. FAVOR)
material out of which jewellery and other …………….(7. DÉCOR) objects are crafted.
The era of gold production that followed the Spanish discovery of the Americans in the 1490s was probably the
greatest the world had witnessed to that time. The …………….(8. EXPLOIT) of mines by slave labour and the
looting of Indian palaces, temples, and graves in Central and South America resulted in a(n)
……………………..(9. PRECEDENT) influx of gold that literally unbalanced the economic structure of
Europe. Until today the world remains …………(10. CAPTIVE) by the allure of gold.
Đáp án:
1. Exceptional = đặc biệt, phi thường
2. indestructibility= vững chắc, không thể phá hủy
3. comparatively= to a moderate degree as compared to something else; relatively.= tương đối
4. unequalled = vô song, không ai bằng
5. attention = sự chú ý
6. favoured = ưa thích
7. decorative= serving to make something look more attractive; ornamental= thuộc về trang trí
8. exploitation= sự khai thác
9. unprecedented= chưa có trước đó, vô tiền khoáng hậu
10. captivated= attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm.
There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them.
Although the law requires that mining companies restore the 3………………..
mountaintops after the mining has been completed, the 1.5 4………………..
experts estimate that over 2000 square miles of forests in the 13………………..
trees and shrubs that have been cleared, many companies 16………………..
explosive residue, silica, and coal dust. These substances are 26………………..
contain the toxic runoff, these dams can burst or leak, 31………………..
Đáp án: Line 2: temporary -> permanent => temporary = tạm thời # permanent= mãi mãi, vĩnh viễn
Line 6: built -> re – built = xây dựng lại sau khi bị hư hỏng
Line 8 : most -> once = một thời
Line 11: more -> less => more = nhiều hơn # less = ít hơn
Line 15: since -> by => Dấu hiệu thì TLHT => By + năm
Line 17: native -> non – native = không phải bản địa
Line 19: with -> as => be classified as sth = bị phan loại như là
Line 21: just -> also => jusst = chỉ là # also = cũng
Line 27: in -> with => be filled with sth -= chứa đầy thứ gì
Line 32 : receiving = nhận, thu -> sending = gửi, chuyển cái gì
Đáp án:
1 must have been at work today
=> Must have +PII: dùng diễn đạt sự suy luận logic trong quá khứ
2 must be given to ways of improving the transport system .
=> Give some thought to something" -> nghĩa là xem xét, suy ngẫm, suy nghĩ kỹ về
điều gì.
3 no difference which chemical you put into the mixture first
=> make no difference =to not change or improve a situation
4 you change your mind, get in touch with me as soon as possible
=>Cấu trcus đảo ngữ câu đk loại 1
5 for the bad weather, It'd have been a super weekend
=>Cấu trcus câu đk loai 3: But for + N, S would have P2
6 is bound to make it up
Make up for = đền bù cho ai
7 have a feeling that the man standing next
have a feeling = nghĩ rằng, cho rằng, tin rằng
8 think that hard work does you no harm.
Do no harm = không làm hại, có lợi cho ai
9 flies in the face of mainstream thinking
=> Fly in the face of' có face là bộ mặt -> cụm từ này nghĩa là việc ra mặt chống đối,
công khai chống đối, hay đi ngược lại xu hướng hiện thời.
10 other than a full refund will satisfy
nothing other than= không gì hơn
1/ PHONOLOGY (5 pts)
Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other words.
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B
2/ WORD CHOICE (5 pts)
1. Having decided to rent a flat, we _____ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.
A. set to B. set in C. set for D. set about
Set about =Bắt đầu làm gì đó
Set in =Thay đổi mùa trong năm rõ rệt
set (something) for (something)=To input a particular setting or value into something else
2. After months of bitter arguing the couple had to accept that they were _____ .
A. different B. incompatible C. suitable D. disaffected
Different = khác nhau suitable = phù hợp
Incompatible= không tương thích, không hợp nhau disaffected = không hài lòng
3. My sunburnt nose made me feel rather _____ for the first few days of the holiday.
A. self-confident B. self-centred C. self-conscious D. self-evident
self-confident (adj): tự tin, có lòng tin ở bản thân
self-centered (adj): tự cho mình là trung tâm
self-conscious (adj): e dè, ngượng ngập, có vẻ bồn chồn, không tự nhiên
self-evident (adj): hiển nhiên, rõ ràng không cần bằng chứng
4. The peace of the public library was _____ by the sound of a transistor radio.
A. smashed B. fractured C. shattered D. demolished
Smash = đập mạnh fracture = gãy shatter = phân tán demolish = phá hủy
5. Why don’t you have a night out? It would take your _____ off your worries.
A. thoughts B heart C. head D. mind
take someone's mind off something = to stop you from worrying or thinking about a problem or pain, often by
forcing you to think about other things
6. In the hands of a reckless driver, a car becomes a _____ weapon.
A. lethal B. fatal C. mortal D. venal
fatal (a): (bệnh) gây chết người
mortal (a): không thể sống mãi, sẽ phải chết
lethal (a): rất nguy hiểm, có thể gây chết người
deathly (a): như chết
7. What the company needs is a _____ actor who can take on a variety of roles.
A. variable B. changeable C. diverse D. versatile
Variable = changable = hay thay đổi
Diverse = đa dạng versatile = linh hoạt, tháo vát, đa năng
8. With their modern, lightweight boat, they soon _____ the older vessels in the race.
A. outstripped B. caught up C. overran D. exceeded
Outstrip có một nghĩa là “vượt qua”, dùng khi nói mình chạy nhanh hơn ai đó trong một cuộc đua để mà vượt
qua họ
Overun có nghĩa là “vượt quá” và nó chỉ dùng với thời gian hoặc tiền bạc.
Exceed có nghĩa là “vượt qua” nhưng chỉ dùng khi nói về việc vượt qua một con số hay một số lượng cái gì đó.
Catch up with => If something bad that you have done or that has been happening to you catches up with you, it
begins to cause problems for you
9. He _____ so much harm on the nation during his regime that it has never fully recovered.
A. made B. inferred C. induced D. inflicted
Induce = xui khiến inflict = chịu sự tổn thương infer = luận, suy ra
10. The new law on motorcyclists’ wearing safety helmets has come _____.
A. to power B. effective C. to existence D. into force
come into force bắt đầu được sử dụng, áp dụng
Come into power" = đến quyền lực -> cụm từ này nghĩa là đạt được quyền lực chính trị thông qua việc bầu cử
hoặc đề bạt; nắm chính quyền.
"Come into existence" = Bắt đầu tồn tại, xuất hiện hoặc mọc lên.
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. D
1. We’ve had to quit our cooperation with this wholesaler as we could never _____ a bargain. He asked for
more than we could offer.
A. strike B. hit C. beat D. knock
strike a bargain (to..) =đi đến thỏa thuận
2. This savage war had _____ this beautiful country waste and left many of its inhabitants homeless.
A. cast B. grown C. laid D. set
lay waste = to make (a piece of land) into barren country by burning and plundering
3. Let me take care of your scratched knee. I’ve been a nurse for eighteen years, so I _____ the ropes like
nobody else.
A. have B. grasp C. know D. operate
Learn/ know the ropes = học hỏi hay nắm bắt được những điều cơ bản để thực hiện một công việc, nhiệm vụ
hay hành động nào đó.
4. Mark’s trying to persuade us to accept his own way of reasoning, but what we need is an independent opinion
from someone who has no _____ to grind.
A. axe B. stone C. hammer D. tool
Have an axe to grind” = có cái rìu để mài -> nghĩa là bày tỏ quan điểm, than phiền; nghĩa khác là “có một
động cơ cá nhân”.
5. Since the engineers at the service station failed to repair my car, I have _____ all my hopes on my neighbour,
Mr Tanner.
A. clipped B. nailed C. stuck D. pinned
pin your hopes on something/someone =to hope very much that something or someone will help you to
achieve what you want
6. It would be silly to reject their proposal without learning anything about it first. Why not give them the _____
of the doubt?
A. right B. point C. benefit D. value
give someone the benefit of the doubt =to believe something good about someone, rather than something
bad, when you have the possibility of doing either
7. I cannot think who had _____ the gaff, but it seems everyone knows that Nicole and I are planning to get
A. burst B. blown C. split D. banged
Blow the gaff" có blow là lan truyền, tung ra -> cụm từ này nghĩa là tiết lộ thông tin riêng tư, bí mật.
8. I like reading romantic stories whereas my boyfriend goes for fantasy. However, when music is the case, we
are on common _____ as we both love rock.
A. base B. term C. ground D. field
common ground =shared interests, beliefs, or opinions between two people or groups of people who disagree
about most other subjects
9. - “What’s that horrible noise downstairs?” - “Its only Sam. He always screams _____ murder when we take
him to the dentist.”
A. red B. blue C. yellow D. black
Scream blue murder" -> nghĩa là phàn nàn, la hét, ca cẩm quá mức về điều gì; ăn vạ.
10. - “Have you taken a picture of the celebrity?” - “Sorry, I haven’t. I only caught a _____ glimpse of her in the
A. fleeting B. speeding C. rushing D. flying
catch a fleeting glimpse of = có cái nhìn thoáng qua
1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. A
Passage 1:
Scientists do not yet thoroughly understand just how the body of an individual becomes sensitive to a substance
that is harmless or even wholesome for the average person. Milk, wheat, and egg, for example, rank among the
most healthful and widely used foods. Yet these foods can cause persons sensitive to them to suffer greatly. At
first, the body of the individual is not harmed by coming into contact with the substance. After a varying internal
of time, usually longer than a few weeks, the body becomes sensitive to it. and an allergy has begun to develop.
Sometimes it is hard to figure out if you have a food allergy, since it can show up so many different ways. Your
symptoms could be caused by many other problems. You may have rashes, hives, joint pains mimicking arthritis,
headaches, irritability, or depression. The most common food allergies are to milk, eggs, seafood, wheat, nuts,
seeds, chocolate, oranges, and tomatoes. Many of these allergies will not develop if these foods are not fed to an
infant until her or his intestines mature at around seven months. Breast milk also tends to be protective. Migraines
can be set off by foods containing tyramine, phenathylamine, monosodiuni glutamate, or sodium nitrate.
Common foods which contain these are chocolate, aged cheese, sour cream, red wine, pickled herring, chicken
livers, avocados, ripe bananas, cured meats, many Oriental and prepared foods (read the labels!). Some people
have been successful in treating their migraines with supplement of B-vitamins, particularly B6 and niacin.
Children who are hyperactive may benefit from eliminating food additives, especially colorings, and foods high
in salicylates from their diets. A few of these are almonds, green peppers, peaches, tea grapes. This is the diet
made popular by Benjamin Feingold, who has written the book Why Your Child is Hyperactive. Other researchers
have had mixed results when testing whether the diet is effective.
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. A
Passage 2:
While most desert animals will drink water if confronted with it, for many of them the opportunity never comes.
Yet all living things must have water, or they will expire. The herbivores find it in desert plants. The carnivores
slave their thirst with the flesh and blood of living prey. One of the most remarkable adjustments, however, has
been made by the tiny kangaroo rat, who not only lives without drinking but subsists on a diet of dry seeds
containing about 5% free water. Like other animals, he has the ability to manufacture water in his body by a
metabolic conversion of carbohydrates. But he is notable for the parsimony with which he conserves his small
supply by every possible means, expending only minuscule amounts in his excreta and through evaporation from
his respiratory tract.
Investigation into how the kangaroo rat can live without drinking water has involved various experiments with
these small animals. Could kangaroo rats somehow store water in their bodies and slowly utilize these resources
in the long periods when no free water is available from dew or rain? The simplest way to settle this question was
to determine the total water content in the animals to see if it decreases as they are kept for long periods on a dry
diet. If they slowly use up their water, the body should become increasingly dehydrated, and if they begin with a
store of water, this should be evident from an initial high water content. Results of such experiments with
kangaroo rats on dry diets for more than 7 weeks showed that the rats maintained their body weight. There was
no trend toward a decrease in water content during the long period of water deprivation. When the kangaroo rats
were given free access to water, they did not drink water. They did nibble on small pieces of watermelon, but this
did not change appreciably the water content in their bodies, which remained at 66.3% to 67.2% during this
This is very close to the water content of dry-fed animals (66.5%), and the availability of free water, therefore,
did not lead to any ‘storage’ that could be meaningful as a water reserve. This makes it reasonable to conclude
that physiological storage of water is not a factor in the kangaroo rat’s ability to live on dry food.
1. What is the topic of this passage?
A. Kangaroo rats. B. Water in the desert.
C. Desert life. D. Physiological experiments.
Clue: Investigation into how the kangaroo rat can live without drinking water has involved various
experiments with these small animals.. This makes it reasonable to conclude that physiological storage of
water is not a factor in the kangaroo rat’s ability to live on dry food. = Nghiên cứu làm thế nào chuột kangaroo
có thể sống mà không cần uống nước đã liên quan đến nhiều thí nghiệm với những con vật nhỏ này…. Điều
này hợp lý để kết luận rằng trữ nước sinh lý không phải là yếu tố giúp chuột kangaroo có thể sống bằng thức
ăn khô.
2. The word ‘expire’ in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
A. become ill B. die C. shrink D. dehydrate
Expire = kế thúc, chết = die
Clue: Yet all living things must have water, or they will expire= Tuy nhiên, tất cả các sinh vật sống phải
có nước, nếu không chúng sẽ chết.
3. Which of the following is NOT a source of water for the desert animals?
A. Desert plants.
B. Metabolic conversion of carbohydrates in the body.
C. The blood of other animals.
D. Streams.
Clue: The herbivores find it in desert plants. The carnivores slave their thirst with the flesh and blood of
living prey…. Like other animals, he has the ability to manufacture water in his body by a metabolic
conversion of carbohydrates. = Động vật ăn cỏ tìm thấy nó trong thực vật sa mạc. Những kẻ ăn thịt thỏa
mãn cơn khát của chúng bằng thịt và máu của những con mồi còn sống… Giống như các loài động vật khác,
anh ta có khả năng sản xuất nước trong cơ thể bằng cách chuyển hóa carbohydrate trong quá trình trao đổi
4. The word ‘it’ in the first paragraph refers to _____.
A. a living thing B. the desert C. the opportunity D. water
Clue: Yet all living things must have water, or they will expire. The herbivores find it in desert plants.= Tuy
nhiên, tất cả các sinh vật sống phải có nước, nếu không chúng sẽ chết. Động vật ăn cỏ tìm thấy nó trong thực
vật sa mạc
It ám chỉ đến water
5. The author states that the kangaroo rat is known for all of the following EXCEPT _____.
A. the economy with which it uses available water
B. living without drinking water
C. breathing slowly and infrequently
D. manufacturing water internally
Clue: One of the most remarkable adjustments, however, has been made by the tiny kangaroo rat, who not
only lives without drinking but subsists on a diet of dry seeds containing about 5% free water. Like other
animals, he has the ability to manufacture water in his body by a metabolic conversion of carbohydrates.=
Tuy nhiên, một trong những điều chỉnh đáng chú ý nhất đã được thực hiện bởi loài chuột kangaroo nhỏ bé,
chúng không chỉ sống mà không cần uống nước mà còn sống bằng chế độ ăn gồm hạt khô chứa khoảng 5%
nước tự do. Giống như các loài động vật khác, anh ta có khả năng sản xuất nước trong cơ thể bằng cách
chuyển hóa carbohydrate trong quá trình trao đổi chất.
- There was no trend toward a decrease in water content during the long period of water deprivation. When
the kangaroo rats were given free access to water, they did not drink water.= Không có xu hướng giảm hàm
lượng nước trong thời gian dài thiếu nước. Khi những con chuột kangaroo được cung cấp nước miễn phí,
chúng không uống nước
6. The word ‘parsimony’ in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
A. intelligence B. desire C. frugality D. skill
Clue: But he is notable for the parsimony with which he conserves his small supply by every possible
means,= Nhưng nó đáng chú ý vì sự tiết kiệm mà nó bảo tồn nguồn cung cấp ít ỏi của mình bằng mọi cách
có thể,
Parsimony = frugality = tính tiết kiệm
7. It is implied by the author that desert animals can exist with little or no water because of _____.
A. less need for water than other animals
B. many opportunities for them to find water
C. their ability to eat plants
D. their ability to adjust to the desert environment
=>The herbivores find it in desert plants. The carnivores slave their thirst with the flesh and blood of living
prey…. = Động vật ăn cỏ tìm thấy nó trong thực vật sa mạc. Những kẻ ăn thịt thỏa mãn cơn khát của chúng
bằng thịt và máu của những con mồi còn sống
8. The word ‘deprivation’ in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
A. preservation B. renewal C. examination D. withholding
Deprivation= sự tước bỏ, tước đoạt = withholding =sự cản trở
9. According to the passage, the results of the experiments with kangaroo rats showed that _____.
A. kangaroo rats store water for use during dry periods
B. kangaroo rats took advantage of free access to water
C. there was no significant change in body weight due to lack of water or accessibility to water
D. a dry diet seems detrimental to the kangaroo rat’s health
Clue: They did nibble on small pieces of watermelon, but this did not change appreciably the water content
in their bodies, which remained at 66.3% to 67.2% during this period.= Họ đã nhấm nháp những miếng dưa
hấu nhỏ, nhưng điều này không làm thay đổi đáng kể hàm lượng nước trong cơ thể họ, vẫn ở mức 66,3% đến
67,2% trong giai đoạn này.
10. The word ‘access’ in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
A. right B. method C. opportunity D. entrance
Access = khả năng tiếp cận = opportunity = cơ hội
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. C
6/ CLOZE TEST (10 pts)
Read the passages below and choose the option that best fits each gap.
Passage 1:
On a winter afternoon, a dozen male Northern fur seals are on an island off south-western Alaska. To look at
them, fighting for territory on the rocks, it’s Bard to imagine that they are at the (1)_____ of a baffling scientific
mystery: why is this species beginning to disappear?
These seals – which can weigh up to 270 kilograms – have an important and symbolic (2)_____ in Alaska’s
history. Their soft and luxurious fur, the coveted prize during the huge commercial sea harvests that were legal
here in the Bering Sea through the early 20th century, was once so valuable it (3)_____ Alaska’s economy.
Starting in the 1950s, for reasons that are (4)_____ because the harvests by then tended to be fairly small, the seal
population began a slow decline. But lately it has been falling drastically, declining at an alarming rate of 6 per
cent a year since 1998. From a (5)_____ of more than 2 million in Alaska in 1948, their numbers have fallen to
about 1.1 million.
So far no one has been able to establish a precise cause for this, although theories (6)_____. The seals’ food
supply may be (7)_____, or another species may be (8)_____ on the seals – perhaps killer whales, which no
longer have as many great whales to eat because of harvesting of those mammals. Some people have suggested
that the decline can be (9)_____ to entanglement in fishing nets, but scientists say they doubt that this alone could
(10)_____ the recent population decline.
=> Their soft and luxurious fur, the coveted prize during the huge commercial sea harvests that were legal here
in the Bering Sea through the early 20th century, was once so valuable it (29) Alaska's economy: bộ lông mềm
mại và sang trọng của chúng, phần thưởng đáng hãnh diện trong các vụ thu hoạch biển thương mại khổng lồ hợp
pháp ở Biển Bering đầu thế kỷ 20 đã từng có giá trị đến nỗi nó dẫn dăt nền kinh kế của Alaska.
4. A. unclear B. unsure C. unsettled D. undecided
Un clear = không rõ ràng unsure = không chắc chắn
Unsettled = rối loạn undecided = không kiên quyết
=> Starting in the 1950's, for reasons that are unclear because the harvests by then tended to be fairly small, the
seal population began a slow decline: Bắt đầu vào những năm 1950, bới những lí do không rõ ràng vì các vụ thu
hoạch có xu hướng thu nhỏ lại, số lượng hải cẩu cũng bắt đầu giảm
5. A. top B. summit C. crest D. high
Top = tốp đầu summit =chóp, đỉnh crest = nóc, chỏm high= mức cao nhất
=> From a high of more than 2 million in Alaska in 1948, their numbers have fallen to about 1 million.: Từ mức
cao nhất là 2 triệu con ở Alaska năm 1948, số lượng giảm xuống chỉ còn 1 triệu.
6. A. flourish B. mushroom C. abound D. escalate
Flourish = nở rộ mushroom =phát triển abound= nhiều, đầy rẫy escalate=leo thang
7. A. thinner B. tighter C. slimmer D. scarcer
Thin = gầy tight = chặt slim= mỏng scarce = hiếm
8. A. preying B. devouring C. hounding D. ravaging
Prey on sth = săn mồi, bắt mồi
9. A. designated B. attributed C. stipulated D. consigned
Attribute to sth = quy cho , quy là
10. A. reason with B. answer to C. account for D. match up
Reason with = lý do với answer to = trả lời cho account for = giải thích match up = phù hợp
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. C
Passage 2:
Luxurious rose-scented soaps, a strong mint after dinner – you needn’t have (1)_____ aromatherapy to understand
the therapeutic powers of essential oils. These magical liquids, extracted from a range of aromatic plants, offer a
truly holistic therapy, because they work on both body and mind.
When you put (2)_____ oils in your evening bath to help you to relax, you are recreating rituals that are thousands
of years old. Hippocrates (3)_____ that the secret of health was an aromatic bath and scented massage every day.
Cleopatra bathed in jasmine, while other Egyptians blended oils to (4)_____ as medicines. In Shakespearian
Britain, women spread rosemary and lavender on floors to (5)_____ and purify rooms. Now it has been (6)_____
in various scientific studies that many of these essential oils have powerful antiseptic and anti-bacterial uses. A
recent Australian report found that tea tree oil was the only (7)_____ to kill all the types of antibiotic-resistant
bacteria tested. Therapists know that tea tree oil can treat minor wounds. It seems that every essential oil consists
of hundreds of chemicals, all with potential healing and medicinal properties. When an oil is (8)_____, these
chemicals enter the body’s system and bloodstream.
Compared to drugs, the oils’ effects are fairly weak, but this in itself makes the oils safe (9)_____. For this reason,
aromatherapy is often introduced as treatment (10)_____ conventional medicine, to complement mainstream
medical practices.
Stimulating = kích thích soothing =xoa dịu sentimental= đa cảm soft = mềm
Passage 1:
It is hard to believe that the British could have greeted the arrival of the umbrella with anything
(1)....................................... enthusiasm. It is, after all, the item which completes the uniform of the City Gent;
and the (2)....................................... of spectators huddling under them at Wimbledon is an enduring image of the
British summer. But, (3)....................................... the umbrella has been used around the world for
(4)....................................... excess of 3000 years, it has only been in the last 200 years that it has been accepted
in Britain.
When, in the 1750s, Jonas Hanway, the philanthropist, traveller and champion of the umbrella, became the first
man to walk London’s streets with one, he was laughed at and taunted by everyone he met. It took another 50
years (5)....................................... their appearance at the (6)....................................... sign of rain became the
It used to be thought that umbrellas were originally a Chinese invention. But T. S. Crawford, one of the few
umbrella historians, offers Egypt as its birthplace. He suggests that umbrellas were created for religious purposes,
and that this (7)....................................... for the object becoming a mark of status in many cultures.
Ii seems it was the ever-practical Ancient Romans who first latched onto the umbrella’s potential as a shield from
the sun or shelter from the rain. Although the British were slow to (8)....................................... suit, their change
of heart when it came was nothing (9)....................................... not energetic. In 1852, the English inventor,
Samuel Fox, created the slim-line frame, still in (10)....................................... today, which made British
umbrellas the most popular in the world.
1. but => anything but =used to mean the opposite of the stated quality 2. sight/
crowds = cảnh tượng/ đám đông
3. although/ while/ whilst => although/ while/ whilst+ clause = mặc dù/ trong khi
4. in => in excess of =more than =hơn
5. Before = trước
6. first => at the first sign : as soon as something happens that indicates an action or event has begun
to take place
7. accounts => acoount for = giải thích, chiếm
8. follow => follow suit có nghĩa là hành động hay xử sự theo cung cách mà người khác vừa mới
làm, bắt chước cách làm của người khác.
9. if = nếu như
10. use => in use = đang được sử dụng
Passage 2:
Memories are our most enduring characteristic. In old age we can remember our childhood eighty or more years
ago; a chance remark can (1)....................................... up a face, a name, a vision of sea or mountains once seen
and apparently (2)....................................... forgotten. Memory defines who we are and shapes how we act more
closely than any other aspect of our personhood. All of life is a trajectory from experienced past to
(3)....................................... future, illuminated only during the always receding instant we call the present, the
moment of our actual, conscious experience. Yet our present appears continuous with our past, grows out of it,
is shaped by it, because of our capacity for memory. It is this which prevents the past from being
(4)......................................., as unknowable as the future. It is memory which thus provides time with its arrow.
For each of us, our memories are (5)........................................You can lose a limb, have plastic surgery, a kidney
transplant or a sex-change operation, yet you are still in an important sense recognizably yourself as
(6)....................................... as your memories persist. We know who we are, and who other people are, in terms
of memory. Lose your memory and you as you cease to exist, which is why clinical cases of
(7)....................................... are so endlessly fascinating and frightening. Advocates of cryonics, that Californian
fantasy of quick-freezing the dead until future (8)....................................... in medical technology can bring them
back to life, recognize this; they propose a computer backup store for the (9)....................................... corpse’s
memories which may somehow be read into the revived body at a future time. But our own human memories are
not embedded in a computer, they are encoded in the brain, in the ten billion nerve cells that
(10)....................................... the human cerebrum – and the connections and pathways between these cells.
Memories are living processes, which become transformed, imbued with new meanings each time we recall them.
1. conjure => Conjure up =Gợi lên cái gì đó (như một bức tranh) trong tâm trí/ Tạo hoặc làm cái
gì đột ngột, không báo trước
2. long => long forgotten= quên lâu
3. unknown = không được biết đến
4. lost = mất đi, đánh mất
5. unique = độc nhất, duy nhất
6. long => as long as = miễn là
7. amnesia = mất trí nhớ, chứng hay quên
8. advances = tiến bộ
9. frozen = đóng băng, làm đông cứng
10. comprise= bao gồm, chứa
PART 1: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. lives = mạng sông, sinh mạng
2. stubbornness = sự bướng bỉnh, ương nghạnh, cứng đầu
3. reconciliation = sựu giảng hòa, sự hòa giải
4. attentively = 1 cách chăm chú
5. boredom = sự chán ngán, chán nản
6. unsympathetic= vô cảm, thờ ơ
7. convincingly=in a way that causes someone to believe that something is true or real. = một
cách thuyết phục
8. flattery =sự nịnh bợ, tâng bốc
9. unreliability = sựu không đáng tin cậy
10. personified = nhân hóa
PART 2: Complete the
passage with
appropriate forms
from the words given
in the box.
The image that we have of science has (0. undergone) radical change in the last hundred years. An enormous
(1).......................................explosion, together with a number of very real (2).......................................about the
environment and all the moral and political ramifications of economic growth have
(3).......................................put science at the centre of public debate.
The twentieth century began with a challenge to the (4).......................................that human knowledge was
approaching completion. It will come, perhaps, as something of a surprise to all of us to realise that the emergence
of this highly (5).......................................process came both from within and outside science.
New scientific theories (6).......................................reveal the limitations of the old perspective. We had thought
that the world, understood through the medium of rational (7)......................................., as, indeed, the real world.
Now we know that this was no more than a simplification that just happened to work. Once we realise this,
though, we can move in a number of opposing directions. We can re-evaluate all knowledge
(8).......................................and decide that it is eternally fragmentary and full of a vast number of
(9)......................................., or we can be more positive and view these vast explosions of scientific awareness as
new challenges still to come and as celebrations of the (10).......................................that the human imagination
has so far scaled.
1. technological = thuộc về công nghệ
2. anxieties= sự lo ngại, mối lo sợ
3. unquestionably= một cách chắc chắn, không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa
4. assumption = giả định
5. destructive = phá hủy, phá hoại
6. overwhelmingly=to a very great degree or with a great majority.
7. beings = a person or thing that exists
8. pessimistically= một cách bi quan
9. imperfections = sự không hoàn hảo
10. heights = chiều cao, cực điểm, cao độ
(1) Ceremonies conected with natural springs of water or wells are very old European
(2) customs, which now only survive in a few places in the British Isles Records indicate
(3) that decorating wells was once previously quite common. In one small village in
(4) England, bisley, all of the wells and springs in the surrounding area are decorated
(5) with thousands of flowers once a year. However, no part of the country compares with
(6) the hills of Derbyshire, where around thirty or so villages are famous for traditional
(7) well-dressing putting flower pictures beside each well every summer. The incredibly
(8) strong frames supporting the pictures are first soaked in a near by stream or pond (this
(9) extends the life of the exhibit and then covered with a layer of clay, mixed with water
(10) and salt. Full-sized drawings of the final picture, most often a religous scene, are laid
(11) on the clay. The outlines are then pricked through with a sharp tool. The picture is
(12) made by pushing small berrys or seeds in to the clay along the lines, and filling in the
(13) colours with moss and flower petals. Each of the peices overlaps the previous one, like
(14) tiles on a roof, to reduce rain damage. In this way, the spectaculer flower picture’s last
(15) about a week, during which time everyone in the village is involved in the annual fair,
(16) put on to entertain and amuse tourists.
1. Nowhere else am I as practical as you are.
=> Cấu trcus đảo ngữ: Nowhere + trợ độngt ừ + S + v
2. He risks missing the plane if he waits.
3. The plain clothes policeman’s real identity was given away by his boots.
Give away = tiết lộ bí mật, thường là vô ý
4. Jane could have given us a lift/ taken us in her car.
5. I would struggle to cook (a meal) for myself, let alone for eight people.
Let alone = huống hồ gì là, chưa kể đến
6. Hopeful when he tells us his story it will shed light on what happened.
Shed some light on' = ánh sáng lan tỏa ra -> để lộ thông tin hay chi tiết về thứ gì đó; làm sáng tỏ điều gì, giúp ai
hiểu ra vấn đề.
7. The play fell short of my expectations, to be honest with you.
'Fall short' nghĩa là không đạt được mục tiêu theo yêu cầu, thiếu hụt hay không thỏa đáng
8. I didn’t turn the TV on for fear of waking the baby.
for fear of= vì e rằng, vì sợ rằng
9. There is little prospect of John’s getting the job that he applied for.
There is little prospect of= có ít khả năng rằng….
10. It’s been on Andrew’s mind all day, but he hasn’t made a decision yet.
On one’s mind = trong tâm trí, suy nghĩ của ai
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the three other ones in each
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. B 8.C 9. C 10. D
1. He should _____ the blame for the delay because he forgot to place the order.
Take the blame (for something)" = Nhận cáo buộc, chịu trách nhiệm hoặc nhận lỗi lầm về việc gì.
2. The organization is ____ the task of finding home for abandoned children.
press on/ahead =to start or continue doing something in a determined way, often despite problems
3 _____ a teacher in New England, Webster wrote the Dictionary of the American language.
=> Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ là động từ "to be" hoặc động từ nối (linking verb), thì ta bỏ luôn cả
động từ "to be' đó, chỉ giữ lại phần phía sau "to be".
4. _____ him in York during your holiday, please give him my number.
A. Were you to meet B. Had you not met C. Having met D. Should you meet
5. My friend recommended that an English course ______ in preparation for a well-paid job in the future.
A. need be taken B. should been take C. would been taken D. be taken
=> Cấu trúc thức giả định với động từ : ….that + S + V( nguyên ) / be+ P2
6. Can you recite the alphabet ________?
A. around B. reverse C. backwards D. returned
=> Chỗ cần điền thiếu adv bổ nghĩa cho động từ recite
=> alphabet backwards = độc ngược bảng chữ cái
7. The damage was far more serious than ___________ believed.
A. primarily B. initially C. precedingly D. prior
Primarily = chính, chủ yếu
precedingly => không tồn tại dạng này
initially (adv): ban đầu
prior + to = trước
Tạm dịch: Thiệt hại nghiêm trọng hơn nhiều so với dự đoán ban đầu.
8. Lan Anh’s interview was very intense. The interviewer wanted to know many facts about her personal life,
and even asked her __________ had ever used any illegal drugs of any kind.
A. that she B. that if she C. if or not she D. whether or not she
“whether” có thể được theo sau trực tiếp bởi “or not”, nhưng “If” thì không.
Tạm dịch: Cuộc phỏng vấn Edward rất căng thẳng. Người phỏng vấn muốn biết nhiều sự thật về cuộc sống cá
nhân của mình, và thậm chí hỏi anh ta liệu anh ta đã từng sử dụng bất cứ loại thuốc bất hợp pháp nào hay
9. I didn’t think my interview went very well, but I guess it must have. Despite all my anxiety, I _________ for
the job I wanted. I’m really going to work hard to justify their confidence.
A. hired B. was hiring C. got hiring D. got hired
Get + phân từ quá khứ cũng được dùng với nghĩa bị động, tương tự như be + phân từ quá khứ.
10. Whenever my parents went out in the evening, I ________ the job of taking care of my younger brother.
A. had better get B. should get C. must have gotten D. would get
Would v = ussed to = diễn tả một thói quen không còn nữa
Have better do sth = should do sth = nên làm gì
Must have +PII: dùng diễn đạt sự suy luận logic trong quá khứ:
1. B 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. D
gone down with – ease off – bowled over – crack down – whisked away – clued up –
brought down – soldier on – cooling off – phased out – warm up – picked up
2. If you are thinking of going jogging, it’s always essential to do some _____ exercises first.
3. Despite having had two heart attacks, Peter decided to _____ at work until he reached retirement age.
4. When Ronan Keating, the pop star, arrived at London Airport, he gave a press conference and was then _____
to a secret destination in the capital.
5. It’s pouring. Let’s wait for the rain to _____ before we go shopping.
8. The police decided to _____ on drug offenders, and staged a number of early morning raids.
9. The sight of his bride in her wedding dress just _____ Tim _____.
10. Brian _____ a virus on a trip to Europe and is now gravely ill.
1. gone down with= to start to suffer from an infectious disease= mắc bệnh
2. warm up = khởi động, làm ấm người
3. soldier on = to continue doing something although it is difficult
4. whisked away = Đi đến chỗ khác nhanh chóng
5. ease off = to gradually stop or become less
6. brought down = to cause something to become less
7. phased out= to remove or stop using something gradually or in stages
8. crack down = áp dụng kỷ luật nghiêm khắc, hay đàn áp thẳng tay
9. bowled Tim over= to surprise and please someone a lot
10.picked up=to catch an illness from someone or something, caused by bacteria or a virus
Tạm dịch: Theo một cách nào đó, bất kỳ giả thuyết nào cũng là một bước nhảy vọt. Nó mở rộng tư duy của nhà
khoa học ra ngoài những dự kiện đã biết.
Question 9: According to the passage, one major function of hypotheses is ______.
A. sifting through known facts B. communicating a scientist's thoughts to others
C. providing direction for scientific research D. linking together different theories
Clue: For without hypotheses, further investigation lacks purpose and direction.= Vì nếu không có giả thuyết,
việc điều tra thêm sẽ thiếu mục đích và hướng đi.
Question 10: Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?
A. Theories are simply imaginary models of past events.
B. It is better to revise a hypothesis than to reject it.
C. A scientist's most difficult task is testing hypotheses.
D. A good scientist needs to be creative.
Clue: Science involves imagination and creative thinking as well as collecting information and performing
experiments.= Khoa học liên quan đến trí tưởng tượng và tư duy sáng tạo cũng như thu thập thông tin và thực
hiện các thí nghiệm.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions
Sleep is a natural process, and although a lot have been written about the subject, it is still surrounded by
mystery. It is used by some as an escape from the world, and regarded by others as an irritating waste of time:
some people get by on very little, others claim they can not exist without at least ten hours, but nobody can do
without sleep completely.
Our night’s sleep does not just consist of a steady phase of gradually deepening sleep. It alternates between
two stages: Non-dreaming or ordinary sleep, and REM (rapid eye movement) or dreaming sleep. As soon as we
fall asleep, we go straight into non-dreaming sleep for an hour or so, then into REM sleep for about 15 minutes,
then back into non-dreaming sleep. It alternates in this way for the rest of the night, with non-dreaming sleep
tending to last longer at the beginning of the night. Non-dreaming sleep occupies three-quarters of our night’s
sleep, about a quarter of it deep and the rest fairly light.
It is widely believed that sleep repairs the body and makes good the damage caused by being awake. However,
its main function is to refresh the brain. Experts believe that probably only about two-thirds of our sleep is
necessary for repairing and refreshing the brain, with the most valuable sleep coming in the first few hours of the
non-dreaming period, the last few hours of sleep are not so essential. The brain can manage quite well with
reduced sleep as long as it is uninterrupted sleep.
The quality of sleep is important. A study conducted in the USA looked at short sleepers, who slept for 5.5 hours
on average, and long sleepers, who had 8.5 hours or more. It is discovered after a variety of
tests that the long sleepers were poor sleepers, had twice as much REM sleep as the short sleepers, appeared to
sleep longer to make up for poor sleep, and did not wake up in the morning refreshed. Similarly, people who
sleep deeply are not necessarily getting a better quality of sleep than shallow sleepers. Deep sleepers can feel
tired the following day, so six hours of good sleep is worth more than eight hours of troubled sleep.
Question 11: It can be concluded from the first paragraph that____________________.
A. people need equal time of sleep
C. sleep is among the processes of the nature
B. sleep remains a puzzle
D. everything about sleep has been brought to light
Clue: Sleep is a natural process, and although a lot have been written about the subject, it is still surrounded by
mystery. Ngủ là một quá trình tự nhiên, và mặc dù rất nhiều đã được viết về đề tài này, nhưng nó vẫn bao
quanh bởi bí ẩn.
Question 12: All the following statements are true, EXCEPT for__________________.
A. we spend only 25 percents of our night’s sleeping time to dream.
B. our night’s sleep occurs in a straight line of only two phases.
C. all sleeps are similar in the alternatives of the two stages during the night.
D. we often have no dreams right after we fall asleep.
Clue:- Non-dreaming sleep occupies three-quarters of our night’s sleep,= Giấc ngủ không mơ chiếm 3/4 giấc
ngủ ban đêm của chúng ta,=> A
-It alternates between two stages: Non-dreaming or ordinary sleep, and REM (rapid eye movement) or
dreaming sleep….= Nó xen kẽ giữa hai giai đoạn: Giấc ngủ bình thường hoặc không mơ và REM (chuyển động
mắt nhanh) hoặc giấc ngủ mơ…=> B sai
-It alternates in this way for the rest of the night, with non-dreaming sleep tending to last longer at the
beginning of the night=Nó luân phiên theo cách này trong phần còn lại của đêm, với giấc ngủ không mộng mị
có xu hướng kéo dài hơn vào đầu đêm => C
-As soon as we fall asleep, we go straight into non-dreaming sleep for an hour or so, then into REM sleep for
about 15 minutes, then back into non-dreaming sleep.=> D
Question 13: Unlike the common belief, sleep helps ____________________________.
A. not to be awake D. us to fix the damage happening by day
B. us to repair our body C. our brain to rest and recover
Clue: It is widely believed that sleep repairs the body and makes good the damage caused by being awake.
However, its main function is to refresh the brain.= Người ta tin rằng giấc ngủ sẽ sửa chữa cơ thể và làm lành
những tổn thương do thức giấc gây ra. Tuy nhiên, chức năng chính của nó là phucj hooif bộ não.
Question 14: It can be inferred from the experts’ ideas that_______________________.
A. Nearly 70 % of our sleep is invaluable
B. REM makes good our brain
C. Dream enables our body to refresh
D. if we can sleep uninterruptedly, it is not necessary to sleep the whole night
Clue: Experts believe that probably only about two-thirds of our sleep is necessary for repairing and refreshing
the brain, with the most valuable sleep coming in the first few hours of the non-dreaming period, the last few
hours of sleep are not so essential. The brain can manage quite well with reduced sleep as long as it is
uninterrupted sleep.= Các chuyên gia tin rằng có lẽ chỉ khoảng 2/3 giấc ngủ của chúng ta là cần thiết để sửa
chữa và làm mới bộ não, với giấc ngủ quý giá nhất đến trong vài giờ đầu tiên của giai đoạn không mơ, những
giờ cuối cùng của giấc ngủ không quá cần thiết. Bộ não có thể quản lý khá tốt với việc giảm giấc ngủ miễn là
giấc ngủ không bị gián đoạn.
Question 15: The study in the USA suggested that_____________________________.
A. the fewer hours we sleep, the more we dream
B. the type of sleep is more important than its length
C. Deep sleep means better sleep
D. Six hours of sleep is better than eight hours.
Clue: six hours of good sleep is worth more than eight hours of troubled sleep.= sáu giờ ngủ ngon đáng giá hơn
tám giờ ngủ khó chiuj =>Chất lwuongj của giấc ngủ quan trọng hơn thời lượng
Question 16: Which of the following is NOT discussed in the passage?
A. The problem with sleepless people C. The circle of a sleep
B. The role of the sleep D. Types of sleep
=> vòng tuần hoàn và quá trình được nhắc ở đoạn 2, vai trò của giấc ngủ được nhắc đến ở đoạn 3 và các kiểu
giấc ngủ được nhắc đến ở đoạn 4
Question 17: The word “occupies” in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by ______.
A. accounts for B. takes care of C. works out D. goes up
occupies = accounts for: chiếm
Question 18: The word “irritating” in paragraph 1 most likely means__________.
A. comforting B. annoying C. calming D. soothing
Clue: It is used by some as an escape from the world, and regarded by others as an irritating waste of time=Một
số người sử dụng nó như một lối thoát khỏi thế giới và những người khác coi đó là một sự lãng phí thời gian
khó chịu
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.
To most people, landfill site is simply holes in the ground where waste material is buried. To garbologists,
however, they provide a valuable (1) _______ of information about population’s activities in areas such as food
consumption and waste disposal. Garbology is a branch of ethnography, a science which abandons traditional
methods of (2) _______ market research information, such as questionnaires and focus groups, in favour of (3)
_______ observation of people and their habits.
The world’s (4) _______ garbologist, Professor William Rathje, is also an archaeologist. Archaeologists
study past cultures by examining the (5) _______ of objects and buildings. But the basic principles of archaeology
can also be applied to the discarded rubbish of present-day civilizations in order to (6) _______ a better
understanding of how people behave now. As founder and director of the Garbage Project at the University of
Arizona, Professor Rathje has (7) _______ over 30 years of his life to the archaeological study of modern refuse.
His work is of great interest to commerce; companies need to understand the lives of their consumers in
order to create brands which will be of most (8) _______ to them. Rathje’s (9) _______ can help them achieve
this. In addition, his analysis of the composition of landfill sites reveals a greater need not only to recycle more
rubbish, but also to (10) _______ down on the amount of rubbish we produce in the first place.
1. A. spring B. origin C. source D. fountain
Source of information = nguồn thông tin
Spring = nguồn gốc origin = cội rễ, nguồn gốc fountain= suối nước
2. A. holding B. meeting C. obtaining D. comprising
Hold = giữ meet = gặp obtain = thu được, đạt được comprise =bao gồm, chứa
3. A. near B. close C. tight D. hard
Close observation ( collo) = quan sát kỹ
4. A. heading B. leading C. charging D. fronting
Heading = tiêu đề, phần mở đầu leading = hàng đầu, quan trọng
Fronting = the fact of putting a word or phrase that does not normally come at the beginning of a sentence at the
beginning, in order to emphasize it
5. A. rests B. ruins C. relics D. remains
Remains = vật còn sót lại, vật còn lại
Rest = chỗ tạm trú ruin =sự đổ nát relics = vết tích
6. A. gain B. learn C. make D. gather
Gain a better understanding of = đạt được/có sự hiểu biết tốt hơn về
7. A. conveyed B. devoted C. apportioned D. spent
Devote sth to sth = cống hiến ( thường là thời gian sức lwucj cho điều gì )
8. A. function B. serving C. use D. purpose
Be of use to sb = có ích đối với ai
9. A. outcomes B. findings C. implications D. derivations
Outcome = kết quả, chung cuộc findings= phát hiện, kết quả nghiên cứu
implications = hàm ý, ngụ ý derivation= nguồn gốc
10. A. lower B. cut C. bring D. get
Cut dơn on = cắt giảm điều gì
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B
Many species of animals and plants have disappeared from the earth. They have died out, or become extinct .
But sometimes animals or plant (1) _______ can be found buried in rocks. These are called fossils. Imprints in
rocks (paw prints, for example) are also called fossils.
Not every creature (2) _______ as a fossil. Many simply rot away completely and leave no (3) _______ of
their existence. Because many creatures and plants have disappeared without leaving any fossils, we will never
know anything about them.
The study of fossils, or paleontology, to give it its scientific name became established at the beginning of the
nineteenth century. Before this research began, people did not believe that fossils had once been (4) _______.
Large fossil teeth were seen as evidence of a race of giants in the past, while ammonites, a very common type
of fossil which you might easily find yourself on a beach or among rocks, were called snakestones because of
their snake-like (5) _______. People believed that snakes had been (6) _______ to stone by a miracle.
The most famous fossils of all are the dinosaurs. There are, of course, no dinosaurs on (7) _______ in zoos.
They were not hunted to extinction by humans as some animals have been, but became extinct millions of years
before our own species developed. The reason why the dinosaurs became extinct is still a mystery. Many theories
have (8) _______ the disappearance of dinosaurs with major (9) _______ change.
One possibility is that a gigantic meteorite crashed into the earth (10) _______ so much dust into the
atmosphere that the amount of sunlight was reduced. The temperature would have fallen and, as a consequence,
many types of plants and animals would have become extinct.
1. A. ones B. remains C. parts D. evidence
Remains = thứ, vật còn sót lại part = phần evidence = bằng chứng
2. A. continues B. lasts C. survives D. develops
Continue = tiếp tục last = kéo dài survive = tồn tại,sống sót develop = phát triển
3. A. proof B. marks C. trace D. remnants
Trace = dấu vết => trace of one’s existence = dấu vết của sự tồn tại
Proof – bằng chứng mark = điểm remnants = tàn dư, tàn tích
4. A. flesh B. physical C. living D. alive
Flesh = xác thịt physical = thuộc về vật chất living = sống alive = còn sống, tồn tại
5. A. manner B. type C. shape D. figure
Manner = cách thức type = loại shape = hình dạng figure =hình thể, nhân vật
6. A. ossified B. petrified C. made D. turned
Turn to sth = biến thành cái gì
Osify = háo thành xương petrify= hóa đá made = tạo thành
7. A. display B. exhibition C. appearance D. sight
on display (phrase): in place for people to see.
8. A. joined B. connected C. explained D. initiated
Connect sth to sth = kết nối cái gì với cái gì
9. A. weather B. temporal C. climatic D. seasonal
Weather = thời tiết temporal = liên quan đến thời gian climatic = khí hậu seasonal = theo mùa
10. A. putting B. disturbing C. displacing D. pushing
Put dust into the atmosphere= mag theo bụi vào không khí
1B 2C 3C 4D 5C 6D 7A 8B 9C 10A
Choose the suitable word from the box and change the word form of word to fill in each blank
Nancy Andrew’s latest exhibition at the Seagull Gallery proves that she is one of our most (1) ……………
painters. She has emerged from her (2) …………….. phase, in which the influence of Picasso was apparent, and
returned to a more (3) ……………. style of painting, but without losing her (4) ………… sense of colour and
form. She has chosen (5) ……………. themes for this show, and her portrait of Bacchus, for example, has a
wonderful (6) …………….. about it. But the most (7) …………. work is the large canvas called simply “Mars”.
It is a (8) …………… study, in various shades of red and gold, and its balanced (9) …………. gives it a
pleasing, even restful feel, despite the (10) ………………. of its subject matter.
1. gifted = có tài, tài năng
2. cubist= belonging or relating to a style of modern art in which an object or person is shown as a set of
geometric shapes, or typical of this style of painting= chủ nghĩa lập thể
3. traditional = truyền thống
4. delightful = thú vị, làm say mê, vui sướng
5. mythological= thuộc về thần thoại
6. simplicity = sự đơn giản, tính bình dị
7. impressive = ấn tượng
8. colourful = nhiều màu sắc
9. composition = thành phần,
10. violence = sự dữ dội, mãnh liệt
There are ten lexical and grammatical mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them
It is a well-known fact that Japanese people have a longer life expectancy than the population of most
others countries. A recent report shows that the Japanese also expect to maintain healthier for longer.
Scientists are trying to work what keeps elderly Japanese people so healthy, and whether there is a lesson
from which we benefit. Should we make any changes to our eating habits, for instance, or go jogging each day
before breakfast? Is there some secret ingredients in the Japanese diet that is particularly beneficial for the human
Although the prospect of a longer, healthier life is a good thing for the individual, it can create a social
problem. A number of people over the age of 65 in the population has doubled in the last 50 years and that has
increased pension and medical costs. Japan could soon be encountering an economical problem: there are more
elderly people who need to be taken after and relatively fewer younger people working and paying for taxes to
support them.
One solution could be to rise retirement age from 65 to 70. After all, the elderly have a great deal to
donate. If they continue to be active in society, younger generations will have the chance to learn more between
their wisdom and experience.
1. others - other=> Others: Những cái khác, những người khác= other + N
2. maintain – remain => Maintain là một động từ có bản chất nhấn mạnh việc để duy trì, giữ vững một tình trạng
nào đó là cần có sự nỗ lực, công sức nhất định của con người. # Remain là một động từ nhấn mạnh việc một thứ
gì ở tình trạng nào đó là do 'thuận theo tự nhiên', không có ai can thiệp hay tác động vào nên cứ giữ nguyên như
3. work – work out = Tìm ra câu trả lời, biện pháp
4. A – The => The number of + N (số nhiều) + V (số ít)
5. economical – economic => economical = tiết kiệm # economic = thuộc về kinh tế
6. taken – looked => look after = chăm sóc
7. paying for - paying => Pay taxes to = chỉ trả thuế cho
8. rise – raise => rise là hành động do một người, hay vật tự làm. Nói cách khác, đây là một nội động
từ(intransitive verb)- không có tân ngữ đi kèm sau động từ
Raise = là hành động mà một người hay một vật tác động vào người, vật khác. Nói cách khác, đây là một ngoại
động từ (transitive verb) - hành động hướng vào chủ thể khác=> luôn có tân ngữ đi kèm sau động từ.
10. She had four daughters. The youngest of them was her favourite. (EYE)
She had four daughters ………………………………………………………..
1. made redundant/ fired/ sacked/ dismissed
Make redudant = bị sa thải, bị đuổi việc
2. up infections much more
picked up=to catch an illness from someone or something, caused by bacteria or a virus
3. to terms with the
Come to tém with = đống ý, chấp nhận điều gì
4. was taken by surprise when John
Be taken by surprise = bị ngạc nhiên, bất ngờ bởi điều gì
5. As far as Susan is concerned, ..
As far as sb is concerned = theo như ai biết, theo như ai nghĩ rằng
6. Under no circumstance can/ may students enter the exam
=> Đảo ngữ : Under no circumstance + trợ động từ + S + V = dù trong bất kể trường hợp nào…
7. is head and shoulders above all other countries in football.
'Head and shoulders above' có một từ mới là shoulder nghĩa là cái vai. Thành ngữ này được dùng để chỉ một
người hay một vật vượt trội hay hơn hẳn những người khác.
8. such a fool when I realized what
Feel stupid = feel such a fool = cảm thấy ngốc nghếch
9. being taken for granted by his friends
take something for granted =to believe something to be the truth without even thinking about it:
10. the youngest of whom was the apple of her eye/ the eye.
the apple of my eye" có nghĩa là ta đã coi người đó/vật đó là một điều quý giá và luôn muốn để trong tầm mắt.
II. WORD CHOICE (5 PTS): Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
11. Companies are joining forces with governments in Africa to _____ regional campaigns against malaria.
A fabricate B originate C mount D produce
Mount = thiết lập , tổ chức => mount a campaign/ protest/ an exhibition fabricate= chế tạo, ngụy tạo
12. The authorities have _____ their original decision to allow development of this rural area.
A dispensed B detached C refrained D revoked
Revoke = to say officially that an agreement, permission, a law, etc. is no longer in effect
Dispense= phân chia, phân phát detach = tách riêng ra refrain= ngưng sử dụng, làm gì
13. The integrity of a marine ecosystem could be _____ due to the impact of coastal reclamation.
A compromised B conceded C conciliated D confronted
Compromise = to risk having a harmful effect on something = làm tổn hại, làm nguy cho
Concede= công nhận conciliate = hòa giải confront= đối đầu
14. One of the organisation’s aims is to ___ information about the disease so that more people know of its
A disentangle B deride C dwindle D disseminate
disentangle = gỡ rối deride =cười nhạo, chế nhạo
dwindle = thu lại, co hẹp disseminate= truyền bá, đồn tin
15. This room has been _____ as a non-smoking area.
A designed B designated C described D destined
Design = thiết kế designate = chỉ định, bổ nhiệm describe = miêu tả destine= dành riêng cho
16. She _____ control of the family investments to her son.
A renounced B disowned C disclaimed D relinquished
Renounce = từ bỏ ( niềm tin, quyền thừa kế..)
disowned = không thừa nhận, chối bỏ ( mối quan hệ )
disclaimed = không nhận, chối ( trách nhiệm, những việc đã làm )
relinquished= buông bỏ, từ bỏ ( thói qune, trách nhiệm )
=>relinquish sth to sb = từ bỏ cái gì cho ai
17. Dealing with _____ refusal from an employee is easier than dealing with false compliance.
A an offset B a remedial C an agile D an outright
Outright = completely or immediately => outright refusal(collo) = từ chối ngay lập tức, hoàn toàn
18. Unemployment threat has been _____ for a while now.
A intimidating on the air B daunting on the lookout
C looming on the horizon D overwhelming on the wing
Loom large on the horizon" nghĩa là có ảnh hưởng lớn, quan trọng (sự kiện sắp tới, mối đe dọa...)
Be on the lookout" = Đang quan sát, tìm kiếm, ngắm nhìn ai/cái gì.
19. After _____ in obscurity for many years, her early novels have recently been rediscovered.
A abolishing B flourishing C languishing D shattering
Languish=to exist in an unpleasant or unwanted situation, often for a long time
Abolish= bãi bỏ flourish = hưng thịnh, phát triển shatter= làm bể, vỡ
20. The best thing about living in the countryside is the _____ greenery.
A myriad B innumerable C untold D abundant
Innumerable = too many to be counte
Abundant =more than enough; a lot of
Myriad =very large in number, or having great variety ( thường là các vấn đề )
Untold =so great in amount or level that it can not be measured or expressed in words
Đáp án : 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.C 19.C 20.D
III. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURES (5PTS): Choose the best options to complete the following
21. The higher the content of carbon dioxide in the air is, _______.
A. the more heat it retains B. the more it retains heat
C. the heater it retains D. it retains more heat
=> Cấu trúc so sánh kép: Càng... Càng
22. Sheila will inherit everything ______ her uncle's death.
A. on account of B. in spite of C. in the event of D. in place of
On account of = bởi vì, do là
In spite of + N/Ving = mặc dù
In the event of = trong trường hợp, phòng khi
In place of = thay cho , thay thế vào
23. They were fortunate______ from the fire before the building collapsed.
A. rescuing B. to rescue C. to have been rescued D. to have rescued
Dịch: họ đã rất may mắn khi được cứu khỏi hỏa hoạn trước khi tòa nhà đổ sập. -> được cứu thoát ->bị động:
to +have +been +PP.
24. That is _______.
A. an alarm useful digital clock B. a useful alarm digital clock
C. a useful digital alarm clock D. a digital useful alarm clock
=> Trật tự tính từ osascompgồm: Opion, Size, Age, Shape, Color, Origin, Material, Purpose.
25. We should study harder _____ better in the future.
A. with the view to serve the people B. with a view to serve the people
C. with a view to serving the people D. with the view to serving the people
With a view + doing sth = so as to/ in oder to + v = mục đích để làm gì
26. ______ for the director must have surprised you.
A. You're being nominated B. You nominated
C. Your being nominated D. You nominating
=> Chỗ cần điền thiếu chủ ngữ là cụm danh động từ nhưng phải ở dạng bị động vì câu mang nghãi bị động =>
đáp án C
27. Sonic scientists say it is essential that mankind ____ the amount of air pollution in big cities.
A. be reduced B. will reduce C. reduces D. Reduce
=> Cấu trcus câu giả định với tính từ “ essential “ => It is + adj + that + S + V ( nguyên )
28. : -" ____________" - "Yes, of course."
A. You won't help me this time B. You'd better give me one hand.
C. I don't think I'll need your help. D. Could you give me a hand?
=> give sb a hand = giúp ai đó => could you give me a hand ? = Bạn có thể giúp tôi không
29. ____, the young woman was visibly very happy after the birth of her child.
A. Tired although she was B.Despite tired
C. She was tired D. Though tired
Rút gọn mệnh đề : although + s + tobe + adj ,...= Though + adj
30. Since they aren’t answering their telephone, they ______.
A. need have left B. should have left C. can have left D. must have left
Ta dùng cấu trúc “must have + PII” để diễn tả một suy đoán logic dựa trên những hiện tượng có thật ở quá khứ.
Dịch câu: Bởi vì họ không trả lời điện thoại, họ chắc hẳn đã dời đi rồi.
Đáp án : 21.A 22.C 23.C 24.C 25.C 26.C 27.D 28.D 29.D 30.D
be left out =to be sad because other people are doing something without you
36. Steve ____________his chances of passing by spending too much time on the first question.
To throw away: vứt bỏ, bỏ phí To throw in: thêm vào, đưa ra (nhận xét)
Tạm dịch: Steve đã bỏ qua cơ hội vượt qua kì thi bằng cách dành quá nhiều thời gian cho câu hỏi đầu tiên.
Turn down something: từ chối, bác bỏ (một yêu cầu, đề nghị)
Cut out of = to remove (something) out of (something) by or as if by cutting /to cause (someone) to no longer
be included in (something)
cut into something =to take away or use part of a period of time or an amount of something / to make something
less or smaller
cut away = to remove the parts of something that you do not want by cutting them
40. In the early years of the twentieth century, several rebellions_________ in the northern parts of the country.
VI. GUIDED CLOZE 2 (5PTS): Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space.
While I was walking through my neighbourhood park recently, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was
not alone in my (51)________ to get out and see nature at its finest. The autumn season and its accompanying
shedding of leaves had brought us city-dwellers out in (52)________.
In retrospect , I realise I really shouldn’t have been as surprised as I was because nature has a way of
attracting crowds. Even travel agents have (53)________ and each year sees more and more ‘eco-holidays’ on
(54)________ for those wishing to ‘reunite’ themselves with the great (55)________. It is a fact, too, that the
world’s zoos and aquariums attract more people annually than all professional sporting events combined .
According to Edward O Wilson, a Harvard ecologist, humans have an (56)_______ love of nature and an
actual need to (57)________ themselves in it. Children are the greatest examples of what Wilson has
(58)________ ‘biophilia’ or love of life. Point out a butterfly or an anthill to almost any child and watch their
eyes light up with interest and curiosity. Or, for that matter, just watch grown-ups as they (59)________ through
the park on a lovely autumn day. Their relaxed expressions are enough to show that they are truly appreciative
of their (60)________, but beneficial, contact with nature.
51. A thirst B desire C hunger D appeal
Thirst = khao khát, ước muốn điều gì => have a thrist for sth
Desire = a strong feeling that you want something => in one’s desire = trong khao khát mãnh liệt của ai
Appeal = a request to the public for money, information, or help
Hunger = a strong wish or desire => a hunger for sth
52. A droves B flocks C schools D mobs
in droves = in large quantities = số lượng lớn
53. A understood B caught on C noted D worked out
Catch on = Cuối cùng cũng hiểu cái gì Work out =Tìm ra câu trả lời, biện pháp
54. A offer B display C sale D show
on offer: để bán giảm giá on display = để trưng bày
on sale = Có sẵn để mua từ 1 cửa hàng, cửa hiệu –> mang nghĩa “để bán”/ được giảm giá
55. A outdoors B outside C outline D outback
Outdoors= a place outside, away from buildings, where you can experience nature= ngoài trời
Outside = bên ngoài outline = dàn ý outback = vùng xa xôi hẻo lánh
56. A inner B impulsive C innate D inherited
Inner = bên trong impulsive = bốc dồng innate = bẩm sinh, thiên phú inherited= thừa hưởng
57. A drown B sink C plunge D immerse
Immerse onself in sth = đắm chìm bản thân vào điều gì
58. A termed B coined C marked D phrased
Term = chỉ định, kêu tên cụ thể phrase = bảy tỏ mark = đnahs dấu
Coin= to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time => coined the
term/ phrase
59. A trot B pace C gallop D stroll
stroll through (some place) =To walk slowly and leisurely through some place.
60. A little B brief C swift D tiny
Little = chút ít brief = ngắn ngủi swift = nhanh tiny = nhỏ bé
Đáp án : 51.B 52.A 53.B 54.A 55.A 56.C 57.D 58.A 59.D 60.B
VII. READING PASSAGE 1 (5PTS): Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question.
A public inquiry opened yesterday into plans to pump extra water from the Lake District National Park to
refill reservoirs drained by drought. United Utilities has submitted its proposals to take water from two lakes,
Windermere and Ullswater, to public scrutiny because of concerns about the potential damage to wildlife.
Anglers are concerned that spawning sites for salmon and trout could dry out if water is drained from the
rivers that flow from the lakes. But the utilities company insists that removing and treating the extra water will
not hurt local flora and fauna. The hearing, headed by the government inspector, Stuart Nixon, is being held in
the Cumbrian town of Windermere and will last for two days. A final decision is expected to be taken later this
month by Margaret Beckett, the Environment Secretary.
United Utilities insists that the drought orders are necessary to prevent the further depletion of water from
two of its reservoirs in the Lake District, Haweswater and Thirlmere. Because of the unusually dry summer this
year, Haweswater has only 53 per cent of its capacity compared with 68 percent at the same time last year.
Thirlmere has just 47 percent, whereas last year it had 79 percent.
If United Utilities is given the go-ahead, it would be able to take extra water from the Windermere and
Ullswater rivers – Leven and Eamont respectively – this winter, rather than having to take emergency measures
next year. Water from Ullswater would be piped into Haweswater reservoir; water from Windermere would enter
the local supply, and prevent further depletion of Thirlmere. Water supplies would reach two million people in
Manchester, Lancashire, south Cumbria and parts of Cheshire.
Cumbria Wildlife Trust said taking extra water could pose problems for wildlife if not properly managed.
But a spokesman said it was not opposing United Utilities' plans because it was better for water to be drained in
the wet winter months rather than in the summer. ‘If they don’t have to do it now, they will have to do it in April,’
the spokesman said.
Dickon Knight, the agent for the landowner Holker Estates, said the proposed minimum flows on the river Leven
would harm efforts to protect salmon stocks. Alistair Maltby, the manager of the Eden Rivers Trust, said taking water
from the rivers during the winter was the best approach but urged United Utilities to mend leaks in its pipes in the long
run. Gary Dixon, customer service manager at United Utilities, said, ‘We can’t predict what supplies will be like over
the winter. Normally this is when our reservoirs would refill but if the low rainfall continues we need to start planning
ahead for next summer. Taking action now will have a lower impact on the river environment than during the spring.’
The company said the deluge of rain in recent weeks was helping to top up the reservoirs. John Carberry, a
spokesman, said, ‘There is no crisis and no panic, but we are looking ahead for next year. There is a potential
impact on the environment which is why we are seeking permission to do what we want to do.’ The Environment
Agency said it would work with the utility company to ensure any damage to fish stocks was kept to a minimum.
61. According to the opening paragraph, the controversy arose due to ________.
A a proposed scheme to top up water supplies.
B excessive water in local lakes.
C civilians protesting over a threat to the environment.
D a possibility that reservoirs could be contaminated.
Clue: Clue: A public inquiry opened yesterday into plans to pump extra water from the Lake District National
Park to refill reservoirs drained by drought.= Một cuộc điều tra công khai đã mở vào ngày hôm qua về kế hoạch
bơm thêm nước từ Công viên Quốc gia Lake District để làm đầy các hồ chứa cạn kiệt do hạn hán.
62. The word “hearing” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. trial B. legal action C. lawsuit D. official meeting
Clue: The hearing, headed by the government inspector, Stuart Nixon, is being held in the Cumbrian town of
Windermere and will last for two days= Cuộc họp chính thức , do thanh tra chính phủ, Stuart Nixon đứng đầu,
đang được tổ chức tại thị trấn Windermere của Cumbria và sẽ kéo dài trong hai ngày.
=> hearing = official meeting
63. Who does the outcome of the proposal ultimately rest with?
A the area’s fishermen B a utilities company
C Margaret Beckett D Stuart Nixon
Clue: A final decision is expected to be taken later this month by Margaret Beckett, the Environment Secretary.=
Quyết định cuối cùng dự kiến sẽ được đưa ra vào cuối tháng này bởi Margaret Beckett, Bộ trưởng Môi trường.
64. What have high temperatures resulted in?
A several bodies of water in the Lake District completely drying up
B United Utilities wanting to take certain measures
C two lakes being left with less than 50% of their water
D a large decrease in profits for United Utilities
Clue: United Utilities insists that the drought orders are necessary to prevent the further depletion of water from
two of its reservoirs in the Lake District, Haweswater and Thirlmere.= United Utilities khẳng định rằng lệnh hạn
hán là cần thiết để ngăn chặn tình trạng cạn kiệt thêm nước từ hai trong số các hồ chứa của họ ở Lake District,
Haweswater và Thirlmere.
65. The word “go-ahead” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. leave B. consensus C. authorization D. Permit
Clue: Give the go-ahead" = Nhận được sự cho phép để tiếp tục tiến hành việc gì
If United Utilities is given the go-ahead, it would be able to take extra water from the Windermere and Ullswater
rivers – Leven and Eamont respectively= Nếu United Utilities được nhận được sự cho phép , nó sẽ có thể lấy
thêm nước từ các sông Windermere và Ullswater – tương ứng là Leven và Eamont
66. If the plan is implemented, _______.
A it will inevitably avert a national crisis.
B its impact will be felt nationwide.
C it could cause irreversible damage.
D it should preferably be done in winter.
Clue: If United Utilities is given the go-ahead, it would be able to take extra water from the Windermere and
Ullswater rivers – Leven and Eamont respectively – this winter, rather than having to take emergency measures
next year.= Nếu United Utilities được nhận được sự cho phép , nó sẽ có thể lấy thêm nước từ các sông
Windermere và Ullswater – tương ứng là Leven và Eamont – vào mùa đông này, thay vì phải thực hiện các biện
pháp khẩn cấp vào năm tới.
-But a spokesman said it was not opposing United Utilities' plans because it was better for water to be drained in
the wet winter months rather than in the summer. ‘If they don’t have to do it now, they will have to do it in April,’
the spokesman said.= Nhưng một phát ngôn viên cho biết họ không phản đối kế hoạch của United Utilities vì tốt
hơn là nên rút nước trong những tháng mùa đông ẩm ướt hơn là vào mùa hè. Người phát ngôn cho biết: “Nếu họ
không phải làm điều đó ngay bây giờ, họ sẽ phải làm điều đó vào tháng Tư.
67. Which of the following statements is NOT true, according to the passage?.
A the water depletion rate of all reservoirs is not the same.
B Wildlife might be affected by excessive water taking
C It’s inevitable that water should be drained sooner or later.
D Water from two rivers would be pumped into the local supply
Clue: Water from Ullswater would be piped into Haweswater reservoir; water from Windermere would enter the
local supply, and prevent further depletion of Thirlmere.= Nước từ Ullswater sẽ được dẫn vào hồ chứa
Haweswater; nước từ Windermere sẽ đi vào nguồn cung cấp địa phương và ngăn chặn sự cạn kiệt thêm của
68. What is Alistair Maltby’s opinion on refilling reservoirs?.
A It will be detrimental to certain species of fish.
B It’s the best solution as long as a technical problem is sorted out.
C It will have a negative effect on the environment if left until spring.
D Its success depends on how well United Utilities manage the project.
Clue: Alistair Maltby, the manager of the Eden Rivers Trust, said taking water from the rivers during the winter
was the best approach but urged United Utilities to mend leaks in its pipes in the long run= Alistair Maltby,
người quản lý của Eden Rivers Trust, cho biết lấy nước từ các con sông trong mùa đông là cách tiếp cận tốt nhất
nhưng thúc giục United Utilities sửa chữa rò rỉ trong đường ống về lâu dài
69. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A it’s spring at the moment the passage was written
B salmon stocks are being kept to a minimum
C there will be an active collaboration for the common good
D water depletion has reached epidemic proportions
Clue: The Environment Agency said it would work with the utility company to ensure any damage to fish stocks
was kept to a minimum.= Cơ quan Môi trường cho biết họ sẽ làm việc với công ty tiện ích để đảm bảo mọi thiệt
hại đối với nguồn cá được giữ ở mức tối thiểu.
70. What is the overall tone of the passage?
A alarmed B sarcastic C neutral D dismissive
=> Giọng điệu tổng thể của đoạn văn là trung lập
Đáp án : 61.A 62. D 63. C 64. B 65.C 66.D 67.D 68.B 69.C 70.C
READING PASSAGE 2 (5PTS): Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question.
An air pollutant is defined as a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in
such quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely. Air pollution requires a very
flexible definition that permits continuous change. When the first air pollution laws were established in England
in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to compounds that could be seen or smelled - a far cry
from the extensive list of harmful substances known today. As technology has developed and knowledge of the
health aspects of various chemicals has increased, the list of air pollutants has lengthened. In the future, even
water vapor might be considered an air pollutant under certain conditions.
Many of the more important air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides,
are found in nature. As the Earth developed, the concentration of these pollutants was altered by various
chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical cycles. These serve as an air purification
scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water or soil. On a global basis, nature's output
of these compounds dwarfs that resulting from human activities.
However, human production usually occurs in a localized area, such as a city. In such a region, human
output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification scheme of the cycles. The result
is an increased concentration of noxious chemicals in the air. The concentrations at which the adverse effects
appear will be greater than the concentrations that the pollutants would have in the absence of human
activities. The actual concentration need not be large for a substance to be a pollutant; in fact, the numerical
value tells us little until we know how much of an increase this represents over the concentration that would
occur naturally in the area. For example, sulfur dioxide has detectable health effects at 0.08 parts per million
(ppm), which is about 400 times its natural level. Carbon monoxide, however, has a natural level of 0.1 ppm and
is not usually a pollutant until its level reaches about 15 ppm.
Clue: An air pollutant is defined as a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in
such quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely.= Chất gây ô nhiễm không khí
được định nghĩa là một hợp chất do con người trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp thêm vào khí quyển với số lượng có
ảnh hưởng xấu đến con người, động vật, thảm thực vật hoặc vật liệu.
=> Đoạn văn thảo luận về chất gây nên ô nhiễm không khí
72. The word "adversely" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to______.
=> An air pollutant is defined as a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in such
quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely.= Chất gây ô nhiễm không khí được
định nghĩa là một hợp chất do con người trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp thêm vào khí quyển với số lượng có ảnh
hưởng xấu đến con người, động vật, thảm thực vật hoặc vật liệu.
Clue: Air pollution requires a very flexible definition that permits continuous change= Ô nhiễm không khí đòi
hỏi một định nghĩa rất linh hoạt cho sự thay đổi liên tục.
74. The word "These" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to______.
Clue: As the Earth developed, the concentration of these pollutants was altered by various chemical reactions;
they became components in biogeochemical cycles. These serve as an air purification scheme by allowing the
compounds to move from the air to the water or soil.= Khi Trái đất phát triển, nồng độ của các chất ô nhiễm
này bị thay đổi bởi các phản ứng hóa học khác nhau; chúng trở thành các thành phần trong các chu trình sinh
địa hóa. Chúng phục vụ như một kế hoạch thanh lọc không khí bằng cách cho phép các hợp chất di chuyển từ
không khí sang nước hoặc đất.
75. For which of the following reasons can natural pollutants play an important role in controlling air
Clue: As the Earth developed, the concentration of these pollutants was altered by various chemical reactions;
they became components in biogeochemical cycles. These serve as an air purification scheme by allowing the
compounds to move from the air to the water or soil.= Khi Trái đất phát triển, nồng độ của các chất ô nhiễm
này bị thay đổi bởi các phản ứng hóa học khác nhau; chúng trở thành các thành phần trong các chu trình sinh
địa hóa. Chúng phục vụ như một kế hoạch thanh lọc không khí bằng cách cho phép các hợp chất di chuyển từ
không khí sang nước hoặc đất.
=> Chất thải tự nhiên hoạt động như chu trình của quá trình làm sạch
Clue: In such a region, human output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural
purification scheme of the cycles.= Trong một khu vực như vậy, rác thải của con người có thể chiếm ưu thế
và có thể tạm thời làm quá tải quá trình chu kỳ thanh lọc tự nhiên
77. The word "localized" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to______.
78. According to the passage, the numerical value of the concentration level of a substance is only useful if ___.
79. The word "detectable" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to______.
Clue: For example, sulfur dioxide has detectable health effects at 0.08 parts per million (ppm), which is about
400 times its natural level= Ví dụ, sulfur dioxide có thể phát hiện được các ảnh hưởng sức khỏe ở mức 0,08
phần triệu (ppm), gấp khoảng 400 lần mức tự nhiên của nó.
A. To effectively control pollution, local government should regularly review their air pollution laws.
B. One of the most important steps in preserving natural lands is to better enforce air pollution laws.
C. Scientists should be consulted in order to establish uniform limits for all air pollutants.
Clue: An air pollutant is defined as a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in
such quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely.= Chất gây ô nhiễm không khí
được định nghĩa là một hợp chất do con người trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp thêm vào khí quyển với số lượng có
ảnh hưởng xấu đến con người, động vật, thảm thực vật hoặc vật liệu. => Vì vậy các hoạt động của con người
đã có tác dụng làm giảm ô nhiễm không khí.
Đáp án : 71.B 72.A 73.C 74.D 75.A 76.B 77.A 78.C 79.C 80.D
I. CLOZE TEST (20PTS): Read the texts below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only ONE WORD for each space.
Passage 1
Most of us have (1)______of virtual reality (VR) because of computer games, and you may have seen films
like the Matrix which base their plot (2)______ YR.But fewer people are (3)______ of how VR (4)______our
lives in more serious ways. One of the commonest (5)______of VR is in medicine. Scientists have (6)______ to
build VR machines which can (7)______ to train doctors in surgical techniques, but VR is also used in the
operating theatre itself. For children who are (8)______ ill in hospitals. The children have a lot of fun but,
(9)______ from that, research has (10)______that the system helps to reduce their pain and loneliness of our lives
. We can expect VR to become more and more a pan of our lives.
Đáp án :
1. heard => hear of sth = nghe ,biết về điều gì
2. on => base on sth = dựa trên điều gì
3. aware => be aware of = nhận thức về điều gì
4. affects = ảnh hưởng => afect one’s lives = ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của ai
5. uses = sử dụng
6. managed => manage to do sth = thành công trong làm việc gì
7. help =. Help to do sth = giúp đỡ làm gì
8. seriously = nguy hiểm, nghiêm trọng => seriously ill = ốm nặng
9. apart => apart from = ngoại trừ
10. shown => show ( that) = chỉ ra rằng
Passage 2
Although the rise in global temperature by 4 percent predicted by many scientists may not sound like
much. It is the difference between now and the last ice Age, when huge glaciers covered Europe and most of
Britain. Nobody knows (11)______ what would happen in a warmer world, but we (12)______ know some things.
Heat a kettle and the water inside it expands. The (13)______ of the world has climbed more than half a degree
this century, and the oceans have risen by at least 10 cm.
But (14)______ as it takes several minutes for a kettle to begin warming, so it may have taken the oceans
thirty years to swell. This (15)______ that the global warming we are now experiencing is a result only of the
carbon dioxide we have dumped into the atmosphere up to the 1906s. Since then, the (16)______ of fossil fuels
has increased rapidly. Scientists working for the United Nations and European governments have been warning
that (17)______the Dutch and the people of East Anglia will need to do will be to build more extensive sea
defenses. Many of the world’s great cities are (18)______ risk , because they are located at sea level Miami,
almost entirely built on a sandbank, could be swept away. But the effects of rising sea levels will be much
(19)______ for the developing countries. With a metre rise in sea levels, 200 million could become homeless.
There are other fears too, according to a recent United Nations report. The plight of the hungry in
northern Africa could(20)______ as rainfall in the Sahara and beyond is reduced by 20 percent.
Đáp án:
11. quite, exactly, precisely = 1 cách chính xác
12. do => cấu trcus nhân smanhj do /does + v
13. temperature = nhiệt độ
14. just => One of the commonest (5)______of VR is in medicine
15. means = nghĩa là, có nghĩa
16. use => the use of sth = việc sự dụng thứ gì
17. what = cái mà
18. at => be at risk = gặp nguy hiểm
19. worse = tồi tệ hơn
20. worsen= trở nên xấu đi , tồi tệ
Line 7: found -> finding => rút gọn mệnh đề dnagj chủ độngt hì động từ chuyển thành ving
Line 8: healthy -> healthful = lành mạnh, có lợi cho sức khỏe
IV. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION: (20PTS) Rewrite the following sentences using
the words given.
1. I’d prefer him not to have said all those embarrassing things about me.
I’d rather _______________________________________________________________
2. The fourth time he asked her to marry him, she accepted.
Only on_______________________________________________________________
3. Could you watch my bag while I’m away?
Could you
4. The Mayor hoped to have a good day for the parade.
The Mayor was
5. Nobody helped me at all. (FINGER)
6.We suddenly decided to go away for the weekend.(SPUR)
7. You are far more practical than I am. (NOWHERE)
8. I was there when he admitted the truth. (PRESENCE)
9. He is unlikely to carry out the plan. (PRACTICE)
10. The success of our local theater has made our city famous. (MAP)
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others:
6. A. autonomous B. mischievousness C. stimulate D. register
7. A. pleasantry B. triathlon C. predecessor D. monastery
8. A. outwards B. windcheater C. showerhead D. northwest
9. A. orthographic B. authoritative C. lieutenant D. repository
10. A. euphemism B. phenotype C. paranoia D. matriarchy
1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. A
6. C 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. B
Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences
1. According to estimates, there ......................... no energy shortage after these large
A. will be – have been constructed B. is – will be constructed
C. should be – have been constructed D. was – would be constructed
=> Dấu hiệu “ estimates” vì vậy việc xây đạp chỉ hoàn thành trong tương lai, vì vậy mệnh đề
trước after sẽ chia TLĐ
Cấu trúc: S + V (TLĐ) + after S + V ( HTHT)
2. They go to the seaside ________ they should be disturbed by the noises of the city.
A. in order that B. so that C. for D. lest
Lest =… để…. không , để…khỏi
3. incredible is that these insects successfully migrate to places they
have never seen.
A. That makes the monarch butterflies’ migration
B. The migration of the monarch butterflies is
C. What makes the monarch butterflies’ migration
D. The migration of the monarch butterflies, which is
Đáp án C là đáp án đúng vì ta nhận thấy câu này có động từ chính là động từ "is" và thiếu chủ
ngữ. "What" ở đây không phải là câu hỏi mà có nghĩa là "Điều mà, cái mà". Ví dụ: What makes
a good friend is the sincerity. (Điều mà làm nên một người bạn tốt là sự chân thật.) Trong đó:
What makes a good friend là chủ ngữ, "is" là động từ và "the sincerity" là tân ngữ.
Tương tự như vậy với câu bài ra: "What makes the monarch butterflies' migration so incredible"
là chủ ngữ, "is" là động từ và "that ...
seen" là tân ngữ.
4. The curriculum at the public school is as good ............................... of any private school.
A. or better than B. as or better than that
C. expensive than D. lesser expensive than
Kiến thức: So sánh bằng, so sánh hơn
Giải thích:
Ta có cấu trúc so sánh bằng với tính/trạng từ: as + adj/adv + as. Đáp án D loại
So sánh hơn với tính từ/trạng từ: dạng so sánh hơn + than. Đáp án A loại (thiếu “than”)
Chủ ngữ ở đây là số ít (The curriculum) nên ta không thể dùng “those”, đáp án C loại
Tạm dịch: Chương trình giảng dạy tại trường công này tốt như hoặc tốt hơn bất kỳ trường tư
thục nào.
5. “I thought you’d get here much earlier.” “I know. We without our flight
................................ almost two hour late.”
A. could made – taking off B. would have made – took it off
C. must have made – taking off D. could have made – taking off
Could have + past participle = might have + past participle = khi chúng ta muốn suy đoán một
sự việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ
Must have +PII: dùng diễn đạt sự suy luận logic trong quá khứ
6. He said, “Hurrah! We have won the match!”
A. He said with joy that they have won the match.
B. He exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
C. He said, “Hurrah” that they had won the match.
D. He said that they have won the match.
He said, "Hurrah! We have won the match!" (Anh ấy nói "Hoan hô! Chúng ta thắng trận đấu
rồi") là câu tường thuật trực tiếp. Câu này thể hiện sự hân hoan vui mừng.
Ta thấy động từ giới thiệu "said" chia ở quá khứ nên trong câu gián tiếp ta phải lùi thì: HTHT
-> QKHT -> Đáp án A và D ta loại.
Còn đáp án B và C. Ta thấy ở đáp án C, chưa phải là cách nói gián tiếp hoàn toàn vì từ "Hurrah"
vẫn để trong ngoặc kép.
-> Đáp án C (Họ la lên một cách vui sướng rằng họ đã chiến thắng trận đấu) là đáp án đúng về
mặt cấu trúc và ý nghĩa.
7. Ms Clark expects .................... about any revisions in her manuscript before it is printed.
A. consulting B. being consulted C. to consult D. to be consulted
Ta có: expect + to V: mong đợi làm gì
Dịch: Bà Clark mong được hội ý về bản thảo đã được chỉnh sủa của bà ấy trước khi nó được in
8. Is it essential that we.......................there?
A. are B. were C. be D. have been
=> Cấu trúc thức giả định với tính từ essential=> động từ sau that sẽ ở dạng nguyên không chia
9. The lake,...................................................... , was finally thawing.
A. frozen over all winter B. freezing over all winter
C. freeze over all winter D. be frozen over all winter
=> rút gọn mệnh đề dạng bị động => động từ chuyển thành P2
10. ................................................that I don’t have time to look after myself.
A. So busy am I B. Such busy am I C. So busy I am D. Such busy I am
Cấu trúc đảo ngữ: So + adj/adv + V + S + that + clause
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D
6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. A
1.D 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C
Passage 1: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or
answer the question. (5 pts)
Many species of fish, particurlarly smaller fish, travel in schools, moving in tight
formations often with the precision of the most highly disciplined military unit on parade. Some
move in synchronized horders, while others move in starkly geometric forms. These may take
the shape, for example, of wedges, triangles, spheres, or ovals. In addition to the varieties of
shapes of school of fish, there are countless varieties of schooling behaviors. Some fish coalesce
into schools and then spead out in random patterns, while others move into close formations at
specific times, such as feeding times, but are more spead out at other times. Some move into
schools composed of members of all age groups, while others move in schools predominantly
when they are young but take up a more solitary existence as they mature. Though this behavior
is quite a regular, familiar phenomeon, there is much that is not completely known about it,
particularly the exact function that it serves and what mechanisms fish use to make it happen.
Numerous hypotheses have been proposed and tested concerning the purpose of
schooling behavior in fish. Schooling certainly promotes the survial of the species, but
questions arises as to the way the schooling enables fish to have a better chance of surviving.
Certainly, the fact that fish congregate together in schools helps to ensure their survival in that
schooling provides numerous types of protection for the members of the school. One form of
protection derives from the sheer numbers in the school. When a predator will be able to
consume only a small percentage of the school. Whereas some of the members of the school
will be lost to the predator, the majority of the will be able to survive. Another form of
protection comes from the special coloration and markings of different types of fish. Certain
types of coloration or markings such as stripes or patterns in vibrant and shiny colors create a
visual effect when a huge numbers of fish are clustered together, making it more difficult for a
potential predator to focus on specific members of the school. A final form of protection comes
from the special sense that fish possess, a sense that is enhanced when fish swim in schools.
This special sense is related to a set of lateral lines organs that consist of rows of pores leading
to fluid-filled canals. These organs are sensitive to minute vibrations in the water. The
thousands of sets of those special organs in a school of fish together can prove very effective in
warning the school about an approaching threat.
The purpose of schooling behavior is not the only aspect of schooling that is not fully
understood. It is also unclear exactly how fish manage to maintain their tight formations. Sight
seems to play a role in the ability of fish to move in school, and some scientists believe that, at
least in some species, sight may play the principal role. However, many experiments indicate
that more than sight is involved. Some fish school is quite well in the dark or in murky water
where visibility is extremely limited. This indicates that senses other than eyesight must be
involved in enabling the schooling behavior. The lateral line system most likely plays a
significant role in the ability of fish to school. Because these lateral line organs are sensitive to
the most minute vibrations and currents, this organ system may be used by fish to detect
movements among members of their school even when eyesight is limited or unavailable.
a/ Passage 1
1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D
1. All of the following are stated in paragraph 1 about schooling EXCEPT that
A. it is quite common
B. it can involve large numbers of fish
C. it can involve a number of different fish behaviors
D. it is fully understood
Thông tin: Though this behavior is quite a regular, familiar phenomenon, there is much that
is not completely known about it,…
Tạm dịch: Mặc dù hành vi này là một hiện tượng khá phổ biến, quen thuộc, nhưng có nhiều
điều về nó chưa được biết một cách đầy
2. The word hordes in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to:
A. shapes B. masses C. pairs D. patterns
Clue: Some move in synchronized horders, while others move in starkly geometric forms.=
Một số di chuyển theo đám đồng bộ, trong khi số khác di chuyển theo dạng hình học rõ ràng.
3. Which fish would be least likely to be in a school?
A. A large, older fish B. A smaller, colorful fish
B. A young, hungry fish D. A tiny, shiny fish
Thông tin: Many species of fish, particularly smaller fish, travel in schools, moving in tight
formations often with the precision of the most
highly disciplined military unit on parade… such as of all age groups, while others move in
schools predominantly when they are young
Tạm dịch: Nhiều loài cá, đặc biệt là những loài cá nhỏ hơn, di chuyển trong đàn, di chuyển
trong đội hình chặt chẽ thường với độ chính
xác như của một đơn vị quân đội có kỷ luật cao nhất trong cuộc diễu hành… chẳng hạn như ở
tất cả các nhóm tuổi, trong khi những con
khác di chuyển trong đàn chủ yếu khi chúng còn nhỏ
4. The word it in paragraph 1 refers to
A. existence B. behavior
C. fish D. function
Thông tin: Though this behavior is quite a regular, familiar phenomenon, there is much that
is not completely known about it, particularly the exact function that it serves and what
mechanisms fish use to make it happen.
Tạm dịch: Mặc dù hành vi này là một hiện tượng khá phổ biến, quen thuộc, nhưng có nhiều
điều về nó chưa được biết một cách đầy đủ, đặc biệt là chức năng chính xác mà nó phục vụ và
cơ chế nào cá sử dụng để thực hiện
it đề cập đến hành vi ( behavior )
5. It can be inferred from the passage that, when the predator attacks,
A. it cannot possibly consume all members of a school if the school is large enough
B. it rarely manages to catch any fish that are part of the school
C. it is usually successful in wiping out the entire school
D. it attacks only schools that lack sense organs
Thông tin: When a predator attacks a school containing a huge number of fish, the predator will
be able to consume only a small percentage of the school. Whereas some of the members of the
school will be lost to the predator, the majority of the school will be able to survive.
Tạm dịch: Khi kẻ săn mồi tấn công một đàn cá chứa một số lượng cá khổng lồ, kẻ săn mồi sẽ
chỉ có thể săn được một tỷ lệ nhỏ của đàn. Trong khi một số thành viên của đàn sẽ bị chết trước
kẻ săn mồi, phần đông cá trong đàn sẽ có thể sống sót.
6. It is stated in paragraph 2 that
A. fish in schools rarely have distinct markings
B. schooling fish tend to have muted coloration
C. the effect of coloration is multiplied when fish are massed together
D. the bright coloration makes it easier for predatorss to spot fish
Thông tin: Certain types of coloration or markings such as stripes or patterns in vibrant
and shiny colors create a visual effect when huge numbers of the fish are clustered together,…
Tạm dịch: Một số loại màu sắc hoặc dấu hiệu như sọc hoặc hoa văn với màu sắc rực rỡ
và sáng bóng tạo ra hiệu ứng thị giác khi mộtsố lượng lớn cá hợp lại với nhau,…
7.The word minute in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to:
A. timely B. tiny C. careful D. instant
Clue: These organs are sensitive to minute vibrations in the water. = Những cơ quan
này rất nhạy cảm với những rung động nhỏ trong nước.
Minute = tiny = nhỏ bé
8.The author begins paragraph 3 with “It is also unclear” in order to indicate that
A. contradictory information is about to be presented
B. it is necessary to clarify a previously made point
C. a sencond issue is about to be presented
D. it is unclear how a problem can be resolved
Clue: The purpose of schooling behavior is not the only aspect of schooling that is not fully
understood. It is also unclear exactly how fish manage to maintain their tight formations.= Mục
đích của tập tính tạo thành đàn không phải là khía cạnh duy nhất của việc tập tính tạo thành
đàn chưa được hiểu đầy đủ.Người ta cũng không rõ chính xác làm thế nào cá kiểm soát để duy
trì sự hình thành chặt chẽ của chúng. Thị giác dường như đóng một vai trò trong khả năng cá
di chuyển trong đàn và một số nhà khoa học tin rằng, ít nhất là ở một số loài, thị giác có thể
đóng vai trò chính
=> Vì vậy tác giả tác giả bắt đầu đoạn 3 với “It is also unclear” để chỉ ra rằng vấn đề thứ 2 sắp
được trình bày về cách cá kiểm soát để duy trì sự hình thành chặt chẽ
9.The word murky in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to:
A. cloudy B. warm C. clear D. deep
Thông tin: Some fish school quite well in the dark or in murky water where visibility is
extremely limited.
Tạm dịch: Một số đàn cá hoạt động khá tốt trong bóng tối hoặc trong nước đục, nơi tầm nhìn
cực kỳ hạn chế.
10. It is NOT stated in the passage that the lateral line system
A. contains lines of pores
B. can detect movement in the water
C. quite posibly helps fish to remain schools
D. in fish is similar to sense organs in other animals
Clue: The lateral line system most likely plays a significant role in the ability of fish to
school. Because these lateral line organs are sensitive to the most minute vibrations and
currents, this organ system may be used by fish to detect movements among members
of their school even when eyesight is limited or unavailable.= Hệ thống đường ống bên
rất có thể đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong khả năng của cá đối với bầy đàn. Do các cơ
quan đường ống bên này nhạy cảm với các rung động và dòng chảy nhỏ nhất, hệ thống
cơ quan này có thể được cá sử dụng để phát hiện chuyển động giữa các thành viên trong
đàn ngay cả khi thị lực bị hạn chế hoặc không có.
Passage 2: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or
answer the question. (5 pts)
West Side Story is a musical tragedy based on William Shakespeare’s timelesslove story,
Romeo and Juliet. It is set in the early 1950s, when gang warfare in big cities led to injuries and
even death. West Side Story tranformed the Montagues and Capulets of Shakespeare’s play into
rival street gangs, the Jets and the Sharks. The Sharks were newly arrived Puerto Ricans, The
Jets nativeborn New Yorkers. The plot tells the story of Maria, a Puerto Rican whose brother
Bernardo is the leader of the Sharks, and of Tony, a member of the Jets. As the opposing gangs
battle in the streets of New York, these two fall in love. While attempting to stop a street fight,
Tony inadvertently kills Maria’s brother Bernardo and is ultimately killed himself.
West Side Story featured the talents of a trio of theatrical legends. Leonard Berstein,
who composed the brilliant score, was a classical composer and the conductor of the New York
Philharmonic. Stephen Sondheim, making his Broadway debut, revealed a remarkable talent
for writing lyrics. Among the hit songs of the play are “Tonight ”, “Maria”, “America”, “Gee
Officer Krupke”, and “I Feel Pretty.” Jerome Robbins’ electrifying choreography broke new
ground for musical theatre in 1950s. Before West Side Story, no one thought that dance could
be as integral to a narrative as the music and the lyrics. But the dances in the West Side Story
are among the most thrilling elements of the play.
The play opened on September 26, 1957. It ran for 734 performances, toured for ten
months, and then returned to New York for an addition 246 performances. The classic motion
picture staring Natalie Wood was released in 1961. It garnered ten Academy Awards, including
ones for Best Picture and Best Director. The play was successfully revived in New York in
1980 and again in 1995, almost forty years after its premier performance.
Passage 2
1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.D
One magazine, more than any other, symbolizes the global dominance of Western youth
culture and fashion, Cosmopolitan, the lifestyle and fashion guide for women in the 18-34 age
group, is now (1)...................... in 28 languages. From Latvia to Indian, women turn to Cosmo
for advice and a state of adult content in a lighthearted, upbeat style. Each local (2)
..............................follow the same formula, which is strictly laid down in a secret 50-page
instruction (3)............................... The cover, for example, of every (4).......................................
must depict a woman who conveys the spirit of Cosmo, which is summed up in its
(5).........................: fun, fearless, female. But each local editor (6)...................................... that
Cosmo refects local tastes and is (7)................................... of local culture. Photographs are
mostly of local celebrities who are easily recognized, and relationship advice is geared to the
values of the local population. In China, for example, (8) ....................... mention of sex would
be unacceptable, although the magazine still offers beauty advice amongst articles
(9)....................... patriotism and good citizenship. With an international readership of 8.2
million, Cosmopolitan can be said to have succeeded in (10).................for the needs and
interests of women worldwide. But to others, Cosmopolitan is just another American product
successfully marketed to the rest of the world.
a/ Cloze test 1
1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.B
Edition = ấn phẩm manuscript= bản thảo resume = tóm tắt volume= dung tích
Manual = thủ công, thực hiện bằng tay outline = đề cương, dàn ý
Enact = ban hành ( luật, điều lệ ) endorse= ủng hộ, thùa nhận
If you want your daughter to succeed, buy her a toy contruction set. That is the advice
from Britain’s (1)................female engineers and scientists, Marie-Noelle Barton, who heads
an Enginneering Counplaycil campaign to encourage girls into science and engineering,
maintains that some of Britain’s most successful women have had their careers
(2) the toys they played with as children. Even girls who end up nowhere
near a microchip or a microscope could benefit from a better (3).............. of science and
technology. “It’s a (4)............................ of giving them experience and confidence with
technology so that when they are (5)................................ with a situation requiring some
technical know-how, they feel they can handle it and don’t just (6)...................... defeat
immediately,” says Mrs Barton. “I believe that lots of girls feel unsure of themselves when it
comes to technology and therefore they might be losing out on jobs because they are reluctant
even to apply for them” Reseach recently carried (7)......................... suggests that scientific nad
constructional toys should be (8) girls from an early age, otherwise the
result is “socialisation” into stereotypically female (9)........................, which which may explain
why relatively few girls study science and engineering at university in Britain. Only 14 % of
those who have gone for engineering options at university this year are women, although this
figure does represent an improvement on the 7 % (10)................................. some years ago.
Admit = thừa nhận, chấp nhận => A admit defeat : thừa nhận thất bại
Character = nhân vật part = phần state = địa vị role = vai trò
a/ Close test 1:
a/ Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines
to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
Rubella, also called German measles, is an epidemic viral disease of
mild course. (1)……………………………study of epidemics in INTENSE
Germany in the 19th century gave rise to the popular name of the
disease. Although rubella may occur in young children,
(2)……………… the disease is more commonly seen in older SUSCEPTIBLE
children and young adults.
Usually the (3)…………………………….rash in the first sign COMFORT
noted. (4)…………..of the lymph glands in the neck, behind the LARGE
ears, and perhaps elsewhere in the body is (5)……………………. CHARACTER
Although it is certainly not pleasant to suffer from rubella, COMPLICATE
(6)………………..are rare. A day or so of bed rest and a light diet
with plenty of fluids is the only (7)…………………..required in TREAT
most cases. In 1941 it was discovered that rubella early in pregnancy THREAT
may be (8)……………to the health of the fetus, especially the eyes
and heart. Years later it was demonstrated that infants may be born
with active rubella and may manifest many additional NORMAL
(9)…………………In fact, it has been found capable of causing
extensive damage to almost any organ of the infant’s body. Methods IMMUNE
of (10)…………………have been recommended in the hope of
stamping out the virus from the environment.
b/ Choose the word given in the box to complete the following passage. You should use
the correct forms of the words given. (0) has been done as an example: richness
Mistakes Corrections
1. Line......:
2. Line......:
3. Line......:
4. Line......:
5. Line......:
6. Line......:
7. Line......:
8. Line......:
9. Line......:
10. Line......:
Mistakes Corrections
1. Line 2: respects Aspects=> aspect of lives = khía cạnh của cuộc sống
2. Line 2: them Us => dấu hiệu “ our lives”
3. Line 4: for Of=> a generation of users= 1 thế hệ người dùng
4. Line 4: nor Or = hoặc
5. Line 5: about On => comment on sth = nhận xét về điều gì
6. Line 7: with in => lie in something =to exist or be found in something
7. Line 10: even if Even => Even if” được mang nghĩa là : dù cho có, dù nếu có,
kể cả nếu như mà, ngay cả khi … được dùng để diễn tả một
câu nói an ủi hay khẳng định với người đối diện về tâm lý hay
trạng thái của mình sẽ không thay đổi nếu có gì xảy ra lúc
này.=> even if + clause # Even có thể sử dụng trước một vế
câu hoàn chỉnh, danh từ, tính từ, trạng từ.
8. Line 10: at On => on the press of a button = bấm 1 nút
9. Line 11: Answered => cấu trúc have sth done
10. Line 12: look on depend on = phụ thuộc vào ai/ cái gì
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given (don’t change the word given) or beginning in such a way that
their meanings remain unchanged.
1. Although Christopher was the stronger of the two, his attacker soon overpowered him.
→ Despite his .
2. Absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission.
→ Without
3. She’s successful and happy.
→ She has
4. She discovered eight new comets in the course of her work.
→ Her work resulted
5. You should always be grateful for what you are given.
→ You shouldn’t look
6. My father is not feeling well these days. (WEATHER)
7. I will never regret telling the truth. (SPADE)
→ Not
8. Our is the only company allowed to import these chemicals. (MONOPOLY)
9. It was Jane who came up with the idea for the sales promotion. (BRAINS)
→ Jane the sales promotion.
10. Doing regular exercise often helps improve your attitude to life. (DO)
→ Many on life.
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others
6. a. lassie b. passim c. basal d. rescind
7. a. restaurateur b. bicarbonate c. debauchery d. numismatist
8. a. oaken b. obi c. ochre d. offhand
9. a. packhorse b. madhouse c. catcall d. close-knit
10. a. galantine b. chancery c. quadrangle d. verbena
1. a. hadrosaur b. hassium c. harambee d. harridan
2. a. bristle b. jostle c. trestle d. mantle
3. a. limb b. numb c. plumb d. nib
4. a. vogue b. docent c. soapy d. mocha
5. a. jejune b. hideous c. fiat d. bibulous
6. a. lassie b. passim c. basal d. rescind
7. a. restaurateur b. bicarbonate c. debauchery d. numismatist
8. a. oaken b. obi c. ochre d. offhand
9. a. packhorse b. madhouse c. catcall d. close-knit
10. a. galantine b. chancery c. quadrangle d. verbena
1. There seemed to be a(n) ……… of companies catering for the over-sixties who often have
the leisure and the income to take advantage of opportunities for travel.
a. void b. dearth c. emptiness d. richness
a dearth of sth/ sb = an amount or supply that is not large enough= sự thiếu thốn, khan hiếm
void = không có hiệu lực emptiness= sự trống rỗng richness= sự giàu có
2. An article published recently is shedding new light on an important, but …………. little
appreciated aspect of human evolution.
a. therefore b. nevertheless c. retrospect d. hitherto
hitherto= cho đến nay therefore = vì vậy nevetheless= tuy nhiên retrospect =
nhìn lại
3. He never does any exercise. He is ……………. idle.
a. bolt b. bone c. log d. gust
Be bone idle" -> nghĩa là lười vô cùng, lười ngấm tận xương.
4. A: Did you find anything out? B: No, not a …………….’
a. sausage b. hotdog c. hamburger d. fish chip
not a sausage= nothing (không gì cả).
5. The chairman is back in the ……… after his heart attack.
a. boat b. saddle c. wave d. tide
Back in the saddle" = trở lại yên ngựa -> nghĩa là quay lại làm việc sau thời gian vắng mặt.
6. Sam’s been prowling about like a ……….. animal all morning.
a. confined b. limited c. caged d. captured
caged = bị bỏ , nhốt trong lồng => caged animal = động vật bị nhốt trong lồng
7. My children have never shown an interest in music, much ……………..
a. with respect b. from my failure c. to my chagrin d. in my disappointment
Much to my chagrin= bạn hoặc ai đó thất vọng về điều gì đó, thường là do một số loại thất
bại xảy ra trong việc ngăn chặn điều gì đó xảy ra.
8. Would you like a ……………. of chewing gum?
a. slice b. leaf c. sheet d. stick
a stick of = a long, thin piece of something => a stick of chewing gum = 1 thanh kẹo cao su
9. We knew the department would be a sacrificial ………….. when the time came to cut staff.
a. lamb b. cat c. donkey d. deer
sacrificial lamb =someone or something that is given to people in authority and is expected to
be harmed or destroyed, especially in order to prevent other people or things from being
harmed or destroyed
10. She marched into the shop, as bold as ……….., and demanded for her money back.
a. bass b. grass c. brass d. glass
As bold as brass= có thái độ trơ trẽn, táo bạo, cứng đầu.
1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. c
Question 3: She ___________aside her book and went to answer the phone.
A. lied B. lay C. laid D. lain
Đáp án C
Kiến thức về từ vựng
*Chú ý các từ dễ gây nhầm lẫn:
- Lay – laying – laid – laid (v): (+ O) đặt, để cái gì; đẻ trứng….(ngoại động từ)
- Lie – lying – lay – lain (v): (not O) nằm, tồn tại (nội động từ)
- Lie – lying – lied – lied (v): (not O; to sb/ about sth) nói dối
*Căn cứ vào nghĩa của câu, vì có “her book” là tân ngữ phía sau, mang nghĩa là “đặt, để” nên
ta dùng “lay” với thể quá khứ đơn là “laid” (phía sau động từ “went”, diễn tả hai hành động
diễn ra liên tiếp và nối nhau bởi liên từ “and”)
Dịch nghĩa: Cô ấy đặt cuốn sách sang một bên và đi nghe điện thoại.
1. C 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C
The issue of disposable paper cups has been 6. ………………. the news in England a
lot recently. Around 2.5 billion of them are thrown away every year – that's about seven million
cups every day. Journalists have said that some coffee chains 7. ………………. about how
many paper cups they recycle. The journalists say the companies do not recycle as 8.
………………. cups as they say they do. This means customers 9. ………………. believe
that a coffee shop is 10. ………………. friendly. A recycling service in the UK said that fewer
than one in 400 paper cups at coffee shop chains are recycled. One coffee drinker said she
would now bring her own cup. She said: "I am disappointed that cafes recycle so little. I thought
they were more responsible."
1 part => part of sth = một phần của cái gì
2 committed => Be committed to something" => Tận tâm, tận tuỵ với cái gì đó
3 reusable = tái sử dụng
4 decide = quyết định
5 on => get a discount on sth = có được sự giảm giá, mua cái gì với giá rẻ
6 in => in the news = interesting enough to be discussed in newspapers, on television etc
7 lie => lie about sth = nói dối về điều gì
8 many => Cấu trúc so sánh : as + many/much + N + as
9 wrongly = 1 cách sai lầm
10 environmentally => environmentally friendly = thân thiện với môi trường
Cloze test 2
A piece of broken pottery, newly identified 40 years after it was found as important evidence
of an early Christian community in Roman London, is going on 1…………………. for the first
time at the Museum of London, over the Easter weekend.
A sharp-eyed volunteer, 2…………………. through hundreds of pieces of pottery shards found
in the 1970s in an excavation on Brentford High Street, west London, noticed one fragment
inscribed with the chi rho, the first two letters of Christ in the Greek alphabet, 3
…………………. was a common symbol in the early Christian church.
The pottery was made in Oxfordshire in the 4th century, rather than imported, so the symbol
suggests a very early Thames-side Christian community.
Adam Corsini, the archaeology collections manager, said it was a very rare find. “Although we
can’t say from one object that Roman London and its hinterland were 4 ………………….
Christianity, it does suggest that Christians were at least present at some 5…………………. in
4th-century Roman Brentford.
“Christian symbols from the Roman period are rare, especially from sites within Londinium’s
surrounding 6…………………. , and there are only a few examples in our collections
7…………………. to London.”
Although Brentford is now a nondescript suburb, 8…………………. up by main roads and
scattered with tower blocks, it has a long and distinguished history. From prehistoric times it
was an important river 9 …………………. , where the Thames could be forded at low tide. The
museum has a wealth of material from Brentford, including beautiful bronze age metalwork
believed to have been thrown into the river as ritual 10 …………………. .
1 display => on display = in a place that is able to be seen by many people
2 sorting => sort through sth =to look at a number of things to organize them or to find
3 which => đại từ quan hệ thay thế cho dnah từ đứng trước
4 practising = thực hành, thực hiện
5 point => at some point = tại một thời điểm nào
6 hinterland = vùng nội địa, nơi xa xôi hẻo lánh
7 relating => ralate to sb /sth = liên quan đến
8 carved => carve something up =to divide something into smaller parts
9 crossing => river crossing = vượt sông
10 offerings = lễ vật
Cloze test 1
Having listened to this music for more than three decades, I have often had to … 1…. my
devotion to classical music against the kind of people who have a very practical … 2… to life.
I have to admit that I have often been faced with legitimate questions and arguments that made
me … 3… my ideas. Over the years, I have been lucky enough to live in different … 4… of the
world. Because of this I have come to the … 5… that I belong to a small group of people who
believe in artistic … 6… that have nothing to do with humanity's desire for success or a more
comfortable … 7… . Quite a few people … 8… that this music belongs to the museum and is
of … 9… only to those who have a particular reason to find out what music was like in the past.
In some remote places I have visited, people simply called it western music and … 10… any
possible interest for anybody outside Europe.
1. A. talk B. preserve C. protect D. defend
defend (someone or something) against (someone or something)=To argue in favor of someone
or something in the face of opposition.
protect somebody/something/yourself (against/from something):bảo vệ, bảo hộ, che chở cho
ai/cái gì không bị làm hại, bị thương...
preserve (someone or something) against (something)=To keep someone or something safe or
protected from something.
1. backbiting = unpleasant and unkind words that are said about someone who is not
2. cacophony = tạp âm
3. cakewalk = something that is very easy to achieve
4. changeless= không thay đổi
5. chickenfeed = a small and not important amount of money
6. sameness = sự giống nhau, như nhau
7. say-so= an instruction to do something, or permission given by someone to do something/ a
statement made by someone without proof
8. scatterbrain= a person who forgets things easily or does not think seriously about things
9. actionable If something is actionable, it gives someone a good reason for accusing
someone in a law court
10. non-event=a disappointing occasion that was not interesting, especially one that was
expected to be exciting and important
Choose a suitable word and put it in the correct form to fill in each gap
narrate go converse distinguish see
character event (x3) know
One of the most interesting and 1……………… of all uses of language is commentary. An
oral reporting of 2 ………….. activity, commentary is used in such public arenas as political
ceremonies, parades, funerals, fashion shows, and cooking demonstrations. The most frequently
occurring type of commentary may be that connected with sports and games. In sports there are
two kinds of commentary, and both are often used for the same sporting event. ‘Play-by-play’
commentary narrates the sports event, while ‘color adding’ or ‘color’ commentary provides the
audience with 3. …………. background, 4.……………. interpretation, and 5. ………….
evaluation. Color commentary is usually 6. ……………. in style and can be a dialogue with
two or more commentators.
Play-by-play commentary is of interest to linguists because it is unlike other kinds of 7.
…………, which are typically reported in past tenses. Play-by-play commentary is reported in
present tenses. Some examples are ‘He takes the lead by four’ and ‘she is in position’. One
linguist 8. ……………………. radio play-by-play as ‘a monologue directed at a / an 9.
…………………, 10 …………………… mass media who voluntarily choose to listen….. and
provide no feedback to the speaker.
1. distinctive = khác biệt, riêng biệt
2. ongoing = đnag diễn ra
3. pre-event = trước sự kiện
4. during-event= trong sự kiện
5. post-event = sau sự kiện
6. conversational= relating to or like a conversation
7. narrative = thuật lại, tường thuật
8. characterized= đặc trưng, riêng biệt
9. unkown = không được biết đến
10. unseen = không nhìn thấy
There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Identify the mistakes and correct them
Ruth Gates saw it time and time again. While surveying coral reefs of Caribbean in the late
1980s, she noticed that many corals were clearly stressed, sapped of their colour. Some faded
skeletal white.
The trigger had always a sudden surge in ocean temperature. Some corals reacted by ejecting
the algae that live within their tissues and usually provide them with colour and nutrition. The
process is apt known as coral bleaching.
But it was not the bleaching corals that piqued Gates's curiosity. It was the fact that the corals
growing next door to the deadly-white colonies were often still colourful, vibrant and healthy.
Separated by just a few centimetres, how could two corals be world apart when it came to their
response to warming?
The very fact that there were such dramatic differences has ultimately seen Gates and her
longtime colleague Madeleine van Oppen of the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences came
up with a daring but controversial plan to save the planet's coral reefs.
Their idea? Protect corals from rapid climate change by artificially speeding up their evolution.
If they are successful, it is not just the corals themselves benefit. Corals provide physical and
ecological support for a third of all marine life. This causes them what ecologists term "keystone
species". Their health is vital for the wellbeing of countless other species.
That includes humans. A quarter of fishes are intimately linked to corals reefs, where fishes
flourish, breed, and feed.
Ruth Gates saw it time and time again. While surveying coral reefs of Caribbean in the late
1980s, she noticed that many corals were clearly stressed, sapped of their colour. Some faded
to skeletal white. (=> fade to sth = biến mất dần trở thành cái gì )
The trigger was always a sudden surge in ocean temperature(=> be a surge in sth = sự tăng lên
đột ngột). Some corals reacted by ejecting the algae that live within their tissues and usually
provide them with colour and nutrition. The process is aptly known as coral bleaching.(=> dấu
hiệu V + adv )
But it was not the bleached ( tẩy trắng) corals that piqued Gates's curiosity. It was the fact that
the corals growing next door to the death ( deadly (adj, adv )= gây chết người # dealth = cái
chết)-white colonies were often still colourful, vibrant and healthy.
Separated by just a few centimetres, how could two corals be worlds apart when it came to
their response to warming?(=> "Worlds apart" -> nghĩa là khác nhau hoàn toàn, như hai thé
giới tách biệt.)
The very fact that there were such dramatic differences has ultimately seen Gates and her
longtime colleague Madeleine van Oppen of the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences come
up with a daring but controversial plan to save the planet's coral reefs.
Their idea? Protect corals from rapid climate change by artificially speeding up their evolution.
If they are successful, it is not just the corals themselves that will benefit.(=> cấu trúc đk loại
2) Corals provide physical and ecological support for a third of all marine life.(=> a third of sth
= 1/3 của thứ gì ) . This makes them what ecologists term "keystone species". Their health is
vital for the wellbeing of countless other species.( cause sb to do sth # make sb do sth )
That includes humans. A quarter of fisheries ( fish = cá # fishery = nghành thủy sản ) are
intimately linked to corals reefs, where fishes flourish, breed, and feed.
1. I suggested sharing the cost, but he didn’t agree. (having)
I suggested …………………………………………………………………..
2. All her marks were As in her graduation exams. (straight)
She ……………………………………………………………………
3. She tried her best to learn about economics before applying for the job. (up)
She …………………………………………………….
4. Thieves have illegally accessed the business’s accounts. (into)
The business’s accounts …………………………………..
5. The e-marketing manager refused to speak to anyone in the company other than the owner.
The e-marketing manager ………………………………………… other than the owner.
6. Many bloggers find it very difficult to update their websites on a daily basis. (have)
Many bloggers …………………………………………… their websites on a daily basis.
7. If there are any problems, I can be there right away. (moment’s)
I can ……………………………………………………if there are any problems.
8. The plot was so confusing that I couldn’t follow it. (mud)
Because the plot was about ………………………, I couldn’t follow it.
9. ‘When I realized I had over ten thousand followers on Twitter, I became quite emotional!’
Fiona said. (overcome)
Fiona explained that she ……………………………………when she realized she had over
ten thousand followers on Twitter
10. After the play finished, I plan to relax and enjoy time off. (feet)
I’m going to ………………………………………………… after the play finishes.
1. I suggested sharing the cost, but he wasn’t having any of it.
not have any of it = to be completely unwilling or to refuse
2. She got straight As in her graduation exams.
straight-A =getting the best results in all examinations
3. She boned up on economics before applying for the job.
bone up on something = to learn as much as you can about a subject, because you need the
knowledge, for example for an examination
4. The business’s accounts have been hacked into by the thieves.
Hack into = Đột nhập vào một hệ thống máy tính
5. The e-marketing manager insisted on speaking to no one other than the owner.
Insist on doing sth = khăng khăng làm gì
6. Many bloggers have great difficulty {in} updating their websites on a daily basis.
Have difficulty in doing sth = gặp khó khắn trong làm việc gì
7. I can be there at a moment’s notice if there are any problems.
At a moment's notice" = Vào lúc thông báo đó -> cụm từ này nghĩa là ngay lập tức, tức khắc.
8. Because the plot was about as clear as mud I couldn’t follow it.
As clear as mud' có từ clear là rõ ràng và mud là bùn; vì thế có nghĩa là (vấn đề gì đó) rất khó
9. Fiona explained that she was / had been overcome with emotion when she realized she had
over ten thousand followers on Twitter
Be overcome with = a strong feeling such as love or anger, or strong feelings in general
10. I’m going to put my feet up after the play finishes.
Put one's feet up' nghĩa là nghỉ ngơi cho khuây khỏa đầu óc
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others:
6. A. conferee B. generosity C. contribute D. sociology
7. A. advantageous B. exchange C. prediction D. deliver
8. A. argumentative B. psychological C. contributory D.
9. A. specific B. coincide C. inventive D. regardless
10. A. habitable B. infamously C. geneticist D. communes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Choose the word which best completes each sentence:
A. Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete each of the following
1. I gave the waiter a $50 note and waited for my _______.
A. change B. supply C. cash D. cost
- change (n): tiền lẻ, tiền thừa - supply (n): sự cung cấp
- cash (n): tiền mặt - cost (n): chi phí
Dịch: Tôi đã đưa cho bạn nữ phục vụ 50 đô và chờ lấy lại tiền thừa.
2. People can become very _______ when they are stuck in traffic for a long time.
A. nervous B. bad-tempered C. stressful D. pressed
bad-tempered (adj): hay cáu, dễ nổi cáu, xấu tính
nervous : lo lắng stressful : căng thẳng pressed : áp lực
Tạm dịch : Con người có thể trở nên rất nóng tính khi họ bị kẹt xe rất lâu.
3. The government should do more for _______ people.
A. usual B. ordinary C. everyday D. typical
Ordinary people = chỉ những người có địa vị bình thường trong xã hội, không giàu có
4. We usually do go by train, even though the car _______ is a lot quicker.
A. travel B. journey C. trip D. voyage
Journey: cuộc hành trình – đi từ nơi này đến nơi khác, nhất là đi xa.
Trip: cuộc đi chơi – chỉ chuyến đi trong thời gian ngắn.
Travel: chỉ hoạt động thăm thú nói chung
Voyage: chuyến đi xa (nhất là bằng tàu thủy, máy bay)
Chúng tôi thường đi du lịch bằng tàu hỏa mặc dù chuyến đi bằng xe ô tô thì nhanh hơn nhiều
5. Some people feel that television should give less _______ to sport.
A. programmes B. coverage C. concern D. involvement
A. programmers (n): người lập trình B. coverage (n): tin tức sự kiện
C. concern (n) (about sth): mối quan tâm D. involvement (n): sự liên quan
Tạm dịch: Nhiều người cảm thấy rằng truyền hình nên đưa ít tin tức về thể thao hơn.
6. Going on this diet has really _______ me good. I've lost weight and I feel fantastic!
A. made B. taken C. done D. had
Sử dụng cấu trúc: to have done sb good: khiến cho ai tốt – mang lại lợi ích cho ai
7. Dr. Parker gave my mum a lovely _______ for spaghetti carbonara.
A. recipe B. prescription C. receipt D. paper
Recipe(n): công thức nấu ăn Prescription(n): đơn thuốc
Receipt(n): biên nhận Paper(n): giấy
Adj+ N: tính từ đứng trước danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đó.
Tạm dịch: Ngài Parker đã cho mẹ tôi một công thức nấu món carbonara spaghetti ngon tuyệt.
8. The first sign of vitamin A disorder is night _______
A. loss of sight B. lack of vision C. invisibility D. blindness
Night blindness (n): chứng quáng gà (không nhìn rõ vào màn đêm)
loss of sight (n): sự mù
lack of vision (n): thiếu tầm nhìn
invisibility (n): sự vô hình
9. As a model, you have to _______ the art of walking in high heels.
A. master B. grasp C. study D. gain
Master = acquire complete knowledge or skill in (an accomplishment, technique, or art).
Grasp = cầm, nắm lấy study = học, nghiên cứu gain = đạt được
10. They are bring in _______ changes to the way the office is run.
A. large B. radical C. deep D. immense
Radical change = thay đổi to lớn hoặc triệt để
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B
6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. B
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. D
6. C 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. A
6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. D
The principle of use and disuse states that those parts of organisms' bodies that are used
grown larger. Those parts that are not tend to wither away. It is an observed fact that when you
exercise particular muscles, they grow. Those that are never used dimish. By examining a man's
body, we can tell which muscles he uses and which he doesn't. we may even be able to guess
his profession or his reaction. Enthusiasts of the "body- building" cult make use of the principle
of use and disuse to "build" their bodies, almost like a piece of sculpture, into whatever
unnatural shape is demanded by fashion in this peculiar minority culture. Muscles are not the
only parts of the body that respond to use in this kind of way. Walk barefoot and you acquire
harder skin on your soles. It is easy to tell a farmer from a bank teller by looking at their hands
alone. The farmer's hands are horny, hardened by long exposure to rough work. The teller's
hands are relatively soft.
The principle of use and disuse enables animals to become better at the job of surviving in
their world, progressively better during their lifetime as a result of living in that world. Humans,
through direct exposure to sunlight, or lack of it, develop a skin color which equips them better
to survive in the particular local conditions.
Too much sunlight is dangerous. Enthusiastic sunbathers with very fair skins are
susceptible to skin cancer. Too little sunlight, on the other hand, leads to vitamin-D deficiency
and rickets. The brown pigment melanin which is synthesized under the influence of sunlight,
makes a screen to protect the underlying tissues from the harmful effects of further sunlight.
If a suntanned person moves to a less sunny climate, the melanin disappears, and the body is
able to benefit from what little sun there is. This can be represented as an instance of the
principle of use and disuse: skin goes brown when it is "used", and fades to white when it is
1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. D
6. C 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. B
Passage 2: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or
answer the question. (5 pts)
You can usually tell when your friends are happy or angry by the looks on their faces
or by their actions. This is useful because reading their emotional expressions helps you to know
how to respond to them. Emotions have evolved to help us respond to important situations and
to convey our intentions to others. But does raising the eyebrows and rounding the mouth say
the same thing in Minneapolis as it does in Madagascar? Much research on emotional
expressions has centered on such questions.
According to Paul Ekman, the leading researcher in this area, people speak and
understand substantially the same “facial language”. Studies by Ekman’s group have
demonstrated that humans share a set of universal emotional expressions that testify to the
common biological heritage of the human species. Smiles, for example, signal happiness and
frowns indicate sadness on the faces of people in such far- flung places as Argentina, Japan,
Spain, Hungary, Poland , Sumatra ,the United States, Vietnam, the jungles of New Guinea , and
the Eskimo villages north of Artic Circle. Ekman and his colleagues claim that people
everywhere can recognize at least seven basic emotions: sadness, fear, anger, disgust, contempt,
happiness, and surprise. There are, however, huge differences across cultures in both the context
and intensity of emotional displays – the so called display rules. In many Asian cultures, for
example, children are taught to control emotional responses – especially negative ones- while
many American children are encouraged to express their feelings more openly. Regardless of
culture, however, emotions usually show themselves, to some degree , in people’s behavior.
From their first days of life, babies produce facial expressions that communicate their feelings.
The ability to read facial expressions develops early, too. Very young children pay close
attention to facial expressions, and by age five, they nearly equal adults in their skill at reading
emotions on people’s faces. This evidence all points to a biological underpinning for our
abilities to express and interpret a basic set of human emotions. Moreover, as Charles Darwin
pointed out over a century ago, some emotional expressions seem to appear across species
boundaries. Cross - cultural psychologists tell us that certain emotional responses carry different
meanings in different cultures. For example, what emotion do you suppose might be conveyed
by sticking out your tongue? For Americans, this might indicate disgust, while in China it can
signify surprise. Likewise, a grin on an American face may indicate joy, while on a Japanese
face it may just as easily mean embarrassment. Clearly, culture influences emotional
1. According to the passage, we respond to others by _________.
A. observing their looks B. watching their actions
C. observing their emotional expressions D. looking at their faces
Dẫn chứng: “You can usually tell when your friends are happy or angry by the looks on their
faces or by their actions. This is useful because reading their emotional expressions helps you
to know how to respond to them.” (Bạn thường có thể biết khi nào bạn bè của bạn hạnh phúc
hoặc tức giận bởi vẻ ngoài trên khuôn mặt họ hoặc bởi hành động của họ. Điều này rất hữu ích
vì việc đọc các biểu cảm cảm xúc của họ sẽ giúp bạn biết cách trả lời họ.)
2. Many studies on emotional expressions try to answer the question whether _________.
A. different cultures have similar emotional expressions.
B. eyebrow raising means the same in Minneapolis and Madagascar.
C. raising the eyebrows has similar meaning to rounding the mouth.
D. rounding the mouth has the same meaning in Minneapolis and Madagascar.
Dẫn chứng: “According to Paul Ekman, the leading researcher in this area, people speak and
understand substantially the same “facial language”.Studies by Ekman’s group have
demonstrated that humans share a set of universal emotional expressions that testify to the
common biological heritage of the human species.” (Theo Paul Ekman, nhà nghiên cứu hàng
đầu trong lĩnh vực này, mọi người nói và hiểu rõ "cùng ngôn ngữ khuôn mặt". Các nghiên cứu
của nhóm Ekman đã chứng minh rằng con người chia sẻ một tập hợp các biểu thức cảm xúc
phổ quát để làm chứng cho di sản sinh học phổ biến của loài người.)
3. The word “evolved” in line 3 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. reduced B. increased C. simplified D.
Dẫn chứng: “Emotions have evolved to help us respond to important situations and to convey
our intentions to others.” (Cảm xúc đã phát triển để giúp chúng tôi đáp ứng các tình huống quan
trọng và truyền đạt ý định của mình cho người khác)=> evolve = tiến hóa, phát triển = develop
4. Paul Ekman is mentioned in the passage as an example of _________.
A. lacked many main ingredients
B. researchers on universal language
C. researchers who can speak and understand many languages
D. investigators on universal emotional expressions
Dẫn chứng: “According to Paul Ekman, the leading researcher in this area, people speak and
understand substantially the same “facial language”. Studies by Ekman’s group have
demonstrated that humans share a set of universal emotional expressions that testify to the
common biological heritage of the human species.” (Theo Paul Ekman, nhà nghiên cứu hàng
đầu trong lĩnh vực này, mọi người nói và hiểu rõ "cùng ngôn ngữ khuôn mặt". Các nghiên cứu
của nhóm Ekman đã chứng minh rằng con người chia sẻ một tập hợp các biểu hiện cảm xúc
phổ quát minh chứng cho di sản sinh học chung của loài người.
5. Smiles and frowns _________.
A. how long negative emotions are displayed B. how intensive emotions are
C. how emotional responses are controlled D. how often positive emotions are
Dẫn chứng: “There are, however, huge differences across cultures in both the context and
intensity of emotional displays – the so called display rules” (Tuy nhiên, có sự khác biệt lớn
giữa các nền văn hóa trong cả bối cảnh và cường độ của các màn hình cảm xúc - các quy tắc
hiển thị)7. Unlike American children, Asian children are encouraged to _________.
A. control their emotions B. display their emotions openly
C. conceal their positive emotions D. change their behaviour
Dẫn chứng: “In many Asian cultures, for example, children are taught to control emotional
responses – especially negative ones” (Trong nhiều nền văn hóa châu Á, ví dụ, trẻ em được dạy
để kiểm soát phản ứng cảm xúc - đặc biệt là những phản ứng tiêu cực)
8. Young children _________.
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. A
6. B 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A
Passage 1: Read the following passage and decide which option A,B, C or D best fits each space.(5
If you’re an environmentalist, plastic is a word you tend to say with a sneer or a snarl.
It has become a symbol of our wasteful, throw-way society. But there seems little (1)______ it
is here to stay, and the truth is, of course, that plastic has brought enormous (2)______ even
environmental ones. It’s not really the plastics themselves that are the environmental (3)______
– it’s the way society choose to use and abuse them.
Almost all the 50 or so different kinds of modern plastic are made from oil, gas or coal
– non-renewable natural (4)______. We import well over three million tons of the stuff in
Britain each year and, sooner or later, most of it is thrown away. A high proportion of our annual
consumption is in the (5)______ of packaging, and this (6)______ about seven per cent by
weight of our domestic refuse. Almost all of it could be recycled, but very little of it is, though
the plastic recycling (7)______ is growing fast.
The plastics themselves are extremely energy-rich – they have a higher calorific
(8)______ than coal and one (9)______ of ‘recovery’ strongly favored by the plastic
manufacturers is the (10)______ of waste plastic into a fuel.
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A
Passage 2: Read the following passage and decide which option A,B, C or D best fits each space.(5
The first question we might ask is: What can you learn in college that will help you in being
an employee? The schools teach a (1)____many things of value to the future accountant, doctor
or electrician. Do they also teach anything of value to the future employee? Yes, they teach the
one thing that it is perhaps most valuable for the future employee to know. But very few students
bother (2)____ it. This basic is the skill ability to organize and express ideas in writing and in
speaking. This means that your success as an employee will depend on your ability to
communicate, with people and to (3)____ your own thoughts and ideas to them so they will
(4)____ understand what you are driving at and be persuaded.
Of course, skill in expression is not enough (5)____ itself. You must have something to say
in the first place. The effectiveness of your job depends (6) ___ your ability to make other
people understand your work as they do on the quality of the work itself.
Expressing one's thoughts is one skill that the school can (7)___ teach. The foundations for
skill in expression have to be (8)____ early: an interest in and an ear (9)____ language;
experience in organizing ideas and data, in brushing aside the irrelevant, and above all the habit
of verbal expression. If you do not lay these foundations (10) ____ your school years, you may
never have an opportunity again.
1. A. large B. great C. far D. lots
Cấu trúc a great many + Nđếm được số nhiều: một số lượng lớn cái gì
2. A. learning B. to learn C. with learning D. learn
bother doing sth: bận tâm, quan tâm tới việc làm gì ( việc theo thói quen)
bother to do sth: bận tâm, quan tâm tới việc làm gì (việc cụ thể)
3. A. interpret B. give out C. transfer D. present
(to) present sth to sb: diễn đạt, truyền tải cái gì tới ai (to) interpret sth: hiểu được cái gì
(to) interpret for sb: phiên dịch cho ai (to) give out: ngừng hoạt động (to)
transfer: chuyển4. A. both B. not C. as well D. either
Nhận thấy phía sau có từ “and” nên ở đây sử dụng cấu trúc song song “both… and…” : vừa
thế này vừa thế kia.
Các đáp án khác:
not: sai nghĩa
as well = too, tuy nhiên as well phải đứng cuối câu
either: nếu dùng either thì phía sau phải có “or”
5. A. on B. for C. by D. in
by oneself: riêng một mình ai, riêng một mình cái gì = on one’s own
6. A. on most B. most on C. much on D. on much
Ta loại bỏ đi đáp án A và B bởi nếu dùng “most” – dạng so sánh nhất của many/ much thì
phải có mạo từ “the” ở đằng trước. (Trong một số trường hợp,“most” không đi kèm với “the”
ở đằng trước, khi đó most = very. VD: mostinteresting = very interesting,… Tuy nhiên các
trường hợp này ngay sau most
phải có một tính từ hoặc một trạng từ)
Nhận thấy từ “much” là để bổ nghĩa cho động từ “depend” do đó nó phải đứng ngay sau từ
“depends”. Chọn đáp án C.
7. A. quite B. hardly C. truly D. really
really (adv): thực sự, cực kỳ truly (adv): một cách chân thành
quite (adv): khá hardly (adv): hầu như không
8. A. lied B. laid C. lain D. lay
Ta cần điền vào chỗ trống dạng bị động của động từ lay (v): đặt, đặt nền tảng, do đó sử dụng
động từ laid. Lưu ý rằng:
lay (Vinf) → laid (Vquá khứ) → laid (PII)
lie (Vinf, nghĩa là nằm) → lay (Vquá khứ) → lain (PII)
lie (Vinf nghĩa là nói dối) → lied (Vquá khứ) → lied (PII)
9. A. by B. in C. for D. of
Cấu trúc an ear for language: có năng khiếu về ngôn ngữ
Tương tự ta có cấu trúc an ear for music: có năng khiếu âm nhạc
10. A. during B. of C. for D. when
during + một quãng thời gian: trong quãng thời gian.
Các đáp án khác:
of (prep): không phù hợp làm giới từ thời gian
for (prep): Cấu trúc for + khoảng thời gian là trạng từ chỉ thời gian của thì hoàn
thành, không phù hợp
when: Sau when không được dùng một cụm danh từ duy nhất
1B 2B 3D 4A 5B
6C 7D 8B 9C 10A
Close test 1: Fill each blank with ONE word. (10 pts)
Sugar was for a long time a luxury and in the opinion of the medical profession it still
should be. During the nineteenth century, however, manufacturers discovered ways of
producing it in vast quantities and it has since become (1) ______ of the staple articles of diet,
particularly among the lower social classes. It has the advantages of being comparatively cheap,
easily digested, rich in energy and useful for flavouring. Its major (2) ______ are that it lacks
every nourishing quality (3) ______ that of giving energy, and because of its attractive flavour it
(4) ______ to displace other much mote valuable foods from the diet. Most serious of all is its
adverse (5) ______ on health, since excessive consumption can cause heart (6) ______obesity and
dental decay. The latter is widespread among the inhabitants of western countries. From the very
young to the very old, (7) ______ anyone escapes. Yet if parents would drastically reduce the amounts
of confectionery, they allow their (8______to eat, the extent of dental decay would soon be checked.
And if they (9) ______ to cut down their own consumption of sugar, they would (10) ______
much less from ailments resulting directly or indirectly from their being overweight.
1. one => one of sth = 1 trong những thứ gì
2. disadvantages = những bất lợi
3. except => except that = used to give a reason why something is not possible or true
4. tends => tend to do sth = có khuynh hướng, có xu hướng làm gì
5. effect / impact => effect/impact on sth = tác động , ảnh hưởng lên điều gì
6.trouble / disease => heart trouble/disease = những bệnh về tim
7.hardly /scarecely = hiếm , ít
8. children = những đứa con, đứa trẻ
9. were => be to do sth = used for telling someone what to do
10. suffer => suffer from = to experience or show the effects of something bad/ to
experience physical or mental pain
Close test 2: Fill each blank with ONE word. (10 pts)
The Ministry of Health has said the Zika (1) ________ might hit Vietnam as Aedes
aegypti mosquitoes, which transmit dengue fever, abound here in the nation. The warming
comes after the head of the World Health Organization said last Thursday that the mosquito-
borne virus is “is now (2)______ explosively” in the Americas, with 3 million to 4 million
infections estimated in the American region over a 12-month period. The ministry said
Vietnam’s strong trade, tourism and labor exchanges with other nations could (3)________ to
a Zika outbreak in the Southeast Asian country. Though no Zika (4)________ have been
detected in Vietnam, the ministry has written to the Pasteur institutes and institutes of hygiene
and epidemiology across the nation instructing them to (5)________ on alert for Zika. They
were told to monitor those patients (6)________ of contracting the disease, especially
(7)________ returning home from Zika-hit countries. The ministry said Zika and dengue fever
should be monitored at the same time. People are advised to closely monitor their health in the
first 14 days after going home from affected nations, and if they develop any (8)________ of
fever, they should come to medical centers and hospitals for examination. Residents are urged
to keep a watchful eye (9)________ sources of still and stagnant water where (10)________
can replicate.
1. virus => the Zika virus = sốt Zika
2. spreading = lan tryền
3. lead => lead to = result in = dẫn đến
4. infections = sự nhiễm bệnh, sự lây nhiễm
5. stay => saty on alert = cảnh giác, cẩn thận, canh chừng
6. suspected = khả nghi, nghi ngờ
7. those => dùng để chỉ NHIỀU người có vị trí XA người nói
8. symptoms = triệu chứng => symptoms of fever = triệu chứng của sốt
9. on => kêp an eye on sth = canh chừng, để mắt đến điều gì
10. mosquitos = muỗi
II. WORD FORMS (20 pts)
Part 1: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the given word. (10 pts)
1. She always listens ____________ to what she is told. (ATTENTION)
2. In his family, he is a ____________ child. (TROUBLE)
3. There has been a ____________ improvement in her writing.( NOTICE)
4. The price of the house includes many existing ____________ and fittings. (FIX)
5. It was_______________ of me to mislead you like that.( FORGIVE)
6. He is very ____________ in everything he does. ( SYSTEM)
7. Fruit ____________ as it ripens. (SWEET)
8. My brother lives in a ____________ area. (RESIDE)
9. She is extremely ____________ about art. (KNOWLEDGE)
10. They were brought up to behave in a ____________ way in public. (CIVILIZATION)
1. attentively = in a way that is attentive (= listening carefully or giving careful attention)=
một cách chăm chú
2. troublesome = làm phiền, quấy rầy
3. noticeable = đáng chú ý, dễ nhận ra
4. fixtures = a piece of equipment or furniture which is fixed in position in a building or
5. unforgivable= so bad as to be unable to be forgiven or excused.= không thể tha thứ
6. systematic = done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical.= có hệ
7. sweetens = make or become sweet or sweeter, especially in taste.
8. residental = (thuộc) nhà ở, (thuộc) nhà riêng; để ở; dân cư
9. knowledgeable = có hiểu biết, kiến thức về
10. civilized = polite and well-mannered.
Part 2: Complete the passage with appropriate forms from the words given in the
box.(10 pts)
1. implication = an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it
directly= ngụ ý
2. product = sản phẩm
3. inescapable = không thể tránh khỏi, từ chối
4. catchy= (especially of a tune or song) pleasing and easy to remembe
5. easily = 1 cách dễ dàng, không có khó khăn
6. beneficial = có lợi
7. informative= providing useful or interesting information.
8. brighten = to become or make someone happy or hopeful
9. appointed = bổ nhiệm, chỉ định
10. misleading= giving the wrong idea or impression.
1. widower → widow=> Widow /ˈwɪdəʊ/: quả 2. quiet→ quite => quiet= yên tĩnh, yên lặng #
phụ, người phụ nữ mất chồng nhưng vẫn chưa tái quiet = khá, hoàn toàn
hôn. # Widower /ˈwɪdəʊə(r)/: danh từ ám chỉ
người đàn ông có vợ mất, nhưng chưa tái hôn.
3. which→ what => Which có nghĩa là “ cái mà”. 4. commerce→ commercial => commerce = sự
Khi chúng ta cần một mệnh đề quan hệ (một mệnh buôn bán # commercial = quảng cáo trên ti vi, đài
đề dùng để mô tả cho danh từ phía trước) thì ta
phải dùng which, không dùng what. Ngc lại dùng
what khi không phải là mệnh đề quan hệ
5. actor→ acting (adj ) = diễn xuất => dấu hiệu 6. minutes→ minute => Every đứng trước danh
adj + N từ đếm được số ít để chỉ đến cả nhóm, tập hợp
7. with→ to => marriage to sb = đám cưới với ai 8. depressed→ depressing => Ving --> Tính từ
đuôi -ING dùng để miêu tả tính cách, tính chất,
Ved --> Tính từ đuôi -ED dùng để diễn tả cảm
xúc, cảm nhận của con người, con vật về một sự
vật, hiện tượng, sự việc nào đó.
9. who→ which= cái mà => đại từ quan hệ chỉ vật 10. high→ highly => "high" vừa là tính từ và vừa
thay thế cho dnah từ đứng trước là trạng từ mang nghĩa cao về mặt thể chất. Còn
"highly" là trạng từ mang nghĩa cao về mặt mức
Rewrite the following sentences using the words given:
1. I am very much looking forward to seeing my great grandson for the first time.
What __________________________________________________________________-
2. Attendances at the exhibition have been down this year.
The exhibition
3. With the exception of Maggie’s husband, everyone is here.
4. I am absolutely sure he took the money on purpose.
He couldn’t
5. Her success went beyond her expectation.
6. Being mean and being careful with money are not quite the same. (SUBTLE)
7. I find grammar exercises extremely boring. (STIFF)
8. He got revenge on her. (OWN)
9. The offer to go and work in Brazil was a complete surprise. (BLUE)
10. He pretended that his latest business failure was not important. (LAUGHED)
1. What I am very much looking forward to is seeing my great grandson for the first time .
=> Cấu trúc mệnh đề danh ngữ: Where/ when/ why/ what/ that…+ S+ V + V/to be
2. The exhibition has not been so well attended this year .
well attended = If an event is well attended, many people are present at it
3. Apart from Meggie’s husband, everyone is here.
Apart from = ngoại trừ, ngoài ai/ điều gì
4. He couldn’t possibly have taken the money by mistakes/ chance/ accident/ coincidence.
by mistakes/ chance/ accident/ coincidence = tình cờ
5. Never had she expected that she was so successful.
=>Đảo ngữ với các trạng từ tần suất (thường là các trạng từ mang nghĩa phủ định)
Never/ Rarely/ Seldom /Little/ Hardly ever + trợ động từ + S + V
(không bao giờ/hiếm khi ai đó làm gì.)
6. There is a subtle difference between being mean and being careful with money.
subtle difference = ít sự khác biệt, khác nhau
7. Grammar exercises bore me stiff.
bored stiff = extremely unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have
nothing to do
8. He got his own back on her.
get your own back (on someone) = to do something unpleasant to someone because they have
done something unpleasant to you
9. The offer to go and work in Brazil came (completely) out of the blue.
Out of the blue = bất thình lình, bất ngờ, đột ngột
10. He laughed off his latest business failure.
Laugh off = Giả vờ rằng thứ gì đó không quan trọng
Sort out the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.
21c 22a 23b 24d 25b 26c 27c 28b 29b 30a
21. What is the author’s main purpose in the first paragraph of the passage?
a. To explain how cooperation differs from competition and conflict
b. To show the importance of group organization and attitudes
c. To offer a brief definition of cooperation
d. To urge readers to cooperate more often
Clue: Cooperation is the common endeavor of two or more people to perform a task or reach
jointly cherished goal. Like competition and conflict, there are different forms of cooperation,
based on group organization and attitudes.= Hợp tác là nỗ lực chung của hai hay nhiều người
để thực hiện một nhiệm vụ hoặc đạt được một mục tiêu cùng ấp ủ. Giống như các đối thủ cạnh
tranh hay các xung đột, có nhiều hình thức khác nhau của việc hợp tác, trên cơ sở tổ chức và
thái độ của nhóm hợp tác => Vì vậy mục đích của tác giả trong đoạn đầu tiên là đưa ra định
nghĩa ngắn gọn về sự hợp tác
22. The word cherished in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
a. prized b. agreed on c. defined d. set up
=> cherished = prized: đánh giá cao
Thông tin: Cooperation is the common endeavor of two or more people to perform a task or
reach a jointly cherished goal.
Tạm dịch: Hợp tác là sự nỗ lực chung của hai hay nhiều người để thực hiện một nhiệm vụ
hoặc đạt được một cùng mục tiêu đánh giá cao.
23. The word fuse in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
a. react b. unite c. evolve d. explore
Clue: In the first form, known as primary cooperation, group and individual fuse= Trong hình
thức đầu tiên, được gọi là hợp tác cơ sở, nhóm và cá nhân là một
=> fuse = unite = hợp nhất
24. Which of the following statement about primary cooperation is supported by information
in the passage ?
a. It was confined to prehistoric times .
b. It is usually the first stage of cooperation achieved by a group of individuals attempting to
c. It is an ideal that can never be achieved.
d. It is most commonly seen among people who have not yet developed reading and writing
Clue: While primary cooperation is most often characteristic of preliterate societies ,
secondary cooperation is characteristic of many modern societies= Trong khi hợp tác cơ sở
thường đặc trưng cho xã hội chưa biết đến đọc viết, hợp tác thứ cấp là đặc trưng của xã hội
hiện đại.
25. According to the passage , why do people join groups that practice secondary cooperation
a. To experience the satisfaction of cooperation
b. To get rewards for themselves
c. To associate with people who have similar backgrounds
d. To defeat a common enemy
Thông tin: Members perform tasks so that they can separately enjoy the fruits of their
cooperation in the form of salary, prestige, or power.
Tạm dịch: Các thành viên thực hiện nhiệm vụ để họ có thể tận hưởng thành quả của sự hợp
tác một cách riêng biệt dưới các hình thức
như tiền lương, uy tín hay quyền lực.
26. Which of the following is an example of the third form of cooperation as it is defined in
the fourth paragraph?
a. Students form a study group so that all of them can improve their grades.
b. A new business attempts to take customers away from an established company.
c. Two rival political parties temporarily work together to defeat a third party.
d. Members of a farming community share work and the food that they grow.
Thông tin: The attitudes of the cooperating parties are purely opportunistic: the organization is
loose and fragile. Accommodation involves common means to achieve antagonistic goals: it
breaks down when the common means cease to aid each party in reaching its goals.
Tạm dịch: Thái độ của các bên hợp tác là hoàn toàn lợi dụng cơ hội: tổ chức thì lỏng lẻo và
mong manh. Thỏa thuận bao gồm các phương tiện chung để đạt được những mục tiêu đối
kháng: nó bị phá vỡ khi các bên không còn hỗ trợ mỗi nhau trong việc đạt được
mục tiêu của mình
27. Which of the following is NOT given as a name for the third type of cooperation?
a. Tertiary cooperation b. Accommodation
c. Latent conflict d. Antagonistic cooperation
Thông tin:
- In the third type, called tertiary cooperation or accommodation, …
- This is not, strictly speaking, cooperation at all, and hence the somewhat contradictory term
antagonistic cooperation is sometimes used for this relationship.
Tạm dịch:
- Trong loại thứ ba, được gọi là hợp tác cao cấp hoặc thỏa thuận, …
- Nói đúng ra, đây không phải là hợp tác chút nào, và do đó cụm từ có chút mâu thuẫn "sự
hợp tác đối kháng" đôi khi được sử dụng cho mối quan hệ này.28. The word fragile in
paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to
a. inefficient b. easily broken c. poorly planned d. involuntary
=> fragile = easily broken: dễ bị vỡ
Thông tin: The attitudes of the cooperating parties are purely opportunistic: the organization is
loose and fragile.
Tạm dịch: Thái độ của các bên hợp tác là hoàn toàn lợi dụng cơ hội: tổ chức thì lỏng lẻo và
mong manh
29. As used throughout the passage , the term common is closest in meaning to which of the
a. Ordinary b. Shared c. Vulgar d. Popular
Clue: Accommodation involves common means to achieve antagonistic goals; it breaks down
when the common means cease to aid each party in reaching its goals.= Thỏa thuận bao gồm
các phương tiện chung để đạt được mục tiêu đối kháng; nó bị phá vỡ khi các phương tiện
chungkhông còn hỗ trợ mỗi bên trong việc đạt được mục tiêu của mình.
=> common = shared = chung
30. Which of the following best describes the overall organization of the passage?
a. The author describes a concept by analyzing its three forms.
b. The author compares and contrasts two types of human relations.
c. The author presents the points of view of three experts on the same topic.
d. The author provides a number of concrete examples and then draw a conclusion.
=> Tác giả mô tả một khái niệm bằng cách phân tích ba dạng của nó ( Đoạn 1 giới thiệu chung
về sự hợp tác- các đoạn 2,3,4 tiếp thoe lần lượt phân tích về primary cooperation ,secondary
cooperation và tertiary cooperation or accommodation)
4 đáp án đềuc so nghĩa thay đổi tuy nhiên ta loại ngay được “amend” vì từ này dùng cho thay
đổi của văn bản, đặc biệt là văn bản pháp luật.
-> Eg: In line 20, “men” should be amended to “people”: Dòng số 20, từ “men”nên được chỉnh
lại là “people”.
Về cấu trúc loại “adapt to”: thay đổi để phù hợp với các tình huống khác nhau -> Eg: Many
software companies have adapted popular programs to the new operating system: Nhiều công
ty phần mềm đã thay đổi các chương trình phổ biến phù hợp hơn với hệ điều hành mới.
Không chọn “adjust”: điều chỉnh, thay đổi nhỏ để phù hợp hơn, trong khi ý của bài viết là một
sự thay đổi lớn, mang tính lịch sử.
Từ được chọn “alter”: thay đổi (thường là nhỏ nhưng có ảnh hưởng lớn).
-> Eg: The English ruling class was wiped out and the character of the nation altered forever:
Tầng lớp thống trị nước Anh đã bị quét sạch và đặc điểm của đất nước đã thay đổi mãi mãi.33.
a. route b. way c. line d. course
Dựa vào ngữ nghĩa chọn “follow”: diễn ra (như là hệ quả của điều gì đó)
-> Eg: Just because I agreed last time, it doesn’t necessarily follow that I will do so again: Chỉ
vì lúc trước tôi đồng ý, không có nghĩa là tôi sẽ làm như vậy.
Không chọn:
-> Eg: In the weeks that succeeded, five more patients showed similar
symptoms: Trong vài tuần sau đó, thêm 5 bệnh nhân có triệu chứng tương tự.
35. a. cancelling b. subtracting c. cutting d. abolishing
Dựa vào nghĩa của câu chọn “cut”: giảm bớt, rút ngắn hay dùng với “time, prize,cost”
Không chọn :
- “substract”: trừ, hay gặp như “add and substract” (cộng từ, thêm bớt)
Loại ngay “function” = “operate”: vận hành, hoạt động – vì từ này không đi với tân ngữ
-> Eg: The TV was functioning normally until yesterday: Cái TV vẫn hoạt động bình thường
cho đến ngày hôm qua.
Không chọn “serve” (phục vụ) và “perform” (thực hiện, thể hiện)
-> Eg: Almost all students perform well in the test today: Hầu hết học sinh làm tốt bài kiểm tra
ngày hôm qua.
-> Eg: This custom represents the best traditions of our country: Phong tục này tượng trưng cho
truyền thống tốt đẹp nhất của đất nước chúng tôi.
Chỉ có “considerable” (đáng chú ý, nổi bật, đáng kể) dùng với “luxury”
39. a. date b. stage c. day d. phase
Date = ngày cụ thể trong tháng stage = giai đoạn day = ngày, thời đại phase = giai
40. a. laid b. set c. settled d. left
Thành ngữ “leave your/a mark”: có ảnh hưởng lâu dài hoặc đáng kể.
Part 1: Supply the missing prepositions or particles.
1 aback => be taken aback by = bị ngạc nhiên, bất ngờ bởi điều gì
2 over => assert one’s authority over = to do something to show that you have power
3 off => Throw off = Loại bỏ, thoát khỏi
4 in => take in = lừa dối, lừa gạt
5 down => Hand down = Truyền sang thế hệ kế tiếp
6 on => on file =(kept) in or as in a file for reference
7 up => make it up = to become friends again after a quarrel
8 in => take in = hiểu, tiếp thu được điều gì
9 up for/up => put sb up = cho ai đó ngủ nhờ
10 off => Drop off = Ngủ, thiu thiu ngủ
Part 2 : complete each sentence with the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs below.
Part 2 :
11. came in for = receive something such as criticism.= hứng chịu điều gì thường là những
điều xấu, không hay
20. work out => Work out =Tìm ra câu trả lời, biện pháp
The arrival of satellite TV has brought up a whole new world of viewing into our living rooms- if we can afford
to pay for it, that is. Major sport events can now be seen live. Beside this, a wider variety of sports is now available.
The viewer can choose anything from dog-racing and sumo wrestling. Certain channels show 20 film every day.
Again, the choice is enormous- from old classics to the latest Hollywood releases.
For them who like to keep informed, 24-hour news is available for the touch of a button. Children are not forgotten
neither. A special junior channel broadcasts cartoons and children’s films. But do we really need all this choice?
The danger is that we will become a population of passive couch-potatoes with square eyes and fingers glued to
the remote-control. Of course choice is a good thing, but viewers should use his ability to select the best and
disregard of the rest.
not be averse to something =to quite enjoy something, especially something that is slightly
wrong or bad for you
6. Miss Hayes will acquaint you with the day-to-day running of the office.
acquaint someone/yourself with something =to make someone or yourself familiar with
Part 2 : Rewire the sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those
printed before them. Use the words given in bold type; you cannot change the word given
in any way.
1.I think his theory is clear and logical. (stands)
2.We have to settle this matter in a definitive manner. (all)
3.In the area, Thailand is much better than all other countries in football. (shoulders)
4.This is not the first time he has openly disagreed with the party leader. (SWORDS)
5.He gambled, lost everything and began to awe money. (into)
6.They claim to provide the best service in business, but I think that can be questioned.
7.You should punish him severely so that others will be afraid to behave as he did. (example)
8.When I came back, my car was gone. (seen)
9.Did you see Alice at the party last night? (catch)
10.He is a generous person. (name)
Part 2:
1.I think his theory stands to reason.
Stand to reason" = một kết luận/ suy đoán hợp lý, logic. Hoặc nếu nói "It stands to reason
that..." có nghĩa rằng đó là điều hợp lý, thật là điều hiển nhiên rằng..
2.We have to settle this matter once and for all.
Once and for all” = một lần và mãi mãi -> nghĩa là lần cuối; hoặc mãi mãi/vĩnh cửu.
3.In the area, Thailand is head and shoulders above all other countries in football.
Head and shoulders above' = chỉ một người hay một vật vượt trội hay hơn hẳn những người
4.This is not the first time he has crossed swords with the party leader.
Cross swords with (one)" = đan chéo kiếm với -> đánh nhau, chiếu nhau, cãi nhau.
5.He gambled, lost everything and ran into debt.
run into debt =To come to be in a position of owing money to someone or something
6.They claim to provide the best service in business, but I think that can be in dispute / open
to dispute.
open to dispute = not certain
7.You should make an example of him so that others will be afraid to behave as he did.
make an example of =to punish as a warning to others = phạt ai để làm gương
8.When I came back, my car was nowhere to be seen.
Nowhere to be found/seen -> nghĩa là không tìm thấy đâu cả, hoàn toàn biến mất.
9.Did you catch sight of Alice at the party last night?
catch sight of someone/something (also catch a glimpse of someone/something)=to see
something only for a moment
10.Generosity is his middle name.
Be one’s middle name” = tên đệm của mình -> nghĩa là đặc tính dễ dàng nhận thấy hoặc liên
quan chặt chẽ với bản thân; thường được dùng một cách hài hước, châm biếm.
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the others
of each group
1. A. attitude B. attach C. bacteria D. apparent
2. A. committee B. employee C. agree D. steel
3. A. theme B. therapy C. thus D. theology
4. A. honey B. once C. done D. common
5. A. dew B. knew C. sew D. few
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three of each group
6. A. elemental B. elephant C. elegant D. elevator
7. A. conspicuous B. advantageous C. apprentice D. intangible
8. A. adverse B. aerosol C. hallucinate D. ornament
9. A. nevertheless B. separate C. hurricane D. headline
10. A. metabolism B. volunteerism C. egoism D. communism
1D 2A 3C 4D 5C 6A 7B 8C 9A 10A
1. The ______ are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.
A. chances B. bets C. prospects D. odds
"The odds are against one" = lợi thế chống lại -> nghĩa là không còn lợi thế, gặp bất lợi, khó
chances: cơ hội prospects: viễn cảnh bets: cá cược
2. The police have been ordered not to ______ if the students attack them.
A. combat B. rebuff C. retaliate D. challenge
Combat (v): đánh nhau, chiến đấu Rebuff (v): khước từ, đẩy lui
Retaliate /rɪˈtælieɪt/ (v): trả đũa, trả thù Challenge (v): thách thức
Dịch nghĩa: Cảnh sát đã được lệnh không bắn trả nếu sinh viên tấn công họ.3. That Mary is an
_______ liar: you must take what she says with a small grain of salt.
A. incorrigible B. incurable C. irredeemable D. irremediable
incorrigible => An incorrigible person or incorrigible behaviour is bad and impossible to
change or improve
4. Unanswered, the demands for nuclear deterrents have _______ fears of civil war.
A. flashed up B. prognosticated C. sidetracked D. stoked up
stoke up something if something stokes up fear, anger etc, it makes a lot of people feel
frightened etc
flash up= To flash very brightly and suddenly.
Sidetrack = làm chệch hướng prognosticate= báo trước, dự đoán tương lai
5. Four people drowned when the yatch ______ in a sudden storm.
A. inverted B. overflowed C. upset D. capsized
“capsize”: if a boat capsizes or something capsizes it, it turns over in the water
+ Invert sth: to change the normal position of something, especially by turning it into a
position in which the top of it is where the bottom of it normally is or by arranging it in the
opposite order
+ Overflow (with sth): to be so full that the contents go over the sides
+offset sth: to use one cost, payment or situation in order to cancel or reduce the effect of
6. Look, will you stop _____ in and let me finish my sentence!
A. plugging B. pushing C. butting D. moving
to butt in: xen vào, chen ngang vào
Dịch: Này, bạn có thể dừng việc chen ngang vào và để tôi nói xong câu được không?
7. You can’t bury your head ________ and hope that this problem goes away, you know.
A. in the mud B. in the pool C. in the sand D. in the water
Bury your head in the sand = ám chỉ việc ai đó cố gắng không đề cập đến một sự việc cụ thể
bằng cách giả vờ nó không tồn tại
8. I’m working long hours this week._______, the au-pair girl has asked for a few days’ leave.
A. Even so B. All the same C. On top of that D. After all
all the same: cũng thế thôi, cũng vậy thôi, không có gì khác
After all = hóa ra, rốt cuộc, tóm lại, cuối cùng thì, bất chấp các vấn đề hoặc nghi ngờ trước
Even So = tuy nhiên, ngay cả như vậy, dù thế,
On top of that= ngoài ra, thêm vào đó
9. Little did I imagine The Amazing Race would entail long-winded journeys and ups and
downs _______
A. aplenty B. inexhaustibly C. profusely D. superabundant
A. aplenty /əˈplenti/ (adv): dồi dào, vô số
B. inexhaustibly /ˌɪnɪɡˈzɔːstəbli/ (adv): vô tận, vô hạn
C. profusely /prəˈfjuːsli/ (adv): nhiều, vô khối
D. superabundantly /ˌsuːpərəˈbʌndəntli/ (adv): thừa thãi, rất dồi dào
=> Ups an downs: thăng trầm
10. Researchers have made a(n) _______ plea for more sponsorship so that they can continue
their project.
A. compassionate B. dispassionate C. encompassed D. impassioned
Impassioned= be full of strongly felt and strongly expressed emotion
Compassionate= thương xót, cảm thông dispassionate= công bằng, không thiên vị
encompassed= bao quanh, bao gồm
1.D 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D
1. Business has been thriving for the past few years. Long _____ it continue to do so.
A could B does C may D might
May đứng đầu câu (có thể trạng ngữ đứng trước “may” để nhấn mạnh)=> strong wish
2. I ____. He should have ___ than to lend them money.
A. am not sorry once and for all / thought more B. am not sorry for once / been better
C. for one thing am not sorry / known more D. for one am not sorry / known better
I for one …= used for emphasizing what you believe or think, even if other people disagree
know better than that/ to do sth: hiểu rõ, đủ khôn để không làm điều gì đó
3. The scientists _____ the festival of Ramadan, but they were too busy with their research in
the laboratory.
A. would have liked to commemorate B. would have loved to have observed
C. would prefer to have obeyed D. would sooner have celebrated
=>would have + P2 để nói về những điều bạn muốn làm nhưng bạn không làm.
Would (should) like + to have + P2 : Diễn đạt một ước muốn không thành.
4. How annoying! You _____ again!
A. have made the self-same mistake yet of yours B. may yet make the same
C. have made the same mistake yet D. have yet to make the same
Trong câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn thuộc thì hiện tại hoàn thành, yet thường được sử dụng
đứng ở cuối câu. Công thức : S + have/ has not (haven’t/ hasn’t) + Ved/V3 + … + yet= Ai đó
vẫn chưa làm gì đó
5. The man _____ of carrying out the burglary was released _____ by police.
A. to be suspected / followed questioning B. having been suspected / following
C. suspected / following questioning D. being suspected / followed questioned
=> Cấu trúc rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ dạng bị động
Following + doing sth = sau khi làm gì => chú ý following là giới từ
6. _____ knowledge about genetic diseases has increased is welcome news.
A. That scientific B. It was scientific C. Though scientific D. Science
Danh mệnh đề hay được That giới thiệu và do đó được gọi là mệnh đề That. (that + mệnh đề)
Danh mệnh đề (that) dùng như chủ từ của câu
7. I’ll be kind to her _____she decide to leave me.
A. in case B. whereas C. so as not D. lest
lest = for fear that: vì sợ rằng in case = trong trường hợp
whereas = trong khi so as not to = để không làm gì
8. “I’m totally broke. Have you got any money on you?” – “_____ at all”
A. Not B. None C. Nothing D. No
Not at all có nghĩa là “không … một chút nào cả
9. _____, one tin will last for at least six weeks.
A. Used economical B. Using economical
C. Used economically D. Using economically
Khi hai mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ, có thể rút gọn bớt một chủ ngữ và dùng cụm nếu chủ
động, cụm V.p.p nếu bị động.
Ngữ cảnh ở đây là “(một tin) được sử dụng một cách tiết kiệm” => dùng V.p.p
Sau động từ “used” cần một trạng từ.
economical (adj): tiết kiệm economically (adv): tiết kiệm
Tạm dịch: Được sử dụng một cách tiết kiệm, một tin sẽ kéo dài ít nhất sáu tuần.
10. A new generation of performers, _____ those who by now had become a household name,
honed their skills before following the same path onto television.
A. no less talented than B. along with talented as
C. together with talented as D. having been more talented than
=> Cấu trúc rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ + Cấu trúc so sánh: no less + adj + than = không kém
…hơn so với
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A
Tạm dịch: Anh ấy thỉnh thoảng nổi nóng nhưng sâu thăm trong trái tim anh ấy là người tốt
1A 2D 3A 4C 5A 6D 7C 8B 9D 10B
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. C
Reading 2
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer
for each of the questions
In the city, we are barraged with images of the people we might become. Identity is presented
as plastic, a matter of possessions and appearance; and a very large proportion of the urban
landscape is taken up by slogans, advertisements, flatly photographed images of folk heroes –
the man who turned into a sophisticated dandy overnight by drinking a particular brand of drink,
the girl who transformed herself into a femme fatale with a squirt of cheap scent. The tone of
the wording of these advertisements is usually pert and facetious, comically drowning in its
own hyperbole. But the pictures are brutally exact: they reproduce every detail of a style of life,
down to the brand of cigarette-lighter, the stone in the ring, and the economic row of books on
the shelf.
Even in the business of the mass-production of images of identity, this shift from the general
to the diverse and particular is quite recent. Consider another line of stills: the back-lit, soft-
focus portraits of the first and second generations of great movie stars. There is a degree of
romantic unparticularity in the face of each one, as if they were communal dream-projections
of society at large. Only in the specialized genres of westerns, farces and gangster movies were
stars allowed to have odd, knobby cadaverous faces. The hero as loner belonged to history or
the underworld: he spoke from the perimeter of society, reminding us of its dangerous edges.
The stars of the last decade have looked quite different. Soft-focus photography has gone, to
be replaced by a style which searches out warts and bumps, and emphasizes the uniqueness not
the generality of the face. Voices, too, are strenuously idiosyncratic; whines, stammers and low
rumbles are exploited as features of “star quality”. Instead of romantic heroes and heroines, we
have a brutalist, hard-edged style in which isolation and egotism are assumed as natural social
In the movies, as in the city, the sense of stable hierarchy has become increasingly exhausted;
we no longer live in a world where we can all share the same values, and the same heroes. (It
is doubtful whether this world, so beloved of nostalgia moralists, ever existed; but lip-service
was paid to it, the pretence, at last, was kept up.) The isolate and the eccentric push towards the
centre of the stage; their fashions and mannerisms are presented as having as good a claim to
the limelight and the future as those of anyone else. In the crowd on the underground platform,
one may observe a honeycomb of fully-worked-out worlds, each private, exclusive, bearing
little comparison with its nearest neighbour. What is prized in one is despised in another. There
are no clear rules about how one is supposed to manage one’s body, dress, talk, or think. Though
there are elaborate protocols and etiquettes among particular cults and groups within the city,
they subscribe to no common standard.
For the new arrival, this disordered abundance is the city’s most evident and alarming
quality. He feels as if he has parachuted into a funfair of contradictory imperatives. There are
so many people he might become, and a suit of clothes, a make of car, and a brand of cigarettes,
will go some way towards turning him into a personage even before he has discovered who that
personage is. Personal identity has always been deeply rooted in property, but hitherto the
relationship has been a simple one – a question of buying what you could afford, and leaving
your wealth to announce your status. In the modern city, there are so many things to buy, such
a quantity of different kinds of status, that the choice and its attendant anxieties have created a
new pornography of state.
The leisure pages of the Sunday newspapers, fashion magazines, TV plays, popular novels,
cookbooks, window displays all nag at the nerve of our uncertainty and snobbery. Should we
like American cars, hard-rock hamburger joints, Bauhaus chairs…? Literature and art are
promoted as personal accessories, the paintings of Mondrian or the novels of Samuel Beckett
“go” with certain styles like matching handbags. There is in the city a creeping imperialism of
taste, in which more and more commodities are made over to being mere expressions of
personal identity. The piece of furniture, the pair of shoes, the book, the film, are important not
so much in themselves but for what they communicate about their owners; and ownership is
stretched to include what one likes or believes in as well as what one can buy.
1. What does the writer say about advertisements in the first paragraph?
A. They often depict people that most other people would not care to be like.
B. The pictures in them accurately reflect the way that some people really live.
C. Certain kinds are considered more effective in cities than others.
D. The way in which some of them are worded is cleverer than it might appear.
Clue: But the pictures are brutally exact: they reproduce every detail of a style of life, down to
the brand of cigarette-lighter, the stone in the ring, and the economic row of books on the
shelf.= Nhưng những bức tranh này mới chính xác làm sao: nó tái hiện lại từng chi tiết nhỏ
của lối sống, chỉ bằng một nhãn hiệu bật lửa, một hạt soàn của chiếc nhẫn, và một kệ sách
kinh tế
2. What does a “femme fatale” refer to?
A. a beautiful woman who spends her time enjoying herself
B. a gorgeous woman who realizes most men’s dream
C. a potential good wife
D. an attractive woman who may bring unhappiness to men
Clue: the man who turned into a sophisticated dandy overnight by drinking a particular brand
of drink, the girl who transformed herself into a femme fatale with a squirt of cheap scent.=
người đàn ông bổng chốc biến thành quý ông diên dúa chỉ sau 1 đêm bằng cách uống một loại
rược nào đó, một co gái hóa thành ” hồng nhan họa thủy ” chỉ bằng một mùi hương rẻ tiền nào
3. The word “facetious” is closest in meaning to _____.
A. flippant B. prevalent C. impudent D. complacent
Clue : The tone of the wording of these advertisements is usually pert and facetious,
comically drowning in its own hyperbole.= Sắc thái của những cách sử dụng từ này thường
rất lừa lọc và chả ra làm sao, thật hài hước là chính nó đắm chìm trong sự cường điệu của
chính nó.
=> Facetious =flippant = hài hước
4. The writer says that if you look at a line of advertisements on a tube train, it is clear that
A. city dwellers have very diverse ideas about what image they would like to have
B. some images in advertisements have a general appeal that others lack
C. city dwellers are more influenced by images on advertisements than other people
D. some images are intended to be representative of everyone’s aspirations
Clue: In the crowd on the underground platform, one may observe a honeycomb of fully-
worked-out worlds, each private, exclusive,bearing little comparison with its nearest
neighbor= Trong đám đong dưới tàu ngầm, có thể coi như 1 bầy ông đầy những con ong thợ,
mỗi con đều có 1 ô mật riêng, sống tách biệt với hàng xóm. Được con này thì mất con kìa (
kiểu nếu ô này mật nhiều thì đương nhiên ô kia phải ít mật hơn )
5. What does the writer imply about portraits of old movie stars?
A. They reflected an era in which people felt basically safe.
B. They made people feel that their own faces were rather unattractive.
C. They tried to disguise the less attractive features of their subjects.
D. Most people did not think they were accurate representations of the stars in them.
Clue: There is a degree of romantic unparticularity in the face of each one, as if they were
communal dream-projections of society at large = Những tấm này cơ bản là giống nhau, như
kiểu họ muốn đại diện cho giấc mơ của cả một xã hội nữa
6. What does the writer suggest about the stars of the last decade?
A. Most people accept that they are not typical of society as a whole.
B. They make an effort to speak in a way that may not be pleasant on the ear.
C. Some of them may be uncomfortable about the way they come across.
D. They make people wonder whether they should become more selfish.
Clue: Voices, too, are strenuously idiosyncratic; whines, stammers and low rumbles are
exploited as features of “star quality”. Instead of romantic heroes and heroines, we have a
brutalist, hard-edged style in which isolation and egotism are assumed as natural social
conditions.= Giong nói thì cũng như vậy, nó rất đặc trưng, rên rỉ, lắp bắp, âm âm, được cho
như là ” chất lượng ngôi sao “. Thay vì những người anh hùng, nữ anh hùng xinh xắn, họ9
những star thế hệ cũ ) rất thô mộc, nơi đó, sự khác biệt và vị kỉ được thể hiện một cách tự
7. The writer uses the crowd on an underground platform to exemplify his belief that _____.
A. no one in a city has strict attitudes towards the behavior of others
B. no single attitude to life is more common than another in a city
C. people in cities would like to have more in common with each other
D. views of what society was like in the past are often accurate
Clue: What is prized in one is despised in another. There are no clear rules about how one is
supposed to manage one’s body, dress, talk, or think . Though there are elaborate protocols
and etiquettes among particular cults and groups within the city, they subscribe to no common
standard = Không có bất kì quy tắc rõ ràng nào cho sự quản lí cơ thể của người khác, váy vóc,
cách nói chuyện hay lối suy nghĩ. Mặc dù có những giao thức ứng xử ngầm giữa các nhóm
với nhau trong thành phố
8. The writer implies that new arrivals in a city may _____.
A. acquire a certain image without understanding what that involves
B. underestimate the importance of wealth
C. decide that status is of little importance
D. change the image they wish to have too frequently
Clue: He feels as if he has parachuted into a funfair of contradictory imperatives. There are so
many people he might become, and a suit of clothes, a make of car, and a brand of cigarettes,
will go some way towards turning him into a personage even before he has discovered who that
personage is.= Anh ta cảm thấy như mình đang cuốn vào nhưng vòng xoáy đối nghịch nhau rất
nhanh. Có quá nhiều thể loại người mà anh có thể trở thành, và 1 bộ đồ, một nhãn hiệu ô tô,
thuốc lá sẽ lập tức biến anh ta thành 1 người khác trước khi anh ta biết đó là cái thể người nào
( như kiểu mấy chương trình make up lại cho mình í, mình sẽ lập tức biến thành 1 người khác,
poor kid biến thành rich kid trong chớp mắt )
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D
Choose the words or phrases that best fit the blanks to make a complete passage
Cloze test 1
Promoting children’s self-esteem seems to be one of the aims of modern childcare and
education. It goes (1) _____ with a culture in which children are (2) _____ praised for the most
minor achievements. While this promotion of self-esteem is, rightly, a reaction against (3)
_____ times when children weren’t praised enough, it also seems to be (4) _____ a fear of how
failure will affect children: a fear that if they don’t succeed at a task, they will somehow be
However, the opposite may well be true. Many scientists spend years experiencing (5) _____
failure in the lab until they make a breakthrough. They know that ultimately this process
advances scientific knowledge. (6) _____, children need to experience failure to learn and grow.
If children have been praised for everything they’ve done, regardless of how good it is, then
failure in adult life will be all the more painful.
Life is full of (7) _____ and there is no point in trying to protect children from the
disappointments that (8) _____ them. Parents and educators shouldn’t be afraid of picking up
on children’s mistakes, as long as they also praise them when they do well. After all, the heroes
children try to (9) _____, the pop stars and footballers, have all reached the top (10) _____
ruthless competition. Like them, children need to learn how to cope with failure and turn it to
their advantage.
1. A. cap in hand B. hand in hand C. to show D. without saying
Hand in hand" = tay trong tay -> chỉ hai người hoặc đồ vật được kết nối gần nhau hoặc có liên
Cap/hat in hand" = cầm mũ trong tay (bỏ mũ xuống) -> nhún nhường, nhượng bộ, khiêm tốn.
Không đội mũ mà bỏ xuống, cầm ở tay khi gặp ai được xem là một cử chỉ tôn trọng.
go to show =To prove, demonstrate, or indicate that something is true.
It goes without saying" = không cần phải nói, khỏi phải nói -> điều quá rõ ràng, hiển nhiên, ai
cũng hiểu. Và đừng hiểu nhầm là "đi mà không nói một lời" các bạn nhé.
2. A. enthusiastically B. devotedly C. immensely D. thoroughly
sb to be enthusiastically praised for =được khen ngợi nhiệt tình vì cái gì
devotedly= 1 cách tận tâm, tận tụy immensely = extremely thoroughly= hoàn toàn
3. A. grimmer B. more unrelenting C. more unsparing D. sterner
Stern = dificult , severe = khó khăn, khắc nghiệt grimmer = ghê gớm, hung tợn, dữ dội
unrelenting= vô tình, tàn nhẫn unsparing =Nghiêm khắc, không thương xót, không
tiếc của
4. A. consequent upon B. owing to C. culminated in D. resulted from
consequent definition: happening as a result of something
owing to = because of = bởi vì, nguyên do là đâu
culminate in/with something = if a process culminates in or with a particular event, it ends
with that event
result from something = If a situation or problem results from a particular event or activity, it
is caused by it
5. A. concurrent B. consequent C. consecutive D. continual
Continual =happening repeatedly, usually in an annoying or not convenient way
concurrent = đồng thời consequent = theo sau consecutive= liên tiếp, liên tục
6. A. All the same B. By the same token C. In like manner D. In similar
In like manner = Theo cách tương tự
all the same: cũng thế thôi, cũng vậy thôi, không có gì khác.
By the same token= tương tự, vì lẽ ấy, vì những nguyên nhân giống nhau, vì cùng lí do đó
in a similar/orderly/spectacular etc fashion =in a particular way
7. A. flies in the ointment B. obstacle courses C. spanners in the works D. stumbling
flies in the ointment = con sâu làm rầu nồi canh=> một khiếm khuyết nào đó làm mất đi sự
hoàn hảo của bức tranh toàn thể
obstacle courses = a series of problems that you have to solve in order to achieve something
Throw a spanner in the works" hay "Throw a wrench in the works" = ném cờ lê vào đồ có giá
trị -> ý chỉ hành vi phá hoại, làm hỏng, cản trở kế hoạch, tiến trình công việc của người khác.
stumbling block =something that prevents action or agreement
8. A. put great store by B. lie in wait for C. hold in store for D. wait up for
hold (something) in store (for one) =To have something awaiting one.
"Set great store by (someone or something)" = đánh giá cao, tin tưởng, đặt nhiều hy vọng và
sự mong chờ vào ai/cái gì.
lie in wait (for someone) =to hide so that you can attack someone when they pass you
wait up (for somebody): thức chờ (ai).
9. A. duplicate B. emulate C. replicate D. simulate
Emulate = to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have
10. A. in the face of B. in the teeth of C. irrespective of D. without regard
in the face of sth =despite having to deal with a difficult situation or problem
in the teeth of something: bất chấp cái gì; đối lập với cái gì
irrespective of = regarless of = bất kể điều gì
Without regard to: không cần biết, không quan tâm
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. A
Cloze test 2
It is forecast that we can look forward to working 1________ hours in the future, but it is
necessary for health and tranquility to work a certain 2________ of hours per week, ideally
doing a variety of jobs - something schools have always known. It may be that the house
building will meet a need. It is a very basic human instinct. Gardening is a related activity. It
is already 3_________ to cultivate many fruits and vegetables than to buy them in the shops
and the house of the next decade should take this 4________ account. 5________ important
question is that of energy conservation. The proportion of income 6________ on keeping
warm is steadily going up, and, with the cost of energy likely to double in real terms during
the next ten years or 7_________, many large badly-insulated old houses will become
extremely expensive to use. The demand will be for small, wellinsulated homes located
8________ warm protected areas and making the best 9_________ of the sun’s warmth.
Efficient heating units will be of prime importance. At 10________, we waste a lot of space
in planning rooms which are awkward to use.
1. fewer=> Dựa vào nghĩa câu: Chúng ta có thể mong chờ trong tương lai số giờ làm việc sẽ
Hours là danh từ số nhiều nên dùng fewer
2. number=> Dấu hiệu: a certain, hours
3. cheaper=> Dấu hiệu: than to buy them in shops (hơn là mua chúng trong cửa hàng)
4. into=> take sth into account: cân nhắc, suy nghĩ
5. another=> Bắt đầu đoạn văn mới này đề cập đến một vấn đề khác trong tương lai và hoàn
không liên quan đến vấn đề thứ nhất, nhưng có tính chất tương tự là vấn đề được quan tâm
sau này
6. spent=> Dấu hiệu: income (thu nhập), on
7. so=> (time) or so: (thời gian) hoặc lâu hơn
8. in=> located in sth: tọa lạc, nằm ở
9. use=> make use of sth: sử dụng
10. present=> At present: ở thời điểm hiện tại
Test 2
A. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given word
1. Do you know that exceptionally successful entrepreneurs, such as Richard Branson, used to
be academically __________ by their peers when they were at school? (SHINE)
2. Efforts have been made to recover disaster-stricken and __________ areas of the country,
hope fading day by day. (WAR)
3. In his recent reports, he recommended the government extend the district to several
medium-sized towns and suburbs, but not those major __________ which will be utilised for
nature conservation. (URBAN)
4. In some countries, women can sue their husband for having __________ affairs and opt for
one-sided divorce. (MARRY)
5. New full-time students from lower income households will be able to apply for a(n)
__________ maintenance grant offered by the government, but have to work in public sectors
after they graduate. (PAY)
6. Parents should not educate children by giving lots of __________ but help them learn from
their mistakes. (TICK)
7. Six-core processor is one of the most __________ technologies yet invented to
revolutionise the way computers work. (CUT)
8. There emerge the __________ intent on spoiling the party, and next in no time come the
police to see such spoilsports off. (CRASH)
9. Students who have finished the courses held before the main teaching semesters can now
sign up for __________ language courses, especially EAP writing course. (SESSION)
10. The board of directors pour scorn on the __________’ dereliction of duties, causing the
company to suffer catastrophic quarterly losses. (SEE)
1. outshone= to be much more skilful and successful than someone
2. war-torn = severely damaged by a long war, especially between different groups from
the same country
3. conurbations =an extended urban area, typically consisting of several towns merging with
the suburbs of one or more cities.
4. extramarital = ngọa tình
5. non-repayable= If an amount of money is non-repayable, you do not have to pay it back
B. Fill in each blank with the correct form of one suitable word from the list given
The principal difference between urban growth in Europe and in the North American
colonies was the slow (1) _____ of cities in the former and their rapid growth in the latter. In
Europe they grew over a period of centuries from town economies to their present urban
structure. In North America, they started as (2) _____ communities and developed to mature
urbanism in little more than a century.
In the early (3) _____ days in North America, small cities sprang up along the Atlantic
Coastline, mostly in what are now New England and the Middle Atlantic states in the USA and
in the lower Saint Lawrence and France, particularly England, from which most capital goods
(assets such as equipment) and many consumer goods were imported.
Merchandising (4) _____ were, accordingly, (5) _____ located in port cities which goods
could be readily distributed to interior (6) _____. Here, too, were the favored locations for
processing raw materials prior to export. Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Montreal, and other
cities flourished, and as the colonies grew, these cities increased in importance.
This was less true in the colonial South, where life centered around large farms, known as
(7) _____, rather than around towns, as was the case in the areas further north along the Atlantic
coastline. The local (8) _____ and the economic (9) _____ of the plantations were antagonistic
to the development of the towns. The plantations maintained their independence because they
were located on navigable streams and each had a wharf (10) _____ to the small shipping of
that day. In fact, one of the strongest factors in the selection of plantation land was the desire to
have it front on a water highway
1. evolution = sự tiến hóa, phát triển, sự vận động
2. wilderness = nơi hoang dã, nơi bỏ hoang, nơi xa xôi
3. colonial = thuộc địa, thực dân
4. establishment= sự thành lập, thiết lập
5. advantageously= in a way that is advantageous (= giving advantages or helping to make
you more successful)
6. settlements = a place where people come to live or the process of settling in such a place
Overpopulation is an excess of people in related to the resources available to sustain them.
The UN's forecast of population growth suggests which between 1990 and 2025 the world's
population will increase from 5.3 billion to 8.5 billion. Almost all of this increase will occur in
the developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. By the late 1980s, 67 nations with
85 per cent of the developing world's population officially consider their growth rates too high.
The UN Population Fund now argues that environmental degradation is the gravest immediate
threat posed by over-population, rather to shortages of food, fuel, and minerals as previously
thought. Overpopulation is already contributing to desertification, lost of agricultural
productivity through overuse of land, the destruction of forests and, though the increased
burning of fossil fuels, the greenhouse effect. Already much poor countries, especially in sub-
Saharan Africa, are losing their ability to feed, shelter, and educate even their present
populations, yet these are the very countries when population growth is expected to be highest.
The UN Population Fund believes that only development can stabilize the world's population
and calls for sanitation, education, health care, and family planning in order that reduce fertility
rates. However, the youthful age structure of the world's population and the opposition of the
Roman Catholic Church to family planning, especially in South America, mean that
overpopulation is one of the severest challenges face the planet.
1. related -> relation => in relation to something =in connection with something
2. which -> that => Dấu hiệu suggest ( that ) = chỉ ra rằng ..
3. consider -> considered => dấu hiệu By the late 1980s => chia V ở thì QKĐ
4. to ->than => rather than = thay vì
5. lost -> loss (n) => loss of sth = sự mất mát, sự đánh mất điều gì
6. though -> through => though = mặc dù # through = thông qua
7. much -> many => much + N ( không đếm được) # many + N ( số nhiều đếm
8. when -> where => - Where: Dùng để thay thế từ chỉ nơi chốn( dấu hiệu
9. that -> to => in oder that + clause = in oder to do sth = để làm gì
10. face -> facing => rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ dạng chủ động
1. If we don’t set out/ off about six, we might not get there for the meeting punctually.
set out/ off = khởi hành, xuất phát, rời khỏi nơi nào
2. Not for another five years did the whole truth about the murder come out.
=> another+ danh từ số ít/ một khoảng thời gian/ một đơn vị đo lường với nghĩa là ( một...khác
nữa/ thêm nữa)
Trong câu này: Mãi cho đến 5 năm nữa (sau 5 năm) thì toàn bộ sự thật về vụ án mạng mới được
phơi bày.
3. No amount of criticism affected his confidence.
Amount of + N ( không đếm được )
4. Refusal to give a breath sample to the police can lead to / result in your arrest.
=> refusal to do sth = từ chối làm gì đó
Lead to = result in = dẫn đến điều gì
5. It was at Kate’s insistence that we curried favour with our teacher.
curry favour with = nịnh bowh, lấy lòng ai đó
6. I know I don’t express myself clearly sometimes.
EXPRESS YOURSELF = talk in way that people can understand; show your feelings in a
particular way.
7. The final scene was too much too bear and/so (I) had to turn away.
be too much for somebody =to be too difficult for someone to do or bear
8. Travellers to this area are advised to carry water lest well (should) be thin on the ground.
Thin on the ground" = thưa thớt trên mặt đất -> không nhiều, hiếm, ít có
9. Against all expectations, Sam joined the ranks of the unemployed.
against/contrary to all expectations =different from what is expected
Join the ranks (of something)" = tham gia vào hàng ngũ của -> trở thành thành viên của một
nhóm hoặc tổ chức nào đó.
10. It is Maldive(’s) beach resorts and round-the –clock bustling nightlife that hordes of
tourists are attracted to
round-the-clock =happening or done all day and all night
Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that
of the other words.
1. A.chaos B. character D. chord
2. A.think B. those C.thanks D.thick
3. A.measles B.tease C. please D. measure
4. A.account B. bound C.count D.though
5. A.any B.daddy D. chat
Choose the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words.
11. Because of the unfortunate _______, your order was not dispatched by the date requested.
a kick in the pants: một bài học để ứng xử tốt hơn an open-and-shut case: vấn đề dễ giải quyết
Tạm dịch: Không nộp được đơn đề nghị đúng giờ chính là giọt nước làm tràn ly đối vơi Tom.
13. Be careful not to __________ your finger with that needle.
Prick= to make a very small hole or holes in the surface of something, sometimes in a way
that causes pain
14. The jury ________ her compliments on her excellent knowledge of the subject.
17. They continued fighting despite all the ____________they met with
amenity = something, such as a swimming pool or shopping centre, that is intended to make
life more pleasant or comfortable for the people in a town, hotel, or other place
property = a quality in a substance or material, especially one that means that it can be used in
a particular way
A. Same-minded B. thought-sharing
C. familiar-thinking D. like-minded
like-minded=People who are described as like-minded share the same opinions, ideas, or
19. He seemed very quiet, but it would be a mistake to______ his intelligence.
undermine =gài mìn, phá hoại minimize = giảm đến mức tối thiểu
with (all due) respect: người bản ngữ thường nói câu này trước khi thể hiện ý kiến không
đồng tình/ trái ngược để tỏ ra lịch sự.
21.A 22.A 23.A 24.B 25.C 26.A 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.A
21. _________ the cold weather and my bad leg, I haven’t been out for weeks.
What with = because -> mang tính liệt kê những nguyên nhân , lý do
22. _________ I’ve told him not to go out with those people, but he wouldn’t listen. Just let
him face the music now.
23. A new generation of performers,_______ those who by now had become a household
name, honed their skills before following the same path onto television.
Khi cụm trạng từ/ trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn đứng đầu câu, ta đảo ngữ cả động từ/ cụm động từ lên
trước chủ ngữ. Không mượn trợ động từ trong trường hợp này.
Adverb of place + V + S + O …
27. Jack: This medicine tastes horrible! ~ Jill: ________, it will cure your cough.
Be that as it may" = cứ cho là có thể xảy ra -> nghĩa là mặc dù vậy, tuy nhiên, cho dù lời bạn
nói có thể đúng
28. ________ circling the globe faster than Jules Verne's fictional Phileas Fogg.
Ý của câu là đặt 1 cụm phụ ngữ bổ sung miêu tả thêm về danh từ đứng trước , ở đây phụ ngữ
là “ a pioneer journalist” nghĩa là nhà báo tiên phong bổ sung thêm thông tin về Nellie Bly.
Tạm dịch: Các kỳ tích của Nellie Bly, một nhà báo tiên phong, bao gồm vòng quanh địa cầu
nhanh hơn Phileas Fogg hư cấu của Jules Verne.
30. We______________ you the money you needed but you didn't tell us.
Could have + past participle: đây là cách nói bạn thừa khả năng để làm việc gì đó nhưng bạn
không làm / không thực hiện
Should have + past participle Khi bạn muốn khuyên ai đó nên làm một việc gì ở quá khứ hoặc
bạn tự nói với mình rằng mình hối hận về những việc mình đã làm hoặc chưa làm.
31.A 32.D 33.C 34.B 35.C 36.C 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.B
31. Junior hospital doctors are thrown ______ at the deep end in their first jobs.
A. in B. away C. to D. with
be thrown in(to) (at) the deep end= be thrown in(to) (at) the deep end= hoặc rơi vào tình
huống phải khởi sự ngay một công việc khó khăn mà không được có thời gian chuẩn bị trước
32. I was _______ the impression that you liked Indian food.
A. at B. on C. with D. under
“Be under the impression that” nghĩa là có cảm tưởng rằng/có niềm tin là đúng như vậy
bring up (ph.v): nuôi dưỡng bring about (ph.v): làm xảy ra, dẫn đến
bring in (ph.v): introduce a new law: giới thiệu/ công khai luật mới nào đó
Dịch: Các chính phủ nên ban hành một số luật quốc tế để chống lại khủng bố.
34. ________ of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope that
At the height of the financial crisis: ở thời kì đỉnh cao của khủng hoảng tài chính
At the bottom of: ở đáy của On the top of: ở đỉnh của
In the end: cuối cùng At the end of: cuối của cái gì
Tạm dịch: Ở thời kì đỉnh điểm của khủng hoảng tài chính, tất cả chúng ta chỉ có thể giữ vững
tâm lí và hi vọng rằng những điều đó sẽ cải thiện.
35. I couldn't decide what to write about, when I suddenly __________ upon the idea of doing
something on the writer's block.
hit on/upon something= to think of an idea when you didn't expect or intend to, especially one
that solves a problem
36. Jane got the job _______ virtue of her greater experience.
A. with B. on C. by D. for
37. I see a lot of young people with this new hairstyle. It seems to be ______ .
39. Theories about the causes of bird flu have changed _____ the light of recent research.
A. on B. in C. to D. with
40. Jane managed to eke ________ her student loan till the end of the year.
A. of B. out C. in D. through
eke something out= to use something slowly or carefully because you only have a small
amount of it
Read the texts below and circle which answer best fits each space.
Passage I
41.A 42.C 43.B 44.D 45.B 46.A 47.C 48.C 49.A 50.A
Despite the continued 41______of those early town perks, it wasn't until the Depression
that modern Hershey started to take shape. Perhaps the only town in the country actually to
42 _________during the 1930s, it thrived because Hershey vowed his Utopia would never
see a breadline. lnstead he 43 _________a massive building boom that gave rise to the
most visited buildings in today's Hershey and delivered wages to more than 600 workers.
He admitted that his 44 ________were partly selfish: "lf I don't provide work for them, I'll
have to feed them. And since building materials are now at their lowest cost levels, I'm
going to build and give them jobs."
He seems to have 45 ________no expense; most of the new buildings were strikingly 46
__________. The first to be finished was the three-million-dollar limestone Community
Center, home to the 1,904-seat Venetian-style Hershey Community Theater, which has
played 47 _______since 1933 to touring Broadway shows and to music, dance, and opera
performances. lt offers just as much to look at when the lights are on and the curtains
closed. The floors in the 48 ________named Grand Lobby are polished ltalian lava rock,
surrounded by marble walls and capped with a bas-relief ceiling showing sheaves of
wheat,beehives, swans, and scenes from Roman mythology. With the 49_______inner
foyer,Hershey thumbed his nose even harder at the ravages of the Depression: The arched
ceiling is tiled in gold, the fire curtain bears a painting of Venice, and the ceiling is 50
88______ tiny lightbulbs to re-create a star-lit night.
- rigidity >< flexibility: cứng ngắc, khó thay đổi - elasticity: độ đàn hồi - resilience: khả
năng hồi phục (sau khi trải qua tổn thương)
=> Loại B, C do không phù hợp nghĩa. Loại D do flower thường được dùng với tài năng và
đây không có dấu hiệu nào cho thấy thị trấn đã phát triển một cách hoàn thiện. Prosper sẽ
là đáp án phù hợp hơn cả vì ở đây đang nói đến sự phát triển kinh tế/ tài chính của thị trấn
(The Depression - thời kỳ khủng hoảng kinh tế trầm trọng; a breadline - hàng người chờ
=> fund a massive building boom: tài trợ tiền để xây dựng một loạt các tòa nhà mới
44. D - pretension: tự phụ - objection: sự phản đối - preoccupation: mối bận tâm
- intention: ý định
=> were -> cần một danh từ số nhiều loại C. A, B không hợp nghĩa
47. C - play host to sth: đăng cai tổ chức - homogeneously: một cách đồng nhất
48. A - be aptly named (collocation) được đặt tên một cách hợp lí
=> Dấu hiệu dựa trên nghĩa: từ chỗ opulent đoạn đã bắt đầu miêu tả sự xa hoa, sang trọng
49. C - dizzying: (cảm giác) hoa mắt - gaudy: lòe loẹt, hoa mỹ - dazzling: lấp lánh
=> Loại A và D vì không hợp nghĩa. Loại B vì gaudy mang nghĩa tiêu cực. C là lựa chọn
hợp lí nhất vì ở phần sau có nhắc đến gold (vàng)
50. B - holed: bị đục lỗ - studded: được đính, gắn - magnified: được phóng đại
Passage 2. Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space.
Few inventions have 1_________ more scorn and praise 2_______ them at the same time
than television. And few have done so much to unite the world into one vast audience
3________ news, sport, information and entertainment. Television must be 4_________
alongside printing as one of the most significant inventions of all time in the 5__________ of
communications. In just a few decades it has reached 6__________ every home in the
developed world and an ever-increasing proportion of homes in developing countries. It took
over half a century from the first suggestion that television might be possible before the first
7________ pictures were produced in laboratories in Britain and America.In 1926 John
Baird’s genius for publicity brought television to the 8_________ of a British audience. It has
since 9_________ such heights of success and taken on such a pivotal function that it is
difficult to imagine a world 10_________ of this groundbreaking invention.
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. B
Million of people are using cell phones today. In many places, it is actually considered
unusual not to use one. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people.
They find that the phones are means of communication - having a mobile phone shows that
they are cool and connected.
The explosion in mobile phone use around the world has made some health
professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may
suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England,there has been a serious
debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity
of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.
On the other hand, medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some
people who use mobile phones. Signs of change in the issues of the brain and head can be
detected with modern scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at
young age because of serious memory loss.
He couldn't remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son.
This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day,every day of his
working week, for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but
his employer's doctor didn't agree.
What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation.
High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones.
Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too
small to worry about.
As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it's best to use mobile
phones less often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your
mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can he very useful and
convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning
label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, it's wise not to use your mobile
phone too often.
1. According to the passage, cell phones are especially popular with young people because
___________ .
A. they are indispensable in everyday communication
B. they make them look more stylish
C. they keep the users alert all the time
D. they cannot be replaced by regular phones
Clue: They find that the phones are means of communication - having a mobile phone
shows that they are cool and connected.= Họ nhận thấy rằng điện thoại là phương tiện liên
lạc - có một chiếc điện thoại di động cho thấy họ rất ngầu và có khả năng kết nối.
2. The changes possible caused by the cell phones are mainly concerned with ________ .
A. the mobility of the mind and the body B. the smallest units of brain
C. the arteries of the brain D. the resident memory
Clue: On the other hand, medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some
people who use mobile phones. Signs of change in the issues of the brain and head can be
detected with modern scanning equipment= Mặt khác, các nghiên cứu y tế đã chỉ ra những
thay đổi trong tế bào não của một số người sử dụng điện thoại di động. Các dấu hiệu thay
đổi trong các vấn đề của não và đầu có thể được phát hiện bằng thiết bị quét hiện đại
3. The word "means” in the passage most closely means ____________ .
A. meanings B. expression C. method D. transmission
obviously (adv): chắc chắn, hiển nhiên certainly (adv): chắc chắn
A. những ý tưởng nghèo nàn về ảnh hưởng của điện thoại di động
B. thông tin về tác động chết người của điện thoại di động
D. quan điểm phổ biến về ảnh hưởng xấu của điện thoại di động
Thông tin: Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health
problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about
this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas.
6. Doctors have tentatively concluded that cell phones may ____________ .
A. damage their users' emotions B. cause some mental malfunction
C. change their users' temperament D. change their users' social behavior
Clue: He couldn't remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own
son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day,every day of his
working week, for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but
his employer's doctor didn't agree= Anh ta không thể nhớ ngay cả những nhiệm vụ đơn
giản. Ông thường quên tên của con trai mình. Người đàn ông này thường nói chuyện trên
điện thoại di động của mình khoảng sáu giờ một ngày, mỗi ngày trong tuần làm việc của
mình, trong một vài năm. Bác sĩ gia đình của anh ta đổ lỗi cho việc sử dụng điện thoại di
động của anh ta, nhưng bác sĩ của người chủ của anh ta không đồng ý.
7. The man mentioned in the passage, who used his cell phone too often __________ .
A. suffered serious loss of mental ability B. could no longer think lucidly
C. abandoned his family D. had a problem with memory
Clue: He couldn't remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own
son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day,every day of his
working week, for a couple of years= Anh ta không thể nhớ ngay cả những nhiệm vụ đơn
giản. Ông thường quên tên của con trai mình. Người đàn ông này thường nói chuyện trên
điện thoại di động của mình khoảng sáu giờ một ngày, mỗi ngày trong tuần làm việc của
mình, trong một vài năm
8. According to the passage, what makes mobile phones potentially harmful is
_______________ .
A. their radiant light B. their power of attraction
C. their raiding power D. their invisible rays
Clue: What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation.
High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones.
Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too
small to worry about.= Điều gì khiến điện thoại di động có khả năng gây hại? Câu trả lời là
bức xạ. Máy công nghệ cao có thể phát hiện lượng bức xạ rất nhỏ từ điện thoại di động.
Các công ty điện thoại di động đồng ý rằng có một số bức xạ, nhưng họ nói rằng số lượng
quá nhỏ để lo lắng.
9. According to the writer, people should ____________ .
A. only use mobile phones in urgent cases
B. only use mobile phones in medical emergencies
C. keep off mobile phones regularly
D. never used mobile phones in all cases
A. chỉ sử dụng điện thoại di động trong trường hợp cấp cứu
B. không bao giờ sử dụng điện thoại di động trong mọi trường hợp
C. chỉ sử dụng điện thoại di động trong trường hợp khẩn cấp
Tạm dịch: Đâu có thể là tiêu đề phù hợp nhất cho đoạn văn?
C. Điện thoại di động: Vật bất li thân của thời đại chúng ta
Giải thích: Bài đọc đề cập đến sự tiện lợi hữu ích của điện thoại di động đồng thời cũng
nêu lên những tác hại có thể gây cho con người.
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D
6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. D
It was once believed that being overweight was healthy, but nowadays few people subscribe
to this viewpoint. While many people are fighting the battle to reduce weight, studies are being
conducted concerning the appetite and how it is controlled by both emotional and biochemical
factors. Some of the conclusions of these studies may give insights into how to deal with weight
problems. For example, when several hundred people were asked about their eating habits in
times of stress, 44 percent said they reacted to stressful situations by eating. Further
investigations with both humans and animals indicated that it is not food which relieves tension
A test in which subjects were blindfolded showed that obese people have a keener sense of
taste and crave more flavorful food than non-obese people. When deprived of the variety and
intensity of tastes, obese people are not satisfied and consequently eat more to fulfill this need.
Blood samples taken from people after they were shown a picture of food revealed that
overweight people reacted with an increase in blood insulin, a chemical associated with
In another experiment, results showed that certain people have a specific, biologically
induced hunger for carbohydrates. Eating carbohydrates raise the level of serotonin, a
neurotransmitter in the brain. Enough serotonin produces a sense of satiation, and hunger for
carbohydrates subsides.
has been found that mild exercise, such as using the stairs instead of the elevator, is better in
the long run than taking on a strenuous program, such as jogging, which many people find
difficult to continue over long periods of time and which also increases appetite.
(Adapted from Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test by Jolene Gear)
2. The word” crave” in bold in paragraph 2, can best be replaced with __________.
C. những người theo dõi cân nặng nên nhai thứ gì đó không ăn được khi căng thẳng
Clue: For example, when several hundred people were asked about their eating habits in
times of stress, 44 percent said they reacted to stressful situations by eating. Further
investigations with both humans and animals indicated that it is not food which relieves tension
but rather the act of chewing.= Ví dụ, khi hàng trăm người được hỏi về thói quen ăn uống của
họ trong thời gian căng thẳng, 44% cho biết họ phản ứng với các tình huống căng thẳng bằng
cách ăn uống. Các cuộc điều tra sâu hơn với cả người và động vật chỉ ra rằng đó không phải là
C. người thừa cân có cảm giác ngon miệng không bình thường
Clue: When deprived of the variety and intensity of tastes, obese people are not satisfied and
consequently eat more to fulfill this need=Khi bị tước đoạt sự đa dạng và cường độ của thị hiếu,
những người béo phì không hài lòng và do đó ăn nhiều hơn để đáp ứng nhu cầu này.
A. tăng trong máu khi mọi người ăn một lượng lớn thức ăn
D. mức độ không thay đổi ở những người có trọng lượng trung bình nhìn thấy thức ăn
Clue: Blood samples taken from people after they were shown a picture of food revealed
that overweight people reacted with an increase in blood insulin, a chemical associated with
appetite. This did not happen to average-weight people.= Các mẫu máu được lấy từ những
người sau khi họ được xem hình ảnh đồ ăn cho thấy những người thừa cân phản ứng với sự gia
tăng insulin trong máu, một chất hóa học liên quan đến cảm giác thèm ăn. Điều này đã không
Clue: In another experiment, results showed that certain people have a specific, biologically
induced hunger for carbohydrates. Eating carbohydrates raise the level of serotonin, a
neurotransmitter in the brain. Enough serotonin produces a sense of satiation, and hunger for
carbohydrates subsides.= Trong một thí nghiệm khác, kết quả cho thấy một số người có cảm
giác đói carbohydrate cụ thể về mặt sinh học. Ăn carbohydrate làm tăng mức serotonin, một
chất dẫn truyền thần kinh trong não. Đủ serotonin tạo ra cảm giác no và cơn đói carbohydrate
giảm xuống.
Clue: In another experiment, results showed that certain people have a specific, biologically
induced hunger for carbohydrates. Eating carbohydrates raise the level of serotonin, a
neurotransmitter in the brain. Enough serotonin produces a sense of satiation, and hunger for
carbohydrates subsides.= Trong một thí nghiệm khác, kết quả cho thấy một số người có cảm
giác đói carbohydrate cụ thể về mặt sinh học. Ăn carbohydrate làm tăng mức serotonin, một
chất dẫn truyền thần kinh trong não. Đủ serotonin tạo ra cảm giác no và cơn đói carbohydrate
giảm xuống.
8. The word ‘mild’ in the last paragraph can best be replaced with __________.
9. In order to lose weight, it would be a good idea for heavy people to __________.
10. Which one of the following exercises might be best for an overweight person to engage in
10. Bài tập nào sau đây có thể tốt nhất cho người thừa cân tham gia hàng ngày?
Clue: However, it has been found that mild exercise, such as using the stairs instead of the
elevator, is better in the long run than taking on a strenuous program=Tuy nhiên, người ta
thấy rằng tập thể dục nhẹ nhàng, chẳng hạn như sử dụng cầu thang bộ thay vì thang máy, về
lâu dài sẽ tốt hơn so với thực hiện một chương trình gắng sức
B. WRITTEN TEST(70points)
I. CLOZE TEST: Read the texts below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Use only ONE WORD for each space. (20points)
4. Being -> động từ đứng đầu làm chủ ngữ chuyển thành Ving
7. to -> reaction to sth = phản ứng lại với cái gì -> reaction to a change
10. here -> here to stay =If something is here to stay, it has stopped being unusual and has
become generally used or accepted:
1. one -> thay cho danh từ phải nhắc lại đứng trước “ problem”
4. nature -> the nature of sth = bản chất của cái gì/ai đó
10. question -> place sth into question = đặt cái gì vào diện nghi vấn
2. self-effacing = not making yourself noticeable, or not trying to get the attention of
other people
5. Underage = younger than the lowest age at which a particular activity is legally or
usually allowed
1. dedication = the willingness to give a lot of time and energy to something because it
is important
2. combination = the mixture you get when two or more things are combined:
3. academically = in a way that relates to studying and thinking, not practical skills
4. memorization = the act or process of learning something so that you will remember it
Ved --> Tính từ đuôi -ED dùng để diễn tả cảm xúc, cảm nhận của con
người, con vật về một sự vật, hiện tượng, sự việc nào đó.
10. Line 19 building => is built up => Cấu trcus câu bị động với chủ ngữ là the
gradually evolving system
1. If it hadn't been for the surgeons' quick acts/If the surgeons hadn't acted quickly, his
eyesight would have gone for good.
-> for good = permanently
2. The young man appeared to be having a chip on his shoulder about his family background.
->have a chip on your shoulder = to seem angry all the time because you think you have been
treated unfairly or feel you are not as good as other people
3. The way the public reacted to the design of the new theater turned out to be like a kick in
the teeth.
->kick in the teeth-> If you describe the way someone treats you as a kick in the teeth, you
mean that that person treats you badly and unfairly, especially at a time when you need their
4. You should have pulled your weight in the job.
->Pull one’s weight = nỗ lực hoàn thành trách nhiệm
5. On hearing the news of his accident, his mother went to pieces.
->go to pieces = to become unable to think clearly and control your emotions because of
something unpleasant or difficult that you have experienced
6. I had the feeling that she was trying to take us in.
->take sb in = lừa dạt ai đó
7. A professional estate agent, my brother is really in his element house-hunting for our
->in one’s element =in the surroundings that are most natural or pleasing to one =ở đúng
trong môi trường của mình
8. It doesn't make sense to me why our team have given/put on such poor performances
->put on such poor performances = có màn thể hiện/ trình diễn chưa tốt
9. It is advisory that a retired craftsman (should) sometimes keep his hand in.
keep your hand in =to practise a skill often enough so that you do not lose the skill
10. Much to our surprise/amazement, he saw red at our decision/hearing our decision.
->see red = to become very angry
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.
Đáp án:
1-A 2-B 3-C 4-C 5-B 6-A 7-B 8-B 9-D 10-B
1. Hotel rooms must be………………by noon, but luggage may be left with the porter.
A. vacated B. evacuated C. abandoned D. left
Dịch nghĩa: Phải trả phòng trước 10 giờ sáng, nhưng nhân viên khách sạn sẽ đem hành lý
tới cho bạn.
revival = hồi sinh restore = phục hồi reform = cải cách replenish = bổ sung
grant /ɡrænt/ (v): (+sb sth) cho phép ai điều gì (thường là sự cho phép hợp pháp cho yêu
cầu làm gì)
entitle /ɪnˈtaɪtəl/ (v): (+sb to sth/do sth) cho ai quyền làm gì hay có cái gì
credit /ˈkredɪt/ (v): (sth to sth/sb) tin rằng, quy cái gì cho ai/cái gì
* Vì phía sau chỗ trống là “sb to sth”, cần từ mang nghĩa là “cho phép ai có quyền có thứ
gì” nên ta chọn B.
Tạm dịch: Vé này cho bạn có quyền có một bữa ăn miễn phí ở của hàng mới của chúng tôi.
Các từ còn lại: charge somebody with something; Arrest + someone+ for ( doing)
something; Judge + someone/something + adj
compose (soạn(nhạc, bài viết) form (tạo thành) assemble (tương đồng)
make (Sth make Sth: Cái gì sẽ là cái gì một cách tốt, thành công)
Cấu trúc: to ingratiate oneself with everyone = làm cho mọi người mến mình
Dịch câu: Anh ấy cố gắng làm cho mọi người mến mình bằng cách khen ngợi họ.
resort to sth: dùng đến cái gì đó như là một phương thức cuối cùng.
Dịch: Cho dù anh ấy tức giận thế nào đi nữa, anh ấy sẽ không bao giờ dùng đến vũ lực.
deteriorated /dɪˈtɪəriəreɪtɪd / (v): giảm giá trị, trở nên tệ đi dần theo thời gian => là một nội
động từ, sau nó không đi kèm tân ngữ
eroded /ɪˈrəʊdɪd/ (v): làm xói mòn, bào mòn (đất đai); phá hủy, làm cho cái gì trở nên yếu
dần qua một quãng thời gian => "erode" thường dùng như một ngoại động từ, sau nó đi kèm
tân ngữ; còn không có tân ngữ thì nó dùng ở dạng bị động hoặc có đikèm giới từ (thường
đi với "away")
=> Vị trí cần điền là một nội động từ, và theo ngữ nghĩa thì C thỏa mãn.
9. Whenever she catches a cold, she gets a ……………..all over her face.
A. lump B. rash C. blemish D. rose
rash = phát ban lump = bướu blemish= nhược điểm, vết nhơ
10.This museum has more visitors than ……………..any other in the world.
Đáp án:
1. “It gets quite cold here in the winter.” – “Oh dear! I was hoping …………… a
A. not to have to B. I don’t have to C. I wouldn’t D. not having to
Cấu trúc : hope ( not ) to do sth = hy vọng ( không ) làm gì + have to do sth = phải làm gì
2. It would have been a much more serious accident …………… at the time.
Dịch nghĩa: Đó chắc sẽ là một vụ tai nạn thảm khốc hơn nhiều nếu như anh ta lái xe nhanh vào
thời điểm đó.
Dịch: Jack: “Điều gì quan trọng hơn? May mắn hay nỗ lực?”
• các mục dùng để so sánh phải tương đương nhau: người-người, vậtvật.
Dịch nghĩa: Lương của một người lái xe buýt cao hơn nhiều so với lương của một giáo viên5.
Staying in a hotel costs ……………..renting a room in a dormitory for a week.
Cấu trúc so sánh gấp nhiều lần: số nhân (twice, three times…) + as +… + as
Tạm dịch: Ở trong khách sạn tốn kém gấp đôi so với thuê một căn phòng trong ký túc xá trong
một tuần.
6. “Do you like a frog’s leg?” – “……………..them, I don’t really know.”
7. At the bus stop …………… old man and two young people on their way to the suburb.
=> Cấu trúc đảo ngữ: Địa điểm chỉ nơi chốn + V + S
9. …………….. as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell.
=> Kiến thức mệnh đề danh ngữ: What we refer to ~ The thing that we refer to =>Refer to:
ám chỉ
10. “Are your parents coming to your concert?” – “Yes, but they seem to be more nervous about
=> Cấu trúc so sánh hơn : more + adj + than … sau giới từ about + Ving
Đáp án:
1.When Helen and Andrew saw how ridiculous they looked they …………..laughing.
bristle with something =to have a large amount of something, or to be full of something
Show up = Tham dự một cái gì đó hoặc đến một nơi nào đó
a brush with something =a situation in which you experience something, or almost experience
something, especially something unpleasant
prick with = to make a very small hole or holes in the surface of something, sometimes in a way
that causes pain
3.Christine felt that she was among friends so she …………..a little.
open up =to start to talk more about yourself and your feelings
4.Sonja and Shirley haven’t spoken to each other since they…………..two years ago.
step back =to temporarily stop being involved in an activity or situation in order to think about
it in a new way
Mix up =Lẫn lộn, hoang mang. Làm cho thứ gì đó sống động
5.I hate Joan Clifford! One day I’ll …………..for all the pain she’s caused.
A.sound her out B. show her off C. tell her apart D. pay her back
pay someone/something back = to pay someone the money that you owe them/ to do something
unpleasant to someone because they have done something unpleasant to you
Show off =Cư xử theo một cách để gây chú ý/ khoe khoang cái gì khiến mình tự hào
6.Eva doesn’t care what she says. People are often ………… her outspoken comments.
stand over someone=to stand close to someone and watch what they are doing
7.Ben’s so unlucky in love. Why does he …………..the type of woman who brings trouble?
Fly into a rage' có từ 'rage' là cơn giận dữ, thịnh nộ, cụm này có nghĩa là nổi cơn thịnh nộ, nổi
xung, mất kiểm soát tính khí của mình.
Check off =Đánh dấu (các mục trong danh sách) là đã thực hiện
10.Molly just couldn’t cope with his moods anymore, so they …………..
Get by =Chỉ có đủ tiền để sống, không được chú ý, không phát hiện ra
Đáp án:
Reading 1: Read the following passage and choose the best options to complete the blanks
or answer the questions.
Social parasitism involves one species relying on another to raise its young. Among
vertebrates, the best known social parasites are such birds as cuckoos and cowbirds; the female
lays egg in a nest belonging to another species and leaves it for the host to rear.
The dulotic species of ants, however, are the supreme social parasites. Consider, for
example, the unusual behavior of ants belonging to the genus Polyergus. All species of this ant
have lost the ability to care for themselves. The workers do not forage for food feed their brood
or queen, or even clean their own nest. To compensate for these deficits, Polyergus has become
specialized at obtaining workers from the related genus Formica to do these chores.
In a raid, several thousand Polyergus workers will travel up to 500 feet in search of a
Formica nest, penetrate it, drive off the queen and her workers, capture the pupal brood, and
transport it back to their nest. The captured brood is then reared by the resident Formica workers
until the developing pupae emerge to add to the Formica population, which maintains the
mixed-species nest. The Formica workers forage for food and give it to colony members of both
species. They also remove wastes and excavate new chambers as the population increases.
The true extent of the Polyergus ants' dependence on the Formica becomes apparent
when the worker population grows too large for existing nest. Formica scouts locate a new
nesting site, return to the mixed-species colony, and recruit additional Formica nest mates.
During a period that may last seven days, the Formica workers carry to the new nest all the
Polyergus eggs, larvae, and pupae, every Polyergus adult, and even the Polyergus queen.
Of the approximately 8,000 species of ants in the world, all 5 species of Polyergus and
some 200 species in other genera have evolved some degree of parasitic relationship with other
Reading 1:
1-C 2-A 3-D 4-C 5-C 6-B 7-D 8-B 9-D 10-A
1. Which of the following statements best represents the main idea of the passage?
A. Ants belonging to the genus Formica are incapable of performing certain tasks.
C. Ants belonging to the genus Polyergus have an unusual relationship with ants belonging to
the genus Formica.
Giải thích: Đoạn đầu của bài đọc nói về các mối quan hệ cộng sinh trong thế giới tự nhiên để
dẫn dắt vào loài kiến cộng sinh. Sau đó tác giả làm rõ hơn về loài kiến thuộc chi Polyergus cộng
sinh với loài kiến thuộc chi Formica.
Như vậy phương án C. Ants belonging to the genus Polyergus have an unusual relationship
with ants belonging to the genus Formica. = Kiến thuộc chi Polyergus có một mối quan hệ
không bình thường với kiến thuộc chi Formica; là phương án có nghĩa sát nhất.
A. Ants belonging to the genus Formica are incapable of performing certain tasks = Kiến
thuộc chi Formica không có khả năng thực hiện một số nhiệm vụ nhất định.
Kiến thuộc chi Polyergus chứ không phải chi Formica mới không có khả năng thực hiện một
số nhiệm vụ nhất định.
B. The genus Polyergus is quite similar to the genus Formica. = Các chi Polyergus là khá
giống với các chi Formica. =>Không có thông tin như vậy trong bài.
D. Poltergus ants frequently leave their nests to build new colonies = Loài kiến Poltergus
thường xuyên rời khỏi tổ của chúng để xây dựng thuộc địa mới. =>Không có thông tin như vậy
trong bài.
Dịch nghĩa: Social parasitism involves one species relying on another to raise its young = Sự
ký sinh xã hội liên quan đến một loài dựa vào loài khác để nuôi con của nó.
A. share their nests with each other B. are closely related species
Thông tin: Among vertebrates, the best known social parasites are such birds as cuckoos and
cowbirds; the female lays egg in a nest belonging to another species and leaves it for the host
to rear.
Dịch nghĩa: Trong số các loài có xương sống, ký sinh trùng xã hội nổi tiếng nhất là các loài
chim như chim cu cu và năng chìa vôi con; con cái đẻ trứng trong tổ thuộc một loài khác và
để lại nó cho các chủ tổ để nuôi dưỡng.
Như vậy chim cu cu và năng chìa vôi con được nhắc đến như là một ví dụ điển hình cho các
loài kí sinh. Phương án D. are social parasites = là ký sinh trùng xã hội; là phương án chính
xác nhất.
Clue: the female lays egg in a nest belonging to another species and leaves it for the
host to rear.= con cái đẻ trứng vào ổ của loài khác và để lại cho vật chủ nuôi.
5. What does the author mean by stating that “The dulotic species of ants...are the
Câu 1 – 2 – Đoạn 2: “The dulotic species of ants, however, are the supreme social parasites.
Consider, for example, the unusual behavior of ants belonging to the genus Polyergus. All
species of this ant have lost the ability to care for themselves. The workers do not forage for
food, feed their brood or queen, or even clean their own nest. To compensate for these deficits,
Polyergus has become specialized at obtaining workers from the related genus Formica to do
these chores
Tạm dịch – Tuy nhiên, loài dulotic của kiến là loài động vật kí sinh mang tính chất xã hội cao.
Ví dụ xem xét các hành vi bất thường của loài kiến thuộc về chi Polyergus. Tất cả các loài này
đều đã mất đi khả năng tự chăm sóc bản thân. Kiến thợ không tìm đồ ăn, nuôi con hoặc nữ
hoàng, thậm chí dọn chính cái ổ của chúng. Để bù đắp cho những thiếu hụt này, Polyergus đã
trở thành chuyên gia trong việc giành kiến thợ từ chi Formuca để làm những việc này.
=> Chúng k thể làm bất cứ việc gì, giành từ kiến thợ thuộc chi Formuca.
6. Which of the following is a task that an ant of the genus Polyergus might do?
Thông tin: In a raid, several thousand Polyergus workers will travel up to 500 feet in search
of a Formica nest, penetrate it, drive off the queen and her workers, capture the pupal brood,
and transport it back to their nest.
Dịch nghĩa: Trong một cuộc đột kích, hàng ngàn kiến thợ Polyergus sẽ di chuyển lên đến
500 feet để tìm kiếm một tổ Formica, thâm nhập nó, bắt hoàng hậu và công nhân của cô, bắt
nhộng, và vận chuyển nó trở lại tổ của chúng.
Như vậy phương án B. Raid another nest = đột kích một tổ kiến khác là phương án chính
xác nhất.
Dịch nghĩa: Formica scouts locate a new nesting site, return to the mixed-species colony,
and recruit additional Formica nest mates. = Kiến do thám Formica xác định vị trí làm tổ
mới, trở về lãnh địa của hỗn hợp các loài, và tuyển dụng thêm bạn cùng tổ Formica.
9. What happens when a mixed colony of Polyergus and Formica ants becomes too large?
A. The Polyergus workers enlarge the existing nest.
Thông tin: The true extent of the Polyergus ants' dependence on the Formica becomes
apparent when the worker population grows too large for existing nest. Formica scouts locate
a new nesting site, return to the mixed-species colony, and recruit additional Formica nest
mates. During a period that may last seven days, the Formica workers carry to the new nest
all the Polyergus eggs, larvae, and pupae, every Polyergus adult, and even the Polyergus
Dịch nghĩa: Mức độ thực sự của sự phụ thuộc của kiến Polyergus đối với kiến Formica trở
nên rõ ràng khi dân số lao động trở nên quá lớn cho tổ hiện có. Kiến do thám Formica xác
định vị trí làm tổ mới, trở về lãnh địa của hỗn hợp các loài, và tuyển dụng thêm bạn cùng tổ
Formica. Trong thời gian có thể kéo dài bảy ngày, các công nhân Formica mang về tổ mới
tất cả các trứng của Polyergus, ấu trùng và nhộng, mỗi kiến trưởng thành Polyergus, và
thậm chí cả nữ hoàng Polyergus.
Phương án D. The Polyergus and the Formica move to a new nest = Kiến Polyergus và
Formica di chuyển đến một tổ mới, là phương án chính xác nhất.
10. According to the information in the passage, all of the following terms refer to ants
belonging to the genus Formica EXCEPT the _____________.
Thông tin: The dulotic species of ants, however, are the supreme social parasites. Consider, for
example, the unusual behavior of ants belonging to the genus Polyergus = Các loài kiến xâm
lược, tuy nhiên, là những ký sinh trùng xã hội cao. Xem xét, ví dụ, hành vi bất thường của loài
kiến thuộc chi Polyergus.
Như vậy thuật ngữ “dulotic species of ants” là chỉ loài Polyergus chứ không phải loài Formica.
In a raid, several thousand Polyergus workers will travel up to 500 feet in search of a Formica
nest, penetrate it, drive off the queen and her workers, capture the pupal brood, and transport it
back to their nest. The captured brood is then reared by the resident Formica workers … =
Trong một cuộc đột kích, hàng ngàn kiến thợ Polyergus sẽ di chuyển lên đến 500 feet để tìm
kiếm một tổ Formica, thâm nhập nó, bắt hoàng hậu và công nhân của cô, bắt nhộng, và vận
chuyển nó trở lại tổ của chúng. Những con nhộng bị bắt sẽ được nuôi dưỡng bởi cư dân kiến
thợ Formica …
The captured brood is then reared by the resident Formica workers until the developing pupae
emerge to add to the Formica population, which maintains the mixed-species nest. = Những
con nhộng bị bắt sẽ được nuôi dưỡng bởi cư dân kiến thợ Formica cho đến khi nhộng đang phát
triển trưởng thành để thêm vào dân số Formica, trong đó duy trì tổ hỗn hợp các loài.
D. worker population = dân số kiến thợ
The true extent of the Polyergus ants' dependence on the Formica becomes apparent when the
worker population grows too large for existing nest = Mức độ thực sự của sự phụ thuộc của
kiến Polyergus đối với kiến Formica trở nên rõ ràng khi dân số lao động trở nên quá lớn cho tổ
hiện có.
Reading 2: Read the following passage and choose the best options to complete the blanks
or answer the questions.
Ethology is concerned with the study of adaptive, or survival, value of behavior and its
Evolutionary history. Ethological theory began to be applied to research on children in the
1960’s but has become even more influential today. The origins of ethology can be traced to
the work of Darwin. Its modern foundations were laid by two European zoologists, Konrad
Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen.
Watching the behaviors diverse animal species in their natural habitats, Lorenz, and
Tinbergen observed behavior patterns that promote survival. The most well-known of these is
imprinting, the carly following behavior of certain baby birds that ensures that the young will
stay close to their mother and be fed and protected from danger. Imprinting takes place during
an early, restricted time period of development. If the mother goose is not present during this
time, but an object resembling her in important features is, young goslings may imprint on it
Observations of imprinting led to major concept that has been applied in child
development “thecriticalperiod”. It refers to a limited times span during which the child is
biologically prepared to acquire certain adaptive behaviors but needs the support of suitably
stimulating environment. Many researchers have conducted studies to find out whether
complex cognitive and social behaviors must be learned during restricted time periods. For
example, if children are deprived of adequate food or physical and social stimulation during the
early years of life, will their intelligence be permanently impaired? If language is not mastered
during the preschool years, is the child’s capacity to acquire it reduced? Inspired by
observations of imprinting, in 1969 the British psychoanalyst John Bowlby applied ethological
theory to the understanding of the relationship between an infant and its parents. He argued that
attachment behaviors of babies, such as smiling, babbling, grasping, and crying, are built-in
social signals that encourage the parents to approach, care for, and interact with the baby. By
keeping a parent near, these behaviors help ensure that the baby will be fed, protected from
danger, and provided with the stimulation and affection necessary for healthy growth. The
development of attachment in human infants is a lengthy process involving changes in
psychological structures that lead to a deep affectional tie between parent and baby.
Clue: The origins of ethology can be traced to the work of Darwin. Its modern foundations were
laid by two European zoologists, Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen.= Nguồn gốc của tập tính
học có thể bắt nguồn từ công trình của Darwin. Nền tảng hiện đại của nó được đặt bởi hai nhà
động vật học châu Âu, Konrad Lorenz và Niko Tinbergen.
Clue: Watching the behaviors diverse animal species in their natural habitats, Lorenz, and
Tinbergen observed behavior patterns that promote survival.= Quan sát hành vi của các loài
động vật đa dạng trong môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng, Lorenz và Tinbergen đã quan sát
thấy các kiểu hành vi thúc đẩy sự sống còn.
4. According to the passage, if a mother goose is not present during the time period when
imprinting takes place, which of the following will most likely occur?
Clue: If the mother goose is not present during this time, but an object resembling her in
important features is, young goslings may imprint on it instead.= Nếu ngỗng mẹ không có mặt
trong thời gian này, nhưng có một đồ vật giống với nó ở những đặc điểm quan trọng, thì ngỗng
con có thể nhận đồ vật đó là mẹ
Clue: If the mother goose is not present during this time, but an object resembling her in
important features is, young goslings may imprint on it instead. .= Nếu ngỗng mẹ không có mặt
trong thời gian này, nhưng có một đồ vật giống với nó ở những đặc điểm quan trọng, thì ngỗng
con có thể nhận đồ vật đó là mẹ
7. The author mentions all of the following as attachment behaviors of human infants
Clue: He argued that attachment behaviors of babies, such as smiling, babbling, grasping, and
crying, are built-in social signals that encourage the parents to approach, care for, and interact
with the baby.= Ông lập luận rằng các hành vi gắn bó của trẻ sơ sinh, chẳng hạn như mỉm cười,
bập bẹ, nắm và khóc, là những tín hiệu xã hội tích hợp khuyến khích cha mẹ tiếp cận, chăm sóc
và tương tác với trẻ.
A. get the physical, emotional and social needs of the infant met
B. allow the infant to become imprinted on objects that resemble the parent
Clue: By keeping a parent near, these behaviors help ensure that the baby will be fed, protected
from danger, and provided with the stimulation and affection necessary for healthy
growth=Bằng cách giữ cha mẹ ở gần, những hành vi này giúp đảm bảo rằng em bé sẽ được cho
ăn, được bảo vệ khỏi nguy hiểm và được cung cấp sự kích thích và tình cảm cần thiết cho sự
phát triển khỏe mạnh.
10. It can be inferred from the passage that ethological theory assumes
Đáp án:
Reading 2:
1-C 2-B 3-A 4-D 5-D 6-C 7-C 8-A 9-B 10-D
Passage 1:
Many species of animals and plants have disappeared from the Earth. They have died
out, or become extinct. But sometimes animals or plant remains can be found buried in rocks.
These are called fossils. Imprints in rocks (paw prints, for example) are also called fossils.
Not every creature (1)………….as a fossil. Many simply rot away completely and leave
no (2)………..of their existence. Because many creatures and plants have disappeared without
leaving any fossils, we will never know anything about them.
The study of fossils, or palaeontology, to give it its scientific name, became established
at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Before this research began, people did not believe
that fossils had once been (3)………….. Large fossil teeth were seen as evidence of a race of
giants in the past, while ammonites, a very common type of fossil which you might easily find
yourself on a beach or among rocks, were called snakestones because of their snake-like
(4)………… People believed that snakes had been (5)…….… stone by a miracle.
The most famous fossils of all are the dinosaurs. There are, of course, no dinosaurs on
(6)…….… zoos. They were not (7)………….to extinction by humans as some animals have
been, but became extinct millions of years before our own species developed. The reason why
the dinosaurs became extinct is still a mystery. Many theories have (8)……..….the
disappearance of dinosaurs with major (9)…………change.
One possibility is that a gigantic meteorite crashed into the earth (10) …………so much
dust into the atmosphere that the amount of sunlight was reduced. The temperature would have
fallen and, as a consequence, many types of plants and animals would have become extinct.
Passage 1: 1-B 2-D 3-A 4-C 5-D 6-D 7-A 8-A 9-A 10-B
Proof – bằng chứng mark = điểm remnants = tàn dư, tàn tích
Passage 2:
There is revolution in the retail world that cannot fail to attract shoppers’ noses. In the
latest marketing ploy, smells are created in laboratories to be wafted around stores in order to
entice the unsuspecting into spending more money. Secret (1)………..of the “designer” smells
are going on in more than a hundred stores across Britain, including bookshops, petrol stations
and a chain of clothes shops. The tailor-made aromas include coconut oil in travel agents (to
(2)………exotic holidays), and leather in car showrooms (to suggest (3)………..quality).
Marketing Aromatics, a company specializing in this area, believes that adours are under-used
as a marketing tool. Until now the most frequent (4)…………has been in supermarkets where
the smell in-store bakeries has been blown among the (5)………….to boost sales of fresh food.
“We are taking things one stage further,” said David Fellowes, the company’s commercial
director. “We can build on customer loyalty by making customers (6)……………a particular
smell with a particular store. It is not intrusive. If it were, it would defeat the (7)…………”
The smells are designed to work on three levels: to relax shoppers by using natural
smells such as peppermint; to bring back memories using odours such as a whiff of sea breeze;
and to encourage customer loyalty by using a corporate perfume “logo” to express a company’s
image. Dr George Dold, scientific adviser to Marketing Aromatics, believes smells can affect
people’s moods. “It is a very exciting time. Smells have enormous (8)………… influence
behavior,” he said. Critics say retailers are (9)………… subliminal advertising. “Not telling
consumers that this is happening is an (10)………….invasion of their privacy. People have the
right to know,” said Conor Floley of Liberty, the civil liberties association.
Effect = tác động , ảnh hưởng concept = khái niệm type = loại application = ứng dụng
Aisles= gian hàng, lối đi trên xe gangways = cầu nhỏ lên tàu xe
Method = phương pháp object = mục tiêu, mục đích => Defeat the object
Unjustified invasion of their privacy: sựxâm lượcvô lý đến quyền riêng tư của họ
Đáp án:
Passage 2: 1-D 2-C 3-C 4-D 5-A 6-B 7-C 8-C 9-A 10-B
Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE
WORD for each space.
Cloze test 1:
In many countries of Europe, there has been a steady drift of people away from villages
to large cities. These people, many of whom have grown in great poverty and deprivation, hope
to improve their standard of (1)……………..and see the metropolis as the solution to all their
problems. In many ways, they find what they are looking for. Large cities do offer a huge
number of facilities, (2)……………..which better education, better health care and improved
housing are perhaps the most important. Large companies and factories, the vast (3)
……………..of which pride themselves on looking after the interests of their employees, also
open up any (4) ……………..of career opportunities for those willing to work hard. Inevitably,
however, (5) ……………..comes a time when people begin to long for the simplicity of the
village or small town.
Traffic problems and pollution, both of which affect most large cities today, cause the
most unhappiness. For people to whom fresh air, unpolluted water and beautiful countryside
are distant- (6) ……………..nonetheless painful clear- memories of a previous, peaceful life in
a village, the situation must at (7) …………….. be unbearable. The pressure of overpopulation
has meant that, in the last thirty or forty years, thousands (8) ……………..thousands of new
flats have been built, often with (9) ……………..regard to architectural beauty and the
surrounding countryside has all (10) ……………..disappeared in many cases. It is no longer
such an easy matter to escape the noise and the turmoil of the streets and find a field or a forest
where the children can play in safety.
Cloze test 1:
1-living => standard of living = tiêu chuẩn của cuộc sống
2- among => được sử dụng khi người hoặc vật thuộc cùng một nhóm, hay không được gọi tên
cụ thể, số lượng phải từ ba trở lên
5-there => there comes a time when + clause = đến một lúc nào đó khi mà…
6-but = nhưng
8-upon =on
9-scant/ little = ít ỏi => with little regard to = với ít sự lưu tâm, chú ý đến vấn đề nào
10- but => all but: gần như, hầu như, suýt.
Cloze test 2:
After living (1) ……………..the threat of extinction for more than 30 years, the national
bird of the United States has been granted an official reprieve, as the bald eagle and twenty-
eight other animal and plant species have been earmarked (2) ……………..removal from
America’s list of endangered species. The bald eagle, also known as the white-headed sea eagle,
took pride of place at the top of a list of species likely to be taken off the endangered register in
the coming years. The proposed “delistings” are (3) ……………..promoted (4)
……………..the US interior secretary to counter a growing feeling among Republicans that
endangered-species laws do not work. Charges of ineffectiveness have been (5)
……………..against these laws before, but more recently it has even suggested that the
situation may actually have been (6) ……………..worse by them. The recovery of the bald
eagle follows thirty-one years on the critical list. Its number had been (7) ..……………
fewer than five hundred by the use of pesticides that reacted adversely (8) ……………..its
reproductive system. The number of nesting pairs is now estimated at five thousand. The
interior secretary claims that the new list was a vindication of legislation under which the eagle,
a national symbol (9) ……………..originally from the Indians, and more than a thousand other
species were protected. (A spokesperson denied that it was simply a publicity stunt timed to
coincide (10) ……………..the swearing in of the president for his second term.). Until now,
few species have ever been removed from the list. When they were, it was usually because they
had become extinct.
Cloze test 2:
1- under => under the threat of sth = likely to be harmed or damaged; because of being
2- for => earmark for =to keep or intend something for a particular purpose
3- being =. Cấu trúc câu bị động are/is + being + P2
4- by= bởi ai/ cái gì => Dấu hiệu trong câu bị động
5- levelled => level sth against sb: chỉ trích ai đó công khai vì làm điều gì xấu
6- made => make worse = làm cho tồi tệ hơn, trở nên xấu đi
The image that we have of science has undergone radical change in the last hundred
years. An enormous (1) _____________ explosion, together with a number of very real (2)
____________ about the environment and all the moral and political ramifications of economic
growth have (3) ____________ put science at the centre of public debate.
The 20th century began with a challenge to the (4)_________ that human knowledge
was approaching completion. It will come, perhaps, as something of a surprise to all of us to
realize that the emergence of this highly (5) _______ process came both from within and outside
New scientific theories (6) _______________ reveal the limitations of the old
perspective. We had thought that the world, understood through the medium of rational
(7)_____________, was, indeed, the real world. Now, we know that this was no more can move
in a number of opposing directions. We can re-evaluate all knowledge (8) __________ and
decide that it is eternally fragmentary and full of a vast number of (9)______, or we can be
more positive and view these vast explosions of the (10)______ that the human imagination has
no so far scaled.
Đáp án:
There are 10 errors in the following passage. Identify and correct them:
Many folk cures which have been around for centuries may be more (1)………
Alexander Fleming did not just randomly choose cheese molds to study (3)………
when he discovered this very important bacteria- killed substance. Moldy (4)………
cheese was frequently given to patients by a remedy for illness at one time. (5)………
Fleming just isolated what it was about the cheese which cured the patients. (6)………
In parts of South America, a powder obtaining from grinding sugar cane is (7)………
used for healing infections in wounds and ulcers. This use may date back to (8)………
indicate that ordinary sugar in high concentrations is lethal to bacteria. Its (10)………
suction effect eliminates dead cells and it generates a glasslike layer which (11)………
protects the wound and ensures healing. Another example of folk medicine (12)………
which scientists are investigating is that of Arab fisherman who rub their (13)………
wounds with a venomous catfish to quicken healing. This catfish excretes a (14)………
gellike slime which scientists have found to contain antibiotics: a coagulant (15)………
that helps closely injured blood vessels, anti- inflammatory agents, and a (16)………
chemical that direct production of a gluelike material that aids healing. It is (17)………
hoped that by documenting these folk remedies and experiments to see if (18)………
results are indeed beneficial, an analysis of the substances can be made and (19)………
Đáp án:
1. (line 2) suspecting -> suspected => Cấu trúc câu bị động : may be + P2
2. (line 4) bacteria- killed -> bacteria- killing ( fixed ) = tiêu diệt vi khuẩn
3. (line 5) by -> as => by = bởi, thông qua # as = như là
4. (line 7) obtaining -> obtained => cấu trúc rút gọn mệnh đề dạng bị động
5. (line 8) use -> usage => USAGE mang ý nghĩa chỉ về CÁCH DÙNG/SỬ DỤNG, tức ám chỉ đến các quy tắc,
công thức, phương pháp, thói quen sử dụng một thứ gì đó (TỔNG QUÁT). 2) USE, mang ý nghĩa chỉ về VIỆC
ÁP DỤNG/SỬ DỤNG/VẬN DỤNG một thứ gì đó vào một hoàn cảnh cụ thể (RIÊNG BIỆT).
6. (line 9) for -> out => carry out = tiến hành, thực hiện
7. (line 13) fisherman -> fishermen= ngư dân => là danh từ số nhiều của fisherman
8. (line 16) closely -> close ( adj, adv )
9. (line 17) direct -> directs => dấu hiệu chủ ngữ là danh từ số ít “ a chemical “
10. (line 18) experiments -> experimenting => cấu trúc song song
a. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it.
1. The staff hated Frank’s new policies intensely and so went on strike.
->So intense
2. The reason why I was given promotion was that Laurence recommended me.
b. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given.
1. Initially, losing one’s job can seem awful I afterwards it can work out well. (BLESSING)
->Losing ………………………………………………………………….
3. I wish you would come straight to the point if you have something to say.(BEAT)
->I wish
Đáp án:
1. So intense was the hatred for Frank’s new policies that the staff went on strike.
2. But for the/a recommend from Laurence I wouldn’t have been given promotion.
Cấu trúc đk loại 3: But for + N, S would have P2 =Nếu không có ….thì
4. Nadia remained silent for fear of them taking offence. (or Nadia remained silent for fear that they would take
1. Losing one’s job has proved a blessing in disguise for some people.
A Blessing In Disguise= một việc tốt mà đầu tiên bạn không nhận ra, thậm chí còn nghĩa đó là việc không tốt,
trong cái rủi có cái may
Shortlist = a list of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job or prize, made from a longer list of
people originally considered, and from which one person will be chosen
3. I wish you wouldn’t beat around/ about the bush if you have something to say.
Beat about the bush = nói chuyện rông rài, vòng vo tam quốc
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. A
Choose the best answer:
Không nên có sự phân biệt trên các lĩnh vực giới tính, chủng tộc hay là tôn giáo. Sự khác nhau về cách dùng từ
- Fields: lĩnh vực thuộc về âm nhạc, thể thao => là các lĩnh vực có tính hoạt động
- Grounds: lĩnh vực mà được quan tâm tới ( tôn giáo, giới tính...) => là các lĩnh vực không có tính chất hoạt
'as quick as a flash', có nghĩa là bạn làm việc đó nhanh như chớp, nhanh như cắt.
4. As with all our plans, money was the main ______ block.
Stumbling block là vật chướng ngại, hoàn cảnh gây khó khăn, hoàn cảnh làm cho lưỡng lự
5. Besides _____________ treatment, patient may spend their time with dolphins.
8. After several hours on that road, they became __________ to the fact that they would never reach the
hotel by nightfall.
be resigned to something =If you are resigned to something unpleasant, you calmly accept that it will
Tax evasion: trốn thuế (bất hợp pháp, phải đóng nhưng không nộp)
Tax avoidance: tránh thuế (hợp pháp, tận dụng luật để giảm thiểu số
10. If you don’t stop smoking, you ______ the risk of developing chronic bronchitis.
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. D
2. Many Americans have less time than ever before _______ preparing food.
A. for spending B. by spending C. that they spend D. to spend
=> so as to do sth = in oder to do sth = to do sth = để làm gì => cụm từ chỉ mục đích
=> D. hội đồng đã họp mặt và đã đạt được một quyết định/đã ra một quyết định
4. Our town has a real problem with youth crime, ______ do many other British towns.
A. so B. nor C. as D. like
=> đồng khẳng định thì dùng SO=> Cấu trúc: So + trợ động từ + S
Dịch : Thị trấn chúng tôi thực sự có vấn đề về tình trạng tội phạm tuổi thành niên và nhiều thị trấn khác
ở Anh cũng gặp phải vấn đề tương tự
Tạm dịch: Bạn bè của Jeremy rất quý anh ấy nhất là vì sự hào phóng của anh ấy.
Take it or leave it' nghĩa là hoặc lấy hoặc không, không có lựa chọn nào khác, phải chấp nhận hoặc từ
chối mà không được ra điều kiện nào
have somebody doing something =Bị ảnh hưởng bởi hành động của ai đó (không yêu cầu, ra lệnh cho họ)
=> Cấu trúc đảo ngữ đk loại 3: Had it not been for + N , S would have P2
9. For the experiments to succeed, the measurements must be accurate to ______ five centimeters.
within: trong khoảng, trong, trong tầm exactly /ig'zæktli/ (adv): (một cách) chính xác
Note: accurate (to) within sth: chính xác trong khoảng sai số …
Tạm dịch: Để những thí nghiệm thành công, các giá trị đo lường được phải chính xác trong khoảng sai
số giới hạn là 5cm.
10. Many Americans have less time than ever before _______ preparing food.
=> so as to do sth = in oder to do sth = to do sth = để làm gì => cụm từ chỉ mục đích
1. A 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. D
1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. D
Book publishers haven’t been (5) __________ to realize this and are now selling a product which needn’t
(6) __________ as much of your time but still tells you an excellent story. The new products is the audiobook -
cassette recordings of shortened novels, often read by well-known personalities or the authors themselves.
Audiobooks are relatively new but people are becoming more aware of them and sales are increasing (7)
One of the attractions of audiobooks is that they’re (8) __________ listening to the radio, only better. You
can listen to what you want when you want, and you won’t ever miss anything. Much of their appeal (9) ________
in their flexibility. They allow you to do other things while you’re listening, such as driving or doing the
housework. For some people, audio books can be a (10) __________ more enjoyable way of gaining knowledge
than reading.
1. A. plenty B. wealth C. lots D. Pack
a wealth of something =a lot of something useful or good
2. A. neglected B. declined C. lessened D. Disposed
neglected (v-ed): bị phớt lờ declined (v-ed: bị làm giảm
lessened (v-ed): bị giảm bớt disposed (v-ed): bị vứt bỏ
3. A. in spite B. no matter C regardless of D. even if
Even if= dù cho có, dù nếu có, kể cả nếu như mà, ngay cả khi
In spite of = mặc dù regardless of = bất kể
4. A. plentiful B. broad C. considerable D. Lasting
plentiful (adj): nhiều broad (adj): bao la
considerable (adj): đáng kể lasting (adj): lâu dài
=> it can take a plentiful amount of time to finish a novel, for example.
Tạm dịch: ví dụ, nó có thể mất một lượng thời gian để hoàn thành một cuốn tiểu thuyết.
5. A. behind B. slow C. delayed D. Overdue
behind (prep, adv): đằng sau slow (adj): chậm chạp
overdue (adj): quá hạn delay = trì hoãn
=> Book publishers haven't been slow to realise this.
Tạm dịch: Nhà xuất bản sách đã nhanh chóng nhận ra điều này.
6. A. take up B. fill out C. go through D. pass by
take up (v): chiếm (thời gian)
fill out (v): làm căng ra
go through (v): xem tỉ mỉ
pass by (v): đi qua
=> … are now selling a product which needn't take up as much of your time but still tells you an excellent story.
Tạm dịch: ...và hiện đang bán một sản phẩm mà không làm tốn thời gian của bạn nhưng vẫn cho bạn biết một câu
chuyện tuyệt vời
7. A. ever since then B. all the time C. up until now D. from then on
all the time: liên tục
ever since then = from that moment, starting at that point, because of that
up until now: previously, before this moment, in the past
from then on: từ ấy trở đi, từ lúc đó.
8. A. as B. same C. like D. Both
like (prep): giống như
=> One of the attractions of audiobooks is that they're like listening to the radio.
Tạm dịch: Một trong những điểm hấp dẫn của sách thu âm là chúng giống như nghe radio.
9. A. stands B. belongs C. bases D. Lies
lie in something = to exist or be found in something
10. A. much B. fast C. by D. Little
Much + more + adj => much dùng để nhấn mạnh trong so sánh hơn
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A
Passage 2:
IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, R, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks
Education is a life-long process that not only provides us with basic skills such as literacy and numeracy,
but is also essential in (1) _______ our future lives. From the moment we enter kindergartens as small children,
and as we progress through primary and secondary education, we (2) _______ the foundations for the life ahead
of us. We must discipline ourselves to work hard (3) _______ we can pass exams and gain the qualifications we
will need to secure a good job. We must also acquire valuable life skills so that we can fit in and work with those
around us. And of course health education helps us to understand (4) _______ we can stay fit and healthy.
For most people, this process ends when they are in their mid-to-late teens. For others, however, it is the
beginning of a lifetime of learning. After they finish school, many (5) _______ to further education where they
will learn more useful skills such as computer literacy or basic business management. (6) _______ will enroll on
a programme of higher education at a university where, with hard work, they will have the opportunity to graduate
after three or four years with a well-earned degree. After that, they may work for a while before opting to study
for a higher degree - an MA, for example, or a PhD. Alternatively, they may choose to attend an evening class
after work or, if they have a sympathetic employer, (7) _______ day release so that they can study during the
week. And if they live a long way from a college or university, they might follow a (8) _______ course using
mail and the Internet. (9) _______, it is largely due to the proliferation of computers that many people have started
to study again and can proudly class themselves as mature students.
We live in a fascinating and constantly changing world, and we must continually learn and (10) _______
new knowledge if we are to adapt and keep up with changing events. Our schooldays are just the beginning of
this process, and we should make the best of every opportunity to develop ourselves, whether we are eighteen or
eighty. You are, indeed, never too old to learn.
- proliferation (n) /prəˌlɪfəˈreɪʃn/ sự tăng nhanh
1. A. forming B. shaping C. moulding D. leading
Form = to begin to exist or to make something begin to exist
Shape = to decide or influence the form of something, especially a belief or idea, or someone's character => shape
one’s lives = tạo dựng cuộc sống
Mould =to make a soft substance have a particular shape
2. A. are lying B. are laying C. are replacing D. are building
Lay the foundation for sth = đặt nền tảng, cơ sở nền móng cho điều gì
3. A. in order to B. so as that C. so that D. therefore
=>“So that” thường đứng trước một mệnh đề dùng để chỉ mục đích.
In oder to do sth = để làm gì therefore = vì vậy
4. A. how B. what C. when D. where
How = cách mà, như thế nào what = cái mà when = khi nào where= nơi nào
5. A. progress B. continue C. move D. pursue
Progress = tiến triển, tiến bộ continue = tiến bộ move = di chuyển pursue = theo đuổi
6. A. The others B. Another C. The other D. Others
Another + danh từ đếm được số ít. = cái khác, người khác
The other + danh từ đếm được số ít: cái còn lại, người còn lại.= the others
Others = những cái khác, ngững người khác
7. A. ask B. obtain C. achieve D. bring
Ask = hỏi obtain = đạt , có được bring = đem đến, mang lại
Achieve = giành được, đạt được, hoàn thành mục tiêu đề ra
8. A. writing B. correspondence C. mail D. self-study
Correspondence = thư tín mail = thư writing= viết self-study = tự học
9. A. As a result B. Particularly C. What’s more D. In fact
As a result = kết quả particularly = cụ thể what’s more = hơn nữa in fact = thực tế là
10. . enrich B. acquire C. widen D. broaden
Enrich = làm giàu, làm phong phú acquire = đạt được, thu được
Widen = mở rộng broaden = nới rộng, mở rộng
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. B
1.phenomenon = hiện tượng, ám chỉ người/ vật gì phi thường
2.strong = mạnh mẽ => have the strong sensation = có cảm giác mạnh mẽ, mãnh liệt
3.experience = trải nghiệm
4.happened = xảy ra => dấu hiệu has/have + P2
5.memory = ký ức, trí nhớ
6.explanation = lời giải thích
7.occurred = xảy ra, diễn ra
8.associated => associate with = có liên quan đến
9.common = phổ biến, chung
10. Symptoms = triệu chứng
Passage 2: Fill in each of the numbered blanks with ONE suitable word. (10 PTS)
1. Childhood = thời thơ ấu, lúc còn nhỏ
2. live => live in somewhere = sống, trú ngụ ở đâu, nơi nào
3. collections = bộ sưu tập
4. home-made = làm tại nhà
5. lasted = kéo dài, tồn tại
6. existence => in existence = còn tồn tại, còn hiện diện
7. containing = bao gồm, chứa cái gì
8. glimpse => catch a glimpse of = thấy, bắt gặp cái gì / ai đó
9. so => or so = cỡ khoảng, xấp xỉ
10. single = đơn độc, một mình, chỉ một
Part 1: Supply the correct form of the words in the brackets: (10 PTS)
1. ID card stands for _________ card. (identify)
2. _______________questions such as ‘What if the President had not been assassinated?’ (fact)
3. I told him about the problem but he was totally _______________. (sympathy)
4. The memory was buried deep within my ____________. (conscious)
5. Tax ___________ the crime of deliberately not paying all the taxes that you should pay. (evade)
6. It is difficult to find staff with the level of ___________required for this job. (expert)
7. A _______ brother is a man who has promised to treat another man as his brother, usually in a ceremony in
which their blood is mixed together. (bleed)
8. Tourism is the ___________of the city. (live)
9. A travelling ___________ is someone who travels to different places trying to persuade people to buy their
company's products or services. (sell)
10. A person whose job is to sell fish in a shop is a ______________. (fish)
1. identity = danh tính
2. counterfactual = relating to or expressing what has not happened or is not the case.
3. unsympathetic= vô cảm, thờ ơ, không cảm thông
4. subconscious = tiềm thức
5. evasion => tax evasion = trốn thuế
6. expertise = chuyên môn, sự thẩm định
7. blood = related by birth
8. lifeblood
9. salesman = người buôn bán, người bán hàng
10. fishmonger = người bán cá
Part 2: Fill each blank with ONE suitable word from the box. Changes in word forms can be made where
necessary. Write your answers in the numbered boxes below (10 PTS)
How a hobby can make you angry! Recently I decided to take up (0)_photography__ as a hobby. I like taking
snaps, but I am not very (1)__________. My snaps are often a complete (2) _________ for technical reasons, or
sometimes are just not very (3)__________. First I decided that to be (4) _________, I would have to buy new
equipment. Just then I had an (5) __________ piece of good luck. A friends who works in a camera shop said he
could sell me a (6) __________ camera. A customer had left it at the shop to be (7)________, but there had been
a (8) _________, and it was actually for sale. I thought this was a rather (9) _________ explanation and so I asked
him some more questions. He said he had had some (10) _________ with the customer and she had thrown the
camera at him because he disliked her photos!
1. skilful = kéo léo => dấu hiệu be + adj
2. failure = thất bại => dấu hiệu adj + N
3. imaginative = giàu trí tưởng tượng
4. successful = thành công
5. unexpected = bất ngờ, không ngờ tới
6. valuable = quý báu, quý giá
7. repaired = sửa chữa => cấu trúc câu bị động: to be + P2
8. misunderstanding = hiểu nhầm
9. unbelievable = không thể tin được
10. disagreement = sự bất đồng , không đồng tình với
Identify the errors and write the corrections
Number Correction Explanation
1 1. active -> actively Cấu trúc: V + adv
10. It is very likely that the interest rate will go down in the present economic climate. (STRONG)
→ A _________________________________________________ the present economic climate.
1. Not a tear did she shed when the story ended in stragedy.
=> shed a tear = cry = khóc
2. Mrs. Donald said nothing would persuade her to sleep in that haunted house.
=> Cấu trúc gián tiếp ( chuyển will thành would ) + persuade sb to do sth = thuyết phục ai đó làm gì
3. It was at Mr. Footer’s request that I wrote this letter to you.
=> Cấu trúc câu chẻ
4. Had it not been for the limitted time, we would have finished the work.
=> Cấu trúc đk loại 3: Had it not bên for + N, S + would have P2 = Nếu không thì ...
5. He was put in a dilemma to choose who he would save: his mother or his wife?
=> be put in a dilemma = bị đặt trong tình thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan
6. I still can not accept the fact that he is my own flesh and blood.
someone's (own) flesh and blood=someone's relation
7. The road was built in the teeth of fierce opposition from environmentalists.
in the teeth of something: bất chấp cái gì; đối lập với cái gì.
8. You have no business reading my private letters.
"Have no business (doing something/to do something)" nghĩa là không có quyền làm gì đó; không có lý do
chính đáng, kinh nghiệm hoặc quyền hạn để làm gì đó.
9. Members of the audience started sending up the speaker.
send someone/something up = to make someone or something seem stupid by copying him, her, or it in a funny
10. A fall in interest rates is a strong probability in the present economic climate
strong probability
=> be a strong probability = be very likely = có khả năng chắc chắn rằng
The end.
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
Choose the word that is stressed differently from the others in the list
1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A
1. I'm sorry to ………., but did you happen to mention the same "Fiona"?
intercede /ˌɪntəˈsiːd/ (v): can thiệp giùm (ai), nói giùm (ai)
jump /dʒʌmp/ (v): nhảy
Tạm dịch: Tôi xin lỗi đã ngắt lời nhưng mà vừa nãy bạn vừa tình cờ nhắc đến một cô nàng Fiona tương tự có
phải không?
2. John was ……….something under his breath, but I didn't catch what he said.
muttering: dạng Ving của mutter /ˈmʌtə(r)/ (v): nói làu bàu (than phiền)
Tạm dịch: John làu bàu cái gì đó trong miệng anh ấy nhưng mà mình chẳng hiểu là anh ấy nói gì.
3. Don't take it as …….that you'll be promoted in your job; other colleagues stand a good chance too.
Cấu trúc: take something as read: thừa nhận cái gì là đúng mà không bàn cãi
Dịch nghĩa: Đừng thừa nhận rằng bạn sẽ được thăng chức trong công việc, những đồng nghiệp khác vẫn có cơ
4. A common cause of ……….is the use of untreated water in preparation for foods, which is quite common in
Tạm dịch: Một trong những nguyên nhân chủ yếu gây ra bệnh lị là việc sử dụng nguồn nước chưa qua xử lý trong
việc nấu nướng, điều khá phổ biến ở một số quốc gia kém phát triển.
5. Stephen really lost his ………. when his dental appointment was cancelled yet again.
lose your head: hoảng loạn, mất kiểm soát (khi có tai nạn, khủng
hoảng,...)6. Looking after a house, four children, a lazy husband and two dogs is real ……….
A. labour B. drudgery C. toil D. grind
drudgery /ˈdrʌdʒəri/ (n): công việc cực nhọc mà nhàm chán (thường gây khó chịu, đơn
toil /tɔɪl/ (n): công việc cực nhọc, vất vả (vì liên quan đến sức mạnh thể chất nhiều nên sẽ
grind /ɡraɪnd/ (n): một hoạt động khó khăn hoặc nhàm chán mà cần nhiều nỗ lực (có tính
labour /ˈleɪbə(r)/ (n): công việc chân tay, lao động (thường cực nhọc)
A. grind /ɡraɪnd/ (n): việc làm bao gồm nhiều công việc nhàm chán
Tạm dịch: Đã hết cuối tuần rồi, sáng mai lại phải quay lại với việc làm công ăn lương nhàm chán.8. My father
brought the house down: khiến khán giả vỗ tay phấn khích
get butterflies in one’s stomach: "thấy bướm bay trong dạ dày" - cảm thấy bồn chồn
Dịch nghĩa: Em luôn cảm thấy hơi lo trước mỗi lần đi nha sĩ
The plain truth: sự thật rõ ràng, thẳng thắn, không vòng vo tam quốc
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. B
1.I don't think it would be wise to try to make max change his mind about divorcing Narnara. Well, in his place
I ……….her at all.
Dịch nghĩa: Tôi không nghĩ sẽ là khôn ngoan khi cố gắng làm Max thay đổi quyết định của anh ta về việc ly dị
với Barbara. Hừm, nếu là cậu ta thì ngay từ đầu tôi đã không cưới cô
ta về làm gì.
=> câu diễn tả giả thiết trái với thực tế trong quá khứ. Thực tế là cái anh Max kia đã cưới cô ta rồi nên không có
2. The collapse of tin prices in the 1980s destroyed the tin-mining industry, ……….former employees have since
=>Whose được dùng để thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu trong câu. Đứng trước Whose là một danh từ chỉ người.
4. I think Candy ……….the prize if she plays this well during the competition.
A. is in for winning B. is bound to win C. may as well win D. is set for winning
A. is in for winning → Sai vì không đúng nghĩa. Ta có cụm: “be in for sth (phr.v): sắp sửa phải trải qua điều gì
B. is bound to win → Đúng. Vì ta có cụm: “be bound to do sth ~ be ready to do sth ~ be going to do sth: sắp sửa
làm gì”
C. may as well win → Sai. Vì cụm: “may/might as well” mang nghĩa là gợi ý nên làm gì vì không còn sự lựa
Dịch nghĩa: Em nghĩ Candy sẽ sắp sửa chiến thắng thôi nếu cô ấy chơi tốt trong suốt cuộc thi.
5. In many aspects, the problems that John faced are ………. a young man and woman might face today.
A. much like that B. much like those C. like much those D. like much that
Like (adv) + N = giống với ai/cái gì. Much là phó từ chỉ mức độ rất nhiều, đứng trước “like” để bổ nghĩa cho nó.
Those = những thứ, những đối tượng đó (cách nói tắt); ở đây là những vấn đề
Giải thích: on being told = When he was told (khi anh ấy được bảo)
Dịch: Khi được thông báo là mình chiến thắng, anh ta nhảy lên vì vui sướng.
=> cấu trúc đảo ngữ với only by ..+ trợ động từ + S + V
A. were going to give B. could give C. were for giving D. were to give
used when talking about a time in the past to say what happened later
9. We ……….have spent all that time looking for a bank- there was a cash machine here!
NEEDN'T HAVE + P2 - diễn tả sự việc lẽ ra không cần làm trong qua khứ nhưng đã làm
10. Newspaper publishers in the United States have estimated ……….reads a newspaper every day.
Dịch: Các nhà xuất bản báo ở Mĩ vừa ước tính rằng Có gần 80% dân số trưởng thành đọc báo mỗi ngày.
1.A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. D
A. put up with B. put off again C. put up for D. put off with
put up with something/someone =to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or experience, or
3. I hear that miniskirts are coming back into fashion, I wonder if they'll really ……….again.
Catch up =Làm bù để bắt kịp công việc đã lỡ, bắt kịp đuổi kịp ai
Catch out =Lừa, đánh lừa , đặt ai vào tình huống khó khăn ( bị động )
4. I don't believe a word she said; I think she just made ……….that story.
Make off =Rời khỏi nơi nào đó một cách vội vàng
Make out =Thực hiện trả bằng séc cho ai đó , phân biệt 1 chi tiết nhỏ
5. Alex complained that no one invited him to any social events and that he felt ……….
be left out =to be sad because other people are doing something without you
tủn out = hóa ra là Go out =Ngừng cháy, bị dập tắt, hết thời, đình công
6. Steve ……….his chances of passing by spending too much time on the first question.
To throw away: vứt bỏ, bỏ phí To throw in: thêm vào, đưa ra (nhận xét)
- put sb down = take offence = insult : dìm ai, coi thường, xúc phạm ai
- let sb down : khiến ai thất vọng9. There is more here than I can ……….on my own.
Cope with = đối phó, giải quyết với một tình huống, vấn đề nào đó
Make out =Thực hiện trả bằng séc cho ai đó , phân biệt 1 chi tiết nhỏ
Do with =Thỉnh cầu, yêu cầu, ... (thường sau can, could)
10. In the early years of the twentieth century, several rebellions ……….in the northern parts of the country.
Dn: Vào những năm đầu của thế kỉ 20, một số cuộc nổi dậy đã xuất hiện ở phía bắc của đất nướ
1.A 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. D
PASSAGE 1: Read the text below and choose the best answer (A,B,C or D) to each question.
In Death Valley, California, one of the hottest, most arid places in North America, there is much salt, and
deterioration on cars. That attests to the chemically corrosive nature of salt, but it is not the
(5) way salt destroys rocks. Salt breaks rocks apart principally by a process called crystal prying and wedging.
This happens not by soaking the rocks in salt water, but by moistening their bottoms with salt water. Such
conditions exist in many areas along the eastern edge of central Death Valley. There, salty water rises from the
groundwater table by capillary action through tiny spaces in sediment until it reaches the surface.
(10) Most stones have capillary passages that suck salt water from the wet ground. Death
Valley provides an ultra-dry atmosphere and high daily temperatures, which promote
evaporation and the formation of salt crystals along the cracks or other openings within stones. These crystals
sidewalk, the growing crystals exert pressure on the rock and eventually pry the rock apart
(15) along planes of weakness, such as banding in metamorphic rocks, bedding in sedimentary rocks, or
preexisting or incipient fractions, and along boundaries between individual mineral crystals or grains. Besides
crystal growth, the expansion of halite crystals (the same as everyday table salt) by heating and of sulfates and
contribute additional stresses. A rock durable enough to have withstood natural conditions for
(20) a very long time in other areas could probably be shattered into small pieces by salt
The dominant salt in Death Valley is halite, or sodium chloride, but other salts, mostly
carbonates and sulfates, also cause prying and wedging, as does ordinary ice. Weathering by
a variety of salts, though often subtle, is a worldwide phenomenon. Not restricted to arid
(25) regions, intense salt weathering occurs mostly in salt-rich places like the seashore, near the large saline lakes
Clue: In Death Valley, California, one of the hottest, most arid places in North America, there is much salt, and
salt can damage rocks impressively. ... That attests to the chemically corrosive nature of salt, but it is not the
way salt destroys rocks. = Ở Thung lũng Chết, California, một trong những nơi nóng nhất, khô cằn nhất ở Bắc
Mỹ, có nhiều muối và muối có thể phá hủy đá một cách ấn tượng. ... Điều đó chứng tỏ bản chất ăn mòn hóa học
của muối, nhưng đó không phải là cách muối phá hủy đá. ….
Thông tin ở đoạn sau: “There, salty water rises from … it reaches the surface.” (Ở đó, nước muối dâng lên từ
nước ngầm bởi hoạt động mao dẫn qua các chỗ trống nhỏ xíu ở chỗ lắng cặn cho đến khi nó chạm đến bề mặt.)
4. In lines 13-17, why does the author compare tree roots with growing salt crystals?
(D) They both cause salty water to rise from the groundwater table.
Thông tin ở đoạn sau: “Like tree roots breaking up … mineral crystals or grains.” (Giống như rễ cây làm nứt vỉa
hè, sự phát triển của các tinh thể tạo áp lực lên đá và dần dần tách đá ra khỏi mặt phẳng yếu, ví dụ như sự phân
nhóm ở đá biến dạng, sự xếp tầng ở các đá trầm tích, hay các vụn có từ trước hoặc mới hình thành, và dọc ranh
giới giữa các tinh thể hoặc các hạt khoáng đơn lẻ.)
5. In lines 17-18, the author mentions the "expansion of halite heating and of sulfates and similar
tinh thể, sự lan tràn của các tinh thể muối mỏ (tương tự như muối ăn hàng ngày) do nhiệt và của sun-fat và các
muối tương tự do sự hy-đrát hóa có thể góp phần tạo thêm áp lực. Một phiến đá đủ bền để chịu đựng các điều
kiện tự nhiên trong thời gian dài ở các khu vực khác có lẽ sẽ bị tách thành nhiều mảnh nhỏ bởi muối biến đổi qua
(A) arranged (B) dissolved (C) broken apart (D) gathered together
Thông tin : A rock durable enough to have withstood natural conditions for a very long time in other areas could
probably be shattered into small pieces by salt weathering within a few generations. = Một tảng đá đủ bền để chịu
được các điều kiện tự nhiên một thời gian rất dài ở các khu vực khác có thể có thể bị vỡ thành từng mảnh nhỏ do
(A) most recent (B) most common (C) least available (D) least damaging
9. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the effects of salts on rocks?
(D) Salt damage at the seashore is more severe than salt damage in Death Valley.
Thông tin : A rock durable enough to have withstood natural conditions for a very long time in other areas could
probably be shattered into small pieces by salt weathering within a few generations. = Một tảng đá đủ bền để chịu
được các điều kiện tự nhiên một thời gian rất dài ở các khu vực khác có thể có thể bị vỡ thành từng mảnh nhỏ do
10. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about rocks that are found in areas where ice is
Thông tin ở đoạn sau: “In Death Valley, California,… bottoms with salt water.”
(Ở thung lũng chết, tại California, một trong những khu vực nóng nhất, khô cằn nhất ở Bắc Mỹ, có rất nhiều muối
và muối có thể phá hủy đá một cách ghê ghớm. Các cư dân của những khu vực khác nữa, nơi mà đường phố và
đường cao tốc được rải muối để kiểm soát tuyết đá, đã quen với việc bị rỉ sét và hỏng hóc trên các xe ô tô. Điều
đó chứng tỏ sự ăn mòn hóa học tự nhiên của muối, nhưng đó không phải làm cách muối phá hủy đá. Muối làm
tách đá chủ yếu bởi một quá trình được gọi là xự tách ra và chèn lên của các tinh thể. Điều này không xảy ra bằng
cách ngâm đá trong nước muối mà bằng cách làm ẩm phần đáy của chúng bằng nước muối.)
PASSAGE 2: Read the passage and choose A,B,C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Birds that feed in flocks commonly retire together into roosts. The reason for roosting communally are not
always obvious, but there are some likely benefits. In winter especially, it is important for birds to keep warm at
night and conserve precious food reserves. One way to do this is to find a sheltered roost.
(5) Solitary roosters shelter in dense vegetation or enter a cavity- horned larks dig holes in the ground and
ptarmigan burrow into snow banks-but the effect of sheltering is magnified by several birds huddling together in
the roosts, as wrens, swifts, brown creepers, bluebirds, and ants do. Body contact reduces the surface area exposed
to the cold air, so the birds keep each other warm. Two kinglets huddling together were found to reduce their heat
losses by a (10) quarter, and three other saved a third of their heat.
The second possible benefit of communal roosts is that the act as “information centers.” During the day,
parties of birds will have spread out to forage over a very large area. When they return in the evening some will
fed well, but others may have found little to eat. Some investigators have observed that when the birds set out
(15) did not feed well on the previous day appear to follow those that did. The behavior of common and lesser
kestrels may illustrate different feeding behaviors of similar birds with different roosting habits. The common
kestrel hunts vertebrate animals in a small, familiar hunting ground, whereas the very similar lesser kestrel feeds
on insects over a large area. The common kestrel roosts and hunts alone, but the lesser kestrel roosts and hunts in
(20) possibly so one bird can learn from others where to find insect swarms.
Finally, there is safety in numbers at communal roosts since there will always be a few birds awake at any
given moment to give the alarm. But this increased protection is partially counteracted by the fact that mass roosts
attract predators and are especially vulnerable if they are on the ground. Even those in trees can be attacked by
birds of prey. The birds on the edge (25) are at greatest risk since predators find it easier to catch small birds
A. How birds find and store food B. How birds maintain body heat in the winter
C. Why birds need to establish territory D. Why some species of birds nest together
Clue: Birds that feed in flocks commonly retire together into roosts. The reasons for roosting
communally are not always obvious, but there are some likely benefits = Các loài chim kiếm ăn theo đàn
thường nghỉ ngơi với nhau thành từng đàn. Không phải lúc nào cũng rõ ràng lý do để ngủ theo đàn,
... The second possible benefit of communal roosts is that they act as “information centers”
A. huddling together on the ground with other birds B. building nests in trees
C. burrowing into dense patches of vegetation D. digging tunnels into the snow
Clue: horned larks dig holes in the ground and ptarmigan burrow into snow banks
kinglets huddling together were found to reduce their heat losses by a quarter, and three together saved a third of
their heat.= Tiếp xúc cơ thể làm giảm diện tích bề mặt tiếp xúc với không khí lạnh, vì vậy các con chim giữ ấm
cho nhau. Hai con kinglet tụ tập với nhau được cho là giảm được một phần tư nhiệt lượng thất thoát và ba con
cùng nhau giảm được một phần ba nhiệt lượng của chúng.
7. Which of the following statements about lesser and common kestrels is true?
B. The lesser kestrel feeds sociably, but the common kestrel does not.
C. The common kestrel nests in large flocks than does the lesser kestrel.
D. The common kestrel nests in trees: the lesser kestrel nests on the ground.
Clue: The common kestrel hunts vertebrate animals in a small, familiar hunting ground, whereas the very similar
lesser kestrel feeds on insects over a large area. The common kestrel roosts and hunts alone, but the lesser kestrel
roosts and hunts in flocks, possibly so one bird can learn from others where to find insect swarms.= Loài chim
cắt thông thường săn các động vật có xương sống trong một bãi săn nhỏ và quen thuộc, trong khi loài chim cắt
nhỏ hơn rất giống nhau lại ăn côn trùng trên một khu vực rộng lớn. Những con chim cắt phổ biến thường tụ tập
và săn mồi một mình, nhưng 1 ít những con chim cắt tụ tập và săn theo đàn, có thể vì vậy một con chim có thể
9. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an advantage derived by birds that huddle together
while sleeping?
B. Staying together provides a greater amount of heat for the whole flock.
C. Some birds in the flock function as information centers for others who are looking for food.
Body contact reduces the surface area exposed to the cold air, so the birds keep each other warm.-> B
The second possible benefit of communal roosts is that they act as “information centers-> C
10. Which of the following is a disadvantage of communal roosts that is mentioned in the passage?
Clue: But this increased protection is partially counteracted by the fact that mass roosts attract predators and are
especially vulnerable if they are on the ground. Even those in trees can be attacked by birds of prey.= Nhưng sự
bảo vệ tăng cường này một phần bị phản tác dụng bởi thực tế là những con thú rừng hàng loạt thu hút những kẻ
săn mồi và đặc biệt dễ bị tổn thương nếu chúng ở trên mặt đất. Ngay cả những loài trên cây cũng có thể bị tấn
1.D 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. D 10.B
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
Cloze Test 1
Global warming could cause drought and possibly famine in China, the source of much of Hong Kong's
food, by 2050, a new report predicts. Hong Kong could also be (1) …….from flooding as sea level rose. The
report (2) …….building sea-walls around low-lying areas such as the new port and airport reclamations. (3) …….
by the world Wide Fund of Nature (WWF), the report, which includes work by members of the Chinese Academy
of meteorological Sciences, uses the most recent projections on climate change to point to a gloomy (4)
……….for China. By 2050 about 30 to 40 per cent of the country will experience changes in the type of vegetation
it (5) ………., with tropical and subtropical forest conditions (6) ……….northward and hot desert conditions
rising in the west where currently the desert is temperate, crop-growing areas will expand but any benefit is
expected to be negated by increased evaporation of (7) ………., making it too dry to grow crops such as rice. The
growing season also is expected to (8) ……., becoming shorter in southern and central China, the mainland's (9)
At it again” = lại nữa rồi -> nghĩa là lặp lại hành động/thái độ.
=> Kiến thức rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng bị động ( V => P2)
- VIEW: nói về tầm nhìn, quan điểm ( khi đứng ở vị trí nào thì thấy trước mắt mình cảnh ra sao , theo quan
điểm......) đại ý là Tổng quát ngụ ý những gì diễn ra trước mắt, từ một điểm cụ thể, quang cảnh (thiên nhiên)-
SIGHT: has a sense of "spectacle" about it, as if there is a particular action that draws your attention. --> chủ yếu
nói về nội dung mình thấy ( cảnh tượng máu me ...), Tầm nhìn, thị lực, cảnh tượng (để lại ấn
tượng)-outlook: viễn cảnh, future possibilities: các khả năng trong tương lai)
- Perspective = Nó đề cập đến (1) một góc nhìn, (2) góc mà từ đó một cái gì đó được nhìn, và (3) sự xuất hiện
thích hợp của các đối tượng trong mối quan hệ với nhau.
rise = là hành động do một người, hay vật tự làm. Nói cách khác, đây là một nội động từ
raise = là hành động mà một người hay một vật tác động vào người, vật khác. Nói cách khác, đây là một ngoại
động từ
Run= chạy shift = chuyển đổi dash = đi đâu vội vàng rush = hối hả
Reshape = định hình lại remain = duy trì rotate =quay alter = thay đổi
breadbasket =a large farming area that provides other areas with food, especially cereals that are used to make
the breadline =the level of income people have when they are extremely poor
Cloze Test 1
1.B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. C 10.B
Cloze Test 2
In Europe, Midsummer Night's Eve, also known as St John's Eve, occurs on June 23rd. It originates from
the pagan celebrations of the summer solstice which were held on June 21st. On that night throughout Europe
bonfires were lit along hillsides to (1) ……….the shortest night of the year. It must have looked as if some kind
of violent insurrection was taking place down the coast of Scotland and England, but these signal fires in fact had
a very important purpose. Bones of farm animals (2) ……….the previous autumn were burned and, when the
fires had gone out, the remaining ash was put to good use: it was spread on the fields to enrich the land and (3)
……….a good harvest. The word 'bonfire' is (4) ……….from 'bone fire'.
In Brazil too St John's Eve means bonfires and fireworks. Another quaint tradition involves the (5)
………. of small paper hot-air balloons, although they are prohibited by law in the cities because of the fire (6)
………. . Bonfires mark the beginning of spring rather than the summer in Sweden and are lit on the last night of
April. In the Swedish Midsummer's Eve ceremony, held on June 24th, a large pole, decorated with flowers and
leaves, is placed in the ground.
Thistles also have a (7) ……….role in the celebration of Midsummer's Night in Europe. In the past they
were thought to (8) ……….witches. The pretty, prickly plant was nailed over barn doors and used in wreaths, the
circular shape being a (9) ……….of the turning of the seasons. Wheels laced with straw and soaked in pitch were
There is less risk of fire in a tradition common to many Slavic countries. Young women and girls float
little baskets of flowers and lighted candles down streams. Local boys swim out to (10) ……….a basket, find the
girl it belongs to and claim a dance at the town's Midsummer's Eve Party.
Celebrate = tổ chức, làm lễ truy niệm honour = tôn kính, tôn trọng
Hazard đề cập đến môi nguy hiểm người ta có thể biết trước, dự đoán trước nhưng không thể tránh được.
Peril thường ngụ ý đến những nguy cơ lớn hoặc nói về một hiểm họa (như hiểm họa da vàng – yellow peril –
Jeopardy – từ ít thông dụng nhất trong các danh từ này – có nghĩa tương tự peril nhưng nhấn mạnh đến những sự
tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên của tình thế. Jeopardy thường đi cùng với giới từ “in” với nghĩa: lâm vào nguy cơ => put sb
/sth in jeopardy
Trivial = không đáng kể, không quan trọng serious = nghiêm trọng
ward someone/something off =to prevent someone or something unpleasant from harming or coming close to
Sign = dấu hiệu logo = biểu tượng, hình hiệu của 1 công ty, nhãn hàng
Salvage = cứu vớt rescue = giải thoát liberate = phóng thích set free = thả tự do
Cloze Test 2
1.A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. D 10.B
Cloze test 1
Everyone knows that parrots can imitate human speech, but can these birds also understand meaning?
Two decades ago, researcher Irene Pepperberg started working with Alex, an African grey parrot, and ever since
then, she has been building (1) ……………data on him. Pepperberg, whose recently published book The Alex
Studies makes fascinating reading, claims Alex doesn't copy speech but intentionally uses words to get (2)
In actual (3) ……………, some of his cognitive skills are identical to those of a five-year-old child. (4)
……………a child's, Alex's learning has been a steady progression. Early on, he (5) ……………vocalize whether
two things were the same or different. Now, he carries out more complex tasks. Presented (6) ……………
different-coloured balls and blocks and asked the number of the red blocks, he'll answer correctly. He requests
things as well. (7) ……………he ask to sit on your shoulder and you put him (8) ……………else, he'll complain:
"Wanna go-shoulder,"
A few experts remain skeptical, seeing very (9) ……………in Alex's performance beyond learning by
association, by means of intensive training. Yet Alex appears to have mastered simple two-way communication.
As parrots live for 60 years or more, Alex may surprise (10) ……………all further.
1. up => build something/someone up =to praise something or someone in a way that will influence
people's opinions; to make a person feel more confident / to cause something to increase or become greater
5. could/would => được sử dụng cho các khả năng có thể xảy ra trong tương lai
Cloze test 2
The power of the wind has been used for centuries to directly drive various machines to perform such
tasks as grinding wheat or pumping water. Recently, (1) ..............., the wind has joined other natural forces such
Traditional means of electricity generation using coal or oil-fueled (2) ............... have two major
drawbacks; they pollute the environment and the (3) ............... they use are inefficient and non-renewable. In
response to growing environmental awareness there have been (4) ............... for a greener alternative. Nuclear
power, while more efficient and less (5) ..............., is seen by many people as unacceptable, because of the (6)
............... of accidents such as those that happened at Chernobyl or Three Mile Island. Wind power, however, is
clean, renewable and, with modern (7) ..............., surprisingly efficient.
The use of wind power is (8) ...............less advanced in the USA. Only 5% of America's power comes
from the wind, although it is (9) ...............that this could be increased to as high as 12 with no changes to the
power grid. However, there is an increased interest in wind power. There are plans to build a huge offshore wind
farm off the coast of Cape Cod on the North East seaboard. The farm will take (10) ...............over 25 square
miles, have 170 turbines and produce 420Mw at a cost of $600m. If constructed, it will be the world's second
5. polluting = ô nhiễm
9. far = used to refer to something that is not near, or the part of something that is most distant from
A. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the words at the end of the lines.
1. I have a notion that I shall never pass back alive through these _________________ swamps. (PEST)
2. As the climate cools gradually, almost ……………………, with every few metres of altitude gained, so the
full diversity of fauna and flora is revealed in all its splendor. (PERCEPTION)
3. Although he read them time and time again, he could not understand these ………………… of this economic
policies. (INTRICATE)
4. _________________ traces its origins to the first punches and dies used to make seals and currency in ancient
times. (TYPO)
5. Our car _________________ by $ 1,500 in the first year we owned it. (APPRECIATE)
6. I think my last statement _________________ the situation pretty well – at least, I can’t think of any better
summary! (CAPSULE)
7. The latest release by the Bangles has a great _________________ of songs on it. You should listen to it some
time! (COMPILE)
8. Look! I know you’ve lost your wallet, but there’s no use in keeping on _________________ the fact. Someone
9. The lake near to where I live is one of the deepest and most _________________ in the world. (VOLUME)
10. It's true that ………………… originates from the Orient. (REFLEX)
1. pestilent/ pestilential = full of insects or small animals that are dirty or cause disease/ relating to or
causing very serious infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people
2. imperceptibly = một cách không thể nhận thấy, hình dung được
6. Encapsulates =to express or show the most important facts about something
10. reflexology= a treatment in which your feet are rubbed and pressed in a special way in order to improve
B. Use the correct form of the words given in the box to complete the passage.
Is hypnosis a (11. MYSTERY) …….. or an ideal way of treating many diseases? The fact that a hypnotized
individual will follow the hypnotist’s commands to perform even the most illogical actions has always excited
both the psychologists and their clients eager for getting rid of different ailments, be it mental or physical, by
means of responding to persuasive suggestions while in the (12. ALTERNATIVE) ……………….. state of
This trance may usually be evoked by repeating monotonous commands thus introducing an individual into
a (13. CONSCIOUSNESS) ……………….. sphere of his personality, which in the state of full (14. WAKE)
………. may be suppressed or concealed. A hypnotized person appears to be more (15. RESPOND)
……………….. to imposed orders and more motivated to (16. CLOSING) ……………….. his (17. ROOT)
……………….. anxieties and worries. Controversial though this approach may seem to be, it does contribute to
curing people of their emotional (18. STRESSFUL) ……………….. in the manner of positive suggestions.
Hypnosis can facilitate establishing a more profound contact with a patient’s emotional life even reviving the
forgotten events from a remote past where the root cause of affliction may originate from.
It doesn’t necessarily aim at confronting the psychological problems only. Hypnosis can also be of great
assistance in treating many addictions, alleviating various kinds of pains or even fighting skin diseases.
Without fail, hypnosis is a most useful tool in the hands of physicians and faith (19. HEAL) ………………..
even though the (20. ORDINARY) ……………….. phenomena that it induces cannot always be accounted for
1. mystification = the state of feeling very confused because someone or something is impossible to understand=
sự bí ẩn
3. subconscious = the part of your mind that notices and remembers information when you are not actively
trying to do so, and influences your behaviour even though you do not realize it
7. deep-rooted =strongly felt or believed and very difficult to change or get rid of
9. healers= a person who has the power to cure ill people without using ordinary medicines
so it was difficult to keep on it now. If only I had been a smoker with match always to hand, or if my torch had
been in my pocket instead of in the suitcase, I must have walked with more assurance. As it was, I was terrifying
of hurling over the edge in the cliff to the rock below. When I did stray, however, they was towards the hills. I
felt my feet squelching and sticking in something soggy. There was no bog to my knowledges near the track, so
I must have wandered the long way off my course. I extricated myself with difficulty and very cautious edged
myself towards the sound of the sea. Then I bumped in a little clump of trees that suddenly loomed up behind
1. hard → hardly (adv) = hầu như không => Dấu hiệu: v + adv
3. must → could => Could have + past participle = might have + past participle = khi chúng ta muốn suy đoán
4. terrifying → terrified => Ving --> Tính từ đuôi -ING dùng để miêu tả tính cách, tính chất, đặc điểm của người,
Ved --> Tính từ đuôi -ED dùng để diễn tả cảm xúc, cảm nhận của con người, con vật về một sự vật, hiện tượng,
6. They → It
A. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second sentence has the
same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in brackets.
1. People have rumored that you might be getting married soon. (GRAPEVINE)
2. The children ignored all the other food and directly went for the cakes beautifully decorated in the middle of
4. She doesn’t want to be involved in the scandal caused by her husband’s remarks. (DISTANCE)
1. I have heard through the grapevine that you might be getting married soon.
Hear on the grapevine' = nghe từ cây nho (dĩ nhiên là không rồi :D) -> nghe hay học được một thứ gì đó qua một
nguồn tin không chính thức/chính thống (đặc biệt là mấy tin đồn).
2. The children ignored all the other food and made a beeline for the cakes beautifully decorated in the
'Play second fiddle' có từ fiddle là cây vĩ cầm = chơi cây vĩ cầm thứ hai, nghĩa là ở vị trí ít quan trọng hơn, vị trí
phụ thuộc.
4. She wants to distance herself from the scandal caused by her husband’s remarks.
distance yourself from something = to become or seem less involved or connected with something
to go to any length: làm bất cứ cái gì có thể; không e dè câu nệ; không có gì có thể cản trở được
B. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that the second sentence has the same meaning as the first
3. People became aware of the damage to the ozone player when an enormous hole was discovered over the South
2. I’d much prefer to do the course on marketing than the one on finance.
3. It was the discovery of an enormous hole over the South Pole that made people aware of the damage to
Cấu trúc câu chẻ với chủ ngữ giả It dùng nhấn mạnh
4. Were it not for special glass , advanced technology could not operate
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounces differently from that of the other.
1. They were given the freedom to take__________necessary.
A. whichever action they were adjudged B. that action it has been considered
C. whatever action they deemed D. whether action it has rated
whichever = nào, bất kỳ loại nào =>Được dùng trong trường hợp hạn chế về số lượng.
whatever = bất kỳ cái gì, cho dù điều gì
=> take action = thực hiện hành động
2. The marathon runner __________for nearly one hour and a half when she __________to the pavement.
A. has been running / collapses B. were running / collapsed
C. had been running / collapsed D. ran / had been collapsing
Giải thích: Câu văn kể lại sự việc đã xảy ra rồi nên thì của câu sẽ là trong quá khứ. Hành động chạy đã xảy ra
và hoàn thành trước hành động gục ngã và nhấn mạnh quá trình nên hành động chạy được chia ở thì quá khứ
hoàn thành tiếp diễn và hành động gục ngã chia ở thì quá khứ đơn.
Dịch nghĩa: Vận động viên marathon đã chạy suốt gần một tiếng rưỡi trước khi cô ấy gục ngã ở lề đường.
3. __________the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse-drawn.
A. With reference B. Akin C. Prior to D. In addition to
Prior to + N = trước sự xuất hiện của cái gì
Dịch nghĩa: Trước khi có sự phát minh của động cơ hơi nước, hầu hết các hình thức vận tải là do ngựa kéo.
A. with reference + to = có liên quan đến, có sự tham khảo, đề cập đến
Part 2: Read the following passage and decide which answer best fits each numbered gap. Write your answer
(A, B, C or D) in the space provided.
It only requires the completion of the reconstruction of the human genetic map for a whole host hereditary
diseases to be (1) _______. Originally, it was forecast that the venture would take until the beginning of the 21 st
century to be (2) ________. At present, it is clear that the task can be finished much earlier. Hundreds of scholars
have gone to extremes to help (3) _______ the mystery of the human genetic structure with an ardent hope for
(4) _______ mankind from disorders such as cancer, cystic fibrosis or arthritis.
The progress in this incredible undertaking is conditioned by an accurate interpretation of the information (5)
_______ in the chromosomes forming the trillions of the cells in the human body. Locating and characterizing
every single gene may (6) _______ an implausible assignment, but very considerable (7) __________ has already
been made. What we know by now is that the hereditary code is assembled in DNA, some parts of which may be
diseased and (8) ________ to the uncontrollable transmission of the damaged code from parent to their children.
Whereas work at the completion of the human genome may last for a few years more, notions like gene therapy
or genetic engineering don’t sound much surprise any longer. Their potential application has already been (9)
______ in the effective struggle against many viruses or in the genetic treatment of blood disorders. The hopes
are, then, that hundreds of maladies that humanity is plagued with an present might eventually cause to exist in
the not too (10) _______ future.
1.A. terminated B. interfered C. eradicated D. disrupted
Terminate= chấm dứt, kết thúc interfere= can thiệp, làm trở ngại
Eradicate= diệt trừ, loại trừ disrupt= làm gián đoạn
2.A. accomplished B. discharged C. dismantled D. exterminated
Accomplished= hoàn thành, xuất sắc dismantled= tháo dỡ, tháo rời exterminated= tiêu diệt
Discharge = to allow someone officially to leave somewhere, especially a hospital or a law court
3.A. dissolve B. interrogate C. respond D. unravel
Unravel = làm sáng tỏ => unravel the mystery of sth = làm sáng tỏ vấn đề gì
Dissolve = hòa tan interrogate = tra hỏi, thẩm vấn respond = phản ứng, phản hồi
4.A. liberating B. surviving C. insulating D. averting
Liberate sb from sth = giải phóng ai khỏi điều gì
Survive = sống sót insulate = tách riêng avert = ngăn chặn
5.A. associated B. contained C. involved D. derived
Associate = liên quan đến contain = chứa involve = liên quan derive = đạt được
6.A. sound B. hear C. voice D. perceive
Sound = có vẻ như là
Hear = nghe voice =bày tỏ perceive = nhận thức
7.A. headline B. heading C. headway D. headship
Make headway = tạo ra những tiến bộ, nước tiến
8.A. amiable B. conceivable C. evocative D. conducive
be conducive to something = if a situation is conducive to something such as work, rest etc, it provides
conditions that make it easy for you to work etc
amiable = có lòng tốt conceivable= có thể hiểu rõ evocative= khêu gợi trong tâm trí
9.A. examined B. inquired C. accounted D. corroborated
Examine = kiểm tra inquire= điều tra, hỏi xét
account = cắt nghĩa, giải thích corroborate= làm chứng cho
10.A. far-away B. outlying C. distant D. imminent
in the not too distant future =: at a time that is not long from now , soon
1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.B
6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C
Part 3:Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Write your answer
(A, B, C or D) in the space provided.
Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction
There is increasing evidence that the impacts of meteorites have had important effects on Earth, particularly
in the field of biological evolution. Such impacts continue to pose a natural hazard to life on Earth. Twice in the
twentieth century, large meteorite objects are known to have collided with Earth.
If an impact is large enough, it can disturb the environment of the entire Earth and cause an ecological
catastrophe. The best-documented such impact took place 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period
of geological history. This break in Earth’s history is marked by a mass extinction, when as many as half the
species on the planet became extinct. While there are a dozen or more mass extinctions in the geological record,
the Cretaceous mass extinction has always intrigued paleontologists because it marks the end of the age of the
dinosaurs. For tens of millions of years, those great creatures had flourished. Then, suddenly, they disappeared.
The body that impacted Earth at the end of the Cretaceous period was a meteorite with a mass of more than
a trillion tons and a diameter of at least 10 kilometers. Scientists first identified this impact in 1980 from the
worldwide layer of sediment deposited from the dust cloud that enveloped the planet after the impact. This
sediment layer is enriched in the rare metal iridium and other elements that are relatively abundant in a meteorite
but very rare in the crust of Earth. Even diluted by the terrestrial material excavated from the crater, this
component of meteorites is easily identified. By 1990 geologists had located the impact site itself in the Yucatán
region of Mexico. The crater, now deeply buried in sediment, was originally about 200 kilometers in diameter.
This impact released an enormous amount of energy, excavating a crater about twice as large as the lunar
crater Tycho. The explosion lifted about 100 trillion tons of dust into the atmosphere, as can be determined by
measuring the thickness of the sediment layer formed when this dust settled to the surface. Such a quantity of
material would have blocked the sunlight completely from reaching the surface, plunging Earth into a period of
cold and darkness that lasted at least several months. The explosion is also calculated to have produced vast
quantities of nitric acid and melted rock that sprayed out overmuch of Earth, starting widespread fires that must
have consumed most terrestrial forest sand grassland. Presumably, those environmental disasters could have been
responsible for the mass extinction, including the death of the dinosaurs.
Several other mass extinctions in the geological record have been tentatively identified with large impacts,
but none is so dramatic as the Cretaceous event. But even without such specific documentation, it is clear that
impacts of this size do occur and that their results can be catastrophic. What is a catastrophe for one group of
living things, however, may create opportunities for another group. Following each mass extinction, there is a
sudden evolutionary burst as new species develop to fill the ecological niches opened by the event.
Impacts by meteorites represent one mechanism that could cause global catastrophes and seriously influence
the evolution of life all over the planet. According to some estimates, the majority of all extinctions of species
may be due to such impacts. Such a perspective fundamentally changes our view of biological evolution. The
standard criterion for the survival of a species is its success in competing with other species and adapting to
slowly changing environments. Yet an equally important criterion is the ability of a species to survive random
global ecological catastrophes due to impacts.
Earth is a target in a cosmic shooting gallery, subject to random violent events that were unsuspected
a few decades ago. In 1991 the United States Congress asked NASA to investigate the hazard posed today by
large impacts on Earth. The group conducting the study concluded from a detailed analysis that impacts from
meteorites can indeed be hazardous. Although there is always some risk that a large impact could occur, careful
study shows that this risk is quite small.
1. The word “pose” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. claim B. model C. assume D. present
Clue: Such impacts continue to pose a natural hazard to life on Earth. = Những tác động như vậy tiếp tục gây ra
mối nguy hiểm tự nhiên đối với sự sống trên Trái đất.
=> pose = gây ra, đặt ra, làm cho hiện diện = present
2. In paragraph 2, why does the author include the information that dinosaurs had flourished for tens of
millions of years and then suddenly disappeared?
A. To support the claim that the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous is the best-documented of the dozen
or so mass extinctions in the geological record
B. To explain why as many as half of the species on Earth at the time are believed to have become extinct at the
end of the Cretaceous
C. To explain why paleontologists have always been intrigued by the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous
D. To provide evidence that an impact can be large enough to disturb the environment of the entire planet and
cause an ecological disaster
Clue: While there are a dozen or more mass extinctions in the geological record, the Cretaceous mass extinction
has always intrigued paleontologists because it marks the end of the age of the dinosaurs.= Trong khi có hàng
chục vụ tuyệt chủng hàng loạt trở lên trong hồ sơ địa chất, vụ tuyệt chủng hàng loạt trong kỷ Phấn trắng luôn
khiến các nhà cổ sinh vật học tò mò vì nó đánh dấu sự kết thúc của thời đại khủng long.
3. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 3 about the location of the meteorite impact in
A. The location of the impact site in Mexico was kept secret by geologists from 1980 to 1990.
B. It was a well-known fact that the impact had occurred in the Yucatán region.
C. Geologists knew that there had been an impact before they knew where it had occurred.
D. The Yucatán region was chosen by geologists as the most probable impact site because of its climate.
Clue: Scientists first identified this impact in 1980 from the worldwide layer of sediment deposited from the dust
cloud that enveloped the planet after the impact. This sediment layer is enriched in the rare metal iridium and
other elements that are relatively abundant in a meteorite but very rare in the crust of Earth. Even diluted by the
terrestrial material excavated from the crater, this component of meteorites is easily identified. By 1990 geologists
had located the impact site itself in the Yucatán region of Mexico= Các nhà khoa học lần đầu tiên xác định tác
động này vào năm 1980 từ lớp trầm tích trên toàn thế giới lắng đọng từ đám mây bụi bao phủ hành tinh sau vụ
va chạm. Lớp trầm tích này được làm giàu trong kim loại hiếm iridi và các nguyên tố khác tương đối nhiều trong
thiên thạch nhưng rất hiếm trong vỏ Trái đất. Ngay cả khi bị pha loãng bởi vật liệu trên cạn được khai quật từ
miệng núi lửa, thành phần này của thiên thạch cũng dễ dàng được xác định. Đến năm 1990, các nhà địa chất đã
xác định được vị trí va chạm ở vùng Yucatán của Mexico.
4. According to paragraph 3, how did scientists determine that a large meteorite had impacted Earth?
A. They discovered a large crater in the Yucatán region of Mexico.
B. They found a unique layer of sediment worldwide.
C. They were alerted by archaeologists who had been excavating in the Yucatán region.
D. They located a meteorite with a mass of over a trillion tons.
Clue: Scientists first identified this impact in 1980 from the worldwide layer of sediment deposited from the dust
cloud that enveloped the planet after the impact. This sediment layer is enriched in the rare metal iridium and
other elements that are relatively abundant in a meteorite but very rare in the crust of Earth= Các nhà khoa học
lần đầu tiên xác định tác động này vào năm 1980 từ lớp trầm tích trên toàn thế giới lắng đọng từ đám mây bụi
bao phủ hành tinh sau vụ va chạm. Lớp trầm tích này được làm giàu trong kim loại hiếm iridi và các nguyên tố
khác tương đối nhiều trong thiên thạch nhưng rất hiếm trong vỏ Trái đất.
5. The word “excavating” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. digging out B. extending C. destroying D. covering up
Excavate = chiết suất, khai quật= dig out
6. According to paragraph 4, all of the following statements are true of the impact at the end of the Cretaceous
period EXCEPT:
A. A large amount of dust blocked sunlight from Earth.
B. Earth became cold and dark for several months.
C. New elements were formed in Earth’s crust.
D. Large quantities of nitric acid were produced.
Clue: Such a quantity of material would have blocked the sunlight completely from reaching the surface, plunging
Earth into a period of cold and darkness that lasted at least several months. The explosion is also calculated to
have produced vast quantities of nitric acid and melted rock that sprayed out over much of Earth, starting
widespread fires that must have consumed most terrestrial forests and grassland.= Một lượng vật chất như vậy sẽ
chặn hoàn toàn ánh sáng mặt trời chiếu tới bề mặt, đẩy Trái đất vào một thời kỳ lạnh giá và bóng tối kéo dài ít
nhất vài tháng. Vụ nổ cũng được tính là đã tạo ra một lượng lớn axit nitric và đá tan chảy phun ra phần lớn Trái
đất, bắt đầu các đám cháy lan rộng mà chắc hẳn đã thiêu rụi hầu hết các khu rừng trên cạn và đồng cỏ.
7. The phrase “tentatively identified” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. identified after careful study
B. identified without certainty
C. occasionally identified
D. easily identified
Clue: Several other mass extinctions in the geological record have been tentatively identified with large impacts,
but none is so dramatic as the Cretaceous event= Một số vụ tuyệt chủng hàng loạt khác trong hồ sơ địa chất đã
được xác định sơ bộ với những tác động lớn, nhưng không vụ nào nổi bật như sự kiện kỷ Phấn trắng.
=>tentatively identified = . identified without certainty = xác định mà không có sự chắc chắn
8. Paragraph 6 supports which of the following statements about the factors that are essential for the survival
of a species?
A. The most important factor for the survival of a species is its ability to compete and adapt to gradual changes
in its environment.
B. The ability of a species to compete and adapt to a gradually changing environment is not the only ability that
is essential for survival.
C. Since most extinctions of species are due to major meteorite impacts, the ability to survive such impacts is the
most important factor for the survival of a species.
D. The factors that are most important for the survival of a species vary significantly from one species to another.
Clue: The standard criterion for the survival of a species is its success in competing with other species and
adapting to slowly changing environments. Yet an equally important criterion is the ability of a species to
survive random global ecological catastrophes due to impacts.= Tiêu chí tiêu chuẩn cho sự tồn tại của một
loài là thành công trong việc cạnh tranh với các loài khác và thích nghi với môi trường thay đổi chậm. Tuy
nhiên, một tiêu chí quan trọng không kém là khả năng của một loài sống sót sau các thảm họa sinh thái toàn
cầu ngẫu nhiên do các tác động.
9. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the following sentence?
"Earth is a target in a cosmic shooting gallery, subject to random violent events that were unsuspected a
few decades ago."
Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A. Until recently, nobody realized that Earth is exposed to unpredictable violent impacts from space.
B. In the last few decades, the risk of a random violent impact from space has increased.
C. Since most violent events on Earth occur randomly, nobody can predict when or where they will happen.
D. A few decades ago, Earth became the target of random violent events originating in outer space.
Clue: Earth is a target in a cosmic shooting gallery, subject to random violent events that were unsuspected a
few decades ago= Trái đất là một mục tiêu trong một không gian chịu sự bắn phá của vũ trụ, chịu sự kiện
bạo lực ngẫu nhiên mà không ai ngờ tới cách đây vài thập kỷ.=> Nghĩa là Cho đến gần đây, không ai nhận
ra rằng Trái đất đang phải hứng chịu những tác động dữ dội không thể đoán trước từ không gian.
10. According to the passage, who conducted investigations about the current dangers posed by large
meteorite impacts on Earth?
A. Paleontologists B. Geologists C. The United States Congress D. NASA
Clue: In 1991 the United States Congress asked NASA to investigate the hazard posed today by large
impacts on Earth= Năm 1991, Quốc hội Hoa Kỳ yêu cầu NASA điều tra mối nguy hiểm gây ra ngày nay
do những tác động lớn đến Trái đất.
1.D 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A
6.C 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.D
Part 4: Read the following passage and choose the correct answers to the questions that follow.
In the 1980s the United States Department of Energy was looking for suitable sites to bury radioactive
waste material generated by its nuclear energy programs. The government was considering burying the dangerous
wastes in deep underground chambers in remote desert areas. The problem, however, was that nuclear waste
remains highly radioactive for thousands of years. The commission entrusted with tackling the problem of waste
disposal was aware that the dangers posed by radioactive emissions must be communicated to our descendants
of at least 10,000 years hence. So the task became one of finding a way to tell future societies about the risk posed
by these deadly deposits.
Of course, human society in the distant future may be well aware of the hazards of radiation.
Technological advances may one day provide the solutions to this dilemma. But the belief in constant
technological advancement is based on our perceptions of advances made throughout history and prehistory. We
cannot be sure that society won’t have slipped backward into an age of barbarism due to any of several
catastrophic events, whether the result of nature such as the onset of a new ice age or perhaps mankind’s failure
to solve the scourges of war and pollution. In the event of global catastrophe, it is quite possible that humans of
the distant future will be on the far side of a broken link of communication and technological understanding.
The problem then becomes how to inform our descendants that they must avoid areas of potential
radioactive seepage given that they may not understand any currently existing language and may have no
historical or cultural memory. So, any message indicated to future reception and decipherment must be as
universally understandable as possible.
It was soon realized by the specialists assigned the task of devising the communication system that
material in which the message was written might not physically endure the great lengths of time demanded. The
second law of thermodynamics shows that all material disintegrates over time. Even computers that might carry
the message cannot be expected to endure long enough. Besides, electricity supplies might not be available in
300 generations. Other media storage methods were considered and rejected for similar reasons.
The task force under the linguist Thomas Sebeok finally agreed that no foolproof way would be found to
send a message across so many generations and have it survive physically and be decipherable by a people with
few cultural similarities to us. Given this restriction, Sebeok suggested the only possible solution was the
formation of a committee of guardians of knowledge. Its task would be to dedicate itself to maintaining and
passing the knowledge of the whereabouts and dangers of the nuclear waste deposits. This so-called atomic
priesthood would be entrusted with keeping knowledge of this tradition alive through millennia and developing
the tradition into a kind of mythical taboo forbidding people to tamper in a way with the nuclear waste sites. Only
the initiated atomic priesthood of experts would have the scientific knowledge to fully understand the danger.
Those outside the priesthood would be kept away by a combination of rituals and legends designed to warn off
This proposal has been criticized because of the possibility of a break in continuity of the original message.
Furthermore, there is no guarantee that any warning or sanction passed on for millennia would be obeyed, nor
that it could survive with its original meaning intact. To counterbalance this possibility, Sebeok’s group proposed
a “relay system” in which information is passed on over relatively short periods of time, just three generations
ahead. The message then to be renewed and redesigned if necessary for the following three generations and so
on over the required time span. In this way information could be relayed into the future and avoid the possibility
of physical degradation.
A second defect is more difficult to dismiss, however. This is the problem of social exclusiveness brought about
through possession of vital knowledge. Critics point out that the atomic priesthood could use its secret knowledge
to control those who are scientifically ignorant. The establishment of such an association of insiders holding
powerful knowledge not available except in mythic form to nonmembers would be a dangerous precedent for
future social developments.
1. The word "chambers" in the passage is closest in meaning to ________ .
A. partitions B. openings C. cavities D. fissures
Clue: The government was considering burying the dangerous wastes in deep underground chambers in remote
desert areas=Chính phủ đang xem xét chôn các chất thải nguy hiểm trong các hầm sâu dưới lòng đất ở các vùng
sa mạc xa xôi.
=> chamber= không gian, lỗ hổng = cavity
2. What problem faced the commission assigned to deal with the burial of nuclear waste?
A. How to reduce the radioactive life of nuclear waste materials
B. How to form a committee that could adequately express various nuclear risks
C. How to notify future generations of the risks of nuclear contamination
D. How to choose burial sites so as to minimize dangers to people.
Clue: The commission entrusted with tackling the problem of waste disposal was aware that the dangers posed
by radioactive emissions must be communicated to our descendants of at least 10,000 years hence. So the task
became one of finding a way to tell future societies about the risk posed by these deadly deposits.= Ủy ban
được giao nhiệm vụ giải quyết vấn đề xử lý chất thải đã nhận thức được rằng những mối nguy hiểm do phát thải
phóng xạ gây ra phải được truyền đạt cho con cháu của chúng ta trong ít nhất 10.000 năm sau đó. Vì vậy, nhiệm
vụ trở thành một trong việc tìm cách thông báo cho các xã hội tương lai về rủi ro do các chất lắng động chết
người này gây ra.
3. In paragraph 2, the author explains the possible circumstances of future societies________ .
A. to warn about the possible natural catastrophe
B. to question the value of advances
C. to highlight humankind's inability to resolve problems
D. to demonstrate the reason nuclear hazards must be communicated
Clue: In the event of global catastrophe, it is quite possible that humans of the distant future will be on the far
side of a broken link of communication and technological understanding.= Trong trường hợp xảy ra thảm họa
toàn cầu, rất có thể con người trong tương lai xa sẽ ở phía bên kia của một liên kết bị đứt giữa thông tin liên lạc
và hiểu biết về công nghệ.
4. The word "scourges" in the passage is closest in meaning to ________ .
A. pressures B. afflictions C. worries D. annoyances
=>Scourges= phiền toái, tai ương = affictions
5. In paragraph 4, the author mentions the second law of thermodynamics __________ .
A. to support the view that nuclear waste will disperse with time
B. to show that knowledge can be sustained over millennia
C. to give the basic scientific reason behind the breakdown of material objects
D. to contrast the potential life span of knowledge with that of material objects
Clue: It was soon realized by the specialists assigned the task of devising the communication system that
material in which the message was written might not physically endure the great lengths of time demanded. The
second law of thermodynamics shows that all material disintegrates over time.= Các chuyên gia được giao
nhiệm vụ phát minh ra hệ thống liên lạc đã sớm nhận ra rằng tài liệu dùng để viết thông điệp có thể không tồn
tại lâu dài theo yêu cầu. Định luật thứ hai của nhiệt động lực học chỉ ra rằng mọi vật chất đều tan rã theo thời
6. The word "Its" in the passage refers to _________ .
A. knowledge B. committee C. solution D. guardians
Clue: . Given this restriction, Sebeok suggested the only possible solution was the formation of a committee of
guardians of knowledge. Its task would be to dedicate itself to maintaining and passing the knowledge of the
whereabouts and dangers of the nuclear waste deposits.= Trước hạn chế này, Sebeok đề xuất giải pháp khả thi
duy nhất là thành lập một ủy ban gồm những người bảo vệ tri thức. Nhiệm vụ của nó là cống hiến hết mình để
duy trì và chuyển giao kiến thức về địa điểm và sự nguy hiểm của các mỏ chất thải hạt nhân. => Its đề cập đến
7. In paragraph 5, why is the proposed committee of guardians referred to as the "atomic priesthood"?
A. Because they would be an exclusive group with knowledge about nuclear waste sites.
B. Because they would use rituals and legends to maintain their exclusiveness
C. Because they would be an exclusive religious order
D. Because they would develop mythical taboos surrounding their traditions
Clue: This so-called atomic priesthood would be entrusted with keeping knowledge of this tradition alive
through millennia and developing the tradition into a kind of mythical taboo forbidding people to tamper in a
way with the nuclear waste sites. Only the initiated atomic priesthood of experts would have the scientific
knowledge to fully understand the danger.= Cái gọi là chức tư tế nguyên tử này sẽ được giao nhiệm vụ lưu giữ
kiến thức về truyền thống này tồn tại qua hàng thiên niên kỷ và phát triển truyền thống thành một loại cấm kỵ
thần thoại cấm mọi người can thiệp vào các bãi thải hạt nhân theo cách nào đó. Chỉ có chức tư tế nguyên tử
được khởi xướng của các chuyên gia mới có kiến thức khoa học để hiểu đầy đủ về mối nguy hiểm.
8. According to the author, why did the task force under Sebeok propose a relay system for passing on
A. To show that Sebeok 's ideas created more problems than they solved
B. To support the belief that breaks in communication are inevitable over time
C. To contrast Sebeok's ideas with those proposed by his main critics
D. To compensate for the fact that meaning will not stable over long periods of time
Clue: To counterbalance this possibility, Sebeok’s group proposed a “relay system” in which information is
passed on over relatively short periods of time, just three generations ahead. The message then to be renewed
and redesigned if necessary for the following three generations and so on over the required time span. In this
way information could be relayed into the future and avoid the possibility of physical degradation.= Để đối
trọng với khả năng này, nhóm của Sebeok đã đề xuất một “hệ thống chuyển tiếp”, trong đó thông tin được
truyền đi trong khoảng thời gian tương đối ngắn, chỉ trước ba thế hệ. Thông điệp sau đó sẽ được đổi mới và
thiết kế lại nếu cần thiết cho ba thế hệ tiếp theo, v.v. trong khoảng thời gian cần thiết. Bằng cách này, thông tin
có thể được chuyển tiếp vào tương lai và tránh khả năng xuống cấp về mặt vật lý.
9. According to paragraph 7, the second defect of the atomic priesthood proposal is that it could lead to
_________ .
A. the nonmembers turning knowledge into dangerous mythical forms
B.the possible misuse of exclusive knowledge
C. the establishment of a scientifically ignorant society
D. the priesthood's criticism of points concerning vital knowledge
Clue: The establishment of such an association of insiders holding powerful knowledge not available except in
mythic form to nonmembers would be a dangerous precedent for future social developments.= Việc thành lập
một hiệp hội như vậy của những người trong cuộc nắm giữ kiến thức mạnh mẽ mà những người không phải là
thành viên không có sẵn ngoại trừ ở dạng thần thoại sẽ là một tiền lệ nguy hiểm cho sự phát triển xã hội trong
tương lai.
10. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as difficulties in devising a communication system with
the future EXCEPT __________.
A. the failure to maintain communication link
B. the loss of knowledge about today's civilization
C. the inability of materials to endure over time
D. the exclusiveness of priestho
Clue: In the event of global catastrophe, it is quite possible that humans of the distant future will be on the far side
of a broken link of communication and technological understanding.=> A, B
The second law of thermodynamics shows that all material disintegrates over time=>C
1.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C
6.B 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.D
1. Supply the correct forms of the words in the parentheses
1. If the participation mode is adopted, the farmers will be kept away from the disappointment
or_______________________. ( ILLUSION)
2. Worse, it is making unforced errors which make it look ___________________ and
3. Smoke and CS grenades can be used to flush out men in cellars and sewers, while white phosphorous
grenades can be used to create smoke or as an_________________ weapon.
4. ( PERSON)
5. In the country's capital city, Santo Domingo, much of the housing is ________________
and the quality of the water is poor. (STANDARD)
9. He was supposed to be the __________________ of a trust fund left by his mother when she died in
10. She ______________________ him and offered support after reading about the 1995 case in the news.(
11. By that time, Catrin was an undergraduate student studying___________________ and criminal justice as
part of a broader social sciences degree.(CRIMINAL)
1. disillusion = vỡ mộng
2. amateurish= having no skill, or showing no skill= nghiệp dư
3. anti-personnel = (of weapons, especially bombs) designed to kill or injure people rather than to
damage buildings or equipment.
4. substandard = dưới tiêu chuẩn
5. discontinuity = sự gián đoạn, sự đứt khúc
6. maintenance = the process of maintaining or preserving someone or something, or the state of being
7.preservatives = chất bảo quản
8.beneficiary = người thụ hưởng, người hưởng lợi
9.befriended = act as a friend to (someone) by offering help or support.
10.criminology= tội phạm học
2. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the
same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Not only can the railway be seen as a (0. MOBILE) mobiliser of ( 11. NATION) ________________, but (2.
CONTERNINOUS) conterminously as a mobiliser of (12. CAPITAL) ___________________. As Ian Kerr
suggests in Building the Railway of Raj, the building of the railway in India introduced the framework of
(13.CONTRACT)________________ employment-of the labour market- and, the knowledge of the saleability
of that labour, (14. ARGUE) ______________, lays the (15. FOUND) _________________for unions, The
Congress Party and ultimately independence. Independence and the conceiving of the nation internationally can
be (16. FAR) _____________ perceived in the participation of Indian construction workers in the building of
railway throughout Africa. The knowledge of the saleability of labour internationally anticipated the falling of
border through (17. GLOBAL) _____________ before their construction. As Barrack Obama arrives at the old
Nairobi train station in the post aspect of (18. COLONY) _____________________, he write upon a railway
line that had taken ‘ the lives of several hundred (9. IMPORT) ___________________ Indian workers’ for the
‘ line track that helped usher in Keya’s colonial history’ (10. INFER) ______________________ an
interconnectivity within the Empire, and an interconnectivity within the constructing of railways and furthermore,
how that ‘ colonial history’ relied upon the introduction of the railway.
1.nationhood= the fact of being a nation (= a country with its own government, language, traditions, etc.
2. capitalism= chủ nghĩa tư bản ( chuyên bóc lột giá trị thặng dư của người lao động)
3. contractual= hợp đồng, bằng khế ước
4. arguably= used when stating an opinion or belief that you think can be shown to be true
5. foundations= nền tảng, cơ sở => lay the foundations for sth
6. further (adv ) = hơn nữa
7.globalization = sự toàn cầu hóa
8. colonialism=chủ nghĩa thực dân
9. imported= (of goods or services) brought into a country from abroad for sale.= nhập khẩu
10. inferring = suy ra, suy luận
1. Read the passages below and think of ONE word which best fits each space.
When it comes to determining your total health condition, physicians need various data on (1)_______your body
has enough, too much or too little of. And when it comes to establishing your mineral status – especially levels
of potentially poisonous heavy metals (2)__________as lead, cadmium and mercury – blood, urine and tissue
samples do not display cumulative levels. Instead, doctors may check your hair condition to make a diagnosis.
Minerals and metals are moved from the body into hair in concentration approximately ten (3)___________higher
than in blood or urine. They are trapped and stored there. A close analysis of hair is assumed to reveal the recent
and long-term accumulations of harmful substance. To get a hair sample is as (4)_____________as pie. Just snip
a spoonful or so close to the head near the base of the neck. Hair specimens are later sent to laboratories
(5)____________analyses. There are numerous obstacles that doctors have to take into consideration before
forming the final evaluation. First of all, hair dyes and permanent waving can deceive the analyzing devices into
false readings. Some shampoos can leave zinc or selenium residues on the hair making the job more difficult for
the analyses. (6)___________addition, different techniques of analysis are used in different laboratories. This is
why doctors can come (7)____________with varying results while analyzing the same hair sample. On
(8)_____________of that, analysis can be deceptive. Certain minerals showing high level of accumulation in the
hair can actually be deficient in the body. Therefore, hair analysis can only be performed by doctors
(9)____________thorough experience. There are numerous possibilities that hair analysis creates but its
effectiveness still needs to be proven. So far doctors who claim to be able to determine your nutritional profile
from the hair test do (10)______________but pull wool over your eyes.
1. what => Nó có chức năng như danh từ + đại từ quan hệ, và có nghĩa 'điều mà'. Mệnh đề bắt đầu với what có
thể làm chủ ngữ, tân ngữ hoặc bổ ngữ sau be.
2. such => such as = ví dụ như là
3. times => number + times = bao nhiêu lần
4. easy => as easy as pie : rất dễ, dễ như ăn bánh.
5 for => for + N/ving = cho điều gì
6. In => in addition = hơn nữa
7. up => come up with = đưa ra, đề xuất, nghĩ ra điều gì
8. top => on top of that = ngoài ra, thêm vào đó.
9. with => with + N = với
10. nothing => nothing but = không có gì ngoài cái gì
2. Read the passages below and think of ONE word which best fits each space.
This year's World Book Day (WBD), which is taking (1)________on March 2, hopes to encourage everyone, and
especially children, to discover the joy of reading.
Schools and libraries are getting involved, with a packed schedule of events designed to bring books to life.
(2)_____________ will be writers popping (3)______________ schools to read from their books and answer
questions, and story-telling events. Children will also be able to take part in readings (4)_______________ that
they really have a chance to engage with the books.
As a further incentive to pick up a book, WBD has joined forces with National Book Tokens to offer
schoolchildren a free £1 book token. The token can be put (5)_____________ the cost of any book or audio book
of their choice, or used to buy one of the six WBD £1 books. These books have been specially chosen
(6)______________ of their appeal to different age groups.
As (7)_____________ as hoping to encourage children to catch the reading bug, WBD also hopes to get reluctant
adults hooked on books. So, for the first time, World Book Day will also (8) ______________ an adult focus,
with the launch of Quick Reads, (9) ______________ selection of short, fast-paced stories by well-known
authors. The first set of Quick Reads will be published on World Book Day, (10)_____________ a further
collection of books being released later in the summer.
1. place => take place = diễn ra
2. There= Để diễn đạt ý "có một/những thứ gì đó
3. into => pop into = to visit briefly= đi đến đâu trong thời gian ngắn
4. so => so that + clause = để mà
5. towards => Put towards =Đóng góp tài chính
6. because => because of + N = bởi vì
7. well => as well as = cũng như là
8. have/include= bao gồm, có
9. a => a selection of sth = một sự lựa chọn cái gì
10. with => with + N = cùng với, với
There are 10 errors in the following passage. Underline the errors in the passage, supply the lines in
which the errors are and correct them. One example is done for you.
Australian Aborigines Demand Return of Remains Line Correction
Like a former British colony, Australia has close cultural and historical links 0 As
with the United Kingdom, due to the British and Irish settlers who arrived in droves 1
in the 19th and 20th centuries. One aspect of this contact is the role of Britain, and
British archaeologists and collectors, in taking Aboriginal bones, relics and
artefacts from Australia to museums and collections in the UK. Now leaders of the
indigenous people of Australia, the Aborigines, are demanding that any Aboriginal 5
remains in the UK are returned to Australia.
In 19th century Britain, there was a mania for collecting all kinds of objects from
other countries. These were sent home, where they were kept in museums such as
the British Museum and the Natural History Museum. Museums in the UK have a
huge number of such objects - objects which, say protesters, were basically stolen 10
during Britain's long colonial history, with little or no regard for the feelings or
rights of the people to whom the objects originally belonged.
Now the Australian Prime Minister is supporting Aboriginal calls for the objects
and remains to be returned to their original home. A spokesman for the Aboriginal
Council of New South Wales, Stevie McCoy, said: "The bones do not belong 15
abroad. They belong here. This is about beliefs, and a traditional Aboriginal belief
is that our ancestors can only find peace if their remains are buried in the
Adapted from:
1a. Circle A, B, C or D that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others in each group.
(2,5 points)
1. A. parachute B. championship C. champagne D. sugar
2. A. inflation B. danger C. angle D. angel
3. A. grandeur B. gaudy C. deck D. day
4. A. comet B. simile C. starlet D. sequence
5. A. fathom B. feather C. anthem D. within
1. B 2.C 3. A 4. D 5. C
1b. Circle A, B, C or D whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. (2.5 points)
1. D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D
6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. A
3. Structures and grammar: circle A, B, C or D that best completes the blanks. (5 points)
1. _______, they slept soundly.
A. Hot though was the night air B. Hot though the night air was
C. Hot as was the night air D. Hot although the night air was
Cấu trúc “adj + as/though + S + tobe” là một cấu trúc đảo ngữ nhấn mạnh
2. You _______ then; otherwise, the policeman wouldn’t have stopped you.
A. could have been speeding B. must have been speeding
C. might have been speeding D. ought to have been speeding
Must have bên + ving = có lẽ lúc ấy đang ( diễn ta suy luận logic dựa trên những sự thật xảy ra trong quá khứ )
3. I drove 200 miles to the concert, only _______ that I had gone on the wrong day.
A. finding B. to find C. found D. to be finding
=> Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ với only => V chuyển thành to V
4. I would never have entered the woods so lightly _______ I was trespassing on his domain.
A. did I know B. for all I knew C. I had known D. had I known
=> Cấu trúc đảo ngữ đk loại 3: Had + S + P2, S + would have P2
5. I’d sooner you _______ badly in the last exam.
A. didn’t done B. hadn’t done
C. couldn’t do D. wouldn’t have done
Cấu trúc: would sooner = would rather
S1 + would sooner + S2 + V(quá khứ) …: ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai
Tạm dịch: Tôi muốn họ không giao đồ đạc mới vào ngày mai.
6. I think Candy _______ the prize if she plays this well during the competition.
A. is in for winning B. is bound to win
C. may as well win D. is set for winning
A. is in for winning → Sai vì không đúng nghĩa. Ta có cụm: “be in for sth (phr.v): sắp sửa phải trải qua
điều gì không tốt”. Ở đây là “chiến thắng” nên không chọn.
B. is bound to win → Đúng. Vì ta có cụm: “be bound to do sth ~ be ready to do sth ~ be going to do sth:
sắp sửa làm gì”
C. may as well win → Sai. Vì cụm: “may/might as well” mang nghĩa là gợi ý nên làm gì vì không còn sự
lựa chọn nào khác tốt hơn
D. is set for winning → Sai. Vì cụm set sb for sth: giao việc
Dịch nghĩa: Em nghĩ Candy sẽ sắp sửa chiến thắng thôi nếu cô ấy
7. He was deaf to everything _______ than what he wanted to hear.
A. apart B. other C. else D. except
=> to be deaf to smt: điếc với cái gì/ làm ngơ/ tỉnh bơ với; other ở đây là tính từ đứng sau bổ nghĩa cho đại từ bất
định “everything”
Dịch là: anh ta điếc với tất cả mọi thứ khác trừ những gì anh ta muốn nghe.8. On being told about her sack,
A. her boss felt sorry for Mary B. Mary was shocked
C. Mary’s face turned pale D. her boss’ face felt sorry for Mary
On Ving, S –V = When + S + V, S -V = khi làm gì đó thì điều gì xảy ra. S ở mệnh đề chính phải là chủ thể
thực hiện hành động Ving. Being told = được nói (về việc sa thải) -> đối tượng thực hiện là Mary chứ không phải
“her boss”, “Mary’s face”
9. _______, dolphins have no sense of smell.
A. As known as far B. As far as is known
C. It is known as far D. Known as far as it is
Cụm: As far as is known = As far as people know: như mọi người đã biết.
As far as I know/I am concerned ...: theo như tôi được biết.
Have no sense of smell: không có khứu giác
Have (no) sense of humor: (không) có khướu hài hước
10. _______, including climate, mineral content, and the permanency of surface water, wetlands may be mossy,
grassy, scrubby, or wooded.
A. Depending on many factors B. Many factors depending on
C. Factors depending on many D. On many factors depending
=> cấu trúc rút gọn chủ ngữ sử dụng V-ing của hai mệnh đề đồng chủ ngữ
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B
6. B 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. A
4. Prepositions and phrasal verbs: circle A, B, C or D that best completes the blanks. (5 points)
1. Unfortunately some really ill animals have to be _______ by our center.
A. put down B. turned over C. passed away D. taken out
Put down = Giết con gì đó vì nó bị ốm
2. John first dabbled _______ buying old maps for his collection.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
To be a dab at sth = Hiểu rõ, giỏi, thông thạo việc gì
3. Although they had only been invited for lunch they _______ until suppertime.
A. stayed on B. stayed out C. stayed up D. stay in
stay on =to continue to be in a place, job, or school after the other people who were with you have left
4. He pretended to be an Englishman, but his foreign accent gave him _______.
A. off B. away C. out D. up
Give away =Nói ra một bí mật, thường là vô ý
Give off : tỏa ra ( sức nóng, mùi, ánh sáng)
Give out =Phân phát, Công bố, công khai
Give up = từ bỏ, đầu hàng, chịu thua
5. Could you possibly _______ me at the next committee meeting.
A. stand in for B. make up for C. fall back on D. keep in with
A. stand in for: thay thế tạm thời
B. make up for: bồi thường,bù đắp
C. fall back on: có thể dùng trong khẩn cấp
D. keep in with: giữ mối quan hệ tốt với ai
6. We couldn’t find our hotel for hours as it was _______ the beaten track.
A. against B. below C. off D. on
Off the beaten track = nơi xa xôi hẻo lánh
7. The food being cooked in the kitchen was giving _______ a wonderful smell.
A. up B. off C. round D. over
Give up: từ bỏ
Give off : tỏa ra ( sức nóng, mùi, ánh sáng)
Give over: chấm dứt ( không làm một việc gây khó chịu)
8. Despite all the interruptions, he _______ with his work.
A. stuck at B. held on C. hung out D. pressed on
hang out with smb: dành nhiều thời gian với ai; to hold on to smt: bám chắc vào cái gì; to press on with smt: tiếp
tục làm gì một cách kiên định; to stick at smt: quyết tâm theo đuổi, quyết tâm đạt được gì
9. It has been established _______ dispute that this disease can be cured.
A. past B. over C. beyond D. outside
beyond (all) dispute =so certain or true that you cannot disagree
10. Karen was terribly nervous before the interview but she managed to pull herself _______ and act
A. through B. over C. together D. off
Pull yourself together = Bình tĩnh, điều khiển được cảm xúc
1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A
6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. C
5. Reading comprehension: Read the following passages, then write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the
corresponding numbered boxes. (20 points)
Passage 1
The best way to learn is to teach. This is the message emerging from experiments in several schools in
which teenage pupils who have problems at school themselves are tutoring younger children - with remarkable
results for both sides.
According to American research, pupil – tutoring winds “hands down” over computerized instruction and
American teachers say that no other recent innovation has proved so consistency successful.
Now the idea is spreading to Britain. Throughout this term, a group of 14–year olds at Trinity
comprehensive in Leamington Spa have been spending an hour a week helping children at nearby primary school
with their reading. The younger children read aloud to their tutors (who are supervised by university students of
education) and then play word games with them.
All the 14 year-olds have some of their own lessons in a special unit for children who have difficulties at
school. Though their intelligence is around average, most of them have fallen behind on reading, writing, and
maths and, in some cases, this has led to truancy or bad behaviour in class.
Jean Bond, who is running the special unit in Warwick university education department, says that the main
benefit of tutoring is that it improves the adolescents’ self-esteem. The younger children come rushing up every
time and welcome them. It makes the tutors feel important whereas, in normal school lessons, they often feel
adequate. Everyone benefits. The older children need practice in reading, but, if they had to do it in their own
classes, they would say it was kid’s stuff and be worried about losing face. The tutors are struggling at school
themselves so, when the younger ones can’t learn, they know exactly why.
Jean Bond, who describes pupil tutoring as an “educational conjuring trick”, has run two previous
experiments. In one, six persistent truants, aged 15 upwards, tutored 12 slow-learning infants in reading and
maths. None of the six played truant from any of the tutoring sessions. “The degree of concentration they showed
while working with their tutees was remarkable for pupils who had previously showed little ability to concentrate
on anything related to school work for any period of time”, says Bond. The tutors became “reliable, conscientious
caring individuals”.
Their own reading, previously mechanical and monotonous, became far more expressive as the result of
reading stories and to infants. Their view of education, which they had previously dismissed as a “crap” and “a
waste of time” was transformed. They became firmly resolved to teach their own children to read before starting
school, because, as one of them put it, “if they go for a job and they can’t write, they are not going to employ
you, are they?”. The tutors also became more sympathetic to their own teachers’ difficulties, because they were
frustrated themselves when the infants “mucked about”.
In the seven weeks of the experiment, concludes Bond, “these pupils received more recognition, reward and
feelings of worth than they had previously experienced in many years of formal schooling.” And the infants,
according to their own teachers, showed measurable gains in reading skills by the end of the scheme.
1. The majority of the tutor in the Trinity experiments are pupils who ____________.
A. cause discipline problems for their teachers B. frequently stay away from school
C. are below standard in basic skills D. are unable to read and write
Clue: This is the message emerging from experiments in several schools in which teenage pupils who have
problems at school themselves are tutoring younger children - with remarkable results for both sides.= Đây là
thông điệp nổi lên từ các thử nghiệm ở một số trường học trong đó các học sinh tuổi teen gặp khó khăn ở trường
dạy kèm cho các em nhỏ hơn - với kết quả đáng chú ý cho cả hai bên.
2. What is true according to American teachers on pupil-tutoring?
A. It has been more successful than other recent innovations.
B. It is much better than computerized instruction.
C. The best way to learn is to teach other people.
D. Tutoring benefits both tutors and tutees.
Clue: According to American research, pupil – tutoring winds “hands down” over computerized instruction and
American teachers say that no other recent innovation has proved so consistency successful.= Theo nghiên cứu
của Mỹ, học sinh – dạy kèm đã “hạ gục” hướng dẫn trên máy vi tính và các giáo viên Mỹ nói rằng không có sự
đổi mới nào khác gần đây đã chứng minh tính nhất quán thành công như vậy.
3. Which skill is used in the experiment at Trinity?
A. Reading B. Speaking
C. Writing D. Reading and writing
Clue: Throughout this term, a group of 14–year olds at Trinity comprehensive in Leamington Spa have been
spending an hour a week helping children at nearby primary school with their reading.
4. What, according to Jean, makes tutoring interesting to tutors?
A. They feel the younger children need their help.
B. They feel being a tutor is more appealing than being a student.
C. They don’t have to go to class anymore.
D. They feel they are more like an adult.
Clue: The younger children come rushing up every time and welcome them. It makes the tutors feel important
whereas, in normal school lessons, they often feel adequate.= Những đứa trẻ nhỏ hơn mỗi lần chạy đến và chào
đón chúng. Nó làm cho các gia sư cảm thấy quan trọng trong khi, trong các bài học bình thường ở trường, họ
thường cảm thấy đủ
5. According to the writer, the tutor wouldn’t normally practise reading in class because ____________.
A. their teachers would get impatient with them.
B. they wouldn’t be able to concentrate
C. their teachers wouldn’t consider it necessary.
D. they would find it humiliating.
Clue: The older children need practice in reading, but, if they had to do it in their own classes, they would say it
was kid’s stuff and be worried about losing face.= Những đứa trẻ lớn hơn cần tập đọc, nhưng nếu chúng phải làm
điều đó trong lớp học của chúng, chúng sẽ nói đó là chuyện của trẻ con và lo lắng về việc mất mặt.
6. Which is NOT TRUE about the tutors?
A. They become more sympathetic to their own teachers.
B. Their reading skills have greatly improved.
C. They are never frustrated with their little children.
D. Their view of education becomes more positive.
Clue: The tutors also became more sympathetic to their own teachers’ difficulties, because they were frustrated
themselves when the infants “mucked about”. =>A
-Their own reading, previously mechanical and monotonous, became far more expressive as the result of reading
stories and to infants.=>B
-Their view of education, which they had previously dismissed as a “crap” and “a waste of time” was
transformed.= Quan điểm của họ về giáo dục, thứ mà trước đây họ cho là “tào lao” và “lãng phí thời gian” đã
thay đổi. => D
1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. D
6. C 7. D 8.A 9. C 10. D
Passage 2
Both in what is now the eastern and the southwestern United States, the peoples of the Archaic era (8,000-
1,000 B.C) were, in a way, already adapted to beginnings of cultivation through their intensive gathering and
processing of wild plant foods. In both areas, there was a well-established ground stone tool technology, a method
of pounding and grinding nuts and other plant foods, that could be adapted to newly cultivated foods. By the end
of the Archaic era, people in eastern North America had domesticated certain native plants, including sunflowers;
weeds called goosefoot, sumpweed, or marsh elder; and squash or gourds of some kind. These provided seeds
that were important sources of carbohydrates and fat in the diet.
The earliest cultivation seems to have taken place along the river valleys of the Midwest and the Southeast,
with experimentation beginning as early as 7,000 years ago and domestication beginning 4,000 to 2,000 years
ago. Although the term “Neolithic” is not used in North American prehistory, these were the first steps toward
the same major subsistence changes that took place during the Neolithic (8,000-2,000 B.C.) period elsewhere in
the world.
Archaeologists debate the reasons for beginning cultivation in the eastern part of the continent. Although
population and sedentary living were increasing at the time, there is little evidence that people lacked adequate
wild food resources; the newly domesticated foods supplemented a continuing mixed subsistence of hunting,
fishing, and gathering wild plants, increasing predictability of food supplies may have been a motive. It has been
suggested that some early cultivation was for medicinal and ceremonial plants rather than for food. One
archaeologist has pointed out that the early domesticated plants were all weedy species that do well in open,
disturbed habitats, the kind that would form around human settlements where people cut down trees, trample the
ground, deposit trash, and dig holes. It has been suggested that sunflower, sumpweed, and other plants almost
domesticated themselves, that is, they thrived in human – disturbed habitats, so humans intensively collected
them and began to control their distribution. Women in the Archaic communities were probably the main
experimenters with cultivation, because ethno-archaeological evidence tells us that women were the main
collectors of plant food and had detailed knowledge of plants.
1. The passage mainly discusses which of the following aspects of the life of Archaic peoples?
A. The principal sources of food that made up their diet
B. Their development of ground stone tool technology
C. Their development of agriculture
D. Their distribution of work between men and women
Clue: Both in what is now the eastern and the southwestern United States, the peoples of the Archaic era (8,000-
1,000 B.C) were, in a way, already adapted to beginnings of cultivation through their intensive gathering and
processing of wild plant foods.= Cả ở khu vực ngày nay là miền đông và miền tây nam Hoa Kỳ, các dân tộc thuộc
thời kỳ Cổ xưa (8.000-1.000 trước Công nguyên), theo một cách nào đó, đã thích nghi với việc bắt đầu trồng trọt
thông qua việc thu thập và chế biến chuyên sâu các loại thực phẩm từ thực vật hoang dã.
2. The word “these” refers to ____________.
A. seeds B. river valleys
C. the Midwest and the Southeast D. experimentation and domestication
Clue:…. with experimentation beginning as early as 7,000 years ago and domestication beginning 4,000 to 2,000
years ago .Although the term “Neolithic” is not used in North American prehistory, these were the first steps
toward the same major subsistence changes that took place during the Neolithic (8,000-2,000 B.C.) period
elsewhere in the world.=… với việc thử nghiệm bắt đầu từ 7.000 năm trước và quá trình thuần hóa bắt đầu từ
4.000 đến 2.000 năm trước. Mặc dù thuật ngữ “Thời kỳ đồ đá mới” không được sử dụng trong thời tiền sử ở Bắc
Mỹ, nhưng đây là những bước đầu tiên hướng tới những thay đổi lớn về sinh kế giống như đã diễn ra trong thời
kỳ đồ đá mới (8.000-2.000 trước Công nguyên) ở những nơi khác trên thế giới.
=> these đề cập đến experimentation and domestication
3. According to the passage, when did the domestication of plants begin in North America?
A. 7,000 years ago B. 4,000 to 2,000 years ago
C. Long after the Neolithic period D. Before the Archaic period
Clue: The earliest cultivation seems to have taken place along the river valleys of the Midwest and the Southeast,
with experimentation beginning as early as 7,000 years ago and domestication beginning 4,000 to 2,000 years
ago= Việc trồng trọt sớm nhất dường như đã diễn ra dọc theo các thung lũng sông ở Trung Tây và Đông Nam,
với việc thử nghiệm bắt đầu từ 7.000 năm trước và quá trình thuần hóa bắt đầu từ 4.000 đến 2.000 năm trước.
4. The word “adequate” is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. sufficient B. healthful C. varied D. dependable
Clue: Although population and sedentary living were increasing at the time, there is little evidence that people
lacked adequate wild food resources= Mặc dù dân số và cuộc sống định cư đang gia tăng vào thời điểm đó,
nhưng có rất ít bằng chứng cho thấy con người thiếu nguồn thực phẩm hoang dã đầy đủ
=> adequate = sufficient = đầy đủ
5. According to the passage, which of the following was a possible motive for the cultivation of plants in eastern
North America?
A. Lack of enough wild food sources
B. The need to keep trees from growing close to settlements
C. Provision of work for an increasing population
D. Desire for the consistent availability of food
Clue: Although population and sedentary living were increasing at the time, there is little evidence that people
lacked adequate wild food resources; the newly domesticated foods supplemented a continuing mixed subsistence
of hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants, increasing predictability of food supplies may have been a motive.=
Mặc dù dân số và cuộc sống định cư đang gia tăng vào thời điểm đó, nhưng có rất ít bằng chứng cho thấy con
người thiếu nguồn thực phẩm hoang dã đầy đủ; các loại thực phẩm mới được thuần hóa bổ sung cho sinh hoạt
hỗn hợp liên tục của săn bắn, đánh cá và hái lượm thực vật hoang dã, việc tăng khả năng dự đoán nguồn cung
cấp thực phẩm có thể là một động cơ.
6. The phrase “rather than” is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. in addition to B. instead of C. as a replacement D. such as
Clue: It has been suggested that some early cultivation was for medicinal and ceremonial plants rather than for
food= Có ý kiến cho rằng một số hoạt động trồng trọt ban đầu là để làm thuốc và cây dùng trong nghi lễ hơn là
để làm thực phẩm.
=> rather than = instead of = thay vì, thay thế
7. The plant “sumpweed” is mentioned the last paragraph in order to ____________.
A. contrast a plant with high nutritional value with one with little nutritional value
B. explain the medicinal use of a plant
C. clarify which plants grew better in places where trees were not cut down
D. provide an example of a plant that was easy to domesticate
Clue: It has been suggested that sunflower, sumpweed, and other plants almost domesticated themselves, that is
, they thrived in human –disturbed habitats, so humans intensively collected them and began to control their
distribution= Người ta cho rằng hướng dương, cây sumpweed, và các loại cây khác gần như
chúng được thuần hóa, tức là chúng phát triển mạnh trong môi trường sống không bị xáo trộn của con người, vì
vậy con người đã thu thập chúng một cách chuyên sâu và bắt đầu kiểm soát sự phân bố của chúng.
8. The word “thrived” is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. stayed B. originated C. grew well D. died out
Thrive = grow well = phát triển mạnh mẽ
9. According to the passage, which of the following is true about all early domesticated plants?
A. They were varieties of weeds.
B. They were moved from disturbed areas.
C. They succeeded in areas with many trees.
D. They failed to grow in trampled or damaged areas.
Clue: One archaeologist has pointed out that the early domesticated plants were all weedy species that do
well in open, disturbed habitats, the kind that would form around human settlements where people cut down trees,
trample the ground, deposit trash, and dig holes= Một nhà khảo cổ học đã chỉ ra rằng các loài thực vật được thuần
hóa ban đầu là tất cả các loài cỏ dại sống tốt trong môi trường sống thoáng, bị xáo trộn, loại sẽ hình thành xung
quanh các khu định cư của con người, nơi con người chặt cây, giẫm đất, đổ rác và đào hố.
10. According to the passage, it is thought that most of the people who began cultivating plants were
A. medical workers B. leaders of ceremonies C. women D. hunters
Clue: Women in the Archaic communities were probably the main experimenters with cultivation, because
ethnoarchaeological evidence tells us that women were the main collectors of plant food and had detailed
knowledge of plants. = Phụ nữ thời cổ đại các cộng đồng có lẽ là những người thử nghiệm chính với việc
trồng trọt, bởi vì bằng chứng dân tộc học cho chúng ta biết rằng phụ nữ là những người thu thập chính thức
ăn thực vật và có kiến thức chi tiết về thực vật.
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D
6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. C
6. Cloze test: Read the following passages, then write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the corresponding
numbered boxes. (20 points)
Passage 1
Spelling presents a major problem to many students – and indeed, native speakers – of English. This is (1)
________ surprising when you consider just how illogical the English spelling system is. The spelling of such
basic words as right, through, once and who seems to (2) ________ no relation to their pronunciation. And how
can the words go, sew and though all rhyme with each other.
There have been attempts in the (3) ________ to reform English spelling. The playwright George Bernard
Shaw was an enthusiastic (4) ________ for a more phonetic approach. In a clever illustration of the absurdity of
English spelling he suggested that the word fish be (5) ________ by the letter “ghoti”: the gh from enough, the o
from women, and the ti from nation. When he died in 1950 he (6) ________ a large part of his estate to promote
spelling reform.
So why do we persist in spelling words the way we do, (7) ________ the efforts of reformers like Shaw?
One reason is that we are too familiar with the words as they are currently spelled. It is certain that any change in
the rules (8) ________ be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to (9) ________. Another is that there is (10)
________ a variety of regional accents within the English speaking world that it would be unfair to select just
one as the standard model for spelling.
1. A. hardly B. just C. nearly D. strongly
Hardly = hầu như không just = chỉ nearly = gần như storngly = 1 cách mạnh mẽ
2. A. carry B. hold C. bear D. keep
bear no relation to (something) =To have no connection or similarity to something.
3. A. history B. past C. years D. ages
History = lịch sử => in the history = trong lịch sử
Past = quá khứ => in the past = trong quá khứ ( không chọn B vì câu đang chia HTHT)
4. A. campaigner B. champion C. candidate D. demonstrator
Campaigner= nhà vận động, tham gia các chiến dich champion = nhà vô địch
Candidate = ứng cử viên, thí sinh demonstrator= người đi biểu tình
5. A. described B. represented C. signed D. written
Represent = miểu tả, diễn tả be described as sth/sb = được miêu tả như là
6. A. gave B. divided C. left D. willed
Give = đưa, ban, cho divide = chia leave = để lại will = muốn
7. A. when B. despite C. however D. because of
When + clause = khi however = clause = tuy nhiên because of + N = vì despite + N = mặc dù
8. A. should B. could C. would D. ought
9. A. enforce B. require C. make D. oblige
Enforce = thi hành, bắt buộc require = yêu cầu make = tạo ra oblige =ép buộc
10. A. quite B. many C. such D. so
Such + noune phrase + that = quá nhiều ……..đến nỗi mà
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B
6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C
Passage 2
Sport as a spectacle and photography as a way of recording action have developed together. At the turn of
the 20th century, Edward J. Muybridge was experimenting with photographs of movement. His pictures of a
runner (1) ________ in every history of photography. Another milestone was when the scientist and photographer
Harold Edgerton (2) ________ the limits of photographic technology with his study of a (3) ________ of milk
hitting the suffice of a dish. Another advance was the development of miniature cameras in the late 1920s, which
made it possible for sports photographers to (4) ________ their cumbersome cameras behind. The arrival of
television was a significant development in the transmission of sport. Paradoxically, it was of benefit to still
photographers. People who watched a sports event on TV, with all its movement and action, (5) ________ the
still image as a reminder of the game. Looking back, we can see how (6) ________ sports photography has
changed. Early sports photographers were as interested in the stories behind the sport as in the sport itself.
Contemporary sports photography (7) ________ the glamour of sport, the colour and the action. But the best
sports photographers today do more than simply tell the story of the event, or make a (8) ________ of it. They
(9) ________ in a single dramatic moment the real emotions of the participants, emotions with which people
looking at the photographs can (10) ________.
1. A. exhibit B. show C. feature D. demonstrate
Feature = hiện diện, miêu tả exhibit = triển lãm, trưng bày
Show = chỉ ra, biểu lộ demonstate= chứng minh
2. A. enlarged B. extended C. prolonged D. spread
-expand (verb) (làm cho) trở nên lớn hơn về kích cỡ, số lượng, hoặc tầm quan trọng. (như kim loại (metal), số
lượng người (number), từ vựng (vocabulary), size, một hệ thống (system), một sản nghiệp công ty (company),
hay nghĩa trừu tượng như vai trò (role), lãnh thổ đất nước …)
- extend (verb) làm cho cái gì đó dài ra hơn, thêm rộng hơn, lớn hơn. (thường là nghĩa đen, như cái nhà, cái
hàng rào, con đường, hay một khu vực…). Ngoài ra, động từ extend cũng được dùng với nghĩa “kéo dài hiệu
lực” của một thị thực (visa), hay hạn chót (deadline), thời gian sử dụng (tuổi thọ) của một máy móc nào đó.
3. A. splash B. drop C. dash D. drip
Drop = a small round-shaped amount of liquid => a drop of milk/ rain
4. A. put B. keep C. lay D. leave
leave something/someone behind =to leave a place without taking someone or something with you
5. A. chose B. valued C. pointed D. cheered
Value sth as = đánh giá ,coi xét cái gì
Chóe = lựa chọn point = chỉ định cheer =reo hò
6. A. highly B. radically C. extremely D. severely
Radically = một cách hoàn toàn, triệt để => change radically = thay đổi một cách hoàn toàn
7. A. outlines B. signals C. emphasises D. forms
Outline= tóm tắt signal = dấu hiệu emphasises = nhấn mạnh form = tạo thành
8. A. preservation B. store C. mark D. record
make a record of sth = ghi chép lại điều gì
9. A. seize B. grasp C. capture D. secure
"Seize" nghĩa là có được ai đó hoặc cái gì đó bằng cách tạo sức ép
Grasp" nghĩa là lấy và giữ cái gì đó trong tay hoặc trong tiềm thức
Secure = đạt được điều gì như là kết quả của sự nỗ lực
Capture = Đoạt được, lấy được, chiếm được, giành được, thu hút/ thể hiện, miêu tả chính xác điều gì bằng lời
lẽ hc hình cảnh
10. A. identify B. share C. unite D. join
Identify= xác định, xác nhận share = chia sẻ unite = thống nhất join = tham gia, nối lại
1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B
6. B 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. A
1. Open close: Read the following passages below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only
ONE word in each gap. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (20 points)
Passage 1
It is not difficult to (1) _________ an unknown animal. Spend a day in the tropical forests of South America,
turning over logs, looking beneath bark, sitting through the moist litter of leaves, followed by an evening shining
a mercury lamp on a white screen, and one way and another you will (2) _________ hundreds of different kinds
of small creatures. Moths, caterpillars, spiders, long-nosed bugs, luminous beetles, harmless butterflies (3)
_________ as wasps, wasps shaped like ants, sticks that walk, leaves that open wings and fly – the variety will
be (4) _________ and one of these creatures will almost certainly be underscribed by science. The difficulty will
be to find (5) _________ who know enough about the groups concerned to be able to single out the new one.
No one can say (6) _________ how many species of animals there are in these greenhouse-humid dimly lit
jungles. They contain the (7) _________ and the most varied assemblage of animal and plant life to be found
anywhere on earth. Not only are there many categories of creatures – monkeys, rodents, spiders, hummingbirds,
butterflies, but most of those types (8) _________ in many different (9) _________ There are over forty different
species of parrot, over seventy different monkeys, three hundred hummingbirds and tens of thousands of
butterflies. If you are not careful, you can even be (10) _________ by a hundred different kinds of mosquito.
Karaoke is fast becoming the nation’s Number One party pastime. Public humiliation has never been so
fashionable. It’s 1 a.m. at an exclusive location in the heart of London. A major pop singer has taken the stage
but rather than sing her latest hit, she treats the crowd (1) _________ a Michael Jackson song. What was once
the party habit of teenagers is now favoured by London’s coolest crowd and everyone is having a (2) ________.
So why are so many of our celebrities queuing to make fools of (3) _________ in clubs and bars across the
country? Maybe it’s because belting out of a naff pop song to a public audience shows that (4) ________ though
you may be a celebrity, you don’t (5) ________ yourself too seriously. And if you are a big movie star, that’s a
good message to get (6) ________. Nobody gets away without being laughed at on a karaoke evening, no (7)
________ how famous they are. (8) ________ all, that’s the whole point of the exercise. But for the musical
experts among you, a word or warning: this isn’t about proving to the world that you know the all the lyrics to a
serious song. It’s about expressing your inner performer. Don’t bother (9) ________ up at a karaoke night if you
aren’t prepared to sing, you’ve got to (10) ________ in the effort and prove that you are one of the ‘in-crowd’.
Break a leg!
Your answers
2a. Word forms: Supply the correct word forms. (10 points)
threat, possible, accessible, ability, impress, mess, fragment, deaden, technology, likely
The stylistic innovation in painting known as (1) …………………… began in the 1870’s. The
Impressionists wanted to depict what they saw in nature, but they were inspired to portray (2) ……………………
moments by the increasingly fast pace of modern life. They concentrated on the play of light over objects, people,
and nature, breaking up seemingly solid surfaces, stressing vivid contrast between colors in sunlight and shade,
and depiction reflected light in all of its (3) ……………………. (4) …………………… earlier artists, they did
not want to observe the world from indoors. They abandoned the studio, painting in the open air and recording
spontaneous. Impressions of their subjects instead of making outside sketches and then moving indoors to
complete the work form memory.
Some of the Impressionists’ painting methods were affected by (5) …………………… advances. For
example, the shift from the studio to the open air was made possible in part by the advent of cheap rail travel,
which permitted easy and quick (6) …………………… to the countryside or seashore, as well as by newly
developed chemical dyes and oils that led to collapsible paint tubes, which (7) …………………… artists to finish
their paintings on the spot.
Impressionism acquired its name not from supporters but from angry art lovers who felt (8)
…………………… by the new painting. The term “Impressionism” was born in 1874, when a group of artists
who had been working together organized an exhibition of their paintings in order to draw public attention to
their work. Reaction from the public and press was immediate, and derisive. Among the 165 paintings exhibited
was one called Impression: Sunrise, by Claude Monet (1840-1926), viewed through hostile eyes, Monet’s
painting of a rising sun over a misty, watery scene seemed (9) ……………………, slapdash, and an affront to
good taste. Borrowing Monet’s title, art critics extended the term “Impressionism” to the entire exhibit. In
response, Monet and his 29 fellow artists in the exhibit adopted the same name as a badge of their unity, despite
individual differences. From then until 1886 Impressionism had all the zeal of a “church”, as the painter Renoir
put it. Monet was faithful to the Impressionist creed until his (10) ……………………, although many of the
others moved on to new styles.
3. Error identification: there are ten mistakes in the passage. Find and correct them. Write your answers
in the corresponding numbered spaces. (10 points)
Most obviously, those exposing to weekly general music classes or private instrumental or vocal lessons
will find an outlet for their creativity and self-expression. Therefore, a closer, more-scientific look at music will
show that the advantages are indeed much greater than just increased creativity.
Research has showed that learning a musical instrument and merely learning how to read music assists a
child in developing higher thinking skill, such as problem-solving and problem-finding, analysis, and evaluation.
A child who learns to understand the aspects of reading music, including notation, key signatures, and other items
found on a piece of music as well as the child who develops the ability following the sequence of notes, is using
the same portion of the brain that is used in mathematics thinking. Gifted musicians, it’s reported, are often gifted
mathematicians as well.
Those who study music diligently also develop self-discipline. The serious music student who sets up time
to practice each day will develop similar positive habits in other subjects. Organizational skills are better, grades
are higher, and children learn what it takes to excel at something.
Participate in group musical activities builds teamwork, and students learn that working together as a group
is essential to the production of a good finishing product. They learn to rely on others and to be relied upon.
Teamwork also promotes responsibility; i.e. if you’re the only trumpet in the band, you need to show up for
rehearsing no matter what! They’ll also come to understand that music is the threat that binds them together with
the world, as click as it may sound. Music is indeed the universal language but it also helps children to learn about
cultural heritage, their own as well as others, and gives them an insight into history.
Your Answers
1. exposing -> exposed => Rút gọn mệnh đề dạng bị động ( v => P2)
2. therefore -> however => therefore =vì vậy # however = tuy nhiên
3. and -> or => and = và # or = hoặc
4. following -> to follow => to do sth = để làm gì
5. mathematics -> mathematical (adj ) = thuộc về toán học => dấu hiệu adj + N
6. up -> aside => set up = thành lập, thiết lập # set asise = để dành , tiết kiệm
7. participate -> participation/participating = việc tham gia => Chủ ngữ đứng đầu phải là N hoặc Ving
8. finishing -> finished => finishing = sau cùng # finished = haonf thành, trọn vẹn
9. rehearsing -> rehearsal = buổi diễn tập
10. threat -> thread => threta = mối đe dọa # thread = sợi dây , chủ đề
4. Sentence transformation: Finish the sentence or rewrite it so that it has a similar meaning. Use the word
given in capital letters and the word mustn’t be altered in any way. (20 points)
1. My daughter has grown out of the jumper you knitted for her.
grow out of something =If children grow out of clothes, they become too big to fit into them.
2. I couldn’t make head nor tail of the plot of the book.
can't make head nor tail of something =to not be able to understand something
3. He finally got into the swing of the new working condition.
get into the swing of it/things=to start to understand, enjoy, and be active in something
4. The company’s profits show evidence of significant improvement this year.
show evidence of = chỉ ra rằng
5. Mr. Beaver attributed his success to hard work.
Attribute sth to sth = quy cái gì là do đâu
6. There was a spate of new books on the market.
a spate of sth = rất nhiều, vô số thứ gì
7. Should my mother ring, tell her I’m on a business trip.
đảo ngữ điều kiện loại 1, Should S1 + Vo= if S1 + V
8. Bravely as/though he fought, in the end they defeated him.
Dạng nhấn mạnh giống although z đó, Adj/adv + as/though + S + V/ to be/ may: mặc dù....
9. It is at Mr. Foster's request that I am writing / write this letter to you.
At sb's request: theo yêu cầu
10. Had he not lacked right qualifications, the university would have prepared to consider his application.
Had + S + not + P2 = Had it not been for= But for= Without, Dùng ở câu đk loại 3
2. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three.
6. A. disappear B. engineer C. education D. attachment
7. A. consume B. reflect C. local D. between
8. A. curtain B. enclose C. contain D. remember
9. A. distance B. glorious C. exciting D. journey
10. A. tremendous B. enormous C. serious D. describe
I. Phonology - Key:
1B 2D 3B 4C 5B 6D 7C 8A 9C 10C
Part 1: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.
11. He never expected his prophecy to be .................
A. achieved B. accomplished C. realised D. fulfilled
Achieve : đạt được
Accomplish : hoàn thành, hoàn thiện
Realise : nhận ra / thực hiện
Fulfill : hoàn thành, thực / đáp ứng ( thường dùng với hy vọng, mong mỏi … -> trở thành hiện thực)
12. The boy was ................. with a family in the countryside.
A. reared B. bred C. brought up D. grown up
Trong bài này cả 3 từ rear, breed, và bring up đều có nghĩa là nuôi nấng.
Nhưng “Bring up” còn bao hàm ý dạy dỗ và chủ yếu dùng cho người (có yếu tố education).
“Rear” và “bread” hay dùng cho con vật (và ít đi kèm với “with”)
Còn “Grow up” là nội động từ (không dùng ở bị động) có nghĩa là lớn lên, phát triển.
13. Jane came ................ a beautiful picture when she was tidying the room.
A. across B. round C. into D. past
Come across : tình cờ bắt gặp
Come into : hình thành/ ra đời
14. Until she was arrested last week, the young woman thought she had ................. the perfect crime.
A. committed B. escaped C. got away D. charged
+Commit (v) : Phạm tội/ Phạm sai lầm
-> commit a felony/ blunder/ murder/ theft : phạm tội ác/ sai lầm ngớ ngẫn/ giết người/ trộm cắp
+Perfect crime = tội ác hoàn hảo (không có chứng cứ, không bị phát hiện)
+Escape ~ get away (v) trốn thoát
+Charge (v) buộc tội, tố cáo
15. ............... it not been for the intolerable heat in the hall, they would have stayed much longer.
A. If B. But C. Should D. Had
Cấu túc đk loại 3: had it not bên for + N, S + would have P2 = nếu không có ….thì
16. The ball ................. two or three times before rolling down the road.
A. sprang B. bounced C. leap D. hopped
Spring (v) nhảy Bounce (v) nảy, vồng
Leap (v) nhảy qua Hop (v) nhảy lò cò
17. The ................. of the pagoda in the water was very clear and beautiful.
A. sight B. shadow C. reflection D. mirror
reflection (n): sự phản chiếu shadow (n): bóng, bóng tối, bóng râm
shade (n): bóng tối, bóng đen D. sight (n): khả năng nhìn, thị lực
18. When I came, the salesperson was ................. to the customers how to use a new
kind of washing machines.
A. demonstrating B. proving C. exposing D. teaching
(to) demonstrate (to somebody) how, what, etc…: giải thích cho ai về cái gì
Tạm dịch: Khi tôi đến, nhân viên bán hàng đang trình bày cho khách hàng cách sử dụng một loại máy giặt mới.
19. Do you think Ms. Brown will ................. for Parliament in the next election?
A. sit B. run C. walk D. stand
run for sb/sth (phrV): ứng cử vào vị trí, chức vụ gì
Đáp án còn lại:
sit for sb/sth (phrV): ngồi làm mẫu (vẽ, chụp ảnh)
walk (v): đi bộ
stand for (phrV): đại diện cho/ viết tắt của
20. A human being is ................. of many, often conflicting, desires.
A. made B. made up C. consisted D. created
to be consisted of (v) bao gồm, cấu thành
Dịch là: con người được bao gồm bởi rất nhiều thường là các mong muốn trái ngược nhau.
21. The train accident................. the other trains' departure by a few hours.
A. sent back B. called off C. delayed D. retained
delay (v) hoãn lại (tàu); send back (v) gửi lại (tiền, thư); call off = hủy bỏ; retain (v) giữ lại
Dịch là: tai nạn đường sắt đã hoãn sự khởi hành của 1 chuyến tàu khác vài giờ.
22. The judge ................. the murderer to a lifetime imprisonment.
A. convicted B. sentenced C. prosecuted D. accused
Sentence sb to sth : kết án ai tội gì
-> sentence sb to a year’s imprisonment
-> sentence sb to a lifetime imprisionment
23. All the people involved solemnly ........... on the Bible to keep the secret.
A. promised B. cursed C. vowed D. swore
Swear on the Bible (v) thề trước Kinh Thánh (thủ tục trong các phiên tòa phương Tây)
Curse (v) nguyền rủa
Vow (v) thề nguyện (nhưng không formal bằng “swear”)
=> ĐÁP ÁN: D
Dịch: Tất cả mọi người có liên quan long trọng thề trước Kinh Thánh sẽ giữ bí mật.
24. The lecture hall gradually emptied as the professor ................. on.
A. rambled B. kept C. dragged D. passed
ramble (on) about sb/sth: nói huyên thuyên, nói dông dài, nói không rõ ràng về điều gì.
Đáp án còn lại:
keep on sth/V-ing: giữ, tiếp tục việc gì
drag on: kéo dài, lê thê
pass sth on (to sb) : truyền lại cái gì (cho ai)25. The little girl was full of................. towards her wicked
A. retribution B. resentment C. reprisal D. vengeance
retribution /ˌretrɪˈbjuːʃən/ (n): sự trừng phạt
resentment /rɪˈzentmənt/ (n): sự oán giận
reprisal /rɪˈpraɪzəl/ (n): sự trả thù, trả đũa (về chính trị, quân sự…)
vengeance /ˈvendʒəns/ (n): sự trả thù, báo thù
26. Have I ………… to you how to use this new typewriter?
A. answered B. explained C. told D. showed
explain to sb sth: giải thích với ai điều gì
27. We often watch a film on T.V ................. going to bed.
A. then B. during C. upon D. before
Then = sau đó during = trong khi upon = trên before = trước khi
28. He thinks you are ........ your time looking for a job in this town. There’s not much to do here.
A wasting B. spending C. missing D. losing
Waste + time + V-ing: lãng phí thời gian làm gì…
Spend + time + V-ing: dành, sử dụng thời gian làm gì.
29. You will be surprised at how ................. Joe is in French after a year.
A. fluently B. fluent C. fluency D. influence
=> Dấu hiệu “be + adj “
Fluent = trôi chảy fluence = sự lưu loát, tính trôi chảy influemce = ảnh hưởng
30. Although he was quite fat. Tom was not very pleased about ...... called Piggy by his classmates.
A. be B. being C. was D. having
=> Dấu hiệu sau giới từ about + ving và theo nghĩa của câu mang nghĩa bị động => B
II. Key:
11D 12C 13A 14A 15D 16B 17C 18A 19B 20B
21C 22B 23C 24A 25B 26B 27D 28A 29B 30B
=> Tôi hối hận đã không nhận làm công việc đó ở ngân hàng
47: I read two books, but I didn’t find them interesting.
A. None of the two books I read was interesting B. Neither of the books I read was interesting.
C. The two books I read wasn’t interesting. D. Either of the books I read weren’t interesting.
Giải thích: Câu gốc sử dụng từ nối "but" để diễn tả sự nhượng bộ.
Dịch nghĩa: Tôi đã đọc hai quyển sách, nhưng tôi đã không cảm thấy chúng thú vị.
Phương án C. Neither of the books I read was interesting sử dụng cấu trúc:
Neither of + Noun (số nhiều) + V (số ít) = không cái nào trong hai cái
Dịch nghĩa: Không quyển nào trong hai quyển sách tôi đã đọc là thú vị cả.
Đây là phương án có nghĩa của câu sát với nghĩa câu gốc nhất.
A. None of the two books I read was interesting = Không quyển nào trong hai quyển sách tôi đã đọc là
thú vị cả.
None of + Noun (số nhiều) + V (số ít) = không cái nào trong số từ ba cái trở lên
Danh từ đi sau None of phải là danh từ chỉ người, sự vật, hiện tượng có từ 3 đơn vị trở lên, chứ không dùng với
danh từ chỉ 2 người, 2 sự vật, hiện tượng.
B. Either of the books I read weren’t interesting = Một trong hai quyển sách tôi đã đọc không thú vị.
Either of + N (số nhiều) + V (số ít) = hoặc cái này hoặc cái kia
Cấu trúc với Either of chỉ nói đến một trong hai danh từ được nhắc đến chứ không nói cả hai danh từ, làm cho
nghĩa câu gốc bị thay đổi. Hơn nữa, động từ phải được chia ở dạng số ít.
D. The two books I read wasn’t interesting = Hai quyển sách tôi đã đọc không thú vị.
Chủ ngữ là danh từ số nhiều nên động từ cũng phải chia ở dạng số nhiều.
48: It was his lack of confidence that surprised me.
A. He surprised me by his lack of confidence. B. What surprised me was his lack of confidence.
C. That his lack of confidence surprised me. D. That he lacked of confidence surprised me.
Giải thích: Câu gốc sử dụng cấu trúc nhấn mạnh:
Dịch nghĩa: Đó chính là sự thiếu tự tin của anh ấy mà làm tôi ngạc nhiên.
Phương án D. What surprised me was his lack of confidence sử dụng cấu trúc nhấn mạnh:
Dịch nghĩa: Điều mà khiến tôi ngạc nhiên là sự thiếu tự tin của anh ấy.
Đây là phương án có nghĩa của câu sát với nghĩa câu gốc nhất.
A. He surprised me by his lack of confidence = Anh ta đã làm tôi ngạc nhiên bằng sự thiếu tự tin của anh
B. That his lack of confidence surprised me = Sự thiếu tự tin của anh ta làm tôi ngạc nhiên.
Sau “That” phải là một mệnh đề, chứ không phải một danh từ, thì mới đứng đầu câu làm chủ ngữ được.
C. That he lacked of confidence surprised me = Việc mà anh ta thiếu sự tự tin làm tôi ngạc nhiên.
Cấu trúc: Lack sth = thiếu cái gì ( không có cấu trúc “lack of sth”).
49: “ Give us a raise or we’ll go on strike.” Said the workers to the manager.
A. The workers promised the manager to give them a raise and recommended him to go on strike
B. The workers wanted the manager of giving them a raise and advised to go on strike.
C. The workers asked the manager for giving them a raise and promised of going on strike.
D. The workers asked the manager to give them a raise and threatened to go on strike.
Ask sb to do sth = yêu cầu ai đó làm gì + threaten to dó th = đe dọa làm gì
50: He spent all his money. He even borrowed some from me.
A. As soon as he borrowed some money from me, he spent it all.
B. Not only did he spent all his money but also he borrowed some from me.
C. Hardly had he borrowed some money from me when he spent it all.
D. Not only did he spend all his money but he borrowed some from me as well.
Giải thích: Câu gốc: Anh ấy đã tiêu toàn bộ số tiền của anh ấy. Anh ấy thậm chí còn mượn một ít từ tôi
Ta dùng cấu trúc đảo ngữ với not only ở đầu câu để nối 2 câu trên:
Not only + đảo ngữ + but + S + V: Không những anh ấy đã tiêu toàn bộ số tiền của anh ấy, mà anh ấy còn
mượn một ít từ tôi
41D 42C 43C 44A 45C 46D 47B 48B 49D 50D
Passage 2
Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions
from 61 to 70.
Telecommuting is some form of computer communication between employees’ homes and offices. For
employees whose job involve sitting at a terminal or word processor entering data or typing reports, the location
of the computer is of no consequence. If the machine can communicate over telephone lines, when the work is
completed, employees can dial the office computer and transmit the material to their employers. A recent survey
in USA Today estimates that there are approximately 8,7 million telecommuters. But although the numbers are
rising annually, the trend does not appear to be as significant as predicted when Business Week published “The
Portable Executive” as its cover story a few years ago. Why hasn’t telecommuting become more popular ?
Clearly, change simply takes time. But in addition, there has been active resistance on the part of
many managers. These executives claim that supervising the telecommuters in a large work force scattered across
the country would be too difficult, or, at least, systems for managing them are not yet developed, thereby
complicating the manager’s responsibilities.
It is also true that employees who are given the option of telecommuting are reluctant to accept
the opportunity. Most people feel that they need regular interaction with a group, and many are concerned that
they will not have the same consideration for advancement if they are not more visible in the office setting. Some
people feel that even when a space in their homes is set aside as a work area, they never really get away from the
51: With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?
A. The failure of telecommuting. B. An overview of telecommuting.
C. The advantages of telecommuting. D. A definition of telecommuting.
Thông tin: Telecommuting is some form of computer communication between employees’ homes and
offices… It is also true that employees who are given the option of telecommuting are often reluctant to accept
the opportunity.
Tạm dịch: Làm việc từ xa là một số hình thức giao tiếp máy tính giữa các nhân viên làm việc tại nhà và văn
phòng. … Một điều nữa là những nhân viên được cho lựa chọn làm việc từ xa thường miễn cưỡng chấp nhận cơ
52: How many Americans are involved in telecommuting?
A. Fewer than estimated in USA Today. B. More than 8 million.
C. More than predicted in Business Week. D. Fewer than last year.
Thông tin: A recent survey in USA Today estimates that there are approximately 8,7 million telecommuters.
Tạm dịch: Một cuộc khảo sát gần đây ở USA Today ước tính có khoảng 8,7 triệu người làm việc từ xa.
53: The phrase “of no consequence” in the first paragragh means
A. of no good B. of no use C. unimportant D. irrelevant
of no consequence: không quan trọng =unimportant (adj)
irrelevant (adj): không quan trọng
of no use: không có tác dụng
54: The author mentions all of the following as concerns of telecommuting, EXCEPT
A. The work place is in the home. B. the different system of supervision.
C. the opportunities for advancement. D. the lack of interaction with a group.
Thông tin: Most people feel that they need regular interaction with a group, and many are concerned that
they will not have the same consideration for advancement if they are not more visible in the office setting.
Some people feel that even when a space in their home is set aside as work area, they never really get away
from the office.
Tạm dịch: Hầu hết mọi người cảm thấy rằng họ cần tương tác thường xuyên với một nhóm, và nhiều người
lo ngại rằng họ sẽ không có cùng sự cân nhắc về việc thăng tiến nếu họ không làm việc trong môi trường văn
phòng. Một số người cảm thấy rằng ngay cả khi một không gian trong nhà của họ được dành làm khu vực làm
việc, họ không bao giờ thực sự rời khỏi văn phòng.
55: The word “executives “ in the second paragragh refers to
A. employees B. telecommuters C. managers D. most people
executive (n): giám đốc điều hành
most people: hầu hết mọi người telecommuter (n): người làm việc từ xa
employee (n): nhân viên manager (n): quản lý
=> executive = manager
56: The word “them” in the second paragragh refers to
A. telecommuters B. executives C. systems D. responsibilities
Thông tin ở câu: “These executives claim that supervising the telecommuters in a large work force scattered
across the country would be too difficult, or, at least, systems for managing them are not yet developed, thereby
complicating the manager’s responsibilities.” (Các giám đốc điều hành cho rằng giám sát những người làm việc
từ xa trong một lực lượng lao động lớn rải rác khắp đất nước sẽ là quá khó khăn, hoặc, ít nhất, các hệ thống để
quản lý họ chưa được phát triển, do đó khiến trách nhiệm của người quản lý trở nên phức tạp.) => Từ nghĩa của
câu suy ra them ở đây thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người telecommuters đã được nhắc đến ở trước.
57: The reason why telecommuting has not become popular is that the employees
A. need regular interaction with their families.
B. are worried about the promotion if they are not seen at the office.
C. feel that a work area in their home is away from the office.
D. are ignorant of telecommuting.
Thông tin ở câu: “...many are concerned that they will not have the same consideration for advancement if
they are not more visible in the office setting.” (...nhiều người lo ngại rằng họ sẽ không có sự cân nhắc tương tự
cho việc thăng chức nếu họ không xuất hiện nhiều hơn trong bối cảnh văn phòng.)
58: It can be inferred from the passage that the author is
A. a statistician B. the manager C. a telecommuter D. a reporter
Tác giả của bài viết này là một nhà báo/phóng viên (reporter). Tác giả viết một cách khái quát dựa trên sự
thật về telecommuting trong các văn phòng chứ không hề viết một cách chủ quan
59: The word “reluctant” in the last paragraph can best be replaced by
A. willing B. typical C. opposite D. hesitate
reluctant (adj): lưỡng lự ≈ hesitant (adj): do dự
60: When Business Week published “The Portable Executive”, it implied that
A. systems for managing telecommuters were not effective.
B. most telecommuters were satisfied with their work.
C. the trend for telecommuting was optimistic.
D. there was resistance on the part of many managers about telecommuting.
Thông tin ở đầu đoạn 2: Clearly, change simply takes time. But in addition, there has been active resistance
on the part of many managers: Rõ ràng, sự thay đổi đơn giản chỉ cần có thời gian. Nhưng ngoài ra, đã có sự
chống lại một cách tích cực từ một phần của nhiều nhà quản lý
Passage 2- Key:
51B 52B 53C 54B 55C 56A 57B 58D 59D 60D
V. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (10pts) (fr. 61 – 70)
Passage 1:
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word for each of the blanks from 36 to 45
Health is something we tend to (61) ___ when we have it. When our body is doing well, we are hardly (62)
____ of it. But illness can come, even (63) _____ we are young. In fact, childhood has been a very susceptible
time. Many diseases attack children in particular, and people know very little (64) ______ to cure them once they
struck. The result was that many children died. About a century ago, (65) _________, scientists found out about
germs, and then everything changed. The (66) _____ of many diseases was found, and cures were developed. As
this medical discovery spread, the world became (67) ______ safer for children. The result is that (68) _________
a hundred years ago, the average man lived for 35 years, nowadays, in many areas of the world, people can (69)
______ to live for 75 years. And what do we expect by the year 2020 ? Undoubtedly, medical science will
continue to (70) ______. Some people will be able to avoid medical problems that are unavoidable today.
Passage 2:
Statesmen define a family as “a group of individuals having a common dwelling and related by blood,
adoption or marriage, (71) includes common-law relationships.” Most people are born into one of these
groups and (72) live their lives as a family in such a group. Although the definition of a family may not
change, (73) relationship of people to each other within the family group changes as society changes. More and
more wives are (74) paying jobs, and, as a result, the roles of husband, wife and children are changing. Today,
men expect to (75) for pay for about 40 years of their lives, and, in today’s marriages (76) which
both spouses have paying jobs, women can expect to work for about 30 to 35 years of their lives. This mean
that man must learn to do their share of family tasks such as caring for the children and daily (77) chores.
Children, too, especially adolescents, have to (78) with the members oftheir family in sharing household tasks.
The widespread acceptance of contraception has meant that having (79) is as matter of choice, not an
automatic result of marriage. Marriage itself has become a choice. As alternatives (80) common-law
relationships and single-parent families have become socially acceptable, women will become more
71A 72D 73D 74A 75B 76A 77D 78C 79D 80C
I. CLOZE TEST (20pts)
Fill in each blank in the following passages with ONE suitable word to make meaningful passages.
Cloze test 1 (1-10)
People have always dreamed of living forever, and although we all know this will (1)…. happen, we still
want to live as long as possible. Naturally, there are advantages and disadvantages to a long (2)…
In the first place, people (3)… live longer can spend more time with their family and friends. Secondly,
people who have busy working lives look forward to a long, relaxing (4)…, when they can do the things they
have never had time for.
On the other hand, there are some serious disadvantages. Firstly, many people become ill and
consequently have to (5)…. time in hospital or become (6)…. on their children and friends. Many of (7)… find
this dependence annoying or embarrassing. In addition to this, the (8)… people get, the fewer friends they seem
to have because old friends die or become ill and it’s often (9)… to make new friends.
To sum up, it seems that living to a very old age is worthwhile for people who stay healthy (10)… to
remain independent and enjoy life.
Cloze test 2 :
Too Good to be True
Some say you can do it in seven days, others promise success in 24 hours, or you may prefer to take your time
and do it in 5 weeks. What are we talking about? Believe it (11)__ not, these periods (12) __time refer to
language learning courses that promise excellent results in less time (13)__it takes to say 'Bonjour'! However,
the advertisements of these companies are not necessarily (14) __best guide and if you don't know what to look
for in a good course you could be left with little (15) __than a large bill. A complaint was recently made to a
consumer rights group (16) __ WhizzLearn Systems, a language school chain, and the company has been forced
to remove its claim that its technique is ten times better than any (17) __method. The Managing Director of
WhizLearn Systems said “(18)__ we still believe our claim is true, we are willing to change our advert. But the
fact remains, if you spend 3 hours (19) __day for 5 weeks on our language course you will soon be speaking the
language. What we should have done was to make (20) __ clearer in the advert. Then we wouldn't have had
these annoying complaints"
PART 2: Supply each gap with the correct form of the word given in the box.
Barry and his wife are surrounded by the sound of nearly a dozen video recorders storing (11) _____
programmes to be watched later on. Barry is a (12) ________ telly-addict – a man with a mission to devour as
many screen hours as he can fit into a day, and sometimes into the night, too.
Barry has always been interested in technical things. The couple have eight TV sets in their house.
Barry’s eleven video recorders (13) _____________ record from the four TV channels and twenty satellite
stations (14) ____________ in their area.
His wife, Gill, complains of (15) ____________ at night because he watches his videos on a huge
28-inch screen in the bedroom. (16)__________, the noise of rewinding and fast forwarding disturbs Gill.
Barry defends himself: “ I’m very (17) ________ in my viewing.I likewatching mainly (18)
_______ , news and technical programmes”. He buys aTVguide, satellite magazines and the daily papers to make
his careful (19) __________ of programmes to tape. He uses over 200 video tapes amonth!
Barry is particularly excited about his new satellite disk for the European satellites. “ I can honestly
say that video recorders have (20) ___________ my life,” states Barry proudly.
The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and marriage are still with us and 0. __ interrelated ____
still closely interrelating. Most American marriages, particular first marriages uniting
young people, are the result of mutual attraction and affection rather with practical 1. ________________
considerations. 2. _________________
In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers
begin date in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social 3. _________________
contacts. Though young people feel free to choose their friends from different groups, 4.__________________
almost choose a mate of similar background. This is due partly to parental guidance.
Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually influence choices 5. _________________
by voicing disapproval for someone they consider suitable. 6. _________________
However, marriages of members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and
7. _________________
interracial marriages) are increasing, probably because of the greater mobile of today's
youth and the fact that they are restricted by fewer prejudices as their parents. Many 8. _________________
young people leave their hometowns to attend college, serve in armed forces, or pursue
a career in a bigger city. One away from home and family, they are more likely to date 9. _________________
and marry outside their own social group. 10._________________
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. A
II. WORD CHOICE (5 PTS): Read the sentences and choose the best answer.
1. A minor quarrel between neighbors scarcely _____ police intervention.
A. beckons B. warrants C. attracts D. captivates
Warrant = to make a particular activity necessary
Beckon = ra hiệu attract = thu hút captivate= làm say mê, quyến rũ
2. After serious earthquake, the _____ building next to my apartment is in immediate danger of collapse.
A. dented B. twisted C. dilapidated D. paralyzed
Dilapidated= đổ nát dented = bị móp twisted = xoắn, trẹo paralyzed= tê liệt
3. After a/an _____ administrative career, the old principal was awarded the Public Service Star by the
A. illustrious B. imposing C. mundane D. infamous
illustrious = lừng lẫy, có danh tiếng imposing= oai nghiêm, ấn tượng
mundane= trần tục infamous= khét tiếng
4. A/an _____ toenail can cause much pain and discomfort.
A. growing B. outgoing C. outgrowing D. ingrowing
Ingrowing= mọc đâm vào thịt
5. A street guide is _____ for none of us knows anything about the city we are going to visit next week.
A. indispensable B. unnecessary C. dispensable D. redundant
Indispensable= cần thiết, bắt buộc, quan trọng >< dispensable= có thể thay thế, không cần thiết
Redundant= dư thừa, thừa thãi unnecessary = không cần thiết
6. After he lost his son, the once cheerful and spirited young father often felt low and _____.
A. liberated B. relaxed C. listless D. rested
Listless = (of a person or their manner) lacking energy or enthusiasm.= bơ phờ, không còn năng lượng
7. As her insurance policy had _____, the old lady could not make any claims for compensation.
A. subsided B. lapsed C. leveled D. vanished
Lapsed= không còn hiệu lực subside= lắng xuống
Level = làm cho bằng phẳng vanish = biến mất
8. Emperor Nero of Egypt was one _____ ruler in history who was known for his cruelty towards his
A. exceptional B. queer C. infamous D. popular
Exceptional= phi thường, xuất chúng queer = lập dị infamous = khét tiếng popular =
phổ biến
9. The taxi driver found the business of selling street food a _____ one which could make him rich
A. lethargic B. satisfactory C. lucrative D. lethal
Lucrative= sinh lợi, có lời lethargic= hôn mê, chậm chạp
satisfactory= đạt yêu cầu lethal = gây chết người
10. Angela, a high society lady, does not buy her dresses from ordinary shops; she goes to
exclusive _____ for them.
A. salons B. bouquets C. stations D. boutiques
Boutiques= cửa hiệu salon = cuộc triển lãm station = ga tàu bouquet = bó hoa
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. D
III. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURES (5PTS): Read the sentences and choose the best answer.
1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A
->Can’t được dùng để diễn tả một điều khó có thể xảy ra (virtual impossibility).
A. I found out about the meeting B. had I found out about the meeting
C. did I find out about the meeting D. that I found out about the meeting
Câu điều kiện loại 1 dạng đảo: Should + S+ be/V (không chia), ….= If + S + am/is/are/V-es,s
4. Thomas Edison __________ many new appliances using electricity during his
long career.
-> Câu này chưa có động từ -> Chỗ trống chứa động từ có chia. Việc Ê-đi-xơn phát minh là việc đã
xảy ra hoàn toàn trong quá khứ -> chia ở quá khứ đơn
5. I'd rather you ___________ anything about the garden until the weather improves.
would rather + S2 + V-ed ( động từ chia quá khứ)…: muốn ai đó làm gì…
Tạm dịch: Tôi muốn cậu không động đến khu vườn cho đến khi thời tiết cải thiện hơn.
Đảo ngữ với At no time / never + Vaux (Trợ từ) + S + V : Không bao giờ
7. It turned out that we ________ rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
A. Ranking B. To be ranked
Câu trúc bị động với cụm từ chỉ mục đích: in order to/ to + be Ved/ V3
Tạm dịch: Để được xếp hạng là một kiệt tác, một tác phẩm nghệ thuật phải vượt qua những giới hạn
lý tưởng của thời kỳ nó được tạo ra.
9. Florida, ____________ the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year.
Giải thích:
Ta dùng quá khứ phân từ tạo mệnh đề rút gọn cho dạng bị động (dạng chủ động ta dùng hiện tại
phân từ). Trong câu này, “known as” được hiểu là “which is known as”
Tạm dịch: Florida, được biết đến với cái tên Sunshine, thu hút nhiều du khách mỗi năm.
Giải thích: Mệnh đề danh từ có thể bắt đầu bằng “that + S + V ” được xem như một danh từ trong
câu; đóng vai trò chủ ngữ số ít trong câu.
Tạm dịch: Việc những con gấu trúc lớn đang dần tuyệt chủng là vấn đề lớn đối với các nhà động vật
IV. PHRASAL VERBS AND PREPOSITIONS (5PTS): Read the sentences and choose the best
1. Could you move your car? You’re_____ the way of the entrance!
A. on B. in C. at D. to
in the way =in a position that prevents something from happening or someone from moving
2. He kept his marriage for years, but eventually the truth _____
A. came out B. went out C. came through D. fell out
come out: xuất hiện, lộ diện, xuất bản
come through: trải qua, chống chọi
go out: mất điện, ra ngoài, đi chơi
Fall out =Tranh cãi và có quan hệ xấu với ai đó
3. I usually buy my clothes _____ the peg. It's cheaper than going to a dress maker.
A. in B. on C. off D. with
Off the peg" -> nghĩa là quần áo được may sẵn để bán
4. David's leaving on Friday. I suggest we all _____ and get him a going-away present. £1 each should
A. pay on the nail B. chip in C. pass the buck D. dish out
Chip in = góp tiền
pay (someone) on the nail =To pay (someone) immediately, on the spot, or without delay.
Pass the buck" = chuyển tiền -> phân công, chuyển trách nhiệm hoặc khiển trách, đổ lỗi về một việc gì
sang cho người khác
Dish out' = dispense freely: nghĩa là vung ra (tiền bạc, lời khen, lời chê bai, lời khuyên v.v...)
5. It was a good idea, but I'm afraid it didn't quite _____.
A. break up B. follow up C. drop off D. come off
Come off = thành công
Break up =Đập vụn, đập nát, chia tay, tuyệt dao
follow something up =to find out more about something, or take more action connected with it
Drop off =Đưa ai, cái gì đến một nơi nào đó và để họ hoặc nó ở đó, Giảm (về số lượng, số đếm)
6. If you have anything important to do, do it straight away. Don’t put it _____.
A. on B. off C. over D. up
Put off = trì hoãn
Các đáp án khác bị loại: A. put on = mặc vào, tăng cân; C. put over = hoàn thành;D. put up = đặt lên,
công bố
7. The police are looking _____ the case very thoroughly.
A. at B. for C. into D. down
Look into =Ngiên cứu, điều tra
8. Terry spent hours of his free time helping me to repair my car. I must make it _____ to him
A. up B. for C. away D. on
make up (to somebody) for something to do something for somebody or give them something because
you have caused them trouble, suffering or disappointment and wish to show that you are sorry
Dịch : Terry đã dành hàng giờ thời gian rảnh của anh để giúp tôi sửa xe. Tôi phải làm gì để cảm ơn
anh bằng cách này hay cách khác
+ make for smt : to move awards smt - tiến về phía .... = head for
9. The children are getting difficult to manage. Sometimes I simply can’t _____ them.
A. cope for B. cope with C. cope at D. cope on
cope with = đối phó, giải quyết
10. “What _____ your flight?” “There was a big snowstorm in Denver that delayed a lot of flights.”
A. delayed up B. postponed up C. held up D. hung up
hold up (v): cản trở; trì hoãn
postpone, delay bản thân mang nghĩa “trì hoãn” không có giới từ “up”
V. GUIDED CLOZE (10PTS): Read the passages and choose the best answer.
All plants rely on nutrients taken from the soil in order to survive. However, in areas where the soil
does not contain enough (1)_____ nutrients, some plants have adapted to (2) _____ their diets from
another source: living organisms. Though they are few in number, carnivorous plants are (3)_____
fascinating beings that “eat” anything from one-celled organisms to insects in order to survive. They are
commonly found in marshlands. Carnivorous plants feature one of several types of “traps” to ensnare
prey, which they consume to make up for nutrients that may be missing from the soil. While there are
over 400 species of carnivorous plants in the world today, some are more (4)_____ than others.
The most well-known of these plants are the snap traps, which include the Venus flytrap. Snap traps
are easily identified by their leaves, which are separated into two lobes that have the ability to fold
together. Inside the lobes, the surface is covered with tiny hairs that are (5) _____ to movement. When
the plant’s prey brushes against the hairs, it triggers a closing mechanism that rapidly brings the two
lobes together, trapping the prey (6)_____ inside. The response of the traps is phenomenal (7)_____
speed: the time between triggering the hairs and snapping shut is less than a second. As the prey struggles
inside the trap, it only triggers more hairs, causing the leaves to tighten their (8) _____. The plant then
secrets liquid chemicals from special glands into the trap to dissolve the prey and absorb all of its
nutrients. Besides the Venus flytrap, only one other type of snap trap exists today, (9)_____ to as the
waterwheel plant. The two share a common ancestor and differ only in a few ways. For instance, the
waterwheel is an aquatic plant, while the flytrap is exclusively terrestrial. In addition, the flytrap feeds
primarily on arthropods like spiders, while the waterwheel lives (10)_____ simple invertebrates, like
certain types of plankton.
Question 1: A. critical B. vital C. crucial D. indispensable
- vital nutrients: (n) những chất dinh dưỡng thiết yếu cho sự sống
A. critical: (a) khó tính, khó chiều/ phản biện/ nguy cấp
C. crucial: (a) quyết định, chủ chốt
D. indispensable: (a) rất cần thiết, không thể thiếu được
Question 2: A. modify B. enlarge C. augment D. supplement
Modify = chuyển đổi enlarge = phóng to augment= tăng thêm supplement = bổ sung
Question 3: A. nonetheless B. though C. contradictorily D. yet
- nonetheless: (adv) tuy nhiên (có thể đứng trước, giữa, cuối mệnh đề)
B. though: mặc dù (sai vì mệnh đề trước đã sử dụng từ này)
C. contradictorily: 1 cách mâu thuẫn, trái ngược
D. yet: tuy nhiên (nối 2 ý trái ngược, chỉ có thể đứng trước mệnh đề)
Question 4: A. prevalent B. current C. domineering D. prevailing
Prevalent = phổ biến current = hiện hành domineering= độc đoán, hách dịch prevailing=
thịnh hành
Question 5: A. vulnerable B. liable C. prone D. sensitive
Cấu trúc: sensitive to st: (a) nhạy cảm, phản ứng nhanh với cái gì
“Inside the lobes, the surface is covered with tiny hairs that are sensitive to movement.” – bên trong
thùy, bề mặt được bao phủ bởi long nhỏ nhạy cảm với chuyển động)
- vulnerable to st: (a) dễ bị tổn thương, tổn hại
- liable to do st = prone to do st: có khả năng xảy ra, chịu ảnh hưởng xấu của cái gì
Question 6: A. closely B. securely C. irreplaceably D. steadily
Closely = một cách chặt chẽ securely = an toàn, vững chắc
Steadily = một cách ổn định irreplaceably= không thể thay thế
Question 7: A. in accordance with B. in preference to C. in regard to D. on merits of
Cấu trúc: in regard to sb/ st: đối với ai/ cái gì, về cái gì
- in accordance with st: theo ai/ cái gì
- in preference to sb/ st: hơn là ai/ cái gì, được ưu tiên so với ai/ cái gì
- on merits of: trong những giá trị của…Question 8: A. fist B. hold C. seizure
D. grip
tighten your grip/hold on something=to control a place or situation more strictly/ to hold someone or
something more firmly
Question 9: A. denoted B. referred C. indicated D. implicated
Cấu trúc: refer to st: ảm chỉ đến cái gì -> to be referred to: bị ám chỉ
A. denoted st: (v) biểu hiện, biểu thị cái gì
C. indicated st: (v) chỉ ra cái gì
D. implicated st in/ as st: (v) ngụ ý điều gì trong/ như là điều gì
- be implicated in st: bị dính líu vào cái gì (tội ác)Question 10: A. off B. onto C.
though D. with
live off someone/something =to use someone or something to provide the money or food that you need
to live
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. A
Why is it that many teenagers have the energy to play computer games until late at night but can’t find
the energy to get out of bed (1) ________ for school? According to a new report, today’s generation of
children are in danger of getting so (2)_______ sleep that they are putting their mental and physical
health at (3)_______. Adults can easily survive on seven to eight hours’ sleep a night,
(4)_______teenagers require nine or ten hours. According to medical experts, one in five youngsters
(5)________ anything between two and five hours’ sleep a night less than their parents did at their age.
This (6) _____ serious questions about whether lack of sleep is affecting children’s ability to
concentrate at school. The connection between sleep deprivation and lapses in memory, impaired
reaction time and poor concentration is well (7) _______. Research has shown that losing as little as half
an hour’s sleep a night can have profound effects (8) ______how children perform the next day. A good
night’s sleep is also crucial for teenagers because it is while they are asleep (9)______ they release a
hormone that is essential for their ‘growth spurt’ (the period during teenage years when the body grows
at a rapid rate). It’s true that they can, to some (10) ______, catch up on sleep at weekends, but that
won’t help them when they are dropping off to sleep in class on a Friday afternoon.
Question 1: A. behind time B. about time time D. at time
Behind time = chậm, muộn in time = đúng giờ at time = vào một thời gian cụ thể
Question 2: A. few B. less C. much D. little
A. less: ít hơn (dạng so sánh hơn của “little”)
B. little + danh từ không đếm được: không nhiều, ít
C. few + danh từ đếm được dạng số nhiều: một ít, một vài
D. much + danh từ không đếm được: nhiều
“sleep” là danh từ không đếm được.Question 3: A. jeopardy B. threat C. risk
D. danger
Put sb.sth at risk = đặt ai vào tình thế nguy hiểm
Question 4: A. or B. because C. whereas D. so
A. because + S + V: bởi vì … (chỉ nguyên nhân – kết quả)
B. so + S + V: vì vậy …
C. or + V: hoặc …
D. whereas + S + V: trong khi đó …
Question 5: A. puts B. gets C. brings D. makes
Get sleep = ngủ
Question 6 : A. raises B. rises C. results D. comes
Rise là hành động do một người, hay vật tự làm. Nói cách khác, đây là một nội động từ(intransitive
verb) => Không có tân ngữ đi kèm sau động từ
Raise là hành động mà một người hay một vật tác động vào người, vật khác. Nói cách khác, đây là một
ngoại động từ (transitive verb) – hành động hướng vào chủ thể khác. => luôn có tân ngữ đi kèm sau
động từ.
=>Raise questions about = dấy lên những nghi ngờ về
Question 7:A. organized B. arranged C. established D. acquired
A. arranged (P2): sắp xếp
B. organized (P2): tổ chức
C. established (P2): thiết lập, thành lập => be well established: được xác nhận, chứng minh
D. acquired (P2): có được, giành được
Question 8: A. in B. on C. to D. at
Have effects on sth = có tác động, ảnh hưởng lên
Question 9: A. at which B. which C. where D. that
Cấu trúc câu chẻ: It is + thành phần cần nhấn mạnh + that + S + V: Chính …Question 10: A. rate
B. extent C. level D. point
A. level (n): mức độ
B. rate (n): tỉ lệ
C. extent (n): quy mô, phạm vi
D. point (n): điểm, vấn đề
=> to some extent: xét theo một mức độ/ khía cạnh nào đó
1. C 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. B
VI. READING COMPREHENSION (10PTS): Read the passages and choose the best answer.
An air pollutant is defined as a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere
in such quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely. Air pollution
requires a very flexible definition that permits continuous change. When the first air pollution laws
were established in England in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to compounds that
could be seen or smelled - a far cry from the extensive list of harmful substances known today. As
technology has developed and knowledge of the health aspects of various chemicals has increased,
the list of air pollutants has lengthened. In the future, even water vapor might be considered an air
pollutant under certain conditions.
Many of the more important air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen
oxides, are found in nature. As the Earth developed, the concentration of these pollutants was altered
by various chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical cycles. These serve as an
air purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water or soil. On a
global basis, nature's output of these compounds dwarfs that resulting from human activities.
However, human production usually occurs in a localized area, such as a city. In such a region,
human output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification scheme of the
cycles. The result is an increased concentration of noxious chemicals in the air. The concentrations at
which the adverse effects appear will be greater than the concentrations that the pollutants would have
in the absence of human activities. The actual concentration need not be large for a substance to be a
pollutant; in fact, the numerical value tells us little until we know how much of an increase this
represents over the concentration that would occur naturally in the area. For example, sulfur dioxide
has detectable health effects at 0.08 parts per million (ppm), which is about 400 times its natural level.
Carbon monoxide, however, has a natural level of 0.1 ppm and is not usually a pollutant until its level
reaches about 15 ppm.
Phương án A được tìm thấy ở dòng 1 +2 + 3 đoạn 1: “Quite different from storm surges are the
giant sea waves called tsunamis, which derive their name from the Japanese expression for “high
water in a harbor.” These waves are also referred to by the general public as tidal waves” Những con
sóng này cũng chính là tsunamis
Phương án B và D được tìm thấy ở dòng 3 đoan 1: “Scientists often referred to them as seismic sea
waves, far more appropriate in that they do result from undersea seismic activity” Các nhà khoa học
thường đề cập đến chúng như là các cơn sóng biển địa chấn, thuật ngữ này phù hợp hơn vì chúng được
gây nên bởi hoạt động địa chấn dưới biển.
Question 3: The word “displaced” in line 6 is closest in meaning to _________ .
A. not pleased B. located C. moved D. filtered
Displace ≈ move: dịch chuyển
Các phương án khác là: located: nằm ở, filtered: lọc, not pleased: không thoải mái
Question 4: It can be inferred from the passage that tsunamis ________ .
A. are often identified by ships on the ocean
B. generally reach heights greater than 40 meters
C. are far more dangerous on the coast than in the open ocean
D. cause severe damage in the middle of the ocean
Đáp án nằm ở dòng 4 +5 đoạn 2: “In the open ocean, tsunamis have little noticeable amplitude,
often no more than one or two meters. It is when they hit the shallow waters near the coast that
they increase in height, possibly up to 40 meters.” Ở ngoài đại dương, sóng thần không có ảnh
hưởng gì đáng chú ý, thường không cao quá 1 hay 2m. Chỉ khi sóng đánh vào dòng nước nông
gần bờ biển dâng cao có thể lên đến 40m. Nên suy ra là sóng thần nguy hiểm hơn rất nhiều ở bờ
biển so với ở ngoài đại dương.
Question 5: In line 9, water that is “shallow” is NOT __________ .
A. deep B. coastal C. tidalD. clear
Shallow = not deep: nông, không sâu
Các phương án khác là: coastal: thuộc về bờ biển, tidal: thuỷ triều, clear: rõ ràng
Question 6: A main difference between tsunamis in Japan and in Hawaii is that tsunamis in Japan are
more likely to _________ .
A. come from greater distances B. originate in Alaska
C. arrive without warning D. be less of a problem
Đáp án ở dòng 3 + 4 đoạn 3: “the tsunamis that hit Japan often come with little warning and can,
therefore, prove disastrous” Sóng thần đánh vào Nhật Bản thường đến mà không có cảnh báo trước và
do đó có thể gây ra thảm hoạ.
Trong khi đó sóng thần ở Hawaii: “Most of the tsunamis that hit the Hawaiian Islands, however,
originate thousands of miles away near the coast of Alaska, so these tsunamis have a much greater
distance to travel and the inhabitants of Hawaii generally have time for warning of their imminent
arrival” Tuy nhiên hầu hết các sóng thần đánh vào Hawaii bắt nguồn từ ngoài biển cách xa ngàn dặm
so với bờ biển Alaska, vì vậy những cơn sóng thần này cần phải đi qua một chặng đường dài mới đánh
vào đất liền và người dân ở Hawaii nhìn chung có thời gian cảnh báo về cơn sóng thần sắp đến
Question 7: The possessive “their” in line 16 refers to _________ .
A. the Hawaiian Islands B. these tsunamis
C. thousands of miles D. the inhabitants of Hawaii
Their ở đây là đề cập đến các cơn sóng thần. “Most of the tsunamis that hit the Hawaiian Islands,
however, originate thousands of miles away near the coast of Alaska, so these tsunamis have a much
greater distance to travel and the inhabitants of Hawaii generally have time for warning of their
imminent arrival” Tuy nhiên hầu hết các sóng thần đánh vào Hawaii bắt nguồn từ ngoài biển cách xa
ngàn dặm so với bờ biển Alaska, vì vậy những cơn sóng thần này cần phải đi qua một chặng đường dài
mới đánh vào đất liền và người dân ở Hawaii nhìn chung có thời gian cảnh báo về cơn sóng thần sắp
Question 8: A “calamitous” tsunami, in line 17, is one that is _________ .
A. disastrous B. expected C. extremely calm D. at fault
Calamitous= tai họa = disastrous
Question 9: From the expression “on record” in line 19, it can be inferred that the tsunami that
accompanied the Krakatoa volcano ___________ .
A. was filmed as it was happening B. occurred before efficient records were kept
C. was not as strong as the tsunami in Lisbon D. might not be the greatest tsunami ever
Clue: The greatest tsunami on record occurred on the other side of the world in 1883 when the
Krakatoa volcano underwent a massive explosion, sending waves more than 30 meters high onto
nearby Indonesian islands; the tsunami from this volcano actually traveled around the world and was
witnessed as far away as the English Channel.= Trận sóng thần lớn nhất từng được ghi nhận xảy ra ở
bên kia trái đất vào năm 1883 khi núi lửa Krakatoa trải qua một vụ nổ lớn, tạo ra những đợt sóng cao
hơn 30 mét lên các đảo Indonesia gần đó; sóng thần từ ngọn núi lửa này thực sự đã đi khắp thế giới và
được chứng kiến ở tận eo biển Manche.
Question 10: The passage suggests that the tsunami resulting from the Krakatoa volcano
A. was unobserved outside of the Indonesian islands
B. resulted in little damage
C. was far more destructive close to the source than far away
D. caused volcanic explosions in the English Channel
Đáp án ở dòng 5 đoạn 4: “the tsunami from this volcano actually traveled around the world”
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C
Cloze test 2
Until the nineteenth century, the ownership of land was the only certain basis of power
in England. It is true that both power and money could be acquired by (1) _______ means: by trade, by
commerce, by fighting, by useful services to the government or by personal service to the king and
queen. But (2) ______ unsupported by power was there to be plundered, power based only on personal
abilities was at the (3) _________ of time and fortune, and the power to be (4) ______ through trade or
commerce was limited.
Before the nineteenth century the wealth of England lay in the (5) ________ as opposed
to the towns; landowners rather than merchants were the dominating (6) ________ and ran the country
so that their own interests were the (7) _______ to suffer. When the economic balance began to change,
they were so thoroughly in (8) _________ of administration and legislation, (9) _______ their political
and social supremacy continued. As a result from the Middle Ages until the nineteenth century, anyone
who had made money by whatever means, and was ambitious for (10) _______ and his family,
automatically invested in a country estate.
1. other / various / different / several / certain = khác nhau, đa dạng, nhiều => Dấu hiệu adj + N
2. wealth / money = sự giàu có, tiền bạc
3. mercy => be at the mercy of =phải trả giá bằng điều gì
4. gained / acquired / obtain / amassed / had = đạt được, có được
5. country (side) = vùng uqee, vùng nông thôn
6. group/ class/force= nhóm, lực lượng, tầng lớp
7. last => be the last (person) to (do something) =To be very unlikely or unwilling to do something.
8. charge/ control => in charge of = chịu trách nhiệm, đảm nhận việc gì
9. that => Cấu trúc so…that = đến nỗi mà
10. himself = chính bản thân anh ta=> đại từ phản thân => dấu hiệu “ his family”
1. Fill in each blank with the correct form of one appropriate word in the box. Use each word only
edit – sense – circulate – censor – entertain – agent – head – correspond – politics - view
A newspaper makes its money from the price people pay for it and also from the advertising it carries.
A popular newspaper with a (1) _____ of over five million daily makes a lot of money. Less serious
newspapers are probably read just for (2) _____. They have big (3) _____ above the news stories, funny
cartoons to look at and (4) _____ photos of violence. The gossip columns are full of stories of private
lives of famous people. No one takes the (5) _____ views of such papers seriously. On the other hand,
in a free country where there is no (6)_____ , serious papers are mostly read for their news, sent to them
by their (7)_____ round the world and by the big news (8)_____. People also read these papers for their
(9)_____ of new books, films and plays and for their (10) _____, which represent the opinion of the
newspaper itself about the important events and current issues.
1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________
1. circulation = số báo in ra
2. entertainment = sự giải trị, cuộc vui
3. headlines = tiêu đề
4. sensational = (of an event, a person, or a piece of information) causing great public interest and
5. political= thuộc về chính trị
6. censorship = sự kiểm duyệt
7. correspondents = phóng viên, thông tín viên
8. agencies = các hãng, đại lý
9. reviews. = sự đánh giá
10. editorials=a newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that gives an opinion on a
topical issue.
2. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap
in the same line.
1. __________ operations have been mounted by the U.S.military to address what is likely to be the
form of warfare over the next decade. (SURGE)
2. After questioning by the critics, now hers is a(n)__________ argument inasmuch as it was not
worded initially. (WATER)
3. He is in a(n) __________ position since Maximark has never assigned a male as
receptionist before, though
that does no harm to their management. (NORM)
4. If you will treat your colleagues like dogs bodies, you are going to get your __________.
Our boss won’t take to that behavior and you will be given the sack soon.(COME)
5. It is common knowledge that oil and water are __________. For example, pouring olive oil
into water
results in two distinct layers. (MIX)
6. The executives promised the shareholders a(n)__________ performance in the second
regardless of current dire financial situations. (BREAK)
7. There is no comparison between these two bands of. They are clearly of __________
8. To contrast and relate the two styles of Picasso, you should have his early drawings
__________ with his later works in the exhibition. (POSE)
9. When I was younger, I thought my parents’ philosophy of children-raising was so
outmoded that it was
__________; however, I’ve changed my mind since I’ve become a parent. (DELUGE)
10. You may not remember all the facts, but you should remember the __________ events
that put an end to the 1000-year feudalism. (EPOCH)
1. Counter-insurgency= military action taken by a government to prevent attacks by small groups of
soldiers or fighters that are opposed to it
2. watered-down= A watered-down idea or opinion has been made less extreme than it originally was,
usually so that people are more likely to accept it:
3. Anomalous= different from what is usual, or not in agreement with something else and therefore not
4. Comeuppance=a person's bad luck that is considered to be a fair and deserved punishment for
something bad that they have done
5. Immiscible= An immiscible liquid cannot be mixed with another liquid without separating
from it
6. break-even= a graph that shows the point at which a business will start to make as much
money as it has spent on a particular product, activity, etc.
7. Incommensurable=not able to be judged by the same standard as something; having no
common standard of measurement.
8. Juxtaposed= đặt cạnh nhau để so sánh
9 .antediluvian= extremely old-fashioned
10. epoch-making= An epoch-making event is very important because it has a great effect on
a particular time period
The passage below contains 10 errors. IDENTIFY and CORRECT them. Write your answers in
the numbered blanks below
Dear Karim,
My mail has just arrived and I must thank for being so prompt. However, one of the letters I am
expecting has not yet arrived. The one from Mr. Chin of Multiplex. Unless I will get it soon I shall not
have enough informations about the people I am to see in Bali. Please fax it as soon as you can.
My business talks in Jakarta were so far quite successful. We discussed about many things
including their operations on sight and my clients will consider to order a few machineries. I am also
trying to get them interested in our fertilizers since our prizes are lesser than theirs.
I am just getting off an attack of food poisoning and hope to be well enough to travel next week.
My clients are very hospital people but I can’t make them to realize that spicy food is bad for me.
Once again, many thanks for forwarding my mail and don’t forget that letter from Mr. Chin
Looking forward to see you again.
Boon Slong
B. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to
the original sentence, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way.
1. She is so curious about the pocket she catches a glimpse of it. (SHUFTI)
Overcome ...................................................................................................................
2. Despite having difficulties in early stages, he is unlikely to be reluctant
to do the job. (REALMS)
Teething ............................................................................................ from the job.
3. Though dumbfounded by people’s roaring with laughter, she tried to
finish her speech. (ACCOMPANIMENT)
Nonplussed .............................................................................................. laughter.
4. A great many people would congratulate Mary if she won the race.
Mary, .............................................................................................................. on her.
5. You won’t tell the boss anything about this, will you? (BREATHING)
No ................................................................................................................................ ?
1. Overcome with curiosity about the pocket, (1) she has a shufti at it (1).
have a shufti =To look at something briefly.
2. Teething problems/troubles | notwithstanding, (1) it is beyond the realms of possibility (that) (1)
he will shy away / shrink from the job.
beyond/within the realms of possibility =impossible/possible
3. Nonplussed though/as she was, (1) she tried to finish her speech in accompaniment to (1)
(people’s) uproarious laughter.
in accompaniment to = đi kèm với, cùng với
4. Mary, were triumphant in the race, (1) would have congratulations showered on her (1).
Be triumphan= thắng trận, chiến thắng
5. No doubt (1) you won’t be breathing a word to the boss about this? (1)
breathing a word= nói cho ai điều gì đó
---The end ---
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three.
1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.D8.C 9.A 10.B
1. The train service has been a…………. since they introduced the new schedules.
a. shambles b. rumpus c. chaos d. fracas
shambles (n): cảnh hỗn loạn, nhốn nháo (nhiều sự hỗn loạn)
rumpus (n): sự náo động, huyên náo (do cãi lộn)
chaos (n): sự lộn xộn (hoàn toàn hỗn loạn và thiếu trật tự)
fracas (n): cuộc cãi lộn, ẩu đả ầm ĩ
*Sự khác nhau giữa "shambles" và "chaos" là: "shambles" là danh từ đếm được, dù mang nghĩa
như nhau (sự lộn xộn, thiếu trật tự, quy củ) nhưng nó là danh từ có thể đi được với mạo từ "a";
trong khi đó, "chaos" cũng mang nghĩa tương tự nhưng nó là danh từ không đếm được. Do đó, cần
lưu ý: In a shambles = in chaos
2. The storm ripped out tent to………….
a. slices b. shreds c. strips d. specks
slice: miếng lát
shred: mảnh vụn
strip: đường băng
specks: hạt bụi
Dịch nghĩa: Cơn bão đã xé toạc căn lều của chúng tội thành những mảnh vụn.3. Many people
who are paid below the legal minimum are frightened to complain in case they are …………..….. as
trouble –makers.
a. slandered b. branded c. called d. imprinted
brand = to say that someone or something is a particular bad thing, usually when this is unfair
4. He never buys cigarettes: he always ………..… them from his friends
a. scrounges b. lends c. sponges d. craves
scrounge =to get things, especially money or food, by asking for them instead of buying them or
working for them
5. David’s leaving on Friday, I suggest we all ……………… and get him a going away present. £1
each should do.
a. dish out b. chip in c. pass the buck d. pay on the nail
Chip in = góp tiền
pay (someone) on the nail =To pay (someone) immediately, on the spot, or without delay.
Pass the buck" = chuyển tiền -> phân công, chuyển trách nhiệm hoặc khiển trách, đổ lỗi về một
việc gì sang cho người khác
Dish out' = dispense freely: nghĩa là vung ra (tiền bạc, lời khen, lời chê bai, lời khuyên v.v...)
6. My father ……………….. when he found out that I’d damaged the car.
a. hit the roof b. saw pink elephants
c. made my blood boil d. brought the house down
hit the roof: trở nên tức giận
saw pink elephants: nhìn gà hóa cuốc, hoa mắt
made sb’s blood boil: khiến ai đó tức giận
brought the house down: khiến khán giả vỗ tay phấn khích
7. I haven’t had an accident yet but I’ve had a number of ……………….. shaves.
a. narrow b. near c. close d. tiny
a close call/shave: sự thoát khỏi trong gang tấc
Tạm dịch: Tôi chưa bao giờ gặp tai nạn nhưng cũng đã trải qua nhiều lần sự thoát chết trong gang
8. I don’t like turning down work, but I’ll have to, I’m afraid. I’ve got far too much …………………
at the moment.
a. up my sleeve b. on my plate c. on my mind d. in effect
have sth on one’s plate (idm): có việc gì đó để làm
in effect: đang có hiệu lực, hiện hành
C. on one’s mind: trong tâm trí ai
st up one’s sleeve (idm): điều bí mật
Tạm dịch: Tôi không thích từ chối công việc này, nhưng tôi phải làm thế, tôi e là mình có quá nhiều
việc phải làm vào lúc này.
9. I bought a computer last year, but I’ve had nothing but trouble with it. As far as I’m
concerned it was £800 down the ……………………..
a. loo b. sink c. drain d. plughole
down the drain =đổ sông đổ bể
10. John will never buy you a drink – he’s far too ………………….
a. tight-fisted b. pigheaded c. highly strung d. easy going
A. tight-fisted (a): keo kiệt
B. big-headed = stubborn (a): cứng đầu cứng cổ
C. highly-strung (a): dễ bị kích động
D. easy-going (a): dễ tính
3. Phrasal verbs and prepositions:
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:
1. Having clued ______ all the clues and evidence, the police felt they had a strong case.
a. off b. up c. together d. down
clued up =having a special and detailed knowledge of something
2. The government spokesman glossed _____ the administration’s policy mistakes.
a. out b. away c. over d. back
'Gloss over' là khoác vẻ ngoài giả dối để che đậy những việc rắc rối, khó xử.
3. It was a good offer, but he would need time to mull it ______.
a. over b. out c. through d. around
Mull over = Nghĩ về một vấn đề
4. Personal phone calls are frowned _____ at work.
a. out b. on c. off d. by
Frown on = Phản đối
5. He’d never have stolen it if she hadn’t egged him _____.
a. out b. by c. into d. on
Egg on = to strongly encourage someone to do something that might not be a very good idea =
Khuyến khích, cổ vũ
6. Of, come on, stop beating _____ the bush and tell me what you think.
a. on b. about c. up d. through
beat about the bush = nói chuyện rông rài, vòng vo tam quốc
7. Negotiations having failed, they declared war _____ the neighboring country.
a. of b. across c. to d. on
declare war (on somebody/something) =to state officially that you are at war with another country //
to say that something is wrong and that you will do everything you can to stop it
8. The minister’s plan to abolish the tax met ______ widespread approval.
a. with b. up c. in d. on
meet with something= to cause a particular reaction or result/to experience something, usually
something unpleasant
9. He was talking about buying and his friend about renting. They were obviously _____cross
a. on b. in c. at d. through
Be at cross purposes" = tại những mục đích khác nhau/trái ngược nhau -> cụm từ này nghĩa là xung
đột, chống lại, chống đối với ai hoặc điều gì.
10. He bought the land with a view _____ building on it when he retired.
a. of b. to c. for d. by
with a view to doing sth = với mục đích làm gì
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. B
Choose the best word or phrase that best completes the sentences:
1. I don’t like a few things about my job, but _____ it is quite enjoyable.
a. by and large b. by general c. in conclusion d. what is more
By mistake: tình cờ
However = tuy nhiên though = mặc dù neverthless = tuy nhiên moreover = hơn nữa
8. __________ the nursery, I stumbled on the wooden blocks scattered all over the carpet.
a. Entered b. Being entered c. On entering d. Upon entered
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. B
At first, January 14th 1938 was no difference from any other winter day in the seaside town of
Aberystwyth. The grey sea (1) _______ to the horizon, where it met the gray winter sky. But towards evening
the wind (2) _______ and every wave (3) _______ onto the beach with greater force than the last.
As the night (4) ______ , the wind increased, howling around the houses which faced the sea. (5)
_______ agree that the storm reached its height at five o’clock in the morning, when winds were (6) ________
to be 150 kilometers an hour. The wind broke windows and smashed front doors, allowing the sea water to (7)
________ in.
An even greater drama was (8) _______ place in a lonely cottage further down the coast. As the storm
grew worse, the three women who lived there decided to abandon their home. No sooner had they picked up
their coats than an enormous wave burst (9) ______ the front door. The next wave brought the roof down,
trapping them in the house. Fortunately, the driver of a passing train raised the (10) ________ and the women
were rescued from the wreckage.
You could be forgiven for (1)__________ the Royal Opera House (ROH) more with the over-50s than with the
under-15s. But if you did, then you might be surprised to learn that the ROH’s education department reaches
out every year to (2)__________ the young generation with opera. It is, however, safe to assume that opera can
be an unfamiliar medium to most schoolchildren, and the first reaction (3)__________by the ROH in the
classroom is often bemusement. ‘Children (4)__________ positively as long as you introduce them to opera in
the right way,’ explains Paul Reeve, the ROH’s director of education. ‘The older students can initially have an
extreme negative reaction, but that (5)__________ is a great challenge. We give those (6)__________ kids the
opportunity to experience what it is like to be , say, a composer or a choreographer, and that shows them the
skill that is involved in the artforms’ One popular programme the ROH (7)__________ annually is Write an Opera
and this year children from 28 UK schools will perform their work on stage in July. Teachers have found that while
such a programme gives their pupils a greater (8)__________ of the arts, they have a broader effect, too. ‘I don’t
think arts participation has an actual (9)__________ on developing people’s creativity and self-esteem,’ says
Reeve, ‘but the feedback we get is that participation in an opera project can have a hugely positive effect on
children who have previously (10)__________ elsewhere in their school life.’
1. Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the highlighted statement in the
passage? The other choices change the meaning or leave out important information.
a. It is the hydrologic cycle that causes water to evaporate from plants, soil, and bodies of water inland as
well as from the oceans.
b. Solar energy is the source of power for the hydrologic cycle, which begins by evapo-rating water from
plants, soil, oceans, and freshwater sources.
c. The evaporation of water from the oceans, freshwater sources, plants, and soils is the natural process,
which we call the hydrologic cycle.
d. Energy from the sun and the hydrologic cycle are power sources for plants that require water from the
oceans and freshwater sources.
Clue: The hydrologic cycle is driven by solar energy, which evaporates water from oceans freshwater, bodies,
soils, and vegetable.=> Năng lượng mặt trời là nguồn năng lượng cho chu trình thủy văn, bắt đầu bằng cách làm
bốc hơi nước từ thực vật, đất, đại dương và các nguồn nước ngọt.
2. Based on information in paragraph 1, which of the following best explains the term "hydro-logic cycle"?
a. oceans
b. ice caps
c. glaciers
d. water
Clue: Of the total 1.3 billion km water on Earth, about 97% is in oceans, and about 2% is in glaciers
and ice caps. The rest is in freshwater on land and in the atmosphere.= Trong tổng số 1,3 tỷ km2 nước
trên Trái đất, khoảng 97% là ở các đại dương và khoảng 2% là ở sông băng và chỏm băng. Phần còn lại
là nước ngọt trên đất liền và trong khí quyển=> The rest ám chỉ đến water
4. How do man-made water resources such as reservoirs and lakes affect the water cycle?
a. error
b. part
c. estimate
d. source
Clue: A smaller component (about 40%) returns to the ocean surface and subsurface runoff.= Một phần nhỏ
hơn (khoảng 40%) quay trở lại bề mặt đại dương và dòng chảy dưới bề mặt.
=>component = part = phần
8. According to paragraph 5, which of the following is true about the global transfer of water?
10. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the
passage. As a result, water shortages occur in some areas.
Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [■] to add the sentence to the passage
a. (a)[■]
b. (b)[■]
c. (c)[■]
d. (d)[■]
Clue: Unfortunately, distribution of water on land is far from uniform= Thật không may, sự phân bổ nước trên
đất liền không đồng đều => Chú ý cụm từ “ as a result” nghĩa là trước đó phải đề cập đến nguyên nhân của việc
thiếu nước
1. B 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. C
READING PASSAGE B: Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question.
The balance in the Oceans
The oceans’ predators come in all shapes and sizes. For example, one of the less infamous ones is the colorful
starfish, which feeds on plant life, coral, or other shellfish such as mussels for sustenance. A more bloodcurdling
example, especially to human beings and most other species of fish, is the shark, though most scientists agree
that only ten per cent of the 450 plus species of sharks have been documented as actually attacking a human.
Still, there is another predator lurking invisibly in the bodies of water of the world, one which poses one of the
greatest threats to all species of ocean life – bacteria. Though many types of fish are continually stalking and
evading one another for survival, they all band together in an attempt to keep bacteria levels at bay in order to
allow their own existence to continue.
Bacteria play a dual role in the ecosystems of the oceans. On the one hand, they are beneficial as they stimulate
plant life through food decomposition, which releases the necessary chemicals for the growth of plant life. This
is called nutrient recycling and helps keep the oceans alive. But, on the other hand, bacteria are a major predator
for all fish because they attack fragile, weaker individuals. If they are allowed to run rampant and not kept in
check, they could virtually suffocate the oceans. In water, bacteria prove to be an even greater threat than on
land because, as they proliferate, they reduced the oxygen levels necessary for organisms in the oceans to live.
Further, when fish populations become depleted due to factors like overfishing, microbes such as algae expand
and threaten the fragile ecosystems of the ocean. Therefore, ocean predators play a critical role by thwarting
bacteria growth and maintaining the oceans’ equilibrium by reducing vulnerable links in the food chain.
In many ways, the balance within the oceans’ ecosystems mirrors the human body. That is, all of their
components must work in harmony for them to stay healthy, efficient, and alive. If one of them is missing or
deficient, an entire system can be placed in jeopardy. In both the human body and the ocean, bacteria play a
vital role because, at manageable levels, they aid in protecting and cleaning each system of foreign agents that
can be of harm. On the other hand, if bacteria levels increase and become out of control, they can take hold of
a system, overrun it, and become debilitating. Therefore, both oceans and the human body have a kind of
custodian that maintains bacteria levels. In the human body, it is called a phagocyte. Phagocytes eat up sick, old,
or dying cells, which are more prone to bacterial invasion, and thus keep the body healthy. Like in the human
body, bacteria can prove fatal to the living organisms in the ocean.
Like phagocytes in the human body ocean predators work as antibacterial custodians of the seas. In essence,
they are the immune system and a vital link in the food chain because they remove small, injured, or sickly fish
from the ocean environment before bacteria can become too comfortable and multiply. By ridding the ocean of
weaker fish, predators allow the stronger ones to multiply, making their species stronger and more resilient.
Without their services and with their declining numbers, bacteria will blossom to levels that will eventually
overpower and kill even the strongest species of fish because of the depletion of their number one source of
life, all important oxygen.
While the greatest battle in the ocean may seem on the surface to be the survival of the fittest fish, a closer look
reveals something completely different: fish versus microorganisms. Clearly, most living organisms in the oceans
are hunters by nature, but this way of life does not merely provide a food source for a dominant species. It also
maintains a healthy level of bacteria in an ocean’s ecosystem, thus ensuring the continuation of all species of
life within. Major predators are necessary, like the antibacterial cells of the human body, to keep this delicate
balance in synch. If their numbers continue to decline and humans ignore their vital role in the ocean, dire
consequences will definitely result.
1. The word “lurking” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. attacking B. increasing C. waiting D. approaching
Lurking = ẩn nấp, trốn
2. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of ocean predators?
A. The shark is the deadliest one for all other kinds of life in the oceans.
B. One of the most threatening to all fish populations is bacteria.
C. Starfish do little damage to the population of mussels and shellfish.
D. Most of the killers that hide in the oceans are unknown to humans.
2. Theo đoạn 1, điều nào sau đây là đúng với động vật ăn thịt ở đại dương?
A. Cá mập là loài chết chóc nhất đối với tất cả các loại sinh vật khác trong đại dương.
B. Một trong những mối đe dọa lớn nhất đối với tất cả các quần thể cá là vi khuẩn.
C. Sao biển ít gây thiệt hại cho quần thể trai và sò.
D. Hầu hết những kẻ giết người ẩn náu trong các đại dương mà con người chưa biết đến.
Clue: Still, there is another predator lurking invisibly in the bodies of water of the world, one
which poses one of the greatest threats to all species of ocean life - bacteria= Tuy nhiên, vẫn
còn một loài săn mồi khác ẩn nấp trong các vùng nước trên thế giới, một loài gây ra một trong
những mối đe dọa lớn nhất đối với tất cả các loài sinh vật sống ở đại dương - vi khuẩn. Mặc dù
nhiều loại cá liên tục rình rập và lẩn tránh nhau để sinh tồn, nhưng tất cả chúng đều kết hợp
với nhau trong nỗ lực giữ mức vi khuẩn ở mức thấp để cho phép sự tồn tại của chúng tiếp tục.
3. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about bacteria?
A. They can be extremely detrimental to fish if their numbers increase.
B. They are able to feed off themselves when other food sources are limited.
C. They stimulate plant life, which in turn releases oxygen into the water.
D. They present themselves in numerous shapes and forms as well as colors.
3. Điều nào sau đây có thể được suy ra từ đoạn 1 về vi khuẩn?
A. Chúng có thể cực kỳ bất lợi cho cá nếu số lượng của chúng tăng lên.
B. Chúng có thể tự kiếm ăn khi các nguồn thức ăn khác bị hạn chế.
C. Chúng kích thích sự sống của thực vật, từ đó giải phóng ôxi vào nước.
D. Chúng thể hiện dưới nhiều hình dạng và hình dạng cũng như màu sắc.
Clue: . Though many types of fish are continually stalking and evading one another for
survival, they all band together in an attempt to keep bacteria levels at bay in order to allow
their own existence to continue.= Mặc dù nhiều loại cá liên tục rình rập và lẩn tránh nhau để
sinh tồn, nhưng tất cả chúng đều kết hợp với nhau trong nỗ lực giữ mức vi khuẩn ở mức thấp
để cho phép sự tồn tại của chúng tiếp tục.
4. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentence in the passage?
A. Evasion tactics help fish escape from the threats posed by an increasing number of
B. Various species of fish prey upon one another in order to lower bacteria levels in the
C. high bacteria levels in the ocean help most species of fish to survive by providing them with
D. Rivals or not, all fish help one another survive by preventing bacteria from proliferating.
5. The author discusses “nutrient recycling ” in paragraph 2 in order to
A. show how bacteria act similarly in the ocean and the human body
B. explain the different roles of nutrients and oxygen for species of fish
C. indicate that bacteria do have a positive impact in the oceans
D. note how chemicals from bacteria are able to stimulate plant growth
5. Tác giả thảo luận về "tái chế chất dinh dưỡng" trong đoạn 2 để
A. cho thấy vi khuẩn hoạt động tương tự như thế nào trong đại dương và cơ thể người
B. giải thích vai trò khác nhau của chất dinh dưỡng và ôxi đối với các loài cá
C. chỉ ra rằng vi khuẩn có tác động tích cực đến các đại dương
D. lưu ý làm thế nào các hóa chất từ vi khuẩn có thể kích thích sự phát triển của thực vật
Clue: Bacteria play a dual role in the ecosystems of the oceans. On the one hand, they are
beneficial as they stimulate plant life through food decomposition, which releases the
necessary chemicals for the growth of plant life. This is called nutrient recycling and helps
keep the oceans alive.= Vi khuẩn đóng một vai trò kép trong hệ sinh thái của các đại dương.
Một mặt, chúng có lợi vì chúng kích thích sự sống của thực vật thông qua quá trình phân hủy
thức ăn, giải phóng các chất hóa học cần thiết cho sự phát triển của đời sống thực vật. Đây
được gọi là tái chế chất dinh dưỡng và giúp duy trì sự sống của các đại dương
6. The word “thwarting” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. encouraging B. preventing C. slowing D. sustaining
Thwart = ngăn cản, cản trở
7. According to paragraph 2, bacteria are dangerous to ocean life because
A. they have the capability to attack both strong and weaker fish
B. they could monopolize the critical breathable gas in the ocean
C. they get rid of vulnerable links, like dying fish, in the food chain
D. they blossom out of control when overfishing becomes dominant
7. Theo đoạn 2, vi khuẩn nguy hiểm cho cuộc sống đại dương vì
A. chúng có khả năng tấn công cả cá mạnh và cá yếu hơn
B. họ có thể độc quyền khí thở quan trọng trong đại dương
C. chúng thoát khỏi các mắt xích dễ bị tổn thương, như cá chết, trong chuỗi thức ăn
D. chúng nở ra ngoài tầm kiểm soát khi đánh bắt quá mức trở thành ưu thế
Clue: In water, bacteria prove to be an even greater threat than on land because, as they
proliferate, they reduced the oxygen levels necessary for organisms in the oceans to live=
Trong nước, vi khuẩn được chứng minh là một mối đe dọa thậm chí còn lớn hơn trên đất liền
bởi vì khi chúng sinh sôi nảy nở, chúng đã làm giảm mức oxy cần thiết cho các sinh vật sống
trong đại dương.
8. The word “debilitating” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. stimulating B. hindering C. elevating D. weakening
Debilitating = làm suy yếu
9. The author’s description of phagocytes mentions all of the following EXCEPT:
A. They rid the human body of potentially dangerous organisms.
B. They act in a similar manner as the predators of the ocean.
C. They dispose of bacteria to make weakened cells revive.
D. They are cleaning agents in humans to maintain bacteria levels
. 9. Mô tả của tác giả về các tế bào thực bào đề cập đến tất cả các trường hợp sau NGOẠI
A. Chúng loại bỏ cơ thể con người khỏi các sinh vật nguy hiểm tiềm tàng.
B. Chúng hoạt động theo cách tương tự như những kẻ săn mồi ở đại dương.
C. Chúng thải vi khuẩn để làm cho các tế bào suy yếu hồi sinh.
D. Chúng là chất làm sạch trong cơ thể người để duy trì mức độ vi khuẩn.
Clue: In the human body, it is called a phagocyte. Phagocytes eat up sick, old, or dying cells,
which are more prone to bacterial invasion, and thus keep the body healthy. Like in the
human body, bacteria can prove fatal to the living organisms in the ocean.= Trong cơ thể con
người, nó được gọi là thực bào. Các tế bào thực bào ăn các tế bào ốm, già hoặc chết, dễ bị vi
khuẩn xâm nhập hơn, do đó giữ cho cơ thể khỏe mạnh. Giống như trong cơ thể con người, vi
10. According to paragraph 4, the elimination of weaker fish by ocean predators
A. can often have an adverse effect on the population of the certain prey species
B. inadvertently helps stronger species of fish to proliferate more easily
C. reduces oxygen levels, thereby causing bacteria to multiply in their prey
D. allows bacteria to grow and multiply in the stronger individuals of a species
10. Theo đoạn 4, việc tiêu diệt những loài cá yếu hơn bởi những kẻ săn mồi đại dương
A. thường có thể có ảnh hưởng bất lợi đến quần thể của một số loài con mồi nhất định
B. vô tình giúp các loài cá khỏe sinh sôi nảy nở dễ dàng hơn
C. làm giảm nồng độ ôxy, do đó làm cho vi khuẩn sinh sôi trong cơ thể con mồi
D. cho phép vi khuẩn phát triển và nhân lên ở những cá thể mạnh hơn của loài
Clue: By ridding the ocean of weaker fish, predators allow the stronger ones to multiply,
making their species stronger and more resilient.= Bằng cách loại bỏ đại dương của những
con cá yếu hơn, những kẻ săn mồi cho phép những con mạnh hơn sinh sôi, khiến loài của
chúng trở nên mạnh mẽ và kiên cường hơn
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. B
1.In => get/muscle in on the act=to take advantage of something that someone else started
2.Appears/seems => so it seems =used to say that one thinks that something is true
3.Where = nơi mà => trạng từ quan hệ
4.Pitch= sân bóng
5.Their = của họ=> tính từ sở hữu
6.Body => governing body =a group that manages or controls the activities of country, region, or
7.Set => set out = to start an activity with a particular aim
8.Taken => take (someone or something) seriously = lưu tâm đến
9.Along/and => along with someone/something=in addition to someone or something else
10.Place => in place of = instead of = thay vì
The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them.
Since water is the basis of life, composing the greater part of the tissues of all living things, the crucial problem
of desert animals is to survive in a world where sources of flowing water are rare. And since man’s inexorably
necessity is to absorb large quantities of water in frequent intervals, he can scarcely comprehend what many
creatures of the desert pass their entire lives without a single drop.
Uncompromising as it is, the desert has not eliminated life but only those forms unable to withstand its
desiccating effects. No moist-skinned, water-loving animals can exist there. Few large animals are found. The
giants of the North American desert are the deer, the coyote, and the bobcat. Since desert country is open, it
holds more swift-footed running and leaping creations than the tangled forest. Its population is hugely nocturnal,
silent, filled with reticence, and ruled stealth. Yet they are not emaciated.
Having adapted to their austere environment, they are as healthful as animals anywhere else in the world. The
secret of their adjustment lies in the combination of behavior and physiology. Nobody could survive if, like mad
dogs and Englishmen, they go out in the midday sun; many would die in a while of minutes. So most of them
pass the burning hours asleep in cool, humid burrows underneath the ground, emerging to hunt only by night.
The coverage of the sun-baked desert averages around 150 degrees, but 18 inches down the air is only 60
Line Error Line Error
Nobody → None=> nobody=
in → at intervals= sometimes, không ai , dùng để chỉ người vì
3 11
with spaces of a regular length vậy trong trường hợp này phải
dùng none
what →that many creatures=>
go → went=> Cấu trúc đk loại 2:
4 comprehend that + clause = hiểu 12
if + QKD, S + would V
creations → creatures=> while → matter=> a matter of
8 creature = sự sáng tạo, vật tạo ra 12 seconds/weeks/hours etc=only a
# creature = sinh vật few seconds, weeks etc
hugely → largely => hugely = cực coverage → surface=> coverage
9 14
kỳ, rất nhiều # largely = chủ yếu = sự bao phủ # surface – bề mặt
healthful →
healthy=> healthy cho người (vật air → temperature=> air = không
10 nuôi trong nhà hay cây cối, nền 15
khí # temperature = nhiệt độ
kinh tế một nước) # healthful
thường dùng cho thực phẩm
1. Research indicates that a speaker is judged to be more knowledgeable when they answer
questions instantly; responding with _______________ speech markers such as “uh” or “um” can
destroy that positive image. (FLUENCY)
2. The actor's performance is horridly _______________ - his screaming antics would be more
appropriate for a cartoon villain. (KEY)
3. There were no historical records of Homer, and no trustworthy biography of the man exists
beyond a few _________________ hints embedded in the texts he wrote. (REFER)
4. He was ___________________ of his inheritance by crooked lawyers. (SPOIL)
5. The losing team returned to their locker room ______________________ after the game.
6. For anyone traveling alone, or someone who is naturally gregarious, the cheery
____________________ of the other guests might have been fun. (COMPANY)
7. Some European overseas empires, most notably the British, made a pretty firm distinction
between the core modern state and the colonies, dominions, and ___________________ that
made up the empire. (PROTECT)
8. The courts required a convicted offender to make financial __________________ to his victim.
9. Fresh tomatoes are __________________ processed and packaged for year-round
remanufacture into various food products. (SEPTIC)
10. Surprisingly, the __________ to his best seller is an introduction written by another author.
1.Disfluent= not speaking smoothly or continuously; having or producing many pauses or repeated words
or sounds:
2.Off-key= lạc điệu, Lệch lạc, không đúng
3.Self-referential=> A self-referential book, film, play, etc. refers to itself, its writer, or other work by that
4.Despoiled= steal or violently remove valuable or attractive possessions from; plunder.
5.Disconsolate= extremely sad and disappointed
6.Companionability= Tính dễ làm bạn, tính dễ kết bạn.
7.Protectorate= chế độ bảo hộ
8.Reparation= payment for harm or damage
9.Aseptically= in a non-putrefying manner= vô trùng
10.foreword=a short introduction to a book, typically by a person other than the author.= lời tựa
The great 19th Century (1) ____________ John Muir often lamented humanity’s widespread
(2) ____________ of nature. “In the noblest forests of the world, the ground, once divinely beautiful, is
desolate and (3) _____________, like a face ravaged by disease,” he wrote. “The same fate, sooner or
later, is awaiting them all, unless (4) _____________ public opinion comes forward to stop it.”
Most scientists today would not claim that the majority of national parks around the world are
pristine, however. Rangers and recreation-goers alike regularly (5) _______________ those swaths of
wilderness. Their ecological conditions are carefully managed and their animal populations are monitored
and even adjusted. Indeed, a major reason national parks exist is “for the benefit and inspiration of all the
people,” as one piece of US legislation put it – not to serve as virginal tracts (6) ____________ from
There are (7) __________________ no unpolluted places left. In fact, sophisticated tools are
revealing that even the (8) ______________ remotest patches of tropical rainforest bear millennium-old
human scars. However, most researchers are satisfied to settle on a definition of pristine that includes
habitats free from obvious signs of human activity. Those places should also contain plant and animal
species that experts would expect to be there in the absence of hunting, logging, habitat loss, invasive
species and other (9) __________________ threats.
The most (10) ____________ way to evaluate if a given place meets those criteria is to visit it in
person and conduct extensive ground surveys, but this takes a tremendous amount of time, effort and
resources. So usually, especially for larger areas, an analysis conducted with remote sensing and GIS data
has to do.
1. Richard only took over the family business because his father decided to retire early.
3. There haven’t been such long queues at the cinema since the release of the last blockbuster.
5. She was concentrating so hard on her work that she didn’t notice when I came in. ( WRAPPED)
→She was so
6. The price of the house has been reduced as much as possible because the owner needs some money.
→The house
9. Don’t say anything negative about her hair because she’s very sensitive and might be offended by
your remarks. ( OFFENCE)
10. The new teacher was so nervous that the class reacted mischievously. ( REACTION)
→The new teacher’s
1. Richard only took over the family business because his father decided to retire early.
→Had it not been for his father’s early retirement, Richard wouldn’t have taken over the family business.
Cấu trúc đk loại 3: had it nôt bên for + N, S = would have P2 = Nếu không có…thì
3. There haven’t been such long queues at the cinema since the release of the last blockbuster.
→Not since the release of the last blockbuster have there been such long queues at the cinema,
Cấu trcus đảo ngữ: Not since + clause/ N + have/has + S + PP
5. She was concentrating so hard on her work that she didn’t notice when I came in. ( WRAPPED)
→She was so wrapped up in her work that she didn’t notice when I came in.
Be wrapped up in somebody/something" = bọc trong, quấn trong -> bận tâm, mải mê, thiết tha với/ bị cuốn vào, bao trùm trong
(màn bí mật...). "Wrap-up" nghĩa là kết thúc, hoành thành.
6. The price of the house has been reduced as much as possible because the owner needs some money. ( BONE)
→The house has been cut/pared to the bone because the owner needs some money.
Pare (something) to the bone' = giảm, cắt giảm một cách đáng kể.
9. Don’t say anything negative about her hair because she’s very sensitive and might be offended by your remarks. ( OFFENCE)
→Don’t say anything negative about her hair because she’s verysensitive and might take offence at your remarks.
take offence (at sth). Bất bình, giận(về việc gì)
10. The new teacher was so nervous that the class reacted mischievously. ( REACTION)
→The new teacher’s nervousness drew mischievous reaction(s) from the class.
draw sth from sth =to get something from a particular place
Môn: Anh – Khối 11
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three of each group
1. A. trigonometry B. explanatory C. immediately D. democracy
2. A. compliance B. lucrative C. jeopardize D. frivolous
3. A. grotesque B. disfavours C. cartography D. frontage
4. A. argumentative B. psychological C. contributory D. hypersensitive
5. A. satanic B. thesaurus C. wisdom D. redeem
Part 1
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. C
Part 2
1. A
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. C
1. D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. B
11. D 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. C
6. You’re going to need her help. If I were you, I’d _____a bit. I’d try to get her on my side, you
know what I mean?
A. soap her down B. butter her up C. oil her over D. grease her
butter sb up= to be very kind or friendly to someone or try to please someone, so that that person
will do what you want them to do
soap sb down= cover someone, something, or oneself in soap
7. It is thought that house prices have now finally _____.
A. floored down B. bedded down C. floored off D. bottomed out
Bottom out =Chạm đáy và bắt đầu tăng lên
bed down =to lie down somewhere, usually somewhere different from where you usually sleep, in
order to go to sleep
8. The crisis _____a bitter civil war.
A. sparked off B. broke out C. let off D. triggered out
Spark off =Gây ra cái gì đó
Break out =Nổ ra, bùng nổ (chiến tranh, xung đột, ...)
Let off =Không trừng phạt
9. I think my problems at work _____the fact that I never really wanted to go into accountancy as
a career in the first place.
A. spring from B. stir from C. spark off D. gush from
Spring from = to come from or be a result of something
Spark off =Gây ra cái gì đó
10. Do not include pence in your tax calculations. These should be ______to the nearest pound.
For example, £151.30 becomes £151.
A. rounded down B. squared off C. roughed out D. averaged out
Round down = to reduce a number to the nearest whole number, or the nearest number ending in
Square off =Đối đầu với ai đó, chuẩn bị chiến đấu với họ
rough out =to draw or explain roughly=phác thảo sơ qua
average something out =to calculate the average of a set of numbers or amounts
1. D
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. A
10. A
Pheromones are substances that serve as chemical signals between members of the same species.
They are secreted to the outside of the body and cause other individuals of the species to have specific
reactions. Pheromones, which are sometimes called "social hormones," affect a group of individuals
somewhat like hormones do an individual animal. Pheromones are the predominant medium of
communication among insects (but rarely the sole method). Some species have simple pheromone
systems and produce only a few pheromones, but others produce many with various functions.
Pheromone systems are the most complex in some of the so-called social insects, insects that live in
organized groups.
Chemical communication differs from that by sight or sound in several ways. Transmission is
relatively slow (the chemical signals are usually airborne), but the signal can be persistent, depending
upon the volatility of the chemical, and is sometimes effective over a very long range. Localization
of the signal is generally poorer than localization of a sound or visual stimulus and is usually effected
by the animal's moving upwind in response to the stimulus. The ability to modulate a chemical signal
is limited, compared with communication by visual or acoustic means, but some pheromones may
convey different meanings and consequently result in different behavioral or physiological responses,
depending on their concentration or when presented in combination. The modulation of chemical
signals occurs via the elaboration of the number of exocrine glands that produce pheromones. Some
species, such as ants, seem to be very articulate creatures, but their medium of communication is
difficult for humans to study and appreciate because of our own olfactory, insensitivity and the
technological difficulties in detecting and analyzing these pheromones.
Pheromones play numerous roles in the activities of insects. They may act as alarm substances, play
a role in individual and group recognition, serve as attractants between sexes, mediate the formation
of aggregations, identify foraging trails, and be involved in caste determination. For example,
pheromones involved in caste determination include the "queen substance" produced by queen honey
bees. Aphids, which are particularly vulnerable to predators because of their gregarious habits and
sedentary nature, secrete an alarm pheromone when attacked that causes nearby aphids to respond by
moving away.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. How insects use pheromones to communicate
B. How pheromones are produced by insects
C. Why analyzing insect pheromones is difficult
D. The different uses of pheromones among various insect species
=> Đoạn văn nói về việc sử dụng pheromones giữa các loài côn trùng khác nhau
2. The word "serve" in line 1 is closest in meaning to ...........
A. improve
B. function
C. begin
D. rely
Clue: Pheromones are substances that serve as chemical signals between members of the same
species.= Pheromone là những chất đóng vai trò là tín hiệu hóa học giữa các thành viên cùng loài.
=> serve = function = đóng vai trò
3. The purpose of the second mention of "hormones" in paragraph 1 is to point out ______
A. chemical signals that are common among insects
B. specific responses of various species to chemical signals
C. similarities between two chemical substances
D. how insects produce different chemical substances
Clue: Pheromones, which are sometimes called "social hormones," affect a group of individuals
somewhat like hormones do an individual animal.= Pheromone, đôi khi được gọi là "hormone xã
hội", ảnh hưởng đến một nhóm cá nhân giống như hormone đối với một động vật riêng lẻ.
4. The word "sole" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______
A. obvious
B. best
C. only
D. final
Clue: Pheromones are the predominant medium of communication among insects (but rarely the sole
method).= Pheromone là phương tiện giao tiếp chủ yếu giữa các loài côn trùng (nhưng hiếm khi là
phương pháp duy nhất).
=> sole = only = duy nhất , chỉ một
5. The passage suggests that the speed at which communication through pheromones occurs is
dependent on how quickly they ______
A. lose their effectiveness
B. evaporate in the air
C. travel through the air
D. are produced by the body
Clue: Transmission is relatively slow (the chemical signals are usually airborne), but the signal can
be persistent, depending upon the volatility of the chemical, and is sometimes effective over a very
long range.= Quá trình truyền tương đối chậm (tín hiệu hóa học thường ở trong không khí), nhưng
tín hiệu có thể dai dẳng, tùy thuộc vào tính dễ bay hơi của hóa chất và đôi khi có hiệu quả trong phạm
vi rất dài.
6. According to the passage, the meaning of a message communicated through a pheromone may vary
when the
A. chemical structure of the pheromone is changed
B. pheromone is excreted while other pheromones are also being excreted
C. exocrine glands do not produce the pheromone
D. pheromone is released near certain specific organisms
Clue: The ability to modulate a chemical signal is limited, compared with communication by visual
or acoustic means, but some pheromones may convey different meanings and consequently result in
different behavioral or physiological responses, depending on their concentration or when presented
in combination= Khả năng điều chỉnh tín hiệu hóa học bị hạn chế so với giao tiếp bằng phương tiện
hình ảnh hoặc âm thanh, nhưng một số pheromone có thể truyền đạt các ý nghĩa khác nhau và do đó
dẫn đến các phản ứng hành vi hoặc sinh lý khác nhau, tùy thuộc vào nồng độ của chúng hoặc khi
được kết hợp.
7. According to paragraph 2, which of the following has made the study of pheromones difficult?
A. Pheromones cannot be easily reproduced in chemical laboratories.
B. Existing technology cannot fully explore the properties of pheromones.
C. Pheromones are highly volatile.
D. Pheromone signals are constantly changing.
Clue: Some species, such as ants, seem to be very articulate creatures, but their medium of
communication is difficult for humans to study and appreciate because of our own olfactory,
insensitivity and the technological difficulties in detecting and analyzing these pheromones.= Một số
loài, chẳng hạn như kiến, dường như là những sinh vật rất biết nói, nhưng phương tiện giao tiếp của
chúng rất khó để con người nghiên cứu và đánh giá cao do khứu giác, sự kém nhạy cảm của chúng ta
và những khó khăn về công nghệ trong việc phát hiện và phân tích các pheromone này.
8. The word "They" in paragraph 2 refers to _____
A. pheromones
B. roles
C. activities
D. insects
Clue: Pheromones play numerous roles in the activities of insects. They may act as alarm substances,
play a role in individual and group recognition…= Pheromone đóng nhiều vai trò trong các hoạt động
của côn trùng. Chúng có thể đóng vai trò là chất báo động, đóng vai trò nhận dạng cá nhân và nhóm…
=>They đề cập đến pheromones
9. The word "sedentary" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______
A. inactive
B. inefficient
C. unchangeable
D. unbalanced
Clue: Aphids, which are particularly vulnerable to predators because of their gregarious habits and
sedentary nature, secrete an alarm pheromone when attacked that causes nearby aphids to respond by
moving away.
= Rệp vừng, loài đặc biệt dễ bị săn mồi vì thói quen sống thành đàn và bản tính ít vận động, tiết ra
một loại pheromone báo động khi bị tấn công khiến những con rệp gần đó phản ứng bằng cách bỏ
=> sedentary = inactive = ít hoạt động
10. Pheromone systems are relatively complex in insects that ______
A. also communicate using sight and sound
B. live underground
C. prey on other insects
D. live in organized groups
Clue: Pheromone systems are the most complex in some of the so-called social insects, insects that
live in organized groups.= Hệ thống pheromone phức tạp nhất ở một số loài được gọi là côn trùng xã
hội, loài côn trùng sống theo nhóm có tổ chức.
Passage 1
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. A
10. D
Passage 2
In addition to their military role, the forts of the nineteenth century provided numerous
other benefits for the American West. The establishment of these posts opened new roads and
provided for the protection of daring adventurers and expeditions as well as established settlers.
Forts also served as bases where enterprising entrepreneurs could bring commerce to the West,
providing supplies and refreshments to soldiers as well as to pioneers. Posts like Fort Laramie
provided supplies for wagon trains traveling the natural highways toward new frontiers. Some
posts became stations for the pony express; still others, such as Fort Davis, were stagecoach stops
for weary travelers. All of these functions, of course, suggest that the contributions of the forts to
the civilization and development of the West extended beyond patrol duty.
Through the establishment of military posts, yet other contributions were made to the
development of western culture. Many posts maintained libraries or reading rooms, and some –
for example, Fort Davis –had schools. Post chapels provided a setting for religious services and
weddings. Throughout the wilderness, post bands provided entertainment and boosted morale.
During the last part of the nineteenth century, to reduce expenses, gardening was encouraged at
the forts, thus making experimental agriculture another activity of the military. The military
stationed at the various forts also played a role in civilian life by assisting in maintaining order,
and civilian officials often called on the army for protection.
Certainly, among other significant contributions the army made to the improvement of the
conditions of life was the investigation of the relationships among health, climate, and architecture.
From the earliest colonial times throughout the nineteenth century, disease ranked as the foremost
problem in defense. It slowed construction of forts and inhibited their military functions. Official
documents from many regions contained innumerable reports of sickness that virtually
incapacitated entire garrisons. In response to the problems, detailed observations of architecture
and climate and their relationships to the frequency of the occurrence of various diseases were
recorded at various posts across the nation by military surgeons.
1. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?
A. By the nineteenth century, forts were no longer used by the military.
B. Surgeons at forts could not prevent outbreaks of disease.
C. Forts were important to the development of the American West.
D. Life in nineteenth-century forts was very rough.
Clue: In addition to their military role, the forts of the nineteenth century provided numerous other
benefits for the American West. =Ngoài vai trò quân đội của chúng, các pháo đài của thế kỷ XIX
cung cấp nhiều lợi ích khác cho Tây Mỹ.2. The word ‘daring’ in paragraph 1 is closet in meaning
to ___
A. lost B. bold C. lively D. foolish
Clue: The establishment of these posts opened new roads and provided for the protection of daring
adventurers and expeditions as well as established settlers= . Sự thiết lập các pháo đài này mở ra
những con đường mới và bảo vệ những nhà thám hiểm trong các chuyến hành trình cũng như
những người đến khai hoang.
=>Daring = bold = táo bạo, gan dạ
3. Which of the following would a traveler be LEAST likely to obtain at Fort Laramie?
A. Fresh water
B. Food
C. Formal clothing
D. Lodging
Giải thích : Thông tin nằm ở :
- Such as Fort Davis, were stagecoach stops for weary travelers. Như Fort Davis, là những điểm
dừng chân cho những du khách mệt mỏi. (cung cấp nơi nghỉ)
- Providing supplies and refreshments to soldiers as well as to pioneers. (cung cấp nhu yếu phẩm
cần thiết)
--> Chỉ có formal clothes là ko nhắc đến
4. The word ‘others’ in the passage refers to_____
A. posts
B. wagon trains
C. frontiers
D. highways
Clue: Some posts became stations for the pony express; still others, such as Fort Davis, were
stagecoach stops for weary travelers.
5. The word “boosted” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. influenced B. established C. raised D. maintained
Boost~raise: đẩy lên, làm tăng lên
Clue: Throughout the wilderness, post bands provided entertainment and boosted morale. =Trong
suốt vùng hoang dã, ban nhạc post đã cung cấp sự giải trí và tinh thần làm việc cao hơn.6. Which
of the following is the most likely inference about the decision to promote gardening at forts?
A. It was expensive to import produce from far away.
B. Food brought in from outside was often spoiled.
C. Gardening was a way to occupy otherwise idle soldiers.
D. The soil near the forts was very fertile.
Giải thích : thông tin ở câu gần cuối của đoạn 2:
During the last part of the nineteenth century, to reduce expenses, gardening was encouraged at
the forts, thus making experimental agriculture another activity of the military. (để cắt giảm chi
phí nhập khẩu thực phẩm từ bên ngoài rất tốn kém)7. According to the passage, which of the
following posed the biggest obstacle to the development of military forts?
A. Insufficient shelter B. Shortage of materials
C. Attacks by wild animals D. Illness
Clue: From the earliest colonial times throughout the nineteenth century, disease ranked as the
foremost problem in defense.=Từ những thời kỳ thuộc địa sớm nhất đến trong suốt thế kỷ XIX,
bệnh được xếp hạng là vấn đề quan trọng nhất trong việc phòng ngừa
8. The word ‘inhibited’ in the passage is closet in meaning to ____
A. involved B. exploited C. united D. hindered
=>Inhibit~hinder: ngăn trở, ức chế
Clue: It slowed construction of forts and inhibited their military functions. =Nó làm chậm việc
xây dựng pháo đài và ức chế các chức năng quân sự của chúng.
9. How did the military assists in the investigation of health problems?
A. By registering annual birth and death rates.
B. By experiments with different building materials
C. By maintaining records of diseases and potential causes
D. By monitoring the soldiers’ diets
Clue: Official documents from many regions contained innumerable reports of sickness that
virtually incapacitated entire garrisons.=Các tài liệu chính thức của nhiều vùng đã có nhiều báo
cáo về bệnh tật mà hầu như làm mất năng lực của toàn bộ các cuộc đồn trú
10. The author organized the discussion of forts by
A. describing their locations
B. comparing their sizes
C. explaining their damage to the environment
D. listing their contributions to western life
Clue: Giải thích : các đoạn văn được sắp xếp để liệt kê ra những đóng góp của những pháo đài đến
đời sống phương Tây:
- đoạn 1: Forts also served as bases where enterprising entrepreneurs could bring commerce to the
West, providing supplies and refreshments to soldiers as well as to pioneers.
- đoạn 2: Through the establishment of military posts, yet other contributions were made to the
development of western culture.
-đoạn 3: Certainly, among other significant contributions the army made to the improvement of
the conditions of life was the investigation of the relationships among health, climate, and
Passage 2
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. D
9. C
10. D
Despite the continued (1)_________of those early town perks, it wasn’t until the Depression that modern Hershey
started to take shape. Perhaps the only town in the country actually to (2)________ during the 1930s, it thrived because
Hershey vowed his Utopia would never see a breadline. Instead he (3) _______a massive building boom that gave
rise to the most visited buildings in today’s Hersey and delivered wages to more than 600 workers. He admitted that
his (4)_______were partly selfish: “If I don’t provide work for them, I’ll have to feed them. And since building
materials are now at the lowest cost levels, I’m going to build and give them jobs.”
He seems to have (5)_______no expense; most of the new buildings were strikingly (6)________. The first to be
finished was the three-million-dollar limestone Community Center, home to the 1,904-seat Venetian-style Hershey
Community Theater, which has played (7)________since 1933 to touring Broadway shows and to music, dance, and
opera performances. It offers just as much to look at when the lights are on and the curtains closed. The floors in the
(8)_______named Grand Lobby are polished Italian lava rock, surrounded by marble walls and capped with a bas-
relief ceiling showing sheaves of wheat, beehives, swans, and scenes from Roman mythology. With the
(9)_______inner foyer, Hershey thumbed his nose even harder at the ravages of the Depression: The arched ceiling is
tiled in gold, the fire curtain bears a painting of Venice, and the ceiling is (10)______with 88 tiny lightbulbs to re-
create a star-lit night.
Passage 2
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. B
I. OPEN CLOZE (20pts)
Fill in each gap with one suitable word
Passage 1
Passage 2
The British are widely considered to be a very polite nation, and in (1) _______ respects this is
true. An Italian journalist once commented (2) _______ the British that they need no fewer than
four ‘thank yous’(3) _______to buy a bus ticket. The first, from the bus conductor means, ‘I am
here’. The second accompanies the (4) _______ over of the money. The third, again from the
conductor, means ‘Here is your ticket’, and then the passenger utters a final one as he accepts the
ticket. (5) _______ transactions in most other parts of the world are usually (6) _______ in total
In sharp (7) _______ to this excessive politeness with strangers, the British are strangely lacking
(8) _______ ritual phrases for social interaction. The exhortation ‘Good appetite’, uttered in so
many other languages to fellow-diners before a meal, does not exist in English. The nearest (9)
_______ - Enjoy your dinner! – is said only by people who will not be partaking of the meal in
question. What’s more, the British wish happiness to their friends or acquaintances only at the start
of a new year and at celebrations such as birthday, while the Greeks routinely wish (10) ______
and sundry a ‘good week’ or a ‘good month’.
Passage 2
1. some => in one respect/in some respects etc =used to say that something is true in one way, in
some ways etc
2. of => comment of sth = bình luận , nhận xét về cái gì
3. merely / just = chỉ
4. handing => hand over = trao cho, đưa cho ai cái gì
5. such / similar => such = used before a noun or noun phrase to add emphasis=> such (a/an ) +
6. conducted = tiến hành, thực hiện
7. contrast=> in sharp contrast to = trái ngược , tương phản rõ rệt với
8. in => to be lacking in sth
thiếu cái gì, không có đủ cái gì
9. equivalent = tương đương
10. all=> "All and sundry" -> nghĩa là tất cả mọi người
Part 2
Complete the following passage with the correct forms of the given words.
The courteous smile of an author selling books, signing copies or chatting on television shows can
be (1)________. Behind the scenes of the book tour that has become as much a part of the modern
bestseller as print and paper, the writer may be a (2) ________ for a Golden Dartboard Award.
This is the Oscar for authors (3) ________ behaving badly, an informal award nominated by the
weary, sometimes (4) ________, publicists who travel from city to city garnering publicity and
sales. They call themselves ‘(5) ________’ and ‘wet nurses’ as they tent to the fragile egos and
(6) ________ demands of authors freed from their word processors.
Among the most feared (7) ________ for the publicists are the feminist writer who is remembered
for yelling at her publicists in public and in (8) ________ language, and the thriller writer whose
publicists report that they have instructions from his publisher to speak only when spoken to. One
(9) ________ of a tour with him, who nominated him for a Golden Dartboard, says: ‘He treats us
all as his inferiors.’ However, publicists on his most recent tour say that he was an absolute (10)
________to work with.
Part 2
1. deceptive= = making you believe something that is not true
2. contender= đối thủ, ứng cử viên
3. allegedly= used when something illegal or wrong is said to have been done, but has not been
4. traumatized= severely shocked and upset in a way that causes lasting emotional pain
5. babysitters = người trông trẻ
6. unconventional= khác thường
7. assignments= a task or piece of work assigned to someone as part of a job or course of study
8. colourful=full of interest; lively and exciting.
9. survivor= người sống sót
10. joy = sự hân hoan, niềm vui sướng
1 Desalination is the process in that excess salt and other minerals are removed
2 from water. This method is used in order for salt water to convert to fresh water so
3 that it is suitable to both irrigation and consumption. Apart from potable water, other
4 by-products can be produced during that process, such as table salt or waste of course!
5 In recent years, a lot of research has been done in the field in order to develop cost-
6 effective ways of providing fresh water for human consumption, specially in regions
7 where it is either limited or scarce. Quite recently, the United Arab Emirates had the
world's largest desalination plant build, which is capable of producing 300 million
8 cubic metres of water per year. However, this process cannot be characterized as
9 particularly economic since extremely large amounts of energy, special personnel and
10 expensive infrastructure are required. Furthermore, this process can affect the
11 environment adverse. The large amount of energy is consumed during the process and
12 the greenhouse gases that are emitted into the atmosphere can have a detrimental effect
13 on the environment. In addition, the plankton and the fish larvae that exist in the sea
14 water are destroying in the desalination process, and the high-temperature waste
15 created afterwards is then thrown back into the sea, leading to an increase in the
16 temperature of the sea. For this reason, waste-water treatment plants have constructed
17 as well. Apparently, whether desalination is a problem-solving or a problem-causing
18 process is still under debate.
Your answers:
Line Mistakes Correction
0 1 that which
Mistakes Correction Explanation
0 that Which Kiến thức mệnh đề quan hệ
In that = because = bởi vì
1 convert be converted Kiến thức bị động be + P2
Be converted = được chuyển đổi thành
2 to for Be suitable for = thích hợp, phù hợp cho
3 specially especially especially khi đi với danh từ còn dùng để nhấn
mạnh một trường hợp cụ thể trong một tổng thể.
4 build built Cấu trúc have something P2
5 economic economical Economic= thuộc về kinh tế # economical = tiết
6 special specialized Specialized= chuyên môn hóa # special = đặc
7 adverse adversely Sau V + adv -> đấu hiệu “affect”
8 is consumed (energy) that is Rút gọn mệnh đề vì đằng sau đã có động từ chính
consumed là can have …
9 destroying destroyed Kiến thức bị động be + P2
1. Although Sam knew he’d be expelled if he took the blame for his friends, he still wouldn’t
betray them. (CAN)
2. The politician was ashamed of his careless mistake and tried to pretend it hadn’t happened.
3. The amount that international footballers get paid is quite amazing. (MIND)
4. Diane finds that creating things stops her from thinking about her work. (MIND)
Diane finds that being her work.
5. Phil has felt resentful since his schooldays because he wasn’t on the football team.
6. Reginald got upset when he realized that his car had a flat tyre. (COLLAR)
7. Taxi drivers in this city make me mad! They’re so rude and obnoxious. (HACKLES)
The sales director …………………………..
8. I tried to remember what has happened all those years before. (CAST)
9. No one stands a chance of beating Mansell in this year’s championship. (FOREGONE)
10. Since the company’s methods were exposed in a newspaper, people have lost their good
opinion of it. (DISREPUTE)
1.Although Sam knew he’d be expelled if he carried the can for his friends, he still wouldn’t betray
Carry the can = chịu trách nhiệm, hay chịu sự chỉ trích vì điều gì xảy ra không đúng với kế hoạch
hay sai lầm, không thành công
2. The politician was ashamed of his careless mistake and tried to brush it under the carpet.
Brush/sweep (something) under the carpet" = phủi (giấu) dưới thảm -> cụm từ này nghĩa là phớt
lờ, phủ nhận hoặc che giấu kiến thức về điều gì đó gây bối rối, không hấp dẫn hoặc gây tổn hại
đến danh tiếng của một người khỏi công chúng; cố gắng giấu và quên đi điều gì.
3. The amount that international footballers get paid is quite mind-boggling.
mind-boggling =extremely surprising and difficult to understand or imagin
4. Diane finds that being creative takes her mind off her work.
take your mind off sth= to stop you thinking about something unpleasant
5. Phil has had a chip on his shoulder since his schooldays because he wasn’t on the football team.
have a chip on your shoulder =to seem angry all the time because you think you have been treated
unfairly or feel you are not as good as other people
6. Reginal got hot under the collar when he realized that his car had a flat tyre.
Get hot under the collar' = thấy nóng dưới cổ áo -> nghĩa là trở nên tức giận.
7. Taxi drivers in this city make my hackles rise! They’re so rude and obnoxious.
make (someone's) hackles rise =to annoy someone
8. I cast my mind back to what has happened all those years before.
Cast (one's) mind back" = cố nhớ lại. Thường đi với "to"
9. It’s a foregone conclusion that Mansell will win this year’s championship.
. Foregone Conclusion là một kết quả có thể dự đoán trước được.
10. Since the company’s methods were exposed in a newspaper, it has fallen into disrepute.
to fall into disrepute =bị mang tai mang tiếng, bị tiếng xấu
I. PHONOLOGY (5 pts)
1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
2. Pick out the word that is stressed differently from the others.
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. B
1. D 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. B
2. _____ the snow and the fog, I wasn’t able to get to the airport on time.
A. For B. What with C. Because D. Owing to
what with =used to talk about the reasons for a particular situation, especially a bad or difficult
3. I gave my last Mars bar to Jake, because he was feeling hungry; _____ , he likes them far
more than I can do.
A. besides B. whereas C. nonetheless D. hence
Besides = ngoài ra, bên cạnh đó whereas = trong khi nonethless = tuy nhiên hence =
vì vậy
4. The trouble with Tom is that he _____ sport.
A. is obsessed in B. is keen of C. is obsessed with D. is in favour of
To be obsessed with sth: Ám ảnh về điều gì.
Be kên on = thích thú, hứng thú điều gì
Be in favour of = ưa chuộng, ưa thích cái gì
5. The construction of the modern airport is _____ .
A. being progress B. working out C. in plan D. under way
Under way = đã bắt đầu
6. _____, we drove the horses into brewing.
A. Aware that a tornado was brewing B. Because a tornado brewing
C. Although a tornado was brewing D. A tornado was brewing
A. Aware that a tornado was brewing
B. Because a tornado brewing => sai cấu trúc ( đúng: because + clause)
C. Because of a tornado was brewing => sai cấu trúc ( đúng: because of + N/Ving)
D. Although a tornado was brewing => sai cấu trúc ( đúng: although + clause)
Tạm dịch: Biết rằng một cơn lốc xoáy đang ập đến, chúng tôi lùa những con ngựa vào chuồng
7. He has received several scholarships _____ .
A. not only because of his artistic but his academic ability
B. for both his academic ability as well as his artistic
C. because of his academic and artistic ability
D. as resulting of his ability in the art and the academy
Giải thích: because of + N: vì, do
Tạm dịch: Anh đã nhận được nhiều học bổng vì khả năng học tập và khả năng nghệ thuật của
8. I need to find an apartment before I can move. _____ I can find one in the next week or so, I
will move to Chicago the first of next month.
A. Even if B. Provided that C. Only if D. If only
Provided that” là một liên từ, có nghĩa giống với “If” là: nếu như, trong trường hợp mà
“Even if” được mang nghĩa là : dù cho có, dù nếu có, kể cả nếu như mà, ngay cả khi … được
dùng để diễn tả một câu nói an ủi hay khẳng định với người đối diện về tâm lý hay trạng thái của
mình sẽ không thay đổi nếu có gì xảy ra lúc này.
if only = dùng để diễn tả một mong ước, ước muốn
Only if mang nghĩa “chỉ khi”, Only if được dùng trong câu điều kiện với mục đích nhấn mạnh.
9. _____ the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse-drawn.
A. Akin to B. With reference to C. In addition to D. Prior to
Prior to + N = trước sự xuất hiện của cái gì
Dịch nghĩa: Trước khi có sự phát minh của động cơ hơi nước, hầu hết các hình thức vận tải là do
ngựa kéo.
with reference + to = có liên quan đến, có sự tham khảo, đề cập đến
akin + to = giống như
in addition to = thêm vào đó
10. _____ , we can take another road.
A. If need be B. When it may
C. We might as well D. Come what must
If need be = nếu cần thiết
may/might as well =used to suggest doing something, often when there is nothing better to
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. D
Passage 1: Read the passages and choose the best answer for each question.
1B 2B 3A 4C 5C 6D 7B 8C 9D 10A
By the mid-nineteenth century, the term "icebox" had entered the American language, but ice
was still only beginning to affect the diet of ordinary citizens in the United States. The ice trade
grew with the growth of cities. Ice was used in hotels, taverns, and hospitals, and by some forward-
looking city dealers in fresh meat, fresh fish, and butter. After the Civil War (1861-1865), as ice
was used to refrigerate freight cars, it also came into household use. Even before 1880, half the
ice sold in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and one-third of that sold in Boston and
Chicago, went to families for their own use. This had become possible because a new household
convenience, the icebox, a precursor of the modern refrigerator, had been invented.
Making an efficient icebox was not as easy as we might now suppose. In the early nineteenth
century, the knowledge of the physics of heat, which was essential to a science of refrigeration,
was rudimentary. The commonsense notion that the best icebox was one that prevented the ice
from melting was of course mistaken, for it was the melting of the ice that performed the cooling.
Nevertheless, early efforts to economize ice included wrapping the ice in blankets, which kept the
ice from doing its job. Not until near the end of the nineteenth century did inventors achieve the
delicate balance of insulation and circulation needed for an efficient icebox.
But as early as 1803, an ingenious Maryland farmer, Thomas Moore, had been on the right
track. He owned a farm about twenty miles outside the city of Washington, for which the village
of Georgetown was the market center. When he used an icebox of his own design to transport his
butter to market, he found that customers would pass up the rapidly melting stuff in the tubs of his
competitors to pay a premium price for his butter, still fresh and hard in neat, one-pound bricks.
One advantage of his icebox, Moore explained, was that farmers would no longer have to travel
to market at night in order to keep their produce cool.
2. Theo đoạn văn, từ "icebox" đã trở thành một phần của ngôn ngữ Hoa Kỳ khi nào?
A. Năm 1803.
B. Khoảng trước năm 1850.
C. Trong cuộc Nội chiến.
D. Gần cuối thế kỉ XIX.
Clue: By the mid-nineteenth century, the term "icebox" had entered the American language,
but ice was still only beginning to affect the diet of ordinary citizens in the United States=Vào
giữa thế kỷ 19, thuật ngữ "thùng đá" đã đi vào ngôn ngữ Hoa Kỳ, nhưng nước đá vẫn chỉ bắt
đầu ảnh hưởng đến chế độ ăn uống của công dân bình thường ở Hoa Kỳ
3. The phrase "forward-looking" is closest in meaning to _______ .
forward-looking=progressive = tiến bộ
4. The author mentions“ fish” because _______ .
many fish dealers also sold ice
fish was not part of the ordinary person's diet before the invention of the icebox
a refrigerator
6. According to the passage, which of the following was an obstacle to the development of the
Competition among the owners of refrigerated freight cars.
6. Theo đoạn văn, điều nào sau đây là trở ngại cho sự phát triển của hộp băng?
A. Cạnh tranh giữa các chủ xe chở hàng đông lạnh.
B. Thiếu mạng lưới phân bố nước đá.
C. Việc sử dụng không đủ cách điện.
D. Không hiểu biết đầy đủ về vật lý.
Clue: Making an efficient icebox was not as easy as we might now suppose. In the early
nineteenth century, the knowledge of the physics of heat, which was essential to a science of
refrig¬eration, was rudimentary.= Làm một thùng đá hiệu quả không dễ dàng như chúng ta có
thể nghĩ bây giờ. Vào đầu thế kỷ 19, kiến thức vật lý về nhiệt, vốn rất cần thiết cho một khoa
học về phản ứng nhiệt, còn rất thô sơ.
7. The word "rudimentary" is closest in meaning to _______ .
8. Theo thông tin trong đoạn thứ hai, một thùng đá lý tưởng sẽ _______
A. ngăn không cho nước đá tan hoàn toàn
B. ngăn không khí lưu thông
C. để nước đá tan chậm
D. sử dụng chăn để bảo tồn băng
Clue: The commonsense notion that the best icebox was one that prevented the ice from
melting was of course mistaken, for it was the melting of the ice that performed the cooling.
9. The author describes Thomas Moore as having been "on the right track" to indicate that_______
the road to the market passed close to Moore's farm
9. Tác giả mô tả Thomas Moore đã "đi đúng hướng" để chỉ ra rằng ____.
A. con đường đến chợ đi qua gần trang trại của Moore
B. Moore là một thương gia trung thực
C. Moore là một nông dân thịnh vượng
D. Thiết kế của Moore khá thành công
Clue: He owned a farm about twenty miles outside the city of Washington, for which the
village of Georgetown was the market center. When he used an icebox of his own design to
transport his butter to market, he found that customers would pass up the rapidly melting stuff
in the tubs of his competitors to pay a premium price for his butter=Ông sở hữu một trang trại
cách thành phố Washington khoảng 20 dặm, trong đó ngôi làng Georgetown là trung tâm chợ.
Khi anh ấy sử dụng một thùng đá do chính mình thiết kế để vận chuyển bơ ra thị trường, anh
ấy nhận thấy rằng khách hàng sẽ bỏ qua những thứ đang tan chảy nhanh chóng trong bồn của
các đối thủ cạnh tranh để trang trải cho cuộc sống của anh ấy
10. According to the passage, Moore's icebox allowed him to _______ .
charge more for his butter
10. Theo đoạn văn, thùng đá của Moore cho phép anh ta _______.
Atrang trải cho cuộc sống của anh ấy
B. đi chợ vào ban đêm
C. sản xuất bơ nhanh hơn
D. sản xuất băng quanh năm
Clue: he found that customers would pass up the rapidly melting stuff in the tubs of his
competitors to pay a premium price for his butter= anh ấy nhận thấy rằng khách hàng sẽ bỏ
qua những thứ đang tan chảy nhanh chóng trong bồn của các đối thủ cạnh tranh để trang trải
cho cuố ống của anh ấy
Passage 2:
21. C 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. C
26. B 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. D
The work of the railroad pioneers in America became the basis for a great surge of railroad
building halfway through the nineteenth century that linked the nation together as never before.
Railroads eventually became the nation’s number one transportation system, and remained so until
the construction of the interstate highway system halfway through the twentieth century. They
were of crucial importance in stimulating economic expansion, but their influence reached beyond
the economy and was pervasive in American society at large.
By 1804, English as well as American inventors had experimented with steam engines for
moving land vehicles. In 1920, John Stevens ran a locomotive and cars around in a circular track
on his New Jersey estate, which the public saw as an amusing toy. And in 1825, after opening a
short length of track, the Stockton to Darlington Railroad in England became the first line to carry
general traffic. American businesspeople, especially those in the Atlantic coastal region who
looked for better communication with the West, quickly became interested in the English
experiment. The first company in America to begin actual operations was the Baltimore and Ohio,
which opened a thirteen- mile length of track in 1830. It used a team of horses to pull a train of
passenger carriages and freight wagons along the track. Steam locomotive power didn’t come into
regular service until two years later.
However, for the first decade or more, there was not yet a true railroad system. Even the
longest of the lines was relatively short in the 1830’s, and most of them served simply to connect
water routes to each other, not to link one railroad to another. Even when two lines did connect,
the tracks often differed in width, so cars from one line couldn’t fit onto tracks of the next line.
Schedules were unreliable and wrecks were frequent. Significantly, however, some important
developments during the 1830’s and 1840’s included the introduction of heavier iron rails, more
flexible and powerful locomotives, and passenger cars were redesigned to become more stable,
comfortable, and larger. By the end of 1830 only 23 miles of track had been laid in the country.
But by 1936, more than 1,000 miles of track had been laid in eleven States, and within the decade,
almost 3,000 miles had been constructed. By that early age, the United States had already
surpassed Great Britain in railroad construction, and particularly from the mid-1860’s, the late
nineteenth century belonged to the railroads.
Thông tin trong bài: "Railroads eventually became the nation's number one transportation system
and remained so until the construction of the interstate highway system halfway through the
twentieth century. They were of crucial importance in stimulating economic expansion, but their
influence reached beyond the economy and was pervasive in American society at large." (Các
tuyến đường sắt cuối cùng đã trở thành hệ thống giao thông vận tải số một của quốc gia và duy trì
như vậy cho đến khi xây dựng hệ thống đường cao tốc liên bang vào nửa thế kỷ 20. Chúng có tầm
quan trọng lớn trong việc kích thích sự mở rộng kinh tế, nhưng ảnh hưởng của chúng đã vươn ra
ngoài nền kinh tế và có sức lan tỏa rộng rãi trong xã hội Mỹ.)
The United States regarded Great Britain as a competitor in developing the most efficient railroad
Steam locomotives replaced horses because of the distances across the country
23. Điều nào sau đây có thể được suy ra từ đoạn văn?
A. Hoa Kỳ coi Anh là đối thủ cạnh tranh trong việc phát triển hệ thống đường sắt hiệu quả nhất
B. Năng lượng đầu máy hơi nước được sử dụng lần đầu tiên vào năm 1832
C. Các doanh nhân Mỹ coi đường sắt là mối đe dọa đối với các doanh nghiệp đã thành danh
D. Đầu máy hơi nước thay thế ngựa vì quãng đường xa xôi trên đất nước
Clue: The first company in America to begin actual operations was the Baltimore and Ohio, which
opened a thirteen- mile length of track in 1830. It used a team of horses to pull a train of passenger
carriages and freight wagons along the track. Steam locomotive power didn’t come into regular
service until two years later.= Công ty đầu tiên ở Mỹ bắt đầu hoạt động thực tế là Baltimore và
Ohio, công ty này đã mở đường ray dài 13 dặm vào năm 1830. Công ty này sử dụng một đội ngựa
để kéo một đoàn tàu chở khách và toa xe hàng dọc theo đường ray. Điện đầu máy hơi nước không
được đưa vào sử dụng thường xuyên cho đến hai năm sau đó
The author concludes that for the first decade or more, there was not yet a true
24. Tác giả kết luận rằng trong thập kỷ đầu tiên hoặc hơn, vẫn chưa có một sự thật
C. lịch trình không đáng tin cậy và xác tàu thường xuyên xảy ra
Clue: However, for the first decade or more, there was not yet a true railroad system. Even the
longest of the lines were relatively short in the 1830's, and most of them served simply to connect
water routes to each other, not to link one railroad to another." (Tuy nhiên, trong một thập kỷ đầu
tiên hoặc hơn, vẫn chưa có một hệ thống đường sắt thực sự. Ngay cả những tuyến dài nhất cũng
tương đối ngắn vào những năm 1830 và hầu hết chúng chỉ phục vụ đế kết nối các tuyến đường
thủy với nhau chứ không phải để liên kết tuyến đường sắt này với tuyến đường sắt khác.)
Which of the following is NOT true about the 1830’s and 1840’s (line 25)
26.Điều nào sau đây KHÔNG đúng về những năm 1830 và 1840?
Thông tin trong bài: "Significantly, however, some important developments during the 183 0's and
1840's included the introduction of heavier iron rails, more flexible and powerful locomotives, and
passenger cars were redesigned to become more stable, comfortable, and larger." (Tuy nhiên, đáng
kể là một số phát triển quan trọng trong suốt những năm 1830 và 1840 bao gồm sự ra đời của
đường ray sắt nặng hơn, các đầu máy xe lửa linh hoạt và mạnh mẽ hơn, đồng thời các toa chở
khách được thiết kế lại để trở nên ổn định hơn, thoải mái hơn và lớn hơn.)
stable = ổn định
Thông tin trong bài: "By the end of 1830 only 23 miles of track had been laid in the country. But
by 1936, more than 1,000 miles of track had been laid in eleven States, and within the decade,
almost 3,000 miles had been constructed." (Đến cuối năm 1830 chỉ có 23 dặm đường ray đã được
xây dựng trong đất nước. Nhưng đến năm 1936, hơn 1.000 dặm đường ray đã được xây dựng trong
11 Bang, và trong vòng một thập kỷ, gần 3.000 dặm đã được xây dựng.)
=> 1830 + 10 = 1840
- surpass ~ exceed (v): vượt trội hơn - beaten (v): đánh bại
Thông tin trong bài: "By that early age, the United States had already surpassed Great Britain in
railroad construction, and particularly from the mid-1860’s,..." (Vào thời điểm ban đầu đó, Mỹ đã
vượt qua Vương quốc Anh về việc xây dựng đường sắt, và đặc biệt từ giữa những năm 1860,...)
Từ "percent hay "per cent" luôn ở dạng số ít dù có đi với con số chỉ số lượng nhiều.
"Hàm lượng muối trung bình của nước biển trên 3%.”
Why does the author include details about Great Britain in the passage?
30. Tại sao tác giả đưa những chi tiết về Vương quốc Anh vào đoạn văn?
B. Để minh họa khả năng cạnh tranh giữa hai quốc gia
People often claim that humans and animals are not as different as they appear. For example,
dolphin are often 1_________with human – or even super-human – intelligence and also a sort of
2_________with human beings. This attitude to dolphins is not surprising in view of
3_________like the following one, which happened in 1983. A lawyer’s wife was bathing alone
from a private beach in Florida. She had only just 4________into the water when she was
5________off by a strong current. She swallowed water and was beginning to lose 6________,
wishing desperately that someone would come and rescue her. And she tells how at this moment
she was given ‘a tremendous shove’ and found herself 7______out of the water. She slowly
recovered and turned to thank her rescuer. But there was no one about, only a pair of dolphins
playing and leaping out of the water a few metres offshore.
At this point a man came running up to say that he had seen what he had taken for a dead body
being pushed ashore by one of the dolphins. Now this is not an obscure 8_______ of an incident
which happened in the dim and 9 ______ past. It happened in our own times and was witnessed
by a number of 10_________.
Passage 2:
Earth is the only 1______ we know of in the universe that can support human life.
2_______ human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world
3_______ on consuming two-thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's
population do so 4_______ to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the very resource we
have by which all people can survive and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is 5_______ built
on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited so much that they will never
be able to recover completely. We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any
thought of the consequences. As a 6________ the planet's ability to support people is
being reduced at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are
7______ increasingly heavy demands on it. The Earth's natural resources are there for us
to use. We need food, water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to
8______ us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are sensible in how we use the
resources they will 9______ indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively
they will soon run 10______ and everyone will suffer.
1. A. place B. situation C. position D. site
A - place: nơi
- situation: tình huống - position: vị trí
- site: địa điểm (mà một tòa nhà tọa lạc/ nơi xảy ra việc gì)
2. A. Yet B. Although C. Still D. Despite
A - Yet: tuy nhiên
- although: mặc dù - still: vẫn - despite + N/ V-ing: mặc dù
=> Loại C không hợp nghĩa, loại D do không phù hợp ngữ pháp, loại B do dùng although cần
có hai vế câu
3. A. carries B. continues C. follows D. repeats
A - carry on ~ continue: tiếp tục
- follow: theo sau - repeat: lặp lại
4. A. entirely B. for C. already D. just
D - just: chỉ
- entirely: toàn bộ - for: cho - already: đã…rồi
5. A. neither B. either C. rather D. sooner
B - rather: khá
- neither: không cái nào trong hai cái - either...or: một trong hai, hoặc là
6. A. reaction B. result C. product D. development
B - as a result: kết quả là
7. A. having B. doing C. making D. taking
C - make demand: yêu cầu, đòi hỏi
8. A. maintain B. keep C. stay D. hold
B- keep sb adj: giữ cho ai ở trong trạng thái gì
- maintain: duy trì - stay: ở lại - hold: giữ
9. A. Remain B. last C. stand D. go
B -last: kéo dài, tiếp tục tồn tại
- remain: còn lại, tiếp tục ở trong trạng thái - stand: đứng, chịu đựng - go: đi
=> last indefinitely: tồn tại vô hạn
10. A. up B. off C. down D. out
D - run out: cạn kiệt, hết
- run up: chồng chất (nợ,…) - run off: chảy ra - run down: tồi tàn
I. OPEN CLOZE TEST: Fill each blank with ONE word.(20 pts)
Cloze Test 1:
As a result of the recent discovery of the lunar water, the moon has suddenly become a far more
interesting place for investors, who must now view the 1______ prospects with optimism. The last
manned mission to the moon 2_______to a close in 1973, when two astronauts from Apollo 17
climbed back into their 3______module, having collected a lot of moon rock, but bereft of any
future plans. Now the moon shines brighter for astronauts and scientists alike, 4_______ to the
existence of 5_______might be billions of tones of water at its poles.
There is 6________ high-tech substitute for water in space exploration. To support the
international space 7_______, it has cost at least $100,000 a day to send water into 8______ . Not
only would lunar water cut these costs, but it would additionally be used for rocket fuel, 9______
two components, liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, are the elements found in water.
Scientists are particularly excited 10_______, given the absence of the atmosphere, lunar water
has never been recycled and they believe, therefore, that it could very well hold clues to the
information of the solar system itself.
1. long-term = dài hạn, lâu dài
2. drew => Draw to a close” -> nghĩa là đi đến kết thúc.
3. lunar = thuộc về mặt trăng
4. due/thanks/owing => due to= do, nhờ vào = thanks to = owing to
5. what= cái gì
6. no => be no substitute for = không có thay thế cho
7. station => space station = trạm không gian vũ trụ
8. orbit = quỹ đạo
9. whose => Whose là đại từ quan hệ sở hữu được dùng như một từ hạn định đứng trước
danh từ,
10. because/as/since = bởi vì
Cloze Test 2:
The Changing English Language
All languages change over a period of time, for reasons which are imperfectly understood. Speech
is really so integral a 1________ of human activity that it cannot be regarded as an entity
2________ itself. For this 3________ , it is more exact to say that each generation behaves
linguistically in a slightly different manner from its predecessors.
Young people are impatient of what they often consider to be the stilted vocabulary and
pronunciation of their elders and like to show how up-to-date they are by using a latest slang.
Nevertheless, as the years go by, some of that slang becomes standard 4_______. In any
5________, people slowly grow far 6________ receptive to linguistic novelties, so that by the time
they reach their forties, they decry the slovenly speech of the younger generation.
In this respect, language is a little like fashions in dress. The informal clothes of one generation
become the everyday wear of the 7_______. Similarly, just as many young doctors and office
workers carry out their 8______ in casual clothes, so expressions which were once confined
9_______ slang and familiar conversation are assimilated 10________ their normal vocabulary.
Part 1: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the given word. (10 pts)
1. finalized = hoàn thiện, hoàn thành
2. over- manned= having more employees than are needed
3. outlook= canh chứng, quan điểm
4. theses= Luận văn, luận án
5. foolhardy= dại dột, điên rồ
6. fistfuls= an amount of something that you can hold in your fist/ a large collection or
7. receptacles =a container used for storing or putting objects in
8. initiative => take the initiative = khỏi xướng, đề xuất ý kiến
9. uncooperative=unwilling to help others or do what they ask.
10. impoverished= làm nghèo nàn, suy nhược
Part 2: Complete the passage with appropriate forms from the words given in the box.
(10 pts)
More than half of the World’s population consider themselves shy, delegates to the first
international (1)______ on shyness, being held in Cardiff, will be told today. One in 10 cases is
severe. Effects include mutism, speech problems, (2) ______, blushing, shaking and trembling,
lack of eye contact, difficulty in forming relationships and social phobia- the most extreme form
of shyness, defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a pronounced and (3) ______ fear
of social or performance situations in which embarrassment may occur. Shy people tend to blame
themselves for social (4) ______ and attribute success to (5) ______ factors. They expect their
behaviour to be (6) ______ , remember only negative information about themselves and accept
without challenge adverse comments from others.
The causes are complex and not fully understood. The latest theory is that it can be traced to genes
as well as to social (7) ______. One estimate, based on research with twins, is that around 15
percent of the population are born with a (8)______ to shyness. Some psychologists believe there
are two types: an early developing, fearful shyness and a later developing, (9)______ shyness. The
fearful version emerges often in the first year of life and is thought to be (10) ______ inherited.
1.conference = hội nghị, họp báo
2. loneliness = sự cô đơn
3. persistent= continuing to exist or endure over a prolonged period.
4. failure = sựt hất bại
5. outside= bên ngoài, ở ngoài
6. inadequate = không thỏa đáng, không đủ
7. conditioning=the process of training or accustoming a person or animal to behave in a
certain way or to accept certain circumstances.
8. predisposition = khuynh hướng
9.self-conscious= tự ý thức, tự nhận thức
10. partly=to some extent; not completely.
The passage below contains ten errors. IDENTIFY and CORRECT them. Write
your answer in the space provided in the column on the right.
It is hard for almost everyone, but especially the young, to imagine a world with television.
We have come to expect that all the important news of the day, worldwide will be there by the
touch of a button. In times going by, only the literate knew what was going on in the world, and
then only after a long delay. But now it is possible for any of us to watch world event as they occur.
Nothing has shortened the distance that divides our private lives from the outside world to such an
extent as television.
Time and again, television transport us to the habitats of rare animals, and we may identify
among them. Concern for damage to the environment extends far and away. We worry about the
influence of technology not just in our cities but on us like people. Increasingly, we see us as part
of our planet rather than isolation. There was once the prerogative of scholars is now accessible to
countless people through the medium of television. Because this form of popular education can be
regarded as superficial, it represents a broadening of knowledge.
Write your answers here:
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10.
1. with → without => without + N = không có 2. by → at => with/at the touch of a button/key=
used to emphasize that something can be done
very easily by pressing a button
3. going → gone => in times gone by = khi thời 4. event → events = sự kiện => danh từ đếm
gian trôi qua được
5. among → with => identify with someone =to 6. away → wide=> "Far and wide" = dài và rộng
feel that you are similar to someone in some way -> nghĩa là ở khắp mọi nơi.
and that you can understand that person or their
situation because of this/ to believe that someone
or something is closely connected or involved
with something
7. like → as=> As + danh từ => thể hiện vai trò, 8. us → ourselves => see onself as = nhìn nhận
vị trí của người/ chức năng của vật # Like + bản thân như là
danh từ => thể hiện sự giống nhau
9. There → What=> kiến thức mệnh đề danh 10. Because → Although/though=> because =
ngữ bởi vì # although = mặc dù
It is hard for almost everyone, but especially the young, to imagine a world with television. We
have come to expect that all the important news of the day, worldwide will be there by the touch
of a button. In times going by, only the literate knew what was going on in the world, and then
only after a long delay. But now it is possible for any of us to watch world event as they occur.
Nothing has shortened the distance that divides our private lives from the outside world to such an
extent as television.
Time and again, television transport us to the habitats of rare animals, and we may
identify among them. Concern for damage to the environment extends far and away. We worry
about the influence of technology not just in our cities but on us like people. Increasingly, we
see us as part of our planet rather than isolation. There was once the prerogative of scholars is now
accessible to countless people through the medium of television. Because this form of popular
education can be regarded as superficial, it represents a broadening of knowledge.
7. When he was a child, he loved dismantling things – to see how they worked. (PIECES)
9. If you don’t like the idea then just say no. I believe you should always speak frankly. (SPADE)
10. My father is really very angry when he finds out that I’ve lost the car keys. (WALL)
1. But for her interest in wildlife conservation, she wouldn’t have joined Greenpeace.
Cấu trúc đk loại 3: But for + N, S would have P2 = nếu không có…thì
2. Sally talked me out of selling my car.
Talk sb out ò doing sth = thuyết phục ai đó không làm gì
3. As a result of the fire, a public inquiry was set up.
Set up = thành lập, thiết lập
4. The admission that unemployment was inevitable was something nobody cared for/cared
to make.
5. Let’s get this job over as soon as possible.
get something over = to do or finish an unpleasant but necessary piece of work or duty so that you
do not have to worry about it in the future
6. By and large, we must pass this examination.
By and large" -> nghĩa là 'nói chung', 'về tổng thể'.
7. When he was a child, he loved taking things to pieces– to see how they worked.
Take to pieces" có nghĩa là lấy các mẩu nhỏ, tháo rời các phần, bộ phận của (cái gì) ra; đánh bại,
trừng phạt (ai đó) một cách gay gắt.
8. She’s not really upset; she’s only putting on an act.
Put on an act = giả vờ
9. If you don’t like the idea then just say no. I believe you should call a spade a spade.
Call a spade a spade = nói thẳng và nói thật mà không sợ làm phiền lòng người khác, hay là nói
toạc móng heo
10. My father is going to go up to the wall when he found out I’ve lost the car keys
go up to the wall= trở nên tức giận