Compile Business Research
Compile Business Research
Compile Business Research
In our daily lives, several pains and aches will occur in our body because of
several factors like deprivation of sleep, stress, lack of nutrition, and so on. With that,
massages are one of the most effective ways of relieving these factors as you are allowing
yourself to have some precious “me time.” Relaxing helps you to clear your mind and
eliminate all the negativity in your body (Breeze Oriental Spa & Massage, 2009).
Modern life means beating deadlines, virtual home offices, and homeschooling,
and information overload from multiple social media sites, not to mention keeping your
home clean, cooking, remembering to shower, and trying to maintain a social life. Your
current lifestyle is bombarding you with stressors that impact not only your physical body
but your mental health as well. Your body and mind may become trapped in a fight-or-
flight response if you try to balance too many demands. This results in issues including
difficulty concentrating, difficulty falling asleep, and feelings of anxiety and depression.
If these mental health conditions are not treated, they seek to draw your attention by
Today, more people than merely the wealthy and famous enjoy a day at the spa.
People are becoming increasingly aware of how important contemporary spa treatments
are for giving your body and mind a reset. Spa therapy can give you a pleasurable
opportunity to unwind and reap the rewards that relaxation can provide as part of your
healthy lifestyle.
The global spa market size was valued at USD 47.5 billion in 2020 and is
expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.1% from 2021 to
2028. The rise in hectic lifestyle in urban areas, growth in inbound and outbound tourism
for the purpose of wellness, rising demand from emerging markets, and awareness are the
Massage is a crucial practice. Whether it is done for luxury or not, its benefits are
felt very deep. It cannot be denied it is one of the best ways of strengthening the body
(Garrow, 2021). Massage Therapists are growing in number and in demand, as people are
seeking good health, alternative and complimentary ways to prevent diseases and
As the demand for spas increased, establishments proliferated, and with their
presence came a widened accessibility to spa services, along with more niche offerings
business, with customers willing to spend their hard-earned money on health spa
memberships, treatments, and trips to hotel spas (Gough, 2022). Spas and wellness have
become a part of life, depicting a necessity for survival rather than anything else (Thorne,
2021). Massage removes the blockages and frees up the energy pathways that should
Spas have become a pertinent cultural force, influencing not only how consumers
manage their health, appearance, and stress, but also how consumers socialize,
spiritualize, travel, and work (Felicen, 2014). Massage therapy has been shown to have
beneficial effects on varying conditions. The massage therapy groups have experienced
more positive effects than the control or comparison groups. This may relate to the
which is why the demand for this service has continuously increased over time
(Initiatives, 2014). Massage therapy significantly reduced cancer pain compared with no
massage treatment or conventional care (Lee et al, 2015). Massage therapy can improve
health and wellness through its effects on an individual's physical, mental, and social
well-being (DeLegge et al, 2014). Spa is just one aspect of the multifaceted wellness
industry. While the wellness industry offers a bright future, spa and wellness stakeholders
need to develop practices that communicate the relevance and importance of its services
As the market demand nowadays is leaning towards health and wellness. Despite
the existence of spa outlets business is still feasible, and unlike beauty shops, Filipinos,
and foreign tourists regardless of gender spend more on massage and other wellness
indulgence (Dagooc, 2017). In the past, only upscale spas or fitness clubs offered
massage services. Several individuals believed it to be a privilege reserved for the rich or
a cover for improper conduct. Nowadays, massage is widely accessible and recognized as
a valuable technique for nurturing both physical and mental wellness. Massage is a
general term for pressing, rubbing, and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons, and
ligaments. Massage may range from light stroking to deep pressure. It is considered part
premium-brand spas that have expanded their service menus. At the same time,
establishments that offer traditional bathing, healing, herbal, and therapeutic treatments
derived from centuries-old practices also recognized the potential of branding themselves
as spas, and some are investing in new services, equipment, facilities, as well as
modifying their ambience. European bath houses and saunas, Japanese onsens, Turkish-
style hammams, Indian ayurveda centers, and Thai massage establishments do not
necessarily fit the traditional Western concept or business model of spas, but a certain
portion of these have begun and will continue to cross over to the spa market as they
Many people think that getting a massage is just a way to indulge oneself, but we
know that it is much more than just a quick pick-me-up. When included into a daily
health routine, spa treatments may significantly contribute to your ability to maintain
your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Since then, spa salons have existed to
provide their clients with treatments that might enable them to feel free and relaxed from
the very beginning. You will feel more refreshed if you give yourself permission to have
a massage sometimes, even only for a brief time. After the massage, you will feel
Massages are beneficial for your health in addition to helping you unwind.
Massages allow your body to release serotonin, a hormone that makes you feel joyful,
said massage expert Daisy Vega. In this way, massages promote comfort and satisfaction.
which is crucial to your health. As much as possible, massages make your muscles feel
relaxed, and they also reduce blood pressure. It will allow you to sleep well without
Going to a spa has instant health advantages; a massage will enhance blood
circulation, which distributes oxygen and nutrients to the cells. We frequently take our
bodies for granted and occasionally forget that they deserve some Love. Research
demonstrates that spa and wellness treatments reduce blood pressure and ease physical
discomfort. In the sense that we spend our waking hours checking our phones, getting
inundated with emails, having an unending list of things to do, or that annoying boss who
keeps calling, we can all learn from spas. Spa etiquette isolates the customer from their
mobile phones and other electronics in the treatment area, which is why we can learn
from spas. The client is given time in solitude for reflection and/or mindfulness, and even
before the treatment starts, they experience the presence and touch of a loving human
being. The atmosphere the client is in (music, lighting, etc.) soothes the mind and body.
Based on the profound interest of the researcher, this study may help in
determining the demand, importance, and favorable effects of having services that will
help ease the exhausting day a person encounters. Researchers hope that the results of
this study may serve as inspiration to any individuals of Bais City to give time for
This study serves as an inspiration to the teachers to give time for themselves to
rest, unwind, and be free from stressful and chaotic environments and love themselves
even more. This study will introduce the importance of having "me time" after a very
exhausting day for every employee and it will serve as a revelation for them to love
themselves more and give themselves time to relax despite everything they have been
through. This study is beneficial to the researchers as it provides them with more
information regarding the current demand for Spa and Massage Therapy. This study is
beneficial for future researchers as this will give them information about the level of
demand for spa and massage therapy in the people's lives in Bais City, and a reference for
The result of the study may serve as basis of encouraging students, faculty of
Negros Oriental State University of Bais City. The research study interests the minds of
researchers to discover and help increase awareness of spa and massage therapy
especially to those who wanted to experience quality and affordable services that are also
beneficial to health. The result of this study may motivate them to allow themselves to
The purpose of this study is to determine the demand of spa and massage therapy
which would be the basis of the establishment of BR’s Spa and Massage Therapy in Bais
City. Specifically, it aims to answer the total weekly spa and massage therapy services
availed in Bais City, the services that mostly preferred by customers, the prevailing prices
of services of spa and massage therapy in Bais City, the competitors of spa and massage
therapy services in Bais City, and the level of demand and supply of spa and massage
The purpose of this study is to determine the demand of spa and massage therapy which
would be the basis of the establishment of BR’s Spa and Massage Therapy in Bais City.
1. What is the total weekly spa and massage therapy services availed in Bais City?
2. What spa and massage therapy services are mostly preferred by customers?
3. What are the prevailing prices of services of spa and massage therapy in Bais City?
4. Who are the competitors of spa and massage therapy services in Bais City?
5. What is the demand for spa and massage therapy in Bais City?
6. What is the level of supply in spa and massage therapy services in Bais City?
This chapter presents the research design used in this study, the respondents of the
study, the research instrument to be used to gather data, the validity and reliability of the
instrument, the data-gathering procedure and the statistical tools utilized to analyze and
Research Method
This research study utilized the descriptive survey method to gather data and
information. The gathering of data was done through the distribution of a researcher-
made questionnaire to the respondents. The data gathered were tabulated, analyzed, and
Research Environment
This study will be conducted in the locality of Barangay I, Barangay II, and
Talungon Bais City, specifically in Negros Oriental State University Campus 1&2, Bais
City National High School-Junior and Senior, Bais City Pilot School, and Municipal
Research Respondents
The respondents of this study are the teachers, government, and private
Research Instrument
that determined the level of demand for spa and massage therapy in Bais City.
The gather data needed in this study, the researcher will apply the survey method
and use questionnaire. Before doing this survey and administering the questionnaire, the
researcher will ask first permission to conduct the survey- gather information from the
respondents. The researcher will personally submit the questionnaire to the respondents
When the researcher has gathered enough data, it will edit and sort the collected data to
ensure data accuracy to avoid data redundancy. After that, all the information will be
arranged, tally and analyze using statistical treated to be able to generate meaningful
To interpret the data effectively, the researcher will employ the following
statistical treatment.
1. Percentage
To compute the percentage, the researcher divided the frequency of each factor by
The formula is as follows: P= 𝑛 𝑥 100
This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered by the researcher.
The data gathered pertains to the level of demand of spa and massage therapy in Bais
Table 1
Age Profile of Respondents
Age Frequency Percentage
25 – 30 71 18.88%
31 – 35 59 15.69%
36 – 40 76 20.21%
41 – 45 64 17.02%
46 – 50 49 13.03%
51 – 55 31 8.24%
56 – 60 14 3.72%
61 - 65 12 3.19%
Table 1 present the distribution of the respondents by age level, 18.88% of the
employees are at the age of ( 25-30 ), 15.69% of the respondents are all at age of ( 31-35
), 20.21% of the respondents are all at the age of ( 36-40 ), 17.02% of the respondents are
all at the age of ( 41-45), 13. 03% of the respondents are all at the age of ( 46-50, 8.24%
of the respondents are all at the age of ( 51-55 ), 3. 72% of the respondents are all at the
age of ( 56 - 60), and lastly 3.19% of the respondents are all aged (61-65).
Table 2
Gender of Respondents
Gender Frequency Percentage
Table 2 shows the gender of the respondents, in which out of 376 respondents
there are 245 or 65.16% of female and the remaining percent is male which consists of
Table 3
Occupation of the Respondents
Occupation Frequency Percentage
Self-employed 24 6.38%
respondents there are 123 or 32.71% who are teachers from NORSU Campus 1&2,
BCPS, BCNHS Senior & Junior. While 192 or 51.06% are from the government
employee, followed by 37 or 9.84% respondents who are private employee and lastly
Table 4
Income of the Respondents
Income Frequency Percentage
Table 4 present the distribution of the respondents by income level, 39.10% of the
respondents has an income of (51,000-55,000), and lastly 1.86% of the respondents has
an income of (56,000-60,000).
Table 5
Often go to spa or massage therapist
Particulars Frequency Percentage
No 199 52.93%
Table 5 shows out of 376 of our respondents, 177 or 47. 07 percent who said yes
because as our respondent said they often go to spa to enjoy and relax their body most
specially the machine that they want to avail and 199 or 52.93 percent of our respondents
who said No since they prefer to avail home service rather than going to the spa and
massage therapy.
Table 6
Often avail and visit on the spa and massage therapy services in a month.
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Twice 60 33.90%
Thrice 15 8.47%
Others: 1 0.56%
Table 6 shows 177 of respondents that often go to spa and massage therapy
services, 101 or 57.06% of the respondents only go to spa and massage therapy services
once in a month, 60 or 33. 90% of the respondents go to spa and massage therapy twice
Table 7
Spa and massage services usually avail.
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Combination 63 35.59%
Ventosa 6 3.39%
Others: 30 16.95%
Table 7 shows those services that usually avail of the respondents, 63 or 35.59%
avail foot reflex, 24 or 13 57% of the respondents avail foot spa, 15 or 8.47% of the
avail Body/foot scrub, 7 or 3.95% of the respondents avail Dry Body massage, and lastly,
Table 8
Usually pay on those services
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Others: 6 3.39%
Table 8 presents the prices of services that respondents usually avail. Of 117
respondents that often go to spa and massage services, 113 or 63.84% of them pay 250 to
350 pesos on the services they avail, in the price of 360 to 450 pesos there are 38 or
21.47% respondents pays that price. In the 460 to 550 pesos there are 14 or 7.91%
respondents said that they usually pay that price while 6 or 3.39% respondents said that
they usually pay 560 to 650 pesos for the services they availed and lastly there are 6 or
3.39% respondents answer the other prices like 150 and 200.
Table 9
There are spa and massage services in the area.
Particulars Frequency Percentage
No 57 32.20%
Table 9 shows the availability of spa and massage services in Bais City. It shows
out of 177 respondents that often go to spa and massage service there are 120 or 67.80%
respondents knows that there are other establishments of spa and massage services in
Bais City while there are 57 or 32.20% respondents that did not know any spa and
Table 10
Satisfied with the services they offer.
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Table 10 shows respondents satisfied with the services they offer, 61 or 34.46%
of the respondents said they are very satisfied, 112 or 63.28% of the respondents said
they are satisfied, and 4 or 2.26% of the respondents said they are not satisfied.
Table 11
Willing to patronize.
Particulars Frequency Percentage
No 44 11.70%
332 or 88.30% said yes, they are willing to patronize and 44 or 11.70% who said no, or
Yes No
2. How often do you usually avail and visit on the spa and massage therapy services in a
Once Thrice
250-350 550-650
Yes No
7. If and when we will open and establish spa and massage therapy services, are you
willing to patronize?
Yes No