CED GEVGELIJA 20 MW Izvestuvanje-za-namera-Veteren-park-Petrovo 20MW EN

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May, 2020


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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija


1 Information about the investor .............................................. ........................................3

2 Characteristics of the project................................................... ............................................3
2.1 Category of the proposed project............................................... ......................3
2.2 General data and reasons for justification of the project ...............................4 2.3.
General information about the project................................................... ...................................6
2.3.1. Access and internal roads................................................... .........................8 2.3.2.
Power system connection................................................. .........9
3. Project Location .............................................. ................................................ .9
3.3. Climatic characteristics ................................................... ...................................14
3.4. Hydrological characteristics ................................................... ..............................14
3.5. Relief and geological features .............................................. ................15
3.6. Seismological characteristics ................................................... ............................16
3.7. Biodiversity................................................... ......................................17 3.7.1. Flora and
fauna in the Municipality of Gevgelija ............................................. ................17
3.8. Natural, cultural and historical heritage................................................ .....17
4. Characteristics of possible impact on the environment ..........................22
5. Additional information................................................... ......................................29

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

1 Investor information

Name and surname of the Investor PERA ENERGY LTD

Postal address of headquarters st. "Mark and Engels" no. 1 - 5/2 Skopje, R.
S. Macedonia

Phone, fax and email address Mert Aydin

investor mail phone: 070 337 887

e-mail: [email protected]

Name and surname of the designated person for Vandovska Anka

contact and his postal address, phone: 070 337 887
telephone, fax and electronic address
mail e-mail: [email protected]

2 Characteristics of the project

The construction of the wind park "Petrovo" in the Municipality of Gevgelija aims to use the potential
of renewable energy sources, more specifically wind energy, and thereby contribute to the total
production of electricity in the Republic of North Macedonia. The project envisages the installation
of 11 wind turbines, with a total installed power of 40 MW, at a location in the vicinity of the village
of Petrovo, Gevgelija Municipality.

With the implementation of the project, the Investor will contribute to the production of electricity
from the so-called "clean sources", and thus it will have a positive impact on the environment. By
starting with the implementation of the project activities, the project approaches and contributes to
the realization of the main goals of the Strategy for the use of renewable energy sources until 2020,
the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (2009-2030), the Strategy for the Development
of the Energy of the Republic Macedonia until 2030, the Third National Plan for Climate Change,
December 2013, as well as the Law on Energy ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia
16/11, 136/11, 79/13, 164/13, 41/14, 151/14 , 33/15, 192/15 and 06/16).

2.1 Category of the proposed project

The project activities for the performance of the wind park "Petrovo", Municipality of Gevgelija

• Installation of 11 wind turbines, each with a power of 4.2 MW;

• Construction of access roads; and

• Construction of a connection to the electric power system through the existing planned and
projected 110 kV transmission line and substation TS 33/110kV of the wind park "Dren"
which is under construction and construction of TS Petrovo 35/110kV.

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

In accordance with the Decree on the determination of projects and on the criteria on the basis of
which the need to implement the procedure for the assessment of environmental impacts is
determined ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova" no. 74/05, 109/09, 164/12 and 202/16),
this Project is categorized in the group of generally defined projects for which the need to
implement an environmental impact assessment procedure is determined - Annex II1 ,
Point 3-Energy, (i) Installations for the use of wind power, for the purpose of energy
production (so-called wind farms).

Based on this, the Developer has prepared this Notice of Intent to Carry Out a Project, along with
a checklist to determine the need for environmental impact assessment and a checklist for
determining the extent of environmental impact assessment.

2.2 General data and reasons for justification of the project

The increasing need for electricity in recent years emphasizes the importance of building and
using energy systems from renewable sources. The implementation of the "Petrovo" Wind Park
project will contribute to increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the total production
of electricity in R. S. Macedonia.

Wind energy, as a renewable energy source, has the highest growth rate in the last two decades
and is considered a very important source of electricity for the future. The use of wind energy in
global world electricity production in 2020 is estimated to account for 12%.

In the past period, several studies have been done to determine the potential of wind energy in
Macedonia and to select the most suitable locations for the construction of wind power plants.
According to the geographical location and relief configuration, suitable
locations in Macedonia for the construction of wind power plants are the valley of the river Vardar, that is
Povardarieto, Ovche Pole around Sveti Nikole, as well as the higher mountain parts where there
are high wind speeds. One of the several projects and studies is the produced wind energy atlas.
In accordance with the prepared atlas of wind energy2 and in accordance with the Strategy for
the use of renewable energy sources (RES) in RS. Macedonia, the location in question belongs
to the second group of most favorable locations for the construction of wind power plants. The
following table presents data on the 15 most favorable locations for the construction of wind farms,
including our subject location.

Projects for which the need to implement a procedure for assessing the impact on animals is determined
environment (Generally defined projects)
Wind Energy Resource Atlas and Site Screening of the Republic of Macedonia, AWSTruewind, June 2005
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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

Table 1 Data on the most favorable locations for the construction of wind power plants3
Speed of Lowest wind CF*estimate at
P (MW)
80 connection costs in m (m/s)
Elevation (m.a.s.l.)
EEC (million €)
1. 1896 8.41 2.02 0.389 25
2. 2079 7.97 2.10 0.338 25
3. 566 7.35 1.50 0.338 24.9
4. 1994 7.63 2.00 0.325 25
5. 2088 7.85 2.38 0.329 25
6. 1159 7.53 3.76 0.347 25
7. 1453 7.45 2.14 0.324 25.4
8. 641 6.96 1.39 0.313 26.4
9. 2511 8.06 2.55 0.325 25.4
10. 408 7.04 1.39 0.305 25
11. 2003 7.30 2.13 0.306 25
12. 1998 7.43 3.05 0.314 25.9
13. 2134 7.13 1.99 0.288 25
14. 2319 7.29 2.92 0.297 27.4
15. 1577 6.68 1.79 0.272 25.9
*CF = W/(8760-P) where W is the annual electricity production and P is the installed power of the wind farm; CF is a factor of annual
engagement of electricity with the installed power

The following picture shows all the most favorable locations for the construction of windmills in RS.
Macedonia together with the location in question (point 8 and point 3 in Figure 1).


Figure 1 Map of the most favorable locations for the construction of wind farms in R. Macedonia4

Strategy for the use of renewable energy sources in the Republic of Macedonia, June 2010
According to a study based on satellite images from AWSTruewind - Wind Energy Resource Atlas and Site
Screening of the R. of Macedonia, AWSTruewind, June 2005
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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

The subject location in Petrovo is included in the second group of potential locations for the construction
of wind power plants. For this group of locations there are no measured values, for which measuring
stations should be installed, and expected production obtained. However, the locations are similar in
configuration to the locations where there are measured values
or they are located near them, so it is to be expected that theirs is too
production would be within the same limits as for the measured locations of the first group.
The total installed capacity of wind farms by 2030, in Rs. S. Macedonia
it is planned to be around 360 MW, with an expected annual production of around 720 GWh.5

2.3. General information about the project

At the site in question, for the construction of the wind park "Petrovo", Municipality of Gevgelija, it is
planned to install 11 columns for wind turbines of the Goldwind brand with a power of 4.2 MW each or
with a total operating power of 40 MW.

Operational parameters of the Goldwind 4.2 MW wind turbines:

- Minimum operating wind speed Vmin = 2.5 m/s - that is, it is the speed at
which starts with the production of electricity;

- Nominal operating speed Vn = 10 m/s - speed at which the unit reaches

its nominal power;

- Maximum operating speed Vmax= 25 m/s - is actually the speed at which the turbine
it stops working.

Wind turbines are composed of three basic parts:

• rotor - 3 blades that convert wind power into low-speed mechanical power;

• generator - control electronics and gear transmission for acceleration

the resulting revolutions suitable for electricity production; and

• carrier - mast (pillar) and tilting mechanism.

The appearance of the wind turbines and their components are shown in the following figure.

Strategy for the use of renewable energy sources in R. Macedonia until 2020, MANU June 2010 http://manu.edu.mk/wp-content/uploads/
2017/10/%D0%A1%D0%A2%D0%A0%D0%90%D0%A2% D0%95%D0%93%D0%98%D0%88%D0%90-
%D0%97%D0%90-%D0%98%D0%A1%D0%9A%D0%9E%D0%A0%D0%98%D0%A1%D0%A2%D0%A3%D0%92% D0%90%D0%8A%D0%95-
%D0%9D%D0%90-%D0%9E%D0%91%D0%9D%D0%9E%D0%92%D0%9B%D0%98%D0%92%D0%98%D0%A2% D0%95-
%D0%98%D0%97%D0%92%D0%9E%D0%A0%D0%98-%D0%9D%D0%90-%D0%95%D0%9D%D0%95%D0%A0 %D0%93%D0%98%D0%88%D0%90-
%D0%9C%D0%90%D0%9A%D0%95%D0%94%D0%9E%D0%9D%D0%98%D0%88%D0%90-%D0%94%D0%9E- 2020-
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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

Figure 2 Components of a wind turbine

Figure 3 Schematic representation of a wind turbine

Goldwind 4.2 MW Turbine Features

The turbine rotor is a free-standing construction with three blades (propellers) mounted on a
support pole. The diameter of the turbine is 155 m.
The aerodynamic profile of the propeller is the main factor that determines the way the kinetic
energy of the wind is converted. Due to the difference in the flow of wind speeds from the back
and the front, a difference in pressure occurs, which results in a driving force, i.e. causes a
torque. In addition to this force, the force of direct wind pressure also acts on the propellers, but
this influence is very small.
Turbine power is regulated by pitch control and rotor speed is variable to maximize aerodynamic
efficiency and reduce load on the gearing system during power control.

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija


The generator is double fed, flat rotor and slip rings. It is cooled by an air exchanger. The control
system allows variable speed operation using frequency control of the rotor intensity. The features
and functions of this generator are:

ÿ Optimal operation, maximizing production and minimizing load and noise, thanks to variable
speed operation.

ÿ Control of active and reactive power by controlling the current phase of

the amplitude and the rotor.

ÿ Easy connection and disconnection from the mains.

Wind turbine support column

The pole on which the wind turbine will be mounted is steel, conical and tubular. The height of the
pillar is 110 m.


Standard foundations have a combined truncated cone and cylindrical shape. They will be designed
using calculations based on the load capacity of the wind turbine and
geological surveys of the soil.

During the construction phase of the wind turbines, control of the embedded concrete masses
should be carried out in accordance with the applicable regulation and building regulations in the
Republic of Moldova. S. Macedonia. To dimension the foundations of each wind turbine,
geomechanical testing is currently being carried out at the site. Based on the field and laboratory
tests, a report will be prepared for geological, engineering-geological, hydrogeological,
geomechanical and geophysical research for the locations planned for the installation of each wind
turbine. The results of the Report, as well as the assessment of possible impacts, will be part of
the environmental impact assessment study.

2.3.1. Access and internal roads

To the east of the "Petrovo" wind park site, about 3 km away, is the Demir Kapija - Smokvica
highway section. The "Petrovo" wind park is planned to be connected to the highway Demir Kapija
- Smokvica through the already existing municipal road that leads to the village of Petrovo. From
the village of Petrovo to the site in question, for the needs of the implementation of the project,
the construction of a new access road to the site is foreseen. In addition to the construction of the
new access road, the construction of internal roads to each of the wind turbines is also planned.

Regarding the technical characteristics, the access roads will be dimensioned according to the
needs for installing the wind turbines. They will be made of natural material (macadam), with a
width of about 5 m, a gradient of less than 8% and a radius of curves over 35 m.

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

During the construction phase, the access roads should enable the transport of the machinery
for the execution of the works, the transport of the necessary material for the construction of the
wind turbines and the equipment that will be installed.

2.3.2. Power system connection

The wind park "Petrovo" will be connected to the electricity system through the existing
transformer station TS Dubrovo. More specifically, the connection to the energy system is
planned to be performed through the existing planned and projected 110 kV line and substation
TS 33/110kV – Dren and the construction of a new substation TS Petrovo 35/110kV. TS Dren is
located at a distance of about 8 km from the project site.

3. Location of the project

The project area for the performance of the wind park "Petrovo" is located in the southeastern
part of R. S. Macedonia and occupies part of the territory of the Municipality of Gevgelija - KO
Petrovo. The wind park will be located in a hilly mountain area with an altitude ranging from 500
m to 650 m.

The following tabular overview provides coordinates of 11 proposed locations for the installation
of wind turbines.

Table 2 Coordinates of proposed wind turbine sites

Balkans MGI Zone 7 UTM 34 T
T1 7614314 4574614 613840 4573748
T2 7614997 4574015 614523 4573149
T3 7615537 4574227 615063 4573361
T4 7613278 4573723 612804 4572857
T5 7616248 4572210 615774 4571344
T6 7616789 4572475 616315 4571609
T7 7616432 4574186 615958 4573320
T8 7612143 4573233 611669 4572367
T9 7617062 4573635 616588 4572769
T10 7611824 4573874 611350 4573008
T11 7610633 4574889 610159 4574023

Satellite image of the project site on which the location of the wind turbines is marked
turbines is given in the following figure.

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

Figure 4 Location of wind turbines on a satellite image

The nearest settlements around the project area are the following: in the southeast n.m. Gabrovo,
to the east via the highway "Prijatelsto" n.m. Miravci, to the west the Municipality of Kavadarci,
and to the northwest the Municipality of Demir Kapija.

The following pictures show topographical maps of the project area in a scale of 1:25000 with the
location of the wind turbines from the wind park "Petrovo".

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

T 11

T 10


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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija



Figure 5 Topographic map of the area with marked locations of 11 wind turbines (1:25000)

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

The following picture shows the location of the new wind turbines and the proximity of the existing wind farm "Dren",
as well as the locations of the planned future projects for the wind farm "Koprišnica", "Petrovo" and the expansion of
the wind farm "Dren 2".

Location for the future

T11 wind farm
T10 "Koprišnica"

A location for the future
expansion of
Location of T8 Dren Wind Park
wind turbines for
wind farm
"Peter T4


T7 T6


Dren Wind Park









Figure 6 Location of wind turbines in relation to Dren wind park

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

3.3. Climatic characteristics

Municipality of Gevgelija

The openness of the municipality of Gevgelija to the Thessaloniki valley through the Vardar valley
conditions the strong influence of the Mediterranean climate in this region, especially expressed in
the valley part up to 300 m above sea level, and less changed in the hilly area up to
600 m above sea level. Mountain climate prevails only in the highest parts of Kozhuf mountain. The
average annual temperature in Gevgelija is 14.3°C. The average annual amount of precipitation is
745.2 mm3 . The distribution of precipitation is not uniform, it is most abundant in autumn and least
abundant in summer. The most prominent are the Vardarec and Jug winds. Vardarets comes from
the north, and the south from the southeast direction.

3.4. Hydrological characteristics

Municipality of Gevgelija

The territory of the municipality covers part of the basin of the lower reaches of the Vardar River,
which is the most important watercourse that drains surface and underground waters. Larger
watercourses that flow into the Vardar River are the Suva, Konjska, Mrzenska, Kovanska, Zuica,
Petrushka and Javorica rivers. The tributaries of Vardar are relatively shallow, which is why some of
them dry up during the summer. The hydrographic structure also includes the reservoirs in
Bogorodica, Toplec, Dos, Kalica and others. The municipality has rich sources of mineral and thermo-
mineral water. One of the most famous sources of mineral water is located at the Smrdliva voda
tourist site. While there are rich springs of thermo-mineral water near the Negorski spas and near
the village of Smokvica.

The rivers Petrushka and Stara reka pass in the surroundings of the project area.

A hydrogeological map of the area is given in the following picture.

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

Project area

Figure 7 Hydrogeological map of the area

3.5. Relief and geological features

Municipality of Gevgelija

The municipality of Gevgelija covers the Lower Povardarie, that is, the Gevgelija valley, which
stretches from the northern and southern sides of the Macedonian-Greek border.

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

The area is distinguished by areas of hilly plain terrains, which rise up to about 600 m.a.s.l., on
which semi-vial - deluvial and cement brown soils develop, and mountainous area, from 600 -
2000 m.a.s.l., dominated by sour -
brown soils. From a geological point of view, the terrains are built mostly of gabbro and diabase,
and partly of granites and carbonates.

The relief is varied and consists of numerous hills, hills and mounds between which are wide and
shallow valleys that gravitate towards the south. Very interesting is the appearance of three lonely
hills (Dinqut, Mrzenski and Vardarski Rid) whose origin is probably erosive, but possible tectonic
influences are not excluded. These hills give the city of Gevgelija special landscape values and
mark its identity.

3.6. Seismological characteristics

The municipality of Gevgelija belongs to the area of the Vardar zone, which is characterized by
occasional seismic activity. Most of the recorded earthquakes are connected to the Valandovo
seismogenic focus, which is one of the most active seismogenic sources in Macedonia.

The location of the project area is in a region that also belongs to the Vardar region
seismic zone (Serbian-Macedonian massif subzone), which are some of the seismic ones
the most active zones in Macedonia and the Balkans.

According to the seismic scale, the project area belongs to the VIIIº MCS of increased
seismic activity.

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

Project area

Figure 8 Seismological map of the area

3.7. Biological diversity

3.7.1. Flora and fauna in Gevgelija Municipality

Under the influence of the Mediterranean climate in the Municipality of Gevgelija there is a
xerothermal community of the prnar, in which numerous Mediterranean species take part. In
a vertical view, the oak blagun appears above the prnar, and above it the forest is represented
by three belts of beech forests, known as sub-mountain, mountain and sub-alpine, and fir is
also present in them.

In terms of fauna, in the forest areas of Gevgelija you can meet partridge, wild goose and
harrier, pike, quail, black and bearded vulture, griffon vulture, ringed mouse, common kestrel,
imperial eagle, wild boar, rabbit, bear, wolf, fox, chamois, snakes, wild cat, badger and squirrel
The Vardar River has a fish stock of the following types of fish: catfish, carp, barbel, chub and

3.8. Natural, cultural and historical heritage

In the Municipality of Gevgelija, more specifically, the Municipality of Petrovo, the church "St.
Spas" - or "Ascension of Christ". The church was built before 1860. But around 1860-1861 it
was burned down, and then -
in 1867, it was restored by the local population. According to his

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

architectural form, the church is three-nave with wooden ceilings, with a semi-circular apse
on the eastern wall and a female section on the western wall. The interior of the temple is
decorated with very beautiful frescoes, painted on the northern and southern walls. The
iconostasis is carved. All icons, which fill the iconostasis, date from the 19th century, with
the names of the donors.

The following pictures show maps of protected areas and cultural heritage in R. S. Macedonia,
in accordance with the data from the National Spatial Plan of R. Macedonia (2002 - 2020)6 .


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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

Project area

Figure 9 Natural heritage map of R. S. Macedonia

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

Project area

Figure 10 Map of cultural and historical heritage of R. S. Macedonia

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

Within the planning scope, no characteristic species of flora and fauna have been recorded.

In the area where the realization of the project is planned, there are no cultural-historical
monuments and/or localities.

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

4. Characteristics of possible impact on the environment

The impacts that will result from the realization of the "Petrovo Wind Park" project will be
considered in the construction and operational phase. They will be the same
assessed against receptors.

In order to evaluate the possible impacts from the implementation of the Project, below is an
overview of the planned activities that will be carried out in the construction and operational

a) Construction phase

The construction phase includes the preparation of the construction site, i.e. marking and
clearing the terrain, transportation of materials, raw materials, waste and workers, excavation
of foundations and foundation of the pillars, excavation of channels for installation of energy
infrastructure, concreting, transportation and installation of the equipment, final construction
works and clearing of the construction site.

During the construction activities, the following will be generated: fugitive emissions of dust
and exhaust gases in the ambient air from the construction machinery, municipal waste water
from the workers, different fractions of waste, noise and vibrations from the machinery, etc.

Based on the above in the construction phase, negative impacts on air quality, groundwater,
soil, noise, landscape and biological are possible.

b) Operational phase

The operational phase involves the operation of the wind farms and the production of
electricity. The equipment will be able to work continuously (depending on the dynamics and
parameters of the wind energy), without the continuous presence of employees. Regular and
extraordinary servicing of the wind turbine equipment will be carried out. The competent
companies will regularly maintain the equipment and devices for the transmission of electricity.

Negative impacts in the operational phase can occur in the event of a breakdown/
breakdown of a wind turbine, during which certain fractions of waste may be generated due
to repair of a defect, and the activities may affect the soil and
biological diversity.

c) Post-operative phase

The activities in the post-operational phase are similar to the activities that will be performed
in the construction phase. The post-operational phase covers the period after the end of the
operational life of the wind turbines. This phase includes removing the infrastructure and
rehabilitation/remediation of the site and returning it to its original condition or replacing the
wind turbines with new ones.

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

Based on the above, it cannot be predicted whether actions will be taken to remove the wind
turbines or whether they will be replaced. Impacts will depend on future decommissioning
techniques available at the time of decommissioning, which cannot be predicted as they are
not subject to

Overview of possible negative impacts

Type of potential impact Build Operability

Making noise ÿ ÿ

Impact on environmental resources/wildlife ÿ ÿ

Landscape and visual effects ÿ ÿ

Gas emissions ÿ x

Dust ÿ x

Effluents ÿ x

Creation of waste and its treatment ÿ ÿ

Overnight operation x ÿ

Disturbance of water courses or sediments ÿ x

Risk of incidents that would result in pollution ÿ ÿ

or hazard
Endangerment of cultural heritage x x

Intensification of traffic ÿ ÿ

Storage, handling, transport or disposal of ÿ ÿ

hazardous materials and waste
Health of people x x

Transboundary impacts ÿ x x

= Possible X = Not expected

Below is a more detailed description of the possible impacts on the environment from the
implementation of the project in the construction and operational phases and measures to
mitigate them.

Ambient air

Construction phase: As a result of construction activities (earth excavation, concreting,

access roads, excavation of channels for installation of energy infrastructure, etc.) as well as
the use of construction machinery will be generated
emissions of dust, exhaust gases, etc. which may cause disturbance of ambient air quality as
well as visual disturbance (dust clouds) and deposition of dust in the immediate vicinity of the
site in the form of sediment.

These emissions can cause negative impacts on air quality and

the rest of the media from the environment.

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

The amount of generated dust emissions will depend on the way the activities are performed,
the applied measures of good construction practice, the characteristics of the mechanization,
the duration of the construction activities, meteorological conditions, etc. The emission of
exhaust gases will depend on the composition of the fuel that will be used (gasoline, diesel,
gas), the frequency of movement of machinery and the duration of construction activities.
When diesel fuels are burned, vehicles and other equipment generate gases, known as
greenhouse gases. The sources of greenhouse gas emissions are: vegetation cleaning
equipment, transportation of materials
and improperly disposed organic waste. Sensitive receptors are the biological diversity in the
area and the performers of the activities.

The impacts on ambient air quality, which originate from the listed emissions, at this stage,
are evaluated as negative, direct, of low intensity, short-term, reversible, with a certain
probability of occurrence, and of a local character.

Measures to reduce impacts: application of good construction practice, water spraying with
the help of tankers on access roads and in locations where they will be carried out
excavations, use of high-quality fuels, regular control of construction machinery, turning off
the engines of machinery and vehicles when they are not in use
movement or do not perform any activity.

Operational phase: In this phase, the generation of emissions in the ambient air is not
expected, with the exception of the occurrence of defects and breakdowns in which there is a
need to use machinery.
Impact reduction measures: In the event of a breakdown or breakdown, it is recommended
to apply the impact reduction measures specified for the construction phase.

Noise and vibration

Construction phase: as a result of the use of construction machinery and construction

activities (construction of the wind farm, excavation of materials, transport of construction
material, waste and workers, construction of access roads) increased levels of noise and
vibration will be generated. Since there are no other sensitive receptors in the environment,
the noise and vibrations that will be generated in the construction site
phase will affect site workers and animals in the surrounding area. The impacts will be on the
construction site itself and on the roads where the transport will be carried out, and will be
limited in time while the activity lasts.
Noise and vibration impacts, at this stage, are evaluated as negative, direct, of low intensity,
short-term, reversible, with a certain probability of occurrence, and of a local character.

Measures to reduce impacts: it is recommended to apply good construction practice, use

modern construction equipment and mechanization, turn off engines

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of machinery and vehicles when they are in the so-called "empty of" i.e. not in

Operational phase: In this phase, the generation of noise emissions from the operation of the
wind turbines is expected, as well as in cases of regular service and/or occurrence of defects
and breakdowns in which there is a need to use mechanization. The expected increased noise
level is due to the fact that the wind turbines themselves generate
noise of about 100 dB, which decreases with increasing distance. Since there are no
settlements in the immediate vicinity of the project area, sensitive receptors are the biological
diversity in the immediate surroundings of the area.

Noise impacts during the operational phase are assessed as insignificant.

Measures to reduce impacts: Application and installation of turbines that produce low levels
of noise or the so-called "quiet turbines". In the event of a breakdown or breakdown, it is
recommended to apply the measures to reduce the impacts specified for the construction


Construction and operational phase:

Impacts on surface and underground water are not expected either in the construction or in
the operational phase, if one takes into account the location of the locations where the wind
turbines will be installed and the depth of the excavations for laying the foundations and
channels for laying the energy infrastructure, as well as the fact that there is no surface flow in
the immediate vicinity of the location, it can be considered that minimal indirect impacts are
possible only on groundwater, which would eventually appear as a result of incident situations.
The generation of sanitary waste water during the construction phase by the hired workers is
also expected. Adequate measures are foreseen for these impacts.

The impacts on surface and underground waters in the construction and operational phase
are evaluated as negative, indirect, of low intensity, short-term, reversible, with a possible
probability of occurrence, of a local character.

Measures to reduce impacts: Application of good construction practice, application of

measures to reduce impacts on media in the environment and installation of mobile toilets
during the construction phase which will be maintained by an authorized company.


Construction phase: Impacts on the quality of the soil are expected during the performance
of geotechnical investigations of the stability of the substrate, excavations and leveling of the
terrain, the construction of internal access roads, manipulation of the mechanization. As a
result of the above activities, there is a possibility of erosion, compaction of the soil, reduction
of its fertility,

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pollution etc. Soil pollution can also occur as a result of inadequate management of waste
fractions, accidental leakage of oils and fuel from machinery, etc.

The impacts on the soil during the construction phase are assessed as reliable, negative,
direct, with low to moderate intensity, short-term, reversible and irreversible, of a local

Measures to reduce the impacts: It is recommended to apply good construction practice,

geomechanical tests of the soil on the site, treatment of the contaminated soil as hazardous
waste, placement of absorption material (clean sand) during the construction phase, etc.

Operational phase: No emissions to soil are expected during this phase.

Biological diversity

Construction phase:

In order to determine the impacts of the project on biological diversity, an extensive research
and monitoring of the existing condition of the flora and fauna of the site in question will be
carried out and mitigation measures will be proposed for all phases of the project. The project
area and the wider surroundings are not characterized by vegetation that is of particular
importance and therefore there is no need for a special value for protection. The removal of
vegetation can cause erosion in places where construction activities will be carried out. The
use of construction machinery will generate a high level of noise, the generated hazardous
waste and the incidental spills of hazardous materials and substances may cause negative
impacts on animal species in the project area.

The impacts on biological diversity in the construction and operational phase are assessed as
possible, local, negative, of medium intensity and duration determined by the duration
of the construction works and the operation of the wind turbines.

Measures to reduce impacts: application of good construction practice, application of

measures to reduce impacts in the media and areas of life
environment, limitation of construction activities only within the limits of the planned area,
compensation of removed vegetation by planting vegetation with species characteristic of that
Operational phase:

The current operation of the Petrovo wind farm will have an impact on the birds present on
the site and possibly bats if identified during the monitoring phase. At this stage, it is not
possible to precisely determine the size and degree of impact, but based on several studies
done on this type of construction, the impact on birds is assessed as minor. No impacts on
the flora and other fauna are expected during the operational phase.

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Measures to reduce impacts: after monitoring and impact assessment, a set of measures
will be proposed in the environmental impact assessment study in order to mitigate and/or
avoid negative impacts.

Construction and operational phase:

Landscape and visual impacts during construction work are mainly related to
construction activities, the presence of vehicles, waste storage, etc., while in the operational
phase the visual impacts are mainly due to the installed wind turbines. The implementation of
the project will have an impact on the landscape and the visual environment because the
wind turbines are high construction buildings (110 m), placed at a higher altitude (500 – 650
m above sea level), and they will be visible from great distances.

The impacts on the landscape in the construction and operational phase are evaluated as
negative, direct, irreversible, with high intensity, with a certain probability of occurrence,
of a local character.

Measures to reduce impacts: Restoration of the area after the completion of construction
activities and application of good construction practice. Restoration of the landscape and its
remediation after the end of the use of the wind turbines

Construction and operational phase:

During the construction phase, different fractions of waste will be generated, which will mainly
represents construction waste, packaging waste, municipal waste, waste from removed
vegetation, hazardous waste, etc.

In the operational phase, waste will be generated in the event of the repair of a breakdown of
the wind turbines, whereby waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), packaging
waste, etc. will be generated.

The contractor is obliged to act according to the legal regulations for this type of waste.
Improper waste management can cause negative impacts on media quality and environmental

The impacts of the waste in the construction and operational phase are evaluated as
negative, direct, of low intensity, will appear immediately, reversible, with a certain
probability of occurrence, and of a local character.

Measures to reduce impacts: As measures to reduce impacts, it is recommended to comply

with the legal obligations for the selection and proper management of all fractions of generated
waste, signing contracts with authorized companies for taking over and further dealing with
the various fractions of waste, applying good
waste management practices, etc.

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Cultural heritage

Construction phase: Construction activities may cause negative impacts

on possible undiscovered localities that have cultural heritage.

The impacts on possible undiscovered cultural heritage sites in the construction phase are evaluated as negative,
direct, irreversible, with a possible probability of occurrence, of national importance.

Measures to reduce impacts: To establish communication with the Ministry of Culture, to undertake activities of
education of workers and

Operational phase: No impacts are expected in the operational phase.

Risk of accidents and incidents

Construction and operational phase: The potential risks and dangers associated with the project in the
construction phase are: risk of natural disasters, risk of leakage of dangerous substances (in the construction phase
and during the repair of a defect in the operational phase), risk of fire, risk of breakdown of wind turbines and energy
supply that may cause negative impacts on

environmental media, etc.

Impacts are evaluated as possible, negative, reversible, of low intensity and from
local character

Mitigation measures: Preparing emergency management procedures for a wide range of situations. An emergency
management plan should also be drawn up to identify emergency conditions that could lead to the breakdown of the
wind farm and provide for emergency measures to prevent

the possible incidents.

Population and population health

Construction and operational phase: Based on the fact that the nearest settlements are located at an aerial
distance of 800 m to 2,300 m, the impacts on the population and the health of the population in the construction and
operational phase are assessed as negative, no impact.

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5. Additional information

The competent authority for issuing the Decision for the implementation of the project is the
Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, i.e. the Administration for

The checklist for determining the need for an environmental impact assessment and the list for
determining the scope are given in APPENDIX 1 and APPENDIX 2, in continuation of this

With respect,


Authorized company for the preparation of documents


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APPENDIX 1 Overview determining the need for an environmental impact assessment


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Issues to consider Yes No / ? /Not applicable Will this lead to

(NA) (NA – if the question significant
is not relevant to the influences? Yes No/? –
specific project) Why?

Briefly describe.

Brief description of the project: The description is given in the notice.

1. Will the construction, operation or Yes Yes

closure of the project involve activities
The land at the very It will be removed
that will cause physical changes to the site sites for the construction a significant amount of
(topography, land use, changes in water of the wind turbines will grass and forest
bodies, etc.)? be repurposed. The vegetation as well
visual appearance of as topography/
the site will undergo a relief change due to
change due to the excavation for wind turbine
construction of accessible foundations
roads and foundations for
the turbines

2. Will the construction or operation of the Yes, in the construction No

project use natural resources such as land, phase, mineral raw
Mineral raw materials will
water, materials or energy, especially non- materials, water, fuels, be used from already
renewable or scarce resources? oil and lubricants etc.
opened and authorized
In the operational phase, mines, water, fuel and
the use of natural resources other energies will be
is not expected, except in purchased from authorized
case of accidental failure or suppliers.
breakdown, in which case
the use of resources
identified in the construction
phase is expected.

3. Whether the project will involve the use, Yes, construction materials No
storage, transport, handling or production and inert waste will be With the application of
of substances or materials that could be used and temporarily good construction
harmful to human health or the environment, stored during the practice and additional
or that would raise concerns regarding real construction phase.
measures, in accordance
or perceived risks to the health of the During the operational with the Law, no significant
people? phase, there will be no impacts are expected
storage of materials on

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Issues to consider Yes No / ? /Not applicable (NA) Will this lead to

(NA – if the question is not significant

relevant to the specific project) influences? Yes No/? –


Briefly describe.

4. Will the project produce solid waste during Yes, during the construction
construction, operation, or facility closure? phase of the project, waste will
The implementation of the
be generated, which will have
planned project activities
the characteristics of non-
implies the need to undertake
hazardous waste.
appropriate measures and
In the operational phase, the procedures for sustainable
generation of packaging waste, waste management, in
municipal waste, WEEE, etc. is accordance with the obligations
expected. incorporated in the national
waste management regulation

5. Will the project release pollutants or any hazardous, Yes, in the construction phase No
toxic or harmful substances into the air? emissions of dust and exhaust
By applying good
gases will be generated, as a
construction practice, using
result of the performance of
regularly serviced machinery
construction works and the use
and applying the measures
of equipment and machinery.
prescribed in the Environmental
Uncontrolled generation of
Program, the impacts on air
emissions can cause disruption quality will be reduced to a

the quality of

ambient air and other

environmental media.

Air emissions are not expected

during the operational phase

6. Will the project cause noise and Yes No

vibration or release of light, heat energy or
During the construction phase, The effect of noise in the
electromagnetic radiation?
noise and vibrations will be construction phase is limited by
generated as a result of using the duration of the activities
equipment, machinery, etc. In the on
operational phase, noise is

expected from the operation of In the operational phase,

the turbines and the rotor the creation of noise
has a minimal and
intensity and expected
to have no significant effect

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Issues to consider Yes No / ? /Not applicable Will this lead to

(NA) (NA – if the question significant
is not relevant to the influences? Yes No/? –
specific project) Why?

Briefly describe.

7. Will the project lead to risks of land or No, in case of No

water contamination from discharges of implementation of good In case of accidents and
pollutants onto land or into surface waters, construction practice. breakdowns in the construction site
coastal waters or the sea? This type of risks can sometimes occur in the event of
quality deterioration, unwantedaccidents
leaks, soil,
and but also
breakdowns, inappropriate handling
waste. of materials and
application of effective
measures, they will be
reduced and
Under normal
operating conditions,
no significant impacts
are expected.
8. Is there a risk of accidents during the Yes
construction or operation of the project that Risk of accidents can These risks are of low occurrence
could affect human health or the environment? in both phases and probability.
it can be caused by
unwanted incidents The implementation of
(unwanted leaks), the project will include
breakdowns, natural the implementation of good
disasters, etc. construction practice and
the introduction of
appropriate security
measures for the protection
of people and material
goods, according to the
relevant national regulation.

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Issues to consider Yes No / ? /Not applicable (NA) Will this lead to

(NA – if the question is not significant

relevant to the specific project) influences? Yes No/? –


Briefly describe.

9. Will the project lead to social changes, such as in Yes No

terms of demography, the traditional way of
It is expected that the project
will have positive effects on
life, employment?
employment and
income generation.

Local construction labor would

be included in the highest

possible degree.

An increase is expected
of income from local
businesses during
construction (accommodation,
food and other needs for
construction company

No change is expected in terms of

characteristics of
the region.

The project will not

cause the need for
displacement of

10. Are there other factors that should be taken into Yes No
account such as subsequent development that could
Adjacent to the site where 11 The impacts will be reduced
lead to environmental impacts or the possibility of and
wind turbines will be located,
cumulative impacts with other existing or planned
the wind farm is under controlled given the fact that
activities on the site?
construction existing access roads and
transmission power systems
"Dren" will be used

11. Are there areas on or about No No

the locality that are protected by
If there are new finds,
international, national or local legislation because
the Cultural Heritage
of their environmental, regional, cultural or other values,
Administration and the Ministry
which could be affected by the project?
of Culture will be notified

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Issues to consider Yes No / ? /Not applicable Will this lead to

(NA) (NA – if the question significant
is not relevant to the influences? Yes No/? –
specific project) Why?

Briefly describe.

12. Are there any other areas on or around The project area has not It will be performed extensively
the site that are important or sensitive from been explored. According research and
an ecological point of view, such as aquatic to the available literature, monitoring of
habitats, watercourses or other water bodies, there are no ecologically the existing state of the
coastal zone, mountains, forests, which could important or sensitive areas biological
be affected by the project? recorded on the site. diversity of the
site in question and
In the preparatory phase of appropriate measures will
the preparation of the be proposed
environmental impact
assessment, it will be
carried out extensively
research and
monitoring of the existing
state of the biological
diversity of the
site in question and
mitigation and/or avoidance
measures will be proposed.

13. Are there any other areas on or around The project area has not No
the site used by protected, important or been explored. According It will be performed extensively
sensitive species of fauna and flora, for to the available literature, research and
example for breeding, nesting, foraging, there are no ecologically monitoring of
resting, wintering or migration, which could important or sensitive areas
the existing state of the
be affected by the project ? recorded on the site. biological
diversity of the
Extensive research and site in question and
monitoring of the current appropriate measures will
state of biodiversity at the be proposed
site in question will be
carried out and mitigation
measures will be proposed.

14. Are there inland, coastal, marine or No No

groundwater bodies on or around the site
that could be affected by the project?

15. Are there areas or features No No

of high landscape or scenic value on or
around the site that could be affected by the

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Issues to consider Yes No / ? /Not applicable Will this lead to

(NA) (NA – if the question significant
is not relevant to the influences? Yes No/? –
specific project) Why?

Briefly describe.

16. Are there roads or facilities on or around No No

the site used by the public to access
recreational or other facilities that could be
affected by the project?

17. Are there transportation routes on or No No

around the site that are subject to congestion
or that create environmental problems that
could be affected by the project?

18. Is the project in a location where it is Yes

likely to be visible to a large number of Yes, the Windmills will On the scene
people? be located on a hilly and the visual effect
area with an altitude of
500 to 650
meters and will be visible
from great distances.

19. Are there areas or features No No

of historical or cultural importance on or But if they appear during
around the site that would be affected by the the construction phase, the
project? Cultural Heritage
Administration and the
Ministry of Culture will be
notified immediately

20. Is the project located on a vacant lot Yes No/ Insignificant

(on which there has never been construction), The space that is the subject The space that will be
which will result in the loss of vacant of this planning scope is occupied by the windmills is
("greenfield") land? undeveloped land on which relatively small.
there has never been a
"greenfield" construction.

21. Are there currently any land uses on or No No

around the site (eg residential, gardens, other
private property, industry, commerce,
recreation, public open spaces, community
facilities, agriculture, forestry, tourism, mining
or quarries) What might be affected by the

22. Are there plans for future land No No

uses on or around the site that could be
affected by the project?

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Issues to consider Yes No / ? /Not applicable Will this lead to

(NA) (NA – if the question significant
is not relevant to the influences? Yes No/? –
specific project) Why?

Briefly describe.

23. Are there areas on or around the site No No

that are densely populated or built up that
could be affected by the project?

24. Are there areas on or around the site No No

that are affected by any sensitive land uses,
eg hospitals, schools, religious facilities,
community facilities, that could be affected
by the project?

25. Are there areas on or around the site No No

that contain important, high-quality or
scarce resources such as groundwater,
surface water, forests, agricultural land,
fishponds, tourism resources or minerals
that could be affected by the project?

26. Are there areas on or around the site No No

that are already subject to pollution or
environmental damage, for example where
existing legal environmental standards are
not respected, that could be affected by the

27. Is the place where the project is located No No

subject to earthquakes, subsidence, landslides,
erosion, floods or extreme/bad climatic
conditions such as large temperature
differences, fogs, strong winds, and what could
lead to this project to cause environmental

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APPENDIX 2 Review that determines the scope of environmental impact assessment



1. Will the construction, operation or closure of the project involve activities that will
cause physical changes to the site (topography, land use, changes in water bodies,

No. Issues to be considered in Who Is the effect

determining the scope of the Yes characteristics of likely to be significant?
EIA No/? the project Why?
environment could
be affected and

1.1 Permanent or temporary The project NO, because

change in land use, land cover envisages a permanent after the completion
or change of land use, of the construction, a large
YES with part of the occupied areas
topography, including increases in during the construction phase
land use intensity? increased will be returned to their original
intensity only in state
the construction phase

1.2 Clearing existing land, vegetation It will come to NO, because it is about the
and buildings? removal of forest construction and installation
mass, removal of of 11
vegetation from wind farms and the Study
will propose compensatory
the pastures as well measures for the removed
earth excavation vegetation and forests

1.3 Creation of new land uses? YES Pasture and forest land NO, because the Study will
propose compensatory
measures for the removed
vegetation and forests

1.4 Pre-construction tests, on Before NO

example hole excavation, starting construction
The influences on
land testing? activities, it is planned
NO lands will be insignificant
to be carried out
because a small part of
the land will be occupied
geologically and


tests in the field through

the excavation of wells
with a drilling rig


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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

1.5 Construction work? The land in the project YES, in locations where
area, i.e. forests and excavation for foundations
pastures, will be and construction of access
affected roads will be carried out

1.6 Works on demolition? NO / /

1.7 Temporary sites used for construction By placing No, because with a construction
work or to house construction NO camp, the completion of thetheoccupation
construction of
workers? activities, the surface where
camp willwill
return to its
pastures original state
temporarily in the
construction phase

1.8 Above-ground structures, In the construction Yes, there will be

structures or earth embankments phase during the a conversion of
that include linear, i.e. construction of the land near the wind farms
longitudinal constructions foundations for wind and the substation
(power lines, telephone turbines, construction
lines, railway of transmission line,
infrastructure, highways), earth connection with
mining and
filling with soil or substation,
excavations for facilities? construction of an
access road

1.9 Underground works involving / /

mining activities or tunnel NO

NO / /
1.10 Works on Cultivation of
barren land?
1.11 Digging with an excavator? The project NO, because these
land and the activities are
surrounding area intended to be only in the
vegetation and construction phase
forests during current
operation and
excavations with an
excavator /
1.12 Coastal constructions, e.g. /
walls by the sea, NO
1.13 Coastal facilities? NO / /

1.14 Manufacturing processes? NO / /

1.15 Manufacturing processes? NO / /

1.16 Solid treatment or disposal / /

facilities NO
waste or liquid effluents?
1.17 Long Term Facilities / /
placement of technical NO

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1.18 New land, rail or sea traffic during / /

construction or NO

the operation?
1.19 New land, rail, air, water or / /

other transport
including new or modified
roads and
stations, ports,
airports etc.?
1.20 Closure or Redirection / /
existing transport routes or NO

infrastructure, which leads

to changes of
traffic movements?
1.21 New or Redirected Pastures and forests at DA, because from the
power lines or pipelines? construction of the new substation
to the
YES transmission line for
connection of the
wind park with the planned electrical
connection with an overheadthe
RSM through

transmission lines
1.22 Capture of waters, construction / /
of dam, underwater channel,

regrouping or other changes to NO

the hydrology of watercourses or

the aquifers?
1.23 Crossing watercourses? NO / /

1.24 Water abstraction or transfers from / /

underground or NO
surface water?
1.25 Changes in water bodies / /
or on the surface of NO
the ground affecting the
drainage or runoff
1.26 Transportation of personnel or YES In the construction No, as
construction materials, phase, the transport is
operation or closure of transportation intended to be local from
object? of materials, the nearest
waste and workers for settlement ie.
the construction of the Gevgelija which is at
wind power plants is a distance of ~ 28 km
foreseen, from the project area

while in
the operational
phase transport of
workers and
materials for

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wind farms

1.27 Long-term activities for dismantling, YES The project area No, because the
closing or rebuilding (reconstruction) and same access roads
of the access roads already under
objects during the construction will be
transportation of designed so that the
the wind turbines transportation of the wind
turbines can take place
1.28 Current activity during the closing NO / /
that could have an impact

on the environment?
1.29 Inflow of people into NO / /
a certain area either
temporary or permanent?
1.30 Entry of others NO / /
(external) species?
1.31 Loss of natives NO / /
species or genetic
1.32 Any other activities? NO / /

2. Whether the construction or operation of the project will use natural resources such
as land, water, materials or energy, and especially
non-renewable or scarce resources?
No. Issues to consider What characteristics of the Is the exists
in Yes project environment could be effect likely
No/? to be significant? Why?
the determination of affected and how?
the scope of the EIA

2.1 Land, especially Green areas will be occupied Yes, there will be a permanent i.e.
undeveloped or YES pastures and forests for the conversion activities
of construction land
2.2 Water? YES In the construction phase when spraying No, as it will only
with water in order to suppress the appear during the build
dust generated during excavations phase
and transport
2.3 Minerals? 2.4 NO / /
Aggregates (sand, During the NO
gravel, crushed stone)? construction of the foundations and Because these
the access road, gravel will be materials will
used for buffering. be brought by the
contractor from outside
2.5 Forests and trees? NO / /
2.6 Energies, including
electricity and Fuel will be used for NO
fuels? construction machinery and The shows are not with
transport vehicles. The quality high intensity, they
will be affected are short-lived only
the ambient air in during construction
the immediate environment of
exhaust gas emissions.

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

2.7 Other resources? NO / /

3. Whether the project will involve the use, storage, transport, handling or production of
substances or materials that could be harmful to human health or the environment, or
that would raise concerns regarding real or perceived risks to the health of the people?

No. Issues to consider What features of Is the effect likely to be

Yes/ the project environment No/? significant? Why?
in could be affected and
the determination of the how?
scope of the EIA
3.1 Will the project involve / /
substance use or

materials that are

dangerous or toxic po NO
human health or the
environment (flora, fauna,
water supply)?

3.2 Will the project result in / /

changes in disease
occurrence or affect disease
vectors (e.g. vector-borne

insects or water)?
3.3 Will the project have an impact / /
on people's well-being, for
example through NO

change in living conditions?

3.4 Are there any particularly / /

vulnerable ones? NO
groups of people who would
could be affected by
the project, e.g. hospital

patients, elderly?
3.5 Any other reasons? NO / /

4. Will the project produce solid waste during construction, operation, or facility closure?

No. Issues to be considered in What features of Is the effect likely to be

determining the scope of Yes/ project environment could be significant? Why?
the EIA No/? affected and how?

4.1 Tailings or mining waste? NO / /

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4.2 Municipal waste (household waste In the construction phase and in No.
or commercial waste)? the closure phase of the wind The quantities will not be significant,
farm, municipal waste generated they will be regularly handed over
YES by the hired workers during the to a person (legal or physical) who
construction and dismantling of the holds a license for collecting and
wind farms is expected transporting municipal waste.

4.3 Hazardous or toxic waste YES Yes, possible occurrence of hazardous No, because appropriate
(including radioactive waste during the construction phase measures to reduce the impacts are
waste)? in the event of fuel, oil or petroleum provided for them
leakage on the ground. If it is not
handled according to the regulations,
it can be

affected soil and

underground water
4.4 Other waste from NO / /
industrial processes?
4.5 Excess products? NO 4.6 Mill from /
wastewater or other types of mill from effluent // /

4.7 Construction debris or During the construction No, considering the relatively
waste from demolition activities? phase of the wind park, small amount of waste generated
construction debris, inert and the inert nature of this type of
YES waste, excess excavated material waste.
will be generated. If it is not handled
according to the regulations, the soil
and groundwater may be affected

4.8 Surplus (excesses) NO / /

machinery or equipment?
4.9 Contaminated land or Yes, possible occurrence No, because appropriate
other material? YES of contaminated land (hazardous measures to reduce the impacts are
waste) during the construction phase provided for them
in the event of fuel, oil or petroleum
leakage on the ground. If it is not
handled according to the regulations,
the soil may be affected

underground water
4.10 Waste from agricultural NO / /
4.11 Other waste from NO / /
industrial processes?

5. Will the project release polluting substances or any dangerous, toxic or

harmful substances in the air?
No. Questions you should What features of Is the effect likely to be
to be taken into account in Yes/ the project environment significant? Why?
determining the scope of No/? could be affected and how?
the EIA

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

5.1 Emissions combustion of During the construction phase, No, because the shows aren't
fossil fuels from stationary gas emissions will be generated with great intensity,
or from mobile sources that are short-lived (for the time (mechanization).
mobile sources? YES of construction) and local.
Ambient air quality will be affected

the immediate environment from the

exhaust gases.
5.2 Emissions from production / /
processes? 5.3 Emissions
from procedures with materials / /
that NO
include storage or
5.4 Emissions from construction Occurrence of fugitive No, because the emissions are
activities including plant dust from earth activities not of high intensity, they are
and equipment? YES related to excavations and short-lived (for the time of
clearing the terrain, during the construction) and local.
construction of the foundations
of the wind turbines and the
access road
5.5 Dust or odors from handling Yes, during the construction No, because the emissions are
phase, the generation of dust not of high intensity, they are
materials including YES from excavations and the use short-lived (for the time of
construction materials, of construction machinery is construction) and local.
waste water and waste? expected, as well as the
possible appearance of odors
from inadequate storage of
municipal waste generated by
the hired workers.

5.6 Emissions from NO / /

waste incineration?
5.7 Emissions from open burning / /
of waste
space (eg NO
torn materials, construction
5.8 Emissions from some other NO / /

6. Will the project cause noise and vibration or the release of light,
thermal energy or electromagnetic radiations?
No. Questions to Yes/ What features of Is the effect likely to be
Consider No/? project environment could be significant? Why?
in determining the scope of affected and how?
the EIA
6.1 From the operation of In the construction phase, the appearance of the Effect can be
the equipment, eg an increased level of noise significant
thatif will
withbeextensive research
as a result of the
engines, ventilation plant, YES implement the project In the operational
the occurrence of the
crushers? area is proven that the noise from the workand
of rare of there
wind is the presence

endangered plant and animal

6.2 From industrial or similar NO / /

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

6.3 From construction works During the construction phase occurrence of NE

or demolition works? noise from the construction site The construction sites are
mechanization, the use of outside the settlement,
weather will beand the
tools and the use
YES of vehicles
limited while it lasts
the activity.

6.4 From explosions or NO / /

6.5 From construction During the construction phase occurrence of NE
activities or noise from the construction site The construction sites are
traffic as a function of machinery and vehicles outside the settlement, and will be
work? YES time-limited while it lasts

the activity.

6.6 From lighting or / /

cooling systems?

6.7 From sources of During the operational phase It has not been investigated

electromagnetic of the wind turbines,

radiation (to be taken YES
electromagnetic interference to
considering impacts on telecommunication signals is
nearby sensitive equipment possible
and people)?
6.8 From some other sources? NO / /

7. Will the project lead to risks of land or water contamination from discharges of pollutants
onto land or into surface waters, coastal waters or the sea?

No. Issues to be considered What features of Is the effect likely to be

in determining the Yes/ project environment could be significant? Why?
No/? affected and how?

the scope of the EIA

7.1 From dealing with, Possibly during the construction NO
storage, use or spillage phase, there is a possibility of Because of the relatively small
of hazardous or toxic contamination of the soil by amounts of oils they contain
from the transport and construction because oils
materials? regular repairs of negligent
operation or vehicles will be carried accidents
out outsideand
occurrences from
the construction site
of oil spills and

7.2 From the discharge of
wastewater or other effluents
(treated NO / /
or untreated) in water
or soil?
7.3 Through the deposition of The soil would be affected, No, because of the dynamics of the
pollutants emitted into YES air and the surrounding flora and activities
time (only
a result
the air on land or in water? of the construction phase)
use of construction
7.4 From some other sources?
/ /

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

7.5 Is there a risk of long-term

accumulation of NO
/ /
pollutants in the environment
these sources?

8. Is there a risk of accidents during the construction or operation of the project that could
affect human health or the environment?
No. Issues to be considered What features of Is the effect likely to be
in determining the Yes/ project environment could significant? Why?
scope of the EIA No/? be affected and how?

8.1 From explosions, In the construction phase and Yes, if the post-operational phase
spills, fires, etc.; from keeping is not used PPE and legal regulations
and measures are not respected, possible injuries at work
handling, use or for the sake of the workers
the specificity of
production of dangerous construction and assembly
or toxic works
8.2 From events outside of
the limits of
the usual protection
the environment, e.g. NO / /
failure of pollution control

8.3 For some other NO

/ /
8.4 Would the project From landslides if Yes, because of the heavy
could have been affected embankments and weight of wind turbines
by natural disasters which foundations of wind turbines
are not performed as given in
cause damage to the YES the project
environment (e.g. floods,

earthquakes, landslides,

9. Will the project lead to social changes, such as in relation to

demographics, traditional lifestyles, employment?
No. Issues to be considered in YES/ What characteristics of Is the effect likely to be
determining the scope of Ne/? project environment could be significant? Why?
the EIA affected and how?

9.1 Changes to
size, age, population
structure, social groups / /

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

9.2 Through the relocation of people or

the demolition of homes or
settlements or of facilities in the
settlements, for example NO / /
schools, hospitals, social

9.3 Through settlement of new

residents or
NO / /
creating new ones

9.4 By referring larger requests to

local institutions or services, for

example in relation to housing, NO / /
education, health?

9.5 Through the creation of new jobs

during construction or operation

causing the occurrence of job NO / /

losses with consequences for
unemployment and

the economy?
9.6 Any other reasons? NO / /

10. Are there other factors that should be taken into account such as subsequent
development that could lead to environmental impacts or the possibility of cumulative
impacts with other existing or planned activities on the site?

No. Questions you should What features of Is the effect likely to be significant?
are taken into account in Yes/ the project environment could also be Why?
the determination of No/? affected
the scope of the EIA how?
10.1 Will the project lead
to pressure for
subsequent development that
could have a significant impact on NO
the environment, such as a larger
number / /

residences, new
roads, new ancillary industries or
establishments etc.?

10.2 Will the project lead

to the creation of
ancillary facilities or to
development driven by the
project that could have an / /
impact on
the environment, such as:

ÿ auxiliary

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Notice of intention to carry out a project: "Petrovo" Wind Park (40 MW), Municipality of Gevgelija

(roads, electricity
energy, waste or
wastewater treatment,
ÿ construction of
ÿ extractive industrial

ÿ activities of
ÿ • others?
10.3 Will the project lead to
concern for the site
after the termination
of installation work NO / /
that could have an impact
on the animal

10.4 Will the project
set a precedent for NO
future developments?
10.5 Will the project have Near the project Yes, it is expected to be a location is predicted
cumulative effects due to to be significant only in the construction
phase on allofmedia
the and
proximity to other existing YES power plants. If the projects are in the operational areas
planned projects with be realized in the same period will come
an impact on
similar impacts? surrounding fauna.
impacts on all media and
environmental areas


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