The Physics PG
The Physics PG
The Physics PG
The P.G. Physics course shall comprise of four semesters, each consisting of five
papers. Each paper carries 100 (hundred) marks out of which 80 (eighty) marks are
earmarked for Term End Examination and 20 (twenty) marks are earmarked for
internal assessment. Alternative questions shall be set from each unit. The
candidates shall have to answer questions from all the units. The duration of the
examination of each theory paper shall be three hours and practical papers shall be
six hours.
First Semester
Paper Topic Full Marks
101 Classical Mechanics 80
102 Electrodynamics-I 80
103 Quantum Mechanics-I 80
104 Solid State Physics-I 80
105 Practical (Computational Physics) 100
Second Semester
Paper Topic Full Marks
201 Mathematical Methods in Physics. 80
202 Electrodynamics-II & Plasma Physics 80
203 Quantum Mechanics-II 80
204 Solid State Physics-II 80
205 Practical (Optics, Electricity & Magnetism & Electronics) 100
Third Semester
Paper Topic Full Marks
301 Statistical Mechanics-I 80
302 Nuclear Physics-I 80
303 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 80
304 Special Paper (Electronics)-I 80
305 Practical (Modern Physics) 100
Fourth Semester
Paper Topic Full Marks
Unit - II 20 Marks
Legender transformation and the Hamilton's equation of motion from a variational
principle, conservation theorem and the physical significance of Hamiltonian. The
principle of least action.
Unit - IV 20 Marks
The Hamilton Jacobi equation for Hamilton's principal function. The harmonic
oscillator problem as an example of H.J. Method, Kepler problem.
Small oscillations, formulations of the problem, the eigenvalue equation and the
principal axis transformations, frequencies of free vibrations and normal
coordinates, free vibrations of a linear triatomic molecule.
1. Classical Mechanics - Goldstein
2. Mathematical Physics - Satya Prakash
Unit - II 20 Marks
Electric and magnetic field due to an oscillating dipole, power radiated by a dipole.
Wave guides and resonant cavities: Cylindrical cavities and wave guides, mode in
a rectangular wave guide, resonant cavities.
Unit - IV 20 Marks
Total power radiated by an accelerated charge, Larmor's formula, Angular
distribution of radiation power from an accelerated charge. The cases of
acceleration parallel to velocity and perpendicular to velocity.
Internal Assessment 20 Marks
1. Classical Electro dynamics - J.D. Jackson.
2. Classical Electricity and Magnetism - Panofsky & Phillips
3. Electrodynamics - Gupta, Kumar and Singh
4. Electromagnetic theory & Electro dynamics - Chopra & Agrawal
5. Classical Electro dynamics - S.P. Puri
Operator formalism
Postulates of quantum mechanics, operator method solution of Harmonic
oscillator, Matrix representation and time evolution of creation. annihilation
Unit – III Orbital Angular Momentum: 20 Marks
Orbital angular momentum operators Lx,Ly,Lz and L and their commutation
relations, Lx,Ly,Lz and L2 in Spherical Polar Coordinate. Eigen value of L2 and Lz
with respect to Spherical harmonics, Raising and Lowering operators, Orbital
angular momentum wave function, Matrix representation of L2, Lx,Ly,Lz, L+ and L-,
Angular momentum on generators of rotation.
P – 104
Marks: 100 (80+20)
Duration: 3 hrs.
Unit – I Band Theory 20 Marks
Bloch's theorem, wave equation of an electron in a periodic potential, Kronig-
penney model, Origin of band gap, Nearly free electron model, Brillouin zones for
square and cubic lattices, zone schemes, Classification of solids (Conductors,
Semiconductors and Insulators).
Unit - II 20 Marks
Energy Bands: General properties of Energy bands, Properties of Bloch functions,
Tight Binding methods, Oorthogonalised plane waves, Pseudopotential methods of
energy band calculations, de-Haas-van Alphen effect.
1. Solid State Physics - Aschroft and Mermin
2. Solid State Physics - A. Omar
3. Solid State Physics - A.J. Dekker
4. Introduction to Solid State Physics - C. Kittel
P – 105
Marks: 100
Duration: 3 hrs.
Computational Physics:
a) Preliminaries of running computers taking out print out etc.
b) Exercises to study various features of C-Language.
1. Mathematical Methods for Physicists - Arfken
2. Mathematical Methods of Physics - Mathews and Walker
3. Mathematical Physics - Satya Prakash
4. Mathematical Physics - P.K. Chattopadhyay
P – 202
Electrodynamics & Plasma Physics - II
Marks: 100
Duration: 3 hrs.
Unit - I 20 Marks
Radiation, scattering dispersion and diffraction: Radiative damping of a charged
harmonic oscillator, forced vibrations, scattering by an individual free electron
(Thomson scattering) and by a bound electron (Rayleigh scattering) Dispersion in
gases (Lorentz-theory) Normal and Anomalous dispersion, causality and dispersion
Unit - II 20 Marks
Kramer - Kronig relation, Kirchoff's formulation of diffraction, diffraction by a
circular aperture. Covariant Formulation: Four vector notation, Relativistic
particle kinematics and dynamics.
Unit - IV 20 Marks
Plasma: An Introduction, Conditions for plasma existence. Occurrence of plasma.
Charged particle in electric & magnetic fields: (1) Charged particle in uniform
constant electric field, (2)Charged particle in homogeneous magnetic field, (3)
Charged particle in simultaneous magnetic field and electric field, (4) Charged
particle in non-homogeneous magnetic field. Magneto hydrodynamics.Magnetic
confinement - Pinch effect. Instabilities in pinched plasma column. Plasma waves.
1. Electrodynamics - Gupta, Kumar and Singh
2. Electromagnetic theory & Electro dynamics - Chopra & Agrawal
3. Classical Electro dynamics - S.P. Puri
4. Electromagnetic Theory & Electrodynamics - Satya Prakash
P – 203
Marks: 100 (80+20)
Duration: 3 hrs.
Unit – I Central Forces 20 Marks
Hydrogen atom, Parity, Reduction to equivalent one body problem, Radial
equation, Energy eigen values and eigen functions. Degeneracy, Radial probability
distribution, The free particle problem, Expression of plane waves interims of
spherical waves, Bound states of 3D square well, Particle in a sphere.
1. Quantum Physics - S. Gasiorowicz
2. Quantum Mechanics - L. I. Schiff
3. Introduction to Q M. - R. H. Dicke & J.P. Wittke
4. Advanced Q.M. - P. Roman
Unit - II 20 Marks
Imperfections in crystals- Classification, Schottky defects, Frenkel defects,
Extrinsic vacancies, diffusion through solids, colour centers.
1. Solid State Physics - Aschroft and Mermin
2. Solid State Physics - A. Omar
3. Solid State Physics - A.J. Dekker
4. Introduction to Solid State Physics - C. Kittel
5. Solid State Physics - A.O.E.Animalu
6. Physics of semiconductor devices - Michael Shur (PHI).
7. Quantum theory of solids - C. Kittel.
Unit - II 20 Marks
Canonical ensemble and energy fluctuation, Grand canonical ensemble and density
fluctuation, Equivalence of canonical and grand canonical ensemble.
Unit - IV 20 Marks
Third law of thermodynamics, Ideal gas in microcanonical, canonical and Grand
canonical ensemble.
1. Statistical Mechanics - K. Huang
2. Statistical Mechanics - R.K. Patharia
Unit - II 20 Marks
Neutron proton scattering at low energies, scattering cross-section, scattering
length, spin dependence of neutron-proton scattering. Effective range theory.
Unit - IV 20 Marks
Nuclear fusion, Nuclear fission: Elementary ideas of fission and liquid drop model
(Bohr and Wheeler theory), Nuclear disintegration studies: decay, Gamow's
theory of decay, Geiger - Nuttal law, ray energies and fine structure of rays
1. Introductory Nuclear theory - Elton
2. Nuclear Physics - Roy and Nigam
3. Nuclear Physics - D.C. Tayal
4. Theoretical Nuclear Physics - Blatt & Weisskopf.
5. Atomic and Nuclear Physics Vol - II by - Ghoshal.
6. Introduction to Nuclear Physics - H.A. Enge.
7. Theory of Nuclear Structure - M.K. Pal
8. Introductory Nuclear Physics - Y. R. Waghmare.
9. Particle Physics - Qnnes
10. Elementary Particle Physics - Longo
Unit - I 20 Marks
Klein – Gordon equation, continuity equation and probability density, K.G.
particles in an e.m. field, Dirac equation and properties of Dirac matrices,
Solutions of Dirac equation for a free particle, states with positive and negative
enrgy, Dirac’s hole theory, Bispinor plane-wave amplitudes u and v, Spin
states,Helicity,projection operators for energy and spin.
Unit - II 20 Marks
Non-relativistic correspondence, Gordon’s decompoition, Existence of spin for
electron, total angular momentum, zitter bewiing, Spin-orbit coupling energy,
Covariant form of K.G.equation and Dirac equation, Algebra of Dirac gamma
Unit - III 20 Marks
Dirac equation for a particle in external spherically symmetric field, Stationary
states, Separation of angular and radial variables, Solution of radial equation in the
case of Coulomb potential, Energy Spectrum of hydrogen-like atom, Degree of
degenracy and fine structure of energy levels.
Unit - IV 20 Marks
Equivalence of representations, Standard repreentation, Trace identities, Invariance
of Dirac equation under proper Lorentz transformations, Space inversion,time
inversion, charge conjuction,bilinear covariants.
1. Relativitic Qquantum Mechanics – Jorken and Drell
2. Relativitic Qquantum Mechanics – J.G. Sackurai.
Unit - I 20 Marks
Feedback amplifiers - series current and voltage feedback amplifier, Oscillators:
Negative resistance oscillators - dynatron tunnel – diodes.
Unit - II 20 Marks
Modulation: Amplitude modulation, frequency modulation and phase modulation,
Collector modulated class amplifier, outline of AM and FM transmitters,
Demodulation: diode detectors, FM detection Discriminator-ratio detectors.
1. Operational Amplifier - Trunde
2. Digital Principles and Application - Malvino
3. Functional Electronics - Ramana
4. Microwave Technology - Sarkar
5. Hand Book of electronics - Gupta and Kumar
Unit - IV 20 Marks
The Ising Model: Definition of the Ising model, One-dimensional Ising model.
1. Statistical Mechanics - K. Huang
2. Statistical Mechanics - R.K. Patharia
Unit - I 20 Marks
decay, Fermi's theory of decay, Kurie plot and - ray spectrum, Parity
violation of - decay, allowed and forbidden transitions, selection rules, transition,
interaction of rays with matter, Pair production, internal conversions.
Unit - II 20 Marks
Nuclear reaction, reaction energetics, Q-value equation. Direct compound nuclear
Mechanism: Cross sections in terms of partial wave, amplitudes. Compound
nucleus - Scattering matrix, Reciprocity theorem - Breit Wigner one level formula
Resonance Seattering.
1. Introductory Nuclear theory - Elton
2. Nuclear Physics - Roy and Nigam
3. Nuclear Physics - D.C. Tayal
4. Theoretical Nuclear Physics - Blatt & Weisskopf.
5. Atomic and Nuclear Physics Vol - II by - Ghoshal.
6. Introduction to Nuclear Physics by - H.A. Enge.
7. Theory of Nuclear structure by - M.K. Pal
P -403
Marks: 100 (80+20)
Duration: 3 hrs.
Unit – I 20 Marks
Lagrange formatism for relativistic classical field: Variation principle and Euler –
Lagrange equations, Definition of field, Second quantization, Symmetrics and
conservation laws, Noether’s theorem, energy-momentum tensor, angular
Unit - II 20 Marks
Lagrangian density for Klein – Gordon, Dirac and Maxwell fields, Internal
symmetry, Invariance under phase transformations and conservation of vector
current(charge), Local gauge transformations.
Unit - IV 20 Marks
Types of Lasers - Solid state & gas lasers, Dye laser semiconductor laser, Free
electron laser.
1. Fibre Optics and Optoelectronics - R.P. Khare
2. Microwave Principle - Reich