Mcadd 403 Sad June 2022

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Total No. of Questions :8] (Total No.

of Printed Pages : 2

Roll No..
M.C.A. (Integrated), IV Semester
Examination, June 2022
System Analysis and Design
Time:Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 70

Note: i) Attempt any five questions.

ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. a) Explain System concept. What are the elements of a

b) List different steps of system development life cycle

2. a) What is the role of system Analyst/user Interface.

b) Explain system development life cycle (SDLC) in detail.

3. a) Discuss various information gathering tools.

b) Explain various types of risks. Also discuss risk
management techniques and activities.

4. a) List down the pros and Cons ofeach information gathering

b What is DSS? Explain applications of DSS? What is the
difference between MIS and DSS?


5. a) Explain the following:

i) Data Dictionary
ii) Decision Tree
b) Explain briefly the objective of input design.

6. a) Compare Top down and Bottom up design approaches.

b) Write a brief note on File structure and File organization.

7. a) What are the major drawback of file system for storing

large volume of data pertaining to an application.
b) Discuss the methods of software maintenance.

8. Explain difference between:

a) Indexed sequential and inverted list
b) Logical and Physical record
c) Data item and field
d) Absolute address and relative address



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