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Faculty of Health Sciences

License Course in Nutrition

English Field Work

The importance of grammar and vocabulary in English language teaching and


Bia Jafar Aly. Cód: 96220269

Lichinga, June 2022.


Faculty of Health Sciences

License Course in Nutrition

English Field Work

The importance of grammar and vocabulary in English language teaching and learning

Fieldwork of the English course to be

submitted to the Nutrition Course Coordination
at UnISCED, on the recommendation of the
Tutor: Horácio António.

Bia Jafar Aly. Cód: 96220269

Lichinga, June 2022.


1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................4
1.1. Objective..................................................................................................................4
1.1.1. Main goal...................................................................................................4
1.1.2. Object specifications.................................................................................4
1.2. Methodology............................................................................................................4
2. The importance of grammar and vocabulary in English language teaching and learning. .5
2.1. English grammar definition......................................................................................5
2.2. The importance of English grammar........................................................................5
2.3. Vocabulary Definition..............................................................................................5
2.5. Importance of teaching and learning the English language.....................................6
2.5.1. The importance of learning the English language for success..................7
3. Final considerations.............................................................................................................9
4. Bibliographic References..................................................................................................10

1. Introduction

To understand the importance of the English language, it is necessary to see that we live in a
globalized world. In this context, English has become the communication bridge between
countries. It is the international language of studies, travel, business, leisure and other
services. Today, the labor market is supported by global relationships, even if indirectly.
Regardless of the profession, there will come a time when the individual will have to deal less
or more with this language.

1.1. Objective

1.1.1. Main goal

 Understand the importance of grammar and vocabulary in English language teaching

and learning.

1.1.2. Object specifications

 Conceptualize the terms grammar and vocabulary;

 Describe the importance of English grammar and vocabulary;
 Explain the importance of teaching and learning the English language.

1.2. Methodology

For the preparation of this research, it was possible to use the method of bibliographic
research. That according to Lakatos and Marconi (1987, p. 66) the bibliography is based on
the survey, selection and treatment of all the bibliography already published on the subject
that is being published, in books, magazines, newspapers, bulletins, monographs, theses,
dissertations, cartographic material, with the objective of putting the researcher in direct
contact with all the material already written about the same.

2. The importance of grammar and vocabulary in English language teaching and


2.1. English grammar definition

The grammar of the English language is a collection of rules created to structure the language.
It is through grammar that it is possible to understand the form, composition and aspects of

English grammar will explain and detail the procedures on how sentences are composed and
the meanings for English to be understood.

2.2. The importance of English grammar

Nowadays learning a second language is essential. With the world increasingly globalized and
connected, opening doors for the internationalization of markets, there was also an increase in
the demand for communication skills.

To enter the market – or even to stay in it, it is necessary to have a good

command of another language, which is no longer a differential and is already
considered a basic requirement in several companies. It is even observed that
the best opportunities, especially in leadership positions, are offered to those
who know a foreign language. In this context, English is the most requested
language in organizations (Totis, 1991).
In addition to communicating well orally and studying the correct pronunciation of words, it
is also important to learn English spelling and grammar. This knowledge is essential when
writing emails, formulating contracts, writing reports and documents in that language and
other common tasks in the business world. In order not to go through difficulties and
constraints in these situations, mastering the language completely is of great help.

2.3. Vocabulary Definition

According to Schültz (2006) when talking about vocabulary, it is necessary to understand the
various aspects that the concept encompasses. The distinction between oral and written form
is of greater importance in the case of a foreign language such as English, where the degree of
correlation between pronunciation and spelling is notoriously low. It is important to realize,
however, that vocabulary is not limited to words. Idioms and many of the phrases used to
express common ideas in everyday situations should also be seen as vocabulary elements.Os
maiores contrastes de vocabulário entre inglês e português (e consequentemente as maiores
dificuldades) ocorrem justamente neste aspecto coloquial dos idiomas.

Although vocabulary is not limited to the knowledge of isolated words, it is understood that to
know how to speak a language fluently, the individual has the vocabulary as the gateway to
the new language and this vocabulary is acquired most of the time through reading.

2.4. Importance of English vocabulary

Knowing a new word does not mean knowing it in isolation. It is necessary to know the words
with which it can be associated, its pronunciation and some of its grammatical characteristics.
The best way to familiarize ourselves with all these aspects is to try to learn new words from
the contexts in which they usually appear. Hence the importance of having a rich contact with
the original texts (oral and written). They are the best diffusers of new words or the new
meanings you can give them.

Learning words in particular contexts means giving reading a special

treatment. It is through reading that words that were not previously part of our
repertoire become. Because the process of reading, which is understood here
as a process of attributing meaning to the text, consists of a moment in which
the reader establishes relationships between what he already knows and what
he reads, and between the various elements that make up the text. It is,
therefore, an active process that leaves marks on those who are willing to
carry it out. Schültz, R. (2006).
Knowledge of English words and expressions is directly linked to the practice of reading
books, articles, news and other types of text materials. Therefore, adding this exercise to your
study routine is essential to achieve good results in the language.

2.5. Importance of teaching and learning the English language

Speaking English is almost an obligation these days. It is no longer a status item on

professional resumes, but a differential that often determines whether or not to be hired. Not
speaking English is one of the factors that most eliminate young candidates from the
globalized job market. In addition, professionals with extensive professional background, but
who do not know the language, also have difficulties in finding opportunities. After all, not
paying attention to one of the most spoken languages in the world is fatal in the job market.

According to Totis (1991).

Learning English is still a challenge for Brazilians, who are thirsty for an
effective, didactic learning formula that is also pleasurable and pleasant.
Understanding the fundamental role of the English language in a globalized
society can be an incentive to learn the language. This is the subject of our
article today, which wants to show you the importance of learning the English
language, not only for you to “move up in life”, but also to be able to interact
with this immense and multicultural world.

In the past, few people spoke English, as the language requirement was restricted to higher
positions, so people did not bother to seek to learn English.

Currently, it is quite challenging for someone to enter the job market by refusing to acquire
some knowledge of that language.

For a student, the importance of learning the English language is essential because through the
knowledge of the language, he has the autonomy to:

Expand your searches on the internet, considering that there is a large supply of fonts in that

 Venture into the digital world, being able to communicate with people from all over
the world;
 Increase their training and perhaps participate in selection processes, including in
universities abroad;
 Increase your chances for internship in multinationals.
Finally, there are many benefits brought by the study of the English language for the
academic formation of the individual, so it is interesting that the learning of this language is
effective from childhood, since at this stage the subject begins to develop the language and

2.5.1. The importance of learning the English language for success

English is the language used by all countries to promote global meetings, but there are other
very specific conditions that make its learning even more necessary, such as the area of

For those who want to work in this area, learning English increases their
professional profile and increases their chances in the job market. It is in the
English language that information on technology and manuals are written, and
practically all scientific research is prepared and published in English (Pallú,
Learning the English language is not just an intellectual exercise in learning linguistic forms
and structures in a different code; it is thus, a life experience, as it expands the possibilities of
acting discursively in the world. This means that teaching objectives are pursued in line with
the needs of society, as Pallú (2013, p. 69) points out when he states that:

The purposes of use of English need to be sought for the planning of the
teaching-learning process in schools, as well as the planning of an agenda of
assumptions, in which the intentionality and also the regionality of English,
are explored.

Therefore, the educational role in the English language is important, to understand the
knowledge in tune with the students' interests, for the integral development of the individual.
Its teaching should provide the student with this new life experiences, meaning an opening to
the near world, as well as the distant world, in other cultures that today are approaching
through the process of globalization of societies.

3. Final considerations

The Importance of English is undeniable, as we live in a globalized world. In this context,

English has become the communication bridge between countries. It is the international
language of studies, travel, business, leisure and other services! This helps the individual to
become their greatest ally in the realization of personal and professional dreams.

4. Bibliographic References

Pallú, N. M. (2013). What English do we use and teach? teachers' reinterpretations of the
contemporary English teaching and learning process. Curitiba.

Schültz, R. (2006). "What Does 'Know' Vocabulary Mean?" English Made in Brazil.

Totis, V. P. (1991). English Language: Reading. São Paulo: Cortez.- (2nd degree teaching
collection. General training series

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