Other Near Eastern People Make Contribution Quiz

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Bicol University

Daraga, Albay

World History Quiz: Other Near Eastern People Make Contribution

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Course: _______________________________________ Scores: __________________________

I. Multiple Choice.
Direction: Read each statement carefully and ENCIRCLE the LETTER of the correct answer.
1. Aside from inventing money, Lydians also have military tactics and a highly organized military. What is
this long spear type of weapon that is used by skilled warriors and later was adopted by ancient Greeks?
A. Arrows C. Chariot
B. Cavalry D. Sarissa

2. Who founded the Mermnad dynasty, created the nation of Lydia, and became the first king?
A. King Candaules C. King Gyges
B. King Croesus D. King Sadyattes

3. Phoenicia has three prominent city states: Tyre, Sidon, and Babylos. In the present day, where is
Phoenicia located?
A. Cyprus C. Lebanon
B. Israel D. Turkey

4. Phoenicia has significant contributions in the ancient civilization EXCEPT.

A. Art and Culture C. Military Tactics
B. Language and writing D. Religion

5. The following statements are the contributions of Hebrews to Civilization EXCEPT:

A. Mankind C. Moral Principles
B. Monotheism D. Old Testament

6. What was the famous event that happened in the Red Sea?
A. Exodus C. Killing of Israelites
B. Israelites Crossing the Sea D. Revelation to Moses

7. These are the reasons of Assyrian's Decline, EXCEPT:

A. Drought C. The coalition between Babylonians and other empires
B. Population Explosion D. Weak System of the Empire

8. He was the king who moved the capital of Assyria from Kalhu to Nineveh.
A. Adad Nirari II C. Sennacherib
B. Ashurbanipal D. Tiglath Pileser III

9. What was the ethnicity that led the first or old Babylonian empire?
A. Amorites C. Hittites
B. Chaldeans D. Persians

10. What caused the fall of the Old Babylonian Empire?

A. Severe flood and drought C. The independence of Kish
B. The death of King Hammurabi D. The empire was colonized by the Persians

11. He was praised as the God of Babylon.

A. Anu C. Marduk
B. Enki D. Sin

12. Which part of Mesopotamia was Babylon located?

A. Center C. Southern
B. Northern D. Western

13. He was known as the founder of the Ancient Persian Empire

A. Cambyses I C. Cyrus I
B. Cambyses II D. Cyrus II

14. He carried out a number of major reforms in the Achaemenid Empire. He divided the empire into twenty
satrapies and appointed governors with wide powers to oversee them, created a bureau of royal inspectors,
set up a chancery with many branches, established a universal currency, built a system of royal roads and
canals, instituted a new tax system, and built numerous temples and palaces throughout the empire.
A. Artaxerxes I C. Darius I
B. Cyrus II D. Darius II

II. True or False.

Direction: Read the statements carefully and tell whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE in
the blank before each statement if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise.
_______________ 15. The Aryans are a migratory group of people from Central Asia who traveled
north to settle in Northern India.
_______________ 16. The Vedas were transmitted orally during the course of numerous subcontinent
generations before finally being archived in written form.
_______________ 17. The Aryans were among the first to use chariots and used it to attack in war
more than the Egyptians.
_______________ 18. The Hittite king was not only the chief ruler, military leader, and supreme judge
but also the earthly deputy of the storm god; upon dying, he himself became a
_______________ 19. The reign of King Xerxes I marked the beginning of the fall of the Achaemenid
Persian Empire.
_______________ 20. King Nabopolassar is the founder of the Chaldean Empire.
_______________ 21. Esagila is the tower shaped like - pyramid with large steps which was dedicated
to the Mesopotamian god, Marduk.
_______________ 22. Nebuchadnezzar II was the famous king of the Chaldean Empire who expanded
his empire along the Mediterranean Sea to the border of Egypt.
_______________ 23. The Persians settled primarily across the Iranian plateau and were established
by the 1st millennium BCE.
_______________ 24. During the conquest of Babylon by Cyrus the Great, the only thing he left under
the Babylonian Control was the temple district of Esagil.
_______________ 25. The Old Persian tribes are a collection of nomadic people.

Prepared by: Ginalyn De La Cruz, Kate Galon, Joyce Ann Gavina,

Mecaella Gobis, Catherine Guinto, Ronelyn Jarabejo, Ela Joyce Labastida

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