Lesson 2 Laboratory Safety and Regulation
Lesson 2 Laboratory Safety and Regulation
Lesson 2 Laboratory Safety and Regulation
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BIOSAFETY CABINET ● Laboratory safety necessitates the effective
control of all hazards that exist in the
● BSC Class I
clinical laboratory at any time
- Stream of inward air
● Safety begins w/ the recognition of hazards
moves into the cabinet
and is achieve through the application of
HEPA filter
common sense, as safety-focused attitude,
good personal behavior, good housekeeping
in all laboratory work and storage areas and laboratory coats to prevent contact
the continual practice of good laboratory with blood or other body fluids.
technique ✔ Appropriate engineering controls
● Inexperience may cause some accidents: includes shields, sharp containers,
others are result of ignoring own risks, haste mechanical pipetting devices and
carelessness, fatigue or mental air respirators
● Preventive measures practiced in the UNIVERSAL PRACTICES INCLUDES:
laboratory to diminish unnecessary
● Wearing of gloves when performing
exposures to health and safety risk include:
phlebotomies especially when the health care
✔ Annual safety
worker has cuts or other open wounds of his or
✔ Safety drills
her skin when the worker anticipated hand
✔ General consciousness
✔ Appropriate orientation to safety
● Hand washing after removal of gloves, after
any contact with blood or body fluids and
✔ Safe work environment
between patients
SAFETY AWARENESS FOR CLINICAL ● Washing and reusing of gloves between
LABORATORY PERSONNEL patients is discouraged because microorganisms
that adhere to gloves are difficult to removed
● Health care Organizations focus their ● Laboratory coats must be removed before
responsibility in protecting their employee leaving the laboratory area and never taken
from infection especially against Hepatitis B home or outside the laboratory
virus (HBV) and Human Immunodeficiency ● Cleaning of laboratory coats must be done on
Virus (HIV) site or handled professionally
● The Center for Disease Control updated its ● Eating, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics
1983 Guidelines for Isolation Precautions in or touching contact lenses is prohibited in
Hospitals with the release of its Universal laboratory work areas
Precautions in 1987 because of the growing ● Vaccination against HBV specifically for
concern for HIV medical technologist, phlebotomist and
● The CDC recommends that blood and body pathologists
fluids precautions should be consistently ● Appropriate signs to identify hazards are
used for all patients regardless of their critical to alert laboratory personnel to
blood-borne infection status potential hazards but also to identify hazards
● The Universal Precautions of the CDC states that may arise
that all blood and body fluids are considered
potentially infected with blood borne DEACTIVATING MICROORGANISMS
pathogens. They are meant to minimize
✔ Heat sterilization (2500 degree C for 15
occupational exposures of employees’ skin,
minutes) *- inactivates HBV in 5 minutes and
eye, mucous membrane or parenteral contact
HIV in 2 minutes
with blood or other potentially infectious
✔ Ethylene oxide (450 to 500mg/L at 55 to 60
materials w/c may have HIV, HBV or other
degree C)
blood-borne pathogens. Such potentially
✔ 2% glutaraldehyde
infectious materials include:
✔ 10% hydrogen peroxide
✔ body fluids (semen, vaginal
✔ 10% formaldehyde
secretions, pericardial fluid,
✔ 5.25% hypochlorite (bleach)
peritoneal fluid etc)
✔ 10% of common household bleach*
✔ Unfixed tissues, organs, or blood
✔ Precautions include: appropriate
barriers such as gloves, gowns, or