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ISSN(p): 2704-2758; eISSN: 2704-2766

Vol. 39, Issue 1, 2020, pp. 34–43


The Official Research Journal of Western Mindanao State University

Formerly WMSU Research Journal

Screening for Escherichia coli Contamination in Selected

Beach Sands of Zamboanga City, Philippines

Joel Gerone B. Larupay1, 2* & Izar U. Laput3

Philippine Coconut Authority - Zamboanga Research Center, Zamboanga City
Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics,
Western Mindanao State University, Zamboanga City
Research Utilization, Publication and Information Dissemination, 2nd Floor Research Building,
Western Mindanao State University, Zamboanga City
*Corresponding author: [email protected]


Beach lovers find themselves in a tropical paradise when in the Philippines, where fine
sands characterize most of the beaches. However, due to overexploitation (such as toxic
effluents), beaches are currently undergoing forced restoration, like that of the famous Boracay
Island. This present study aims to provide a scientific support on the current status of Zamboanga
City beaches through evaluating the microbial quality of its coastal sands by explicitly focusing
on Escherichia coli contamination on the sand samples taken from Caragasan, Bolong, and La
Vista del Mar beaches. The extraction of the microorganisms from the sand samples was done
using the standard protocol of the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
(SCCWRP). The MPN value of the fecal coliforms (>1100) in the three sites exceeds the
standard value of recreational waters. Results suggest that policies regarding sanitation on the
public and private beach resorts should be enforced and adequately observed.

Keywords: microbiology, MPN value, Escherichia coli, Zamboanga City

Larupay, J. G. B. & Laput, I. U. (2020). Screening for Escherichia coli Contamination in

Selected Beach Sands of Zamboanga City, Philippines. Ciência, 39(1), 33–43. [Available
online at www.wmsu.edu.ph/research_journal].

Ciência 2020


The Philippines, as situated in the tropical region, is sought after for its lovely beaches
that make the country famous. Most people mark the list on spending the holidays in the beaches
with their family or friends; and a significant percentage of this time is being spent on the shore
than the water itself, such as playing beach volleyball, building sandcastles, and even burying
their bodies under the sand (Ong et al., 2011). However, sand acts as a passive element for
cumulative pollution, which is contaminated by garbage, feces, and water carrying pathogenic
microorganisms and parasites (Sato et al., 2005). These sand microorganisms are attached to the
grains (i.e., not free in interstitial space), which means that they are metabolically active (Nolt-
Helms et al., 2003). Thus, beach sands are an excellent reservoir of infections, such as
contamination with Escherichia coli.
E. coli, a rod-shaped and Gram-negative bacterium, commonly thrives in the lower
intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals, including humans (Lim et al., 2010), and is often
discharged into the environment through wastewater effluent or feces (Jang et al., 2017). It is one
of the fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) that is present in the environment (DOH, 2016). It can cause
various gastrointestinal and respiratory illnesses if it enters body openings or if it contaminates
through open wounds. The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA, 2006) emphasized
that swimming in beaches polluted with human waste can cause diarrhea, hepatitis, meningitis,
respiration toxicities and infections of the eye, ear, and skin.
Epidemiological studies conducted between 1953 and 1996 on beaches around the world
suggest a relationship between gastrointestinal symptoms and recreational water quality as
measured by bacterial indicator (E. coli) counts (Halliday & Gast, 2011). According to USEPA
(2006), the standard value for recreational waters (including bathing seawater) is >126 E. coli or
>33 enterococci per 100 ml. Beyond this limit could present a health risk. The World Health
Organization (WHO, 2003) emphasized that sand and other beach sediments should be part of
epidemiological and microbiological studies concerning the ones utilized for recreational
In the Philippines, a case of coliform outbreak in 1997 was recorded in the world’s
famous Boracay Island, which was reported by the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR), and later widely publicized in the national and international media
(Ong et al., 2011). It underwent rehabilitation after more than 20 years (Ignacio, 2018) due to the
uncontrolled growth of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) (Smith et al., 2011). Environmental
concerns such as high coliform level was raised, which was on a ―thousands or even millions‖
level before its closure to tourists last April 2018 (Endo, 2018). This scientific evidence-based
data provides the basis for the Boracay’s restoration from a cesspool to fortified paradise (Canoy
et al., 2020).
Beach sand has been associated as a source of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) to coastal
marine waters (DOH, 2016; Yamahara et al., 2007). As Knee et al. (2008) emphasized, sand
may become contaminated by human or animal feces, wastewater, or polluted seawater; or it
may serve as a natural environmental reservoir for FIB. In some countries, recreational area
quality is mainly concerned with water, but in recent years, some studies dealing with the
microbiological quality of sand have been published (Sato et al., 2005).
Zamboanga City in Zamboanga Peninsula lodged a lot of beaches where possible health
hazards can be avoided by knowing the occurrence of these bacteria on beach sands. Thus, this
study was conceptualized to conduct a microbial analysis on selected beach sands (Caragasan,

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Vista del Mar, and Bolong beach) in Zamboanga City. Caragasan and Bolong beaches are
frequently visited public beaches and were chosen as a representative of the west and east coastal
areas, respectively, while Vista del Mar is a privately-owned resort nearest to the city.
Specifically, this study aimed to detect and compare the presence of E. coli on sand samples on
different stations primarily to generate data on the microbial quality of selected beaches in
Zamboanga City, especially those utilized for recreational purposes.


Study Site
Sand samples were collected from most frequently visited beaches of Zamboanga City, to
wit: Caragasan, Vista del Mar, and Bolong beaches. The selected beach areas are known to be of
recreational use. Caragasan beach is the most visited beach on the west coast since it is open to
the public with no entrance fee. It is noted that some surrounding residential houses, cottages,
and public sewages which released their waste to the sea. Vista del Mar does not have public
sewages on the area since the beach is privately owned; however it is still open for the public
with an entrance fee, though it has its own sewage for their private drainage. The Bolong beach
is also noted to have houses, cottages, and some domesticated animals wandering in the sand

Sterilization of Materials
Glasswares were sterilized using an autoclave to maintain a more extended period of
sterility. It was wrapped in clean sheets of paper before sterilizing. Sterilization was done at 15 -
20 lbs—pressure for 30 minutes at 121˚C.

Preparation of Media
Different media intended for E. coli analysis were prepared as follows:

 Brilliant Green Lactose Broth (BGLB)

This was utilized for the Presumptive test. It was used to detect the presence of coliform
bacteria such as E. coli. Brilliant Green Lactose Broth tubes were prepared following the
manufacturer’s instruction, which was 40 grams to be dissolved in one liter of distilled water.
Ten milliliters of BGLB were transferred in each tube that contained an inverted Durham tube.
All these tubes were cotton plugged and sterilized in an autoclave at 15 lbs. pressure for 15

 Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) Agar

Eosin-methylene blue agar is a differential and selective media for gram-negative
bacteria and mainly was used for E. coli. EMB was prepared by adding 37.5 g in one liter of
distilled water. This was heated with continuous stirring to dissolve the agar. The flask was
covered and sterilized in an autoclave at 15 lbs. pressure for 15 min.

 Escherichia coli (EC) Broth

To prepare the EC broth, a mixture of 20 g tryptose, 5 g lactose, 1.5 g Bile salts, 4 g
dipotassium phosphate, 1.5 g monopotassium, and 5 g sodium chloride were dissolved in one
liter of distilled water and sterilized. This was used in the completed test for E. coli.
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Research Procedure

Establishment of Sampling Stations

Three sand samples per beach area were utilized for the study, which was obtained from
three stations determined by the total shore length divided by three. This was done once in a
month for three months after the rainy season, to obtain dry sand samples since based on some
studies, E. coli multiplication is higher during warm temperature (Hardina & Fujioka, 1991) and
microbial contamination increased in dry sands (Sabino et al., 2011). Sampling time was done
every last week of August, November, and December.

Collection of Sand Samples

A 100ml wide mouth vial was aseptically filled with the sand sample by scooping the top
layer (one inch deep) at a one-meter distance away from the water line in each sampling station
of Caragasan, Vista del Mar, and Bolong. Collection near the animal feces should be avoided
(SCCRWP, 2010). Samples were immediately transported to the lab on ice and were processed
within eight hours of collection.

Extraction of Microorganisms on the Sand Samples

Ten grams of sand from the sample were weighed using a triple beam balance and were
transferred to the first bottle using a sterilized spatula. Sixty (60) milliliters of sterile, one mole,
and pH 7 Phosphate Buffered Solution (PBS) were added to the bottle and was covered tightly. It
was vigorously shaken for two minutes. The sands were allowed to settle for approximately 30
seconds. Eluant (sand water) was decanted into a second sterile bottle, ensuring no sand particles
were included. An additional 40mL sterile PBS was added again to the first bottle and was
swirled gently for 10 seconds. Immediately, the eluant was decanted and transferred into the
second sterile bottle (SCCRWP, 2010).

Test for the Presence of Escherichia coli

Coliform Analysis

Multiple Tube Method

1.1 Presumptive Test

Nine brilliant green lactose broths were utilized for this test. Each sample was inoculated
with three tubes of 10 ml (double strength), 1.0 ml, and 0.1 ml (both single strength), all with an
inverted Durham tube. These were covered by cotton plugs and were incubated at 37˚C. The
observation was done after 48 h of incubation. A positive result is characterized by the presence
of gas production on the Durham tube.

1.1.1 Most Probable Number (MPN)

The most probable number (MPN) method was used to determine the number of
coliforms by a statistical estimation. This was done by counting the positive tubes on the

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presumptive test and referring to the MPN table. The MPN number is the most probable number
of coliforms per 100 ml of water.

1.2 Confirmatory Test

Melted EMB agar was transferred to the petri dish enough to cover the bottom, and was
allowed to solidify. A loopful of inoculum from positive presumptive test tubes was inoculated
into the EMB agar plate using the streak plate method. It was inoculated 37˚C and observed after
48 h. The presence of metallic green sheen colonies indicated the presence of E. coli and
signified a positive result of this test.

1.3 Completed Test

EC broth was used for the completed test. Each tube was inoculated by pure culture from
the positive EMB agar with 37˚C for 24 h. Gas production indicated a positive result on this test.
Positive tubes were subjected to gram staining.


The gas formation in the Brilliant Green Lactose broth (BGLB) during the presumptive
test indicated a positive result for the sand sample are seen on Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Gas formation in the Brilliant Green Lactose Broth (BGLB) tubes during
the presumptive test.

The combination of these positive tubes was noted for the determination of the most
probable number (MPN) of the fecal coliforms present in the sands. Table 1 shows the average
Most Probable Number (MPN) of fecal coliforms in the sand samples for three replicates after
the Presumptive test.

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Table 1. Average Most Probable Number (MPN) of fecal coliforms in the sand samples for three
replicates after the Presumptive test.
No. of Positive tubes
Sampling Sites Replicates MPN Value
0.1 ml 1 ml 10 ml
1 3 3 3 > 1100

Caragasan 2 3 3 3 > 1100

3 3 3 3 > 1100
1 3 3 3 > 1100
Vista del Mar 2 3 3 3 > 1100
3 3 3 3 > 1100
1 3 3 3 > 1100
Bolong 2 3 3 3 > 1100
3 3 3 3 > 1100

As shown in Table 1, the MPN values are the same in the sand samples collected from
Caragasan, Vista del Mar, and Bolong beaches. The MPN, which is >1100 bacteria per 100ml,
was determined from the combination of three of each 10ml, 1ml, and 0.1ml positive tubes after
the presumptive testing. Further confirmatory test showed a distinct metallic green sheen colony
growth, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Metallic green sheen colony growth in the EMB agar.

The distinct metallic green sheen colony growth in the EMB agar indicates positive
colonies for E. coli. Completed test positive tubes were characterized by the formation of gas on
the Durham tube in the EC broth (Fig. 3 left). This is then further subjected to microscopic
examination via gram staining. Escherichia coli was distinguished as a gram-negative bacillus
when viewed under the microscope with a magnification of 400x (Fig. 3 right).

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Figure 3. Positive results after the completed test.

Table 2 shows the presence of the bacteria Escherichia coli bacteria on the different sand
samples of the beaches at the end of the microbial analysis and the completed test.

Table 2. Presence of Escherichia coli on sand samples after the microbial analysis.

Sand Sample

Sampling Caragasan Vista del Mar Bolong

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

August + + + + + + + +

November + + + + + + + + +

December + + + + + + + + +

Legend: + E. coli present; - E. coli absent

Caragasan, Vista del Mar, and Bolong beaches were all positive for the presence of E.
coli on the three stations for three sampling periods. This only suggests that the beaches were
either contaminated by the sewages or by the feces. Fine sands characterized all the three
selected beaches. Desamarais et al. (2003) and Lee et al. (2006) both showed that elevated E.
coli thrives in sands with fine grains. Their results were similarly observed in this study that most
of the beach sands of Caragasan, Vista del Mar, and Bolong were a fine sand grain type, and less
of the areas were on medium grain and coarse grain type. This type of sand encouraged people to
choose these beaches.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2003), fecal index organisms can be
used to indicate the degree of fecal contamination. The Mendes’ proposed guideline value of
10,000/10g for sands indicates possible pollution from sewage (Mendes et al., 1993), falls on the

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obtained MPN range of this study. On the other hand, The MPN value exceeds the standard
value of recreational waters (including bathing seawater), which is >126 E. coli or >33
enterococci per 100 ml. This result presents a health risk according to USEPA (2006). However,
although the World Health Organization (2003) considered sand contamination, it made no
recommendations as to standards; neither do they feature in current European or US legislation.
Further tests (confirmatory and completed) showed the presence of E. coli. The three
stations of each selected beach (Caragasan, Vista del Mar, and Bolong) are all contaminated by
E. coli. Four factors were observed and noted to be influential in the presence of E. coli. These
are: the presence of sewage systems, the presence of houses, and some domesticated animals
(like dogs and chickens), the number of bathers, and a generally fine sand grain characteristic of
the beach areas.
Station 3 of Caragasan includes a large sewage system. Accordingly, E. coli is used as an
indicator of sewage contamination, and its possible sources include sewage overflows and
leaking septic systems. Moreover, higher bacterial counts and longer survival time of these
bacteria are in beach areas close to sewage outlets (Whitman & Nevers, 2003). Though the
station 3 of Vista del Mar also has a sewage outlet, it was not functional and only used as a rain
drainage outlet.
Bolong and Caragasan were found to be inhabited by houses with stores and eatery
(―carinderias‖) that are on the beach area. Domesticated animals like dogs and chickens were
also observed to be roaming free on the sands. According to WHO (2003), the principal
microbial risk to human health encountered on beaches is from direct or indirect contact with
animal feces – notably of dogs. The same findings also believed that local flocks like chickens
would elevate E. coli concentration in the area (Whitman & Nevers, 2003). Halliday and Gast
(2011) stressed that sands and sediments offer a habitation to fecal bacterial populations. This is
supported by the American Chemical Society (2007), which states that there are scientific
evidences implicating the beach sand as a reservoir for E. coli. Additionally, the households
within the beach areas are also seen as major causes for E. coli. One mode of fecal pollution is
through the release of untreated human fecal wastes from the nearby septic tanks and canals of
these houses. The WHO (2010) briefly discussed it posing a greater health risk as human wastes
may contain a wide range of pathogens than those from animals.
Fine sands characterized all three selected beaches. Desamarais et al. (2003) and Lee et
al. (2006) both revealed that elevated E. coli thrives in sands with fine grains. Their results were
similarly observed in this study; most of the beach sands of Caragasan, Vista del Mar, and
Bolong were a fine-sand grain type, and less of the areas were on medium-grain and coarse-grain
type. This type of sand encouraged people to choose these beaches. The World Health
Organization (2003) supported this observation by its statement that the number of bathers also
influenced the degree of contamination.


The study revealed that the sand samples taken in the different stations in Caragasan,
Vista del Mar, and Bolong beaches were either contaminated with feces and sewage fostering
bacterial growth of Escherichia coli. This condition was influenced by the presence of a large
sewage system, the presence of houses and some domesticated animals (like dogs and chickens),
and a generally fine-sand grain characteristic of the beach areas. Policies regarding sanitation on

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the public and private beach resorts should be enforced and properly observed by the
management, nearby residents and the bathers.


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