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Development of The Universe and New Cosmology: Astro-Ph/0309326 CERN-TH/2003-101 April 2003

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April 2003

Development of the Universe and

New Cosmology

A.S. Sakharovab and H. Hofera

Swiss Institute of Technology, ETH-Zuerich, 8093 Zuerich, Switzerland
TH Division, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland


Cosmology is undergoing an explosive period of activity, fueled both by new, accurate

astrophysical data and by innovative theoretical developments. Cosmological parameters
such as the total density of the Universe and the rate of cosmological expansion are being
precisely measured for the first time, and a consistent standard picture of the Universe
is beginning to emerge. Recent developments in cosmology give rise the intriguing possi-
bility that all structures in the Universe, from superclusters to planets, had a quantum-
mechanical origin in its earliest moments. Furthermore, these ideas are not idle theorizing,
but predictive, and subject to meaningful experimental test. We review the concordance
model of the development of the Universe, as well as evidence for the observational revolu-
tion that this field is going through. This already provides us with important information
on particle physics, which is inaccessible to accelerators.

April 2003

1 Introduction
Our present understanding of the Universe is based upon the successful hot Big
Bang theory, which explains its evolution from the first fraction of a second to our
present age, around 13 billion years later. This theory rests upon four strong pil-
lars, a theoretical framework based on general relativity, as put forward by Albert
Einstein [1] and Alexander A. Friedmann [2] in the 1920s, and three robust observa-
tional facts: First, the expansion of the Universe, discovered by Edwin P. Hubble [3]
in the 1930s, as a recession of galaxies at a speed proportional to their distance
from us. Second, the relative abundance of light elements, explained by George
Gamow [4] in the 1940s, mainly that of helium, deuterium and lithium, which were
cooked from the nuclear reactions that took place at around a second to a few min-
utes after the Big Bang, when the Universe was a few times hotter than the core of
the Sun. Third, the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the afterglow of the Big
Bang, discovered in 1965 by Arno A. Penzias and Robert W. Wilson [5] as a very
isotropic black-body radiation at a temperature of about 3 degrees Kelvin, emitted
when the Universe was cold enough to form neutral atoms and photons decoupled
from matter, approximately 400,000 years after the Big Bang. Today, these obser-
vations are confirmed to within a few per cent accuracy, and have helped establish
the paradigm of inflationary hot Big Bang cosmology as the preferred model of the
Universe [6].

2 The Universe as we see it

All of modern cosmology stems essentially from an application of the Copernican
principle: we are not at the centre of the Universe. In fact, today we take Copernicus’
idea one step further and assert the “cosmological principle”: nobody is at the centre
of the Universe. The cosmos, viewed from any point, looks the same as when viewed
from any other point. This, like other symmetry principles more directly familiar
to particle physicists, turns out to be an immensely powerful idea. In particular, it
leads to the apparently inescapable conclusion that the Universe has a finite age.
There was a beginning of time.
This cosmological principle can be expressed by applying one of the most “rea-
sonable” symmetries to the Einstein equation, which initially connects the geometry
of space-time with the matter content of the Universe. The simplest symmetries of
this type are homogeneity and isotropy. By homogeneity, we mean that the Uni-
verse is invariant under spatial translations, while isotropy implies invariance under
rotations. In this sense the contents of the Universe can be modelled as a perfect
fluid with some equation of state 1 . While this is certainly a poor description of the
contents of the Universe on small scales, such as the size of people or planets or even
galaxies, it is an excellent approximation if we average over extremely large scales
in the Universe, for which the matter is known observationally to be very smoothly
The equation of state is frequently given by a relation between density ρ and pressure p of the

General relativity combined with homogeneity and isotropy leads to a startling
conclusion: space-time is dynamic. The Universe is not static, but is bound to be
either expanding or contracting. Indeed, in 1929, Hubble undertook a project to
measure the distances to the spiral “nebulae”, as they had been known. Hubble’s
method involved using Cepheid variables. Cepheid variables have the useful property
that the period of their variation is correlated to their absolute brightness. Therefore,
by measuring the apparent brightness and the period of a distant Cepheid, one can
determine its absolute brightness and therefore its distance. Hubble applied this
method to a number of nearby galaxies, and determined that almost all of them
were receding from the Earth. Moreover, the more distant the galaxy was, the
faster it was receding, according to a roughly linear relation: v = H0 d. This is the
famous Hubble law, and the constant H0 is known as Hubble’s constant. The current
best estimate, determined using the Hubble space telescope to resolve Cepheids in
galaxies at unprecedented distances, is H0 = 71 ± 6 km · s−1 · Mpc−1 2 [14]. In any
case, the Hubble law is exactly what one would expect from the so-called expanding
Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) Universe [7].
The expansion of the Universe leads to a number of interesting effects. One is the
cosmological redshift of photons. The usual way to see this is that, from the Hubble
law, distant objects appear to be receding at a velocity v = H0 d, which means
that photons emitted from the body are redshifted by the recession velocity of the
source. There is another way to look at the same effect: because of the expansion of
space, the wavelength of a photon increases with the scale factor: λ ∝ a(t), so that
a photon, propagating in the space as the universe expands, gets shifted to longer
and longer wavelengths. The redshift z of a photon is then given by the ratio of the
a(t0 )
scale factor today to the scale factor when the photon was emitted: 1 + z = a(t em )
This redshifting due to expansion applies to particles other than photons as well.
For some massive body moving relative to the expansion with some momentum p,
the momentum also “redshifts”: p ∝ a(t) . We then have the remarkable result that
freely moving bodies in an expanding Universe eventually come to rest relative to
the expanding coordinate system. Thus the expansion of the Universe creates a kind
of dynamical friction for everything moving in it. If we take a bunch of particles
with temperature T in thermal equilibrium, the momenta of all these particles will
decrease linearly with the expansion, and the system will cool. For a gas in thermal
equilibrium, the temperature is in fact inversely proportional to the scale factor:
T ∝ a(t) . The current temperature of the Universe is 2.725 ± 0.005 K [20].
One of the things that cosmologists most want to measure accurately is the total
density ρ of the Universe. This is very often expressed in units of the critical density
needed to make the geometry of the Universe flat. Observers have made attempts to
measure the density of the Universe using a variety of methods, including measuring
galactic rotation curves, the velocities of galaxies orbiting in clusters, X-ray mea-
surements of galaxy clusters, the velocities and spatial distribution of galaxies on
large scales, and gravitational lensing. These measurements have repeatedly pointed
The parsec is a spatial astronomical unit corresponding to one second of arc of the parallax
measured from opposite sides of the earth’s orbit: 1 pc = 3 · 1018 cm.

to the existence of a large amount of dark matter, different from the baryonic con-
stituents of stars and planets. Moreover two groupes - the Supernova Cosmology
Project [8] and the High-z Supernova Search Team [9] has recently arrived at a
picture of the Universe with flat geometry: matter, including both baryons and the
mysterious dark matter, makes up only about 30% of the energy density in the
Universe. The remaining 70% is made of something that looks very much like a
fluid with negative pressure, which slightly accelerate the current expansion of the
Universe 3 . This dark energy can possibly be identified with the vacuum energy
predicted by quantum field theory, except that the energy density is 120 orders of
magnitude smaller than would be expected from a naive analysis. This density bud-
get of the Universe, where the critical density is distributed between the following
contributions: 4.7 ± 0.6% luminous matter, 24 ± 7% dark matter and 71.3 ± 8%
of dark energy, gets confirmed at very high confidence level by recent fascinating
results of the WMAP satellite, which in fact ”took a picture” of the Universe when
it was only about 400,000 years old.

3 Thermal history of the Universe and beyond

The basic picture of an expanding, cooling Universe leads to a number of startling
predictions: the formation of nuclei with its resulting primordial abundances of
elements, and the later formation of neutral atoms with the consequent presence of
a cosmic background of photons [15, 16].
As we go back in time, the Universe becomes hotter and hotter and thus the
amount of energy available for particle interactions thus increases. As a consequence,
the nature of interactions goes from those described at low energy by long-range
gravitational and electromagnetic physics, to atomic physics, nuclear physics, all
the way to high energy physics at the electroweak scale, gran unification (perhaps),
and finally quantum gravity.
The way we know about the high energy interactions of matter is via particle
accelerators, which are unravelling the details of these fundamental interactions as
we increase their energy. However, one should bear in mind that the physical condi-
tions that take place in our high energy colliders are very different from those that
occurred in the early Universe: these machines could never reproduce the condi-
tions of density and pressure in its rapidly expanding thermal plasma. Nevertheless,
those experiments are crucial in understanding the nature and rate of the local fun-
damental interactions available at those energies. What interests cosmologists is the
statistical and thermal properties that such a plasma should have, in particular the
time at which certain particles decoupled from the plasma, i.e. when their interac-
tions were not quick enough with respect to the expansion of the Universe, and they
were left out of equilibrium with the plasma.
Deeper and more precies supernova measurements [10] confirm this conclusion. Future data on
supernova from space based [11, 12] and ground based [13] telescopes promise to yield substantial
information on the history of cosmic acceleration, and to constrain possible models for the dark

One can trace the evolution of the universe from its origin till today. According
to the best accepted view, the Universe must have originated at the Planck era
(1019 GeV, 10−43 s), from a quantum gravity fluctuation. Needless to say, quantum
gravity phenomena are still in the realm of physical speculation, although the last
astrophysical probes can already feel effects of quantum gravity at the energy level of
the Grand Unified Theories (GUTs), about 1016 GeV (10−35 s) [17] and beyond [18].
However, it is plausible that a pre Big Bang era of cosmological inflation originated
then. The idea of inflation, a period of accelerated expansion before the FRW
expansion is established, provides an elegant solution to set up the initial conditions
for standard Big Bang cosmology [19]. At some early time, just before the Universe
may have reached the GUTs era (1016 GeV, 10−35 s) and was not yet thermalized,
the energy density of the Universe was dominated by some material (inflaton field)
with negative pressure. Under such an assumption, the Einstein equation leads to
the conclusion that during the pre Big Bang era the expansion of the Universe was
exponentially accelerated, spreading out the conditions that took place in a small
causally connected region over a huge distance across which we observe the Universe
now. The last concequence explains, in particular, how became the Universe so big
and so uniform before becoming the FRW Universe.
Quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field then left their imprint as tiny pertur-
bations in an otherwise very homogeneous patch of the Universe. One of the most
astonishing predictions of inflation is that quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field,
being stretched by the exponential expansion generate large-scale perturbations of
the space-time geometry. Patterns of perturbations in the geometry are like finger-
prints that unequivocally characterize a period of inflation. When matter falls in
the gravitational weels of the patterns, it creates density perturbations that collapse
gravitationally to form galaxies, clusters and superclusters of galaxies. Perhaps the
most intriguing aspect of modern cosmology is the fact that the large-scale structure
was seeded at the extremely early epoch of the development of the Universe, when
even the conception of matter in usual sense did not exist yet. Moreover this fact is
already tested observationally at a very high level of accuracy by the combination
of recent results from WMAP satellite [20] andthe 2dF galaxy redshift survey [21].
At the end of inflation, the huge energy density of the inflaton field was converted
into particles, which soon thermalized and became the origin of the hot Big Bang.
Such a process is called reheating of the Universe. Since then, the Universe became
It is probable (although by no means certain) that the asymmetry between mat-
ter and antimatter originated at the same time as the rest of the energy of the
Universe, from the decay of the inflaton. This process is known under the name of
baryogenesis [22], since baryons (mostly quarks at that time) must have originated
then, from the leftovers of their annihilation with antibaryons. Any mechanism of
baryogenesis requires a violation of the baryon number, C and CP violation, and a
departure from thermal equilibrium [23]. The first two conditions can be discussed
only within a particle physics model that is definitely beyond the Standard Model.
This fact represents perhaps the best example of the perfect interplay between cos-
mology and particle physics.

As the Universe cooled down, it may have gone through the quark–gluon phase
transition (102 MeV, 10−5 s), when baryons (mainly protons and neutrons) formed
from their constituent quarks [26]. A minor contribution of antimatter regions,
which might be left from baryogenesis, can evolve into condensed antimatter ob-
jects; these are important footprints of early phase transitions, which took place
far above electroveak energies [24]. In this sense the search for antimatter in space,
with the AMS-02 experiment [25], turns out to be an important step into a deeper
understanding of physics beyond the Standard Model which took place in the early
The furthest window we have on the early Universe at is for the moment that
of primordial nucleosynthesis (1–0.1 MeV, 1 s – 3 min), when protons and neutrons
were cold enough that bound systems could form, giving rise to the lightest elements,
soon after neutrino decoupling: It is the realm of nuclear physics. The observed
relative abundances of light elements are in agreement with the predictions of the
hot Big Bang theory. Immediately afterwards, electron–positron annihilation occurs
(0.5 MeV, 1 min) and all their energy goes into photons. Much later, at about 1 eV,
∼ 105 yr, matter and radiation have equal energy densities. Soon after, electrons
become bound to nuclei to form atoms (0.3 eV, 3 × 105 yr), in a process known as
recombination: this is the realm of atomic physics.
Immediately after, photons decouple from the plasma, travelling freely there-
after. Those are the photons we observe as the CMB. The COBE satellite [27]
launched in 1990 observed a tiny anisotropy in the angular distribution of the CMB
temperature. It is believed that this anisotropy represents intrinsic fluctuations in
the CMB itself, due to the presence of tiny primordial density fluctuations in the cos-
mological matter present at the time of recombination. These density fluctuations
are of great physical interest, because these are the fluctuations that later collapsed
to form all of the structures in the Universe, from superclusters to planets. Moreover
the angular distribution of the CMB depends, for example, on the baryon density,
the Hubble constant H0 , the densities of dark matter and dark energy. This makes
the interpretation of the angular spectrum something of a complex undertaking, but
it also makes it a sensitive probe of cosmological models and, implicitly, a particle
physics laboratory of high precision [28].
Much later (∼ 1–10 Gyr), the small inhomogeneities generated during inflation
have grown, via gravitational collapse, to become galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and
superclusters, characterizing the epoch of structure formation. It is the realm of
long–range gravitational physics, dominated by a dark (vacuum) energy. Finally
(3 K, 13 Gyr), the Sun, the Earth, and biological life originated from previous
generations of stars, and from a primordial soup of organic compounds, respectively.
The recent announcement by the WMAP satellite team of the landmark mea-
surements of the CMB anisotropy [20] has convincingly confirmed important aspects
of the current standard cosmological model described above.

4 Conclusions
We have entered a new era in cosmology and astrophysics, where a host of high-
precision measurements are already posing challenges to our understanding of the
Universe: the density of ordinary matter and the total amount of energy in the Uni-
verse; the microwave background anisotropies on a fine-scale resolution; primordial
deuterium abundance from quasar absorption lines; the acceleration parameter of
the Universe from high-redshift supernovae observations; the rate of expansion from
gravitational lensing [29]; large-scale structure measurements of the distribution of
galaxies and their evolution; and many more, which already put constraints on the
parameter space of cosmological models.
However, these are only the forerunners of the precision era in cosmology that
will dominate the new millennium, and make cosmology a phenomenological science,
whose results can be incorporated into experimental high energy physics [30]. An
impressive example of such a symbiosis of modern observational cosmology and
experimental particle physics was the last improvement of the probe of the neutrino
masses by 2dF galaxy redshift surveys data combined with WMAP results. The
obtained limit [20] on the sum ot the neutrino masses of 0.7 eV is substantially better
than even the most stringent direct laboratory limit on any individual neutrino
mass. On top of it, WMAP data also provide a new limit on the effective number
of light neutrino species, beyond the three within the Standard Model [31]:
−1.5 < ∆Nνef f < 4.2. This limit is not as stringent as that from LEP, but it
applies to additional light particles, that might not be produced in Z decay. The
cosmological upper limit on the masses of supersymmetric particles which can play
the role of dark matter, is also improved by WMAP [32].
One of the most difficult challenges that the new cosmology will have to face
is understanding the origin of the dark energy, whose behaviour is similar to that
of the inflaton field, but 13 Gyr later [33]. It is of tremendous interest from the
standpoint of fundamental theory [34]. In this sense cosmology provides us with a
way to study a question of central importance for particle theory, namely the nature
of the vacuum in quantum field theory. This is something that cannot be studied
in particle accelerators, so in this sense cosmology provides a unique window on
particle physics.

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