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DGTIN Group Report

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Student Name TP Number
Table of contents
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Existing Functionalities Within Computerized System 2
2.1 Web Page Log-In 2
2.2 Clubs and Societies 3
2.3 Floor Plan 4
2.4 Emergency and Directory Contacts and Particulars of Staffs 5
2.5 Occupancy of Classrooms and Library Rooms 6
2.6 Schedule and Timetable 7
2.7 Student Loan Application 8
2.8 Digital Academic Calendar 9
3.0 List of Issues 10
3.1 Lack of Proper Authentication and Account Security 10
3.2 Lack of Proper Interactive Element in the Application 11
3.3 Difficulty in Navigating through the Campus 11
3.4 Lack of Support for Fast Emergency Contact 13
3.5 Inaccurate Information and Inability to Reserve Rooms 14
3.6 Lack of Direct Access to Virtual Classes 14
3.7 Complexity of Student Loan Application 15
3.8 An Absence of Digital Calendar 15
4.0 Proposed Solution 17
4.1 Introduce two-factor authentication 17
4.2 Option to Interact with Clubs from the Application 19
4.3 In-depth and Live Interactive Map 21
4.4 Add Speed-Dial Support/Quick-Contact 22
4.5 Implement Live-update and Reservation system 23
4.6 Hyperlink Buttons to Meetings 24
4.7 Automation of Student Loan Application 25
4.8 Adding Digital Calendar Icon 26
4.9 Final Proposal 29
5.0 Conclusion 32
6.0 References 33
7.0 Appendix 35
1.0 Introduction
Computerized or information system refers to a functioning system that relies on digital or
computer components. A system is a concept whereby each of the components work
interrelatedly to form a complex whole that is greater than the sum of its parts (General System
Definition, n.d.). A computerized system may be a software application, or a digital system
aimed to improve efficiency and improve the quality of life, by collecting, storing, and
processing a set of data to then provide information or a specific product (Zwass, n.d.).

The computerized system that will be discussed in this report will be the web page application
utilized by many universities and institutions. The web page application is also commonly
known as the student portal site but exists in many forms and can be found in mobile
applications as well. The domain of our focus is tertiary education or university level. Among the
many examples of web page applications are Asia Pacific University’s APSpace, Sunway
University’s eLearn, Monash University’s My Monash, and University of Malaya’s UMTouch.

2.0 Existing Functionalities Within Computerized System
The web page application is a staple feature that almost every university in the world has in this
day and age. It is a website made specifically by the university staff to be used by students and
lecturers alike. The web page allows students and lecturers to access a myriad of information;
some examples being timetables, results page, pending fees, course notes, etc. The student portal
is one of the most important features of tertiary education as it serves as a daily guide and mobile
encyclopedia for anything concerning campus life. It could also contain personal information
such as a student’s email, mobile phone number, or address. Students also gain access to a
student email in which important news can be delivered to them. Students may also utilize this
email to send emails to lecturers or university staff for any inquiries regarding course work or
campus related matters.

2.1 Web Page Log-In

In order for students to gain access to information such as their personal information, course
details, timetables, assignments, etc. through the university web page, they will first need to enter
their credentials via a log-in function. This function is a staple across almost every online
platform or website that features a system whereby users need to create an account with a
username and password in order to gain access to the website and its features. A unique
username and password will be given to students once they enroll in order for them to access the
aforementioned information.

Figure 2.1.1: Login page of the webpage

2.2 Clubs and Societies
Student organizations like clubs and societies are important to the university experience. It is an
interesting and captivating method to make new friends, discover others with similar interests,
and have a good time. Societies can help students enhance their leadership skills by organizing
events and activities. Likewise, students from similar countries or religions can socialize casually
through international communities.

Therefore, to make it easier and more convenient for students, universities provide an option in
their web applications where students can join these clubs and societies virtually.

Figure 2.2.1: Sports and recreation page of a university website

2.3 Floor Plan
To aid students in navigating their way through their respective campuses, the majority of
universities globally have introduced a campus floor plan functionality within their websites or
respective student applications. This function aims to aid students in identifying which
classrooms they are to go to, where to locate the classrooms, and overall, how to navigate easily
around the campus. The image below shows an example from a university that has this function
within their personal student application:

Figure 2.3.1: Standard Floor Plan of a University

2.4 Emergency and Directory Contacts and Particulars of Staffs

Since unexpected and unavoidable events may occur in students' daily lives, it is critical that they
know who to call in the event of an emergency. Having a dependable data quality system to keep
this information intact may be really beneficial in this area. Students, on the other hand, require
the contact information and specifics of staff members not only in the event of an emergency, but
also to complete numerous academic assignments. This functionality often includes email, phone
number, and office location of school personnel, dorm wardens, security, and other
administration staff. This is a functionality that exists in the webpage app. The image attached
below is an example of this functionality:

Figure 2.4.1: Staff Directory of University of Malaya’s Web-page Application

2.5 Occupancy of Classrooms and Library Rooms

In most cases, the web page applications also contain a classroom finder function, which students
can use to access information regarding classrooms that are not currently occupied for official
classes. This function allows students to immediately proceed to one of the classes listed for
breaks or meetings that are outside of their active class time. Another benefit is that students will
not have to check each classroom for its availability as it is both a waste of energy and time. This
function extends its limits by providing students with the accessibility to check room
occupancies on each day of the week at specific times as well. The image below pertains to the
classroom finding system that belongs to APSpace.

Figure 2.5.1: Function of Classroom Finder from APU’s APSpace

2.6 Schedule and Timetable
For students to efficiently manage their time and arrive at class on time, the students must be
informed of the schedule and timetable. As a result, it can help professors organise their classes
to avoid confusion. On the other hand, a timetable assists lecturers in organising their classes so
that they may provide the students with the knowledge they require. The school system will be in
disarray without a timetable, and everyone will arrive at class simultaneously. Furthermore, there
will be significant lecture session absences for the pupils. Consider this:

Figure 2.6.1: APSpace Class Timetable

An example of a web page application with a timetable for the corresponding pupils is provided
in the figure up above. This feature aids the students in understanding their own classes and
subjects so that they won't interfere with other classes. Additionally, by using the timetable,
professors may quickly see how their students are doing.

2.7 Student Loan Application

The university webpage application includes a section whereby students eligible for student
loans can make an application online. This section of the webpage includes relevant information
such as eligibility and the necessary steps for the loan. It also features a link or hyperlinks such
as buttons that directs the user to the loan application website such as the ‘Peradaban Tabung
Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN)’ government loan for local Malaysian students (Sunway
Education Group, n.d.) (National Higher Education Fund / Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan
Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN), n.d.).

Figure 2.7.1: Image of a hyperlink to the loan website

Figure 2.7.2: Example of the PTPTN link on the webpage

This function of the webpage is meant to aid the students in applying for student loans by
providing the necessary details and information such as contact information for inquiries and
application period. Other examples of the student loans available for application include the
‘Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA)’ Tertiary Excellent Sponsorship Program (TESP) or the
‘Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA)’ Scholarship Program (JPA Bursary Programme | Asia
Pacific University, n.d.) (Tertiary Excellent Sponsorship Programme (TESP) | Asia Pacific

SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMME (TESP 2020), n.d.). These loans are meant to help students who
require additional financial aid to further their studies. A function that guides the student with
such as the above, eases the process of loan application, and implies the institution’s support for
such financial aids.

2.8 Digital Academic Calendar

An academic calendar is essential for students during the semester to remind them of important
events such as assignments, examinations, vacations, semester breaks, etc. It is one of the many
crucial functions found in the system. An academic calendar can assist students in managing
their time and planning properly for their examinations as some students prefer to prepare for
their studies before a long period of examination time. Moreover, an academic calendar can be
utilized not only by the students but also by the staff to keep up with holidays and midterm break
so they arrange their schedule accordingly or travel back to their hometowns as some students
and staffs’ hometown is quite far away from the university, thus the calendar can aid in letting
them know in advance so they can handle their schedule and time accordingly.

Figure 2.8.1: Multimedia University’s Academic Calendar System

3.0 List of Issues
As with many things, the web-page application system is not without flaws. Some of the issues
are minor inconveniences whereas others are major and outright dangerous. These issues have
existed for as long as the creation of the computerized system, and have been plaguing many
users; students and educators alike. There are several issues that come with functionalities, and
they have been identified below.

3.1 Lack of Proper Authentication and Account Security

We live in a digital age where most, if not all information and records of online profiles are
stored digitally through servers. An example of this would be the aforementioned student portals
and emails. Information regarding students such as their chosen course, email address and the
like are displayed in student portals for the ease of access that it provides to students and
university staff alike. However advanced accessibility like this also comes with disadvantages.
Cyber-attacks are rampant in this day and age and despite the efforts of cybersecurity experts all
over the world, data and information is still constantly being stolen. Over the years, phishing
attacks have gone up by 130.5% (Boshnjakoska, 2022). This widespread issue can also apply to
students in tertiary education. For example, should a student have their device be attacked by
malware, or the university servers be compromised, hackers would be able to easily access
personal information of students and staff alike. In the case of students, should their device be
hacked, there is little to no way to prevent the theft of information and the compromise of their
given student emails which may lead to problems such as identity theft (Students More at Risk of
Identity Theft: Tips and Resources to Stay Protected | Tulane School of Professional
Advancement, n.d.) (Federal Student Aid and Identity Theft, n.d.). This is due to the lack of
additional authentication required for the student portal logins and student emails as both only
require the student’s email and password to access.

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3.2 Lack of Proper Interactive Element in the Application
In today's world where despite everything being digital, most University’s web page applications
do not allow the user to perform the most basic of interactions. Interactions like joining a club, or
inquiries, or checking for club activities are simply not available. Universities still prefer to have
students join clubs and societies in person rather than giving them any options to do so through
university web apps. As such, there is no standard medium of communication between the club
committees and members, leaving many students in the dark. The current functionality of the
system only displays the clubs available and their respective captains; many clubs of which are
out of date.

3.3 Difficulty in Navigating through the Campus

Although the functionality of the classroom finder or floor plan exists, the functionality itself is
very underdeveloped, lacks important and descriptive information for the student to actually
locate their classrooms and is usually a non-interactive map. For example, although students can
see what classroom number the classroom is, if the student is unable to navigate themselves to
the correct block, they will be unable to locate the classroom. As seen in the image below,
although the floor plan of these two different campus is labelled and descriptive it would still be
difficult and confusing for new students to find their way around the respective campuses if they
are unable to identify where they currently are within the campus as they are not familiar with
buildings or landmarks within campus to help them navigate.

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Figure 3.3.1: Example of a confusing floor plan

Figure 3.3.2: Example of a confusing floor plan

The campus floor plans themselves are very cluttered with information which could confuse the
majority of new students and overwhelm them.

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3.4 Lack of Support for Fast Emergency Contact

Though the staff directory functionality exists in the selected domain, it lacks proper direction to
the emergency contact representatives. Emergency contact service is a service that is to be
provided by the institution itself. So, institutions are expected not to have any sort of
underdeveloped or unclear information or direction regarding this functionality. However,
emergency speed dialling service is one of the very core functionalities that every education
domain should have.

Figure 3.4.1: Staff Directory of APU’s APSpace

The screenshot above shows the staff directory of the selected domain which contains necessary
contact information of all the staff including phone number and email address of them according
to their functional region but there is no ‘speed dial’ support directly to the university for
emergency contact.

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3.5 Inaccurate Information and Inability to Reserve Rooms
Although the functionality aims to provide students with ease of navigation, reduce time and
energy consumption, its efficiency can be hindered by a few reasons. Firstly, when students
looking for a classroom at a given time, find a classroom that is listed as available, it could be the
opposite. This could happen when teachers arrange a class in one that was listed as available
later than usual and the web page application has not been updated. This could also happen
inversely wherein classes that were supposedly unavailable are unoccupied due to cancellation of
classes. Secondly, in most cases, the classrooms and library discussion rooms are not reservable
by students via the app. Examples of such would be APSpace’s inability to book discussion
rooms in the library. The students are required to physically head to the library counter for this
purpose. This can be inconvenient for them as they will have to check each room for availability.

3.6 Lack of Direct Access to Virtual Classes

When students were occasionally running late, the webpage application does not provide a clear
connection to the team meeting. Instead, they must switch to another app to participate in the
meeting, which will take a lot of time and cause the student to miss some of the lecturer's crucial
material. Other than that, finding the appropriate teams in teams takes time when students wish
to participate in their meeting. Some of the students are also unsure on how to access their
meeting link in their teams. Students are inconvenienced by this problem because it takes time.
Additionally, the problem becomes more apparent because the procedure takes longer for
students who use integrated devices like tablets or phones or students who typically have slower

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3.7 Complexity of Student Loan Application
The process to apply for the loans stated previously can be very tedious and is often confusing.
The PTPTN loan, for instance, requires the student to open an ‘Skim Simpanan Pendidikan
Nasional (SSPN) Prime Account’, a PTPTN account as well as purchasing a pin, and a CIMB
Bank Account (National Higher Education Fund / Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi
Nasional (PTPTN), n.d.). The number of accounts needed to apply for the student loan, in
addition to the complexity of the process makes the application process painstaking and drawn
out. Furthermore, the language barrier as the sites is only available in Malay and the lack of
information pertaining to the necessity of some information unnecessarily complicates the
process and confuses the applicants. Moreover, due to the sheer number of information needed to
be inserted manually by the user, more mistakes will be made as it increases with frequency. The
information the students provide may be incorrect or inaccurate as a result; further complicating
the application process. Over the years, many students from different private universities have
shared their woes regarding the issue (PTPTN Thread V2, 2009).

3.8 An Absence of Digital Calendar

Some universities do not provide a calendar that indicates key dates of important events such as
exam dates and holidays, which can cause confusion among students, particularly regarding their
exam dates, as they must wait for the lecturer to announce the dates of the exam, causing the
student to not sufficiently prepare for the exams as some lecturers inform about the examination
date one week before its actual one. Furthermore, without the academic calendar student, can’t
have a full view of the midterm and public holidays, and they cannot schedule their trips to get
back to their hometown for the break as occasionally they miss the midterm holiday causing
especially the international student to not travel back to their home country due to the lack of

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Figure 3.8.1 APU’s Complex Course Schedule
In the case of APU, although the course schedule is there, students occasionally need to go to
office 365 to search for their course in a file full of other courses. As a result, it is extremely
difficult and inefficient for students to identify their courses because there are so many other pdf
files relevant to every other course. Thus, whenever a change is made to a course schedule, the
university must upload a new pdf. The same goes for lecturers, if they want to implement
adjustments to the calendar, they can't as it's in the pdf file, therefore the university must modify
and upload a new pdf. Whereas for the other universities such as Sunway and Taylors, they
bluntly do not have a proper calendar functionality at all, which causes a lot of confusion for the
students about when their exam, holiday, and other course-related issues.

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4.0 Proposed Solution
The issues mentioned above hinders the users’ experience and they are to be dealt with to
improve quality of life and peace of mind. To that end, we have created a proposal with solutions
to said problems. Each component is to be improved, and these solutions work in-tangent with
each other to better the system. This allows the user to have a more cohesive, smooth, and
overall better experience.

4.1 Introduce two-factor authentication

In order to overcome this lack of security, a simple but effective solution can be applied and that
is two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication or 2FA is an added layer of security
which ensures that people trying to log in to a website or account are who they say they are
(Stouffer, 2022). How it works is that first the user will enter their username or email address
and password. But instead of immediately getting access to the aforementioned accounts, they
will then be required to enter another piece of information. The most popular and widely used
form of 2FA involves a software-generated time-based, one-time 6-digit passcode (Stouffer,
2022). In order to use this method, the university would have to create an authenticator app
which can be downloaded through mobile devices by students and then linked to their student
email or account in the student portal. How the app would work is that students can request to
add 2FA through the student portal and upon doing so, a QR code will be displayed which can
then be scanned by the authenticator app in order to link the app to the account. This is a one-
time step which is done in order to link the student’s account to their mobile device. From then
on, each time the student wishes to log in to their email or account, they will need to refer to the
app to find the 6-digit code displayed on the app which refreshes every 30 seconds and enter the
code alongside their email and password in order to access their accounts. This solution ensures
that student details are kept safe because if the password of the email or account becomes
compromised, hackers would not be able to access the account due to the extra layer of security
provided by 2FA which can only be accessed by the students’ through their mobile devices.

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Figure 4.1.1: 6-digit passcode that refreshes every 30 seconds.

Figure 4.1.2: Entering the 6-digit code before being granted access to student emails or accounts

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4.2 Option to Interact with Clubs from the Application
To make it easier for students to join clubs and societies, universities can add links or QR codes
to their university web page applications. Upon clicking on the icon of the club, the user will be
greeted with a QR code which brings the user to an e-form where they can sign up for the club. It
should be made mandatory for club committees to implement this functionality to their page as
this would help new students who are keen in joining their club. On the web page with all the
clubs listed, along with the QR code, a list of activities and events pertaining to the club can also
be found. This helps those who are interested in said clubs get a general gist of the schedules and
what sort of activities are held. Besides the options for clubs, students may choose to join
societies and other international communities as well by following the aforementioned steps. By
clicking on societies, it will give the available societies, and the list of upcoming and ongoing
events or activities is displayed when clicking on a particular society. When a student goes to
communities, it will show the available communities, and they can see the activities and events
held when clicking on a particular community.

Figure 4.2.1: The illustration of the suggested solution

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Figure 4.2.2: The sign-up e-form page

Figure 4.2.3: Example of the suggested solution for the Clubs

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4.3 In-depth and Live Interactive Map
To solve the issues aforementioned, universities should build and improve on the pre-existing
functionalities by making the maps/floor plans that already exist within the map more interactive
with the user. This can be done by making the map a live and interactive navigation floor plan by
using the location services that exist within a smartphone to give users a live viewing of where
they currently are on the map as well as routes that can be taken by students to reach their
destination or classrooms. This function will not only help students to navigate through their
campus more easily it will also help them to identify where they are within their campus.
Students will be able to identify where they are standing by finding the red triangle logo which
indicates their current live location within the campus floor plan. An example of the user
interface they would be presented with would be as the image below.

Figure 4.3.1: Live interactive map which shows the users live location

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4.4 Add Speed-Dial Support/Quick-Contact
Sometimes students may just need to call the university support representative quickly without
having to look up his/her phone number. To take these kinds of scenarios under control,
universities can come forward with the idea of adding a speed dial support or quick contact.
Speed Dial is a feature that will enable students to dial a number by pressing one button. In this
case, students can dial the contact number of the local authorities or the university
representatives by pressing only one button. To that end, the university web page application
should add a ‘Speed dial’ tab or ‘Quick contact’ tab in their website/web application. By pressing
the ‘Speed dial’ or ‘Quick contact’ button, students’ calls will be directly forwarded to the
university emergency contact support representative. Adding this button saves a lot of time in
addition to helping students during critical situations. Adding this feature not only facilitates the
students but also school personnel, dorm wardens, security, and other administrative staff.

Figure 4.4.1: Proposal of speed-dial function on the web page

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4.5 Implement Live-update and Reservation system
There are two systems that can be implemented solely to improve the Classroom Finder
functionality. The first system is a function that requires teachers and students to check-in and
select “Occupied” or “Cancelled” when entering their classrooms. This allows the web page
application to be updated live according to the information received from the check-in. Students
who then occupy rooms that are stated as “Free” or “Available” should provide the reason for
their occupancy in the app and check-in as well. As for the library discussion rooms, a
reservation system should be implemented in the app to allow students to book a room for a
specific time so that students do not have to physically go to the library to book a room.

Figure 4.5.1: Example of Format for how Checking-in and Reserving Rooms can be improved

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4.6 Hyperlink Buttons to Meetings
A proposed solution to the issue of switching between platforms and applications can be rectified
via a button that opens the meeting. The button will send students directly to the meeting link
rather than requiring them to switch to another app in order to attend the meeting, as this will
save them time and ensure they don't miss any of the lecturer's important material. This will
solve the problem of the lack of direct access to the meetings. The meetings for every session
will use the same URL or address link, be it in Microsoft Teams or Zoom, as the button will be
linked directly to said meetings to provide for a seamless experience when the button is clicked.
When clicked, the button will launch the specific meeting using the link embedded into the
module’s slot found in the application’s schedule. This button saves time as students will only
need to refer to one application to open the meeting instead of switching to the meeting
application to find the appropriate meeting. This feature would also aid lecturers and tutors as it
can help organize their classes and meetings, which oftentimes is cluttered with different classes
throughout the day or week.

Figure 4.6.1: Improved Timetable with the meetings hyperlinked to the teams button.

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An example of a schedule insert with a hyperlink to the team meeting is shown in the image
above. There is no need for a hyperlink for physical classes because doing so would encourage
students to attend in person on campus.

4.7 Automation of Student Loan Application

The current process of application uses the same information across the many e-forms and sites
such as the bank account, SSPN-Prime account, and PTPTN account. This information includes
full birth names, date of births, billing address, course name and duration, parents, or guardians’
details, and such. As the many e-forms require the same information, the process can be
automated by asking the user or the student to enter the information once, then simply inserting
the relevant information into the required sections for the different websites and bodies. This can
be done via a subpage on the web page application whereby students can provide the necessary
details as listed above, and the web page will apply for the student loan automatically. This
reduces the mistakes that come from frequency due to human error, as well as saving time for the

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Figure 4.7.1: Example of the automated application form that can reuse the information entered by the
user to apply for the loan.

4.8 Adding Digital Calendar Icon

To address the concerns of a functional digital calendar, a digital academic calendar can be
implemented where students and staff can simply pick the year, month, and program then the
academic calendar will display.

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Figure 4.8.1: Student Interface for the Academic Calendar

Figure 4.8.2: Staff Interface for the Academic Calendar

Furthermore, a change button should be used for lecturers and staff who wish to postpone or
modify the date of the examinations. Once they do, the students will immediately be notified
about any changes made to prevent misunderstanding. These notifications can appear in the web
page application under notices or announcements, and the students will also receive an additional
digital notice via email.

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Figure 4.8.3: Academic Calendar Staff Interface

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Figure 4.8.4: Academic Calendar Student Interface

Since it is part of the university's responsibility to offer students a schedule that includes midterm
tests, final exams, summer break, and so on. Students will benefit from it by planning and fixing
their study schedules, as well as arranging their return to their hometowns during breaks and
holidays, which will greatly save the students time and money and will most likely improve their
time management skills.

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4.9 Final Proposal

With all the improvements described in the solutions listed above, the shackles of the university
web page application can break free from its flaws and become a tool that is fit to aid students in
their educational endeavours. The final design of the user interface would look something akin to
the images shown below.

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5.0 Conclusion
The web page application is the modern classroom reimagined. It is a tool for education that
improves upon the quality of life by providing everything a student or educator might need at the
tip of their fingers. It is a system that increases efficiency as one would waste less time and
energy performing mundane tasks that can easily be improved. Each of the subsequent
components make up a system that is far greater than the sum of its parts. That said, the system
itself still has some inefficiencies as mentioned, and with the proposed solutions, the system can
be improved and taken another step further. Although many are oblivious to it, the web-page
application is what represents education in the 21st century. A modern invention to surpass the
traditional university experience and aid students alongside it.

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6.0 References
Boshnjakoska, R. (2022, August 5). 35 Outrageous Hacking Statistics & Predictions
[2022 Update]. Review42. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from
Federal Student Aid and Identity Theft. (n.d.). Federal Student Aid. Retrieved December
15, 2022, from https://studentaid.gov/sites/default/files/student-aid-and-identity-theft.pdf
General System Definition. (n.d.). International Council on Systems Engineering.
Retrieved December 15, 2022, from
JPA Bursary Programme | Asia Pacific University. (n.d.). APU. Retrieved December 15,
2022, from https://www.apu.edu.my/jpabursaryapu
15, 2022, from https://www.sunway.edu.my/scholarships/financial-aid/JPA-scholarships
SUNWAY EDUCATION GROUP. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from
National Higher Education Fund / Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional
(PTPTN). (n.d.). Asia Pacific University. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from
PTPTN Thread v2. (2009, June 23). Lowyat Forum. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from
Stouffer, C. (2022, June 16). How to tell if someone hacked your router: 10 warning
signs. Norton. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from
Students More at Risk of Identity Theft: Tips and Resources to Stay Protected | Tulane
School of Professional Advancement. (n.d.). Tulane School Of Professional
Advancement. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from https://sopa.tulane.edu/blog/student-

34 | P a g e
Sunway Education Group. (n.d.). Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional Loan
(PTPTN). SUNWAY EDUCATION GROUP. Retrieved November 6, 2022, from
Tertiary Excellent Sponsorship Programme (TESP) | Asia Pacific University. (n.d.).
APU. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from https://www.apu.edu.my/study-apu/malaysian-
Time Management and Scheduling | English Composition 1. (n.d.). Lumen Learning.
Retrieved November 6, 2022, from
Zwass, V. (n.d.). Information system | Definition, Examples, & Facts | Britannica.
Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from

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7.0 Appendix
Work Breakdown Structure

No. Student Name Functionality Issue Solution

1 Ravindra Joshua Gobindran Web Page Login Lack of Proper Introduction of

(TP065700) Authentication Two-Factor
and Account Authentication

2 Sameeha Sulaiman (TP069332) Clubs and Lack of Proper Option to Interact

Societies Interactive with Clubs from
Element in the Application

3 Ruhan Aidan Amaradasa Floor Difficulty in In-depth and Live

(TP065742) Plan/Classroom Navigating Interactive Map
Finder through the

4 Md Nahid Hasan Siam Emergency Lack of Support Add Speed-Dial

(TP069380) Contacts and for Fast Support /Quick-
Particulars of Emergency Contact
Staffs Contact

5 Ng Zheng Jie (TP065849) Occupancy of Inaccurate Implement Live-

Classrooms and Information and Update and
Library Rooms Inability to Reservation
Reserve Rooms System

6 Kimberley Ching Shen Tze Schedule and Lack of Direct Hyperlink Buttons
(TP072249) Timetable Access to Virtual to Meetings

7 Lee Kuang Weng (TP065531) Student Loan Complexity of Automation of

Application Student Loan Student Loan
Application Application

8 Yara Ashoor (TP070773) Digital Academic An Absence of a Adding Digital

Calendar Digital Calendar Calendar Icon

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