This script shows a random Scriptable API in a widget. It loads documentation data from an online source, selects a random API, and displays its name, description, and a link to documentation. It creates a widget with the API details and loads the app icon. If running in the widget, it sets the widget, otherwise it previews it.
This script shows a random Scriptable API in a widget. It loads documentation data from an online source, selects a random API, and displays its name, description, and a link to documentation. It creates a widget with the API details and loads the app icon. If running in the widget, it sets the widget, otherwise it previews it.
This script shows a random Scriptable API in a widget. It loads documentation data from an online source, selects a random API, and displays its name, description, and a link to documentation. It creates a widget with the API details and loads the app icon. If running in the widget, it sets the widget, otherwise it previews it.
This script shows a random Scriptable API in a widget. It loads documentation data from an online source, selects a random API, and displays its name, description, and a link to documentation. It creates a widget with the API details and loads the app icon. If running in the widget, it sets the widget, otherwise it previews it.
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// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: deep-blue; icon-glyph: book; // This script shows a random Scriptable API in a widget. The script is meant to be used with a widget configured on the Home Screen. // You can run the script in the app to preview the widget or you can go to the Home Screen, add a new Scriptable widget and configure the widget to run this script. // You can also try creating a shortcut that runs this script. Running the shortcut will show widget. let api = await randomAPI() let widget = await createWidget(api) if (config.runsInWidget) { // The script runs inside a widget, so we pass our instance of ListWidget to be shown inside the widget on the Home Screen. Script.setWidget(widget) } else { // The script runs inside the app, so we preview the widget. widget.presentMedium() } // Calling Script.complete() signals to Scriptable that the script have finished running. // This can speed up the execution, in particular when running the script from Shortcuts or using Siri. Script.complete()
async function createWidget(api) {
let appIcon = await loadAppIcon() let title = "Random Scriptable API" let widget = new ListWidget() // Add background gradient let gradient = new LinearGradient() gradient.locations = [0, 1] gradient.colors = [ new Color("141414"), new Color("13233F") ] widget.backgroundGradient = gradient // Show app icon and title let titleStack = widget.addStack() let appIconElement = titleStack.addImage(appIcon) appIconElement.imageSize = new Size(15, 15) appIconElement.cornerRadius = 4 titleStack.addSpacer(4) let titleElement = titleStack.addText(title) titleElement.textColor = Color.white() titleElement.textOpacity = 0.7 titleElement.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(13) widget.addSpacer(12) // Show API let nameElement = widget.addText( nameElement.textColor = Color.white() nameElement.font = Font.boldSystemFont(18) widget.addSpacer(2) let descriptionElement = widget.addText(api.description) descriptionElement.minimumScaleFactor = 0.5 descriptionElement.textColor = Color.white() descriptionElement.font = Font.systemFont(18) // UI presented in Siri ans Shortcuta is non-interactive, so we only show the footer when not running the script from Siri. if (!config.runsWithSiri) { widget.addSpacer(8) // Add button to open documentation let linkSymbol = SFSymbol.named("arrow.up.forward") let footerStack = widget.addStack() let linkStack = footerStack.addStack() linkStack.centerAlignContent() linkStack.url = api.url let linkElement = linkStack.addText("Read more") linkElement.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(13) linkElement.textColor = linkStack.addSpacer(3) let linkSymbolElement = linkStack.addImage(linkSymbol.image) linkSymbolElement.imageSize = new Size(11, 11) linkSymbolElement.tintColor = footerStack.addSpacer() // Add link to documentation let docsSymbol = SFSymbol.named("book") let docsElement = footerStack.addImage(docsSymbol.image) docsElement.imageSize = new Size(20, 20) docsElement.tintColor = Color.white() docsElement.imageOpacity = 0.5 docsElement.url = "" } return widget }
async function randomAPI() {
let docs = await loadDocs() let apiNames = Object.keys(docs) let num = Math.round(Math.random() * apiNames.length) let apiName = apiNames[num] let api = docs[apiName] return { name: apiName, description: api["!doc"], url: api["!url"] } }
async function loadDocs() {
let url = "" let req = new Request(url) return await req.loadJSON() }
async function loadAppIcon() {
let url = " f7db-d6d2c53b4323/AppIcon-1x_U007emarketing-0-7-0-85-220.png/540x540sr.jpg" let req = new Request(url) return req.loadImage() }