Blood Rage Automated Clans v2

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2020 Solomode

automated clan, remove all of the 3+ and 4+

Automated Clans for Blood Rage

45-90 minutes

Rob Standifer

In addition, make sure the following upgrade

cards are also removed, regardless of how
many players are in the game:

First Age: Tyr's Domain

Second Age: Tyr's Prowess

Third Age: Tyr's Wrath

Place all removed cards back in the game box,

then place each of the three decks, face down,
on the appropriate God's Gifts spot on the Age
Automated Clans Track.

(Solo Rules by Rob Standifer)

Last Steps: Place all monster figures next to the

board, within easy reach. Place the Saga token
on the first spot of the First Age on the Story
Introduction Track (God's Gifts). Choose or randomly select
one of the clans to give the First Player token
Objective: Achieve the greatest amount of glory to.

before the world finally comes to its fiery end.

Game Components: No additional components The Phases of Play

are required. A one-page summary sheet is
provided at the end of these rules and may be Follow the normal game rules by playing a
printed for ease of play.
series of three rounds, known as Ages. Each
Age is divided into six phases: God's Gifts,
Action, Discard, Quest, Ragnarok, and Release
Game Setup Valhalla.

Prepare Your Clan: Choose one of the available

clans to play and decide how many automated God's Gifts Phase
clans to play against. (For your first game it is
advised to play against only one automated Instead of the normal rules, perform the
clan.) Follow normal setup rules for each following steps during the God's Gifts phase of
automated clan, including Clan Sheets, Figures, each Age:

Glory Markers and Clan Tokens.

1. Take the deck cards from the Age Track

Prepare the Board: Follow the normal board for the current age and separate them
setup rules, based on the number of players, into three piles, Battle cards, Upgrade
including the Valhalla sheet, Age Track sheet, cards, and Quest cards.

Pillage tokens, Ragnarok tokens, Doom token, 2. Shuffle each pile of cards, then deal
and randomly destroyed provinces based on yourself half of each of the three piles,
the number of players in the game.
setting the other half of each pile aside.

3. Draft any six cards from your combined

Prepare the Cards: Follow the normal card pile of roughly half of the cards, then
preparation steps by removing the appropriate discard the remaining cards together
cards based on the number of players in the with the other half of the cards

game (i.e. in a solo game against one
4. Take all of the remaining cards and Glory for dying during Ragnarok, it will not March
separate them into two decks:
warriors from the Ragnarok province. If committed to the
Yggdrasil Quest, it will not March more figures from
• Battle Deck, containing all of the Yggdrasil than it needs to fulfill that Quest.

remaining Battle cards.

• Action Deck, containing all of the 3. Draw an Action Card: If the conditions for
remaining Upgrade and Quest cards.
Pillaging or Marching are not met, the
5. Shuffle each of these two piles automated clan will draw one card from the
separately then place the Battle Deck at Action Deck. The Action Deck contains
one corner of the game board and place Upgrade and Quest cards:

the Action Deck at the opposite corner.

• Upgrade Card: If an Upgrade card is

Action Phase drawn, the automated clan will play the
Upgrade card to its Clan Sheet, paying
All players begin the Action phase with the the Rage cost printed on the Upgrade
amount of Rage indicated by the Rage stat on card. After playing an Upgrade card, the
their clan sheet. Place each clan token on the automated clan will also Invade.

appropriate spot on the Rage Track of each • Quest Card: If a Quest card is drawn, the
Clan Sheet.
automated clan will attempt to perform
an Invade (or March) action to a province
An automated clan will take one of three of the indicated region.


Rage Costs: When playing an Upgrade

1. Auto Pillage
card, the automated clan pays the
2. Auto March
Rage cost of the card and places it on
3. Draw an Action Card
the Clan Sheet. After placing an
Upgrade card, immediately invade
1. Auto Pillage: Automated clans will Pillage if:

with a reserve figure for free of the

• It occupies a province that has no enemy
type specified by the Upgrade card.

figures and has no enemy figures in an

• If there is no available reserve figure of
adjacent province.

the upgrade type (Leader, Warrior,

• It has a battle strength greater than the
Monster, or Ship), invade with the
number of villages in the province.

highest strength reserve figure

• It has a battle strength greater than 5 in
available for free.


• Clan Upgrade cards allow the

• It has the highest strength in a province that
automated clan to immediately invade
has one or fewer unoccupied villages.

with any reserve figure for free.

• An automated clan may Pillage if it has 0

• An automated clan may replace any

NOTE: If the automated clan does not have any figures

previously played Upgrade card with a
on the board yet (ex. on the automated clan's first turn of new one if its Rage cost is the same or
the First Age), automated clans will default to the third lower, or paying the difference in Rage
action - Draw an Action Card - since there are no figures if its cost is higher.

on the board yet.

• If unable to pay Rage for the upgrade,
or the upgrade would replace a
2. Auto March: Automated clans will March if:
previous upgrade without improving
• It occupies a pillaged province and has a the clan, the automated clan will
battle strength of 3 or greater.
invade with its highest strength reserve
• An automated clan pays no Rage to march.
figure for free instead, discarding the
• An automated clan may March if it has 0 Upgrade card.


Note: Check the automated clan's Upgrade cards and

Quest cards before Marching. If it has Upgrades that give
• An automated clan may not have more the clan to the Quest by placing it on the Clan
figures on the board than allowed by Sheet.

its Horns stat.

• Yggdrasil Quest: If the automated clan draws
• If the Action deck is empty, shuffle the this card, instead of invading, commit the
discards back into the deck.
clan to the Quest by placing it on the Clan

Invasion/March Destination: Use this list to

determine which province the automated clan March if unable to Invade: If the clan is unable
will Invade (or March, see below) by starting at to Invade because it has reached its Horns stat
the top of the list then proceeding to the next maximum, March instead. Choose the highest
list item until finding the first listed condition strength army located in a pillaged province
that can be met.
and march as many figures as possible to the
destination province determined using the
1. An empty un-pillaged province with no same destination priority order listed above.
adjacent enemies.
Automated clans March for free.

2. Bolster an un-pillaged province

occupied by this clan's highest strength If unable to determine a valid destination, the
automated clan will pass its turn.

3. Ragnarok province (un-pillaged).

4. Any empty un-pillaged province.

Pillage Actions: Pillage actions are resolved in a
5. Challenge an un-pillaged province similar fashion to the normal rules, with Call to
occupied by an enemy clan's lowest Battle, Play Cards, and Resolution steps.

strength army.

6. Bolster an un-pillaged province Call to Battle: When a Pillage Action is

occupied by this clan's lowest strength declared, any adjacent automated clan
will March a figure to the Pillage province
7. Yggdrasil (un-pillaged)
until all spaces are filled, except when a
8. Ragnarok province (pillaged).
clan would leave an un-pillaged province
with a lower strength than there are
• Automated clans may Invade Yggdrasil.
villages in their current province by
• An automated clan with Loki's Dragons, moving to the Pillage province.

Fire Dragons, or Eternal Dragons will • Automated clans will leave Yggdrasil
always invade the Ragnarok province with (un-pillaged) only if it can keep at least
the Sea Serpent or ship figures.
2 figures in Yggdrasil.

• The Troll will first try to Invade an un-

pillaged province with the most enemy Play Cards: If the solo player is
participating in the Pillage Battle, select
• The Fire Giant will first try to Invade an un- one card from their hand and play it to
pillaged province with the most (non- the table in the same fashion as a normal
monster) enemy figures.
game. Any automated clans involved in
the Pillage Battle will draw one card from
Quest Destination: When a Quest card is the Battle card deck and play it face
drawn, use the Invasion destination above to down on the table as well.

find a province located in the same region as • If the Battle deck is empty, shuffle the
listed on the Quest card. If no province in the discards back into the deck.

Quest region can be found, start back at the

top of the list, only this time choosing any Resolution: Starting with the clan that
province on the board that fits the listed criteria, declared the Pillage Action, flip over
basically ignoring the Quest card province.
each played Battle card and determine
• Glorious Death Quest: If the automated clan the Pillage results per the normal rules.
draws this card, instead of invading, commit Discard all Battle cards drawn by
automated clans. If the solo player loses, Discard Phase
the solo player may keep their played
Battle cards per the normal rules.
The solo player discards down to one card, per
• If a revealed Battle card is Heimdall's the normal rules. The automated clans skip this
Gaze or Heimdall's Eye, immediately phase.

draw another Battle card and count

both cards for that clan's strength
modifier, as if Heimdall's Gaze or Ragnarok Phase
Heimdall's Eye were played second.

• Whenever an automated clan has to Follow normal rules for this phase, granting
choose a Clan stat to improve, it will Glory to any figures sent to Valhalla from the
choose the lowest clan stat. If there are destroyed Ragnarok province. Be sure to check
more than one lowest Clan stat, each automated clan's upgrade cards for
choose the one closest to the top of additional Glory rewards during this phase.

the Clan Sheet (Rage, then Axes, then,

Release From Valhalla Phase

Quest Phase Follow normal rules for this phase. Be sure to

check each automated clan's upgrade cards
Each automated clan gains Quest rewards as if for additional Glory rewards during this phase.

it had successfully quested in one outer region.

(i.e. gains Glory (5/7/9) and raises one Clan End of an Age

Follow normal rules for moving to the next Age.

If an automated clan committed to a Glorious

Death or Yggdrasil Quest during the Age, it will
also gain that reward if it has fulfilled the Quest End of the Game

Follow normal rules for tallying Glory bonuses

• Whenever an automated clan has to choose a for increasing any of their clan's stats to
Clan stat to improve, it will choose the lowest legendary levels.

clan stat. If there are more than one lowest

Clan stat, choose the one closest to the top The player whose clan has the most Glory is
of the Clan Sheet (Rage, then Axes, then, declared the winner!

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