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The City School Training Lesson

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The City School

Gulshan e Hadeed Campus

Topic: The Solar System

The solar system is the collection of

planets, moons, asteroids, and other
celestial bodies that orbit around the
Sun. It is estimated that the solar system
is about 4.6 billion years old, and it is
located in a spiral arm of the Milky
Way galaxy.
The eight planets in our solar system
are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
These planets vary in size, composition,
and distance from the Sun. The four
inner planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth,
and Mars - are relatively small and
rocky, while the four outer planets -
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune -
are much larger and made mostly of gas
and ice.
In addition to the planets, there are also
many moons in the solar system. Earth
has one moon, while some of the other
planets have dozens. The largest moon
in the solar system is Ganymede, which
orbits around Jupiter.
There are also many smaller objects in
the solar system, such as asteroids and
comets. Asteroids are rocky objects that
orbit the Sun, while comets are made of
ice and dust and often have long tails
that trail behind them as they orbit.
The solar system is a fascinating and
complex place, full of wonders that we
are still learning about. Scientists
continue to study the planets, moons,
and other objects in the solar system in
order to better understand how they
formed and evolved over time.
Discussion Questions:
1. What is the solar system?
2. How old is the solar system?
3. What are the eight planets in our
solar system?
4. How do the inner planets differ
from the outer planets?
5. What are some of the moons in
the solar system?
6. What are asteroids and comets,
and how are they different from
planets and moons?
7. Why is the solar system
important to study, and what can we
learn from it?
List of Dos:
1. Come prepared with questions
and ideas to contribute to the
2. Listen actively to what others are
saying and build upon their ideas.
3. Speak respectfully to others and
avoid interrupting or talking over
4. Use evidence from the text to
support your opinions and
5. Stay on topic and focused on the
text being discussed.
6. Ask for clarification if you don't
understand someone's point of view.
7. Encourage participation from
others who may be quieter or less
confident in speaking up.
8. Remain open-minded and willing
to consider different perspectives.
List of Don'ts:
1. Engage in personal attacks or
insults towards others.
2. Dominate the conversation or speak
for an extended period of time without
allowing others to contribute.
3. Make assumptions about someone's
background, beliefs, or motivations.
4. Use language that is offensive or
disrespectful towards others.
5. Dismiss someone else's opinion
or idea without considering it first.
6. Bring up irrelevant topics or ideas
that are not related to the text being
7. Use distracting behaviors such as
fidgeting, interrupting, or using
electronic devices.
8. Leave the discussion without a
valid reason or before it is finished.
Peer Assessment Rubric
Student Name: ___________________________
Evaluator Name: ___________________________
1. Preparation and Participation (10 points)
 Actively participates in class discussions and activities.
 Listens respectfully to others and asks questions when needed.
2. Communication Skills (10 points)
 Communicates ideas clearly and effectively.
 Uses appropriate language and tone in written and verbal
 Demonstrates good listening skills and responds appropriately to
3. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (10 points)
 Uses logic and reasoning to analyze information and solve
 Identifies key points and arguments in readings and discussions.
 Evaluates different perspectives and draws appropriate
4. Collaboration and Cooperation (10 points)
 Works effectively with others to achieve group goals.
 Contributes to group discussions and activities in a positive and
productive manner.
 Respects the opinions and contributions of others.
5. Responsibility and Accountability (10 points)
 Takes responsibility for their own learning and actions.
 Completes assignments on time and to the best of their ability.
 Demonstrates honesty and integrity in academic work.

Self-Assessment Checklist
Student Name: ___________________________
1. Preparation (10 points)
 I come to class prepared with materials and completed
 I review my notes and readings before class.
 I am ready to participate in class discussions and activities.
2. Engagement (10 points)
 I actively participate in class discussions and activities.
 I ask questions and contribute to the conversation.
 I listen respectfully to others and respond appropriately.
3. Understanding (10 points)
 I understand the material being covered in class.
 I can explain key concepts and ideas in my own words.
 I can apply what I have learned to new situations.
4. Critical Thinking (10 points)
 I use logic and reasoning to analyze information and solve
 I evaluate different perspectives and draw appropriate
 I ask thoughtful questions and challenge assumptions.
5. Responsibility (10 points)
 I take responsibility for my own learning and actions.
 I complete assignments on time and to the best of my ability.
 I demonstrate honesty and integrity in academic work.

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