The City School Training Lesson
The City School Training Lesson
The City School Training Lesson
Self-Assessment Checklist
Student Name: ___________________________
1. Preparation (10 points)
I come to class prepared with materials and completed
I review my notes and readings before class.
I am ready to participate in class discussions and activities.
2. Engagement (10 points)
I actively participate in class discussions and activities.
I ask questions and contribute to the conversation.
I listen respectfully to others and respond appropriately.
3. Understanding (10 points)
I understand the material being covered in class.
I can explain key concepts and ideas in my own words.
I can apply what I have learned to new situations.
4. Critical Thinking (10 points)
I use logic and reasoning to analyze information and solve
I evaluate different perspectives and draw appropriate
I ask thoughtful questions and challenge assumptions.
5. Responsibility (10 points)
I take responsibility for my own learning and actions.
I complete assignments on time and to the best of my ability.
I demonstrate honesty and integrity in academic work.