Beng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering - E430: Modules Credits
Beng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering - E430: Modules Credits
Beng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering - E430: Modules Credits
1. Objectives Electrical & Electronic Engineering encompasses a large variety of topics ranging from electrical machines, power systems, electronics, control and microprocessors, to computer systems and communications. The main objective of the programme is to provide a strong foundation on the various major disciplines of electrical engineering and electronics. The programme is designed to train students for a career in engineering whilst at the same time give them the opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge so as to enable them to pursue postgraduate studies in the field of electrical and electronic engineering. 2. General Entry Requirements As per General Entry Requirements for admission to the University for Undergraduate Degrees. 3. Programme Requirements 2 GCE A Level Passes in Mathematics and one of the following subjects: Physics, Physical Science, Engineering Science, Physics with Chemistry. 4. (i) Minimum Requirements for Degree Award For the award of the BEng (Hons) Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the student must obtain at least 130 credits including 122 credits from all the core modules prescribed by the department and at least 8 credits from the elective modules.
Humanities & Management Basic Sciences & Mathematics Engineering Degree Project
9 12 97 12
For the degree award all core modules prescribed by the department must be completed. Practical Training and Industrial training must be completed satisfactorily for the award of the degree. (ii) Minimum Requirements for Diploma Award A student may opt for a Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering provided s/he satisfies the following minimum requirements. The Diploma project would normally be of 8 weeks duration for an input of at least 90 hours.
Humanities & Management Basic Sciences & Mathematics Engineering Diploma Project (ELEC 2000(3))
3 6 45 6
Assessment Assessment will be based on a written examination of 2 to 3-hour duration (normally a paper of 2 hour duration for modules carrying less or equal to 3.5 credits and 3 hour paper for modules carrying four-six credits) and on continuous assessment done during the semester or year. Written examinations for all modules, whether taught in semester 1 or in semester 2 or both, will be carried out at the end of the academic year (unless otherwise stated). The continuous assessment will count for 10-40% of the overall percentage mark of the module(s), except for a Programme where the structure makes for other specific provision(s). Continuous assessment may be based on laboratory work, seminars and/or assignments and should include at least 1 class test. There will be a compulsory class test for all modules taught in semester 1 at the end of semester 1 of the given academic year unless stated otherwise in the Programme Structure. A minimum of at least 30% should be attained in each of continuous assessment and written examination, with an overall total of 40% for a candidate to pass a module. Special examinations (e.g. class tests) will be arranged at the end of semester 1 or semester 2 for exchange students who have registered only for one semester. In case of yearly modules, credits will be assigned on a pro-rata basis.
Basic Sciences & Mathematics MATHS 1111(1) MATHS 1211(1) ELEC 2001Y(3) Engineering CSE 1010e(1) ELEC 1002Y(1) ELEC 1003Y(1) ELEC 1004Y(1) ELEC 1005Y(1) ELEC 1200 ELEC 2002Y(3) ELEC 2003Y(3) ELEC 2004Y(3) ELEC 2005Y(3) ELEC 2006Y(3) ELEC 3001Y(5) ELEC 3002Y(5) ELEC 3003Y(5) ELEC 3004Y(5) ELEC 3005Y(5) ELEC 3200 ELEC 4000(5) ELEC 4001Y(5) ELEC 4002Y(5) ELEC 4003Y(5) Introduction to Information Technology Electronics 1 Electrical Engineering Computer Programming Measurement Systems Practical Training Electronics 2 Electromagnetics & Analog Communications Circuits, Signals and Systems Power Systems 1 Electrical Machines Microprocessors Control Systems 1 Power Electronics Digital Communications Electronic System Design Industrial Training Degree Project Power Systems 2 Power Electronic Drives Control Systems 2 O.E. 3+1 2+1 2+1 2+1 8 weeks 2+1 3+1 3+0 2+0 2+1 2+2 2+0 2+1 2+1 2+1 10 weeks 2+0 2+0 2+0 3 7 5 5 5 0 5 7 6 4 5 6 4 5 5 5 0 12 4 4 4 3 3 6
D.E. 3+0
3 6
Engineering ELEC 4021Y(5) ELEC 4022Y(5) ELEC 4011Y(5) ELEC 4012Y(5) ELEC 4013Y(5) ELEC 4014Y(5) ELEC 4015Y(5) ELEC 4016Y(5) Data Communications and Networking Mobile Communications Instrumentation Systems Digital Signal Processing Antenna Theory Optoelectronics RF and Microwave Engineering Image Processing 2+0 2+0 2+0 2+0 2+0 2+0 2+0 2+0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
NOTE 1: Engineering Electives Students are required to take a minimum of 8 credits from Year 4 elective modules in the engineering elective category. NOTE 2: Students are allowed to choose any elective module contained in GEMs list available at the Facultys Office. However, the offer of the electives would be subject to availability of resources and existence of a critical mass of demand for the modules. Students are requested to contact their Programme Coordinator before entering any module under the GEMs in their module registration form. NOTE 3: For a student to clear the modules ELEC 1200 and ELEC 3200, s/he must achieve Grade S (Satisfactory) in each of these modules. NOTE 4: Core module for Diploma ELEC 2000(3): Diploma Project (6 credits)
Programme Plan - BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering YEAR 1 Semesters 1 & 2 Code CORE MATHS 1111(1) MATHS 1211(1) ELEC 1002Y(1) ELEC 1003Y(1) ELEC 1004Y(1) ELEC 1005Y(1) ELEC 1200 CSE 1010e(1) COMS 1010(1) Mathematics 1 Mathematics 2 Electronics 1 Electrical Engineering Computer Programming Measurement Systems Practical Training Introduction to Information Technology Communication Skills D.E. D.E. 3+1 2+1 2+1 2+1 8 weeks O.E. D.E. 3 3 7 5 5 5 0 3 3 Module Name Hrs/Wk L+P Credits
YEAR 2 Semesters 1 & 2 Code CORE ELEC 2001Y(3) ELEC 2002Y(3) ELEC 2003Y(3) ELEC 2004Y(3) ELEC 2005Y(3) ELEC 2006Y(3) Analytical Techniques Electronics 2 Electromagnetics & Analog Communications Circuits, Signals and Systems Power Systems 1 Electrical Machines YEAR 3 Semesters 1 & 2 Code CORE MGT 3099Y(5) ELEC 3001Y(5) ELEC 3002Y(5) ELEC 3003Y(5) ELEC 3004Y(5) ELEC 3005Y(5) ELEC 3200 Business Studies Microprocessors Control Systems 1 Power Electronics Digital Communications Electronic System Design Industrial Training YEAR 4 Semesters 1 & 2 Code CORE ELEC 4000(5) ELEC 4001Y(5) ELEC 4002Y(5) ELEC 4003Y(5) ELECTIVES* ELEC 4021Y(5) ELEC 4022Y(5) ELEC 4011Y(5) ELEC 4012Y(5) ELEC 4013Y(5) ELEC 4014Y(5) ELEC 4015Y(5) ELEC 4016Y(5) Data Communications and Networking Mobile Communications Instrumentation Systems Digital Signal Processing Antenna Theory Optoelectronics RF and Microwave Engineering Image Processing 2+0 2+0 2+0 2+0 2+0 2+0 2+0 2+0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Degree Project Power Systems 2 Power Electronic Drives Control Systems 2 2+0 2+0 2+0 12 4 4 4 Module Name Hrs/Wk L+P Credits 3+0 2+2 2+0 2+1 2+1 2+1 10 weeks 6 6 4 5 5 5 0 Module Name Hrs/Wk L+P Credits 3+0 2+1 3+1 3+0 2+0 2+1 6 5 7 6 4 5 Module Name Hrs/Wk L+P Credits
Outline Syllabus
This outline syllabus is not prescriptive and is intended to serve as a guide only. Note: Pre-requirement (PQ), Pre-requisite (PR).
Writing skills, non-verbal communication, modes of speech delivery and presentation aids, speeches, perception and listening skills, business and technical writing.
IT and Computers; Stepping in the Computer; Input and Output Devices; Secondary Storage; Programming; Systems Software; Applications Software; Systems Development; Computer Networks; The internet; Computer Security; Software Utilities; Issues and Trends in IT.
PN Junction, Diode Circuits and Applications, Bipolar Junction Transistors, Field-Effect Transistors, Operational Amplifier and Applications, Number Systems, Boolean Algebra, Combinational Logic Circuits, Flip Flops, Digital Arithmetic.
Passive electrical elements, Current and Voltage Sources, Instantaneous, average and rms quantities, form factor, Kirchhoffs laws, Dc circuit analysis, Network Theorems, Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction, Magnetic circuits, Single Phase Ac circuits and phasor diagrams, Power triangles, Power factor and correction, Ac circuit analysis using complex notation, Series and parallel resonance, 3 phase circuit analysis, Star and delta connected supplies and loads, Balanced and unbalanced 3-phase systems.
Introductory concepts, C fundamentals, Operators and Expressions, Data Input and Output, Flowcharts and Pseudocodes, Control Statements, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Data files, Object Oriented Design and Analysis, abstraction, classes, objects, methods, references, accessors, encapsulation, Pointers, Arrays, Constructors, Destructors, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Client-server model.
Statistic characteristics of measurement systems, Sensing elements: Resistive, capacitive, inductive, electromagnetic, piezoelectric, thermo-electric, optical types. Current and voltage sensors, Signal conditioning elements, Dynamic Characteristics of Measurement systems, Analogue ac and dc measuring instruments: moving coil, moving iron and electrodynamic instruments, Measurement of current, voltage, resistance, power and energy, Digital measuring instruments, Classification of data and errors, Error bands. Uncertainty analysis, Detectors and their signal conditioning circuits, Introduction to PC Based data acquisition systems.
Electrical and Electronic Workshop Practice. Simulation software for Electrical/ Electronic Engineering . Mini Design Project.
Laplace Transforms: Introduction to transforms and operators, Laplace transforms of basic functions, unit step function, transforms of 1st and 2nd derivatives, application to electrical circuits, transfer functions, inverse Laplace transforms, derivation using partial fractions, Direct (s-domain) analysis of electrical circuits, interpolation of s-domain functions, system poles and their effect on system response, initial and final value theorems, transforms of piecewise continuous functions; Fourier Series and Transforms; Matrix solution of simultaneous linear equations, row reduction methods, Gaussian and Gauss Jordan elimination, consistency of simultaneous linear equations, transpose and inverse of a matrix, use of inverse to solve simultaneous linear equations, determinants, properties of eigenvectors, diagonalisation, couples linear systems; Generating functions: Recurrence relations, Proof using mathematical induction; Probability and statistics: Permutations and combinations, random events and assignment of probability, axioms of
probability, Venn diagrams, independence, conditional probability and Bayes rule, Bernoulli trials, discrete and continuous random variables, Probability density (PDF) and cumulative distribution (CDF) functions, mean and variance, uniform, Gaussian and Poisson PDFs, The Central Limit Theorem, Estimation and Hypothesis testing, Linear regression and correlation, Examples: SNR of a PCM signal, bit error rate for binary data with Gaussian noise.
ELEC 2002Y(3) - ELECTRONICS 2 (PQ: ELEC 1002Y(1))
Analog electronics: Low frequency amplifier circuits: re models; h and y parameters, high frequency response, small signal hybrid - pi model. Negative feedback: Analysis of various NFB amplifiers, effects of NFB on amplifier system performance. Power Amplifiers: class A, class B and class AB operations; crossover and harmonic distortions; push-pull amplifiers. Oscillators: Hartley, Colpitts,R-C and Wien bridge types, crystal oscillators. Operational amplifiers and their applications. Waveform generators, Schmitt triggers, Precision full-wave rectifier, Timer Circuits. Digital electronics: Digital System Components. Combinational logic circuits, Design using MSI components. Sequential Logic: Analysis and Design. Finite State Machines. ADC, DAC.
Electric Charge and Current, Electric Field strength, Magnetic fields, dipoles, magnetic forces, Electromagnetic induction, Induction and magnetic energy, Dielectric materials, Maxwells equations, electromagnetic waves, transmission lines, waveguides. Amplitude and angle modulation, Noise in AM, FM, PM, introduction to digital modulation techniques.
Systems and signals: continuous time and discrete time, differential and difference equations, impulse response and convolution, frequency response and transfer functions, continuous-time Fourier series and transform, Laplace transform, Z-transform. Circuits: s-domain circuit analysis, transient circuit analysis, two-port networks, network functions, firstorder and second-order transfer functions, L-C network synthesis, Y-matrix circuit formulation, active circuit synthesis, analogue filter design.
ELEC 2005Y(3) - POWER SYSTEMS 1 (PQ: ELEC 1003Y(1))
Generating Stations, Power System Economics, Line Parameters, Performance of Transmission Lines, Distribution Systems, Fault Analysis, Power System Protection.
Magnetic Circuits and Energy Conversion in Machines. Transformer Theory, Connection and Operation. DC Machines: Principles and Characteristics/Operation of DC Motor and Generators. Induction Machines: Principles, Applications and Operation. Special Machines: Servomotors, Stepper Motors, Reluctance Motors, Brushless DC Motors.
Binary and Hexadecimal representation of numbers. Binary arithmetic. Architecture of 8085 microprocessor. Introduction to Assembly level and Machine Code programming. Internal Registers. Software Concepts Addressing Modes, Data transfers. Instruction sets for 8085. Data Processing. Further Programming. Test and Branch. Stack (software and hardware), subroutines, CALL instructions. Encoder/decoder, tristate, interfacing. Memory Systems RAM and ROM type of memories, EPROM and EEPROM, commercial memory chips. Memory and bit maps, address decoding, memory interfacing. Microprocessor timing and instruction design timing diagram and conventions, T-states, M-cycles, I-cycles, Instruction length and execution time. Interrupts: RST Instructions and implementation of interrupts. Multiple interrupts and priorities, RIM and SIM Instructions. A/D and D/A conversions. Successive Approximation A/D converters. Programmable Interface chips: Intel 8155 and 8255 and their different modes of operation. Interfacing A/D converters and printers via Intel 8255. DMA. Serial communication, Standards: RS-232C. Asynchronous serial I/O. Data transmission to TTY and data reception from TTY. Serial I/O using programmable chip, Intel 8251A Programmable Communication Interface
Modelling of mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical systems. Brief Revision of Laplace transforms, Block Diagrams, Transfer functions, Signal Flow Graphs and their reduction. State space representation of SISO systems. System Analysis: Transient response of SISO systems, steady-state errors, stability, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, root-locus method. Frequency Response Analysis: Bode diagram, Nichols Chart Analysis, polar plots, Nyquist plot and stability criterion. NOTE: Matlab/Simulink to be used.
Characteristics of Power Semiconductor devices, Losses and Thermal flow models in switching devices, thermal design, switching aid and snubber circuits, Switch Mode dc-dc Converters: Buck, Boost, Buck-boost and bridge topologies, Continuous and Discontinuous Modes of Operation, Closed loop control of dc-dc converters. Introduction to controlled rectification. Gate drive circuit design: Transformer and opto-isolated drive circuits; Protection of power electronic devices, Single phase dc to ac inverters. Harmonic reduction techniques. Dc motor drive operating modes; Control of dc brushed motor drives using switch mode power converters.
Introduction to digital communications systems, Performance criteria and limits of a communication system. Introduction to Information theory, Source and Channel coding, Bandpass modulation and demodulation, Digital modulation and demodulation techniques, Cryptography, Optical fibre communications.
Sequential Systems (Review): Counters and Shift Registers, LFSR. Finite State Machines: Clock-Mode and Incompletely Specified Sequential Machines, Fundamental-Mode Sequential Machines. Races and Hazards. Programmable Logic Devices. PAL and PLA. Sequential Logic Design. Fault Diagnosis and Testing: Test Pattern Generation, Path Sensitisation, Boolean Difference, D-Algorithm, PODEM. Design For Testability, Built in Self Test. System Reliability.
Students will be attached to a firm or organization for a period of at least 10 weeks. The objective is to provide students with the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to solve real world problems in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and to work within the organisational structure of the firm. Students have to perform satisfactorily in this module before qualifying for the award of the degree.
Degree project in Electrical/ Electronic Engineering and related areas, consisting of literature review, analysis, design, hardware and/ or software implementation, project report and project presentation.
ELEC 4001Y(5) - POWER SYSTEMS 2 (PQ: ELEC 2005Y(3))
Load Flow Studies, Optimal System Operation, Automatic Generation Control, Power System Stability, Power System Security, State Estimation.
3-phase dc to ac inverter configurations, Single phase and three-phase switch mode ac to dc converter topologies; continuous and discontinuous modes of operation. Motor drive applications and selection criteria, Mechanical system requirements and torque speed characteristics, Synthesis of low frequency ac voltages for motor drives, Inverter based Induction motor adjustable speed drives, Speed control using 3-phase ac voltage controllers, Single phase thyristor-based ac voltage controllers, Power Quality issues and Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems.
Controller design: Proportional, PI, PD, PID, Phase-Lead, Phase-Lag and Lead-Lag compensators design in continuous time and frequency domain. Process Control models, Tuning rules for PID controllers, ZieglerNichols tuning. Control systems analysis and design by state-space methods. Digital Control: Linear discrete dynamic system analysis, the z-transform, sampling and reconstruction, system time-response characteristics, stability analysis techniques, digital controller design. Matlab/Simulink to be used.
Piezoelectric, electrochemical, ultrasonic and optical sensors. Loading effects in instrumentation systems, Identification of dynamic characteristics, Dynamic errors and compensation techniques, Effects of noise and interference and methods of reducing their effects, Reliability analysis of instrumentation systems, Telemetry and applications.
Continuous-time to discrete-time conversion and back, discrete-time systems and definition of DSP, DTFT, filter specifications, sampling rate conversions, DFS, DFT, FFT, filter structures, IIR filter design, FIR filter design, autocorrelation and power spectral density of random signals, applications.
Antenna theory and characterization, antenna parameters, wire and aperture antennas, microstrip patch antennas, antenna arrays, radio propagation principles and models, multipath, fading, noise and interference, antennas for mobile communications, integrated and miniaturized antennas technologies including MIC/MMIC techniques, link budget design, VSATs, diversity measures (spatial, polarization, space-time), measurement techniques, beamforming.
Light and Electromagnetic waves, Review of semiconductor devices, Electroluminescence, Optical Sources. Heterostructures, Electro-Optic Modulation, Detection of Optical Signals, Optical cavities, Fibre optical waveguides.
Basic theory of high frequency circuits, transmission line theory, propagation coefficient, reflection coefficient for a terminated line, impedance transformation, impedance matching, VSWR, Smith Chart, twoport networks (z, y and h parameters), Interconnected two-port networks, s-parameters, insertion and return loss.
Image formation and acquisition, representation and formats, frequency domain representation, FIR filters for image processing, image processing basics, image enhancement, image restoration, image coding.
Data communications fundamentals, asynchronous and synchronous transmissions, data synchronizations, data link control protocols, switching techniques, ISDN, X.25, Frame Relay, ATM, Internetworking. Network services and Architectures, Network routing and Addressing, Congestion Control, Queuing theory and network queues, Quality of Service, network management, delay and loss performance models.
Historical development, Fundamentals of cellular communications, Modulation techniques for cellular communications, Propagation and propagation path loss. Narrow Band System Performance. Wideband System Principles, Access technologies, GSM system, UMTS.
Calculus of one and several variables. Polar coordinates. Complex numbers. Hyperbolic functions. Limits. Ordinary differential equations.
Matrix Algebra: Matrices and determinants. Solution of linear systems of equations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Infinite Series: Comparison test and Ratio test for non-negative series. Vector Algebra: Scalar and vector products, triple products. Vector equations. Vector Analysis: Gradient, divergence and curl. Line and multiple integrals. Greens theorem in the plane, Divergence theorem and Stokes theorem.
Part 1 Management (45 hours) What is an Organisation?, Organisation Strategy, Structure and Culture, Formal Organisation, Organisation Design, Introduction to Management, Functions of Management, Roles and Responsibilities of Managers, Evolution of Theories of Management, Communication, Introduction to Functional Areas of Management including Marketing, HRM, Production and Operations (Inventory control and critical path method), Industrial relations and Law. Introduction to organisation Behaviour, motivation, Leadership, Ethics and Social Responsibilities, Introduction to Quality Management. Part 2 Accounting and Finance (45 hours) The Role of Accounting Information; Recording and Summarising Transactions; Accounting Concepts & Preparing Final Accounts; Adjustments to Final Accounts; Capital v/s Revenue Expenditure; Bank Reconciliation Statement; Depreciation; Limited Companies; International Accounting Standards & Desirable Attributes of Accounting Information; Cash Flow Statement; Interpretation of Financial Statements; Accounting for Internal Decision Making Techniques; Elements of Cost; Costing Methods & Techniques; Decision Making Techniques; Accounting for Manufacturers; Budgets. Consumption, investment and capital markets ; Basis of financial decision making v/s role of accounting profit; Basic valuation of equities and bonds; Time Value of Money (present values and wealth); meaning behind a discount rate; Traditional methods of investment appraisal (NPV, IRR, Payback, ARR).